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04x31 - Episode 31

Posted: 04/29/24 19:30
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island USA…

Let's play "Let's Face It."

[narrator] Your Tweets…

[Tim] So the full Tweet is…

"Blank is faking it with blank."

Oh, that is f*cked up!

[narrator] …shook the villa.

"It would suck for Sydney to find out

Isaiah was comparing her
to Phoebe's natural beauty."

Oh, my f*cking God, bro.

And then for him to sit out there
and get annoyed at me?

-Did he?
-He was like, all pissed.

I just don't know how to like,
go forward.

[narrator] Tonight…

The Islanders get hands-on.

[Deb] This is hard.

-[Deb] Get it?
-[Mackenzie] Yeah.

Who doesn't wanna mold a giant wiener?

Roll it like a pizza.

[Deb cheering]

-[Mackenzie] Yeah, there you go.
-Oh, that is huge.

-[Tim] Damn, Joel! That's nice.
-Nice cock, Joel.

-Nice cock!
-Nice cock, kid.

-Hell of a cock, guy.

May the best cock win.

[narrator] And one couple
ratchets up the romance.

I think something will go down tonight.
I'm just not sure what.

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

[Isaiah] You want to go on the balcony?

-[Sydney] Sure.
-[Isaiah] Okay.

[narrator] After Isaiah's natural beauty
comments upset Sydney,

he's taken her for a chat.

I've told Isaiah to give his foot a clean,

'cause based on previous experience,
it might end up in his mouth.

I just don't know how to like,
go forward.

I could look at it like, two ways.
I could look at it like,

"That sucked and like, it's another bump

in like, a really bumpy road
that we've already had,"

or "Why do I continuously
put up with this?"

Do I like, end it before I get
even more attached than I already am

and get just hurt again?

So I was comparing a lot of good things

that you had to her that she didn't,
and vice versa.

Like, the comparing shit
is like, a really big turn-off.

Especially in a physical way.

I just wanna let you know
I take full ownership and I'm sorry.

Just like, when you like,
build something with like, a person

and then they just like,

talk like, badly about you
or say shit, you know?

It's like a s*ab in the back.

You have every right to feel this way.
I'm sor-- I-- I…

Sydney, you mean a lot to me,

and I would never be
really comparing you to anything else.

-You did, though.

In the spur of the moment, because
I think I had a little thing with Phoebe.

That-- that's like the only thing
I can really think of why.

And I didn't talk bad about you,
but clearly you did.

It just hurts.

And it just sucks because
I came here to like, find my person,

and then you think you did, and then
shit just happens, and it's just like…

I just feel like our like, special like,
bond just keeps getting f*cking tarnished,

and like, shit on. It's just hard.

Sydney, I still think it is so special.

Sydney, I don't lie to you
when I tell you that.

-I know you don't.
-I did not expect

a girl to be making me feel this way,

like I have in three years.

And I really want you to know that.

Obviously, I did what I did,
and I'm feeling like shit.

I've just never had a want
to fight for something so much.

My feelings for Sydney are a lot stronger
than I've ever had with anybody else, so…


Why are you crying?

'Cause I don't wanna see you cry,
and it makes me feel like shit.

[Sydney] Do you want a hug?


[Sydney speaking quietly]

[Isaiah speaking quietly]

It really showed something to me,

that he showed so much emotion
and was like, fighting for us.

But I don't know. This is just such
a tricky situation for me, to be honest.

I just need to like,
sleep on everything, I feel like.

Sydney, I'm telling you right now,

I have a lot more feelings for you
than you think.

[Isaiah speaking quietly]

[narrator] Timmy's discussing
Isaiah with Zeta.

She knows if you make all the dumb
comments, you could cause a lot of upset.

Or, like in my case, get hired.

I think Isaiah's just very young, and
he's not figured out the power of words

and how slowing down to
really think about how you say things

can make a huge difference.
He's not there yet,

and that's all he needs to learn,
'cause he's got such a heart, honestly.

Yeah. Yeah.

[Tim] This is gonna be
a very hard decision for Sydney,

because that's one-- one of
the toughest things for a girl to hear

that their partner said.

[Zeta] Like, if he does this again,

that's when she should really be like,
"I'm done."

But right now I'm like, "Sydney,
it just hurts. It hurts extremely bad,

-but you can get over this."
-[Tim] Mm-hmm.

-[Zeta] You know?

It's nice being able
to talk to you about everything.

I love hearing what you have to say.

[Zeta] Same.

[Zeta giggling]

Let me get in there.

In the "Let's Face It" challenge,

someone Tweeted that
Jesse was faking his emotions,

and he's deeply upset
about that accusation.

Or is he?

He is. But is he?

[Deb] How are you feeling?

You know, I definitely wanna
talk to you about this damn game.

Oh, yeah. You're not emotionally
or physically attracted to me.

-[Jesse] Yeah.
-That's crazy!

Yeah. Do you feel like
that is true in any sense?


[Deb giggling]

That really didn't phase me, honestly.

If you weren't physically
and emotionally attracted to me,

like, you wouldn't be
making the effort that you are.

Well, it kind of bothers me
that people think that.

-[Deb] Yeah.
-You know?

But I think-- I really do think
you have like, reclaimed yourself,

versus like Casa Amor,
how everything switched,

and your actions
do speak louder than words.

[Deb] One or two Tweets about us
doesn't define who we are.

I know the emotional connection
that we have,

but I do still think I have this like,
wall up that's protecting me.

Because these Tweets are our way
of seeing what people are seeing.

Like, there are obviously
some truth to the Tweets.

I can see the effort you've made,
and that's like, what matters.

So I don't-- I don't care
about that stuff, what they say.

I'm not going to even worry about
what the haters think.

-Yeah, who cares?
-[Jesse] Who cares?

I'm glad you're not worried about it.

[Jesse] I think what we are doing
is working.

You know, we do care deeply
about each other,

and I think that's what matters most.

-Haters will hate.
-Haters will hate.

-Potatoes will potate.
-Yeah. Potatoes will potate.

[narrator] Phoebe's finally seen off
Courtney and Mackenzie,

and she knows that right now,

nothing will ever, ever
persuade her to let go…

of her beloved cell phone.

[Chad] I think verbally is like,
one of my superpowers in life.

I can honestly infiltrate anybody.

Me too.

-I think I could even infiltrate you.
-[Phoebe] You can't infiltrate me.

-[Chad] I think I could.
-Well, maybe you should be a lawyer.

[Chad] Maybe I should. Maybe-- Oh.

-I'm pre-law. Okay, we're good.
-Maybe you should be a lawyer, though.

[Phoebe] You say you wanna
go into management?

-[Phoebe] Consulting?

-[Chad] Yeah.
-I guess that's good.

I guess that's like,
kind of the same thing.

Helping people and shit like that.

Where do you wanna go to law school?
At Michigan?

I mean, Michigan's in the top ten
law schools, but it would be like…

I wanna sh**t for like,
Harvard, Stanford, Columbia,

-What's your GPA?

[speaking quietly]

-That's f*cking sick.
-[Phoebe] Yeah.

Good for you.

-Yeah, you know.
-That's really hard.

[Phoebe] Me and Chad are just
so comfortable with each other.

Like, the more we hang out, the more
we just grow more comfortable together

and it feels like he's like, my bro.

But then at the same time we have like,
this sexual tension between the two of us,

which is really good.

Are you gonna cuddle Isaiah tonight?

I don't know if I'll cuddle him,
but I don't wanna sleep alone.

"I'm Phoebe. I wear pants, not dresses."

"You guys can't swim. Ha, ha. I can!"


Every time she does something weird,

I look at Jeff and I'm like,
"She's losing it!"


[Jeff speaking quietly]

-You just kissed all my moisturizer off.
-[Chad] Sorry.

-"Deb" says a lot.

Demanding. Energetic…


-Not "beautiful"?

-Demanding. Energetic. Beautiful.

f*ck, bro!
What the f*ck is wrong with you?

-Bro, you got the Phoebe.

-[Jeff] Good night.
-[Joel] Good night.

[Isaiah speaking quietly]

-[Sydney speaking quietly]
-[Isaiah speaking quietly]

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

It's Mackenzie's birthday,
and she's turning 21. Isn't that lovely?

She celebrated turning 21
the last time she did this show.

Happy 21st, Mackenzie. Again.

-[Deb] Happy birthday!
-Thank you!

[Deb] Happy birthday!

-Happy birthday!
-Thank you, baby.

-[Jeff] Happy birthday!
-Thank you.

It's her f*cking birthday!
It's her f*cking birthday!

-[Mackenzie] Is that the birthday dance?
-It's her f*cking birthday!

I saw Sydney and Isaiah like,
cuddling this morning.

Isaiah looked like
he had been crying last night.

[Isaiah] Syd, do you want this?

[Islanders cooing]

[Isaiah] What do you want to eat?

Uh, can I actually have
toast with, uh, peanut butter on it?

-Okay, yeah.
-Thank you.

-[Isaiah] Good morning, ladies.
-[Islanders] Good morning.

That looks like a good cup of coffee.

[Sydney] I know he's trying.
Like, I don't-- I don't know.

Like, why is there so much baggage
to us when we literally met a month ago?

So last night, I pretty much just

manned up and just
took accountability for all the shit.


I apologized for
how I acted during the challenge.

So, you know, it was obviously pretty
rough to be discussing things like that,

but it needed to be said.

I was just like,

"I would not be trying this hard
to work things out with you

-if I really did not give a f*ck."
-[Jeff] Word.

My old self would very,
very easily just, um, throw shit away.

But I don't know.
Sydney just hits different for me,

so I just think that I just had to
make it known to her a lot more,

and just ultimately try my best to--
to fight for us.

[Zeta] Did you get to chat
to Isaiah last night?

-Yeah. He got really emotional.
-[Zeta] Did he?

-[Sydney] He started crying.
-[Zeta] Did he?

Mm-hmm. I'm the type of person where
even if I'm being really standoffish,

I really want my partner
to fight and beg, almost.

-And he did that.

And then like, later in bed he was like,

"When I told you like,
I have strong feelings about you

and I haven't felt this way
in three years,

I really meant like,
I haven't felt this way ever.

Like, not even towards my last girlfriend,
I didn't feel this way."

-Oh, Syd. I believe him.
-And he cried when he was saying it.

-I believe him.

I'm gonna be doing--
just doing the best I can to support her,

and I'm hoping we can work through this.

Right. Y'all been through some shit, bro.

And this some type of shit that
you gon' see on the outside, so it's like…

y'all doing it in here, it's gonna get
y'all ready for like, other shit to come.

-You feel what I'm saying?
-I just think it's really good that

you've had a chat with him and
you've been honest about your feelings,

and you told him,
"I'm not going to tolerate that."

And he's gotten to see like,
that ain't on, comparing people's looks.

It's just like,
how many times do I have to tell him

I'm not gonna tolerate this?

-[Zeta] Yeah. Well--
-[Sydney] You know?

[Zeta] Well, you have to know
he's definitely like--

This was a massive blessing for him.

I feel like Isaiah and I like,
have been through so much shit already.

-[Zeta] Yeah. But babe--
-Like, we can't catch a break.

[Sydney] I don't know if we will survive
another obstacle,

because we've barely
made it through this one.

When you take something so good

and just drag it through
a bunch of shit like…

when it's still so fresh
and you still are able to like…

get out of it, I don't know.

But it's just sad because like,
we do really like each other.

I just hate, hate, hate being compared.

[Zeta] I know.

I know that you have insecurities,
but deep down, Sydney,

you know who the f*ck you are.

-[Zeta] And I know you know it.

-[Zeta] I love you.
-[Sydney] I love you too.

[narrator] Nadjha is
Jeff's Spanish teacher.

My Spanish teacher used to show up
at school dressed like that as well.

Not the smartest movie in Scotland
in the middle of winter.

[Nadjha] You ready for
your Spanish lesson of the day?

-Yeah, come on.
-Okay. Say…

[both speaking in Spanish]

That means, "You are very pretty."

[Jeff repeating phrase in Spanish]


[Jeff repeating phrase in Spanish]

-[Nadjha giggling]
-Let's calm down.

[Nadjha] I've been trying to teach
Jeff Spanish, but…

he's really not the best student.

"A" for effort,
"F" if we're talking actual skills.

Are you going straight to Cincinnati
when we leave here?

-[Jeff] Mm-hmm.
-Like, straight there?

-[Jeff] Mm-hmm.
-[Nadjha] Like, you're flying there?

-[Jeff] Mm-hmm.
-[Nadjha] Hmm.

-Good to know.
-[Jeff] Why?

Uh, because it just makes me sad.
Obviously, I know that

-we're gonna still see each other, but…
-[Jeff] Mm-hmm?

…going from being in here
and seeing you, you know,

every morning when I wake up,
spending all my day with you.

That's just getting kind of like,
stripped away in a sense.

-You know what I'm saying?

It takes a lot for me
to get attached to someone,

but once I'm attached to someone
like, I'm attached to them, you know?

So you're saying you attached?

-I'm attached to you, though.

I love the thought of you.

I love the touch of you.


[Nadjha] I hope that both of us
really do wanna make it work,

'cause I definitely do.

And I just hope he knows
I'm falling for him

the way he tells me
that he's falling for me.

Baby, I just wanna be
in a relationship with you.

-You mean that, though?
-I mean that shit, bro.

Like, baby, like… I'm ready.

I'm committed.

Like, you know how like,
sign it and commit?

-I'm committed, baby.

You promise?

I promise, baby.

I wanna change your name last--
What was I gonna say?

-I wanna change your name.
-Last name.

-I wanna change your last name one day.
-You almost had it. You just flipped up.

I know.

I could see myself down the line with her
like, marrying her,

having kids with her and everything.
And I know she'll be a great mom.

That's what I'm really
looking for right now.

I know I would give her the world.

[Isaiah] You pick. I always pick.

-[Sydney] Can we go to the swing?
-[Isaiah] Sure.

[narrator] As Sydney said,
her and Isaiah have already got baggage.

It's an attractive set of
matching white plastic suitcases

with their names in neon pink letters.

-Gorgeous baggage!
-[Sydney] What's up?

I just wanted to see how you're feeling,
how you slept.

I slept good.

Listen, obviously, like,
I still feel like shit about everything.

Instead of you being able
to tell me what was said

in order for us to jump over this hurdle,
you couldn't, which sucks.

And you're supposed to be
my best friend in here.

-Right, and I know that.
-And you're the one that keeps hurting me.

And I just feel like I like,
gave so much of myself to you

that I just felt like,
blatantly disrespected.

I was literally loyal, loyal, loyal,
but it's like, I'm at my wits' end.

-You know what I mean?

[Sydney] Like…

Sydney, I just need you
to put trust in me.

Yeah, I know-- I know
outside the villa things could work.

[Sydney] This situation's so hard.

Do you think we went through
a lot of shit in here and like,

-we can come out stronger?
-I definitely do, yeah.

And then it'll make
the outside world easier, you know?

I do. I just--
I can only keep telling you.

I've only tried to make things better.

I've only been trying to do
everything I can.

Sydney, I care for you a lot.

[Sydney] Me too. So stop hurting me.

We've just gone through more
than any other couple in this villa

has gone through, to be honest.

So many tears, and I'm done.

Like, if anything else
were to happen at this point…

I would literally just be like, "I'm out."

[Tim] Oh, y'all playing beer pong?

-[Jesse] Yeah.
-Oh, shit.

We're doing tournament style.
Do you guys want in?

-[phone chiming]
-[Tim] Oh, shit!


[gasping] I got a text!


[Jeff] Okay.

"Islanders, it's time to find out
who's a grower and who's a shower

in today's challenge, Peacocking.




[Nadjha] Are we gonna see
a whole lot of dicks today?


Let me see your peacock. [giggling]

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

-In today's challenge,

the girls are going to sculpt
what they imagine

their partner's Johnson looks like.

Then the guys
will sculpt their own ding-a-ling.

This is gonna be hard.

-[Deb] Get it?

[giggling] That's why I laughed. Hee-hee!

[narrator] After they've finished,
we'll compare the two efforts,

and the couple that creates
the most similar, um… "sculptures" win!

-[Islanders] Dicks!

Dicks! Dicks! Dicks! Dicks! Dicks!

Who doesn't wanna mold a giant wiener?

[Mackenzie] I'm starting with the balls
because it needs a proper base.

I'm trying to think
when you put balls in your mouth,

what size is it?

[Deb] I don't know how
to go about the shaft.

Roll it like a pizza.

I don't know ball size versus shaft size.
I wasn't good at science growing up.

He has like, really thick legs,
so I imagine thick legs means thick…

[Sydney] Okay,
so maybe I only need this much.

-No, I'm just kidding.

My last revenge for Isaiah
is making him a micro.

Of all the shit that he's put me through,

I definitely wanted his
to be the smallest.

Wait, you think
Isaiah's gonna be mad at me?


Like a little baby penis.

You can't put that next to Jeff's!

How big is Jeff-- Oh, that is huge!

You know, we touch each other a lot.
It was definitely an educated guess.

I feel like this is pretty accurate.

-Yo, that's a great d*ck.

-You did a good job.

-[Deb] What the hell?
-I'm an artist.

[Deb chuckling]

It should be like,
hard to fit in my mouth.

I know we've all felt it.

I actually haven't.
That's the joke about it.

You've been with Timmy since day one
and you haven't felt his ding-a-ling?

He tries to keep it tamed.

-[Nadjha] Keeps it tamed!
-He keeps it tamed,

'cause he's like, "Don't play with me.
Like, if I get started…"

[Nadjha] Y'all, this is pretty accurate.

I think it's too long.
I think it's thicker than that.

Do you know what?
The girls wanted to take it seriously

because boys are
so insecure about their penises.

You know, we just didn't want
to like, offend them

by just, you know, making it…
really small.

-[Islanders cheering]
-Cock, cock, cock.

[narrator] The boys have been
doing hands-on research

into this subject for years,

and now it's finally their time
to make dicks of themselves.

[Islanders] d*ck! d*ck!
d*ck! d*ck! d*ck! d*ck! d*ck!

-We're sculpting d*ck.
-Big cock.

-All right.
-Peacock. d*ck.

Who else does that?

All right,
I'm starting with the balls first.

Coming into this challenge,
you had to use your head.

Here we go. All right, that's one ball.

And I put my hard hat on.

Zeta has yet to see my full potential.

-I wish I could suck my own cock.

[Tim] Once again, we are on TV, Jess.

Yeah, why not? If I could, I would.

So I think, you know,
Hideaway helped a little bit.

-My left is definitely bigger.

I think my left is bigger
than my right too.

I'm a bit of an artist myself.
I'm a regular Picasso.

[Tim] Damn, Joel! That's nice.

-Nice cock.
-[Isaiah] Nice cock, kid.

Hell of a cock, guy.

The head's gonna be the hardest part.

The world gonna know how I got my name
today, bro. I'm telling you that much.

I did overexaggerate on the curvature.

-You know, with "Swerve,"

so my d*ck can be Swervy Swerve.

-That is perfect, bro.
-[Isaiah] Thank you! Shit.

-[Joel] Don't grab my cock.

It's not for you.

I've done some glassblowing, some welding.

I've done a lot of pottery as well.

May the best cock win.

I don't have that much time.
Where's your d*ck?

I really don't wanna lie about my size.
You know, I think it's just false hope

-out there for these girls.
-False advertisement.

It's false advertisement
if I lied about my size, right?

Let me see yours, Chad.

-[Joel] Chad, what the f*ck?
-[Jesse] Wow.

Short. Thick. Nice and strong.

[Jesse] Wow. I like the head

-and I like the slit.
-The slit, yeah.

-Some R2D2-looking shit.
-[Jesse] Yeah.

[narrator] Now, the moment
the world of Love Island

and mixed competitive barbecuing collide.

It's time for the boys and girls
to compare their chipolatas.

Let's see the cocks!

-Let's show this guy.


-[Jesse] Wow.
-[Sydney] Is that a chode?

Some people call me Chad,
some people call me "Chode."

-[Sydney] Ew!
-How accurate was mine?

[Chad] I wouldn't say
I'm necessarily that well-endowed,

but, um, I've definitely
never had any complaints.


-Look at that cock!

You're so boring.

I mean, I really hope
this doesn't effect our relationship.

-[Deb] Looks like a vag*na.
-Like an ugly one.

-I thought we were doing it serious.
-No, this is very serious.

So, Deb, what you've been feeling
at night really ain't--

It was right. It is an anaconda.

-[Zeta snickering]
-He has a pet.

I just really hope she understands
that size doesn't matter.

It's all about the ocean and the motion.

-The motion of the ocean.
-The motion in the ocean.

-[Jesse] Wow.
-[Deb] What the hell?

[Nadjha] You have a Captain Hook penis?

Timmy Swerve.
One might ask how I got the name.

And I would say I have, you know,
a little bit of curvature to the cock.

And if you did happen to tilt it up,
you would see the whole thing.

-[Jesse] Wow.
-[Zeta] I got a bit scared thinking,

"Is this an accurate depiction…

-"…of what's going on there?"

-[Zeta] Yeah?
-[Tim] Yeah.

All right.

[Tim] You can get
two hands on it, for sure.


-Good job! Pretty good.
-[Jesse] That's not bad.

[Phoebe] It was a little weird.

-You really sculpted it.
-I like art.

Yeah, the balls and everything, man.
They look just right.

That might be exact.


[Islanders applauding]

Right there.

-Bruh! I wish.


[Nadjha] Where'd you get--
are those balls?

His balls are not that big.

-Your balls looked really good.
-They were blue.

[Isaiah] Facts.

-Good job.
-Good job. Really nice cock.

-Nice cock.

-I don't know, bro.
-That's strange.

-You gotta consider the detail.
-[Jeff] I drew veins.

I think I'm going to have to say
Jeff and Nadjha just because of the size.

Look, even the girth.
The girth and the size.

-[Sydney] Yeah.
-[Zeta] Absolute perfection.

-Okay, Jeff and Nadjha.

[Islanders cheering]

What you saw out there is accurate. Maybe.

It was pretty accurate. [laughing]

That's all I can say about that, yeah.

-So, I've seen it.

[narrator] Jeff and Nadjha win!

Although in this game, we're all wieners.

And their masterpieces will be mounted
on a plinth in the Gherkin-nheim Museum.


[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

After weeks of up and downs
with Sydney and Isaiah,

the time has finally come for
the waiter to step up to the plate.

Waiter! Plate! Is this thing on?

-[Jesse] You all right, bro?
-That's me, bro.

[Jesse chuckling]

[Isaiah] All right.

[Tim] Once again.

So, tonight's gonna be a big night for me.

I've been planning some shit on the side.

I really am invested with Syd,

really am willing to,
you know, man the f*ck up

and be the man that I should be for her.

And I also wanted you to help me
making Sydney my girlfriend.

-Let's go!

When do you plan on popping the question?

So, like, after supper a little bit.

I'm sous chef. I could mix some shit up,
sauce it up a little bit.

We're here for everything you need.

The steaks, the placement on the plate,
everything, bro.

So, what should
a three-line poem be before I say,

"Sydney, would you be my girlfriend?"

I say, start off the line,
you start with the food,

you could just be just like,
"Look, steak, something cake,

but this feels more than just a date."

"Steak, a little bit of strawberries
and whipped cream on your plate.

-"But this is more than just a date."
-Okay. So…


They've been through so much.

So many things could've
made them break off

but they are here, and I just hope Sydney
receives everything Isaiah's putting out.

Tonight's the night where
love will be served on a platter.

-[Jesse] You nervous?
-Yeah, of course I'm nervous, bro.

-Don't f*ck it up.
-[Jesse] Yeah.

This is a big day.

-Come on, man.
-Let's cock-a-doodle-doo.

[all] Cock-a-doodle-doo!

[Isaiah] Word.

[narrator] With dinner sorted,

Isaiah's recruiting resident nanny Zeta
to babysit Sydney.

Perfect. Zeta will have her changed,
burped, and down by six.

-Oh, hi, Zeta!

What's up, Zeta?

-How are you, Isaiah?

-What are you doing here?
-Tonight, I need you to help.

I'm making it official with Sydney, so--


So, what are you doing?
You making her dinner?

-[Zeta] She's gonna be buzzing.

[Isaiah] So you're gonna
have to keep her busy in here.

-I don't know how--
-Okay. In here?

Sydney? In here?

Syd, she hates sitting at dressing room
when she's fully done

and it's time to get ready and go.

I'm just going to be Distraction Z.

Aw, are you excited?

-I'm nervous.
-[Zeta] I know.

-And I have a-- a little poem…
-Do you?

-…that I wrote out.
-I'm so proud of you.

[Isaiah] Yeah,
but you're gonna have to be my help.

[Zeta] My little boy's all grown up!

[Isaiah] It does not take a village
to ask someone to be my girlfriend,

but I feel like having some people that I
trust in to help me out with this process.

I'm nervous.
Send prayers that nothing goes wrong.

Um, need a code knock.


-That's hard.
-Is it? Three and two.


-Oh, Isaiah--
-See, that's too hard.

-All right, let's just do something--
-No! Do-do-do-do-do do-do.

[Isaiah] Okay. [knocking]

-No, see? That's too much. Too much!
-Okay, you white boy!

-Just a simple…

Okay, you show me what you can do.

[knocking slowly]

Do do-do-do do-do



-Yes! That's solid.


[narrator] Join us on socials and use the
hashtag #LoveIslandUSA to join the convo.

And to take your passion to the limit,
couple up with the Love Island USA app.

You can vote, see exclusive previews,
and sample the hottest tea.

Plus, merch galore.

It's all happening on the app,
so get into it now.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

To pull off his secret proposal to Sydney,

Isaiah has recruited
the Islanders to help out.

It's the perfect plan, except Isaiah's
recruited the Islanders to help out.

All right, we gotta get this shit rolling.
Come on, man.

I think something will go down tonight,
I'm just not sure what.

What do you think
will go down tonight, Sydney?

Maybe all the Islanders that have
gone home are all gonna come back,

and we're all gonna bake a cake
and be happy.

[Islanders laughing]

In the kitchen, we need a pan.
Just don't panic, all right?

Actually, though, where's the pan at?


-Oh, wait, right here.

Oh, yes!

I'm definitely excited.
Definitely super nervous.

I'm glad that y'all could help me out.

[Jesse] Yeah, man.
This is very special, man.

I was really like, "I don't know."

I'm very loyal up until a certain point,
and then I literally check out.

How happy will you be
at the end of this night?

Hey, man, I'll be going,

"I woke up a single man,
I'll be going to bed a…

not a single man, bro."

Everyone's like, "My gut tells me."
I'm like, "What does mine tell me?"

I'm like--

-Do you not know?
-No, I never know.

[Islanders giggling]

[Tim] Take this bitch all the way out.

[Jesse] Test one.

-Pretty hot!
-They're hot!

-What's the knock again?
-One, three, two.


We all look fire.

[Sydney] Will you do my hair, Phoebe?

It's everything I wanted and more.

[Isaiah] Good work, Top Chef. Good work.

Thank you guys so much.

-Love you, bro.
-Love you, bro.

-Love you too, bro.
-[Jesse] Knock this shit out, bro.

-Appreciate you.
-[Tim] Knock this shit out the park.

-Do the honors, bro.
-[Tim] Yes, sir. I got you right now.

Thank you, Phoebe. I love it.




-Uh, hello?

What kind of knock is that?

[Isaiah] I'm really nervous.

This is a huge f*cking moment

where I will be showing Sydney
that she is my everything.

[Zeta] Syd? You wanna come with me?

-[Sydney] Yeah. Where are we going?
-[Zeta] Let's go on a trip.

-Hello, Sydney.
-What's going on?

I'll be your butler for tonight.

-I'm so scared.
-Follow me.

-Thank you, Zeta.
-Butler Timmy.

Yes, so you have
a very eventful night ahead of you.

-I do?
-Yes, you do.

Wait, what?

And let's stay right here.

Your boy Isaiah has planned

-a very special night for you.
-[Sydney] Oh, my God. What the f*ck?

He put all of this together with
some help from the Barbecue Boys.

-Oh, my God.
-So all you have to do

is follow the rose petals,

and it will lead you up
to something special.

Oh, my God.

-What? I'm gonna cry.
-After you.

[Sydney] This is so cute!

Okay, guys, come on, let's go.
Hurry, let's go.

[Zeta] You match the roses, babe.

It's so beautiful.

[Zeta squeaking]

[Sydney] I'm scared.

-[Sydney] What are you doing?
-[Isaiah] Hi, gorgeous.

[Sydney] This is so cute!

-[Isaiah] Hi.
-[Sydney] Oh, my God.

So sweet.

-There's a glass of champagne.

This is a big night.

It's just a lot of-- a lot of nerves,
and I'm hoping that

as long as I can make her smile
and make her feel like a special woman,

I will be a boyfriend after this.
That's all I really care about.

-This is so cute.
-You look stunning.

Thank you.

[Phoebe] Is she up there?
Did she see all this already?

That's so cute.

I really appreciate this.

It just shows me that you care.

-I do care.
-You know you didn't have to do this.

-I have another surprise coming soon.

Oh, my God. What is it?

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

It's a night of celebrations.

Isaiah and Sydney are happy,
it's Mackenzie's birthday,

and the camera crew are celebrating
the longest crane shot of the season.

It's too long, if anything.

[Sydney] You look good.

Shout out to Mackenzie, man.
Happy birthday.

-Thank you.
-[Nadjha] Happy birthday, Mackenzie.

Well, it's a special night
for Sydney and Isaiah,

and I believe he's going to
pop the question today.

[Deb] Cheers to Sydney and Isaiah.

[Zeta] Cheers to Isaiah and Sydney,
and Mackenzie's birthday.

[Phoebe] And Mackenzie's birthday.

I can't believe you made
this whole dinner.

[Isaiah] Obviously,
the boys helped me, but yeah.

-You deserve it, honey.
-Thank you.

Are you usually like this?

For a woman that I would love to spoil,
absolutely I would do things like this.


Aw, besides all the shit
that you put me through,

-I really like you.

[Sydney] So sweet.

-We've come a long way.
-We have, baby, I know.

From me stepping forward to you to this.

Isn't that crazy?

-I have another surprise coming soon.
-[Sydney] What?

Hey, Jesse. That's really cute.

Brother Zay, we have strawberries
and whipped cream for dessert.

-Thank you, bro.

-I appreciate you.
-[Jesse] Enjoy your night.

-Oh, my God, in a heart?
-[Jesse] Yes, yes.

[Sydney] I will eat this. You want one?

[Isaiah] Let me feed you.

I really appreciate this.

Here is a cheers.

So, I had to write it down.

So, cheers.

"Some might say this is a little early,
but I couldn't wait.

Steak and whipped cream
all up on your plate.

-I swear this is more than just a date.

So far I've been good by myself,
but with you it would be great

I do love you,

and I hope that you'll be my girlfriend."

Oh, my God!

[Sydney] Yeah.

She said yes!


I have a boyfriend!


[Islanders cheering]

I'm excited to see where things
go on from here.

[Sydney] I'm so happy.

To be able to call Sydney mine
is definitely a blessing.

I think there's definitely
a bright future in front of us.


I got asked to be Mrs. Zay,

and he told me he loved me.

Goodbye to the streets!

This is one of the best nights
of my entire life.

-You really love me?
-[Isaiah] I really do, Sydney.

I wanna say it back,
but I'm not going to yet.

That's fine. But I do.

I just wanna make that known to you.

'Cause you looking for loyalty,

and I just really wanted
to take that next step with that.

-So you know I ain't f*cking around.

And I really do want you to myself.


I'm so happy.

[narrator] Next time on Love Island…

the results are in.

America's vote for the most
compatible couple will be revealed.

"Those with the fewest votes
risk being dumped tonight."