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05x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 04/29/24 19:32
by bunniefuu
[host] Day one.


I'm alone.

I'm scared.

And I am desperate for a spicy marg.



I don't think there's anyone here.

Day 11.

"Come to Fiji," they said.
"It'll be fun. You'll get a tan."

Well, I have lost an earring,
and I am sunburned!

Calm down.

Calm down, Sarah. Meditate, okay?


Day 85.

There you go, Iain.

You're gonna be with me forever.

Just you and me
and our little coconut babies.


Iain, are you hiding from me?


Iain? Iain?

Iain! No!

I'm sorry, Iain!



Day 111.

This might be my last message.

[person clears throat]

Hi, Miss Hyland. Sorry for the delay.

The villa's ready.

Oh, that actually wasn't that bad
of a wait after all.

Huh. [laughs]

The Love Island USA 2023 villa
is now open.

[narrator] That was Sarah Hyland.

And just to be clear,
I'm not actually a coconut.

Bring on the Islanders.

I smell. I'm gonna go shower.


I'm so excited!

Oh, my gosh!
This place is amazing! [laughs]

[narrator] Get ready.

It's time to meet
the Love Island class of 2023.

Ten sexy singletons from across America
are leaving their dating troubles behind...

to head out for the summer of their lives.


There you go. Have a great day.
Thank you so much.

I bet you'd like the Bergie special,

All right.

This one's on me, babe.

[narrator] For the next six weeks,

you're in control,

voting on all the big decisions

that impact the Islanders in real-time.

Ultimately, you'll decide
which couple takes home the prize

of a massive $100,000.

So buckle up,
and let's get the conversation started.

As the world's most
talked-about dating show is back,

and you have front-row seats.

Now, the gorgeous Fijian sea
sparkling under the blazing Fijian sun

next to the stunning Fijian coastline
we could only be in...

Where is it again?

Yes. For the next six weeks,

a load of sexy singles will be living here
in the incredible Love Island USA villa,

a place decorated in

a style best described

as "spoiled child's nursery."

It'll be amazing.

It'll be thrilling.

It'll be a lot better
when I stop banging on

and bring in some Islanders.


So let's say hello to the ladies.

-Hi! You're so gorgeous.
-Oh, my God.

What's your name?

-Anna. What's yours?
-I'm Kay Kay.

So pretty.

[Anna screams] I can't believe we're here!

-[Kay Kay] Look at this view. Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.

[Kay Kay] This is crazy right now.

Do you know how many boys
we can kiss here?

-[Anna] I'm so excited. Whoo!

-This is so cute! We got champagne.

[Anna] Oh, my God. Okay.

You gotta pour it, girl.
I don't know what the heck I'm doing.

Okay, let's see if I can open it.

-[Anna] I got the screw.

-Love Island 2023!
-[Anna screaming]

I'm so excited.

Here I am. Okay-kay.

I'm Kay Kay. I'm 24. I'm from East Texas,
and I'm here to find my man.

There's no hot guys in East Texas,

that aren't related to me.

Wait, does that sound like incest?

I've been single my whole adult life.
I'm 24, so you do the math.

I love love.

I'm looking for my man.

I'm on the dating apps.

Tinder, Hinge, you name it.

I've literally had a psychic sketch

my soul mate, that hasn't worked.

I've, like, driven four hours
to another city

just to go on a date.

I'm looking for a husband.

So, here I am.

I'm super into, like, crystals and, like,
manifesting the love of my life.


I need you to send me a man.

No, not really.

Nothing else has worked.

Love Island is literally my last option.

If this doesn't work, nothing will work.

[Anna] Why are you here? What's your type?


I'm here 'cause I've been single
for literally forever.

-Like my whole adult life.
-Oh, my God.

Yeah, I've been in a lot of, like,

Okay, no, we can't do that here.

-We're too cute to be mistreated.
-[Kay Kay laughs]


Wait, what was I supposed to say?

I completely blanked out!

Hi, my name is Anna. I'm 23 years old.
I'm from Saint Barthelemy, Saint Barts,

and I'm currently studying
criminal justice.

Yeah, I'm gonna become a detective.

Does it look good on me?


I know it does.

I wanna be a private investigator,
but I actually already am.

If a guy asks me out,
I will find out his address.

I will find out just about everything
this boy has to do with his living life

in about 30 seconds.

I am a little bit of a stalker, yeah.

But so is every girl.

This is the kind of outfit that I, like,
go to Publix in,

you know, eat cold cuts in the line,
wait for my licorice.

I'm extra as f*ck!

I've been single
for, like, maybe two and a half years.

I like the bad boys,

love the mean boys.

Could a guy with a good personality
still win me over?



Short kings? Oh, my God.
I love short kings.

Short guys have to compensate.
They just know what they're doing!

I have packed in my bag a wedding dress

because I'm super confident
that I'm gonna find my husband,

and he is gonna love it.

[hums "Bridal Chorus"]

[Kay Kay] This view is amazing.

-It's gonna be the best summer ever.
-It's gonna be the best journey

of our lives.


I feel like we're in
a Barbie Dreamhouse right now.

-And we're the Barbies.

Oh, my God. There's a new girl here.

-[Kay Kay] Let's go meet her.
-Oh, my God. Where? Where? Where?

She's right over here. [screams]

-[Kay Kay] Hi!

-[Kay Kay] Welcome to the villa!
-The Latina's here!

-[Kay Kay] Oh, my God, she's so hot!
-Hi, ladies.

-You guys look amazing.
-Oh, my God.

[Kay Kay] You look gorgeous.

-That bikini is beautiful!
-You're beautiful.

-What is your name?
-Thank you. Kassy. What's y'all's names?

-I'm Kay Kay.

Kay Kay, Anna.

-You guys look amazing.

-[Anna] Oh, my God!
-Look at us!

My name is Kassy.

I'm 22 years old.

I'm from Fort Worth, Texas,

and I'm a real estate student.

I'm an open book.
I tell my mom everything.

I tell her about my sex life, unfiltered.

Maybe a little too much.

I have a hidden tattoo.

I was horny,
and I really wanted this guy to notice me.

So, I got the tattoo.

I sent him a picture,

and the only thing he said was "hot."

That was it.

I'm still single, so... [laughs]

I found out my ex
was messing with another girl,

so I decided to get mustard

and put "bitch" on his windshield.

It was very therapeutic.

I haven't had the best history with guys.

They all call me crazy,
but a guy makes you crazy.

I'm so excited to get into the villa.

I'm excited to meet all the beautiful
girls and the really hot smoking...

Or did I say that wrong? Oh no.

The really smoking hot guys.

I just want a boy to be cuddly
and affectionate with me.

I deserve it.

Hey, so tell me, guys,
what are y'all looking for in a guy?

-Love? Yeah.

-Specific types?

-Oh, tattoos? Okay. You?
-Yeah. I like tattoos.

Yeah, I usually go for the pretty boy,
the bad boy, the player type.

-Yeah, we kinda have the same type.

-The fuckboy.

-[Kay Kay] Yes, the fuckboy.
-The bad one.

-[Kay Kay] All the time.

-What's your type?
-Somebody that can dress.

-[Kay Kay] Oh Yeah.
-Yeah. A good style.

Doesn't act like a boy either.

-I want a man. Like an actual man.
-[Kay Kay] Man, yes.

Are these my summertime best friends?

-Hi, girl.

Hey, ladies!

-Oh, my God. You're beautiful.
-Thank you. You too.

[Anna] You are stunning. Oh, my God.

-How are you doing?

Good. How are you?

-Oh, my God.

[Kay Kay] Oh, my God. She's got a flower.

You are so freaking beautiful.

-Thank you.
-Oh my God.

-[Kassy] What's your name?

-[Kay Kay] Hi, Destiny.
-Even her name is beautiful.

-Welcome to the villa.


My name is Destiny.

I am 26 from Saint Louis.

And guess what? I'm your microbiologist.

I have two degrees.
Yes, I am two degrees hotter.

That's my saying. I like to say that.

Science is my thing.

My favorite movies
are things about disease outbreak,

like Contagion and World w*r Z.

I'm the hottest scientist I know.

It's hard being vulnerable because I'm
a woman in a male-dominated field.

At work, I have to be the drill sergeant.

But when it comes to
turning that off for men...

it gets a little stuck.

It makes it hard for me
to crack that shell.

But I'm telling you, under all this,

there's a lot of softness,

there's a lot of love.

You just gotta get to it.

I'm here to find
the completion to my package.

I want brains and beauty.


I'm a believer. You can have it all.

Did I say muscles?

[Kassy] What's your type in a guy?

Ooh, girl. Honestly,

like, I really do believe
the whole opposites attract thing.

So, since I'm so outgoing,

I like my man to be nonchalant.

I'm the same way.
Because I'm so energetic, I talk a lot,

so I kind of want him to, like,

-tame me in a way.
-No, seriously.

Like a wild animal?

[Kassy] Cheers to that.

I want him to tame us but in the sheets,

-you know.

Let's f*cking go!

Welcome, b*tches!

-So f*cking gorgeous! Hi, I'm Jasmine!


I'm like, this just needs
to be flooded with men.

Like, I'm ready to get my sex on.
I got, like...

I got, like, f*cking cobwebs
growing down there, okay.

Somebody bring me a Swiffer.

Y'all are gonna let me know
if a nipple comes out, right?

'Cause literally,
the titties are tittying today.

What's up, b*tches?

I'm Jasmine. I'm 24 years old.

I live in Nashville, Tennessee,

and I currently work as a nurse.

Being a trauma nurse, I save lives,
and that has helped me in relationships.

I can break boys' hearts,
but I can put them back together again.

I'm a good girl and a bad girl.

At work, I'm professional.

And when I'm not at work,
I'm absolutely f*cking feral.



Dating in Nashville is a f*cking joke.

[laughs] I'm over it.

What's on my mind?


If you're not a freak in the sheets,
I can't do it.

I love physical affection.

If we're out in public,

I need you to be kissing me,
to have your hands on me.

Like, that's so hot.

Like, I need a man that can do that.

I can't wait to walk in there,

see my man,
shove my tongue down his throat.

Oh, baby. Yes.

Tell me. Biggest icks.

Emotional unintelligence.

[Jasmine] That's a good one.

-Cocky boy for me.

-I don't like arrogant men.
-Not cocky.

I don't like guys with cats.

Oh, my God. Wait, me too.

Like, picture a man cleaning a litter box.


I see where you're going with that.

[narrator] The girls are on the island,

so it's time to bring on the Hyland.

Say hello to Sarah...

Hyland. Obviously.

Oh, my gosh.

-Hello, ladies.

Welcome to Love Island.

-How are you enjoying Fiji?

-We love it.

Why don't you come join me
by the fire pit?

-[all] Yes!
-[Sarah] For a little chat.

So, how we all feeling?

-[all scream]

-Excited? Nervous?

-Literally both.
-[Sarah] Yes.

I'm just excited to see the boys, though.

I know. Where are they?

On a level of one to ten,
how excited are you for boys?


Girl, 69. I love that.

Jasmine, what is your type?

Tall, tan, muscular, tattoos, douchebag.

Are you gonna try anything different here?

-Yes. Yeah.

No douchebags.

I just need a gentleman, you know?

I want somebody to make me think
that chivalry is not dead

because right now,
chivalry is f*cking buried

-in the grass.

It needs to be f*cking resurrected.


Are we ready to find husbands?


I'm 22, so I wanna wait
on the husband part.

But I definitely want something serious.

Something that I can
bring him home to my mom.

-If my mom likes him,

he's a win.

I literally brought a wedding dress.

-So, I'm, like, ready, baby.
-No way!

-[Anna] Yeah.

I'm gonna get married.

Right here.

-Can I officiate?

Okay, cool.
Kay Kay, what brought you here?

So, basically, I've just had, like,

endless situationships,

and I just want something different.
Something real.

-I love that.


Do you fall easily?

-Girl, no.
-Are you a tough nut to crack?

Yes, very. I call myself, like, an onion.
I have so many different layers, you know?

Like to just keep coming. Keep coming.
You think you got past the layer?

You did. But there's more. You know?

Ice Queen gets melted.
That's what I'm going for.

Well, I cannot wait
to get you all coupled up.

Are you ready to meet some boys?

-[all] We're ready.
-Ready? Let's go!

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

So, the girls are here.

All we're missing now
is a load of prime young beefcake.

I mean, I'm here, obviously,
but I'm busy talking nonsense.

Okay, ladies,

you are about to couple up

for the very first time.

And this year,

we are doing things
a little bit differently.


We are going to play a game

of Love Island Stick or Twist.

[all] Yeah!

[Jasmine] How does it go?

As you can see,

there are five empty hearts
here in front of you

which we are going to fill

with five gorgeous boys.

Oh, my gosh.

When the first boy comes in,

you will have to stand with him
on heart number one.

Then the next boy will come in,

and you will have to decide

whether you wanna stick with the first boy

or twist

and move on to the new one.

You can twist as many times as you like,

moving from heart to heart
until the final boy is in.

And at that point,

you will couple up
with whose ever heart you're on.

-Oh, my God!
-This is crazy!

Oh, my gosh. I'm nervous.


if any boy
has more than one girl on his heart,

he will get to choose
which one he couples up with.

-Oh, my God!
-Oh, my gosh!

Oh no.

One last thing.

Once you twist and leave a boy behind,

there's no going back.

-Oh no!

Okay, let's do it!

Shall we bring the first boy in?

-Bring 'em out!

[Anna] Bring 'em out! Bring 'em out!

Please welcome...


[speaks Spanish]

Hello, hello!

Let's go!

[in Spanish] Hi my name is Leonardo.

[in English] I'm Dominican
from Connecticut, and I'm a salesman.

A lot of guys are really corny.

Like, "Hey, oh, my God.
Did you just fall from heaven?"

So my rizz is just eye contact,

a couple of little finger waves like that.

[in Spanish] Baby come with me.

[in English]
Keep it a stack. This is the rizz.

I'm trying to sneaky link.

I can say anything in Spanish,
and they're like, "Oh, my God.

Say that shit again."

It's like... [speaks Spanish]

[in English]
And she'd be like, "Oh, my God."

I said, "Baby,
you have a big-ass forehead."

But she would never know. You didn't know.

My type essentially is a beautiful smile.
It's gotta shine bright, you know?

And then the physique has to go crazy.

Almost like shorty's built
like a dollar sign.

Now the party can start.

Just wait for me to pop inside.

I meant, like,

come inside the villa,

not inside of shorty. That's crazy.


Leonardo, welcome to Love Island.

-Thank you for having me.
-He's cute.

What do you think of these girls?

I think they all look very delicious.
I'm not gonna lie.

-[Sarah] Delicious?

I definitely got my eye on one,
but they all look fire.

-Oh, okay? You wanna say who?


I'll keep it a secret for now.


Okay, girls, don't be shy.

Come and join Leonardo.

-Welcome, shorties.


Lovely to meet you. What's your name?

-Kay Kay.
-Kay Kay, it's nice to meet you.

I'm not a hand shaker.

-What's your name?

-[in Spanish] A pleasure.
-[in English] Nice to meet you.

-You Hispanic?

-What's your name?

Destiny. Ooh, I like it. I like it.

-Nice to meet you. Come on.

Love Island must be looking
pretty good right now, huh?

They look fire. I'm not gonna front.
I'm not gonna front.

Girls, how are we feeling about Leonardo?

Pretty good.

He's good to look at, so I can't complain.


-Enjoy this moment while you can

because there's another boy coming

and the girls will have to decide

whether they wanna stick with you

or twist

and move on to the new boy.


Confident the girls will stick with you?

We just have to f*ck around and find out.

[Sarah] Okay, girls,

are you ready to meet boy number two?


Bring him out.

Say hello...

to Marco.

How are we doing? Let's go!

Are you guys ready?

Hi, I'm Marco. I'm from Youngstown, Ohio.

I'm 22 years old,
and I'm studying to be a chiropractor.

I honestly think girls like me
for my looks, you know?

Six-three, solid steal, and sex appeal
is not something you wanna walk by.

I would for sure describe myself
as an All-Madden player.

It's Hall of Fame level.

My body count is 72, exactly.

I don't really remember
the names of the people,

but I remember the location.

I love walking around naked.

If I could be naked every single day
in my life, I'd be naked.

I'm just gonna be honest.

Naked Marco is a very pretty sight.

Before I go into the villa,
I'm gonna be fully shaved, head to toe.

I'm gonna make sure I have my whole body
lathered in coconut oil,

including my ball sack.

I feel confident. I feel sexy.

I feel like myself. Marco.

-Okay, Marco!
-[Marco] Can't wait to get out here.

Marco, welcome to Love Island.

How are we doing?
Wow, you guys look amazing.

Well, Marco,
what do you think of the ladies?

They're gorgeous. Stunning.

-Happen to know one of them.

-Who do you know?


[Islander] What?

We go to the same gym in Florida, so...

-We do.

That's f*cking crazy.

Spill the tea!

Nothing, among those.
We're just mutual friends.

-Like gym buddies.

I say, "What's up? I respect the grind."

So, moving on,

Marco, we have five beautiful ladies here,

and currently, they are all here

with Leonardo on heart number one.

-Come on.
-[Marco] Damn.

But let's see if you can turn some heads.

Girls, it is time
for your first big decision.

You must choose

whether to stick or twist.

Will you stay with Leonardo,

or do you prefer the look of Marco?

I'm twisting.

It's all good.

You guys are gorgeous.

Marco, how are you feeling? Are you happy?

Amazing, I'm so happy.

-Two beautiful women.
-[Sarah] Mm-hmm.

Nothing else I want. You know what I mean?

-This is awesome.

Jasmine, what made you move to Marco?

The teeth.

-I'm a big teeth girl.

I love a good smile. Yeah.


Destiny, what made you move?

The eye contact.

[Sarah] Spicy.

Anna, let's talk about this now.
You didn't move.

-No, it's always been like a friend vibe.

Like 100%.

Kassy, why didn't you move?

He's a good-looking guy,

but I just liked his energy,
so I want to... I want to see.

-And he knows Spanish, so.

It's a deal breaker right there. Come on.

[speaks Spanish]

Leonardo, you lost two girls.
How are you feeling?

It's straight, you know?
Shout out to bro, I respect it.

I respect the rizz, the game, all that,
so you know.

I feel like we're gonna be bros
real quick, so it's straight.

I feel a little bromance,
I'm not gonna lie, but it's okay.

Way to, bro!

Way to, bro!
What's up? What's up? What's up?

The bromance is hotter
than the romance in here!

We need to fix some things. [laughs]

Game respects game.

-It does.
-[Sarah] So,

Anna, Kassy, and Kay Kay,

you have stuck with Leonardo.

Destiny and Jasmine

have moved over to Marco.

But let's see what you all think
of our next boy.

Please welcome...


[Islanders] Aquaman!

Man in the house.

Ooh, Tarzan.

I'm Victor, I'm 28.

I'm originally from Spain,

but now I live in Atlanta,
where I'm a student and a wrestler.

[in Spanish] It's a pleasure for me to
be here with all of you.

[in English] A lot of people think
that I look like Jason Momoa,

when I do, like,
the eyebrow thing like that.

People, when they look at me,
they just see the 250-pound wrestler,

but in the inside,
I'm kind of like a big softie.

I like to read romance novels,

I like to watch Disney movies.

Yeah, I like singing the songs
'cause it makes you happy.

But we are gonna keep that as a secret.

If I find the right woman,
I'm ready to settle down.

I cannot wait to get into the villa

and find my fairytale princess.

Bro, that's Aquaman, bro!

-[Kassy] He does look like Aquaman.
-[Leonardo] Yeah!

Victor, welcome to Love Island!

-Hello, guys.
-Hi! Is that an accent?

I have a little bit of an accent.

Okay, okay.

Okay, okay.

Victor, welcome to Love Island.

Thank you.

I'm very jealous of your hair.

Let me bring you up to speed, Victor.

We are playing Stick or Twist.

All five of our girls

started on Leonardo's heart...

but Destiny and Jasmine

had their heads turned by Marco.

We are going to see if any of the girls
would rather be with you.

Do you think you can tempt them
over to you?

Yeah, why not?

Well, let's see what happens.

Girls, are you going to stick
with your current boy...

or twist?

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

We're halfway through
the first coupling up,

and Anna, Kassy, and Kay Kay
have stuck with Leonardo,

while Destiny and Jasmine decided to twist

and have moved to Marco.

But will new boy Victor be "Victorious,"

or will Victor be "Lose-torious"?

Which is Spanish
for "mugged off on national television."

Let's find out.

Girls, are you going to stick
with your current boy...

or twist?

Go for it.

Victor, no one moved for you.

How are you feeling?

Feeling kinda lonely.

Hey, babe. We got you, baby.
We got you. Trust, trust.

Thank you, guys.

Girls, what is going on?

Kassy, not tempted to go to Victor?

It's just like
he looks like my sister's ex.

So I just... It's just that.

But I bet you have a great personality,
so I'll definitely talk to you later.

Well, you didn't turn anybody's head
on first impressions.

But don't worry,

we will get you coupled up by the end.

Let's see if the next boy

can turn some heads.

Please welcome...



-I love the energy! I sit down right here?
-[producer] Yeah!

Okay, let's go. Let's go. Bam.

What's up, y'all? I'm Keenan.
I'm from Washington, DC, 23 years old,

and current journalism major
at Morehouse College.

Morehouse is a very
prestigious institution.

Spike Lee and Samuel L. Jackson

are very well-esteemed alumni
that went to Morehouse.

Football has been everything
for the majority of my life.

I'm a dog on the field.

My nickname is K-9
because I go and get everything.

I'm a big pleaser.
Like, I love pleasing women.

It turns me on to turn her on.

If I find somebody attractive,

if she don't seem happy,
Imma make her happy.

That's 100% fact.

I'm looking for a girl to be sexy.
You know what I'm saying?

I hope the body is banging.
I hope the smile is smiling.

'Cause, baby, if you checking my boxes,

you're stuck with me.
That's just how it's going to be.

How you doing? What's up?

Hello, hello.

Take a little steppy step right here.

Keenan, welcome to Love Island.

It's beautiful out here.
I'm loving the energy. What's up?

Yes! I'm loving this energy too, Keenan.

For sure, for sure.

This is Stick or Twist Love Island style.

So far,

Anna, Kassy, and Kay Kay

are sticking with Leonardo.

Destiny and Jasmine

are with Marco,

and unfortunately,

Victor is here on his own.

Damn, bro.

All of the girls

will now decide

whether they want to stick
with their current boy

or move over to give it a shot with you.

Oh shit.

We might be in the same boat, bro.

We'll have to see. Right.


you know what happens next.

It's up to you.

Are you going to stick

or twist?

Yeah, Kay Kay!


-You doing okay? How are you doing?

You know I was looking at you, right?
You know I was looking at you.

All right, we're good.


Kay Kay, what drew you to Keenan?

I like his energy.

His personality is, like,
loud and outgoing, and I like that.

Keenan, how are you feeling about Kay Kay?

Come on, you really gonna ask me that?

-You see this girl here?
-I mean, I do.

She is chocolate, she is thick.

She is exactly what I wanted
when I came over here, so.

-Thank you.
-You good, Kay Kay.

-We're vibing, we're chilling.

Bro was... Yeah, I swear to God.

We good, bro. We good. Trust.

Leonardo, you have gone
from five to three to two.

Yeah. I mean, you can't have them all.

You know? You gotta pick one.

It's not Pokémon and shit. Like, come on.

Anna and Kassy, just remember,

there's one boy to come,

and if you don't move for him,

you will be fighting it out for Leonardo.

Destiny and Jasmine,

it's the same for you.

If you don't move this time,

you are going to be
duking it out for Marco.

Marco's like, "Yeah!"

There is only one more boy to come.

Please welcome...


Let's go!

[Bergie] This is crazy.

I'm on Love Island. Holy shit.

Can I just take a second
to take this all in?

Holy crap.

All right, let's do it.

I'm Carsten Bergersen,
my friends call me Bergie.

I'm 23 years old.

I'm from Madison, South Dakota,

and I'm a Dairy Queen general manager.

I'm into Margot Robbie.

She's probably my favorite. Hi, Margot!

I have never had a girlfriend in the past.

I've dated a girl,
and I popped the question,

"Hey, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

And I got denied.

I am a total family guy.
I look up to my grandparents' marriage.

They've been married for 54 years,

and that's something
I would like to carry on.

My mom passed away when I was four,

and then when I was 18,

my grandma gave me these letters
that my mom wrote to me,

and that really inspired me

to write to my future wife.

Looking forward to the day
that I get to wake up next to her,

and just smile and be like,
"Today is gonna be an amazing day.

Let me go make you breakfast."

I know it sounds crazy,

but I'm just looking for someone

that's ready to love.

-What's up, Sarah?

-What up, Berg?
-How are you feeling? Are you excited?

I'm, like, thrilled right now.

This is amazing.

Look at these girls.

-Aren't they so gorgeous?
-They are wonderful.

[Sarah] Well, Bergie,

-as you can see, you are our last boy.

We are playing Stick or Twist,
Love Island style.

-So, Bergie,

it is time to find out

whether anyone will twist

and come to you

or stick with their boy.


Do you wanna stay with your current boy,

or would you rather
give it a shot with Bergie?


-How are you feeling?
-It's all right.

It's tough sometimes,
but we'll get through it.

It happened to Victor here, too.

Hey, we can couple up tonight.

-I'm gonna wait a little bit more, but...
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll wait. We'll wait.

I don't wanna say "no" yet.

Keep your options open.

Kay Kay, were you tempted to move?

No. Um...

-You're very handsome.
-Thank you.

He's very handsome,
but not really my type.

I'm a little comfortable over here,
you know.

[Sarah] Well, Bergie, do not worry.

We will get you coupled up shortly.

Sounds good.

Well, there are no more boys
coming through the door.

Leonardo, it is decision time.

Are you going to couple up

with Anna or Kassy?


This is definitely not easy.

Anna is a beautiful-ass girl,
I'm not gonna front.

This is my exact type,

and this is also my exact type.

So, I think I might have to go with...


I like the Latina connection, you know?
Like, I think that's fire.

Well, congratulations, Kassy.


-Anna, are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm totally fine.

Well, listen, we are still
gonna get you coupled up.

-But for now,

come and join me down by the side here.


it is decision time.

I just don't know if I'm trying to play
Aladdin with Jasmine


Or? Or?

This is my final "Destiny." I don't know.

Well, you've gotta make a decision.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm gonna have to roll with...


Destiny, how are you feeling?

I am very happy. I knew the eye contact
was there from the beginning.

So, the chemistry is definitely there.

-Jasmine, how are you feeling?

I mean, I'm hopeful.

Come and join Anna, please.

I can finally give you a hug.

[Sarah] So,

Anna and Jasmine,

it is time to get you both coupled up.

Victor, you came through the door first,

which means you get first pick
of these ladies.

-Well, you're both beautiful,

but I think I'm gonna go with Jasmine...

-All right.
-... because I like tall girls.

Jasmine, go join Victor.


I was gonna pick you if I had to choose.

So that means Bergie and Anna

are both a couple now.

-[Bergie] Let's go!
-Anna, please join Bergie.

-Hello. How's it going?

Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

-Yeah, no problem.
-Thank you.

-Anna, how are you feeling?
-I'm happy.

I think he's really cute.
So, we'll see where it goes, for sure.

Bergie, we got you a girl.

We got a girl. And she's blond.
She's like my type exactly.

-So, it's perfect.
-It's perfect.

Okay, we're getting married, guys.

-Let's go!

[Bergie] This is amazing.

So, that marks the end

of Stick or Twist.

And we have our first five
gorgeous couples

of Love Island USA 2023.


[Sarah] Kassy and Leonardo.

Destiny and Marco.

Jasmine and Victor.

Kay Kay and Keenan.

And Anna and Bergie.

You will now spend time
getting to know each other,

taking on challenges together,

living together,

and even sharing a bed together.

In six weeks' time,

the public will be voting

for their favorite couple,

and that couple

could win $100,000.

[cheering, laughing]

But this is Love Island.

There may be a few surprises
around the corner,

and the first surprise

may come sooner than you think.

But for now,

I'm gonna leave you
to get to know each other.

Bye, lovebirds.

[all] Bye.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

The couples have all been paired off,
which is adorable,

romantic, and above all,

legally binding.

The couples are...

Kassy and Leonardo.

Destiny and Marco.

Jasmine and Victor.

Kay Kay and Keenan.

And Anna and Bergie.

Jasmine is coupled up
with wrestler Victor.

Fun fact, guys,

Victor is sitting on a beanbag.

He's just so massive,

you can't see it.

What is your biggest ick?
Like, what's your ick?


I was about to say
people that party a lot.

I get it. I mean, like, that's the thing.

-Do you like to party a lot?
-I do.

Like, that is like one thing, like...

I have a... amazing friend group
in Nashville,

and we're constantly doing shit.

Sometimes I don't go balls to the wall
when I'm out.


But you're always out.


I probably should chill out.

And now you want to change?
You want to chill out?


[Jasmine] Victor, personally,
is not my type on paper.

Like, there wasn't
this initial spark with him.

He does, like, take care of his body,
which is extremely sexy for me.

So, I am open to seeing
where things go with Victor.

-Out there you were with Marco.

So, what's your type of guy?

I have this, like,

repetition of, like,
kind of, like, doing "bad boys."

So, that's why you didn't pick me?

Because I'm a good boy?


I was definitely thinking about it,

-'Cause, like, I love men that are,

like, tan and, like, super fit.

I don't know.


[both laughing]

Well, we ended up here, so.

I don't know. I don't know wh... why I did.

[narrator] Nobody picked Bergie at first,
but he managed to keep his cool.

You could say he was a...


That's as good as it gets.

Tell me your story. Where are you from?

So, I grew up in Minnesota,
in the United States...

'Cause I realize you're
from another country,

-which is crazy.

Um, uh...

I went to school in South Dakota.

-And then I played

-college football there.
-Oh, awesome.

Yeah, so I had a really good time there,
and I just finished my undergrad,

and I just got accepted
into physical therapy school.

-Oh, you wanna be a physical therapist?

-Yeah. Yeah.
-That's awesome.

I'm studying criminal justice right now.

-My dad's a detective.
-Cool. Gotcha.

-And I wanna be a detective too.

So, I have to go to school for that,

So, what are you looking for?

Oh, yeah, that's a good...

Like, honestly, I'm looking for the one.
Like, I date for marriage.

-It's kind of like how I go.
-Yeah. Yeah.

So, like, I'm not trying to sleep around
or anything.

Yeah, I like that. It's important.

Genuinely looking
for the right person right now.

How was, like, your past relationships?

I haven't... I've never had a girlfriend.

-You never had a girlfriend? Okay.

So, that... I don't know
if that's a red flag or not.

No, that's not a red flag at all.

I've only dated, like,
five girls in my past.

-Just 'cause I think

most of it's like a time issue, too.

In my schedule,
I wasn't out there looking.

I was just work...
focused on school and work.

What's your type? Like...

Definitely, like, blond, smart, somewhat,

This sounds bad, but I don't want someone
that wants to be a stay-at-home mom.

-I want someone that's career-driven.

That's totally me. [laughs]

Let's go. Yeah.

I think Bergie right now
is a little bit shy.

You know, I feel like
I'm always asking the questions,

but I also think that
he's just super nervous,

so I'm gonna give him that one

and just see how he is later tonight
when we're out.

[narrator] The Islanders are off
to explore the villa,

and it's the biggest villa ever!

-[Destiny] Look at this sunset!
-[Leonardo] Look at this view.

-That shit is fire.

-[Marco] This is crazy.
-[Destiny] This is so pretty.

[narrator] Which begs the question,

when you've rented a ten-bedroom house,
why stick all the beds in one room?

-Thank you so very much.
-Oh, my God.

-[Leonardo] Rise and grind!

[Destiny] Look at the room!

Holy shit!

[squealing, cheering]

-[Kassy] Oh, my God.

I... Wait... I call this side. [sighs]

Oh, that's your side?

-I'm so happy. I call this side.

The villa looked amazing.

Remind me of, like, a Barbie Dreamhouse.

Oh, nice carpet. [laughs]

And I was like, "Yes! I get to be here

all summer."

Dude, this is the girls'
getting-ready room.

And where's ours?

I know it's the first day here,
but I really don't wanna leave.

-[Marco] Fiji!
-[Leonardo] Fiji!

[Marco] Let's get it!


-Guys, we're glowing right now.
-I swear to God. Everybody's glowing.

Wanna go right here?
To the "All the feels"?

[Kay Kay] Yeah.

[narrator] These two are a perfect match.

When they met, he thought,
"Okay, I'm okay with Kay Kay."

And she thought,
"I'm definitely keen on Keenan."

How are you feeling? [clears throat]

I'm feeling good.
I'm just excited to be here.

-All right.

Uh-oh, a little butterfly.
It's good luck already.

-Did you see that? Now you can't tell...
-Aw. Will it stand on my finger? No. Okay.

What made you leave
that comfortable situation?

I don't know.
My heart skipped a beat a little bit.

-Did it now?

I felt like my gut was talking to me
before I even seen you real good.

-Like, I just felt the energy.
-You seeing me good now?

-Yeah. [giggles]
-You made the right choice.

-Yeah, I'm happy with my choice.

I mean, I'd have been taken
if your ass would've stayed there.

You would've got kicked off that...

You would... You would've ended up
in my heart one way or another.


The chemistry with Keenan was crazy.
Like, from the jump, I felt it.

And I could tell he likes physical touch,
and that's my love language.

I know we going to cuddle tonight.

-You are so stunning. Like, for real.
-Aw, thank you.

-You are really pretty.
-I appreciate it.

You're handsome too.

-Like, we ain't even go neck down.

We're just going...
We just going to acknowledge the face.

-Edges laid.

Smile, on point.

-You got a look.

Was it vixen, right? That's a female fox.

-Yeah. Vixen eyes.

-That's sexy.
-Thank you.

The eyes don't lie, my boy.
The eyes don't lie.

Me and Kay Kay,
we're definitely feeling each other.

So, talk to me.
You wanna sit right here on this side?

Kassy and Leonardo are up on the balcony,

and right now, there's two things
you need to know.

One, it's rude to ask a lady her age,

and two, nobody told Leonardo.

I don't even know your age.

I know. Wait, how old are you?

-I'm 21. Yeah.
-[gasps] Oh, my gosh. You're young.

Everybody thinks
I'm, like, 25 or some shit, but no.

Oh, I'm 22.


So, we're basically the same age.

I did tell myself I wasn't going to go
for a guy younger, though.

Wow. So... What changed?

[sighs] I guess, you.

[chuckles] I don't know.

Like, what's the first thing you look at?

-Is it smile too? Eyes?

-So, I go from the eyes down.
-Eyes down.

I go smile and then wander.

-Then wander everywhere else.
-Did you see me looking at you

-when we were standing?
-I could feel it.

-I was like, "Why is she like..."
-I know.

I was staring hard-core.

I love his energy, love his smile.

I noticed his smile
'cause that's what I first notice,

and then I thought,
"Okay, he's really fit, too."

And I didn't ask. Wait, let me guess.

-Oh, what I am, right? [chuckles]
-What you are.

-And then you can guess what I am.
-Go ahead. I feel like...

I already know.

-Let me say what you are first.
-Go ahead.

What I think you are. Puerto Rican.

-Puerto Rican!
-[laughing] No.

You're not Puerto Rican?

-I'm Dominican.
-[gasps] Oh,

-I was gonna guess that as my second one!

-It's essentially the same thing.
-Dude! I thought I was so,

so certain on Puerto Rican.

[speaks Spanish]

I have a feeling my mom would like him
because he started speaking Spanish.

So I definitely liked that
he had some flavor in him.

It made me kind of excited
'cause I was like,

"Yay! I get to practice
my Spanish with him, ha."

-[in Spanish] I'm happy.
-[Leonardo laughing]

I'm happy that...

-[stammering] I am with...
-[Leonardo laughing]

[both, in Spanish] Coupled up.

[in Spanish]
I'm happy that I'm coupled up with you.

[cheering, laughing]

Destiny and Marco are off for a chat.

If romance blossoms,
they could be parents,

and that kid would be
Destiny's son or daughter.

[Marco] Do you think we could fit
on the same one? Or...

Like, you could sit on it, and I'll lay.

-Yeah, that'd be cool.

What do you wanna do?
That's the best view for the sunset.

[Destiny] This is the best view. So, here?

-[Marco] Yeah.
-[Destiny] Okay.

How old are you?

Oh... Right. The basics. I'm 27.

-How old are you?


-Yeah, I know.

-You're 22?

Are you happy to be, like,
you know, coupled up with me?

You know I am.

[stammering] I know. There's eye contact
from when I first walked on.

-I just kept looking at you.

You know, you're more my type.

-Yeah. Really?
-Yeah, you are.

-Don't just say that. [laughing]
-No, you are. I'm serious.

I'm happy. Are you happy with your choice?

-Yeah, I'm happy. Definitely.

I feel that the chemistry
is naturally there.

You know I'm big on eye contact.
Like... [chuckles]

-It was the cross.
-The cross.

It was this.

-This. This was...

I was like, he... he's a man
who puts God first in his life.

This is beautiful.

Yeah, oh, it's gorgeous.
I keep looking back and forth.

I never know which one's more gorgeous,

so I just keep bouncing back.
I'm like, "Oh, hell. That is pretty."

But I'm like, "That's even more pretty."

-I was like, "All right."
-That was cute. [laughing]

Look at that.
Here goes the smoothness with the words.

Like, can we go... Oh, our first kiss.

I did not expect to kiss on the first day,

but when I saw that sunset,

I saw the way she looked at me.

I didn't have a choice.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

As the sun sets,

it's the moment we turn on
all the villa's lights for the first time.

Which means it's also the moment

the rest of Fiji begins two months
of power blackouts.

Sorry, guys.

Okay, guys, tell me all the tea.
I wanna know.

-Okay. I'll go first.

I'm really happy.


Yeah, bro. I'm mad happy
who I'm coupled up with.

Like, obviously, like,
I also fancy Anna at the same time.

Based on what I can see
from a far distance,

it seems like you guys
are kicking off good.

-I feel that right now.
-You know.

I don't know. He's not my type.

He's, like, a little bit nerdy,
but, like, it's okay.

With him I was initiating absolutely
everything that we talked about.

Well, maybe he was just shy.

I think he's shy. Yeah.

She asked me, "What's your biggest ick?"

And I was like,
"Girls that love to party a lot."

And she was like, "Well..."

Party girl.

If Victor tries to kiss you,
would you kiss him back?

No, because he doesn't like a girl
that parties a lot,

and I do
and I'm not willing to change that.

-[Kay Kay] Right.

-You and your man, Keenan.
-I know.

I'm like, they got the K's in their name.

Keenan and Kay Kay.

We got a lot of similarities, bro.
The chemistry, cool.

Of course, I ain't gonna go
and say Imma marry the girl yet.

-But the vibe is there.

Yeah. His energy is great.

Also, no hard feelings, right?

Bitch, I'm so happy for you.

I'm... I'm literally, like,
you're my girl here.

Hey, come on, girl. Bring it in.

[chattering, laughing]

If y'all got a kiss, stand up.

-A kiss?

-A what?
-Oh, shit.

-If y'all got a kiss, stand up.

-I'm the only one? I'm the only one?

-[Anna] Did you guys kiss?
-We did!

-You did?

I knew it.

-[Kay Kay] That's so exciting right now.
-Yeah, yeah!

[Destiny] Who asked me that?

-Honey, I gotta stay away from you.
-[Jasmine laughs]

-To the first night. Let's get lit.
-All right.

-Let's go.

-Okay, perf.
-Let's go. Let's go.

You're so fine.

Thank you.

Let's get the glasses up,
ladies and gentlemen.

It's day one.

I feel like everybody's here
for the right reasons.

So, to my new Love Island family.

-Let's toast. It's gonna get exciting!


[narrator] Bergie, the good news is
Anna is about to make her move.

The bad news is it's away from you
and towards Leonardo.

Do you wanna go by the sign over here?

-I'd love to go by the sign.
-Yeah. Okay.

One on one? How are you feeling?

[Anna] I'm feeling good.

I don't know if I'm supposed to have
my shoes on.

-Sorry. [chuckling]
-Shoes are hurting?

[Anna sighs] So, how are you feeling
in your match right now?

I'm feeling pretty good.
It's still really fresh.

I don't know where it's gonna go yet.

-[Anna] Yeah, so like, um...
-[Leonardo] How about you?

-He's great.

I'm just not really feeling it right now.

-Yeah, yeah.
-He's not as energetic as I thought.

-[Marco] Hey, Bergie, what's up, man?
-I'm all right. Thanks, man.

[Marco] Are you kidding me?

-Yeah. Come on.
-Will do.

-So, what's your type?

-Are you deadass?

I'm, like, literally

-telling everybody you're my number one.

-[Marco] We can just talk.

-[Marco] Throw it down.
-For sure.

We can talk about Anna and...

[Marco] Yeah. Leo?

Leo. Yeah. She's getting to know him.
We'll see what happens.

[Marco] That's all right.
We gotta get you into motion.

-You'll start feeling yourself.
-I know. I know.

-You'll get it.
-I'm in my shell still.

-You look good.
-Thank you.

Bergie, I just tried to give him
the encouragement to just be yourself.

Keep your head up, man. If you put

your best foot forward,
you can't ever lose.

You know, I just wanted
to get you going a little bit.

I know. For sure.
Yeah. And I appreciate you, man.

We gotta feed off of each other, brother.

[Bergie] I think right now
I'm struggling with my confidence.

I don't think my confidence
is 100% in right now.

So, would you be open
to getting to know me more? Or...

I would definitely be open
to getting to know you more

because this is still just starting.

I don't wanna, like,

shut the bridge
on the person that could be my person.

-Yeah, I think you're my person.
-Yeah, I'd fall for that.

-I'm fairly confident about it, babe.
-I f*ck with that.


What do you, uh...

do with your hair when you have sex?


I usually put it up.

Are you planning on having sex here?


Well, I mean, we'll see.

Like, I'm not planning on it.


like I think I have never kissed anybody...

that I was, like, not feeling it.

-Not having a connection,

-all that stuff.
-I respect that.

-I guess I'm not interested.
-I like taking my time, you know?

I'm happy we're starting with a...

Oh, it's... I don't wanna say, like,
friendship, but, you know, just, like...

-Getting to know each other.
-...getting to know each other.

Yeah, that's definitely
something I've learned

'cause it's... I'm trying to be...

different in the way I approach things.

Like, uh, for me, when I usually, like,
start with someone

or, like, have, uh, interest in someone,

it has like that, uh, first desire

that I didn't have with her.

But I'm pretty, like,
comfortable with Jasmine.

We have some things in common,

and we'll see how all of that evolves.

-I'm excited to get to know you more.

[narrator] After his pep talk,

Dairy Queen manager Bergie
is off to speak to Anna.

If he can win the girl over,
he'll feel like a Bergie King.

Now, that was a whopper.

No, all right.
Can I pull you for a chat again?

-Yes, let's go.
-All right, let's go.

[Bergie] All right, um.

How's your first day going?

-It's really good, yeah.
-That's good.

-I'm having a good time.
-Yeah, me too.

Which one do you want?

Um, why don't we
sit on the same one maybe?

Okay. Well, for sure.
I'm not gonna sit on another one.


Like, obviously, my confidence
got bruised a little bit today.

-Like, you know?

Well, the last guy out,
and nobody's switching for you.

-That's a little confidence bruiser.
-Yeah, yeah.

Like for sure.

I almost didn't get picked as well,
you know.

-But I'm not gonna let it, like...

Yeah, I guess. We're in the same boat.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-I didn't even realize that.

So, how are you feeling,
like, being coupled up with me?

I'm still happy about it. How about you?

Um, I'm struggling a little bit

only because I'm super used to

outgoing, like,

almost like crazy personalities.

-Like, really pushing me.

And I feel like you've been a little bit,
like, closed off in a way.

Yeah. I'm normally the outgoing,
goofy, geeky guy.

-Yeah. I wanna see that, like...
-And now I'm like... Yeah.

-I wanna see your fun side.
-Side, yeah.

'Cause I'm struggling to see that
right now, you know?

Yeah. For sure, yeah.

And I know you are.
I just need to get that.

You just need to get there.

I need to get it out of you.

-I need to get it out of you!
-We're gonna get it. We're gonna get it.

Are you interested in any other girls?

Not here, surprisingly.

I think you owe it to yourself
to talk to other girls.

I think you just really need to almost

make yourself uncomfortable
to be comfortable.

For sure.

I wanna see you break down your booty
in the dance floor.

-I wanna see you rip off your shirt.
-Oh, my gosh.

I wanna see you throw your shoe.


The Islanders have come up with a game

where everyone's phone goes into a bowl,

and if yours is picked out,
you get to kiss any Islander you like.

The game's called:
"Everyone's phone goes into a bowl,

and if yours is picked out,
you get to kiss any Islander you like."

It's a working title.


You know.

It was kind of passionate,
but a little nasty, like...

[cheering, applauding]

There's a lot of tongue involved.

Oh, it's still going.

-[Marco] Like a breeze!
-[Kassy] It's still going!

Okay, okay.

Tastes good. Hold on.



Those kisses were just game kisses.
Doesn't count.

I want the real deal.

Maybe I'll get that tomorrow.


-Okay, okay.

To be honest, I feel like Destiny and I
are in a great spot.

It was so natural.

[Keenan] Hey, hey, hey.

[chuckling] Victor.

-Victor's the man tonight!

[Victor] It was a good kiss.

Yeah, I will say, yes,
that will bring us a little bit closer.

-[Leonardo] Bergie!


[Kay Kay screaming]

Oh, I'm confused. I'm confused.

I'm confused.

Bergie, he popped his shit.

He showed out for his moment. Like...


-Stand up.

[gasping, cheering]

[Keenan] Y'all better go crazy.

Well, damn.

I was not part of it. Ugh, not fair.

You guys could've had me too.

[Leonardo screaming]

That kiss definitely took me by surprise.

I'm not one to back out of a dare.

We've had a whole lot of kissing.

But there's one thing missing.

Strap yourselves in because Sarah Hyland

is back in the house.

-Jumping around.
-Yeah. Let's jump in.

-If you have ideas, f*ck it, we roll.
-[Kay Kay] All right, let's do it.

Oh, my God!

Hello, Islanders.

-Surprised to see me so soon?

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Sarah Hyland is back for one good reason.

There's a lot of information coming up,

and you'd probably struggle
to understand my accent.

How have you enjoyed
getting to know your other halves?

-We're having a blast!
-[cheering, chattering]

-[Jasmine] It's going good.


Well, I am afraid

it is now time

to get serious.

-Wait. No, stop.

As you know,

Love Island is all about
finding your perfect match.

And earlier today,

you coupled up based on first impressions.

But did you choose wisely?

Which couples are working well,

and which couples

are not compatible at all?

It's time to find out.

Because now,

you all have some very difficult decisions
to make.

In your couples, you must now vote

for which couple you think

is the least compatible.

[Islanders] No, no.

Oh, my God.

The couple that receives the most votes

will be vulnerable.

It's time to make your decisions.


-[Victor] All right.



I just feel like, damn, it's day one.

It's a crazy night,
and it's about to get crazier.

As far as...

-[Destiny] Compatibility.

-We know who's the bottom two.
-Yeah, for sure.

We see the other couples
blossoming together right now.

But if we had to choose one,
we would choose...

-Victor and Jasmine.

Berg and Anna.


How do you feel about them?

[Kay Kay]
I don't feel like their energies matched.

Anna is just, like, not feeling it at all.

I don't know how I feel
about Victor and Jasmine...

because it's not giving
like the solid bond

when they both talk to us.

But the only part that twisted my head
was when they were kissing.

Kassy and Leo.

Vic and Jasmine.

Honestly, I feel like
they're a weaker couple, too.

But I see the effort.

-Like, I see them, like, bonding.
-That's true.

I would say out of the other couples,
besides us,

they're definitely the weakest.

Yeah. Yeah.

I guess we have a choice.
We already made a decision.

-Yeah, I think those are definitely...
-[both] The top two.

It's time to vote now.
So who are we picking?

-Let's say it at the same time.
-[Marco] Uh...

Just say one name for the couple.

One, two, three.

-Bergie. [groans]
-Victor. [chuckles]


it is now time to reveal your decisions.

Kassy and Leonardo.

Which couple do you think
is the least compatible?

We're voting for this couple
because throughout this experience so far,

we've seen that they haven't had
that first initial click with one another.

We see them through the little dances
and the little games,

and it hasn't, like, flowed naturally.

And we could tell that
based on their personalities,

it doesn't match up
with who they desire to be with.

So the couple we're voting
least compatible is...

Anna and Bergie.

Thank you, Kassy and Leonardo.

Jasmine and Victor.

Who are you voting as least compatible?

Compatibility is having
that physical affection...

and being able
to have conversations naturally

and feel comfortable around each other.

This couple doesn't have it.

So the couple we're voting for is...

Anna and Bergie.

Thank you, Jasmine and Victor.

That is two votes for Anna and Bergie.

Destiny and Marco,
please reveal your decision.

We're voting for this couple because
I think first impressions are everything

and for these two,
I didn't feel it was there.

This couple specifically,

they're just completely
not each other's type.

So for that reason,

the couple that we decided to go with is...

Victor and Jasmine.

That is two votes for Anna and Bergie.

And one vote for Jasmine and Victor.

Kay Kay and Keenan.

Which couple are you voting for?

The couple we decided
are least compatible...


Welcome back to Love Island USA.

The Islanders are choosing
their least compatible couple.

At the moment,
Anna and Bergie have two votes,

and Jasmine and Victor have one vote.

Next to choose are Keenan and Kay Kay.

The couple we decided
are least compatible are...

Anna and Bergie.

Sorry, man.


Three votes for Anna and Bergie,

and one vote for Jasmine and Victor.

We know the result,
but we still need you to give your vote.

Our compatibility is not really there
and our energy is completely different.

So, I think that we should vote
for ourselves.

Anna and Bergie,
you have been voted the least compatible,

and you are now vulnerable.

One of you

will leave the villa tonight.

-What the hell?
-I didn't know it worked like that.

[exhales deeply]

That decision...

is not down to your fellow Islanders.

Thank God.

It's down to you.

[Kassy] Wait, what?

It's down to them two?

You must now decide between you

who is staying...

and who is leaving the villa tonight.

Love you.

[Marco] Dude, what?


Um, what are your thoughts?

[exhales] I don't know.

-This is so heartbreaking.

-Can we hug?

This is, like, so unreal.

Anna and Bergie,
have you made your decision?

We have.

Who is going to be leaving
the villa tonight?

So, the person we decided
to have to leave the villa tonight...

I've chose myself.

I just felt like I wouldn't be able
to fall asleep in an empty bed tonight

without a guilty conscience.

[Sarah] Bergie,

unfortunately, it is time for you
to pack your bags

and leave the villa.

I will leave you to say your goodbyes.

Hey. It's not your fault,
it's not your fault.

-It is not your fault.

Chill, chill, chill. It's not your fault.

You guys get in here.

All right.

What's the thing
where everybody gets in the picture?

Bergie, my guy, I wanna say for real,
though, you're a real gentleman.

You are.

[Anna] I gave Bergie a chance,

even though that
he wasn't my initial type.

But you can't force connections
'cause then it will just be so unreal.

Well, I gotta go pack my bags.

I was beyond proud of Bergie.

I feel like it's a true man, you know,
to always put a woman first.

If I was in his position,
I don't know if I could just

say it right away, like,
I'm gonna get up and go.

-I want Bergie!

You guys gotta go far.
I'm gonna be rooting for all of you guys.

-The OGs.

Even though I was all here.

[Keenan] All right, Bergie.

We love you, bro.


[chanting] Bergie! Bergie!

Tonight definitely
did come as a shock for me.

You have really high hopes
coming into the villa,

and to only be in there
for such a short time

it's really gut-wrenching.

Kinda how I felt my whole life.

You're always looking
for the right person,

and if it just doesn't match,
it's just not gonna happen.

You know, I wish I had more time
in the villa, for sure.

This is the hardest decision.

But you know what?
Like, I know it's for a good cause.

[Anna] Yeah.

[phone chimes]

I got a text!

"Bergie, everyone deserves
a second chance.



What's... [mumbling]