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05x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 04/29/24 19:33
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island...

Two new bombshells...

"Grab your swimwear
and head to the Hideaway hot tub

to meet Carmen and Hannah."

[narrator] ...made one boy's night.

-What's up, ladies?

-It's your lucky day.
-I'm feeling amazing.


There we go.

There was a surprise return to the villa.


I'm back like I never left!

[narrator] And heads started turning.


-Enjoying our first date together.
-I love it.

Meeting you, I was like,
"I love her energy and her vibe."

-Are you happy I chose you?
-It feels good to be chosen.



New ladies came in the villa.

I'm gonna be pulling
some other girls aside.

Stop rolling your eyes.

I know that I could definitely go
all out for you.

[Kassy] Is he holding hands with Anna?

What the f*ck?

[narrator] And a plan was hatched.

"You will each steal a boy of your choice,
leaving two girls single and vulnerable."


[narrator] Tonight...

Me and Hannah
both might like the same person.

[narrator] ...the bombshells get to work.

I have no loyalty to you.

I'd be okay sharing a bed with you.

[narrator] And Sarah's back
for the surprise steal.

Which boy would you like to steal?

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

Bombshells Hannah and Carmen
have a secret.

In 24 hours, they have to steal a boy.

I've got a secret, too.

I'm actually from New York.

But if the money's all right,
I'm Scottish for the night.

[in New York accent] I'm walkin' here!

[in normal accent] I mean, "Och, aye."

Anyway, Hannah's making a move on Marco.

[Hannah] Marco. Where are you going?

I'm gonna look out at this heart.
Where are you going?

You're just gonna look at the heart?

Yeah, I was gonna look out,
listen to the water for a bit.

-[Hannah] We gotta get to know each other.
-[Marco] Hell, yeah.

[Hannah] It's been a day for you or what?

-You seem kind of...
-Yeah, it's been a long day.

We could talk about that.

-Or we can talk about us.

Whatever. I'm down with both.

I definitely could get it off my chest,
how I'm feeling, you know?


Okay. How are you feeling right now?

No, I feel... You know...

I mean, it's been on my chest
for a while, so...

But I just got it off, you know? I kinda...

I was coupled up with Destiny,

and it didn't really go as planned.

The first night was amazing.

-I thought it was so good.
-I heard.

But I'm a big physical-touch type of guy.

And there was no chemistry in bed...

not a kiss on, like, good night, nothing.

We went through the whole time together,
and I thought it was amazing.

Okay, 'cause I'll be real with you.

When I came in, I felt like
you were definitely giving me eye contact.

Obviously, I have my type, you know?

Tanned skin, dark hair, dark features, so...

[Hannah] Marco, he's my type.

Cute, you know?

He got the muscles,

the eye contact.

But he seems like a sweet.

After talking to him, it's like,
"He's got his shit together,"

so I know where I stand.

I wanna get to know you.

It's okay. That's why we're here.

[narrator] Carmen's got two secrets.

She's got to steal a boy in 24 hours,
and she's a big fan of comics.

She bloody isn't.

She walked out of my last stand-up gig
after two minutes screaming,

"He's not funny."

I'm a big nerd, like,
on the inside, for sure.

I'm inside and outside.

-Inside and outside?

-[Carmen] I will get...
-I can see that.

In the outside, you are a big nerd.

Exactly, but people
just don't expect it from me,

which is why I say "on the inside."

People are always caught off guard

when I sit and talk about comic books
for hours,

or The Hobbit. Know what I mean?

-People don't think I like those things.
-What have you studied?

I studied marketing,
and then I had a minor in fashion.

-[Victor] Oh, yeah?
-Mm-hmm. So...

What, uh... What do you wanna do with that?

So, right now, I model part-time.

It's one of my jobs.

I also do modeling.

What else do you do
besides modeling, though?

I don't think I ever heard about
what you do.

I'm studying right now.

I started my undergrad in exercise science
while I was playing rugby.

-I love rugby, by the way. It's so fun.
-You like it?

-It's so much fun.
-It is.

People are trying to k*ll each other
and then they hug each other.

It doesn't make any sense.

It's so f*cking funny.

I love the game,

but when they lift them in the air,
I'm like, "What the f*ck is going on?"

-They lift me.
-No, they f*cking don't.

-Yeah. Like, I'm...
-You're the one that gets...

I'm the one that, like... Yes.

I think I find that Carmen being
a little bit of a nerd...

I find that attractive
'cause those are things that I also like,

so it's kinda like we both can geek out.

It's something cool to have in common.

So, yeah, it was a big surprise.

[narrator] Nurse Jasmine
and Detective Anna are giving Bergie

some relationship coaching.

So, if all goes well,

he'll be able to read someone their rights
while performing a prostate exam.

Okay, so today,
we are preparing ourselves...

-...for how to pull a woman.

We are building your woman skills.

Bergie, we all want him to find his person

and Jasmine and I,
we are here for the man.

-Ask me how my day is.
-How was your day today?

I'm already turned on.

-Tell her she's f*cking sexy.
-[Anna] Compliment me.

-Tell me my eyes... Yes!
-I love your eyes. Look at that.

-I said it before she finished.
-Tell me my eyes are twinkling.

-Your eyes are twinkling.
-Tell me my teeth look great.

-Your teeth look great.
-Tell me my lips look luscious.

Your lips look luscious.

-Tell me you wanna kiss me.
-I wanna kiss you.

-Lesson number one, complete!
-[Jasmine] O-M-f*cking-G!


So, do you wanna practice hitting on me?

We'll do it. We'll do it.

Okay. What's your best shot?

I'm gonna miss.

[Jasmine] No, you're not gonna miss.
Come on.

-Lesson number two, confidence.

Confidence. Lesson two, look at that.

-Your lips are luscious.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

Stand up, bad boy.


So I'm going to teach you how to dance.

Oh, my gosh.

[Anna] You gotta make it romantic.

-You gotta pull me in.
-[Bergie] How do I do it?

You gotta make me feel like
I'm the only girl in the world.

-Grab her.
-Pull me in aggressively.

Yeah. Grab her waist.

I'm absolutely loving the vibe
with my fellow Islanders right now.

They got my back.

I'm gonna do the best I can
to take those tips in

that they gave me tonight.

We're gonna...
We're gonna fricking frick this up now.

I think it's time for you to pull Carmen.

[Jasmine] You're gonna say,
"Hey, let's go for a talk."

Let's go for a talk.

-Let's go. Come on.
-We love you.

Are you guys coming with? No, okay.

-You need your wine.
-You go get her.

All right. I love you.

-Thank you, guys.
-I love you!

-I love you.
-Say it back.

-I love you to the moon and back.
-Okay, that's good.

I like big muscles too, but...

I don't know. I feel like...

Can I take you for a chat?

-Yeah, for sure.
-Let's go.

-[Carmen] Where should we go?
-[Bergie] Straight across.

[Carmen] Yeah, for sure.
We can head over there.

-[Bergie] Let's go.

I'm glad we're finally getting to talk.
I did wanna chat to you.

Who are you interested
in getting to know in here?

-You, for sure.
-Okay, sweet.

You definitely know that.
You're my number one.

-I really like Hannah, too.
-Okay, sweet.

She's my number two, which is so bad
'cause you guys are so...

-You guys came in together.
-No. Oh, my gosh.

Her and I are not fazed about that at all.

So tell me a little bit more
about yourself.

I was pretty much raised
by my grandparents in a way,

and then my dad.

I was raised by a single parent
for the first 14 years of my life.

Grandparents have been together
for 55 years, so that's...

That's the goal. You know what I mean?

Long marriage.
Like, all the way to the end.

No, 100%. That's how I feel.

Like, my parents
are so in love with each other.

-[Bergie] Yeah.
-Like, they found their person,

and they've been doing it
for 20-plus years,

and they're still just as in love
and happy with each other.

But it's also taught me
that I won't settle for less than that.

Marriage is a huge thing for me.
I only wanna be married once.

-[Bergie] I don't want to get a divorce.
-No, 100%.

-I have some questions too.
-Okay, I'm ready.

What are you looking for from Love Island?

I want a serious boyfriend.

I'm an extroverted introvert.

Like, I absolutely love staying home
and watching movies.

But then, I also love traveling,
and I love clubbing,

and so it's like finding someone
that does that with me,

and then also sharing interests,
but having our own hobbies.

-I think it's important to...
-Like different things.

...have separate lives
outside of each other.

I'm very picky, and I want someone
that can fit into my lifestyle,

and I can fit into theirs, you know? Yeah.

But I've been looking for my partner
my whole life, so...

I love that. I love that
you're so committed to looking for it.

I was actually very surprised
by my conversation with Bergie.

I think he is the sweetest,

most genuine boy I've ever met in my life.

He's a breath of fresh air, for sure.

I feel like there's maybe more to him
than meets the eye.

[narrator] It's going-to-bed montage time.

Sadly, the slo-mo machine is broken,
so, guys, you'll have to help us out.

Bergie, give me slo-mo toothbrushing.


And, Victor, I wanna see you
take that T-shirt off nice and slow.

-Good night, bro.
-Good night, brother.

I'm sleeping just alone as you, buddy.

-It's over on this bed.
-I know, dude.

Dude, I just realized I don't have to pee.

I kind of have to, like, fart.

So let me try and fart a little bit.

I'll walk ahead of you.

We're here for finding that connection.

I feel like that's what
everybody's here for.

-I push people in the right direction.
-I like that.

-You do?

Good night. I love you, whores.

Three, two, one!

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's morning in the villa.

Guys, I'm testing out one of our brand new
state-of-the-art mini drone cameras.

I'm going in for a close-up on Marco.

A f*cking bug in the bed, bro.

I need a coffee immediately.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

You gotta give me fingers.

It's our first night
not sleeping with Bergie.

I miss him.


How are you feeling over there, baby?

-I'm feeling pretty damn good.
-[Leonardo] Damn good?

I woke up in the villa this morning.

I know! Let's go!

Let's go have a day.

Good morning.

[Marco] Another day in paradise.

-Another day in paradise.

Smile, Marco.

He has nice teeth.

-You do have a nice smile.
-Thank you.

[narrator] Leo's shameless.

He's coupled up with Kassy,

had a hot date with Carmen,
and flirted with Anna.

It's an absolute disgrace.

What do you have to say
for yourself, young man?

I feel pretty damn good.

Did you sleep well?

I slept really good,
and then just had a talk with Kassy.

And then she was just saying
her perspective, like,

how she was feeling, more.

I was definitely being a lot last night
in our conversation,

-so I just wanted to apologize.

Because it sounded like
it was a one-sided thing.

I just felt so bad going to sleep
and I was like,

"Damn, am I an awful person?"

I think with Kassy and I,

we're just a little bit worried
because a lot of girls like you, you know?

I don't think it's malicious.
I just think that it's hard.

Is she still your number one right now?

Um... Oh...


Be honest.

If it is, I'm happy either way,
honestly, cause I love her.

I wanna say
it's like an even playing field,

but at the same time,
as of yesterday, I believe,

I was saying that
I think you're my number one

because I know we have that mutual bond.

It's fun, it's flirty.

And I know, like,
the mutual interest is there.

So I'm definitely gonna be
much better at communicating

'cause I thought I was doing okay,

but I know I could have done a better job.

-[Leonardo] I felt like...
-We're girls, we want an answer.

In that moment.

I don't even know what shape to call
this situation with all these girls.

At this point, I'm in a damn circle,

but, end of the day,
I'm not trying to play any of them.

I'm a bit in a pickle right now,
so I gotta figure it out.

[narrator] Hannah and Carmen
are about to steal two boys.

It's the heist of the century.

They could've spent five months
planning the job

at an abandoned warehouse.

Instead, they're spending five minutes
on a garden seat in their PJs.

We have a decision to make today.

-[Carmen] I know. How are you?
-[Hannah] How are you feeling?

[Carmen] I'm gonna spend today
being like, "Who would I pick?"

-You should too.
-Yeah, no, definitely.

-And I was like...
-Who I see something with.


I have a good vibe with Marco,

so I'm considering that too.

Me and Victor will have a date.

But I would also wanna be, like,

comfortable and have fun and, like...

Yeah, I wanna weigh all my options,

but right now,
it's definitely Leo, Victor, and Bergie.

I had a really, really good conversation
with Victor last night.

We have a lot more in common
than I would have expected off the bat.

So, it's just a lot of moving parts,

and making me a little bit anxious today.

[Carmen] It's hard to be, like...
yes, the guys have the power,

but we have the power,
but they don't know that.

They think they have the power.

I feel like it's a good day
to go into things.

I feel comfortable,
I'm glad we got to know everybody.

So now it's just kind of like,
"Who do we vibe with the most?"


Then we'll make our decision
based off that and keep it pushing.

And, you know, that's life.
Who knows if it's gonna be right or wrong?

This morning, I was thinking about it,
"I wanna make the right decision."

-But who knows?
-I know.

[narrator] When Bergie kissed Anna,
it was a special moment,

because the amount of women
he's kissed in his life

instantly doubled.

[Bergie] I'm gonna be honest
with you guys.

My kissing experience is, like,
close to zero, bro.

-What do you mean?

Well, I've had my first kiss and stuff,
but, like...

I was about to say, "Tell me your
first kiss was not the one at the fire."

-No, no.
-One thing that the girls love...

Grab her like a...

-Grab their neck.
-Right there just like that.

-Just like that.
-But we're not saying...

No, it's like a... Gentle, like this.

That means... They love...

m*therf*cker, practice! Practice!

If you've not got the experience,
I think...

Let them take the lead, bro.
Let them take the lead.

I just kind of woke up this morning,
and I'm like,

you know, it's actually kind of sexy
that Victor is mature.

How did Victor go
from no one was on his heart day one

to every girl's like, "Victor is great."


You're telling me.

He just does that, get close.

No lip... Lip-to-lip, no. It's like...

-Like that.
-Aim for the bottom lip.

-This is how you...
-You have to try to kiss the bottom.

-This is my bottom lip. This my tongue...
-Last thing you wanna do is kiss the nose.

I feel like...
I think I did that the first night.

You know, you ate the whole thing.

Okay. Okay.

-[phone chimes]

-Dude, for real... Oh, I got a text!
-[all screaming]

I got a text!

-Does it make sense if somebody...
-We got a text!

I got a text!

[all cheering]

"Islanders, it's time to see

if your brains match your beauty
in today's challenge."

"High School Dropout."

Oh, shit.

"#HighSchoolHotties. #LessonsInLove."

[all cheering]

[Victor] There you go, my boy.

Hey! No.

Hey, hey. What the f*ck?


-[all cheering]
-Coming up...

[woman] Oh, my God.

"Things that you put in your mouth"!


[all laughing]

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's challenge time

and, in tribute to me,
the girls are all wearing kilts.

I believe that tartan is called
"The Clan MacWalmart."

[all cheering]

[narrator] Today's challenge
is called "High School Dropouts."

It's Team Carmen versus Team Hannah.

I'm gonna go with Leo.

-Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
-[all cheering]

-Let's go.


I'm gonna go with Victor.

[narrator] The bombshells
complete their schoolyard picks,

and the teams will need to think
on their feet

to avoid becoming high school dropouts.

The teams will go head-to-head
answering questions

based on the topic
revealed on the chalkboard.

"Sex Education."

Sex education.

First up, it's Leonardo versus Jasmine.

Your sex education question is...

"Names of sex positions."

[narrator] The first person
to mess up an answer to the topic

will get dumped in the t*nk.

-All right, you got this.
-[others clapping]

-[horn honks]

-Reverse Cowgirl.


Oh, what the...?

-[horn honks]
-Oh, my God!

[all cheering]

[narrator] The winner gets to choose
an Islander to kiss.

And for Leonardo, that's not gonna be easy

'cause Kassy, Anna, and Carmen
are all in his sights.

Okay. Okay.

[others whooping]


I literally was like...

Then we were like... And I was like...
And we were like...

I was like, "Oh, my God!"

On her tippy toes.

Oh, my God.

You said, "I'm gonna give you a kiss."

Of course.

Honestly, f*ck her and f*ck him, really.

It made me think of Anna
in a way of, like... Can I even trust her?

She's telling me one thing,

but she's showing me something else.


[narrator] Next up,
it's Kassy versus Hannah.

The subject is English.

And the question is...

"Words that rhyme with sock."

[horn honks]

-Oh, uh, rock.





Sock rhymes with sock?

-[horn honks]

[all cheering]

Let the booty out, you naughty schoolgirl.

All right, you guys,
the person I wanna give a kiss to is...

-Bergie. I just love him.
-Oh, my...

[all cheering]

[Victor, whistling]

So the kiss with Bergie,
there was a lot of tongue.

He was like grabbing my waist,
so he took charge.

He was manly.

But it was fun.

[Bergie] Okay, how was that?

I couldn't see.

-But it looked good. It looked good.

Still, I don't have a lot
of kissing experience, but I'm learning.

And the third subject is biology!

[all cheering]


Okay. And the biology question is,

"Things that you put in your mouth"!

-[horn honks]




[horn honks]

Why would you say that?

The dramatics.

You earned it, baby. You earned it, baby.

Go get it done.

-Don't look at me.
-[others cheering]

[Victor] Relax.


Yes, Bergie!

I like that he was confident enough
and came right up to me.

It was a good kiss.

I'm not mad about it.

Good job, Bergie!

This is my best day in the villa by far.


[all cheering]

You're going to the bottom,
all the way to the bottom.

Next to go is Kay Kay versus Keenan.

And the geography question is,

"Places you've had sex."

-[all cheering]
-[horn honks]





Wheelchair? [laughs]



[horn honks]


You had sex in a wheelchair?

I ain't gonna lie. Yes. Yeah.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

See? See? It ain't so easy.

[all] Aw.

Come here.

[all cheering]

I won.


There's nobody else I want my lips on.

[narrator] Next in the hot seat,
it's Victor versus Anna.

-Get him, Anna. Get him.
-Go get him.

I'm in your mind right now.

The subject is psychology.

And the question is,

"Things that give you the ick."

[horn honks]



Uh, toes.


-Dirty nails.
-Uh... Moles.

-Dirty armpit.

-Dirty tooth.

-Dirty eyebrows.
-Food in teeth.

-Dirty ass.

-[horn honks]


I don't wanna...

[all cheering]


We have a lot of things in common,

so I wanted to see if we would vibe.

[Leonardo] Take the game, bro!

Yes, take it big!


I aced the chemistry with Victor.

[narrator] Last but not least,
it's Carmen versus Marco.

The subject is domestic science.

And the question is,

-"Foods that look like body parts."








-[horn honks]

[Victor] Oh.

She's teasing 'em. She's teasing 'em.

-Oh, oh, oh, and...
-[all cheering]

[Leonardo] Oh, come on, papi.

All right.

All right. Okay. Okay.


The kiss with Victor was good.
He's a good kisser.

Come on, papi. Come on, papa.

[Victor] It was a good kiss.
I like that she took the initiative.

So, that is interesting.

[narrator] So, victory to Team Carmen.

That was like watching
High School Musical.

If the cast of High School Musical
were dumb, wet, and horny.


Right, back to the villa, you lot.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.


[narrator] The guys are back
from their high school challenge.

It was fun.

Although, Anna,
I will need my kilt back, please.

I've got a wedding on Saturday.

I'm actually really happy
that he didn't kiss me.

I'm really shocked that Leo kissed me.

-I, about, pooped myself.
-Yeah, how do you...

It was a little bit awkward.

No, it was hot.

I can feel that Kassy's
pulling away from me.

I watched her face
when you and him kissed.

I don't know. I just...
It makes me feel like a shitty friend.

-We're all here to find love.
-Yeah, that's true.

Not everyone is always going to agree
with what you do.

So, at the end of the day,
it's okay to be selfish.

Should we talk about
the elephant in the room?

So, he chose Anna.
How did that make you feel?

The kiss was so f*cking awkward
for me to watch.

And I looked at her.

She was, like... going in it.

[Kay Kay] Yeah. She was into it.

She was moving her head and everything.

-And I was like this.

I was really like, "Girl, get a room."

-[Kassy] Literally.

[Kassy] I feel like Leo
is loving everything right now.

He's like a little kid with a new toy.

I'm sorry, I'm not a toy, I'm a person,
and I'm here for the same thing as you.

You gotta tell me about what's going on
with you right now,

because I feel like you really...

I feel like you're really starting to
maybe kind of figure out

a certain direction you're leaning into,
'cause it's a little different.

A little different kiss.

So, this is an opportunity to just
get a feel for other people,

and at the same time, it's a game.

I don't think anyone
should be butthurt at all.

End of the day, a little besito
is not gonna k*ll nobody.

They cannot fault you for that.
As long as you're being open and honest,

they can't fault you
because this is still early.

That's why I'm trying to do my best

to give all these girls
a fair opportunity.

I was surprised you picked Bergie.
To kiss, I mean.

[Hannah] It was just a good vibe.

Even, like,
he kissed kind of passionately.

-How's Bergie? MVP, man.
-You know, I...

I am in a treble throuple.

But I was more attracted to Carmen
on the first night,

but I'm more attracted to Hannah now
than I am to Carmen.

Yeah, she's getting my personality out.

-I'm vibing with her right now.
-Yes, sir.

I like that. Remember I told you?
I said, "We gotta get you out."

And, man, you got out today,
let me tell you that.

That's a fact, bro.

[Carmen] Obviously,
I picked Victor to kiss.

Yeah, how was that kiss?

[Carmen] My top three the whole time
we've been here has been

Leo, Bergie, and Victor.

-And I went on a date with Leo.

I had already kissed Bergie.

It was like, "I'm gonna even everything,
and I'm gonna kiss Victor now."

-You can tell he knows what he's doing.
-[Carmen] Yeah.

-He's grown.
-[Hannah] Yeah, exactly.

-He's kissed some girls.
-He's kissed...

And he's kissed some older women, too.


It was a good kiss with Victor.

He's still talking to other girls,
and I wanna be won over.

Swooped off of my feet, you know?

Which one was your favorite
out of the two kisses you had?

They both kiss good.
But I kind of felt more

-with Carmen.

I was interested in getting to know her
a little bit more.

So, when she chose me for the kiss,
I don't know, I was happy.

Like, we are compatible.

That was cool. That was cool.

When I had to choose who I had to kiss,
I decided to go to Destiny.

I don't know, just to try something else.

I feel like the kiss with Destiny
was really intimate and passionate.

-[Anna] Yeah.
-Like, I felt that.

And, like...

I just don't like it.

Since you're coupled up, do you feel like
you should go talk to her about it?

Just to acknowledge it,
see where you guys are at.


I definitely wanna have
more chats tonight.

Me freaking too.

I wanna see how all the chats move today.
Feel like everyone's gonna be moving.

Things are gonna change.
I just can't freaking wait.

Talking of "bad bitch,"
if there's a day to be "bad bitch,"

it's when you're taking
someone's f*cking man.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

The girls are loving being in a villa

alongside a load of sexy guys
with no ties.

The cheap acrylic ones
the lads wore in the challenge

have gone straight in the bin.

Thank God.

If Victor is in your top two,
raise your hand.

-Victor's a hot commodity.

Can we hear about the kissing?
Because I think I might give him a lesson.

We have to give him a lesson
each day on something.

-Let me see. What's the fit tonight?
-I know I wanna go black pants.

I'll let you choose the shirt
and the shoes.

[Keenan] All right. Bet.

Oh, hell, yeah.

Have you touched the wiener yet?

That ain't none of y'all business.

Do it, Anna. Do it, Anna.
Do it, Anna. Do it, Anna.

That's the one. That's fire, bro.

We're like the Backstreet Boys right now.

Cheers to having sex and falling in love.

[all] Yeah! Cheers!


[narrator] It's not long until Hannah
and Carmen steal two boys.

They'll never get them out of the villa.

Those lads have all got
security tags attached.

But right now, they're just doing
a spot of window shopping.

I'm not good at keeping secrets.

I don't like keeping secrets.

And knowing that I'm gonna
have to steal someone any minute,

it's definitely playing
on my mind, for sure.

-What's the vibe you're getting from me?
-I feel really comfortable around you.

It's also at that crossroads
where I'm like,

"Could it be something?" Or is...

The only way to go is to get deeper
and get to know each other better.

Get to know each other on another level.

Okay. I find myself checking for you
when we're all in the room.

I feel like I'm always
looking towards you.

-Yeah, I look at you.
-No, I know you look at me. I know that.

I like to feel valued.

Marco makes me feel valued.

At the end of the day,

I'm gonna do what's best for me.

On another level, me and Hannah
both might like the same person.

What do we do about that
if we bring it up?

Duke it out in the sand?

Give me where your head's at.
Give me what you're feeling.

And be honest. I like how frank you are.

I like how you're sassy. I'm very sassy.

How do you feel
about me kissing you today?

-Were you surprised?
-I think it was a good kiss.

Okay, good.
I'm glad we're on the same page.

That's how I feel about it.

I've been wanting to get to know you.

-I didn't wanna kiss you in a challenge.

-Not that I'd be opposed to it.

Like, right now,
I'm sharing a bed with Hannah.

Love the girl, you know what I mean?

But I'd be okay sharing a bed with you.

I gotta do me,
and I'm gonna do what feels right.

[Hannah] I'm trying to find love.
I just met Carmen.

I have no loyalty to you at all.

[Carmen] Ultimately, I'm here for myself.

Everyone in here is, including Hannah.

So, I think I know what I'm gonna do.

It's just gonna be
a different villa after tonight.


So direct, huh?

No, we're kind of matching.

-You look beautiful.
-Thank you.

Like, I saw you coming down,
I said, like, "Hey!"

How are you feeling? How is everything?

-I'm feeling good.
-You're a hot commodity.

-What is that?
-Everyone likes you.

I guess. I don't know.

-I just don't believe it.
-You should.

Like, getting to know you,
you're f*cking awesome.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

I'm not really comfortable
with all the attention.

-You handle it well.


I prefer to be relaxed and laid back
and do my thing, you know? Yeah.

But your kiss today was hot with Destiny.

-Which one? With Destiny?

-It was hot?

-I wanna keep getting to know you.

-We have so much more to go, you know?

You gotta see my wild side.

I just haven't wanted to
scare you yet, you know?

I want you to be the way that you are.

And that's something that
I actually love about you, you know?

So, Victor, can I steal a kiss from you?

-Can I steal a kiss from you?

Thank you.

-That feels better?
-Yeah. I needed to get it out.

I was feeling it.

I'm gonna go talk to the girls.

Now that we've done that,

I got that off my chest.

[narrator] It's almost time for Hannah
and Carmen to steal their boys.

So get ready, America,

'cause Sarah Hyland is back in the villa.

Sarah's a big fan of my work,
but she says I do go on a bit.

No problem, Sarah.

When you want me to stop,

just give the camera a wink.

Hi, Islanders!


-[all] Hi.

Please come and join me by the firepit.

Come on, girl.

[Sarah] Hi, Islanders.

Hi, Sarah.

Enjoying your time in the villa so far?

-We love it here.

Bergie, how are you doing?

I was doing great till you showed up,

and now I have some major PTSD going on.

-Oh, no.
-[Bergie] Like, my heart is just racing.

So, last time I saw you,
I was asking you to say your good-byes.


And the next minute,

you're in a hot tub
with these two beautiful girls.

My night went from the worst night
to the best night real fast.

-Love Island is a roller coaster.
-For sure.

To say the least.

How's single life been
since you've been back?

I've been getting to know
a lot of the Islanders now,

and I feel really confident
with a certain someone.

So we'll see what happens.

Oh, Bergie.

Carmen and Hannah, welcome to the villa.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

-It's so nice to meet you.
-I know. So nice to meet you.

How are you enjoying your time so far?

I'm loving it. We were welcomed
with really open arms.

Hopefully, you're well on your way
to finding love, right?

-Exactly. That's the goal.
-That's why we came all this way.

Well, I'm sure that you all
are wondering why I'm here.

-Yes, we are.

[all] Yeah.

Carmen and Hannah,
please come join me here.


Wait, what?

Oh, boy.

Well, damn.

Ladies, last night you received a text

telling you that in 24 hours,

you would each get to steal a boy...

and couple up with them.

Holy shit.

The text also said that
any girl left single will be vulnerable.

Oh, shit.

You had the choice
to share that information

or keep it to yourselves.

And judging by the blank faces
around the firepit,

I'm guessing you kept it to yourselves,
you little sneaky sneakies, huh?

We just wanna see
how we connect with people genuinely,

not knowing that there's a chance of us
coupling up with someone.

We didn't want anyone to be talking to us
'cause they knew they'd be in a couple.

I wanted people to talk to me because
they wanted to, and it was genuine.

I think we made the right choice, too.

What you weren't told

is that today's
High School Dropout challenge

would decide who gets to pick first.

So, Carmen,

as captain of the winning team,

the first decision is yours.


Carmen, which boy would you like to steal?

So, I would like to steal
this boy because...

they've done such a good job
at making me feel special.

I've honestly been really surprised
by our connection

and how much we get along,

and I'm just excited to know them more.

So the boy I'd like to steal...



Thanks, Carmen.
You can now go and join Victor.


Hannah, your turn.

Who would you like to steal?

I would like to steal this boy
because the moment I entered the villa,

he made me feel very comfortable.

I like that this boy is funny.

We have a lot in common.

He is also good-looking, so that helps.

And I'm just so excited
to explore this connection with him.

So, the boy I would like to steal...



Hannah, you can go join Marco.

Destiny and Jasmine,

you now join Anna and Bergie
as single Islanders.

Soon there will be a recoupling.

And the Islander
not picked to be in a couple...

Let's just say there won't be
any more second chances.

Bye for now.

[narrator] Next time...

This is why I don't like to open up,

because every time I do,
people just show me why I shouldn't.

Yeah, I know.

[narrator] There's trouble...

I wanna get to know you so much.

What the f*ck, Kassy?

[narrator] paradise.

Why would you just blindside me like that?

What I've found out is

people don't have the same
honesty and loyalty as you do.