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05x25 - Episode 25

Posted: 04/29/24 19:45
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island USA...

Connections were made.

[Keenan] I really ain't
had nobody to kiss or nothing.

[Leonardo] I don't wanna just stay here

and have the only girl
I wanna be with gone.

[narrator] But Casa Amor

changed everything.

I was just about to admit to her
that I wanted to be closed off.

I want him to just say,
"Okay, Kay Kay, it's you."

Just like I've said to him.

Oh, shit!

I really am interested in you.

-I like talking to you. Okay.

-It's all in my head now.

♪ I like the way
That you're looking at me ♪

What if I find
a genuine connection in here?

I owe it to myself
to put my feelings first.

♪ Oh, oh ♪

In all of my time being here,
I've never connected to someone this fast.

[narrator] And a surprise delivery

turned Casa Amor upside down.

It's a video.

-[gasps] Stop.


Who's that? Stop, I can't see.

"We f*cked"?

He's the biggest dumbass.

He showed us this
while you're sleeping outside?

-[sobbing] This is so f*cked up.
-It's f*cked up as f*ck.

[narrator] Tonight...

it's the epic recoupling.

[sighs] Oh, my God.

[Leonardo] I was really torn about it,
the entire process.

But at the end of the day,
I knew I had to put myself first.

[Marco] My heart has been set on Hannah
ever since I met her.

[Keenan] It's like my head says Kay Kay,
but my gut says Najah.

♪ They show you when I fell ♪

♪ The rain falls ♪

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

In Casa Amor, a shocking video message
left Kay Kay reeling.

My other half recently saw a footage of me
that left her sobbing.

My first stand-up special
has not aged well.

Why do you feel stupid?

Because I feel like
I just gave everything to someone

who didn't deserve it, again.

And I feel like I do this shit
all the f*cking time,

and it just doesn't make sense to me.

It's draining.


He couldn't even respect
a boundary that we set.

He asked me what my nonnegotiables were.

We had this conversation very early on.

The two things was
publicly embarrassing me

and blatantly disrespecting me,
and he's done both of those things.

I just want you to, like,
protect your heart a little more

because that shit just, like,
broke me down.


From what I've seen, every single guy

has been attracted to you
based off your personality,

your looks, and who you are,

and they see your worth,
and it's enough for them, you know?

It just sucks.

You don't f*cking look stupid either.
Stop saying that.

I Just feel it. I feel stupid.

I think I'm more pissed off at me

because I've been the one
f*cking sleeping outside,

being loyal, respecting him.

But he can't even do the same for me.

I just didn't think it would be Keenan,

'cause he's talked
such a big game about trust

and honesty and respect.

That's bullshit. He's a f*cking phony.

Ain't the first time,
probably won't be the last.

Honestly, and I don't think it's stupid
to put your hope in somebody,

your faith in somebody,
and see what they do with it.

I think it's telling.

It says a lot
seeing you break down like that.

Just, like, it says it's a pattern.

Like this... And it really hit.

And I just want you to, like,
really watch your heart

because that... that'll f*ck you up.

-Soul Ties is crazy!
-It's crazy! [laughs]

Again. Again, bro.

Imani, again?
He don't give a f*ck about me.

-That's crazy.
-I don't wanna say that. I don't...

Ain't no way he do.

People don't treat people
they care about like that.


You can't convince me
he care about me right now.

Keenan's a f*cking fraud.

Everything he has told me
has been a f*cking lie, Imani.

-That's what I believe.
-Then that's what it is.

When it's done, it's done.

[narrator] As a dramatic day ends,

Hannah can't stop looking
at the Marco film.

Me neither.
That man has such screen presence.

I could literally watch him say "No"
to his ex all day.

I feel as if we didn't
give ourselves a fair chance.

-At the end of the day...

...I still don't know what the hell
he was smiling about and shit.

Just be calm, just trust him.
It's gonna be all right.

[pop music playing]

[Leonardo] So, the hardest part
is figuring out where to go from here,

because there is nothing wrong with Kassy.

The problem is, there's everything
that is also amazing with Johnnie.

But I wanna be in here to be...

Like, to actually grow with someone
and have a long-term relationship.

-♪ Be this way ♪
-♪ All or nothing ♪

♪ It's heaven or hell ♪

Johnnie and Leo,
you can just tell the chemistry is like...

Hundred percent. there.

[Taylor S] "Hey, Leo. Kassy who?"

-[all shouting]
-Oh, my God!

Were you and Keenan chatting earlier?

He's like, "Oh, maybe I do like Kay Kay,"
you know what I'm saying?

♪ It don't have to be this way ♪

[pop music continues]

-[Kay Kay] Hey!
-You okay?


I'm sorry.

-Thank you.
-I'm sorry.

My heart goes out to Kay Kay.

I can't imagine wanting somebody so bad,

and you get slapped in the face like that.

Dude, if Leo, like, f*cked her,

it would just suck ass.

This is the night to crack on.

Do not wait any longer. If you wanna talk
to someone, tonight's the night to do it.

♪ It's heaven or hell ♪

♪ When every day's the same ♪

♪ I'm happy you left ♪

♪ 'Cause I can't find my head
Inside this mess ♪

All right.

Here's cheers to a great-ass time
with beautiful people.

And thank you so much for welcoming me.

[all laughing, cheering]

[pop music continues]

Cheers to a good night,
great people, genuine vibes.

-Soul Ties is crazy.

And I'm taking applications
to who wants to go back to the villa, so...

[all cheering, shouting]

[narrator] I can't believe
Keenan looked Kay Kay in the eye

and swore blind he was thinking
of exploring other options,

then went and explored other options.

The honesty of that man makes me sick.

I just wanna see how you doing,
and just be here as an ear.

[Kay Kay] Yeah.


Unleash your thoughts on.
I don't even have to give anything back.

I'm feeling so much
that I don't know what I'm feeling.


Um, obviously, I just have, like,
a very sore spot in my chest.

It's like my heart is broken.

[Islanders chattering in distance]

And I think it caught me very off guard.

I just didn't expect
to feel that for any reason.

So, you remember
what we was talking about earlier, right?

Just in terms of, like,
decisions I gotta make.

How are you feeling though?

If I was leaning towards Kay Kay more,
what is your mind-set?

I didn't expect you

to just fall head over heels,
you know what I'm saying?

So, it's like, okay.

Like, not okay, but like, okay.

Like, it's okay.

You just make it so much more difficult.

Why are you...
Why do you have so much integrity?

-It's a compliment.

It's a compliment, it really is.

I feel like we still are progressing,
yet I'm holding back.

Not in a sense of getting to know you,
but in a sense of being more for you,

if you know what I'm saying.

I didn't expect to come in here
and like somebody like I like you.

But it sucks.

Literally, like a devil and an angel.



[Keenan sighs]

I would be a little sad
if he doesn't choose me

because we spent a lot of time together.

I feel like if I think about it,

if I was gonna get picked
and chosen and all that things,

I'm gonna feel upset.

I'm in a tough predicament with that.

-Uh, hold...


Hold on. [chuckles]

-Hold on.

Hold on.

[Kay Kay] I also feel super heartbroken

because I feel like
I gave everything to him.

Like, I gave him my body,
gave him my mind.

Why did I do that? Like...

Why did I do that?

-You know, we all regret things, you know?

But at the end of the day, it's done.


-You're too good for him.

I'm gonna talk to the guys tonight,
and I'm not gonna rule anything out.

I'm gonna pray on it tonight,
I'm gonna sleep on it.

I'm not gonna make
any decisions right now.

-He showed his ass.

And it's done.

So, he made his bed,

um, and he doesn't even know it.

He turned out to be
the best thing I never had.


You definitely...

If anything,
you brought a new light out of me.

Like, it's just been easy. Like, it's...

I haven't felt the constraints.

Is it stressing you out, for real?

-Yeah, a lot.
-Don't stress about it, babe.

I can't help it, I really care about you.
Both of y'all feelings.

I'm in a really tough spot right now.

You have made me extremely happy
in a short period of time.

Man, this is tough.
I wish I had no morals.

In all honesty, every day
it does get harder not to choose

to bring Najah
and keep her here in the villa.

She's literally, like, the honeymoon phase
of what I had with Kay Kay.

No one's ahead of the other.

The more time I spend with Najah,

the more that bond with Najah will grow
and strengthen.

But, man, I still miss Kay Kay too.

♪ Sunshine ♪

♪ Feel it on my skin ♪

♪ Just right ♪

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Over in Casa,
Kay Kay is joining Rob and Brandon.

Hey, guys, if you think you're
a third wheel, raise your hands now.

Do you wanna go for a chitty-chat?

I'd love to go for a chat.
Where you wanna go?

We're gonna go right here
to the table, I think.

-You look so beautiful tonight.
-Thank you.

-Yeah, it's a bit of a tough day.

-I just wanna say I'm sorry. I really am.
-Thank you.

It's not fair on you. You know,
you're a beautiful girl and a great human.

No one should ever be treated like that,

let alone you, all right?

-Thank you.
-Serious. Serious.

-I definitely appreciate it.
-That's wrong.

I just wanna pull you for a chat,
and I kind of wanna apologize

because we've been getting to know
each other a lot,

and I've really enjoyed that.

But I don't feel like I've been able
to give you my emotional energy

or, like, romantic energy

just because I've been obviously, like,
connected to Keenan.


-And I don't know what to do about that.

Like, but I do wanna apologize, you know?

-I understand completely, I promise you.

I promise you. It's very difficult.

Even, like, now I just wanna say, like,

no matter where
your head is at with anything,

I just wanna support you
in any way I can, you know?

I care so much that I just...

You deserve to be happy
more than anything.

Okay, thank you.

Good. I want you to know
there's no pressure whatsoever.

I just wanna enjoy time with you,
have fun, you know?

And then just see, you know,
if something sparks off.

I like the way that sound.

-[clicks tongue] All righty.

[Kay Kay laughs]

[narrator] Personal trainer Mike's mantra
is "No pain, no gain."

Right now, watching Mike
walk off with Hannah,

I'm guessing Dasja's
mainly experiencing the pain bit.

I'm sure the gain comes later.


So, um...
But, yeah, how you been doing, though?

How your chats been?

They've been actually pretty good.

-Um, I've been getting to know Dasja.

She's really cool.
We obviously share a bed.

Uh, she's dope.

But I wanna know where you have
the strongest connection,

not just, like, the easiest connection.

And we kind of just were too scared or,

you know, too reserved
to test our sparks elsewhere.

Yeah. And I think that's the hardest part
'cause we're put in a situation where,

like, you kind of just have to be
out of your comfort zone.

-It's so scary, though.

Like, I've never been put
in this situation.


I feel like you've been
looking at me a little bit.

-Maybe a little glance here and there.

-Okay, so at least you picked up on that.
-Yeah. Okay.

So, in Texas... You said Houston, right?

Yeah, I'm in Houston now, yeah.

I'd say if you're a young single,
Houston's the place to be.

Oh, that's why you chose Houston.

-No, no.
-[laughs] Okay.

I actually chose Houston

because I do fitness modeling
and I do online fitness coaching,

and the fitness scene in Houston
is really great.

How often do you go out?

So, I used to go out
pretty much every weekend,

but now I'm a bit more focused
on my career,

on like, trying to, you know,
build a name for myself.

But I love to party.

If we're celebrating something,
I love to go out.

That was me a couple of months ago
until I started flight school.

'Cause obviously that takes
a lot of dedication and time and work.

It's not easy.

[Mike] When Hannah entered the villa,

obviously there was
initial physical attraction to her.

Immediately in my head,

I kind of just X-ed her out
because of her past with Marco.

But now she's telling me
all these cool things

that she's pursuing in her life,

and it broke down a lot of the walls
I had built up,

just kind of, like, surrounding her
as a potential romantic connection.

I wanna have a partner
who's kind of focused

on doing their thing, their career,
because I'm very focused on mine.


I'm trying to build something for myself

and for the family
I wanna build in the future.

Just trying to find that person first.


Gotta find the right one.
That's why I'm here.

You know, testing out connections,

chatting to a couple, you know,
lovely ladies, such as yourself.

[smacks lips, sighs]

-You know...

-Just all in pursuit to find the one.

So, I just wanted to see

if you would be interested
in sharing a bed with me.

[chuckles] So, yeah.
I mean, if that's cool with you.

-I still have to talk to Dasja about it.

-I feel like I wanna give you a fair shot.

See if the cuddles are there,
see if the physical touch is there.

Just see if we vibe,
if we have the chemistry.

If that's what you want,
I'm really happy about it. Yeah.

Okay. Okay.

Honestly, ever since, you know,
me and Marco just cleared the air,

I'm really interested in Mike.

I think he's gorgeous
and I love his energy,

I love his personality.

I think there could be something deeper.
I think there's a spark between us,

and I just want to see if there's, like,
some kind of sexual chemistry there.


-[Leonardo] Hi, mama.
-[Johnnie] Hi.

What's on your mind?

-[Johnnie sighs]

-[laughing] Just kidding.

I'm ready for the heartbreak.

[Johnnie] How are you feeling?

Feeling pretty good. Um...

I don't think either of us expected, like,
this to be where it's at.

But I thought we'd have a chat,
it'd be whatever.

I would kick it,
and you'd do whatever you want.

But then I'm like, "f*ck.

Why couldn't it have been that easy?"

When I see you throughout the day, like,
I can tell I can't be friends with you.

And I definitely can't just be, like,
a stranger to you.

-You're looking at me throughout the day?


[smacks lips] I can't even lie.

I'd been looking at you, I'm like,
"Damn, shorty look good."



But it's such an overwhelming fuming...

Oh, my God. Overwhelming feeling for me.

-You getting nervous?
-I'm definitely still getting nervous.

[both laughing]

[narrator] Personal trainer Mike
wants to move on from Dasja.

Think of it like a dead lift, mate.
When you're finished, drop gently,

and don't forget to bend at the knees.

Actually, ignore that last bit.

Tonight was an interesting one.

And the reason I say that
is just because I feel like, you know,

this experience is so new
and so fresh and things change every day.

So, like, a part of this experience is,
like, exploring connections

and kind of testing the waters
to kind of see what's right...

-...for long term.

So, you know,
tonight I chatted with Hannah,

and, you know, I feel like there may be
potential for a spark there.

♪ I'm out here on my own ♪

I did tell her that I would be open
to sharing a bed with her.

But I want you to know, like,
I'm not stepping back from you.

I still wanna pursue this connection.
I just kind of wanna give this a chance.



[Dasja] I am honestly pissed off.

We're open to get to know new people,

but getting to know someone is different

from trying to explore
your physical connection

and sharing a bed with a girl.

♪ I'm out here on my own ♪

And then the fact that you still want
to continue to get to know me...

[chuckles] ridiculous.


I don't have time for that.

I know it's, like,
a lot to just dump on you.

Do you feel like this is gonna, like,
negatively affect where we stand?

I don't fully understand
what was the point of sharing the bed

if you wanted to get to know her.

You can chat,

but what was the point
of the whole bed situation?

So, one of my number one love languages
is physical touch.

So, I feel like we've kind of had, like,
good conversations,

like, the vibe's there,
like, the conversations flow.

But at the same time, like,
spending a night with the person,

just kind of being
in the same bed with them,

it really is a chance
for a deeper connection to form.


If you feel some type of way about it,
I'm a grown man...

Do you think I'm okay with it?

["Love" playing]

♪ Daydream ♪

♪ Mind has been occupied ♪

♪ Daily

♪ Staying awake late at night ♪

I just love our Casa boys.

[Hannah W] Isn't it crazy
how people can grow on you?

f*cking Najah was talking to me and shit.

Oh, my God, I almost folded.

-I'm not folding, bro. I refuse to fold!

Are you gonna hop in bed
with Hannah tonight?


He pulled me at the end of the night.

He was, like, sharing a bed with Hannah.

Excuse me?

♪ All of the time ♪

[Kassy] What is it?

-Just grilled cheese.
-Yes, I will take one.

-That is so nice of you.
-[Kassy] What's this?

It's all the bread, all the cheese,
all the butter we had.

These men are built different.

Remember how I was saying, he don't need
to know that we know about the video?

-Now I don't care.

-Y'all can be mean to him if y'all want.
-Yes, ma'am.

-Oh, yes.
-f*ck, yeah!

Can you let me off my leash?
Take off the leash.

Standing there with the leash, like...

-Buckle up.
-The girls are ready to fight.

-Who's up there?
-Marco and Kenzo.

The closed-off boys.
They're starting a boy band.

[both singing]
♪ Kenzo and Marco, sleeping in Soul Ties ♪

♪ Dreaming of Carmen's blue eyes ♪

♪ Hannah, you make me so happy ♪

♪ We kiss you good night ♪

♪ Hope you sleep tight ♪


[Kay Kay] Yeah.

-[English accent] Good night.
-[English accent] Good night.

-[Brandon] Sleep tight, girlie.
-[Carmen] My king.

Good night.

[narrator] The Islanders are in bed,

and fans of long lists of names,
you're in for a treat.

Here's the sleeping arrangements
in Casa Amor.

Destiny's sleeping with Zay.

Kyle's with Imani.

Kassy's with Matia.

Sleeping alone are Eddie,

Brandon, and Rob.

And outside are Hannah, Carmen
and Kay Kay.

Over in the villa,

Jonah's with Taylor C

Bergie's with Taylor S

Leonardo's with Johnnie.

Mike's with Hannah O.

Sleeping on their own are Dasja,

Ashley and Allie,

Marco and Kenzo.

And Keenan is with Najah.

[Keenan moans]

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's morning, and once again,
our camera crew's filming in two villas.

Those guys really have got
their hands full.

Talking of having your hands full,

Najah and Keenan had a lovely night.

♪ To feel the rush, to feel the rush ♪

All right, who is up out here
smacking lips?

There may have been, like,
a smooch or two over here.

Jonah's smiling hard as shit.

[all cheering, applauding]

[pop music playing]

What's up, sleepyheads?

♪ It's a beautiful day
When the sun hits your face ♪

♪ Do it all, feel it all on repeat ♪

Good morning.

Love you guys.

I think we can all agree
that they want Keenan's head on a stick.

-Oh, yeah.

[chuckling] Yeah.

♪ Who loves you, who loves you ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

-[Kenzo] I just miss her, man.
-Me too.

Are we giving sexy?



-Nice and sexy. Good, I like that.
-[Dasja] Why not?

I just wanted you to know,
when we woke up,

like, we're all fine, we're good.

Okay, yeah. 'Cause I was a little worried.

No. Yeah, we're good.

I'm still feeling good
about our connection.

Me too, me too.

Like, it's the strongest one I've felt
since day one.

-I'm not lying. I'm being straight up.
-Yeah, same.

I feel like we could have
a lot of growing to do together too.

-Yeah, I feel that.

[smacks lips] I do think that, like,

I just wanna, like, express to you
if you wanna, like...

You know, if wanna, like, grab my leg,
don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid, okay.

You don't have to be timid with me.

Like, I am the type of person, like...

-I do like that physical touch.

-I'm definitely sexually attracted to you.

And it's hard. I've never broken
that barrier before. You know what I mean?

-I'm attracted... I'm attracted to you.
-Thank you for saying that. Yeah.

You know what I mean? Like, so...

-It's still very early.
-It's still very early.

It's still very new.

I think we're still getting to learn
about each other.

And, like, I do like...

I do like talking to you.
Like, you're a very sweet guy.

I think, like,
there is something here I value,

like, the connection
that we have right now.

So, I'm ready for that too.
I'm ready to take that jump.

-Yeah, that's good.

All right.

I think we're all
in a pretty good headspace.

In a good space.

Leo's doing Leo.

Leo probably has
the toughest decision right now.

You did have a good thing
going on with Kassy. Um...

Which is what's been eating me alive.

Like, I know things with Johnnie
are going great.

It's just eating me alive
how fast things are going.

It's, like, giving me confused feelings
about myself.

-And what I'm really trying to pursue.

I know I'm in deep with Johnnie,

and, like, neither her
or I was expecting that.

And those are almost one of the best type
of relationships you can build,

where it's fully unexpected,

and nothing's planned,
and things literally just align.

-You know?

[Leonardo] It scrambled my head

'cause there's nothing wrong
with what me and Kassy have.

But it's really hard
because with me and Johnnie,

we have such a good spark together.

If she hadn't pulled me,
I would never ever speak to her

because I was set off and happy
where I'm at with Kassy.

So, I'm just torn on what to do.

-Regardless, it's going to hurt.

-Like, no matter what happens.

You're gonna have to have
that conversation...

-...with both of them.

You know? So, like...

But yeah, I think as long as you express
how you're feeling to both of them,

I think they will be very understanding.

Yeah. It's gonna hurt one of them,
like, really bad,

but you just have to deal with it.

[narrator] Carmen's stressing

'cause she's stuck in a villa
on a reality TV show

being hit on by a snake handler
while her other half's in a separate villa

surrounded by single women.

Hey, we've all been there.

I'm really trying to be open-minded.

If Kenzo ends up recoupling, being like,
still getting to know how to open,

I just honestly feel like
it's gonna bring up

a lot of insecurities for me.


[Carmen] Based off my past,

like, my partners have chosen
other people over me.

-So to have that happen again...

I think that's why it's so important to me
when guys make me a priority,

because I've been made to feel
like I'm not one.

But do you think he's like the other guys?

No, but, like, I want someone for once
that's just gonna, like, pick me.


-Hi, baby.
-[Hannah W] Hey, guys.

I made it out.

I'm not doing good.

-I know.
-I don't know how to get out of it.

You're gonna see him. He's gonna
be standing there waiting for you.

And even if he's not, I'll be okay.

[Kassy] You will be.

You're a strong woman.

Keep your head up.

-You're gonna see him.
-[Hannah W sniffles]

I feel like even if I did or didn't see
the video, I'd feel this way.

He became someone who I depend on.

[Kassy] Mm-hmm.

I'm sorry, Hannah.

[Carmen] Imagine that man's
goofy-ass grin up there.

We've seen that man smile.

It's gonna be the biggest one
we've seen from him.

-Little boy smile.
-I can actually picture him waiting.

-He has a baby smile.

[Destiny] He will.

Thank you so much, you guys.
It'll be good.

In the real world, I know that
if I was in the same exact environment

with two girls I wanna get to know,
you're gonna have to pick one eventually

because this shit's just not gonna rub.
But now if they're spread out,

then, of course,
you can get to know them freely.

You know? Without having to interchange...

[phone beeps]

-Did you just get a text?

No, ain't no way.

Yeah, there's a way.

I got a text!

[Leonardo exhales deeply]

[Kassy] Meaningful now too.

-[phone beeps]

-Oh, f*ck.
-Oh, shit.

-I got a text!
-[Eddie] Oh, shit!

I got a text!

Oh, no.

f*ck, bro.


"...tonight there will be a recoupling."

"It's time to decide whether you want

to maintain your current
relationship status..."

"Or recouple with the VIP from Casa Amor."

"...or recouple with one of the VIPs."

[Kassy] "#LevelUp.


[Leonardo] "#DecisionTime.


[Jonah] Here we go!

Oh, shit.

Nobody clapped besides Jonah.
Like, that's how we feel right now.

We're all in distress.



you and I are f*cked!

Shit getting scary.

[Leonardo] This shit is, uh,
terrifying considering, you know...


Is what it is.

[all] It is what it is.

♪ Wondering about those memories ♪

f*cked around enough,
now it's time to find out.


I've never really been in a situation

where I had to, like, contemplate

ending a good thing
for another good thing.

It's just, like,
a confusing thing to really process.

You don't know what you want.

You're kind of still testing things out.

So, that's what kind of scares me.


It's a hard one
because Leo makes me laugh.

Leo is my best friend.

What about his flirtiness?

-Ever since we coupled up...

...he hasn't done that.

But then, like, behind my back,
what is he doing, you know?

It's just a matter of do you trust him

enough to leave behind
a good-ass connection, you know?

♪ We never seem to say ♪

I'm in, like, the biggest pickle,
maybe, so far in my life ever.

I built this amazing bond with Kassy.

And before we left, I knew deep down
it would take an insane girl

to come in to get my head convinced
in another direction.

And that's what's happened
so far with Johnnie.

It feels like I've known her
for much longer

than the amount of time they've been here.

I'm afraid to throw away something
I spent so much time building with someone

for someone who just came in,
as amazing as she is.

It's been eating me alive inside.

Right now, I'm actually, like, terrified

because I don't know
what decision to make.

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

I'm genuinely torn.
I have strong feelings for both of y'all.

I cannot deny how happy
you've been making me feel.

♪ Oh-oh ♪

I don't know if I want that to end yet.

♪ Weight of your words ♪

There's no clarity
because he doesn't know.

So, therefore, I don't know.

And I'm just, like, lost in this house.

I came here with the mind-set
of closing things off with Kay Kay

and not thinking I was even going to find
a connection in here.

But Najah is physically
my type on paper to a tee,

and she brought a lot of things

that I was lacking
in my couple with Kay Kay.

I'm completely stuck.

Split down the f*cking middle, bro.

Oh, f*ck. Oh, shit.

♪ I go under ♪

It's time to make this decision.

And I don't know what the f*ck
I'm going to do.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

The recoupling's looming,

the moment Casa Amor
and the villa are reunited.

Sarah Hyland enters,
and Keenan asks himself the big question.

Is Sarah single at the moment?

Shit, boys.

[Rob] This is it.

♪ I will wait for no one ♪

Tonight is definitely the night
that the whole villa changes.

I'm just, like,
anxious to see what's gonna happen.

Yeah, you can feel the tensions from them.

Please come back single, Hannah.

[Marco] Casa Amor, it exposes people.

It shows what is a true relationship,
what's not.

[Kay Kay] I ain't gonna lie, y'all,

I'm gonna be so pissed off
if he bring that dusty bitch back.

He went from this to that?

I definitely have a pit in my stomach.

I'm already hurting,

so I'm anticipating
the worst to happen right now.

[Mike] I'm not really sure
which way my guys are gonna go.

I'm not sure which way the girls
at the Casa Amor villa are gonna go.

It's pissing me off 'cause I wanted to,
like, really know which one was better.

But right now, it could just be
the honeymoon phase with Najah.

-You get what I'm saying?
-Just go with your gut.

It's like, my head says Kay Kay,
but my gut says Najah.

Is it selfish that I don't want
any of those girls to come back?

-Except for Bergie's girl.

[Leonardo] I have to face the fire.
There's no way around the flames.

I have to go walking through it
because I created it.

You gotta pick a decision
and rock with it.

And if you end up making the wrong one,
time will tell.

[Leonardo] Knowing that I have to crush
someone's heart today

is the worst feeling ever.

I don't know what the right
and wrong decision is to make right now

because it's two great girls.

♪ I will wait for no one ♪

♪ Wait for no one ♪

♪ Wait for no one ♪

♪ Wait for no one ♪

[Marco] f*ck.

Days have gotten longer and longer.

Part of me is nervous
about what happens tonight.

If she walked in with another man,
I'd be totally blindsided.

[Leonardo] Been dreading this night.

♪ Time will wait for no one ♪

Y'all get your popcorn ready

'cause this shit finna get shaken up.

♪ Time will wait for no one ♪

[narrator] The moment has come to find out

who will stay in their original couple
and who will recouple with a VIP.

And at times like these,
you need a Hyland on the island.

Say hello to Sarah.

[pop music playing]


Hi, Islanders.

Something tells me
shit's about to get real.

Oh, f*ck.

♪ Wake up on the floor now
Floor now ♪

♪ You had to get there somehow ♪

Boys, stay where you are.

Girls, please come and stand with me.

♪ This is the time of our lives ♪

[Sarah] Islanders, as you all know,

tonight there will be a recoupling.

Boys, I'm going to ask you one by one

if you would like to stay with the girl
you are currently coupled up with,

or if you would like to recouple

with one of these gorgeous VIPs
standing in front of you.

Bergie and Mike,

you went into Casa Amor single,

so you can either stay single
or couple up.

You should know
that the girls in Casa Amor

have also been given a choice.

To stick in their couples

or recouple with one
of the VIP boys over there.


Casa Amor
is the ultimate relationship test.

♪ To the land ♪

♪ After living songs ♪

[Sarah] Now, boys, it is time
to make your decisions

and also find out
what the girls have decided to do.

We are going to start
with one of our single boys, Mike.

Mike, please stand up.

Mike, you'd only been in the villa
for a few days before Casa Amor.

And although you were technically single,

it looked like you were building
a connection with Destiny.

Well, Mike, it is time to find out
what you want to do.

You can choose to remain single
or you can couple up with one of the VIPs.

I'd like to couple up.

I've definitely been testing out
a few connections.

Testing the waters
with a couple of girls in the villa.

The deeper I got into
the Casa Amor experience,

the more easily, uh,
I was able to make this choice.

Okay, Mike.
Who would you like to couple up with?

♪ Is it left or is it right? ♪

♪ How many days, how many nights ♪

The girl I'd like to couple up with...

♪ Till I find my way home ♪ Hannah O.

♪ There is a light ♪

Congratulations, Hannah.
You can join Mike.

♪ To carry me home ♪

[all applauding]

[pop music continues]


-Hannah, how are you feeling?
-I'm feeling really good.

I'm happy, uh, excited.

Mike, what was it about Hannah O
that caught your eye?

You know, initially, um,
she wasn't really on my radar,

but we definitely had a couple chats,

and we kind of, you know,
had a lot of similar interests.

And we definitely have
a great connection, so...

-Marco, how are you feeling?
-I'm feeling happy for them.

Uh, the door for me closed with her.

But I was so happy to see that
she found a connection with Mike.

And, uh,
I'm very happy for the both of them.

Okay, Jonah, you are next.

Please stand up.

Now, before Casa Amor,

you were technically
coupled up with Destiny,

but you had a bit of a thing
going with Imani.

You now have the choice.

You can choose to couple up with a VIP,
or you can choose not to recouple.

And then if Destiny comes back single,
you will still be together.

What do you wanna do?

I would like to couple up with a VIP.

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

Who would you like to recouple with?

I would like to recouple with...

Taylor C.

-♪ Higher, higher ♪
-♪ So we're off the ground ♪

-♪Faster, faster
-♪ At the speed of sound ♪

[Sarah] Congratulations, Taylor.
Go join Jonah.

-♪ Turn me upside down
-♪ Tonight ♪

-♪ Take me
-♪ Higher, higher ♪

♪ So we're off the ground ♪

-♪Faster, faster ♪
-♪ At the speed of sound ♪

-♪ Closer, closer
-♪ Turn me upside down ♪

Taylor, how are you feeling?

Um, I feel lucky to have found
a connection in here.

From our very first conversation,

it just felt super natural,

um, and I felt like I had just an instant,
kind of easy connection with him.

Well, both Mike and Jonah have decided
to couple up with a VIP.

So I think it is about time to find out
what Destiny decided to do.

And because Jonah has recoupled,

if Destiny comes back alone,
she will be single.

♪ I've been waiting for a ♪

Shall we find out?

♪ Reason ♪

Let's see.

♪ I've been waiting for a reason ♪

♪ I've been waiting for a reason to live ♪

Oh, shit.


Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Before Casa Amor,

Destiny was getting closer to Mike,

but she returned with Zay.

Destiny, you need to bring me up to speed.

Before Casa Amor,
you were coupled up with Jonah,

but you were making out with Mike
in Soul Ties, no less.

Now you're here with Zay, give me the tea.

I was coupled up with Jonah.
I forgot about that.

-But that's true.

[Eddie] Wow!


Destiny is back, y'all.

You just reminded me. Thank you.

Mike looks occupied, so we good.

Destiny, what was it about Zay
that first caught your eye?

He was the first man to approach me.

And he really put all his eggs
in one basket just for me, you know?

And that spoke volumes.

That's so sweet, Zay.

I try.

Well, congratulations.

Destiny and Zay, you are now a couple.

Please go take a seat.

Come on, pooh bae.

[all applauding]


[speaks indistinctly]

[Sarah] Next up,

let's find out what our single girl Imani
has decided to do over at Casa Amor.

Jonah, do you think Imani
would have stayed single

in the hopes that the two of you
might continue anything?

I think that Imani
has a very outgoing personality,

and she gets along with a lot of people.

And I think that
with the right person over there,

she would definitely couple up with them.

[clicks tongue] Well, let's find out.



Welcome back, Imani.

-And hello, Kyle.

Imani, you have decided
to couple up with Kyle.

Yes, I have.

What attracted you to him?


Well, I decided to couple up with him

because we have a great energy and a vibe,

and every conversation
gets better and better.


You had a little thing going on with Jonah
before you left the villa.

[sighs] Yes.

Did you ever think about staying single?

Yeah, I did think about it.

And I based this decision off
of the fact that we said we'd be open,

and if we find something,
then we're going to explore it.

And you found something.



Well, as you can see,

Jonah has coupled up with one of the VIPs
from here in the villa.

So I guess all's well that ends well.

-I only hope the best for you.

Congratulations, Imani and Kyle.

Please go take a seat.

Let's have a seat.

[all applauding]

What's up, buddy?

♪ 2,000 miles away ♪

♪ Can't find the words to say ♪

♪ Used to say up and talk too late ♪

Bergie, the last of our singles,
it is your turn next.

-Let's go. I'm ready.
-Please stand. Oh, Bergie's ready.

-[chuckles] I'm ready to go.

-Tired of being single.
-[laughing] Yeah!

Bergie Berg.

You went into
the Casa Amor experience single.

Would I be right in saying
that you haven't had much luck

in finding love up until that point?

-Yes, I think that is 100% accurate.
-Okay. [laughs]

How were you feeling before Casa Amor?

Honestly, before Casa Amor,
I felt like I was through the wringer.

I've been wearing my heart on my sleeve,
and I was just completely drained.

So, like,
this Casa experience was really good.

It refilled my t*nk,
and I'm ready to go again.

These VIPs are absolutely amazing.

They're all individually unique.

They're smart, intelligent,
and any guy would be lucky to have them.

-[all] Aw.
-Thank you, Bergie.

Bergie... [laughs]

[Sarah] Well, Bergie,
you now have a choice.

It doesn't seem very likely,

but technically,
you could choose to stay single...


...or you can choose to couple up

and start a new adventure with a new lady.

I've been having an amazing time
in here being single,

but I'm definitely gonna recouple now.

Well, I can't wait
any longer either, Bergie.

Tell us. Tell us all.

♪ But you still needed space ♪

Well, I'd like to pick Taylor S.

[cheering, applauding]


♪ Can't find the words to say ♪

♪ Used to stay up... ♪



Bergie, what was the moment

that you knew that Taylor
was the girl for you?

Honestly, our first conversation, like,
the attraction was there,

the connection was there.

I feel stronger with her all the time.

We're on the exact same page,

and I think we have a lot
that we connect on.

[smacks lips] Aw...

Bergie, single no longer.

Let's go.

[both laugh]

Kenzo, you are up next.


Well, before Casa Amor,
you were in a couple with Carmen.

How was it?

I've never experienced a connection
like that in my life before.

Uh, it just got better and better,

and I've always been a sucker
for sunrises and sunsets, you know?

And Carmen came in

and, um,
she blew that shit away, you know?

[all laugh]

Now she's my favorite thing to wake up to
and end my night with.

And I definitely see a future with her
outside of this villa.

Well, Kenzo, you must now decide
if you want to stay coupled up with Carmen

or if you would like to recouple
with one of the VIPs

standing in front of you.

I would like to stay coupled up...

with Carmen.

Okay, Kenzo,
you have decided to stay loyal to Carmen.

If she walks in with one of the VIPs
from Casa Amor,

you will be single.

But if she returns on her own,

she's all yours.

-Are you ready to find out?
-I am.

[sighs] Oh, my God.

[all applauding]

♪ Finally we kissed for the first time ♪

[squeals] Oh, my gosh!

♪ How could I have missed
All of the signs ♪

[Carmen laughs]

♪ You were in my arms ♪

[Carmen laughs]

♪ The day we fell in love ♪

♪ The day we fell in love ♪

-Hello. Hi!
-Hi, Carmen. Welcome back!


♪ The day we fell in love, in love ♪

[Sarah] Oh!

Damn, they sexy!

♪ The day we fell in love ♪

I am not sure I've ever seen
a smile that big in my life.

This is one of the best days
of my life, honestly.

Aw! Carmen, did you think
Kenzo would stay loyal?

I really did.

We got a video that left us, like,
questionable about other boys.

But he wasn't in it,
so I was still feeling good.

But we did get a little heads up

about what's been going on
while we were gone.


♪ Don't be cross with me for my honesty ♪

♪ But I've just gotta let you know ♪

Yo, we ain't get shit.

We ain't get a damn thing.

Did y'all not hear anything about that?

-Hell, no.

Nice little video.

Yeah, it was interesting.


♪ Yeah
I'm sorry that your heart is broken ♪


♪ And I'm sorry that you're not the one ♪

It does seem like, um,
more than one guy in here

was getting intimate with girls and, yeah...

Definitely not a nice feeling
because we were all very respectful.

All the girls in there got to know people,
but no one was moving

disrespectfully to their couple in here,
so they shouldn't.

But to each their own,
if that's how you're gonna move.

♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm sorry ♪

Well, whatever else happens tonight,

Carmen and Kenzo, you are still a couple.

-Yeah, we are.
-Please go and take a seat.

[all applauding]

♪ You and me belong together ♪

♪ I will never let us come apart ♪

♪ You are more than enough ♪

♪ I'll never find a better love ♪

Leonardo, you are up next.

[Leonardo sighs]

♪ Good boys don't do nothin' for me ♪

[Sarah] Before Casa Amor,
you were coupled up with Kassy.

You'd already had a bit of a journey.

How have the last few days been for you?

Last few days have been quite challenging.

The way we left off,
things were going amazing.

There's nothing I could ever say
that's wrong about Kassy.

When my Casa Amor experience started,

I had no interest
in getting to know anybody,

then I got a connection with Johnnie.

Um, I wasn't expecting Johnnie at all.

♪ These wicked games got me open ♪

[Sarah] Well, Leo,
remember the choice is yours.

You can either stick with Kassy...

or you can recouple
with one of these VIPs.

♪ Diamonds and sh**ting stars ♪

♪ Be a fiend is my one desire ♪

What would you like to do?

♪ Sweet dreams and a blackened heart ♪

♪ Blackened heart, blackened heart ♪

♪ I want a natural born sinner ♪

♪ Give me a ♪

♪ Born sinner ♪

♪ Give me a ♪

♪ Born sinner ♪

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Leonardo, who was coupled up with Kassy
before Casa Amor

is about to reveal his decision.

So, will he stick with Kassy
or recouple with VIP Johnnie?

♪ My heart ♪

Well, Leo, remember the choice is yours.

You can either stick with Kassy

or you can recouple
with one of these VIPs.

What would you like to do?

♪ My heart ♪

♪ And hope to die ♪

Really torn about it.
Like, the entire process.

Um, but at the end of the day,

I know I had to put myself
and my feelings first.

♪ I am the truth ♪

So, Leo, who would you like
to couple up with?

♪ Cross my heart... ♪

I would like to recouple up with...

♪ I am the truth ♪

♪ Never tell a lie, never tell a lie ♪


♪ I am the truth ♪

♪ Cross my heart and hope to die ♪

♪ I am the truth ♪

♪ Never tell a lie ♪

♪ Cross my heart and hope to die ♪

[Sarah] Carmen, what's making you laugh?

I'm just a little shocked,
if I'm being honest.

Not that he recoupled,

but, um, we knew that people got intimate
and got close in here.

And we definitely
were speculating on, like,

who would go that far
while having a couple,

and it was never, like, um,

Leo that we considered
that would be moving that way.

♪ It's time to let go of this charade ♪

♪ For sure ♪

Leo, is there anything you wanna say?

Um, end of the day,
I have to put myself first,

and I don't feel regret
towards anything that's transpired

because I'm happy
that I have Johnnie with me.

At this point, like, that's all I can say.

So, y'all was in the Hideaway or...

Oh, in the room?

Whoa. Real deep experience.

Johnnie, I wanna say congratulations.

-You are in a couple with Leo now.
-Thank you.

I am happy that I got to meet somebody

that I connected with
on an emotional level.

Being able to connect
with somebody like that in here,

it was... it was really nice.

Well, Leonardo, you have decided
to couple up with Johnnie.

Let's find out
what Kassy has decided to do.


f*cking c**t. [sighs]

Welcome back to the villa, Kassy.

Welcome, Matia.

You okay, Kassy?

I literally kept saying if it's

the brunette, I know
that he f*cked her, so...

Oh, shit.

♪ Hear the wind blow ♪

That's disgusting. I thought I knew you,

but I don't know you. So do you.

And I'm happy I'm with a mature guy,
um, who's respectful,

so do what you gotta do.

Do what you gotta do.

-Kassy, how was Casa Amor for you?

Um, I remember going in,
and I was telling the girls

how, like,
I really want to go back to the villa,

but then I met Matia.

He's, like I said, mature and wise.

I brought him back
to have more time with him,

and see if our connection
could be stronger

than what I had with Leo.

But now I'm just going to give him
my hundred percent

'cause I know he's gonna give me
a hundred percent.

So, I'm happy I made this decision now.

Did the video have any influence on you
and your decision?

No. I thought it couldn't be him.

We told each other before
that we were falling for each other,

so I was like,
"He wouldn't do that to me."

So, to know now that he pretty much said
"f*ck you" to my face

and slept with somebody
he just met is crazy,

but it shows his true colors, so, yeah.


I'm done, dude. I'm so done.

Leo, is there anything you wanna say?

Kassy did not deserve that.

Kassy is an amazing girl.

What I did was selfish,

and I just wish I could have never put her
in that situation.

I mean, he got voted for fake.
So, you're fake.

You're literally fake.

You told me so much.

You even told me
that you would leave if I left.

So, what the f*ck is this?
Like, for real, what is this?

Like, I don't know you.

I thought I knew you.

I don't know you.

Like, I can't even look at you.

It's disgusting.

Well, Kassy and Leo,
as both of you have decided to recouple,

you will continue your journey
in these new couples.

Kassy and Matia, please go take a seat.

[Sarah] Marco.

You've been sweating and waiting.

Yeah. Hey, you don't have
to call me out about it.

[all laugh]

Marco, before Casa Amor,
you were coupled up with Hannah.

How have the last few days been
without her?

The last few days have gotten
longer and longer without her.

My mind and my heart, um... [smacks lips]

...has been set on Hannah,
you know, ever since I really met her.

Do you think that your Hannah
has stayed loyal to you?

I never doubted it once.

Well, Marco, the choice is yours.

Would you like to stick with Hannah,

or would you like to couple up
with one of these gorgeous VIPs?

♪ You can call on me ♪

♪ Whenever you're in need ♪

You know, this experience has shown me,
you know,

what it is to have
a true connection with love,

what it is to be a man,
what it is to stick by your word.

♪ When things don't go your way ♪

You know, I wouldn't change anything.

Uh, you lovely ladies are beautiful...

but I would love to stick with Hannah.

♪ Will you carry me? ♪

Okay, Marco.
You have decided to stay loyal to Hannah.

If Hannah walks in
with one of the new boys from Casa Amor,

you will be single.

But if she returns on her own,

she is all yours.

Here we go.

[all applauding]

[Hannah W laughs]

My hair...

You look so good.

[pop music continues]

Oh, my. She looks good!

-You can go sit down.
-Already? [chuckles]

[Sarah laughs]

Hi, Hannah.

-How are you doing?

Hannah, welcome back.

Aw, thank you. Happy to be back.

How was your time in Casa Amor?

[Hannah W chuckles]

It was a lot.

Well, as you can see,
Marco decided to stay loyal to you.


-How does it make you feel?
-It feels really good.

I know that he's true to his word.

Uh, before this, like,
we said we're closed off,

and said we're falling for each other.

So, that means a lot to me.

But I'm eager to know what happened.

Marco, you did have a bit of a surprise

with Hannah O arriving. How was that?

[all laughing]

-No way!

-What the hell?

-[Hannah W] No, I knew about that.

-No, I did know about an ex being here.

We got a video, um,
showing us a lot of what went down here.

So, um...

Yeah, and there's a lot of emotions
that we have as a whole

based off what we saw in that video.

-[Marco] Mmm.
-Marco, were you loyal?

[laughs] Yeah.
I was unbelievably loyal, I'd say.

[Hannah W laughs]

I slept outside with my boy Kenzo
every single night.

As a man, when you give your word,
you don't go back on it.

You're so pretty.

♪ We all need something, need a friend ♪

♪ Need a friend ♪

♪ So say you'll be with me till the end ♪

Okay. Finally, Keenan. Please stand up.

How are you doing?

It was tough all these last couple of days
in Casa Amor, you know.

And, um... But I am happy with my decision
that I've come to today.

You've been coupled up with Kay Kay
since day one.

You've had your ups and downs,

and I know that you didn't get
the chance to talk to Kay Kay

before she left for Casa Amor.

Yeah, um, before she left for Casa Amor,

I was planning
to close things off with her.

-Did you close things off?
-No, I couldn't.

And that left
a big question mark in my head

because the only conversation
we had previously

was that we wanted to be open.

I personally felt like...
that our connection was great,

but I felt like that neither one of us
gave anybody a fair opportunity.

I don't feel like either one of us
had really, you know,

dabbled into anything seriously.

I spent the last couple of days
getting to know

one of the VIPs, Najah over there.

And she's lovely, and the vibe was there,
I'm not gonna lie.

And in the back of my mind,
I knew since I told Kay Kay to be open,

I was wondering,
"Is that what she's doing?"

So, I'm going to try to give somebody
a fair and honest opportunity,

and that's what I did.

And I took the time
to really get to know her inside and out.

I did what I felt
was the right thing to do at that time,

and I don't regret anything about it.

[pop music playing]

[Sarah] Well, this is it.

As you know,

you can either stick with Kay Kay

or choose to couple up
with one of the VIPs

that you have made a connection with.

[pop music continues]

What do you want to do?

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

At the epic recoupling,

Keenan is about to choose
between his original girl Kay Kay

and VIP girl Najah.

Well, this is it.

As you know,
you can either stick with Kay Kay...

or choose to couple up
with one of the VIPs

that you have made a connection with.


♪ You march from the shadows
Out from the caves ♪

I would like to...

stay with Kay Kay.

♪ Embrace all the power
Runs through my veins ♪

You know, I don't feel you could
have done anything differently

to have changed the outcome of tonight.

That girl been everything to me
in here, man.

♪ We can be survivors ♪

Keenan, you've chosen
to stick with Kay Kay.

If she walks in
with one of the VIPs from Casa Amor,

you will be single.

Shall we find out?

Come on now. Let's get it.

♪ Are we fighters or are we lovers? ♪

[pop music continues]


Kay Kay, welcome back to the villa.

Thank you.

As you can see,
Keenan has decided not to recouple.

-How do you feel?

not great.

Um, I gave Casa Amor my all.

I explored the connections,
I didn't find one. That's okay.

But I feel like Soul Ties is crazy.

-[smacks lips] Oh, my God...
-I feel like the disrespect is crazy.

[smacks lips]
Don't kiss your teeth at her.

I feel like the lack
of respecting boundaries is crazy.

Nah, f*ck that shit, babe.

You're just not a man with boundaries,

and I can't f*ck with it
'cause you f*ck around and you find out.

-So, you know...

-You look good, baby girl.
-Thank you.

You look good, sexy. You're sexy!

♪ Reach in my heart tonight ♪

♪ Don't love me ♪

♪ Destroy me ♪

[Sarah] Anything you wanna say to Kay Kay?

I ain't capping with anything I said.

I stand on that, period. That's it.

-The video was very 4K.
-[Keenan] Okay, for sure.

For sure.

-The video.
-[Kay Kay] Mm-hmm.

How'd that make you feel?

It made me feel very betrayed.

Made me feel disrespected and embarrassed.

I gave him everything,

and I just felt like
it wasn't enough for him.

♪ Make each other bleed
And we call it love ♪

After what you saw on the video,

were you expecting that
he was going to be recoupling?

I was hoping that he would,
and I would have been happy with that.

♪ The hurt is bad, but it makes us laugh ♪

♪ At least that's what we tell ourselves ♪

Honestly, I have my reasons
for not recoupling.

I do feel I handled myself
as best as I could in this situation.

And I gave her a fair opportunity,
and I stand on it.

I had to honestly see it through.

I feel like I put my heart on the line.

We made clear boundaries,

and those boundaries
were obviously not respected.


I feel like I have decided to come back
and be single.

I deserve better.

And I will find better.



Nah, f*ck that shit.

-What'd you say?
-Talking to my man, Sarah.

You can ask me a question, though.

-What'd you say to him?

Anything you wanna say to Kay Kay?

We'll have our conversation.

I mean, this is the time
to say something right now.

We got plenty of time
to have that conversation.

Kay Kay, are you gonna give him that time
to have that conversation?

I'll think about it.

♪ Don't love me ♪

♪ Destroy me ♪

Well, Keenan and Kay Kay,

you have both decided not to recouple.

Please go grab a seat.

[pop music playing]

Islanders, the recoupling is complete.

Unfortunately, Najah,
Ashley, Allie and Dasja,

you were not picked.

[Najah chuckles]

Your time on Love Island is now over.

You can now leave the villa.

Casa Amor,
the ultimate relationship test is over.

Bye for now.

[narrator] Next time...

Everything you told me,
everything you did for me,

it was fake.

If you didn't agree, you should've told me
right then and there.

I didn't know what our boundaries
are gonna be.

Respect was our boundary.

[theme music playing]