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05x29 - Episode 29

Posted: 04/29/24 19:47
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island USA...

The curtain fell on movie night.

I almost feel like Leo's too good for her.

[others] Whoa!

I don't think you're shallow anymore!

I'm so sorry.

I don't have nothing to say.

[narrator] Emotions ran high...

He's such a piece of shit.

You have shown neither of us respect.

I'm just so embarrassed.

...and Sarah delivered some shocking news.

[Sarah] There are eight of you here.

Half of you will be going home.

I can now reveal that
the girl with the fewest votes...


Hannah O.


[theme song playing]

["Hard Rain's Coming" playing]

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

You've been voting
for your favorite Islanders,

and Marco's ex, Hannah O,

has just become
Love Island's ex, Hannah O,

leaving Taylor S, Taylor C,
and Johnnie vulnerable.

Now it's over to the boys,

where the least favorites
are Leo, Mike, Zay, and Keenan.

It's time to find out
which of them received the least votes

and is dumped from the island.

I can reveal that the boy
with the fewest votes

and therefore, dumped from the island, is...

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Cannot stop what's coming ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ No, you can't stop the rain ♪


What the f*ck?

[Sarah] Please go and join Hannah.

[Kassy] What the f*ck?

-I'm leaving. I'm not.
-Baby, come on. Don't say it.

Stop, dude, stop.

-Can I say something?

Um, I would like
to voluntarily also leave.

I feel like I found what I came here for,

and I'd like to leave with Keenan.


Oh, my goodness.


That's okay. I'm not upset.

It's okay.

This can't be real.

Are you okay?

You're too good for me.

You're perfect.

Before you go anywhere, I just...

I wanna make sure that you are
absolutely happy with your decision.

No regrets.

Why you saying it like that?

-Yeah, it sounded mad disrespectful.


I'm being disrespectful?


Okay, then.

Come on.

Thank you.

Boys will be boys, right?

Taylor S, Taylor C, and Johnnie.

Leonardo, Mike, and Zay.

["The Dark Horse Always Wins" playing]

You are all still vulnerable.

One more boy and one more girl
are going home tonight.

I am now going to reveal,
in no particular order,

who is safe, based on America's votes.

♪ And drown me in your reign ♪

♪ Bring me to the water ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ And drown me once again ♪

The first girl safe is...



♪ The dark horse ♪

♪ Dark horse ♪

♪ Dark horse ♪

♪ Deliver me from evil ♪

♪ Deliver me from sin ♪

The first boy safe is...


What the f*ck?

Bro, what the f*ck?

Oh, my f*cking God, bro.

I can now reveal

that the final safe girl is...


What the f*ck?

[Sarah] Taylor C, your journey
on Love Island is over.

Johnnie, you can go and take a seat.


Can I talk?

-[Jonah] All right.

So, people have been asking me questions

about how I feel about Taylor C.

I told the guys before I came out here,
I said, "Look..."

Uh... [chuckles]

I said, "I've had a great experience.

I came in expecting nothing,
open to everything."

If I had had a box of checklists,

I would have checked them all,
and it ended with her.

I felt like I made such a great,
genuine connection with her

that was so deep.

And for me,

I don't wanna continue
this experience if it's not with her.

I feel like I've completed
my Love Island experience.

-You wanna leave with Taylor C?
-Yes, ma'am.

Jonah, you can come and stand by Taylor C.

Thank you.

And finally, boys,

I can now reveal
that the final safe boy is...


Hannah, Kay Kay, and Keenan.

Please come and join us.


Jonah, Taylor C, Mike,

Hannah O, Keenan, and Kay Kay.

Your time on Love Island is over.

Now, that's what I call a Red Wedding!

I will leave you all
to say your good-byes,

and the rest of you,
I will see you very soon.

I don't want you to leave.

I see you as my brother.

-Don't make me cry, bro.
-Bro, so cry.

I'm not mad at you anymore.

That's cool.

Look, something good came out
of tonight, though, all right?

Trust me.

Okay, good.

She has my heart, and she knows that.

As many mistakes as Keenan's made,

he's still a human,
and that man has great qualities.

He's the first one to give you a hug
if he notices that you're feeling sad.

And, you know, I'll miss him a lot.

There's honestly...

You guys have
such a really good connection.

I really do see you guys
ending up together.

Me, too.

-And I better be a bridesmaid.
-You will.

Honestly, if you don't wife her up,
I will.

f*ck, okay.

So just watch out.

I'm gonna miss Kay Kay, gonna miss Keenan.

They were people I knew since day one,
but they're both...

They mean the world to me.

I came here to find
my genuine connection with Kay Kay.

It took whatever it took
for me to figure that out.

That's what I came here for,
and I got that.

-Mama's leaving, okay?

That's what it feels like.

Mama's leaving.
I need for the kids to be okay.

You take everything that I've told you,

and you apply it every day.

I've never met anyone like her.
Never met anyone like her.

She's just such a beautiful person.

So, it hurts my soul...

to see her leaving.

It really does hurt my soul.

I'm sorry it took me so long.

And I'm sorry
this terrific girl right here

had to go through what she went through.

Y'all know I love this girl right here,

and I have no problem saying it
with my whole f*cking heart.

What do I win now, for saying that?
Nothing but her.

Each and every one of y'all is special,

and I love every single one of y'all.

[Kenzo] Bye, guys.

Bye, you guys.

Bye, guys.

["Won't Let You Down" playing]

♪ I know you're praying for an out ♪

It's, um, you know, sad to be leaving.

It was one hell of an experience,
for sure.

It's been one hell of a ride.

[Mike] If there's one thing I learned
in here, it's to always follow your heart.

Definitely sad to go, but, you know...

Happy I get to hang with my girl,
Hannah O, for a bit.

[Taylor C] I'm feeling bittersweet.

I am sad to leave the girls and the villa,

but I am really happy to have Jonah.

[Jonah] There was no doubt in my mind, um,

that I was going to be
walking out that door with her,

no matter when that was.

So, if that was today, that was today.
No regrets.

[Taylor C] The next chapter,
I think we'll probably head to Cali.

See what happens down there
and, yeah, go from there.

See if she abandons me at LAX or not.

Shut the f...

♪ No matter how it goes ♪

Tonight did not come as a shock to me.

Taking into account my actions

and, you know, how I made this girl feel
when she was over at Casa Amor,

I deserved to be there.

I'm crazy as f*ck
for taking this long to confirm it,

but I'm happy that I did.

I'm happy that everything happened
the way it did.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have had
the clarity.

It was an amazing experience, honestly,

and I wouldn't change anything about it.

[Kay Kay] I'm sad to be leaving
my friends, but I know this isn't the end.

I'll see them again.

And I couldn't be more happy
than to be leaving with Keenan.

I feel like I came here to find love,
and I feel like I found love.

This girl's heart is way bigger
than her height, I'll tell you that.

So, I know she's giving
all that heart to me,

that I got somebody special.

We are extremely excited
to go take on the world,

to go take on this future
we're trying to build together.

And I just can't wait to get started.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

The most dramatic dumping ever is over.

[narrator] It's been a difficult night
for the Islanders,

and a nightmare
for the Love Island USA travel team.

Those two extra last-minute flights
were not cheap.

But at least Bergie's happy.

-Glad you're still here.
-Thank you.

Yeah, I was a little nervous.
Not going to lie.

I know. I was... Honestly, I...

I genuinely didn't know.

-[Bergie] So how are you feeling?
-Um, I'm feeling good.

I... Honestly, everything that
kind of happened tonight

is super unexpected and...

Yeah, 'cause if you'd asked me
who was going home, that was not it.

How is Leo still here?
I'm sorry, but how is he still here?

I don't see what America sees.

I don't know what happened in Casa Amor.

Like, I trust Keenan.

Especially over Leo.

Because Leo literally
had sex with another girl.

And it was not fun
watching you up there, either.

I know. It...

Honestly... it just made me think...

it sucks that America
doesn't see faith in our connection.

But I get it, too.

I resonate with them
because we are so new.


-And we're still figuring things out.

But I'm comfortable,

and, like, I am assured of our connection.

I am too.

I know, emotionally connected
with you probably the most.


And just how you act
in front of other people.

I find great attraction in that.

-You're super relaxed.

Today, too, with us...

I kind of find myself getting jealous
when I can't talk to you.


I love that.

Seeing Taylor S almost leaving
definitely lit a fire in me,

like, "Okay, we really
need to explore this connection

and see what potential we could have."

You're the strongest girl
that I've connected with,

and I want to just keep
pursuing that and go all out.

-You mean I'm the strongest connection?
-Strongest connection.

-You may be the strongest girl in here.

-I don't know.
-I don't think so.

I feel like Hannah is the strongest girl.

-Hannah might be strongest emotionally.
-I agree.

-We're still here.
-We're still here.


So, you know...

Take it off. Strip for me.

We're still here, baby.

I'm just glad we get to spend
these days together.

Everybody sees
the love that I have for you.

-You love me?
-Oh, yeah, totally.

-And I'm glad to see...
-I love you, too.

-Shh. Don't tell nobody.

Not a doubt in my mind.

My whole heart on the line,
I can definitely say I love Hannah.

Every part of her. Every day.
It just gets stronger and stronger.

I want her being in my life.
I want a future with her.

I'm just beyond thankful for it.

I know. I'm so happy you're here.

-[Marco] Well, it was a rough night...
-You're my best friend.

I'm what?

I said you're my best friend.

So, I'm happy. Obviously.

I'm just so happy I have you here.

If you weren't here, I wouldn't be here.


I definitely do love Marco.

"Why do I love him?" is the question.

Because he gets on my nerves.

I argue with him. He farts.

He's so sassy.

But for some reason,
I'm definitely in love with Marco.

And I've never been in love with anybody.

[inhales, exhales]

Let's go shower.

Hey, come here. Come here. Come here.

Oh, f*ck, my lipstick.

The night's over.

-I know.
-What the f*ck do you need lipstick for?

Because for me.

[narrator] Air Force man Zay
is relieved he's not going home.

We are not.

Zay's mates were going
to pick him up in an F-*5.

It would have saved us
the cost of a plane ticket.

It was really hard.

Kay Kay and Keenan are my people.

My support.

I'm just kind of speechless,
still thinking about...

I'm still replaying it in my head.

If I would have went home,
I would have went home

with a bunch of regret that I didn't get
everything out of this experience.

[Destiny] Yeah.

As long as you just use your time...

here to the fullest,

I think that's what matters the most.

I mean, I'm here for you.

I know you're here for me.

And I think that's what matters.

Even though our connection has been
apparent since the very beginning,

I feel like one of my regrets would be,
if I would have left,

that I didn't explore other options.

So wait, you telling me
when you were stood up there,

you regretted not talking to other people?

I feel like if I would have went home,

I would have not
left everything on the line.

Because I haven't talked to anybody.

Everybody here has talked to other people.

And have gone through
the ups and downs with other people.

-And I just like...
-All right, Zay.

I'm emotionally drained right now.

I just lost a lot of people.

And you're entitled
to feel however you want.

But what I will say is that

just keep me updated
on what you do choose to do,

because I may or may not be there...

um, after you do it.

I feel like I should be allowed

to go talk to other people
in here and get the...

That's what Love Island is.

Isn't it?

You're asking me that?

That's what I feel like it is.

I feel like I tell her how I feel
and she just gets defensive over it,

and is like,
"No, you're not allowed to feel that way."

And then blames me for how I feel.

It should be okay to talk to other people.



Just processing the night, you know.

A lot just happened.

Do you feel hurt right now?

-By who?

Do you feel like
I've just listened to you?

Okay, good.

Well, I'll see you in bed.

-Go ahead.

["Don't Even Know My Name" playing]

[narrator] The Islanders are off to bed,

while over at Fiji airport,
Mike's asked for a window seat,

Jonah has asked for an aisle seat,

and Keenan's asked for
the check-in lady's phone number.

-That was a m*ssacre tonight.
-Full-blown slaughter.

No, I was not expecting that.

Are you and Kyle...?

No, that's over.

♪ What in the world are we ♪

♪ Not in my wildest dreams ♪

I really appreciate
how Bergie's made me feel

and I'm like,
"Why not express that to him?

-I told him that.
-Oh, shit.

-Wait, what did he say though?
-He said he'll sleep on it.

-You're sleeping in the rain tonight?
-I'm sleeping in my bed. Shit.

He said it.

♪ What in the world are we ♪

♪ Not in my wildest dreams ♪

♪ Can't even find my mind anymore ♪

♪ What in the world are we ♪

♪ Not in my wildest dreams ♪

♪ Don't even know my name anymore ♪

♪ Don't even know my name anymore ♪

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Last night,
six people left the villa in one go.

Bad news for them,

great news for the Fiji airport duty-free,

who recorded their highest sales
in ten years.

Good morning, guys.

-Good morning.


-Feels a little quiet in here.

Where's Kay Kay when you need her?

-Let's go have ourselves a f*cking day.

Where's my boy Kyle?

-f*ck is that guy?
-Probably in Soul Ties.

Did Kyle sleep in here last night?

[Bergie] Does anybody know what happened?


I feel blessed to be here, though.
I feel good.

I feel blessed to be here as well.

I feel bad being all happy
and everybody sad.

Good morning, guys.

-Good morning.
-New day.

-You good?

Damn, bro. I was just confused.

You and I both, but it is what it is.

What's going on, bro?
What was that chat last night?

She just wouldn't listen to me.

With her, it's her way or the highway.

[Jay] It's exactly how it is.

Do what's best for you, bro.

If you're genuinely not...
If you feel deep in your soul,

deep down in your soul,
you know, you're not happy.

You got to lay it out there, dude.
You have to.

Otherwise, you're going to be doing things
to make other people happy,

which is just going to
make you miserable in the end.

Yesterday and last night,
I had kind of successfully

advocated for myself
and stood up for myself.

And I deserve to be here
just like everybody else.

I deserve to find whatever is here for me,

and I shouldn't feel bad for that.

I'm just going to go talk
and do what I need to do.


There's no way to avoid the bullshit.

You're just going to have to go
through it, one way or another.

You know what I mean?

How are you and Zay

after all that yesterday?

Well, I'm chilling.

I'm not really sure how he is.

Just because he had a lot of emotions.

I hope he's had time to sleep and think.

-And go from there.

Zay is who I would like to pursue,

focus on, close off with,

and Zay just has to take that

and believe it has to be
enough for him, though.

Bro, it doesn't matter what way you go.

You're going to make someone unhappy
somewhere along the way.

There's really no way to avoid it.
It is what it is.

I keep thinking
there's this perfect route...

-There is no perfect route.
-Absolutely not.

You can't...

And the quicker you realize that
the better it will be for you.

With the boys, what's everyone thinking?

Is there any conversations
that need to be had today?

Yeah, well...

It's still Matia.

You know, romantically,
I closed that door with Leo.

But at the same time, I really don't know
where Matia's head is at.

It's just him right now.
You know, I'm just feeling him,

and I'm going to keep on showing it.

But there's only so much I can do.

We kissed last night.

It was steamy kisses. It was hot kisses.

It was like, "Okay, this is good."

This is going back to like
how it was in Casa.

We were both feeling each other.
The energy was there.

I'm just following my heart,
and hopefully, soon it'll pay off.

We'll see.

You know, when you like...

you want your feelings to change,
but they're not changing, so...


It's quite apparent that Leo does
want to try things again with Kassy.

Yeah, the whole situation got f*cked

'cause he's trying to pursue her,

but then that situation turned me off.

And now I feel like that romantic spark
between me and her is kind of shut

because of how she made me feel.

With Kassy, last night, she was showing
a little more affection,

and I did appreciate that.

But I don't know. It's really tough.

Once I kind of have that
little seed embedded in my brain

where someone's made me feel like
I've been made a second option,

it's really hard for me
to shake that out of my head.

I'm actually here to find
a genuine connection,

and I feel like
that romantic spark with Kassy

definitely took a massive hit.

So, yeah, I don't see a point
in dragging things out

if it's not there, so...

Oh, man.

[narrator] Johnnie and Matia
are catching up.

Matia is still upset
'cause Kassy hurt him.

Makes a change.

After Matia's tattoo artist spent
three years sticking hot needles in him,

Matia paid the man handsomely.

So, what's going on?
How do you feel this morning?

After a good night's sleep and all that?

I feel a lot better.

I feel like today
I want to remain positive.

I'm here for a reason.
I don't want to waste the opportunity.

I feel like this morning,
I have a lot of clarity

with how I feel.

I really respect Kassy.

I think she's an amazing girl
but at the end of the day,

she still made me feel the way I felt.

So, I think the mature thing to do
is just cut it off and let her know

I'm more in this as
a friendship thing now at this point.

And I think I'm going to pull Leo
and just let him know

that I'm going to remove myself
from the situation

to better his chances
of fixing what he f*cked up.

Yeah. I feel like you should pull
Kassy first.

-Yeah? Okay.

And then... I think you're great.

So, get to know you and just enjoy
the rest of my time here.

-And... yeah.

Matia's great.
I feel like we have a lot in common.

Obviously, I know he's good-looking,
but he has some unfinished business.

I don't want somebody
that's literally weighing us out again.

I'm excited, you know,

to chat once you're fully, you know...
got your shit squared away and settled

because I do feel like
we have a lot in common.

Yeah, that's good.

[narrator] Leonardo's planning
more treats for Kassy.

I'm always treating my other half.

Last night, I took her out
for a classy dinner.

Money? No object.

Although I think ordering
extra-large fries was a bit cheeky.

[Leonardo] All right, so listen.

Here's my plan
for what I want to do tonight for Kassy.

It's like a dinner date type of theme.

-It's a date night theme.
-Date night theme.

Everyone will be down to help.
I know that.

So you just let us know
what you want us to do, and we got you.

You guys are just going
to be, f*cking, the bartenders.

Okay. And then we could do courses
all similar to what Kassy likes.

-This will be fun.

[Leonardo] And then I'm trying to think
of a grand finale

for when I pour out my f*cking heart.

That's when I'll be saying
exactly what I feel about her.

-How do you feel about her?

-[Hannah W] Hmm. That's the question.

[speaking Spanish]


Every time I'm around Kassy...

She just makes me feel lit up inside
in the best sense possible.

She just makes me feel
like a little kid again.

We have such a great time
talking about anything,

and my experience in this villa
would not be the same without Kassy.

If there's no Kassy, there's no me.

And my gesture tonight
isn't to change her mind to be with me,

but to show her exactly
how I feel about her.

Yeah. I'ma just pour
my entire f*cking heart out.

Yay, Leo.

You know, if I'm lucky,
maybe I'll get a little besito in there...

-...but we'll see.

How'd your chat go with Matia?
I saw you guys talking.


I did tell him

that I wanted him to
be able to talk to you first.

Because, like it was with Leo,
this is between you guys.

But as somebody that cares about you,

I should probably just be open

and just tell you exactly
what he said to me,

which was that he was interested
in getting to know me.

-I said you have to be open with Kassy.

Be open with what's going on,
things like that.

I was like, "Because that's what
happened with Leo."

If I'm being honest,
that's really surprising.

I didn't expect that he never
brought anything up to me.

And last night...

we were in bed
and we kissed and stuff, we made out.

But I'm glad it wasn't more.
It could have been more.

I'm a product of that.

Yeah. I could tell he wanted more,
but I was like, "No."

I would have been stupid

if I went all the way
last night or whatever,

beyond kisses with him...

I feel like I've been honest
with Matia from...

the get-go, since Casa Amor.

I get it.
We come in, a bunch of shit happened.

I told you, "Explore."

I communicated. "Explore, then."
"I don't want you waiting around."

But why would I make a fool of myself

if you're not even going to give me
that type of energy in return

because you're already showing
that your interest is somewhere else?

Thank you for telling me.
Thank you for expressing it.

I wish I heard it from him first.

Yeah. And I definitely wasn't going
to pursue anything in that sense with him

unless he talked to you about it.

-Unless you guys were on the same page.

It sucks because we don't want that.

We don't want to be
in this love shapes or anything.

We're in a love square.

Love square. Yeah.
We don't want any of that shit.

[narrator] Fortunately for Zay,

he's always kept his feelings
under his hat.

Unfortunately for Zay, that's the hat.

How you doing?

I'm doing all right.

I am doing all right. Um... [sighs]

I'm terrible at expressing my emotions.

Absolutely terrible.


It is something
I've always struggled with.

When I told you that I wanted
to make your life easier, not harder,

I sincerely meant that.

And I do mean that and I stand by that.

What put things into perspective yesterday

was standing up there
and being vulnerable.

And I know that if I would have went home,
I would have went home with regrets

that I didn't try harder,
that I didn't be open more.


[Zay] And my objective
is to not play games with you.

Me playing games with you would me...

-Would be me doing what I...
-[phone chimes]

Oh, shit. Text.

-I got a text!

-There's a text.
-[Carmen] I got a text!

She got a text.

Oh, tits.

Which you would...
You can finish that sentence.

It would be me doing what I...

-[Leonardo] Yo! She got a text. Destiny!
-Let's go.

Oh, my, oh, my.

I was talking to Destiny,

trying to let her know that I wanted
to be a little bit more open

and see if there were
other connections around.

Call it divine timing,
but the text came in

and I wasn't able
to get that point across.


[reading hashtags]

[all cheering]

Hey, you guys better be cheerleaders.

That's all I got to say.

We're on the squad. Yeah!

Give me an L. Give me an O.

♪ Let the games begin ♪

Yay! A challenge!

Yes. This is exactly what we need.

So many people got k*lled off
last night during the Red Wedding.

Please, just let it be drama-free.

♪ Let the games begin ♪

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

In today's challenge,
the Islanders are getting to live out

their Big 10 Saturday Night
football fantasies.

I wanted to join in,

but they couldn't find
a cheerleader outfit to fit me.

And lucky for us all,

Big Ten Football is coming
to NBC and Peacock this fall.

This extra-special challenge is called
Big 10, Mr. Quarterback.

The boys are competing
to be crowned Mr. Quarterback,

and they'll have to run
some serious offense

if they want to score with their ladies.

One by one, the boys will show off
their footballing prowess.

[all cheering]

[narrator] And first up, it's Kenzo.

[girls cheering]

Oh, my God! He's spinning.

[narrator] Using their foam fingers,

they must catch three footballs
in the revolving end zone.

-Oh, shit!
-Oh, my God.

[all screaming]

What the hell?

[Marco] You're better than that!

[all cheering]

Go get 'em!

Then it's time to take out the competition

by taking out training pads
with all the boys' faces on them.

-[Hannah W] Careful now.
-[Destiny] Yeah, Kenzo!

[girls cheering]

[narrator] After picking a cheerleader,

they have to score a field goal
with a football

that's either very close
to the camera or really massive.

-[boys] Siuuu!

Yay, Kenzo!

And to reward them for their hard work,

they get to kiss their cheerleader
under the sports drink shower.

[all cheering]

[narrator] Just to be clear, I'm Scottish,

and I have literally no idea
what's going on.

[all cheering]

-That was hot!
-That was sexy.

So make it tonight. So make it.

We don't really care
that everyone's there.

We'll use any excuse to make out.

[narrator] Next up is Bergie.

[girls] Let's go, Bergie! Let's go!

That was close.

That thing is spinning.

-You got it, Bergie. Let's go!
-Bergie, let's go!

[all cheering]

Come on, Bergie! Come on!

I did play four years of college football.

-Let's go, Bergie!
-[all cheering]

Absolutely loved putting on the pads
back on one last time.

I felt like a Big Ten athlete right there.

-You got it!
-[Islander] Come on, Bergie!

[girls cheering]

-Why was that so smooth?
-That was good.

[boys cheering]

He came to do what he had to do.

[boys cheering]

Bergie was giving, you know,
big-d*ck energy.

[Hannah W] MVP!


[all cheering]

Let's go, Bergie!

Bring out the dog, Bergie!

Bring out the dog!

Yeah, baby!

When he had that football jersey on today,

definitely was a major turn-on.

[narrator] Up next, it's Marco.

[all cheering]

[all screaming]

I like that!


Competition runs in my blood.

The Donatelli way is not the losing way,
it's only the winning way.

[all cheering]

I was like, "That's my man!"

[girls] Marco, Marco, he's our man.
If he can't do it, no one can.


-[Marco grunts]
-[Hannah W screams]

Oh, shit!

Hannah looked stunning
in the cheerleading outfit.

She's was gorgeous,
the only cheerleader I wanted to go up to.

[all cheering]

[Marco] It was a dream of mine always
to win a championship

and pick up a cheerleader.

[all cheering]

We had our kiss the Marco way.

There was some dancing.
There was some humping.

[narrator] Next up, it's Matia's turn.

Oh! Right in that booty.

[all cheering]

Oh, my God!

You got it, Matia.

You got it, Matia!

[all cheering]

He seemed angry.

Why is Matia so angry?

Damn! He said, "Boom!"

Oh, go ahead! Go ahead!

This guy's caused me
nothing but a f*ckin' headache,

so I'm gonna beat his ass
and kiss his girl, baby!

Holy shit!

[Matia] I didn't see Kassy's reaction
when I picked Johnnie.

I thought people were just
going to take it as just for fun.

f*ck that shit.

Ooh. That's embarrassing.

That was ballsy. Yeah.

[boys cheering]

Go, Johnnie!

Go, Johnnie!

[Leonardo] Seeing that didn't make me
feel a type of way.

I could care less what Johnnie's doing,
but it was also like,

"More of a green light
to pursue hard with Kassy

and just show her how I feel."

-It's like, "Dude, come on."

-Come on.

Come on.

Solid wordplay. Solid wordplay.

Hey, shows his true colors, though.

I didn't know he was going to come.

Weren't you guys making out last night?


What's happening right now?

[narrator] Zay is next to step up.

[grils] Go, Zay! Go! Go, Zay! Go!

[girls cheering]

I kind of went back
to my old football techniques.

Is this what you want?

[all cheering]

[all cheering]

I don't know what is going on
with our Casa boys.

It's like there's a blue moon.

He said, "I'm throwing you overboard!

And you overboard!"

No more Mr. Nice Guy!

I feel like nice guys always finish last.

And, like... That's literally me to a T.

[all cheering]

Oh, shit!

This is interesting.

A challenge brings out
the true feelings of people, so...

[Marco] No more Mr. Nice Guy,
Sergeant Dan!

That shit was weird.

Go, Kassy!

[girls cheering]

I kissed Kassy because
I wanted to put myself first

and put my feelings first,
regardless of what anybody thought.

[boys cheering]

I'm terrified of Destiny.

Not scared, terrified.

Um, so, I hope she knows that
I was caught off guard by that shit.

I literally did not expect that.

Girl, plot twist. Plot twist on plot twist

-on plot twist on plot twist.
-[Marco] Wow. That was...

-That was a good move, buddy.
-Bold move, baby.

f*ck that Mr. Nice Guy shit, baby.

-What is happening?
-I don't know.

What the f*ck?

[narrator] Kyle is next to go.

[all cheering]

Oh, no. Oh, no. You okay!

[all cheering]


[all cheering]

Oh, God. Kyle.

It was very performative.

He's good at putting on a performance.

I'm happy everyone else is seeing it, too.

Oh, shit!

[all cheering]

It's okay!

It's all right!

People sleeping outside
should never laugh!

He showed his ass.

What the f*ck is happening?

This is awkward.

-He said this is awkward.
-It's awkward.


I chose to kiss Johnnie
because her ass is fine as hell,

and I am an open, free man in here now,

so I have every right to do so.

[Marco] You got major kahunas, 83!

I'm very confused by it,
but shit, I'm here for it.

Spice up the Villa.

Those Casa boys brought it today,
it was extremely fun to watch.

It's okay, baby.

The master f*cking arrives!
Let's f*cking go!

[narrator] Now it's Leonardo's turn.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, my God. Don't hurt yourself.

Bend your knees!

[all cheering]


Oh, shit!

[all cheering]

Oh, shit!

Oh, shit. Got him!

-Get him!
-Go get him, Leo!

-[Islander] Let's go!

How does it feel to be my backup?



Leo came for blood.

Y'all are some fine ladies...

but I don't want none of y'all.

I want you, Sneaky Link.

At the end of the day, that's the only
girl I would ever want to kiss.

Hey, it didn't work the first time,

it sure didn't work the second time.

[Leonardo] Third time's the charm!

The third time is the strikeout!

Yeah, Kassy!

Felt like old times when I kissed Kassy.

I just want to do that shit
inside the villa.

[Kassy] It's also just a game.

So, that's not effort, it doesn't count.

[narrator] Now the cheerleaders
have to choose their Mr. Quarterback.

Tough decision,
but the ladies have decided

the man who really showed hisself today,

the real man,

Mr. Quarterback is...

-No way.

[all cheering]

Being Love Island's Mr. Quarterback
is an absolute honor.

I don't know how I won it,

but the girls thought I was the
best option, so I'm going to ride with it.

[boys cheering]

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Matia and Leonardo are heading for a chat.

Do the cheerleaders think
that's a good idea?

Give me an N!

Give me an O!

What does it spell?

You get the idea.

Taylor's like, "Come close to me now."

[Johnnie] I know what it's about.

Matia told me that he was going
to pull him for a chat

and let him know that
he is not going to get in his way

if Leo wants to pursue Kassy.

I told him, "Pull Kassy first
before you talk to Leo.

[Kassy] Yeah, why didn't he pull me?

[Johnnie] He told me that in the kitchen.

[Carmen] They're treating Kassy
like an object.

-[others] Yeah.
-[Carmen] She's part of the relationship.

Relationships are two-sided.

[Johnnie] It's like, "You can have her."
"No, you can have her."

[Kassy] I'm not an object.

Yeah. So, basically, she said
she's a hundred percent about me.

But the thing is, you know,
obviously, things were said,

the whole dynamic with you and shit
left a really bad taste in my mouth

and kind of turned me off.

No, just say, "Listen, I know what
you guys are talking about,

but this is not your guys' decision.
This is my decision."

[Carmen] "And it's not okay that
I have been kept out of the loop

and have been spoken about
in a transactional manner.

Matia, the fact you're pulling Leo
before you're talking to me.

The fact that Johnnie told me
and you haven't spoken to me...

I was like, "Yeah, like you're done."

Leo, our relationship
is between the two of us.

You don't need to go to Matia
if you want to pursue me."

-[Johnnie] Yeah, that's so true.
-"It's between you and I."

My words aren't going to be like that.
I'm really bad at my words.

Be strong.

Just say you know
what that conversation is about.

[Carmen] Get it, get it. Get it, get it.

[Matia] Usually, if something like that
happens, it's kind of like...

What are you guys talking about?

We're just chatting.

It's not involving me though, right?

Because I just feel like
I've been out of the loop,

-if I'm being honest, with everything.

And also, I kind of feel like
I'm transactional between y'all.

You want to talk first?
I was going to talk.

Come on.

[Kassy] Honestly, annoying.

-I don't wanna turn around.
-She's pulling Matia for a chat.

Is that bad to have
a conversation with him?

No, it's bad that
he has not spoken to her once.

-I mean, I...
-No, you're good.

I didn't know this.
If we're going to have a chat,

I want to let him know
where my head is at.

-Kassy's out of the loop right now.
-She's being talked about transactionally.

He hasn't spoken to her once.

He hasn't told her
about getting to know Johnnie.

And apparently, he was coming
to tell you, you can have her.

I'm just annoyed at the fact that...

I feel out of the loop with everything.

My chat coming with you was 100%
just lay it out there.

Okay. Talk to me now.

-Okay. So...
-Tell me.

You know how everything's
been going the last couple days.

We've been going through the motions.

The whole dynamic has been kind of...

Obviously, we respect each other,

but obviously,
I was a backup plan the whole time.

That's the thing. You weren't backup.

You literally told the guy,
"Matia's great, but he's not you."

That obviously turned me off.
It's hard to spark that up...

And then it turned me off

knowing that I was throwing myself,
giving you a hundred,

and you were already...

-I think...
-...out of the chat.

You were done with the chat,
you were out of the conversation.

I tried to mentally stay checked in,

but I think I was
mentally checked out after that.

-Which is why I wanted to talk to you

and say that I think
we're better off just being friends.

You should have done that last night.

I heard that you were
feeling this way before.

Because I was sleeping on it
to see how I felt today.

To see if my feelings...

Why didn't you tell me in bed
when we were making out...

-...instead of making me look stupid?

It doesn't look stupid.

Maybe my feelings could have changed.

-Imagine we didn't just kiss.

I would have felt even more stupid today.

I know my worth.
I know I deserve way more than this.

I think he's more hurt about
him being put second.

You were already checked out.

You weren't feeling me a while ago.

You just were too worried to tell me.

He preaches that he can communicate,
but he wasn't practicing it.

Well, I'm glad that
we both agree that this is...

It's not going anywhere
and the connection isn't going to work.

I felt disrespected, honestly.

Well, I apologize
for making you feel that way.

Genuinely. It wasn't my intent.

I think maybe I could have been quicker
on letting you know how I felt.

I tried to shake it off, and...

I just wish you told me.

Yeah, and I'm sorry that it dragged out
longer than it should have, so...

That's it. Yeah.

-Not much we can do, yeah.

Giving immature...

You're okay, though?

-Do you feel okay?

It's over.

I'm going to just
stay and be single Kassy.

-It's over?

So, what can I say?

Hot commodity.

-You're terrible.

[chuckles] So?

What to wear when you're trying
to get your girlfriend back?

Tonight, when we do
this f*cking k*ller event,

it's going to be a hit.

I'll do a poem or some shit.

"Roses are red, violets are blue.

I miss sleeping beside you."

Matia's shot, like, he was like,

"I haven't been feeling it for a while."

I said, "Why didn't you
tell me that last night

when we were making out in bed?"

You know what he said?

"I thought it would have changed my mind."


I'm glad I didn't suck your willy.


Don't mind me.

Leonardo wants to make Kassy a cocktail.

It's called Sex on the Beach.

Best TV show where someone else
was probably a mistake.

Tell me what you need.

Okay. I need you to help them
make the two drinks.

Okay. I was a bartender for two weeks.

I'm gonna open it up and be like,
"Welcome to the villa

on the beautiful islands of Fiji."

-"The drink of choice tonight..."

I've done this before. Trust me.

And then, you want me to end
with a certain line?

Just say something in Spanish.

Be smooth with it,
'cause I can't do Spanish.

"I hope you..."

[speaking Spanish]

-Just say "I hope you enjoy."

-[phone chimes]
-Oh, shit.

[Marco] Bro, just be yourself.

Be a gentleman.

You made a lot of mistakes here,
but you're willing to fix them.

Yeah. I'm not asking her for an answer.

I'm not forcing her into any wall,
just showing her how I feel.


Oh, f*ck.

And this is definitely, you know,
proving it.

So, you're taking the right steps, bro.

And I'm f*cking proud of you, bro.

I appreciate you, bro.

You're a bad bitch. You deserve this.
Let's f*cking go, bitch.

I appreciate you guys.

-Best of luck, bro.

-I'll take it from here.
-Let's do it.



[speaking Spanish]

[narrator in English] Coming up.

Another bombshell is on the way.

I'm Scott, I'm 22,
and I'm from Wales in the UK.

I was in Love Island UK.

I didn't find love, so I thought,
"Why not take it international?"

No matter how good the American boys are,

the one thing they don't have
is the accent.

Bring on the USA.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's date time for Kassy with a new face.

Well, I say new, it's Scott
from Love Island UK Series 10.

So, new to you.
I've spent weeks staring at him.

-You okay?
-Wait. Stop.

You're from the UK one!

Oh, my God, hi!

You okay? How are you?

Hi. Nice to meet you.

-Kassy, isn't it?
-Yeah, it's Kassy.

Hi, Scott. How are you?

I'm good. Come on.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

So, talk to me.
How has it been going in here?

Dude, what the heck?
I was just watching you on my TV.

I can imagine, yeah.

Are you happy you get a second chance?

Yeah, hundred percent. Look at you.

Thank you.

-How's it been going for you, anyway?
-Oh, crazy.

In the beginning, it was hard

'cause I didn't realize I had
some type of feelings for Leo.

I don't think he expected it.

That went by, I tried to explore Matia.

He was the only guy...

He is the only guy in there
that I was interested in.

And then today, he pretty much said
that he's not interested anymore.

He wants to pursue somebody else.

-So who is he going for now?
-Uh, Johnnie.


So, basically, what you're saying is
you are single.

-Leo is not an option.

-Matia's not an option.


-So I've come in at the right time.

[narrator] Destiny's not feeling well,

but everyone else is ready
to enjoy Leonardo's big gesture.

Kassy made a big gesture to Leonardo

before she walked off
on her date with Scott.

But we're not allowed
to show that on television.

[all] Cheers!

Where'd she go?

-She left.
-No, she didn't.

-She saw and left.

-[laughing] No.

You're horrible, bro.

We actually don't know where she is.

-And she left the phone.
-She left an hour ago.

-Maybe an hour and a half.
-Oh, my God, the sabotage.

Is that not concerning to anyone but me?

[Carmen] Well... No, on our life,
we had no clue where she was.


What exactly are you looking for
in a relationship?

What am I looking for? Someone
who gives me a bit back, for a start.

I can't have someone who rolls over.

-Someone easygoing.

Has a little bit of banter,
you can have a laugh with.


Yeah. I like the American accent as well.

-You like my accent?

Do you have your eyes on anybody?

You were one that I had my eyes on.

-Oh, really?

-Don't worry.
-Okay. I like that.

The rest you're keeping...

-Close to my chest.
-Close to your chest.

Okay. I like that.

Reckon the boys are going to be on edge?

-Yeah, for sure.
-Do they know you're here now?

I like your eyes.

I like yours as well.
You have nice eye contact. I like it.

-You, too.
-A turn-on.

Yeah, I like it.

I'm looking at you, like...

How long is this staring contest...

I could literally stare at you forever.

Yeah, me, too.

Who's gonna blink though? I just blinked.

-You just went. You went.
-Oh, well.

Wait, let's do a cheers.

-Oh, yeah, we haven't done a cheers yet.
-Let me think. Okay.

Cheers to Kassy's new adventure.

I like it.

Are you scared to step on any toes?

No. No, no, no, no.

[narrator] Next time...

The new arrival heats up the villa.

I like what I'm seeing.

Someone should have snapped you up.

And one boy battles for love.

The only purpose I have is

try my hardest to show
you could trust me again.

And if you feel
as if you can't ever do that,

then I'd rather just go home.

[theme song playing]