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05x34 - Episode 34

Posted: 04/29/24 19:50
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously...

on Love Island USA...

The islanders delivered their verdicts.

[Carmen] The couple we're sending home is...

Zay and Imani.

Destiny and Kyle.

Zay and Imani.

Kyle and Destiny.

Scott and Johnnie.

One half of the couple, here said,
it's on more of a friends vibe.

So, the couple we've decided
to send home is...

Zay and Imani.

To see her get up and walk away
because you said that.

She got up and walked away
because you said that.

I mean, I... I have no regrets.

-How are you feeling?
-Feeling good.

[narrator] Tonight...

things get emotional...

with the messages from home.

[echoing] I'm not a big fan
of Destiny anymore.

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

The islanders chose Zay and Imani
as their least compatible couple.

To be fair, Zay and Imani
do have one thing in common.

They both got dumped
on episode 34 of Love Island USA.

So what did Destiny and Kyle
make of it all?

How you doing?

You know...

I've been better.

Like, that was not the easiest...

situation to be in.

I'm glad that we ended up going
with our decision...

-Me too, yeah.

Because clearly the rest of the group,
for the most part, saw it as well.

-You know?

[sighs] If I'm being honest,
I'm a little surprised by the results.

I'm surprised that Hannah and Marco
did vote for us.

-I'm surprised by that.
-I agree. I agree.

No, I honestly would 100% agree with that.

You know, no hard feelings,
but I was surprised.

-No hard feelings at all, but it did...
-It caught me off guard.

Her and Imani are close,
and Marco and Zay were close.

He wasn't going to vote against him.

[Destiny] Hannah and Marco...

you know, it is interesting
that they decided to say,

me and Kyle, but no hard feelings.

I'm just glad that the majority
and the rest of the group

sees exactly what it is.

But, you know, as far as me and Kyle go,

I'm happy that me and him are, you know,

content with what we have
and what we're building.

It feels good.

At the end of the day, like we said,

-we know what it is, you know?

And clearly other people see that as well.

And I'm really content with that.

[narrator] Bergie and Taylor voted
Scott and Johnnie

the least compatible couple.

Never nice hearing people saying,
"You're not good enough for your partner."

Oh, which reminds me,
I've got lunch with the in-laws tomorrow.

-What did Taylor and Bergie say?
-[whispering] I don't remember.

I don't know. I just expected
them to say Zay and Imani.

-[Johnnie] Yeah, that one confused me.
-[Scott] Interesting.

What they say isn't gonna affect
how I approach it.

I don't think any opinions in here dictate
what's real or not.

Their opinion definitely didn't make
me feel weird about our situation.

Like, because it really didn't feel
like it pertained to us.

Yeah, I was...

Bergie just said those words.
"Scott and Johnnie," and I'm like, "What?"

That was so... God, I was so shocked.

"Bro, what are you saying?"

And I don't have any, like, hard feelings
towards it either 'cause...

No, I find it more funny than anything.

...we've judged everyone in here
and they've judged all of us.

I don't really talk to Tay about
my relationship with Scott,

so she really doesn't know
anything about it.

And Bergie, I've never spoken to
about my relationship with Scott.

I respect everyone's decisions
and their opinions and everything,

but I take it with a grain of salt
because they didn't know much about us.

I knew the comment about Zay saying
about friends would cause problems.

I didn't think it would
cause Imani to walk off.

-I... Yeah.

She definitely needed to know that,

and I think that it was a huge
deciding factor,

and we couldn't not include that
into why that we decided that.

We're still here, so...

How do you feel about that?

The fact that we're still here?

Obviously, I'm happy.

I was pretty confident in the fact that
we weren't the least compatible couple.

I feel like if I was nervous
going into that,

thinking I was
the least compatible couple,

then this wou...
something wouldn't be right here.

-You know what I mean?

Either way, I was like...

thinking like...

to really, really, really...

-enjoy every second in here.

-Yeah, definitely.

Because we could be gone tomorrow.

Exactly. Exactly.

[narrator] So with Zay and Imani's
departure, it's another couple down

and another double bed for sale
on the Fijian Craigslist.

Well, for the rest of them,
it's time for bed.

[Destiny] Hi, ladies. Hi, baby.

[Kassy] Hey, booboo.

It was a crazy night, huh?

[sighs] Tonight was rough. That's crazy.

[Marco] If you would have kept
Zay and Imani here,

some relationships
start best as friendships.

-You know? f*cking crazy, dude.

[Carmen] But I was glad that,
like, once Scott brought it up,

Johnnie addressed it and was like,
"That's why I voted for you, Imani.

Because I think you deserve 100."

In this together.

-No one said our names tonight.

Kinda has to make us feel good.

No, I feel really good about it.

It's nice to know that
people see that we do have, like...

-A genuine connection. Yeah.
-...a genuine connection.

[narrator] It's the morning after
Zay and Imani headed off

to embark on a magical romance
that I imagine will last

until the end of...

the sentence I'm currently saying.

-Good morning.
-Good morning, babe.

Scott, Johnnie, how y'all sleep?

[Scott] Really well, thank you.

[Johnnie] Um, I want to still be asleep.

I definitely miss Imani.

I miss her coming to hug us and stuff.

Last night was hard for me.

Said goodbye to one of my closest friends
in here.

It's always sad when people leave.

You know, we only got a few days
left in here, so...

You know, let's just
enjoy every second of it.

All righty.

Let's have a good day.

-[Destiny] This gonna be a good day.
-[Kyle] Yes, it is.

[laughing] Shut up!

[Destiny] Dude, would that be you and
Bergie smacking out loud at night?

Oh, no! Could you hear us?

[Destiny laughing] Yes.

Y'all are the loudest kissers
I've ever heard in my life.

Wait. There's no way, we fell asleep.

It probably was Johnny and Scott.

[Destiny] Really? Okay.

I'm like, "Who kisses that loud?"

-Morning, Scott.
-You okay, Bergie?

Oh shit, bro.

Oh f*ck that.

Yeah. I'm allergic to wasps.

[Leonardo] Are you, actually?

So you better get your ass
up out this kitchen.

Where the hell is it?

[Johnnie laughing] Oh, my...


That shit is so hot.

You know, last night was definitely tough

to go from such a high
and have, like, such a fun dinner together

to be, like, "Vote for someone in here."

Obviously, I miss Imani.

I genuinely did feel
there was a spark with her and Zay,

and she seemed super-excited about it.

Um. And then Johnnie, obviously,
it's no, like, hard feelings.

Obviously, this was a tough decision.

I just felt like...

up until the recoupling

there was so many options that were open

and not closed off,

in which I feel like,
as the time is getting closer,

we need to be closing doors,

like, closing off to people
and focusing on one person.

You guys didn't gravitate
towards each other until...

it was based off a decision,
so it was nothing towards of me

thinking your relationship
with Scott is bad or anything like that.

Um. I'm really happy for you two.
I'm happy that you're here.

That's just where I was coming from.

When Taylor explained
why she voted for Scott and I,

it didn't make sense to me...

because I know
that my connection is genuine,

I know that my feelings are genuine.

And I felt it since the first day.

We were just, like, constantly gravitating
towards each other all the time.

When Scott came in here,

we were interested in each other
from the jump.

I was already talking to multiple people,

he was talking to multiple people
and at the end of the day,

I wanted him to pick who he felt
was most compatible with him.

That's when I asked him
and I said, "Who is your number one?

I need to know."

And he told me, me. He's like,
"I'm telling you right now, it's you.

I'm telling you that
I want you to pick me."

So I understand...

[Taylor] Yeah, I had no idea,
honestly, where you were at.

I haven't even talked to you
about your relationship with Scott.

-So, that's where I was coming from.

I'm not in your guys' relationship.

My opinion doesn't mean shit.

I don't have all the information.

Neither does everyone else.

I will say, like,
if you guys ever do feel like,

you know, suspicious of Scott
or anything like that, tell me.

Your guys' opinions mean something to me.

For her to come up
with these things on her own,

it felt misplaced.

You know, maybe just don't speak
on anything you really don't know about.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's not long now before the Islanders

all find themselves
cast into a mysterious,

terrifying place known only as...

"the outside world."

Think of the Upside Down,

but so much worse.

[Hannah] Okay.
For our first date... in Boca...

where would you take me?

Uh, definitely would take Giuseppe,
down to the beach...

-Hmm. Mm-hmm.
-...walk him,

and have a little kinda lunch there.

And then after that,
probably my favorite restaurant in Boca...

Uh, it would be Louie Bossi.

It's an Italian restaurant.
It's unbelievable.

That sounds like a good first date.


What do you wanna do in Florida?

I just wanna see, like, your lifestyle.

Because I feel like you're a big kid.

-What the f*ck does that mean?
-You are. [chuckles]

I am a big kid, though.

You want to know where I'd take you now?

In the morning we wake up,
we go to spin class. [laughs]

-9:00 a.m.

We could take Kobe for a walk.

Maybe when we're done with spin,
because we'll be sweaty anyway.

-So, Kobe,

he's about this little.

I take him everywhere.

[laughing] I like to dress up Kobe.

He has a little tuxedo,

for, like, family events.

What? A dog tuxedo?

It's the cutest thing ever.


[Kyle] So, would you like to go on a trip?

You know it.

-Of course. I am the trip queen.
-Where are we going?

You like to travel, I like to travel.
Where are we going?

-Bali? All right, book our flights.

-Let's do it.
-Already done.

We're eating some good food.

-Some cultural food.

I'm a little picky, so, you know,
but you're going to have to make me

wanna eat.

Oh, yeah, that's easy.

And then an excursion or something.

-That'd be cool.

What's your top excursion?
For me, I gotta skydive.

[Kyle exhales]

f*ck it. We're skydiving.

-We're skydiving.

Let's get it.

That's a big sky to be diving out of.

That's a big... That shit, though...

That shit looks kinda close,
but it's not that close at all.

[laughing] It ain't close at all.

Me and Kyle,

I feel excitement about it.

Like, it's easy for us to
gravitate towards one another.

Like, he makes me feel like a kid again,
like with our activities.

So, I don't know what
me and Kyle are getting to,

but I'm sure we're gonna have fun.

-Let's do it. Lock it in.
-[Kyle slurps]

You gotta do the sound.
If you don't do the sound...

I did do it! It's just a little light.

-Right, louder. [slurps]

[laughing] I did it.

What are we...

[Scott] Lovebirds.

-How's it going?
-[Scott] Yeah,

I just want to sit down
and have a little conversation with you.

[Bergie] Oh, sure.

Oh. Um.

Obviously... I know, obviously,
it wasn't an easy decision last night, um...

But I just wanna come and say
my thoughts to you.

I just was very confused, um...

Like, when you were talking...
I think a few people said,

like, I didn't expect
you to say me and Johnnie.

[Scott] Taylor and Bergie were the only
ones who voted us last night.

I'll be honest,
I didn't have a f*cking clue

what they were talking about
when they said our names.

I genuinely thought
they were talking about Zay and Imani,

and then suddenly they just turned to me
and went, "Scott and Johnnie."

What I don't really respect
and what I don't understand

is when people don't give good reasons
as to why they pick you.

Bergie, you were in on the boys' chats,

and you were aware of the fact
that I'd told her before the recoupling

that I wanted to...

-that I wanted her to pick me.
-Yeah, yeah.

So, what was the thought process
behind it?

Hone... It had nothing to do with you.

It was more like how Johnnie was moving
around in the Villa before.

-And just like, you know, you showed up.

And then she opened
another door with Kassy,

and she... It just felt like she was...

wasn't gravitating towards anybody
until she had to make that decision.

-Yeah, yeah.
-[Taylor] What we're trying to say is,

like, she's been in here
a little bit longer than you

-and she's had the chance to...
-[Scott] Hmm.

-Close things off with other people.
-...close things off with other people.

And then start pursuing one person,

but she was keeping everything open.

I felt like Zay was gonna give his 100%
to Imani last night, and...

-And vice versa.
-And vice versa from Imani.

Were you aware that he'd said
it was on more of a friend's vibe?

They were still so new.

-I think if they had more time...

...Zay would have given her
his 100% into a relati...

Like a relationship.

Obviously, it was a hard decision.

-Yeah, listen, this was nothing personal.
-No, I know...

I'm not coming across...
I'm just a very direct person

who just likes to know
what are you seeing that I'm not seeing?

What were your reasons behind it?

-[Scott] Yeah. Listen.

No, thank you. Anyway. Obviously,
love you both.

-Just wanna...
-[Bergie] Yeah.

-[Taylor] Thanks.
-Just want to, uh, sort of understand.

It's all good.

Scott took it pretty well.

I think he understood
where we were coming from.

I'm the type of guy when I feel something,

I'm gonna close all of their doors
and pursue that person.

Johnnie did... Having four doors open
and not closing a single door

until you have to,

just kind of gives the wrong vibe to me.

[Bergie] All right. That conversation
is out of the way.

-Yeah. It's over.
-Thank goodness.

We don't have to worry
about anything else.

Hopefully. [chuckles]

[narrator] Leonardo's enjoying a popsicle.

And if that popsicle is not enough,

Leonardo's got another one on this side.

Force of habit.


long distance.

-That's going to be a thing.

Are you okay, though, with that?

I'm okay with it
because I'm doing it for you.

-You could live in Fiji

and I could live in New York,
and I would still go see you.

-Just because...
-But you'd be flying from where, though?

[Leonardo] Hmm.

Right now, I'd be flying from Ohio.

-Because I'm still at school.

But Ohio to Texas
is not a far flight at all.

It's only like an hour or two.

-From Ohio to Texas?

Because I wouldn't mind coming
to visit Ohio and also your hometown.

-Which is...

-West side of Connecticut.

[Kassy] Connecticut.

-You want to see me in New York?

Oh, in New York, too.

But that's where your sister lives, right?

-[Leonardo] Mm-hmm.
-[Kassy] Yeah.

[Leonardo] And if we got to a point
in our relationship

where you'd be comfortable
with me living with you?

I have no issue with it.

Would you want me to move to you
or you move to me?

-Where the hell did you put it?

[laughing] Leo.

-It's just too sticky.
-You could have put it in here. You said...

[laughing] I said, "Uh-huh."

It's so sticky. I don't like it.

Yeah, it is sticky.

I can't even believe
that I have shorty back.

Like, it's been the biggest blessing.

It doesn't get more fairy-tale ending
than that to me.

At the end of the day,
there's not one thing

I wouldn't do for that girl.

How do you feel about, like,

meeting my family, my mom?

-Are you nervy?

I'm not, like, nervous nervous.


I'm nervous to hear
what she's going to have to say.

Um, but I'm beyond excited
to meet the people who you love.

And I'm excited just to show them
how I really feel for you.

It means a lot what my mom
would say, you know?

And I know that maybe
she might have some, you know,

worries, obviously,
because of what happened.

-But at the end of the day, like,

if we're happy,

if we're showing that we're strong

and in a good relationship,

then there's nothing to worry about,
you know?

-I never met a person like you.

And so, it's like, "Yay.
Like, now you're in my life...


[both] For lifers.

I love you, Mama.

I could drown in your besos.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Kenzo's got a strict routine

and part of it is he's
very much a morning person.

Me too. Every day I go to bed at 8:00,

9:00 in the morning.

Now that takes discipline

and a lot of liquor.

When we live together some day,

like, what are you going to be
like as a roommate?

Like, what are you like, living with?

I'm a morning person,
so I'm going to be up at like 5:00 a.m.

I like to meditate

and then go for, like, a sunrise walk.

[Carmen] You're wild, baby.

-But I won't wake up at 5:00 a.m.
-What time do you wake up?

[Carmen] But I'll go on morning walks
with you, though.

And I'll be crabby for the first half.

But I'll bring a coffee with me
and I'll wake up and spend it with you.


Who would do the laundry?

-I don't mind doing it.

That's the one thing I don't like to do.

The only thing I don't like...

-is the dishes.
-I'll do them.

If you do the laundry,

-I'll do the dishes.

I'll take that for sure.

You know we're soulmates

-when we can agree on chores that easily.
-Yeah. You're definitely the one.


So, what do you think of...

like, your family?

Like, what they would think
of us and stuff like that?

Honestly, I think that my family
would truly adore you.

Like, I know my dad is
normally the tough being.

But I genuinely don't even see him

even having a question on you

just based off of like...

how genuine you are as a person

and like how, you know,

you kind of know what you want
and you go for what you want.

Mm-hmm. I think I'm the same way.

I think my family is going to be
super excited to meet you.

Yeah, I'm kind of nervous though.

Are you, actually?

-A little bit.

Just because we are so different.

I'm a very out there person.

Yeah. And I'm a very introverted person.

-But I think they might like that,

and I think they might think I need that.

[Taylor] Yeah.

I think my family and friends are going
to be really accepting of Taylor.

I think she's got all the qualities
that I want in a person.

She's calm, collected.

We just have fun together and we can
have the silliest conversations together.

So, I hope they've seen all of that.

That is like the last,
I think, test we can do in here.

-Is just meeting our parents...

-I agree. Yeah.
-...and seeing and going from there.

[narrator] Leonardo wants to play a game.

Don't fall on that lava.

[narrator] He wants to put that bloody
jumper on properly is what he wants to do.

Ripping your jumper up
does not make it a scarf, young man.

[Leonardo] All right. This is my game.

Today, we're playing "Floor is lava."

It'll be you and your partner.

You can go any way you want to about this,

as long as you don't touch the floor

or you burn and die.

[Marco] All right. Leo and Kassy up first.

[Carmen] Three. Two. One. Go!

I can't go behind you.

[Kassy] Yes, you can.

[Hannah] Oh, okay.

The main thing is not to step
on the floor because it's lava.

-[Johnnie gasps]

[laughing] I'm sorry.

I ate shit immediately.

I don't want anything
to do with you anymore.

-Don't leave me!
-You gotta stay away.

-Stay away from me.

Yeah, I never spoke to her
for the next ten minutes, I was fuming.

[Taylor] Her...
Her hair is touching the floor.

-She wouldn't die by hair.

-She wouldn't die by...
-[Hannah] True, true, true.

Damn, Hannah. It's like, get the f*ck out.

I was like, "Oh, this is a breeze.
This is the easiest obstacle ever."

[Hannah] Oh, good job.

This is nothing.


[Hannah] You were doing so good!

That flamingo. She's tough.

She don't take no shit.

Man, the flamingo is cold as hell.


It was the Flamingo!

It's a wrap!


It was so funny to see how the ending
got messed up by a floaty.


[Hannah] Back it up like a dump truck.

He said, "Face down, ass up."

-[Marco shouts]
-[Kassy] Wait, the elbows!

-The f*cking elbows!


[Taylor] Okay, Bergie.

I don't like this. I don't like this.

I'm out.

Get him out of here, coach!

Okay, love, I'm holding the backside.

Oh! Oh, shit.

All right, I think our kids
are going to be D1 athletes, for sure.

[Kassy] They made it!

[Leonardo] We have our winner!

[all cheering, clapping]

Me and Kenzo k*lled it,
as everyone would expect us to.

[laughing] I'm just kidding.
But we did k*ll it. We crushed that shit.

[Kyle] This is bullshit.

Y'all moved the flamingo
to set us up for failure.

Yeah, yeah. They moved the flamingo.

f*ck this obstacle course. I'm sick!

[Carmen] Wait. We need to take a selfie.

[Kassy] Selfie, selfie.

-Get the flamingo.
-[Kyle] f*ck you.


-Game shit, no lame shit.

[cheering, clapping]

-[phone chimes]
-I got a text!

[all] Oh!

"Islanders, get ready, as tonight

you will receive video messages
from your friends and families.

#HomeTruths. #FamilyTies."


I'll see my mom and dad.

I want to see them too.

That's the best text
we've ever gotten in here.

And I'm so happy that I want to cry.

I just want to sob
at the thought of, like,

seeing a video
from my family and my friends.

This is wild.

-You're excited?
-Yes. I'm so excited. Yay!

My mom will probably be disappointed
knowing that I hurt Kassy.

[Kassy] I'm so excited.

I just hope they're still proud of me.

I hope they miss me
as much as I miss them.

[Carmen] I'm going to cry.

Just thinking about it.

[Kassy] Oh, I'm going to cry
if I see my sisters.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Tonight, the islanders are getting

messages from the most important
people in their lives.

I got a message from the most
important person in my life today.

And Bob, if you're watching,

I will settle my bar bill
as soon as I get paid.


I know, I'm excited to see
everyone's family

because I feel like we talk about our
family so much with each other.

-[Kassy] That's beautiful.

-I love it.
-I'll take it.

What if the parents say something
about the partner and it's like, not nice?

It's hard. Like, my mom
is a very understanding person,

and Kassy told me so is hers.

But it's just to what extent?
Because, you know...

No one make fun of me if I ugly cry.

[Kassy] Yeah, I just... seeing my mom and...

Seeing my dad. Oh!

I don't think she ever knew that I was,
ever interested in women.

I wonder what she would say about that.

Like me and Johnnie.

[imitating mom] "I wish it was her
over Leo but, you know." [laughing]

I feel like Marco's dad,
like, he's probably super Italian.

Hannah, how you doing, girl?

[Taylor] Do you have
any concerns going into tonight?

Honestly, I know it sounds
really egotistical, but I really don't.

I think my parents are gonna like you.
My family's going to like you

and I feel like the same.

-I have lip gloss on.
-f*ck it.

Taste good. [laughing]
It doesn't taste good.

It doesn't taste good.

Don't be nervous.

All right, let's go.

Let's go, Marco.

-You look so cute.

You'll fit on one couch?

Oh, my God. I'm so nervous.

-This is so cool, guys.
-I'm so excited.

-[Kassy] Wait, look, look.
-Scoot in.

Hey, Carmen, it's Mom.

-I miss you so much.
-[all] Oh!

I can't wait to see you and talk to you.

I'm so proud of you.

I can see you're having a great time
and you're doing a great job.

Oh, Carmy.

Hey Carmen, it's Kyle. And I'm very proud
of what you've been doing

on the show and holding your ground.

[mom] I have to say,
I definitely have teared up

every time you talk about mine
and your dad's marriage.

Um... And that... that's really something

that you want to look for in your partner.

And that has just been so special

that, you know, you look up to us,
in that respect.

Oh, man, that's beautiful.

When I saw Kenzo come on for that first...

I kind of had that feeling.

I'm like, "Oh, this might be somebody
that Carmen's interested in."

I think the way he carried
himself was confident,

but, you know, cool and calm, and...

He seems like a really cool person.

-[dad] I'm kind of impressed.


I just cannot wait till
I can give you the biggest hug

and cannot wait to meet Kenzo as well.

-[dad] I can't wait till you come home,

and stay away from the Hideaway.

-[dad] Love you.

[Destiny] Yes, man! Yes!

[Leonardo] "Stay away from the Hideaway."


Carmen, you definitely look like your mom.

Kenzo, it seems like they like you.

-[Johnnie] They like you.
-[shouting] Yes!


I know we're going to go back home

and I'm going to get
to meet them in person.

And they seem like amazing people.

And so I'm really happy and excited
to get to know them

and, you know,
build a relationship with them.

No, no. Yeah. I seriously can't wait
to go home and meet them as well.

You know, they seem like great people.

And even her brother, I wanna get to know
him and be really good friends with him.

So, I'm really excited.

[Leonardo] Hell, yeah.
I can see it in his smile right now.


-Love you.
-Love you.

It looks like we're not going
to the Hideaway.

Yeah, it's okay. It's okay.

Hi, I'm Heraldo and I'm Kenzo's brother.

[in Spanish] I'm so proud of Kenzo.

That he's accomplished a lot

and that he's accomplished what he wanted

because he always wants more.

We're very proud of Kenzo being there,

we watch him every day
and love him and miss him a lot.

[Kassy] Aw.

[in English] My girlfriend's buzzing to
me... to meet Carmen.

She's always asking me if we're going
on double dates and all that. So...

The hardest part for us to watch
was definitely the... the recoupling.

When the girls came back from Casa Amor.

I mean, Mom was like,
she was crying when...

when Carmen came back alone.

And then...

it's been... it's been amazing to sit back
and watch every night.

I wished...
I wished Dad was here with us, but...

He wishes you nothing but the best.

And then everyone here is watching you,
even back in Vallarta.

But we're excited to see you
come back and then...

and celebrate with you and Carmen.

[in Spanish] Enjoy this time

and only you know
the love you feel for Carmen.

You are you.

Kenzo, I love you very much.

-[all] Aw!
-[Leo in Spanish] Blessings.


[in English] What she's saying it's...
It's like very, very true

in the sense of, like, she's beyond proud.

-And like, she looks so happy for Carmen.
-[all cheering]

-Your mom is a baddie.
-[Kassy] Yeah.

Your mom is a baddie.

Oh, my goodness. That was so sweet.

-You're all right?

I'm nervous.

Hi, Scott. Mom here.

Hope you're okay.
I've got your brother and sister.

Jamie and Steph are here.

-Hi, mate. You're all right.
-We're waiting for you.

-My dog's here as well.
-[Johnnie] Aw.

[mom] Uh, Scott, we're so proud of you.

I know you've not been there long,

but you're holding your own.

And you know, we love you to bits.

[Steph] Johnnie's a beautiful girl,
and she's very headstrong.

-And you do like a confident woman.

[Jamie] Just go out there
and keep doing what you're doing.

-Be yourself. Stand up for yourself.

Hope you get a connection

and it'd be great to work out this time.

Just have fun with it. Just...

-That's the one. Yeah.
-Yeah. Just have fun.

[all] Aw. [clapping]

You look just like your dad.

That's my brother.
That's my older brother.

-That's your older brother?
-Yeah. Yeah. It's my brother,

my sister, and then my mum
on the right there.

-[Destiny] No way. He's...
-[Scott] Yeah.

-Are you playing?
-That's not my dad.

-[Destiny] That's not your dad?

-No way.
-He'll be watching this,

-pissing himself.

[Johnnie] He's not going to be happy
about hearing that.

So, Hi. I'm Johnnie's mom, Lydia.

And hi, I'm Felicia. I'm Johnnie's sister.

So, Nini.

Um... I'm super proud of you.

You have just held your head up high
and just pushed through.

And, so...

Leo will never be
a brother-in-law of mine.

-Thank goodness.

I don't like to see you hurt or in pain.

So, all I want to do
is just hold you and, you know,

comfort you.

And I can't. So...

I just want you to know I got you forever.

Come here, Darby.

Oh, that's my dog.


We love you. And miss you.

Darby can't wait to see you.

Darby misses you so much.

And I accidentally k*lled your plants.



That's so cute.

Johnnie, your mom's a G.

-[Kassy] Loved that.
-I love that.

It was just really good to see them
and to see that they were,

like, hurting for me, like, hurts me back.

But I'm so glad that they're happy for me.

And they, you know, see,
my relationships growing.

They definitely seemed proud
as hell of you, for real.

For real. So, tell her I apologize.


I didn't want them to see me sad

and hear and, um, see me go through
what I went through, but...

I'm so happy that they're proud of me.

I miss them so much.

[Leonardo] My mom about to tear me
a new assh*le, bro.


Hey, Taylor, it's Mom.


"Mother dear," as you call me.

I am so proud of you.

I love all of the girls in the Villa.

All of them have their own
different personalities.

So, I would love
to actually meet all of them.

And I live in wine country,

so we would have a great time together.


As soon as the season started
and I saw Bergie,

before you even came into the Villa,

I knew you were going to pick him.

'Cause I know my daughter
and I know what type of guys she likes.

I saw you go into the Hideaway.

I was like, "OMG!" But it was so cute.

And he was so cute and just so...

just so polite.

So respectful.

You guys look like you guys have fun.

Taylor, we are so proud of you
and I love you

and I can't wait to meet Bergie.

-[Hannah] Yay.
-I can't wait too.

-That's awesome.
-I can't wait to meet her mom.

-I told you she was rooting for you.

Taylor, she's cool.

I haven't even met her mom,
but I already love her.

Huge relief knowing
Taylor's mom really liked me.

I would love to meet Renee.

I am so down.

It's going to be a great time
in wine country.

-[Taylor] Oh, no.
-[Bergie] Oh, no.

Hi, Bergie. It's Dad.

I hope you're doing well today.

We do miss you back here in Cottage Grove.

And Taylor and you
have started a relationship,

and that's great.

And I think you can experience
many things with Taylor.

-Seeing you in the Hideaway

were some definitely cringe-worthy

I don't think, uh...

anybody out there...

as far as a parent,
wants to see anything like that.

We definitely understand
that those things happen.

-He's so honest.
-But, uh...

you can have the rest of your Hideaways
to your own.

Hi, Bergie. It's Grandma Sandy.

[Hannah] Aw.

Hi, Bergie. It's Grandpa Bergie.

[Hannah] Oh, so... They're adorable.

Bergie, you're just, uh, doing things
I never thought you would do.

And the one thing is using

foul language.

-I've never heard a swear word

until we watched you on TV.

[Hannah] He's such a grandpa.

And kissing girls.

You're our grandson.

[all laughing]

[grandma] Personally, I think Taylor
has been very good for you.


She's giving you reassurance
in different areas,

trying to teach you the skills
of being with a woman. I like her a lot.

[grandpa] Taylor is a beautiful woman.

But, uh...

I have some reservations

because I haven't seen

spontaneous chemistry,

uh, between the two of you.

Uh, it looks more or less forced to me.

Big hugs.

Big hugs.

[all] Aw.

-[Marco] Bergie!
-[Leonardo] Bergie!

How does that make you feel?

I feel great.

-Your grandpa...
-[Kyle] Your grandpa's a savage.

You know, this whole journey
hasn't been easy,

and it just doesn't get any easier.

Saying it seems forced.
It definitely sucked.

Yeah. It wasn't a good feeling.

Grandpa ain't sugarcoating nothing
for nobody.

[Destiny] Ooh, I'm so excited.

I can't wait to see your family.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's messages from home time.

A chance to give support,

offer kind words,

or if you're Grandpa Bergie,

take a massive dump on the relationship.

Good old Grandpa Bergie.

And next up, it's Destiny and Kyle.

-Hi, Destiny.

[dad] Mom and Dad.

How are you doing? We miss you.

Destiny, we've been watching,
and it has been a roller-coaster ride.

[dad] You know how protective I am of you.

So, hopefully you've learned a lot from me

and my martial arts training
to handle yourself.

So, watch out, guys. She's dangerous.

-[Destiny] That's right.
-[Kassy] Aw.

The hardest moment for me,
since I've been watching the show

was when you had a trip to the Hideaway.

And I must say,
I'm so proud of you, daughter.


To watch you and to see you, and just...

I was like, "Yes, thank you.

Thank you." I didn't want to see
any covers moving, any...


...none of that stuff. Good job, daughter.

Good job, daughter.

I see that you're coupled with Kyle.

Um. He's a lot like me.

Quiet. Sits back.

Watches the scene. So, um...

Give him a shot. Way to go, Kyle.

-You got a winner.
-[Leonardo] Hell, yeah!

[mom] What's important, Destiny,
is that you know

that we are here cheering for you
and rooting you on,

and we're just so proud of you.
So proud of you.

I love you!

[dad] And to all of you, Love Islanders,

love is there.

[all] Aw.

[Taylor] So cute.

-[Johnnie] Aw, So cute!

I loved them.

[Destiny] I just feel so happy.

And know that they're proud of me,


I mean,
it's all the solidification I need.

And then they approve of Kyle?

-I knew it was him. Yes, I did.

Let's go!

Everyone wants to be like pop,

papa over there, you know?

Papa Destiny. So, you know,
if I remind him of him himself,

that makes me feel
like I'm doing something right.

[Destiny] I'll let it slide.

Hi, Kyle. It's your mother.

You're doing great on this show,
and I love watching you.

I miss you so much.

Hey, Kyle, it's Keelie, your god-sister.
I'm just as excited.

You're doing amazing.

And to watch you flourish,

to see you when you were little Kyle,

and to now see you as a man
finding your way,

that's been...
It's been a journey to watch.

And I'm proud of you as well.

So, I'm still rooting for you.

-[Leonardo] Aw.
-I'm not a big fan of Destiny anymore.

-[Destiny] Ooh!

[Keelie] She was great
in the beginning of the show,

but for Kyle, no.

-[mom] She has too much drama.

-That's just too much for my Kyle.
-[Destiny] Hmm.

[Marco chuckles]

[mom] I'm good with everything so far.

I just don't want you to go in that room.

The Hideaway.

[laughing] I won't.

[mom] Be respectful.

Yeah. Do you, Kyle.

-No, no, no. Don't do you.
-[Keelie laughing]

[Destiny] Aw. Not bad.

-[Leonardo] How you feeling, Kyle?

[Kyle] Bittersweet. Obviously, you know,

they said what they said about you,
but, um...

Obviously, they don't know you.
So, you know?

That's a conversation
we'll have to have with them. So...

I didn't take it personally.
It's whatever they saw. You know?

I, my loved ones, my family
know exactly who I am.

And none of them would ever say
Destiny is mess or drama.

That's just not me.
But what I will say is that...

once I meet them...

I do feel fine.

Mom seemed funny as hell, though.

-My mom is a nut.
-She's protective of you.

-No, I know.
-They love you so much.

-She's just protective over you.
-No, I know. Oh, God.

-I'm just happy to see them.
-As they should be, though. You know?

-Oh, Mommy!

Remember what we talked about?
That the joy is in the journey?

Well, let me tell you something.
You are enjoying your journey. I can tell.

I am so proud of you.


What we do have to say is Marco
better have his karaoke song ready...

-[dad] That's right.
-...for our family karaoke nights,

because we're... we're so excited
to meet him. Like, so excited.


I think Marco is such a nice young man,

and you could tell he comes
from such a nice family.


[dad] We love you very much, baby.

I'll be glad when I can hold you
and kiss you on that forehead.

[parents, Islanders laughing]



-That's so cute.
-[Kassy] They approve!

Oh, they do!

-Marcocito, how are you feeling?
-Oh, man, I feel amazing.

I think I can, you know,
bond with her dad a lot.

-And they approved.
-They approved.

[all] Yay!

-Oh, God, here we go.
-Hey, Marco.

-Oh. Aw.
-[Hannah squeals]

That's my dad.

I just wanna say how proud
we all are of you

and really happy that you
and Hannah have found each other

and how she's been able
to get you to open up.

And just seeing a completely
different side to you.

I love how outgoing she is,

and she's just easy to love.

Looking forward to seeing you,
and of course, meeting Hannah.


Anything that was hard for you to watch
in regards to Marco? Like...

[grandmother] Uh. Yes.

The bedroom scenes.

I mean, it's supposed
to be almost a sleepover,

in essence, you know?

But I don't think it looks like
a sleepover in many instances.

And you can hear some of the language

and some of the movement

through that scene.

And it's almost porno.

-[all laugh, shout]
-[Taylor] Oh my God.

Oh God.

[Hannah] Oh my God!

Oh man!

-Oh my goodness.
-[Leonardo] How you feeling, dawg?

That's awesome, that's my grandmother.

She's the leader of our family.
She keeps us together.

And to hear my dad
really approve of Hannah

and just so excited to see her,

that was truly amazing.

-What do you think?

Oh my God, I love them.

I feel like me and Grandma
are gonna hang out all the time.

I really liked Grandma and, like,

she's so cute and Marco's dad is
such a big person in his life.

So, to hear his dad talk so highly of me,

I was like, "Oh my God, that's amazing."

Just the fact that
they see me helping him, that's great

because they care for him, they love him.

I think that's what a relationship is.

You're helping each other grow
and be better people.

He definitely has helped me grow, too,
and become a better person.

Grandma, love her.

[Kassy] Oh f*ck.

I wasn't nervous. Now I'm nervous
because we were the last one.

Hi, I'm Gina and I'm Leo's mom.

-[Hannah] Oh, Leo.
-[Marco] Oh, there's Leo Sr.

I'm very proud of you.

I think you're doing great.

It was very hard for me
to watch the situation

with you and Johnnie, but we move forward.

I really like Kassy,
but watching Casa Amor

opened up my eyes as well,
because I would say the movie night,

I was expecting to see a little bit more

of how her reaction was
when she went into Casa Amor,

um, because she reacted totally different
than I thought she would,

which is okay. She's also exploring
and you were not closed off.

So, I understand that.

But I think you guys have a connection.
You just have to...

stay together and do it 100%,
and I think it will work out.

Why does my sister look like that?

-That's your twin?

[Marco] You guys look identical.

If you come back with Kassy,

we're gonna have to teach you
some Spanish, right?

[in Spanish] We have to teach her
to dance Bachata.

You know, like us Dominicans.


[in English] I miss you. I'm looking
forward to continuing to watch you,

but I'm excited to give you a hug.
I miss you, Leo.

-[Islander] Aw.
-I miss you, too, G.

Hi, I'm Georgina, I'm Leo's sister.

Leo, I miss you so much,

and I'm so proud watching you
every single day on television.

It's been very hard
to see you make mistakes,

but I can obviously see that
you're growing and learning from them,

especially you trying to go
and show Kassy how you truly feel.

And I know that it hurts what you did,

but I'm glad to see
that instead of sitting in it,

you're growing from it.


[Hannah] That's great, Leo.

Like, I'm very happy to see them,

but I also don't want
my time here to end with you guys.

[Destiny] I love it.

[Kassy] I was nervous, I'm not gonna lie.

I didn't know what they were gonna say

'cause obviously me and Leo
have gone through...

-[Leonardo] A lot.
-...a bunch of shit.

And yeah, it's true,
like, he's gone through so much,

but like, I also see a change in him too.

Um, I see growth in, like...

I'm just excited to meet them, honestly.


Come on, Kassandra.

-Hi, Kassy. It's your bestie.
-That's my best friend.

I'm so excited to watch you
on your journey.

I'm so happy you're finding love.

Hey, it's Kiara, your sister.
I miss you a lot,

and love watching you on the show.

I think you and Johnnie are really cute
as soon as I saw y'all on my screen,

you have so much chemistry.

I'm proud 100% you did
what you wanted to do.

How many people can say,
"Hey, you know what?

I'm waking up today
and I'm telling people...


"I'm gonna couple up with a girl
instead of a guy".

I mean, it did shock me.

I have to be honest,

it did.

To the point that I was thinking,

"Oh, my God,

you know, here she is,

following her heart,"
and that made me proud.

That made me very proud.

Yeah. I'm really happy about you and Leo,

and I really hope
that this time it all goes well.

And if it doesn't,
I'll have a talk with him about it.

If you wanna be with him,
I support it all the way,

and I'll be excited to meet him.

I didn't know that you were gonna tell Leo
so many things.

I only felt bad for him.

I did. Then, on the other hand,
I also thought,

"Gosh, if only guys...

really would think about

how much they can hurt a woman

doing that...

life can be different."

And I think, you know, you're there
to make the difference.

It's day by day. And I am...
I am proud of you.

Seeing you crying was
very painful because, um...

we were always there for each other...

[crying] ...and not being able to hold you
and to call you...

-[Islander] Aw.
-...and to tell you how much I love you...

But we want you back. [laughs]

We just can't do it without you anymore.

We miss you so much, Kassandra.

-[all] Aw.
-[Marco] That was awesome, guys.

That was awesome, guys.

[Kassy] My mom is...

means everything to me.
You guys know that.

So, I'm happy that you guys got to see
the person that I look up to every day.


[sighs] It's great to know that my mom
is giving me her blessing with me and Leo,

and knowing that she's just supporting me

and supporting whatever direction

my heart is taking me,
that's all I want from her.

It was nice to see
that his family also seeing

a growth in Leo,
and he's changing for the better,

and that they also see we love each other,

um, so, it's a good feeling to know that
they're supporting us as well.

But they don't fully hate you,
so, that's good.

-A win is a win.
-A win is a win.

That's a fact.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

[Kyle] Oh.

Get over here.

[Destiny sighs]

Well, it's only so much I can do...

with the dress. [grunts]


I mean, obviously,
I'm happy to have seen my mom

and my...


-...and like,

you know, I mean,

obviously could have been nicer.



I know it's kind of tough.

I'm okay. I'm still okay, like,

I'm me, you know. No one can
take that away from me.

They haven't been here with us.

Yeah. Exactly. They don't know
what it's like being in here.

At the end of the day,

I've never had a parent not like me.

So, seeing that,

it's more hard for me
seeing how it affected you.


I guess at the end of the day,
the real talk that needs to happen is,

do you feel like I'm drama?

I mean, I wouldn't have coupled up with
you if I thought you were that much drama.

-Right? For me, I'm good,
-Like, no.

like I said, I know where I am,
I know once I meet your family,

it'll be completely different,
it'll be a whole another revelation.

-Just like you had.
-I don't think it's a deal breaker.

I just would have to have
a conversation with my mom, obviously.

Obviously, we know Destiny can be spicy.

She got a little spice to her.
It's not, you know,

it's not a secret, but, you know, I don't
have any complaints. I have no regrets.

So, I'm just gonna, you know,
keep on moving with her.

And, uh, I'm sure my mom will, you know,
like Destiny when they meet in person.

-But I do hope you okay.
-I am okay.

I'm glad we had this conversation.

I'm actually proud this happened.
I just feel like this brought us closer.

[Destiny giggles]

It's so weird now, knowing that my parents
is watching this, I'm moaning!

f*ck it. They didn't saw what they saw.

[Destiny laughing]

[narrator] Bergie and Taylor are unpacking
the messages from home

while doing a truly magnificent job

of putting off talking about
good old Grandpa Bergie.

[Taylor sighs]

I really did like your mom.
She seemed super sweet,

and I would love to get to know her.

Yeah, I knew she would adore you.

My mom's just always gonna be supportive,
no matter what my decision is.

And obviously, she sees, you know,

that you are a genuine guy,
and like... like she said.

Your dad seems like a really genuine guy,
obviously, like...

um, your parents seem, you know,
just very protective of

And, you know,

also they've seen your journey from...

-From start to finish.
-...from the start to now.

-And how does that make you feel?

Obviously, there's been things in here

that I haven't, like...
that have gone down for sure.

Like, every time something
really bad has happened,

I'm thinking of my family, too. I'm like,

"Gosh, they're seeing this happen
right now."

So, it's just hard knowing that,

you know, they probably had
the same emotions that I had.

-Like, living through that.

It sucks 'cause, like, you know,

I think that affected
how they reacted to... to you.

You know, like, their walls are up.
They don't want me to get hurt.

'Cause I've been hurt,
they've seen me hurt so many times.

No, I know. I can see that
they're protective.

Just based off of, like,

your start in here.

-You know what I mean?

I can genuinely say

from the moment I walked in this villa,

Bergie has been my number one,

although, we are very different people.

So, I just...

All I wanna be is accepted.

Because I do want people to see
that I genuinely do feel a connection.

And it's hard to see that, you know,
his family has doubts on our connection.

I shouldn't care what other people think.

-But it did bother me, like...

you know, your grandpa saying, like,
he doesn't see the spontaneous...

-...chemistry in us. It seems forced.

-So, I don't...

Yeah, that definitely hurt me, too.

What are you thinking?

It really sucked seeing my family, like...
It just hurt a little bit.

[Bergie] I don't think what Taylor
and I have is being forced,

but my family is very important to me.

So, when my grandpa said that,
I didn't really know how to respond.

This whole f*cking situation,

I don't f*cking like it.

I don't really wanna do this.

Done. I'm just done.

[narrator] Next time...

Your votes decide
our Love Island USA finalists.

The two couples with the fewest votes
will be dumped from the island tonight.