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04x11 - Epitaph

Posted: 01/05/15 11:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Revenge...

I was able to trace this photograph back to you.

Emily will do anything for David, including erasing his debts.

Which might prove interesting to your employer.

My father lied.

Conrad didn't hold him c*ptive.

It was a man named Malcolm Black.

I believe that Kate is his operative.

I'm pregnant.

Daniel loves you.

But what if I don't love him anymore?

Your tears suggest otherwise.

Please, Daniel, come home.

I need you. We need you.

Malcolm's my father.

Your cover is blown.

[ Chamber clicks ]

[ Screams ]

[ Emily grunting ]

Emily! What happened to you?

Get out of here! Run!


Drop it!

You're gonna be okay, Daniel.

You're still lying to me.

[ g*nshots ]

Was that...

That was g*nshots.

I want to report that I just heard g*nshots at Grayson Manor.

Amanda, what happened?

Victoria, no...


No! Daniel!


[ Sobbing ]

Oh, God! What did you do?!

He wasn't supposed to be here.

You hurt?

Hold my hand. Don't let go.

[ Inhales deeply, grunts ]

[ Shoulder pops ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Sobbing ]

Chief. Is it true? sh*ts fired at Grayson Manor?

I'm taking two units out there right now.

I'm coming.

Isn't your shift over?

Emily Thorne's a friend. I'm clocking back in.

Where's the ambulance? What's taking so long?

We called.

I don't understand. She's not an FBI agent?

No, she was a real FBI agent...

Who was also moonlighting for Malcolm Black.

You were supposed to stay out of this.

And you're missing the point.

She wasn't just working for him. She was his daughter.

And she knew who you were?

I don't know how, but she did.

She wanted the money that you took.

She was coming for you next.

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

[ Vibrating continues ]

"Expected to hear from you. Where are you? Check in now, or I get involved."

You have no idea what you've just done.

What I've done?

She... She tried to k*ll me.

Oh, she did k*ll you.

She k*lled all of us. You just don't know it yet.

[ Sighs ]

You know what this man's capable of?

Years ago, his nephew was in a car accident.

He was crippled.

A week later, the other guy disappeared, along with his wife, his parents, his children, and his brother.

Their bodies were found in a hunting shack.

They'd been tortured for six weeks.

If he finds out that you k*lled his daughter...

It was me.

It doesn't matter. He'll bury us all.

Then we have to make sure he doesn't find out.

♪ Take a seat... ♪

[ Cellphone rings ]

♪ Take some time to... ♪

Daniel, I hope you haven't had dessert, because I'm just ab...

Oh, Simone. Pardon, I thought you were...

No. No. Why would the news desk call?


Wait, what did they say?

[ Cellphone clatters ]

[ Crying ]

[ Camera shutters clicking ]

Are you okay to continue, Miss Thorne? You seem...

No, I'm... I'm okay.

So, you were home from the party maybe an hour when Mr. Grayson started knocking on your door?

Uh, he was pounding on it. Yelling.

What was he yelling?

To let him in, that I ruined his life.

He was, uh...

He was really angry...

Drunk, maybe.

I asked him to leave, but he refused.

Which is when you called Officer Porter, asked him to come over?

I was scared.

But I didn't make it here in time.

First responders are gonna be here in less than eight minutes.

Emily: What are you doing?

[ Grunts ]

For the story we're gonna tell, this needs to look right.

We got to move this glass.

Daniel smashed that planter through the window.

And you tried to escape?


But he followed me. We struggled.

And he pushed me. I... I fell off the balcony.

When I saw him coming down the stairs, I knew it wasn't over.

That's when you went for the g*n?

Tell me again where you got it.

It must have belonged to a previous owner.

I... I found it when I was, uh... I was moving some stuff into the attic.

Oh, you mean the basement.

Earlier, you said you found the g*n when you moved stuff into the basement.

Right. I'm... [ Chuckles ] I'm sorry.

I... It's... It's hard to talk.

Um... I meant I was moving stuff from the basement into the attic when I found it.

It was under a floorboard.


You're not gonna find floorboards in a basement, are you, Officer Porter?

No, you're not.

So, attic it is.

David: I'm sorry. She's resting right now.

If it's all the same with you, I'd rather wait.

If it's all the same with you, Victoria's in no condition to talk to anyone right now.

She just found out.

Oh, I appreciate that, but there are questions about the circumstances of Mr. Grayson's death.

He was seen with her tonight in Manhattan.

He left abruptly, and we...

You want to ask her about his state of mind, why he might attack his ex-wife?

Do you really think this is a good time to have that conversation with a grieving mother?

[ Sighs ]

You're right. This can wait. I'm sorry to intrude.

Oh, is that your van parked outside?

Yeah. This is my house. Why?

You left the keys in the rear door.

Oh. Well, safe neighborhood.

Doesn't seem like it lately.

How smoothly you lie.

I did that so that you didn't have to.

I wouldn't have.


I can't imagine how painful this is.

No, you can't.

Tell me why.

What crimes did Daniel commit that he not only paid with his life but that you expect me to tell the most vile, despicable lies about him?

You don't have to say anything to anyone.

All right? The story will be told...

The truth is that my son gave his life for your daughter's.

Now he's gone.

[ Voice breaking ] And I will die before I desecrate his name like that.

What kind of monster would make me?

If we don't pull this off, Malcolm Black is coming here.

He will make you, Charlotte, and everyone else you and I care about suffer more than you know.

You know so much about him, and yet here we are.

Go to hell...

Since we're choosing to send my son there.

[ Sighs ]

All you had was over-the-counter stuff, but the EMTs can get you something stronger if you ask.

No, I don't need anything.

Right. Why would you?

Maybe you can ask for me.

[ Sighs ]


I can't believe it.

Are you gonna be all right, Jack?

I'm not the one who went over the railing and dislocated my shoulder and God knows what else.

No, I meant...


I know. I know.

I'm just not letting myself think about it till we're through the woods on this, and you should... Probably do the same.

Meaning what?

Meaning you were struggling out there with that detective.


I'm answering the questions. I'm... I'm selling the story.

I'm not so sure.

I'm watching her react to you, and I'm telling you, if they get a hint that we're not being truthful, it's...

Look, the point is, considering what you've been through, it's okay to tell them that you need a break.

Except that I don't.


I just wanted to let you know the detectives are done with you for now.

Well, they don't have to be.

I mean, I can keep going if it will help.

No. Detective Adams says any more tonight will be diminishing returns.

So as long as you make yourself available tomorrow, if need be...

So, they're not booking her?

No. Not tonight.

I'm truly sorry, Emily.

Thank you.

That's a tough card to draw...

Having to sh**t your ex point-blank.

So, you saw the whole thing?


I got here just as...

Just right at the end.

I wish that I had been quicker.

Maybe I could have done something.

Yeah, well, it sounds like Emily didn't have much choice, if what she's saying is true.

If what she's saying is true?

Come on. Between you and me, she was a little shaky with her facts in there.

You try getting the crap kicked out of you and having to off your ex.

We'll see how shaky you are.

No, you're right.

It's just... I've seen Emily play people, including me.

She's good at it.


I hope it's all true.

I'll see you in the morning.

Nolan: Is she still sleeping?

Yeah, she needs it.

I don't think she's up to another police interrogation today.

Well, I don't know if it's abject fear, but I've been crazy productive.

I reverse time-stamped a call from Emily's phone to yours last night to support her story.


'Cause I know one cop who's gonna be looking into it.

Well, anyone searching for Agent Taylor will begin in Miami.

I sent our, uh, dread pirate Malcolm texts from her phone and dropped a trail of digital breadcrumbs indicating a long-awaited last-minute vacation.

That phone's gonna be a problem, man.

It... It's got GPS. If Malcolm tracks it, we're all...

Dude, who are you talking to?

The phone arrived in the sunshine state by private courier late last night after I'd excavated it, cloned it, and mined every piece of data from it I could.

[ Chuckles ] Anything good?

Mm, well, I don't know.

How about the FAA locator numbers for every one of Malcolm Black's private planes?

One of them just popped up on the FAA map.

It's being prepped outside an airfield in Ottawa.

There's no flight plan.

It could be headed to Miami.

Or it could be coming here.

Jack, be a "glass half full" guy.

We still have to clean out the hotel room.

I'll meet you there in 10.



[ Crying ] Did you hear about Daniel Grayson?

I did. I'm... I'm sorry.

I know you two were... Colleagues?


I suddenly felt so alone, and I didn't know where else to go.

Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh.

Look, I... I know it's a lot to ask, but, um, could I maybe stay here until I get my bearings?

Of course you can, as long as you need.

My casa is your casa.

I... I have to run out for a minute, but I'll...

Was it really your friend Emily?

I... I don't know. They're still investigating.

Oh, poor Victoria. She must be a wreck.

Undoubtedly. We'll talk soon?

Yeah, I think I'll bake something for her before my Xanax wears off.

[ Door closes ]

Can I use your kitchen?


Thank you.

I need to go out.

The body's still in the van, and I need to...

Who was that on the phone?

Charlotte's doctor.

He's gonna make sure that she doesn't come home.

I mean, he thinks it'll damage her recovery.

Because that's what you told him to think.

I'm just looking out for her.

Her brother is dead.

What do you think it's going to do to her when she hears all these lies about him?

We don't have a choice right now.

I do. I'm getting out of here.

I can't look at you for another second, and if I stay in this house, I am going to lose my mind.

Where are you going?

Anywhere but here!

What do you think is gonna happen when the first person asks you about Daniel?

The storm comes in.

None of us survive till sunset.

I won't be a prisoner to your lies anymore.

I was a prisoner for two decades because of yours.

You can hold on one more day.

[ Chuckles ]

Were you this cruel 20 years ago and I just missed it?

Back then, you betrayed me to keep Daniel alive.

Are you really gonna do it again now to protect his memory?

It's your call.

I won't be responsible for anyone's death, but I am going to mourn my son.

And I won't stay here.

Victoria's gonna stay here for now.

Are you out of your mind?

This isn't my doing.

No. This is happening.

What part of "no" don't you understand?

This is my house, not yours or hers.

David, listen to your daughter. In trying to prevent one disaster, you're sowing the seeds for an even crueler one.

There is no chance...

Enough! The both of you!

If we have any hope of getting through this alive, this is our only chance. You want to be alone?

This is a big, safe house to be alone in...

With someone who can watch you.

Why don't you watch her?

Because I have a body to move.

I have to clean up your mess.

My mess?! Are you kidding me?!

Why in the hell would...

'Cause I said so, that's why! I was very clear with you.

I said stay out of this Malcolm Black business, but you didn't.

Now you're gonna listen.

I can't watch Victoria, and I can't have her being alone.

This house is a fortress.

There's plenty of room for the two of you.

So for the time being, you're both gonna stay here.

Do you understand?


Play nice.

[ Door closes ]

I got into the reservation database and checked Kate out as of last night, but froze the room.

I'm gonna go check out the security monitors.

You start packing. Card key for her room.

Yeah, I... Already have one.

Yeah, yours is gonna leave a record of access.

This one's clean.


Victoria: Margaux.

I went to the beach house. It was empty.

Why are you here?

It was decided I couldn't be alone.

And Emily? Is she here?

Somewhere upstairs.

I'm so...

[ Sobbing ]

Drop it!

Nolan: Jack.


Are you okay?

Look, she was bad news.

She was going to k*ll Emily.

You didn't have any choice.

[ Sighs ]

When I took this job, in the back of my mind, I always knew that there was a chance I'd have to...

She just wasn't the person that I thought...

I get it.

I will doing anything I can to help.

But right now, we have 12 minutes till the cleaning woman comes.

We got to get packing now.
[ Sniffs ]

What I heard from the police makes no sense.

She's claiming he att*cked her?

She had to sh**t him? Self-defense?

What happened...

Has been hard for all of us to accept.

But I don't accept it, and you can't, either.

The police must hear the truth from us.

When I last spoke with Daniel, he was happy, committed to turning his life around, to spending it with me, to being a family.

He did love you, Margaux.

That's how I know she's lying.

Daniel had moved on from Emily.

He had no reason to come to her house.

She lured him here, then k*lled him in cold blood.

You of all people should know that.

But I don't.

I don't know that.

How can you say that?

Because I know the truth.

Daniel and Emily could never escape one another.

And what she inflicted upon him was something he could never forget, and I will always hate her for it.

But it's why I also believe her.

Then I'll go to the police without you.

[ Door closes ]

You're welcome.

[ Speaking French ]

[ Siren wailing ]


What are you doing here?

They said they had more questions.

You didn't have to come by.

I talked to Ben and Adams and I got you a day to recover.

I'm fine.

It's you intervening that will make me look suspicious.

You're wrong... Everyone here understands what you went through.

No one's gonna think twice about giving you more time unless you give them reason to.

Look, this is not your call to make.

Yes, it is.

I have every bit as much to lose as you.

I was there last night, too, and I saw what happened afterward.

It was a couple of answers. No one even noticed.

Ben noticed.

Well, if that's true, all the more reason to show up and fix it.

Or blow it for all of us.

[ Sighs ]

Look, my alibi will hold.

I've done this a million times. I know what I'm doing.

Yes, you've done this a million times, but you are only human.

And you are struggling this time, because what happened last night is traumatic and it is going to have an effect.

Take the day off. Get your head together.

Grieve. It's what humans do.

[ Sighs ]

Look, Jack, just worry about yourself.

My head is just fine.

This license is still temporary.

Yeah, I haven't really had a chance to update my paperwork, but I will get on that.

So, if we're done...

You seem to be in a hurry.

Didn't even ask why I stopped you.

Your taillight's out.

Really? I don't think so.

Let's take a look.

Oh, yeah.

Look at that.

It's almost like someone intentionally smashed it.

Open the back of the van.

I don't think so.

You don't have cause.

My cause if that you're a sketchy son of a bitch.

You may have fooled a lot of people, but I know you're hiding something.

Open it.

This isn't about me, is it?

It's about Victoria Grayson.

I'm just the guy standing in between you and a woman who won't give you the time of day.

Am I right?

Open it or I will.

Get that taillight fixed.

I was taught to deflect grief with baked goods and comfort food, thus the abundance of starches.

Thank you, Louise. That's very thoughtful.

I know my relationship with your son was brief, but in that time, it was clear that Danny had a spirit of compassion, decency, and goodness.

Like his mother.

I appreciate that.


I am so sorry for your loss.

Well, I'm sure you're exhausted, and I left Nolan Ross' kitchen a complete mess, so I should go.

You're friends with Mr. Ross?

Yes, I... I'm actually staying with him.

Louise, I hate to impose, but... but do you think maybe you could sit with me for a bit?


Yes, of course. I'm here for you.

Anything you need.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Talk to me.

Guess whose plane just took off.

Nolan, dear, Victoria appreciated the pie so much that now I'm thinking cupcakes.

Do you mind?

It's all yours.

David: Where's he headed?

South. He's headed South.

It's all South from Canada.

Is he aiming at the Hamptons or chasing his daughter's phone to Miami?

David, we're not gonna know for a few hours.

You just... Have to hang tight.

I'm learning that's not my strength.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

[ Nolan whispering ]

Detective Adams is still out in the field.

She'll join us as soon as she gets back, but if you're sure that you're okay...

Yeah, I'm sure.

I know there was a discrepancy last night with the, uh...

Where you first found the g*n.

Yeah. [ Clears throat ]

Discrepancies happen.

It's not really a concern.

But the medical examiner's report...

I mean, that could be a problem.

See, last night, you said you thought Daniel had been drinking when he showed up.

I did. Yeah.

But the M.E.'s report shows no alcohol in his system.

All right, so, that's weird.

I mean, we can run it again. Maybe he missed it.

More likely I was wrong and misjudged him.

I mean... [Chuckles]

Daniel didn't need alcohol to get violent and angry with me.

I was actually just talking to Daniel's girlfriend about that.

Margaux LeMarchal?

She swore up and down that Daniel wasn't angry or violent or anything.

You know, in fact, according to her, he was as happy as she'd ever seen him.

He was excited that he was gonna be a father.

I'm sorry, did you just say...

A father?

Yeah, you didn't know?

I'm sorry. I think I'm gonna need a break.

Oh, of course.

Uh, would you mind if I asked you just one more question?


Daniel att*cked you, right?

But he had no bruises, no cuts.

I mean, he had... He had no defensive wounds of any sort.

Tell me why I shouldn't find that curious, especially since you've always struck me as someone who could hold her own in a fight.

He's baiting you, Emily. Get out of there.

Daniel was unhurt because...

I didn't want to hurt Daniel.

Even when he att*cked me, I held back.


Because what he was saying was true.

I had hurt him.

I married him for the wrong reasons, and when...

When it all fell apart, it was like I threw a grenade into his life.

The damage that I caused was real, and I knew it at the time.

I wouldn't hurt him because...

Underneath all of the scar tissue and...

The flaws, the temper...

...there was a genuinely good guy just trying to find his way.

So, despite our history, despite everything that I told myself...

...I cared about him.

But you still shot him.

Only when I knew I didn't have a choice.

Only when I knew he intended to k*ll me.

Why would you think that?

Because he tried it before...

The night of our wedding.

On the boat.

I'd heard about that, but I... I always thought that...

I covered for him.

It was the night that he learned I wasn't in love with him.

It almost destroyed Daniel, so...

...he almost destroyed me.

Daniel said that was the night that I ruined his life.

Turns out he was wrong. [ Sniffles ]

[ Sighs ]

Nolan: His airplane just entered New York airspace, so he's either gonna hang a U at Long Island or he's gonna keep heading south.

Any minute now.

How's she doing?

Ask her.

I'm asking you.

How do you think she's doing? She lost her son.

[ Sighs ]

I am sorry about Daniel.

I know.

That's it, folks.

His plane just passed over New York.

Someone is headed for Disney World.

That's a relief.

Okay, so we bought ourselves some time.

But what now?

When Malcolm doesn't find what he's looking for, I can guarantee Miami's not gonna be his last stop.

You see, I'm hoping that's exactly what it is.

What did you do?

Well, you don't get to be Malcolm Black without having some enemies... Competitive dealers, cartel leaders... All equally bloodthirsty.

Nolan: Mm. Made some calls, did you?

I suggested they visit Miami...

Where, when, the whole itinerary.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, you are one bad-ass travel agent, Mr. Clarke.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Keyboard clacking ]

[ Sighs ]


I'm so sorry about Daniel.

I can't imagine what you're going through.

Please, come. Sit.


I won't be here that long.

My attorney just spoke with the police.

Apparently, they will not be naming you as a suspect in Daniel's m*rder.

Did you know? Self-defense.

They're going to make that official.


No. You need to listen.

I know you're lying.

You played a game with the police, with Victoria, with who knows how many others, but believe me when I tell you, I do not play.

I know you m*rder*d Daniel.

I did not. And I am just as devastated...

Stop talking and hear me!

I'm going to make it my life's journey to see you pay for what you've done, and that journey begins now!

We bury Daniel on Friday.

You will not be there.

You can't do that, Margaux.

No. But she can.

I see.

Thank you for your hospitality.

I'll be going home now.

You know that Daniel would have wanted me at his funeral.


But we'll never know, will we?

What do you think?

Yes. It's perfect.

But... But the, uh...

The tie? It's the tie, right?

No, the... The tie is fine.

But the knot... It's a little...

It's a little lumpy, right?


I don't know. I tried three times.

Let me.

Ugh, tell me this...

What kind of grown man still needs help with a tie?

A man who I think can do it with his eyes closed but still wants his mother to feel worthwhile.

[ Chuckles ] Pay attention.

Soon you're going to be teaching your own son how to do it.



Let's see.

David: Amanda.

We're just on the way to the cemetery.

I thought I'd check in on you.

You okay?


Where's your lady friend?

She's waiting in the limo.

Just tell me this.

A few nights ago, before the wheels came off, you said that this would all be over soon, that it was all part of a larger plan.

What did you mean?

I can't... I'm not doing this right now.

Please. I need to know.

What was the plan?

If all this hadn't happened, we'd be having her funeral right now instead of Daniel's.

You were gonna k*ll Victoria?

And now?

[ Sighs ] I'm gonna be late.

Adams told me that you were a real asset on the, uh, Daniel Grayson sh**ting and I'm a fool if I don't think about making you a detective.

Well, I'd never call you a fool, sir.

Yeah. Find me tomorrow. We'll chat.

Well, I can chat now.

I can't do it.

Thanks to your partner, I got, uh, paperwork that's gonna keep me here past dinner.

My partner?

Last-minute furlough changes, he wants personal days...

You guys don't talk?

Hey. What's this about you taking some personal days?

You never said anything.

That's why they're called "personal."

[ Sighs ]

It's just a couple days at home.


I haven't been 100% lately. I'm not sleeping.

It's that girl, isn't it? The fed?

I was wondering why I hadn't seen her around.

Yeah. She, uh... She left after that party the other night.

[ Sighs ]

Guess she'd had enough of this place.

[ Chuckles ] Well, I'm sorry.

And if it's any consolation, my old man used to say never get involved with a woman who owns more handcuffs than you. So...

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Yeah, that's...

That's advice.

She really did a number on you, didn't she?


Yeah, I think she did.

Man: The lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul.

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me.

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.

Thou anointest my head with oil.

My cup runneth over.

Oh, my God!

I'm Daniel.

I'm Emily.

Will you marry me?


[ Both laugh ]

No, don't... Don't... Don't do it.

Sorry, pal. Daylight's wasting.

Oh, come on.

Waking up with you is the best part of my day.

If you open those curtains, it's all over.

Come on. Give me a few more seconds here.

All right. I'll give you three.

One, two...



Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


All: Amen.

[ Both sniffle ]

Take your time. I'll be here.

It was a beautiful service.

I found the envelope you were looking for.

Thank you, Louise, but I don't want it.

Would you destroy it, please?

That way, we can hope for no more funerals.


I really apologize for the timing, but, uh, I thought you would want to know.

My Google alert has been blowing up for the last hour.

Bloodbath in Miami.

Apparently an unidentified arms dealer turned up dead and in pieces.

It's kind of redundant, huh?

Well, I know some people that are gonna sleep well tonight.


Chief Alvarez?


Ted Powell.


FBI Bureau Chief... Lower Manhattan.

All right. So, how can I help the FBI?

Well, I'm trying to track down one of our lost sheep.

Special Agent Kate Taylor.

She was doing some field work.

Yeah. The Conrad Grayson m*rder.

Sure. She was here, closed the case, got called back to her office a few days ago.

She never made it back.

Was she working with anyone on your team?

Yeah, one of our rookies, uh, Jack Porter.

Let me give him a call.

Budget cuts are k*lling you guys, too, huh?

How's that?

Your car. No government tags.

Good catch.

It's always the little things that get you.

What did you say your name was again?

[ Groans ]

Malcolm Black.

[ Engine turns over ]