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01x12 - The Wolves of Deep Brooklynn

Posted: 01/06/15 23:14
by bunniefuu
[Indistinct conversation]

[dean Martin's "Who's got the Action?" plays]
♪ Gal is like a racehorse, I play her to win ♪
♪ But if I should lose her ♪

Jason, what are you doing?

Stop staring at the customers.

You know who that is over there?

Guy in the suspenders? Some actor or something?

It's Oliver Clausten.

He's the C.E.O. of Clausten Capital Investments.

They're as big as you can get on wall street.

I must have sent my résumé over there 10 times.

Well, be the best waiter he's ever had, Waiter? Dad, no. and maybe...

I... [sighs] I got to show this guy what I can actually do for him.

No, Jason. Don't bother them.

How is everything over here so far?

♪ Just lay it on the line ♪

It's excellent. Thank you.

You're okay?

Could be better, though, right?

♪ And won't you be mine? ♪



Like, say, maybe if, instead of the check, I slipped you a can't-miss stock tip.

♪ Some can't go the distance ♪


♪ They're only good in sprints ♪

I love this.

What do you got, kid?

♪ They don't run to form ♪

And then this kid tells me about this Chinese company that makes chips for mobile.

I never heard of them.

As of market close today, however, Clausten Capital's investment in Zhu Lai Electronics has earned the firm and its clients over $83 million.

All right! Yes!

Man: Whoo! [Cheers and applause]

You've become like a son to me.

And what can I say?

I believe in spoiling my kids.

♪ Just lay it on the line ♪

[Keys jingle, alarm chirps]

♪ I'll bet you 10 to one ♪
♪ I'll bet you 10 to one ♪
♪ I'll bet you 10 to one ♪
♪ You will be mine ♪

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Police radio chatter]

The victim shows signs of alcohol intoxication.

So, likely drunk, he climbed onto the barrier and fell.

Well, why aren't his hands wrinkled?

Who's that?

Me? Hi.

Lucas Wahl, Assistant M.E.

Yeah, I sat right next to you on the way up, so...

I was just wondering why the victim's hands aren't showing more signs of water swelling.

You'll have my official report by the end of the day.

Wow. That's fast.

We've been working with Dr. Morgan.

You sure you don't want to do something weird or... disgusting to the body first?

You know... turn his head inside out or something.


Look, I have one more question.

Why would the victim climb the barrier in the middle of the night?

The "why" is your job, detective.

You miss him as much as I do?

[Sighs] The accent, the scarf...

The "joie de death"?

[Chuckles] How long has he been out now?

Uh, three weeks, two days, and a few hours.

Who's counting, though, right?

I'm worried about him, you know?

I mean, he k*lled a man.

I'm worried about him, too.

I, uh... I called over there a few times, but I got Abe.

He said he was doing...

He's doing fine.

Yeah, I know. I called, too.

[Chuckles, breathes deeply]

Wonder what that guy does to keep himself busy.

[Classical music plays]

Abe: Trap finally got one, huh?

No, actually.

My initial examination suggests another cause.

Henry, when are you thinking about going back to work?

You see, the rat is incredibly thin.

It was likely hungry, so it climbed up the length of the chimney.

There are soot marks on its feet...

Where it slipped and fell and broke several bones and then... crawled into the trap.


No, not really.

Look, Henry, I was all for you taking off some time from work after what happened.

By "what happened," you mean...

You having had to k*ll a psychopath who att*cked you in your home.

Yes, that.

You had no choice. It was self-defense.

But that's the thing, isn't it?

I had no choice.


[Breathes deeply]

I was manipulated, outsmarted by this... Adam.

The caller said he was immortal, but this man is...

Dead. Very dead.

He wasn't the anonymous caller.

He made me k*ll a man.

A very bad man.

But does it matter? Adam's won.

Look, the only way he wins is if you decide to pack it in and sit around here and Sherlock rats.

[Telephone ringing]


Hey, Marco. Nah. It's good to...


Oh, my God.

Marco, I'm coming over. Uh...

Yeah, a-all right. I'm so sorry.

That was Marco, my old army buddy.

His son is dead.

Henry: There is risk anytime we venture into the unknown, whenever we are compelled, for whatever reason... [camera shutter clicking]

To push away the safety of the familiar, of family and home.

As promised, my report.

My assessment remains accidental death by drowning.

And there is the notion that this impulse is, indeed, for the best, that whatever doesn't k*ll us makes us stronger.

Unless, of course, it does.

A-ask about the glass.

What glass?


The small shards of dark glass found near the head wound?

Likely unrelated to the C.O.D.

Assistant M.E.s, like children, should be seen and not heard.

Don't you agree, detective?

Oh, absolutely.

Well, most of the time, wouldn't you say?

Dr. Washington, Detective Martinez, Lucas, good to see you all.

Good to see you, Henry.

Are you back? Please tell me you're back.

Well, I did come in early this morning to examine Jason Fox's body, along with some related forensic evidence.

I hope you don't mind.

He was the son of a friend of Abe's.

I took the opportunity to test the salinity of the water in his lungs.

As did I.

It's within the range of the salinity of the East River.

But only at full moon, high tide...

Not present on the night of the m*rder.

And the nature of the head trauma suggests that he was struck by an object traveling at speed rather than an injury sustained in the fall.

And then, there's the burn on the neck.

Unrelated to the C.O.D., in my opinion.

Yeah, fair enough.

But in my opinion, both it and the fractures around the victim's knees were incurred postmortem.

Finally, there were the splinters of white pine under his fingernails.


Well, detective, it seems you would have a choice...

My analysis, which will wrap up the case by the end of the day, or Dr. Morgan's stew of suppositions and suggestions, which will lead to paperwork and insanity.

Are you feeling okay, Henry?

I'm fine. Thank you.

I choose insanity. Welcome back, Henry.


Yeah. He turned up this morning.

He's gonna work the Fox case with me.

How does he seem to you?

Seems okay. Same old Henry.

Well, you and I both know that examining dead bodies is a hell of a lot different than being responsible for one.

And Henry's not a cop.

Taking a life and all that comes after that isn't something that he's been trained for.

I know.

I also know that coming back to work was one of the only things that made me feel better.

And at least this way, I can keep an eye on him, right?

When was the last time you spoke to Jason?

A week ago maybe.

But it was... just the usual.

Quick. "How you doing, dad?

I got to go."

Seemed like he was always in between meetings.

And don't get me wrong... I-I was happy for him.

The kid worked like hell, beat every odd to get to where he was, but since he started at that firm, it was like...

[Voice breaking] It was like I lost a piece of him.

Did you know many of the people that he worked with?

I knew Hannah, his girlfriend.

She works there.

Nice enough girl.

But, look, those people and that world...

It... it's all about money.

It's not what I wanted for Jason.

It's not what I would have chosen for him.

And I can't help but think...

Think what?

That if he hadn't been part of it, then, somehow, he'd still be alive.

I just wish I could have kept him safe.

That's a father's job. Right?

Abigail: Henry.

Man: Just inside the border of North Vietnam,

was struck today by U.S...

What is it, Abigail?

[Radio chatter continues]

A draft letter.

It came.

What came? Hi, mom.


My draft letter.

Not really a surprise, is it?


You ready to have another soldier in the house, mom?

No. She most certainly is not.

Nor am I.

We need to have a serious discussion about our options.

Our options?

The only name on this letter is mine, and the only option I'm considering is serving my country like you two did.

Yes, which is why we know better than you how horrific...

Dad, please.

I'm going to report for duty.

This is my decision.

Jo: When Jason dropped you off after the party on Clausten's boat, did you ask him where he was going?

Of course.

He said he just wanted to drive the car some more.

Hmm. That seem odd to you?

[Voice breaking] No.

I'm an early bird, but Jason had this incredible energy.

Like, he was just so happy to be living the life he was living.

Like, he appreciated it more because of how hard he had to work for it.

He was special.

[Chuckles] Different. [Thud]


And after he dropped you off, what did you do? [Tapping]

Worked a bit, then went to sleep.

[Tapping continues] Beautiful floors.

White pine. But you stained them.

Yes, that's right.

Had Jason been working on them recently?

The floor? No.

[Hollow tapping]

He had white pine splinters under his fingernails.

Seems to me that a savings account would yield a higher rate of return.

I had no idea that was there.

Jo: The hiding space or the money?


That's quite a bit of money. Looks like almost 100 grand.

Well... it's not?

Look, I know this may sound strange.

But for us, at least, it's not a lot of money.

What is it you do again?

[Indistinct conversations]

[Telephones ringing]

Melanie: Detective Martinez, Dr. Morgan.

Melanie Sparo, Mr. Clausten's assistant.

I understand you're here to take a look at Jason's office.

Yes, that's right.

Can I get you anything...

Water, pellegrino, fresh juice, champagne?

Oh, no, thank you. We're on duty.

Doesn't stop anyone here.

This was Jason's office.

I'll be right back with your water.

Ah, you guys are late.

You're the decorators, right?

He looks like a decorator.

You moving in?

Yeah. Why else would I have hired you?

So, spare no expense.

The guy who was in here before me, he grew up in, like, seriously deep Brooklyn.

Had no taste.

I'm Detective Martinez with the NYPD.

We're investigating the death of that guy with no taste.

Yes. I believe his name was Jason.

Mm-hmm. What's yours?

Sorry. Uh, Val. Val Kaplan.

I'll get out of your hair.

Jason was...

He'll be missed.

Apparently not by him.



Henry, check this out.

There was an altercation in here.

Caused that lamp to fall off and left this blood on the carpet.

Melanie: Water.

Thanks. Is there anything else?

Yeah. We'd like to speak with Oliver Clausten.

[Bell clanging] Mr. Clausten and Jason were very close.

He's taken this pretty hard. Here he is now.

Mr. Clausten...

Congratulations, everyone, for the end of another successful day...

Sorry. It's time for Oliver's talk.

And night, for our team in London.

His what?

Good morning to everyone over in Tokyo and Shanghai.

Here in New York, we continue to mourn and process the loss of our colleague, Jason Fox.

You know how I like to call you guys and girls my soldiers.

Well, Jason was a green beret.

He fought, conquered, and destroyed every obstacle to his success...

Every obstacle.

Why? Because he understood the simple, cruel perhaps, but unyielding precept that fuels this firm and, for that matter, the planet earth.

Who here can tell me what that is?

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!


k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

Excuse me?

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!


k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!


Be k*lled! Be k*lled! Be k*lled!

Oliver: k*ll or be k*lled.

Rest in peace, Jason.

And with him in your hearts and in his honor...

Let's get back to work.


I'd say we have a few more suspects.

Jo: Did Jason say anything to you about where he was going that night after the party?

Nope. Seemed set on breaking in his new Aston Martin.

Big-game hunting, skydiving...

It seems you have a taste for dangerous living.

Makes me a better trader... no fear.

Got to be able to play chicken with the market and not blink.

Do you have any idea if Jason had any conflicts with anyone here at the firm or with any of his clients?

Our clients tend to be pretty satisfied with us.

It's a handy by-product of generating wealth for them that, combined, annually, is equal to the GDP of Western Europe.

Hmm. It's hard for me to imagine.

I've never been to Western Europe.

It's beautiful.

What about anyone here?

Seems to me you've created an environment that is, indeed, ferocious.

You know, I'm sure there were people here that were envious of Jason's success, his closeness with me, and may have secretly wished some pretty nasty things on him.

But being ferocious is absolutely what it takes to win.

You have any idea why Jason would have $100,000 in cash hidden in the floorboards of his apartment?

Hookers, blow, gas money... who knows?

$100,000 seems a bit light, though.

I always keep at least $3 million stashed away somewhere special in case I've got to get out of town in a hurry.

And why would you need to get out of town in a hurry?

In case I forget what Western Europe looks like.

I got to run. I've got an appointment.

But, please, feel free to talk to any of my employees.

Oliver said you should feel free to talk to anyone...

Actually, I'm not done talking to Oliver.

Long commute?

Yes, well...

More comfortable for two buses and a train.

Sheepshead Bay.

That's where Jason was from.

You two must have felt like strangers in a strange land in here.

We used to laugh about making it out.

Jason was a good egg.

Hmm. Yes, I bet he was.

Which is why I was hoping you could help me with something, Melanie.

Have you any idea how blood got on the carpet in Jason's office?

I actually had a few more questions.

Fire away.

I have reason to believe that Jason was in a physical altercation of some kind in his office recently.


That. [Elevator bell dings]

He said it was some guy he knew growing up.

I told him to avoid that element.

He was an unsophisticated investor.

Looks like you made a mistake.

This one's headed up instead of down.

No mistake.

My helicopter lands on the roof.

[Button clicks]

I don't go down.

Oliver Clausten is a total ass.

Kevin Crachiolla.

Uh, who?

The name of the person with whom Jason fought in his office.

He owns an auto shop in Brooklyn.

I got it from Melanie, Clausten's assistant.

She said that a client came to visit Jason a week ago after work hours.

She checked the firm's appointment records and got his name... Kevin Crachiolla.

Abe: Nice work, Henry.

Let's go get this Crachiolla guy.

We will tomorrow.

And by "we," I mean Jo and I.

Why not... why not... Why not you and me tonight?


Don't "Abe" me.

One of my best friends just lost his son.

Look, I want to be involved in this thing.

Actually, there is something.

We found this key hidden in Jason's apartment.

Now, I've never seen anything like it before.

Have you?


But I know someone who would know everything about it.

You mind if I give it to him tomorrow?

Okay. Show it to your friend.

But make sure it gets back to me.

I just want to be helpful.

You know...

Jason was Marco's only kid.

I mean, you... can you imagine what he must be going through?


Seem like a long time ago to you?

Yes. And no.

Well, you experience time a little differently than everyone else.


But unlike time, w*r has been the same for me as it is for everyone else...

Brutal and terrifying beyond imagination.

w*r's not an adventure, Abe.

I know that.

But there are some things you can't run from.

If you'd seen the things that I've seen, Abe, lost the loved ones that I've lost, you'd soon understand how pointless it all is.

And if given the chance to change the outcome, to protect...

It's not your job to protect me.

Yes, it is.

You're just afraid.

Well, of course I am.

And so am I.

But what you don't understand...

Maybe you can't understand... is that risking your life for something you believe in is a blessing...

Not a curse.

[Whirring, ratcheting]

You know, I noticed on the way in that this garage abuts the gowanus canal.

Yeah. You thinking about taking a dip?

[Chuckles] No, no. Not today.

No, the canal is more brackish than the East River, its salinity more in line with what was in Jason's lungs.

Can I help you?

Hi, I'm Detective Martinez with the NYPD.

Do you know a Jason Fox?

Yeah. Why?

Did you pay him a visit at his office recently?

Get in a little fight?

Yeah, we had a disagreement.

It's not what I'd call a fight...

Not where we grew up, at least.

Wait. Is he pressing charges? You got to be kidding me.

Jason is dead.

We found his body two days ago by the East River.

Are you serious?

What did you guys fight about?


When I heard he was really k*lling it on Wall Street, I gave him some of my money to invest.

How much?

100 grand. But some stuff came up for me. I needed the money back. Jason said no problem. Then he said he needed more time. I never got a straight answer about why.
Jo? Would you come here for a moment?

We done here?

You just hang tight, Kevin.

This bolt, those car mats, and this bulb are all from a 2014 Aston Martin Vantage S.

Jo: Jason's new car.

See how the bulb is cracked at its base?

It would cause it to heat improperly.

That was the cause of the burn on Jason's neck.

And his right knee was fractured because he was stuffed inside that very same trunk.

They chopped it already.

There are parts of this car all over the garage.

[Engine revs]

And that is the sound of an Aston Martin engine.

[Tires squeal]

Inside an Impala?

He's getting away!

Henry, stop!



[Tires screech]

[Car alarm wailing]

Kevin: What the hell's wrong with that guy?!

Good question.

Interrogation room one, please.

Henry, what the hell was that all about?

You could have been k*lled. I could have been k*lled.

I'm sorry. I just didn't want to let him get away.

Henry, that's not your job.

Look, he was manipulating us.

I wasn't gonna let that happen.

Manipulating us?

You say it like it was personal.

The guy was lying.

That's what guilty people tend to do.

Listen, you said that you were ready to come back.

Is that true?


Come on, Henry.

I've been through this before.

What goes through your mind after taking a life...

It is not easy.

You know that you can talk to me, right?


I know.

And I appreciate that.

But I'm fine, really.

[Horns honking] [Indistinct conversations]

[Machinery whirring]

[Bell jingles]

Well, well, if it isn't Abe the Knave.

You know we don't serve your kind around here, don't you?

Yeah. And what kind is that?

Guys who steal girls from guys they were in the same damn platoon with.

Jerry, that was 30 years ago.

We kicked the brits' ass in 1776.

We still celebrate the 4th of July.

[Machine grinding]

Hey, uh, Jerry.

J-Jer... Jerry!

You know what kind of a key this is?

What it might be used for?

Do I know?

I will forget more about keys tonight in my sleep than you will learn in your whole lifetime.

J... Jerry, it's... it's... it's not about me.

It's about Marco.


His son, actually.

What, little Jason?

[Sighs] He's, uh, dead.

He... was m*rder*d.

What? m*rder*d?

[Clears throat]

Look, this key, whatever it leads to, could help catch whoever did it.

Let me see this.

It's rare.

It's made for a special kind of humidor lock.

For cigars.

I know what a humidor is, Jerry.

Leave this with me. I'll see what I can find.

For Marco.


Where did you get Jason's car, Kevin?

He called me earlier that day, said he finally had my money.

Told me to come to his place in Tribeca at 10:00.

He never showed, so...

I went looking for him.


His dad's restaurant.

What time?

Uh... 11:00? Ask his old man.

They were about to close, but he still brought me out a bowl of clams.

So, after that, I went back to his place and waited for him in his garage.

Around 4:00 A.M., this Aston Martin pulls in Jason's spot.

So I figured, "you know what? I'm borrowing it."

So, you're saying you saw Jason pull into the garage at 4:00 A.M.

Well, that makes you the last person to see him alive, Kevin.

No. I wasn't the last person, because it wasn't Jason in the car.

Looked like him... The suit, the slicked-back hair.

But it wasn't him.

Are you blowing smoke here, Kevin?

All these broker douches look alike.

But I grew up with Jason. I know what he looks like.


The steering wheel from Jason's Aston Martin.

They found it at the garage.

[Sighs] What a waste.

Not really.

I pulled three sets of prints off of it.


Jason's, that Crachiolla guy, and one set without an I.D.

Hey. I pulled some photos of the male staff at Clausten Capital for Crachiolla to look at.

Guess who he I.D.'d.

The redecorator.

Yep. Val Kaplan.

So, Lucas pulled three sets of fingerprints from the steering wheel.

We can match two of them.

Perhaps we've just found number three.

Hi, Val. Remember me?

I'm not here to redecorate.

[Elevator bell dings]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell is this?

They're arresting me, Oliver.

I didn't... I didn't...

V-val, don't... say another word.

Where's he going, detective?


Abe: Now, are y-you sure the humidor is on this boat?

Jerry: I spoke to the guy that installed it.

Are you sure what we're doing is a good idea?

I mean, this guy Clausten's big cheese.

You sure you want to be messing with him?

If we wait any longer, the evidence can get destroyed.

What evidence?

Well, that's what we're gonna find out.

Just trust me about this, huh? It's not my first case.

Oh. Okay. It might be my fourth.

Look, we're still doing this for Marco.

Okay. Yeah.

All right.

Just follow my lead.

Just let me explain once more.

Uh, uh, I work for the humidor company, and, uh, Juan here, my colleague, is the, um, locking, uh, mechanism, uh, specialist.

Mr. Clausten's humidor is equipped with a sensor that sends a distress signal every time the moisture level becomes dangerously high.

And, sir, I can tell you right now, we are in the red zone.

Is that true?

Uh, he doesn't speak much English.

He's, uh, originally from Cuba.

Yeah. Sé"†.

I'll need to call Mr. Clausten.

No, no, no. We... we... we don't have any time.

That's moisture... moisture, moisture, moisture.

It's very h-humid. [Chuckles]

All right. The humidor's right there.

Just be quick about it.

Now, look, why don't you and I, uh, uh, go into the wheelhouse over there...

Mm. And let Juan here, uh, do his magic?

Gracias, se帽or.


I didn't k*ll him.

Jo: We can put you in the car after the party, Val.

At the least, that makes you an accessory.

You are looking at 10 years minimum.

I am talking about State Pen.

Do you have any idea what happens to guys like you in places like that?

Look, you have to understand, I just...

Just what? Just dumped the body?

Well, that's good, Val.

That means you're not a m*rder*r.

Even better, it means you know who is.

Maybe we can work out a deal.

You can avoid having an overly friendly prison roommate. Hmm?

Oliver... called me around midnight.

He said to come over to his place.

Jason's body was in the pool.

I carried it to the elevator.


I got his car.

I stuffed the body in the trunk.

And I dumped the body by the river.

And why would you do all that, Val?

Oliver told me it wouldn't be a problem, that he'd take care of it.

[Doorbell rings]

[Police radio chatter]

We have a warrant to search your house and property.


I just opened a beautiful '74 Barolo, and I've got an entire case inside, so there's plenty to go around.

Come on in.


Hmm. Salt water.

Healthier for you.

I imagine its salinity matches the water found in Jason's lungs.

Same glass as we found near the wound on Jason's head... from a wine bottle.

So, Jason was hit with it.

He then fell into this pool.

And he drowned.

Thinks he's pretty smart, doesn't he?

Does that remind you of anyone?

[Cellphone rings]



Joanne: You guys need to get back here.

To the station? Why?

Henry just found the m*rder w*apon.

Well, that's good.

Someone just walked into my office and confessed.

Jo: I'd like to hear it all again.

Oliver invited Jason and me to come back to his place after the boat.

We went back there, and Oliver finally got tired and went off to bed.

It was just Jason and me. And he made a move on me.

I wasn't interested.

He was really drunk, got angry...

Said it was because I was sleeping with Oliver.

And were you? Are you?

No and no.

What Jason said really pissed me off, though.

A little of the old neighborhood came out in me, I guess.

I threw a bottle of wine at him.

He stumbled off into the pool.

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

Yeah. I got to hand it to this Clausten character.

He's one smart cookie.

Hey! Hey!

Henry. Get over here.

There's been a huge break in the case.

What, you've heard about Melanie already?

Melanie? No, no. Just listen.

Jerry and I figured out that that key you gave us was for the humidor on Oliver Clausten's boat.

So we pulled off this operation, and we broke in.

And guess what.

Along with those fine cigars he's keeping in his humidor, there was also...

These files.

Yeah? Filled with all sorts of confidential financial information.

Tell him, Myron. You remember Myron?

My accountant.

Myron Roth, Dr. Morgan.

May I ask if you are currently satisfied with your tax-preparation professional?

Myron, just tell Henry what we got.

These papers are Clausten Capital's actual financial records.

The stuff the firm is showing to the investors, the S.E.C... it's all bull.

The whole operation is just one big, very complicated Ponzi scheme.

I'm sorry.

Did you say that you stole these files from Clausten's boat?

Not "stole." We... we liberated them.

No, no, no, no. Don't you understand?

Jason had that key hidden because he found out about what Clausten was up to.

Maybe that's why he was k*lled.

How could you?! How could all of you?!

Don't you realize that even if everything you're saying is true, because of how it was obtained, none of it can be used against...

Who are you calling, Henry?

I thought you said he was cool.

Melanie, once you sign that confession, there is no going back.

There's no way to get back the years, possibly decades you are gonna lose in prison.

[Cellphone ringing]

Hey. What's up?

Are you kidding me?! He did what?!

And you've seen all of this?

All right. I'm gonna call you back.


Melanie, that was a source of mine at the S.E.C.

Clausten Capital Investments and Oliver Clausten personally are being charged with security fraud.

No. It's not true.

Jason confronted Oliver, and Oliver k*lled him.

Now he's paying you to take the fall.


How much, Melanie?

$5 million? $10 million?

Do you know what a forensic accountant does?

The S.E.C. has hundreds of them.

Now, it might take them awhile.

It may take them the entire length of your sentence, but they will find that money.

You will get out, and you will be left with nothing.

[Door opens]


It was $20 million.

Hasn't been wired yet.

Oliver k*lled Jason.

[Indistinct shouting]

It's just a rumor. Business as usual.

Hey, come on. Those kind of threats are not necessary.

Everything here is just fine.

Man: Shred everything!

You just got to trust me.

Man: FBI! We have a warrant!

Stop your work! Drop those files!

Man: Everyone, come over here, please.

Man: Let me see those hands. Step away from the desk.

You and you, fan out with me to find Oliver.

Henry, you...

Stay here. Will do.

Man: Leave those files where they are.

Man: Step away from the computer now!

Step away from the desk.

You two. You two, move over here.

[Indistinct shouting]

Stop your work. Stop your work.

Man: Anyone have a 20 on Oliver Clausten?

He's not in his office.

Man 2: His key card says he's still in the building.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Elevator doors close]

[Elevator bell dings]

[Engine turns over]

[Engine revving]

[Tires squeal]

[Tires squealing]

Jason went to Oliver's that night after the party to confront him about what the firm was up to.

Oliver got pissed, threw one of his fancy bottles of red wine at him.

Jason fell in the pool and drowned.

He had Val clean it up and paid Melanie to take the fall.

Nice work, Jo.

You and Morgan are quite the team.

Yeah. I guess we are.

And Henry hasn't behaved in any way out of the ordinary?

Well, this is Henry we're talking about, right?

So what's ordinary?

You know what I mean.


No. Same old Henry.

He's back.

♪ Oh, I've tried ♪

Committing fully to the protection of another can often engender a kind of paradox.

[Indistinct conversation]

In doing so, we are tempted to put ourselves at risk...

The very thing most likely to cause pain in those whom we are trying so desperately to keep pain from.

♪ A good man ♪

Henry! You're here.

Hey. Join us, huh?

Have a drink.

Ah, thank you.

You earned it.

Oh, you did, too.

The S.E.C. were very happy to receive your anonymous tip...

Although you might get an earful from Jo next time you see her.

Oh, don't worry. I can handle her.

Man, you can't tell that dude nothing.

[Chuckling] Hey!

Thank you, Henry.

For everything.

My pleasure, Marco.

And, after all, from what I can gather, you were a big reason why this one came home safe from Vietnam.

That's true, Marco.

Yeah, me too, pal. Me too.

Marco, I think you should know Jason had intended to return Kevin Crachiolla's investment using his own money.

Because you raised him right, Marco.

Thanks, man.

♪ The lonesome girl ♪

Over time, however, one learns that the choices of those we love are impossible to control.

You'll write... every day.

Every day? Come on, mom.

[Chuckles, sniffles]

I love you so much, Abraham.

Henry: We both do.

And we're proud of you.

Dad. You came.

How could I not?

I owe you an apology, Abe.

You are, indeed, capable of making your own choices, as I was at your age.

You've reminded me of that...

And of how loving someone means supporting them even if it scares you to do so.

Especially then.


[Sniffles] I love you.

[Breathes deeply]

Look after yourself out there, okay?

I will.

And I love you, too.



I'm Marco.

Hi. Abe.


You scared?


Yeah. Me, too.

I mean, I'm from Brooklyn, so I figured I'll be all right.

You stick with me, Abe.

I'll take care of you.

[Knock on door]

[Lock turns]

[Bell jingles]

Have you come to tell me you no longer want to work with me in the field?

No, Henry.

I still want to work with you.

But if we're gonna do that, you need...

To be less careless. Yes.

Yes. Absolutely.

But that's not what I came here to say.


You and I... we're... we're not so different.

We're both a little guarded, a little screwed up.

Maybe a lot screwed up.

And we both have k*lled people.

It leaves you feeling like you have to make up for it somehow...

You know, you have to solve every case, maybe throw yourself in front of a few cars to make sure a bad guy doesn't get away.

But it doesn't work, none of it.

I didn't have to k*ll him.


I shouldn't have, but I did.

And that's something I'm gonna have to live with.


Me too.

Can I tell you something, Henry?

For me...

You make that a little easier.

I just...

I just want to be able to do the same for you.

[Cellphone ringing]

Hey. What's up?

Okay. Right now?

I'm on my way.

How would you like to see a dead body?

I thought you'd never ask.

[Bell jingles]