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09x10 - Restaurant Wars

Posted: 05/02/24 08:51
by bunniefuu
Female announcer:
Previously on Top Chef...

- Oh! We got a fire.

- This is a monster
of a barbecue.

- Foil! Brisket!
You're on the ground!


- It's going to be like sex
in the mouth.

- Oh.
[Air hisses]

You guys are on your own.

- No. No.
We got it, please.

I'm pissed off.
We were a team.

She bailed out.
I can go faster without her.

- I understand
what you're saying to me.

- Does anybody find the white
team's ribs are really salty?

The ribs were so salty,
it was really inedible.

- Chris C.,
please pack your knives and go.

Eight chefs remain,

all hoping to win a feature
in Food & Wine magazine,

a showcase at the annual
Food & Wine classic in Aspen,

furnished by Healthy Choice,

to bring their culinary dreams
to life.

And the title of Top Chef.

- We walk into the Palm Door.

The space is absolutely empty.

We are not in a kitchen.

I have a feeling I know
what our next challenge will be.

- Hey, chefs.
- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Some of the best
chefs we've had

have packed their knives

after this next
elimination challenge.

Chefs, it's restaurant wars.

- Whoo!

- For the first time,

restaurant wars
will be a battle of the sexes.

- Oh, ho!
- Wow.

- Couldn't see that one coming.

- Yes.
- It's going to be boys

and girls fighting it out
on the playground.

I think the girls
are a strong group,

but I definitely think
the male chefs have more talent.

- Oh, God.

- Sarah knows flavor,
there's no doubt about it.

But, we all know her weakness
is barbecuing out in the sun.

- Let's rock this thing,
all right?

- Let's do it.

- I feel great about
boy versus girl.

The only person I'm worried
about is Beverly.

I've worked with Beverly
on team challenges before

and she was a wreck.

- Each team will take over
the Palm Door for one night.

- Wow.
- It's up to you

to build a restaurant
from the ground up.

- Chefs, I really want to see
a complete concept.

From name to design to menu,
each element should be in sync

with one another.
- And then

you'll each be dining
in the other team's restaurant.

- Oh.
- One team

will cook and serve tomorrow,
and then the other team,

the day after that.

I'll flip a coin.

If it's heads, ladies,

you'll cook tomorrow night.

If it's tails,
boys will be up first.

- It is tails.

- Boys, that means
you're up tomorrow night.

- Yeah--bam, bam, bam.

- Chefs, we want to see
a three-course menu,

with two choices in each course,

for 100 guests.
Each team

must designate somebody
to run front of the house.

And each team member
must be responsible

for at least one dish.

- Each team
will have five hours to cook

and decorate their restaurant
before service begins.

- Five hours?
Tom and Emeril

will also be joining us
at dinner.

You'll have 45 minutes now
to menu plan.

And $7,500 to spend for design
at Sur La Table

and Garden Ridge.

- Good luck, guys.
Work together.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Let's go.
- The most important thing

is that we come up
with our concept.

- You going to do front?
- I can do front.

- Let's do that.
- I'm going to run this thing

like a well-oiled machine.

Front of the house is a job
that no chef wants to do.

We're chefs, we cook.

But I have a little bit
more experience

because I own my own restaurant.

So it's something
that's natural to me.

And I can put on a smile,
just like anyone.

- I have a name.
- What is it?

- Canteen?
- Sure.

- What does it have to do
with the food, though?

- A canteen is
a communal place to eat.

- Who's going to be
in front of the house?

I would say you.
- Okay.

- Lindsay will be awesome
in the front.

She's opened many restaurants
for Michelle Bernstein.

She'll be able to stay calm
under pressure.

- All right, so are we
going to do front tables?

Is that our concept?

- It could be very elegant too.
You know what I mean?

- It can't be overly
complicated, elegant food.

It really
has to be streamlined.

- So rustic?
- Absolutely rustic.

We come up with
a restaurant concept

that is ingredient-driven,

organic, with a homey feel.

- And you have like a name
or something that--

- um--
- well, I was thinking,

like, Bushel.

The word bushel has always had
a lot of importance in my life.

My grandparents having a farm,
we sold peaches

by the bushel
and by the half bushel.

- I like the name Half Bushel.
- Yeah, I think it's cute.

- I do like that,

- You know what's great
is cr*cker jack ice cream.

- We could make cr*cker Jack
ice cream very easily.

- If you're doing cr*cker Jack,
I can do Almond Joy.

- Oh, that's perfect.
Do Almond Joy.

- That's hot.
One of the appetizers

that I was thinking of was,
like, a Thai-style lettuce cup.

- If you're comfortable with it,
I'm comfortable with it.

- What about for entrees?

Sous vide salmon's
really easy.

It's that really soft texture.

So we've got two apps,
two entrees, and dessert.

- I'm happy with them.

- I have a dessert.
It's cham torte.

- Like pavlova, right?
- Yeah.

- Bev, I need you
to take over a dish.

- I could do braised lamb rib,
which is really good.

- Do they have lamb ribs,

I doubt it.

- What about just like
roasted beets?

Some goat cheese?
- They're on every menu,

though--beets, beets, beets,
beets, beets.

- I definitely feel
a little overpowered

by the other women chefs.

They are not really listening
to what I have to say.

And I think that I have
valid input.

I could do a really nice
plate of short ribs.

- Do we want to do
short ribs again?

- Why not, she's [bleep] good
at it.

- I got to have a dish,
I'm sorry.

- That's not
what I'm saying, Bev.

- We got some shopping to do.
Let's go.

Let's grab some carts, guys.

- Like, we're looking
for, like, a runner.

- What do you think
about these, Paul?

- That's cool, I like that.

- We're looking to pick up

We're also looking for something
to divide the space up.

It's very large
and we want to make it

as intimate as possible.

- Hello. How're you doing?

- Hey, how are you?

- Like, this is one minimalistic
and clean than this is.

- Okay.
- On a plate.

- The decor
that we're looking for

is warm and inviting.

It's going to be tranquil.

This is for decoration?
- Yeah.

- Perfect, thank you.

- What a great shopping spree.

- You guys have fresh crab meat?

- Halibut is beautiful.
I got 30 pounds.

- For the caponata, I might
just do an eggplant puree.

- Three minutes!

- But why
are you doing eggplant?

- I just got it.
I grabbed it in case.

- Okay.
- So this is for you, right?

- That's for m-me?

- I feel bad for Bev.

I don't think the girls
really like her.

But, at the end of the day,
we all have to stay focused

and remember what we're here
for, and that's to win.

- You need all of those limes?
Three bags?

- Um, two bags.

- The girl chefs are getting
a little catty with each other.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
- Oh.

- Don't pull anything out of
my cart, please. Thank you.

- I don't know
if they're going to be able

to push that all aside
and work together as a group.

I really feel like the boys'
team is less argumentative.

We're getting along well.

Boys rule--
girls are just going to lose.

- Thank you.

- What are we doing
for the pick up?

- I've got a little bit
of a delay tonight.

- My wine is warmer
than my meal.

- I need you to come now.
Drop the water.

- It's turning into chaos
real fast.

- When we get there,

it's going to take 30 minutes
for us to unpack.

- Okay.
- Make sure to do a line-up,

like, 15 minutes before.

- At least 30 minutes.
There's a lot to go over.

- Server meeting?

This whole scenario
is kind of the Kobayachi Maru.

Do you have a menu
that we can give to the servers?

For the rest
of you non-Trekkies,

the Kobayachi Maru
is a challenge

that Starfleet Academy had
to test their captains

in an impossible situation.

That's kind of how I feel
this restaurant wars is.

This is the biggest challenge
of this competition.

- All right, guys, I guess
we got to get out of here.

- Yeah, let's do it.
- Go.

- Let's do this.
Go, go, go, go, go.

- We arrive
at the pink avocado kitchen,

and we have to create
a restaurant from scratch,

three courses--
two options in each course--

for 100 diners

in five hours.

Do that like that.

- This is going to be

for the Almond Joy dessert
that Ed is working on.

The difficulties of this
challenge are mindboggling.

Most restaurants
take years of planning.

Just doing this on the fly
is brutal.

- That's good right there.

Our restaurant is called
Canteen, and so we're going

for sort of
a quirky mess hall look.

But definitely
with elegant touches.

I'm the front of the house.

I'm just neck-deep
in bubble wrap and cardboard.

There is nothing that's going
to stand in our way today.

- 3 hours, 25 minutes.
- Okay!

- Our first course,
ham and eggs,

is Paul's dish.

I'm making the Thai-style
shrimp and crab appetizer

with a lovely
fish-caramel sauce.

The salmon entree is myself
and Paul working together.

How's it going, chef?
- Pork belly's started,

ham hocks are all down.
- Cool.

Paul's also making
roasted pork belly.

What else do you need, buddy?

- Can you crush
my almonds for me?

- For our desserts, Ed is doing
a play on Almond Joy.

And we need to help him out
because he's going to be

in the front of the house.
- How's it going, chef?

- Making cr*cker Jacks, man.
For the second dessert,

I am doing cr*cker Jack
and a peanut butter noodle.

- Look at you.
What's in that, buddy?

- Peanut butter
and half-and-half.

Peanut butter is the binder.

I really want to wow the judges
with nostalgic-style desserts.

And that's kind of what we're
playing on at Canteen.

We're pulling
on people's memories.

- 1:13!

My head's buzzing.

There's still, like,

But I got to set up
the tables and chairs.

Got to set up
the silverware, glassware.

Got to get menus
on the tables.

Got to get
seating charts ready,

train the wait staff.
Got to clean the bathrooms.

It's just going to come down
to the wire.

- How are you doing?

- We're making it,
we're making it.

- I think it needs
a touch more salt.

- Let's go
and have a staff meeting.

I would like everyone
to write their tickets

in a very specific way.

Table 41--

How do want them?
Start here?

Pass it down?
- Left to right.

- You guys ready to go?
We're going to do this.

All right.

- How's this look?
- That looks perfect.

- Whew!

- Into the void!
Here we go.

- Time is up and, man,
I wish I had another half hour.

But I don't.
So let's do it.

Welcome to Canteen.
You are very much on time.

- Thanks.

- Shrimp and crab
or ham and eggs?

That's a tough call, I know.

- This is the first ticket.

One ham and two shrimp.
- One ham, two shrimp--got it.

- This is a really cute

- There's a line already.

Boy, we must be doing
something right.

- Runners?
Where's my runner.

- Whose ticket is this?
Do you know?

I need a table number
on this.

When you see a server
can you come back

and give me a table number
on this?

- Definitely good all around.

- Double-check
all your tickets.

Make sure table numbers
are on the ticket, guys.

I see two that are missing.

- What are we doing
for the pick-up?

As service starts,
it becomes apparent

that we haven't
really delineated

who's going
to expedite all of this.

What, for your pork,
do we have to do?

- Pork, uh--
- we have overlooked

this very simple problem.

Let's figure out how to plate
this before we cut more.

- Do you mind if I ask you

to wait for just
a little bit for me?

I've got a little bit
of a delay tonight.

As more people
are being seated,

more plates come out,

it's turning into chaos
real fast.

- My wine is warmer
than my meal.

- Reheat it?

- Got it.

- Judges have just walked in,
all right?

Let's clear this board up.

- Judges are in the restaurant.
- Judges in.

- Would you like to sit here?

- That is good.
- That is yummy.

- Ed, I'd like to introduce you
to the judges

for these restaurant wars.

Judge Tom Colicchio,
Hugh Acheson, Emeril Lagasse.

They know a thing or two
about what you're going through.

They either own or operate

across this country.

- Always a pleasure.
Welcome to our restaurant.

It is called Canteen.

The idea behind it
is that a canteen is a place

where a community
comes to dine.

All of our menu items tonight

started from very humble

ham and eggs,
almond joy, pork belly--

taking these simple ideas
and trying to elevate them

into a cuisine.

Enjoy your evening.
- Feels good in here.

- All the tables look relatively
happy and jovial,

and having a good time.

- You will not believe
how moist it is.

- That is like butter.

- Nobody's screaming.
- Not yet.

- That's a three-top table,

- Sorry, no.

- Two ham, two shrimp
in window, chef.

We're getting the plates.
We're putting them down.

- Take this to the table.
- But we're having

a lot of issues
with the servers, at this point,

not understanding
what the hell is going on.

- Where have you been?
You got to be here running food.

Right? I need you here.
Okay, please?

- Hey, Ed, would it be easier

if somebody exported
on that side?

- Yeah.

- Do you think you could handle
the tickets?

- Sure.
- All right.

[Bleep] nightmare.
- I need two

of both appetizers
for judges, please.

- Judges.
- Copy.

- Well, I think
you can see them working.

- So who's expediting?
- We have Ty.

I'm not sure
what he's doing out there

in his apron.

- I'm in charge here.
- Yes, sir.

- What's usually going
through your head

at this point
on opening night?

- Executing, obviously,
the kitchen.

And I can tell you right now

that they are really
in the trees right now.

This is a big challenge.

- This is throwing them in
at the deep end.

- These entrees are not fired.

But they're just sitting
in the window and they're dying.

- I know, okay.
So 40.

- Hey!
- How are you?

I'm sorry, there's
a six-hour wait tonight.

I haven't even got a table.
[All laugh]

- I'm not a big pork belly fan.

But the skin is so delicious,
I'd like a lot more of it.

- Here you go.
- I'll let you pull my seat, Ed.

- Judges.

- Have the first course--

ham and eggs.
- Lovely.

- It's beautiful.

- The first dish
is Ty-lor's dish.

A Thai-style
crab and shrimp salad

with caramel and some peanuts.

And then Paul's dish, which is
kind of a ham and pork pate,

with mushrooms,
braised mustard seeds,

crostini, and some nectarines.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy.

- Thai shrimp and crab is just--
it's just a little flat for me.

It needs balance.
It needs acid.

It needs something.
- The shrimp

was cooked beautifully.
- I think Ty put together

a nice carmel sauce.
- You need what?

- Seven ham.
- I liked Paul's ham and eggs.

I liked the fried egg.
I thought that was whimsical.

- I liked the concept
of Paul's dish.

The brioche,
very, very greasy.

It's still on my palette
a little bit, you know?

- Is that what you were
picturing, though,

when you ordered ham and eggs?
- No. Not at all.

But somehow it's working.

- You sure this isn't going
to get cold?

- It's going to get cold.

Once I put it up,
it needs to settle.

- Sir, I need you to come now.

Drop the water.
Let's do this.

- This is [bleep] crazy.
I'm taking over.

I'm not letting them
fire any more.

- Paul is now out
at the window, expediting.

- I'm going to fire a lot
of tickets, guys.

I'm just going to start--

- Don't talk about it,
just do it.

- You want me to take over
for a little bit?

- No, I can do it.
It'll be easier.

- Just let Paul do it, and let
one person stay doing it, okay?

- Like I should have just
stepped up from the beginning,

and just kept everybody in line.

But I didn't want to piss
the other guys off

by bossing them around.

The friendship aspect of it
got in the way.

- Take it to 44, please.

- We have two dishes
for you tonight.

And one is Ty-lor and Paul's
poached salmon

with warm tomato water,

a little crispy salmon skin,
and a tomatillo jam,

which is a little bit spicy.

We also have Paul's
crispy skin pork belly,

green apple and
a sweet potato puree.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Where are the mushrooms?

They're supposed to be
on the salmon.

- Oh, [bleep].
- What?

We forgot the mushrooms
on the salmon.

- [Sighs]

- Let's start with the salmon.

- I like the fried skin.
- I do too.

- I like the tomatillo salsa.
- The fish is cooked well.

Clams are cooked well.

There's nothing marrying
that taste.

- I liked Paul's pork belly.

I wish it had
a little spicy slaw, maybe.

- Right, an applesauce.
- You know.

- From what I've seen
from Paul so far,

I was expecting a lot more
in the flavor department.

- This is really intense,
you know?

- So intense.
- To open a restaurant,

in like 24 hours.

Oh, we're
gonna be done

by this point tomorrow.
- Yeah.

- Almond joy.
Six almond joy.

- And here is our desserts
for the evening.

First one is almond joy--

a layer of almond crust,
malted chocolate mousse,

a little bit of toasted almonds
with a Japanese spice,

and a banana-coconut puree.

And then we have
the homemade cr*cker Jack,

some cherries,
some peanut butter, ice cream,

which has been frozen
in liquid nitrogen.

- Thanks.
- Enjoy.

- I love almond joy.

The chocolate work is delicious.
But where's the coconut?

Pack it on the side,
give it to me the top.

- The only thing wrong
with Ed's dessert

is that he called it
an almond joy.

- That's right.
- They're on dessert.

- Not crazy
about Chris's dessert.

- Peanut butter and cherries?
I don't know.

- In a wacky way,
I like Chris's dessert.

There's something about it
that I just enjoy.

Maybe it's the saltiness.
It's so salty.

- That's why
I like Chris's dessert.

Because of its
salty-sweet flavor.

- I like that peanut butter
frozen cream.

It's my favorite dessert.
- Chris Jones!

- This is what we always do.
- Crack service,

kick ass,
[bleep] Go home.

- Guys, I'm putting my blood,
sweat and tears in tomorrow.

- Yeah, we've got
to fight for this one, I think.

- We have to fight.

- And we have to stay calm.
- We have to trust each other.

- At the end of service,
I tasted the salmon.

The salmon
has the right texture.

The tomato water tastes good.

But the whole plate
just needs salt.

Ty-lor and I split that dish.

But it was Ty's responsibility
to season it.

What's done is done.

- What did you guys think
of the meal overall?

- I thought for an opening night
it was great.

They just need to work
on some of the dishes.

- I think the desserts were
clever and ex*cuted well.

- It's going to be
interesting to see

what all these diners think,
and also, this season,

they're telling us
what they think

by using their
Top Chef judges' table app.

Let's see what a woman's touch
does to this place

tomorrow night.

- Ah.
- Are these the last two tables

for dessert?
- Yeah, that's it.

We know we could have
done better.

We know the system broke down
on us.

- We definitely shouldn't
have played

[bleep] Expediter.

We should have
just stuck with one person

and gone with it.

- We all thought this wasn't
our best service,

as a group and as a kitchen.

Individually, who cares?

As a group,
we didn't hit the mark.

- You guys okay?

You look like
you went through a w*r.

- I feel like [bleep].
It's embarrassing.

I am very critical
of myself,

because I always want to push
to make sure

that I can do better.
- It was horrible.

- Horrible.
It probably stems

from when I was a kid--
going to a private,

all boys school
when I was younger.

I always got really high grades.

And I think my mom

always had really,
really high expectations

for me, so I feel like

a lot of my insecurities
might stem from that.

- Tomorrow will be one
of the hardest parts

of your whole career, ever.

There's nothing quite like
restaurant wars,

that's for [bleep] sure.

- The best we can hope for now

is that the girls all blow up
at each other

and screw up
worse than we did.

- Guys, the judges
are [bleep] pissed

that it's taking
this [bleep] long.

- You know what, Lindsay?
I'll go out there

and face them
if you need me too.

We're working as fast as we can.
- Stop! Stop!

- Here we go!

- Wow, it's way bigger
than I pictured, isn't it?

- My first piece of business
is to get into the dining room

and set up the room.

Do these like on either side.

The quicker I do that,
the quicker I can get

into the kitchen
to break down the fish

and complete all
my mise en plas for my dish.

I'm going to just open these,

and then I'm coming back
to cook.

I definitely strive
to be the best at what I do.

In high school,
I was prom queen.

At college, I did graduate
at the top of my class.

And I definitely am not going
to settle for second-best.

- One of the desserts
that is closest to my heart

is cham torte,
which is something

that my family makes every
fourth of July.

With our comfort concept
behind Half Bushel.

If it didn't come out,

I'd let my family down.

- I'm responsible
for the arancino--

it's a risotto ball
filled with mozzarella

and an eggplant caponata.

- Does anyone else
need the flattop?

I'm working on a braised
short rib dish.

And this time I'm doing it
with a red curry sauce.

So it's going to be delicious,
thoughtful, and playful.

- Behind you.
I'm going to come right here

and roll out
my bomboloni dough--do it up.

And if I could have somebody
help me punch them out.

- Bev should be able
to help you,

if she's searing
short ribs yet.

Sarah has two dies.

Grayson has two dishes.

I have a dish as well as taking
on the front of the house.

And Beverly only has one dish.
- Yes, um...

- So she'll be the one
executing my Halibut.

The arugula is in the cooler.

A lot is really going
to ride on her

to be able
to pull this together.

- Olive oil, herbs?

- No herbs.
Just oil.

- Just olive oil?

- Grayson, why are you
cutting blueberries?

I really think
you got to get set up.

- I am setting up!
I'm doing my dishes.

- But you can't
leave them whole?

- I made simple syrup
for the [bleep] lemonade.

- I don't need you to get mad,
I'm just asking.

We're all
trying to simplify.

We're trying to simplify
our dishes, Grayson.

- Okay, maybe if you'd ask
in a different [bleep] way.

- Grayson, smile, honey.
- We open in 30 minutes.

- It would have been smarter
for us to get our line set up

and organized, and then start
cutting berries in half.

Especially when it's
a dessert course.

- So [bleep] whiny.

- [Gasps]

- Welcome to the ladies' team.

Usually when you open
a restaurant,

you at least have a few months
to get your staff in,

to get them trained,
and to work out the kinks.

And we only have five hours
to do it all.

Guys, y'all have the backup
menus at your stations?

I can get back to it real quick
with you after I've changed.

- Oh, [bleep].
Oh, [bleep].

- What bowls did y'all pick out
for this plate?

- Large plate.
- We'll get it switched out.

You're going to do arugula.
- Lindsay's giving me

a real quick demo, but not
really a good, thorough one.

- Just be careful,
because halibut falls apart.

So what I'd rather you do,
is mark it on one side.

- Her method isn't how
I would do it for myself.

But it's her dish.
- Make sure it goes

in the brown butter,
and it'll save you

a lot of time.
[Alarm beeps]

- All right, ladies,
let's have a great one.

- When time's up,
I really pray that we're ready

for restaurant wars.

Hi, welcome to Half Bushel.

You can follow me.

- Okay, you're good
on that dish, Bev?

- Yeah.
- We have diners set.

So I think any minute
we should get tickets.

- Have you tried any of the--

it's been too hectic for me
to try--yeah, I wish.

- Guys, first ticket is in.

- Thank you.
- Table 32.

- I need the two things
of olives, Beverly.

- Okay, my man.
Do it to it.

- Position three is the salad.

- Thank you.

- Beverly, did you
find those for me?

- If you wanted them earlier,
you should have taken it out.

I don't know.

- Beverly.
- I'm sorry.

- Beverly, seriously--

- Lindsay and Sarah
are definitely

treating me
like a child.

- You're here
to help the team.

This is not how we're going
to start service, okay?

We're going to focus.
We're going to put

the best food out
we can.

- It's really annoying
and frustrating,

but I really just have to focus
on being at my dish.

- Guys, how is
your first course?

- Really good, thank you.
- Good?

- I'm not sure
what's going on here

with the greeting,
or lack thereof.

- I don't think you need this
all the way down the line.

Make sure it's all hot, okay?
- Okay.

- I'm going to try
this lemonade.

- I'm going to start frying
some potatoes up.

- I think that would be
a fabulous idea.

- Okay, coming out.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Did you get lemonade?
- I did, thank you.

Right this way.
The judges definitely

seem a little irritated.

It's really hard
for me to be seating

every single table
in the restaurant,

because I can't be
in three places at once.

This is going to be your table.
- Thank you.

- Feels good, looks cool.
Looks cool.

- There's no one
at the hostess stand.

But we do notice

it's got a cute logo.
The candles are a nice touch.

Place looks nice--
it's very warm.

- All right, let's go.
- You guys ready?

- They're not showing
their food

or an entry
into the kitchen at all.

So we're not really seeing
what's happening back there

as much as we were

- Beverly, I hope
you're not using this.

- I'm not using it, no.
- It's got peanuts in it too.

So make sure
you keep that separate.

- Are you thinking
that you're all ready

to do two of everything?
- Yeah.

- This group that walked in
with the flowered dress,

they've been waiting there

for a good four or five minutes
with no greeting at all.

- The Halibut was overcooked.
- Was it?

- Yeah.
- Okay, well,

I appreciate the feedback.
I do.

Thank you.

Coming in.
Please watch out.

Beverly, I've already
gotten complaints

that the fish is dry.
Please do not overcook my fish.

It needs to be
in a lot of butter.

Do you have the ones
cooked up for the judges?

- Not yet.

- Is Lindsay on the floor?
Can you see her?

- No.
- I don't see her.

- There she is.

I'd be walking
a little faster,

if I saw 12 people
at my door.

- Okay, we are ready for you.

- What is missing? This room
doesn't have the energy

that the room had yesterday.
And I think part of it is,

the food is just not--
what's going on here?

- I'm getting hungry.

- Okay, we will get you.

Just give me one minute,

- We need to do judges now.

- Desserts.
- Yes.

- I've got a [bleep] ton
of people at the door.

- All right, here we go.

- It may be ours.

This could be the moment.

- Yay.
Thank you.

- Hi.
- How's it going?

- It's starting
to pick up a little bit.

- Right.
- The peach salad is by Grayson.

And it's grilled peaches
with some pickled shallots,

arugula, a bacon vinaigrette,

crumbled goat cheese,
and candied pistachios.

The other dish is from Sarah.

And it's an arancino--

the Italian risotto.

It's filled
with buffalo mozzarella,

it's pureed,

sweet-and-sour eggplant,

and a little salad of celery.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

- I like the puree of camponata.
It's a great idea.

- Mine was piping hot
when I cut into it.

- What do you think
of Grayson's peach salad?

- I enjoyed it--
I think it's a nice summer,

you know, salad.
It has good flavor.

I think she did
a very nice job with it.

- Everything melded
really well together.

The bacon vinaigrette
was really clean.

- Bacon with the peaches.

You wouldn't expect
that combination.

That's excellent.

- I think that I like the salad
almost better than I like this.

- I think it's simple,
but it's good.

We were so wanting them
to screw up.

- Did the judges order yet?
- Yes, it's been in.

- What?
We got to put that first.

- We all got to get kind
of more hands-on-deck, girls.

- Hi, we're just wondering

- when the entrees
are coming out?

- Yeah, we're hungry.

- They're a little backed up
in the kitchen.

I'm having Lindsay attend
to that right now.

- Thank you.
- I have a feeling

that whatever frustration
we're feeling right now,

there are heads being beaten
against a wall in the back.

- You're going to the table
right now,

and they're asking for their
entrees, and they're pissed.

- Guys, the judges
are [bleep] pissed

that it's taking
this [bleep] long.

And that all these short ribs
that are in the window,

are now dead.
- You know what, Lindsay?

I'll go out there
and face them if you need me to.

- Stop! Stop!
- I'm working as fast as I can.

- And I'm not going to fight--
I just want to get the food out,

so I can move
the [bleep] table.

- We have two salads ready?

- If it's on there,
just take it!

- I have three
different courses to fire,

and I get behind
on my tickets.

Can you run down there
and grab those salads, please?

This is the feeling
that I get

right before the kitchen
is about to go down in flames.

- Why are you playing
with the [bleep] plastic spoon?

Use this. Get rid of that.
Get rid of that.

Come on, come on.
We're chefs, guys.

- Lindsay is seriously
bullying at this point.

It looks like
she's going to explode.

- Got to find a way to help her.
She's like--really needs it.

- She's spending a lot of time
telling me what to do,

when she could be making things
run smooth outside.

- [Bleep].

- Good for you?
- Hi.

So for your main course,

you have braised short ribs

over a potato puree that has
a little bit of Thai basil,

an apple slaw with kimchi
and curried peanuts.

And that is by Beverly.

The grilled Halibut
over the fingerlings

with Spanish chorizo

and a little salad of shaved
fennel and sherry

is my dish, this evening.

- We already got that.

We're waiting for number three.

- So you had the wrong ticket.
Come back.

- What did you think
of Lindsay's fish, Tom?

- When you think of chorizo,
you think of more flavor.

And sherry vinegar--
I want more.

A little too subtle.
- I think it's a little over.

So it's a little dry
in the center.

- I need one fish right now.

- I'll give you one more fish
and one more rib.

- Lindsay, I'm going
to run out of dessert

if they don't take it
when it's ready.

- I understand that.
- Because it's ice cream.

- I understand that.

But we don't even know
where we are right now.

Beverly, please finish one fish.
- [Bleep].

Lindsay's tone is,
frankly, bitchy.

- You have to communicate
with her because--

- one right now?
- I need one.

- I'm starting to feel maybe
she wasn't the right choice

for front of the house.
- [Bleep].

- Sorry.
- Don't [bleep] do that.

Grab this fork from her
to help me.

- Beverly's short rib
may be

the most flavorful thing
I've had in two days of eating.

- The ribs are cooked,
they're glazed

there's some flavor to it.
I hate flavored potatoes,

but I actually like this one.

- That was tasty.

- I'll take that short rib
out of your way.

- This is the nicest dinner
I've had since we got here.

- [Laughs]
Thanks, Chris.

- Thanks, Chris.

- Well, I haven't--
I didn't sit at our dinner.

I'm just saying...

- Guys, we do need to start

plating dessert quick,
because I need to move tables.

The cham torte is prepared
by Grayson.

This is something that's
very similar to a pavlova,

there's a vanilla meringue

and a little bit
of champagne-macerated berries.

And then on the other side

are donuts.
Those were prepared by Sarah,

with a little bit
of a hazelnut cream,

and a banana sugar glaze
on the outside.

Y'all enjoy.
- Thanks.

- Sarah's donuts
are definitely heavy.

- They're rich.
They're leaden.

Flavor-wise, they're fine.
I don't get much banana,

which I was
really excited about.

- Grayson's torte.
- The liquid on the bottom

of the macerating,
from the champagne,

was a little bit too much.

I wanted
a little more creaminess.

- I liked the stuff
on the bottom here.

I wish I had a spoon.

- Here.
- This is great stuff.

- So I'm really pissed
that I wasn't back here,

because, uh, my dish
is the worst tonight.

- Lindsay's pissed.
- No one's eating it.

I'm throwing it in the garbage.
- Really?

- Yeah, because it's all
[bleep] overcooked.

- She immediately
goes for Bev.

But it's not necessarily
Bev's fault.

She's doing
what Lindsay taught her.

- She [bleep] my fish.

- Let me tell you,
she did not mean to.

It was probably
the wrong cooking procedure,

to tell you the truth.

- We need to decide who opened
the best restaurant overall,

Canteen or Half Bushel?

- I think one restaurant
just gives you

an overall
just better feeling.

- Where is the food better?
- The food was better here.

- Half Bushel.
The guys were better at service

and the girls were better
with the food.

It's going to be a tough call.

- At Half Bushel,
it took longer to get seated,

it took a while to get our food.

I'm thinking that our team
might actually have a chance.

- Find me that wall turkey,
all right?


- It was about the food,
and you were [bleep] up my dish.

- All of you
really get an "F" here.

- Definitely a very, like,
humbling experience

as far as, like,
we got four badass chefs

who can rock out
a [bleep] restaurant.

And we choked.

- We had a lot more that
we were going to do

that we just were like--
- it was awful.

- You saw us last night.

We were a wreck.

You guys were actually
a little bit more composed.

- [Laughs] I don't want
to do this ever again.

- That was rough there.

- Like, throughout service,
I feel like

people are talking
about me.

I was making the shallots,

and then Lindsay was like,
"see what I mean?

They're overcooked."

- If I took it out on you,
I apologize.

But you were--
you were [bleep] up my dish.

- Lindsay worked with you
on your dish for a long time

and helped you
conceptualize it.

- The red curry sauce
was my idea.

- I'm not saying--
- the basil-potato puree

was my idea.
- I'm trying to say--

- The apple kimchi was my idea.

- That's not
what I'm saying.

- I don't want to talk
about this anymore.

It's just driving me
[bleep] nuts.

- Hello.

All: Hello.

- We'd like to see the ladies

from Half Bushel restaurant,

Thank you.
- Go for it, ladies.

[Suspenseful music]

- Lindsay, how was front
of the house for you?

- We did have a little bit
of a wait.

- We noticed a pileup
at the door.

And also there was
a good chunk of time

where you just were M.I.A.

- That's because we had a really
big buildup in the kitchen,

and I was just trying to get
the food out at that point.

- Do you think you guys did
better than the boys?

- Yes.

- Do you, Sarah?
- Yes.

- Well...

- Congratulations, ladies.

You opened
our favorite restaurant.

- Oh, my God! Aah!

- Oh, my God!

- Opening up a restaurant
in, basically, two days

and doing 100 covers,
it's ridiculously difficult.

The food matched up
with the sort of idea.

Not to say
it was a perfect evening,

but at the end of the day,
your food was better.

- Yeah.
- Grayson,

you think about
a fruit and bacon goopy mess,

but I think
everything was just done

just the way it should be
on that dish.

- The cheese was perfectly
at the right temperature.

The peaches were perfect,
for me.

You hit all the elements
really just spot on.

- Sarah, let's move on to you.

- I loved the camponata.

When I broke it in half,
'cause I had to share,

it was steaming.

The cheese
just started melting.

Well ex*cuted.

- I loved your short ribs,

They were yummy.

- You deciding to add
that kimchi

just raised the bar
on that dish.

- Thank you.

- I want to talk
about Lindsay's fish course.

- The fish was slightly
overcooked, it wasn't hammered.

It was getting close.

- Hugh, please announce
the winner of restaurant wars.

- The chef who really
brought us the best food

and really broke through
at a critical time...

- Whoa! [Laughs]

- Congratulations, Beverly.

You win a three-liter bottle
of episode wine

from Terlato Family Vineyards.

And a three-day,
two-night trip for two

to tour
their Napa Valley vineyard.

- I am amazed that
the underdog--me--has won

against, like,
such amazing chefs.

- I feel like
I was justified

for who I am.

- Well done, ladies.

- Please send back
the chefs from Canteen.

- Thank you.

- Hey, guys.

- Congratulations.
- To the big Bev!

- Wow.

- Congratulations.
- Congratulations.

- They'd like
to see you guys.

- Bye, guys.
- Bye.

- We would not be here,
in my opinion,

if it wasn't for you,

And I think that you deserve
as much praise or more,

in my opinion.

[Suspenseful music]

- Unfortunately, gentlemen,

Canteen was
our least favorite restaurant.

Half Bushel
had service problems as well.

- What we didn't get in Canteen
was a "wow factor" with food.

- We totaled the ratings on
the Top Chef judges' table app,

and your restaurant was everyone
else's least favorite as well.

Ed, what do you think
went wrong last night?

- Once the food started
to run to the wrong tables,

it kind of had
a domino effect,

and it went all the way
back into the kitchen.

- Let's start
with the first course--Ty.

- I got to say
if the flavors of Thailand

were that delicate and mild,
no one would think much

about the food of Thailand.

The chilies were very,
very spicy,

and I left
a lot of them out.

- If you advertise
a Thai dish,

it should have flavors
that you expect from Thailand.

- Who cooked the salmon?
- I did.

- Who did the sauce?
- Well, I made the tomato water,

and he made the curry oil.

- It's funny, if you
take apart that dish,

all the components
were actually pretty good.

They just didn't
really work together.

- It was very bland.

And seasoning
is a big part of that.

- Tom, what did you think
of Paul's ham and eggs?

- Conceptually, great idea.

The big flaw of that dish was
the croutons were soaked

in--in oil.

- I get the pork belly.

It was delicious.

And then
the dish just faded out.

- I guess a better question is,

Chris, why did you do so little,
when Paul did so much?

- Um, I tried to help out
in every way

that I possibly could.
- I'm not talking

about helping out
and actually doing the work,

but just taking something
and saying,

"Hey, conceptually,
I want to do this."

- You know, I really wanted
to concentrate on desserts.

I wanted to make the best pastry
I possibly could.

Help out Ed, because he was
working the front of the house.

- To me,
it just looked like

a bit of a jumbled mess
in a bowl.

It took a lot of prep time
that maybe could have been used

in organizing and figuring out
some systems for the night.

- The last time I checked,
there's coconut in almond joy.

Where was the coconut?

- It was the powdered stuff
on the side.

- The best part
of almond joy is the coconut.

You give me
this powdered coconut.

- And there was the puree
on the bottom, should have--

- Yeah, but it wasn't
enough coconut.

- We'll call you back in a bit.
Thank you.

- [Giggles]

- Hi, guys.
- How are you doing?

- Hi, oh.
- Is this to sit on?

Or is it?
- Oh!

All: Oh!
- Take it in the rear.

- This is really hard,
because I could make a case

for any of them going home.
- Right, they had no plan.

- Paul's pork belly
didn't amount to anything.

- He bit off way too much.
- And that crouton!

He seemed surprised
that it didn't work.

- We made bad decisions.

Ultimately, that's
what it boils down to.

- And I will say Ed
did make a nice dessert.

It wasn't perfect.
It didn't have enough coconut.

- If he didn't
call it almond joy,

we'd be praising him right now.
- Sure.

- It was probably
the best dish of that team.

- I think so.
- Yeah.

- We were going on--what?--
Five hours of sleep?

And nothing the night before.

- Chris, I just thought--
I don't know.

He didn't give us much.

- Other than
his cr*cker jack.

- There were so many technical
flaws in that dish,

but the actual dessert
I enjoyed.

- I would have
never served that.

The presentation
of the dish was horrible.

- Mm-hmm.
- Absolutely horrible.

- I think Chris
really needed to chip in

and be a chef.

- When they got in the weeds,
I saw the other three

coming out here
and trying to do something.

- You need to rise up.
You need to figure things out.

You need to fix stuff.
He wasn't doing any of that.

- Okay, but whoever did
messed it up.

So why should they get a break
for doing it?

- I didn't help enough,
and I was just like--

- We were all busy.
You were busy.

- I had a much
more difficult time

with that crab and shrimp thing
that Ty-lor made.

The one bite of that crab,
it was like, "spit it out."

- Yeah.
- Ty's dishes

were both supremely

- Ty's not-so-Thai dish.
- Yes.

- I didn't
season anything enough.

We made too many concessions.

- I think we have our answer.

- Mm-hmm.

- Let's get them out here.
- Okay.

[Suspenseful music]

- You know, chefs,

restaurant wars is
a very difficult competition.

I don't know if you've realized
how difficult it was.

Ed, service was spotty.

The disorganization out here
affected the kitchen.

The chocolate cake was fine,
although it was advertised

as having coconut,
and very little coconut

could be detected by us.

Ty, the one dish that you were

just completely
missed the mark.

The other dishes
that you had a hand in,

although the salmon
was cooked correctly,

completely under-seasoned.

Chris, you did one dish,
and that's it.

You helped out,
but we need to step up here.

Paul, you definitely took

a lot upon yourself,
made a lot of mistakes.

From an organizational

a leadership standpoint,

all of you really
get an "F" here.

And I expected a lot more.

You made our decision
very easy tonight,

as far as who won
this overall competition,

but not very easy
as far as who's going home,

'cause right now
all of you can go home

for this mess
that was called Canteen.


[Suspenseful music]

- Ty...

Please pack
your knives and go.

- Thank you very much
for the opportunity.

- Thank you, Ty.

- This competition is one
of the hardest,

most strenuous activities
that you can ever compete in

as a chef.

Had the time of my life.
- No!

- No way.
- No.

- It was an honor
and a privilege

to work with
each one of you.

I had a great time.
The most satisfying moment

of my life
is when my parents told me

that they're very proud
of me.

And I'm glad that my dad
is still alive

to see me make this step
in my career.

- We love you.

- I love you too.
All: Bye, Ty.

- I know that I'll be a better
chef for making it this far.

And that's an experience
that I'll have

for the rest of my life.

Female announcer: Tonight,
on Last Chance Kitchen...

Will the power of the stash
be Ty's ticket

to get back on Top Chef?

- Any idea where
you're going with this?

Announcer: He faces
a tough challenge with Nyesha,

who's on a culinary reign
of terror.

To watch
Last Chance Kitchen

and information on visiting
Texas, go to now.

Next on Top Chef...

- [Gasps]
- Hi.

Oscar-winner Charlize Theron.

- Oh, my--
I freak out.

- Having blood in the apple,

I'm going to have maggots.

Everyone has
to produce one course

during a seven-course
tasting dinner

for Charlize Theron.
- Bring me more heart.

- They want it
to be wicked nasty.

- Man, the guys are gnarly.

- You're scared,
and that's good.

You're worried.
- [bleep] It.

- Do I get the head of the chef

on a silver platter?
