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09x12 - Block Party

Posted: 05/02/24 08:54
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Top Chef...

Had you been able to get
all your ingredients

on the plate,

you would've won this
by a mile.

- I would like
to have immunity.


- The quail egg symbolizes
the baby

that was inside her
when she got slaughtered.

- You went there.

- I'm gonna have maggots.

- They want it to be
wicked nasty.

- Bring me more heart.

- Man, these guys are gnarly.

- You're scared,
and that's good.

- It's basically
a horror movie.

- Do I get the head
of the chef

on a silver platter?


We were really impressed
by all of your dishes.

Our winner tonight is Paul.

- Thank you.

- Beverly, please pack your
knives and go.

Six chefs remain,
all hoping to win

a feature
in Food & Wine magazine;

a showcase at the annual
Food & Wine classic in Aspen;


furnished by Healthy Choice

to bring their
culinary dreams to life;

and the title of Top Chef.

- The thing about Bev
is that her plates

came out perfectly balanced.

I'm going to miss Bev.

But some of the other chefs
probably won't miss her so much.

- I'm Beverly.
"Here's your halibut."


- Lindsay's.

- He's making fun of me,
'cause I rarely lose my [bleep],

but I sure did that night.

I am probably one of the most
diplomatic people.

But don't screw with my food

when you're representing me,
while I'm representing you.

That's all.

[Footsteps approach]

[Contestants cheer]

- Oh, my God.

- I just wanted
to take a moment

to thank you so much.

That meal was spectacular.

I am such a nerdy fan,

but I just want to say
thank you so much

for listening to someone
who just really loves food.

I don't know anything except
that I was blown away

by what you guys did.

And good luck
in the competition.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Thank you so much.
- Break a leg.

- Thanks.
- All right, thank you.

- Bye.
Thanks for having me.

- I love her.
- Wow.

- I was a fan.
Bigger fan now.

- Bigger fan.

- Final seis.

- Top six.
- Cheers.

- Same here.

- Another day in the life.

I was in the bottom
of the wicked challenge.

So I really need
to step up,

because one mistake
can send you home.

Come on, girls.

- Mm-hmm.


- We walk into the kitchen,

and there's Padma,
Emeril, and Cat Cora,

known for her
Southern Greek food.

I'm so excited.

She's one of the fiercest
chefs around.

- Good morning, chefs.

- Hi, good morning.
- Good morning.

- Meet Cat Cora,
co-host of Bravo's new

competition show,

Around the World
in 80 Plates.

- Morning.
- Chef.

- And of course,
the great Emeril Legasse.

- Morning, chefs.

- Morning.

- Let's divide
into three teams of two.

Grayson with Chris.

Paul, you and Ed.

And Lindsay and Sarah,
you're the last team.

Here on Top Chef,

we really value speed.

So this challenge will test
your technical precision

against the clock.

How are we feeling
about these teams?

- Fine.
- Great.

- I'm about to puke.

Whenever Ed and I
get teamed up,

I feel like I'm bad luck.

In the chili cook-off,
we worked together.

We thought we were gonna win.

Then the steak dinner,
Ed goes to the bottom.

I just haven't gotten that--
that groove with Ed.

- We'd like you
to prepare a dish

highlighting the ingredients
in front of you.

Each team has 40 minutes

to peel, de-vein, and butterfly
two pounds of shrimp...

Shuck a crate of corn,

and make a pound
of perfect fettuccine.

Once you're done,
whatever time you have left

is all you'll get
to cook your dish.

We'll check your work.

If we approve,
you can begin cooking.

Immunity is off the table
from here on out.

But the winning team
will receive

furnished by Healthy Choice.

- [Laughs]

- Please take your stations

and put on your aprons.

Your time starts now.

[Fast rock music]

♪ ♪

- Sarah, about how long
do you think that'll take?

- The dough's gonna come
together in just a minute.

The difficulty in making
a pound of pasta

is that you need to let
your pasta rest

before you start rolling it out,
and I don't know

if we're gonna have
enough time to do that.

- Oh, Sarah's immediately gone
for the pasta.

- Mm-hmm.
Get your pasta drying.

- Ed's doing it too.

- Go, Jonesy,
go, Jonesy, go.

Chris and I don't really talk
about it.

I immediately go
to the pasta.

He immediately goes
to the corn.

While my pasta is resting,

I'm going to start
on the shrimp.

The fastest method
is to de-shell it,

then de-vein everything,

and then butterfly everything.

- They're not so clean, huh?
- No.

I heard once that it's the males
that are real dirty.

- Oh, really.
- Yeah.

- Always.
- Wow.

- Grayson talks a lot.

And it slows you down.

- Maybe he just made it up,
but I don't know.

- Can I get a check
on shrimp, please?

- [Bleep].

- Butterflying looks good.
- Yep.

Lindsay, yep.
Shrimp is good.

- Thank you.

- How are we looking
on pasta, Ed?

- Pasta? I'm ready
to roll fettuccine right now.

- Go, baby.
Go, go, go.

Paul's got you.

Go, go, go.


- Stop saying that.

I'm going as fast as I can.

Grayson keeps riding me.

I believe that fast is slow
and slow is smooth.

I don't want to [bleep] have
to redo the whole thing

for one [bleep] hair.

- Uh, corn check, please.

- Go faster, Chris.

- I'd go back
and check your corn, chef.

- Got it.

- Here you got a lot of corn
left on these.

Go in and just do
a little cleanup on 'em.

- Thank you, chef.

I'm like, "ah, [bleep]."

The longer that we take

to make our
mise en place,

the shorter we have to cook.

- Done on corn.
Can I get a judge check, please?

- Yep, Chris,
good job on your corn.

You can move on.
- Thank you.

[Wheel grinding]

- Check on pasta, please.

- Looks pretty good.

- Sarah, your pasta is good.
You can move on.

- Thank you.

- Make sure you get 'em
all off.

- I think she didn't
add enough moisture,

and then she added
too much flour.

- Pasta check, please.
- All right.

All right, you're good.
- All right.

- Looks good.
You can move on.

- Corn check.
- [Bleep].

- Much better.

All right, you're good.
Move on.

- All right.
Check corn, please.

- Aw, man.

- You're good to cook, ladies.
- All right, Linds.

- Damn, they're already done?

[Bleep] That [bleep].

- Pork, yes or no?

- Pork?

We finish our mise en place,
and it looks like

we're way ahead
of the other teams right now.

I think we're looking
really good.

Got corn everywhere.

- Judges, shrimp check, please.

- Good by me.

- Thank you, chefs.
- You can go on.

- Thank you, chefs.

- Shrimp check, please.

- Yeah, they're clean.

- You can move on.
- Start your cooking.

- Ten minutes.
Holy [bleep].

Ten minutes.

- Go, go, go.
Go, fast.

Okay, judges, check?


- Okay.

Yep, looks good.

- Okay, let's go, Jones.

We're the last one to finish
our mise en place.

I'm not sure at this point

we'll be able to get
everything done.

[Bleep] Doesn't get hot.

- I'm leaving, okay?
- Yep. I'll be there in, like--

I'll be there
in ten seconds.

- Five minutes left.

- Grayson, we don't have time.
Can I fry the bacon?

You cool with that?
- Yeah.

- Sarah and Lindsay
are way ahead.

The rest of us need to get
our asses in gear.

Give me 40 seconds on pasta.

- We need butter. Butter!

- What about cilantro
and shrimp?

You got that going?

- What's up?

- Cilantro, shrimp.

- One minute left.

- That's delicious.

That's [bleep] delicious.

- Salt?
- Okay--no, no, salt.

- We're good?
- Mm-hmm.

- Ready?

- Parm, parm, parm, parm.

- Parm? Where's the parm?
- I got parm right there.

- Oh, burn your hands, chef.

Burn your [bleep] hands.

Eight seconds.

- Three, two, one.

- Hands up.
- [Bleep].

- Utensils down.

- This is great.
I would eat it every day

and be happy.

- I think we're salty, though.

- Ugh.

- We have no shrimp.

- All your plans just [bleep].

- It sucks.

I had time to put
the shrimp on the plate,

but we were, like,
putting little herbs

and finishing off
the pasta bowl instead.

I said it before--

whenever Ed and I are in a team,
I'm bad luck for him.

- Tell us about your dish,

- It's fettuccine
with toasted corn,

oil-poached shrimp,
and rosemary.

- How did you cook
the bacon?

- It's a shortcut
I don't like to admit,

but I dropped it
in the deep fryer.

- There's no way you were going
to render it.

- No, of course not,

so this was the fastest way
to crisp it and do it.

- Thank you.

- Really, really nice job.
- You.

- I beat Paul.
- I know.

- That's why I took the time.

- Hello, ladies.
- Hello.

- This is fettuccine
with a corn milk,

shrimp, a little chili,
tarragon, and parsley.

- Definitely taste the tarragon.
- Yeah.

Thank you so much.

- Hi, gentlemen.
- Hi.

- How was the challenge?

- I forgot the shrimp.
I'm sorry.

- What?
- Yeah.

- Wow.
- No.

- Really?

- I was, uh--
I just forgot it.

It was just completely on me.

I had the shrimp over there
with my mise,

and I was gonna sautee it
last minute,

and I forgot to sautee it.

- That's a bummer.

- That's disqualification.

- Mother[bleep].

Oh, yeah.
Burn, burn.

- That means you can't win.

You didn't get
one of the elements in.

- I feel like I always
disappoint Ed

when we're on a team, so...
- No, no.

- Too bad, because the flavor's
really nice.

Thank you.
- Thank you.

Just was in the [bleep] bowl.

- Don't worry about it.
- It was in the [bleep] bowl.

- Are you done?
- Let's go, let's go.

I am truckin'.
I'm screamin'.

Oh, come on!

[Beeping continues]

- So how do you think
our chefs did overall?


- Yeah, it was really
a lot of fun to watch.

I'm glad I was on this side
and not on that side.


- Paul, you and Ed can't win

because you didn't get
an important element

on the plate.

- Sorry, Ed.
- It's all right.

- Let's talk about
Sarah and Lindsay's dish.


- The idea of the corn milk
was fantastic.

Tarragon--I wouldn't have used
that herb

because I think
it's very overpowering.

But it was a tasty dish,

and your pasta
was very, very beautiful.

- Okay, green team.
- Well, Grayson and Chris,

I think you had
about maybe a second and a half,

if that,
down to the wire.

But you pulled it off.

I loved how you used
the chili with the shrimp.

- Thank you, chef.

- Grayson, I was so worried

about you and your pasta.

The bacon--I would've done
something differently.

You have a beautiful wood oven.

Could've had some rendering.

You could've had
a little bit of flavor in there.

- So, red team,
green team,

one of you will win $10,000.

Emeril and Cat,

please announce the winner
of this quickfire.

- Well, the winning team
for us

was the team that ex*cuted
the dish exceptionally,

and that team is...

[Tense music]

- The green team.

- Yes!
- [Laughing]

- Yes. Whew.

- Congratulations.

- Got a win.
You got a win.

- This is the best feeling
I've had in the competition.

I get to take home $5,000
to my family.

It may not be a lot of money
to a lot of people,

but $5,000
really puts us ahead.

And we needed that.

Thank you, Healthy Choice.

- I think our pasta was better.

Unfortunately, Cat Cora
doesn't like tarragon.

- Chefs, for your
elimination challenge,

you'll be cooking
against your teammate.

So you can remove your aprons,
because your partner

is now your opponent.

Healthy Choice,

in partnership with its

"Child hunger ends here,"

is sponsoring
a community food drive

to support
the San Antonio Food Bank.

- When my family
first immigrated to America,

we were poor as dirt.

We needed a helping hand
back then,

so it's very important

that people who need the help
get it.

- Tomorrow you'll be serving

at a block party
at the Pearl Brewery.

You and your opponent
will be making a version

of the same dish.

The guests at the block party
will be choosing

their favorite
from each pair.

Whoever has
the least amount of votes

will face elimination.

- My heart sinks,

'cause the last thing
I want to do

is compete against Lindsay.

- You have to decide
right now

what dish and side dish
you'll be making tomorrow.

- That is not a lot of time.

Jesus Christ, two hours?
What the [bleep]?


- I don't think
we wanna do burgers.

I don't think
we wanna do hot dogs.

- You wanna do Korean barbecue?

- You wanna--[Chuckles]

- I'm down.

- If you're already gonna go
head to head,

why not go against the best?

So I wanna go up against Paul.

- Asian showdown.

- Meatballs?
- I think meatballs.

- I'm thinking something
cold and refreshing.

- How about chicken--
chicken salad?

- Chicken salad sandwich
is not my favorite sandwich.

And if I was having
a block party,

it probably wouldn't be
the first stand I hit.

But I don't have
any better ideas.

- Good?

- I think so.
- All right.

- Tell us what you've decided
to cook.

Let's start
with Grayson and Chris.

- Chicken salad sandwich

and watermelon salad.

- Ed and Paul.

- Asian beef barbecue
with pickled veg.

- Sarah and Lindsay.
- We're gonna do meatballs.

And then we're gonna do
a vegetable salad

as our side dish.

- Those all sound great,

but I'd say a little
on the heavy side.

- Uh-oh.

- Healthy Choice
and its Cafe Steamers line

prides itself in creating
healthy meals

that are also low
in fat content.

So chefs, you need to give us
healthier versions

of your chosen dishes.

- Oh, God, then why
did we pick a meatball?

- Healthy dishes can still be
delicious and gourmet.

I cook healthy
for my four kids,

so I know it can be done.

- All Asian food is healthy,

so our dish is gonna be

than meatballs
or chicken salad.

- And chefs,
the winner of this challenge

receives $15,000,

furnished by Healthy Choice.

We'll see you tomorrow
at the block party.

- This could be good.

- Hey, I need some short ribs.

- Do you guys have
big watermelons?

- I only saw that you had
two packages of ground lamb.

Do you have more than that?

My meatball
is going to be

in a mediterranean style.

But usually I would do
this dish with pork.

- Can you make it ten?
- Ten.

- Beep beep. Sorry.

- Can you grind me 25 pounds?
- 25?

- Of turkey meat?
- Yes, ma'am.

- All right, thank you.

I notice that Lindsay
is buying ground veal

and ground lamb.

But I'm not sure
if it's as healthy as turkey,

so Lindsay, you might be
in a little trouble.

- 13 minutes.

- Yeah, if you could follow me,
I'd love you forever.

Wait one second, okay?

- You found short ribs?
- I got turkey.

- Ahhhh.
- [Laughs]

- Pretty sneaky.

- [Laughing] Yeah.

- I'm definitely nervous,
because I'm sure

that Paul's gonna pull something
out of his back pocket.

Turkey. That's a good idea,

- I need way more than this.

How fast can you do it?

I got, like, five minutes.

Run, run.


- You could see me coming
a mile away, right?

- You guys have an E.T.A.
on the chicken?

- Uh, second basket's fine.

- Tell 'em to hurry!

Light the fire!

- All right, now.

- You're the [bleep].
You are the [bleep].

- It's been a while.

- Thanks.

- It's also the healthiest.
The lean part.

Grayson has dark meat
within her basket, mayonnaise,

everything that I
would like to use

in a chicken salad sandwich
but don't

because I'm trying
to go healthy.

- You work on your prep list
last night when you were up?

- I just looked at it.

- What'd you do?
Just pace around here?

- Yeah. Did pushups.

- Paul's nervous, as usual.

He gets nervous
at every challenge.

He didn't sleep very well.

He was pacing
up and down all night.

So that woke me up.

So now we're both--
haven't slept much.

- Just do better
than the chicken salad,

and you're safe.

- Meatball showdown.


Meatballs with
Lindsay and Sarah.

- Okay, let's go.
- Let's go.

- Behind.

- We're at the Culinary
Institute of America.

Where's our salt?
Have you seen it?

- No.

- Prepping for 200 people
in 2 1/2 hours

is an insane challenge.


- The go-to ingredient
with healthy food is seasoning.

I'm--I'm making my mayonnaise
right now.

It's tofu, so it's gonna be
completely, you know,

almost fat-free.

A Mayo-less
chicken salad sandwich

stems from a tofu emulsion.

And I've actually tricked people
thinking that it is Mayo.

I really need
to hit a home run.

Grayson's a great competitor,

but hopefully my idea
will stand out as the best dish.

- 2 1/2 hours to--
to do all of this

is a little intense.

- Lindsay is very stressed
right now.

- Just wash it
when you're done,

and then I'll take it
with me.

- She is a ball-buster,

and she will tell you
how it is.

- Can you rinse it fast
for me?

- Paul, can I use the mixer?

- Yeah.

- Paul and I are making
a healthier version

of Korean kalbi
with Asian pickled vegetables.

Let's try and put
a little twist on it.

Do it kind of like
an open-faced sandwich.

Instead of ketchup,
I'm making a kimchi

and chipotle pepper puree.

Not a lot of sugar.

The meat is grilled,
versus fried,

so this is gonna be
nice and healthy.

Hey, did someone snag
all the squeeze bottles?

And if you have extra--
- I've got a few.

I got you, Ed.
I got you.

- My dish is gonna be, uh,

turkey kalbi ssam.

Ssam is a Korean lettuce wrap
that's gonna be served

with peach kimchi.

I think Ed's gonna be
pretty tough to beat.

He's using short rib,
which is fattier

and delicious,
and he's grilling steam buns.

- I have no idea
what a block party is.

- I've never been
to a block party.

- I think I might have
went to one

when I was a little girl.

That's been a long time.

- All right,
let's all freak out now.

- I'm sweating. I kind of want
to get everything built

before I leave here.

- It stresses me out
when I see Chris

making all of his sandwiches.

I still have to mix
my chicken,

and I'm running out of time.

Will you help me?
Are you done?

- Let's go.
Let's go.

Helping out Grayson
is very hectic.

- This is [bleep]ed up.
They're all melted.

- I am truckin'.
I'm screamin'.


- Oh, my God.
- Oh, come on!

[Beeping continues]


- What's wrong?

- I'm trying to get help
with the 95 bees

that are back here.

I really swell up when I get bit
by these [bleep] things.

Go over there.

- Whoa. Sunny.

- We have 45 minutes
to get ready for a block party.

I'm ready to set up.

So, uh--get the [bleep] off
my [bleep]!

[Bleep] Bees.

- They're all over
my [bleep] too.

- Not only do we have to do
a dish for 200 people,

but we have to battle
head to head

against our teammate
cooking the same dish.

Grayson is actually gonna do
everything to order.

I think, wow, that's risky.

- Uh, it's tight.
It's tight.

- Ed seems like he's gonna be
in the weeds today.

He's making bread
for 200 people from scratch.

- What are you gonna do?

- I'm always worried
when it looks like I'm ahead.

That's when I think
I mess up.

- No time for nerves.

- Holy cow.

[Timer beeping]

Damn, that comes fast.

- Here we go.

Hey, guys.
How are you?

Thank you very much.

The diners are donating food
to the San Antonio Food Bank.

It's important to give back
to the community,

so this is one of the more
important challenges

we've had so far.

- Hello.
- We are the meatball girls.

- [Laughing]
We're the meatball girls.

- The goal is--
as much as I love her--

is for me to win.

- Okay, got it.
- All right?

- Enjoy.
- Thank you.

- White peach kimchi.
It's very fresh, low sodium.

If you want hot,
there's a hot sauce right there.

- So what's the less healthy
version of what you made?

- It's over there.
- Oh, it is? Okay.


- It's an open-face sandwich,
so take one bun,

and just come down the line.

The way I set up
my station,

it's a build-your-own.

No, just one for the bottom,

so it's an open face.
- Gotcha.

- Yeah.

[Laughing] It's okay.
It's all right.

Now I have to watch them

because I didn't make
too many extras.

Take my bread.

Go ahead.
I gotta save some of the bread.

I kind of feel like
I'm an ass[bleep],

but the winner's
gonna get $15,000.

[Laughing] He took, like,
five pieces of bread.

- Sorry, guys.

It's worth the wait.

- It's a little bit
of a guilt-free dessert,

and it matches
your strawberry dress.

- It is gonna be good.
- Worth the wait, right?

- Yes, that's what I keep
telling people.

There's about 20 people
in my line.

I am in the weeds.

Sorry about the wait, guys.

- Need to get you
a helper, huh?

- Yeah, I wish I had one.

- Busy.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, you're doing everything.

- I know.

Doing my chicken salad
sandwiches to order.

It's hard.

But it is crazy hot,

and I don't want the bread
to get dry.

Sorry, guys.
- No problem.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


- If I had
about four more hands--

- [laughing] Yeah.

- My line of people
doesn't seem to be getting

any shorter.

And you have your salad?
- Perfect.

- I'm a little nervous,

because I haven't seen anyone
put anything

in the ballot box yet.

But I'm trying to stay focused

and serve them
a beautiful plate of food.

- The sauce looks great.

- Thank you. Guess you wouldn't
normally think about that

with a meatball, right?

- Sounds good.

- Holy [bleep], there's 20--

there's already 30 of them
on there.

- I can hear Chris Jones
kind of freaking out.

What's wrong?

- I'm trying to get help
with the 95 bees

that are back here.

I don't like bees.

I really swell up
when I get bit

by these [bleep] things.

Go over there.


[Exhales heavily]

I'm working through this
knowing that, you know,

if they sting me
a couple times,

I could be in trouble.

I'm so sorry, folks.

- It's not your fault.

- Hi, Ryan.
- How are ya?

- I'm good.
- How are you?

Well, this is helping out

the San Antonio food bank
and helping the city

of San Antonio
and above and beyond.

One out of every four kids
in America do not know

where their next meal's coming.

So this is us starting
at home

and trying to figure that out,

helping in one city
at a time.

- You're doing great work.
Thank you all.

- Thanks.

- We're gonna go taste
some food.

- See you guys.
- Thank you.

- Take care.
- Thanks for what you're doing.

- Thanks.

- We're big fans, Paul.
We're from Austin.

- Oh, cool.
- Thank you.

- Good to see you.
- Good to see you guys.


- Hi, Paul.
- How's it going?

- Paul, I would like
to introduce you

to Dana Cowin
of Food & Wine magazine.

- Hi.
- Hello.

I'm really excited
Dana Cowin's a judge,

but I'm very intimidated
having to make her food today.

What she says can make
or break careers.

- Tell us what you've made.

- A healthier version
of kalbi.

Kalbi is traditionally made
with short rib,

so I decided to make it
with turkey.

Chose to put
some eggplant in there,

so you get a little bit
of meaty texture.

And I decided to serve that
with a fresh white peach kimchi.

I used no sugar,
low-sodium soy sauce.

I used agave syrup.
Everything super, super healthy.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, Paul.

- Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hi, Ed. How are you?

- I'm doing a little bit more
of a traditional kalbi,

made with beef short ribs.

I made a bao,
or steamed bun dough,

a kimchi chipotle puree,

little bit of radish sprouts
on top.

And then on the side,

I've got some
pickled Asian veg.

Cucumber, carrots, fennel,
and daikon radish.

- Thanks, Ed.
- Thanks.

- Thank you, Ed.
- Thank you.

- Stay cool.
- Enjoy.

- I love what Paul did.

He took in to what
healthy cooking is about.

You don't have to take out
the flavor at the same time.

- And then of the kalbi,
which one did you prefer?

- The lettuce.
- The lettuce wrap?

- That was good.

- I actually preferred
the other one.

- There's a method
to this madness.

- Let's start with Paul.

- As simple as it is,

using ground turkey,
it's absolutely brilliant.

- The eggplant has
that little fatty mouth feel.

- He did all the right things.

He added acids
and all the things

that you do to build flavor
versus fat.

- Ed's dish--I was just
expecting so much more.

My piece of beef
was a little chewy.

- There's too much bun to meat.
There's not enough there.

- I do give him credit
for making his own bread.

And he tried
to make it healthier.

- Mine was hard and dry.

- Give me a high five.

- Hi, Grayson.

- Hi.

I have a chicken salad sandwich

on whole wheat buns
with arugula

and some pickled onion.

There's very little Mayo
in here,

and it's olive oil Mayo.

Also, I have
a watermelon salad

with feta cheese,

and a little bit
of toasted pumpkin seeds.

- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.


- Grayson's chicken salad

was one of my favorites here.

- That was--yeah.

I would vote that
as the best meal here.

- Thank you.
- Thank you so very much.

Enjoy, enjoy.
- We will.

- Hi, how y'all doing?

- Hi, Chris.

- This is a chicken salad

but I'm not using
any Mayo in it.

I'm doing a tofu emulsification,

so you're losing
all the calories.

You're losing
all the cholesterol.

It's hot.
It's Texas.

So I wanted to do something
just a little bit different.

So we have a watermelon salad
with a little bit

of a pineapple ice
on top,

just like a smoothie,
just to kind of cool you off.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you, Chris.

- So did you choose
to do the chicken salad,

the healthy chicken salad?

- Yeah, we did.

- I'm a little taken back
by choosing chicken salad

for a block party.

With that said,

I like the fact that Grayson
did hers to order.

- As far as the watermelon,

it needed a squirt of lime.

It needed maybe
some fresh mint,

something to freshen it
a little bit.

I don't know.

- Somehow, in resolving
the healthy aspect,

Grayson's chicken didn't have
a whole lot of flavor.

- I loved Grayson's
chicken salad.

- Me too.

- I think Chris, you know,
had this great idea

of using tofu to bind
the chicken salad.

I also like the fact
that there's curry in there,

so it's a little different.

The bread is starting
to dry out.

I wish he'd built the sandwich
to order.

- I thought Chris's
watermelon salad

was more flavorful.

- Just put that in a blender
again with a little vodka.

- [Laughing]

- But you take
your first bite.

You get a piece of watermelon
and two ice cubes.

- Kinda call this dish
"dry ice".

- Looks good.

- Yeah, they all thought
I was crazy,

but I'm like, "I am crazy.
That's why I'm here."

- I think Chris
is a little more refreshing,

you know,
on a hot day.

- Hi, Sarah.
- Hello.

I made the meatballs
with whole wheat bread

and turkey,
and then I braised them down

with calabrian style
tomato sauce.

I have a summer vegetable salad.

I have shaved fennel,
shaved baby squash,

uh, squash blossoms,

- Can't wait to try this.
It looks good.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

- I don't get a lot of spice
out of this.

- Well, I'm not sweatin'
'cause of the spice.

It's just I'm in Texas,
you know.

- [Laughs]

- Hi, how are y'all?
- Lindsay.

- So I made kind of a
Greek-style meatball.

I'm mostly using, like,
lean veal,

um, and I also used
some lamb.

But I bound it
using Greek yogurt.

And then a little Greek salad

made with quinoa,
fresh black-eyed peas,

and a grenache vinaigrette.

Thank you.
- Thanks a lot.

- Thank you.
Y'all enjoy.

- The yogurt complements
the meatball very well.

- Very good.

- I think Sarah's meatball,

making a healthier version
of it using whole grain,

it's not too dry.

I love the sauce.

- I think the salad
is really great.

Ton of flavor.

I think it's a perfect little
summer salad.

- Tom, I think you and I had
a different salad.

- Really? Okay.

- I ended up
with zucchini and arugula.

- Sorry about that.

- I put a lot of love
into my sauce.


- When I walked up
to Lindsay's table,

it just looked heavy.

But when I tasted it,

I love that crunch
of that pita bread,

that great yogurt
on the bottom.

It's so refreshing.
- Lindsay's meatball.

When you bite into it,
it just has tons of flavor.

Again, I love the lemon in it.

I love the acid in it.

- It's really great,
and it's original.

You know, which I think it's
hard to be healthy,

tasty, and original.

- The two best dishes
were these two.

- Really? Everyone said
that our two dishes

were the best ones
of the thing.

- Awesome.

- Yours is the best.

- Oh, I appreciate that.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

People are saying that they love
the turkey meatballs.

But Lindsay's also doing well.

So I think it's gonna be
a pretty close call.

- We might have to flip
a coin.

Can I borrow one?

- [Laughing] No.

- This morning.
- Oh, in the kitchen?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, even split.
Thank you.

That's what I'm talking about.

- The two healthiest dishes
we had today

were the two best dishes
we ate.

- This is great that the chefs
are gathered here today

to raise that awareness and
to help a lot of needy people

here in San Antonio.

- It's gonna be interesting
to see

what the guests prefer.

- Very nice to meet you.
- I loved your watermelon.

- You loved the watermelon?
- Yeah, I loved the watermelon.

- She had about ten of them.
- Really?

- I think you got me.

- I don't know.
It's pretty [bleep] slim.

I know that the votes between
Paul and I are kind of close.

- Thank you so much.

- Yeah.

I'm worried that I'm gonna
have to defend myself today.

- You have to win this
against other dishes

that are potentially
much more exciting

than a chicken salad sandwich.

- Like a meatball?

- Right, or--

- Right.

- Well, whoever goes
with Paul's team,

we're all gonna be like,

- And he wore the freakin'
green socks.

Damn it.

- The rest of the chefs think
that I have lucky socks

because my socks have stripes

or they're, like,
crazy colors.

- We might have a chance

because he didn't wear
the caterpillar socks.

- All my socks are crazy.

That's the joke.

I have no white socks.

So all my socks are
automatically lucky socks.

- The ones that you wore

looked pretty regular.

- That's, like, the only one.

I have, like, four pairs
that are caterpillar socks.

- I know.
That's what scares me.


- What a rough day.

- It's pretty cool that
Dana Cowin was there, though.

- Hell, yeah, it was.

- The line was, like,

- I know.

- I just kept saying,

"don't worry,
it's worth the wait,"

like, down this huge line
of people.

- Paul kept [bleep] going,
"this is a healthier version

of his dish."

- I didn't say that at all.
I didn't say that.

- Hello.

We'd like to see Grayson...

Paul, and Lindsay.

Thank you.

- Good luck, guys.

- Good luck, guys.

- [Exhales heavily]

- Chefs, the guests
at the block party

voted the three of you...

The winners
of your head-to-head battles.

So congratulations.

- Awesome.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Paul, what was your strategy
for lowering the fat,

lowering the salt,
lowering the sugar,

but still adding flavor?

- I used the eggplant
as far as creating

more fat in the ssam.

- Well, Paul, I thought
your dish was perfect,

how you used all those spices
with turkey meat.

- Your hot sauce was great.

You should bottle that stuff.

But the peaches--

one of my favorite things
I had all day.

So nice work.

- Thank you.

- Grayson, I was struck
by the fact

that you didn't make
the sandwiches ahead.

You made it to order.

- Thank you.

- The flavor was good
in the sandwich.

But did you ever think about,
if you're on the winning side

or the losing side,

"am I gonna win this
with a chicken salad sandwich?"

- I think it's definitely

Obviously not.

You think that chicken salad
is really boring?

- Yeah.

And you have to win this
against other dishes that are

potentially much more exciting
than a chicken salad sandwich.

- Like a meatball?

- Right, or--

- Right.

- [Laughs]

- I mean, I always want
to win this.

I don't know
if I understand fully.

I thought I could make
an elevated

chicken salad sandwich--

- Okay.

- To compete with meatballs
and Asian food.

When you're serving

and making it fresh,
it was hard.

- Okay.

- Lindsay.
- I loved the lemon aspect.

I thought your meatball
was seasoned perfect.


- I decided to use chickpea
flour instead of all-purpose

to at least get away
from the heaviness of it.

- The sumac and that yogurt,
it was phenomenal.

- Thank you.

- Cat, please announce
our winner.

- Well, the dish for us
that was healthier version

of a classic,

ex*cuted perfectly,

and basically just rocked was...


- Thank you so much.

- Congratulations.

- Congratulations, Paul.

You've won $15,000,

furnished by Healthy Choice.

- Thank you so much.

The win feels
really good today,

and the $15,000
is a nice bonus.

But I have to be focused
and keep my eye

on the end goal

if I'm gonna be
the Top Chef.

- Please send back
your colleagues.

- Thanks.

- [Laughs]

- Congratulations, Paul.
- Thanks.


Thanks, man.

- Asian showdown, man.
You did it.

- Thanks.
- Oh, yeah.

We have to send you guys.

- Yeah, we kinda knew that.
Let's go.

Come on.

- Come on, guys.
- Good luck.

- Let's do this.

- Good luck, guys.

- I feel like
I just got brutalized

because of [bleep]
chicken salad.

They wanted me to do more.

Duly noted.

I don't know. Whatever.

Maybe I should be in there.

- No.
- Kinda feel like I should be.


- Chefs, all three of you lost

your head-to-head battles.

And as you know, one of you
will be going home.

Ed, how do you think
you made your version

of kalbi healthier?

- Traditionally, you would use
rice with it,

and I thought that rice
was empty calories.

So I thought of making
a really light,

almost pita-like bread.

- Bread is empty calories too.

- I know. Maybe--
maybe it was just a stretch.

- Your bread, while that
could've been commendable

that you made your own bread,

in this situation,
the rest of your dish

needed to be perfect,
and it wasn't.

- You made a decision
to use short rib,

and so your way to get
some of the fat out

was to trim the fat
out of it.

The nice thing about short rib
is the fat.

And so you're taking
the really good part out of it.

I mean, to me,
it was no surprise at all

that Paul's dish
beat yours out.

- Chris?

- I feel like I really made
a very healthy dish.

I used lean chicken.

I used no Mayo,
where my counterpart did.

She also used dark meat.
- I agree with you.

I thought your choices
were healthier.

I thought it was
a good idea

using tofu
and making a mayonnaise.

But you build the sandwiches
ahead of time.

They go outside.

They're not wrapped up.

The bread just starts
drying out.

I appreciate that you're cooking
for 200 people

and it's difficult.

But yet the person
right next to you,

who's not here right now,

was building those sandwiches
to order.

- I actually would've had
more time

to do a lot of things if I
would've made 'em out there.

But I just didn't do it.

- Here I was excited
about your idea

about the frozen pineapple and
buzzing it, and the watermelon.

I actually had a couple chunks
of ice in it.

- I'm sorry.

That sucks.
- Sarah.

- I felt like our meatballs

were really delicious
on both sides.

She used lamb and veal.
I used turkey.

So I felt like I was really
trying to go

the extra healthy mile.

- The apricot I didn't taste
a whole lot of.

It's mild against
a tomato sauce.

But I thought you could've lost
the cheese

and added more fat.

- Dana was sitting
across from me.

When I started talking about

all these vegetables
and stuff in the salad,

she was like,
"I didn't get any of that."

- Oh, no.

- So a little inconsistency
in the salad.

- We'll call you back
in a bit.

- Thank you, chefs.
- Thank you.

- Hi, guys.
- Sarah won.

- What do you mean Sarah won?

- Oh, God,
I'd hate to go home

because I didn't wrap
my [bleep]

And I didn't [bleep] blend
my [bleep] smoothie.

What a bitch move
that would be.

- Every time you, like,
make like you're going home,

someone else goes home.

- Well.
- Whenever you act--


- Oh!

- I felt for these chefs.

I mean, 200 people.
- 200 people's tough.

- Alone out there.

- I don't think there was any
lost causes,

as far as dishes go.

- Sarah just had
the unfortunate luck

of going up against something
that was just exceptional.

She made a very good meatball.

Lindsay made
an excellent meatball.

Sitting and listening to Chris,
I think he really

took the healthy side of this
to heart.

It was a little bland,
but I think that's because

he purposefully
took the salt out.

- The chicken salad was dry.

The bread was dry.

He tried
with the tofu emulsion.

It's pulling flavors out,
not adding any flavors in there.

It just didn't do it
for me.

- I don't understand it.

With him,
it's time and time again,

idea, idea, idea.

Cannot execute.

- Ed's dish--I know that he
didn't live up

to his capacity.

He had a tiny little crouton
of dried bread,

a tiny piece of short rib

that was chewy
and tough,

and pickles.

- And a B.S. story
on top of that.

"I took away the rice,

so I used rice flour."

- He's gonna try to B.S.
the four of us here.

- It's hard.

But, unfortunately,
we do have to send someone home.

- Mm-hmm.

- Chefs, tonight's challenge
was to take a classic dish

and make it healthier.

And our 200 guests voted
your three dishes

to be the least favorite.

Sarah, as we mentioned earlier,
you definitely made

a meatball healthier
by using turkey.

It was quite good.

It just went up against
a much tougher opponent today.

- Okay.

- Chris, I appreciate the fact
that you really tried

to make this
as healthy as possible.

Taking out fat,
taking out salt is part of it.

Watching those sandwiches
sit out there in the sun

wasn't the healthiest choice.

Ed, just cutting fat off a dish
isn't really doing it.

You needed to be a little more
serious about this challenge

and deliver food that wasn't
only healthy,

but really flavorful,
and I think you missed the mark

in both cases.

Coming down to the wire.
There's only six chefs left.

It's all about details
right now.

You guys gotta deliver.

Unfortunately, for one of you--
didn't deliver today.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Chris.

Please pack your knives
and go.

- Thank you all very much
for this opportunity.

I appreciate everything.

- Thanks.
- Cheers.

I had no doubt
that I was going home today.

The mistakes I made
were stupid.

And I'm gonna miss
being here.

- Leaving?
- Yeah.

- You're awesome.

You guys
are all so talented.

I'm very happy to share
the same room with you all.

Really happy.
- Sorry, Jones.

- Oh, you're great.
You're good.

- Jonesy goes home tonight,

and it's completely my fault.

The chicken salad
was my suggestion.

- Should've been me, Chris.
- No.

This has been--

this has been
one of the best journeys

of my life,

and this is something that I'm
always gonna remember,

for the rest of my days.

I think that how I've changed
here will affect me

at Moda, the restaurant
where I work.

I really feel like
I've learned a lot

from a lot of different chefs,

and, you know,
we really can have

a great environment
from what I've learned here.

I wish you all
the best of luck.

Somebody take him down

so he doesn't win
the most money ever on Top Chef.

But if you don't,
I love you.

Good luck.

- Chris Jones.
- Chris Jones!

- One of the things
I'm happy about

is I stayed true
to myself.

I was the crazy,
creative chef,

and I did the food
that I love.

Making it as far
as I've made it,

I can be proud of myself.

- Tonight on
Last Chance Kitchen...

Will Chris,
the lovable nerd,

cook his way
back into the competition?

Beating Beverly,
the determined warrior,

will be his ultimate
Kobayashi Maru.

- The winning chef is...

- To watch Last Chance Kitchen,

go to now.

Next on Top Chef...

[Horn beeping]

- Oh, my God.

- I'm really excited to be here,
and starving.

- [Laughs]
- We're like a biker g*ng.

- Can you let her
get in there first?

And then you can come in
after her, 'cause--

- Oh, absolutely not.
I mean, we're--

Time is ticking away.

And I have to walk out.

- Paul, this is my plan too.

- Grayson's following
me around.

[Bleep], that's not cool,

especially in
an elimination challenge.

- This is burning my hand.

- Where's the salt for this?

[Imitates g*n firing]
