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46x01 - This is Where the Legends are Made

Posted: 05/03/24 07:39
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

Survivor is 18 people

coming together

from all different
walks of life.

And they are here,
all together at one time,

having to trust each other,
build a society,

play challenges with each other
with different strengths,

different weaknesses.

And to be able
to trust one another

while also not trusting anyone,

because you're playing
a game that is built on deceit.

And you have to be vulnerable,

and you have to be
authentically yourself.

And you have
to overcome and adapt

to all the challenges in which
they are guaranteed to face,

because that
is what Survivor is about.


But it is
in that moment right there

makes the game so worth playing.

And I'm ready for it.

[all cheering]

Let's go, Siga!

♪ ♪

BHANU: I applied for Survivor

the day I become a citizen
of the United States of America.

I came out of the courthouse,
and I was like, "Hello,

Survivor team, Jeff Probst!"

Hi. Hello. Namaste.

I want one opportunity
to play the game,

so I can be a role model

for all the folks
who look like me.

From slumdog to Survivor, baby!


♪ ♪

I actually think that
the biggest risk to my game

is, like, I might
be socially awkward.

And my personality is, like...

I know I'm a little odd.

But I don't really care.

But I've come to realize
that I'm competitive.


I mean,
I have an identical twin.

I've been
competing for nutrients

since we were in the womb.

Choo choo!

Here we are in the rain.

I grew up in a small town
in Mississippi.

I lived there my whole life,
and I teach there now.

And so

there's experiences
that I haven't had

that I know
a lot of other people have.

There will be this barrier
of maybe not being able

to relate on a full level.
You know,

if people bond over, you know,

being huge Taylor Swift,
you know, fans,

I-I won't have that.

I got my Taylor Swift socks.

I got my Taylor Swift
Eras Tour merch.

I ride the Swiftie bus
on the way to law school,

but I'm not planning
on mentioning I went to Harvard,

because you got
to keep your threat level down.


♪ ♪

TIFFANY: I've worked with
major brands like Nike,

Adidas. I had my artwork

in Madison Square Garden.

I'm self-taught.

Me and YouTube University
is all I had

when I was figuring out
my job as an artist.

'Cause at the end of the day,
being an artist is a hustle.

But that's what I do.

I'm a hustler.

♪ ♪

This group of strangers
has agreed

to be abandoned
in the Fijian Islands.

They must learn to adapt
or they'll be voted out.

I may look tiny and weak,
but I am mighty and strong.

I'm gonna do some sneaky ...

and I'll deal
with the repercussions later.

In the end,
only one will remain

to claim
the million-dollar prize.

I've got my stilettos on,
disco ball spinning.

I'm just waiting
for the club to open.

Like, I'm ready to party!

♪ ♪

Who will have what it takes

to outwit, outplay
and outlast all the rest?

This is Survivor 46.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

SODA: I'm wet,
people around me are wet,

-[cheering, whooping]

I'm about to play

I'm ready, man.

I'm here to prove me to myself.

And for all my students,

like, you can say yes
to the adventure.

You can conquer anything.

I'm here to, like,
be a model for them, 100%.

Q: I started playing football
when I was nine years old,

and it made me, at an early age,
be very, very competitive.

I do not like to lose.

So I'm gonna play this game
full speed,

from day one.

I'm the QB.

I'm quarterbacking the game.

Put the ball down, say hut.

-All right.
Welcome to Survivor 46.
-[Soda squeals]

[all cheering]

Oh, my God.

I got to say, I'm impressed
with the enthusiasm,

-given the boat rides
I can anticipate you just had.
-[overlapping chatter]

I don't know whether to laugh
or cry or crap my pants.

Pretty rough seas?

-Very rough.

-Who vomited?

-SODA: So close.


Sometimes you're
birthed into Survivor

in a nice, smooth,
beautiful day.

Other days, it's a little rough.

All right, let's get into it.

It's always so exciting

to start
a new season of Survivor

because, right now,
everything seems possible.

You can all envision
yourself at the end.

You can all see
your name on the parchment,

crowning you
the winner of Survivor 46.


Because, right now, it kind of
feels like a blank slate, right?

It does.

And you all, right now,

believe you can win this game.

But it's simply not true.

Right now, there is at least
one of you that cannot win.

No matter who you go to
the end with, it won't matter.

Something about your personality
is not gonna gel

with this group,
and you won't get the votes.

And the beautiful thing

about the confidence
of a Survivor player is

right now, you're all
nodding in agreement,

and yet none of you think
you're the one

-who can't win.

It's one of the reasons
Survivor is so fun to watch,

but it should be
the number-one reason

why each of you play this game

on your terms.

Because that blind optimism
that you have right now,

that specific point of view
that you're bringing

into the game--

it's gonna work or not work,

but it is
your single biggest w*apon.

I'm glad you're all here.
I wish you luck.

Let's get into our tribes.



Wearing purple: Yanu.

-Go, Yanu!


Let's go!

Wearing green: you are Siga.


-Let's go!

And in orange: you are Nami.


-Nami! Nami!
-[excited chatter]

-Them, but Nami!

-TEVIN: Know what I mean?


-Got that one.

All right, you ready
to get to your first challenge?

-Let's do it.
-Yes. Let's do this.

For today's challenge,

two members of each tribe
are gonna race down the beach,

crawl under a muddy net...

...and retrieve
two very heavy puzzle pieces,

then bring 'em back.

Then the next pair goes.

Once you have all six pieces,

three tribe members

are gonna use those pieces
to build a podium.

Then one tribe member will climb
to the top of the podium,

use a long pole
to retrieve your flint.

First tribe to finish
earns their camp supplies--

pot, machete, flint.

-Not much.
-Enough. That's enough.

-But it's-it's a start.
-But it's enough.

Exactly, Tevin.

The second tribe
to finish earns the right

to choose between the Sweat
task or the Savvy task

for their second shot
at earning your tribe supplies.

The last tribe to finish,
otherwise known as...

-The losers.

-Not me.
-PROBST: You get what's left.


Everybody feeling good?

-TEVIN: I'm good.

All right, follow me.
We'll get set up.


All right, here we go.

Marooning challenge
of Survivor 46.

Survivors ready?


-Heading out in pairs.

Tiffany and Jelinsky for Yanu.

Jem and Ben for Siga.

Hunter and Venus for Nami.

Make the hole big.
Make the hole big.

Pieces are heavy.

-SODA: Venus, go, go!
-LIZ: Go!

-Venus, go, go!

Keep going, baby!
Yeah! Let's go!

Let's go, Hunter! Let's go!

-PROBST: Hunter moving quickly
with that first piece.

You can head out and help,

but you got to go back
through the obstacles.

[Soda whoops]

Hunter making
quick work of this.

Now gonna help
his new Tribemate, Venus.

These are big puzzle pieces.
She needs some help.

Here comes Tiffany,
carrying one on her shoulder.

Jelinsky right behind.

Jem pushing one.
Ben pushing one.

Once you cross that line,
the next pair can go.

You're good! Go!

It's Tevin and Liz out now.

Hell yeah!

Jump on that course like a
starving man on a Christmas ham!

Here comes Jelinsky.

You're good! Go, Yanu!

It's Siga in dead last.

Come on, guys.

-PROBST: Ben already exhausted.
-Come on, Ben.

-You're good! Go!
-Good work. Good work.

-Good work, Ben...
-PROBST: It's gonna be
Charlie and Maria.

Let's go, Siga!

Keep going! Come on!

Here comes Liz and Tevin
heading back for Nami.

-Bhanu and Jess out for Yanu.

[all cheering]

Let's go, Maria!

Look at that!
Maria carrying one on her back!

-Come on! Siga!


That is how you do it
on Survivor.

Here comes Charlie,
heading back for Siga.

You're good! Go!

Come on, go, go, go! You got it!

You're good! Go!

-You're good! Go!
-JELINSKY: Let's go, guys.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

It is Randen and Soda
on the course.

Tim and Moriah heading out.

-The last two pieces got
to travel the farthest distance.
-SODA: Come on, guys!


Randen heading back.
Here comes Kenzie.

Here comes Q.

Tim and Moriah
got to go back out now

and get their last piece.

Every second counts.

You want those tribe supplies.

You're good. You're good.

Start working on the puzzle.

Come on, y'all.

Here comes Tim and Moriah.

-You can hear, they're gassed.

Ten minutes
into day one of Survivor.

You're already feeling it.

[overlapping chatter]

You're good, Siga.
Start working on your puzzle.

This is where you see

what your tribe is made of,
right here.

VENUS: Good.

Opening moments of Survivor 46.

If you put yourself
in the puzzle position,

you are feeling the pressure.

Hey, guys, no.

You are building
a three-tier podium.

Always looks so easy
when you're watching it at home.

Soda, Hunter, Venus think they
have something now for Nami.


Jelinsky, Bhanu and Jess

-trying to get
something going for Yanu.
-Push it in. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Come on, Siga.
-JEM: You're still in it.

Moriah, Tim and Ben,

they've been moving their pieces
all over the place.

Come on, watch out,
watch out, watch out.

-Yes, yes, yes.
-PROBST: Hunter and Soda
working for Nami.

They think
they're getting close.

Venus putting
that last piece in.

-That is right. You're out.

-Somebody else is in.
-HUNTER: Let's go, Tevin.

It's gonna be Tevin now.

It is Nami in the lead
by a long ways right now.

-Tevin! Baby!

Nami! Nami! Nami!

Tevin now going
up top with that pole,

trying to knock that ring off.

That flint is all
you need in your hand.

Yanu and Siga continue
to fight to get in this.

-You're almost there.
-You're almost there.

-HUNTER: Yeah!
-PROBST: Tevin has it!

[excited chatter]

-Tevin has the ring.

Nami has earned
their tribe supplies.

And now we're
looking for second place.

There we go.

Something's wrong.

-PROBST: Something not right
for Siga. A setback.
-No, it's not right...

Something's not right.

That opens the door for Yanu.

Jelinsky now running
around to give it a study.


Siga thinks they have something.

Tim and Ben
lifting that last piece.

Will it fit?
And if so, is it right?

-You got it, Siga! Let's go!

Gonna be Charlie now
untying the pole.

It's all over for Yanu.

-[overlapping chatter]
-PROBST: Here goes Charlie.

Drag it all the way, Charlie.


There it is.

Charlie's got it for Siga.

Siga will choose
between Sweat and Savvy,

-and Yanu will get what is left.
-JEM: Good job. Good job.

Good job. Good job.

All right,
Nami, congratulations.


Waiting for you back at camp:
a pot, machete and flint.

It's not much, but in this game,

in the early days,
it is everything.

Now we have another
big decision to make.

Siga, you took second place,

which means you get to choose

whether you take on the Sweat
task or the Savvy task.

So, what have you learned
about the six of you

in these opening moments

that's gonna determine
what you choose?

Uh, we're gonna choose Savvy.

At the end of the day,
it was the puzzle

that allowed us
to get that flint,

so we're gonna keep on the roll.

So that means, Yanu,
you will be taking on Sweat.

-I ain't scared
of a little sweat, Jeff.

Let's do it.

All right,
maps to your new home.

-Here you go.
-Tevin, take it.
You swung that thing.

Yes, Maria!


Giddyup, baby. Let's go.

Survivor 46 is underway.

-Yanu, Nami, Siga, head out.
Good luck.


Right now, everybody's laughing.

They're living
their wildest dreams,

but only one
out of the 18 of us is gonna

be the Sole Survivor.

I'm so ready to just

cut everybody else's throat

on the other side, and then
guess who's your Sole Survivor?


♪ ♪

Fiji is a lot different
of an animal than Las Vegas.

There's no ocean.

We don't even
have trees out in Vegas--

no good trees, anyways--
but I'm hyped.

Let's get to the Sweat task.
Let's play.

Jeff preaches
about the monster in this game.

Jelinsky is the monster.

-JESS: Okay.

Who thinks they can do it
is the thing?

-It's, like...
-I mean, I think, I think

-we all can do it...
-We all can do it.

It's just gonna take a long time

-and people gonna be tired.
-I can do it, for sure, yeah.

-JESS: Yeah.
-That's it.

-Y'all want to do that?
-Let's do it, yeah.

I appreciate you guys.

-Yeah. Okay, good.
We'll knock it out.
-We got it. We got it.

One, two, three.

Good luck, guys.

We believe in you.

Good luck.

♪ ♪

The bucket had holes in it.

Come on, Jeff.

And now you're
walking up the hill,

around the hourglass,
to the urn,

which is about 40 yards
of distance.

That's it?

So I could tell, at that point,

that it was
gonna be very difficult.

But it doesn't bother me.
Hard work is all I know.

I'm a guy who's
from Mississippi, small town,

one of 17 kids,

who had to work
for everything that he has.

I've been a great businessman,

a great real estate agent.

I was the number two agent
in the country.

And that takes hard work.

Like I told Jelinsky,

you know,
we have to have that mentality

that we keep going
no matter what.

...or it's gonna
push us further apart.

-That's right.
-I'd rather it bond us.

I wonder what
they're doing back at camp.

TIFFANY: Oh, my gosh.


-That's why I, you know,

I struggle
with English a little bit.

-That's okay.

I'm in Fiji with my Buff on.

I can't ask for more. Yes.

Let's get going.

[gasps] Yay!

Oh, good find.

-Never, ever leave this.
-[laughs]: Okay.

-Oh, good.

Survivor is Bhanu's life.

I am originally
from Visakhapatnam, India.

I grew up in a hut
made of palm leaves

with, uh, mud floors.

And that's how...

I lived 18 years like that.

It was only last year
I got my citizenship.

-Oh, congratulations.
I know that's hard.
-Thank you, thank you. Yeah.

But here I am.

I'm a citizen
of the United States.

I'm so proud.


And, as a superfan,
I get to play Survivor.

-TIFFANY: Really?

[sniffs] Ah. Sweet papaya.

I'm the provider.
When people come to me and say,

like, you know, "Can you
help me? Can you do this?

Can you do that?" I love it,
because Bhanu is always there.

So, these ants...


I eat them at home.

You do?

Like what? Like sprinkles?

-JESS: There you go.

My first ant on Survivor.


I'm already comfortable
being on Survivor.

Beyond excited, nervous

and thrilled to be on Survivor.


TIM: All right, g*ng.

JEM: Yeah.



Any volunteers?

I think I'm into it.

-CHARLIE: I mean,
I'll-I'll help Ben out.

-Maybe we can
work through it together, but
-JEM: You got it.

no promises.

When in doubt, rock out, right?

There's, like, the lockbox,
and then there's also

this board
with all these random letters.

It looks hard-core,
but if I go home tomorrow, like,

I want to know
I at least stepped up.

And Charlie and I are like

front man, guitar player.

You know?

Diamond Dave, Eddie Van Halen.

Let's go.

All right,
this is what I see, right?

-Numbers, right?
There's six here.
-Yup. I see 12, seven, six.


So, 12. Six.

I see seven.


-So this would be a one.
-And there's
some numbers going down, too.

Like, I see 20. I see five.

-You're seeing things
that I never saw, ever.

-Shout-out to my dyslexia.

-Let's go! [chuckles]
-You're k*lling it.

You're-you're on fire.

-BEN: Uh...

Yeah, and six.

So I'm-I'm noticing
an issue right away

is we've got six digits here

-and ten digits here.

I don't know. I think
we got to think about this.

Let's think
a little harder, I guess.

Machete, pot, flint.

If you don't have those things,

it's like, "Game over."

We have to figure this out.
Like, it's a must.

-TIM: Oh, fire.
-MARIA: Yes.

Then moved to New York,
met my husband in New York.

Had our first kid.
Pregnant with my second.

You had the mom strength.
That's what it was.

-I told y'all I was taking it.
I was like, "I can pull..."

-I got two boys.
-You have two boys?
How old are they?

-Yeah, yeah. Five and two.

I miss them a great deal.

I love my family.

I want my sons to have
everything that they imagine.

So, Maria and I were rocking
with the parent narrative.

-I have a five-year-old, too.

I have a ten,
an eight and a five.


MARIA: I told my kids,
"Mommy is gonna lie,

cheat and steal," because

there's only one way to win,

and that's by
taking everyone else out.

Tim and I-- we've connected
over being parents,

but I have no intention
of being anybody's mom.


Yeah, sure.

I just am not going
to be in the flashy red car.

I'm gonna be in my little
minivan driving the game.

All right.

I would do the three first,
and then...

If this works, I'll eat a hat.

No dice.

The sand is
trickling through the hourglass.

We were adding,
subtracting, multiplying.

We tried everything.

Maybe there's another word
in the puzzle

that's gonna
help us crack the code.

Yes. I'm already looking.

I mean...

What is it we're not seeing?

"All the information below
to find what you are missing."

There's nothing underneath it.


It's the final countdown.

All right.

It's the beginning
of the Dumb and Dumber alliance.

The feeling when the timer
runs out is just the worst.

We have no pot.
We have no machete.

We have no flint.

This brings us together
in our...

-in our shared stupidity.
-A hundred percent.

We're gonna look like idiots.

We tried
to step up for the tribe,

and we-we failed, big time.

-SODA: We crushed it, guys.

HUNTER: We totally did it.

How old are you?


-SODA: No way!

I-I have an old soul.

I watch old things.

Oh, sunshine!

Opie. You watch Andy Griffith?

-Oh, my God!

What do you do?

I teach people
how to write emails

and make money on the Internet.

Very cool.

-I've owned four companies.
-SODA: Wow.

I currently own two.

I've sold two.

-Oh! She sold them, too.


I'm-I'm pretty awesome.

TEVIN: As I talked to Liz,
some of her comments

made my head just kind of go...

...because you're talking about

how you have
all these businesses,

and you're
flaunting your dollar bills.


Well, I'm out here for money.

-It's nice
to get to know everybody.
-OTHERS: Yeah.

Clearly, Liz forgot

game begins not tomorrow,
but right now.

We need fire.

Is there anyone
that knows, like,

knows-knows how to make fire?

-I do. I-I mean,
I feel pretty good about it.
-I also do.

That's awesome.

I'm feeling good
about this tribe.

We already have our pot,
the machete, the flint,

which is not a lot,
but it leads to a lot.


We can hack things down and
build fire and make a shelter.

We just dig it out a bit.

And we need tinder.
We need kindling.

I'm a teacher
and a camp counselor,

so I've been
practicing fire, like,

literally every day
to get my confidence.

Just let it grow a little.
No, don't-don't snuff it.

Just let it grow a little.

That's how quick that magnesium
just goes out.

Catch it, catch it,
catch it, catch it.

All right, all right, all right.
Oh. All right.

[Tevin whoops]



Fire means everything out here.

And we had a roaring one, honey.

We had it roaring flames.

How do you think the other
tribes are doing right now?

Do you think they have a fire?

Who doesn't want fire on
their first night of Survivor?

Clearly, our supplies
are a big deal.

And not having
to do Sweat or Savvy

feels like a million bucks.
I'm not gonna lie.

This is no joke.

I'm lucky I got
Superman on my tribe.

Even if we don't get a flint...

I got an ally.

This is one of the hardest
things I've ever

had to do.
I honestly

don't know if I've done

that physical labor in my life.

Yes, sir.

Let's get it.

My feet were getting beat up.

I'm looking
at these urns like, "Damn.

It looked the exact same
as it did 30 minutes ago."

There's no way
we're filling this.

And we were
working against time.

It said that this task
takes several hours,

-but it looks
like we only have four hours.
-You slow down.

I know you ain't gonna stop
for me, but you better.

Last I checked,

"several" means seven, not four.

So I feel like I knew we weren't
gonna do the damn challenge. don't think
we can finish it?

I don't.

I do.

♪ ♪

We still had a couple hours,

but with Jelinsky, now I know

when the going gets tough,

he's going to
tuck his tail and quit.

And in Survivor
that's not an option,

If he cannot do this

physically and mentally,
then we're done.

♪ ♪

-BEN: Uh...

The Savvy was not so savvy.

-We were not very savvy
on the Savvy.

-Let's go rinse.
You guys look like...

It sucks to be like,
"Yo, we lost," but,

I mean, I like
to look at the world

as a glass half full
kind of vibe.

-First and foremost, thank you.
-Thank you. Yeah.

I appreciate the morale.

I feel like...

-No. No. That's okay.

I feel like we're all working
on keeping the vibe up.

-And we could be,
like, the vibe tribe.

-You know what I'm saying?
-[overlapping chatter]

They were like,

"Don't even worry.
Y'all stepped up."

Which was awesome. So,

at this point,
my strategy's to be myself,

which is to just chill hard
to make everybody laugh.

Hi, I'm Ben.

Hi, Ben.

I'm an Aries.

-[excited chatter]

That's kind of my life.

I've played everything from,
like, heavy metal to,

-like, salsa
and bar mitzvah music.

-You know what I'm saying?
-Oh, fire, bro.

A man of many talents here.

-I could tell.
-Listen, you got to be

Ben is, like, the vibe god.

He's, like,

the dean of cultural affairs,

making sure that the tribe
is in good spirits.


You got the vest on.

Dude, rock it all you want.

-Yeah, there you go.

-Oh, that's cute.
-That's not bad.

I'm getting Ben's powers here.

I like this little workout.

We're gonna get ripped.

MARIA: I love Ben's energy.
He has a lot

of confidence. And with
that confidence, I think

he gives us confidence
in ourselves.

There you go!

No. Chug, chug, chug. [screams]

I feel like Ben
is the epitome of Siga.

We're surviving.


That's our thing.
It's all about the vibe.

And I think that's why, like,
the Siga tribe

get along so well.

What about you?

-We met at bar trivia,
to be honest.
-Let's go. Really?

Yeah, in such a dorky way.

I'm this geeky, dorky nerd.

Like, I love board games
like D&D.

I do crosswords. I do sudoku.

I brew beer on the weekend.

I'm aware that I'm a little
out there, so I am...

not everyone's cup of tea.

For most of my life,
I've struggled

to make connections
and to make friends.

So I'm looking
for this opportunity

to prove to myself

that I'm just not that loner.

Like, I can forge

a connection.

-Oh, okay. There you go.
-Or when I'm running late,

This is my tribe.

This is my game.

I'm not here to say, like,

"Oh, no, they don't like me.
I'm done."

No. I'm here to play my game.

I do, too. Yeah.

-Yeah, for sure.
-Do you feel good with me?


-Yeah. Do you feel good with me?
-Okay. Yes, absolutely.

I definitely connected with Jem.

I also bonded
pretty quickly with Maria.

Surviving. [chuckles]

Who are y'all
getting good vibes from?

-I think everybody right now,
to be very honest.

But we need to maybe
start thinking, like, long-term.

Especially if we don't want
a woman voted out first.

-JEM: Yeah.
-MORIAH: Yeah.

The women came together, so now

I believe I have an alliance.

I feel strong, and I trust
with them, but more importantly,

I've made new friends.

And it feels incredible.



-You got it, coach?

[both grunt]


He's a he-man.



-Yes, sir!

Am I a good student, coach?

-Damn good student, man.

-Yeah, okay.

-All right, ready?


Maybe I should
have did the Sweat task.

I wouldn't have given up because
now we didn't get the supplies.

We got to bang a coconut
up against the side of a rock

to just get
a little bit of juice out.

It's hard, like,

especially when you don't
have any tools.

-Yeah. [laughs]
-Who needs a Sweat challenge

when you got beautiful people,
you know?


I'm in the beauty industry.
I know what I'm talking about.

I do hair and I own a salon.

Building connections,
building repertoire

is literally
my bread and butter.

Like, this is

a fast-moving game,

and I am ready to,
like, giddyup.

Are there three of you?

A lot? Oh.

Oh, my gosh.

[laughs]: What?!

Q is an amazing,
hardworking man.

I'm like, "Let's team up."

-[laughs] I know.

I got a good vibe from Jelinsky.

We literally have
two matching tattoos.

I already thought
of our alliance name.

What is it?

Shaggy and Daphne.

-[chuckles] You like that?
-Okay, I love it. Yeah.

-This is a sacred bond.
-But... I agree.

So I was like, "Hey,

you and me,
we'll work together."

We pinky promise.

I definitely
want to be on your side,

-'cause I want to work with you.
-Yeah, yeah. I mean,

I want numbers, so...
And I want, like,

people I like
to work with, so...

I'm the queen

of the tribe right now.
Everybody's calling me.

My phone won't stop ringing.

Everybody's like,

"We should work together.
Let's work together.

Let's do this."
Jess is like,

"I get a good vibe."
I'm assuming

that's her way of saying
we should work together,

but I can't tell
if it's the truth or not.

No one's talking to me.

I mean, you haven't
really talked a lot of strategy.

Yeah, I don't know.

I'm playing a slow game.

Jess doesn't really
want to talk strategy,

and no one can get
a read on her. I tried.

I tried talking to her.
There wasn't much there.

I tried to talk to Jess and
be like, "Who-- What are you--

-Have you talked to anybody?"
-Yeah. Literally. It's, like,

-she was so hesitant, like...
-She was like, "About what?"
And I was like...


Tiff, that is my girl.

We kind of
have this girls thing,

apart from the big thing,

that's the four of us--

Q, me, Tiff and Jelinsky.

So, we like this.

-We like this a lot.

We want to lock this in.

-Like, for sure.
-KENZIE: Yeah, we're good.

The four of us
working together--

wonderful, perfect.

We've got brains,
we're all strong.

Like, we're good.

♪ I'm building me a home ♪

♪ I'm building me a home ♪

♪ This earthly house ♪

♪ I didn't hear that part ♪

♪ This earthly house ♪

-♪ And my soul is gonna need ♪
-[Tevin laughs]

♪ And my soul is gonna need... ♪

I just love to sing,
and I love group songs.

And I used to lead camp,
so I feel like

Tevin and I singing,

like, really brings camaraderie.

I think it helps morale.

It helps us connect,
and it helps people feel okay.



Soda has worked
as a camp counselor.

I also have worked
as a camp counselor,

but one of the things
that, like, I didn't enjoy...

b-being a camp counselor
was camp songs.

It's the part of camp
that drove me crazy,

and it has followed me out here.

It goes... ♪ Big booty,
big booty, big booty, uh-huh ♪

-♪ Big booty. ♪
-HUNTER: My tribe,

in terms of energy
and enthusiasm,

we have the most.

There's no doubt about that.

[both whooping]

Let's go, Hunter, let's go!

Let's go, Hunter, let's go!

Let's go, Hunter...

Being from a small town,

I don't fit in perfectly,
because I'm very introverted,

and there's a lot of energy,
and I cannot keep up with them.

I met my ex-husband.

I was like, "You tall as a tree.
I want to climb you."

-SODA: Oh!
-Oh, damn!

-Turn me over.
-SODA: Hey.

I've said it

coming into this game,
and I'll continue to say it:

it's about being flexible

and adaptable,
and I want to work with someone

who can help my social game.

I mean really,
like, aesthetically,

do we want it to be square?

Look at you. You're trying to...

You're trying
to flip this house.

-[both laugh]

You're trying
to flip this house.

Tevin is a cool guy.

We work well together,
we can laugh together, and

it's just, it's really easy
to have a conversation with him.

Tevin, I love
to hear that you sing.

I-I am not
a singer because, like,

some people's jokes fall flat.

My singing falls flat.

If your goal, like, you-you
can teach me how to sing...

That way I know
I'll be here a long time.


You're gonna have
to keep me here a while.

TEVIN: Hunter has been humble
and a hard worker,

and the two of us have

taken on the leading roles

of kind of getting
this shelter together.

You're obviously
very, very good, socially.

-We can make it
working together.
-Why, thank you.

The Andy Griffith alliance.

-The Andy Griffith alliance.

["The Andy Griffith Show Theme"

Hunter and I really do bond

because we both
love Andy Griffith.

Oh, my God!

I have an alliance
named after Andy Griffith.

It's so stupid.

I'm an introvert, and so, like,

I really enjoy y'all's energy.

I just don't have it to match,
you know what I'm saying?

I definitely want to work with
Hunter, but one of my strategies

coming into this game was to

feel out who everyone is.

I really vibe with Hunter.

I think he has
a good spirit about him.

-Yeah, he's really sweet
and, like, calm and easygoing.

As an actor,
I'm very extroverted

and very good at working
with people, and that is what

Survivor is about.

At the end of the day,
all the world's a stage,

and all the men and women
are merely players.

And so I am just on this island

playing whatever role
I got to play.

And very soon, everyone

is gonna find out
why I say this island's mine.

♪ ♪

I love that song.

What was on your mixtape,

Uh, oh, man.
I'm a big Taylor Swift fan.

-Ha! Yes!
-BEN: Hell yeah. Yeah, T.S.

Yeah, I lo...
I love Taylor Swift.

Yeah, I always have.

It's real catchy.

-I like the lyrics.
-That's dedication.

You know, I've lived
a very simple life.

I grew up in a beautiful town

called Manchester-by-the-Sea.
And I loved

growing up there,
but it's a bubble.

It's filled with a lot of people
who look like me.

It's not a very diverse place.

But out here,
it's totally different.

I've been known to shred
a Long Island iced tea or two.

Oh, man.

-You're not one of those.
-You're that guy.


-Like appletini?
-JEM: Like tropical drinks?

BEN: I'll be honest...

-MORIAH: Appletini?

On Survivor, you've got people
from every single walk of life,

every single background,
and I'm just really excited to

learn people's stories
and, you know, pop that bubble.

JEM: The girls came to me
with this

all-girls alliance,
but I was like,

"We need somebody else.

Like, three and three.
Like, we have to have majority."

-Charlie's Angels.
-Oh, my God.


That is amazing.

♪ ♪

How are you guys feeling?

-I feel good.
-I feel good.

-I feel good with everybody.

-I love the tribe. Yeah.

But, like, the three girls
really like you.

-That sounds actually
really good. [chuckles]

I've only had women bosses
my whole life.

In school, in clinics,
in law school,

it's, like, all women.

I don't mind
working with women at all.

And they seem really smart,

really game savvy,

which I like in an alliance.

♪ ♪

The girls are playing.

They're walking, whispering.

I mean,
I'm all about women empowerment,

but there's potential
for the women to be in cahoots.

I have a wife. I have a grandma.
Like, I know

how they operate.

I'm telling you, the women
always take out the guys.

If-if people are playing,
you got to play, yeah?

-You got to play.
-You got to play the game.

All I'm saying is,
we have to take a girl out.

This is great. I love this.

I got two groups of people who

I have an alliance with.

But I have to be really careful
how I handle this,

because playing
both sides is dangerous.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy, oh, boy.

Oh, girl.

♪ ♪

Whenever you guys can, like,

maybe help me
split the palm fronds,

I'll braid all of them for us.

When I saw you,
I called you "princess."

-At that moment.
-I did, too.

So funny,
but I said, "Princess U.S.A."

But you're Canadian, so...

One of the things I was afraid
of, coming into this game,

was that people
would think I'm a princess.

I'm anything but.

That's right.

Don't ever let somebody

-tell you
that princess is-is bad.
-LIZ: Amen.

Tevin called me out
right in front of everyone,

saying, "You are a princess."

I know I'm on the bottom
for that fact alone.

But then I thought to myself,
"You know what?

Screw it. I'll just
play as hard as I can."

I'm not gonna go out
without a fight.

I have to start being sneaky

and looking for advantages
and finding the immunity idol,

'cause if I can't find it,
it's my ass going home.

Throw a girl a bone, Jeff.

I'm desperate.

Venus is the goddess of love,

but she's married
to the god of wrath.

So when
I'm being underestimated,

you are gonna see me
become a dangerous player--

someone who isn't afraid

to get their hands dirty
and cause chaos.

Aah! Big spider.

I'm already envisioning myself

at final Tribal Council
saying "screw you" to everyone

who underestimated me
the first day

and thought I was some princess

who wasn't
gonna get anything done.

I'm not stupid.
Venus was clearly looking

for an advantage or an idol,
and I caught her.

I knew off the bat

that Venus was going
to be the number one threat

in my tribe.

It's so obvious to me.
She's very sociable,

very charismatic,
she's dangerous.

So I have to make sure that

she's exploited as a threat.

-RANDEN: Well, I mean...
-How are you feeling?

I'm solid, but my gut tells me

that Venus right now is
just playing super aggressive.

-You're afraid of her?
-Not afraid of her.

No, that was the wrong word.

-Yeah, I'm not afraid.
-Wary, wary.

But I know a Parvati Light
when I see a Parvati Light.


If homegirl had a chance,
I think she would slit a throat

at the biggest opportunity.

SODA: Randen is telling me

to look out for Venus,

and I appreciate
how forward he's being, but

my Sodar's going off, like...

♪ Beep, beep, beep,
beep, beep, ding. ♪

And I have to listen to that,

so I don't trust him.

I feel like he would,
in a minute,

be like, "Soda's dangerous,
Soda's dangerous,

Soda's Dangerous," to everyone.

He really doesn't trust you.

-SODA: He's totally using
your looks against you.

And he said, "I know a Parvati
when I see one."

Parvati was a player

who was charming

and smart as hell, and she even
won a million dollars.

So, Randen calling me
a Parvati is a compliment

'cause I love strong women.

-That's fine.
-And he...

-That doesn't faze me
at all, honestly.

How dare you
point fingers at me.

Sure, you're correct, but, like,
how dare you assume, correctly,

that I was being sneaky?

I just want to feel...
Yes, quickly. Look out.

Thank God Soda has my back
a thousand percent.


you just put a giant target
on your back.

If you have my name
in your mouth,

you're going home.

♪ ♪

-I'm putting days on here.
-VENUS: Yay, Hunter!

-SODA: You all hear that?
-TEVIN: I hear it, baby.

-It's simple, simple.
-Do you hear the sound
of, like, food?

It's nice
to have something to eat.

It's nice. A hot meal.

The sheer emotion I just felt

from eating that one piece
of coconut is actually wild.

That's awesome.

I'm Liz Wilcox, and

I'm allergic to everything.

Everything edible, anyway.

I think I have at least
a couple dozen allergies.

Any and all nuts, cinnamon,

avocado, coconut.

I'm allergic to chicken.

Eggs give me
incredible brain fog.

-SODA: I'm so sorry, Liz.
-For what?

SODA: We really have
to find you some food.

I, like, didn't even think
about my reaction.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

You know, one thing
you got to know about Liz is,

you don't have to apologize
around me for being yourself.

-You know, like,
that's just silly.

Not eating-- that sucks,

but I'm not gonna
be a big baby about it.

It's, like, I ain't going down
like no punk.

Y'all don't eat, we don't win,

so I'm-a thank you
all over the place.

Oh, there's a boat,
there's a boat, there's a boat.

-RANDEN: Is it coming here?
-HUNTER: Yeah, it's coming.

-Oh, no.

-JEM: Guys, boat!
-MORIAH: Oh, no.

It's that boat, guys.
It's the boat.

-TIM: Oh, my God.
-Oh, my gosh.

HUNTER: You want me to go and
get it from him? I'll go get it.

TEVIN: I mean,
what does he think, he's Jesus?

He gonna walk across
the water all that way?

Oh, my God.

-All right, let's... let...
-VENUS: Oh, it's a note!

BHANU: What is it?

JELINSKY: I don't know.
I haven't opened it.

Hopefully, it's a journey.

If it's a journey, I want to go,
without a doubt.

"One person must get
on this boat.

You will return
to camp this afternoon."

-I really want to go.
-Okay. All right.

-You're cool with that?
-Yeah, cool.

I really want to go.
However, Jelinsky's

the first one to put up his hand
for everything.

I'm like,
"Okay, if you want to do it."

That's gonna put a target.

He wants to go, let him go.
I don't want that target on me.

I'm feeling really lucky.

Soda rolls
that Shot in the Dark,

and my symbol comes up.

And the first reaction
I have is, "Oh, God."

And then I go, "Oh, yes."

Because, baby, baby, baby,
I'm ready to play the game.

Is there an idol?
Is there an advantage?

Oh, the fan in me is blowing up.

While the player
in me is glowing up.


Rock, paper, scissors.

The battle of the M's.


Maria! Maria!


-Get on that boat.
-We'll see you later.

Maria going away is
a complex thing for me, right?

'Cause she is part
of my alliance.

But at the same time,
you know, like,

I would love to go on a journey
and get an advantage.

Flock of Sigas!

[all cawing]

Having a little somethin'
somethin' in your pocket--

that could be really powerful.

I did not have to work my tribe

at all to go on the journey, and

I'm playing Survivor
like I'm going to win this game.

My mind's on an advantage.

You know, I'm not here
to sit around all day

and play nice-nice
like everybody else.

I'm here
to win a million dollars.

-Hello, hello.
-Oh, my God. Hi!

-Jelinsky-- that's it, right?
-Jelinsky. That's right.

And this is

where great Survivors are made.

This is where
the legends are made.

Jelinsky is a legend.

-Oh, boy.
-Oh, boy.

-This looks exciting.

-Oh, God.

I'm actually gonna pee my pants.

-Like, I'm not okay.
-Oh, okay, so we...

Yeah, let's go ahead
and flip them over.

The adrenaline is up
because the stipulations

of the game are as follows.

And the person that has
the torch symbol is going

to reveal
that they have that symbol.

The other two are then going to

try to convince
the person who has the torch

that one of them
has the vote card.

The stakes are ridiculous.

Your vote is on the line.

But whoever's right
get an extra vote.

Oh, spicy. Spicy mami. Okay.

I got the torch.

My job is to decipher
who has the vote card.

I look at my card.

And what do I see?
The vote card.

I get to

tell you the truth,
just about the truth.

It's the easiest form
of acting that exists.

And as soon as I saw
that I picked the skull,

I knew that
I had to lie to Maria.

So it becomes

a game of deception.

Talk to me.


Plead your case,
and then I'll have questions.

Well, Maria...

I'm not gonna lie to you.

I have the vote card.

I don't want you
to make the wrong decision.

That's all I got to say.

-Yes. Yes, Tevin?

I'm just gonna tell you
right here, right now,

clear as day, that that vote
card is right here.

-JELINSKY: I-I promise you,
though, like,

I have the vote card.

I'm not lying to you.

I would hate for you to lose

your vote,
is what I would hate for,

and I'd hate to lose my vote,
so I'm pleading

that you pick this so
that we can have an extra vote.

'Cause if you pick that one,

my God, today,
you might be disappointed.

There's something in my gut

that's saying, "Jelinsky's
lying," but I'm not 100%.

So, my heart was pounding
out of my chest because

if I choose wrong,
then I'm gonna lose a vote.

-All right, so...
-I'm so sorry.

Let's talk about this. If,

and you're being honest
with me, Tevin,

-I'm being 100% honest.
-then I can trust that

we can work together.

But Jelinsky,

losing my vote
would not be good.

So, if I find out
that you were lying,

I will have to go back
and tell my tribe the deceit.


I'm gonna give you all
another chance.

You know what?
I'll-I'll be honest,

'cause I'm not
"deceptful" at all.

I-I do have the skull card.

Don't pick it.

You know, this is
a nerve-wracking thing.

So you're saying
you have the skull card?

I do. I have the skull card.

Lord have mercy.

He literally folded his cards.

Jelinsky has, in this moment,
just given up his vote.

But Maria and I get
an extra vote.

-Should we shake hands on it?
-Shake hands?
-Shake hands.

-Go like this, do it this way?
-Shake hands?

-I'm sorry I was deceptive.
I was scared.
-That's okay.

It's because of me
that Jelinsky totally quit.

Like, I felt super
on top of the world.

It felt super powerful.

Growing up in Las Vegas,

you got to know
when to hold 'em,

you got to know
when to fold 'em,

you got to know
when to walk away.

And it was my time
to fold 'em and walk away.

I'd rather lose my vote
for one Tribal Council

than lie to Tevin and Maria

and make 12 enemies
going into the merge.

I know, I know, I know. You'd do
really great on the show.

That's what you're saying
right now.

Prove it.
Apply to be on Survivor.

-Q: Hey!

He's back!

[Jelinsky sighs]

I will give y'all all the tea.

So, we had to play a game.

There were three cards.

And the torch card
had to figure out whether

the skull card
was lying about what they had.

So, of course, I picked the
skull, which was unfortunate.

And at first, I lied to them.

That probably lasted a minute

and then I was like,
"Yeah, I'm lying."

-TIFFANY: What?! Why?

Why do you care what they...?

It was a lose-lose situation.

If I lied, they both

-would have lost their vote.
-KENZIE: So? So?

KENZIE: Jelinsky confessed
'cause he didn't want

the people on the other tribe
to lose their vote.

Who cares?
They're not on our tribe.

Like, you didn't even
fight for us?

You're supposed to be my number.

All you had to do was lie
to strangers.

So you're the only person
that lost the vote?

Right. And they both
have extra votes now.

-It was a bad situation.

I felt so bad. I just felt
obligated to tell the truth.

he gives up too quickly.

Are you kidding me?

This is Survivor.

You cannot give up like that.
Have you seen Jeff talk to you?

You got to dig deep.


CHARLIE: I can't figure out
why Jelinsky would say that.

MORIAH: You mom'd the heck
out of this, man.

-Yeah, you did. Yeah.

And so, I will get an extra vote

-at the next Tribal Council.
-TIM: Good job, Maria.

-KENZIE: Yeah.

-It was fun to do that.
-CHARLIE: The torch.

Oh, my God.

-BEN: Yeah, he's crushing it.
-[Maria laughs]

Yeah, I'll try to grow out a
mullet while I'm out here, too.

Yeah, exactly.


Maria's extra vote-- it is scary

because I want
to get one of the ladies out.

But now the women can dominate

in this game
and take out the guys.

So, this is really, really bad.

Since we got here,
I have no idea if I slept.

And last night,
I went straight to the shelter.

When I tried to

lie down, lay down...

Lied down? Laid down. And

that did not go well, either.

[wood snapping]

-You okay?
-TIFFANY: Hello.

-No, I'm good, I'm good.
-Q: It can hold on its own.

I don't think I've slept at all.

I'm, like, running on empty.
I don't sleep at night.

Without sleep,
you're not gonna be strong.

No, and I can't even
think straight.

I got my ADHD diagnosis
in the last couple of years, and

it's-it's been
difficult out here.

On such little sleep
and food and water,

it's making me kind of...
It's making my head spin.

And I feel like
it's, like, affecting me

in worse ways than I imagined.

Oh, my God.
I lost my water bottle.

-Q: You lost it again?
-This always happens to me.

This is my nightmare,
coming out here,

is that I would lose my stuff.

I'm losing things,
like, all over the place.

My ADHD is, like,
messing everything up.

I feel like I have to kind of
shrink a little bit

and not be as, like...
take as much

social initiative
as other people do.

That is not a good strategy.
Like, I need

to take
a little bit more initiative.

No, and I'm scared to
because of how I am!

I would lose them
in a shopping mall.

Oh, no.

I am scared to have kids.

-BHANU: Oh, man.
-You can just be,
like, one of those

-leash moms who has their kids
on a leash.
-JESS: I know.

I need... No, they should
put me on the leash.


I have to be going out
and, like, not be scared

to talk strategy to people.

I even feel scared to go out

idol hunting.
Oh, my God.

If I found an idol,
I would lose it anyway.

I'm not trying
to be sketchy, but

I'm always looking for an idol.

It's extremely stressful because

I don't want to be caught.

I don't want
to be caught doing this.


All right.

Where are you hiding?

And I've been looking
high and low everywhere.

It's super hard.

Why-why do they make it look
so, like, easy?

-They make it so easy
on TV, man.

Everyone's searching
for an idol, but

I don't want anyone
to find an idol before me.

Calm yourself down and think.

I'm gonna

find that guy.
I'm gonna find that idol.

I found something. Yo!

It's a Beware Advantage.

Not for one second
did it cross my mind

to put
the Beware Advantage back.

This is mine.
I earned it, I found it.

I don't care what's in here.

I'm doing it or I'll deal
with the consequences.

I didn't come out here

to play scared.

People who play scared go home.

Girl, we got to go back.

Where'd you find it?

TIFFANY: I read the clue
real quick, and it says

I got to go back to the spot
where I found it and dig a hole.

We digging, digging,
digging, digging.

Pull out this big box
with a lock on it.

All right.

-Yeah, you did lose your vote.
Your vote is gone.

-Damn. All right,
I got to bury it.
-You got to bury it back.

So until I have the idol,
I can't vote.

"That's why it says beware."



But if we lose
an immunity challenge,

I have to return to that spot.
There better just be

a key waiting there for me
and not no extra stuff.

If we have to tell the boys,
we have to tell the boys.

-They're are numbers. It's fine.

It's fine.

TIFFANY: The more people
that know about the idol,

the more messy it's gonna get.

But, I mean,
it's a Beware Advantage, right?

So this is the kind

of advantage
that you kind of need people

to be on your side for.

I don't have a vote. I found
a Beware Advantage today.

-You don't have a vote?
-I don't.

So if Jelinsky loses his vote,
and I lose my vote,

it's y'all two, Jess and Bhanu.

-Do not tell Jelinsky.
-I'm not telling him anything.

I don't care
if I don't have a vote.

I'll figure it out.

I ain't nervous at all.
You can't be nervous.

We only got 26 days.

Who got time to be nervous?

♪ ♪

Come on in.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

All right.

Let's review the first few days.

Charlie, Siga chose Savvy.

-Oh, you're laughing.

Yeah. Are we savvy?

I don't know.


You know, in life,

you either rock
or you get rocked.

What happened?

-We got rocked.
-We got rocked.

We definitely got rocked.

It's just one loss.

-Just one loss.
-Yeah. Yeah.

You will have
your tribe supplies

waiting for you back at camp

-after this challenge.
-[whooping, cheering]

All right, Yanu, you had Sweat.

How'd that go, Tiffany?

Um, I mean, we just
having a good time, Jeff.

-PROBST: So, wait. So, Jelinsky,

-you got rocked, too?

we read that Sweat task
and it said

it's gonna take several
hours, and we have four.

Last I checked,
several means seven.

But with that being said,

we didn't give up until
an hour and a half into it.

Wait a second.
Several means seven?

Several means seven.
It's a part of the word.

-Is it not?
-SODA: No.
Several is more than...

-Several is more than a couple.

Several means seven in my book.


Several means seven
in Jelinsky's book,

-and that's that.

All right, so you did not
complete the Sweat task,

which means you don't have
your supplies, either.

They'll be waiting for you back
at camp after this challenge.

-BEN: They got rocked.
-PROBST: All right, shall we get

to your first
immunity challenge?

[all voicing assent]

It's going to tax you.

You're gonna race
to the top of a ramp

where you will be confronted

with the biggest gecko
you have ever seen.

Legs, long tail, bloodshot eyes.

You're gonna race
to untie that gecko.

You then got
to get it over a wall,

through a tight tunnel
and to the top of a deck

where two players will then race
to solve a Survivor puzzle.

The first two tribes
to finish win immunity.

This is what
you're playing for right here.

[cheering, whooping]

-All right!
-Let's go.

The immunity idol.

-PROBST: With one of these

at your camp,
it means nobody's going home.

-Last tribe to finish,

otherwise known as the losers--

Tribal Council tonight
where somebody will be

the first person
voted out of Survivor 46,

and as a penalty for losing,

I will take-- or keep--
your flint.

All right, give you a minute

to strategize, we'll get it on.


♪ ♪

All right, here we go.

For immunity.

-Survivors ready?
-BHANU: Yup.

-Come on!

Everybody got
to get up that ramp first.

It's gonna take
a lot of teamwork here.

[overlapping chatter]

Once you get everybody up,
you can start untying.

-You're good, Nami.
-Come on, boys.

[indistinct chatter]

PROBST: You're good, Siga!
You're good, Yanu!

-[overlapping chatter]
-PROBST: You got six sets
of knots.

Question is which tribe is
gonna work together the best?

And Siga has their knot.

Here comes Nami.

-Dump it over.
-PROBST: Here comes Siga.

-All right.

Here comes Yanu.

Come on. [whoops]


-We got a challenge.
-MORIAH: It's okay.

Use both, use both hands.

PROBST: Everybody and the gecko
goes over the wall.


-BEN: Just two at a time.
-MARIA: Yeah, everything.

Come on, come on, come on.
No. Hey.

That is 500 pounds
of Survivor gecko.

Ain't nothing easy on Survivor.


All three tribes
doing a nice job,

trying to figure out
how to maneuver

a 15-foot long, 500-pound gecko.

-Come on.
-SODA: Again! Push! Go!

Nami-- everybody
getting into it.

-PROBST: Can they get it over?

-[indistinct shouting]
-[Tevin yelling]

-Flip it.
-They've got the gecko.

You got to flip it over
and turn it around.

Siga and Yanu
once again struggling.

-Very familiar.

Let's go, y'all.

Nami dominated
the marooning challenge

and right now
they are dominating this first

-immunity challenge.
-One, two, three!

Now you're going through
a very tight tunnel, as Siga

and Yanu struggle
with a very big gecko.

[Tim shouting]

Got to get to that halfway mark.

-TIFFANY: Pull up!
-Flip that weight.

Everybody pulling.

While Nami continues
to extend its lead.

[overlapping chatter]

You are not gonna get it
by pulling that head.


You've got to get on the body.

-Yes. Yes.
-We got to push the body up.

-PROBST: It is Nami now
-HUNTER: Ready?

-at the last obstacle
with the gecko.
-One, two, three.


Great coordination.

-[grunting] Yeah.
-That's how you do it.

-Once you can clip it in,
you're good.

-two, three. [grunting]

They've got it up.

-Click it in!
-RANDEN: That's what
I'm talking about.

-TEVIN: Wait. No, no.
-HUNTER: Hey, it's fine.
We got it.

-We got it.
-You're good, Nami!

-Two people are on the puzzle.
-All right, get up, get up!


-Here we go.
-Coming down!

Siga has the gecko over.

Let's go.
We're looking for two.

-You're still in this.

You've got
to get under that body

and lift it over the wall.

You cannot pull it.

Siga now entering the tunnel...

-We're almost there, yeah.

...while Nami works
on the puzzle.

Look at that lead.
Let's use it.

One, two, three.

Get up. Get up.

Yanu starting
to make some progress.

Let's go, Yanu!

-[Q shouting]


There it is!

Get everybody over. Let's go!

Yanu, you got
to dig deep right now.

-You're exhausted.
There's no time.
-All right.

-[all grunting]
-Siga closer.
-We are right there.

Got to get enough of that
head up that you can lock it in.


-Okay, go.

That should do it. Clip in.

Yanu making progress.
Made up a lot of ground.

You are in this,
but you cannot rest.

Hell, yeah.

Soda and Venus for Nami.
-Look for a number.

-Moriah and Maria for Siga.
-You're solid!

There you go, Moriah.

Just go, just go, just go!

Yanu is through the tunnel.

There you go.
You are still in this.

PROBST: You got to get it up
to the top

before you can get
on that puzzle.

And every second you take
is a time bleed

-for Siga and Nami.
-[overlapping chatter]

-That goes here.
-I got it.

-I have it.
-You got it. Go.

-[indistinct shouting]
-Come on, come on.

PROBST: Yanu could be in this
if they can get it up here.

It's all good. Don't panic.

-Breathe, breathe.
-PROBST: Venus and Soda
doing a great job

-on the puzzle for Nami.
-Y'all got it.

They have been in charge of
this challenge from the get-go.

-Got it.
-From the gecko.

From the gecko--
we see what you did there.

-From the get-go!
-HUNTER: No pun intended.

-PROBST: Yanu's got it up.

-Clip in.
-Jess, climb up, climb up.

You're good, Yanu.
Start working.

-It is Nami
decidedly in the lead,
-Come on, y'all!

but Siga does not have
such a big advantage

that this is over.

Yanu could catch you.
You better keep moving.

-Yanu, you got a shot.
-There you go.

It's gonna come down
to Jelinsky and Jess for Yanu

and Moriah and Maria for Siga.

Soda and Venus clearly
in control right now.

-Two pieces left.
-Come on, Jeff!

-Come on, Jeff.
-PROBST: One piece left
for Nami.

For the win.

There it is!
Nami wins immunity!

-We're looking for one more.

It's now between Siga and Yanu.

Build out the right.

Jelinsky's stacking,
and Jess is putting 'em in.

If this strategy works,
they can make a fast catch-up.

-BEN: Great, Maria.
-CHARLIE: There you go.

Yes. There. Right there.

No, up one.

-To your right!
Jelinsky a little confused.

-No. The one you just put down!
-To your right!

overlapping chatter]

Keep going!

Siga with another piece.

Jess trying to find another
for Yanu.

-And she's got it.

Is it too little
too late for Yanu?

They took forever
to get their gecko up here.

Jess. Come on, Jess!

Jelinsky trying to get one,
gives it to Jess.

-PROBST: It's not gonna matter.

-It's over.

Siga wins immunity,

joining Nami,

safe in the game, sending Yanu

to Tribal Council,

where somebody
will be the first person

voted out of Survivor 46.


All right,
Nami, congratulations.

Take it, V.

Nobody going home from Nami.

Grab your stuff, head out.

-Siga, congratulations.

Well earned.
Grab your stuff, head out.

-Enjoy the night off.
-Thank you.

Bhanu, what's gonna happen
when you get back to camp?

'Cause now it's real. You're
voting somebody out tonight.

Sorry, Jeff. Um...

It's-it's breaking my heart
that one of us has to go home,

and... it's really hard.

We put in a lot of effort
to be on this,

and Survivor means a lot
to all of us.

No one wants to go home,

and here we are.

I don't know.

All right, Yanu, waiting
back at camp will be your pot

and your machete.

As a penalty for losing--
sorry for you--

I'm gonna keep your flint.
Tribal Council tonight

where somebody
will be the first person

voted out of Survivor 46.

Grab your stuff. Head out.
See you tonight at Tribal.

No one wants
to be the first person

to walk away from Survivor,
but this is a game,

this is a serious business,
someone has to go,

and I think Jelinsky and Jess
are targets tonight.

But this is Survivor.
Anything can happen.

The game is on, 24 by seven.

It's so hard.

♪ ♪

Well, good effort, everyone.

Does anybody need
their canteen filled?

-You guys coming, too?
-Probably gonna

kick back for a little bit.

There's no stopping

in the game of Survivor.
We got to vote tonight.

We got to make sure
we're locked in,

and I'm going into
Tribal Council without a vote.

But I do feel pretty confident

because I feel like
I have a great alliance

with Q, Kenzie and Tiff.

We have a solid four.

All of my allies
are locked in with me.

I did want to just chill out
for a little bit.

Really? You think
that's better for your game

than going where everyone is?


-How are you feeling?

I'm, like,
one of the smallest people here.


I mean, I know our names
are on the block.

My name is on the block?

I just figured
'cause we were at the puzzle.

I think Jess has
to be the first one to go.

I just wanted to make it seem
like I'm nervous because

I do not want Jess playing
her Shot in the Dark tonight.

And if I could get
Jess out of here

without even casting a vote?

Oh, my God.

That's Survivor
legend status to me.

I just want y'all to know
I don't want any of you

going home, period.

What is the plan, then?

So, the real plan is Jess.

The fake plan that
we're telling Jess is Jelinsky.

People want Jess
to be the first vote, right?

Me included.
The vibes don't...

They not vibing
when I talk to Jess.


I'm really bummed that

we lost the immunity challenge.

Psych. I don't care.
I'm happy we lost

the immunity challenge.

Now I get further instructions
for the idol.


TIFFANY: And I needed
to have my vote back

because your vote is

your voice in this game.


I got to crack this message
to find the location of the key.

My heart sank.

When I opened it up,
it was a friggin' puzzle.

And now I have
to decode this alien language

to figure out where my key is.

All right, let's see.
I think this word is "the."

So that means this is T.

Maybe this is O.

I mean, I love it.

I don't know where
your brain's at, but beautiful.

I am a visual artist, so,

doing the puzzle--
it's just like

a friggin' light bulb just
went off in my head, and I just

started rolling through it.

But then, of course,
here comes Q and Bhanu,

curbing the corner.

So I knew I had to boogie.

I had literally two words left.

Oh. Oh. "Point."

"Your key is tied to a rock

in the shallow waters
at the point."

What is the point?

I run over there to the point

or what I think is the point,
and I'm just

turning over every rock.

Oh. Behind a rock.

I'm turning over everything.
Crabs jumping out at me,

all kinds of crap.

I'm sweating b*ll*ts.


Oh! Yes!


I untied the key,
and I hauled ass.

Oh, my God.


[whispers]: Yes! Yes. Yes.

I had to work for this.

Survivor bucket list item...

This is a real, true idol.

-No catches.
-KENZIE: Whatever you're doing,

you have to do it quick.

-You got it?
-Yeah, I got it.

-You did?
-I did.

Now, I mean, unless some talks

are happening right now
that I don't know,

it's looking like
Jess to go home.

When you don't deliver
time and time again,

in my world, you get dismissed.

Where I come from,
hard work is respected.

Jelinsky talks a good game,
but doesn't show up to play.

I don't need talkers.

I need soldiers who's willing
to go to battle, do the job.

I can't go to w*r with him.

I want our four to go deep.

Me too. I mean,
it's kind of our only option.

I think we could
seriously run things.

A lot of folks think
Jess is going home,

but I'm writing
Jelinsky's name down.

Big letters. I don't know
how to spell it yet,

but his name will be
written down, from me, tonight.

I cannot have Jelinsky
to come back.

Q: Correct.

-And then, Jelinsky,
I don't trust at all.

JESS: Q's saying
Jelinsky's the target, but

I'm very nervous about tonight.
Nobody wants

to be the first person
voted out and, like,

I was a common denominator
in our puzzle failures.

Maybe they're trying to,
like, butter me up

just to vote me out.

I think it will benefit us to
get Jess first, then Jelinsky.

Jelinsky has told us he can do
everything under the moon.

So what is he good at?
He's weak.

I don't know
if Kenzie's gonna go

for voting Jelinsky out first.

Maybe we might have
to think about this.

What Tiff is saying
is also super valid.

-It's super, super valid.

I don't know.

I'm so... I'm so torn.

I like Jelinsky.
I like that kid.

-I'm a little nervous.
I'm just...

And I really like Jess.

Come here.

BHANU: She's the one
who's consoling me,

but I'm gonna
suck up my emotions,

drain my tears, just put

the name on the parchment
tonight and be at peace with it.

I mean, Jess was a little better
at the puzzle today.

Jelinsky was looking like a deer
in the headlights.

-BHANU: Yeah, but...
-KENZIE: But we wouldn't
have gotten

to the puzzle without Jelinsky.
We need to look

at the standard of who's gonna
be able to carry us, literally,

through challenges.

Jess is our weakest
in the physicality realm...

That's me, personal.

Oh, my gosh. It's a mess.

We aren't on the same page.
Like, what should we do?

Jess isn't really
bringing a strength.

And sure, she's sweet, but

it's really hard
to work with someone

that you can't get a read on.

But then, with Jelinsky,
I don't want to play with people

who just give up.
Like, I'm not gonna

give up on anything.

Rule number one
of playing the game--

that one, you don't quit.

First Tribal is crucial.

Lines get drawn.

You know who to trust,
a lot of stuff gets exposed.

And now my brain

is, like, hurting.

My... I, like, want to throw up.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Behind each of you is a torch.
Go ahead and grab a torch,

dip it in and get fire.

This is part of the ritual
at Tribal Council

because in this game,
fire represents your life.

When your fire's gone,
so are you.

All right, so let's go back
to the beginning.

Jess, what surprised you most
these first three days?

Oh, man. I think...

I... I knew that it would be
physically challenging,

but more than anything,
it's the sleep deprivation

that is really messing with me

and just really
messing with my ability

to process information.

Is it because you're
choosing not to sleep

or you just can't
physically get...

I can't physically sleep,
and I thought

that I would
be physically exhausted enough

because we've all been
working so hard.

I thought that I would be
physically exhausted enough

to just, like,
go out like a light,

and that's how I usually am
at home.

I want to circle back
to the Sweat task

because I still have some
questions about what happened.

Q, walk me through it.

So we had to,

Jeff, climb up Mount Everest,

climb down Mount Everest,

go into the ocean
with holes in a bucket,

and we're like, "Oh, my.

What has Jeff
put us through now?"

So, we decided

to not finish it
with maybe about

two hours and 45 minutes left.

So, Jelinsky, I got

a slightly different story
from you today.

Honestly, Jeff, Q and I
share the same mentality.

We're the type of dudes
to not give up on anything.

-You know? If...
-PROBST: Wait a second.

That's an impossible statement
to make given that Q said

you just gave up.

I see your point, Jeff,

but I'm saying if we had all day

to fill up that damn bucket,
we would have.

Jelinsky, what's
fascinating to me is

the reluctance to own
that you quit.

You're right.
We quit the challenge.

There's no way around it, and
I'm gonna own up to it now.

We quit the challenge,
and that's that.

Okay, let's move on
to the journey.

Jelinsky, you go
on this journey.

-What happened?
-JELINSKY: Honestly, Jeff,

I was so excited to go,

but lo and behold,

Jelinsky doesn't have
a vote tonight.

And Jelinsky has never talked in
third person in his life before.

-But tonight,
it especially sucks.
-Let me...

let me step in.
He gave his vote away.

Again, a different version
of a story.

He gave it away.
He traded his vote

for them
to have two extra votes.

It's not good in my books.

I was in a tough spot.

You know, I'm not
a deceptive person,

so I realized the cards were
literally stacked against me.

There was not much I could do.

In fact, them having
extra votes might work

to our advantage one day, and
we'll just have to wait and see.

How would that work
to our advantage

one day--
them having extra votes?

They might want
to work with us and say,

"Hey, you guys vote this way,
I'm gonna use my extra vote,

and we're golden."

Maybe they're not
gonna vote you out,

but we ain't give them
them extra votes. You did.

It's a game
for a million dollars, Jeff.

We're not handing out favors.

And, Jess,
that's part of the design

of a journey. What do you do
when you're alone?

-Do you make a decision
that's good

-for the group?
-Yeah. But...

I don't know.

Come back to me in a second.

Are you really struggling

-right now?
-JESS: I am really struggling.

Like, my brain is, like,
somewhere else right now.

Like, and I must have said that
the first day,

but it's, like,
really somewhere else now.

I'm like mush mouth.
I, like... I...

I can't even
string sentences together.

I'm fascinated by

-how open you're...
-JESS: I'm an alien.

I don't
understand myself, either.

And, Jess, it happens
to a lot of players, and

it sometimes never goes away.

-You just can never catch up.

-So you're struggling
with even something as simple

-as spelling your name.
-JESS: Yeah.

Don't learn how
to spell my name, please.


-PROBST: So, Kenzie?

We're only three days in.

Where is this tribe right now?

Well, it's difficult, because

we have lost everything

We've gone through it all

You get super close super quick.

And now we have
to cut someone out.

It's... it's tough.

So, Bhanu, how do you make

that first decision
about who to send home?


This is a challenging vote
for me.

Um, I want to work with someone

who's gonna be good socially,

not someone who's not giving

any clue of what's going on
in their mind.

How about for you, Tiffany?

For me, it comes down
to one thing.

What four people can I go back
to the tribe with

that's not gonna put me back
here again in a couple of days.

-I don't care
about nothing else.
-So you're talking about

-tribe strength in challenges?

And Jelinsky, that's one

of the fundamental dilemmas
of Survivor,

is tribe versus self.

One hundred percent. I
understand what they're saying.

I am still 100% into this tribe.

Like, I want
to stay in this game.

I just don't want my efforts
to be lost

in a decision like a journey,
and I will never,

ever give up in a challenge.

Except for the Sweat test.


-And the journey.
-And the journey.


Thank you for reminding me.


Jess, given what some
of the people have said

they're looking for
in a tribemate,

are you worried
that your inability

right now to form sentences--

do you think it's impacting
your ability to connect

-or do you feel solid?
-JESS: No. This
is only happening

in, like, public settings,

but in my one-on-one or, like,
smaller groups,

I think I'm a lot more coherent

because I do feel like
I'm delivering at camp

and I do feel like I'm
delivering at the challenges.

Even though I just shouldn't
have volunteered for the puzzle.

-Yeah. Again.
-JELINSKY: Jeff, I think

Jess and I are definitely
in the same boat.

I feel like a lot
of the pressure is on us,

especially being the common
denominators in the puzzle.

Jess, he is determined
to get you

-in this boat with him.
-JESS: I don't want

to be in that boat! I feel like
I worked really, really hard.

I do not deserve
to be in that boat.

Jeff, I don't
have a vote tonight,

so maybe I am
subconsciously deflecting.

But I love Jess.
Like, Jess is awesome.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

-I'm a nice guy, man.

I don't like fighting. I don't
like being the center....

Nobody thinks
you're not a nice guy.

-We love you.
-We all think you're a nice guy.

-I know.
-BHANU: Jeff, I love this kid.

Like, I...
This kid is really awesome.

But I don't know
how the tribe is feeling.

Is it too little, too late?

Like, I don't know, so...

So you're feeling in your heart
that it's Jelinsky tonight?

It's time to vote?


-Oh, ...

I don't know
if I'm ready for that, Jeff.

Hey, yo.

-PROBST: Wow. Jelinsky.

That did not sound good.

Jeff, all I know is,

as long as I'm in this game,
I'm giving 100% effort

in every single challenge we do,

and I just want us to be
the strongest tribe possible

going forward.

All right, it is

time to vote.
Kenzie, you're up.

Wow. This is so beautiful.

Oh, I never want
to see another gecko again.



Oh, my God.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has an advantage
or an idol

and you want to play it,
now would be the time to do so.

All right.
I'll read the votes.

First vote: Jelinsky.

That's two votes Jelinsky.

First person voted out
of Survivor 46: Jelinsky.

That's three. That's enough.
Need to bring me your torch.

Jelinsky, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning sponsored by


Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

KENZIE: People are starting
to feel defeated.

Come on!

It's just so overwhelming.

Next time on Survivor...

You don't want to see
a pissed-off version of me.

Fire! Yeah!

This is wide open.

Any tribe could win.

This was a huge blindside.
I thought with every ounce

in my body that
Jess was going home tonight.

I was the first one voted out,

but sometimes
that's just how the cards fall.

And I didn't even get
to cast a vote this season.

That's horrible. You know,

when you're comfortable
in this game,

that's when you go home, man.

That's exactly
what happened to me.
