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46x02 - Scorpio Energy

Posted: 05/03/24 07:39
by bunniefuu
Welcome to Survivor 46.

[whooping, cheering]

[Soda screams]

Previously on Survivor...

I've only had women bosses.

I don't mind working
with women at all.

I'm sorry I was deceptive.

-I was scared.
-That's okay.

Jelinsky totally quit,
and so now

I will get an extra vote.

♪ And my soul is gonna need... ♪

As an actor,
I'm very extroverted

and very good
at working with people.


I knew Venus was going to be

the number one threat.

She's dangerous.

KENZIE: Tiff-- that is my girl.

And Q. The three of us
working together--

wonderful, perfect.

I knew I had to boogie.


I had to work for this.

It's a real true idol.


bucket list item achieved.

Jelinsky's name will be

written down from me tonight.

Jeff, this kid

is really awesome,
but is it too little, too late?

So you're feeling

in your heart
that it's Jelinsky tonight?

It's time to vote?

♪ ♪

First person
voted out of Survivor 46:

That's three, that's enough.

The tribe has spoken.


♪ ♪

[chanting in foreign language]

The first Tribal Council

gives you a perspective, like,
you know, who is on your side.

We all came to an agreement,
and we voted to eliminate

Jelinsky out of the picture.

Even though

we all voted the same way,

I'm getting nervous,

I'm getting paranoid.

[chanting continuing]

And I feel like
most of my tribe members--

they are super strategic,

and I have to be
very careful with them.

I know I have it in me.
I can do this.

So, moving forward,
how can I ensure

that, you know, my position's
strong in the tribe?

Kenz, I need
to ask you something.

I-I can't stop thinking
about the game.

KENZIE: Really?

How... What can I do to...

How-how can I work this?

Save myself
to get to the merge?

-How do I say it?
-We have to win.

And I'm not confident, man.

I love Bhanu. I have

a sweet spot
in my soul for him.

But Bhanu at Tribal--
he's not a good liar.

He almost, like, blew it.


KENZIE: He sh**t from the hip
and he's very passionate.

So, I can see it being
a liability down the line

that he can't keep

what needs to be kept secret

We can win a few.

Then Jess goes.

-Then the four of us go
to the merge.

One of Jess and Bhanu
should be the one to go next.


I'm trying to placate him
and keep it positive.

-We need to win.
-We need to win.


Yeah. Despite the fact that,
you know, Kenzie is cool

-and-and whatever,
-I know. Well, I know that...

-we can't let that be a thing.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-TIFFANY: Kenzie has a very

vibrant personality.

She's good at making friends,
she's good at, like,

you know,
just drawing people in.


it makes me a little nervous.

She knows her best bet
is to lock in with me and you.

I just need to figure out, like,
how locked in with me she is.

I don't know why
I get a weird vibe

and feeling and, you know...

Good smell. [blowing]

-TIFFANY: I smell it.

You smell that smoke?

It's getting hot...

but it's nowhere there.

Geez. This is a lot harder
than I thought it would be.

We're kind of
struggling right now.

We're sleeping in the cold

every night, no fire.

We waking up damp, wet.


And no matter

how much blind optimism
people have,

at the end of the day,
we are losers.

Oh, my God.

Ooh! It's hard when you have,
like, nothing in your body.

I can really tell
people are starting

to feel defeated

and people are starting
to, like,

lose their spirit a little bit.

It's just tough. It's just hard.

I mean, there's just a lot
going on. Like,

I haven't slept,
I haven't really eaten.

It's just so overwhelming

because it seems like everything
is just gonna be easy

and perfect
and you're just gonna, like,

get it done.

And then you get here
and you're faced

with the reality that, like,

being so tired and depleted.

And I'm tough.

Like, I'm a tough cookie,
and this is hard.

I know I have
what it takes to win, but

I think I needed
to take a second

and get my head
back in the game.

I still have to play.

At the end of the day,
you can have human moments,

but it's still
all a part of the game.

We're only four days in.
I've got...

I've got 22 left,
so I've got to get it together.

Do my eyes look really blue?

Good. [laughs]

They always look really blue
after I cry.

The shining light.

If you're gonna cry,
at least my eyes look good.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[rhythmic chopping]


-For a screw.
-TEVIN: For one screw

at the bottom of the ocean.

We have covered it
with 2,000 nails.

-Right. [laughs]
-You got to...

You got to feel for the...

First tribe
to get the screw wins...

Air. [laughs]


Right now, I'm feeling
blessed to be here.

My tribe

did the damn thing
in the first immunity challenge.

And we won by a lot.

The first tribe to win,
we don't tear down your shelter.


Right now, I'm closest
to Hunter and Soda,

but I'm playing a very
social game, and I feel like

I'm attached to everybody.

The only person that I don't
get a good vibe from is Venus.

TEVIN: She's a player.


I do think that she is...

she is as-as big
as a threat as people think.

I was, like, day one

with Venus. Like,
we connected on a heart level.

But very quickly, I learned
people don't trust her.

And if she's being perceived
a certain way, and

it's lighting off alarms
in more than one person,

I have to distance myself
from her, even if it's hard.

If no one trusts her
as a number,

she's not a number
to me, either.

-Today, probably not, but...
-Not at all today?

I mean, maybe later, later,

but I'm really trying
to grab all my energy

-and, like, sit and stuff.

When it comes to Soda,

I had an immediate connection
with her.

But right now,
she has her game face on, and

I know what's going on.

Soda's not dumb, you know?

Soda's with the numbers.

Tevin-- right now, he's king.
He's at the top.

Tevin has a deep,
personal connection

with literally everyone but me.


if the most social butterfly
is not trying to, like,

talk to me in any way,
then I'm screwed.

This is amazing.
Thank you. Um...

Next thing I want to do is
go get some vines 'cause

I want
to put our clothing line up,

and then I want
to build the thing for this

and work on the fireplace,
as well.

Okay. What we need
to do is just...

Right now, I'm stressed
because it feels like

I'm not even being heard.

It's, like, everyone has, like,

some kind of connection with
one another, but I feel like

I don't really have a deep
emotional bond with anyone,

and it feels like...
I'm not even, like, worth...

like, I'm not even worth
talking to.

I feel like people might look
at me, and they assume

things have been handed to me,
or that I haven't worked hard

or struggled in any way.

But the truth is that my parents
immigrated from Iran to Canada.

They realized that

as the government was becoming
more and more oppressive,

that this was no place
to raise a young woman.

And from childhood,
I've tried to show

just how capable
and strong Persian women are.

So, my whole life, it's, like,
I don't want to be seen as weak.

Like, I need
to be this, like, tough badass.

Like, I can't let people
see me struggle.

And so, in this game,

I'm going in
with that same mentality,

and it's kind of biting me
in the ass because

people want
to see that vulnerability.

They want to be able
to connect with you emotionally,

and I'm struggling
to do that right now.

It hurts on a social
and, like, personal level

to see that no one's even trying
to make an effort

to acknowledge your existence.

And I don't know what to do.

Makes you feel like

there's something wrong
with you.

And, like,
I can't be anyone but myself.

BEN: All right, guys.

Can't start a fire
without a spark.

Being the first to light fire
is totally on the bucket list.

-MORIAH: You're gonna do it.
-MARIA: There we go.

There we go. We got it. We got
it. We got it. We got it.


We lit fire, baby!

Oh, yeah!

So I'm just sitting there
with the flint,

going hard at it,
and I got it, and I lit fire.

And I felt higher
than rocking a sick show.

You did it, Ben. My man!

I'm crying thinking
about fire. Like,

I didn't even cry
over meeting Nicolas Cage.

-High five, buddy. You did it.
-Bring it in, dude.

I was always the kid
with so much energy.

Teachers couldn't handle me.

You know,
I haven't been the sharpest tool

in the shred my whole life,
you know?

I had a stutter
and I had a lisp.

So, like, I was bullied.

But I remember my dad
had a guitar in his closet.

I found it. The power of rock--

the thing that helped me
overcome my insecurities.

I've played shows
all over the world.

I played big festivals,

and I did so many things

that, like,
I think I blew my own mind.

-Good job, Ben.
-Thanks, dudes.

-Dude, you crushed.
-You kept at it.

But in my head,
I feel like I am, like,

still a little, insecure kid.

Who I am has always been in me,
but I haven't trusted it.

I don't know why I'm crying.
I'm just, like, so hyped.


For me, it was so important
to get fire because

it was so out of my element
and comfort zone.

Makes you feel like
you could do anything.

-MARIA: Ben, you know
who's proud of you?


[all cheering]

TIM: As a tribe,

we're communicating
in a healthy way.

I think
it wouldn't hurt to throw in

just a few pieces of husk.

Even individually,
I'm in a good place.

I got Charlie and Ben.

Here. I'm gonna...

Go over there to get the water?

We know that Maria has

a benefit right now.

Maria went on a journey
and she has an extra vote and

it's a big deal.

We know that Maria
has the extra vote.

I think somebody's gonna
have to approach Maria.

I feel like Tim's got a
good connection going with her.

The goal we all should have
in common is Maria.


So if we could pull her in, then

-we've got four.
-BEN: Yeah.

And, like, she might have
an extra vote, too, so...

The way that it's going is

Tim and Ben...

and then me,

and they want
to work with Maria.

-Just maybe for, like,
a minute, you know...

And then you have
the three women and myself--

"Charlie's Angels."

I do want to say, like, I think

it's really important
to, like, solidify

-and talk about this now.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Everyone's trying
to count to four.

The Angels and Charlie--

that's four.

But that leaves me
on the bottom.

If we lose three times,
it's just the Angels.

And so, I feel a little bit,
you know,

dancing without a partner
out here, you know?

It's just me on the dance floor,
and I want to-I want

to waltz with someone.
I want to tango with someone.

You know, that's what I want
to do out here.

I want to have a ride-or-die.

And it seems like

Maria and I have built bonds
with both sides.


if there's someone out here
that I feel like

would be a good alliance partner
for me, it would be Maria.

CHARLIE: So it's, like...

The ladies and me,
which I friggin' love.

-Yeah, I love that, too.
-I love it.

But the thing is is, like,
we need strength, obviously.

-Like, we need some strong...

Maria and I might be
the two best buds, you know,

that pair that can decide
the direction of the tribe.

In any alliance,
there has to be sub-alliances.

-Yeah, and, uh...

Which is dirty to think about,
but, like, there has to be.

But it's-it's...
it's just a fact of the game.

And, like, my favorite players
are Malcolm and Denise.

-Yeah. Malcolm and Denise.
-Like, I'm a...

-I'm like a ride-or-die player.
-You like...

Denise is one of my favorites.

And it's gonna be us two. Cool?


We're gonna do this.

I feel like I could emulate her

because she's kind of, like,
that strong... that strong mom.

Yeah. You're a stronger mom.
I can tell.

I like the idea
of working with Charlie.

You know, this reminds me a lot
like Malcolm and Denise.

-And if we just
keep our options open,

-like, we don't have
to make any decisions right now.

At this point,
we could go either way

with Moriah and Jem
or with Ben and Tim.

So it kind of was
exciting for me

to think that, well,
maybe the two of us could be

the decision-makers
working together.

Yeah. Yeah.

Right. Yup.

I'm not blind.

I see that I'm on the bottom,

and it all comes back to Tevin.

It doesn't matter
how hard I try.

He has too many links
with too many people,

and there's nothing
I can possibly do

to compete with those.

So I want to double down
on finding that idol

in order to actually ensure some
kind of backup safety for myself

and turn the tides to throw
the votes on someone else.

So, I need to find this idol
and I need to find it quick.

My feeling is that

I'm up on the chopping block
or Venus.

So if I can get an idol, that
will save me, that would be big.

HUNTER: I guess it's something
about being Southern

or something about just wanting
to collect firewood,

but I've played it really well
because they all think I'm just,

you know,
the happy-go-lucky country guy

who's just having a good time
out here camping.

But the reality is
I'm here to play hard.

I'm the only one going out

and getting a substantial amount
of firewood,

so why not just look around?

I know the trails, I know
interesting-looking trees,

and so, I'm pretty confident
that I'm gonna find this thing.


Ooh! Snap.

What is this? Oh.
A Beware Advantage?

So I see a parchment paper

sticking out of a tree, and

I pull it out
and it says "Beware."

I didn't come to Survivor to...

not take risks,

so we're gonna open it
and see what it says.

Well, Beware Advantage is here.
Dig down.

Oh, my God.

So, I open up
the Beware Advantage

and it tells me to dig right
beneath where this note is.

And I'm digging, digging,
digging, digging.

And I hit a box.

Oh, my God. What is this?

I'm super excited
and I go to open it up

and there's a lock on it.

I was like,
"Oh, why is there a lock?"

Then I realized that the box
has, like, a little tube,

and then there's a note
in there.

Oh, my God. It's complicated.

That's why it's...

This Beware Advantage is
very different from anything

I've seen
because the stipulation

on the Beware Advantage is
you have to lose

to retrieve
further instructions.


if we continue to win,
I'm still safe.

If we do lose, then I am gonna
go into scramble mode because

if I don't find it before
Tribal Council, I'm useless.

I don't have no vote.

It's nerve-racking
because you see this Ferrari

in your driveway, but you have
no gas, you have no key.

I basically have

a useless car
that you can't drive.

An idol is, like, everything to
me, but I have to work for it.

Survivor, man.

You ain't make it easy
for a brother.

♪ ♪

Q: Right.

-TIFFANY: So why you doing it?
-Q: For the protein.

Girl, the amount of protein

you getting
from them little ants...

JESS: Yeah.

Jess is a little weird,

a little quirky and out there,

but she's such a nice person.

I think she's just
a little socially awkward.

-JESS: In my tribe,

I'm going up against some
very strong personalities, and

I thought that I would be
this kind of social butterfly.

But I don't know--

maybe I've been
a little bit more reserved

than my normal self.

That's why I eat the ants--

so I don't have to talk.


-you're recently married?
-JESS: Yeah.

We'd been together
for seven years or something

when we got married.

Did you meet him in Canada?

No, I met him outside a bar
in Hong Kong.

He's from St. Louis.

This is... this crazy,
your story.

That's what I said.

Um, I can't put all
these puzzle pieces together.

I'm a puzzle.
No, I'm not.

I feel like
people don't really know

what I'm like inside,
but I've come to realize

that it doesn't really matter
what they think.

I have a family that loves me,
a husband that loves me,

and that's what's important.

But right now, my strategy
is not to be the person

on the outs, so,

I'm making more of an effort
to get them to know me.

-How do you say "hello"?
-JESS: Something...

-Ni hao.
-Q: Ni hao.
-TIFFANY: Ni hao.

-BHANU: How about "thank you"?

-What is, "xiexie ni"?
-"Ni" is "you."

-So it's like, "Xiexie..."

-How do you know that?
-Rush Hour, baby.

-JESS: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.

Q: It's a movie
with Jackie Chan in it.

KENZIE: The situation
as it stands right now is

that Q, Tiff and I--

we have the numbers right now.
We have three.

-Do you want me
to come with you?
-BHANU: Yeah.

Let's go.

But here's the thing.

Q and Tiff both
are strong players.

-JESS: You went inside the cave?
-KENZIE: Yeah.

I'll show you the way.

And part of my job as a stylist
is building connections.

So, the best thing for my game
is being friends with everyone

and keeping my options open
because, eventually,

big moves have to be made.

-BHANU: Wow.
isn't this amazing?

This is-this is gorgeous.

How I wish this was,
uh, the last day.


-I mean,
we can pull off anything.
-JESS: Yeah.

I mean, we have to kind of
see how the challenge goes.

-JESS: Yeah.
-Like, I want to win.

But I also want to, like,
not discount any options.

And then just, like,
scrap our way through?

It's either them or us,
you know?

I kind of tossed some bait

out there to see if I could
work with Jess and Bhanu

on a possible blindside, and

I didn't really get much.

What do you think?

-I need to think more
about what I think.

I don't think Jess or Bhanu
are very strategic players

and I don't want
to have to hold people's

hands through this game.

You can't go to Tiff and Q and
talk about this conversation.

-JESS: Yeah. Yeah.
-KENZIE: They will freak out.

-I'm not gonna say that.
-Okay, good.

That was actually
the first time that I talked

strategy with Kenzie
in a meaningful way.

And she's playing
really, really hard.

Every... We're all
stirring the pot.

We're all stirring
the same pot.

We're all stirring the same pot.

I honestly can't tell
if she's for real

because she can look at you
and make you feel

like you're her best friend, so,

Kenzie is playing a great social
game, and that's dangerous.

So at this point,

my plan is to blindside Kenzie.

Jess threw Kenzie
under the bus by saying,

"Kenzie threw out 'we should
get rid of strength.'"

If Kenzie's supposed to be

in my alliance of three,

she shouldn't have said that.

It'll all work out. Trust me.

Right now,
I think Jess is trying

to come up with a solution

to get the target off her back.

She felt some heat
last night at Tribal.

-If we vote together,
we both will be here.

But now I'm thinking,
can I trust Kenzie?

Ooh, it's piping hot.

We got the...
the saltwater papaya coming.

Oh, hell, yeah.

Oh, wow. Really?

Tim's the papaya papa.

I'll take that nickname--
Papaya Papa.

All right, so, Charlie's Tarzan,

Maria's Lieutenant Mom,
Mo's Mochete.


-I'm Benevolence.

-Jungle Jem!

Jungle Jem! We got 'em!


I knew coming out into this game
that strategy-wise,

I'll be good,
but a weakness of mine is

the social game.

-MARIA: That's a lot.
-JEM: I don't need
his validation.

Okay, we're good.
Let's pop this in.

But I think
it's just so important

to connect with people
out here, and

I'm going to have to
figure out a way.


I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan,

and I love Star Wars
and Harry Potter

and all these nerdy things.

So, anytime I can sort of
be spouting all...

any sort of stuff like that
and... and just showing people

what I like and who I am,
that's what I want to do.

Whoever runs out

-of songs first loses.
-MORIAH: From one artist.

What you got, Ben?

I'd go with, uh...

-I'd go with Metallica.
-CHARLIE: Metallica?

Greatest metal band of all time.


I've been getting

to know Ben really well.
He's, like,

a music savant.
So I was like,

"I'm gonna put
my Taylor Swift knowledge

head-to-head against
Ben's Metallica knowledge."

-Metallica versus T. Swift,
Charlie versus Ben?

-You ready?
-Okay, go.

"All of the Girls
You Loved Before."

-"My Apocalypse."
-"The Best Day."

-BEN: "Seek & Destroy."
-CHARLIE: "You Belong with Me."

-"Jump in the Fire.
-"Should've Said No."


"Mr. Perfectly Fine"
about Joe Jonas.

-They're cool now, though.

-BEN: What a stupid way
to pass time.

And if I had done that
in any other setting,

everybody around me

would be like, "Ben, shut up."

But here, everybody was like,
"Yo, they're going for it."

-"Dyers Eve."

-"Enter Sandman."

-"Sad But True."

"This is Why
We Can't Have Nice Things."

-"Holier Than Thou."

-"I Did Something Bad."
-"The Unforgiven."

MORIAH: I'm living
in a universe right now

where I am wildly entertained

by just two guys just
saying names back and forth.

-"The Struggle Within."

-"Ain't My Bitch."

-Facts: It's a Metallica song.
-CHARLIE: I ain't your bitch.

It's a grueling battle,

back and forth,
one after another.

All right, onto the next album.

"Some Kind of Monster."

"We are Never Ever
Getting Back Together."

Like, ever.

-"The House That Jack Built."
-"All Too Well."

-"Until It Sleeps."
-"All Too Well,"
ten-minute version.


Okay, well, we have that
on this album. Don't worry.


It's, like, name after name.

And, like, yo,
y'all at least named, like,

So we're getting into the albums
I'm not very into,

-but I still got 'em in my mind.
-CHARLIE: Ooh, yeah, let's go.

-Come on!
-BEN: I've still got 'em.

JEM: I've never listened

to a single song of Metallica's.

Wait. There's the Metallica
album with Lou Reed,

which is really terrible.

At some point, I'm like,

"Are we done? Like, is this it?"

I'm just thinking on this album.
I got more.

Okay, here we go.
"Creeping Death."

A song about Passover.

Uh, "Coney Island."

"2 X 4"

"You're Not Sorry."

Damn. All right.

How many more you got?

A lot.

Man, if I only knew the
really bad albums a little more.


I don't believe
in any bad Taylor Swift albums.

Listen, there's a bit of
an unfair advantage, because

although I love Metallica,

I'm not a stan
for terrible albums.

Dude, I think I got to tap out.

It's not right.

Well, Ben,
this has been the great w*r.

-TIM: Great job.
-Which is... which is...

We can... We'll go round two
with another band.

-Which is another
Taylor Swift song.
-Oh. Dead.

CHARLIE: I was pretty impressed
with both of us

just being able
to recall so many songs,

and it was just fun.

It was pure, pure fun.

And doing things like that,

I think it just
endears you to people.

We easily named a hundred songs.

Yeah, we... we went hard.


Charlie is an adorable goofball,

and I love him for it.

I am having the most fun

out here, you know.
It's, like,

I would say, even
if I ever did Survivor again,

I don't think the experience
would be this dope,

'cause it's these people

that are making it
so enjoyable for me.

♪ ♪

So, I don't know if you said,
Liz, but did you ever say

that you would, like, remarry?

Maybe. I cannot imagine

the person that would marry Liz.

-I don't mean this

any type of way,
but there is a special type

of... man
who can deal with someone

making so much money
and not actually needing them.


LIZ: I own my own company.
I'm an online entrepreneur, and

I've pushed myself so hard
because I came from nothing.

And honestly,

I came into this game

wanting the title.

I don't need the money.

The money would better my life,

but it wouldn't change my life.

And so, winning this game is
going to show my daughter and

my family that, "Wow, Liz
really can do anything. Maybe

I can do something similar
one day."

That's the most important thing.

TEVIN: I think that
there's plenty of men out there

who would want to be with Liz.

-That's for your...
your first comment.
-SODA: Agreed.

So, whether you're looking
at a range of men now...

-Well, they want to,
but can they?
-TEVIN: Ooh.

Everybody wants to be with Liz.
Trust me.

Oh. You trust lady luck.

I just don't understand

what kind of game
Liz is playing.

Nobody knows who Liz is.
Liz wears rainbows.

She's a CEO of five companies.

She teaches everybody
how to make a million dollars.

So, it's-it's crazy.

Have you had any conversations
with her? Like, real ones?

Yeah, a little bit. Well,
the problem with Liz is that

she's like a... It's like
talking to a billboard.

You know what I mean?
It's kind of like, you know,

-she's telling you...
-She's got a phrase
for everything?

Yeah. "I'm like a CEO,
I'm a company." And she's like,

"Well, I'm too good to do this."
And whatever.

At this point,
I have to make a decision.

I have this amazing
Beware Advantage.

I'm very excited

because if I complete
the Beware Advantage,

I have an idol in my pocket.

The problem is, for me

to stay in the game longer
and make big moves,

I just feel as if, like,
I need one person to trust

on this island,

and that's the biggest issue
I have in my tribe.

I don't really trust anybody.

-Good talking.
-RANDEN: Soda and Hunter

are close to Tevin.

-I just chugged this. Like...
-You need them electrolytes.

It was full.

And then Liz--

there's too many

Like, I do a lot
of podcast interviews.

I've done, like, 300 in the last

-two years or something.

I don't know.

Something's not up
with that story.

But that's just me.

It could be Survivor
kind of paranoia.

Venus, I think, in my opinion,

she's the ultimate liar
in this game.

-If I go off,
and you see me, like,

-by the water, I'm just, like...

-I'm just chilling. Like,
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm not, like, looking around.

So, I don't have many options.

But at the end of the day,
I made a decision

and I said, "I'm going to trust
the one person

"I originally thought
not to trust,

and if it fails,
then that's on me."

-RANDEN: weirdly enough,

the person I shouldn't
be comfortable with--

I'm actually comfortable
with Venus.

I shouldn't be, though.
She's young,

she's ambitious, and I just feel
like she will cut my throat.

But I came to Survivor
to gamble and risk.

So... I did it. I told her.

So, Randen tells me
that he finds himself

a Beware Advantage.

And the moment I heard it,
I became, like, a statue.

I couldn't process
what he was saying

'cause I was equal parts

equal parts pissed
that it didn't happen to me.

My whole thing is, like,
I want to use your gifts

and my gifts
to get further in the game.

You know what I mean?

Like, "I'm like, damn,
like, there really is...

I can't catch a damn break."

And you're my break.
God bless you.

I really thought that
my life in this game is over.

And within the span
of just one day,

everything has changed.

All of a sudden, I have

an advantage I could
potentially use to my favor,

a rock solid-alliance.

So, it does a lot to...
breathe some life in my game.

You know?
I'm-I'm feeling pumped.

♪ ♪

Come on in!

-Good morning, Siga.
-Good morning, Jeff.


Good morning, Nami.

Good morning.

♪ ♪

Siga and Nami,
getting your first look

at the new Yanu tribe.

Jelinsky voted out

-at the first Tribal Council.


Massive reactions.



-Last name, first out.


I said last name, first out.
-Oh, my gosh.

I guess, were there
several reasons

-you guys voted him, or...

There-there was, uh,
more than several.

There was more than seven.
We'll say that.

-SODA: Oh, my God.

The jokes keep coming, right?

So, Q, obviously,

it's not fun for Yanu to go
to Tribal and vote somebody out,

but it is a game
and you're down somebody.

And clearly, these two other
tribes are taking a little joy

in talking and joking
about who it was

and why they were voted out.

How does that feel?

Well, right now, Jeff,

in this game,
we're the laughingstock,

and their six has been better
than our six.

Right now we're down to five

and we'll see if their five
is better than ours.

Soda, he's slinging it
right back at you.

Make fun all you want.
Let's go.

I could catch it.
It's fine, and I like it.

You're gonna see five
and five. Here we go.


He did it first.

Jeff, let me tell you one thing.

I'm from India.
And we want freedom.

Gandhi was on a hunger strike
and he won freedom for India.

Hunger is not

closest to my mind.

What we are hungry for
is the challenge

and to win that idol today.


-PROBST: All right, well,

let's get to today's
immunity challenge.

First things first.
Got to take back the idols.

Later, Frodo.

-Bye, Frodo.
-Bye, Frodo.
-Thank you.

Thank you.

All right. This is cute.

Hey, he's part
of the Nami tribe now,

so we had to make sure
he had his own Buff.

-PROBST: Oh, nice.

Fortunately, I always carry
a little knife of my own.

-[all voicing dissent]


-SODA: I told you
he wouldn't let that slide.

-That's hard-core.
-I've been knew that.
I'm not surprised.

You don't own this idol, Nami.
You got to win this idol.

-Hey, Jeff.

Scorpio energy right there.

Thank you, Jeff.

Your hat is orange, though,
Jeff, so thank you.



All right, shall we get
to today's challenge?

-Yeah, let's do it.

For today's challenge,

one person from each tribe
is gonna race

to release a machete,

you're gonna chop a rope
and drop two wheels.

You'll put those wheels
on your cart.

You'll then dig up two chests,

put the chest on your cart.

You'll then push your cart
through the course,

moving obstacles along the way.

When you get to the end, you'll
use the pieces inside the chest

to form a massive
Survivor arch puzzle.

First two tribes
to finish win immunity,

safe from the vote.
You're not going home.

In addition,
you're playing for reward.

Want to know
what you're playing for?

[all voicing assent]

-We ready.
-PROBST: First tribe to finish,

this will change everything.


Oh, my God. Hooks.

A massive Survivor fishing kit.

Oh, my God.

Second tribe to finish--

not as extensive,
but it'll get it done.

Mask, snorkel, fins,
Hawaiian sling.

Last tribe to finish,
otherwise known

as the losers, Tribal Council,
where somebody will be

the second person voted out,
and as a penalty for losing,

I will take your flint.
Yanu, you're still

trying to earn yours for the
first time. All right, sit-outs.

Siga, you have one person
you're gonna sit out.

Who's it gonna be?

I'll sit out, but I want
first go with the fishing gear.

-You got it, Mo.
-PROBST: Moriah gonna sit out
for Siga.

Nami, one extra person.
Who's gonna sit out?

-The one and only Liz.
-All right, Liz gonna

sit out for Nami. Sit-outs,
take a spot on the bench.

Everybody else, I'll give
a minute to strategize.

We'll get it on. Let's do it!

All right, here we go.
For immunity

and reward.
Survivors ready?

Go! It's gonna be Hunter,
Jem and Q on the machete.

You've got to unthread that rope
to release your machete,

then chop the ropes
to release your wheels.

Hunter has his machete.

He drops his wheels.

-MARIA: Jem!
-Make them wheels fall.

Jem has hers.

And she drops her wheels.

Go, Jem!

-TIFFANY: Come on, Q!
-PROBST: Q has his.

And two, three. [groaning]

-He drops his wheels.
-Come on, let's go!

[overlapping chatter]

-One, two, three.
-One, two, three.

-MORIAH: Let's go! Let's go!

Go, Siga! You're running.

Now you got to get the wheels
onto your cart.

Make sure you get that cotter
pin in so those wheels stay on.

-Go, Jem.
-Let's go. Let's go.
-One, two, three. Go.

It's gonna be Nami, then Siga.

Yanu once again in last.

And they're on the move.

Keep going,
keep going, keep going!

You're good, Siga.

You're good, Nami.
Start digging up your chest.

Go, Nami!

You're good, Yanu.
Start digging.

Got a handle.

Everybody on the chest.

You got to get 'em
onto your cart

before you can continue.


So you got that?

Once again, it is a challenge

that requires effort
and communication.

We got the handle, we got it.

Here they come.
We need help with this.

Nami has their first chest.

Dig, dig some more.

Yanu working
on their first chest.

Get the handle, Bhanu.

It is Nami in a familiar spot:
the lead.

Yanu has their first chest.


-PROBST: There you go.
-[grunting] Right.

Siga now working
on their first chest.

-What's your name again?
-Mo, I go by. You?

-Mo? I'm Liz.
-Yeah. Nice to meet you, Liz.

-Nice to meet you.
-Oh, man.

[overlapping chatter]

-These chests are heavy.
-MORIAH: Come on, you guys!

Now that cart's got
a lot of weight.

It's Nami in the lead.

Come on, Hunter!

-You're good.

Start clearing out
the obstacles.

We keep pushing.

I got it. Come on.

Here comes Yanu working
on that second chest.

All right, it's Tiffany,
Bhanu and Q.

We got Tim, Jem,
Charlie, Ben and Maria.

Everybody for Siga

working together
to get that chest on their cart.

Also, I love your glasses,
by the way.

-Thank you. I love your socks.
-Thank you.

-Come on. Everybody.
-Everybody push.

Everybody push.

-There goes Yanu on the move.
-Yeah. Push.

[overlapping chatter]

Now Siga picking it up.

It is Nami still in the lead.

Now get the barrel away. Pick
it up. Like, move it, move it.

Nami gonna use everybody
to clear out

the entire course,
do it in one shot.

[overlapping chatter]

You're good.
Start clearing your obstacles.

You're good, Siga.
Start clearing those obstacles.

You got to get
all those obstacles

out of the way
so your cart will get through.

-Here comes Nami.
-Left, left, left, left,

-left, left, left, left, left.
-Watch your hands.

PROBST: They're gonna be first
to the finish.

Tight fit. You got to get here.

-RANDEN: Turn. Go.
-Turn right here.

-LIZ: ♪ Nami, Nami... ♪
-PROBST: You're good.

Get your chest, now, in here.

♪ Nami, Nami, Nami... ♪

There comes Siga now.

They're heading
through the course.

Back up. Go, go, go, go, go, go.
You got it.

♪ Nami, Nami, Nami... ♪

Don't turn yet. Don't turn yet.
Now turn.

-PROBST: You're good.
-Come on.

Go. Come on, come on.

Everybody, get ready.

You're good.

Get the chest in here.

Let's go.


Nami now can start
solving their puzzle.

[overlapping chatter]

Yanu's cart is in the way.
Can they get it in?

You're good. Untie.

-Come on, go. All right.

Yanu has their pieces out.

working on the puzzle now.

Let's pull all the black letters
out. Black letters.

First, you're trying to figure
out what to do with the letters.

Well-oiled victory!

Then you're gonna
build an arching puzzle...

Maybe like that.

...that will be freestanding
when you're done.

"Inspire"? No, there's a "C."

First, you got to figure out
what is the word

you're looking for.

This requires
communication and teamwork

and a bit of a vocabulary.

The white letters this way.

It will spell the same thing

on both sides--
your side and my side.

It has to be same
front and back, you guys.

-So the last letter, the last
letter has to be on the back.

Nami thinks they know the word.

Nami undefeated this season.

-That's right, yeah.
-On this side.

I got you, Jem.

Communication is key.

You've got five people
that have to work together.

Siga thinks
they have an idea now.

Yanu now looking next door.

This is as much about building
the puzzle as solving the word.

-It's gonna fall.

Siga starting to see that now,

as those pieces fall on Tim.

Siga loses everything.

Those blocks are very heavy.

That'll break a toe,
scrape up a face.

-SODA: Go, go, go, go...
-You've got to work together.

Panic does not help.

My arms are, like, really

-not doing well.
-PROBST: You've got to get it
to stand on its own.

Once you do,
get back to your mat.

Immunity is yours.

Yanu is taking
an insane amount of time.

No. All right.
Bring that, bring that.

-Stay there, Ben.
-I'm here, I'm here.

Last letter.

-Last letter.
-Siga drops again.

Opening the door now for Yanu.

We're right there.
We're right there. Hold it.

-That R. That R.
-Come on.

Bring me that R.
Bring me that R.


That word's got to be right
on both sides.

When you have it
and it'll stand,

get to your mat for the win.

Yanu now is in on this.

-Tiffany can't hold 'em all.
-SODA: Randen, help him.

-I-I got...
-You got to...

-I can't.
-Come on.

-Oh, my God.

Nami's dropping blocks.

This is a wide-open challenge
right now.

Any tribe could win.

Aah! Aah!

-TIM: Guy, what's up? What's up?
-No, come on, come on.

PROBST: Siga one letter away,

but getting that letter in
and getting it to hold

is a whole different thing.

Jeff, come on!

Tevin, do not give up.

Nami and Siga
making a lot of progress.

-Right here, right here.
Right there.
-CHARLIE: Nice job, Maria.

Push. We got to push them.

-[grunts] I see it. I see it.
-Randen, it's me.

Let go, let go, let go...

Nami thinks they have it.

-They're trying to get it built.
-Slowly let go.

-Slowly let go.
-Jeff! Jeff!

-Nami thinks they have it,
and they don't.


-PROBST: Something is not right.
-Oh, it's right here...

-Right here, right here.
We got to switch these two.

We have to switch these two?

-Come on. Come on.
-There's got to be an N.

Got to push. [grunts]

-... No!

Stay there.
Stay there. Stay there.

Stay there.

Siga starting back now.

Stay there.
You got it. You got it.

-All right, guys, almost there.

-PROBST: Yanu, another disaster.

Blocks everywhere.

-CHARLIE: All right, Ben.

-PROBST: Siga loses
half their puzzle.
-CHARLIE: It's okay.

[overlapping shouting]

Nami loses everything.

[Tiffany screams]

We are wide-open again.

-[Tiffany screams]
-PROBST: Yanu, another disaster.

Blocks everywhere.

-Siga loses half their puzzle.
-[distorted screaming]

Nami loses everything.

We are wide-open again.

All three tribes
are still in it.

You've got to spell
a word correctly on both sides

and get it to hold on its own.

The-the... Wait.

Okay, that letter
over there and this.

Someone needs
to grab that letter.

Can we hold on for a sec?
I got to readjust it real quick.

Wait. Just hold it,
hold it, hold it.

Oh, my God!

Yanu loses everything again.

These blocks are heavy.

KENZIE: Still not in.

JESS: I'm holding it.


MORIAH: You guys are one block
away from victory!

-Yes. Oh! No!

And once again,
Siga loses half their puzzle.

Tiff, you need to move over.

-You need to move over.
That's wrong.
-This is wrong.

-Just take that one piece.

-I'm gonna grab this, okay?

And we're gonna stick this...


[Jess screams]

Give me that. Come on.
Girl, you got to move faster.

This is a difficult challenge

that requires communication.


VENUS: Soda, that is the I.

Put it there.

Bhanu, I got these two.
Get the other one.


-What do we need here?
-giving it another go.


And another piece comes down.

-[Tiffany yells]
-Let's go!

Now, that fire in Bhanu's belly
is showing itself.

LIZ: Yes. Yes.

Hunter, can you get this or no?

-HUNTER: Is it last piece?
-Last piece. You got this.


I got it. Hang on.

Nami back with another shot.

-VENUS: Someone support...
-PROBST: Is this it?

-And can they get it together?
-LIZ [chanting]: Yes, you can.

Yes, you can!

-Yes, you can!
-SODA: Yes, we...

No, no, no, go. You go.

And here comes Siga now.
They're in it.

[overlapping chatter]

Yanu thinks they're in it.

No, this is right.
This is right.

-[chanting]: Yes! Yes!
-PROBST: Everybody is in it now.

Nami trying to get it locked in.

-It's so close.
-We got it. Come on. Let's go.

Is it enough?

-RANDEN: Jeff. Jeff.
-HUNTER: Jeff!

-Nami has it!
Nami wins immunity.
-LIZ: Yeah!

-PROBST: We're looking
for one more.


-LIZ: Wow.
remains undefeated.

It's gonna be Siga or Yanu.

Keep digging!

Aah! I got it! Come on. Aah!

Siga very close.

Yanu very close.

-It would be their first
-You got it.

-win of the season.
-Is that it?

They could send Siga
to Tribal Council.

I need a hand here.
I need a hand here!

Quickly! Quickly!

Bhanu continues
to bark out orders.


Here. Like this.

-Okay. Yeah.
-You hold this with your hands.

-Put your damn hands down.
Let's go. Hold this one.

-No, you got that one.
Now, right here.
-PROBST: Q is now in charge.

Who's going to Tribal Council?

Will it be Yanu or Siga?

We are so close.
This is looking sturdy.

Come on. We need someone
to get that last piece.

-Hold that...
-KENZIE: Oh, my God.

-PROBST: Yanu very close,
but Bhanu can't hold the pieces.
-I can't reach.

Siga very close.

Y'all got it.


What's gonna have to happen is
you got to use both

of your hands.
This way and that way, okay?

-Put it back up on 'em.
-Hold strong.

-Hold strong.
-One... [grunts]

[indistinct chatter]

Don't let it fall.

You hold this one.


Yanu loses everything.

The story of the season for
Yanu, as all the pieces drop.

Siga thinks they have it.

Let's go!


Siga wins immunity.

-Safe from Tribal Council.

Sending Yanu back to Tribal,

where the second person will be

voted out of Survivor 46.

Huge effort by everybody.

Yanu, same story--

coming up short.

-TIM: Everybody.
It took everybody.
-JEM: I'm so proud.

-I'm so...
-TIM: It took everybody.

-JEM: Oh, my God.

It took everybody.


Nami, congratulations.

-It's coming back.

Where's that headband?

-Where's that headband, baby?

That headband is toast.

LIZ: Damn!



Nami, nobody going home
from your tribe.

Head out. Enjoy the night off.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Jeff.

Your massive
Survivor fishing kit

will be waiting for you
back at camp.

Oh, man. Wow.

Siga, nobody going home
from your tribe.

Head out. Enjoy the night off.

And your fishing kit will be
waiting for you back at camp.

Oh, my God.

Bhanu, I saw some real emotion,
maybe frustration

from you during that challenge.

What were you feeling?



We're doing everything right,

but where we're losing,
I just don't understand that.

We have the strength.

What we're missing is the...

the planning.
I think that's what it is.

The planning is missing,

and we have
to put our minds together

and I think we're
gonna have a chat today

and that's what
we're gonna do tonight.

Tiffany, this is what happens.

When you lose once, "Hey,
that's all right. We got it."

You lose twice.

But when you just
continue to lose...

-Look at your body language.
You're frustrated.
-I'm pissed.

I'm pissed. No,
I'm not frustrated. I'm pissed.

I have a real attitude
right now, so I'm gonna keep

my actual thoughts to myself
before I say something

that's gonna have
people looking at me sideways.

But I do not think we should
have lost that challenge.

At all.

So, Jess, just
listening to Tiffany,

though she didn't
say anything directly,

it's gonna be an interesting
afternoon back at camp.

She's gonna give me
a spanking back at camp.

Oh, you think
it's directed at you?

I think so.
Everyone's been yelling at me.

All day or during the challenge?

During the challenge.

Are you feeling that pressure

as you head back to camp now?

I think we're going to
have to talk about it at camp.

I'm just going to
catch my breath right now.

I am feeling pressure.
I think we all are.

All right, Yanu,
once again, Tribal Council,

where somebody
will be the second person

voted out of Survivor 46.

As a penalty for losing--
sorry for you--

I'm gonna keep this flint.

Grab your stuff. Head out.

See you tonight
at Tribal Council.

KENZIE: We started strong,
and then the puzzle--

it literally fell apart,

like, on top of all of us,

-because Bhanu has a hard time
-[distorted]: Jess!

when he's faced under pressure.

But Jess dropped a bunch
of pieces a hundred times

and couldn't
spell the word "persistence."

So I feel like Jess is our
common denominator in losing.

I want Jess to go tonight.

There is simply
nothing like Survivor.

It will test you
on so many levels

and offers you nowhere to hide.

If that sounds like fun,
apply to be on Survivor.

NAMI TRIBE: ♪ Nami, Nami ♪

♪ Nami, Nami ♪

-♪ Nami... ♪
-♪ Nami, Nami, Nami... ♪

-Oh, my God.
-[excited chatter]

-Oh, my God.
-SODA: Holy crap.

This is like Christmas.

-TEVIN: Oh, my God.

Okay, go!

-Oh! We got the fish!
-LIZ: Ah! We did it!

I feel like Rupert.

Oh, this is like
a dream come true. [chuckles]

What y'all want to do? Fishing?

-But we can all go out together.
-SODA: Okay.

I'm probably gonna rest,
'cause that huge-ass wagon

went over my toe
during the challenge.

-SODA: Did it really?
-VENUS: Yeah.

-Got pretty crushed,
so I'm gonna rest.
-SODA: Wow.

-LIZ: I think she got crushed.

We won this challenge,

but I got really pissed

afterwards. I actually got

my toe crushed by that huge...

huge-ass wagon because no one
was listening to me. I said,

"Turn left, turn left,"
and they just kept

going straight and ran me over.

What's the point of winning
if I'm not even being heard?

-SODA: Was it the moment where
you were wedged at the front

-and I tried to push you back?
-VENUS: It was the moment

when I was saying, "Left, left,"
but you kept going straight,

and it went right over my toe.

This journey
I'm having with Venus

is really ridiculous, honestly.

It's up and down.

It's up and down, and I'm trying
to navigate it, and it...

It's tough. It is very tough.

You guys can have a celebration,

but I'm exhausted right now,
so I'll talk later.

She's, like, commenting
on the challenge, and we won.

She brings the tribe morale
down, and, uh, I'm getting

real tired
and real sick of this.

I had a little bit of an issue

with how we worked together
as a team today,

and I personally felt like my
voice wasn't being heard at all.

Specifically, when
we start the challenge,

and we're, like,
moving the wagon,

-you guys are pushing.

Immediately, I say, you know,
"Turn left, turn left,"

and because there was a lack
of listening, a lack of trust,

it ran right over my toe,
which could have been avoided.

I'm gonna continuously
be in the immunity challenges,

so if you guys
want to keep winning,

you have to find a way
to, like, work with me.

-"We," right?
-VENUS: All of us.

-Sometimes, when you say "you,"
I don't know...
-Did I say "you"? Sorry.

Yeah, sometimes
when you say "you," I just

don't know if it means me
or if it means everyone.

-No, no, no. I'm talking
in general, I'm talking general.
-Okay, okay.

Venus, like,
I adore you as a human being,

and I want
to have this camaraderie,

and we have to have
this camaraderie

for challenges.

With that being said,

she plays the victim a bit.

I'm like,
"I'm not gonna baby you.

That's a 'you' thing. I can't do
that work for you. I'm not you."

-She's a person that takes
a long time to process.

So it's, like, imperative
that we don't take anything

-she's doing personally.

Because she... this is...

I've learned
this is just how she is.

She-she could change on a dime
based on her emotions.

-It's very clear.

I am a natural introvert,
but I don't think

I would have this issue
with any other tribe.

It's just that I...
we happen to have

two really big
personalities here.

I don't really know who she's
mad at. I guess everyone.


she has a tendency...

to kind of want to be
the star of the show.

Nami, congratulations.

And her tendency to grab
the immunity idol from me,

every time
Jeff hands it to me...

It's coming back.

It's kind of, like,
really rude and annoying.

The fact that
your first reaction is to just

grab it for yourself--
like, it's a bit childish.

You don't want to see
a pissed off version of me.

I've been sad the past
three days. Now I'm just pissed.

So I'm gonna work twice as hard
to work with Randen

to use his Beware Advantage
to get to a merge,

and I will flip immediately

against these people.

♪ ♪



No. Come on, dude.

You kicked some butt there.

You kicked butt there!


I'm-a take a little walk.
I'll be back.


[sniffles, sighs]



I'm not crying because we lost.

I mean, I was hurt that we lost,
but I was just even more upset

because of the way
I lost control.

That's just
not the type of player

that I want to be perceived as.

Like, nobody

on the other tribes
even knows me yet.

I don't want
their perception of me

to be this crazy,
angry Black girl

that can't keep her cool
during challenges.

[sniffles] And I feel like
that's what I looked like today.

But I was so broken.

Because it's like, you're
not taking this seriously.

And I can't work
with people like that.

I cannot work
with people like that.

You want to take a second

-or you want to talk?
-We can talk.

-Are you sure?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm good.

-Hey. It was not you.
-God, I'm so...

-I'm so angry.
-I know.

-It's just...
-It wasn't on you.

Hey, bro.

-I know.
-There were so many times
that I looked up

during the challenge
and Jess was literally walking.

-I know.
-I'm like, "Bro."

Tiff was down, down and out.

Like, I feel

for her. It's not
a good feeling, but I'm like,

"We lost it. Let's move on
and talk about Tribal."

-I felt the same thing.
-Like, she kept dropping 'em.

Look, we can't think about that.

We only have
a few hours until Tribal,

so you and I
need to get straight.

Like, what do you want to do?

Do you want to hide an idol,
make her think she's safe

so she doesn't play
her Shot in the Dark?

-I feel like we don't
have a choice at this point.

I woke up this morning
with an idea

that we could hide a fake idol

and make Jess think she has

a real idol
so that she doesn't play

her Shot in the Dark.

I macheted off the beads
from Jelinsky's water bottle.

I tell Tiff this idea.

We used the note
from Tiffany's idol

and the parchment from
Tiffany's Beware Advantage.

All right,
this look official to me.

Then Tiff went to hide it.

The traps have been laid out.

They are...
The carrot is in the snare.

She'll think she has an idol,

-so she won't
play her Shot in the Dark.
-Q: Right.

The only ones in on this plan
are me, Q and Tiff.

-Y'all do what y'all have to do.
-TIFFANY: All right.

I think it's a foolproof plan.

Like, she's gonna find it.

It's sticking out a little bit.
It's perfect.

Honestly, I'm about
to start go looking for idols.

Oh, my God.

Do you think you're in trouble?

It's Survivor.

None of us
could be too comfortable.

-JESS: Yeah.
-I'm scared, too, like...

Guess we should
go look for the idol.

We should. We absolutely should.
Come on.

You don't want
to look for idols? Girl?

Your name
is on the chopping block.

At the very least, you should
be like, "Absolutely."

Not "Yeah, I think so."

Oh, my God. Spider.

-You search those rocks
over there?

I led her over to the wall,

and sister's over here
looking at trees.

I'm like,
"Did you check the wall?

Did you check the rock wall?"

You said you don't
think it's in this area?

But we literally
looked everywhere else.

You searched
real good over there?

It's right there, girl.

Sis can't look for idols
to save her life.

I literally planted the idol
in the same exact spot

where I found it, and

she walks right on past.

I'm not gonna get this girl
to get this idol.

Did you talk to her?

Jess is not gonna find it,

even if we had
a blinking neon sign

that was like,
"There's an idol right here."

Jess would have just, like,
walked right underneath it.

Should we let Q...

Jess, Jess, Jess, Jess, Jess.

-[whispers]: Come here.

Hurry, hurry.


Yes. It's my idol.

-Can we go over here?
-Come on, come on, come on.

I show Jess this fake idol,
and I tell her,

"You have to write down
who I want."


When I give you this,
just keep looking.

-Keep looking
until we have to leave.
-I will keep looking.

Because of my relationship
with Jess,

and telling Jess that
I want us to work together,

but I want no one
to know about it,

has allowed me to present
this fake idol to Jess

and her think it's real.

-Play it cool at Tribal.

I told you, I got your back.
Trying to help.

Do not say that I gave you this,
we talked.

You go that way.
I'm going this way.

We should get rid of Jess
for many reasons,

but I am Jess's number one.

All I need to do is tell Jess

to write down Kenzie.

How do you...

Come on, show me.

I am Bhanu's number one.

I have Bhanu's vote. The three
of us have enough votes.

We can get Kenzie out this game.


I have Jess on one side,
who I want going home.

I have Kenzie on the other side,
who I want going home.

So I know one of the two
that I want to go home...

...will exit tonight.


Man, I just want to eat.

KENZIE: When we get that flint,
we're gonna be set.

Be careful.


-You cut yourself?

-Is it bad?
-Yeah, it is pretty bad.

-TIFFANY: Oh, my God.
-Really, really bad.

See? I told you to be careful.

We're about to go to Tribal

and our best person
with the machete

chops his finger open.

We can't catch a break.

Just the cherry on top.

[laughs] Oh, this sucks.

Jess was never gonna

find the fake idol, so Q

just gave it to her.

-Girl, what are we working to?

This is clown school.


You have to be smart
to go to clown school.

This is remedial clown school.

It's pretty glaringly obvious

that Q, Tiff and I
are the only people here

who know anything
about the game.

And we are working with...

Oh, my God. There's, like,
something pointy in my neck.

...some dinguses.

Why can't something go right?

just go right tonight.

I'm voting for Jess tonight.

Not because she's a bad person,
it's just,

she's a bad Survivor player.
It is what it is.

My game tonight relies on Q,

but I'm starting to wonder,
like, I don't even know

if the idol he gave me is real.

It's got this

thing that looks like
every adornment

on every Survivor gear
that we have.

Can you look me in the eyes and
tell me that the idol is real?

I found the idol on day...

I tell you what.
Just give it back.

-No, no, no, no.

'Cause I'm risking my idol

-for you to stay.

For you to question it...

I don't really have a choice
but to play it

and hope that it's real.

I think Kenzie's a huge threat.
She's just

gonna sail to the final three
if they don't...

if they don't get rid of her.

But I think Tiffany and Q
are working together,

so I don't think
Q would pull off

a blindside tonight

without Tiff.

Do you think
Tiffany would vote Kenzie?

That's a good question.

So I'm going
to put Kenzie's name out there,

which is probably very stupid,

but I need to be
playing this game as well.

Like, where's your head at?

I feel like nobody wants to,
like, throw out a name.

There's five of us
who need three people

-to vote one person out.

What's the pros and cons
of everybody?

Who do you want to start with?

-Um, I'll start with Bhanu.

While-while he's
a sweet, sweet soul,

I think he's
a bit emotional at times.

-TIFFANY: Jess, pros...

I'll circle back to that.

Yeah, I don't know
what Jess' pros are,

so I think we're pretty solid on
the fact that we want Jess out.

What are
your pros and cons for Kenz?

Oh, my God.
Kenz is so socially strong

-that if she went to the merge,

she's, like, so fast
getting to everybody

and bonding with them.

-Is that a pro or a con, though?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-I don't know. I haven't
made that up in my mind yet.

At this point,
I think Jess is kind of, like,

floating around
and putting out feelers

to see who...

who will not
write her name down.

We were talking about
pros and cons of everybody.

We were on, like, Q.

Q, pros: tribe strength.

-Yeah, so-so
what are y'all thinking?
-JESS: Yeah.

It's Bhanu?

I mean, what else is there?
I don't want it to be any of us.

-KENZIE: But right now...
-JESS: Yeah.

we have a chance to not lose.

-BOTH: Yeah.
-KENZIE: And that
is because of Q.

But, right now,
it's pretty essential

-that we keep him.
-TIFFANY: I agree.

Last Tribal,
I wanted Jess out first,

and the whole way home,

I just kept thinking to myself,

"You should've
got Jess out first."

-Y'all ready? Okay.

But I'm okay with that,

because she going home

tonight anyway, so...

Well, Kenz joined us.

-What'd she say?

[chuckles softly]

-BHANU: Jess,
you got to be open with Q.
-She pitched one of you,

-and it was... you.
-Q: Okay.

Bro, this is not nice.

I don't like this.

I don't like
to have my name out there.

I just don't understand.
Why me?

I'm giving my blood,
sweat and tears to this tribe,

and when... and the result,
outcome is this?

Just because
I'm a little emotional

doesn't mean that
you guys vote me out.

Like, we need to vote her out.

She's playing you like a fiddle.

I'm very nervous, because
Jess and I just started

talking strategy,
and I don't know

if she's gonna
stick to the plan

to blindside Kenzie.

What do you say

that I can trust you with this,

that you're gonna
not gonna go back and talk

to Kenzie about our plan?

How can I trust that?


Q: So what'd they say about me?

They want to keep you 'cause
you're strong. [chuckles softly]

Oh, because I'm strong, huh?

But then, at some point,
it won't matter

-how strong any of us are.
-Q: Right.

See, Tiff has to be on board.

-You're right.
-JESS: Yeah.

Bhanu, you're not
going anywhere. Trust me.

I have Jess and Bhanu's vote,

but the problem is this.

Bhanu and Jess
are both liabilities,

so I need Tiff. I need her.

I need her
to be on the same page as me.

-For real?
-Yeah, that's what she said.

Damn. That's crazy.

-Yo, Kenzie is definitely
intimidated by you.

Kenzie wants me to herself.

What'd Kenzie say?

Well, no, she didn't
say anything specific to me.

She just, like,
she'll make comments like,

"You're my number one, right?"

I'm like,
"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah," like...

But, no, I-I do...
I can pick up on the fact

that she's intimidated
by our relationship.

Man, I don't trust
that girl now, bro.

Let me get, uh, closer to you.

Kenzie don't like
that I am Tiff's number one.

Eventually, she's gonna
get jealous. Why not just

get rid of this problem
before it's an actual problem?

Kenzie don't
really want me here.

-I'm telling you.
-TIFFANY: You don't
think she do?

Hell no.
She want me here now

-because of the strength.

We go to the merge,
she will get rid of me

-in a heartbeat.
-TIFFANY: Kenzie's

super loyal to me.

I don't know
if she's as loyal to Q.

And that's where
the divide comes.

Q wants her out ASAP,

but is it too soon?

Somebody don't want me here
and I can feel it,

I can't play with them.


I don't trust Kenzie

and she doesn't trust me.

But here's the deal.
I'm in the middle.

I have two plans going
and I don't know which plan

we're gonna execute.

Keeping Jess means
I have a loyal number.

She's someone
who can vote with me, but

I have to babysit a lot more.

If we keep Kenzie,
I don't have to do much work.

She's a self-starter.

Kenzie's gonna
go on the other side

and bring in numbers,

but those numbers
might not benefit me.

I have to figure out
which one will be the best

for my endgame, and
I have to figure it out quick.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

All right, so, Jess,
one of

the unique aspects
of Survivor is that

you have to play this game,

live in these conditions,
with people

you may not normally
want to even be around.

Jeff, we have to rely on
each other in these conditions.

We don't have anybody else.

We have to use
each other's resourcefulness.

Bhanu even cut his finger with a
machete today, just to feed us.

-Like, we're learning to...
-You mean he fed you
part of his flesh?


I wish.
I really need the protein.

So, Kenzie, you're
always relying on each other,

even though you're
voting each other out,

and that's part of what
makes it so complicated.

Yeah, it is complicated
because we all

genuinely enjoy each other,

but, like,
now we're having to choose

who can we work with
long-term in gameplay.

It's hard, but that's
the reality of the game.

Tiffany, Kenzie was very
specific in saying, "Right now,

we have to decide who we can
play this game with long-term."

I agree with her. I'm a person
who-who acts off of data.

And if we look at the data,

we have lost
every challenge we competed in.

So we would be fools
not to think about

who can we play this game
with beyond

the tribe stage of the game.

Wow. I'm trying to think
if there's been a tribe

that has admitted this
publicly in front of each other,

this early in the game.

So, Jess, does
it frighten you that it could

come down tonight,
potentially, to relationships

-that people are
thinking about days from now?
-JESS: Yeah.

It's a dog-eat-dog world
out here,

and I don't know
that we have our stuff together

to win
the next immunity challenge.

We have to be realistic,

and we have to think about
how to move forward.

And it sucks because Kenzie
and I have not talked strategy.

We've been kind of
tiptoeing around each other.

I described it as, like,

we're dancing
without touching each other.

-It's really weird.
-[Kenzie chuckles]

It's weird 'cause we're both,

like, the smallest people
on the tribe,

-and, like, everybody thinks
that you're their BFF,

and you're just amazing.

Like, you're-you're going
to eat everybody moving forward.

-KENZIE: Yeah.

I love that you pointed that out
to everyone.

-I should've said this
to your face.
-KENZIE: It's fine. It's okay,

but it doesn't, like,
make me want to be like,

"So, what do you want to do?

"Throw me under the bus?

Love it. Let's dance."

So, no, I didn't want to talk
strategy with you today.

Wow, so, Q,

I'm guessing
you didn't anticipate

Tribal Council
was gonna go exactly like this.

You know, Jess, in her mind,

she thinks she's in trouble.

So now she's saying, "Okay,

"if I'm going out,
I want everybody to be aware

of what is a hidden threat
within this camp."

And if that's her truth,
that's her truth.

Let's talk
about today's challenge.

Tiffany, you were so frustrated

you said,
"I'm not even gonna talk,"

which is a normal situation.

When you lose like this,
if you're not frustrated

or a little angry,
then you're not in it.


I was-I was devastated
after that loss.

I willed myself
through that challenge.

I gave everything I had.

So to still do that and lose,

like, it-it broke me, like...

So I knew at the end,
when we were

just standing there,
I was upset from the loss

and I knew that we were
coming back here tonight.

I knew it was better for me
to just shut up in that moment

than to say something stupid
that I would want to take back.

Bhanu, you had no problem
releasing your emotions today.

Jeff, I'm a very
passionate person.

What's in here is here.

I get that a lot.

"Oh, Bhanu is emotional.
He's crying.

He's weak."

Do you know
how much courage it takes

for someone to just
show their emotions?

I'm showing all my courage.
I'm showing my true self.

I'm authentic. And tonight,
I'm holding my tears

and I don't want
to get emotional

because, Jeff, I heard someone
in the tribe saying that,

"Oh, Bhanu, he's-he's weak.
He's too emotional."

If this passion, if this emotion
is making you feel like,

"Oh, my God, you're too...

You're-you're too this,
you're too that," I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

But this is me,
the passionate me.

So are you saying you think
you're in trouble tonight?


I'm 100% on the chopping block

but tell me where
I'm failing in this tribe.

They know that I'm reliable.
They know that I'm trustworthy.

They know that I'm honest.
They know that I'm disciplined.

They know that I'm hardworking.

When you close, it's what?

-It's a strength. It's a power.
-I feel it.

I've told them. I had these
conversations with Tiffany,

with Q, of course,
Kenzie as well.

And I told them,
individually and together,

"Work with me.
I want to work with you."

Bhanu, I got to say something,
because you've done this twice,

so I don't feel
like I'm stepping

-into your game too much.
-Please. Please.

You appear
to be very forthcoming

about who you're tight with.

At the first Tribal Council,

you were blurting out
lots of things and saying,

"Let's just vote
'cause it's Jelinsky."

And just now,
what I've gathered is

you have an alliance
with Kenzie, Q and Tiffany.

So how about Jess?

Jess and I...
Oh, how can I explain this?

I only connected
with Jess yesterday.


So, Q,
what do you make of Tribal now?

Jeff, we have
to be very, very careful

of what we say
when we sit in this seat.

The emotions don't
have to come out all the time.

Being able to control them
is just as powerful

as letting 'em out.

Jeff, the only reason
why I said this

is because this is our tribe.

If we're in a merge,
I'm not gonna say, like,

"Oh, they said this..."
This is just our tribe.

This is Yanu.

Once I say it, I'm done with it.

-Right, but it's gonna come
a time where you can't say it.
-But what Q's saying...

It's gonna have to stay here.
It can't come out of the mouth.

I can do that, too.
I'm training myself.

If Jess now feels like

we're all in an alliance
and she's going home,

what if she pulls out an idol
and write my name down?

You see how
that kind of plays itself?

Q, I understand that,
but I also trust in

my connection with Jess.

Jeff, it's time to vote.

You all ready to vote?

♪ ♪

All right, it is time to vote.

Kenzie, you're up.

All right, let's party.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has
an advantage or an idol

and you want to play it,
now would be the time to do so.

Playing this for yourself?

Yeah, I'm going
to play it for myself.

-For yourself. Okay.

You can sit back down.

♪ ♪

This is...

not a hidden immunity idol.

Any votes cast for Jess

will still count.

[both laugh]

All right, I'll read the votes.

First vote: Bhanu.

Jess. One vote Bhanu,
one vote Jess.

That's two votes Jess,
one vote Bhanu.

Second person voted out
of Survivor 46: Jess.

Oh, man.

You guys are so good.

Oh, my God.



-You okay?
-This, just, whole thing
is so surreal.

Yeah, I'm okay.

The tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

-Bye, Jess.
-Bye, Jess.
-JESS [laughs]: Bye.

Geez Louise.

Grab your torches
and head back to camp.

Good night.

♪ ♪

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Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

People think Hunter's
a really sweet dude.

I can see right through
that facade.

Next time on Survivor...

-That's how you do it.


Oh, my God.

This is out of control.

She's like this mermaid dragon.

I got got.
Those people are masterminds.

That was incredible.

So, if there's anything
I could take away

from my experience,
it's that I should have started

at the very beginning,

but I had an amazing time
playing Survivor.

I really enjoyed
getting to know everybody.

I've had a blast out here.
Even though, like, my face

might not convey it.

I-I don't have
enough calories to smile.
