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46x03 - Wackadoodles Win

Posted: 05/03/24 07:40
by bunniefuu
-There we go, there we go.

-Fire, baby!


Previously onSurvivor...

All of a sudden,
I have a rock-solid alliance.

I'm feel pumped.

I woke up this morning
with an idea

that we could make

a fake idol

and make Jess think
she has a real idol.

I'm trying to help.

I have Jess on one side.

I have Kenzie on the other side.

So I know one of the two

that I want to go home

will exit tonight.

Bhanu, you appear
to be very forthcoming

about who you're tight with.
So, how about Jess?

Playing this for yourself?

Going to play it for myself.

-For yourself? Okay.

This is...

not a hidden immunity idol.

[both laughing]

Second person voted out
of Survivor46: Jess.

Oh, man.

The tribe has spoken.

-Q: That was a fun Tribal.

-KENZIE: It was lively.
-TIFFANY: It sure was.

I felt so naive.

-I really did.

Where did she get the idol from?

We just snipped it off
of D.J.'s water bottle.

When we got back to camp,

I feel like we had a little bit
of explaining to do.

Bhanu didn't know anything
about the fake idol,

and we had to frame it

so that, like,
it was all in his best interest.

We didn't want to tell you
until we got back to camp

because we didn't want you
to accidentally blurt it out.

You got to think about it now.

Let's say if that idol was real.

She wrote your name down, so...

She wrote my name down?

-Q: Yeah.

BHANU: She said that everyone's
writing my name down?

No, she wrote your name down.

We all voted Jess.

-We all voted for Jess.
-Q: We all voted Jess.

And she voted for you.

That's why
we gave her that fake idol.

So that she wouldn't play
her Shot in the Dark.

So she wouldn't play
that Shot in the Dark.

I'm so glad that
I'm still on the island.

So... namaste to that. [laughs]

But I could be the next person
going home because

Kenzie, Q and Tiffany
are pulling

all their master tricks.

They played it in such a way

that Jess plays
the fake hidden humidity idol

rather than
the Shot in the Dark.

And she writes a name,
and guess whose name she wrote.

Jess said that I'm her best
friend, and she wrote my name.


Survivorit is.

That's why
it's so critical at Tribal.

We got to watch what we say
and when we say things.


Tribal is not over until Jeff...

Reads the votes
and snuffs somebody's torch.

Reads the vote
and snuff the torch.

So just because
we're at Tribal don't mean

now is the time
to air it out, you know?

You can totally lie to Jeff.

-It's okay.
-[Bhanu sighs]
-KENZIE: Or just, like,

-not saying anything at all.
-TIFFANY: Or just...

I was about to say,
"Or just keep quiet."

-KENZIE: If you don't
want to lie,
-You can't lie,

-just don't say nothing.
-don't say anything.

They're saying like,
"Oh, you don't have to,

"like, give honest answers
to Jeff Probst.

You can just give him
any kind of crap."

But I can't do that.

They said that you should

know when to-- what is it--

when to show, when to shot?

Something like that.
I don't know what that proverb.

Something... you know... Fold?

Ah. You have to know when to...

when to fold, when to hold.

I'm not an actor.

I can't do that.


So that's where I'm at. [laughs]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


We are probably going down
inSurvivor history

as, like, one of the
roughest starts in the new era.

We haven't won anything.

We still don't have a fire.

We're getting rained on,
the shelter has holes in it.

We found
this rock wall overhang.

Here's a ton of dirt,
and we slept here.

Like, that's where Yanu is at.

I'm gonna walk back to camp
and get my water...

-Are you okay?

-What's going on?

-I didn't sleep, that's all.


It was raining all night.

I didn't sleep a wink.

And I'm paranoid
because those three--

all three of them
are in a tight alliance,

and if we don't win

the next immunity challenge,
I'll be going home.

They have so many tricks
in their hats to pull.

They're very good at this.

All three are masterminds.

One mind versus three.

The only way to save myself

is to find a hidden immunity
idol so I can move forward.

It's not here.

Where can I find this idol?

It can be under many
of these coconuts.

I've been looking for the idol
pretty much the whole time

I've been on this island.

So many coconuts.

And I don't have any luck.

I have to turn
all these coconuts upside down.

I don't know.

This is so frustrating.

I want to play the game, and...

I'm hitting a wall all the time.


Can I have
a heart-to-heart with you?

What's wrong?

I want to stay in this game,

but it seems like, you know,

my name is
on the chopping block next.

And that's why I'm asking, like,

if there is any way
that I can work with you.

I mean, I'm open
to hearing plans, for sure.

I-I don't have any, and I'm not
throwing any names out there.

I'm just asking, like...

Do you see how
that's kind of hard

for me to work with, though?

Bhanu is not playing,

is what Banu is doing wrong.

He doesn't have a strategic bone
in his sweet little body.

I feel so alone.

I don't know what to do.

I need some help, Kenzie.

He loves the game,
he loves to watch it,

but it's different to play it.

I think he just came out here
with a good attitude,

which is appreciated,

but it's not a long-term thing
that's gonna get you far,

especially now, in the new era.

Like, we only have 26 days.

People are dropping like flies
and right now, it's us.

Loyalty is very important
in regular life and Survivor,

but you also have to
come up with some plan

for people to be able
to work with.

Always sweet Kenzie--
how she portrays herself--

she's like this mermaid...


Mermaid up until here,

but she's hiding
under the rocks.

She's like a very beautiful,
sweet, kind mermaid.

But when
you look behind the rock,

it's a big dragon tail.

That's Kenzie.

I said, like,
"Hey, can I work with you?"

And she's like,
"Yeah, I can work with you,

"but you have
to tell me the plan.

"So if you have a plan,
then let me know

and then we can work on it."

Mermaid... dragon.

Remember that.

I don't know where
my-my position is in the tribe.

Here's the deal. I want
to keep you around because

I know for a fact

that you're a loyal person
and a loyal vote.

I would rather have somebody
that's loyal

that I can coach you up
to say, at Tribal Council,

"This is what you say."

You've looked at past seasons,

look at Boston Rob's season.

He had a Phillip.
You're my Phillip.

I know you're gonna
be a loyal soldier.

You're gonna be there.
You're not gonna flip-flop.

You can listen to information,

but you're not gonna flip on me.

That's what I want to take, bub.

I knew Bhanu
was having a hard time,

but what I don't want him
to do is get so wrapped up

in his mind
that we're against him

and he gives up.

So I had to reassure Bhanu
that we're in this together,

and if push comes to shove,

we just have to make sure
that we're on the same page.

It is going to be
an uphill battle

to get our foot
back into this game.

But if you can
connect with folks

like how you were
at camp with us,

you have a great shot
at winning.

-You see what I'm saying?
-But I cannot win.

-Anybody can win.
-I'm a wackadoodle

-and, like...
-Wackadoodles win.

Get the confidence within.

You can win,
just like I can win.

So, cheer up. We're good.

-Thank you, Coach.
-Yes, sir.

That's a really,
really good talk.

However, what if the girls
came up with that idea?

Because even last night,

the girls came up with
the fake immunity idol thing.

So what they're trying
to do is...

I don't have to play

my Shot in the Dark

so they can...
they can vote me off.

That's what they wanted to do.

Or maybe Q

is really...

He like... he likes me.

I don't know.

How will I know?

That's how smart
those three are.

♪ ♪

JEM [sing-songy]:
We're going on a field trip.

Going to find some idols.

Oh, idol, where are you?

Where do you live?

This morning, we all agree

to go on an idol hunt together.


The thing
with a group idol hunt is

you're half hunting for idols

and you're half hunting
for pocket clumps.

You got one eye on the ground

and you got one eye on
the person next to you looking.

-Did you find it?

Off the beaten path, eh?

I got stuck
in a tree once as a kid.

No bueno, dude.

[laughs] I was like,
"It's not. It's a leaf."

Big old nothing.
Big old goose egg out here.

Charlie, did we
go that way already?

I really think, like,
this tree looks promising.

The group idol hunts--
they feel a little fake.

I guarantee you,

if anyone out here
could find an idol or advantage

on their own and in secret,

they're gonna keep it
to themselves.

Keep looking. We'll find it.

I want that

to be Charlie's idol.
I want that to be mine.

This is such a unique tree.

I feel like
it has to be one in here.

If I find something,
I don't want anyone

to hear me screech
or see the sparkle

in my eye when I know
that I have that extra

little safety
in that little, little pouch.

I spot the Beware Advantage.

I grabbed it and I immediately
stuck it in my pants.

And Charlie's right next to me,

so I had to tell myself like,
"Calm down."

My heart was like this 'cause
I was so scared in that moment.

Come on, little idol.

I think I pulled it off 'cause

everybody was still
idol hunting like crazy.

In the back of my mind,

I was like, "What did I just,

like, literally
shove down my pants?"

I was like, "I want to read it.
I want to read it so bad."

Oh, my God.

I hope that
it's a simple process.

I want to go, like,
dig it up and find out,

but I don't want
anybody to know.

I'll go tonight. I don't care
if it's dark and I can't see.

At least I know
where I have to go.

Finally, it gets pitch dark.

We're laying around, and I look
to see if everybody is asleep.


I heard Tim start snoring.

So, this is the perfect
golden opportunity

to slip away silently.


My heart's beating, like,
really superfast

because I don't want
to get caught

'cause that's gonna paint,
like, a target on my back.

But to play this game,

you have to be tough
and you have to take

every advantage that you have

in order to, like,
propel you further.

So I start digging.
I can't see anything.

Like, literally,
it's so pitch black.

And then, I move some more.
Like, I dig really deep.

And then, I feel a box.

My heart just dropped.
It's a freaking lockbox.

And then,
I saw a scroll attached to it.

Then it says...

"The location of the key
will remain a mystery

until after your tribe loses
a future immunity challenge."

"Until you have taken possession
of the idol,

you cannot vote
at Tribal Council."

Oh, my God.

What the hell did you
get yourself into, Jem?

I just want that idol so bad,

like, now more than ever 'cause
I need it to restore my vote.


What is this man doing now?

You're gonna make
a bed right here?

Oh, I believe you.

Hunter isSurvivor MacGyver.

Anything that comes to his brain

or that the tribe needs,
he can do.

Where does
he get this stuff from?

Must just run in the family,

like, the outdoor lifestyle.
You know?

He actually doesn't need to talk
that much strategy right now

because he has strength
and we want to keep winning.

So, no one wants
to get rid of him.

-SODA: Oh, it made a bed sound.

It made a bed sound.

I feel like he's here because

he just loves the adventure
of it all.

I love that people think

I'm just here to help the tribe.

I'm a very intelligent

and I don't want people
to know that.

I want to keep that inside.

When I was growing up,
I was always good at school.

I graduated college early.

I had direct admissions
into medical school.

I had a full-ride scholarship.

But as I was getting set up
to go to medical school,

I got the opportunity
to substitute teach

for my sister in my hometown.

I had just seenSurvivor.
I fell in love with it.

And I said, "I want to build
a challenge for the kids

"before I go off
to medical school.

It'll be my last big thing
to plan before I go."

But being in the classroom

and being with the kids day in
and day out and having kids

come to me and say,
"I really enjoyed that."

I was like,
"Wow. This just feels right."

And so I changed

from the full-ride scholarship
to medical school.

My parents lost their minds,
but I came back

and I chose to teach.

I also don't think I want
to advertise that, "Hey,

I build challenges
in my backyard."

This is what
my house looks like.

It's full of puzzles
and stuff left over

from previous challenges
that I've done.

The drop-down puzzles,
tiles for building towers,

more puzzles,
replicas of puzzles,

more pieces of puzzles,

sandbags thrown,
more stacks of puzzles,

more puzzles.

So, yes, I am a superfan,

but it seems like
a silly thing to share.

Uh, it-it's like-it's like
painting a target on my back.

Oh, Hunter.

Wow. Make me a Tempur-Pedic.

Hunter is just...

We see him every season.

You know, there's always
that one big buff guy.

"I'm the provider.
You can't vote me out."

And as a person, I think

Hunter's, like,
a really sweet dude.

But also, I can see
right through that facade.

Tevin and Hunter
are running this game

and if you don't
see that, then...

Hunter is running this game?

-You don't think so?

-Do you?
-I-I can't see your perspective

unless you provide
your perspective.

I'm asking you
for your, you know?

Uh, my perspective is
I'm not blind.

If you just look around,
who has the greatest link

with as many people?

Hunter has Tevin on lock.
He has that connection.

I want Hunter out
because I feel like

he has too many links
with too many people,

and we need
to break that chain immediately.

♪ ♪

-Yo, Randen.
-What's up, man?

How are you?

The weather was terrible
last night,

so we all decided to sleep
in the shelter we built.

In the middle of the night,
I felt,

like, a sharp sensation,
like a...

it was like a zap.

And I realized that I was limp
on my right side.

Dude, I don't have a sense...

Like, I can't grip anything
with my right arm.

-Oh, my God.

I mean...

All right, so, uh,
this morning, I got up

and I noticed that I had, like,
a tingly feeling, a prickle,

like, a prickly feeling
in my leg

and on my arm from here to my...
from... to my fingers.

I was swinging my arms,
trying to stretch,

figure it's just bad sleeping,
you know, but

I can't grip with my right hand.

So, immediately,

I'm scared, you know, because
I know we have a challenge

And I really never wanted
to sit out a challenge.

I'm gonna have medical
took a look at it.

I've never experienced
something like this, ever.

This is my worst nightmare.

I need my arms.

-DR. WILL: So,
it's this bit here?
-Yeah, that is numb.

-That is, like, a numb...
Straight numb.
-Just there? There?

-And how about this side here?
-I don't feel that at all.

No sensation at all?

Out here, everybody has
to do something.

You have to pull your weight.

So, something like this--

it can be a liability.

People look at you like, "Well,
what are you useful for, then?"

What am I gonna do,
a running challenge?

Our kind of working diagnosis
at the moment is

you've got a trapped nerve,
maybe lower down in the arm.

It could potentially
be in the neck.

It's really hard
to-to tell at the moment.

I understand that this is not
gonna help me do a challenge.

I think that's sensible. I think
we do need to keep a close eye

on you and see
what direction things move in.


-See you.
-Nice to see you, too.

I'm the kind of guy that wants

to face things head on, and

I just want to heal
so I can compete.

I hope that today when I rest,
that it gets better

because the tribe game

is teamwork.

And now
I'm kind of a liability.

♪ ♪

Come on in.

Nami and Siga,
getting your first look

at the new Yanu tribe.

Jess voted out

-at the last Tribal Council.

I told y'all.

All right, shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?

-[all voice assent]
-PROBST: First things first.

Got to take back the idols.

Thank you, Liz.

-Bye, Frodo.
-Thanks, Jem.

Once again,
immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge
you're gonna

leap into the ocean,

then climb up and over
a stack of crates.

You must then work together
to get over

a rolling barrel,

then up a net ramp.

When you reach the beach,
you'll dig up sandbags

and attempt to land them
on a series of targets.

The first two tribes to finish

win immunity,
safe from the vote.

In addition,
you're playing for reward.


Want to know
what you're playing for?

-[all voicing assent]
-PB and J!

First tribe to finish--

a massive Survivortoolkit

-Oh, a tarp. A tarp!
-and a large tarp.

-Tarp! Tarp.

Second tribe to finish--

-smaller toolkit
and a smaller tarp.
-MORIAH: [whoops] Tarp!

-There's nails in there, bro.
-Worth playing for?

-[all voicing assent]
-Oh, yeah.
-PROBST: All right.

Losers: Tribal Council,
where somebody will be

the third person
voted out of Survivor46.

And as a penalty for losing,

I will keep your flint.

you are still
trying to earn yours.

Siga, two people sitting out,

cannot be the same person,

which means
Moriah must participate.

Maria and Jem gonna
take a sit-out for Siga.

Nami, two people sitting out.
It cannot be Liz.

-She must compete.
-I think it's long...

Who are gonna be the sit-outs?

-SODA: Do you want to go?
-I'm comfortable. You go.

-I'm sitting out, Jeff.
-SODA: Okay.

Randen and Soda.

All right, sit-outs, take a spot
on the bench. Everybody else,

give you a minute
to strategize.

-We'll get it on. Let's do it!

♪ ♪

All right, here we go.

For immunity and reward.

Survivors ready?


Got to swim out to the platform,

go up and over those crates.

Everybody in the water.

-Come on.
-PROBST: Yanu still looking

for their first win
of the season.

Gonna be Bhanu up first.

Here goes Tim for Siga.
That's how you do it!

Here comes Ben for Siga.

-Come on!

-TEVIN: We're good, we're good.
-PROBST: Q in the water.

Here comes Charlie.

Nami taking a long time
at the crate.

That ocean is moving
everything around,

making it very difficult.

Got to get everybody
to the barrel.

Pick it up! Let's go!

We got this, we got this.
Go, go, go.

Liz finally in the water.
There goes Venus.

Let's go.

There goes Tevin.

Nami in an unfamiliar spot:

dead last.

Now you've got to work together

to get over that barrel.

The most difficult part
of the challenge right here.

That barrel's gonna
move the other way,

pull you back down.

-There we go.
-PROBST: Tim is over for Siga.

It's Siga in the lead.

-Q trying to get over for Yanu.
-MARIA: Come on, Siga!

-PROBST: Q is over.
-SODA: Come on, Nami.

-You're in this.
-PROBST: Nami's at their barrel.

-They can start working on it.
-We're good.

This requires
a lot of communication

-and everybody working together.
-I got you. I got you. Push.

There goes Ben for Siga.

-Go, Siga!
-PROBST: Siga has

two people over the barrel now.

-There goes Kenzie.

There goes Moriah for Siga.

-SODA: Nami, let's go!
-PROBST: Nami still
a big goose egg.

Nobody's gotten
over that barrel.

Charlie now the remaining
tribe member for Siga.

This is where
it gets really tricky.

-PROBST: There goes Bhanu
for Yanu.

Look at that.
Yanu's in this challenge.

I got it. Go, go, go!

They've got Charlie.
You're good, Siga!

Siga can head up
to the net ramp.

-SODA: Let's go, Liz!
-PROBST: Liz is over.

Let's go, Nami!
You got this!

-You guys got to get ready.
-No, no, we're good.

That's right, you're so good.
Y'all are doing great.

There goes Tiff!

You're good, Yanu!

Get to that net ramp.

Keep moving.
It is Siga in the lead.

Yanu is not in last.

-Push it, Venus!
-Come on, Venus! Got to roll it.

Venus is over for Nami.

-MARIA: Come on, let's do it!
-PROBST: You're good!

-Start digging.
-JEM: Go, guys. Go!

PROBST: Here comes Yanu.

There goes Kenzie and Q.

You guys got this, Siga!
You've got this!

Yeah, Nami.

All right, ready?
One, two, three.



Tevin pulls Hunter!

What a move by Nami.

-That's how you do it!
-PROBST: That was
a one-two punch.

That might get Nami back in it.

Q and Kenzie are literally
walking up the beach.

Seven days of fatigue
on Survivor.

It is Siga digging.
Now Yanu can dig.

Nami still in the water,
trying to get back.

You need to pick it up!

-Let's go, Nami! You're in it!
-Come on, Nami, let's go!

Can they make up the time?

Siga has their sandbags.

You got to get them all out
before you can start throwing.

-SODA: You're in it, Nami.
-PROBST: There goes Hunter.

Liz is over,

Venus is over, Tevin's over.


Let's go, Nami!

Come on, Siga! We got this,
Siga! We got this, Siga!

It's gonna be Moriah
tossing bags.

[indistinct chatter]

Yanu has their sandbags.

-SODA: Let's go, my babies.
-You're good! Start digging!

Take a breath, loves of my life.
You're in it.

Here comes Bhanu in for Yanu.

Ben now gonna give it a shot
for Siga.

Y'all are so in this.

Still nobody
with any bags landed.

That is good news for Nami.

-Yes! Yes!

Come on and land it!
Keep going!

Nami has their sandbags.

Got to get 'em untied
and emptied.

Nami is back
in this challenge

as Yanu and Siga have yet
to land a single bag.

Bhanu misses.
Charlie misses.

-There goes Hunter.
-SODA: I believe in you.

We are dead even right now.

-PROBST: And Hunter lands

with his first toss,

the first bag.

-It is now Nami back
in the lead.
-RANDEN: Good shot.

-Hunter, get it!
-There you go.

Hunter has
a second bag for Nami.

Hunter with another...
Nice touch. On and off.

Hunter has got this figured out.
That is three in a row.

-JEM: Charlie, you got this!
-PROBST: Q feeling the pressure.

Charlie feeling the pressure.

You got it, baby.

Nami was in dead last,

and they are now decidedly
in the lead.

And there is number four
for Nami.

Still nothing
for the other two tribes.

-Oh, I got it!
-PROBST: Tiff lands
the first one for Yanu.

Hunter for the win.

-There it is!
Nami wins immunity,

once again safe from the vote.

An amazing performance
by Hunter.

We are looking for one more.

It is now Siga and Yanu.

Yanu in the lead with one.

Q coming back in,
trying to land number two.

Q, slice it!

Charlie has the first one
for Siga. We are tied, one-one.

Five bags total.

Somebody gets hot,
this could be over quickly.


PROBST: Could it be Charlie?
He lands a second for Siga.

It is now Siga in the lead
and Yanu trailing.

-Yes! Yes!

Q sticks the second for Yanu.

We're tied again, two-two.

Charlie trying
to land the third.

And he does. Siga back
in the lead with three.


-Oh, Q knocks one off.
-Oh, no!

Now it's Tiff back in, trying
to make up something for Yanu.

-KENZIE: Yes, yes, yes, yes!
-PROBST: And Tiff gets hot.

-Tiff lands a second.
-You got this, Charlie!

-PROBST: Charlie has the fourth
for Siga.

Can he close it out?

Just misses.

Tiff lands a third.

Who's gonna pull it out?

It's Charlie and Tiff right now.

Charlie just misses.

Tiff just misses.

Q back in now for Yanu.
Siga down to their last bag.

Q trying to tie it up.
Charlie trying to win it.

Q lands the fourth for Yanu.

We are tied again.

Charlie and Q trying
to be the hero for their tribe.

-BEN: There it is, Charlie.
-PROBST: You win it

for your tribe

or you lose it for your tribe.

[overlapping chatter]

Right there.

-Charlie does it for Siga!

Siga pulls it out, sending Yanu

back to Tribal Council

-for the third straight time

this season.

And it's all there
on the faces of Yanu--

absolute despair
at another loss.

We were so close.


You gave it your all.

You were so close.

Nami, congratulations.

-The winning streak continues.

Ow, ow!

Nobody going home from Nami.

Siga, once again,
immunity is yours.

Nobody going home from Siga.

Before I send you out of here,

we have a journey scheduled
for you today.

Nami, you're in charge
of who goes.

You're gonna choose
one person from your tribe,

one person from Siga
and one person from Yanu.

So, first tell me
who's going from your tribe.

-Liz is going.
-PROBST: All right.

So Liz is going.
All right. Who from Siga's

gonna go on this journey?

I'm gonna go with Ben.

-Who's gonna go from Yanu?

All right, Liz, Ben and Bhanu,

grab your stuff, head out.
Boat's waiting for you.

You will return back
to your camp before Tribal.

-Be safe.
-Love you.

Have fun.

All right, Siga, Nami,

no Tribal Council,
nobody going home.

Your reward will be waiting
for you back at camp.

Grab your stuff, head out.
Enjoy the night off.

-Thank you, Jeff.
-Thank you, Jeff.

All right, Yanu, nothing to say.

Seven days already
without flint.

I'm keeping it. Sorry for you.

You'll have another chance

to win it back
at your next immunity challenge.

Grab your stuff, head out.

See you tonight at Tribal.

-See you later, Jeff.
-PROBST: See you later.

TIFFANY: Bhanu is absolutely,

the worst person that could
have gone on that journey.

Bhanu can't keep his mouth shut.

I'm just wondering
what information

he's giving up
to this other tribe.

And I really hope Bhanu doesn't
get some type of advantage

because that's gonna make that
ten times harder

for us to get him out.

Survivoris still going strong
in its third decade

because of the people
who apply to play.

If this adventure
sounds fun to you,

I'd love
to see you out on the island.

♪ ♪

All right, who brought
the bad karma

to this situation?

Shocking turn of events,

Yanu got their ass beat again.


We lost again.

How? I don't know.

Everything was going so right
and it still went wrong.

But at this point,
losing feels expected for us.

Also, out of
all the friggin' people

that get picked
to go on the journey,

the one who we want to vote out.

And I guarantee you his ass
is up there giving it up.

"Yeah, me and Tiff are in line.

"And me and Q is number one.

-Me and Kenzie..."
-"And they all played
a fake idol against Jess."

-He's spilling our whole game.
-I know. I know

he is up there
giving it up, bro.

Bhanu getting picked
to go on the journey

was just another typical

Yanu bad luck situation.

The one thing
we don't want to happen happens.

It's almost like this is

some weirdSurvivor
karmic curse that we have.

I don't know what's going on.

What is wrong with us?

That's on me.

-I-I'm telling y'all.
-BOTH: No, it's not.

-No, it's not on you.

-No, it's not.
-Q: Listen, we're...

I was put in the spotlight

to deliver for my tribe,

and I let 'em down big time.

I choked at the end
and I didn't get it done.

Now my tribe has
to go back to Tribal Council

and, you know, I feel horrible.


As a former Division I athlete,

I'm built for moments like this.

I'm very, very tough on myself

because I understand
that I can do better.

Time to be clutch.

You weren't clutch, bro.

You weren't clutch at all, bro.

One bag.

Bro, you couldn't sink one bag.

You screwed up.

Why should they go home?
Why should you stay?

It takes me back to a time

when I was in high school.

I was the star player or
supposed to be the star player,

and I fumbled

-with a minute left in the game.
-[crowd groaning]

-[whistle blows]
-And the other team
picks it up and win.

That following Monday,
it was huge in the newspaper.

"Burdette fumbles."

That's a bad feeling.

And that is how
I'm feeling right now.

In this game,
this was my lowest moment.

So now I feel like it's up to me

to make up for it.

I fumbled today, you know?

And it don't feel good,
you know?

-It's-it's tough on me.
-But it's a bizarre thing.

-Q: I know. It was.
-Like, no one has ever...
You couldn't practice that.

-But it's not about practice.

It's about execution.

He didn't practice, either.

And when the time got down,

and it was crunch,

he clocked in

and I didn't deliver.

And for me, that's
not-that's not acceptable.

So, tonight at Tribal,

I'd rather it be me
than, like, somebody like Bhanu.


Q, surprisingly, became a martyr

and was like, "Vote me out."

And I can't get a read on it.

It's not his personality,
but it is. It's very confusing.

That's what's so crazy
about this game. Like...

You don't know what to believe.
You don't know who to trust.

It's so bonkers.

I'm serious about this, though.

You go on in the game.

I'm-I'm being deadass.
I'm deadass.

Especially after
today's performance, you know?

Oh, give me a break
with the ... self-deprecation.

You know damn well
I'm not voting you.

Q doesn't handle
these losses well.

I think it's because, like,
he has this invisible pressure

that he's putting on himself,

because everybody's looking--

well, I'm not looking to him
for guidance--

but other people are
looking to him for guidance.

Like, "Oh, yeah, Coach.
Tell us the game plan,"

which I think
is stupid and silly, anyway.

Why does my road
always have to be the hardest?

Why are y'all letting somebody
coach you through this game

that you're supposed
to be playing for yourself?

I think that's dumb.
I already have a plan.

My plan is to vote Bhanu.

And fingers crossed that
he doesn't come back to camp

with an idol in his pocket.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Thank you.

I'm so excited.

I'm going on the journey
with Bhanu and Ben.

Hi, friends.

What's up, crew?

My goal is just to see

what is really going on at Yanu.

I'm so curious.

Hey, Bhanu,
if I may just say something

before we start chilling.

I see you putting in the heart.

-I see you giving your all.

Great players have come back
from far worse,

and I don't want you to think

that's indicative
of the game you're playing,

the situation you're in.
And who knows?

We might be able to turn
that around for you right now.

-But I'm stoked to be here
with all three of us, all right?

I was just thinking,
it's day seven.

Like, congratulations, guys.

Thank you.

When I prayed this morning,
was giving gratitude.

I asked God, like, you know,
"Show me a sign

that you exist,
that you're listening to me."

And there you go, the journey.

Bhanu, you want to read?

-Are you okay?




-[exhales sharply]

Talk about
things that do not rock.


-Okay? [chuckles]

Yeah, this is wild.

So what does it mean?
The white rock sits out?

-Yeah. So, you-you get...
-Yeah. So only

-two people move on.
-You don't get to do anything.

This is the end.

Bhanu, are you guys okay?


No, I think, um, tonight's
gonna be my last Tribal.

Tonight's gonna be my last,
and that's how it's been for me.

Would you like a hug?

-Come on, buddy.

[Bhanu sniffles]

Just remember, you still
have a Shot in the Dark, too.

-And you still
might win an advantage.
-LIZ: And...

-Yeah, who knows? I mean...
-It's, uh...

I'm always on the out and
not in any strategy discussions.

Tiffany and Q are really tight.

-Amen. I can see that.

-You can see that.
Everyone can see that.

And Kenzie's a mastermind.

-Kenzie is running
the show at our camp.

Kenzie's the one who's actually,

like, influencing Tiffany.

The brains?

Yeah, she's the brain.

Whatever order she wanted,
that's happening.

And tonight, it's me,
because, of course, she...

she wants to stay in the game.

And-and Tiffany and Q--
they don't vote for each other.

So that-that's my position.

Bhanu has a meltdown,
so we just let him unravel

and he tells us everything.

It is a gold mine
of information.

So I just stay quiet

and I just let him talk.

I need a miracle.

And unless he is

Leonardo DiCaprio,

I cannot not believe this man.

This is a game of emotions.

So don't be hard on yourself
for being emotional.

Make that your fuel.

They say that I'm not strategic.

They say that I'm-I'm only
emotional, and I'm a fool.

-That's all I am.
-They said that?

That does not rock.

-Oh, my gosh. That's just mean.
-BHANU: [sniffles] Yeah.

-BEN: Strategies are working.
-BHANU: They said,

"You have to know
when to hold and when to fold."

I said, like, you know,
"I'm playing with my heart."

I'm not strategic,

but my poi...
my point being on Survivor

is not to win a million dollars.

I want to win a million hearts.

-That's more important to me.

So I'm here for that journey
and not for the money.

And everyone knows about that.

Well, here's one heart.

Here's another, dude.

Like Bhanu said, "I didn't come
to win a million dollars.

I came to win a million hearts."

A little corny, but, like,
when you're raw like that,

it hits.
You know what I'm saying?

That's like an Oasis line,
for sure, okay?

"A million hearts" on three.

One, two, three.

A million hearts.

-All right, Bhanu.
-Go for it.

I'm hoping for a white rock,

because if I lose my vote,

I can't play
the Shot in the Dark.

So I want
to play it safe tonight.

This is it.

♪ ♪


So everybody's
got to draw rocks.

The one white rock will go home.
No risk, no reward.

The blue rocks have a chance
to compete for an advantage,

but if they fail,

they lose their vote
at their next Tribal Council.

This is it.

Look at that.

♪ ♪

All right.

The universe
always finds a way, dude, okay?

Good luck, guys.

BHANU: Liz, Ben and I--
we put our hands in the bag,

and guess what rock I drew.

I need to win an advantage
more than anybody.

If I can get an advantage,

I can change
the course of the game.

The tides can shift.

I just need that blessing.

Maybe this is it.

It's hard when you can't

listen to Van Halen for a week.

Sometimes you can't
look to, like, an idol

like Nicolas Cage
for your answers.

You just got
to take that jump

and do it for yourself,
you know?

All right.

[exhales sharply]

Let's do this.

Nope. Already not it.

You're given all these
different shapes of blocks

to form a perfect cube.

You know, like,
three little squares

and then
four or five big squares.

The puzzle's fun.

Problem is you're only given
until the timer runs out.

Are these all the same?

You know, I practice a lot
ofSurvivor puzzles at home,

but in person,
these puzzles are... Ugh!


What am I doing wrong?



Things that do not rock:

these giant blocks.

Oh, sh**t.

It has to be like this.

It has to
be like this.

That's a cube.




God, please help me.

I'm panicking now.



[breathing sharply]

That's it.

My journey ends here.

That's it.
My journey ends.

[exhales sharply]

♪ ♪



I couldn't complete the puzzle.

I tried different variations,

but I-I just
couldn't figure it out.

And I lost my vote.

I lost the advantage.

I have nothing tonight.

I couldn't save myself.

I'm going home tonight.

That's for sure.

With no vote, you can't
play the Shot in the Dark.

So I think I'm in a...

I'm in a deep,
deep, deep, deep trouble.



♪ ♪

CHARLIE: Oh, I can't wait
to get this tarp on.

That is coming together.

this is looking a lot better.

Ben is probably eating swell
right now, y'all.

-Is that a boat?
-It's Ben.

-Oh, it's Ben. Perfect.
-It's Ben!



TEVIN: I think that's Liz.

[overlapping chatter]


We love you!



Immediately, my mind is racing.

How am I gonna sell this
back at camp?

'Sup, g*ng?

Even though I don't
have a vote I still have

an advantage because

the intel I get
is out of control.

Gather 'round, friends.

-We will gather
on the beach over there.
-Oh, story time.

I have a tale to tell.

first things first, right?

Bhanu's, like, clearly hurting.

And I gave him, like, a speech.
I was like,

"Yo, dude, like, people
have come back from far worse."

-And he just,
like, started crying.

Sobbed, and he literally,
like, screamed to God,

"I need a miracle.
I'm going home tonight."
-VENUS: Aw. Aw.

-I could see it in his face...

-LIZ: Yeah.
-TEVIN: That is sad.

-He says Q and Tiff
are their own thing.

But, like, Kenzie's
getting away with m*rder.

Kenzie is the one behind them

telling them what to do.

Because she's a mastermind,
he said.

He said, "I don't know
why they're listening to her."

And it was, like, intense,
'cause, like,

-he thinks
he's gonna go tonight.


-Good intel, Ben. Let's go.
-Yeah, good job.

-I said the least, bro,
about us...
-[Charlie laughs]

Nobody questioned it.

I'm somebody that I think

when in life
you get given challenges,

you can only
mull about it for so long.

So I'm not gonna sit and
think about not having a vote.

I'm gonna think about it, like,

"All right,
how am I gonna strategize?"

And then
we had to go to a table,

and you remember
the circular thing?

It was like the two circles and
you had to count the circles.

-Oh, yeah.

They did the same thing,
but with cubes.

They didn't tell me my answer,
but I don't know,

I'm an art student,
so I think I did okay,

but I won't know until,
um, the next Tribal.

You know, I hate lying,

but, uh, I don't want
to tell my tribe that I don't

have a vote yet, because
the cracks haven't shown yet.

But if somebody says
they don't have a vote,

they're easily
gonna be like, "Yo,

person without a vote's
got to be the one to go."

-What's at stake?
-BEN: What's at stake is

either have an advantage in
the next vote or I lose my vote.

-Oh. Wow.
-BEN: Yeah.

-Do you know who got what rock?
-So who got the white rock?
-BEN: Liz.

-Liz ended up getting it.
-BEN: Yeah.
-JEM: She ended up getting it?

-No, she didn't compete.
-CHARLIE: She gets nothing.

Only the people who competed
were at risk for losing.

-So Bhanu might lose his vote.
-BEN: Yeah, but I don't know.

There's a chance he could
have won today's advantage.


-Look who it is.
-Look who's back.

How was it?

It was okay.

-TIFFANY: What'd you do?
-KENZIE: What happened?

Why you look so sad?
You just went on a journey.

It should have been fun.

Nothing exciting happened.

Well, um, it's not like
what Jelinsky described.

This time, it said, "you guys
have to draw three rocks.

"One is a white rock,
two blue rocks.

"If you draw a blue rock,
then you have to do something

and then you win,
maybe, an immunity"

or something like that.

If you drew a white rock,
then you have to go home.

Like, go to the camp.

-KENZIE: Okay.
-BHANU: So we did it.
-You drew the white rock?

-That's right.
-TIFFANY: Damn, daddy.

And then, yeah,
I just came back, and...

that's about the tea.

KENZIE: Of course,
in typical Yanu fashion,

he gets nothing,
which works for us,

because we didn't want him
to have anything.

He drew the white rock.

He doesn't have anything.

Great for the plan,

but it is also just hilarious

that, once again,
Yanu loses another thing

and gives something else
to the other tribe.

Did they ask you about, like,

what you think
is gonna happen tonight?

I said my name is gonna
be on the chopping block,

because that's inevitable,

and, um...


Well, thanks for the tea.
That was juicy.

The real tea
is what he gave them about us.

I feel like there was more

that he might have
given them, but

it doesn't seem like
he got any

type of advantage
or whatever from

the journey,
which is a good thing.

So now it's not a possibility.

It's a definite.

Bhanu's going home tonight.

So you didn't have
to lose your vote or anything

with the white rock?

-What do you think?

You lost your vote?

I didn't want
to tell in front of them,

-but I-I cannot lie to you, man.
It's, like...

No, no, no, no,
I'm-I'm with you.

Bhanu is just
in a world of his own.

This is too much for him.

He has a passion for the game

but he doesn't understand
the game.

So he needs a guy like me
to help him,

because, right now,
Tiff and Kenzie--

they're 100% in

with sending Bhanu home.

But I have a different plan.

I tell you,

we have, in this game,
we have liabilities

and we have threats.

In this game, we want
to get rid of the threats

and help the liability
become an asset,

which I think
that's what you can be.

I want Bhanu to stay.

In my world,

a liability can be an asset

if you use it the right way.

And I think

Bhanu is the liability,

but I can
control that liability.

We're not...

Kenzie is a threat.

A threat can never
be used to your favor.

At some point
it's gonna come up and bite.

So, for me, I want Bhanu
to stay in this game

and for Kenzie to go home.

I'm willing
to put in so much effort

to helping you
become the better player.

I think once Tiff
understands how much time

that I'm willing
to put in with you,

she will
change her vote to Kenzie.

Kenzie'll go home.

BHANU: My game tonight

rests in Q's able hands.

Put it on me.
I promise I'll fix it.

-Okay? I got you covered.

How much he can do,
I don't know, but I still

believe in miracles.

So let's see.

-Hear me out.

I've thought about it.
Bhanu will

always vote with us.

He's gonna vote
wherever we tell him.

We don't know what Kenzie's
gonna do with herself

once she get around
other people.

This dude will play the game

that we want him to play.

Kenzie is gonna play Survivor.

She's gonna get over there,

she's gonna make bonds,

And if it can get her
further in the game,

bro, she gonna
get rid of my ass,

and she'll get rid of you
to push her way forward.

Bhanu has said it over and over:
"I just want to make the jury."

Kenzie wants to win.

Q was actually making

really valid arguments

to the point where, like,
I'm even questioning,

"Like, dang, like,
maybe-maybe he could be right."

Because me, as aSurvivor fan,

if I was watching somebody

play with somebody
as charismatic

and charming and smart
as Kenzie...

I'm really glad we met.

...I probably would be like,

"Dang. Like, maybe you do
need to cut that person."

But me, being a Survivorplayer,

and actually having
a relationship with Kenzie,

I feel like
Kenzie and I are close.

And while
she is savvy and smart,

I think she's on my side.

Bhanu is a liability,
but Kenzie's a threat to me.

I-I agree with you
about everything you said,

but I still...

My gut is telling me that
it has to be Bhanu


♪ ♪

I love to see you win

but I hate
to sit down and watch.

-I know.

I wish you were in the challenge

-so I didn't have to be.
-RANDEN: I wanted to so...

When I saw the water,
I was like, "Oh, please."

Are they putting
the tarp up up there?

They're collecting firewood.

Oh, awesome.


Oh, my God.

-LIZ: Hey, Doc!
-RANDEN: Hey, it's Jeff.


-Oh, no.

Here to talk to you.

LIZ: We're sitting on the beach,
talking about the challenge,

and we see Jeff

and Dr. Will approaching.
And I think,

"This can't be good."

I'm sure you can guess
why we're here. Randen.

It's about your arm.

I'm not gonna lie,
it's not good news.

You know, before and after every
challenge, we always check.

Medical comes in
and gives you a look.

And Will's been monitoring it.

After today's challenge,

he did a lot more work

and research and consulted
a colleague about your injury.

Why don't you share
what you learned?

So, Randen,
when you first had this injury,

we were concerned initially
that it was a pinched nerve.

And it could
be anywhere from the neck

right down to the arm.

We thought it was
because of sleeping

on the hard bamboo floor,
and it was

lower down in the radial,
what we call the radial nerve.

And the radial nerve--
that's what allows you

-to grip and move, and... Okay.
-That's right.

And we thought that your radial
nerve wasn't working properly.

Essentially, you put it to sleep
by sleeping on

a hard bamboo floor and that's
why your wrist is not working.

The thing that's
been concerning me has been

this worsening pain
and tenderness in your neck.

When I consulted my colleague,
who's a neurosurgeon,

-her big concern
was this could be a bulging disc

-in your neck,
-[Soda gasps]

which presses on the nerve,

and that's, I'm afraid,
a very different beast.

The radial nerve problem
gets better by itself,

but a disc pressing on
the nerve here may need surgery.

And the-the obvious problem

is that Will can't do that

with the kind of assessment
he can do out here.

You need an MRI.

And so, Randen,
for those reasons,

out of just being
very cautious about your health,

we are pulling you
from the game.

You understand,

you don't want to risk something
that could be serious.

No, I understand.
I understand, Jeff.

I don't want to have
paralysis of any kind.

You know what I mean?
I got a life to live, so...

And it's unfortunate
that it's an unknown.

It could be this radial nerve
and you could be okay,

-but Will's been doing
a lot of research
-I know you have.

and trying to make sure
that we take care of you,

and this is the right move.

Oh, my God.

I'm listening to every word
the doc is saying.

When Jeff said he's gonna
remove me from the game,

I was devastated.

I'd rather have gotten
voted out, like, fighting,

you know, but, uh,
sometimes there's things

that are
just out of your control.

Venus, what are you
feeling right now?

Honestly, I'm heartbroken
for him, Jeff.

This has been
an amazing journey,

and he's probably
one of the most amazing people

I've ever met.

And it's gonna
be hard to picture

the rest of this experience
without him,

and I'm just really upset.

So, Randen, what is the feeling?
You've got,

clearly, a lot of love
from this group

of people you've been
living with.

What's this experience
been like for you?

You know, Jeff, uh,

the time I spent here, I got
to know these amazing people.

You know, every day was a gift.

Nobody in my family history has
ever done anything like this.

This is an opportunity
of a lifetime,

and I cherish all of you.

One of you guys
better win a million dollars

and keep
the Nami legacy going, winning.

You know what I'm saying?

-I love all of you guys,
-I love you, Randen.

-RANDEN: All right?
-I love you, buddy.
-Good job, dawg.

Thank you.

All right, Randen,
so we have an MRI

-already scheduled for you
in the morning.
-Oh, that's great.

So we need to get you
out of here, transported,

so we can get this looked at.

As for the rest of you,
as Survivoralways does,

it continues on,
and you are now a tribe of five.

All right, let's go, Randen.
See you all again.

-Hope you feel better tonight.
-Love you, buddy.

My closest ally's going home
with an advantage in his pocket,

and it sucks.

I'm heartbroken for him,

but I'm also very upset that the
one person I could really trust

is now gone,
and now I have no one.

And it just feels really ...

-Thank you, guys.
-LIZ: Love you.

SODA: Love you, Randen.

Bye! We love you!

I am at the bottom
of this tribe.

My days are numbered, and
I'm pretty much screwed. But

honestly, at this point, I've
realized, in Survivor,you can't

predict anything.

[Bhanu crying, sniffling]

What are you crying for?

I don't want
to see you like this.

I'm-I'm sorry. This...

No, I know. I know.


I'll be honest with you. Like...

I have not decided
to write your name down.

I told you I always
respected you all,

and sometimes I call you sister,

because that-that comes from...

straight from my heart, and...

Hold up.

I know I'm interrupting.

I know you got a lot going on,
but I've got news

-that's gonna impact tonight.
-Yo, Jeff is here!

Hey, Q. Kenzie.

-My heart is beating so fast.
-KENZIE: Mine, too.

Well, I came in
clearly interrupting

a passionate conversation.
I can see it in your face.

So I think what
I have to tell you is going

to impact all four of you.

Randen was pulled from the game.

He's had a nerve situation.
There was a lot of concern.

So for, you know,
his well-being,

we had to pull him
from the game,

which means one person's loss

is another person's gain.

No Tribal Council tonight.

-Nobody going home
from this tribe.


[excited chatter]

-Oh, my God.
-See, buddy, I told you.

My prayer's been answered.

I'm not going home tonight.

Here I am, saying my goodbyes,
ready to go,

and look what happened.

I wanted to tell you that,
you know, I came here

because you inspired me
to be on Survivor,

because you're my guru.

That's what brought me here.

And I never came to Survivor
to win a million dollars.

I wanted
to win a million hearts.

That's my focus.

So I had my speech prepared
for you tonight.


No need for the speech.
You might want

-to work on your gurus,
but I appreciate the nice words.

I've been praying all day.

And guess what?

I'm still in the game, baby.

This is the first time
I'm actually, like,

smiling and laughing.


Q, this game
is impossible to predict.

What does this moment
offer this group?

Second chance, Jeff.

You just gave somebody

on this tribe a second life,

and I'm thankful.

Tiff, what's your feeling?

I'll be honest with you,
like, I was really struggling,

because we've been,
like, losing people

left and right.

Literally, like,
I said a prayer. I'm like,

"God, this is gonna
be hard tonight.

Can you please give me a sign?"

And then you walk in
five minutes later.

I'm so happy,
because I do not want

any more people from my tribe
to go home. I really don't.

Kenzie, I think
you all are on to something

with this approach
that this is a victory.

I just left Randen,

who is obviously very sad,

and yet that
is how Survivorworks.

His pain is your joy.

Yeah, I mean, it...
Obviously, like,

my heart goes out to him, 100%.

Like, that sucks, but

it's like our first win.

You know? Like...

I hate to relish in that, but
we got to relish where we can.

You know?

Well, Survivor
is full of turning points.

They often come
when you least expect it.

This could be the first

positive turning point for Yanu.

It is the first positive
turning point for Yanu.

This is really a positive turn.
Oh, my...

All right, I'm gonna
leave the four of you

to enjoy the sunset.

It'll be a very different night.

And the game continues.

-Thank you.
-TIFFANY: Thanks, Jeff.

-Thank you so much.
-Okay. All right. Good luck.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Kenzie got lucky.

She has no idea

how close
she came to going home.

But this is a win
for the Yanu tribe.

For the first time,
we're not going to Tribal.

We can keep everyone together.

All four members.

One happy family.

And that feels great.

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Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

We found something mysterious.

Our brains melted.

Next time onSurvivor...

We're all vibing,
because I love everyone.

She is manipulating.
Soda got to "go-da."

Huh?! Boy.

Bhanu needs to go.


I am appreciative
for those who looked out for me

and pulled me
from the game knowing that

it could have been
a spinal injury.

But the worst fear
did not happen.

And, you know,
my hand works now.

So I'm very thankful
that I'm healthy.

there's things that are

just out of your control.

And I got to experience a place
I've never been before.

I just want to play again.

I learned my lesson.
I'm sleeping on sand.
