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46x05 - Tiki Man

Posted: 05/03/24 07:41
by bunniefuu
I'll be honest.
I do have the skull card.

He literally folded his cards.

And now Maria and myself
both have extra votes.


Previously onSurvivor...

Come on.

It's a real true idol...

Survivor bucket list

item achieved.

Nobody knows that I found
the Beware Advantage first...

...and that I actually
have replanted the note.


This does not rock.


I lost my vote.

Help me. Help me.
Help me. Help me.

Help me.

If this is what You wanted,

You shouldn't have put me
on Survivorin the first place.

-Help me, Tiff, please.

Wow. What a plan, man.

I am going home tonight,

but it's not
about the million dollars.

All I want to do
is win a million hearts.

You won my heart, Bhanu.

-Mine, too.
-All of our hearts.

All right, Bhanu,
when you're ready.

The tribe has spoken.

♪ ♪

-KENZIE: The tiniest tribe
there ever was.
-I know.

That was an interesting Tribal.


I'm happy
he told us his story, though.

He's a sweetheart
and an amazing person,

but that doesn't necessarily

mean you're, like,
the best Survivorplayer.

-And that's the... that's the,

-like, hard reality.

TIFFANY: It was a unanimous

decision that
Bhanu would go home.

We all knew that

we weren't gonna be able
to play the game

we wanted to and teach Bhanu

how to play the game
at the same time.

We did make a pact
on day one, and

-we're still here together.
-I'm still riding with you.

So, we did something right.

I'm happy
with the three that are left.

Kenzie and Q are my two
closest allies in the game.

At this point,
we just got to win

one immunity challenge, but

something tells me that's not
how it's gonna go down.

We are the worst tribe
in Survivorhistory.



We're going into day ten
without fire,

which I think is a record.

It's definitely affecting all
of us in a multitude of ways.

My stomach is actually
starting to eat itself.

This tribe needs to win,

get some food and just

have fun.

I'm just, like, so tired.

Because we, like,
keep losing everything.

We don't have fire. We don't...

We can't do anything.

It's frustrating.

Ugh. It's just tough.

Tough, tough, tough.



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


It's crazy being in, like,
a hellhole

in, like, the most
beautiful place on Earth.

I remember I read
the Moötley Cruüe autobiography,

The Dirt,when I was in, like,
middle school, and Tommy Lee

talked about coming to Fiji
and living in, like, a bungalow.

I'm like... [sighs]
This ain't that.

You know, I've been getting
more depleted every day 'cause

the shelter of pain
is not a condo

or a luxury hotel room.

But, uh, anytime you suffer

is another opportunity to learn
the depths of your mind.

Ooh! Ooh.

-You okay, Ben?
-Major, like, spins.

Do you need a water refill?

Yeah, if you could.
Thank you, buddy.

I'm really thankful for Charlie,

and he's looking out for me,
but, like,

you know, I have had
some survival experiences.

You ever been stuck in a van
with the same six people

for two months surviving off
three dollars

at Taco Bell a day?

It is not easy.

Sir Ben.

Sir Charles, lead the way.

Onward. We go to w*r.

Feel like Ben's been making

an extra effort to hang around
only Charlie recently.

He has. I've seen that.

MARIA: I think
they're trying to make...

The thing is that they did not

-calculate that
we got to him first.
-JEM: Yeah.

But, I mean, this
isn't a game of "dids."

-MARIA: No, it's not.
-MORIAH: It's a game
of Survivor.

I do trust, you know,
Jem, Maria and Charlie.

Where I worry is, Ben
and Charlie chatting, and Ben is

the most charismatic
and likable,

enjoyable guy
I have ever met in my life.

People on our tribe just know
how awesome you are, you know?

They know how awesome...

♪ you are.♪

It seem Charlie's
Ben's, like, special buddy,

especially when they're just,
like, going on

hour-long music, song battles.

-"The Last Great
American Dynasty."

-"I Love It Loud."


-"I Still Love You."
-"Mad Woman."

Ben can charm anyone.

It's a little bit intimidating.

You can't just say,
"my alliance member."

People change.
People make their own decisions.

So, if you had to choose,
who would be first to go?

In the long run, like,
who's more dangerous?

-JEM: Yeah.
-MORIAH: But...

What if Tim has the idol?

Are we just assuming
Tim has the idol?

Tim or Ben.

-I'm assuming
one of the two has it.
-JEM: I agree.

The girls think that
one of the guys

might have
the immunity idol, but

I found a Beware Advantage, and

it's a clue to the idol.

And nobody suspects
that I have anything on me

because I put the Beware
Advantage in another tree

to kind of get the scent off of,
that somebody

already found something.

Where's the damn scroll?

It's been
a wild goose chase, and finally,

everybody knows
there's nothing there.

And that played out
to my advantage,

because now the women
are on the same page.

Either Ben or Tim
are gonna be the next

target for us, and then

the three girls
are running the show.

This is a beautiful place
to have a salsa lesson, though.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, pause.

Five, six, seven, pause.

I want to see Charlie
get the hips going.

Oh, Charlie!


Cha-cha Charlie, dude.

It's amazing.

I thought it would take

a few, you know,
dirty Shirley Temples

to get me in that type of mood.

But out onSurvivor,

you're just having so much fun
with each other.

Yeah, let's go. Bite that lip.


Four, five, six,

seven. Pause.


CHARLIE: You know,
the salsa may seem goofy,

but it's all
part of the strategy,

if you think about it, you know.

It's going to be very important
for me to really be in lockstep

with my number one ally, Maria.

And so, let's switch partners.

CHARLIE: We're trying
to walk the tightrope

of the middle of this tribe,
and you've got

Tim and Ben on one side
and Jem and Moriah on the other.

So Maria and I
are really in control.

I don't think anyone knows

we're really working
closely together,

and that's so powerful,
so I want to keep it that way.

[all cheering]

LIZ: If everybody's looking,
I guess maybe I should look.

Just got a feeling
that I'm not gonna find it.

There's just so many
nooks and crannies to scour.

-While we're here...

HUNTER: At this point,

getting so close to the merge,

everyone's worried
about the idol.

Everybody's searching
for this thing.

Soda is very blatantly
looking around.

Tevin's out there
with the shovel, digging.

You get that little surge
of excitement

when you see something,
and then...

[blows raspberries]

I have spent so much time
looking for this idol.

I've been digging
and climbing and, like,

going all over the place.

I feel like I'm walking by it,

and, you know,
the camera pans to it,

and ping, there it is,
but you don't see it.

This jungle is so huge,

and there are
so many small crevices.

I want to find the thing, but
it's just like, "Where is it?"

I don't know what the hell
going on with the idol.

I don't know
if there's more than one,

if there's two, if there's
three, if there's none.

So I don't know
where to even look.

And no one seems
to have found it.

I think every person has looked
for the idol except Liz.

I'm just sitting at the shelter.

I keep telling people,
"I'm not gonna look."

I'm not gonna
search for an idol.

I can barely find my shoes.

Looking for an idol
is just so difficult.

It is so dense out here.

It's almost impossible

to scour every little inch.

There may be one coconut
you don't turn over,

but there's, like,
a million coconuts.

It's exhausting.

And at the same time,

we don't want it to fall
into the wrong hands.

What is that man looking for?

I'm gonna go spoil his fun.

An idol.

In my mind, it's day ten,

and I'm pretty sure
that sucker is found.

And I guess I was wrong
in assuming you found it.

This advantage

has really weighed on my mind
because I know Randen found it.

And he was medevaced
with that Beware Advantage

in his pocket, so, it's probably
back in the game.

Hunter knows this island
better than anyone,

so, Hunter,
if you're finding that idol,

I will find it with you.

I-I'm shameless.
I will literally follow you.

And if I'm annoying you,
I don't care.

It would be near a landmark, no?

I don't know. I mean, in
the other season, it was, like,

tied to the top of a bush,
and then,

in, like, those little cracks
of those things.

And so, I think the era
of the landmark

has kind of, like, passed.


Venus keeps following me around

as I'm looking for an idol.

So, I automatically
just sit down

and stop searching.

I don't want her
to know if I find it.

Realistically, Hunter, if we do
go into any kind of merge,

we have to pick out
who the biggest threat is.

People might be thinking you.

Okay, but you don't think that?

No, I do, but I...

So you want
to vote me out today?

I don't because
I consider you a meat shield.

Come on, man.

I know that
I am a huge challenge threat.

That's why I'm looking
for idols and stuff.

I wish she would just
leave me alone.

Can you believe
we're halfway through

and we haven't even
started playing?

-It's unheard of.
-It's pretty fun.

Thank you.

-I'm rooting for you.
-I'm rooting for us,

for Nami.

After our really cagey,

awkward conversation,

Venus finally decides
to leave me alone.

And then I can get back
to really looking.

So much time spent looking
for this stupid thing.

And then I see it--
the Beware Advantage.

It's about time.

Oh, golly.

Forget that.
We're looking at it.

I know being the biggest
challenge threat

is making a target on my back.

So I snatched that thing up
as fast as I could.

"Dig directly below the spot

where you found
the Beware Advantage."

Well, I started digging,
and I find a big old box,

and the box has a lock on it,

but there's a little scroll
on it.

And it says, "There is a hidden
immunity idol in this box,

but the box requires a key
to open it."

Oh, boy.

"The location of the key
will remain a mystery

"until after your tribe loses
a future immunity challenge.

"Once your tribe loses,

"return to this location
to receive further instructions.

"Until you have taken possession
of the idol,

you cannot vote
at Tribal Council."

I do want to have this idol,

but now I have to wait
until my tribe loses?

Looking at the performance
of the other tribes,

it doesn't look like
it's gonna happen very soon.

Thankfully, there's a clause
that says if we don't lose,

I still have an opportunity
to get it.

I know

that I am in trouble
if the merge hits.

I know that I need
as many weapons and tools

as I can have
going into it, and so,

this could be
game-changing for me.

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

Q: We have it rough right now,

and we still don't have flint.

And it's rain

just about every day.

Plus, I'm hungry,
I haven't eaten in ten days.

And sleeping on the bamboo,
sitting on the bamboo,

hell, even looking
at the bamboo at this point--

it's getting on my nerves.

No tree mail.

I'm sure he's fine.

We've gone through hell.

We're the only tribe,
on day ten,

who has even stepped foot
into Tribal Council.

And for Tiff and I,
it's almost comical.

What will Yanu lose today?

[both laughing]

But we are in a tough spot,

and it just seems to be getting
tougher and tougher.

And Q is starting
to get, like, really down.

We can make it.

We've, like,
already fought so hard,

and I don't see
either one of us,

like, stopping anytime soon.

-I might.

-Say ...


-KENZIE: Don't say that.
-Q: I already told you.

Are you serious about that?

-Like, you would
just want to go?

It's not giving up.
It's accepting.

This morning, I could tell
something was off.

So now, Q has thrown himself
on the sword.

He's telling us
he's ready to go.

If someone's saying,
"Send me home,"

that's one step closer
for me to the end.

Let's just win.

It's tempting
to just give up and go home,

but I would never do that.

The reality
of the situation is this.

Regardless of the conditions,
I'm willing

to pass out and die
before I quit.

But I don't want Kenzie

to know that,
because if we have to

go back to Tribal,

I want Kenzie comfortable

so she's not gonna play
her Shot in the Dark.

I've been saying it
the whole time.

I got one number one
out here, and that's just real.


Hey, have you noticed,

when Kenzie walk up, the first
thing she always asked is...

Yeah, I noticed that.

What are y'all talking about?


What are y'all talking about?

Chopping up wood.

What are y'all talking about?

Coconuts versus papayas.

What are y'all talking about?

Q over here telling us
to write his name down.

It would be devastatingly hard

if we go to another
Tribal Council,

especially for me, because

Kenzie's expecting me to vote Q

and Q's expecting me
to vote Kenzie,

which puts me
in a really tough position.

It forces me to have to choose
between my two tightest allies.

So I'm praying

we don't have to go back
to Tribal Council

so I don't have
to make that decision.

MORIAH: We just need
to get this fire going.


Hmm? I don't...
I don't feel nothing yet.

Tiki Man, everybody... everybody
want to be in our business.

Everybody want to know
what we're talking about.

♪ ♪

I feel fine.

I'm getting hungry,

but I'm drinking enough.

I haven't pooped,
so I don't know, like,

whether or not to be concerned.

I'm talking to Tiki Man.


But I feel good nevertheless.

You know, it is what it is.
It's Survivor.

And I'm just trying
to see it through for my family.

Somebody moved
the Beware Advantage.

I'm trying to figure out who.

Somebody lied
and made me dig three feet.

That would be the dickest move
to make people dig

-for three days.
-MORIAH: Yeah.

-And give 'em no...
-And k*ll a tree.

I have no idea who

put it there to play with us.
These people are nuts.

I'm talking about my tribe.
Siga is nuts.

Like, right now,
we're all suspects.

I do feel like I trust Ben.

We vibe, we're hanging out.

♪ Brotherly love.♪

Same for Maria.

The parent connection
is strong for us

since the beginning.

-And I still feel confident
in you, Charlie, Ben and I.

And Charlie. I think
we're a really strong four

-going forward.
-Yeah, I think so.

TIM: I have a feeling
about who did it.

So I'm excited about
putting the pieces together.

How you moved
the Beware Advantage?

What Beware Advantage?

I don't know about that.

-So you don't have an idol?
-I don't have an idol.

Why are you freaking out?

I feel... I feel...
You're gonna make me upset.

I really feel like
I'm on the bottom.

Don't get u...
Nobody's on the bottom.

I don't believe her.

like, acted weird.

Ugh! I don't like it.
I do not like it.

Somebody moved
that Beware Advantage, yo.

I think so, too.

I'm not-I'm not sure,
but I think

she's fooling me
and everybody else.

You and Mo not tight?
So who you tight with? Just me?

-I hon... Can I be honest?

I don't feel like I have, like,
a very tight relationship

with anybody, so I don't know
what's going on in your head.

Tim's coming at me
so hard for information, but

I'm a fantastic liar.
I just found it out.

'Cause usually,
at home when I lie, I giggle.

And, like,
my husband knows when I lie.

But I haven't giggled at all.
Like, I just lied.

What are you thinking...
if you had to vote?

We are. Bros are tight.

Ben and Tim think
they're running the show,

but the girls have control,
which is great,

'cause when
you're playing this game,

it's either you or them,
and that's how I see it.

So it's either me

or Ben or Tim and so,
it's better them than me.

♪ ♪

Come on in.

♪ ♪

I love the reaction, Moriah.

Hello, Jeff.

Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

Getting your first look
at the new Yanu tribe.

Bhanu voted out
at the last Tribal Council.

All right, shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?

-[all voicing assent]
-PROBST: First things first.

Got to take back the idols.

Thank you, Moriah.

Tevin, come on, give it up.

-Jeff, please.
-Don't make me take it.

-[Tevin laughs]

Once again...

immunity is back up for grabs.

All right.

For today's challenge,

one at a time,
you're gonna race

through a massive,
three-level obstacle course,

collecting keys along the way.

Once everybody's at the finish,
one person will use those keys

to unlock a long hook.

You'll use the hook
to release sandbags.

You will then race to fire those
sandbags at a series of targets.

First two tribes to finish

win immunity,
safe from the vote.

In addition,
playing for a reward.

Want to know what's playing for?

-Yes, please, Jeff.
-[all voicing assent]

-SODA: Food.
-I think you're gonna like it.

-SODA: Food.
-TEVIN: Please.

[all cheering]

Oh, Jesus Lord, my God.

I told you.

Pastries and fruit...

-TEVIN: My God!
-SODA: I called it.

...for the first tribe
to finish.

For the second tribe to finish,
a smaller sampling

-of the same thing.
-TEVIN: That's all good.


[indistinct chatter]

Last tribe to finish,
otherwise known as?

The losers.

I thought they might say Yanu.

[all groaning]

-Jeff, come on!
-That's crazy, Jeff.

-Jeff, don't be dirty.
-TIFFANY: That's crazy. Wow.

-I'm just saying.
-You're so sassy.

PROBST: Last tribe to finish,
Tribal Council

where somebody will be the fifth
person voted out of this game,

and as a penalty for losing,
I will keep your flint.

Yanu, you are still working
to earn yours.

And I would like
to take a moment,

because we love records
on Survivor.

Yanu, you have endured longer
than any tribe in the new era

without your flint-- 11 days.

That is a record.

And if you lose this challenge,

you will hold another record.

The most immunity losses

in a season in the new era.


If that's not inspiration,

I got nothing for you.
All right.

Let's get to sit-outs.

Nami, sitting two people out.

Cannot sit out
in back-to-back challenges.

Tevin must compete.
Who's it gonna be?

I'll sit out.

Soda and Liz gonna sit out.

All right, Siga,
Jem and Maria must participate.

Who are you gonna pick to join?

-It's gonna be Tim.

So Moriah, Charlie and Ben
gonna be the sit-outs.

All right, sit-outs, take a spot
on the bench. Everybody else,

give you a minute to strategize.
We'll get it on.

Let's go, Yanu!

♪ ♪

All right, here we go.

For immunity and reward.

Survivors ready?

-SODA: Let's go, Nami!

Kenzie, Tim
and Hunter out first.

Let's go, Nami!

A massive obstacle course.
You've got to collect

three keys in order.

One, two, then three.

Let's go, Siga!

Tim has the first bag for Siga.

[Ben whoops]

-Tim of the jungle!

Hunter has the first bag
for Nami.

-Let's go, baby!

Challenge w*r board!

It is Tim in the lead,
then Hunter.

Kenzie's got a bag for Yanu.

Let's go, Tim!

Tim is ripping through this.

He doesn't even use the ladder.

Tim at the third bag.

Hunter's got his second bag.

-BEN: Yes, Tim! You're flying!

Tim is across.

Go, Siga! Go, Nami!

Here comes Maria.

-Here comes Tevin.
-MORIAH: Come on, Maria!

-TIFFANY: Come on, Kenz.
-Oh, my God.

Come on, Kenz!
Come on, Kenz! Let's go!

Kenzie falling behind for Yanu.

She's got the second bag.

-Maria at her first bag.
-MORIAH: That's it, baby girl!

Tevin at his first bag.

Let's go, Tevin! Let's go!

Kenzie finally has
her third bag.

-And falls.

Go, Yanu!

Here comes Tiff.

Go, Maria! Use that leg!

Siga and Nami are side by side.

Maria and Tevin, pastries
and immunity on the line.

Tevin has his second bag.
Maria has hers.

Here's Tiff for Yanu.

Dead last, a familiar spot.

Tevin working
on that third bag.

All right, Maria!

Get 'em on the table.

-Go, Nami!
-HUNTER: Let's go, V!

Here comes Venus.

Maria's got the third bag.
Go, Siga!

-Here comes Jem.
-CHARLIE: Let's go, Jem.

-HUNTER: Let's go, V!
-SODA: Let's go, V!

You got this, Tiffany!

Yanu really taking a long time.

Tiffany has all three.

It's Q on the course now.

-HUNTER: There you go, Venus.
-TEVIN: You got it, V.

There goes Venus working her way
to that second bag.

My little woman stick bug.

-Jem going for the second bag.
-[overlapping shouting]

Q has got a lot
of time to make up.

-KENZIE: You got this, Q!
-PROBST: He's trying to get Yanu

back in this.

They have yet to win an immunity
challenge this entire season.

overlapping chatter]

-PROBST: Jem has a second bag.
-TEVIN: Let's go, Venus.

-You're good.
-PROBST: Venus has
her second bag.

You got it, Q!

Q with his first bag.

-KENZIE: You got this, Q!
-BEN: Let's go, Jem!

-PROBST: Jem has her third.

-You're good, baby. Come on.
-PROBST: You're good, Siga.

It's gonna be Tim
working the rope.

You're good, Nami. It's gonna
be Hunter on the rope for Nami.

First you got
to find the three keys

and figure out
which one unlocks your hook.

Good luck, baby.

Q working on that third bag.
He's got it.

Got to get down.

You're good!

It's gonna be Q.

HUNTER: Is that it?
-TEVIN: Nothing but luck, baby.

Now Hunter
has his hook unlocked.

He can start
working on the rope.

Tim still looking for the key.

Here's the opportunity
for Yanu to get back in it.

And just like that,
Q has the hook for Yanu.

They got a shot.

Still looking for
their first taste of victory.

You've got to untwist that rope.
All of it.

Few more, baby.

-BEN: Let's go, Tim!
-CHARLIE: You got this, Tim.

Tim finally has his hook.

It is Q, Tim and Hunter

trying to release that rope

so they can
release their sandbags.

That's awesome. Yes.

[indistinct shouting]

Hunter drops for Nami.

They can start
collecting their sandbags.

Tim has the bags undone.

You're good, Siga!
Start collecting those sandbags.

-PROBST: Q still working
on that rope.
-TIFFANY: Same thing.

Just reach out further.

Come on!

PROBST: You got
to get all your sandbags.

-CHARLIE: Jem, you're so quick.
Let's go!

Once they're all in there,
you're good.

-You're good.
-BEN: All right, Maria!

Here goes Tevin.

The massive Survivorslingshot.

Looking for three targets
to knock down.

So proud of you. You got this.

Just misses!

Come on. Try again.

Q still working on the rope.

Yanu is dead last again,

which is a common story.

-LIZ: There you go.
-Tevin again.

Knocks down the first target
for Nami!

Everybody's got
to hit one target.

You got it. Nice shot.

There goes Maria.
She misses.

It's Venus now for Nami.

Venus knocks down a target
with her first shot.

Nami down to one target left.
It's Hunter.

Maybe give yourself
a little slack.

Q has released his sandbags!

You're good, Yanu!
Let's go!

-VENUS: Hunter, you got this!
-SODA: You got this, Hunter.

You got it, Hunter.
Right here, for the win.

There it is, for the win!

Nami remains undefeated.

♪ Nami, Nami, Nami, Nami.♪

We're looking for one more.

Can Yanu get back in this?

Siga has not knocked down
any targets yet.

Here goes Tiff.

And she connects.
Yanu has their first target.

Maria, you got this!

Maria just misses.

-Here comes Q.
-[overlapping chatter]

Jem for Siga.

And she does it.
We are tied, one-one.

Anybody could win this
right now, including Yanu.

Yanu either gonna
break a losing streak

or set a record
for the longest losing streak.

There goes Kenzie.

And she does it!

Nami has two!
Maria hits

her second
right on the heels of Kenzie.

And it is a showdown--
Tim versus Q.

One target left
for both Siga and Yanu.

For the win right here.

-Tim, no.

-PROBST: Q... no.
-[contestants groaning]

Right there! You're right there!

This is the greatest playoffs
of the century.

Both guys quickly reload,
but Q is way ahead of Tim.

Come on, baby, Celtics, baby!

PROBST: There it is! Yanu wins

their first immunity challenge
of the season...


PROBST: ...sending Siga
to Tribal Council

-for the first time.
-[overlapping chatter]

-We did it!


And that is what
a victory looks like

on day 11 for Yanu.

Smiling faces.


Thank you.


Nami, once again,


-Thank you.
-Immunity is yours.

Nobody going home from Nami.

Yanu, for the first time
this season,

the immunity idol
is coming to your camp.

-Thank you.
-Along with it,

-your flint.

First time in 11 days.


-[Kenzie whoops]
-That should be
a game-changer, Kenzie.

Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, this is amazing.

Let's just take a moment,

since you have been winless.

What is that feeling right now,

Tiff, to be holding that idol?

Honestly... [exhales]

it feels so good,

but all I can think
about right now is that

I'm not gonna wake up
freezing cold tomorrow.

It's been so hard
sleeping without fire

for the last 11 days.
Like, brutal.

I'm just... I'm so happy, Jeff.

Kenzie, what's the feeling?

It's been a very long
losing streak for Yanu.

This feeling is new to us.

All we really know is losing,

and we have lost
half of our tribe.

So the fact that
we get to keep us together,

like some semblance of Yanu
moving forward, it's...

You know, we were preparing
for the worst this morning.

We were like, "What if
we have to go down to two?"

Because that's all we knew.

So this is just
a little bit of security

in a game
where we haven't had any.

All right, Nami,
you also won reward.

Large tray of pastries

and fruit will be
waiting for you back at camp.

Yanu, a smaller tray
of pastries and fruit

will be waiting for you
back at camp.

Siga, different story.

Tribal Council tonight,

where somebody from your tribe

will be the fifth person
voted out of Survivor46.

And as a penalty for losing,
you know what's coming.

Sorry for you,
I'm gonna take your flint.

♪ ♪

All right,
before I send you on your way...



Nami, you are
in charge of who goes.

Just like last time,
one person from your tribe,

one person from Siga,
one person from Yanu.

Who's going from your tribe?

-I'm gonna go.
-PROBST: Hunter's gonna go.

All right, who from Siga
is gonna go on this journey?

Any volunteers?

All right, Tim's gonna
go on the journey from Siga.

And you've got the Yanu three.

We're gonna let Q go.

All right,
so it's gonna be Hunter,

Tim and Q on the journey.
Grab your stuff, head out.

You will return back to camp
before Tribal Council.

Nami, grab your stuff, head out.

No Tribal Council.
Nobody going home.

-Thank you, Jeff.
-Good job, Nami.

-TEVIN: Thank you.
-SODA: Thank you.

Yanu, grab your stuff.

I know you won't
miss me at Tribal.

-Sure won't.
-PROBST: Head out,
enjoy the night off

and that well-deserved reward.

Thanks, Jeff.
Good luck, y'all.

Good luck, guys.

All right, Siga,
grab your stuff, head out.

See you tonight at Tribal.

We've been the vibe tribe
for the whole first 11 days.

Thing about vibes is
they can go from good to bad,

and it's just terrifying.

Tonight's our first time
at Tribal,

and everyone's got the feeling

of dread all over their body.

♪ ♪

Winning feels amazing.

I'm feeling the best
that I've felt in 11 days.

I'm excited, ready and eager

to have a bro moment
at this journey.

I couldn't wait.

That was a good win, man.

-I'm glad
you got your flint, man.
-Yeah. Man.

-I'm glad you got your...
I was pissed we lost, but...
-But we-we...

-we haven't eaten since
we got on the beach.
-Oh, yeah.

-Have y'all had a fire yet?

-I didn't think y'all did.

Only thing we've had
was one coconut a day.

-TIM: Damn.

So we're looking at one more
vote before a merge, possibly.

-If we get to the merge...
-TIM: Yeah.

the physical threats--

it-it's only really three of us.

We gonna have to stick together,

And the only thing
that I can think of is,

if you get
one person you trust,

-I get one person I trust,

-you get one person you trust.

So if we can do that,

-we can make it to six,
and may the best man win.

What about Tiffany?

-Is she with you?

-Tiff would be my one.
-Okay. Okay.

-I don't know who would be your
one, who would be your one.

-Maybe Jem.
-Maria's got the extra vote,

so I'm using her as my one.

She's strong, and we're both...

We're the only parents
over there.

-Maria for you
-Yeah. Tevin.

-And Tevin for you.

-Are we solid on this alliance?
-Q: I'm solid.

-I-I swear to you guys.
-TIM: I'm solid on this...

Hunter, myself and Tim

are the biggest threats,

So we agree that
the three of us

pick one person on our tribe,

and let's go to the final six.

I think that's a good plan.

-Want to read this?
-TIM: Let's do it.

It's a Survivorknowledge test.

We have to decide,

as a group,
who will go do this

Survivor knowledge test
and risk not having a vote.

I'm a superfan,

and I'm confident in my ability.

However, my vote

is way too valuable

tonight at Tribal Council,

so I don't want
to play the game.

Y'all superfans?

-I'm a pretty big fan.
-TIM: Yeah, yeah.

Are you-are you a superfan?

If you're a pretty big fan,
I don't know,

you might know
some more knowledge than I do.

-Q: You'll definitely
know more than me.

-I'm comfortable
with you going, bro.
-HUNTER: Okay.

-Best of luck, man.
-We'll see what happens.

-Thank you.
-Good luck, man.

HUNTER: The journey is awesome

because you have an opportunity
to meet people

and, you know,
whatever connections

you can have, I'll take.

And now,

if I can get
a big advantage from this,

it would be amazing.

Oh, boy.


Let's just see what all we got.

The journey is an opportunity
to test mySurvivor knowledge.

There's this long table,

and you've got
to put 20Survivor logos

in chronological order.

I'm a pretty big fan, but

when I watchedSurvivor,

my college roommate

was the one
who introduced it to me.

And he just
showed 'em to me in order

of seasons that he likes,
not in chronological order.

And so I was like, "Oh, boy.

This is not gonna be easy."

Well, we know that one.

But I recognizeBorneo,
season one.

First one right there.

Let's just start
putting these in, at least.

I recognize quickly
Pearl Islands

because you have Sandra
and you have Rupert.


All fromPearl Islands.

That was number seven,
right before All-Stars.

We know Parvati
played in Cook Islands,

before Tocantins,

because Parvati had won
by Heroes vs. Villains.

And so we know
it'sCook Islands

and then Caramoan.

We keep going.
I rememberTocantins,

which is Tyson,
like, my favorite player.

I just always smell
like flowers and exotic fruits.

You haveRedemption Island,
where Boston Rob and them

-come back.
-You gotta hustle

if you want to make a dollar.

I love those seasons, so
those were pretty easy for me.

Kaôh Rongis, like, the one

where Caleb passed out.

Panamawas before Cook Islands.

I think I've been
doing pretty well.

But, also, it's just fun
to walk down memory lane

and be inspired by all the other
people who have played before.

Eight was All-Stars.

But if this is number seven,
that's not possible.

So we have to figure out
where I'm missing something.

This is gonna be impossible.

Why didn't
I watch them in order?

I can look at these logos
and say things that happen

in the season,
but it wasn't questions

about what happened
during the season.

It was a question of the order.

There's a big gap here.
What happens between here?

This is 28. This is 22.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.

But as you sit there,

your brain's not
functioning at full capacity

because you haven't slept well
and you haven't eaten well.

And so you're like,

"I really need you
to, like, really kick in

and tell me the order."

Ooh. Golly.

Also, there's this timer
ticking in your head,

and you're like, "Did Debbie
come back for a Second Chance

or did she come back
for Game Changers?

It's nauseating,
frustrating and I'm pissed!

Pretty sure she came back
forGame Changers.

And so, as the timer's
running out,

I am as content
as I'm gonna be.

But, you know,

if I miss
even one of these things,

then I lose my vote.

Feel good about these
right here.

I mean, that could be the order.

Oh, dear. Time to flip.



Yes. Yes.


No. No.

No. No. No.


I got-I got those way off.

There, there,
there, there, there.

And then switch those two.

Not great.

Eight out of 20. Not great.

That is not a passing grade.

I lost my vote because I didn't
know the order of the logos.

Which sounds terrible,

but if this whole plan works

with Q and Tim--

the brochachos,
like, the meathead thing--

that's good for my game.

Those connections
going into merge

could be worth
a million dollars.

Always risky to put yourself
on that boat and take a journey,

but that's what
makes Survivorso fun.

Apply to be on Survivor.

♪ ♪

TIFFANY: What is this?
-KENZIE: Honey.

-It's blueberry. Oh, my God.

-That's the best thing
I've ever had in my life.
-In my whole life.

We just won
our first immunity challenge.

I have been starving,

and after 11 days,

no fire, no food,
we just dive in.

Oh. I'm elated.

Oh, my God.

We're literally just,
like, stuffing our faces.

"Give me this muffin."


It was beautiful.


I never tasted
anything better than that.

But most importantly,

I didn't have to
vote out anybody.

I still got Kenzie,
I still got Q,

and the comeback kids
are coming back.

-Hey, welcome back.
-Q: I'm so tired.

Yeah, like, I know
you're friggin' starving.

Where's the food?

We saved
you a third of everything.

That chocolate muffin
is bussin'.


That hit the spot.

Hey, buddy. You like Q?

-I like you, too.
-KENZIE: Isn't he cute?

-Fine time to come home with me.

The unbelievable happened.

Winning is, like...

I don't even have words.

Like, I could explode.
I'm so happy for us.

We finally got our flint.

So the record

now dies at day 11.

We never stopped fighting.

That's what life is about.

We've held on
through the 11 days

of no fire,
the 11 days of no food,

the 11 days of rain, and loss
and losing tribe members.

We've held this little spark.

And that was just enough
to keep us going.

We finally have a nice fire.

The first fire on Yanu

with a hibiscus flower
in my hair.

Just the way I wanted.

I'm so excited.

We don't have to worry
and, like, fight for our lives.

We get to just relax as friends
for the first time, truly.

Comeback kids.


We did it.

♪ ♪

MORIAH: Didn't fall
our way today, but...

-But, you know, I will say,

even though Yanu won,

and we're obviously here,
like, people need a moment

to feel a little sane.

-And I'm glad
they finally got one.
-MARIA: Yeah.

We've had a blessing
of a time out here.

Going to Tribal,

it's our first vote.
People are scared.

And we have this wonderful,

looming question mark
of what idols and advantages

are gonna come out
of the woodworks tonight.

Maria has an extra vote
from the first journey.

Ben also went on a journey.

He also might have
some advantage or a lost vote.

Who really knows? I mean,

Tim's on the journey, right?

Journeys are terrifying.

He could be
coming back with something.

And then, on top of that,
we have this mysterious

Beware Advantage lurking about.

And, oh, yeah,

everyone has a Shot in the Dark.

could go wrong tonight.

We've never
dealt with this before.

So I want to go idol hunting,
and I'm not talking as a group.

-I'm talking, like,
idol hunting.
-Just go do your thing.

-All righty.
-MARIA: All right.

Think everybody goes and does

-whatever they want to do.
-MORIAH: Yeah.

Oh, my God. I don't have
a vote for tonight's Tribal.

And as soon
as we lost that challenge,

it just, like, hit me.

I have to go back
to the place where I found

the Beware Advantage, because
now I get more information

to find the key for
the immunity idol in the box.

Oh, my God. Like, this is crazy.

I have to go back to camp,

get the machete
to go measure stuff,

and I know that I have to do

three different tasks.
And I'm like,

"The tribe is right here.

Like, how am I gonna
get away with it?"

All right, dude,
I'm gonna head out there.


I have to figure out
how to get my immunity idol

before tonight's Tribal Council

or I'm gonna lose my vote.

Every time I walk this way
or walk that way,

I kind of
see people in the path.

And I was like,

"Jem, you got to go.
This is your moment."

I have three different places
to measure.

The tribe's flag.

I need to also measure

the perimeter
of the tribe's boat.

I added it up, and it was 12.

Tree mail.

And then finally
the perimeter of tree mail.

And it's four.

"Boat times logo
plus tree mail."

is 24, plus the four is 28.

I need to go back

to where I originally found
the Beware Advantage

and measure 28 machetes
out towards the beach.

Fear crept into my heart.

I'm looking to make sure
nobody's coming. And then

I was like, "Okay. Let's go."

[quietly]: Please, please,
please, please, please.

Oh, my God.

Oh, yeah.

Hooray. I found it.

I dig up a rope with a key.

And that was the moment

I knew that that's the key
to unlock that box.

And emotions,
like, overwhelmed me.

[imitates musical flourish]

This is my dream
coming out here,

to find an idol, and I did it,
and nobody has any idea.

Now I got to make sure
that the women plus Charlie

are still going strong,

so there's no way tonight
that Ben or Tim

is not going home.

♪ ♪

So what do you think
Tim is gonna come back with?

He's for sure
coming back with something.

And I think
he already has something.

-So how
do we want to vote today?
-MARIA: I don't know.

How many votes?

I've got two.

-I feel really strong.
-I think we put three on Ben

-and two on Tim...
-MARIA: Yeah, two on Tim.
I agree.

-Let's lock down on that.
-MORIAH: I like that.

-But let's talk to Charlie.
-MARIA: Okay.

We have to go
to our first Tribal Council,

which means get
my extra vote from the journey.

And I'm willing to use it

Tim potentially has an idol,
you know?

So I think
we have to take out Ben,

and I think we're four strong
with Charlie, and so

the plan is very foolproof.

Maria's pretty confident
Tim has the idol.

So that's why
we're gonna put two on him.

-So he plays his idol,
and then Ben goes home.


Ben is the target.

Bam. It's like
my heart plummeted in a second.

I've gotten very close with Ben
over the past couple days.



I know. It sucks.

But he's a really big threat.


People are talking about Ben
as a big-time social threat.

He's a magnetic guy.

He's charismatic. He's funny.
It's true.

You know, people like Ben a lot.
I like Ben a lot.

And I want to keep him around,

because, ultimately,
Ben is an asset.

You're back!


-Let me tell you
about the-the journey.
-Let's hear it.

So, the journey is

whoever knows
the most Survivorknowledge.

Hunter says he'll do it,

and so-so I'm not doing it.

-Nothing happened.
I didn't get anything.
-BEN: Yeah.

I didn't play.
I didn't get anything.

JEM: In my gut feeling,

I feel like
Tim is not being truthful

about the journey.

And so we want to vote Ben out,
'cause that's just

an easy vote,
just in case Tim has something.

I know that
Tim doesn't have the idol.

I have it.

I'm gonna be bringing it
just in case

I need to use it tonight,
because I'm so worried.

Like, Ben and Tim
are up to something big.

So I have
to find out what their plan is

for tonight's Tribal Council.

-Look, I'm the judge.
I got the gavel.

-Listen, I know...
-Uh-huh? and Tim have
a really strong relationship.

-Everybody says that,
but you don't... we don't...

-This is Jem, okay?

Okay? Okay?

-So this is not...
-If you only knew
what we laugh about.

-I don't care
what you laugh about.

-But I want to be part
of the laugh is what I'm saying.

I don't know, dude.

-You're holding a machete.

-but, like, whoever you want
to vote for, like, let me know.

I will vote with you,
whoever you guys think.

-Please, tell me, honestly.
I'm all about honesty.

-BEN: Jem corners me.

She's trying
to get some information,

'cause she's gunning for me.
You just know when you know.

She's holding the machete.
So I grab the hammer.

I'm, like,
trying to hold my space.

-Tonight is do-or-die. Yeah.
-I know. It's do-or-die.

And I will not flip.

-I'm looking you
straight in the eyeballs.
-I know.

I'm not blinking,
and I wouldn't flip.

-Trust in your gut.
-It's, like...

She's like, "Go with your gut."

And my gut is telling me
Jem's playing at all costs

and if we keep her around,
she's just gonna

screw us at the next vote,
because she's so, like...

It's chaos mode.

And I know she's approached Tim,
'cause I saw it and I heard it.

Let me know who to vote for,
and look at me.

I will vote with you.

You're not looking at me.
Tell me what I got to do.

I'm just hoping we take Jem out.

The problem is,

nobody knows
I don't have a vote.

-Jem's in chaos mode.
-TIM: Yeah, I bet.

I had to grab the hammer 'cause
she was holding the machete.

And she goes,
"You know I'm loyal.

Like, you know
we can work together."

And she just
keeps interrupting me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Me not having a vote,
it definitely blows.

But, like, Jem-- she's kind of,

like, made everybody
feel a little bit on edge.

She's on endgame mode.

But if you come into a game
like this already thinking

about the million dollars
and you're not thinking about

every step along the way,
you're never gonna get there.

-Jem confronting
all of us like that...
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Now, potentially,
you don't have a vote?

Just assuming
I don't have it, right?

If you, Tim and Charlie
stick on Jem,

it's still a majority.

Maria and I have been
playing the middle

the entire time
we've been out here.

I go back and forth.
I think Maria

goes back and forth.

And right now,
we're at that crossroads.

Okay. Just tell me
where your head's at.

-[chuckles softly]

We can go with the women--
Jem and Mo--

or we could go with Tim and Ben
and with the men.

This is the thing
that makes me nervous is,

I heard you saying that
you're feeling close to Ben.

Just, like, you feel
bonded to him, and...

So I'll tell you
where my head's at with Ben.

We need threats in front of us.

-He's a shield.

And he is a charisma
rock and roll shield.

Clearly, Charlie's more

keen on working
with Ben and Tim,

but, you know,
trust is a big deal for me.

I think working with Jem and Mo,

we have a much deeper amount
of trust. Like, I don't...

I don't trust Ben and Tim.

I have flip-flopped
like a kid on a seesaw,

because I think that Jem

will be loyal to us
down the line.

We have to think long-term.

Jem and Ben

both have reasons
to catch votes tonight.

Yeah. Yeah.

-Okay. All right.
-Let's do this.

Jem's playing really hard,
making people

be very wary of her.

So you don't hit me
with the machete.

Ben's strength is his humor,

but that's just as dangerous
as it is fun to be around.

Tonight, we find out
the alliances.

Line in the sand.

At Tribal, there's
no more flip-flopping.

It's all about Maria and I

putting our cards on the table
and not looking back.

And all of a sudden,
you've got six people

who yesterday were hunky-dory,
dancing the salsa,

and today,

we're scared out of our minds
that our dream's gonna end,

you know, no more salsa.

♪ ♪

Behind each of you is a torch.

Go ahead and grab one,
dip it in and get fire.

This is part of the ritual
at Tribal Council

because in this game,
fire represents your life.

When your fire's gone,
so are you.

That will be the case for
one of the six of you tonight.

So, Ben, the upside
of not coming to Tribal

until day 11 is obvious.

All six people
are still in the game.

So what do you do,
from an individual standpoint,

when you all share
one thing in common:

you've never been to Tribal?

Definitely feels
like some Ozzy Osbourne

-"going off the rails on a crazy
train" in every direction.
-[Moriah laughs]

Everybody, I think,
is sussing out a vibe.

We've been calling ourselves
"the vibe tribe"

since day one,
and now the reckoning has come.

Maria, how does it impact
the first Tribal

when you've spent so many days
relying on each other,

surviving in the jungle, and now
you got to vote somebody out?

I think this is the time
where we rip off the Band-Aid.

And this is gonna hurt,
doing it at day 11,

I think, than having to do it
at day two or three,

because we gel so well together.

-We're even dancing together.

Yeah, we learned how to salsa
dance from Maria yesterday.

It's like being
at a retreat sometimes.

-Wake up, shred the aqua dump.

-Then everybody's, like...
-Yeah, normal retreat, yeah.

-Just to clarify,
we do not aqua dump together.

That's the one
solo activity we do.

But it feels like

we're living in
Survivorla-la land.

Jeff, it goes like this.

"I'm low on water.
I want to go to the well."

-"Okay, we're coming."
-Five hands.

And all six of us walk
to the water well

and to tree mail.

We go to bed together,

we wake up together.

-PROBST: Well, Charlie?

What all of that equals

to me is
massive blindside tonight.

I'm no math guy,
but it seems like

you've got the equation right.

You know, we don't have
a Hunter or a Q.

How we survive is by
being scrappy, by being gritty

and working together.
That was

necessary for us
to all get to day 11,

but we're starting to feel
the heat for the first time.

It's not just smoke. There's
a whole lot of fire around here.

Moriah, was there
much talk about

-idols or advantages
in the game?
-MORIAH: Oh, yeah.

There's the possibility
of an idol out there,

and I don't know
how many votes may be

at this Tribal at this point.

People may have zero votes.

Some people may have two.

There may be four extra votes
cast tonight.

I'm really bad at math,

so that doesn't totally add up
to me right now.

But I get your point, is that
there's this uncertainty

-because of journeys
about who might have what.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And then,

we're a hot mess when it comes
to, like, Beware Advantages.

We've had, like, a laundry list

of debacles over at camp.

Jeff, Maria found

what we assumed
was a Beware Advantage.

All the advantage says
is "dig down."

So we get digging, and we get
digging, and we get digging.

And then we rip the whole
tree up, and there's nothing.

And all six Sigas have been
pouring a whole lot of energy

into a whole lot of nothing.

-Over three days,
-Emphasis on "hole."

So, Maria, what's the conclusion

that you've come to?

-That you haven't found it?
-MARIA: Well,

that's a really
good question, Jeff.

I think that it must have

been found
by someone else before me.


So, Jem, you're in
an interesting dilemma

as a group of six because
you formed these relationships,

people that you like
and want to work with.

So was there any debate for you

about who you wanted
to vote out tonight?

I'm sitting here
and I am lost for words

because I'm still
trying to think

who I might want
to put on the parchment.

And there's no name
that's coming up.

Like, can I write
your name down?

-You can't write
my name down, Jem.

I'm here forever.

Sorry. Sorry.

Permanent immunity idol.

So, Tim,
what is about to happen?

Because even right now,
everybody's smiling and yet

a name will be written down,

and I'm guessing
one of the six of you

are going to be
very surprised it's you.

-Am I right?
-You're absolutely right.

But we might just
all be playing

a very, very good game
right now

so that nobody feels targeted

before we all start
marching up those steps.

Maria, that rings very true.

It does.
I think that

we all, deep down, know
what we're gonna write down.

I think all of us are lying

by saying we don't know
what we're gonna do.

Jem, do you think
that's a group feeling

or is that just
where Maria's at?

I think nobody
wants to rock the boat.

Just thinking about it,
there's so many options, right?

If you want to move forward
in this game,

you have to be able to,
like, trust the alliances

you made right now.

Ben, is it possible that
tonight's vote does more damage

than just one person going home

'cause you can no longer
trust everybody?

I mean, that's always
a possibility.

I know I'm still getting
a Siga tattoo either way.

You know?
We've all talked about it.

But, um, yeah, obviously,

you never know
if somebody's gonna feel like

they were on the bottom,
and if we get to another side,

why would I want to work
with those people in the merge?

So you never know, but
that's the thing about Survivor.

One vote,
one challenge at a time.

you get to your long goal.

Charlie, how will this tribe

be different
after tonight's vote?

I think it's a test of

can this tribe face a loss
and still be the vibe tribe,

or is the vibe tribe a mask
that we've been wearing

and after tonight,

it's been ripped off
and it's not coming back?

But I think, Jeff,

that at the end of the day,
we have to separate

emotions and game.

Easy to do?

Very difficult to do.

All right, it is

time to vote.
Tim, you're up.

♪ ♪

I'm so scared and so nerding out
at the same time.

BEN [whispering]:
No vote.

We'll see how it goes.
All right.

[whispering]: " when there
are six players in the game."

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody
has an advantage or an idol

and you want to play it,
now would be the time to do so.

Okay, I'll read the votes.

First vote:


One vote Ben, one vote Jem.

That's two votes Ben.

Jem. We're tied.
Two votes Ben, two votes Jem.

Jem. That's three votes Jem,
two votes Ben.

Fifth person voted out
of Survivor46:

Need to bring me your torch.

Jem, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning sponsored by


Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

"...and the game is about
to change."


[chanting]: Merge! Merge!
Merge! Merge! Merge!

Next time onSurvivor...

There's cracks
all around this island.

Oh, my goodness.

Baby, it's about to get messy.

The dumbest move.
With an idol in my pocket. Ugh.

Honestly, I did not expect this.

This was
a total blindside tonight.

But it was really fun for me.

I love that I replanted
a Beware Advantage

and got them digging
for three days.

So, I mean, it serves them
right, they voted me out.

