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46x09 - Spicy Jeff

Posted: 05/03/24 07:43
by bunniefuu
...or a fanny pack?

Come on, now!

Get the Q Skirt.

Oh, dear. [laughs]

Previously onSurvivor...

There it is-- a full-blown idol

that nobody knows about.

-Tiff has an idol.

I want Tevin gone.

I don't want
to get lost in the shuffle.

It's Tevin tonight.

I need to give

a signal
that I'm here to play, too.



the only person
that's going home tonight is me.

Wait, wait. Wha...

Uh, what?

-Can we talk to each other
for a minute?

Oh, boy.


Ninth person voted out and
the second member of our jury:


The tribe has spoken.

-KENZIE: What was that?
-MARIA: I don't know.


Uh... no.

I don't think anyone...


He just confused so many people,
and created, like,

massive chaos for no reason.

My jaw will not
come off the floor.

-MARIA: I know.
-I'm so perplexed.

Tribal was bizarre
because Q tried to quit.

Everyone was so confused.

But we had a plan
to get out Tevin,

and we weren't
gonna let Q mess it up.

If you want to "leave,"
there's the door, baby.

Like, walk out.

Don't make us do it for you.

I'm so mad.

-Honestly, I was... I was...
-I'm pissed.

I know. I'm upset, too,
and I was surprised.

Like, that just put
a massive target on him.

Like, I don't understand what

he was trying to have happen.

Q: Going into Tribal,
I was trying

to switch all the votes
at the last second,

and it caused everything
to go crazy at Tribal.

I felt guilty for screwing up
everybody's game.

And in my everyday life,
when I make a mistake,

I raise my hand,
and I own up to it.

So, I tried to take the heat

and kind of fall
on my own sword.

But in the end, they didn't voe
me like I asked them to. Damn.

I guess I'm too hard
to k*ll right now. [laughs]

[Tiffany sighs]

I really want to know
what was the ... point

of you telling them
about my idol?

The point of me telling them

was because of the six.

When we agreed, they said,

"Anybody brings anybody name up
within the...

the core group of the six,
we got to send 'em out."

TIFFANY: I'm just pissed, man.
I worked so hard for this idol.

But people know I have it now

because Q couldn't keep
his big-ass mouth shut.

The only reason I even knew
you said something is

'cause Charlie told me
in Tribal Council

that you told them about it.


And I had no idea you even
told them about my idol.

No, I didn't find out
until Charlie told me, bro.

If you run around

calling yourself
my number one ally,

why is you spilling the beans
about an idol

that I possibly could have used
to protect your dumb ass?

'Cause you couldn't
have your way?

Are you stupid?
Are you dumb?

Oh, my God, Tiff, do you realize

ever since
I've stepped on this beach,

I've done nothing
but try to put plans together

to get us to the final six?

Shut up, bro.

Play your own game.
It's so annoying

because now
I might have to play my idol

at the next Tribal Council

because the longer
I hold onto it,

the bigger my target
is gonna become.

-At that point...
-Why wouldn't you give me
a heads up?

-Like, now my game is sunk, bro.

My... Like, I'm literally
target number one

because of you
opening your mouth.

Tiff is mad tonight.

Oh, my goodness.
I'm in trouble.

It's like pie just
blew up in my face.

So I have to now work harder
than I've ever had to work

in this game
to get back in charge,

and if I do, it'll be a miracle.

Tiff is so pissed.

Because he should have told her,

-and now...
-I think there's something else
going on with him

that he was willing
to give up his whole game.

He's literally an idiot.

LIZ: I worked really hard
all freaking day

to get Tevin out, but now,

my move is
completely overshadowed

by Q.

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm kind of
on the edge here.

I'm just

really super pissed.

I was making this move

so that I wouldn't
get lost in the game.

Q was, like, the biggest idiot.

-It's like, "Okay, cool, Q."
-And, like...

"Like, you were a part
of my plan!"

-He was begging to leave.
-CHARLIE: I mean,

he never should have done that
in the first place, you know?

I feel so mad

because Q stole my thunder
from under me.

I wanted people to say, "Wow,

"Liz is a fighter
and she doesn't need to be led.

She is a leader."

I will not get lost
in this game. That's not

what I want to show my friends,
my family, my daughter.

So, when I get the chance,

I am gunning for Q.

Dude, last night was so stupid.

He's just mad
he got his game busted

and now, I feel like
if we take him out,

there's no weight to the résumé
'cause he blew his own game up.

-So it's like,
who's the real threat now?

Q doing that at Tribal is like,
"Hey, I'm a coward

"and don't want to be at the
bottom and reap the consequences

"of my actions, so please
vote me out so I can look like

I have a moral high ground,
even though I'm a total idiot."

You have no problem
ruining other people's games.

But then when it comes to yours,

there's, like,
a moral high ground?

-TIFFANY: Yeah. I'm like,

"You flip votes on me
because I don't want to..."

Do what you say all the time?

"I don't want
to do what you say.

"I don't want
to protect you at all costs.

-Bro, I'm out here
to play my own game, too."

What Q pulled last night

was a poser move,
trying to act like a noble saint

when really he just
destroyed his own game.

Well, I tell you this.

Even if he made it to the end,
he's not getting my vote.

-BEN: No, he's not getting mine.
-He's not getting my vote.

You can't just force

a blindside last minute.

Siga was never gonna side
with them.

Y'all weren't gonna side
with them last minute.

Liz was never gonna side
with them.

All they had was Tevin
and Hunter.

I love the mess.
I live for the chaos.

Tribal just
played out perfectly.

I got Tevin's ass out of here,
thank God.

And no one's gonna trust Q
from now on.

No one's gonna work
with the man.

And Hunter--
he was the king of the jungle

and now is the village idiot

because he was
on the wrong side of the vote.

They really shot themselves
in the foot in this game.

Come on, Hunter, Mr. Strategy.
What are you... What's your...

-HUNTER: Yeah, that's me.
-Well, I mean, yesterday,

you tried
to pull off a move, so,

what do you think
should be the move?

No, yesterday, I didn't try
to pull off a move.

-Q: Yesterday...
-Yesterday, I knew
the ship was sinking,

and I knew no one would get mad
if I wrote their name down.

Yeah, except you,
but you're always mad.

I mean, it's true.

No. I've been trying to work
with you since the beginning.

-Q: I knew you weren't...
-And all you've done

was stonewall me
and write my name down.

-So what do I...
What do you want?
-HUNTER: I don't know.

These bumbling buffoons,
these two dum-dum meatheads

who think that
they are running the show--

they've been exposed
as these two rats

who are, like,
trying for strategy,

trying for power,
but failing miserably at it.

Honestly, they
deserve what they got.

And now the rest
of their game is screwed.

The peace of knowing you're not
going home is so sweet.

Guess what, Hunter?

You write my name down,
you best believe

I'm gonna return the favor
very soon.

Karma is a bitch.

We had decided to keep,
you know, the group together.

And if anybody's going
against the group,

we got to try
to do something about it,

and to keep strong people in.

And all of those things
did not work last night.

Like, I felt like
we just kind of gave up on that.

-You think
I gave up on the plan?

You didn't think
I did my due diligence?

No, I... I am...
I believe you did.

Like, I get... I get that,
but, like, I had to play

my game, too, Q.

Like, I... like,
you got to respect that, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Last night, my game was totally

scrambled up
because of what Q did.

The three people that

I trusted the most--
Q, Tevin and Liz--

like, they're all done
in my book.

I don't want to work with Q,
I don't want to work with Liz.

and Tevin is gone.

So, I feel like the target's
on my back because,

one: I wasn't in the majority,

two: people just see me
as a challenge threat.

Tree mail!

But nobody knows
I have an idol in my pocket.

And so,

I've got to maneuver how I can

to try to just make it
through this vote.

I need to win the challenge
today and get

that necklace back
so I can really push things

to make moves
that help Hunter's game.

I knew it.

-MARIA: What?

"Three teams of three."

-Oh, no. Come on, bro.

"You decide who's who.

"Another joins the jury tonight.

Just make sure it's not you."


All right, me, Kenzie
and Ben are gonna rock out.

We're gonna rock out.

Tiff and I don't even want
to look at Q.

So when Ben was like,

"Y'all want to rock and roll?,"
we were like,

"Perfect. As long as we're not
with Q, yes, let's go."

Like, we don't even want
to be on a team

with the man right now.

-Yeah, so, us three.
-TIFFANY: Maria, Hunter
and Charlie.

And then Hunter looked
at Maria and Charlie.

They said "yes," of course,

because Hunter wins everything.
If Hunter would have asked me,

I would have said yes, too.

Doesn't take
much strategy there.

-That leaves us. Okay.
-Yeah. Yeah.

That was easier
than I thought it would be.

-LIZ: Okay.

So, the leftover team
was Venus and Liz and Q.

I'm sorry for them,

but that's just the way
the cookie crumbled.

-Let the games begin.
-[Tiffany whooping]

A trio of trios.

I was a little mad
with how the teams got split u.

I was the one stuck with Q,

the man who tried
to quit the game ofSurvivor,

and poor Liz, who has been

really suffering right now.
Like, she's on very low energy,

and the girl hasn't eaten
in, like, 72 hours.

So I'm on the underdog team
by a mile,

but I love being the underdog.

VENUS: Maria and Charlie.

Dang. This might be
the only opportunity right now.

For... a win?

Well, no, no, no, not for...
I'm saying just...

At Tribal last night, it was
a mistake to offer myself up.

It was a mistake

on their part now for not
taking me up on that offer,

because now,
you've given me new life

to play this game
how I want to play it.

I don't have to worry
about Tiff or Kenzie or Hunter.

Now that I'm here,

I'm gonna give 'em hell.

They can cancel Christmas.

Y'all control it today--

you and Maria--

this three-person challenge,

you have to compete
against Hunter at the end.

I am aware that a target

might be on my back.
That's why I have

to make sure
anybody but Q goes home.

Hunter is a physical threat,
and they want him out

way worse
than they want me out.

Y'all control whether or not
Hunter has a shot at immunity.

And depending on what it is,

-I don't know if I can beat him.
-Yeah, so...

I mean, what are...
what are your thoughts?

If you don't think you can beat
him at the end in a challenge,

you want to just give him
another necklace?

Q is telling me to throw

the challenge so Hunter loses?

That does not jive with me.
Not at all.

Throwing a challenge--

that's just yuck to me,
you know?

Not gonna do it.

We'll talk, man. Just-just...


Oh, we're good. Whatever
you want to do, let's go.

Yeah, yeah. All right, Q.

I don't want

to just be nestled in behind Q

and do whatever he wants.

After what he pulled
at Tribal Council,

Q is just a total wild card

and someone
who I don't really trust.

Q-- when we were talking,
he was like,

"You should think
about throwing it."

And I don't know.
That's just not really my job.

That's not my job, either.

I was, I think... Neither do I.

I like Hunter a lot.
Uh, I think he's solid.

-I mean, and I think
that's why he called us in.

He's like, "I want to work
with you and Charlie

-in the challenge." Yeah.

And I don't want to throw
something to make him lose.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Part of me is just, like,
"Q, after last night..."

That was just stupid.

-I'm sorry.
-I was... It was stupid.

It made... just left
the worst taste in my mouth.

Yeah. Me too. Me too.

Hunter's a threat because

he's physical,
but I like Hunter as a person.

And then Q, with the antics
that he pulled last night,

nobody's gonna want to award hm
the million dollars.

And so, for me, there are
bigger fish to fry right now.

I think Tiff wants
to have another conversation

with me about her idol.

Tiff doesn't tell me anything,

yet she says
she wants to work with me,

-yet she's lying to me.
-Yeah. Yeah.

And that's why
I cannot work with her.

-Like, I need her gone
with her idol.

To me, Tiff is
the biggest threat,

and I know she's talking
about me behind my back.

And we know that
she has an idol.

That's dangerous, so,

she's got to go.
She's got to go.

This is absolutely the time
for a massive blindside.

Come on in!


Good morning.

-Hi, Jeff.
-Good morning, Jeff.

-Good morning.
PROBST: All right.

Guys still looking good,
got to say.

-Chilling pretty hard.
-PROBST: All right.

Shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?

-[all voicing assent]
-First things first, Hunter.

Got to take back the necklace.

Wow, look at that. Now, see?

He meets me halfway.

That's how
we're supposed to do it.

[Probst chuckles]

Once again,
immunity is back up for grabs.

This morning in tree mail,

you were instructed
to divide into groups of three.

Big decision, because
you want a group strong enough

to get you to the end,
but a group not so strong

that you don't have a shot
to win if you get to the end.

Tiff, walk me through
this morning.

How did you decide
on who was gonna run with who?

It was super random.
Ben looked at me and said,

"You ready to rock?"
I said, "Let's go."

And then Kenzie said,
"Cool. Me too."

Like, it was
just super random.

Venus, how did you end up
on your group?

Oh, I was, like, the last one
to walk into that conversation.

So I was like,
"Okay, this is my group."

Charlie, I am stunned.

Security in the game.

Winning one immunity challenge
could keep you safe

at the one Tribal Council that
you actually need to be safe at.

-And I keep getting

the same answer from everybody,
which is,

"I just took whatever.
Hey, it was kind of 'rock on.'"

Here's what I think it is, Jeff.
I think

last Tribal--
totally unpredictable,

muddier than ever,
and people are afraid

of saying, you know, "I'm gonna
pick you, you and you."

And then all of a sudden,
"Is that a trio?

Did I miss out on something?"

So I think people just wanted
to go completely casual

and not put any target
on anything.

I have a different take.

-Uh, I don't even
think it's fear

so much as it is
people kind of just

trying to get away
from chaotic energy

-and distancing themselves.

-That's a better way.
-People are kind of just...

That's a better way
of putting it.

"I see it's a little chaotic
over there.

Let me step to this side."

-PROBST: Clearly,

-they're talking about Q.
-Yes, we are.
-Q: They might be, Jeff.

-It's okay.
TIFFANY: We'll just go
and call a spade a spade.

-PROBST: Yeah, might be.
They are.
-It's okay.

-I mean, I was at Tribal, too.
-Q: Yeah, yeah.

Well, I don't think a lot of
people were trying to avoid it.

I think the old Yanu, maybe.

Maybe Tiff was trying
to avoid it, so...

No, it wasn't just me, babe.

-You became chaotic
for everybody.
-Okay. It wasn't a discussion.

Let's see. Show me your three.
Get together.

-KENZIE: Vibe Tribe.

-I'll come to you.
-Team Khaki, almost.

There we go.

All right, so,
Hunter, Charlie and Maria

gonna run as a group.

Q, Liz and Venus
gonna run as a group.

Ben, Tiff and Kenzie
gonna run as a group.

All right, let's get to it.

Today's challenge runs
in stages.

At each stage,
the last group is out.

Here's how it works.
For the first stage,

one at a time, you're gonna
cross a hinged balance beam

and grab a pair of handles.

You'll then use those handles

to transport a buoy
across a second balance beam.

Once everybody's across,
you'll work together

to dig up three rope rungs.

The first two groups
to finish move on.

The last group is out.

For the second stage, you'll use

those rope rungs
to build a rope bridge.

Once everybody's
built their bridge,

each player in the group
is responsible for landing

one ball on a small ring.

First group to finish moves on.

For the final round,

the winning group
is now competing

against each other
for individual immunity.

You're gonna balance
with your feet

on a narrow perch,
your hands behind your head,

holding on to a handle.

If at any point,
hand comes off the handle,

foot comes off the perch,
you're out.

Last person left standing
wins immunity,

guaranteed a spot
in the final eight.

Losers, Tribal Council,

where somebody will be
the tenth person voted out,

become the third member
of our jury.

I'm gonna put
my Survivorfan hat on again

and go out on a limb right now,
Q, and say that

you, Liz and Venus are first out
and have no shot.

-[Ben whoops]
-KENZIE: Geez.
-PROBST: Let's see.

-Thanks. Thanks for that, Jeff.
-[overlapping chatter]

Prove me wrong.

Thanks for that vote
of confidence, Jeff.

Venus, that's what everybody
watching right now is thinking,

-and that's what this game is.

If we can't say
what we're seeing,

what's the point
of being out here?

-PROBST: Agreed?
-I'm with that.

-Let's do it.
-PROBST: All right, let's draw

for spots.
We'll get it on.

-Here we go.
-Come on, Jeff.

All right, here we go.

First two groups
to finish move on.

Last group is out.
Survivors ready?

Go! It's gonna be Maria,
Venus and Kenzie.

Oh, yeah, easy.

First, you've got
to cross a hinged beam

and grab your handles
by untying them.

-Kenzie has hers first,

-then Maria.
-There you go, Maria.

Then Venus.

-Get it to tip.
-[overlapping chatter]

There goes Maria.
She's good.

Pick up that buoy.

-PROBST: Kenzie's struggling.

Venus is across,
Kenzie's across.

Now you put the handles
in the buoy

-and cross another balance beam.
-There you go, Maria.

-You got it,
you got it, you got it.
-Kenzie's on.

You got to be in, though.
You got to be in the holes.

Got to be in the holes.

-Maria doing a nice job.
-You're cruising, Maria.

-You got this.
-LIZ: Take your time.

-PROBST: There goes Venus.
-LIZ: Go, V!

You're good! Go, Purple!

It's gonna be Charlie up.

Oh, my God.

Kenzie drops, has to go back.

-KENZIE: Sorry, y'all.
-Venus doing a nice job.

-You're good. Go, Green!
-You got this, Liz!

-PROBST: Gonna be Liz.
-VENUS: You got this, Liz.

There you go, in the middle.

Charlie has his handles.
-MARIA: Nice, Charlie.

Kenzie gonna give it another go.

-No. Kenzie drops again!

Yes, Liz. You got that!

Liz, you're good.

Charlie doing a nice job.

You're good, Charlie!
Go, Hunter!

Orange in dead last.

-Kenzie, take your time.
-It's so hard.

Purple in the lead.

Hunter now with the buoy,
moving quickly

across that second beam,
making it look easy.

Do a triangle.
Do a triangle. Period.

I'm trying, V!
-VENUS: You're good,
you're good.

You're good, Purple!

Start digging!
Kenzie might have it this time.

Get across.

Kenzie's good! Go!

-You got this.
-PROBST: Ben is on the beam.

-I grabbed mine.
-I got mine.

Purple has
their three rope rungs.

-Purple's good.

Purple moving on.

Liz, you got this.

-Take your time.
-You're good, Liz! Go, Q!

Purple has moved on. We're
looking for one more group.

Ben, you're good!
Get on that buoy.

Here comes Q.

Here goes Ben.
He has got to get across

for Orange
to have any shot at this.

And he's looking good,
but nope, drops.

All right, take your time.

-LIZ: Take your time.
-PROBST: Q taking his time.

Q very close.

You're good!

Start digging!

Come on, dig.

It is Venus, Liz and Q digging.

I predicted
they would be first out

and I'm gonna be wrong.

It's Orange
that is the disastrous group.

-[indistinct chatter]
-MARIA: Nice, Venus.

Venus has the first rope rung.

There goes Ben.
Can he get across?

-KENZIE: You got it.
-PROBST: You're good!

Go, Tiff! Tiff has a lot
of ground to make up

as Venus pulls up the second

-of three rope rungs.
-All right.

PROBST: This is almost over.
Mark it down.

-I'll own it. I was wrong.
-KENZIE: Sorry, Tiff.

-It's all right, y'all.
-There's the third rope rung.

Come on, give it,
give it, give it.

Q, Venus, Liz

moving on.
Kenzie, Ben, Tiff are out.

-No shot at immunity.
-KENZIE: Good job, y'all.

-Good job.
-Nice job, y'all.

-CHARLIE: Nice job, y'all.
-PROBST: All right.

Give you a minute to organize,
and we'll move on to round two!

All right.

First three to finish
move on to the final round,

where you will compete
against each other for immunity.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Everybody building a rope bridge

using rope rungs,
from left to right,

then right to left.

It is Hunter, Maria and Charlie

taking on Q, Liz and Venus...

...for a shot
at individual immunity.

Hunter's now on his rope.

Venus doing a nice job.
She's gonna start crawling.

There goes Maria.

Q now getting
on his rope bridge.

-Liz doing a nice job.
Look at that.
-KENZIE: Let's go, Liz.

-All right, Liz!
-We see you, girl.

We got a challenge right now.
This is pretty even.

Nice job, Maria.

-Oh, Liz drops a rope.

-It's okay.
-Your feet touch the ground,

you got to go all the way back
and climb out again.

If you can get it
from there, great.

-BEN: Power, Venus!
-PROBST: Look at Liz.

Reaches down and gets it.

Hunter very close to the end.

Venus doing a nice job.

-Maria close to the end.
-BEN: Let's go, Maria!

Hunter's across.

-PROBST: If you want to help,

you got to go all the way back

across yours
and then circle back.

Hunter's gonna try to help now.

You can do that.

Who's he gonna help?

He's gonna help Charlie.

Maria's across.

Venus is across.
Is she gonna help?

-Nope. She's gonna go
to her mat.
-Q, should I come help?

-I'm good, I'm good.
-Good? Go, go, go.

-PROBST: Liz is good.
-KENZIE: Yeah, Liz!

[whooping] Yeah, girl!

-I love that.

Charlie's across.

Hunter's back across. Start
working on balls, one each.

-VENUS: Go, go. You're so close.
-PROBST: Q is finished.

You're good, Orange!
Start throwing.

This challenge is on.
It's now Venus

for Orange,

Hunter for Purple.

Requires a lot of touch
to get that ball

to land on such a small ring.

-Q: You got it.
-LIZ: Almost.

-Good job, Hunter!
-PROBST: Hunter lands
the first ball.

All right, Hunter!

-PROBST: Charlie's up now.
-BEN: Charlie!

Q trying to land for Orange.

Got it. So close.

Oh, Charlie very close.

Q trying to get one to stick.

He's going for that highest one.
That's the toughest one.

-LIZ: Come on, Q. Almost.
-PROBST: He's close.

Larry Bird in the cut!

Q has it!

Q has one for Orange.

Venus is back in.
We're tied, one-one.

Good job, V.

Venus with another shot.

-On and off.
-Q: Oh, Venus.

Charlie on

and... off and on.


Purple has two. Maria,

the last ball for Purple.

-Venus on and off.

-Maria can win it right here.
-You got it, Maria.

The winning group moves on

to compete against each other.

out, no shot at immunity.

Just take your time and reset.

There it is.

Maria has it! It's over!

Purple wins.

Hunter, Charlie and Maria

are moving on.

You are now gonna
compete against each other.

I'm gonna give you a minute
to get into that mindset.

Individual immunity on the line.

Take a break.
Get it together.

All right, everybody get up.
Get into position.

We're ready to go.


Let's go.

Oh, God.

All right, everybody looks good,
and this challenge is on.

-And it already hurts.
-MARIA: Yes.

Your head can move,
but your shoulders

and your butt have
to stay against that board.

And that's important because
if you move, you get relief,

which is why, if you do it,
I'm gonna call you out.

You also can't squat
to get relief.

There is no relief
in this challenge.

You don't want
to show any weakness.

You are too close to each other.

Predator and prey.

You might say
"Hunter and hunted."


Pretty good, too.

Everybody looking good.

Guaranteed a spot
in the final eight.

That's getting close.

Where you feeling it, Hunter?

Uh, weird, it's in, like,
the front of my knees.

How about you, Maria?

Uh, pretty much
everywhere, Jeff.




Maria is out
out of nowhere.

-Good job, Maria.
-Good job, Maria.

And we have another showdown
in a rematch.

It is Charlie versus Hunter.

Hunter won last time.

Charlie wants
to change that this time.

Three words: chill mad hard.


I don't think there's anything

chill about this challenge, man.

It looks painful.

Hunter on one end.

Charlie on the other.

Fighting to guarantee
to see day 18.

Been up there ten minutes.

Every minute an eternity.

[fly buzzing]

-BEN: Uh-oh.
-LIZ: Oh.


Hunter's had a little bit
of movement,

but locked back in.

Charlie's been really stable.
Who knows

what's going on inside the minds
of Hunter and Charlie,

how much pain management
is going on.


-LIZ: Oh.
-BEN: Oh. Oh.

Got to hang in
as long as you can.

You don't know when the other
person's gonna drop.


-PROBST: They could be
seconds away from calling it,

waiting for you to drop.

Don't give 'em
that satisfaction.

You got to earn it out here.


Oh, I'm off, I'm off,
I'm off, I'm off.

-[exclaiming, cheering]
-PROBST: Hunter's out.

Charlie wins
individual immunity,

safe tonight at Tribal Council,

guaranteed a spot
in the final eight.

Another showdown
from Charlie and Hunter,

with a different result

-this time.
-[Kenzie whoops]

-Good job, guys.
-PROBST: Well done.

That is a painful challenge.

[indistinct chatter]

Good job. You k*lled it.

-CHARLIE: Good job.
-LIZ: That was crazy.

Charlie, come on over.


Oh, man.

I'll take it.
I'll take it.

Charlie, safe tonight
at Tribal Council.

Cannot be voted out.

Guaranteed a spot
in the final eight.

We're not at the end,
but we're getting there.

What is the sense of security?

That's what this offers.

You aren't going home tonight.

That feeling
is something you can

never get on Survivor.
Never, never, never.

And it... What it is
is, all of a sudden,

all of the gears
in your brain...

...can stop moving for a second.

So, it lets you get
some clarity

and safety.

All right, you are safe tonight.

-TIFFANY: Good job, Charlie.
-As for the rest of you,

For one of you,
it will be the end.

Tonight, somebody voted out,
tenth person

will become the third member
of our jury.

I can't wait
to see you at Tribal

and hear about this afternoon.

Grab your stuff.
Head back to camp.

See you tonight at Tribal.

-KENZIE: See you, Jeff.
-Well done.
-BEN: Thanks, Jeff.

-KENZIE: Charlie, my guy.

I'm so proud of myself
for beating Hunter,

the top physical threat
in the game.

I didn't know if I was gonna
get one of these things. Like,

that was awesome.

We're on day 17

in the final nine onSurvivor.

No more quitting talk.
None of that.

Let's play the game
and let's play it hard.

Congratulations, Charlie.

Thank you, Hunter.

-Thank you all.
-TIFFANY: Good on you, Charlie.

-BEN: Charlie!

Guys, that means a lot.

-Oh, man.
-VENUS: Loved your comments.

Y'all were something else.

Today at the challenge,
Charlie beats Hunter.

In the back of my mind,

I'm like, "This is perfect."

This is exactly how I wanted it

to play out, because
it gives us many options

as to how tonight can go.

We can vote Q,
we can vote Hunter,

or we could
pull a blindside off.

And I love

having options, you know?

I love a world of possibilities.


So does anyone want to volunteer
to go home tonight, or...


I think the writing's
on the wall.

After last Tribal, everyone hee

either don't respect what I did
or don't like what I did.

And it's really my own fault.

If I'm here tomorrow,
it's a miracle.


Since, you know,

Q wants
to be Captain Big Mouth Pants,

I want Q out,
and I'm gonna keep saying it

until he's on the jury bench.


So I have to now somehow

come back
and rekindle everything,

because I still want
to have this adventure.

This is fun.

I want to cause some more chaos
tomorrow, probably,

if I'm here.

We made a six.

Yeah, I heard about the six.

Tiff has been in a group,

and it didn't include you.

-And-and I want...
-Yeah, you didn't
include me, either.

-And you want to know why?
-And I have, like, no respect
for what you did last night.

-You want to know why you don't?
-Talking about the idol,

the way you were leaving,
like, I just...

-But, you know,
you want to know why?
-I'm not vibing with it.

No. Q, I'm not
working with you right now.

-Like, I'm mad.
-I'm not, I'm not asking you
to work for me.

-That was it. That is it.
-I appreciate you
coming forward.

I'm not asking you
to work for me. I'm fine.

-I'm cool.
-Yeah. Cool.

-Appreciate it.

I don't care
what Q is telling me.

Q doesn't feel in control,

so he's grasping at straws
to get control back.

It was like he was telling me
all this so that I would get mad

-at you. So that...
-Of course
that's what he wanted.

So that I could,
like, go back to him,

because I'm like,
"Oh, Q, thanks so much

"for telling me about how
you left me out of everything,

but since you told me..."

"Oh, Q, thanks.
Like, let's buddy up."


Q, no one wants
to work with you right now.

We're target number one and two.

We don't know
which order we're in.


So, tonight could be easy,

but this
is a perfect opportunity,

because everyone
is so distracted

by Q being a mess
and by Hunter being vulnerable

that it's, like, the perfect
time for a blindside.

-I'm willing to bet someone
here's gonna have the thought

that if everyone's
distracted on Q

and everyone's
distracted on Hunter,

it'd be the perfect time
for a blindside.

-And if they
can pull the numbers, then...

I want to spice it up
to hopefully

drive something
that's a little risky.

You know, that's how
I want to play,

is calculated risk.

And this is a good time

to grab it by the horns
and make a move.

-I have a plan.
-[laughs]: Okay.

But it cannot leave right here.


[clicks tongue]

How do you feel
about Tiff's idol?

-Tiff's feeling
so comfortable...
-MARIA: Mm-hmm.

-that now we could
pull off a blindside. Easy.

-KENZIE: Easy.

Tiff has been my number one
this whole game.

I understand that.

And her and I
are very competitive people.

I love her so much for it

and I respect her for it,

but it's always gonna be like,
"You or me first, girl."

And so I would rather go out

swinging than eating popcorn
on the sidelines.

-Please do not tell anyone
outside of this.
-MARIA: Yeah. No.

-I'm not going to.
I have no option.

One, three, four.
We need one more.

-MARIA: Is Ben down?

I'm down. Yeah.

Tiff is so mad at Q
and so distracted

-that there's no way
she'd play her idol tonight.
-MARIA: Okay.

-But I swear I will
get sent home if this gets out.
-MARIA: Yeah, yeah.

-Nope. Nope.
-Like, please. Because
Tiff and I have been like this.

-Yeah, yeah.
-HUNTER: No, I-I...

It's gonna have to...
We may have to pretend it's you.

I'm-I'm super down. I'm down.

Do y'all want me to act
like I'm scrambling superhard?

What'd you say?

-MARIA: Yeah. Yeah.

HUNTER: Oh, boy.

When we get back
from the challenge, there was

just kind of
this miserable feeling of,

"Oh, like,
it is 100% gonna be me."

-[Kenzie laughs]

Not yet.

w*r is on, baby. Let's go.

Now, my gut feels like there's

actually gonna be
a Tiffany blindside.

That sounds great to me,
because, like, I may

have to play my idol tonight.
I don't want to.

It'd be great to have it later
and keep it a secret.

-Oh, my goodness.
-Okay. Can we talk about this?

-Yeah. Okay.
-Oh, God. I love this so much.

Listen. Yeah,
I'm like, I'm like, I knew.

-I was like,
"This is music to Maria's ears."
-Oh, my God.


MARIA: But, like,

it's Kenzie's plan,
which is fine.

This is way better.

I know. It's way better.

Yeah. This is wonderful.

You know,
I've had this thought of,

like, I need to get Tiffany ou.
She came for me.

And then in comes Kenzie

saying, "I want
to get Tiffany out."

-That's why we got to get her.

-I'm into it.

-MARIA: Kenzie's here to play.

I think Kenzie feels
that Tiff was never

gonna take her very far.

Kenzie wants
a big move on her résumé.

And I'm like,
"Damn, like, that's my move."

Like, I want to get Tiff out.

But I do worry, if
Tiffany gets wind of something,

maybe she tries
to play her idol.

If we focus on Tiff tonight

-Yeah. I want to...
-because of the idol,
and obviously, like...

I want to talk to Tiff,
if that's okay,

-'cause I-I want to try
to make her feel comfortable.

-All right, so here, here,
let me throw this at you, right?
-Yeah. Yeah.

'Cause obviously
y'all know I want Q.

-'Cause Q spilled the beans
in front of y'all.

Here's my only thing.

I will gladly write
Hunter's name down tonight

-because I know
he's a big physical threat.

-But I also,

I got to burn this idol
out of my pocket.

I have to play it.

-I just don't want
to be blindsided.

Like, that was
my only fear because

-I don't...
I'm-I'm fine with flushing it.

-At this point, I don't
want it in my pocket anymore.

Because it's...
because it's a threat.

It's a threat now.
I don't want it.

I don't want this idol anymore.
I will play it.

I don't trust nobody
on this beach.

Once people know about an idol,
you can't lie about it,

because then
that's gonna make your target

go from this to this.

You don't think Maria
will try to flush

the idol prematurely, right?

I don't think so.

My biggest worry tonight

is that everybody lying to me,

and they gonna get me
and this idol out of here.

But the only reason
I wouldn't want to play

this idol is because,
asSurvivor fans, we know

when the idol is played, it's
coming back to the beach, baby.

And I do not want
Hunter or Q to get it.

So, I'm-I'm gonna... Yeah.

-Just, um... Yeah.
-All right.

-Okay. That sounds good.
Um, all right.
-All right. Cool.

CHARLIE: Unbelievable.

I was trying to make

Tiff feel like she's safe
and vote her out tonight.

All of a sudden, Tiffany says
she's gonna play her idol.

The idol has zero value to me

now that people know about it.

-MARIA: Right.
-TIFFANY: I don't even want

-this thing anymore. I'm ready
to burn it on the spot.

I don't even want this thing in
my pocket. Get it away from me.

-MARIA: Right.
-CHARLIE: An idol is scary,

it's unpredictable,

and it leaves Tiff

with a lot of power.

So now this game
is flipped on its head,

and we've got to figure out
what the heck we're gonna do.

Plans change

faster than the wind changes
in Survivor,

and the playing field
is wide open.

-BEN: Yeah.
-MARIA: Okay.

-Well, the Tiff
idol thing is huge.

So that plan

is shelved because
she may use her idol.

But she's like,
"I don't even want this thing."

Wow. Okay.

The obvious choice
would be to get Q out,

but when the time's right.

I'm not, like, blood hungry.

-So we do...

-We do, uh, Hunter.

-And then we try
and get Tiff tomorrow.

I'm okay with that.

And we can literally
drop this plan

-an hour beforehand.
-CHARLIE: Or less.

-Or less.
And be like, "Boom, boom, boom."
-MARIA: Okay.

Because Hunter
doesn't have immunity,

this is the right time
to get Hunter.



The plan to take out Tiff
fell apart.

And now we're in a position
where we could take Hunter out,

but I know if Hunter goes,

I have more of a chance
at winning something,

because he has crushed
most of the challenges.

We have to make sure
Kenzie's cool with it.

If you guys want me
to talk to Kenzie, I will.

It presents, like,
a golden platter.

You only get, like,
the T. rex in Jurassic Park

back in the cage one time,
and we've already done that.

I'm not trying to have a
Jurassic Park sequel right now.

I'm trying to get him out
so the playing field is even.

I'm just trying
to weigh the options.

-My worry is if Tiff
plays her idol,

I just think the consensus

is people kind of want
to get Hunter tonight.

We've been talking
about the Hunter thing

-for so long.
-KENZIE: Mm-hmm.

Let's just go
with the obvious one now

and let Tiff

-feel comfortable.

So you and Charlie and Maria

-want to do Hunter?

That's the way I view it.

I mean, I think
the Hunter vote's boring, but...

It's boring,
but it opens up the insanity.

I really wanted
to blindside Tiff,

but you can't blindside
someone with an idol

when she would just play it.

Now, everyone

wants Hunter gone,
because, let's be real,

Hunter has dominated
everything here.

Yeah. Everyone's in.

We're not telling them.

I would rather vote for Q,

'cause I can't stand him,

but I can't speak
for the whole group.

If the whole group
wants Hunter, fine.

We'll do Hunter.


I do love Hunter.

I do, too. He's sweet,

but, like, damn,
I can't beat you, buddy.

-I can't even
come close to beating you.

That's part of the thing, too.

I'm beginning
to feel pretty nervous.

I've been trying
to really get a good read

on what's going on.

You know, is this plan

to blindside Tiff
actually happening?

These people lied straight

to Tevin's face,
and he believed it till the end

and had me fooled.

And so maybe they're
doing the same thing to me.



Like, I fully trust you,
but I'm just, like...

'Cause they could
easily just switch.

-I mean, as far as I know,
we're good.
-I know. Okay.

I know, but... Yeah. [groans]

-But, yeah. Okay...
-I know.

-It's uneasy.
-I'm still...


I'm not naiïve to the fact

that it can still be me,

which is really,
really frustrating.

And so I am constantly
running the numbers,

and I'm thinking
about what has to happen.

I feel like the target's on my
back for a multitude of reason.

So I am 100% playing my idol.

Tonight is about surviving.

If I'm gonna play this game
to win, I think the idol

has to be a tool
that I can use not just

to save myself
to make another vote,

but to use it

to gain potential allies.

Listen, I have an idol and
I'm playing it tonight. Okay?

-You do?

So I think we need
to vote for someone like Ben.


All right. Ben.

I think people are lying to me.

And it seems like

Maria and Charlie and even Ben

are kind of in the heart of it.

Me and Ben don't
have a huge relationship.

Like, we haven't talked
a whole lot, and so he can go.

The guy with the glasses
right now is on a mission.

And if I can survive this vote,

I think we're gonna
swing it back into our favor.

I'm ready for a big move.
I'm ready for a change.

I'm ready to get the power back.

I think they're voting for me.

Wait, I'm so confused.
Are we not voting Q?

-Because I think it's, like,
basically set right now.

-It's not. It's not.
-Like, you're not gonna have...
But you don't... What number?

Okay. You promise
you're not gonna freak out?

I have an idol.

-I'm playing it.
-I mean... Okay.

You look like
you're unimpressed.

No, it's not
that I'm unimpressed.

So now I'm rethinking
the numbers.

I wish you would
have told me this earlier.

Yeah, this is,
like, so last minute.

I think the smartest thing
is to just stick with Q

and be in the majority.

Just play ball
with me this time, right?

And then we'll-we'll
own it together tomorrow?

LIZ: Last freaking minute,

Hunter approaches me, tells me

he has an idol.

He wants to vote for Ben.

No. I'm sticking
with voting for Q.

I think Q
is an absolute liability.

-I have an idol.

-I'm playing it tonight.

But if they are playing me,

the votes will still
fall on somebody else.

Wait, what?

Hey, Mayday, Mayday.

Hunter has an idol.
Current plans are in jeopardy.

And it's just pandemonium.

-I think he's bluffing.
-He could be bluffing.

I think he's bluffing, too.

I think he's bluffing, but...

if Hunter breaks out his idol,
I'm breaking out my idol,

because, just in case

all hell breaks loose,

I'm gonna be here tomorrow.

You're my number one.

-I trust you 1,000%.

Hunter drops this b*mb.

This is bad,

because we are all
about to vote Hunter,

and it's complete madness.

Listen, if we got to get up
and talk at Tribal,

-we got to get up
and talk at Tribal.
-Then there you go.

MARIA: Okay.

It's a disaster.

We literally
have two idols in play

and everybody's turning
on everyone.

Everyone's throwing
everyone's name.

This is messy
and dramatic and emotional.

We don't have a clear-cut plan.

Tonight is going to be wild.

All right.
So, last Tribal

was one
of the most unique Tribals

in all my days on Survivor.

I'm still not entirely sure
what all happened.

For a large part of the Tribal,

I didn't think
there was gonna be a vote.

Q, I thought
you were gonna just leave.

-Clearly, I was wrong, because
not only was there a vote,

it was a massive
blindside on Tevin.

Great gameplay.
Very entertaining.

But after you all left,
I did some thinking,

and I realized
it could have been better.

I just...
This is on me.

I just wasn't fully prepared.

I-I never anticipated
it could go like that.

So, on the off chance
that it happens again tonight,

I'm very prepared.

-I have a cushion.


I should have
done this years ago.

-PROBST: So I can really
sit back and enjoy, and--

-forgot the best part--

[grunts softly]
I brought some popcorn.

-Oh! Come on!

-You are such a Scorpio.
-[overlapping chatter]

-CHARLIE: That's ridiculous.
-VENUS: That's messed up.

-You've got
to pass that around now.

-That does not rock.
-PROBST: All right.

I invite you to my home
and I eat in front of you.

You're right. Okay.

-[excited chatter]
-VENUS: What?!

-Take it.
-Oh, my God.

-Please save me some.
-VENUS: Oh, my God. Okay.

-Please, y'all.
-TIFFANY: Everybody
will get some.

-Wow, Jeff. Wow.
-Wow. Thanks, Jeff.

Hey, I-I'm ready for a show.

Oh, my God.

I'm about to have,
like, a heart attack.

-Liz, can you eat popcorn?
-LIZ: Yes!

I haven't eaten
in over 72 hours.

Let's all just take a moment.

Liz can eat something
on Survivor.

-Thank you, guys.
-All right, Liz!

Thank you, Jeff.

-KENZIE: Yeah. Thank you.
-Oh, my gosh.

I think that's the nicest thing
Jeff's ever done on Survivor.

I thought spicy Jeff
was back in season.

-Oh, spicy Jeff is back.
-LIZ: Spicy Jeff.

All right, so let's talk about

last Tribal.

there had to be
some discussion about what

happened when you all got back
to camp or the next morning.

Yeah, there was plenty of talk.

There was a lot of emotions

and feelings and questions.

And everyone
wanted to know the why

and how it happened.

Tiff, that's really
the big question, right?

-Is the why behind it.

So, we came into Tribal

with one plan,
that we ex*cuted:

the blindside on Tevin.

Q took it upon himself

to try and go and sink my game

and it backfired on him.

He and I exchanged words.

It got a little heated
when we got back to camp,

and we haven't said
a word to each other all day.


-PROBST: Q, you're smiling.

Jeff, I'm happy.

'Cause I'm over the situation.

The way she explained that story
is not how it went down.

-Q: She sunk her own game
when she

started throwing out names,
and she got caught.

Oh, by the way,

he has been throwing
my name out since two days ago

because he's jealous of
something that I have going on

that he doesn't
have going on for himself.

But, in the interest
of protecting my own game

right now, I'm-a keep quiet.

-So, keep it going.
-Q: She's a liar,

-because at Tribal yesterday,
-Okay. Okay.

she was all happy,
and she didn't get upset

until someone
whispered in her ear

-The truth.
-that I told everybody
she had an idol.

Okay, this story
where he told everybody

I had a idol to save my game
was total bullcrap

because he was mad that I didn't
want to vote for Venus

because that wasn't
a big enough shield.

-The vote was never Venus.
-See, these the lies, Jeff,
these the lies.

-The vote was never Venus
-He been pushing Venus.

Just like you were
pushing Venus this morning.

You were pushing
Hunter name this morning.

-LIZ: What?
-I ain't say
Hunter name one time.

-Haven't said
Hunter name one time.
-I didn't know that.

-Yes, you have.
-BEN: Yeah. Okay.

-I haven't
said Hunter name one time.
-Come on now. Please.

You not gonna sit up here
and tell these lies, Q. You not.

I've been
at the beach by myself

for most of the day,
talking to no one.

It has.

So, for the first time
in a long time,

Q hasn't talked much at all.

Wow, Ben, I'm glad
I brought the cushion.

My instincts were right.

We're right back
where we were last Tribal.

Listen, crazy's
gonna reveal crazy,

and that's exactly
what happened.

It's one thing if you mess
your own game up and you have

to work back from the bottom.

That's Survivor.But then
to make a comment saying,

"I'm gonna give y'all
a fresh start

so now y'all
can play a real game"

was the biggest
slap in the face,

as if nobody's
been working together,

as if he's the only guy
running the show.

This, even right now, is a show.
There's a way to play the game.

There's a way to deceive,
outwit, outlast,

whatever you want to call it.

And now it's like, here we are,
giving him just as much time

as he had yesterday, when
we're all trying to play a game.

Hunter, weigh in.

Uh, I was confused last time
and I was on the wrong side

of the vote, and I'm
still trying to figure it out.

You know, last time,
it was a little more okay

to be on the outside of it
'cause I had a necklace on.

And so if crazy happened,

at least
you're protected from that.

But now the crazy's
happening all over again

and I'm just like,
"What is going on?"

Who does the crazy benefit?

The people that feel like
they're on the bottom.

But it's so hard to know
if you're on the bottom.

That's the thing--
is if the crazy happens

and it puts a target on
somebody else, that's awesome.

But other times,
the craziness is just a facade,

and the group
still votes the same way.

Maria, do you think
this is a facade?

Is Q just playing
a sophisticated game of crazy?

I don't think so.

-I think that Q tells you

what he's thinking,
shows you what he's feeling.

And that might
rub people the wrong way

or it might benefit people.

And I think
that the group has to decide,

either we live with the tension

and live with the chaos
or we don't.

Ben, how is it
that Maria's posing

a question like that at Tribal,

when you've had all day
to decide

if you want tension
or no tension?

Because sometimes
you have players

that are chaotic, and you can
just let them be chaotic,

'cause you know they're just
gonna keep doing their thing.

So it's like, you either
deal with it or you take it out.

And I think the game's
been chaotic enough

that we're kind of

operating on that chaotic
frequency to begin with.

Q, does this conversation
concern you

or are you comfortable
living in this space

of turbulence surrounding you?

Jeff, I am so comfortable

to the point
of it don't bother me at all.

So, whatever's going on
around me, it don't matter.

PROBST: So if everybody
right now is talking and saying,

"Let's just vote out Q,"
you're fine with that?

If that what it comes to,
I will take my torch,

I will put it down,
you will snuff it,

and I'll be
happy for the opportunity.

PROBST: Tiff, it's fascinating.

I don't know
what Q's real motive is,

but he said that last Tribal,
and you didn't vote him out.

-TIFFANY: 'Cause
we had other plans.

We ain't letting him
hijack our plans.

We had other plans.

So you don't mind the chaos?

The chaos has been the chaos.

The chaos is gonna be the chaos.

People are annoyed.
People are fed up.

And is being annoyed and fed up

affecting my game or not?

And if it is,
what am I gonna do about it?

Kenzie, Tiff said, "This
happened at the last Tribal

and we had a plan."

Does that hold tonight as well?
If there's a different plan,

then Q can say
whatever he wants,

but if he's not the vote,
he's not the vote.

Yeah, 100%. But I think it's
very apparent that a lot of us

are annoyed and very apparent
that a lot of us are frustrated.

And that's kind of
where everyone's at tonight.

And it's telling
that the Yanu three

are no longer together.

Unless it's a real smoke screen.

-Yeah, no.
-Been dead. Six feet under.

-It's dead. Yeah.
-PROBST: Dead.

We're about
to get breakup bangs.

-Like, that's
what's happening right now.

Like, we're all getting
weird haircuts to deal with it.

Like, that's what's going on.

So, Charlie, where are we?

I'll answer your question
with a question.

Can I stomach more
Tribal Councils like this?

But the game
changes incredibly fast,

and there's all sorts
of stuff being whispered.

Everybody knows it.
I know you see it.

-That's why I brought
the cushion.
-CHARLIE: I know.

I feel like I've aged
about 50 years in two nights.

Hunter, I think
a lot of times when people

watch Survivor,they question
if Tribals are live.

Any doubt in your mind?

-I don't know. [chuckles]
Like, like, for real.

Like, 'cause last time, there
were lots of whispers then,

and someone other than Q
went home.

That's terrifying.

And so I'm, like, trying to,
like, really read

into what people are saying
to say, "Hey, is this the case?"

Okay, so now
to the big question.

Do we need to talk more?

I don't.

I-I don't think so.

All right, it is

time to vote.
Maria, you're up.

Um, wish you all the best.

Have fun eating Tater Tots.

That was ridiculous.

'Kay, bye.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has an advantage or
an idol and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

All right, I'll read the votes.

First vote: Q.


Two votes Q.

Hunter. We're tied. Two votes Q,
two votes Hunter.

That's three votes Q.

Tied again. Three votes Q,
three votes Hunter.

Q. That's four votes Q,
three votes Hunter.

We're tied again.

Four votes Hunter,
four votes Q,

one vote left.


So we have a tie.

We're gonna revote.

You can only vote
for Hunter or Q.

Hunter and Q, you will not vote.

Maria, you're up.
Will you come grab the urn?

I'll read the votes.

First vote: Q.

Hunter. One vote Q,
one vote Hunter.

Hunter. Two votes Hunter,
one vote Q.

Three votes Hunter, one vote Q.

Tenth person voted out

and the third member of jury:

That's four. That's enough.
Need to bring me your torch.

Good job, guys.

-VENUS: You had a great game.
-Love you, Hunter.

-Love you, Hunter.
-KENZIE: Sorry, Hunter.

You played
such a good game, my guy.

-Love you, Hunty.
-Hunter, you rock.

-VENUS: You rock.
-KENZIE: You're the best.
-[sighs heavily]

It's kind of hard
to take all that right after

y'all voted my name like that.

You're a fierce competitor,
my guy.

There we go.

-Hunter, the tribe has spoken.
-Yes, they have.

Time for you to go.

Grab your torches.
Head back to camp. Good night.

Thanks for the popcorn.

-You're welcome.
-[Kenzie chuckles]

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Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH


These people are
making my mind crazy.


What the heck, you ho-bags?

Next time onSurvivor...

Q is causing chaos.

I want him the hell out of her.

Q blew up my whole game!

This could be
a game-winning move.

There it is,
in all of its splendor.

I had convinced myself
that I was playing my idol

going into this, but I was

lulled into my own doom,
is what happened.

And it's so irritating.

I loved the experience,

but not how I wanted it to end.

