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07x01 - Courteous? This is a Race!

Posted: 05/03/24 09:40
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

- I'm standing aboard "The Queen Mary"

in the port of Long Beach, California.

From this historic harbor, teams will embark

on a race around the world for $ million.

[dramatic music]

Helicopters are now racing the teams toward the harbor.

Each team is made up of two people

with an existing relationship.

The teams are...

Debbie and Bianca, lifelong friends from Virginia.

- Bianca and I just love to have a good time.

We know how to make each other laugh.

We're always goofing off.

We're silly, silly, silly, silly, silly.

We both like to wear high heels and like fancy clothes,

but we're not girly girls.

- Debbie and I are both fearless.

We're tough.

We are intelligent.

We're strong, and we can win this thing.

- [Phil] Lynn and Alex,

boyfriends from West Hollywood, California.

- Alex and I have pretty sharp claws, absolutely.

- [Alex] But we only use them if you tick us off.

- I don't want to be breaking any nails.

- [Alex] All the teams will love us, but if they were smart,

they would never get on our bad side

because it's all downhill after that.

- We'll scratch their eyes out.

- Mm-hmm.

When they're not looking.

[Alex and Lynn laughing]

- [Phil] Rob and Amber met on "Survivor"

and are now engaged.

- We both have a competitive edge.

But even on top of that,

we have this profound friendship turned into love.

- Rob and I are definitely looking forward

to a life of settling down and having a house

and, you know, one day having a family

and living that type of life.

But right now, we're gonna do what we have to do to win.

- We've gone through "Survivor."

We've experienced the sleep deprivation, the malnutrition.

Any problem that's gonna arise

is not gonna be a physical problem for us.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Ryan and Chuck,

best friends from Inman, South Carolina.

- Chuck and my size is not an issue.

And I believe that's what makes us look like teddy bears.

When we have to use the natives of whatever land we're in,

they just take up with us.

And they're gonna like two old fat fellas

comin' from the hills of South Carolina.

That right? - I concur.

Everybody's gonna think we're just two plain old hillbillies

until we open up and show them what we're really made off.

- [Phil] Megan and Heidi,

roommates from Oak Park, California.

- [Megan] Heidi and I are two halves of one whole person.

It's an odd thing to understand or even at that explain.

- When we come together,

we prosper and nothing is out of our reach.

People may underestimate us on the race.

Being that we're thin, we have blonde hair.

We probably look ditzy to them, but it's a game.

We will play the game.

- [Phil] Susan and Patrick,

mother and son from Hamilton, Ohio.

- Mom and I have no problem letting other teams assume

that she's little Susie Homemaker

and I'm little, you know, gay guy.

- Patrick and I certainly have a devious side to us.

And, yes, we're willing to lie to get ahead.

- We are not the Cleavers.

We are here for business,

and we are here to pick out people one by one by one.

- [Phil] Meredith and Gretchen,

married retirees from Maryland.

- Our key strategy from the very beginning

is that old age and treachery

can outperform youth and inexperience.

- I think naturally, I'll be kind of

the motherly sort on this trip toward everyone,

but when push comes to shove,

Meredith calls me a mother tiger.

When I'm being cornered,

the other teams are gonna know

that they're gonna have to look out.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Brian and Greg,

brothers from Los Angeles, California.

Biggest thing we've got going for us is

that Greg and I are brothers.

We know each other so well,

we're not gonna waste time arguing and stuff.

- [Greg] Brian and I are big goofballs,

but we're charming and likable.

- We've been blessed with the ability to make friends easy.

And hopefully that will get us far in the race.

- [Phil] Uchenna and Joyce, married from Houston, Texas.

- Uchenna and I tried having a baby, and it didn't work.

- We've had two unsuccessful attempts in vitro.

We've been laid off from several major corporations.

And the financial burden has been enormous.

We're looking to the race to respark our relationship

and really make a team of us again.

- Hopefully, when we win the money,

we can have the baby that we dream of having.

- [Phil] Ron and Kelly, former P.O.W.

and pageant queen dating long distance.

- I was in the Army.

I flew Apache helicopters in Iraq before the w*r,

and the third day of the ground w*r,

I was shot down and I ended up spending days in a prison,

and I definitely feared for my life every single day.

- [Kelly] Ron and I basically met

because I needed someone to escort me

when I gave up my title as Miss South Carolina,

and who better to have than a former P.O.W.?

- Good-lookin' P.O.W.

- [Phil] Ray and Deana,

dating on and off for three years from Youngstown, Ohio.

- Ray is a very, very competitive person.

I mean, I'm a very competitive person myself,

but I'm not that extreme.

If it's not Ray's way, it's the highway,

and that's where we butt heads.

- I don't know what it is

that keeps Deana and I together,

but it's stronger than what's tearing us apart.

[dramatic music]

- Can these teams stand up to the stress

of traveling together across more than , miles?

Who will come up with the right combination

of brains, brawn, and teamwork to win the $ million?

These are the questions waiting to be answered

as we get ready to begin "The Amazing Race."

[dramatic music]

In just a few minutes,

you'll be leaving on a race around the world.

The race is split into a number of legs.

And as you travel, you'll have to complete various tasks.

At the start of each leg of the race,

you'll receive a small amount of cash,

and that has to cover all expenses, except airline tickets,

which you won't need to pay for.

At the end of each leg of the race, there is a pit stop.

Eight of these are elimination points,

so you need to get to them as fast as you can,

because if you're last, you'll be eliminated.

Everybody understand that?

- [Contestants] Yes.

- Your first clue is waiting inside the envelope

on top of the luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word,

you can run over to your bags, read the clue,

and jump into one of the cars in the parking lot.

What happens after that is completely up to you.

The first team to cross the finish line will win $ million.

[contestants cheering and applauding]

Is everybody ready? - Yeah!

- All right, the world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.

[tense music]


[contestants shouting] [intense music]

- Fly to Lima, Peru. - Lima, Peru!

- Once there, travel by bus. - To Plaza de Armas.

- Search for your next clue.

- You may only travel- - On one of these two flights-

- Departing from L.A.X.

- United Airlines Flight .

- American Airlines Flight .

- You have $ for this leg of the race.

- $. Check.

- Grab that, let's go.

- Okay, let's roll. - All right.

- Let's do it.

- Let's go, baby!

- Just any car? - Get the black one.

Get the black one.

- Silver, silver, silver, silver!

- Okay, we'll take this one. - Pop the trunk, baby.

- Had shorty in here.

[dramatic music]

- Let's go, babe!

- Go, go, go.

- So get on the north, mom.

- Okay. - Honey, open the trunk.

- Yeah, if I knew how.

- L.A.X., here we go.

- Go, go.

- Don't let them, don't be courteous, we're in a race.

- We're following them. - Go, go, go!

- [Debbie] I can't move my seat forward.

- Okay, we can do this. - What the hell is this?

- Oh, god! - Ha ha ha!

- Lima, Peru! - Yes, Lima, Peru.

That's what I'm talking about.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

[dramatic music continues]

[dramatic music continues]

[moves into intense music]

- Let's go, babe!

- American Airlines departing at :.

- All right, we're out of here.

We're on our way to Peru, oh, my god!

- None of the other teams know

that we actually grew up in California!

- We know where the airport is.

This is great.

- You feeling good, G? - I feel great.

Just trying to see who's behind us.

- We're following the dark-haired, tall guys.

- [Kelly] We hope that they know where they're going.

- Go the speed limit. - I'm not even, I'm at .

- [Megan] Yeah, you are, you're going , Heidi.

- Oh, I'm looking at the wrong thing. [laughs]

- [Ryan] Go, go, go!

- Drive it like you stole it, baby.

Motorcycles, cars, big trucks, tractors,

if it's got a motor, then I can drive it.

- Chuck and I's whole goal about this is to do it well

and to beat everybody.

Left, left, to the left.

- I'm gettin' it, I'm gettin' it.

[calm music]

- Peru is like donkeys and blankets.

- Honey, I would hate for you to make

a sweeping generalization.

- [Gretchen] Here we go.

- Lima, Peru, can you believe it, honey?

- No, it wonders me why we're not being home

in our easy chairs in front of the fireplace

watching this instead of sitting here actually being in it.

- Who's behind us, nobody, right?

One team, I think.

- It's okay.

- Got it?

[car beeping] - There it goes.

All right, we got it.

- [Rob] So far, we're doing good.

- [laughs] We're in last place, but that's all right.

- It's all right, we left in last,

but we're going to get there first.

- [Deana] Don't let anybody pass you.

- Is that one of ours? - I don't know.

- There we go. - It's the mom, too.

- You got it. - Here we go, here we go.

- Thank you.

- [Deana] I should have driven.

- No, no, no.

It ain't about driving.

It's about rules, we got rules we gotta follow.

- I understand that.

But there's , people, they're breaking the rules.

Ray always thinking he's right pisses me off.

It irritates me, and he needs to start listening to me more.

- [Uchenna] The surfer guys are behind us.

- I'm going to pass these two.

- Oh, somebody's making a break.

We're gonna have to watch those two.

They're definitely in it to win it, you know what I mean?

[dramatic music]

- [Ryan] Uh-oh, got one comin' up on the hind side.

- [Chuck] There they go, there they go.

- Who is that?

- [Alex] Oh, my god, it's the hillbillies!

[passengers laughing]

- There go the happy boys. - Okay.

- They're uncomfortable

'cause normally they're in a tractor.

- Oh, there's the boys.

- The Barbie twins. [laughs]

- Oh, look, they're behind us, Heidi.

I am just loving them.

- So, Santa Monica. .

- [Heidi] I missed the freaking freeway, Megan.

Wait, what am I doing?

- Oh. [tires screeching]

- Sorry, sorry, sorry. - Oh, my god!

- I'm so sorry.

- Oh, they almost got in a wreck.

Damn! That sucks!

- I should not be driving right now.

- [Megan] Yeah, do you want to pull over and let me drive?

I want to do that, yes.

- Pull over and let me drive.

- Oh, my gosh!

Who are we passing?

See ya, big boobie beauties.

- Oh, my gosh.

They just got in front of me.

[Debbie and Bianca laughing]

I'm starving.

Wanna get something to eat?

How much money did they give us?

- $.

- This isn't "Survivor," you know, you can eat over there.

- Yeah, but I'm looking forward to losing some weight.

We need to lose some weight.

- [Megan] Okay, let's pull over and I'll get in.

- [Heidi] Yeah, I'm gonna k*ll someone if I keep driving.

- I cannot believe that just happened.

- [Heidi] Megan is a great partner

'cause she knows me well enough

to walk me through doubting myself.

I'm gonna lean on her when I need her for the strength

to get through what I'm about to do.

- I'm shaking right now. - It's okay, just calm down.

And we are perfectly fine.

- Man, my hands are shaking, I'm so excited.

- [Ray] Where are we going?

Peru. - Peru. Yeah.

- Got anybody behind us?

- [Deana] I can't see anybody right now.

- [Greg] We're there.

- Was that it, G?

Oh, my gosh.

That was Century.

- [Greg] Apparently, we just missed our exit.

- [Brian] Damn it!

- Kelly, you were a little out of breath there, weren't you?

- I was nervous.

[Ron laughs]

I'm hoping that the race

will show Ron and I about each other,

whether we are meant to be or whether we're not meant to be.

If my dream would come true,

Ron and I would win this race and we'd be together,

and it would be this fairytale ending.

Century Boulevard, that's on the map.

We've gotta park our car at Park One, so, I would-

- Is that off Century? - Yes.

- [Patrick] Good job, we are here.

Now turn right into this lot.

- [Ron] This will be it right here.

- [Patrick] There you go, good job.

- Go. - Come on, go.

- Okay, There's a couple up ahead of us.

- [Lynn] Oh, that's them!

- Oh, you, oh it's the hillbillies.

Oh, those hillbillies. - Oh, god.

- There go the happy boys.

Don't let in, don't you let that car in.

- All right, we're after him.

- Sure. - Thank you.

- Is that us? - That's us.

- [Ryan] Park your car in any available legal spot.

- Go!

Grab my bag.

[tense music]

- All right, let's do it, where's the shuttles?

- [Ray] Look for a shuttle.

- [Deana] I'm looking for one, I can't see one.

- One shuttle right here. - Shuttle.

- Oh, my god, oh, my god!

- [Deana] Where the hell are all the shuttles?

- There's one, damn it! - Damn it.

- [Ray] Suck it up.

- I can't get the key out, Bianca.

Get it out. - Trunk, trunk, trunk!

We are freakin' brilliant.

- Here come the shuttle, first shuttle.

- [Joyce] Damn it, everybody's here now.

- Did you guys see the girls almost get in a wreck?

- Yeah. - That was super scary.

- I don't think everybody is going to fit.

We gotta wait for another shuttle.

- American's the first terminal we're gonna come to.

- And United, I think, is way on the other side of L.A.X.

- You wanna go to United, ?

- So, should we take American or should we go United?

- I say we get off at the first one

and try to check the flight time.

- Let's get off at American.

- Gotta have a flag, gotta have a flag.

- Gotta have a flag.

- I think we should go to United Flight .

- Yeah.

- Like, I don't know what all those people are doing.

[tense music]

- We're winning the million.

Did I fail to mention that?

We're definitely winning the million.

- We're gonna have fun along the way.

- [Rob] Yeah, we're gonna have fun while we're winning.

Losing is not an option, I can't lose.

In my mind, I've already won.

But you know what, if we don't win it,

we already won a million.

- [Heidi] Okay, here we go, am I clear?

- Blondies. - There's the blondies?

- [Greg] Yep.

[car horn honking]

- Can I go?

- I'll let them go in front of us.

Get your butt up there.

- Thank you so much. - Oh, it's the boys.

- Your cute little pink butt.

- How funny. - Oh, they're the boys!

Oh, my gosh.

- [Greg] There's one right there.

What did the car say? - Sweet.

- [Greg] American's terminal .

- Wanna get a jog on? - Okay.

- Come on.

- High five on this part.

[contestants cheering and laughing]

[dramatic music]

- We need tickets. - To flight .

To Lima, Peru.

What time does it land?

- Arrives at : in the morning.

- Can you tell us if the United one lands

before this flight? - No, they won't know.

Let's just get one here and let's go.

- [Ron] I hope we did the right thing.

'Cause we are the all-American couple.

[both laughing]

- Good afternoon, sir.

- Hi. - Hi.

- We need to find out which one of these

is gonna get to Peru faster.

- [Staff] The Lima arrival's at : AM

connecting through Miami. - Oh, that's American.

- United gets in to J.F.K. At : P.M. tonight

and arrives in Lima at : A.M.

- Ooh. - Ooh.

Regardless if we risk it or not,

we're still gonna end up on this flight.

- Oh, that's true. - Come on.

- Let's go. - Let's go.

Do you know where American International is?


- How far? - How far?

- ? - ?

Perfect, thank you.

- Doggone it.

I think we're heading away from it.

Doggone it, I know we are.

Oh, god darn it, we have to go all the way around.

- [Rob] Park One, right there.

Park One airport entrance.

- [Ray] American is at , terminal .

United is on .

So, American will be first.

- And that's the later flight?

- That's the later flight.

- You wanna go to American?

- Sometimes the one who leaves later lands first.

- Thank you very much.

There they are.

- Has anybody figured out?

- American connects in Miami

and get there at : in the morning.

- And the other one?

- [Susan] We don't know what time the other one.

They won't tell us.

Does anybody have a cell phone

that I could borrow by any chance?

- Yeah.

- Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

United Airlines.

Yes, can you please tell me when United Airlines Flight ,

when it's gonna arrive in Lima, Peru?

That one gets there at :.

Okay, great, thank you so much, I appreciate it.

Debbie, let's just hope we get on this one

'cause this one's faster.

- Yeah, that's what we're gonna do.

- We've gotta be a little quicker, I think.

- [Amber] I know!

- I think we're taking our time too much.

- Park One is right there in front of us.

- Hot dog.

Park One. - Okay, first legal spot.

- Is there anybody else on this?

- [Meredith] Park One shuttle, yo!

- [Gretchen] Stop.

- Go, go, go.

Ha ha!

- He's not gonna let us on.

- That's too bad.

- Doggone it.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

- [Gretchen] Stop!

- Go, go, go.

Ha ha!

- He's not gonna let us on.

- That's too bad.

- Here he goes.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

- [Driver] You're welcome, what airline?

- [Gretchen] Thank you.

United. - United, please.

- [Gretchen] You guys were all saying, "Go, go, go."

- That's not necessarily true.

- [Alex] Lynn, in here, let's go.

- Alex. - Yeah?

- I don't know if we're gonna get on or not,

because there's all these teams in front of us.

- Four, five, six, we're not gonna getting on.

- Let's get a shuttle now. - Let's just get a shuttle.

Oh, Park One, Park One.

- [Lynn] Should we tell them?

You guys.

- [Amber] Why are you guys getting back on?

- It's full, this flight's full.

- [Amber] Oh, really?

- American is full?

That's the later flight.

- The flight that leaves later, arrives in Peru sooner.

- [Amber] Damn it.

- We're back.

If we can get tickets to Peru.

- Gate .

- Thank you. - Thank you so much.

- We would like some tickets, please, to Peru.

- Thanks. - You're welcome.

- Two seats to Lima, Peru.

- Thank you very much.

- [Greg] There it is.

- Uchenna. - Uchenna? Greg.

- Brian. - Brian.

- Joyce. - Joyce? Greg.

What's your name, by the way?

- Megan. - Megan? Brian.

- I knew that. - Greg.

- Nice to meet you, Megan.

Are you guys sisters?

- No. - No?

- We're friends. - Friends?

- We need some flights to Lima, Peru.

- Okay? - On flight .

- [Staff] Just let me get the boarding passes.

- Yes, ma'am, right here.

- I'm seeing six teams in front of us.

Now the question is whether there are enough tickets for us,

when we get to the end of the line?

- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.

He reminds me of my first boyfriend I ever had.

Did he end up being gay?

I said- - No.

- Well, I am.

[all laughing]

- From Miami to Lima.

- Thank you very much.

- Mwah! I love you. - I love you too, honey.

- Those two girls were, nevermind.

- Okay, thank you. - Okay.

- This is your boarding pass from Miami to Lima.

- Okay, perfect, thank you. - So, you're all set.

- Thank you.

- Two tickets to Lima, Peru.

- Uhh...

We've run out of seats.

This flight is full.

- They're out of seats.

- All right. - All right.

All right.

Down to United, right?

What do we got, what do we got?

- We need tickets to Lima, Peru.

- This is for you. - Okay, thank you.

- Hello, we need tickets to Lima, Peru.

- [Staff] Okay.

[rhythmic music]

- What's up, guys? - What's up?

- We're bringing up the rear,

making sure we didn't leave anyone behind.

- I'm Greg. - Nice to meet you, Greg.

- I'm Alex. - I'm Brian.

- This is fun. - Yeah.

[tense music]

- Oh, I don't normally tell a lot of people this,

so I'm not sure if I want everyone to know it.

I was in the Army, Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Well, I got shot down and taken prisoner for a while.

- No kidding!

- Yeah, and that's why I came on the race, really.

If I win the money or whatever,

it'll be to give the money to, you know,

guys who are disabled over there and stuff like that.

- You've got my respect, you really do.

- Thanks. - I appreciate it.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] All teams are now heading to Lima, Peru.

The United flight that connects through New York

carries Lynn and Alex, Rob and Amber, Meredith and Gretchen,

Uchenna and Joyce, and Brian and Greg.

The American flight that connects through Miami

carries Ron and Kelly, Ryan and Chuck,

Susan and Patrick, Ray and Deana,

Debbie and Bianca, and Megan and Heidi.

Once the teams land in Lima,

they'll have to travel to Plaza de Armas,

also known as Plaza Mayor, to find their next clue.

With only an hour and minutes separating the two flights,

which teams will surge ahead,

and which team will be eliminated first?

[upbeat music]

[moves into dramatic music]

- [Ron] There goes the bus, right there.

- [Susan] You don't have to hold my hand.

[contestants and civilians speaking in foreign language]

- My mother's Hispanic, so I grew up speaking Spanish.

[civilians speaking in foreign language]

- [Chuck] I consider myself fairly fluent in Portuguese.

My Portuguese lets me get by a little bit with Spanish.

- All right.

- Come on, just get something.

- This way, Plaza Mayor, right?

- This is it. - This is the bus.

- [Driver] Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Plaza Mayor. [speaking in foreign language]

[dramatic music]

- [Ron] We're in Lima, Peru.

Honestly, to me, it looks kind of like downtown Baghdad.

- [Susan] For me, it's certainly eye-opening.

It's certainly not a way that we're accustomed to living.

- [Ray] Let's ask these guys on the corner.

You speak Spanish.

Plaza de Armas?

Right here?

Thank you.

Come on, Deana. - It's hard with this.

[dramatic music]

- [Contestant] Plaza Mayor?

- Hey, hey, hey, this way, he pointed this way.

Oh, I see it.

[dramatic music]

- Where did you see it? - Right there.

Open it, open it.

Oh, god. - Route marker.

Travel by bus to the city of Ancon.

- [Phil] Teams must now travel by bus

miles to the city of Ancon.

Once there, they must make their way by rickshaw

to this beach, known as Playa Hermosa.

Teams must search these three sand piles

for a set of airline tickets for their next destination,

Cusco, Peru.

There are three departure times available.

: A.M., : A.M., and : A.M.

Once a team claims a set of tickets as theirs,

they may not search another pile.

- Tickets are first come, first serve.

All right, let's get a bus.

- Let's get a bus. - Okay. Let's go.

- We need to find a bus to Ancon.

[Chuck and driver speaking in foreign language]

- We need someone to speak English.

I can't stand not being able to communicate.

- I really think that we should break off,

the two of us, and be on our own.

It is way too difficult to travel with this whole crew.

- Okay.

- Patrick looks exactly like the first boyfriend I ever had.

And Susan is like another mom for us, too,

so we really have latched on to them.

And we hope this alliance lasts throughout the race.

- Hey, guys.

The girls that speak Spanish...

obviously they found another route.

We have no idea where we're going.

That's not good.

[contestants and civilian speaking in foreign language]

- We have such good teamwork over here, whoo whoo!

In the lead.

[Ryan and civilians speaking in foreign language]

- [Ron] We're looking for a bus that goes to Ancon

and it's so far eluding us.

It's a magical bus that we will never find.

[tense music]

- Hi.

- All right. - We can do it.

- [Patrick] Awesome, thank you, guys.

[dramatic music]

- [Joyce] Okay, where's the bus?

Where do we get the bus at?

- Well, well, well, just follow me, follow them.

- [Rob] Can we get away from these guys?

- [Friend] Go to the right, to the right.

- [Rob] We met this guy while we were at customs

and he recognized us from "Survivor"

and offered to help us with what we're doing here today.

- [Greg] They got a guy helping 'em

- [Brian] Is he going with 'em?

- [Greg] Yeah, that's the guy that's helping 'em.

- [Lynn] There's a bus, Alex.

Yeah, this looks sketchy.

- Run, Gretch. - Okay.

I'm coming, hon.

- [Rob] Honey, come here for a minute.

When it comes down to it these people are gonna screw us.

- [Amber] I know, honey.

- The buses are grande, grande.

- Wow, Alex, you're so international.

- Come on, get in, get in, get in.

Get in, get in, get in, get in.

- Normally he would stop and pick people up

but he's not going to stop.

I just told him we wanted to go direct,

so he'll just charge us a little bit extra.

- Hey, we've got pesos.

- [Lynn] Hey, where's Rob and Amber?

- Here comes a big bus, nobody's on it?

Oh, sweet.

[driver speaking in foreign language]

- Okay, okay. - Let's go.

[dramatic music]

- Okay, it's a red and yellow flag.

That must be it over there.

Wow, look at this place, huh?

This is nice.

Come on, come on.

Still a couple left, baby.

Travel by bus to the city of Ancon.

[contestants and civilian speaking in foreign language]

We've got all of Peru working for us.

[tense music]

- [Debbie] Who was on the second flight?

There was...

- Rob and Amber. - Rob and Amber.

Do they speak Spanish?

- [Susan] I doubt it.

- I watched "Survivor."

He's really dumb as a rock.

- Oh really? - Yeah.

He can't put a sentence together.

- [Civilian] Ancon.

- [Rob] Let's go.

- Rob and I are going to the city of Ancon,

which, actually, we got a really good bus,

because Craig talked our bus driver

into not picking any more people up.

He's only gonna drop people off.

So, we'll get there a lot quicker

than any other bus would.

- And we got it for bucks.

[Chuck speaking in foreign language]

- I have no idea what the hell anyone is saying.

- [Ray] I don't know why it's such a problem finding Ancon.

Nobody knows it.

We need to all get on the same bus,

or we're gonna be screwed.

We don't speak Spanish.

[tense music]

Do you know where I can get a bus to Ancon?

- Ancon. - Ancon?

- No, I don't. - No? Okay.

[Ryan speaking in foreign language]

- [Ron] Oh, there's the buses down there.


Let's go!

- Chuck, let's go!

- We gotta find the Plaza. - Plaza?

- Go straight. - Plaza de Mayor?

- Can you take us? - Sure.

[dramatic music]

- Come on, Gretch.

- Whoo!

[contestants cheering]

Man, he's good.

[moves into calm music]

- Playa Hermosa? - Gracias.

- Playa Hermosa? - Playa Hermosa.

- Gracias.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

This is too cool.

- It is way too cool! - Bienvenido.

Yeah, they're fast. - Yeah.


[Debbie speaking in foreign language]

- Ah, beautiful, door-to-door service.

All right.

You know what, this is pretty nice.

I'm having fun.

- We've got a pretty good foot tour of part of Lima,

saw a few things that bothered me, I know that.

We're here racing around

trying to find some way to get $ million,

and these people are just trying to live day-to-day.

- There it is.

There it is, go, go!

Thank you!

- [Greg] I see a flag over there, straight ahead.

- [Lynn] Alex!

- Route info.

- Congratulations, my man.

- Travel by bus to the city of Ancon.

- Bus? Ancon?

Bus that way?

Same way?

All right.

[civilian speaking in foreign language]

- You wanna just do five blocks?

- [Joyce] Okay.

- Let's take a taxi.

There's a taxi here.


Bus station to Ancon.


[Meredith and officer speaking in foreign language]

- Five blocks. - Five blocks.

Let's take a cab, here's a cab.

- A bus to get to Ancon.

Do you know where the bus is?

- Yeah. - Okay.

- Bus station? - Bus station?

[civilian and contestants speaking in foreign language]

- Some buses up here.

[driver and contestants speaking in foreign language]


Let's get out of here, Ancon.

- Ancon? - Ancon?

- No. - No.

Oh, my god!

It's muy caliento.

Is this what we'll ride for two hours?

Aye yi yi.

- [Joyce] I'm frustrated with my decision to not take a cab.

That would have saved us some time.

- [Meredith] Let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

- You have to be careful.

- I fell down and I couldn't get up.

If we get through this race, and we survive,

it'll be the damnedest day of our lives.

- Right there?

- [Uchenna] It did seem like forever getting here.

Man, I hope we're not last.

[dramatic music]

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- [Debbie] We have to search three piles of sand,

and they each have different flights in them.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- This is too cool.

- [Susan] Oh, there they are, there they are.

- Oh, yeah. - Up there.

- [Debbie] All right, :.

This is :.

And there's a whole bunch more, Bianca,

so go to the other one.

Okay, let me just look at the other one.


What does it say?

- [Bianca] :, first one, go.

- [Patrick] You guys looked at the other times?

- [Debbie] We already checked the other two.

:, :, and :.

All right, let's dig. - Lets start digging.

- This is truly a team effort. - Exactly.

[dramatic music]

- This is gonna take us down to a walkway

that goes along the edge of the ocean,

so we've gotta go out there.

- [Amber] That's where we're going.

- [Rob] Thank god, can you imagine

if we didn't find this guy?

[dramatic music]

- Okay, come on, Ryan.

- Plaza de Hermosa.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- Wait, wait, wait, careful, careful!

- La playa, hermano.

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

Coming through, coming through!

[dramatic music]

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- So pretty. - It is, I agree.

I'll appreciate it after we get over there.

- [Chuck] He ain't got but one gear, brother.

- [Ryan] We'll get out and run if we need to.

- [Chuck] Yeah, we'll pull it.

- Where's the sand? - Rapido. Rapido.

- [Ryan] Come on!

The high side, clear the high side!

Clear on the high side!

Clear on the high side!

Jump on, I'm about to die. - Whoo hoo!

[contestants cheering]

- So it must really be buried. - Oh, yeah.

- I think it's gonna be below beach level.

Did you find one, yay! - Got one.

- Keep going. - Congratulations.

- You'll be flying on the : A.M. flight

to the mountain village of Cusco.

- [Phil] Teams must now fly to Cusco, Peru,

where the altitude is nearly , feet.

Upon arrival, teams will find their next clue.

- I feel it. - Do you?

- Yeah.


Your flight is tomorrow morning,

so you'll be spending tonight on the beach.

- We're going to Cusco. - Mwah!

All right, let's go, : A.M.

- There's only one other team

gonna be on that flight with us.

And I wonder who it's gonna be.

[upbeat music]

[Rob speaking in foreign language]

- [Amber] I see piles of sand.

Hola. - Hola.

- [Patrick] How did Rob and Amber catch up with us?

- [Rob] There's one for it left.

Come on, come on.

Six o'clock, this must be the earliest.

Right, start digging.

- There's Rob and Amber, damn!

How did they catch up?

Come on, Deana, run.

They're one of the teams on the first flight.

- Hi. - Hi, guys.

How did you get here already?

Deana, get over here.

- I'm coming.

- [Heidi] Oh, sh**t, Megan.

- [Bianca] Go, blondies!

- [Deana] I have no idea.

- [Rob] Got it.

That's it.

By the skin of our teeth.

- [Heidi] :.

- [Megan] Heidi, before you dig that one

we should see what other time the other one is.

- [Heidi] It may not be the fastest.

- We came here first, let's just do this one.

- We did it.

- You'll be flying on a : A.M. flight.

- If we had a choice between Amber and Rob

or anybody else that was on our flight,

we wouldn't have chosen Amber and Rob.

- [Debbie] They don't need to win again.

- [Megan] Left side.

- Whoa, partner! [speaking in foreign language]

- Get down there. - Okay, we've gotta find it.

- Should have run on dad-gum grass.

- I can't feel anything in here.

- Damn!

[dramatic music]

- Hey, gals. - Hi.

We need some help here.

- What's the other times, y'all, did y'all check?

- We just picked one.

- [Deana] How come we cannot find this?

- Just look.

Movin' a lot of sand.

- They're all digging frantically other there right now.

- There's : and : left, you think.

Go to the one where the blonde girls are.

- Drop your bag. - The middle one.

- [Heidi] This is hard work.

- Got it!

- Chuck! Hey!

- Thank god! - Thank god!

Holy cannoli.

- There we go.


- [Kelly] Come on, let's walk over there and see.

- Check out the time on this one.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding.

Dang it!

- Can't trust them at all. - Uh-uh.

[calm music]

- The two girls, Debbie and Bianca.

To be honest with you,

they might have told you the second pile on purpose.

- Oh, I'm sure they did.

- [Ray] As far as trusting,

I don't think that's really an option now.

- Game on. - Yeah, really.

- Gracias, gracias.

- Ancon, baby.

Playa Hermosa.

[Greg and driver speaking in foreign language]

- It's amazing. - Yeah.

Right here, right here.

[Greg speaking in foreign language]

Let's do some digging.

Now there's none there. - There's none there.

- [Greg] So, there's one there and then there's three there.

:, I have a feeling that it's gonna be after :.

Whoa, :? - Really?

- [Both] What?

- Isn't : before :?

- Where I grew up, yeah. - Yeah.

- We're going :, dude. - Doesn't make any sense.

I bet it's like on the sides.

- There's something here, "B."

- Yeah? - Yeah.

- [Both] :.



- Is this where we're getting off?


Playa Hermosa. - Playa Hermosa, si.

- [Alex] Who's gonna go rapido?

- It's so pretty. - It really is.

- [Gretchen] Is this Ancon?

Okay, this is it.

- Rapido.

- Oh, thank god! - Playa Hermosa.

[Meredith speaking in foreign language]

[dramatic music]

- Okay.

All right, where is, okay.

We're looking for the marked entrance.

[Alex speaking in foreign language]

- It's down that way. - Isn't that it?

- Yes, it's down there. - I need to go down there.

There's the guys, let's go.

- Oh yes, thank you.

[tense music]

- Look at what's happened.

- Oh, the other group!

- [Lynn] Where's the clue, Alex?

- [Alex] It's all the way back there.

- [Meredith] Where'd those guys come from?

- [Gretchen] I don't know.

Oh, for crying out loud, look how far they are.

- Is this it? - No, that one's for :.

Come on, come on!

Over here.

Third to last team, boom.

Oh, my god, dear.

Oh, my god!

[contestants shouting]

- [Alex] I love you, Lynn.

I love you, Lynn. - I love you.

- Pull the time. - Thank you.

Don't tell them they're looking for the wrong time.

My god.

This is hard.

- This is so cool. - Isn't this beautiful?

You know, you gotta come a long way

to see something you've never seen, right?

- Where haven't we dug?

Ah! - Okay, good.

Is there one more over there?

- [Gretchen] One's at :?

- We could have gotten a -minute earlier flight

if we'd taken that other one.

- Well, but we didn't know.

- [Joyce] Is that the only one?

- This is the only one left. - You sure?

- We're definitely last.

Here we go.

We got it.

All right.

- Cusco. - Oh!

[calming music]

- [Rob] I don't know, the campfire,

I thought we were back on "Survivor."

I was worried about everybody plotting to kick me out.

[contestants laughing]

[tense music]

[Debbie speaking in foreign language]

- We're on the same flight at : A.M.

as Rob and Amber and Bianca and Debbie.

- It's weird, because even though

the other teams are being nice to Rob and I,

you still have this gut feeling

that they don't really want us here.

- They don't want us to win again.

That's just too bad for them, isn't it? [laughs]

[dramatic music]

- Got it? - Got it.

- [Patrick] Let's go.

[dramatic music]

- Thank you. - Gracias.

- All right.

[dramatic music]

- You're welcome.

[airport announcer speaking in foreign language]

- Ray.

I think our flight is delayed.

The flight is delayed by minutes.

- Technical difficulties. - For technical difficulties.

- So, that means four teams that are behind us-

- Is gonna get on before us.

- We're screwed. - Yeah, basically.

- Their flight's delayed. - Oh!

- Now we're in the back of the pack,

and I don't like that feeling.

- [Deana] This sucks.

[dramatic music]

- Our flight's delayed.

- The :? - Yeah.

- Uh-oh. - We're screwed.

- How do you like their flight being delayed?

- That's great. - That's good.

- I feel better. - Yeah, I'm happy.

- We just want to see if we can get on the : AM flight?

- We'll let you know, okay?

We'll let you know.

- Listen to me.

Get used to being burned.

It's gonna happen a lot.

- I know it.

- They don't even know

if they're going to get them on our flight.

This is huge.

- Well, here we go, here we go.

- Okay, I will transfer the group of you

to the earlier flight.

- We're gonna be on the same flight

that has the other teams? - Yes.

- Okay.

- So, now we're all on the same flight.

[tense music]

- Do you feel weird? - My heart's beating fast.

- I already do feel a little weird.

Sort of lightheadedness.

- [Bianca] Debbie and I are feeling really lightheaded.

It's from the altitude, I think.

- [Patrick] Ah, here we go.

In order to deal with altitude sickness,

we need to drink a bottle of mate de coca.


- It's a wonder tea. - Gracias.

Clue, clue, clue.



- Patrick. - This is it, good job.

Tear that open.

- Come on, come on, come on.

- [Both] Make your way to the marked taxi to Huambutio.

- [Phil] Teams must make their way miles

to the small town of Huambutio

and find this kiosk.

The owner, Felipe, will hand them their next clue.

- Okay. - All right.

- So, we're gonna go to the marked taxi.

- Marked taxi. - Right there?

- Rapido, rapido. - Let's go.

- And ask the owner, Felipe, for your next clue.

[contestants and driver speaking in foreign language]

- [Susan] This is where I need to go.

[driver and Patrick speaking in foreign language]

- [Rob] Huambutio, he knows where we're going.

- [Amber] The scenery is just unbelievable.

We definitely don't have anything

like the mountains they have here in Peru.

- It's unbelievable.

- Oh, look out there.

- [Patrick] Oh, wow, this is beautiful, these mountains.

But where are Debbie and Bianca?

They're probably ahead of us. - I think they're up there.

- We are number one.

Numero uno. - Numero uno.

- Gracias.

Yay, woohoo!

We're here.


[contestants and Felipe speaking in foreign language]

Open it.

Travel by taxi across the bridge

and get to the top of the gorge.

- [Phil] Teams must now make their way two miles

and find the top of this gorge.

When they arrive, they'll take a zip line

to the other side of the gorge

and a second zip line to get to the bottom.

When they land, they'll open their next clue.

- Awesome.

- [Patrick] Oh! There it is.

- They already found it. - Good.

Sorry, Mom.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- Felipe?

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

Descend more than , feet.

Patrick, come on, come on!

- Another taxi up way there. - Okay, okay.

- [Amber] Uno momento, you stay?

- [Rob] Hola, Felipe.

- To the top of the gorge.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

Oh yes, keep Rob and Amber behind us.

- Descend more than , feet to the bottom.

- Okay. - Come on.

Come on, come on.

- We're going up the side of a mountain.

One wrong move and that's it, sayonara.

[dramatic music]

- Yeah, woohoo, we're here. - Number one.


All right, let's do this.

- We're number two. - Awesome.

Oh, man, here we go, Mom.

- [Rob] Okay, we're here.

Are you kidding me?

- Oh, my god, what are we doing, jumping?

- [Amber] We're, like, gliding down those things.

It looks very scary.

Bianca is first.

- Oh, my lord.

Oh, my gosh.

- Go, baby!

- One, two, three, go! - Ah!

[triumphant music] Oh, my gosh!


Look at this view!

It's incredible.


- [Rob] If she can do it, we can do it.

- Step off. - Whoo, woohoo!

[triumphant music]

- Woohoo! [laughs]

Oh, my gosh!

Team number one!

All right.

I have clue for you, but you're not allowed to open it

until you get down with your partner.


- [Debbie] Woohoo!


[tribal music]


- Rope a llama or rope a basket.

- A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose

between tw common Peruvian chores,

rope a llama or rope a basket.

In rope a llama, each team must rope

two llamas from this field

and take them to one of these pens.

When the delivery is complete,

the llama herder will hand them their next clue.

Roping the llamas doesn't require much strength,

but getting them to cooperate and walk to the pens

could be frustrating and take a long time.

In rope a basket, each team member must use a rope

to tie one of these baskets to their back

and then carry the basket,

filled with pounds of alfalfa, /rds of a mile

to this store to receive their next clue.

Carrying the basket requires strength,

but teams with endurance could finish quickly.

- /rds of a mile is a long time in altitude, Debbie.

- Whatever you want to do, how about that.

- No, baby, no. - Let's start the llamas.

[dramatic music]

- Oh, my god.

[Susan screaming and laughing]

- Hola.

- Oh my gosh.

Now I'm getting nervous.

Oh, my god!

[Patrick laughing]

Oh, my god, I'm glad I peed right before I did that.

- Okay, , , , go. - Vamonos!

- [Susan] Whoo!

- [Staff] You're not allowed to open it

until you see your mother. - Thank you.

[Patrick laughing]

Hi, Mom!

Oh, my god, that was awesome.

Detour, rope a llama or rope a basket.

- This is when we need to calm down

and decide calmly what we want to do.

- So let's start the llamas. - Let's talk about it.

- That's easier, rope the llamas, let's do it.

Were going to rope the llamas.

- Don't yell at me. - We're gonna do that.

- [Patrick] That's it, so, we have to go up those stairs.

And plus, right now, we're ahead of Rob and Amber.

- Woohoo!

- Woohoo!

Holy cannoli!

- [Amber] Woo!

- Here's your next clue. - Okay.


- Yeah, baby!

Hurry up!

[tense music]

- [Rob] Come on, we're doing the baskets.

- First ones off the plane.

Lookin' for a clue box. - Right here, right here.

Fantastic. - All right, here we go.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]


That means we go. - All right.

- [Lynn] Alex, Alex.

- Here we go.

- [Alex] Lynn, grab it.

- And ask the owner Felipe for your next clue.

- Next clue. - Marked taxi.

- Ask the owner Felipe for your next clue.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- Very, very rapido.

[dramatic music]

- Fast! - As fast as possible.

- [Deana] This sucks.

We got the back of the plane.

- Bad luck so far, our luck's due to change.

- Up here. - Let's go.

- [Deana] This way.

- Marked taxi. - Here they are.

- Go, go, go. - Marked taxi.

- We've got the last one.

[dramatic music]

[Ryan and driver speaking in foreign language]

- Hambutio. - Huam.

- Hambutio? - Huambutio.

- Huambutio.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

♪ We are racing in Peru

♪ We are racing in Peru

[dramatic music]

- We've got a very macho driver.

- Good job, good job.

- We are not going to be last.

- Beep, beep, beep.

[Ryan speaking in foreign language]

Yeah, good buddy.

- Here comes a car behind us.

- There's another team in front of us,

so we're not too far behind.

There's one up further. - Oh, is there?

- Yeah. - Okay.

- Uh oh. - Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Look, look, look.

[Meredith and driver speaking in foreign language]

- Oh my god, he's gonna pass us.

- He's passing us! - No, no, no.

- [Gretchen] Oh, it's the boys.

They're not happy.

- Oh, no more of that, no more.

- This is a race, indeed. - Boy, I'll say.

- Llamas. - Llamas.

- Hi, baby. - Come here.

Come on.

Come on, baby.

- You wanna go somewhere?

- Oh, gosh, I hope I don't get kicked.

Don't kick me, don't kick me, don't kick me.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Bianca, we can't do this. - Can you try, please?

- [Patrick] We're gonna find a really cute one

that likes us.

Lay it across his back.

- [Susan] I got it, did you do it right?

- I'm almost there.

Let's go, it's you and me.

Swat him from behind, Mom.

[upbeat music]

- [Rob] Oh, this is nothing, babe, we can do this.

We're wearing funny hats.

- Ready? - Ready?

Make sure you go it.

Come on.

I might have to put my Sox hat on the outside.

Ah, when in Incaville do as the Incas, right?

- Por favor.

Oh, this is difficult.

Come on, he's gonna spit on you, Mom, watch it.

- Come on, come on, come on.

Lets try for a couple seconds,

we've only been doing this for five minutes.

- I'm not doing this.

This is Ret*rded.

- I think this is the faster one, Debbie.

- No, are you kidding me?

Rob and Amber probably have the things on their back

and they're up the hill.

- Oh!

- Just put it back together!

Wrap it around.

- Baby, I'm falling again.

- [Amber] Because your rope's not tight enough.

- [Rob] All right, let's just calm down.

You want to go.

Come on, you know you want to go.

Come on, Debbie, slow and steady, we can do this.

- He's not gonna go.

This is Ret*rded.

- I think it's gonna be faster, can you stay calm?

- This is a stupid decision.

We're only two miles behind Rob and Amber, now.

Bianca, I'm seriously so furious at you.

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

- Come on, come on.

Come on, Debbie, slow and steady, we can do this.

- [Debbie] He's not going to go.

Bianca, I'm seriously so furious at you.

- Okay. - I am not doing it.

- All right. - So, we should go now.

- [Bianca] Stop, Debbie, we're gonna do the baskets.

- [Debbie] We would have been done.

Oh! God! - That's all right.

Sneeze on each other, yeah.

Oh, Mom!

Rob and Amber are gonna get first.

- [Rob] Huambutio, that's the sign.

- What's the name of the place?

[Rob and Amber speaking in foreign language]

- How many stores can there be?

[Rob speaking in foreign language]

Ariba, what's that mean?

Faster? - Yeah.

- [Bianca] Go over the bridge

and then we gotta find the store.

- [Debbie] Baby, that's so it, hurry.

We can do this. - Okay.

- This is it? - Is it?

- [Brian] Here we go!


Clue? - Clue.

All right, man, let's go, let's jump back in.

Cross the bridge and get to the top of the gorge.

- [Greg] Man, this is great.

- All right.

- Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god!

- [Alex] Okay, let's not freak out.

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- Felipe. - Thank you.

- Gracias. - Gracias.

- Travel by taxi, tell him to wait.

- It's up here?

- The gorge. - Gorge, down.

- [Alex] Let's go, get in the car.

All right. - Whoa, this is kind of scary.

- Felipe. - Nice to meet you.

- Travel by taxi- - to get across the bridge.

- Okay. - Vamanos.

Go, go, go.

- [Ray] Cross the bridge and get to the top of the gorge.

- It's right up here.

Tienda Victoria, right here, this is it.

All right. - Hola.

- Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Make your way to Huambutio Police Station

and ride back in the marked delivery truck

to the town of Pisac.

- [Phil] Teams must now find the Huambutio police station.

Once there, they will take a delivery truck

close to miles to the town of Pisac.

Trucks will depart every minutes.

Once in Pisac, teams will have to

search this marketplace to find their clue.

- Gracias.

- [Amber] I hope we're first.

- Here we go, we're moving now.

- [Susan] Come on, yes, yes.

We gotta go to a pen, pick a pen.

Come on, man.

[llama burps] - Oh, yeah, that was ripe.

- Okay, I see Rob and Amber.

- Oh, man.

Keep going, keep going.

- Carry it around your neck, it's easier.

- Okay, thank you.

- That's our good deed for the next days.

- Go in there guys.


I will stand in front of your face

and you can blow me with as much snot as you want

if you get in your freakin' pen.

- There he is. - There you go, you're in.

- [Susan] Right here.


- Got snot all over us.

Ride in the back of a marked delivery truck

to the town of Pisac.

Let's go.

[dramatic music]

- Oh yay!

Oh, look at the beautiful little girl.


No more than three teams

can ride in the back of the delivery truck at the same time.

- So we're gonna miss-

- No, no we're gonna go with them, let's go, let's go.

- [Rob] This is the delivery truck?

This is it.

I'll feel a lot better if we're in first place

after that door is closed.

- Huambutio Police Station.

- [Patrick] Oh there it is.

Is somebody else here?

Damn, it's Rob and Amber.

- [Amber] Are they coming?

Do you see them?

- [Patrick] Please, please, thank you so much.

- We have to beat this team.

- Aw, come on, you can't let them in.

- Hola. - You made it.

- [Patrick] Yes, we've caught up.

- [Amber] Go, go, go.

[dramatic music]

- [Bianca] sh**t.

- Rob and them are already gone.

- Delivery trucks?

Debra, okay, we're ready.

- Hola. - Hola.

Oh, roosters and everything.

[dramatic music]

- Gorgeous, baby, gorgeous. - So gorgeous.

Here we go.

- Ready? - Yeah.

- Oh, my god, it is so beautiful.

Is that what we're jumping off of?

Oh, it's like Splash Mountain.

Go Alex, run, 'cause there's another car coming.

- Oh, my god!

Our worst fear.

- They're all up here.

- Do it!

Whoo hoo hoo!

That's what I'm talking about.

- Here we go!


- Let's go, B!

- Rope a llama or rope a basket.


Let's get some baskets.

Oh yeah, it's pounds.

With the legs.

- You good? - Yep.

Let's do this.

Alex and Lynn are behind us.

- Whoa!

- Oh, oh.

- Yeah!


Okay, let's just carry a super heavy bag and trek it.

- [Meredith] Good luck, Gretchen.

- Whoa, this is what the kids call wedgies.



This is for the kids!

Oh, that was so great.

Oh, a band greeting us.

- Geronimo!

- You did good.

- Do you want to take the llamas?

- Well, honey, carrying pounds /rd of a mile.

- We'll rope a llama. - We'll rope a llama.

- Look at the valley, the valley is beautiful.

- Oh my god. - Cool.


And descend more than , feet to the bottom.

- Okay.

- Come on, Ryan.

[Chuck speaking in foreign language]

- Look, here it is, here it is, here it is.

[dramatic music]


- Read it

- Thank you.

- And then descend down , foot to the bottom.

- [Heidi] Hola, thank you.

- There you go, there you go.

[dramatic music] - Back in the taxi.

- [Kelly] Come on, come on.

- [Ron] Get to the top of the gorge.

- Hola. - Eat your Wheaties.

Don't do dr*gs. - Buenas dias.

- That's funny, guys, huh? - Real funny.

Think this miles longer then I thought there'll be.

- Alex, you have to wear a poncho.

Go like this and just throw it over the back

and pick it up for real.

Seriously, this is what's happening?

- Okay, where we going?

Oh my god, Huambutio.

- Hey, friendly wave from Victoria.

- Thank you very much. - Thank you.

Make your way to Huambutio Police Station.

That way.

- Are you sure? - Yeah.

- [Meredith] Oh, these look like nice guys.

- Okay, oh my god, they're big.

But you have to get the rope around it.

- I got it, hon. - Let me hold him.

you try to get the other one.

- Okay, there you go.

Here we go. - Come on. Come on.

- That's it, that's it, okay

- Got this one moving.

They know they're going home.

Good, hon.

Pssht, pssht, pssht!

They're going fine, hon.

This is the easy part for us, Meredith.

They like you now.

- Well, we've got them going.

- Whoo!

That is too awesome!

- Go. - Yeah!

- [Deana] Whoo, ray!

- Yeah!

Hey, guys.

I don't wanna wait around and learn how to rope a llama

and catch one. - All right, lets go.

- Baskets. - Baskets, this way.

I can't get up. - Stand up.

De, come on.

- I'm choking. - Lean forward, babe.

Suck it up. - I am.

Ray, it's strangling me now.

- Suck it up, it's our chance to make up ground.

- Easy jog, can we do that?

- Oh, look, there's the boys.

They're done.

- You guys passed it, it's back there.

- Are you kidding me?

[Brian laughs]

- No, no, I'm kidding ya, joking.

- Ugh. - Oh god.

How much further is it?

- Just up the way to the left.

- [Lynn] That was a good one.


- Gracias. - Gracias.

- We have to run. - Let's go.

- Delivery truck, marked. - All aboard.

Hey, guys. - Hola.

- Me llamo Brian. - Brian.

- Brian and Greg.

Gregorio. - Gregorio.

- [Lynn] Hold the truck, hold it.

- Here they come. - We made it.

We did it.

- Whoo!

Oh, my god, this is fun!


- Whoo!


- Whoo! - That was fun!

- Llama, llama. - Rope a llama, baby.

- We're fixin' to jump off the side of a mountain.

We could be the first ones to load test it.

- Go. - Yeehaw!

Now I believe we sit here and wait for fat boy to come down.

Hey, look out for the cactuses!

Rope a llama. - Rope a llama.

- Okay, let's go.

[dramatic music]

- [Ron] Which one do you want to do?

- Baskets. - Baskets.

- Whoo!

- Hurry, hurry!

- Rope a basket, let's go.

- [Gretchen] Okay, keep going.

- Come on. - Get in there.

- [Meredith] Inside the fence.

- Put the rope on so he can't get out.

- [Meredith] Okay.

- [Gretchen] All right, Meredith, we have to get back

to the road, I guess.

- [Ray] Let's go fast, were making time up.

- [Deana] I know, honey.

Can you lift this up?

Honey, I'm choking, can you lift it up?

- [Ray] Actually I can't.

I'm carrying my own too.

- You've gotta go. - Ray, I can't.

- You have to. - Stop it.

Thank you, Lord.

- Hola. - Hola.

- Thank you very much.

- I've gotta breathe.

- Make your way to Huambutio Police Station

and ride in the back of a marked delivery truck.

Come on, were running.

- [Gretchen] This has to be a delivery truck.

- Okay, we're on. - Good.

Buenas dias. - Buenas dias.

- [Gretchen] We are happy to see you.

- [Ray] Come on, Deana.

- I'm trying, Ray. - Try harder.

See, too late.

- Woo-hoo, we're on our way.

- Deana, see?

Who's on there?

- This gives us an advantage.

- Damn it!

We missed the truck by seconds.

- Do you want me to pass out?

I can't breathe.

- Please suck it up, don't complain.

- I can't breathe. - Deana, don't give up.

- [Deana] I feel weak.

- [Ray] You see how every second counts?

- I know, but I can't go as fast as you.

- [Ray] Don't complain.

- You guys are kicking ass, huh?

- Yeah, you too!

- [Patrick] I didn't know if you guys were gonna be,

nice or not, I have to admit.

I thought you were gonna be like, cutthroat.

- No, no, we're gonna find this next clue.

- You wanna look with us? - Yeah.

- [Patrick] We have every intention

of aligning with Rob and Amber only to set the trap,

because we would love to be personally responsible

for their disposal from this race.

- Gorgeous, absolutely stunning.

[Bianca and passengers speaking in foreign language]

Okay, everybody has one?

- You, too? - Si.

You, too?

[Bianca and passengers speaking in foreign language]

- [Patrick] Just holler at Rob and Amber

if you see something.

- Yeah, this is the market.

- [Rob] Let's take it one row at a time,

let's take our time and let's get it done.

- This way, let's go down this row,

since there down that one.

- [Rob] Do you have a clue?

- Something like this, similar to this.

- Do you guys have a clue for us?

Do you have a clue?

- [Patrick] Where are they?

There they are.

- [Rob] Hey, you guys asking if they have a clue?

- We didn't come this way at all.

Rob, come stay with me.

- I think they found something.

- Amber, Rob! - Baby, baby, come on.

- Make your way to the pit stop.

- Teams must now travel more than miles to Cusco

and find La Mosette.

This -year-old church

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

- [Patrick] Amber, Rob.

Over here, straight there.

Right there on your left, see it?

- Open it.

- Make your way to the pit stop.

- This way. - Lets get a taxi.

- [Susan] Taxi! Taxi!

- [Patrick] We're going to the pit stop,

that's the good news.

- [Rob] Let's go, rapido!

You know?

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- [Amber] Good job.

We picked the right taxi, it was parked behind the other one

but it was able to turn around quicker,

and now we're ahead of Susan and Patrick.

- [Bianca] He's like, oh, look at.

- Gracias. - Let's go, let's go.

I think it's over here.

We got it.

Make your way to the pit stop.

We can get in a taxi.

[Bianca and passengers speaking in foreign language]

♪ Peru, Peru

♪ Peru, Peru

You're just so cute, you little baby.

Baa! Baa!

[brakes screeching]

- [Gretchen] Oh, sorry, senora.

We broke your eggs.

How much should we give her, Meredith?

- Five is good. - Take that.

- [Ray] Truck leaves, babe, let's go.

You just gotta push. - I couldn't breathe.

- Okay.

- Let's go to the llamas.

- [Ryan] Llama ropers here we come.

- [Joyce] Put it around his neck.

There you go, there you go, okay.

- Push, come on.

Come on.

These things aren't moving.

- Hey.

Okay, Chuck, got one.

- [Chuck] Is it a boy or girl?

- I got a boy.

Push, push his butt.

- Yeah, yeah. - Good boy.

There we go.

- Give me the love, baby.

That's it, that's it, babe.

- Let's work to try and keep 'em in pairs if they'll move.

- [Uchenna] Hold on babe, don't let him go your way,

you lead him.

Take him to the pen.

- Come on.

Just start shuttin' the door on him.

- We've gotta get two of 'em. - This is tiring.

- All right.

Chuck, I believe we get another one.

- [Ron] Wow, this is altitude.

Baskets, here.

- All right, sit down and go do your own.

- Let go. - You're wasting time.

Those girls are coming behind us.

- I'm seriously tired.

I can't believe I'm this out of breath right now.

- Let's go.

/rds of a mile is all we're going.

- Okay, we can do it.

- [Megan] Okay, Heidi, you can do this.

The freaking basket is heavy enough.

Put it up higher on top of your shoulder.

I have it.

Don't let it fall off your shoulder.

[dramatic music]

- Bye, adios.

- [Lynn] Okay, good it's not so huge.

Okay, look for the clue, guys.

Let's split up, you guys go this way,

Alex and I will go this way.

- How about in here. - Alex this way.

- Here we go.

[Greg whistles]

- Alex, Lynn. - Oh, where are you?

- Alex! - Where are you at?

Oh, awesome!

- Make your way to the pit stop.

- Warning, the last team to be checked in

will be eliminated, I hate that word.

- Lets go catch some cabs.

[Brian speaking in foreign language]

Let's go.

[Alex and Lynn speaking in foreign language]

- Oh, wait, what am I saying?

Very, very, very?

- Got one?

- [Uchenna] If he wants to run up that way, let's go.

He knows the way, he knows the way.

- Whoa, Chuck.

Get another one.

There we go.

They gone, they gone, Chuck, we gotta go.

- Don't let the other one out.

And we're out of here.

Gotta get on a marked truck.

- [Chuck] He's moving now.

Scooch scooch.

Scooch scooch.

Scooch scooch.

Go get our clue.

- Ride in the back of a marked delivery truck.

- Come on, lets go.

- Come on, run.

- The altitude makes you so tired out here.

- That better? - Much, thank you.

Gracias. - Gracias.

Make your way to whatever police station.

Now, let's go.

- Come on.

- [Ray] The blondes are here.

- They gotta be hurting. - Mhmm, good.

They're carrying the baskets,

which I didn't expect them to do.

- It's a little ways down. - We're gonna catch up.

- There they are. - Oh, my back!

Let's go.

- [Gretchen] This is a big market.

Let's just take a peek.

Let's go through here.

I'd like to do some shopping here.

- Gretchen! - You found it.

- Ah, good eyes, Meredith.

- Make your way to the pit stop.

- Oh, here's a taxi.

Let's go.

- [Uchenna] There's the police station,

there's a guy standing right in front of it.

They're not gonna make it. - We're ready.

- Hey, stop the bus!

[Kelly speaking in foreign language]

- Go go go go go, come on, come on.

Hey, can we get on the truck with y'all?

- No, no, no.

- Time to go. - Oh my gosh.

[dramatic music]

[Rob speaking in foreign language]

- I can't believe it's come down to us and Rob and Amber.

[Susan speaking in foreign language]

- We have to go to [speaking in foreign language],

so we have this in our book.

- We need to show the guy. - They're right behind us.

They are right behind us.

We've gotta go, buddy.

- [Patrick] Is that them up there?

- [Susan] Rob and Amber?

There they go. - They went a different way.

- Good job, good job.

- We still have a chance, still have a chance.

- [Rob] Come on.

There's a traffic jam.

- We just gotta go.

Come on, come on.

- [Rob] This might cost us our lead.

- Another team is gonna pass us, right now I have a feeling.

- Senor, can you go around?

Hopefully it'll stop some of the other teams.

- Damn! - Mom.

- Damn, damn, damn! - Please don't whine, Mom.

- Please, stop telling me what to do.

- There is major stress.

I'm praying for both of us right now to get there.

We have tons of help with our little saints.

- That is sweet. - Good stuff, huh?

- Why are you upset?

- Because, after all that, it came down to a taxi ride.

- But, Mom. - I'm playing a game.

- [Patrick] If we hurry, we can still beat them.

[car horn honking]

- All right, I've gotta move this guy.

Honey, come on, push this car.

Okay, back in the cab, back in the cab.

- We have to hurry. - That's it, let's go.

I hope that paid off.

- Right there. - Oh!

[Bianca speaking in foreign language]

- Which building?

- Right there. - Here?

- Okay, let's go. - Gracias.

- [Rob] Gracias, let's go, honey, we're here.

- [Bianca] This way?

[Rob speaking in foreign language]

[dramatic music]

- Welcome to Cusco, Peru.

[Debbie speaking in foreign language]

- Debbie and Bianca, you're team number one.

[Debbie and Bianca cheering]

Now, I've got some good news for you guys.

As the winners of this first leg of the race,

you have won $,.

- No way! - No way!

- Are you serious? - Are you kidding me?

- It's better.

$, each.

A total of $,.

[Debbie and Bianca cheering]

Susan and Patrick, you're team number .

- Thank you, thank you.

- Congratulations.

- I thought we were first, but that's okay.

- Whoo!

- Rob and Amber, you're team number .

You guys ran an amazing race.

You guys were at the back of the pack

and you moved to the front of the pack.

- We were, we came from behind, so, I'm proud of that.

[dramatic music]

- Brian and Greg, you're team number .

- Yeah, buddy!

- Lynn and Alex. - Yes, Phil.

- You're team number . - Yes!

- [Uchenna] We did it, we made it, we got through it,

and there's three teams behind us.

- [Ron] Get in the truck?

- [Kelly] We could have gotten on that other truck.

- I know. - Get on the truck.

Get your butt in there.

- [Kelly] We should be leaving

before this last team gets on here.

- [Ron] All right, come on, let's go.

- They're on here.

I'm about to be pissed off.

- We did it.

- [Ron] One of us is getting eliminated.

- We're not happy about it.

[dramatic music]

- [Ray] Hey, guys, lt's just hang together

until we find the clue. - Okay, cool, cool.

- Guys, we're here, lock and load.

- Come on, man. - Come on, Uchenna.

See it? - Let's go inside.

- [Ray] Market, come on.

- A lot of colors in here. - A lot of colors.

- [Ray] Keep your eye out, open your eyes.

- Go around the sides?

- Clue box. - Find it?

Make your way to the pit stop.


- Uchenna. - Joyce.

They might've left, I think they left.

We've gotta be smart. - Let's go back in here.

- Taxi is right here, right?


- [Uchenna] Ray just got in the cab and left.

- That's messed up. - Let's go back down there.

Okay, okay. - Yes!

Make your way to the pit stop.

- [Uchenna] Let's go.

The convent. - In Cusco.

♪ She'll be driving six white horses when she comes. ♪

♪ Yee-haw!

♪ She'll be drivin' six white horses when she comes ♪

♪ Yee-haw!


- This way. - Here?

[Kelly speaking in foreign language]

- What did she say? - Nothing.

- [Chuck] Come on, Ryan, get up here, buddy.

- Go by your instinct, Megan.

Where would they hide it here?

[Ryan speaking in foreign language]

Let's go in.

- Ron. - Come on, baby.

- [Ryan] There it is, I see it.

Go, go, go.

- [Kelly] It's over here. I heard them yell.

- Make your way to the pit stop.


[Megan speaking in foreign language]

- Oh, wow, the pit stop.

- This way, this way. - I got it.

Make your way to the pit stop.

- [Kelly] Oh, my gosh.

- [Megan] This is it, this is the pit stop.

- Go go go, let's go.

We're in third from the last.

- Hurry, hurry. - Go, go.

- Okay. - Get in.

Pass them, pass them!

- Okay, let's go.

[dramatic music]

- Meredith and Gretchen, you're team number six.

- Whoa!

Oh, Meredith. - Does that feel nice?

- It feels wonderful.

[tense music]

- Ray and Deana, you're team number seven.

- That's good enough.

- No, it's not. - I know it's not.

- First leg we made a lot of mistakes.

- Lotta mistakes. - But we'll take it.

[Joyce speaking in foreign language]

- Hi.

- Speak!

- Uchenna and Joyce, you're team number eight.

- Whoo!

- High five, babe.

- All right. - Beautiful.

- The llamas, the llamas.

- Do you want a llama for a pet?

- I think I'm gonna stick to dogs.

- [Uchenna] I think we'll stick to things I can carry.

- If we make it through this thing and not eliminated today,

no holds barred, here we come, people.

- Oh my god, don't let them pass, don't let them pass.

Don't let them pass, you need to go.

- The girls are in front of us,

the blonde girls right up there.

We can catch them.

- [Heidi] Oh, my gosh, are you kidding me?


- They passed us. - They let them pass.

- That's so not fair.

- We passed them, it's dog eat dog now.

- [Chuck] I can see they're coming up behind us.

- Listen, you open that door if they start passing,

you hear me?

- Is that them in front?

- Hell no!

[contestants speaking in foreign language]

- No, no.

- [Ron] We passed the South Carolina guys on the road.

We got a taxi driver

that's willing to go the extra mile for us

and he'll benefit from it financially.

- Those are the boys, huh?

- Pass 'em , pass 'em. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

- Go, go, go, go, go, whoo!

- This is like a emotional roller coaster

like I've never been on.

- Well, here we go, it's looking like a foot race.

- [Megan] Are we here?

Why don't you follow them?

Short cut?

You know a short cut?

Oh, it's right there, it's right there.

- I think they're in front of us.

- How? - I have no idea,

they might've found something we didn't.

- Straight and where?

Just straight?

Run, run, run, run, run.

- Gracias, amigo.

- He said through here.

- Where we at, where we at?

If you see the flag, run.

- Oh, my gosh.

Ron, pull it out, what is it?

- I can't hear you, come over here.

- What's the name of the place?

[dramatic music]

- Megan and Heidi, you're team number .

- Oh my god, that was so hard.

- You all right?

- What's the name of the place, babe?

- You've got the sheet, you put it in your thing.

- Ryan, where you at, buddy?

- [Ron] Kelly, come on.

Come on, baby, come on.

- [Kelly] What if this is not right?

- [Chuck] Come on, Ryan, get up here, come on.

[dramatic music]

- Easy, piece of cake.

- Welcome to Cusco, Peru.

- Gracias. - Gracias.

- Ron and Kelly, you're team number .

Ryan and Chuck, can you come up on the mat please?

Ryan and Chuck, you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you,

you've both been eliminated from the race.

You guys were literally within seconds,

and I know you guys ran hard.

- We just didn't make it.

There ain't heck for it.

If you ain't first, you ain't nothing.

- If you ain't the lead dog the view never changes,

is what they say back home.

- [Phil] Sorry to see you go. - Thank you, thank you.

- All right.

All right, Chuck.

- The friendship between Chuck and I

is a lot more important than being first or last.

I'm real proud of Chuck.

He is my only buddy

and the only person that's ever stuck with me.

- Very disheartening to be the first team off.

No matter what, I think Ryan and I

will definitely be best friends for life.

[soft music]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

On the next episode of "Amazing Race,"

lifelong friends Debbie and Bianca confront Rob and Amber.

- Tell me what I lied about?

- It makes me nauseous to deal with that.

- It makes me nauseous to have to have you call me a liar.

- Let's just say it's a good thing

that people can't be voted off.

- [Phil] Boyfriends Lynn and Alex

have a run-in with the locals.

- Your scale is rigged.

We want our money back!


[dramatic music]