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07x05 - I've Been Wanting a Facelift For a Long Time

Posted: 05/03/24 09:43
by bunniefuu
- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race."

[intense music]

Eight teams set out from Mendoza, Argentina

and raced to Buenos Aires.

[horse neighs]

- [Uchenna] The horse is just too wild!

- [Phil] Joyce took a wild ride.

- [Uchenna] Babe, you all right?

- [Joyce] Yeah.

- [Phil] But got right back in the saddle.

- Yeah, good job!

You are amazing!

- [Phil] On the first flight to Buenos Aires,

the lead teams gloated.

- Rob and Amber didn't make it.

Survive that.

- Very nice people gonna hold the flight for us.

- Oh, I can't wait to see the look on their face!

- [Phil] But quickly change their tune.

- No freaking way. That's horse crap.

- [Lynn] I hate them.

- [Phil] On the detour,

Ray and Deana didn't hide their contempt

for Meredith and Gretchen.

- I'm not losing to a year old man and his wife.

We got them beat, no matter what.

- [Phil] Susan and Patrick floundered.

- [Susan] Oh No, it's dying.

- [Patrick] This sucks.

- [Phil] And tensions rose.

- [Susan] If there's any inkling of hope, I keep going.

- [Patrick] When it's done, it's done.

- [Phil] In the end,

mother and son team Susan and Patrick never recovered.

I'm sorry to say you've both been eliminated

from the race.

Now seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

[intense music]

[intense music]

This is Buenos Aires,

the economic and cultural center of Argentina.

And just outside the city, La Martina.

This world famous polo club was the fourth pit stop

in a race around the world.

Will Rob and Amber's persistent good luck

continue to aggravate Lynn and Alex?

And will Meredith and Gretchen be able to advance

out of last place?

Rob and Amber, who were the first to arrive at three PM,

will depart at three AM.

- Fly to Johannesburg, South Africa.

- [Phil] Teams must now fly more than , miles

to Johannesburg, South Africa.

When they land, they'll choose one of these cars.

Inside, teams will find their next clue.

- You have $ for this leg of the race.

- [Amber] South Africa.

- [Both] Here we come!

- Taxi! Aeropuerto.

Good job, buddy.

Throughout this entire race,

there has been a guardian angel looking out

for Amber and I,

'cause without it, I don't think we'd still be around.

- All righty, I do believe today will be a doozy.

Fly to Johannesburg, South Africa baby.

- Yeah, baby!

- Let's do it, baby.

We're the only team that is not a relationship.

There's six couples out there right now

and one team of brothers.

So we're hopefully gonna see some self-destruct buttons

going off in these relationships,

and the brothers could be cruising in.

Yes, dude. - Let's do this.

- Aeropuerto.

- [Rob] Let's do it.

Excuse me, can you help me?

- [Clerk] Yes.

- I need to find a flight to go to South Africa.

The quickest way to get there.

- [Clerk] Varig. You could go to Varig.

- Is Varig the only one that goes there?

- [Clerk] Yes, it's making a stop in Sao Paolo.

- [Rob] I need tickets to Sao Paolo.

And then we wanna go to South Africa.

- [Clerk] The next flight from here to Sao Paulo,

it's :.

- [Rob] :?

- [Clerk] And you arrive in Johannesburg at :.

- [Rob] :, okay, let's get our tickets for that.

- [Clerk] I'll let you carry that.

- [Rob] Thank you.

- [Brian] I need to get to Johannesburg, South Africa

as early as possible.

- [Clerk] There is only one flight to South Africa.

Flying at five to .

- Just one?

All right, two tickets.

We're golden.

- Here we go.

- Fly to Johannesburg! - All right, let's go!

- Joyce and I have a plan to have more faith

in our instincts.

The lost city.

- Oh!

I'm excited!

- [Uchenna] To follow through with a plan

that we come up with.

Not give up and turn around and get ourselves all confused.

- [Joyce] Good morning!

- When you land, choose a marked car.

Let's go.

- All right!

- [Kelly] Ezeiza, international aeropuerto.

- [Ron] We could go to the travel agency.

- Well then what do you wanna do?

We gotta hurry up and tell him.

I think Ron and I are working out some of our issues.

I say we can do all of the research at the airport.

- And I'm saying that-

- Okay, aeropuerto, aeropuerto.

We're just trying to find out more about each other,

since this is the longest amount of time

we've ever spent together.

- You have $ for this leg of the race.

- Okay, let's go.

- [Lynn] Don't step in the horse poo!

Alex and I are having the time of our lives.

- [Alex] South Africa! - [Lynn] I know!

- [Lynn] But don't get us wrong.

I mean, we're here to win

and that's what we plan on doing.

- [Kelly] All right.

- [Joyce] Flight to Johannesburg, South Africa.

- [Uchenna] We wanna get there as fast as possible.

- [Clerk] You can't take those backpacks onboard.

- [Uchenna] They won't let us take them onboard?

- [Joyce] Thank you.

- We're looking for the fastest flight to Johannesburg.

- Please put your backpack.

- [Kelly] I'm kind of frustrated

because this lady made us check our bags.

- Oy.

Two tickets to Johannesburg.

There's only a few seats left.

Maybe Deana and Ray will miss this flight.

Gracias. - [Alex] Gracias.

- Okay, let's go babe.

Grab your backpack and let's go.

- You have $ for this leg of the race.

All right, let's go.

Hola, aeropuerto, rapido.

We feel a little apprehensive.

We know we gotta get to the head of the pack.

I cannot stand being in the back.

I can't take it. It's not me.

Deana hopefully feels the same way.

- [Deana] The same thing. - [Ray] Come on.

- [Ray] We got some old people to beat here.

- All right, hun, here we go.

Fly to Johannesburg, South Africa.

- Whoa!

Always coming at the bottom of the pack

and we just wonder what more we can do.

But we're gonna give it a good shot, if we can.


- Is there a quicker way to land in Johannesburg

than : AM?

You're sure of that? - Yes.

- Was there anything today, earlier that left?

- No. - Okay.

- Okay.

- [Ray] We're kind of hoping that Gretchen

and Meredith end up with a flat tire on the way here.

- Oh, that's so mean.

- They're gonna be cutting it close.

I should have left some tacks on the road

coming out here.

- That's so mean!


- Thank you so much. - [Deana] Thank you.

[driver speaks a foreign language]

- Okay, maybe we can hope

and maybe there'll be seats.

Maybe, maybe.

- Wow! - Wow!

- How did you do that?

- [Ray] Gretchen and Meredith aren't here.

- [Meredith] We've gotta go fast!

- We're going to South Africa.

- [Meredith] Are there seats available?

- [Clerk] Let me check.

Yes, we have seats free.

- [Meredith] Oh, good.

- Thank you very much.

- [Meredith] I can't believe that!

The g*ng's all here.

- [Rob] We're in first place, we had an eight hour lead,

so everybody got equalized.

Of course we're a little bit disappointed,

but we roll with the punches.

- [Phil] Teams are now on their way

to Johannesburg, South Africa,

by way of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

- I have a big favor to ask, okay?

We really gotta get off the plane as soon as possible.

During the flight, the whole time I worked it.

- I think I can get you out first.

- Oh, thank you so much!

We got up in first class, so it was a productive flight

and we were happy and very positive coming out of it.

[upbeat music]

[intense music]

- [Deana] That's ours.

- [Lynn] Outside are the marked cars.

- I'll have to get our bags. All right.

- Where the hell do we go?

- [Brian] All right, let's go.

- South Africa.

Tags. - [Joyce] Baggage claims.

- Marked cars.

- [Deana] These them? - [Ray] Okay.

- [Ray] Open the clue.

Fast forward.

- This is the first of only two fast forwards

hidden on the entire race.

The first team that finds it and completes it

can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

Each team can use the fast forward

only once during the race,

so they need to decide when it's most advantageous

to go for it.

In this fast forward, teams travel miles

to the town of Soweto

and make their way to the top of this tower.

Then, balancing stories above the ground,

they must cross this narrow suspension bridge

to receive the fast forward award.

- [Deana] What do you wanna do?

- [Ray] We need to get directions.

- These look like them. These are them.

Let's go.

What's the steering wheel doing over here?

Okay, there's a fast forward.

- [Alex] Okay. - Detour.

- [Lynn] Tunnels or tribed.

- A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose between tunnels

and tribes.

In tunnels, teams drive approximately miles

to these underground caves.

Once here, teams will rappel feet into the earth

and search the underground labyrinth for a clue.

In tribes, teams drive approximately miles

to the Lesedi cultural village,

home to five different native tribes.

Once here, they'll find six traditional items.

Only five correspond to the five tribes in the village.

Teams must deliver each of the items

to the tribe that owns it.

The tribal chief will give them a necklace.

When teams have collected all five necklaces,

they'll receive their next clue.

- Tunnels, that one sounds hard.

Let's do tribes.

- Do you know how to get to Soweto?

- Soweto, take the N south.

- N south? Okay.

- Soweto is on the south of Johannesburg.

- It's south? Thank you.

We'll go for it.

- You wanna go for the fast forward or not?

Let's not. - No.

- [Alex] I have no idea where we're going,

so we're gonna have to pull over and ask.

- I'm so glad Johannesburg is a real city.

I was so afraid it was gonna be like,

chickens and camels and whatever.

- Let's try to fast forward.

- [Deana] I can't find third. Dammit.

- Lynn and Alex are ahead of us.

We could play it safe and go for the detour,

but I wanna try this fast forward

and it could be a big mistake.

- [Rob] The cars are here.

Open it up.

- Honey, there's a fast forward.

- [Rob] Okay.

I say we do it. - [Amber] Okay.

- [Rob] We're doing the fast forward

because we don't know where the others are,

we don't wanna waste any time

and we wanna stay up in front.

- All right, where would the marked cars be?

- Oh, down here!

Tunnels, do we wanna rappel?

- That's easy.

- Right here.

I wanna do tunnels.

- That's the rappel and go through tunnels, right?

- Yeah. - Okay.

- [Greg] Dude, I'm in South Africa!

- I know, dude.

- Here comes our stuff.


- [Uchenna] Theirs came out.

- Try here.

- [Ron] Oh, this one?

- Tunnels [indistinct] - I'll do that one.

- We're hopeful that our bags will come through

but we don't know yet.

- All the other teams are gone.

We were forced to check our baggage.

It's sort of a tenuous moment.

Ah, there's mine. - [Joyce] Cool.

- [Uchenna] There's yours. - Is that mine?

- Oh, goodness, my bag's here.

Let's go. We gotta run though.

- [Uchenna] You wanna take this one?

- I'll take this one. - [Uchenna] All right.

- Which one you think is faster? Tunnels?

- I'm thinking tunnels.

- Okay, cool.

- I guess we better lock the car and go get a map.

- [Joyce] [indistinct] wild caves.

I can't wait to just experience Africa.

- [Uchenna] Yeah, we're looking forward

to dowse ourselves in our culture.

- Let's stop and ask these guys.

The Orlando Power Station Cooling Towers?

- [Deana] How do we get there?

- Excuse me, guys?

We're trying to find Orlando Cooling Towers.

- Go back south towards Johannesburg.

- [Amber] Thank you.

- Okay, bye now.

- [Amber] We just came from Johannesburg.

- I'm so confused.

A lot of other teams may have gone for the fast forward.

We may have burnt our bridge already.

- [Ray] It's taking guts to do this babe.

- [Deana] I know, I just hope we don't come in last

because we didn't get it.

- [Ray] If we go out, we go out in a blaze of fire.

- [Rob] Excuse me. Orlando Power Station.

- [Driver] Just follow me.

- [Rob And Amber] Follow you.

- Thank you!

[Rob laughs]

He's gonna take us there.

- Good work.

There it is.

- [Deana] This where we park? - [Ray] Yes.

- [Ray] Nobody's here.

Take a number.

Let's go, babe. We got this, come on.

- [Deana] What the hell are we doing?

- [Ray] Climbing our way up there.

We got it, babe.

- Oh, man.

- [Ray] Have you done this? [Ray laughs]

- [Deana] This ain't funny, Ray.

- [Ray] I know it's not. You can do it, babe.

Don't look down.

- This is some serious stuff here.

- Why did we have to pick this?

I wanna hold on to something.

- So I'm good? - You're good.

- [Deana] Is it hard? - [Ray] No.

- Yeah [indistinct].


Oh boy, honey.


- Alex, I just feel like we need to stop and ask.

Don't you think we should turn?

- [Alex] Yeah, stop at the gas station for sure.

Do you guys know where the Lesedi Cultural Village is?

- [Lynn] It's this way? - Okay, great.

- Thank you guys. - Thank you.

- [Lynn] So the five tribes pick up things,

deliver them to the tribes, get necklaces, get a clue.

- [Alex] Yes, okay, good, good, good.

This is good.

- My God. He is so scary, Alex.


- Welcome to Lesedi!

- [Alex] Thank you!

- Please choose your pile.

- [Lynn] Oh! - [Alex] Oh!

- [Lynn] Let's take the one closest to the thing

so we have less time.

Okay. Thank you! - [Alex] Yes.

- [Alex] Village is this way.

Okay, we gotta run.

- [Lynn] Okay, this is Zulu.

- [Alex] Hi. - [Lynn] Hi.

- Do you need this?

- Do you need this?


[Lynn and Alex scream]

- Is that a no?

- Is that good?

- [Lynn] Oh! - [Alex] Oh yay!

- All right!

Thank you!

- That was scary. - That was scary.

- [Lynn] Okay, okay.

- Greg, you wanna get out and ask this lady?

She's probably gonna think you're mugging her

but run out and ask her if she knows.

- Excuse me.

[Brian laughs]

Do you know where the wild caves are?

- Wild caves?

- It's about kilometers that way.

- That way? - Okay.

- Thank you very, very much.

We have got perfect directions, we're ready to go.

- I'm not sure where on this deal we are.

- [Joyce] We need to ask for sure, honey.

[Uchenna grunts]

- There they are, honey.

There's the two water towers.

There's somebody up there already.

- Good job, babe.

- [Rob] There's a team here.

- [Amber] To the tower. - [Rob] Come on.

- [Rob] Number two.

- [Instructor] Okay, are you guys aware

that there is another team up there at the moment?

- [Rob] Yes.

- You have a choice.

You can wait down here-

- [Rob] If they make it, then we can't get it?

- Correct.

- [Rob] Then we'll stay here.

- [Amber] Another team is there ahead of us.

Fast forward is very scary.

We're just banking on the other team not doing it.

- Good job, baby!

- The scariest thing I've ever done in my life.

- I gotta do it now.

- [Greg] There it is, a gas station up there.


- [Attendant] Then you go back onto the island.

- [Greg] We're going back the way we came?

- [Attendant] Yeah.

- All right, thank you very much.

- Thank you.

- [Ron] Wild cave.

- [Kelly] Looks like we're the only car here.

- Woohoo!

We'll be friends.

- [Brian] Greg, it's right there.

- [Greg] Right there? - [Brian] It's right there.

- There's another team that's pulling in right now.

Looks like the brothers.

- [Greg] Who is that? Ron and Kelly?

Of course.

- Let's do this.

- [Ron] Hello, spelunkers.

- Pageant training really comes in handy right now.

- See, she can model this out.

Doesn't she look cute?

- [Kelly] All right, let's go, come on.

- Spelunking. I just like saying it.

- Yeah.

- [Instructor] Bend your knees, step into the cave.

Just let the rope slide, all right.

Off you go.

- [Kelly] Bye. - [Ron] See ya.

- [Instructor] Mind your legs.

- [Instructor] Release the slack.

- Okay. Woo.


- This is crazy, dude.

- Got off the road and off into a black hole.

- Woo.


- [Instructor] There we go.

- [Instructor] Just watch this rock here.

- [Kelly] Oh my gosh.

- [Ron] Is this fun, baby?

You having a good time here?

- [Kelly] I feel like I'm in the army.

- Down and dirty.

Nope, back.

We gotta go back there and turn right.

- [Deana] Oh boy!

- You got it, baby!

One slat at a time!

- [Deana] Ah.

- This is crazy.

I don't even think we should wait.

- Well, we're gonna be in last

even if we do do the detour now.

- [Rob] Well, I guess we'll just wait.

- Halfway there, baby.

There you go.

- [Rob] What do you think?

There's a chance they might not do it?

- I don't really think there's a chance they won't do it.

- Well do you wanna leave right now then?

You make the decision, you decide.

- Stay in the middle.

Little steps.

- You wanna go?

I'm asking you to make a decision. Can you do that?

Just tell me, yes or no.

- [Ray] In the middle.

- [Deana] Whoa. I can't...

- You're almost done, baby.

It gets easier from now on.

- I'm asking you to make a decision.

Do you wanna stay or go?

- [Ray] That's it, yeah!

[triumphant music]

- She just got to the other side.

- [Instructor] Okay, they've just made it.

- Let's go. We're going.

- We're getting fast forward.

- Getting fast forward. [Ray laughs]

- [Rob] Come on, sweetie. Come on please.


- [Ray] That's somebody. Somebody got screwed.

- [Deana] Yep, that's Rob and Amber, I think.

- [Ray] Yeah, I know. They're in trouble.

- [Amber] Detour, tunnels or tribes.

- Which one do you wanna do?

- Whatever one's closer. Which one's closer?

- I can't do a damn thing right today.

I'm all backwards.

- Congratulations, you've won the fast forward.

- [Phil] Having completed the fast forward,

Ray and Deana can now skip all tasks

and proceed directly to the pit stop,

located on this scenic overlook,

just down the street from where Nelson Mandela once lived.

- [Ray] That was something else.

- [Deana] I hate this car.

- Deana, you handled all that stress of the climbing,

now you're freaking out in the car.

- [Deana] This is worse!

- [Rob] I have so much more faith in you

than you have in yourself.

You could do so much more than you give yourself credit for.

- It's the pipe.

Let's do Xhosa.


- Yes, that's mine!

- [Lynn And Alex] All right!

- [Lynn] Yay. Thank you.

- Thank you.

- [Alex] That's two, Lynn.

- [Lynn] Okay. - [Alex] Let's do this.

- [Lynn] The mask?

- [Alex] The mask is good.

- Okay, we'll take it to Sotho.

- [Alex] Hi!


[tribal leader speaks a foreign language]

No? Okay.

- I think they want maybe this hat.

See the hat?

Take the hat. - [Alex] Okay.

- [Lynn] Honey, don't run in front of the...

- Hello, cow!


[tribal leader laughs]

Oh good!

- [Tribal Leader] Bullseye.

[tribal leader laughs]

- [Lynn] Thank you. - [Alex] Thank you.

- [Amber] Lesedi Hospital.

- Huh? - We're in Lesedi.

- We are. You wanna go to the hospital?

- [Amber] Yeah.

- I'm thinking "Why not?"

A little psychiatric evaluation.

I mean, we probably need it at this point.

You guys know where the cultural village is?

- [Receptionist] Amber?

- [Amber] Yes.

[both laugh]

- All of a sudden, all the nurses

and doctors recognize us from "Survivor."

- We're given hugs and they're not understanding

that we're in a hurry.

- Okay, then we get off the ramp, turn left immediately.

- And then you go straight.

- [Rob] Finally, we get directions.

Thank you so much.

- [Amber] These guardian angels along the way

helped us so much because they recognize us

and almost feel like they know us.

- [Person] There's a number of caves here.

- So one of them might be Wild Caves.

- Thank you! - Thank you!

- [Gretchen] Now what are we doing?

- [Meredith] I'm trying to turn around.

[car horn honks] - Oh, Jesus!

- Sorry.

- [Gretchen] I tell you, rapelling is gonna be easy

compared to getting there.

- This way to the caves?

- [Driver] Yes.

- [Uchenna] We're working with it.

- I think we're on the right track.

- [Ron] I say we get back up to the top right here.

- [Kelly] Are you sure?

- [Ron] I ain't sure about nothing.

- [Brian] Oh, this is sweet dude.

Freaking belly crawling.

Remember what I said about claustrophobia?

- [Greg] Yeah.

[both laugh]

If you can't handle me stuffing you in a sleeping bag

when you were little and not letting you out...


This is so fun, dude.

- [Greg] I hear somebody down there.

Sounds like Ron and Kelly.

- [Ron] Is the clue in the cave or up here?

- [Kelly] Up here.

Pass me.

- [Ron] Oh yeah. Found a clue.

The clue will be near the exit of the cave.

- Going back down.

- [Alex] Get the pot. - It's heavy.

- Let's go. - Oh, it is heavy.

- [Alex] Let's take the pot to Pedi.

- Hi. - Hello.

- Thank you. Here you go.

That's four. We're almost done.

- Okay.

- Ah, it's getting better.

There's arrows, it's gonna open up.


- [Brian] Drive yourself to the town of Soweto.

- [Phil] Teams must now drive themselves

to the town of Soweto,

once a riot torn community

in the heart of the Apartheid uprising.

Soweto is now a city of two million people

and is transforming into a vibrant city.

Near the center of town is the sprawling Baragwanath Market

where teams will find their next clue.

- [Brian] Dude, we found our clue.

We should really get out of here right away.

- Oh my gosh.

- Hey. - You found it?

- Yeah. - Where is it?

- The clue's right up there.

- [Ron] Damn, can't get at it though.

- [Brian] Wanna help us get out of here?

- [Kelly] It's straight up.

- [Ron] Where is it?

- [Brian] They're all over the place.

- [Ron] Oh, I see 'em.


- Find the Baragwanath market.

- You got spelunking w*r paint.

- Yeah, you look like Braveheart, dude.

- [Kelly] All right.

- [Ron] Climb it like you never climbed it before.

- Beads.

- [Lynn] Oh, I love those.

- [Alex] Oh, their village is nice.

It's pretty.

- [Lynn] Handmade Christian Dior.

- [Both] Oh!

- Thank you.

They're like the Beverly Hills of the villages.


- Congratulations!

Here's the next clue!

- [Both] Oh!

[tribal leader speaks a foreign language]

- Thank you!

- [Both] Drive yourselves to the town of Soweto.

- Let's go.

- [Meredith] Wild Cave Adventures.

- [Instructor] Don't jump anywhere in the cave.

You never know how thick the floor is below you.

- [Meredith] Yes. - [Gretchen] We won't jump.

- Okay.

- [Instructor] All right, here we go.

- [Gretchen] I'll meet you down there!

Yes, like this?

Goodbye, cruel world!

- Here it is.

It's another team that's here right now.

- [Meredith] Are you ready?

- [Gretchen] We have to be very careful, Meredith.

- [Meredith] Okay, honey.

Maybe there's a...

Okay, this way.

- [Gretchen] See anything?

- [Meredith] It's a dead end.

- [Gretchen] Oh God.

- [Instructor] Let the rope slide through your hand.

- [Joyce] Okay.

- [Uchenna] Jump, kiddo.

[Joyce laughs]

- [Instructor] There we go.

- [Uchenna] Cool.

Hmm, let's go this way.

- [Ray] All right, turn left babe.

Right there. - [Deana] Right here?

- [Ray] Yes. That has to be it.

- Welcome to Soweto, South Africa.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Ray and Deana,

you are team number one.

- Yes! - Yeah!

- When you're team number one,

sometimes there's a prize

and we have something very special for you guys.

You see those two cars over there?

- What two cars?

No way! - No!

- Those two cars are your cars.

They are Toyota RAVs, compliments of Toyota USA.

- Oh my God! - Oh my God!

- How good does it feel guys

to know that this morning, when you were heading out,

you were saying "This is a time when we gotta take a risk?"

- We did come with a different mind set today

all the way around in how we att*cked the race

and how we didn't attack each other.

And it paid off, there's no question about it.

Look at that.

- [Deana] It's a pretty car.

[intense music]

- [Amber] Is this it?

- [Rob] Yep. Good directions.

Hey Chief. - [Amber] Hello!

- Welcome to Lesedi!

Please choose your pile.

- Okay.


- [Amber] Is this your item?

[tribal leader speaks a foreign language]

- [Rob] No. - [Amber] No?


- [Rob] They got beads, they're making beads,

so their item's gonna be the beads.

- [Amber] Okay.

- No, this thing is theirs, definitely.

Is this yours?

[tribal leader speaks a foreign language]

All right!

All right, thank you.

So we see how we gotta do this, right?

- [Amber] Right, yeah.

- Excuse me! BaragwanathMarket?


- So go there and take a right and go that way?

- [Person] Yeah.

- [Kelly] Do you know how the heck

to get to Baragwanath Market?

- You go straight.

You'll see lots of minibuses on your left hand side.

The place is there.

- [Kelly] Okay.

- [Brian] I think it's this one down here.

- Yeah? - No. sh**t.

- [Ron] Oh, there's the clue right there.

- [Kelly] All right, road block.

- A road block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this road block,

that person has to search this market place

and purchase five items for a local orphanage.

Once they've made all their purchases,

they'll receive their next clue.

- Who likes to shop?

That'd be me.

I need one backpack.

Backpack, backpack.

- [Person] Just right in there.

- How much is this?

- [Stall Owner] .

- Okay, would you take two American dollars for it?

I don't have any money from South Africa.

It's okay? - [Stall Owner] Yeah.

- Thank you.

- There's skull and crossbones there

and there's skull and crossbones down there.

- [Gretchen] I hate to give up on anything

but I'll tell you, this is...

- Let's not give up too soon.

- [Gretchen] Do you see any markers?

- [Meredith] Yes! - [Gretchen] Where?

- [Meredith] Right here.

- [Gretchen] Oh, for God's sakes.

- [Meredith] Unbelievable!

- [Gretchen] Oh my God! We might be getting out!

- I can't make it through that.

That's just so narrow.

This is horrible.

All right, we could be lost in here forever.

Why didn't we go do the travel thing?

- Hey chief, I got your pipe.


All right, thank you! - [Amber] Thank you!

- See you later.

Oh, it's the bowl.

This guy mashes in the bowl.

All right, thank you very much.

Have a nice day.

That's it.

One, two, three, four, five.

- Here is your next clue.

- Find the Baragwanath Market.

Thanks, chief! Give me five!

All right!

Let's go.

- Okay Alex, just run inside.

- [Alex] Pardon me.

We're going to Baragwanath.

- [Shop Assistant] The second off ramp.

- [Lynn] Second off ramp?

- [Alex] Thank you so much.

- [Brian] Right there.

It's Ron and Kelly. Dang it, they beat us.

Gosh, we suck.

It's gonna be crappy shopping.

- I'll do it. Do you have any toys?

How much? ?

- [Stall Owner] Yeah. - Thank you.

- Let's go, Greg!

Keep it up, buddy!

- [Greg] Diapers?

- Medium, small, large?

- Medium.

Thank you very much.

- Pick up some deodorant! We're running low!

- Looking for a blanket.

Is that a blanket?

- [Stall Owner] Yes, rand.

- [Kelly] Good, good, good.

Thank you! This way?

That the way?

Oh good. How much is this?

- [Stall Owner] This is rand.

- [Kelly] Thank you.

This is hard.

- [Gretchen] Oh, we have to get a clue.

- [Meredith] Wouldn't it be something if we fell here

after doing all that other stuff?

- [Gretchen] God, the rapelling was nothing.

- Piece of cake.

We get a clue from...

From you.

- A clue from someone.

- [Producer] The clue's in the cave.

- Oh.

- [Meredith] We get a clue, baby.

- In the cave, Meredith.

- What is?

- The clue is in the cave.

- Clue, that could be right.

What do you see that way?

- [Joyce] Yeah, I see a clue.

- [Uchenna] It's a clue.

This is the clue.

- Come on, we gotta go get it.

We gotta go get it.

- [Gretchen] We have to go all the way back down again!

- [Meredith] Don't be upset.

All we can do is go get it now.

[Joyce screams]

- That was tough.

- That was no small order.

Drive yourselves to the town of Soweto.

- [Joyce] Look at her face.

Does my face look like Gretchen's?

- [Uchenna] Yes.

Let's make tracks. - Goodbye!

- [Joyce] They didn't have a clue in their hand.

- They had to go back down in there to get it.

Well, we know we're better than last.

[Joyce laughs]

- Are you coming?

- Oh, my knees are k*lling me.

- [Meredith] Keep your footing.

- [Gretchen] All right.

[Gretchen whines] [stones roll]

- [Meredith] Are you all right?

[Gretchen yells]

Are you okay, hun? [Gretchen whines]

Oh. Honey.

- [Gretchen] Help! - [Meredith] Hey! Help us!

- [Meredith] Help us! She fell!

[Gretchen whines]

[intense music]

Are you okay, hun? [Gretchen whines]

Hey! Help us!

Help us! She fell!

[Gretchen whines]

Oh God, Gretchen.

- [Person] Medical help please.

[Gretchen whines]


- I can see four fingers.

- She fell so hard.

It scared the hell out of me.

- [Gretchen] Find the clue, honey.

Don't worry.

- [Meredith] I'm worried.

- [Gretchen] I've been wanting a face lift

for a long time.

[Gretchen laughs]

- [Medic] It's quite deep.

- [Gretchen] Is it deep? - [Medic] Yeah, it's deep.

- Am I gonna need stitches?

- Only one. - Only one?

- Yeah.

- [Meredith] I'm so upset about what happened to Gretchen.

- [Gretchen] Did you find it, hun?

- I'm looking. Okay.

- I have a whole road block to do yet.

- Diapers.

Thank you.

Here's one shirt. Two shirts.

Thank you very much.

Mission accomplished.

- [Ron] Oh my gosh, you got it.

- Hi.

Two children's shirts, one blanket,

a toy, child's back pack and diapers.

Thank you.

Now load the items into your car

and deliver them to Orlando Children's Home.

- [Phil] Teams must now take their purchased items

and deliver them five miles away

to the Orlando Children's Home.

Once they deliver the items,

the director of the orphanage

will hand them their next clue.

- Orlando Children's Home.

- Straight, then turn right.

- All right, let's get it.

- [Kelly] We got skills, shopping skills.

- [Alex] Take a right at this.

- [Lynn] I missed it.

- [Alex] Oh my God, the brothers are here.

- [Lynn] Hey, we can take those b*tches.

- [Greg] All right, we need one more thing.


- Could I get a small blanket?

Oh, they're gonna love that.

A little doggy on it.

- Who likes to shop? You do.

- Okay.

- Will you promise not to freak out?

- Yeah, totally.

Toy, just need a toy.

How much?

- [Stall Owner] rand.

- Okay.

- diapers.

And two WWF t-shirts.

Thank you, sir. All right.

- This is a children's home

and you should be careful, you may not run.

- [Greg] Let's go.

- I'm okay. I'm okay.

Where did he go for that clue?

- [Meredith] Okay.

You're a real trooper, hun.

[melancholic music]

Gretchen is amazing me, not only with her spirit

but with her character.

She said "Look, we're not leaving without the clue.

"Get yourself over there and find it."

That shows me what she's made of.

Drive yourselves to the town of Soweto.

- I can't go to Soweto Market like this.

[intense music]

- Park it. There we go.

Road block.

- Who likes to shop? I'll do it.

- Good luck. - Thanks!

- Diapers!

Thank you.

- [Amber] I need a blanket, shirts, diapers.

- [Ron] Orlando Children's Home.

- There it is, there it is. [upbeat music]

All right.

All right, let's do this.

[children cheer]

- Hello, welcome to Orlando Children's Home.

- I am so glad!

Thank you very much.

- Oh, thanks. - Thank you.

- We really appreciate it.

- I wish we could stay and play!


Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

[intense music]

- [Phil] Teams must now search Soweto

and find this famous street

where Nelson Mandela once lived.

At the end of the street is this scenic overlook

of the city.

This is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

- Warning, last team checking in may be eliminated.

Thank you again. - [Ron] Thank you.

- [Kelly] So much.

[children cheer] [upbeat music]

- [Ron] That was so cool.

- I loved that.

That was the best thing we have done.

Nelson Mandela.

- First short left, then you turn.

You can see Nelson Mandela.

- Awesome. - Oh, thank you.

- Thank you, thank you.

- [Brian] That's them, that's Ron and Kelly.

They're leaving.

You got the stuff? - Yep.

- That was an incredible experience.

I about broke down and started crying.

- Whoo! - All right!

[children cheer]

- Here we go!

- Thank you.

- We have some things for you.

- Yes, warning, the last team to check in

may be eliminated. - All right!

- Good luck.

- [Greg] All right guys, have some fun!

- [Brian] Stay out of trouble!

Don't do dr*gs, all right!

- [Greg] All right, good to see ya.

- [Brian] We're going to pit stop, baby.

- [Greg] Let's do it!

[intense music]

- [Kelly] Right to the left and just look for the parking.

Oh yeah, oh yeah.

Just pick it up.

- There's the pit stop over there.

Hurry, hurry, hurry. Let's go.

- Ron and Kelly.

You're team number two.

- Oh! I thought we were one!

- Yeah, I thought we were the first.

- [Ron] That's great though.

- I've seen you guys look cleaner.

- Yeah.

- Especially her, look at her.

[both laugh]

- [Lynn] Baby blanket, oh, perfect.

- [Alex] Reporting to these guys, good job.

- Oh.

- [Rob] Not good.

- [Alex And Lynn] Oh!

- [Alex] Open it.

- Now load the items into your car

and deliver them to the Orlando Children's Home!

- Okay, let's go! Bye Rob, bye Rob!

- I need a toy.

It's all jewelry.

- Look, there's one fast forward

and then there's Ron and Kelly.

- Brian and Greg, you're team number three.

- Whoo! That's what we figured.

Good job.

[children cheer]

- Would you have this?

- I will. - Yes, thank you so much!

- The next pit stop, eliminate the last team. Okay.

Bye kids! [children cheer]

- [Alex] Bye guys!

[intense music]

- This?

- Hi Amber. [Amber laughs]

How are you?

- Hello, how are you?

- I'm such a fan!

Want some help?

- Somebody from here comes up to me

and wants to help me find all my items in the market,

so an angel in disguise.

I mean, angel in heels and a skirt.

Children's back pack?

- rands, rands.

- Now we need diapers. - Okay, let's go.

- Okay, thank you!

Oh, it's ?

Is that right, it's ?

- Yeah, it's .

It's rands. - Right there.

- Okay, let's go.

- Thank you, let's get in there.

- Okay, let's go. We got everything.

- [Rob] Come on, Amber!

- [Shopper] Boston Rob, I'm so excited!

[Amber laughs] - [Amber] Thank you very much.

- Orlando's Children's Home.

- Okay.

- [Rob] Do you know where the Orlando Children's Home is?

Okay, you're coming with me.

- [Uchenna] We're at this intersection right here.

- [Joyce] Okay, so here,

if we go to route to route ,

then we can go .

[Uchenna exhales]

- Can I ask you a question?

We're just trying to get to this market.

- Baragwanath? - Yes.

- [Person] You turn right here.

- Did you get good directions?

- [Meredith] I think so.

[intense music]

- [Lynn] Nelson Mandela?

- [Alex] This way?

Wait, wait, wait, wait. There it is, parking.

- [Lynn] Where? - [Alex] Straight ahead.

- [Lynn] Okay.

- Lynn and Alex, you're team number four.

- All right. - Okay.

- That's good.

- [Joyce] This must be the market over here.

- Wow. Serious market.

- There, right there.

They've been here already.

Who likes to shop?

I don't want to. You do it.

[Joyce laughs]

- [Uchenna] Okay, where can I find a back pack?

- Take a right? [upbeat music]

- Yeah, this orange building.

[children cheer]

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Thanks for caring!

- [Rob] Oh, thank you!

- Warning, last team to check in may be eliminated.

- Okay, okay! Thank you!

- [Amber] Okay, bye!


- [Amber] He's playing with the kids.

- [Shopper] You are just going to go straight.

- [Uchenna] rand?

rand, right?


All right, I'm out of here.

I got everything I want.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Orlando Children's Home.

- [Joyce] Oh, wow. - [Uchenna] Hallelujah.

- All right, darling.

Who likes to shop?

You've been looking for this all your life, right?

Do you feel up to it?

- [Gretchen] I'll shop.

[intense music]

When people see me coming,

they're gonna run the other way.

For babies, diapers?

- Diapers are that side over there.

- Over there?

- I worry about her, but we're doing the best we can

and we hope that we're still hanging in there,

but I think we're pretty far behind the power curve.

- Okay, there's the children's home right there.

Let's do it.

Let's go and follow the path.

We're last. We gotta be last.

- [Joyce] Why are you saying that?

Putting that negative energy out there?

- [Uchenna] I don't know, I'm just really feeling down.

- [Joyce] Don't say that!

- [Uchenna] Okay, I won't say it.

- [Joyce] Negative. - [Uchenna] I won't say it!

[children cheer] [upbeat music]

- Whoa, whoa.


- [Joyce] Wow!

- Hello!

- Thank you! Thank you so much!

Let me give you this here

and enjoy your stay in South Africa!

- [Uchenna] Thank you. - [Joyce] Thank you.

- [Orphanage Manager] All of the best.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Thank you. - Bye bye.

- [Joyce] Bye kids!

- [Uchenna] Bye bye kids! [children cheer]

Thank you.

[triumphant music]

- The orphanage was really special.

Seeing those kids made me realize

that there's just so many available kids

that are unwanted in the world.

It definitely made me think of my inability

to have a child.

Uchen and I have actually considered adoption

and I'm just thinking there's so many kids out there

that could use a home like ours.

[intense music] - Meredith!

- Come over here little darling.

- Couldn't get too many deals.

Thank you so much.

- [Meredith] There you go, hun.

- Deliver them to the Orlando Children's Home.

- You can come with us. - Come on.


- You're team number five.

- Excellent!

- Still in! - Yeah!

- Congratulations. Who's your friend here?

- So Lindalei, she helped us out big time.

We had a tough day, probably the toughest day so far

on the race.

[children cheer] [triumphant music]

- Thank you so much.

- You're welcome, you're welcome.

Last team to check in may be eliminated.

Be good, children!

[children cheer]

- Boy.

- [Gretchen] We'll probably be eliminated.

- [Meredith] We could still be alive, you know.

- [Gretchen] That would be wonderful.

But who in the world, unless someone's still lost?

- [Uchenna] They said search the streets.

- [Joyce] For the pit stop.

- [Uchenna] I don't see it.

I'm making a U-turn.

- Hi.

- Welcome to Soweto, South Africa.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Uchen and Joyce.

You're team number six.

- Whoa!

Are you serious?

I'm still chewing dirt from the caves.

But hey. - We're just glad to be here.

- We're in South Africa. This is the motherland.

For us, our people. - Yeah.

- And right to the end,

when you actually delivered all those wonderful things

to the kids.

- That was the most special.

The kids were so sweet.

And the woman there, she was so appreciative.

It just touched our hearts though.

- This has been the most special moment for us

in the entire race.

[tense music]

- [Meredith] These look like our cars.

- [Gretchen] Yes.

- Come on.


- Welcome to Soweto, South Africa.

- Thank you. - Thank you very much.

- Meredith and Gretchen,

you're the last team to arrive.

- So we figured. - Yeah, we figured.

- The good news is [upbeat music]

this is a non-elimination leg

and you are both still in "The Amazing Race."

- [Both] Oh.

- I can't believe it. - That's amazing.

- Look at you.

- You know there's a penalty.

- We gotta give all of our money up.

- So yeah, that's exactly right.

I need you to hand over everything that's in your pockets.

Just so you know,

you'll not be receiving any money

at the start of the next leg of the race.

And you have to start the next leg of the race

with zero dollars to your name.

- Yeah.

- Unfortunately, I have some more bad news for you.

I need you to hand over all your possessions.

That means your bags.

I'm taking everything from you except for your passports

and the clothes that you're wearing right now.

- [Both] Oh my God.

- Everything else, I need you to put down right here.

And you will be racing with not only no money

but literally just your passports

and the clothes on your backs.

That's it.

- So that means even if we get back in it tomorrow,

we're still naked until the end of the race?

- You're gonna have to find some way

to get resources that you need

to get you through to the finish line

and hopefully win.

- Mm-hmm.

- But whatever you do, don't give up.

- We're not about to give up. - You're still in this.

- [Gretchen] All we have are each other now.

- And we're gonna have to work together,

but we're soulmates and no matter how this thing ends up,

we're not going down until we can't take

another step forward.

- [Phil] Stay tuned for part two

of a special "Amazing Race" episode

in just a few moments.

[upbeat African music]

This is Soweto, South Africa.

Once a shanty town where , students

famously protested Apartheid,

it is now a vibrant city.

This was the fifth pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

Will last place Meredith and Gretchen

be able to survive after being stripped

of everything except their passports?

And can Ray and Deana continue their newfound success?

Ray and Deana, who were the first to arrive

at : AM will be the first to depart at : PM.

- Chart yourselves to the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve

and feed the lions.

- [Phil] Teams must now drive themselves

approximately miles to the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve.

Once here, teams will sign up for one of two shuttles

into the reserve,

where they will have to feed wild lions.

[lion roars]

Once the lions have their meal,

teams will be handed their next clue.

- Okay, let's go.

Dee and I love being in first place

and we don't intend to give it up.

Deana still has a hard time handling stress.

She needs to step up a little bit more

and assert her talents where I need them.

- T, Cradle of Humankind.

- [Ray] It's the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve.

N North.

- Why does it do that? Dammit!

- [Ray] Deana, just take it easy.

- [Deana] Here we go again. - [Ray] Stop panicking please!

- The Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve.

Let's do it.

- [Ron] We're in the best physical shape

of any of the teams that are here right now

and we can tell some of the other teams are breaking down,

they're having a little bit of trouble

and it's leading them to have trouble mentally.

- [Kelly] Ron and I, we're hoping that we can maybe

step it up a notch and push the other teams out.

- [Ron] We came in from this direction, right?

- Yesterday, on our way to the Wild Caves,

we saw the sign for the rhino park,

so we're just going right back to where we were,

so we feel pretty good.

[tense music]

- Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve.

Teams will sign up for shuttle order when they arrive.

Okay, that's good. Protect our lead a little bit.

Eight AM.

All this and we gotta wait.

What are we gonna do 'til eight AM?

- [Deana] Sleep.

- [Kelly] Did you see that?

- [Ron] That was just like bombing downtown Baghdad.

Cradle of Humankind, we got...

Yeah, this is it.

- All right, and away we go.

Make your way home and give mom a great big hug.

Then eat all of her chicken enchiladas

'til you enter a food coma. [Greg laughs]

Feed the lions. Yeah, baby.

- [Greg] All right, let's do it.

- [Brian] All right, cool.

Greg keeps me light, because he's always laughing at stuff.

But I know if anything happened to me,

Greg would probably come running to my rescue

in like, two seconds.

- [Greg] Whoa!

- Man, am I sucking at driving?

All right, so we gotta find this lion place.

N North.

- Drive yourselves to the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve.

- Go down this way. - Which way?

- This way! [Lynn laughs]

- Alex and I, we're people first.

We're racers second.

We realize that the underlying task at hand

is to win this race,

but half of the prize is being here.

Do we have that map?

- [Alex] Yeah, we have that map.

Oh, here it is. N.

- [Lynn] So the N's up here, that's good Alex.

- The Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve.

All right.

- [Amber] Let's go see some lions.

- [Rob] Rock on.

- [Amber] Up until this point,

I think the other teams have kind of been

not too fond of me and Rob,

but I don't really think it's gonna get any better

as the race goes on.

- Needless to say, I don't think we're gonna be

getting any Christmas cards from these people.

Meredith and what's his name get no money.

What do you think, honey?

- [Amber] We're gonna get on N.

- [Brian] Lion and Rhino Nature Reserve.

- Yes!

- That's hour difference.

- Eight AM, brother. - Money, where's the money?

- [Lynn] Oh my God.

- [Alex] Nine AM.

- [Lynn] We're with all the second people.

But they're a whole hour ahead of us.

- [Alex] It's okay.

- When the lions are fed,

the park ranger will hand you your next clue.

- Let's do it. - Let's go.

- Uchen and my marriage was really rocky

at the beginning of the race,

but now it really looks hopeful.

Watching each other with the kids in the orphanage

definitely let me know the relationship

is going the right way.

Cradle of Humankind.

- So that's close to where we were yesterday.

It's here! - Yeah, let's go.

- Another day, another dollar.

Six teams have $ for this leg of the race.

One team has none.

I wonder who they are.

All right, we go as far as we can go.

You ready? - Mm-hmm.

- Gretchen and I are starting this leg off bare naked.

No backpacks, we have no money.

- When you take the weapons from your warriors,

it's hard for you to fight,

but we're gonna try to do it anyway.

It worries me terribly,

carrying our passports in a plastic bag.

- [Meredith] We have to go right back out

where we were yesterday with the kids.

- [Gretchen] Oh my God.

- So we gotta go back toward N.

- [Gretchen] I feel like someone took sandpaper

and scraped my face.

But I'm alive and happy to be alive.

- [Rob] This is it right there.

This the gay guys in front of us?

They drive me nuts.

- I got one. [Rob laughs]

- [Joyce] This is so frustrating.

- [Uchenna] We're starving the lions this morning

because we can't get there to feed them.

[lion growls] [tense music]

- [Gretchen] Here, rhino park.

- [Meredith] You're doing great, hun.

- [Gretchen] Here they are, all parked in a row.

So the one that's missing is Uchenna.

- [Uchenna] Okay, finally.

So we're the last ones to get here.


- [Meredith] How do you like this shirt?

- [Uchenna] It fits you well.

[Meredith laughs]

- I don't quite fill it out, my man.

Uchenna and Joyce came to our door last night

and handed us a bag of clothes.

- Thanks.

- [Gretchen] Maybe we can borrow from the kids something.

Will you please come here a minute.

We're starting the Save the Rhino Fund,

and that's no lion.

[all laugh] [upbeat music]

- Here's five American dollars.

- Thank you very much.

- [Gretchen] Well I think that's more...

- Let's give them five bucks.

- Thank you, guys.

This is all repayable, you know that.

- [Rob] She's tough to look at, all beat up like that.

I'm not giving them any money.

They're the biggest con artists going.

- [Meredith] Can we count on you

for a contribution here today?

- I'll be glad to a little later in the leg

to see what we need.

- [Meredith] Okay.

- Meredith and Gretchen to me are sacrificial lambs.

I wanna see them be eliminated

and I don't wanna help prolong this agony for them

any longer.

I'm just thinking of them.

- Could all the teams for the eight o'clock shuttle

please get onto this vehicle?

Please stay seated at all times.

Even if a lion were to jump into the vehicle,

freeze and do absolutely nothing.

In each bucket, there is two pieces of meat

and we will feed them to the lions.

- [Ron] If he jumps on me, Kelly,

I'm throwing him you.

[lion growls]

Look at them, they smell it.

- Yes, they do. They're licking their chops.


[lion whines]

- [Ranger] Okay, throw the meat.

- Little guy.

[lions growl]

- Here you go.

- Nice catch!

Look at their face!

- These lions were hungry.

- [Ranger] Everyone finished?

- [Brian] Finished.

[intense music]

- [Deana] Thank you.

- All right.

- Fly to Gaborone, Botswana.

- [Phil] Teams must now fly over miles

to the city of Gaborone in the country of Botswana.

When teams land, they'll have to travel

over miles by train and bus

to this giant aardvark,

located outside the village of Guetta.

It is here they'll find their next clue.

- [Kelly] Back to Johannesburg.

- Johannesburg, to the airport.

- Yeah.

- [Ray] We gotta drive to the airport.

- All right, so I guess we're headed to Johannesburg.

- B, we gotta get back on N.

- [Ray] The brothers went straight. Follow them.

- We get to go feed the lions!

I don't know what they eat.

Hopefully not us.

- Remember, just remain calm

if the lion jumps into the vehicle.

- [Lynn] That's crazy.

- [Alex] You wanted to sight see.

- [Lynn] I wanted to see giraffes.

- [Amber] And off we go!

- Yeah, it does kinda feel

a little bit like Jurassic Park, doesn't it?

What happened in that movie?

[upbeat music]

[lion growls]

- [Meredith] They're huge!

- [Gretchen] Beautiful.

Oh my gosh, I love them.

- [Joyce] Uchenna's a little nervous.

- I'm not making eye contact with anybody.

- [Ranger] One, two...

[lions growl]

- [Joyce] That's cool!

- [Gretchen] Whoa!

- This is amazing.

[intense music]

- [Ron] Johannesburg International.

- [Kelly] Departures terminal. Marked parking.

- [Ron] There's the flight.

- [Kelly] Woo woo.

- Now if we can go find us an early ticket.

Here's South African Airways.

We're trying to get to...

- [Kelly] Gaborone, Botswana.

- [Ron] I assume it's possible.

- [Clerk] My earliest flight is at : PM.

But Air Botswana has a flight at noon.

- [Ron] Thank you. - [Kelly] Okay, thanks.

- [Brian] JHB.

- [Greg] Seeing signs, baby. - Yeah!

- [Greg] Let's see if we can get an early flight.

- o'clock, we gotta hurry.

Hi, could we get tickets for your o'clock flight

to Botswana?

- o'clock? - [Kelly] To Gaborone?

- [Clerk] Yes, ma'am.

- [Ron] Woohoo!

- [Brian] Is there room? She's getting your flights?

- [Ron] Mm-hmm.

- [Brian] Nice, we better get on here.

- [Clerk] Here's this one. - [Kelly] Great.

- Gaborone. - [Greg] Gaborone, Botswana.

- [Greg] Can we book that?

- Yes.

- [Greg] Thank you.

- [Ray] Departures terminal.

To the left. - [Deana] I am in the left!

- No, that way, to the left!

Deana! Watch the signs!

I need tickets to Botswana.

- [Deana] Yes.

- Okay, just hold on to that. - [Deana] Thank you.

- I'll just get you tickets.

- We're booked. - We got them.

- Thank you. - Thanks.

- Gaborone.

- Botswana.

- Look for your next clue at the giant aardvark.

- Yeah, I would take the N

and then we'll just follow the signs to Johannesburg.

- This trip, we're gonna follow the guys in front of us.

- [Joyce] Follow Lynn and Alex.

Just let them do the hard work for us.

- Right there.

Johannesburg International Airport.

The other teams went the wrong way.

- [Lynn] There's a toll booth.

Hello! - [Alex] Hi!

- [Lynn] How do I get to the airport?

- [Toll Operator] You have to turn and go back.

- [Lynn] What exit?

- It's like minutes' drive.

- All right, minutes, make a right.

Oh God, we went the wrong way.

- We were on our way to the airport.

- [Toll Operator] You have to turn around

and you'll see the Witbank.

- [Meredith] Witbank?

- [Gretchen] Yeah, we've been going all wrong.

- [Rob] The airport is this way?

- [Toll Operator] You have to turn around

and go back.

- [Rob] Get out of here! Are you serious?

- [Toll Operator] You take Witbank.

- [Amber] We went way past it.

- [Rob] We can do a "Louie" right here.

- Joyce navigated us into the airport

and I am overwhelmed with excitement.

- We're not such idiots!

- [Uchenna] Hello.

We'd like to go to Botswana, Gaborone.

- [Clerk] The o'clock flight is about to board.

- [Uchenna] Thank you so very much.

- [Joyce] Thank you so much.

- There's Ray and Deanna.

Huge, huge.

We're in the mix again and it feels really, really good.

- [Phil] Brian and Greg, Ron and Kelly,

Uchenna and Joyce, and Ray and Deana

are on the first flight to Gaborone, Botswana.

- [Lynn] Okay, so I'm gonna get off here Alex.

I'm going towards Johannesburg.

- [Alex] Yeah.

- [Meredith] Witbank. - [Gretchen] Straight ahead.

- This one says straight ahead.

Wow, this has been an adventure.

- [Gretchen] Now we want departures.

Up here.

We need the earliest flight to Gabone.

- [Clerk] The earliest is : PM.

- All right, the bag people come through again.

- [Rob] Hi, I want to book two tickets to Gaborone.

: flight? This is the earliest, yes?

- [Clerk] Yes.

- Thank you.

- [Lynn] We're driving into the city,

which I don't really remember.

I definitely don't remember any of this

so we're definitely getting lost.

- [Alex] This looks like scary area.

- This looks like scary area. Lock the door.

Now I feel super scared.

Oh my God, this is like Compton.

What's happening here? This is scary.

- No, no, no, no, no. No, no.

- [Lynn] No. Roll up the window, Alex.

Oh my God!

- Just pull over anywhere.

I'm gonna ask somebody to drive us.

- [Lynn] Pick someone who looks the least likely

to have a g*n.

What about this guy?

- [Alex] I'm gonna get these people.

- [Lynn] Okay. Oh yeah, it's Tupac.

- [Alex] I'm trying to get to

Johannesburg International Airport.

I'll pay you to drive me there and I'll follow you.

Yeah, come with me. Come, come, come.

- Come on, we're right here.

- [Alex] Okay, this is good. I feel better.

[intense music]

There's an airplane, great.

- All right.

Okay, let's go.

There's no way we're gonna be able to catch up with them.

Two tickets for the flight to Gaborone, Botswana.

Thank you so much.

Where are the other teams?

- [Alex] There they are.

- [Lynn] Thank God. Oh!

- [Ron] Should be able to just get a taxi.

- [Ray] Come on, babe. Come on.

- [Uchenna] Let's do it, baby. Come on!

- [Ron] Taxi. - [Kelly] Taxi.

- Can you take us to the train station?

- [Brian] Split a cab?

- Taxi? - Yes.

- [Ray] The train station.

- We need a taxi.

Ernest Hemingway wrote about hunting in Botswana.

- [Ron] Hi, can we get tickets to go to Francistown?

- [Clerk] The time is nine o'clock.

- Nine o'clock?

It looks like every single team is gonna catch up here,

'cause the train doesn't leave until nine o'clock.

- One train at nine.

- [Joyce] At nine PM? - Yeah.

- [Lynn] We need a taxi to the train station.

Okay, the blue one? - Yeah.

- [Lynn] Oh, perfect.

- Yeah, there's a bunch of guys

getting in to a bus down there.


I wanna come with you!

- [Lynn] Not enough room, not enough room.

- [Rob] I wanna come with you.

- [Lynn] Rob, there's not enough seats!

Can you go, driver?

- [Rob] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- [Lynn] Rob, dude, there's not enough seats.

- There's plenty of room, bro.

- [Lynn] No, there really isn't.

- Plenty of room. Is this a bus?

- [Lynn] No, it's a taxi.

- Is this a bus?

- [Lynn] Wow, Rob, calm down.

We'll all get there the same time.

- Okay, we'll play like that.

- I love to see Rob pissed off. It makes me so happy.

- I let him get away.

- I mean, if that had been pretty much any other team there,

we would have let them on the bus.

- Ah.

- But I just didn't wanna have to share a cab with them,

and I like my air conditioning

and I don't wanna be crowded.

- Taxi!

I'm fuming.

He spazzed out like a little girl.

"Rob! Rob!

"There's no room!"

Meanwhile, he's stretched out

like he's on a carpet ride, you know.

- Where's the train station please?

Choo choo!

The train station.

- Take care.

- [Group] Hello. - [Alex] Hello.

- We can get tickets in here.

- [Lynn] Hey guys, there wasn't enough room.

- There was plenty of room, bro.

It's all right, we play like that.

Lynn's got his head up his ass.

He might be able to run Alex like a little farm boy,

but he can't treat everybody like that.

I'm done being nice.

I mean, it's getting to be crunch time now.

There's six teams left.

Everybody's being nice,

giving Meredith and Gretchen money this morning,

playing the good Samaritan.

I ain't giving any money. - Not everybody.

- I'm not even sure she fell down.

He might have pushed her just for effect

so people would feel bad for her.

[Amber laughs]

[intense music]


- [Phil] All seven teams are now

traveling by train to Francistown,

and then bus toward the town of Guetta,

where they'll find this giant aardvark.

It is here they'll find their next clue.

[intense music]

- [Gretchen] Go, go, go.

Oh my God, oh my God, Meredith.

- Road block.

- [Phil] A road block is a task

that only one person may perform.

In this road block, that person has to successfully

complete a hunting training exercise

created by bushmen.

They must throw a traditional spear

approximately feet and hit a moving target.

When they hit the target, the bushmen will hand them

their next clue.

- I'll do it, baby.

- You can do it, do it.

- Let's go grab a bushman.

- Who's got good aim?


- Who's got good aim?

- You do, baby.

- You do. - I'll do it.

- Who's gonna aim? - I'll do it.

- Do you have the energy to do that?

- Yeah.

- Who's good? Number one.

I'll take him. He's got a smile on his face.

- Okay.

- [Greg] All righty, I'll take the old wise man here.

Let's go, buddy.

- Oh!

- [Gretchen] Make your way to the group of bushmen.

- [Meredith] Bushmen!

- [Gretchen] Are you listening?

- [Meredith] I'm listening. But I had to find the bushmen.

Where are the bushmen?


[bushman speaks a foreign language]


- Eh!

- [Kelly] Honey, you can do it.

- Dang, it's a little more difficult than you think.

- This guy's gonna teach me, he's like Yoda.

- [Greg] Let's go, Yoda. You can do this.

All right, a little higher, a little higher. Aim higher.

- Oh, a little sissy there.

- [Uchenna] There you go, you got it.

- [Alex] All right, Lynn.

- Ooh. Where's another spear?

- He's my bushman.

- [Ray] I'm not a bushman.

I did vote for Bush but

that doesn't count.

- [Rob] Close.

- [Kelly] Honey, you can do it.

- [Brian] Argh!

- [Lynn] Oh my God, aye yay yay yay yay yay yay.

- [Greg] Come on, boy!

You're not Brian anymore, you're bushman.

That's it! - Yes!

- [Greg] That's it, yes!

Got him in the hind legs.

- Thank you, Yoda. Thank you.

Drive yourself to the cattle post.

- [Phil] Teams must now drive over miles

to this remote cattle post

in the middle of the Botswana bush known as the Xau Xarra.

It is here they'll find their next clue.

- You're here in the wild African bush.

Therefore, a safety guide will ride in with you in the car.

- Grab your stuff, let's get out.

- [Kelly] All right, baby. You got it.


- All right. Thank you.

Let's go, go, go.

- [Alex] You can do it, babe. It's easy.

- [Lynn] Yay! - [Alex] Whoo!

- [Lynn] Can you give me a clue?

Thank you.

- [Alex] Xau Xarra. Okay, let's go.

[intense music]

- [Brian] Far left, far left.

Right here, this guy's great.

The big man! Give me some skin, brother.


- Here's the Range Rover. We're over here!

- [Kelly] Way to go, honey. You did so good.

- [Ron] There's a marker there.

Being in the military,

I've driven through the desert in Humvees,

whereas I'm sure there is no one here

that has ever done that.

- [Brian] Come on, we just lost our lead.

- [Alex] That was awesome with that spear.

You did that fast.

- Yes!

Hurry, hurry!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Come on Deana, come on!

- [Deana] Have some patience for once.

- [Uchenna] Yeah! - [Joyce] Whoo!

- [Uchenna] Good job! Xau Xarra.

- [Joyce] Where's the bags? Do you see 'em?

- [Uchenna] No.

- Damn, honey.

He doesn't remember where he set our bags.

- Stay in the middle.

- I'm trying babe, I'm trying.

It's not as easy as you think it is.

- I'm not saying it's easy, just do it the right way.

Don't take your foot off the gas.

- Did you sharpen these things or what?

- He loses his patience pretty quickly.

[Rob grunts]

- [Gretchen] Good for you, honey!

- [Meredith] Thank you very much.

Bring the bags to these Land Rovers.

[Rob grunts]

- I'm getting frustrated.

Just calm down.

[triumphant music] Yeah.

- Come on, baby. Good job.

- [Rob] Are we last? - [Amber] Yes.

- [Amber] Right here.

- [Rob] Xau Xarra.

- Yeah, this is the way. Go ahead, straight.

There's trucks over there.

- [Joyce] Yeah. Thank you.

- [Uchenna] Just go straight to the truck.

- [Meredith] We made the hurdle,

so now we have to think about the hurdle after that.

- Honey, you did well. God bless you.

- [Rob] Are we last, honey?

- [Amber] Uchen and Joyce are behind us.

I don't know where Meredith and...

- [Rob] They're right in front of us.

- [Amber] Okay.

- Ron and I, we're the first ones out.

The brothers were behind us.

- We're freaking four wheel driving in the bush.

- We've been hanging out with Lynn too much.

I'm like whee!

[Lynn giggles]

- [Lynn] We're good, we're good.


No tipping over, that's good.

Oh my God, this is so Indiana Jones.

- [Gretchen] You ever think we'd be driving

through bush country?

That isn't President Bush either.

[intense music]

- [Rob] Come on, man.

- [Amber] So who is this? Meredith and Gretchen?

- [Rob] Yeah, it's pissing them off so bad

that we got in front of them right now.

The old man's about to cry.

- Oh, for God's sake.

- [Gretchen] Oh!

I think that was Rob and Amber.

- [Rob] Bye bye!

[Rob laughs]

Another team ahead of us.

- [Amber] I think that's probably Ray and Deana.

- Want me to pass them?

- [Amber] Go for it.

- Be aggressive.

- [Rob] See you later, Ray and Deana.

- [Ray] Oh baby, come on!

I think Rob and Amber are in front of us.

Dammit, critical mistakes!

- Slow down, you're going almost .

A bush policeman might give us a ticket.

- You see any clue markers, hun?

- No.

- How about that one?

- [Gretchen] Oh my God.

- Tell me less about slowing down

and more about markers.

- [Uchenna] All right, this is the way.

- All I see is Meredith's dust.

- [Uchenna] Is that her up there?

- [Joyce] Meredith is a guy.

[Ron howls]

- [Ron] I have to say, this is a lot of fun.

- [Greg] Good job, B. You looked like a bushman out there.

Whoa, watch out.

Don't try and go in the deep sand.

- [Brian] You make the littlest movement and you slide.

The sand is so slippery, man.

- [Greg] No, no, no. Stay on the marks.

Stay on the road.


[Brian and Greg yell]

[suspenseful music]

[intense music]

- We rolled over. The camera guy's hurt.

I can't believe this is happening.

- [Lynn] Honey, what do I do here?

- [Alex] Oh my God. - [Lynn] Oh my God.

- [Lynn] Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Are you all right?

- I was driving straight.

- [Lynn] Are you okay?

Are you okay, dude?

- I don't know how I did that.

- It's okay, Greg. It's okay.

- [Lynn] We've never driven these before.

- It's okay. Guys, get out of here.

I don't want you guys to lose the race because of us.

What are we gonna do? Are we done?

I mean...

[suspenseful music]

- [Rob] Ah, the car flipped over.

This is a competition, but we don't want anybody

to get hurt, you know.

That's not fun for anybody.

- [Lynn] That was Rob and Amber, wasn't it?

- [Alex] Mm-hmm.

- That's just so typical of their game.

- There was no way we were stopping.

It's still a competition, let's not get crazy.

- [Kelly] We must be getting close.

- [Ron And Kelly] There's the clue box.

- [Ron] Come on, babe.

- Detour, food or water?

- [Phil] A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose between food and water.

In food, teams use a traditional wooden container

known as a keka and two sticks to grind corn.

Bush women will sift the corn and reject it

if it's not the right consistency.

Teams must fill a basket up to the green line

to receive their next clue.

In water, teams use reed straws to suck water

from this underground spring.

Then, adhering to local custom,

they must fill up ostrich eggs

and bury them in the ground for cool storage

to receive their next clue.

- We have to hurry.

Come on, we're losing time.

- Okay, which one do you wanna... ?

- Let's do food.

- [Ron] Go, go, go.

- [Kelly] Hi!

- Can we get some corn?

- Pouring it in here?

Look over there.

- [Ron] We pour the corn in there

and then we gotta beat the crap out of it.

- [Kelly] All right, we take turns.

All right, one, two, one, two, one, two.

- I'm putting some back muscles in it.

This sucks.

- [Kelly] Y'all work hard.

- [Person] The doctor's on his way.

- Thank you.

- [Lynn] All right, take care, you guys.

- [Brian] Good luck, guys.

- [Lynn] I cannot believe Rob

and Amber did not stop their car.

They're just awful pigs.

I mean, literally. That is terrible.

- Slow down.

Oh my God. You guys all right?

- [Deana] Are you guys all right?

- [Brian] Yeah.

- [Deana] Oh, I'm so glad they're okay though.

Oh my God.

- [Ray] Watch the road.

- [Deana] Realize I'm the only woman

ever driving stick around here.

- [Ray] You can't follow a map.

- You can't either.

- [Ray] This is your role, do it.

Don't complain.

- Don't break the car

or we're really gonna be in trouble.

- [Meredith] You wanna go home tonight

or you wanna stick around?

- I don't wanna go home tonight

but I don't wanna have my bladder

up in my chest cavity either.

Oh my God! [Gretchen gasps]

- [Uchenna] You guys all right?

- [Brian And Greg] Yeah.

- I hope nobody's injured.

- [Brian] Now we're dead last. All the teams came by.

- [Greg] We have to wait for a back up car to come.

Now we just gotta focus back on the race

and not get eliminated.

- Here.


- [Kelly] It's getting close to what

it's supposed to look like.

Right in here?

We got a ways to go.

- [Rob] There's a box right there.

- Food or water?

- [Rob] Pounding's gonna be hard.

Let's do the water.

This is easy, babe. We can do this.

How much, how much?

- [Amber] eggs.

[Rob and Amber suck through straws]

- Dude, let's just go grind some corn.

- Okay.

[Amber chokes]

- Yo, full, full.

Honey, I'm gonna start digging the hole.

- Oh my God, the boys wrecked.

- They wrecked?

- We stopped, you know, help them out,

and then Amber and Rob drive straight on by.

- Honey, come on, Rob and Amber do not deserve...

No quitting.

- [Amber] Full.

- [Kelly] Is it okay?


- [Villager] No.

- [Villager] That should be enough after this one.

- [Lynn] Darling, is this good?


This is stupid.

- [Amber] Baby, how are you so fast at it?

- [Rob] Come on.

- [Amber] Come on, baby.

- [Lynn] Alex, come on dude.

Just keep going, go.

- [Rob] Almost there.

- [Kelly] It's good, it's good, it's good.

- [Ron] Thank you.

- Drive yourselves along the marker

to the next pit stop.

- [Phil] Teams must now drive themselves

seven miles to the edge of the Makgadikgadi Pans.

Once a great lake, it dried up more than , years ago

and became the largest salt pan in the world.

Teams will spend the night here.

This is the sixth pit stop in a race around the world.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

- [Kelly] Come on, honey.

- [Lynn] Okay, they're done.

Come on.

- That sucked.

It was really pulling all the skin off my hands.

- [Amber] Is that all of it?

- [Rob] Yeah, just this one.

- [Amber] Be careful, last thing we wanna do is break one.

- [Rob] Okay, thank you.


- [Amber] Easy. - [Rob] Okay.

- [Amber] Don't step on them.

- [Rob] Thank you. - [Amber] Thank you.

- Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

- Hold this.

- Why are you yelling at me?

- [Alex] Shut up. Right, we need more rice right?

- It's not rice, it's corn,

and I think we're good for right now.

Let's put that basket in there and grind it up.

- [Ray] Parking. Pull up.

- There they are up there, hun.

Oh, I'm so stiff. Come on, hun, help me.

- [Uchenna] Let's do it.

- [Deana] What one do you wanna do?

- Food or water?

- [Ray] We're picking food.

- Let's pound corn. - Food? Okay.

- [Gretchen] You wanna do the corn?

- [Meredith] Okay.

- [Ray] Come on, babe. Come on.

- [Deana] Quit yelling at me.

Please have a little bit of patience.

- [Ray] I know but don't make me wait

every time we run somewhere.

- [Deana] Honey, you're gonna knock it over.

- [Uchenna] Let's do it in rhythm.

- I don't know if...

- Shuck up, down.

- Here comes another vehicle.

All right, let's go.

I'm gonna say a little prayer for us, Greg.

Dear loving father, please be with our camera man.

Please give us guidance for the rest of this trip. Amen.

- Dammit, Alex.

- Take yours all the way out, Lynn.

- You suck.

- Take it all the way out.

Lynn, this is how you do it.

- Yeah, if you have , years.

- Ow, just hit my hand.

- [Uchenna] Hit it, don't just push it down.

- [Joyce] The rhythm. [Joyce laughs]

- [Lynn] Put it into the basket.


- [Alex] Halfway.

- Wanna have her sift this?


- [Joyce] Oh yeah, pour that in there.

- [Uchenna] We got to go to the green line?

- [Joyce] We're getting there.

- [Meredith] Come on, we're doing fine.

- [Ron] We're going towards Pans, right?

- [Kelly] Yes. We have to hurry.

- [Rob] I'm doing good, yeah?

- [Amber] Yeah, you're doing great.

- [Kelly] There's a marker. - [Ron] Where?

- [Kelly] Straight ahead.

- [Rob] Remember, we gotta run.

- [Amber] Take it easy.

- [Kelly] There's parking left.

- Jump out, come on.

- [Rob] Unbelievable.

- [Amber] Oops, such idiots.

- [Rob] Damn!

- Welcome to Botswana.

- [Both] Thank you.

- Ron and Kelly.

You are team number one.

- Yeah, baby!


- How does that feel?

- It feels really good.

- We're first, we're moving up the food chain,

so doesn't get much higher than this.

- I don't know if you realize

but there's some beds set up here in the wilderness.

Have you noticed those?

- I saw that.

- You guys are gonna be sleeping out here.

- All right.

- Yo.

- Rob and Amber, you're team number two.

- Good job, baby.

- Now did you guys see a wreck at all today?

- Yeah, we saw.

We saw that it looked like the brothers

and Alex and Lynn.

- Did you guys stop at all? Did you... ?

- No. - No.

- We didn't. - It's a race, Phil.

- I see.

So you left them on the side of the road?

[intense music]

- Oh, now I'm in the numb stage,

so it doesn't even hurt.

- [Ray] That's it!

- [Deana] Oh my God.

- We're getting less than anybody out of this.

- [Deana] I know!

- Just keep pounding it.

- Heave ho!

- Oh, see? Look at them.

Go get it, pirates.

- Okay, take that. I need a rest.

- [Villager] No.

[Meredith and Gretchen sigh]

- Come on!

- All right, let's hope this detour

is super duper physically tough.

- We need somebody to slow down.

- Look at that bowl.

- [Lynn] That's okay. This is our last one.

- Ah, that's gotta be it.

Move it to the sides, come on.

- [Villager] No.

- Ah, come on.

I don't think we're ever gonna get that basket filled.

- This will get me over the top.

- [Villager] Okay.

- Let's go, Joyce! Joyce!

- [Joyce] We're done? - We did it.

- There's no possible way.

- Last team checking in may be eliminated. Let's go.

- Okay [indistinct].

- [Gretchen] I gotta rest a second,

unless you wanna keep going.

- You rest.

- Okay.

- Thank you so much.

Drive yourselves along the marked road

to the next pit stop, lalalala, Pans.

Okay, let's go. - Let's go.

- [Deana] Ow! Ray!

- [Ray] Deana.

- [Deana] The least you could do is apologize.

- [Ray] It's teamwork and we don't work as a team.

That's a problem.

- [Deana] You can do it yourself.

- [Ray] That's it, give up.

- We have a lot more to go, Ray.

- That's the spirit.

Come on, we're gonna beat Gretchen.

- Heave ho.

That's a girl.

- [Gretchen] We should be almost up to that line.

Is that it?

- No.

- We need a miracle.

- [Greg] We're not giving up. We're not quitters, dude.

Here we go, let's park the car.

Two teams left here. - [Brian] Yes!

- Come on, baby. Come on.

Detour. Everyone's doing food.

- [Greg] Let's do the water.

- Yeah, let's do the water.

Quick, get in here. - [Greg] I know.

- [Brian] Put your tongue on the tip.

- [Uchenna] Only two trucks are here.

- Ah, made it!

- Uchen and Joyce.

- Yes.

- You're team number three.

- Whoo!

- [Phil] Congratulations.

- Thank you.

- [Alex] We've made it, we've made it.

We've made it.

Marked parkking area, perfect.

- Lynn and Alex. - Yeah.

- You're team number four.

- [Both] All right.

- Good.

- We would've been team number two.

- If?

- If we had not stopped

and helped that car that crashed on the way but...

- [Alex] The brothers crashed on the way.

- And sometimes you just gotta stop and do the right thing.

- [Villager] No.

- [Ray] Oh, come on!

This lady doesn't want us to get done.

- This is it. Keep pounding, hun.

- Come on, Deana.

- [Deana] Ray, I'm trying, okay?

- You bitch way too much.

God, it's depressing doing this with you.

- [Deana] I think it's depressing doing it with you.

- Party.

[Brian burps]

There we go, that's a party.

- [Greg] Dude, we're kicking butt.

People are still over there.

- Okay, give her that. It looks good.

- [Villager] Okay.

- Okay!

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

All right, come on hun.

Well, we made it this far.

[intense music]

- [Deana] How the hell did they get it done before us

is what I wanna know.

- [Ray] Stop complaining and do it!

Gosh, all you do is complain. - Shut up.

- [Villager] No.

- [Deana] Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

- [Ray] Dammit! Come on!

- There's a sprinkler system. It's up and running.

Good. Okay, we gotta bury these.

- [Gretchen] All right, honey.

We're going to the parked area.


- Come on, hun!

[group cheers]

- [Lynn] Awesome!

- [Gretchen] Oh my God!

Put your hair down.

- Meredith and Gretchen.

You're team number five.

- Five! [upbeat music]

- You guys have done the almost impossible.

But you're still in the race.

- My spirits were so low that night.

And Meredith said we couldn't do it.

We did five, Meredith!

- That's our best yet, hun.

- Yeah.

[intense music]

- Are the brothers still there?

- [Deana] Yeah.

- [Brian] I think we'll get in here, mister

bushman here.

- [Ray] Put it in there.

- [Villager] Okay.

- We're done. - We're done?

- Thank you.

- [Brian] No one's gonna eat our water.

No one knows where they are.

- [Ray] Let's go!

- All right, thank you. Oh my gosh.

- They're there, they're going.

- Which ones ours? Right there.

- This one.

- [Brian] Let's go. We'll open it in the car.

- [Deana] It's this way.

- [Ray] Okay, [indistinct].

- [Deana] See?

- We can beat them there, we can beat a foot race there.

- Wow.

- All right, we gotta catch up with this team.

- Just go straight to the final marker again.

- [Greg] There they are, taking a left up here.

- Maybe, maybe.

- We're gonna beat the brothers to the pit stop

and we'll have time to regroup,

because every second for the next leg will count.

- [Greg] I see dust, there they are. Let's go.

Catch up. We're not getting eliminated.

- No way.

- [Deana] Is it up here?

- [Ray] Yeah, right where those cars are parked.

- [Greg] Hurry up, hurry up!

Foot race, foot race, let's go!

- Get your seat belt off. - [Greg] It's off, it's off.

- Do we have to grab our stuff or no?

- [Ray] I'm sure we do.

Deana, come on! - [Deana] Dammit!

- [Ray] Deana, come on!

Come on!

[triumphant music]

- Thank you God!

- I love you, bro. - I love you, man!

- I love you too!

[Greg screams]

- Brian and Greg,

you're team number six.

- Yes!

- [Phil] Still in "The Amazing Race."

- Yes!

- Congratulations.

Seems like it means a lot to you guys

to stay in this race, huh?

- Yeah.

- I rolled that damn car and I thought it was over.

It feels good to be on this path still.

It feels good.

- [Phil] You'll be happy to know your camera man

is gonna be okay.

[indistinct] [Greg laughs]

[tense music]

Maybe we should do the right thing

and pull Ray and Deana over here.

- [Brian] Sure.

- Why don't you guys call them over?

- [Greg] Ray, Deana!

[melancholic music]

- Ray and Deana, you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you,

you've both been eliminated from the race.

- We deserve to be. We do.

Today, we were awful.

- So do you feel like the race brought you guys together?

- I probably won't compete with her

in anything in the future.

To be brutally honest, I don't know if I can accept Deana,

as she is lacking the competitive fire that I have.

- I definitely want the relationship to work

between Ray and I.

He just needs to realize

that this relationship has two people.

Ray is not always gonna get what he wants.

- [Ray] I can't end this if I wanted to,

and I can't go on, even though I do want to.

We need to figure out what it is

that's both holding us together and ripping us apart.

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

[intense music]

On the next episode of "The Amazing Race."

Lynn and Alex hit a rough road.

- [Lynn] Watch out for that stick.

- [Alex] Oh my God.

- [Lynn] Honey. You got a flat.

Oh my God. This is a rough day.

- [Phil] And Kelly sees a different side of Ron.

- [Kelly] Hurry, hurry. - [Ron] Shush.

- [Ron] Stop telling me stuff.

- [Kelly] I have nothing to say to you now.

Piece of trash redneck.

- [Phil] And on a special episode,

one week from tomorrow night-


Catch up on the first half of the season.

- Woo-hoo-hoo!

- [Phil] Through highlights.

[horse neighs]

And never before seen footage.

- Out to make enemies, absolutely.

- Especially with me.

They're all banking on whatever I do.

I'll tell them all to jump in a minute.

[intense music]