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07x10 - We've Got a Gnome! We've Got a Gnome!

Posted: 05/03/24 09:47
by bunniefuu
- [Phil] Previously on The Amazing Race.

Four teams set out from Jaipur, India

and raced more than , miles to Istanbul, Turkey.

Kelly confronted Ron.

- You don't make commitments.

- [Ron] I was only committed to the military.

- And you got out of that one.

- How did I get out of that one?

- By being a POW.

- [Phil] In the airport, Rob got cocky.

- Uchenna and Joyce, they don't know who to turn to.

I mean, they're asking Meredith and Gretchen for advice now.

It's like the blind leading the blind.

- Yes.

What is the earliest flight to Istanbul?

- [Phil] Not realizing that they were falling behind.

- [Ron] That's a two-hour jump on the original tickets.

- [Phil] Once in Istanbul,

teams hunted for Travelocity roaming gnomes.

- [Joyce] We got a gnome, we got a gnome!

- [Phil] On the Roadblock--

- Oh my God, Meredith.

- [Phil] Gretchen struggled to scale a wall.

- [Meredith] Come on, babes.

- [Phil] While Rob and Amber and Ron and Kelly

raced to avoid last place.

- [Rob] Yeah!

- [Kelly] Honey, you can do it.

- [Amber] Woo!

[Ron grunts]

- But in the end, Ron and Kelly couldn't catch up.

You're the last team to arrive.

This is a non-elimination leg

and you guys are both still in The Amazing Race.

And were stripped of their belongings.

Did you guys bring the gnome for me?

But a lucky break--

You have $, to spend with Travelocity.

- Woo!

- [Phil] Awarded them a vacation of a lifetime.

- [Ron] I think it's gonna be fun

traveling with $, of cash to spend.

- [Kelly] Thanks, Travelocity.

- Four teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

[dramatic music continues]

[dramatic music continues]

[dramatic music continues]

[suspenseful music]

This is the historic city of Istanbul, Turkey.

It is the only city in the world built on two continents,

Europe and Asia, and just outside the city,

this -year-old fortress, Rumelihisari.

This was the ninth Pit Stop in a race around the world.

Ron and Kelly, who arrived last, were not eliminated

because this Pit Stop was the second

of three predetermined non-elimination spots.

However, they were stripped of all their belongings

except for the clothes on their backs and their passports.

In addition, all of their money was taken

and they will not receive any money at all

for the coming leg.

Will this be the final blow

to Ron and Kelly's already troubled relationship?

Or will it bring them closer together

as they work to come from behind.

And after jumping ahead in the last leg,

will Uchenna and Joyce and Meredith and Gretchen

be able to stay ahead of the competition?

Uchenna and Joyce,

who were the first to arrive at : a.m.--

- Yeah! - Woo!

- [Phil] Will depart at : p.m.

- Okay, where are we going?

Route info.

Make your way to Sirkeci station, train station

and find the room with the dervishes.

- [Uchenna] Dervishes.

- [Phil] Teams must now make their way

miles to Sirkeci train station and enter this room.

Inside, teams must pass through

a group of whirling dervishes,

a religious sect famed for a ritual

in which they spin to show devotion to their faith.

It is here that teams will find their next clue.

- Three teams will have $ for this leg of the race.

One team will have $.

- , $.

- Okay, cool, let's go.

- Taxi!

- [Joyce] Oh my God, did he hear you?

- [Uchenna] I've got a big mouth.

- Train station?

Thank you.

In our real world,

Uchenna goes one direction and I go another direction.

So this race has definitely drawn us together,

mainly because we have to rely on each other.

It's the train station?

- [Driver] Yes.

- [Joyce] Okay, great.

Are these dervishes right over here?

- [Uchenna] Those look like dervishes to me.

- Can one of you escort us?

[serene music]

- This is beautiful.


[serene music continues]

- Fly to London, in England.

- [Phil] Teams must now fly over , miles

to London, England and find this zebra crossing or crosswalk

on a road made famous on an album cover by The Beatles.

Teams will have to figure out that this is Abbey Road,

and at the crossing, they'll find their next clue.

[serene music]

- Yeah. - Wow.

- [Joyce] That's cool.

- [Uchenna] That is magical.

- [Joyce] It's cool!

I just wanna get there as quick as possible to the airport.

- Abbey Road.

- Abbey Road?

Yeah, that sounds right.

- All right, it looks like we got a few bucks.

One team has zero for this leg of the race.

- Oh, I'm so glad it's not us.

- Poor Kelly and Ron.

Here, hang on.

It's difficult.

- [Gretchen] It's quite a thrill for us

to be the oldest team that has made it this far on the race.

Here we go.


- [Meredith] Train station.

- [Gretchen] And we were just hoping to get through

the first couple legs without embarrassing ourselves,

and here we are.

- [Joyce] International departures.

- Thank you.

- [Uchenna] Let's try Turkish.

Excuse me, I'm trying to fly to London

as quickly as possible.

- [Representative] The first flight is :.

- [Uchenna] Do you have a flight that is faster?

- [Representative] No.

- [Joyce] Is it open?

- Yeah, it's open.

Can I take your passports, please?

- We just purchased the first available flight

out of Istanbul to London direct on Turkish Airlines.

It leaves at : in the morning,

arriving in London at :.

We didn't consider another flight leaving out here.

We just talked about direct.

We could find it, maybe some kind of connection.

- [Joyce] We should just take a direct flight

'cause anything can happen to connecting flights.

- All right.

Let's go eat!

- It's right there, train station.

- Yeah.

[serene music]

- [Gretchen] Oh, that's wonderful.

- It's amazing.

Find the zebra crossing

on the road made famous by a Beatles album cover.

- Rather would be Mel Torme or something, right?

[Meredith chuckles]


- [Meredith] International.

- Find the room with the deverish.

Once there, a devish will escort you to your next clue.

- [Amber] .

Let's go!

- [Rob] Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Rob and I know it's getting close to the end,

and those nerves in your stomach

is just turning and turning.

It's making you make stupid decisions.

We have no idea what a dervish is.

I don't know.

- I think it's topless woman.

[Amber chuckles]

[suspenseful music]

- [Meredith] Turkish Airlines are open now.

- [Gretchen] Leaves at :?

- [Representative] Yeah.

- That's fine, that's fine.

- Three teams have $ for this leg of the race.

One team has zero.

We got a lot of catching up to do.

Let's go. - Yeah, all right.

Come on, baby.

- Honey, these rocks are kinda slick.

- [Ron] Not really.

We lost our bags.

We had the clothes on our back.

And Kelly's not gonna be wearing makeup for a little while.

She's gonna be wearing the same clothes day after day,

and it's gonna get a little nastier.

She's really surprised me, and I think I've seen

everything that I want to see out of her on this race.

- [Kelly] I used to think that I could marry Ron.

I'm just not sure if he is the one

or if I'm the one for him.

That's what I'm hoping this race will show us.

- [Ron] Let's ask these people for some money.

Hey sir, we have no lira.

[passerby speaks in foreign language]

Tavern? [chuckles]

No, no tavern.

[passerby speaks in foreign language]

He's drunk, come on.

You wanna go over there?

- Okay.

We have zero money. - Zero.

- From which country?

- [Kelly] We're from America.

- [Storekeeper] America.

- [Kelly] Uh-huh.

We need help. [chuckles]

- Come, come.

Here, take this.

- [Kelly] Thank you so much.

You're very, very kind.

- [Ron] Eight, eight million.

- Nice.

[horn honks]

Six million lira is all we have.

- [Driver] Six million?

- [Kelly] Six million.

- Okay.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

[serene music]

- [Rob] This looks like they're dead.

- Yeah, I don't like it.

It's spooky.

It's like they're hanging from something.

Beatles album cover.

- Oh, my dad's gonna k*ll me.

Abbey Road?

I don't know, I don't remember.

- [Amber] Yeah.

- [Rob] Hello!

- [Amber] International airport?

- Thank you. [Amber chuckles]

This is my Turkish translation.

Please go fast.

Woo, this guy's good.

Okay, where's the information desk?

A flight to London at : in the morning,

nonstop on Turkish.

Gets there at :.

Let's go find something better.

Do you guys have the internet?

- [Representative] Yes.

- Here it is.

Lufthansa from Istanbul to Frankfurt.

It connects Frankfurt to London.

We were able to come up with a flight

that connected through Frankfurt, Germany.

It left at : in the morning

and was supposed to arrive at London at nine a.m.

- [Amber] An hour and a half earlier

than the Turkish flight.

- Frankfurt to London.

Is it full or you have it?

- Full.

- Where does it say full?

- [Amber] Can you put us on a waiting list?

- Baby, this is like very, very risky.

- [Amber] That's fine.

- Amber and I decided to take a chance,

get on the early flight to Frankfurt,

hopefully get on the waiting list for the : flight

landing at nine in London.

But if we miss the connection,

we could put ourselves completely out of this race.

- Don't let anybody else use the internet.

- Please, nobody else, you understand?

- [Representative] Mm-hmm.

- [Amber] Thank you.

- Okay.

- [Representative] Yes.

- We need to get outta here before Ron and Kelly come.

[serene music]

- This is like a dream.

Fly to London, England.

We need to ask somebody.

- [Kelly] We just need to get a taxi and go.

This is all we have.

- [Ron] Two million lira.

- [Kelly] We don't have any more.

- [Driver] Okay, no problem.

- [Kelly] Thank you.

- [Rob] We got 'em in hand.

- Now we're gonna go over to Turkish Airlines

and still get on the : flight that lands at :.

And then those ones, we're gonna flaunt around

in front of the other teams

to make them think they we're on that flight.

[suspenseful music]

- [Kelly] I see Meredith and Gretchen.

- Here, let me give you some bucks.

- Oh, thank you.

Oh my gosh!

Thank you so much. - Good luck to you.

- Thank you so much. - Thank you, thank you.

Thank you for doing what you do for us.

- I know that you completely understand. [chuckles]

- Please tell me there's only one flight we can all get on.

- [sighs] Well, Turkish Airlines say

they got the first one outta here this morning.

Rob and Amber are down the Turkish ticket sales.

We're gonna take that one.

- Where's that at?

- Straight on the other side over here.

- Over there?

- [Amber] Okay, here they come.

Hey, kids.

- [Rob] What's up?

- This it?

- [Amber] This is it.

- [Rob] Thank you.

- [Ron] We need tickets to London.

- Sure.

The first flight is at :.

- Okay.

- [Representative] Here's a printout for you.

- Okay.

Do you mind letting me borrow some of your lipstick?

- [Representative] Sure.

- Oh.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You ready?

- [Ron] Uh-huh.

- [Kelly] Ron, is Frankfurt on the way to London?

- [Ron] I don't know.

We'll find out.

- I looked up and I saw the Lufthansa sign

and it said Frankfurt.

We need to get to London as soon as possible.

- [Representative] We have a connection through Frankfurt

but it is sold out.

- [Kelly] Can you tell me what time it would arrive?

- [Representative] Nine a.m.

- [Kelly] Can you give standby tickets?

- [Representative] Sure.

- [Kelly] This is it.

This is the flight we have to get on.

Let's take the risk, Ron.

- If you don't take any risk, you're not gonna win anything.

- [Representative] You must go to the standby counter

in Frankfurt and see if you can buy tickets there.

- Yeah, that's fine. - Yeah, yeah, that's fine.

Thank you.

- [Rob] There's Ron and Kelly.

- I haven't seen Rob and Amber or Ron and Kelly.

Sleepy still?

- [Joyce] Yeah.

- On this flight,

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

- Mm-hmm.

[suspenseful music]

- [Kelly] There's the shuttle.

- [Rob] Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

- [Amber] There's the shuttle!

- [Rob] Come on.

Cutting it close.

Let's go to the other side.

Whoever gets to the counter first

is gonna have first priority in talking with people.

- [Ron] Kelly, come on, come on!

- [Rob] Come on, baby, come on.

[suspenseful music]

- [Ron] Kelly, come on, come on!

- [Rob] Come on, baby, come on.

Excuse me.

We have first priority on the waiting list.

- [Representative] I'll check.

- [Rob] Thank you.

- [Representative] You're on the flight.

- Thank you very much.

- I wasn't giving it up to 'em, you know what I mean?

- [Kelly] Yeah.

- They must have been pissed that we got on that shuttle.

- [Ron] Can we get on that flight?

- [Kelly] My gosh, oh my God.

Pray we still get on.

- [Representative] You're on the flight.

- [Ron] Thank you so much.

- [Kelly] Ugh, thank the Lord.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

- [Phil] All teams are now on their way to London, England.

Rob and Amber and Ron and Kelly are on the connecting flight

from Frankfurt that arrives in London at nine a.m.

Uchenna and Joyce and Meredith and Gretchen

are on the direct flight from Istanbul

that arrives in London an hour and a half later.

[majestic music]

[suspenseful music]

- Getting out of the airport,

we never looked back to see where Ron and Kelly were.

Heathrow Express, right here.

Does this get into London?

- To Paddington, yes.

- [Amber] To Paddington.

- [Rob] Yes.

Hello, I need tickets to Paddington station.

- [Ticket Attendant] There you go, thank you.

- [Amber] Thank you.

- All right, we're in London.

We need to ask somebody.

The zebra crossing off The Beatles album cover?

- That's the Abbey Road Studios.

- How's the fastest way to get there?

- [Kelly] Do we take a bus, a taxi?

- Heathrow Express, Paddington station.

- [Ron] Let's get our tickets.

- [Kelly] It's here, it's here.

- [Ron] Dang, we missed the train.

- [Rob] Do you know where this is?

- [Stuart] Abbey Road.

- [Rob] Do you know how to get there?

- [Stuart] You can follow us if you want to.

We're going the same way.

- On that train, Amber and I met Stuart.

- [Amber] Stuart just pretty much volunteered

to take us right there to Abbey Road.

- Okay, we'll stick with you.

Thank you.

- [Kelly] Yesterday, we lost all of our money

and so we're begging people for--

- I can give you some American.

- [Kelly] That'd be great.

Thank you so much.

- [Rob] It really feels good for somebody to help us.

- Move it.

Let's buy tickets.

Amber, stand in that line.

- [Amber] Okay.

Rob, what's the destination?

- What's the destination?

- [Stuart] St. John's Wood.

- St. John's Wood.

- Can I get two for St. John's Wood?

- Come on, baby, they're right behind us.

- [Amber] Thank you.

- Let's go.

We lost Ron and Kelly.

I think they were on the express train right after us.

Who knows how far they made it.

- So there's taxis that way.

Sir, Abbey crossroads?

- [Driver] Abbey Studios, yeah?

- [Ron] Yeah, get in.

Thank God we're in a country

where people actually speak English.

- Thank you, Stuart.

This guys is pumped to be with us.

Let's see if we can lure him in

and keep him with us all day long.

I see it.

It's right here, this is it.

Make your way to the London Eye.

- [Phil] Teams must now make their way to the London Eye,

a -story Ferris wheel

located on the banks of the River Thames

and board one of these capsules.

Once inside, they must scan the city skyline

until they locate this flag.

Right below it, teams will find their next clue.

- Let's go.

You know it?

- [Stuart] Straight back down

and go to Waterloo. - All right.

I think we hooked him.

- All right, cross the road.

The clue box is right there.

- Okay, make your way to the London Eye and ride it.

The London Eye, what's the best way to get there, the train?

- Tube.

And the nearest tube station is St. John's Wood

which is just about meters up that ways.

- [Ron] Thank you.

- [Kelly] Appreciate it.

- We really appreciate it.

Hey, babe, pick up the pace just a little bit

because we are in a race still.

- [Kelly] Okay.

We're going to the London Eye.

- [Ticket Attendant] Waterloo, it's on this line.

- [Kelly] Okay.

- Wow.

County hall ticket marked customer service desk.

It's in here.

Ah, tickets, please.

Thank you.

- [Amber] All right.

- I feel like I'm in outer space over here.

This is gonna be so tough.

It's so foggy.

- [Kelly] There, London Eye to the right.

- The marked ticket stand.

- [Kelly] Pull out that thing that says what it is

and we can ask where to go.

- There's a marked ticket booth there.

- Please just pull it out

like I've asked you to do several times.

- Here, Kelly, keep it.

- You're being a brat.


You wanna sit there and argue with me about it.

- Oh, man, where is it?

- [Amber] Don't necessarily look

too far in the distance too.

It might just be right around here.

- All right, which side do you want?

You want that side?

- [Kelly] I'll take this one,

after I get my apology.

- [Ron] Oh, man.

- [Rob] We're almost on the top.

- sh**t.

We should be able to see it by now.

- [Rob] I see it, I see it, I see it.

It's right there, it's right there.

You see it?

- [Amber] Yup, I see it.

- [Rob] Okay, good.

You know how to get there?

- [Stuart] Yeah, it's the hotel at the end.

- [Rob] Now, where's Ron and Kelly?

- [Kelly] You wanna switch sides

and see if you see something I don't see.

- [Ron] Yeah, whatever you want.

- Yeah--

- [Ron] Oh, I see it, it's right there.

No, that's it right there.

See it in that little window right there?

- [Kelly] Oh, yeah, yeah.

Rob and Amber, I hope they haven't been there.

- No, we gotta go up.

There it is, there it is.


- Detour.

- A Detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams have to choose

between Brains and Brawn.

In Brains, teams make their way to the nearby London subway

known as the Underground

and must solve a series of three riddles.

The mystery will eventually lead them to B Baker Street,

the home of legendary fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes,

where they'll receive their next clue.

In Brawn, teams make their way

approximately one and a half miles to Battersea Park.

Once there, they'll have to transport five -pound boats

from this lake to a storage area yards away.

Once all the boats are stacked,

the boat master will hand them their next clue.

- Let's go.

- You think we'll be able to figure it out?

- I do. - Okay,

let's do the riddles.

To get our first riddle,

take the enclosed luggage tag to Left Luggage.

- [Stuart] In Waterloo,

back where we were in the main station.

- Let's go.

- [Kelly] Okay, thank you.

- Let's go up to it right there.

Right here.

- Brains or Brawn?

I think the navigate one.

- [Rob and Amber] Left Luggage.

- [Rob] Here it is.

- For our first riddle at Left Luggage.

Here, here, here.

Find the three naked men of Hammersmith.

- There's a magnifying glass too.

- [Amber] Is Hammersmith a place?

- [Stuart] Yeah.

- [Rob] Is there a station?

- [Stuart] Yes.

- [Rob] Let's go to that.

- [Uchenna] Heathrow Express.

- Heathrow Express we're going to.

- [Uchenna] Hello.

- [Joyce] Which are the best way to get to Abbey Road

to where The Beatles--

- [Representative] You're in the competition as well,

I take it.

- Yeah. - Yes.

- So somebody else was here, huh?

- [Representative] Yeah, a few people were here

about two hours ago.

- Two hours ago.

- [Uchenna] We're definitely behind

so we got some work to do today.

- [Meredith] For Gretchen and myself,

that is do or die here in London.

[suspenseful music]

- Back to the eye of the storm, guys.

- Right.

Two teams got in a couple hours earlier than we did.

We've just gotta play it, the game really smart right now.

We need to find the cabs.

- [Uchenna] We're going to Abbey Road.

- We wanna go to Abbey Road.

- [Uchenna] Famous Buckingham Palace.

- I love London.

The building, the architecture's so beautiful.

- [Gretchen] Oh, is this Buckingham?

Oh my gosh.

Well, I'm glad we got to see this.

- [Stuart] We'll have three stops and we're off.

- Then we're in trouble.

Find the three naked men.

- I might be the only one that enjoys that.

- Find the three naked men of Hammersmith.

How do we get to Hammersmith?

- Piccadilly line to Hammersmith.

- Okay, thank you.

- Three naked men.

- Excuse me.

Do y'all know anything about Hammersmith?

The three naked men of Hammersmith?

- [Kelly] What would be the three naked men?

- [Ron] The three naked men of Hammersmith?

- [Rob] Three naked men.

There they are.

What's up with the British guys?

- Just--

- What is this?

It's tobacco in a pipe.

- [Stuart] It's got a piece of paper in it.

- [Rob] Oh yeah, there is.


- [Amber] Oh, magnifying glass.

- It's what the magnifying glass is for.

On what street did Victorian London's

most famous detective live?

- [Stuart] Baker Street.

- [Rob] Go to the station with the same name

and find him standing tall outside.

- [Stuart] There's a statue of him.

- Remember, all is not as it seems.

- [Stuart] Baker Street.

- Baker Street.

- All right, let's go. - I told you.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Okay, the London Eye.

- [Uchenna] The London Eye.

- [Gretchen] I see the clue box.

- Come on.

Meredith and Gretchen

are just going for the clue. - Gretchen and Meredith.

- The London Eye, as fast as you can, please.

- [Kelly] Three naked men of Hammersmith.

That's it, that's it.

- [Ron] Just grab one.

- [Kelly] Okay.

What's it say?

- Nothing.

Oh, magnifying glass.

- On what street

did Victorian London's most famous detective live?

Do you know what street Sherlock Holmes lived on here?

We're trying to find it.

- [Passerby] Baker Street.

- Baker Street.

- Here it is!

- There it is!

In the seam.

- Okay.

Mystery solved.

Travel on foot--

- [Rob and Amber] To the museum.

Return all belongings to me.

- Let's go.

We're screwing around.

Hey, give it back.

I think everything's gotta be over here in the bag.

- No, we're good.

- [Rob] Here's the museum.

Come on, babe.

- [Rob and Amber] Sherlock!

- [Rob] How are you?

We got your bag.

- Thank you very much.

- All right, thanks.

Give him the card too. - Here's your clue.

- Thank you. - All right, thank you.

Your next clue is at the Millennium Dome.

- [Phil] Teams must now make their way

to the Millennium Dome,

the largest public arena of its kind in the entire world.

In the parking lot outside, teams will find their next clue.

- [Rob and Amber] Caution, Yield ahead.

- We have to get there first.

- [Amber] Fast.

- Millennium Dome.

It's quite easy to find.

There's a station right by it.

- If we're not the first team there,

you'll see our picture on the Yield mat.

- Definitely. - Guaranteed.

- Guaranteed.

[ominous music]

- Ah!

I see it, I see it!

See that arched building, just behind it.

- Yes, I see it.

I see it, I see it. - Don't point.

Those guys are behind us.

- [Gretchen] Oh my God.

Where could it be?

- [Meredith] Oh, I see it, I see it.

Right here. - Where, where?

Meredith. [chuckles]

- [Rob] Thank you.

- [Amber] Thank you so much.

- Bye-bye.

- North Greenwich, right?

- [Stuart] Greenwich.

- North Greenwich.


- Now we're on our own.

- What are we gonna do?

- Right here.

- Return all my belongings to me.

- Got it.

- The museum is down here?

- [Ron] Yeah.

- This way.


Thank you.

Yield ahead.

- A Yield, wow.

- Oh my gosh.

Let's take a taxi, honey.

I think we need to catch up.

I'm just a little nervous. - Let's go.

- [Kelly] The Millennium Dome.

- Here, here, here, here.

Brawn is better for us, huh?

Okay, let's get away from this.

- Ah.

- Here you go.

- [Gretchen] Oh, yeah.

- [Joyce] Taxi, where can we get it?

- [Uchenna] Good morning.

Might you summon a cab for us?

- Let's go to the boats.

The one in the Underground,

I don't know the first thing about it.

Travel by taxi, let's go.

- Ooh, we always take the hardest one.

- [Uchenna] Battersea Park?

- Battersea Park?

Thank you.

- If we get there and we're yielded,

it will be no big surprise.

- We gotta be first.

- [Ron] Rob and Amber.

- We do look at them as the biggest competition

so we would definitely wanna Yield them.

[suspenseful music]

- Coach park.

Oh, now what do we do?

Who do we Yield?

- This is the third and last Yield on the entire race.

At this specific spot,

one team can force any other team to Yield,

that is stop racing for a predetermined amount of time.

Teams can exercise their Yield power

only once during the race, so they need to decide

when it's most advantageous to go for it.

Any team that's been forced to Yield

must turn this hourglass upside down

and wait for the sand to run out before they continue on.

- Okay.

- [Amber] Uchenna and Joyce.

- But Ron and Kelly are our toughest competition.

If we Yield Uchenna and Joyce

and Ron and Kelly still end up last in this leg,

we've wasted the Yield.

It's the safest thing, I think.

- Okay.

- [Rob] And it's the smartest move.

- Okay.

- We choose to Yield Ron and Kelly.

Oh, they're not gonna be happy.

Oh, well.

- [Amber] Roadblock.

- A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this Roadblock, that person has to drive

a double decker bus through this marked course

without hitting any cones.

If they hit a cone,

the bus will be reset to the beginning of the course

and they'll have to start again.

At the end of the course,

the driver will have to back the bus into a designated space

before they'll receive their next clue.

- What if it's a stick?

- [Rob] You can't drive the standard?

- No, come on, you're doing it, standard.

- Hello, sir.

- You're gonna drive, are you?

- Yes, sir.

- [Attendant] Take a seat, please.

[suspenseful music]

- [Attendant] Put some power steering.

[whistle blows]

- [Rob] What'd I hit?

- Stop the vehicle, please.

- [Rob] What'd I hit?

- [Attendant] Okay, exit the cab, please.

- I hit a cone?

- Right.

Watch where you're going.

- I really want him to get through this

a little bit quicker before any other team show up,

especially the yielded team.

- [Ron] This is taking for-freakin'-ever.

- [Uchenna] Battersea Park.

Thank you, sir.

- Inside of here.

- All right, let's do it.

Let's go.

We gotta go to where they stack 'em.

The bandstand yards away.

- [Joyce] This is tough.

- Okay, there are the boats.

- [Gretchen] Oh my God, are they big boats!

Joyce and Uchenna are here.

- All right, we gotta get a boat.

- Get it up!

Let's do it!

- [Gretchen] Here, lift this up!

- All right, let's go.

- [Uchenna] You're the best, baby.

- [Joyce] I know you are, baby.

- [Uchenna] A million dollars, baby.

- Oh my God.

That's the bandstand.

- [Meredith] Yeah.

- [Uchenna] We can do it, guys.

We can do it.

- There she goes.

- [Gretchen] Oh!

- Come on, we can jog now.

Got our breath.

- Oh boy.

Here, drop it down.

- There's no place to grab it by.

[Joyce grunts]

- Let's go.

- [Gretchen] Ugh!

[whimsical music]

- He's doing better this time.

[whistle blows]

- [screams] It's hard!

- I know, honey.

- [Rob] Don't worry.

I got it now.

[suspenseful music]

Fourth time's the charm.

- [Attendant] Congratulations.

- Thank you.

Oh, man.

Thanks a lot.

Sorry, baby.

Make you way to the Pit Stop.

- Teams must now travel eight miles to Potter's Field Park.

Situated across the river from London's famed Tower Bridge,

this is the th Pit Stop in a race around the world.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

- All right, let's go, babe.


Potter's Field Park

I was there for like an hour.

- [Ron] Yeah, that should be it right in front of us.

- [Kelly] Thank you.

- [Ron] The cab ride took an hour.

- [Kelly] Oh, God.

Thank you, Lord.

- [Ron] They yielded.

- [Kelly] Oh.

- [Ron] Damn!

This is the nail in the coffin.

- [Uchenna] Lucky boat number four.

After this one, we got one boat to go.

- This is hard.

We can each take a side.

Are you all right?

- [Uchenna] Hey, guys.

- This is no joke.

- [Uchenna] Keep trucking.

We'll get those guys.

- We're trucking!

Joyce and Uchenna, they are just a wonderful couple.

They have given us the extra incentive to keep going on.

- One more to go.

- Uchenna very sweetly tried to help push a boat out for us.

Nobody can help us.

- Oh, that's right, nobody can help.

I know, nobody can help.

Meredith and Gretchen are good people, man.

I hate to see 'em break their backs like this

'cause this is definitely grunt work.


Stay firm, guys.

We can do it.

- Thank you. - Thank you very much, sir.

- Man, that was tough.

There is a Yield.

Oh my God. - Okay, okay.

- [Joyce] Okay, we gotta go.

- [Uchenna] Keep on trucking, guys!

- Okay, good luck!

Lift it up.

Oh, look nice.

Get the thing off there.

- [Uchenna] Millennium Dome?

Is it easier to get there by train or can you take us?

- [Driver] I'll tell you what.

The traffic in London, all through the city--

- [Joyce] It's gonna be bad?

- [Driver] You're better off getting the train.

- He said it's better to get on the train.

- Yeah, he said it'll be faster.

- We have one more to go.

- [Uchenna] We're trying to go here, the Millennium Dome.

- [Ticket Attendant] North Greenwich, change at Westminster.

- [Uchenna] This way?

Is that right?

- [Joyce] I don't know.

- [Meredith] Last one.

- Last boat.

[Gretchen and Meredith grunt]

- Oh, for God's sake.


- Here's your clue.

- [Gretchen and Meredith] Thank you.

- The Millennium Dome, Yield ahead.

We're taking a cab.

- [Uchenna] Where is it?

- [Meredith] Hey!

That's lucky.

- [Gretchen] We have to go to this Millennium Dome.

- Right now, my hope is that

someone's gonna have some trouble.

Anything can happen.

- Here it comes, yeah.

It just moved.

- [Joyce] I thought it's right here.

- Why the hell didn't it stop?

Are we on the wrong platform or what?

- [Joyce] I thought it's right here.

- [Uchenna] Why hell didn't stop it stop?

The Millennium Dome?

- I think you have to take the Underground.

- [Uchenna] Let's get on this train.

- [Joyce] Already?

- [Uchenna] That mistake cost us a bunch of time.

- [Meredith] It's taking quite a while.

- [Gretchen] Lots of traffic today, huh?

- [Kelly] The devil made me do it.

[Ron and Kelly laugh]

[Kelly] Ding.

- [Ron] It's gone.

Let's go. - It's gone, it's gone?

They're not here yet.

- Okay.

- Who's got the drive to win?

Me, me?

- [Ron] Do it.

- [Kelly] Okay.

- [Ron] This would've been

probably one of the perfect Roadblocks for me to do,

but I've completed five Roadblocks so far.

This is something that'll be a little bit difficult for her,

but hopefully, she'll just get the hang of it.

[whistle blows]

- Stop.

- [Rob] Okay, thank you.

Potter's Field Park, straight ahead?

- [Amber] I don't know.

I'm okay. - Come on, come on.

- Hello, welcome to London.

Welcome to London.

- Thank you.

- Thank you. - You look very nice.

- Thank you.

[Amber chuckles]

- Rob and Amber,

you are team number one!

- Yeah!

- Now, I have some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won a home entertainment system compliments of JVC.

It'd be fair to say that you guys have had some good luck.

- Absolutely.

We've had better luck probably than any other team.

- This race,

luck is probably one of the most important things.

[suspenseful music]

- [Uchenna] That's the dome.

- [Joyce] There's the clue.

- Ooh, somebody yielded somebody.

We choose not to Yield.

- That's Rob and Amber yield Ron and Kelly.


- Turn the wheel.

And here comes another team, Uchenna and Joyce.

Ugh, this is coming down to the wire.

- It's a Roadblock.

Who's got the drive to win?

I do.

- [Uchenna] You can do this, baby.

This is gonna be awesome.

[whistle blows]

- I touched it?

- Yeah.

- All right, hurry, get out.

Come on, we got other teams.

- All right.

- Okay, baby.

Kelly's knocked over a cone.

That means she's got to start the course again.

We're gonna be able to pass, or we're gonna be darn close.

- [Gretchen] Yeah, this is fine.

- [Meredith] Yeah, right there.

- Look who got yielded.

It's a Roadblock.

- Okay, let me drive it.

- Okay.

- [Ron] And here comes the old couple.

- Meredith just jumped in his bus.

It's anybody's game at this point.

[whimsical music]

- Straight!

- Cut right!

- [Gretchen] Slow down!

- I am!

- Cut the wheel hard.

- What?

- Hard right!

- I'm all the way right!

[whistle blows] - Oh!

- Oh, for crying out loud.

- [Uchenna] Stop!

- [Joyce] You directed me right over that.

- The other way.

- I'm not backing into that one.

[whistle blows] [Meredith grunts]

- Oh.

[whistle blows]

- [Attendant] Stop.

- [Uchenna] Babycakes!

- I can't understand what the hell you're saying!

[whistle blows]

- Oh! [Meredith grunts]

- [Ron] Kelly!

- Stop.

- You're making me nervous!

- I'm gonna just shut up.

[Meredith grunts]

- She's getting a lot better.

She's going faster.

That way!

- Let me think for just one minute.

- Just start backing up.

It's like teaching women how to drive.

Turn the wheel straight.

Straight back.

Straighten it out!

- I don't know what straight is!

- All we gotta do is put the bus in the spot.

All right, that's good, that's good.

Now come straight back.

All right, you're in the parking spot.

Woo, thank God!

- Thank you.

- She's done it.

- Kelly finished already.

- Warning, the last room to check in may be eliminated.

- [Ron] We gotta go.

They're almost done.

- [Kelly] That was very frustrating.

- [Ron] It took a little instruction.

I don't see a taxi, do you?

- [Kelly] Just read the signs in front of you.


Potter's Field Park?

- You did great, baby.

- Thank you.

- I'm very proud of you.

- Thanks.

[Ron chuckles]


You were being mean about it the whole time.

- Oh my God.

You see, this is the women and man problem.

You become a soldier, you don't have to deal with that.

You just say whatever you want.

And then this is the emotional side

that I've never had to deal with before.

- My brother's in the army

and he wouldn't talk to me and be rude like that.

- [Ron] What exactly did I say that was so bad?

- You're pretty much acting like you can do it better.

- I flew a $ million helicopter.

- I'm not saying anything. - Highly, highly trained

to operate a mobile machine.

For me, that probably wouldn't have been

much of a challenge.

You just have this big ego thing way up here,

and if I say anything, you know,

it's the whole ego thing. - Me who has the ego?

I mean, it's you sitting here saying, "I can drive anything.

"I can park anything.

"I've driven this, I've driven that."

- Tell him to turn around.

We're going back to the challenge.

I'll lose this entire race-- - I don't care, I'm just--

- To go back there and drive that bus

through that obstacle course once, maybe twice.

- We can lose the race to go back and let you be a man.

- You're good, you're good!

She's doing way better with my mouth shut.

- Good, Meredith!

[whistle blows]

Oh, sh**t.

- She backs it into this spot, we're in a solid third.

You're doing great!


- [grunts] Man, if that isn't

the most frustrating thing ever.

Thank you.

Make your way to the next Pit Stop.

- [Gretchen] Good, Joyce!

- [Uchenna] Potter's Field Park.

I don't see it here.

These bus drivers you think know?

- [Attendant] No, I don't think so.

- Keep going!


- [Meredith] Come on, Betsy.

- [Gretchen] Right there, hon!

- [Attendant] That's it.

- [Gretchen] That's it!

- [Attendant] Congratulations!

- Potter's Field.

I think that's where they bury people.

- Oh, yeah.

- [Uchenna] We don't have a map.

- [Joyce] It just says to get to Potter's Field.

- Potter's Field Park.

Oh, there's a cab right there.

Come on. - Oh, okay.

- [Uchenna] Potter's Field Park.

- [Joyce] Thank you so much.

- [Gretchen] We need a cab.

Here's one.

Potter's Field Park.

- [Kelly] This is it.

This is the Pit Stop.

- [Ron] Come on, baby, come on.

It's our favorite people.

- Ron and Kelly, you're team number two.

- It was frustrating.

- Yeah, absolutely.

It was a pretty trying time.

It was the most trying time for us of this race.

- Yeah, I don't know whether Meredith,

while we were dilly-dallying--

- [Joyce] Came through and got in a cab.

- Yeah.

- If he did, we're in trouble.

- [Driver] See, the end of Potter's Field.

- Potter's Field.

- [Driver] Just here on the left side.

- Right here, okay.

- Wow, that's a beautiful park.

- Do you know where he said to go?

- [Uchenna] Yeah, this gate here.

- Okay, thank you, sir.

It must be right in here.

- [Uchenna] They may be coming in from somewhere else.

We gotta get up to this mat.

- This has to be the right way.

He pointed us here.

- Come on, babe.

- Is that it?

- Yeah.

- Uchenna and Joyce.

- [Joyce] Yes.

- You're team number three.

- [Uchenna and Joyce] Woo!

- Good deal.

- We're still in it.

- That's what we wanted, baby,

not to come in last.

- Okay.

- Oh, Meredith, look at that.


[Meredith and Gretchen chuckle]

- Meredith and Gretchen,

you're the last team to arrive.

- Right.

- I'm sorry to tell you

you've both been eliminated from the race.

- Oh.

- Oh, my baby.

It was a great ride, huh? - Yeah, it sure was.

We've stayed in it much longer

than we ever dreamed we could,

and we've had more than a million dollars

of memories and experiences.

- I've said it over and over again.

This is an amazing woman.

She's the love of my life and my soulmate.

I think she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

If I never see another double decker bus, it'll be too soon.

[Gretchen chuckles]

- [Phil] You guys are an inspiration.

- [Gretchen] We are so happy we came this far.

All the things that we've been able to do,

the friendships that we've made,

it's just been a totally incredible experience

for the two of us, it really has.

- We're in the game,

one in three chance of winning a million bucks.

It doesn't get much better than that.

- When it comes out to the end,

we're gonna come out and top together

and we're gonna win together.

- Ron and I are just as much

% about winning the race as well.

We were gonna win this race the right way.

- I see a definite lack of character in Rob and Amber.

- Losing is not an option.

I can't lose.

- Rob and Amber and Ron and Kelly

are only worried about each other.

They can just cancel each other out

and we can just sneak on ahead.

- [Ron] I don't think you can doubt anyone in this race.

There's no telling really who will be there at the end.

- Oh, we're gonna win it.

- I'm telling you we're winning this race.

- This is gonna be so on.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Next week on the two-hour season finale of The Amazing Race.

- I love you--

- [Phil] Ron and Kelly's relationship hits bottom.

- I'm not ready to make that commitment.

- This breaks my heart.

- [Phil] While Rob and Amber have a run-in with the law.

- [Rob] Are they kidding me?

That cop could have cost us a million bucks.

- [Joyce] What was that?

- [Uchenna] Flat tire.


- [Phil] And hopes deflate for Uchenna and Joyce.

- No freaking way.

- [Rob] This way, this way.

- [Phil] It's a race to the finish.

- Can we please make it?

Can we make it on this flight?

I don't know what we're gonna do.

- Please, Lord help us be the first team.

- [Phil] As one of these three teams--

- Woo-hoo!

- Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- [Phil] Collects $ million.

- [Rob] Come on, baby, a million bucks.

- [Phil] As winners of The Amazing Race.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]