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16x12 - Huger Than Huge

Posted: 05/03/24 10:02
by bunniefuu
Some teams slipped early,

while others launched
in the heat of battle.

Teams crashed.

Some triumphed and got
a glimpse of paradise.

Two teams used the u-turn.

Brandy and Carol.

Eight teams fell by the wayside.

Louie and Michael, I am really

sorry to tell you that you
are eliminated from the race.

Jet and cord started
the race riding high.

How's that from two
cowboys from Oklahoma?

But when they hit
tough quarters --

pair's steady balance
and positive outlook --

back in the saddle.

Back in the saturdayle
that's right.

Vaulted them into the final three.

Not bad for a couple of cowboys.

Dan and Jordan had a couple
of reasons to run the race.

And the brothers had
fun along the race.

But they had to overcome
plenty of obstacles.

I'm going to get violent.

I want to hit somebody.

I know.

To earn a spot in the final three.

Former misteen Carolina Cathe

and her boyfriend caused
a stir in the beginning.

He went something along the
lines of -- and the Iraq,

everywhere such as.

And made plenty of mistakes.

You did not pick up the
clue after the detour.

Oh, I quit, then.

But their improved

performances as they went along

I can't sing worth a crap.

But I'm really good with rhythm.

You are team number one!

Coming up tonight, one of these

three teams will win the $1

million prize and
the amazing race.

This is Shanghai.

With more than 18 million people,

it is the largest commercial and
financial hub in mainland China.

And on the banks of the
Loghua River, this prom Nat.

This was the 11th pit stop
in the race around the world.

Brent and Cathe were
the first to a--

Caite were the first to arrive
will De part at 11:37 A.M.

San Francisco, California.

Teams must now fly more

than 6,000 to their destination city,
San Francisco, california.

When they land they'll make

their way to battery Godfrey a

millitary outpost overlooking
their next clue.

-- The golden Gate bridge.

It's absolutely amazing
to be in the final three.

Someone's got to win.

And someone's got to lose, and

we want to freaking win.

This will be pretty good
getting back to the States.

Oh, man, I'm excited for this one.

This is what we've
been waiting on.

Fly to San Francisco, California.

There's never been a

championship that we can say we
won that together and win "the

amazing race" with my brother,
my best friend.

It would seem pretty awesome.

I don't know what I'm more

excited for being in the final

three or heading
back to the States.

This is the airport.

Thank you.

Marked ticket counter.

Here it is, babe.

Opens to 10:45.

Holy mole we -
it's going be a while.

It doesn't open until 10:45.


Fly to San Francisco,


San Francisco is a very
gay-friendly place.

This is the super bowl of "
the amazing race."

We absolutely have
the athletic talent.

We absolutely have
the brain power.

Wait, is California
in the United States?


Just kidding.

The brothers.

What up, final three?

Welcome. Welcome.


When we got to the airport, I

put my backpack behind Brent

and Caite's backpack so I felt

we were second in line.

We need to book a nonstop

flight to San Francisco.

Closer seats to the
front of the plane.

Y'all are trying to cut.

I can see it.

Are y'all trying to
check in before us?

Oh, yeah.

I think y'all were here
six hours after us.

I think I am.

This is crazy.

Not going to work very good.

I put my back pak there.

A nice little line.

What are you thinking, jet?

I don't think you can

actually grab his backpack and

throw him backwards
in the airport.

You'll get in trouble for that.

I'll get in trouble
for kicking him.

If that's the way they
want to run the race --

are those the closest
to the front?


We need tickets to San
Francisco, please.

Jordan decided that he was

going to go ahead and
step in front of us.

He threw his pack
back besides Caite.

I placed my backpack
before Caite and Brent.

I obviously have
annoyed the cowboys.

There's a million bucks
and I'm going after it.

You can hate the game all

you want, but just
don't it that player.

Don't hate.

Get out of the way.

I didn't really trust
Jordan to begin with.

It was a wake-up call for me

that these people don't care

about people,
they just care about money.

We haven't done a dirty

thing this entire race not once.

But it's final three. This is it.

No one's going to
help anyone right now.

Those days are gone.

Teams are now flying to
San Francisco, California.

I have a brilliant idea.


We can move up to first class.

Let's do it.

I can't believe it.

We were back in coach

towards the back of the plane.

I spoke to one of the steward

es and she just moved
up in first class.

Money's on the table.
It's go-time.

It's on like donkey congress.

Is there any way
we can cut through?

Where are the taxis?


Do you know where the presidio is?

Langd norvings court.

We are in a huge race, so the

fastest you can get us there,

we are being chased
by other teams.

Money's on the table. Game time.


Come on. Come on. Come on.

All right, let's go.

Yes, he's fast jl

thank you, buddy.


Go fast if you can.

We're in a huge hurry.

Brent and Caite and Dan and

Jordan left before us as usual.

As usual.

This is battery godfrey.

Oh, it's right there.


Solve this riddle.

I was built in 1933.

I'm 210.

My insides are
painted by paintings.

Teams must figure out that
the race is sending them

to coit tower offering them
a 360 view of the city.

This historic structure is going
to give them their next clue.

We have to solve this riddle.

Do you have any idea?


Battery godfrey.

Langdon court.

It doesn't say battery buddy,
it says building.

Oh, my God.

Welcome to San Francisco, guys.

There you go.

Almost somewhere now here.

Almost somewhere.

That sounds like my whole life.

Why don't we check
this map real quick.

Just shut up and go.

Stop being a -- ass.

I'm going to punch
you in the face.

Go to langdo court.

Sir, could you help
us with a riddle.

It's built in 1933. It's 210 tall.

Coit tower.

We're going to coit tower.

People who ride
bicycles are smart.

Lincoln boulevard. Langdo court.

Oh, my God.

Almost there.

Oh, heck yeah.

Langdon court.

Come on, jet.

Solve this riddle.

I was built in 1933.

When we were in Shanghai and

they have the smart
guide to San Francisco.

I read that clue and cord
goes that was in that book.

Let's go.

Sweet book investment.

We just got through reading it.

We just got reading the
history of California.

Why are we in America and

nobody knows how to speak English?

Do you know where you're going?

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

This is another Gate.


I'm going to come out of my skin.

Turn around!

No, what are you doing?

Lincoln, right?


Go down here.

Go straight!

Go straight!

Good, God!

Don't talk right now.

Don't even talk because
you're going to cry.

We're going to lose
because of this dumb --

turn around!

Turn around!

Go back to the 101!

We have not seen any other teams.

We were still in first.

We were the first off the plane.

Daniel and his ability to make

friends came up big for us today.

Ear's the clue.

Oh, you're probably going to be

climbing up to get the clue, bro.

Wait for us.

Second floor.


Rising from the top of

telegraph hill, coit tower has

been an icon of San
Francisco since the 1930's.

Now teams must face this

formidable tower and climb it

using a mechanical ascender,

teams must make a 120-foot

completely vertical climb to

the tower's arch ways.

At the top, they will receive

their clue before being lowered

back down to ground below.

I love you, bro.

Slow and steady.

Daniel is very athletic.

We want this.

We want this million bucks so bad.

It's such a nice view.

Coit tower is here.

It's one or two more streets.

My heart is beating so fast.

I'm about to shake
out of my shoes.

Oh, my gravy.

Battery godfey!

Turn around!

Dumb ass!

Babe, you've got to get a grip.

Babe, shut up, you're not helping.

You've got it, bro.

Just push through this.

This is a tough
challenge right here.

I'm getting tired.

Go jet.

Go. Go. Go go.

I'll do it.

Cowboys are here.

Come on, bro.

Is that Dan up there?

He's already at the top.

You can catch him.

Come on, bro.

So close.

This has got to be it.

Thank you, sorry.

Thank you.

Holy moley.

Let's go.

You got it, bro!

Great job, bro!

You hold on to that clue, bro!

That was awesome.

That was pretty
freaking hard, huh, bro.

Teams must now find this

statute of the yoda master
which is located in front of

Lucas film home of
industrial light & magic.

Not too talkative, are they?

Kind of pissy.

We're going to the yoda fountain.

Do you want to call someone?

If you want to start
calling someone.

I need yoda fountain.

Do you know that?

Yeah, it's in the presidio.

He's doing good.

He's already almost halfway up.

I don't know if you can do

this much faster
than he's doing it.

Coit tower is really tough.

I know those guys are going to

bang those as fast or maybe

faster than we did.

So we're all in a rut.

We need help like bad.

Can y'all research a

building for us real quick?

It was built in 1933.

It's 212 feet tall.

Coit tower.

Let's just shut up and let him go.

I know what yoda looks like.

I have seen "star wars."

I mean, I haven't seen it but

I see the coupons.

Come on, bro.

Enter the world of Lucas film

and industrial light & magic.

Teams must join forces

with visual effects company

industrial light & magic.

One team member must put op a

motion capture suit and
enter the sound stage.

Their partner will then direct

them through a series of level

inside a virtual world and lead

them to their next clue.

Decide which one of you will

be the serger and which one of

you will be the director.

Ok. I'll be the searcher.

All right.

Right now we're entering
a virtual world.

I am going to be searching
for the next clue.

Wow, this is kind of cool.

Almost there.

You're missing out!

Oh, man.

I hope we're not too
far behind everybody.

That was just frustrating.

Hot dog.

Riding bulls is a lot
easier than that.

Where are your arms at?

Find the yoda fountain
in San Francisco.


Quite cool.

Welcome, director.

I strap on this skinny suit

with these balls all
around me and this helmet.

This is crayyizz.

Can you hear me?

Yeah, I can hear you.

Can you hear me.

Oh, my God, bro, wait until

you see what I look like.

I feel like I'm literally
directing things on.

Yeah, we, put on a little
suit with balls on it.

I'm not a real video game guy.

More like a Boston's sports guy.

I'm seeing Jordan's
movements so I need to guide

him through a computerized path.



Can you hear me?



Go to the center of
the blue start ring.


Yeah, turn to the right.

Now I get it. Turn to the right.

A little more.

A little more.

Right there.

Now walk dead straight ahead and

just keep going until
I tell you otherwise.

Keep going. Keep going.
Keep going.

All right.

Now stop.


Where did you go? Go back?

All right. All right.

Now just turn around.

Let me see everything.

All right.

Keep spinning around because I

want to see everything behind you.

Walk straight.

A little bit to your right.


No, slowly. No, slowly.

You've got stop.

Jordan turn around.

I'm guiding Jordan through

if he goes off course just a

little bit too much, he like

goes through the computer wall.

All right.

Now listening to me we're just

going to you do this
right the first time.


So give me good directions.

We'll catch them somewhere.

We'll catch them somewhere.

Oh, there's star wars right there.


Is are one of these
Dan and Jordan?

Interthe world of Lucas

film, industrial light & magic.

Can these guys talk to us?

No they're storm troupers.

Jordan, now you're going
to go straight or slow.

You're kind of walking
to the hallway.

Go a little bit to the left.

A little bit left.

Go straight.

A little bit faster.


Now I want you to shuffle
your feet to the right.

To the right?


Now listen, you've got to
walk in a straight line.

Like straight line where
my body is facing.

Just relax, Jordan.

You don't need to get
overexcited here.

Now listen,
Jordan just walk straight.

All I could hear was Dan

talking to Jordan and he was
hollering back four different

steps so I was acting
like I was directing you.

Hop and skip.

Crawl to your right.

Ballet move.

Go forward.

No ballet.

Go forward slowly.

No, go.

Stop don't move.

No, stop.

Back up.

Back up again.

Three steps.

Come on, bro!

Come on!

No, turn around --



Another shuffle to your left.

See Jordan.

I need you to walk straight ahead.

I want to see 490 degrees turn.

Cord is hollering.

Do a back flip.


Am I really going to
have to do this stuff?

Back up. Back up.

You just passed it.


Completed level one.

You get a copy.

All right.

I can't see anything
you have to see.

We've got to find the blue start.

I can't see anything.

You vust have to
walk me through it.

There it is right there.

Right here.

That's high.

You're doing great, bro.

Now straight ahead.

You're going straight
ahead in the hallway.

I want you to take five
steps straightforward.

One, two, there you go.

Now you're in the middle
of the hall again.

Now stop right where you are.

Oh, my God I see the goal.

Now you are walking straight,

straight to the hall.

Keep going.

Going. Going. Going.

Straight baby.

Got it.

Got it.

Top, stop moving.

Where are you?

Are you moving Jordan?


Now I've got read this thing.

Hold on.

It's going by the
screen like wicked fast.

I can't even see it.

Holy moley.

Look how cool this is.

Oh, it's so beautiful, baby.

It's a lot more high than I

thought it would be.

A hell of a lot.

Two steps forward.

One, two. Stop.

Go straightforward.

Don't even make your helmet rock.

Hey, Jordan.

I'm just going to see if you
can help me see this at all.

I can't see anything.

No, no, no,
I want you to spin around.

What were you just doing?


The words are whizzing by the screen,
but when you spin it

slows it down so I can read it.

Walk straightforward three steps.

I can fell your helmet
rocking don't stop.

Jet, stop.

Give me an inch to the left.

Hang on give me a second.

Now go straight.

Straightforward jet.

Yeah, hang on.

Jordan's in front of me.

Give Jordan a wedgie.

Jeff, one degree to the left.

Now you're freaking dead on.

I'm not going to walk
forward until he moves.

Hey, direct me out of the way.

Star wars guy to
take you out, man.

Oh, my God, I'm so -- dizzy.

There's no other way
I can get it, Joe?

I'm going to throw up.

He's going to throw up.

And you might want to watch out.

Yeah, I realize that.

I think Jordan's fixing
to start to spin around.

Jet is there any way you
can get him out of the way?

There's no way to get around hill.

If it's that close.

He's still spinning
around in circles.

Oh, my God.


I'm doing it.

How forward are you
going to get to go.

Can you take one step forward?

How's that.

Go one more step straightforward?

Still straight.


Stop wherever you're at.

Don't move.

We're at level two.

Listen, Jordan, such so you
know it's a very long thing.

I have a good portion of it.

I'm just working on it.

Jet, give me a 360
degree slow spin around.

Ok. Stop.

Look five degrees to the right.

Now you're looking
straight down the hall.

I need five steps straightforward.

How am I doing, cord?


You're doing great, Jordan.

All right. Jordan, you're good.

You can leave. We're good.

Thank God.

I'm going to throw up.

I think they're done, jet.

Slide to the left.

Tell him everything.

Faster, no not that way.

The other way.

The other way.

The other way.

Half slide to the left.

Now walk straight.

Let's go, bro.

You did great.

Read that starting
a long time ago.

On a hill this polynesian
haven called Tonga.

Teams must now make their
way to one of the country's

first ticky bar the Tonga room
where their next leg awaitsful

straight. Straight.


Whatever you're doing.

Hang on.

Don't move anything.

I'm supposed to get my
next clue on the screen.

It's giving me a bunch
of letters on the screen.

Don't know if I'm
supposed to read that.

I hope I'm not
supposed to read that.

Come on, bro.

Film & industrial light magic.

I'm the director.

We have to go.



It's been a while.

All right, my friend,
you know as fast as you can go,

please, they're right behind us.

A long time ago.




Hi, baby.

Can you hear me?


You're going to have to
listen to me, all rht?


I'm going to direct you
to a blue starting mark.

Where's the slow mo,
on this thing.

Now turn to the right.

Now stop.

Now walk straight, ok?

Keep walking.

You're about to start.

That's fine. Now stop.


Oh, jet.

This is going to suck.

If the other two figured it out.

As of right now it's us vs.
The cowboy.

We've got just a little
bit of a lead to us.

Oh, my gravy.

Now walk five steps forward.

Now stop.

Keep walking straight.

Now step to the right.

Step to the right.

Slow. Left -- step.


All right.



I think it says a long
time ago on a hill

far, far away -
are you writing all that down?

I wrote that down.

But there's a whole paragraph

you're supposed to get.

Tonga is in the basement
of this hotel on the left?


Thank you so much.

Thank you, my friend.

Tonga room.


When you get inside you must

find a trunk and take
it to your next clue.

Here are the trunks.

Well, where are we going?

San Francisco, American musical.


All right. Here we go.

Come on, bro.

You want to go in here?

Are you familiar with the area?

Yes, I am.

We're looking for the
American music hall?

American music hall?

I've never heard of that.

Thank you.

Are you looking around.

Jet, look.

I need you to start looking

straight and spinning to the left.

Wait, the words slowed down

when he moved with it.

Oh, you idiot.

That's why Jordan got so dizzy.

Now walk straight.

Just walk straight.

Good job, baby.

No, you can go.

You're straight.

Holy moley.

Oh, my God.

This clue is going

A long time ago.

Can you move your
head around, baby.

Just keep moving your haad around.

We're looking for the
great American musical?

And that's on the corner of bulk.

How far is it from here?

I would say it's 10
to 15 minutes walking.

Thank you. You're a great help.

Thank you.

Walk fast.

Just walk next to me.

Slow down a little bit.

Slow down.

Look down for a second.

Let's go to this Tonga.

They built this polynesian
haven and they called it Tonga.

Later, folks.

All right. Good job.

Let's get out of here.

You know where we're going.


Come on, baby. Come on. Come on.



Man, jet, I cannot believe
I didn't figure that out.



Where is our money and stuff?

You had it.

Go back.

Are you serious?

Go back in there.

Oh, my God!


All right.

I feel sick.

It's ok, bro.

That's it.

You ready?

One, two, three.

We need to go to
that right up there.

This is it.

Tonga room this way.

Find a trunk and take it
to your next destination.

Let's just go with
American music hall.

You think that's it?


Ask somebody.

There's a cabie?

We're going to polk.

We have no idea where
it is with this trunk.

Do you think polk
street is coming up?

Do you know where the great
American music hall is?

O'pharrell and polk.

Carrying the trunk --

you bumped it back into my

chin -- shin which is a lot worse

because I don't have padding.

Excuse us. Excuse us. Man.

Ok. Bro.

Let's go.

Cross it.

Excuse me, ma'am.
We get kicked out.

I see the clue box.

All right. Here we go.

Get yourselves in order.

Boipfoy back in the 1960's.

San Francisco was the sight of

the psychedelic music seen.

With concerts just like this.

Teams must flash back
to the age of aquaries.

Teams will find 11
psychedelic posters.

Eight of them represent teams
already eliminated from the race.

And three of them represent
nonelimination race.

Teams must hang them
in the correct order.

And when they do.

The band roadie will
give them the final clue.

We got this.

I have watched the race
for 15 seasons now.

This is what we were waiting for.

And the greater majority have

featured some type
of memory challenge.


Here we go.

There's freaking Tina and Adrian.

Who's next?

The next was grandma
and granddaughter.

And if you find Shawne and

Monique those are our elements.

Watch out, pigeon.

And then hold on.

No, I think it was Nana Lynn.

Then Joe and Heidi.

Then Big Brother.


Keep coming.

Oh, Steve and alley.

Then lesbians.


Are we good?


Thank you so much.

That's why you
freaking make notes.

Jack be nimble, Jack be
quick go over the stick.

I know where we're going.

Candle stick park.



Daniel, come on.

$ million

being a die hard sports fan,

you know the San Francisco 49ers
play at candle stick park.

Come on. Come on. Taxi.


All right. We've got to do this.

Hang all the posters in
order of the elimination.

That's dana.

They were the first
ones eliminated.

Jody and Sam were two.

They were the second ones.


There's one up there.

Yeah, but are you
sure it's active.

Monique and Shawne.

There was three.

No, Jordan, it's not active.

We have three noneliminations.

There was three
nonelimination race.

There was a taxi.

It just drove past.

Number 11.

Come on.

We need a taxi.


Are you kidding me?

Oh, my God.

This is it. I know.

This is it. I know.

And then I think they get
eliminated in the next one.

Are come on.

We've running hard.

Please, please!

Let's ask her to get out. Here!

Move this to here.

We'll pay her.

And make this a
nonelimination here.

We'll pay anyone.

These guys went out here.

It's on.


All right.

You are my favorite roadie.

Jack be nimble Jack
be quick to find

the finish line jump
over to candle stick.

Candle stick park.

Here we go, Jordan


Come on, cord.

We could be first.

We're in a race.

We're in a huge race.

We are being chased
by other teams.



Find us a caddie?

Can you take us to candle stick.

As fast as you can go.

This could be it, cord.

This is where we freaking

put the pedal to the metal.

We pay more for extra.

And we've got to best
cab driver in the world.

And he's going to bring
us to candle stick park.

There a rodeo coming
on candle stick?

There will be all kinds
of freaking rodeo.

The finish race, we are coming.

My heart is racing.

Dan and Jordan, you have won the

$1 million and you are

the official winners of "
the amazing race."


What do you have to
say to your brother?

This has been the most
incredible experience.

There was no way I could have

ever been without my brother.

This is my biggest
dream come true.

And he is the reason --

I'm thrilled to
have done the race.

It turned out to be
an incredible race.

I made my little brother's
dream come true.

I did the race.

We made the final
three and we won.

This is crazy, man.

I can't believe this.

I love my little brother.

And it's so great knowing that

I could help him make his
number one dream come true.

And no matter what happens for

the rest of our lives,
we'll always have this.

This race just really
confirmed for us the strength

of our relationship and the

bond that two brothers and
best friends can have.

I love this kid more than anybody.

Jet and cord,
you are team number two.

You fought a great race.

What was that like for you ys?

It was the single leg of the

race that we didn't say I'm sure I

didn't have you with me.

That's a good man.

That's my best friend.

My brother.

What you talking about?

There are better
things than money.

The experience of traveling all

over the world with my
best friend and my brother.

And in the end having our
character and our integrity

intact we can walk out of here
with our heads held high and

look people straight in the face.

Thank you, everybody.

Come on peach!

Here's my little peach.

She's my little peach.

Nice job, peach.

Brent and Caite, after

number three, congratulations.

Caite was there anything

that you wanted to prove
coming to this race.

I mainly wanted to prove that
I'm an intelligent person.

Obviously I was able to travel
the whole entire world and

finish "the amazing race"
and be in third place.

And I'm very proud of myself.

Caite you are the only

woman to finish this
race in the final three.

But there are two women
over there who feel that --

I don't want to
hear sorry from you.

You purposely whacked us.

You said you wanted to be the
only woman left standing.

And you are.

Logically you turn thed
teams that are stronger.

The cowboys should
have been u-turn.

I don't want to
hear sorry from you.

Maybe you should treat
people a little nicer.

Hey, I'm sorry.

You can't handle.

Obviously, I can handle
it I'm standing here.

I love you guys.

I really do.

Mike and I really got a
lot out of this, you know,

traveling, the friendships that

we made throughout this
whole race was insane.

It was nothing I ever
imagined in my life.

Maybe reality tv was not for me.

Round two and I got
knocked out again.

But the experiences are priceless.

They are.

You've got to take what's good

out of this race and
move forward with it.

We will have these
memories forever.

The good, the bad, the fights.

The first place finishes
and the million bucks.

I mean, this is so incredible.

We can look back and be like

hey, bro, when we are on the

same team, we are unbeatable.

This is what's priceless.

And I will hold on to
this moment forever.