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09x01 - Here We Go, Baby, Off to Win a Million Bucks!

Posted: 05/03/24 10:03
by bunniefuu
This is Denver, Colorado.

Nestled at the base of
the majestic rocky mountains.

From this mile-high city,

on a race around the world
for $1 million.

Teams are now being transported
to the starting line

at the world-famous red
rocks amphitheater.

Each team is made up of 2 people
with an existing relationship.

The 11 teams are...

Lake and Michelle, married
dentist and assistant

from Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Lake and I have our
relationship set up

that he's very much the leader.

I see myself as the
typical southern woman.

I'm very protective of my family,
very protective of my husband.

It probably does exemplify the
way people perceive

a woman from the south.

The old era of scarlett making
it through the w*r.

She'll do whatever she has to.

I have a strong personality.

I have a very high confidence level.

As far as compassion, I'm kind
of short on that part.

Some people may be
threatened by the fact

that I have a drive
and I'm goal-oriented,

but that's going to be
too bad for them.

Because they're going to have to be

a strong enough team to put me out.

If they don't, then we're
going to be right in there

and we're going to
win the darn thing.

Danielle and Dani,

childhood friends from
Staten Island, New York.

We're definitely going
to be focused on the race,

but we're girls, we're young,
we like to have fun.

And we love boys.

We're still going to have
the pink bandannas on.

We're still feminine.

But when it comes down to being
like a guy in a certain task,

we're going to have to do it.
Get down and dirty.

We seem very angelic on the outside,

- But we're really devils.
- We're really devils.

We really are.

B.J. and Tyler, best friends from
San Francisco, California.

Tyler and I have been
friends for 4 years.

We've circumnavigated the globe together.

B.J. and I, we seek the joy in life.

We feel like we are searchers
for the funny and the ironic

and we go out with our
nets which are our minds

and just gobble it in.

We're competitive, but
competitive in a fun way

where we're not out to
destroy other teams,

but just beat them thoroughly.

People will have trouble believing
that these 2 free-spirited,

fun-loving, long-haired,
hippie-looking guys

are actually going to
be very deceitful

and do whatever they can to win.


Ray and Yolanda, dating lawyer and
teacher from Chicago, Illinois.

Ray and I are smart
and we're capable.

We're athletic. I kind of
view Ray as the male

version of myself because he has this

incredible drive to get
things accomplished.

I'm from what you
would say is the hood.

People going to jail all the time
and everybody's always

feeling like the system
is against them.

So I was like: "Man, i got
to go to law school

so I can feel empowered."

Physically, I think we're
probably public

enemy number one,
we're the group to beat.

John and Scott, lifelong
friends from New England.

John and I are
definitely like family.

My father called him
his tallest daughter.

I love him like a brother and
nothing more than that.

I need to do this race

because I'm sick of living
my life not doing anything,

and I'm not living a full life

because I'm afraid of
doing different things

like flying, and I feel that the race
will help me overcome those.

Anything that is thrown in
front of us, I think we can do it.

Or at least we're going
to die trying to do it.

Or one of us is.

Joseph and Monica, dating,
from Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Joseph and I have an
interesting relationship.

I think we have a friendship before
a relationship at all times.

We do yell at each other, we do--
we do bicker and fight, but

we get over it really quickly.

I'm definitely an aggressive competitor,

whatever it takes to win is
what we're going to do.

Joseph doesn't like to lose.

His blood pressure starts to rise,

and he gets a little bit
angry and frustrated.

Watch out to anybody who
tries to get in our way.

Yeah, there's no stopping the MoJo.

Eric and Jeremy, friends.
Bartender and valet from Florida.

beach playing volleyball

and hanging out with friends.

We work as little as possible,

enough to get by and pay bills, but

other than that, we don't really care.

We have no apologies
in our lives because

we like the way we live.

We would like to be millionaires.
I mean--

- But we don't want to work for it.
- Yeah, we don't want to work.

Lisa and Joni, sisters
from Houston, Texas.

We are superheroes.
We are the glamazons.

Glamazon, it's kind of
a glamorous amazon.

Even though we're 6 feet tall,
we're kind of girly girls.

I think a lot of people may
take us for granted and

don't think we're any
competition, but we are.

We're both very bright,
we both manipulate,

we both tend to get
our way a lot in life.

"No" is not an option.

"No" is never an option.

Fran and Barry, married 40 years,
from Littleton, Colorado.

We are each other's biggest fans.

You know, I was 16 years old
when I began dating Barry,

and we just celebrated our

We know each other so well.

We can read just the
face of each other

and know if there's
a problem going on.

I don't think that Fran
and I can play the role

of a kindly grandfather and
kindly grandmother.

We're too competitive,
we're too energetic.

We've competed against younger people

all of our life and done well.

We're going to come out
and we're going to just--

- Blow them away.
- Steamroller right over them.

Wanda and Desiree, mother and
daughter from Atlanta, Georgia.

Desiree and I are very close.

But I think it's because we have
a lot of respect for each other,

and she trusts in my judgment.

As a single mom, I'm the one
who disciplines her.

The challenge for me is going to
be to let her be an individual.

I'm going to have to trust her

and not be the controlling
type that I am.

She's never been the kind of mom

who's like, the frumpy little
christmas sweaters

with the pompoms on them.
She's very hip.

The other teams, if they
underestimate us,

so much the better.

Yeah, let them believe
whatever they want.

Let them think that we're
just these stupid little, you know,

sexy little tamales.

Or whatever they want
to think, you know?

I mean, we're smart.

We're going to salsa
our way to the pit stop.

To the pit stop.

Dave and Lori, dating 3 years,
from Manhattan, Kansas.

We're probably two of the biggest
nerds that you'll ever meet,

and we're not ashamed of that.

We're just in-your-face nerdy.

I think it's one of our powers.

Our competitive nature, I think,
is not matched by anyone.

She's really great at card games.

I'm really great at taking tests.

Being in love will help us. We just--

we have this respect for
each other that I think

will keep us from fighting so much

and having that hinder us
as much as maybe other teams.

How can you lose when you
have Dave on your team?

Oh, thank you.

He's on my side...
for life.

Can these teams stand up to the stress

of traveling together across
more than 60.000 miles?

And who will muster
the right combination

of brains, brawn and teamwork
to win the $1 million?

These are the questions
waiting to be answered

as we get ready to
begin The Amazing Race.

In just a few minutes,

you'll be leaving on a
race around the world.

As you travel, you'll have
to complete various tasks.

Now some of these will test
individual strength and endurance,

but in most cases,

success will depend on your ability

to work together as a team.

The race is divided into many legs.

At the start of each leg,

you'll receive a small amount of cash

that has to cover all expenses
except airline tickets.

At the end of each leg,
there is a pit stop.

are elimination points,

so you need to get to them
as fast as you can,

because if you're last...

you'll be eliminated.

Everybody understands that?

Your first clue is waiting inside

the envelope on top of the
luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word,

you can run up the steps
of the amphitheater

to your bags, read the clue,

and jump into one of the cars.

What you do after that
is completely up to you.

But the first team to
cross the finish line

will win...

$1 million.

Is everybody ready?

We're so ready.

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


- Come on, baby.
- Rip it open.

- Fly to Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Once there, search for Unique Hotel...

- and find your next clue--
- on the Hotel's rooftop.

- You may only travel--
- on one these 3 flights.

American Airlines flight 348,
departing at 1:25.

Continental Airlines--

United Airlines, flight 932,
departing at 3:31.

- Hurry, the seats are limited.
- First come, first served.

$140 for this leg of the race.

- All right, let's go.
- Let's do it!

- All right, go.
- Where are we going?

Come on, baby.

Oh my God, I can't breathe.

Come on, baby.

- Give me your pack.
- This altitude.

Looks good to go.

Let's ride.

- Let's go, hurry, hurry.
- Ok.

Put on some pants,
it's time to dance.

Here we come.
All right, look, exit to the left.

Do not--

Do not drive recklessly.


I cannot breathe.

Haul ass.
We're in pursuit of everybody.

God, we're going to Brazil!

Subtitulado y sincronizado por: TwiNe.

Hey, man, first team to leave,
first team to finish.

I like your style, buddy.

Is that the hippies in front of us?

That's the hips.

How the hell do
they run that fast?

They haven't been smoking
pot for a while, I guess.

All right, going good still?

I pray.

"You must park your car
at Pikes Peak shuttle parking."

Hon, what's wrong?

Come on, hurry.

We got it.

Let's go.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Ok, well.

That altitude, you definitely
feel that, don't you?

I can finally get my breath back.

I feel a little blood in the lungs.

- Let's go, bro.
- Going.

All right, buddy.
Tell me where to go.

Follow the other people.

Dude, this car rocks.

We're never going to drive
this kind of car again.

- Hurry. Dan.
- Ok.

Look, hurry legally, Dan.

- Let's go, let's go!
- Let's go!

- We're going to Brazil, baby.
- Oh, mylanta.

Ok, catch your breath.

I am. I live in Colorado,
I shouldn't be out of breath.


Ok, fasten your seat bealts,
this is going to be a bumpy ride.

All right, mom.

Here we go, baby.
Off to win a million bucks.

The Frosties I think are behind us.

"Hurry, seats are limited.
First come, first served."

And we have 140 bucks
to probably eat

monkey testicles or something.

- 70.
- 70. Take a left.

All right, man.
Let's do it.

Who is that?

Oh, it's Ken and Barbie.

- That was intense.
- That was really intense.

- 70.
- 70 East.

- Go!
- Hello?

I don't want to get hit
by that humongous truck.

It's 2 lanes.

- We need to go east?
- Yeah.

- You sure?
- Yeah.


Yolanda and I have been
dating for 5 years,

and the whole entire time
has been long distance.

The Amazing Race will allow
Ray and I to be together

for the longest period of time that
we've ever been together.

I will get to learn
things about him that

I have not been exposed to yet.

- We're going the right way.
- You're so smart.

We've got 140 bucks.
Let's go to the bars.

Pick up some chicks with
that, that's good.

I mean, seriously, we don't
need that much money.

Ok, everybody's taking
a left out of here.

So long, boys.

Oh, they're--
the hos passed us.

Jeez, they're flying.

- That's all right. They're hot.
- Yeah.

We have those girls on our brain.

- I mean, who wouldn't?
- How could you not?

The first chance we get
to meet the girls,

we're going to take.

We're 2 guys, they're 2 girls,
"my, you look cute."

If someone else does it,
though, no deal!

I've always wanted to go to Brazil.

I'm so excited right now.

We need a brush and
makeup inmediately.

Right now, we're going for
American Airlines flight 348.

That's the first flight that leaves.

If we don't make
American Airlines,

then we're at Continental.

Oh, my God, I can't believe
we're actually doing this.

Team Boricua [Team Puerto Rican].

- Here we come!
- All right. Pass them, pass them.

Are we speeding?

This isn't the time to
play nice, we're here to win.

The Einstein couple in front of us.

We got some speeders
to our...right here.

That's what I'm going to call
them 'cause they both have glasses--

We're going east right?

Uh, yeah, east on 70.

Doesn't matter if we're
behind right now, because

we'll just speed right on ahead.

Ok, just keep the speed limit.

- 70 juncture.
- Yeah, this is it.

We will not go on a
little plane, right? You think?

- I don't know.
- This is like a big place.

- Yeah, Sao Paulo is a big place.
- Ok.

I'm not the best flier in the world.

I've only-- this is the first
time i've flown in 8 years.


Do you think they can
tell we're tourists?

- We're 6 feet tall and blonde.
- I know, I'm fixin' to tie my bandanna.

Give them a little shock and awe.

I'm almost 50, and I want to
unsheathe my womanhood.

I have been somebody's mother,
somebody's wife

for the last 21 years, and it's
time for me to be me again.

We're the glamazons.

We're representing all
big-boned women of America.

"You may not reserve these
tickets over the phone."

- Ok.
- There's one team behind us.

Do you want to stop
and use a pay phone,

call American and book the tickets?

- Yeah.
- All right, you want to try it here?

- Here?
- Try it here. Yeah, get over.

They just got off.

- That was one of our teams?
- Yeah.

We're about to go
to the red light.

A lot of times it's easy to
just let Lake take over because

he has so much more
confidence in the fact that he's right.

Right over there-- park
right up by the gas pump

closest to the thing here.

Try the 1-800.

- Is somebody answering?
- No, shut up!

Denver International Airport,
Peña Boulevard.

- We have somebody on our ass.
- Where?

- Right behind us.
- It's the hippies, it's the hippies. Go.

Those butt-heads are following us.

Ken and Barbie.

Barbie's-- Barbie is giving us a smile.

- Hey, Barbie!
- Smile back.

Keep your eyes on the road, Ken.

I thought she broke up with Ken?

She did break up with Ken.
This must be the new guy.

Anatomically correct.

- They're all ahead?
- I believe so.


- Mom, don't speed.
- Ok.

I like the mom.

I was just trying to
avoid these people

that were going
to cut in front of us.

And they there go!

All right, you've go to
get over in front of her.

I will.

We see the competition,
and we know

we're right in there with them.

I'm not intimidated in any way.

We've traveled extensively,
we've done similar things that occur

on the race and
we're physically fit,

we think that's going to
be an advantage for us.

I swear, we got some Dale Earnhardts
and some Jeff Gordons out here.

I'm just gonna hang
with these guys.

- American flight 348.
- Okay, that's good. Book it.

We ended up getting
on the first flight

by booking it up
on the telephone.

All right.

That worked out good, babe.
You did great.

- Thank you.
- Give me five.

- I wish i wasn't so stressin' it.
- Good job.

You didn't mess us up at all.

This is it.

"Pikes Peak shuttle parking next right."

- Very cool.
- God, I'm good.

Shuttle parking.

We're the third team going up.

- "Pikes Peak Shuttle Parking".
- There's two teams, three teams.

See anything?
Keep your eyes peeled.

- Right there's a spot.
- Where?

Hurry up, there's a shuttle there.

- All right, American Airlines, first.
- Yeah.

Tell him that we need to hurry,
and he cannot stop for any more people.

- Let's get on that shuttle.
- Come on, come on, come on.

Here's one.
We got it.

- I told him to wait.
- Run! run! run! run! run!

Come on, sweetie.
Come on, come on.

- What's up, dude?
- What's up, man?

Cool. Ready?
Let's go, quick.

Holy heavy bag, Batman.

There's a shuttle over there.

- Come on in!
- Hello!

- We meet at last.
- Hey, everybody.

- There's our shuttle.
- Let's roll.

We may have to go
right to American.

There's a shuttle right here.

I feel like a pack mule.

Get in the back.
Get in the back.

Here come our buddies.

We have a nickname for you guys.


- You already heard us call you that.
- We heard that.

So we're going to try
to go to Continental,

could be a more direct
flight, who knows.

- Thank you, so much.
- Thank you.

Ok, let's go up here.

- Hi.
- Hi.

American Airlines flight 348,

can you tell me with
what time it arrives?

Sure, 9:52 AM.

- Would you be able to check--
- Continental, flight 498.

That gets in at 10:55 AM.

And United Airlines?

American Airlines first.

- We need tickets, right?
- Yeah.

We'll be the first to arrive.

Oh my gosh, Lake we screwed up big
because you didn't read all this.

Where does it say that?

It says it right here.
"Regarding travel to Brazil,

you may not reserve the
tickets over the phone."

- Really?
- Really.

- I didn't read the whole thing.
- We just screwed up big.

- Boy, we did mess up.
- Yep.

It says always read
everything, and you didn't.

That is such a big screw up.
That's going to k*ll us.



"You may not reserve these
tickets over the phone."

- Let me look at that.
- No, you're driving.

It says always read
everything, and you didn't.

I can't believe i've go to
cancel those tickets now.

I'm sorry, that was...

partially my fault, really.

- So let's go out the front.
- Okay.

This thing is so crowded.

- B.J., let's go. Seriously.
- Come on, baby. Right here.

Come on.
This way.

We got it?

You guys know where
American Airlines is?

- You got to go up the stairs.
- Let's go!

- Joseph, where is it?
- I don't know.

- Je, let's go to Continental.
- I think it's closer.

Continental's right here.

- Let's do Continental, quick.
- All right.

There it is, there it is.

I have to check some flights.


- What's up, ladies?
- Hi!

Funny seeing you here.

- Hi. How are you?
- Good.

- How far is it?
- Come on.

- How the hell did they get here?
- I have no idea.

I wonder if there's enough seats.

- Hey, I'm Tyler.
- Danni, nice to meet you.

- Danielle.
- Danielle.

- Danni and Danielle?
- Yes.

- Barry and Fran.
- Nice to meet you.

Can we call you Double D?

- Yeah. Everyone does.
- Nice!

I think that's their name.

Continental flight 93.

Scheduled to arrive at

- Can you check American 963?
- 9:52 AM.

Ok and what about the
United Airlines 861?

- 10:25 AM.
- 10:25?

American departs first
and gets in first.

- Ok let's go American.
- Thank you, ladies. Let's go!

We're going to follow them then.

- We're gonna try for it.
- I bet we don't get it.

I see it. Continental.

We need the fastest tickets you
can get to Sao Paulo, Brazil.

- There's a lot of teams here.
- There's no way.

We're not going to make it.

There's like what,
how many people there, dude?

Let's go to United before other
people figure it out.

There's no way we're
getting on this flight.

I think we should go to United,
because it's a sure thing.

If we don't get on this one,

then everybody else is
gonna run to United

and we're gonna miss that too.

Everyone is here, we're not gonna
get on this. Let's go to United.

- Does it get in next?
- Yeah, yeah.

I smell so bad.

- Do you even care?
- No.

- I'm so happy right know. Thank you.
- Thank you.

Thank you so much.

There's 3, 4, 5...
I don't think there's five seats.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

- You want to go to United?
- Okay.

- Do you still have two tickets available.
- Absolutely. Sure.

Doesn't look like we made it.

I can't believe this is happening.

Are you really about
to start to cry?



Thank you very much.

We are definitely not
getting on this flight.

We need tickets to Sao Paulo.

Let's roll.
Let's go to United.

We're getting on the first
flight, very exciting,

since we were
one of the last ones

to pull out of the parking lot.

- How you doing?
- I'm great.

Give me kiss.
I love you.

I love you too.

- I'm really hot.
- Yes, you are.


I love Dave immensely,

I'm just grateful to
have him in my life.

He makes me laugh.

- All right, you're in 12 D and E.
- Thank you so much.

Can you check the United flight?

I put-- your name is
already on your tickets.

You're tickets have been issued.

Oh, crap.

We're on the last flight.

American Airlines has a

We'd never make it.

Thanks, we're going to
try for the United.

- Come on.
- It's over.

- Shut the f*ck up.
- Quit cursing.

- We are sold out.
- sh**t.

Well, we just missed it.

We need tickets to Sao Paulo.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hi, I'm Scott.
- I'm Lori.

- Great to meet you.
- Dave.

- Are there plenty seats left?
- I've got seats for you.

Oh, ok.
Good enough.

Thank you, dear.

We need two tickets
to Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Sao Paulo.

Thank you very much.

Everybody's here.

- We're off to Sao Paulo.
- We need tickets.

I have a feeling we're
on the last flight.

Yeah, all of us might be
on the last flight.

There's three other teams
here already.

- Everybody is trying to get on it?
- Yep.

We screwed ourselves so bad.

Gate 28, they're gonna
start boarding at 301.

- They got on.
- Good luck, you guys.

How are you?

Unfortunately our flight at

Let's go.

- Michelle, you better run.
- I am, babe.

That black girl will outrun you.
Come on!

I want a seat close to the front.


I don't see why they're
all rushing, you know?

Cause everybody's getting
on the last damn flight.

- What's your name, man?
- Lake, man.

- ¿Lake?
- Lake, like the ocean.

Okay. Ray.

Ray, like the sun.

- Okay, here you go.
- Thank you very much.

Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Thank you so much.

I need two tickets.

Your seats are 24 D and E.

The American flight,
due to arrive first,

carries Danielle and
Dani, B.J. and Tyler

and Fran and Barry.

The Continental flight,
due to arrive third,

carries Lisa and Joni,
Lake and Michelle,

Ray and Yolanda and
Joseph and Monica.

The United flight,
due to arrive second,

carries Eric and Jeremy,
Wanda and Desiree,

Dave and Lori and John and Scott.

All teams are now making their
way to Sao Paulo, Brazil

via three different flights.

Delays in connecting cities
have changed arrival times.

Once they arrive, teams
must figure out they're

looking for this place,

the rooftop of the Hotel Unique
overlooking the heart of Sao Paulo.

Which teams will surge ahead

and which will be the first team
to be eliminated from the race?

Ok, vámonos.

Brazil, Brazil, Brazil!

All right.
We're in Brazil now.

Our flight was just unbelievable.


Okay, we're very pressed for time.

- Go to the Hotel Unique.
- Yes.

I can communicate with them in
Spanish and a little Portuguese,

so we're gonna get along
like peas and carrots.

We're just gonna try to make up
as much time as we can

because as far as we know,
we're 25 minutes behind

the teams on the American flight.

We have to be first.

Team Boricua!

Do you know where Hotel
Unique is in Sao Paulo?


Did you see pretty girls
with big boobs

or a mom and daughter?

What color hair did they have?

- Brown.
- Mom and daughter?


They were a couple
minutes ahead of us, b*tches.

Hotel Unique?

- Ok.
- Ok, let's go.

Thank you.

I wonder where the
American flight came in.

- Taxi.
- Unique Hotel?

- Unique Hotel?
- Okay.

Ok, we're good to go.

- Taxi.
- Bye.

Our flight got delayed
about 40 minutes.

Now we're getting
here five minutes after

the second flight
is supposed to arrive.

But we don't know if
we maintained our lead.

But we did learn some
helpful portuguese phrases.

You are the best.

- Ok!
- Ok! yeah!

- Would you pass that car?
- Oh, yes.

Do you think that's Tyler
and B.J. in front of us?

Maybe they got delayed.

The Unique Hotel.

Ok, let's go.

We were the last to leave off of
our group on the first flight.

Aye, yai ya.
We're in a rush.


- What'd he say?
- Celebrities.

- Yes.
- Yeah, we're celebrities.

Come on, come on.

Excuse us.
Excuse us.

Babe, come here.

- We'll see it.
- Let's beat Ray and them.

- Thank you.
- We gotta hurry up.

Can we just yell for one?


Unique Hotel.

I hope we catch up with
some of the other teams.

I do, too.

When we get to this hotel,
we're hauling butt.

Unique Hotel?

Get in right here.

I'm feeling good.
We're not last.

All you got to do is not be last.

- You available? taxi?
- Unique Hotel.


I've always wanted to go to Brazil.

Ándale, por favor.

I think he speaks Portuguese.

- Isn't that the same thing?
- No.

Oh, no.

I thought, like, Spanish was
the universal language of the world.


Wow, look at that.

See why they call it Unique.

Ok. Is there an
elevator to the roof?

To the right.

Oh, there's the box.
Go, go, go, go!

Oh, mom.
Look at the view.

Travel by taxi to
Viaduto Santa Efigenia.

Teams must now travel
by taxi three miles

through Sao Paulo's traffic-logged
streets to this place...

Viaduto Santa Efigenia.

Built in 1.913, this historic bridge

is where they'll find
their next clue.

- That's it.
- Ok.

Is this Hotel Unique, buddy?

- Yeah.
- All right.

Yeah, this is pretty unique, I'd say.
Look likes a ship, huh?

- That big place.
- Yeah.

- Wow.
- There's another cab.

Let's go.
Let's beat them.

Let's go.

- Hey, guys.
- Thank you very much.

Ok, let's go, let's go.
Oh, sh**t. Somebody's here.

Hey, ladies.

We've got to get to the roof, man.

- Is this it?
- Yes, this is it.

- It's the gay guys.
- Scott and John.

- What?
- Here we go.

- Ok, let's go.
- All right.

- Did you guys get it already.
- Yes.

- Was your flight delayed?
- Yeah, it was delayed.

- Oh, man!
- First flight got here second.

Bye guys, good luck.

- Now we're number one.
- We're first right now.

- Go, go, go! There it is!
- Hey, this looks nice up here.

Travel by taxi to
Viaduto Santa Efigenia.

All right. Let's go.

- Will these elevators take us back down?
- Yeah.

Here, let's go. Because the other
teams are coming up the elevator.

Oh, my God.
Look at the view, it's great.

All right.
Check on the back. Is there a map?

Ok, let's get out of here.

Come on, come on.

- Clues!
- Clues!

- Wow that sounds good.
- Sounds fresh.

Viaduto Santa Efigenia.

Let's go then!

- I think that's it.
- Yeah.

Give me kiss.

Come on.

- I'm ready to be there.
- You're very patient.

- One of your attributes.
- I'm not very patient.

Eh? Is that it?

Ok, hurry.

- Good luck.
- Thank you very much.

There's Fran and Barry.

- Hey, grab that task, Jer.
- I will.

This one.

- Somebody's using it?
- He's not taking us?

Oh, crap.

Viaduto Santa Efigenia.

All right.
Let's go.

- Let's go.
- There it is.

Once there, search
for your next clue.

- Ok.
- We're off.

We're off and back down.

- Right here.
- Look, the boys.

There's a taxi out here.

- Hi, pinkies.
- Hey!


That's Jeremy and I'm Eric, by the way.

Oh, hi, Jeremy and Eric.
We'll see you later.

See ya.

What are we going to do?
What are we going to do?

Where's the cab person?

Let's go, man.

- There's a taxi.
- Now they got in front of us.

- Viaduto Santa Efigenia?
- Yes.

- Great, let's go.
- Great.

Ok, let's go.
Thanks, sir.

We just want you to go rápido.

- I think it was--
- Jeremy and Eric.

- Was that Jeremy and Eric?
- Yep.


- Who was that?
- The hippies.

- They passed us?
- Yeah.

Everybody's passed us.

- Here comes one, here comes one.
- John, John.

Get in, get in.

Great, great.
Let's go, let's go.


Maybe he'll call one
if we can't find one.

Oh, is that a taxi?
You are a taxi?

Ok, in.
Here we go.

- Viaduto Santa Efigenia?
- You know?

It's time for the handshake.

I love Lori with all
my heart, and nerds rule.

Travel by taxi to
Viaduto Santa Efigenia.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy and I'm Eric."

- Shut up.
- Yes, shut up.

Hi, pinkies.

- Is that what they said?
- Yeah.

Let's get outta here.

There it is.
Look, look, look, look.

Ok, let's go.

- Quickly, quickly, quickly.
- On the right hand side?

Thank you for everything.

This could be anywhere.

- Oh, right here?
- That's it?

That's it.

Whoa, it's cool.

Let's go.
This way, buddy.

I see it!

Frat boys right behind us.

Very fast up here.
There they go, there they go.

Let's beat the hippies.

There they are.
There they are.

- Eric and--
- Jeremy.

- 90?, yeah, that's it.
- Good.

Let's go.

- Up there?
- Yeah.

It's-- he pointed up and
said-- there's a bridge.

Oh, yeah.

Hit it.

Ok, look everywhere,
keep your eyes peeled.

Soon, soon?

What does that mean?
mazeltof? what did he say?

Do you know where
this is?, location?

He doesn't even know
where the hell he's going.

He circled around.

Do you speak english?

- No.
- English?

Wow, i love it.

Yeah, you love it.
Well, we're going to lose.

So, keep loving it.

Don't be so--

Scott, you've got to
get your edge up.

Once you're there, search
for your next clue.

We'll just get the cab.

That's it, that is it.
Come on, babe.

Hey, did a black team just
come through here?

- No.
- Thank you.

- There it is.
- Good.

Travel by taxi.

Once there search
for your next clue, let's go.

Are we getting cloase?
Hotel Unique.

Yeah, baby. He's close.
Going the right way.

Be nice.

- I am being nice.
- I know.

How would you feel if you had a
big black man sittin' behind you,

talkin' about, "Are we close?"

- Ok.
- Thank you.

Viaduto Santa Efigenia.

Let's go, let's go.

Fast as you can.

Oh, my gosh.

- I'm sorry, thank you.
- We love you.

You did a good job.

Oh, my God.
How beautiful.

Once there, search
for your next clue.

I would like to stay here.

This is my kind of hotel.

There's one.

It's not over till it's over.

- Oh, there it is.
- Where?

Take it.


Motor Head or Rotor Head.

A detour is a choice
between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams
have to choose

between two common forms of
transportation in Sao Paulo.

The choice...

Motor Head or Rotor Head.

In Motor Head, teams travel one
mile to this motorcycle shop

and choose a motorcycle frame.

Then, using all the parts provided,

and a finished model for reference,

they must finish assembling
that motorcycle.

Once the mechanic is able
to kick start the bike,

he will hand them
their next clue.

The task appears complicated

but teams that are mechanically
inclined could finish quickly.

In Rotor Head, teams travel
three miles to this airport.

Campo de Marte, then using
a flight directory,

they must locate one of
these three buildings

that they'll fly to by helicopter.

Since the three buildings
vary in distance

and each location has a
limited number of tickets,

teams must race to find
the closest available building.

Once they've located
their destination,

a pilot will fly them by helicopter
to the top of that building

where they'll search the
designated area for their next clue.

Although the task is
not physically demanding,

it could take a long time.

I think we should do
Rotor Head, mom.

We don't know about
assembling motorcycles heads.

We're going to do
the Rotor Head.

- Ok.
- Ok, let's go.

Taxi, taxi!

It's over there.

Motor Head or Rotor Head.

- Helicopter is pretty cool.
- Helicopter is pretty cool.

Let's go down and get
a taxi and figure it out...

All right, cool.

Right there.

Motor Head or Rotor Head.

- Rotor Head?
- Yeah.

Let's go.
It says take a taxi.

- Don't see a thing yet.
- Nothing.

Oh, it's right here.

Oh, my God.

No, no, no, no!

Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.

- Detour.
- Detour.

I'm so stupid.

- Want to do Rotor Head?
- Sure.

- Let's go.
- We'll do Rotor Head.


I think let's make
sure and look over

and make sure we don't
see it down below.

Let's look down, maybe
it's visible from here.

Oh, bah!

We're not seeing it.

I don't see it.
I don't see it.

It's got to be right
in front of us.

Right now, we've been up
and down this street

three or four times and
we cannot find the clue box.

We've been hung up
for about 30 minutes.

It says: "search for it."

We're searching.

How could we be missing it?

Barry, we're not seeing
anybody else.

Oh, boy.

I don't see it.

Got to be right in front of us.

I cannot believe it.

I absolutely can't believe this.

There are the girls over there.

Where are they going?

Hi, hi!
Taxi, taxi!


- Hi, guys.
- Competition, please.

Calm down.

- Ok.
- You're getting flustered.

I am because I can't believe
they guys are so close to us.

My mother is the kind of person

who can overreact in tense situations.

You need a tranquilizer right now.

My role in the team will be
to keep us on task.

There's some right there.

Watch out.

So what if we didn't
wear deodorant this morning.

Follow them.

Stay right with those guys, plase.

All right, looks like we're at
the top of the pack again.

Campo de Marte?

I think assembling a motorcycle
might be a little difficult.

We don't have any mechanical
experience really.

You're going to wait right here, right?

- This is it.
- Let's go.

We're not seeing it.

We don't see it.

- Do you see it?
- No.

- This is it, right here.
- Here.

We've been back and forth
three or four times.

Did you see any people?



Where the freak is this thing?

- Right there!
- Yes!


Motor Head or Rotor Head.

I guess we'll do the first one.

The older couple did't see it.
I can't believe it.

We can do it.
We can do it.

I think we should walk.

This isn't working.

Do you think we should
get out of the cab?

No, he doesn't know.

Ok, you stop being
so negative and try to help.

- Me?
- You're playing by your rules back in Boston.

We need to get
out of this cab.

Airport de Campo de Marte
de Avenida de Santos Dumont.

Avenida de Santos Dumont?

Thi is the entrance here.

It's very specific that we go
through Santos Dumont Avenue.

Turn around.
Go to the other entrance.

It said we're supposed
to enter through a different entrance,

and we passed it, so we're going
to have to go back around.

I'm gonna like pull out
all my hair, i think.

We're going to do the Rotor Head.

Take a little helicopter flight.

The frat boys are behind us.

So, you think they're going
to Rotor Head or something?

I don't know what they're doing.


Campo de Marte.

- Helicopter.
- Helicopter?

No, no.

Oh great, we're not
even at the right place.

We're at some frickin' military base.

You have to turn around.

- This is not good.
- Oh, my gosh.


We are so in this.

It's very exciting.
This is nonstop action.

It's just awesome.

Thank you.

Where are we going?

Search for the pilot's handbook.

Oh, my God. It's right here.

Look up one of three buildings.

Oh, my God.

Just don't know how to
read their little manual here.

We've got to hurry up,
there's another team here.

Let's rock this.

Oh, my God.
People are beating us.

Go, go.

Oh, great job, guys.
You got us lost.

Sorry, guys.

- Dude, go!
- You're in for it!

You guys aren't going...

The book!

- Pilots manual.
- Look for one of these.

Start searching, Bobblebino.

- Find the closest one.
- Sao Luiz Gonzaga.

All the other teams are
going for Luiz Gonzaga.

Let's go to the second one.
Atrium V, that's where we want to go.

- Oh, here it is.
- Sao Luis Gonzaga.

- Found it.
- Go.

Dang it.

Maybe we should pick
another building?

- He found it already.
- Oh, my God.

Ok, let's just get it.

Who do we ask for a helicopter?

Sao Luis Gonzaga.
Pilito, pilot, pilot, pilot, pilot, pilot?

Where are we going, where are we going?
We show you?

"Once you've found the building,
show the dispatcher

which building you'd like to go to."

This is the dispatcher.

- Oh, excuse us.
- sh**t.

Sao Luis Gonzaga.

Is that the same one?

- Oh! Atrium V.
- Fine, Atrium V, Atrium V.

Thank you... very much.

Sao Luis Gonzaga?

- Obrigado.
- Obrigado.

- Atrium V?
- Gracias.

- I'm Jeremy.
- Martínez.

Nice to meet you, Martínez.

- We're going to fly.
- We're flying!

We're flying!
We're flying!

- This is awesome.
- Oh my God.

We're about to get on
helicopter and fly around Sao Paulo.

Thank you, Martínez.

Going in a whirly bird.

- Ok.
- Awesome!

Holy smackers!

Is this the most unbelievable
experience of your lifetime?

We're three. We're team three.

Ok, here we go.

We knew he was not
an aggressive driver.

There's already three teams here.

So, we have to pick
one of these buildings.

But there's only a certain number
of flights allowed to each one.

Hotel Meliá.
Hotel Meliá.

- Hotel Meliá.
- Ok, let's do that one.

We chose Hotel Meliá, which
is actually the farthest away.

But it was the first
one we could find.

And so, hopefully, the fact
that it's a really far distance

isn't going to make us
lose a lot of time.

Oh, yeah!

All right, Martínez.

- You're amazing.
- Oh, man. This is cool, man.

This is crazy. Holy smokes.

We're going to put
together a motorcycle.


Caverna Motos?


Who is going to help us?

Can one of you help us put
together a motorcycle?

It's necessary that you help us.

Come on!

- Which one should we pick?
- I don't know what I'm doing here.

It's necessary that you help us.

These girls are crazy.

All right.
Where's that list?

All right, let's see.
Air filter.

This is it.

Carburetor, I have no clue what
a carburetor looks like.

This is probably it.

- That is?
- I don't know, yeah.

I'm dizzy.

Come on.

Hey! I gave you 2!

- Gracias.
- Bye... for nothing.

Look at that bike.
See what's on it.

- This has to go on the right side.
- Okay.

Don't screw anything yet.

That piece goes on top of that.

- Dan, we're just going to get dirty.
- You've got to be kidding.

Do you really think you can
put this together?

Because I don't.

Come on.

- Where?
- Up on the bridge.

I cannot believe it.

I absolutely can't believe this.

- Come on, babe.
- I'm looking.

Jog and look.
Here it is, come on.

- Oh, there it is!
- There it is, right there.


- How did we miss it?
- A detour.

- Motor Head...
- Or Rotor Head.

Finish assembling motorcycle.

- That is not me or you.
- No.

Let's do Motor Head.
I'm good at putting things together.

- Rotor Head.
- Rotor Head.

Taxi, taxi!

- How did we miss it?
- How did we miss it? It's sitting right there.

I don't think it was there before.



There's one right there.

Muy rápido, por favor.

- Jump out here?
- Yeah.

Go down and go up?

Be there, baby.
Be there.

Let's go, let's go.

There's Scott Peterson right there.

There it is.
Here it is, right here.

- Up there?
- Yes.

Get it.
See what it says.

Detour, take a taxi
one mile... God!

Do you want to put a
motorcycle together?

I think I can put it on there.

All right, let's go.


I've never put anything together ever.

Don't second-guess it
or we won't go there.

- Nope, I'm doing what you want.
- Do not no--

Don't second-guess me.

Here it is, baby.

Motor Head or Rotor Head.

We're gonna do what?
The Motor Head?

- Yeah, let's do Motor Head.
- Ok.


- Do you know how to get here?
- Yes.

I see a lot of mechanic shops.

It should be no further
than a mile away.

Could there be any more traffic?

- We're last.
- We're thinking we're last.

Everything that can go
wrong has gone wrong.

What's that smell?

Did you fart?

- No.
- Is it the city?


- Should we walk?
- No.

You know where this is, correct?

You know?

We have to get out of this cab.

Thank you.
Do you speak english?

Viaduto Santa Efigenia?

Ok, no one wants to help us.
Santa Efigenia?

Santa Efigenia?

They think we're trying to
sell something or something.


Excuse me, do you know
where Santa Efigenia is?

The train station?

Ok, he doesn't want...
People hate us.

- Yeah.
- Ok, let's go. Let's go.

- Where are we going to?
- What?

We've go to go somewhere
other than here.

This isn't working.

Big John, you need to relax.

We need to have a direction.

So if you don't have a direction,
I'm going to come up with one.

- Ho ho, the mistletoe.
- This is insanity.

It could be down there.

It's just one of those things.

In the future, we should
just stay in the cab.

But what happens, Scott,
if we're not doing anything,

I need you to come up with
and idea or go with my idea.

- Ok.
- Just come up with one.

I did say stay in the cab.

- Let's go.
- Come on, he says.

We're making a critical
mistake right now.

Now we're stuck.

That's what we've been
all day long, stuck.

I know.

- Oh, my God.
- Come on.

You have a normal in your
life, this is their normal.

They live like this.
They don't know-- it's a culture,

we're not used to seeing
a culture like this.

They would probably be
out of place where we live.

- Right.
- Fast, fast.

This is nice.

Look how big the city is.

- Dang, this is cool.
- It is pretty sweet.

Flying over Sao Paulo, Brazil.

- Hot dog.
- Hot dog.

- There are the frat guys.
- In front of us.

Right there.

Sao Luiz Gonzaga.

So, you have to go to the building,
search the area, find the clue...

...and go.

Thanks Martínez, man.
You're the man, dude.

Oh, we gotta wait for them.

I'm guessing we got
to go downstairs.

That was awesome.


Freak me out.

So, it's our turn to land.

All right, we're looking
for the marked clues.

- Do you see anything.
- Not yet.

Where is it?

Come on, dude.

Yeah, dude.
Let's go.

We got this.

Hey, hey!
I got it, i got it, i got it, i got it!

- Yeah.
- Open it up.

Travel by taxi to the
neighborhood of Santa Cecilia.

Teams must now travel by taxi 5 miles

to the neighborhood of
Santa Cecilia and find this warehouse

at Rua Frederico Abranches, 114A.

Inside the warehouse
team will witness

a traditional candomble ceremony,

part of a unique religion practiced
by more than two million brazilians.

Then for good fortune they
light a white candle

to receive their next clue.

Ok, let's go.

What's up, dude?

Good luck, guys!
There's one under there.

All right, baby!

Travel by taxi to the neighborhood
of Santa Cecilia.

Looks like we're catching up.

We'll see you guys
at the finish line.

- They're good guys.
- They're good guys.

That is just sweetness right there.

Dude, is this the most James Bond
thing you've ever done?

This is pretty James Bond.

All right, let's go.

Oh, straight ahead.

This one. Atrium V. Atrium V.

Oh, my God.

We've got to walk
out to the front.

Thank you.

This way.

Search for the clue.

This way.

Go, go, go.

- It's right here.
- Nice.

- Ok, you ready?
- Are you ready?


Travel by taxi to the
neighborhood of Santa Cecilia.

- Whoo, let's go.
- All right.

Helicopter was amazing.

Very exciting, you're right over
the city, right, coming in right

over the... buildings,
it was incredible.

Oh, my God!

This is amazing.

Well, if you wanted to see Sao Paulo,
this is the best way to see it.

Hotel Meliá.
Hotel Meliá.

Oh, my goodness.

Ok, let's go.
Can we go faster than you?


Oh wow, this place is awesome.

Man, I want to rent this place.

All right, look for a marker.

Oh, my gosh.
This place is a dream.

I think this should be
the pit stop, mom.

What do you think?

My lord, I've never seen such
a beautiful property.

- Did you find it?
- No.

Oh, wait, yes, I found it.

- That was lucky.
- Ok.

Travel by taxi to the
neighborhood of Santa Cecilia.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

Man, this place is beautiful.

I'm telling you, man,
I'm running out of gasolina.

Calm yourself, calm yourself...

- You're not calmate.
- No, I'm not calmate.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm so glad we picked this.

I mean, I don't know how it's
gonna affect our placement,

but this is a once-in-a-lifetime
experience for me.

There's the hangers, babe.

Oh, Santos Dumont!

- This way, this way. This way!
- Amigo, amigo!

- Turn back where you're going.
- That way, that way.

- Oh, shit.
- Amigo, amigo.

No more mistakes.


Chill, chill.

Muy rápido.
Por favor.

You're clear.
Come on, come on.

Dude, turn this around.

- Please.
- He's k*lling us.

How do you get in?

We need to go
through Avenue Dumont.

Santos Dumont.

- I just saw Santos Dumont.
- I saw a bunch of hangers.

- So we need to go right.
- Yes.


- Come on, bro. Come on, man.
- Go, go, go, go, go!

- Right, amigo. Amigo.
- It's over here.

- No, right, right!
- Right!

- Right!
- God!

This doesn't make any sense.

These doesn't even look
like the right nuts.

Stupid motorcycles.

I'm gonna k*ll this motorcycle.

I can't, we haven't screwed
on one thing yet.

Let's just go to the other one.
I'm sure it's not that hard.

Let's just go.

Here, right here.
In here.

- I see the girls.
- We're changing...

- Detours.
- We are obviously not mechanics.


- Did you get it?
- No, we're out of here.

It's too hard.

Do you want to stay here and see
if they know how to do it?

Are you guys good at this stuff?

- I can usually do it.
- Fran's usually pretty good.

Okay, let's do this one.
Right here.

You see?
I don't know what that is.

Just a cover.

What if we don't finish this?

- We're going to finish--
- All the oil's running.

I don't know if we
know what to do.

- Let's get that piece in.
- No.

- Does it go like this?
- It goes just like this.

How about that piece down there?

There's a cover for there.

We're going to go
to the next detour

because this is not working out.

- Where can we get a taxi?
- There's a taxi right there.

- Taxi!
- Thank God.

Aeropuerto Campo de Marte.

I'm never putting a motorcycle
together, ever again.

Everybody's catching up.

It's green.
Go, girl!

It may not be the right one.

- Get up, please.
- Shut up.

Look, we can get ahead of
some people if I can put

thing together fast.
You know I'm good with my hands.

I know you are.
Gracias, sir.

Let's see what we got here.

Lake, come on here.
Right here, right here.

- ¿Mecánico?
- Pick one, Lake. Just pic one. Let's go.

All right, let's take this one.
This is going to be easy.

Hell, yeah!

- Get in there, baby.
- Calm down.

He knows how to do it.

I'll do that.
Go see what he's doing.

Can I look at you guys?

If ya'll don't get it,
I'll show you where it goes

- when we get ours done.
- Ok.

Shut up, they're too
close behind us.

We're ahead of somebody.
They might help us later.

It's tight, baby.

Yeah, baby, yeah!

Oh, God.

I honestly didn't think it
would be this hard, honest.

- That's good.
- Bueno.

- Oh, right here, baby.
- Here comes Ray.

He'll never put that together
quicker than I will.

I think there's a
completed one right there.

It says we have to use
all the screws.

Yes, so make sure you put
those two back.

I will.

You come get this piece and
put in here, this hole right here.

- See where the screw at?
- Yeah.

Look at her.

Beautiful body.

Viejo Santa Efigenia?

The next block?
Keep your eyes open.

Ok, we need to stop and get out.

- Yeah, we'll get out.
- Ok.

Viaduto is a bridge.

- And that's it?
- It's very big, big, big.

- Thank you.
- Good luck.

- Did we pass it?
- No.

There it is, there it is.
Come on!

Excuse me.

Motor Head or Rotor Head.

Rotor Head, come on.
We've got to hustle.

Come on, come on.
Hurry, hurry.

Oh, there, you have it?

- We just passed the Frosties.
- Oh, we did?

Campo de Marte.

Take us there.

- Ok.
- Oh, mama mia.

Fast, fast.

Yeah, helicopter.

I can't belive we're
going in a helicopter.

I've only flown once in
the last eight years

because I'm so afraid of flying.

I'm just hoping that I can
overcome all my fears

and be the kind of person
i'd like to see myself.

Looks like we're the last
two teams right now.

Between us and the Frosties, so...

- And we started out together.
- We'd like to help them, but...

right now, this could be it.

Oh, my gosh.

Shut up!

- Detour.
- Ok.

We can't put a
motorcycle together.

- We choose to do Rotor Head.
- Ok.

We're totally out of our
element, we need a taxi.

There's one right down there.

- Campo de Marte.
- Campo de Marte.

Ok, Campo de Marte.

It's ok, it ain't over
until it's over, and

and the fat lady's singing.

Martínez, how many
girls do you get?

Seriously... being a helicopter pilot,
they're all over you.

No, no. That's not true.

All right, Martínez. You're the man.

Now we gotta find a taxi.

- Thanks, Martínez.
- Martínez, thanks again.

All right, go.
Oh, right there.

Santa Cecilia.


All right, that's what
we're talking about.


That was a sweet...

...three-point turn.

Hot dog.

Let's go, man.

- Sí, sí.
- Sí, sí.

- Finally found it.
- Go, go, go. It's the hippies. Go!

- Taxi?
- Barbie and Ken.

- Is it fun, man?
- It's the most amazing thing ever.


- Get ready for a crazy ride.
- See you guys.

Santa Cecilia?
Let's go, man.

- Rua Frederico Abranches?
- Ok.

That helicopter ride
blew our minds.

It was intense.

- Heliport, right here. We want this one.
- Why?

'Cause it's closest.

So that's probably all taken.

We're gonna get there and
there's not going to be any.

All right, let's roll here.

- Joseph, I am hurrying as fast as I can.
- A-T-R-I-U-M V.

- Here we go, here we go.
- Ok.

Oh, this is going to be rad.

I have never been in
a helicopter, dude.

I love you.

- Phenomenal.
- Unbelievable.

Oh, my gosh.

- They landing now?
- They're landing now.

- Ok.
- Oh crap.

Get it.

We got the mom and
daughter team behind us.

And MoJo is just
taking off right now.


Quickly, quickly, quickly,
quickly, quickly.

Team MoJo: Monica and Joseph.

Oh, my God, Joseph.

Oh, my God.

Right here, right here, right here.
Santa Cecilia?

- Sí.
- Let's go.

We kissed in a helicopter
above Sao Paulo.

- Yes, we did.
- We'll remember that forever.

Let's go, we've got a
ceremony to attend.

- Santa Cecilia?
- Sí.

This is a rat race.

New York, I don't think compares
to a rat race, this is a rat race.

- Right there.
- See?, they're all close.

Right there.

So awesome.

Oh, this is intense.

Come on.
Come on.

That one's locked.
We got to go in this one.

- There it is, there it is.
- Good.

Come on, baby.
Right here.

Got it?

Travel by taxi to the
neighborhood of Santa Cecilia.

Let's roll.

- Good luck, guys.
- Thank you.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

- I don't know how this connects.
- I don't know how that connects either.

- Oh, God.
- This is awful.

- This is terrible.
- Get in the hole, right there.

- I'm getting it.
- No, you're not.

- Oh, i see.
- Come on, baby.

So, we could easily be eliminated.

Don't be my demise.

Lake, calm down.

Why, why the hell won't
that come off there?

Just calm down.

I can't believe that this
would be the thing that would do us in.

And we picked the
worst piece of crap here.

Sweetheart, sweetheart!

You come get this piece and put
in here, this hole here.

- Here.
- I got it.

- Thank...
- Goodness.

That's it.

I don't know where
a spark plug goes.

You get that nut in
there, we're done.

Oh, God.

All right, i got it.

We are really up the creek here.

I'm gonna show you where
it is, soon as he gets me checked.


Start, baby!


They got it. They got it.

Where's my clue?
I'll tell you right here.

Where's my clue?

This is the clue?

Carburetor goes up in there,
between those two.

Yeah, but we don't know
what to do with this.

The spark plug.

The spark plug goes in
the top of the engine.

I don't know what the engine is.

The engine is the center part.

I don't-- i don't know.

- Let's go, Michelle, come on.
- Okay.

I thought he was going to show us.

- Come on, Michelle.
- Y'all don't give up now.

- Let's go, where are we going?
- To Santa Cecilia.

Go baby.
We've got another team comin'.

- You got it right?
- Yeah.

All right, cool.
Taxi, this way?

- Michelle, come on.
- I am.


You know where Santa Cecilia is?

You did awesome, honey.

This could be our downfall.
This could be it.

- Yeah, we...we--
- This is it.

We don't really know this stuff.

- I don't know how to do it, Fran.
- I don't either, Barry.

I really thought--

you know, if I
saw it I could do it.

But I can't see a
darn thing there.

We're going to be eliminated.

We... we don't know what to do.

- Oh, God.
- This is awful.

- I don't know how to do it, Fran.
- I don't either, Barry.

Ok, we're finished.

- We have to go somewhere else.
- Let's go to the other one.

- I'm sorry, Barry, really.
- It's not your fault.

I really... he said he'd show us.

- Not your fault.
- I'm sorry.

- Ok, hurry.
- It's another team.

Fran and Barry, they left before us.

Screw, screw, screw.

Taxi, taxi!

Hurry, hurry!

I'm absolutely sick to my stomach.

We made a major mistake.

I thought there would be
plans, i thought we could see

what we were doing to put
together this motorcycle,

now for sure, we're
going to be last.

Ah, I don't know.
This is very sad.

A sad day.

We need to bust out after this.

- Thank you.
- Come on.

All right, look up one of the three.

Labeled on the map.
One of the three buildings.

Here we go, right here.

Let's just do this one.
Atrium V.

- It's this one, right here.
- Ok, let's go to that one.

This is going to be awesome.

- Who's that?
- MoJo.

Pink girls.

Oh, my God!
They're behind us.

- They were first.
- Not anymore.

Oh, my goodness.

Should be coming up soon, I think.

- Oh, that's it.
- Campo de Marte.

Ah, you're the best cab driver.

He's going to drive in.

Should we show
them the clue or...

We're told that we're
supposed to come in this road.

Santos, Avenue Santos Dumont?

You have to turn around
and go back the other way.

Uh, so he drove by it.

Taxi, emergency!
Santa Cecilia?

- Sí.
- Ok, gracias señor.

- This is intense.
- This is going to be intense, yeah.

- I am scared of helicopters.
- Well, it's too late now.

Here's another team.

- Who was that?
- That was the ladies.

This was the blond.
The Arkansas couple.

- They're glad we found it.
- Yeah, but they're ahead of us.

I'm going to pee in my pants.

- I'm scared of helicopters.
- Look, there's the books.

- They're all scattered out.
- Oh, my God.

Find a building.

Okay, who speaks english?

- Oh, there's a building.
- Oh, my God.

- Hanger, air remote.
- Straight ahead.

Oh, my gosh.
It's the green ladies.

- We're in it.
- It's not over, we're in the hunt.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

Oh, no, we got somebody
behind us.

Grab a big load of turds.

Ok, what are we doing?

You can pull here.
This is good, this is good.

The Frosties are there.

We're ahead of people!

Ok, ok, we got to get the book.

Where are the books?
Here are the books.

All right, find the map,
looking for buildings.

Here, Atrium V.

Son of a bitch!
We're still in it!

I just peed my pants.

- Son of a bitch, we're still in it!
- Hurry up, I'm peeing in my pants!

Me too!

Thank you, Jesus!

Oh, my God.
We still have a chance.

Fast, fast!

- The whole time.
- Thank you Jesus.

- There's people behind us.
- Listen. Focus, focus, focus.

There are only three
buildings here.

- How do you find it?
- This is it.

Got to be it.

Here we go.

That's just alphabet.
Doesn't have anything--

It's telling us something.

- That's it, ok.
- Gonzaga?

Oh, fantastic!

Don't worry, don't worry.

I'm scared.

Scott, keep looking here.

Let's go.

- Were still in it.
- Ok, hurry.

Looks like there's
one team behind us.

You know what, Fran?

- It's not over until the fat lady sings.
- It's not over yet.

Scott, you need to move this.
I have to be able to see the words.

- Don't put it over there again.
- The hotel--

I'm doing San Luiz,

- you're going to do this Atrium?
- Yeah.


We need the thing,
see if there's pictures.

I was doing that and you
ripped it away from me.

- Here it is, Atrium.
- Got it.

Please say there's some available.

- No, no.
- No?

The last one.

Oh, man.

We're not having very
good luck, we're so last.

There's got to be
some order to this.

We found everything
else on this thing.

- Hotel Meliá, we got it.
- Thank you, lord.

Takes us a little while.
Thank you so much.

Come on, come on.

It's so small.
So small.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, I was in a helicopter
when I was like 10

and I yelled so much, the
guy brought it right down.

Oh, my God, girl.
Here we go.

- Rápido.
- Yes.

I keep telling him.

- That's what we're talking about.
- Yeah.

We're going to take part in a
traditional candomble ceremony.

For good fortune.

Right here, right here.

- Frederico Abranches?
- Let's go.

Should probably hustle up.

Over there.

- Let's go, man.
- Rua Frederico?

This way, this way.

Thank you.

- There it is.
- 114A.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

Teams must now travel 2 1/2 miles

through the congested
streets of Sao Paulo

and find Estadio Municipal de Pacaembu.

Soccer is the world's
most popular sport.

This world cup stadium is the pit
stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here will be eliminated.

There's a taxi coming now.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop
Estadio Municipal.

Estadio Municipal de Pacaembu?

Very fast.

We must enter through
the gate labeled Portal 23.

- Ta--
- Taxi!

We're on our way to the pit stop.

Oh, my God.
That was awesome.

- Travel by taxi to the pit stop.
- Oh, sweet.

Let's go, come on.

Ok, I'm running out of gas.
I hear the ceremony,

it's in here.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

- Ok, let's get a taxi.
- Oh, breeze.

Taxi, taxi!


Ok, oh, crap, there's the
mom and daughter.

Do you drive quickly?

We have to beat the other groups.

Right here, we need to
make this fit on top.

There you go.

Ok that's probably good
enough, all right.

He has to jump start the car.

Ray, come on.

Thank you.

Travel by taxi to the neighborhood
of Santa Cecilia.

Let's go, let's go.

You know where it is?

Oh, my God!

- Oh, that? Right there?
- What?

This is it!

- Thank you.
- Let's go!

Come on.
We can do this.

- There we are, right there.
- Where?

Look at you, girl.

Travel by taxi to the neighborhood
of Santa Cecilia.


- All right, let's go.
- Ok.

Thank you.

I wish we would have done this
to begin with.

I couldn't think of anybody
I'd want to do this with more.

You're the best.

Follow the marked path
to the search area.

It's down here somewhere.

- Got it.
- Got it.

Travel by taxi to the neighborhood
of Santa Cecilia.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

Oh, my God!

This is totally crazy.

We're doing it, we're doing it!

Oh, we're doing so good!

- Ready, come on, she's going.
- Let's go.

Joni, this way!

My panties are falling down.

We're looking for the clue.

Oh, my God.

Travel by taxi to the neighborhood
of Santa Cecilia.

Let's hurry, let's hurry.
Please let's hurry.

We're close to the heavens.
Let's pray.

Jesus, just don't let us be out.

I'm so proud of you.

John was great in the helicopter.

I was expecting him much more...

frantic about the whole situation,

but he was so calm.
I was so surprised.

Oh, my God!

This is so crazy.

Thank you.

- Ok, we got to find the clue.
- Yep.

A fabulous suite.


Oh! here it is.
We got it, we got it.

Travel by taxi to the neighborhood
of Santa Cecilia.

- Beautiful place.
- Yeah.

We want to live here!

It was so beautiful, you have
to live and so I looked at this

as an opportunity to
kind of shake me up

and let me have a life.
I'm proud of myself.

Let's go, let's go.

Thank you.

Pinks just got back.

We have to hurry.

Santa Cecilia?

We have to go fast.

Let's go.

- Let's go.
- We're still in it.

We need a taxi now.

- Here comes one.
- Nice.

- Santa Cecilia.
- We're catching up.

Give me a kiss.

This is The Amazing Race.

- Is this it?
- Yes.

Thank you.

- You sure it's the right street?
- Yes.

Ok, it's lit.

Put it down.

Put it down here!

You got to put it in here?

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

- Taxi?
- Yeah!

- Got it?
- Let's do it, baby.

Frederico Road.

- Let's go, babe.
- Go, go, go, go!

All right, come on.

Oh, that was awesome!

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

- Taxi!
- Taxi!

Get in, get in, babe!

We need a taxi, quick.

Oh, my good God.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry,
hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!

Where the hell
do we get a taxi?

- I don't see anything.
- We need a taxi!

Oh, my God!

- Frosties.
- Can you take us somewhere?

No taxis.

We can't get a taxi
on that road right there?

This is, like-- this, you know,
is just frustrating.


The other teams are gonna
catch up. Oh, crap.

Oh, my God.

How do we get one?

We need a taxi.

Oh, my God!

Can you take us somewhere?

No taxis.

We might be eliminated.

- Ok, we got to get a cab.
- We need a taxi.

Thank you, Jesus!

- Santa Cecilia.
- Santa Cecilia.

- Competition.
- Here we go.

- Santa...
- Santa Cecilia.


I hope we don't get eliminated.

Yeah, me too.

We have to go to Gate 23.

Now that it's in sight, we
are clawing at our teeth.

- It's the Stadium?
- 23.

- See?
- Yup.

- Arigato!
- Obrigado!

Thanks, Aldo!

- There it is, 23.
- 23.

Let's go, man.

- Go, go, go.
- Go.

- This way.
- Yeah.

- Nice dive, J.
- Thanks.

What's up, Phil.

Bemvindo a Brazil!

Thank you.

All right.

- Give us some good stuff, baby.
- We know we're not last, Phil.

Eric and Jeremy...

- you're team number one.
- Oh, yeah!

What do we win?
What do we win, Philly?

Now, I have some good news for you.

As the winners of this
leg of the race,

you have won $10.000.


$10.000 each, a total of $20.000.

Don't go to school!
Drop out!

I think in this race, you have to
just take things as they come.

If you overanalyze, then that's
where you get screwed up.

Just being idiots like
we are and just reading the clues

and getting them done
as fast as we can,

I mean, we're here, and you
know what? We won today.

All right, buddy!

Here we are.


- That was close.
- Good save.

B.J. and Tyler...

you're team number two.


- Don't wanna!
- Don't wanna!

You're the second team to arrive.

Tell us what it's been like
since you left the starting line.

We haven't eaten much,
we haven't slept much,

but we're fueled by the race.

It's a really powerful substance
which we look forward

to enjoying for the rest of the time.


Aquí, señor.

First pit stop.

¿Puede entrar?

There's a marked path.

Now, wait a minute.
Gate 23?

- Are we going the right way?
- Come on, sweetie.

Let's not make a mistake here.

Go, go.
Pit stop.

It's this way, it's this way.
It's in the Stadium.

There it is.
Look, look, look.

- Oh, crap.
- Oh, no.

Wand and Desiree beat us.

This is real frustrating, we
came in on the wrong side

of the Stadium.

Wanda and Desiree...

you're team number three.

Oh, man!

- Boricua Team.
- Boricua, man.

Dave and Lori...

- you're team number four.
- Yeah, that's awesome!

You clearly get on extremely well.

We're just in love with
each other and this

experience has only
made us closer.

Ok, ok.

- Come on.
- Right in front of it.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

There's a taxi right there.

This traffic is horrible.

Neighborhood of Santa Cecilia.

- Right here.
- Hurry, hurry.

Let's go.
Across here, please.

Right there.

Frederico Abranches?
Thank you.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

- We need a taxi.
- We need a taxi.

Here comes one right now.

Ok, travel by taxi to the pit stop.

- Taxi!
- Taxi, taxi!


Lake and Michelle...

- you're team number five.
- Yes!

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, yes, baby!

Right here!
Good job!

Oh, my God!
We were five?

We were next to late.
We were 5 minutes from last.

This man of yours is pretty expressive.

- Oh, you're not kidding.
- Dude, we thought we were out.

I know that for sure.

We're here, we're here, we're here.

Joseph and Monica...

you're team number six.

Oh, we redeemed ourselves.

We're gonna get out.

So we're looking for 114...

- What is this?
- 331.

Dang!, we're going the wrong way!

- Where?!, where?!
- Where?!

I'm feeling like our
luck is running out.

I think we should pull out the genie.

You think so?

What do we want to have happen?

We don't want us to be eliminated?

Genie power is we have
to think of what we want

and then it comes true.

Let's hope it works.

Hasn't failed us yet.

- Ray and Yolanda...
- Yeah?

you're team number seven.

God, we're here.

Fran and Barry...

- you're team number eight.
- Eight?! Oh, my God.

How'd that happen?

Hopefully we put our
mistakes behind us.

Our forte was our
mental ability and

that sort of let us down today.

So hopefully we got that
out of our system.

Right here, stop.

- Hey, come on.
- Let's go.

Come on!

Danielle and Dani...

you're team number nine.

Rua Frederico, Abracadabra.

- Do you speak english?
- English.

Go straight ahead.

Right there, right there.

That's Frederico Abranches?

- We better get going.
- In here?

Thank you. This is beautiful.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

Need a taxi.

- Let's go on this side.
- This is it.

Oh, my God.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

Warning: the last to be check
in will be eliminated.

Ok, we're in a hurry.
Fast, fast.

- Taxi!
- Here we go.

Angels surrounding the taxi.

Yes, get us there.

Oh, there it is.

Ok, so we're going to get
our bags out of the car,

- and then we're going to bolt.
- Right.

Yes, this is it.

- There, to the left.
- Right there.

You got it, let's get
ready to get out.

Oh, my God!

- Hey, Phil.
- Ok, Phil.

- Lisa and Joni...
- Yes.

you're team number ten.

Oh, my God!

Come on, come on.

- Welcome to Brazil.
- Thank you.

- Welcome to Brazil.
- Thank you very much.


John and Scott...

you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you, you
have been eliminated from the race.

We got some good
things out of this.

A couple of little mistakes.

You guys have been there for
each other for a long, long time, right?

- Yep.
- Yeah.

So how do you get
through this now?

This is more of a bonding
thing than anything else.

The sharing of the growing
of the experience

is just something that's
a great bond to have.

John, when you came on the race,

one of the big fears that
you wanted to overcome

- was the fear of flying of yours.
- Yep.

What happened with the
helicopter, it was surprising.

It was so beautiful seeing
the whole city

that it was more
beautiful than scary.

I mean, there were
so many things that

were in his big huge fear closet

and he just ripped that
closet open and just, like,

went through those things.
It was great.

We didn't win $1 million,
but I won the key to the door

for the rest of my life.

There are things that I
can do now that

I never would have done before.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.