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09x06 - Sleep Deprivation Is Really Starting to Irritate Me

Posted: 05/03/24 10:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Amazing Race...


Eleven teams of two
set out from Colorado's

Red Rock Amphitheatre.

We're going to Brazil, baby.

Oh, Mylanta.

And flew to Sao Paulo, Brazil.

We just want you to go rapido!

Eric and Jeremy and
BJ and Tyler soared ahead.

Let's go!

And took a ride over
the city in search of a clue.

Is this the most James
Bond thing you've ever done?

Lifelong friends John and
Scott struggled to communicate.

Do you speak English?

While the locals cheered on
dating couple Ray and Yolanda.

Beautiful body.

Eric and Jeremy arrived first.

You're team number one.

- Yeah!
- We got it.

And John and Scott were last.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

In the next leg,
Joseph and Monica excelled.

- Good job baby.
- Yeah.

While sisters Lisa and
Joni couldn't get it in to gear.

We agreed that I would drive

and you would do this.
I can't do both.

In the end, they were eliminated.

Teams flew to Moscow, Russia.

Wanda faced her
fear of deep water.

I'm gonna drown.

While daughter
Desiree was supportive.

You can do this.

I'm so proud of you right now.

Teams grew frustrated searching
thousands of nesting dolls.

- Holy hell.
- Can't even open it!

Then race to Stuttgart, Germany.

Eric and Jeremy surged
ahead at the Detour.

With married parents
Lake and Michelle...

and best friends BJ and
Tyler close behind.

Wanda and Desiree...

I haven't seen any
signs for Munich, have you?

...couldn't navigate.

Oh, my God.

And came in last.

You have been
eliminated from the race.


Teams then travelled to
the Italian island of Sicily.

BJ and Tyler took the lead.

That's a lot of laundry.

And found the clue they needed.

Lake and Michelle fell behind
with a late flight connection.

Went from first
to f*cking last.

Dang it!

At the Roadblock,

some teams had no
problem building a Greek statue.

- Finished.
- All right!

But Lori faltered.

Doesn't fit anything.

As Dave watched.

That's got to be
part of the thigh.

I know but it doesn't fit!

Lake and Michelle
yielded Danielle and Dani.

Oh, my God.

That's seriously so pathetic.

Who then came in last.

I'm sorry to tell you, you have
been eliminated from the race.

Now, seven teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

Subtitulado y sincronizado por: TwiNe

This is Sicily, an island
off the coast of Italy.

And in the Northwest
corner: Segesta.

An ancient city that was
destroyed 2.300 years ago

by the Vandals.

A tribe who's name
ultimately became

synonymous with destruction.

And on the outskirts of
this city, Tempio Di Segesta.

This stately temple
was the fifth Pit Stop

in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at
the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

Can Lake and Michelle
control their bickering

and fight their way
out of the bottom?

And will Ray and
Yolanda capitalize

on how well they've
been working together

to get out of last place?

BJ and Tyler, who were the
first to arrive in 2:29 PM...


...will depart at 2:29 AM.

Let's do it.

"Drive to the city of Catalina."

Teams must now travel a
hundred and thirty-five miles

to the city of Catania.

Once there, they'll search
for this place: Anfiteatro Romano.

It's here among the ruins
of this 2.000-year-old

amphitheater that teams
will find their next clue.

All right, man.

Let's drive to that town
that we can't pronounce.


Those frat cats
are hot on our tail.

The frat guys, they're
nice guys but we feel like

this is more our game
than their game.

We've done a lot of traveling
and we have a lot of experience

in situations like this.

And they don't seem to
have as much experience.

They're definitely dumb.

But people who are very
dumb wind up having

the best luck
a lot of the time.

But eventually, dumb luck runs out.

Veni, vidi, vici.

What's up dog?

- You wanna lead us to Catania?
- New best friend.

You want to go to Catania?

Yes, you do want
to go to Catania.

- All right, man.
- Let's find this bubble jam.

Catania is on the exact
opposite end of Sicily.

So we'll take this
left up here,

right through Palermo again.

- All right, cool.
- Good thing we got this map.

We ride buddy.

So, yeah, man.
If you just follow this route,

that'll take us right
to Catina... Catania.

The Star Wars cantina.


"Anfiteatro Romano
in Piazza Stesicoro."

- It sounds good.
- Yeah, let's ride.

All right, let's make up
some ground with the hippies.

As a valet and a waiter,

we haven't travelled the world
as much as the hippies.

We're learning as we go.

I think we're doing
a pretty good job of it.

The funny thing is,
when we all get together

they just run happily
with smiles behind us.

You know?

Little pixie dust flying
off from everywhere.

It's just no fun for us.

We have to go through
Palermo, get back on 829.

We're gonna take
that all the way down

across the whole damn place.

This map's pretty sweet.

So, it's a pretty good advantage
for us right now I think.

We got a pretty good drive
ahead of us, brother.

All right, cool.

"Anfiteatro Romano
in Piazza Stesicoro."

Okay, I just m*rder*d
all those words.

- Finished?
- Let's go.

Let's do it.

I'm definitely proud
of Monica by the way

she's been handling herself.

I think she's carrying us
through this race too.

I think there's a lot
of strengths that

I've realized I have
in this race

that I didn't
exactly know I had.

I have a lot of
ambition and motivation

and I'm stronger
than I thought I was.

So, I know I can be a
good asset to this team.

Let's go.

Which way did
we come up?

Right here baby.
Out here.

- We need to find somebody.
- Yeah.

- Hello.
- Which way to Catina?


Okay, Catania right.

Not towards Palermo, see?

Palermo, Catania.

Can we have this?

- Can we have this?
- Can we have this?

- Sí, sí.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Grazie, grazie.
- Grazie.

I cannot believe these countries.

I mean here it is

and you stop somebody
in middle of nowhere.

In the U.S. there is no
way in hell I'd stop,

I'd think I was about
to get m*rder*d.


"Drive to the city of Catania."

"You have $63 for
this leg of the race."

Let's go.

When we first got married,
Barry went to Vietnam.

And there was a chance
we could grow apart.

But we grew together,
we're great friends.

You could be lovers,
you could be companions,

but I think being best friends

has really cemented
our relationship.

I'm going to the right,
it says to A-29.

- Go ahead.
- A-29? You see it?

- We have a U.
- Can you keep--

Don't talk to me,
get me to the highway first

and then we'll deal with it.

At least we know
where we're going.

We don't have to stop
to ask for directions, eh?

- Partner?
- Yes, boss.

- And we are in Catania.
- Catania, yeah, cool.

You don't see a clue box?

Anfiteatro Romano?

- Straight ahead.
- Can we follow you?


All right, this taxi driver is
gonna show us right where it is.

There he's pointing
right here to the left.

Yeah, this is it dude.

Boy that looks cool.

Let's just park right here.

Anfiteatro Romano.

So, this is it man.

- Wow.
- Doesn't open till 8:30 though.

We should hang up
a sign here that says

- "team order", right?
- Yeah.

One through seven,
write our name first.

Yeah, yeah,
that's a good idea.

All right , let's do it.

Shall I write please sign in?

Does this look official enough?

- It's perfect.
- Perfect.

- There we go.
- Nice.

- Great.
- Pizza pie.

So we got some sleeping time.

"You only have $63 for this leg."

- Sixty, sixty-one, we're short.
- We have sixty one.

- We're short, we're short, you know.
- Check it.

Hold on.

- There's some of it in there.
- Surprise!

All right, let's go babe, woo!

Michelle and I, we're
disappointed at where we're at

right now, but we've made
a couple of major mistakes.

We bicker, we fight but
we're able to move through

these little bickering moments.

You can't get caught up
in them and get stuck.

It's more of a snag,
more than a whole tear.

All right.

Going to Catania.

Remember how we came in here?

- I do, just like we went just earlier.
- Just like we came.

It's not hard to figure
out where to go, obviously.

Gosh, it's on the very other side.

I really wanna sleep, about
another hour or two just sleep...

Well, get over it.

Sleep deprivation is
really starting to irritate me.

But I'm okay with that,
I'm in a good mood.

I'm getting cheered up.

I can tell that
you're okay with it.

It sounds just like that you are.

- Let's rock this.
- Okay.

- "Drive to the city of Catania."
- Let's go.

On the last leg of the
race, I wast supremely

frustrated with Lori.

We're going to approach
the next leg as energetic

and as positive as possible.

If we can stay calm
and just communicate

and make sure that we
make it all the right moves

we're good.

Step one foot in
front of the other.

- Surely.
- Keep on truckin'.

- Oh, I see it.
- Where is it at?

Right here, so just get
back on the Autostrade

going towards the airport.

Once we get on it,
you got to drive

like you mean it.

- Okay?
- Okay.

"Find the Anfiteatro Romano
in Piazza Stesicoro."

I knew I loved Ray,
but as this race continues

I understand more
of why I love him.

I'm watching him do these
things and it's weird

because he is not just
saving children or

saving somebody's life,
but it just shows incredible

strength of character.
And I feeling myself

getting choked up unnecessarily.

But I'm just, like...

blinking back tears
like: "He's so great!"

- Okay, it's Cantina.
- Cantania.

Like, Cat-ania.

Let's ask this guy here.

Excuse me sir, do you know
where the city of Cantania?

- Catania.
- Catania.

Okay, okay.
Thank you.

Thank you.
All right, lovely.

Good job.

Yeah, this is it.


Well, I'll be...

Look who we have here.

- Is our official list still there?
- Yeah.

So, just find the box.

There is a sign
sheet up here.

Sign up boys.

It's the official list.

This is kind of ghetto.

- Teams will...
- Go in order.

Teams must go in order.

Wait a second.
Did they write this?

Tyler and BJ?

"Do you think these guys
just made the list?"

"No way man, it says official."

- Did they put this pen here?
- It's their... it's their stuff.

This isn't even official,
it doesn't open before 8:30.

- Well, do we even care about this?
- No.


What's up dudes?

What are you doing with
the official signing list?

It looks so official.

Give me the clue.

I'll ask somebody
in the traffic here.

Piazza Stesicoro?


Keep going?

Will you lead us?

- Okay, thank you.
- Can we follow you?, thank you.


It's a beautiful old city,
I see a fabulous statue ahead.

Without a head.

- Which street are we on now?
- I can't see a street name.

This doesn't look good,
this is not good at all.

I just don't know
where we are.

Oh, my God.
We're screwed now.

All right, calm down.
Calm down.


- Here we go.
- Good?

- Good morning.
- Buongiorno.

Hurry, hurry, run around--
oh, they're going the other way dude.


- Frat boys.
- We had a plan.

Route info.

"Count the heads
on the fence posts

that surround the theater grounds."

Teams must now
count these heads

adorning the fence posts
that surround the grounds

of the amphitheater.

Once they have finished
counting the heads,

they'll have to
search the Anfiteatro

for this grounds keeper.

If they tell him
the correct total,

he'll hand them their next clue.

- Let's go.
- This way buddy.

Let's go, let's beat 'em.


One, two, three, four.

- One, two.
- Three.

- You keep counting.
- Eighteen.

- Thirty-two.
- Nineteen.

- Twenty-six.
- Twenty-six.

- All right.
- Twenty-eight.


- Thirty.
- Forty-one.

- Where's the grounds keeper?
- He's gotta be inside.

Let's go down here.

- How many did you count?
- Forty-one, you?

Come on, dude.


This is really cool.

There it is.

- Forty-one.
- Yes.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.



"Big fish" or "Little fish"?

A Detour is a choice
between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams have to
choose between two common

activities in this port town.

The choice: "Big fish"
or "Little fish".

In "Big fish", teams
make their way on foot

to this street vendor.

Where they'll each pick-up
a 32-pound swordfish.

Then carrying their fish,
they must navigate

a third of a mile through the
maze-like streets of Catania

to this market called
Storico la Pescheria.

There, they'll have to find
this local fish vendor: Jagino.

Who will give them
their next clue.

In "Little fish", teams
make their way on foot

directly to the same market,
Storico la Pescheria.

Where they must take over
a stall and sell four kilos

of a small Sicilian
fish called trulia.

After selling all
their fish, the vendor

will hand them their next clue.

We're gonna do "Big fish".

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

It's gonna be hard to
sell fish in the morning.

- Yeah.
- Let's just carry the fish.

Via Alessi?

- Their moving.
- Thank you.

Let's go.

We're in the midst
of rush-hour traffic.

I'm going around in circles
and really not happy.

It's just... I can't believe
we even did this.

Get me out of here.

- Make a right.
- Where is it?

This is totally screwed.
This is a disaster.

So let's get out of town,
and then we can come out

of the other end.

A total disaster.

Look at this.

We really made a mistake.

- Yep.
- Just awful.

You know, I mean...

Wait, I wanna get around
these people right here.

Calm down, if you're
gonna get in a hurry,

we're gonna mess up.

- What do you want me to say.
- You recognize anything?

I don't even see a street sign.

- What am I supposed to recognize?
- What is that thing right there?

- A school bus.
- Damn!

We are stuck in traffic.

Oh, well.

Yet another advantage
for the lead teams.

No traffic.

Stay straight, stay straight.

See, when I drive,
I operate on the premise

you do what you do,
they do what they do.

Everybody will be okay,
nobody wants to get hurt.

So you can just drive
as fast as you want.


It says "parking" right there.

There's two teams here.

Anfiteatro Romano, here it is.

Holy crap.

- Come on.
- Right there, right there.

- All right I see it.
- This is just so cool.

"Count the heads
on the fence posts."


Like, the heads on
the fence posts.


- One.
- One.

- Two.
- Two.

- Three.
- Via Alessi?


We should just follow
them from now on.

Buongiorno, buongiorno.

Thank you, thank you.

There it is, right up there, go.

Oh, yeah.

We'll take one please!

Mercato Storico?

Mercato Storico?

Okay, thank you.
This way, I got it, I got.

We got fishies!

This is disgusting.

That's some big fish.

Hey, buddy what's your name?
Do you come here often?

I feel like I'm
holding a wet cat.

Oh, my gosh it's puking on me.

Mercato Storico?

- Mercato Storico?
- Mercato Storico?


It actually feels good
after a little while.

Kind of, like, an ice pack.


Big fish coming through.


- Forty-one.
- Do you have forty-one?

- I got 40.
- I got 41.

You got 41?
All right, 41, let's go.

- Where is he?
- He's back here.

Okay, try there.


- We counted 41 heads.
- We counted 41.

- Grazie, thank you.
- Thank you.


- I really knew there had to be fish.
- How did you...

It's only 17 kilos.

- Thirty pounds.
- Can I carry 30 pounds?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

And we're only going
a third of a mile.

- Mercato Storico?
- Mercato!

Right here, right here.

Is this it?

- Hey! Pizza pie!
- Mi scusi.

Where is Jagino?

Excuse me, excuse me.



- Jose Jagino?
- Yes!


- Hey, got the fish for you.
- Nice fish.


Mi scusi, mi scusi.

- Jagino!
- Grazie.

Thank you.

Route info.

"Drive yourselves to
the town of Siracusa."

Teams must now drive
themselves more than 40 miles

to the city of Siracusa
and find this place:

Ponte Umbertino, to
find their next clue.

Let's go.
Back to the cars.

There's something awfully
fishy about this place.

Which is the fastest way
do you guys think?

Back this way, this is
where we came from.

What's a race without the frats?

- Hey, guys.
- Where are you guys going?

- I guess big fish.
- It's a market.

- Come up here and turn right.
- All right cool.

We haven't seen you
guys, like, forever!

- Buongiorno.
- How are you guys?

- Oh, God you stink.
- Oh, my God, you...

- Bloody fish Barbie.
- Oh, my God, I got fish blood.

Come on.

Now, what am I doing?

- Go straight.
- I can't go straight it's an alley.

Make a right.

Okay, there's that gate.
Maybe it will be a main street.

- That's what we want.
- What? Over there?

Okay, we're here.

Oh, there's the
clue box, I see it.

"Count the heads on the fence posts."

On the fence posts.

On the fence posts.

That surround...

- Come on guys, let's go together.
- Okay.

- Let's find it.
- Get a map out.

- There it is.
- There it is.

- Straight down South from us.
- Right here.

- Siracusa.
- So we'll find it together?

Yeah, follow us guys.

Ride on.

- Go, just go, screw 'em.
- See you later.

That's BJ.

Hey, guys!

- That's Fran and Barry, Fran and Barry!
- Fran and Barry!

- Nice to see you.
- We'll see you guys soon.

- Four.
- Four.

- Five.
- Five.

- Rock and roll.
- And there it is man.

Nice work, brother.

Siracusa, there's a sign for it.

Great, we're on the right way.

Nice, 60 kilometers.

- Siracusa.
- Siracusa.

- Forty-one.
- Forty-one.

Where's the groundskeeper?


Fran, he's not gonna answer you.

We got to find him
out there somewhere.

He's on the grounds.


- Hello?
- He's not gonna answer you.

- Hello?
- Right here this gentleman.

- Forty-one.
- Forty-one.

- There he is.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Detour.

Big fish or Little fish?

- I can't carry...
- Thirty-five pounds.

I can't carry

Hey, let's have fun.
Let's sell fish.


- There's the swordfish right there.
- Okay.

Hold on, hold on.

Is this the best way
for me to carry it?

Hey, Monica.





Oh, my God, this is just,
I mean this is...

- Baby, calm your ass down.
- Listen.

I'm really pretty calm.

It's just I can't believe it
is freakin' bumper to bumper.

Well, it's a town of 400.000 people.

- And they're all right here.
- Right!

We're going to
get there, maybe.

Okay, I think this the Piazza.


Let me just find
somewhere to park,

and we'll run around.

No, let's find it.

No, I mean, we...

Can you please just ask
somebody, so we know what general

direction we're going,
instead of running around

like chickens with
their heads cut off?

- I know but look...
- Please?

Come on!

I can't believe
you're doin' this to me.

I can't believe you
won't ask somebody.

I'm glad that you're being unilateral
in the decision making.


Anfiteatro Romano.

Man, there's always a traffic jam.

We should probably
park our car.

We will get there on foot
a little faster.


It's better to be
safe than sorry.

Come on.

We got to make up
on every second that we can.

Anfiteatro Romano?

You don't know?

- Anfiteatro Romano?
- No.

- Teatro Romano?
- No.

Do you notice when I talk to
people, they just say "No"?

Teatro Romano?

Yeah, you might need to try.

Cause of the way you
say it like: "Teatro Romano!"

Yeah, these people are scared, man.

- Here's the fish.
- Oh, yeah.

Good market fish.

Hey, we got to sell

Four kilos.

One kilo.

One kilo.

We're not selling
one freakin' fish.

This is so disgusting.
Fish guts.

Fish juice.

It's, like, all over me.

A little bit more
babe, come on.

It's so heavy.

We gotta find Jagino.

There's Fran and Barry, damn it.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.


Ask him, I don't
know where to go.


What's the name of that place?
Do you all know?


Joseph, is this the right place?

"Deliver the fish to Jagino
to receive your next clue."

Let's get it.

This is ridiculous.
Let's go.

Damn it!


Buy from us?
A kilo?

- Sí.
- Grazie.

Thank you so much.

Pesce fresco!
Pesce fresco!


Are you Jengo?


Looking for Jengo.

- Joseph!
- What!?

- Where are you?
- What do you want?

That's not him or
he'll give you a clue.

Damn it!

Joseph, show him the clue.

- Jagino.
- Is that you?



- Joseph!
- What!

- What do you want?
- I can't carry it.

This is the worst
thing I've ever done.

- We got to find...
- Jagino.

- Jagino?
- Jagino.


No, no.

- Let's go.
- I've got it.

Oh, God!

Everybody is telling us to
go a different way, Joseph.

I don't think it's this way.

Come on, just tough
it out for a minute.

I'm gonna s*ab one of these
locals through the head.


Is this him?

Is this him.

Thank you.

You would not ask that son
of a bitch if he was him?

I don't know.

"Drive yourselves to the
town of--", whatever, come on.

- Siracusa.
- Whatever.

Please, please.

They got it.
She's cryin'.

Oh, yes.

- One kilo, two...
- Un kilo.

- Thank you.
- Let's just go, come on.

- Pesce fresco, one kilo.
- Un kilo.

Oh, yes.
You too?

- Un kilo.
- Okay.

- One, one?
- Yes!

- Un kilo, okay.
- Un kilo.

- Okay, we got four.
- We got four.

We're finished?

"Drive yourselves to
the town of Siracusa."

- That was fun.
- That was way fun.

All right babe,
we're here, let's go.

- Just go back to the highway.
- Okay.

I'm gonna smell like
a fish all damn day.

Oh, man.
Look at this traffic.

Oh, look how cute
and clean she is.

And I've got fish
guts all over me.

Let's get the book out.

It's S-I-R-A-C-U-S-A.

Here's two of the car--
here some of the cars right here.

Barry and what's
her name found it.

- Dang it.
- Get your butt out of the way.

Do you see a
clue box anywhere?

- It says in the amphitheater.
- Is this the amphitheater?

It's Lake.

- You know what he wants.
- Help him?

- I don't think that's...
- Help Lake?

I don't think that's gonna happen.

Find something in the middle
of freakin' nowhere, I'm guessing.

"Count the heads
on the fence post."

One, two.

Wait, Lake, go slow
so we don't miss it.

Three... baby they're easy.

- All right.
- Can't be this easy.

I got 41.

That's what I got, it can't
be that easy, there's no way.

Where's the groundskeeper?
Are you the groundskeeper?


Forty-one, is that correct?

- Correct.
- Yes!

- What do you do?
- He's not it, he's not the groundskeeper.


- There he is.
- Where?, where?, where?, where?

Forty one.
Thank you.

Big fish or Little fish?

- Let's just carry 'em.
- Let's carry 'em.

- Come on, come on.
- Okay.

You wanna walk or
you wanna drive?

It says we got to go on foot.

You didn't read
the freakin' Detour?

- On foot ding-dong.
- Oh, okay.

Let's see what this sign says.

Siracusa, SS114.

- Yeah.
- Oh, we got our break.

This is great.

Maybe they'll let me
borrow some clothes.

- It's the right way.
- Siracusa, left.

Right here, here he is.

What if this is not him and
we're stealing his fish?

We're not, do you
think this son of a bitch

is gonna let us steal his fish?

Put it over your shoulder.

- You got it, babe?
- Yeah.

I have a three year-old
child who weighs 40 pounds.

Surely I can carry
a 35-pound swordfish.

- Hey, watch that damn swordfish.
- I am, I watched you.

You're just about
stuck me with that thing.




- Grazie.
- Here.

- Grazie.
- Grazie, grazie.

- Over there.
- Pit Stop, Pit Stop.

- No.
- Drive--no.

- "Drive yourselves to the town of Siracusa."
- Siracusa.

Oh, we got to go to
another town somewhere.

- We do, that's what it says.
- Maybe in the middle of nowhere.

Maybe, but we'll get there.
You ready?, run a little bit.

- Hello.
- Hola.

- Hola.
- Not Hola.

I know, I'm just speaking
Spanish for the hell of it.

- Anfiteatro Romano?
- Yeah.

- Okay, thank you.
- Just keep going right.


Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Oh, wait, he's going to...

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Sí, sí, sí.
- Grazie.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Yeah!

He's gonna show us
directly how to get there.

- Oh, I love this guy.
- I'm gonna give this guy a hug.

Thank you.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

- Okay.
- First corner?


This is it, right here.
You see the box?

- It's right down here, come on.
- Ray and Yolanda are here.

- Let's go.
- Where do you see them?

Ugh, hello?

We're wasting time.

Lake, I've got to find
it on the map here.

Well, find it.
Look in the key.

I'm looking.

At the light, take a right.

You'll see the sign
that says Siracusa.

Wait, hold on.

We're fixing some money
right here if this is a taxi cab.

Lake, I know where
Siracusa is, okay...

Shut--listen, I'm overruling you.

- Shut up.
- What are you gonna ask him?

I'm gonna tell him to
lead me out of this damn town.

Lake, hey look, look
at there, Siracusa right there.

Oh, kiss me darling!

Yeah, boy, we ever
get lucky on that.

- No, I'm just very smart.
- Ah, you did good.

"Count the heads
of the fence post

that surrounds the
theater grounds."

So one, two.

All right now,
we have to find the guy.


- Forty-one.
Forty-one heads.

Thank you, thank you.

- I'd rather do big fish.
- I'd rather do big fish, too.

- All right baby, great.
- Okay.

Parking, parking, parking.

Yes, so good.

Good job baby, you're the best.

- Thanks for putting up with me.
- We gotta hurry up.

- Oh, I see it.
- Good job, baby.

"Then search for
the groundskeeper

- and tell him your total...
- Okay, let's go.

- This way.
- Let's go.

- Come on, come on, come on.
- One, two...


- Baby.
- Oh, Lord!

I don't wanna have
to hug this thing.

It's like a little workout.

Only thing is it's just dripping.

- Yolanda, what are you doing?
- I'm coming.

Mercato Storico.


- Oh, yay!
- Oh.

- Forty-one?
- Yes.


Big fish or little fish?

Who's going to just
come up and buy fish?

We can just carry it
a third of a mile.

- All right, let's do it.
- Let's do that.

- Come on.
- We can do it.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Yeah, look at that.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

- How's that?
- It's fine.

- Okay.
- Oh.

- Okay, let's do it.
- Okay.

Baby, we got to go
back down the stairs,

where we came from.

I cannot believe we're
carrying this fish.

No problem.

This is so gross.

City di Siracusa.

Is that parking up
there in the right?

- Right there, right there, go!
- I got you.

- Good eye, J.
- Park here, park here.

Let's go.


- Who's Well Balanced?
- Who's Well Balanced?

A Roadblock is a task that
only one person may perform.

In this Roadblock, that
person has to participate

in a popular Italian sport:
Kayak Polo.

Working solo in a Kayak,
the team member must join

a professional Kayak Polo team

and participate in an
ongoing Polo match.

Their objective, score one
goal for their team.

After they have scored a goal,

their coach will hand
them their next clue.

- I'll do it.
- Okay, good.

Let's go, Jer!

You forgot your paddle.

- Where do I get my paddle?
- Jeremy!

All right!

Yay, yellow team.

What are you doing?

- I'm running people over.
- Jerry, throw it in that hole.

- All right, team, hold them off.
- Let's go!

Hurry up, get on the damn boat.

This is taking forever.

Mercato Storico?

- La pescheria.
- Jagino.

Here it is right here.

"Drive yourselves to
the town of Siracusa."

Let's go.

- We gotta hurry at this point.
- Yeah.

Let's ask someone.

- Siracusa?
- Siracusa.


- To the right? Thank you.
- Thank you.

Let's see.
It says SS114.

- Lori.
- What?

- I love you.
- I love you too.

- Is this not fun or what?
- It's awesome.

Turn right up here.
I see a sign.

- This way, babe.
- Jagino.

I see him, I see him.


- Grazie.
- Grazie.

"Drive yourselves to
the town of Siracusa."


Let's get a jog on.
Come on, Lori.

- Okay, we got to buy a map.
- Yeah.

- You have a map?
- Map?


- From here?
- To get us there?

Grazie, grazie.

We can do this.
I'll drive.

- We're gonna go south on the 114.
- We got it.

- Here we come.
- I'm looking for the signs.

To the left.

Oh, here it comes, Siracusa.

Kick it.
We know where we're going.

Let's go!

Hurry up, Jeremy!
Go score, you pansy!


Let's go!
Hurry up, Jeremy!

Come on!

Nice work, brother.
Nice goal scoring.

- Come on.
- Thanks, guys, see you.

Let's go, quit talking.

Somebody's coming right now.

Oh, my gosh,
Are we here already?

- They're there, frats.
- Let's go.

"Make your way on foot
to the next Pit Stop:

Fonte Aretusa."

Teams must now
make their way on foot

through the old streets
of Siracusa to this place:

Fonte Aretusa.

This natural spring,

which figures heavily
in Greek mythology,

is the Pit Stop for
this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here...

may be eliminated.

- Very last team may be eliminated.
- This way?

Who's well-balanced?

- Me.
- I guess you're next.

Go get them man.
Go get them tiger.

Score that goal!


Score the goal, B!
Grab it!

Grab it, Beej.
Put it in your hand.

Throw it!


Nice going, man.

Great job.

"Make your way on foot
to the next Pit Stop:

Fonte Aretusa."

- It's this one?
- I don't know.

Let's ask over here.

Fonte Aretusa?
Fonte Aretusa?

- Let's go, this way, this way.
- This way?

- Are you sure?
- Yup.

All we have to do is make
a right and we're there.

Now we're doing something.

There's the parking area.
There's people parked there.

This has gotta be it, man.

- Is there a...
- There it is, here we go, here we go.

This is it.


Hurry up, MoJo
is right behind us.

I'll do it.

- Now you put on a helmet.
- Roadblock.

- Joseph, you should do it.
- Okay.

Oh, baby.

What's Barry doing?

I'm going the wrong way.
I don't know how to paddle.

I don't even know
if he knows what he's doin'.

Go baby, go!


We're in front so we're good.

Well, I hope so.

¿Dónde Fonte Aretusa?

This way?

Fonte Aretusa?

Fonte Aretusa?

Fonte Aretusa!

- Do you see it?
- Yes.

Oh, the frat guys.

What's up, Phil?

Welcome to Siracusa.

Eric and Jeremy...

Give us some good
news, big Philly style.

you're team number one.

- Back on top, back on top.
- Back to smiles, back to smiles.

Now, I've got some
good news for you.

As the winners of
this leg of the race,

you've won a cruise
for two, from Travelocity

on Royal Caribbean
International's all new

Freedom of the Seas, the
world's largest and most innovative

cruise ship in the industry.

Featuring the first ever
surfing experience at sea.

- Nice work, brother.
- That's what I'm talking about.

I have to tell, you guys stink.

Yeah, yeah, it's a new
cologne we're trying out.

It's called the Sword.

BJ and Tyler...

Lay it on us, Phil.

- you're team number two.
- Yeah!

Team number two.

Go, Joseph!

- Pick it up!
- Great job.

Line yourself up.

He's pathetic.

"Make your way on foot
to the next Pit Stop."

On foot, on foot.

Line yourself up.


Way to go.

"Make your way on foot
to the next Pit Stop."

Keep going.
They're just ahead of us.

Come on, baby.

Move it.

Please give me a sign.

I wanna see a sign,
sign, sign, sign, sign.

You gotta look for
the marked parking.

There it is, baby.

Oh, no.

You think you can handle it?

I'm thinking maybe I can't,

you gotta put that
ball in that hole.

Okay, let's waste more time.

- You're doing it?
- I'll do it.

- If I screw it up, I screw it up.
- All right, you're doing it, go!

Go, baby!

Nobody's telling me
what do I do, what do I do?

Throw it in there, baby!

No, no, no, no.

Oh, man, I would have got that.

- Baby, throw it one-handed.
- I know.

Throw it one-handed
baby, one-handed.

Oh, no.

You got to throw it now!
Come on!

Lake, it's harder than you think.

Oh, man, why didn't I do this?

- No, no, no.
- Dang it.

Go baby!

Throw it one-handed
baby, one-handed.

Oh, no.

You got to throw it now!
Come on!

Lake, it's harder than you think.

You got to throw it one-handed.



Good job, baby!
Good job!


- Pit Stop!
- "Make your way on foot."

Yes, foot, yes!

- Fonte Aretusa?
- Fonte Aretusa?

Dorito Straight?

Here and then left--

Lake, you're talking too much.
Let's go, let's go.

Joseph and Monica...

you're team number three.

- Good job.
- Good job.

- Is that a good finish?
- I love you.

You still love him even though
he stinks of fish right now?

- Yes, I do.
- Because you stink?

I'm much worse.

You don't wanna have
dinner with us?

No, I'm gonna--well, if you
have a shower maybe.

- Hi, Phil.
- Fran and Barry...

you're team number four.

Excuse me.

Ponte Umbertino?

Okay, thank you.

We gotta go.
Go, go.

Ponte Umbertino?

- Grazie.
- Grazie, come on babe.

We gotta go, we gotta go.

- I just want to catch up.
- There it is.


Lake and Michelle...

you're team number five.

- I knew it.
- That was where we were.

At least we're still there.

Hey, where the hell are
you going?, let's park.

"Who's well balanced?"


All you have to do
is hit the ball in.

You're ready?
Get close to the net.

All right.
What was that?

All right, get the...

Oh, my God.

- Okay, we're looking for the street.
- It's straight.

- Yeah.
- Going in our way.

It's okay.

All right.
You got it, sweetheart.

Stay on the boat now.

You're getting it.

Just make sure when
you throw, you're close.

You're ready.
Get close to the net.

All right, Ray.

Now, get out of that thing
and come on over here, hurry up.

Good job, babe.

"Make your way on foot
to the next Pit Stop."

Let's go.
Let's ask someone.

Another team?

- I see it.
- We're still in this.

Okay, ready?

- On the left.
- Come on, we don't wanna be eliminated.

- Roadblock.
- Roadblock.

- This is you babe.
- Okay.

May the force be with you.

You can do this.

Come on, baby.

Line yourself up.
Here you go, here you go.

Oh, so close.

You gotta get this.
We gotta move on.

Come on.

- Grazie.
- Good job.

"Make your way on foot
to the next Pit Stop."

Let's do it.

Okay, we're gonna ask this
guy right here where to go.

Fonte Aretusa?

It's in that direction.

Señore, Fonte Aretusa?

- Okay.
- We just gotta make it to this Pit Stop.

- Come on baby.
- It's gotta be here somewhere.

Ray and Yolanda...


team number six.

- That's good.
- Yeah, baby.

You got--oh.

I think we're going
the right way.

This is a non-elimination
round Lori,

we're gonna have
to wear fish clothes.

Let's do it.

I will wash your
clothes this evening.


- I love you.
- I love you too.

No matter what.

Dave and Lori...

you're the last team to arrive.


I'm sorry to tell you, you have
been eliminated from the race.

- Okay.
- That's okay.

We had a ball,
but thank you so much.

Thank you for everything.

Lori, how much do
you love this man?

He's my everything.

I hope she thinks that
because I love her to death.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

It's disappointing to be
leaving the race.

But we ran a great race.

I mean, we did the
best that we could and

we can't ask for anything more,
we enjoyed every minute of it.

We already got the prize.

Doing the race with someone
that I love dearly.

David's the man
of my dreams,

I couldn't ask for a
better partner in life.

I love Lori with
all my heart, and

you can't buy that
with a million dollars.

You really can't.

Hopefully this adventure will
launch our adventure in life together.

What a wonderful gift.

Nerds rule.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

On the next episode of The Amazing Race...

Teams travel to Greece

and compete in some
ancient Greek games.

Oh, my God.

And Fran faces her greatest fear.

The one thing I don't
wanna do is bungee.

Oh, God, I'm scared.