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08x03 - I Don't Kiss, I Make Out

Posted: 05/03/24 12:47
by bunniefuu
Phil keoghan: previously on "the amazing race,"

Families set out from lancaster, pennsylvania,

For washington, d.c.,

Where they searched for a spy with a password.

The sky is blue.

Thank you so much. Whoo!

But along the way, the gaghans struggled...

We got here like hours ago.

The paolos argued...

None of you ever, ever, ever listen to me.

Ma, please be quiet, please.

And the rogers drove in the wrong direction.

We have passed up south.

Let dad drive again. Get up here and turn around.

Phil: then brock got blamed.

We took our eye off the ball.

We said south to the driver,

And we passed up the exit.

For his father's mistake.

At the detour, families were thrown into the middle of a civil w*r battle.

Oh, my god, you guys. It's unbelievable.

Wally bransen faltered in front of his daughters.

I can't, guys.

Phil: while the father and sons-in-law

Of the aiello family were in awe.

Phil: in the end, it was the widowed mom and kids of the weaver family

That took the lead.

You're team number one!

While the rogers...

Struggled to the end and never caught up.

I'm sorry to tell you you have been eliminated from the race.

Now, families remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Phil: this is welbourne manor,

An th century american estate in northeastern virginia.

Once owned by a colonel in the confederate army,

This -year-old manor house

Was the second pit stop in "the amazing race."

[All scream]

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

For a mandatory rest period.

The teams waiting here have no idea what's in store for them.

Can the bransen family overcome wally's lack of physical endurance

To move up in the pack?

Oh, you guys, this is great.

And will linda weaver be able to maintain

Her new-found leadership with her kids

To keep them on top?

The weaver family,

Who were the first to arrive at : p.m...

[All scream]

Will depart at : a.m.go!

Fly to charleston, south carolina.

Phil: teams must now fly miles to the city of charleston, south carolina.

When they land, they must choose a car and drive into historic charleston

To an area known at the battery.

Here in the gazebo, they'll find their next clue.

Come on, guys.

Come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on.

We came here because we thought we were a strong team,

And that's what we're trying to prove.

We do what we're supposed to do and do it together.

We're not in for any drama.

Yeah, we are flyin'.

Search for your next clue at the gazebo.

Let's go! Let's roll!


Put this in there.

I definitely get frustrated

When my brothers aren't listening to me

'Cause I am a girl, and I've got these macho guys.

I'm going to have to finally say,

Guys, shut up and listen for once.

Travel to washington dulles international airport.

Find the battery and search for your next clue.

Let's go. Ok.

We haven't talked about any one such person

Being the boss of the trip.

Driver, are you familiar with the dulles airport?

I'll just take the lead and run with it.

Dulles airport. Ok.

Fly to charleston, south carolina.

Let's go.whoo!

All right.let's go.

Even the though the kids are my step kids,

I'm their friend. But I'm happy that

They think of me that way instead of,

Ooh, the step mom and the negative connotation

That typically comes along with that, so.

To have us doing this race all together is--it's priceless.

I've always wanted to go to charleston.

It's all historical.

I don't know my history.

Wait, hunter, we need to focus, baby. Come on.

What we're doing.what...ever.


Fly to charleston, south carolina.

Let's roll. Let's go, guys.

We've been doing very well the first couple of legs.

But I think we've been a little too business,

So let's be lighter and have fun with this.

Search for your next clue at the gazebo.

Let's go. We're a tough team,

Being girls and an old guy.

All the running we've been doing has been going ok.

I can do it for spurts, but I need some rest.

Deep breath, in and out. , , , You can do this.


Fly to charleston, south carolina. When you land,

Find the battery and search for your next clue. Ok. Let's go. This one.

Bill and I have tried to raise our children

More like little adults on this race,

And not children that are going to hold us back.

Do we need a map?

If anybody thinks that kids don't belong in "amazing race,"

They got to check out these kids.

They are doing a top-notch job.

What is he doing?

He's taking up two lanes. He won't even let us get by.

Oh, man. There's a huge wide load in front us,

And we can't get around this big, wide load.

I hate wide loads.

Wide loads are the worst. Heh heh!

Do you have a cell phone?

Thank you.

Yes, I am wondering what flights you have

Out of washington dulles to charleston, south carolina.

U.s. Airways arrives when?


Can we borrow your cell phone?

That would be great.

I'm gonna call u.s. Air.

Dulles washington- charleston?

Yes, and what is the arrival time?

: A.m.

Ok, I'd like to make reservations.

Fly to charleston, south carolina.

Get in. Come on, get in.

Dulles international airport.

Well, I came from italy when I was years old.

This is an amazing country.

I want my kids to see what it is.

You have to ask if they have a number of tickets.

Ma, I know what I have to do. Thank you.

Don't argue with me now.

I don't care how much we fight,

I think this is the chance of a lifetime for them.

Finally going somewhere...

It's the "amazing race"-- american style.

We missed the exit.

Oh. Reverse it. Reverse it. Reverse it.

Ok. There's nobody coming. You're clear.

All right, all right.

Ooh. Is that the florida team going in reverse?

One car is coming around the bend, but he's not in our lane.

It is! They overshot the exit!

That is hilarious!


We just did a little off-roading right there.

We have to share this lead.

All right. First to the airport.

All right. Bye.

Do you guys have tickets for charleston, south carolina?

What time is the flight?

: A.m., Arrives in at : a.m.

Quickest flight to charleston, south carolina.

: This morning. Gets in at : a.m.


What's up, girls.

What time does it arrive?



Entrance, right here.

Thanks, man.

Yell out to boston.

Boston, they're good to us.

You guys wait. Boston!hang on.

We have information.

U.s. Airways is the first flight.

We have tickets on it.

Wonder what independence air is. They're all right there.

You're the best. Thank you so much. Thank you very much.

What time is the one you got?

It arrives :.arrives at :.

This arrives two minutes earlier.

Ok. Oh, yeah.let's do this.

Thank to charleston,

Same flight as them, please.



Tickets, please.

Thank you, ma'am.thank you.

We made reservations as well.

Same flight, please.

The : a.m. Has only one seat left.

That they're all on?yeah.

I can't believe they ran out of seats.

It's all right. I say we stick with our flight.

Let's go.

Thank you so much.

Let's get in.let's get the tickets.

We're going to charleston. Ok.

You got the last seats on this flight.

Thank you very much.

It's a good time just to come

And familiarize ourselves with the airport

And find out...anything.

Why is--florida-- what are they doing?

'Cause I haven't done a lot of flying,

And I'm just not real familiar with how it works.

I was very intimidated about airports,

I'm just going to keep asking questions until we find out what we want.

They're being sneaky.

Interesting. Yeah. They're switching?

Are the seats sold out yet? For this one?

Yes, they are.

Maybe they found another flight.

Wow.are you on the :?

Yeah. Thank the lord.

Let's see how much they like us.

You're on the first flight.

Ok. Thank you.thank you.

You find another flight?

I hate them.

They're starting to piss me off.

They're mum.

We asked, "hey, did you guys find another flight,"

And they just looked us. Didn't even say anything,

Just looked at us. They drive me up a wall.

I just don't trust them as far as I can throw them, you know?

If someone asks you a question, do something, you know.

Don't look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language.

I think they're just playing mind games.

They're pissing me off.

They're silent but deadly. They're s.b.d.

[Indistinct talking]

The cleavers.

Did you guys get any flights?

We have independence.

We leave at : and arrive at :.

This one arrives at :.

That's minutes later, no big deal.

Thank you very much.

Have a good day.

Ow! Aah!

[Indistinct talking]

Hunter, get away from the kid.


You don't want him sucked into anything. Exactly.

Well, he's my age.

So I naturally started hanging out with rolley.

What are y'all talkin' about?


We're going to try and keep our strategy

Maybe more among stassi, mark, and myself.

I pulled hunter aside. I told him to shut his pie hole.

She's a bitch.

South carolina.

Maybe we should get it?

What the hell are you guys doing in here?

What happened?

Let's go put our frickin' bags down first.

What's the matter with you?

Nothing, I'm tired.

Hello, you should gone to bed.


I don't want to hear it from you.

Ma, could you please get off it.

What are you angry about?

I don't feel like being yelled at

Like a -year-old.

Well, too "too bad."

Then leave me alone.

Ok, but we have to look for a map.

My family apparently has many mood swings.

We need to get a map. We don't know where we're going.

Yes, we do.

We're in last place. What else is new?


I told my mother, if she wasn't my mother, she'd be my worst enemy.

She's constant nagging,

Constant wants to be in my business.

It aggravates the hell out of me.

Let's go.find the battery.

Go to the gazebo.

We want .

Oh, red.

Go! Go. Let's go!

Go, go! Jeez!

Tony, get your wheels on, man!

The weaver family is following us.

Stay in left lane, see east.

We got team fruit loop in front of us.

I'm not a big fan of her.

We're going east. So straight ahead.

We're looking for signs for .

All right. Good.

Let's go find the battery, east.

Go to the battery?

Looking for .

[Bell rings]

Keep going straight. Keep going straight.

Is that the gazebo? That's it.

There's a clue box in it.

There, there, there.

You see it? Yeah.

There's the gazebo right there.

Yeah, I can park right here.



A detour is a choice between two tasks,

Each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose between two tasks common in south carolina.

The choice, forrest gump or muddy waters.

In forrest gump, teams must drive miles to this fresh seafood company

And hop on one of these traditional shrimp boats.

Then using their hands,

They must dehead pounds of shrimp to receive their next clue.

The location is nearby,

But working through pounds of shrimp could take a while.

In muddy waters, teams drive miles to the town of ridgeville

And find the ridgeville mud run.

There, they jump into a x

And drive through a -foot gully known as a mud bog.

Teams must make one complete round trip

Of the course before receiving their clue.

The location is in another town, and teams might get stuck in the mud,

But if they have monster driving skills, they could finish fast.

Power through a x mud bog. We can do that.

Ok.mud bog?

I don't know. I'm afraid of getting bogged down in the mud.

Forrest gump?

We're going to do the shrimp.

We all do the shrimp together!

[Indistinct] just go.

Let's go, guys.

Let's just go. Move.

Let's go.

As usual, we're the last car.

Ok, so we're looking for the gazebo?

Yeah.[All talking at once]

Is that the gazebo right there?

It looks like it.[Indistinct]

Note there are two mud bogs. First come, first serve.

Let's go do that.

We could hit pounds of shrimp?

Let's go.

Today we said we wanted to have fun,

Mud bogging, that's gonna be sick.

Wando shrimp.


On the boat, on the boat.

Somebody's going to teach us how to de-head 'em?

Woman: I'm going to teach y'all how to do the shrimp.

Yes, ma'am. Like this.

Pinch the heads off, ok?what?

Just, like, pinch it?


Two crates. Each crate is pounds.

We have a whole another crate after this.

Oh, my god!

Aw, shrimp juice in my socks, what's with that?

And now what? Left.

There was a sign back there.

Please, for once, listen to me. Just check.

You don't know what you saw, but you saw an arrow.

Yeah, megan.

She could be right.

What a shock. I could be right.

We are doing what you asked us to do, meg.

Wando shrimp, straight ahead.

Good work, meg. Thank you.

Let's go.

Smells like shrimp.

There's a team right in front of us.

Ok. We're doing good.

Thank you. Takin' a trip!

All right, all right!

[Indistinct talking]

I'm ready to get dirty.

Each one is pounds. One more after this.

Fast, girls.

Gazeebo to the left. Come on.

They're getting out right in front of us.

A -foot mud bog. Let's go do that.

Ok. That would be fun to play in.

Shrimp is small.

Pounds sounds like a lot.

Mud run. Thank you, lord.

There's the cars right there.

We can do this.

Ridgeville mud run.

All right, we went the right way.

Keep it steady, keep it steady, keep it steady!

Aah! Aah!

Go faster, faster.more gas, more gas.

Up on the far right.come on.

Don't take your foot off the gas.

I'm stuck!

Buckle up. Good job, buddy. Keep going.


Go, go!

That was beautiful!

We're stuck.

Keep it down!dang it!

Yeah! Yeah, baby!

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Get up the momentum.

Power it up.

He's got it, he's got it.

Come on, come on, come on.


We're almost there, we're almost there!

Nice, nice.

Don't get stuck now. Don't get stuck now.

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

We were going great g*ns, though.

Right there, wando shrimp, right here.

We gonna rock and roll today?


That's a bleeder.

Guys, do two at a time. It's easy.

Keep an eye out for gazebo.

Oh, yeah, the clue box is right under the thing.

Detour. That's a lot of shrimp.

Cut the heads off. Do it with my fingers.

Shrimp. Shrimp.all right, want to do the shrimp?

We have to go back to the starting point.

They're getting pulled out.

Let's get a tractor, then.

Keep your hands steady. Keep your hands steady.

Hard, hard, hard.

Let's go!hard, hard, hard!

Yes. No, they're going.

Go, go, go!

[Indistinct shouting]


No, they're stuck. They're done.

Take two, baby.

All right. Get the momentum.

There you go.

I am so disgusting. Friggin--this is...


Thank you.

So close the first time.


This is definitely a lot more fun

Than chopping shrimp.

Hunter, you're throwing them off of the thing.

Hunter, let me demonstrate what you're doing.

Let me demonstrate how to shut up.

I have to put up with this day and night, night and day.

Like you're not part of it.


Yeah, mother teresa.

Just keep going. You got it. You got it.

Pretty gross.

[Imitates baby]

Oh, my god, stop.

Eew! Ew. It's on your lips.

That was just... Not right.

Chrissy, you're missing.

We could pick up the pace.

Which side is going faster?

It's not a competition against us, chrissy.

No, I know, sharon.

I don't know why you'd even ask.

All right, guys, we got one down, one to go.

Think we found our calling, guys.

If it's got a head, squeeze it.

I'm not up physically as I'd like to be.

The concern is that my daughters are relying on me.

The shrimp was definitely easier because we could all pitch in.

I wonder what bill and tammy did.

Oh, I see an arrow.

Oh, ridgeville mud run.

Oh, my gosh, it's the rugrats.

They're city people.

This is fun, yeah.this is fun.

Mom, you got to get it through on this time.

Hard, hard, hard, hard.


Look at them go.


Four on the floor!

Here you go, here you go. Hit it hard. Do not let up.

Don't let up.

I'm not letting up.

Not happening again!

I can't do it.

It's just too hard.

This hurts, guys.

I don't think it's feasible.

What, are they going?

Get out the clue.

Wando shrimp on shem creek.

What are the weavers doing?

They're gone. They're chopping shrimp, guys. We gotta do this.

We can dehead stupid shrimp.

And I don't care if it takes us until : tonight.

Are we done? Yes! That's it.

Route info.

Phil: teams must now make their way to the charleston visitors center

And sign up for one of two charter buses.

The first bus departs at p.m.

And the second bus at p.m.

Teams will be traveling to a mystery destination.

You must make your way to charleston visitors center by foot.

All right!

Travel by charter bus...

Whoo-hoo! a mystery destination.

Go, go, go! Come on. Come on, come on, come on.

Let's go.

I don't want to stink.who cares?

Degrees--do you know what it's going to smell like?

This is fun.

Thank you.thank you.

Travel by charter bus to a mystery destination.

, , , Blast-off!

[Indistinct shouting]

Whoo! Whoo!



They're going to make it.


Go, go, go, go!

They're going to make it.

Don't let it go now.

They're gonna make it.

Watch, they're going to pass us again.


Again, you're passing us!

Oh, baby!

Oh, my god! Mwah![Laughter]

Travel by charter bus to a mystery destination.

Dad, give me a high-five. You did awesome.

That was so cool.

Whoo!you rock.

Oh, my god. My pack is heavy.

Dad, can you slow down a notch?

No. We can't really slow down.

We're not going to run, but we need to walk fast.

Louisiana family.

Come on, dude. They're walking. Let's catch up.

My heart's hurting, guys.

Your heart? Now your heart. Give me your backpack.

Come on, meg, gotta tough it out.

Come on.come on!

Where?running across the street.


Oh, man.

All right, let's go.

There's the building right there.

Go. Go!

Not bad. Good hustle. Good work, guys.

Y'all beat us with that running from the boat.

Sign everybody up.

Good job, stass.

This entrance.right there?

[Cheering] good job.


Screw the florida team.

There's one more spot.

How you doing, dad?

I'll keep going as long as I can.

Breathe through your nose.


The second bus doesn't depart until :,

So we have a -hour jump, which is awesome.


Come on, come on, come on!

Come on!

Go, go! Straight! Fight it, fight, fight it,

Fight it, fight it! Fight it!

Come on, come on!

Come on! Come on, baby. Bounce! Bounce!

Come on, you can do it! You can do it!

Come on, baby!

Damn you! Damn you!

It can be it done, it can be done!

All right, almost had it that time, you guys. We almost had it.

Come on, baby.

Let's go!

[Indistinct shouting]

You got it man, you got it, you got it!

Keep moving, keep moving, everyone.

Keep going, man! Keep rocking!

Let's rock this mud path!

[Indistinct shouting]

We got it! We got it!


We're in!


Get 'er now!


Travel by charter bus to a mystery destination.

Let's go!

I felt like we almost

Would never get out of that damn mud path.

Never give up.

Visitors center right here.

Come on. This way.

Oh, no.

We're on the second bus.

Here, have a shrimp. One for you, one for you.

[All talking at once]

I'm full of shrimp, you're now getting full of shrimp.

Can you close your mouth for minutes?

Yeah.are we done?

Travel by charter bus to a mystery destination.

We should have done this a long time before we did that stupid mud.

It was was just frustrating.

Steep, deep mud.

We can handle stuff like this.

We're just working to get done. Maybe we can catch up.

Right here. This is the visitors center right here.

There's a sign-up sheet.

Just put the last name down.

Whoo! All right. Sixth is good.

Yeah.right here?

All right, hurry up.

Bus number two!

Whoo!all right, baby!

That's the important thing.


Travel by charter bus to mystery destination.

Are you sure this is the right way?

One more block.

Do you know what time the bus leaves?

We're really grateful that we're here.

We made a bad detour decision,

But at least there's gonna be teams together now.

We're all in last place!


Phil: all teams are currently traveling by bus,

But have no idea where they're going,

Or that it will take hours to get to their mystery destination.

The teams are being taken to huntsville, alabama,

The rocket capital of the world.

It's here that teams will find their next clue.

All right. Let's go.whoo!

We're stopping at a bus station? Yeah.

Good job, guys.

Come on!

We're the first team here.

Drive yourselves to the u.s. Space and rocket center.

Phil: teams must now travel miles to the u.s. Space and rocket center.

When they arrive, they'll have to find the edward o. Buckbee hangar

To receive their next clue.

Ok. Let's get our car.

Let's go, let's go.hurry up. Hurry up.

Yeah, this is ours.

We're the first team.go left.

What could we be doing with the hangar?

Get the clue.

Drive yourselves to the u.s...

Space and rocket center.

This way. Let's go.

Let's go. Let's go. Come on, guys.

There's the clue box!

Drive yourselves to the u.s. Space and rocket center.

Ok, drive!

Get in, everyone. Where are we going?

Space and rocket center.

Look for the big rocket.

Let's follow cin-cin. Follow the linzes.

We need the edward o. Buckbee hangar.

What should I do, guys?

Space and rocket. You go to the left up ahead.

The big rocket with all the lights on it.

Buckbee hangar, this way.

Over there. I see got it?

Good work, you guys.


A roadblock is a task usually performed by only one person,

But in this family version of "the amazing race,"

Roadblocks will sometimes be performed by two team members.

In this roadblock, two people must enter this centrifuge

And ride the machine until gravity presses on them at . Gs.

If you haven't noticed, gravity is currently pushing on me.

If teams can endure the centrifuge until it reaches . Gs,

They'll receive their next clue.

I'll do it. I'm fine with spinning.

Come on.

Hi, how are you?how do you do?

You're going to experience a device called the centrifuge.

Nasa uses this to train their astronauts to see how much

G-force they can stand in their bodies.

You're going to be in that capsule. Ok.

And it's going to spin around very fast. Ok.

You ready? We're all set.

Space center left.

Oh, my god, I've been here.

In sixth grade. Yeah?

This is space camp.

Park in here. Here we are.

Let's go. Let's roll.

Ok, let's just park with them.

There's the box, there it is.


Who wants to pull more than gs? I do.

Me and alex.

Let's go. Let's go.

Who do they got in there?

The girls. Don't puke.

First come, first serve.

Cool.oh, my god!

So exciting.what's up, man?

All right, ladies, you are at two gs.

Are you doing all right?

Look at lindsay.

Oh, she looks so scared. [Laughs]

All right, ladies, you are now at . Gs.

Congratulations on completing your challenge.


A hangar is an airplane.

No, a hangar is what an airplane is in.

Yes! Are you sure?

Slow down.

Edward buckbee!

Ok. I see the box.

Who wants to pull more than gis?

Aren't you good with amusement rides?

Ok.yeah. good with spinning?

Good job, girls.

Yeah. Did you do it?

Nice job, girls!

You're going to need this where you're going.

Thank you!

Make your way on foot to rocket park.

Phil: teams must race nearly a mile on foot to rocket park

And search for this saturn five,

The same kind of rocket that took man to the moon.

Once here, they'll need to enter the space museum

And search for a computer station

Where they must log on to aol...

You've got mail!

To receive their next clue.

We've got to move quick, you guys.

They're gonna be right behind us.

Dude, not necessary.

All right, guys. You are at now at one g, which is earth's gravity.

They're going to whip them right into gear, dude.

All right, guys, you are now at two gs.

I want to be an astronaut.

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, oh!

All right, guys, you are now at . Gs.

Where's dad?

Right there.

I'm trudging along.

I just don't want a team to pass us.

Congratulations on finishing your challenge.

Thanks, rachel.

Dude, that was-- [grunts]

Nice job, guys.

Find the space museum and search inside for the marked computers.

All right, let's go, guys.

All right, guys, you are now at two gs.

My arm is very heavy.

Very heavy!


♪ I don't know, but I've been told ♪

I see the rocket!

Wow. It's huge.

All right, we're gonna have a nice little jog.

Yes. You cool, meg?

The marked gate is up here.

Come on, trot.

All right, let's go!

All right, this is it.

We have to search for the marked computers.

You guys, this is it, right here.

"B" for bransen.

Computer: you've got mail.

Ok, ready?

You are surrounded

By the history of space exploration.

Now race on foot to the next pit stop,

The space shuttle "pathfinder."

Warning: the last team to check in may be eliminated.

The space shuttle "pathfinder."

All right, guys. This is it.

Let's just figure this out.

Let's go, guys. We got to be quick.

Right there.

Come on, guys.are those the bransens?

Here we go. Sign in.

You've got mail. Go.

That can't be it.

Phil: now race on foot to the next pit stop,

The space shuttle "pathfinder."

Uh, "pathfinder."

Let's go. Let's go. This is a pit stop.

You see that family leave?

Yeah, they all went out.

They went that way. Toward the left.

It's over here, guys, it's over here. Let's go.

Over here.look for phil.

Let's go, dad!come on, dad.

[Grunting and panting]

Oh, my gosh.


Welcome to huntsville, alabama.

Thank you.thank you very much.

Bransen family...

Hurry, hurry.

You're team number one.


I have some very good news for you.

What's that?

All licensed drivers

Are going to win free gasoline for life.

What?oh, my gosh!

From now on, every time you go into a b.p. Or an arco station,

You will fill up for free.

That sounds great to me.

We had a huge jump this leg of the race.

We started out in sixth place

And obviously finished in first.

There's nothing like being on top.



Linz family...

You're team number two.

Nice.all right.

Nothing wrong with that.


It's wrong that we got, like, hours of sleep,

And we tried to push a jeep out of a mud bog.

I know.

What concerns me is my children.

I don't know where we're going.

I am a prisoner on a bus.

It was a long bus ride.

The weavers, they were complaining.

"I haven't had any sleep,

I haven't had anything to eat." Duh-duh-dah-dah.

They're a mess. They're absolute puddles.

I guess so.

Yeah.they are?

Ok, what do you all want to eat?

I've obviously never been single parent, and it's totally new for me.

I just kind of reached down and found strength.

So we just chose to make a game out of it.


We're happy.


At one point, the weaver family broke down,

Snapped. Like, lost it.

They just went nuts.


They were just-- lost it.

I don't know how else to explain it.

Happy! Happy!

These people are crazy.

We're happy.

The weaver family broke down, snapped.

I've never been, like, near a breakdown.

I mean, we've been through a lot more this year and a half

Than a bad bus ride.

We don't feel good. We're tired.

I'd like to know where I'm going.

It does kind of wear me out, the highs and lows, emotionally.

I don't know, I just take it as it comes pretty much.

This is like a joke, mom.

[Weavers singing]


Thank you.

Make your way on foot to rocket park.

Come on, family.we've got to hurry.

She's smiling. Look at 'em smiling!

We're ready to go to the moon!

Congratulations, you have completed your challenge.

Make your way on foot to rocket park.

That was so cool, you guys!

Linda: we're in huntsville, alabama.

Thank you, lord.

Just go get the clue, man.

Let's go, guys.come on, rolly.

Let's go, guys.i got it! I got it!

Go! Go, go, go!

Drive yourselves to the u.s. Space and rocket center.

Ok, give me the keys.let's go!

Follow the signs to west.

Drive yourselves to the u.s. Space and rocket center

And search for a clue in front of the edward o. Buckbee hangar.

All right. Let's go.

The space and rocket center's on the map.

It is?yeah. Yeah. I see where it is.

I think we need to get on .

Holy cow.

There it is.

Stassi, what am I looking for?

The've got mail!

The last team to check in may be eliminated.

We passed it before. I know where it is.

[Panting and laughing]

Schroeder family, you're team number three.

Working our way up!

You've got mail.

Here we go.

Now race to the next pit stop, the space shuttle "pathfinder."

Ok. Space shuttle. Great.

It's a pit stop. Let's go.

Come on, find phil!

[Laughter and cheering]

Godlewski family...yes?

You're team number four.

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Space and rocket center. You're doing good.

Wait, there's a hangar over there. Let's just run up there.

I see the box. Come on, mommy.

Go inside and ride the centrifuge.

Rolly, you can do it.

You riding?

Yes, we are.

Over the hill to the right, gravel parking lot.

We're going to space camp, they simulate weightlessness here.

I'm going. I'm doing it.

All the cars are here.they're all here?


All right. Here it is, guys. Up here.

Carissa and billy, quickly.



Who wants to pull more than three gs?

Tony and and billy.

Pull more than three gs. Holy smokes.

First come, first serve. Go, go, go!

Let's go! Go, go, go!

First come, first serve!go, go!

Holy crap.

I got it!

We got six.

I grabbed seven. What did you guys get?

Last. We're last.

We got smoked.

All right, guys. You are now at . Gs.


Congratulations on completing your challenge.

Whoo-hoo! Whoo!

I got it.

Make your way to the foot of the rocket park.

All right. You are now experiencing two gs.

Do you see it?

Yeah.come on, you guys.

Computer: you've got mail.

Oh, thank you, lord.

Now race on to the space shuttle "pathfinder."

All right. Space shuttle "pathfinder."

Come on, guys.

Oh, my gosh.

Weaver family, you're team number five.

Yes! Oh![Laughter]

Now, I understand you're just not happy. It's just--

We're happy now. We were--we kind of--

But you felt you were prisoners.

We were all pretty upset.

This is us, you know?

There's nobody perfect out there, and this is us.

If you like us, great.

If you don't like us, we're not going to change for you.

Oh, that's it.

Congratulations on completing your challenge.

Thank you.thank you.


Make your way on foot to rocket park.

The rockets are this way.

There's nothing over there.

Where's the rockets? I don't see them.

[Indistinct] I have no idea where we're going.

All right, guys. Welcome to . Gs.

Try to pick up your hand, billy.

I can't.

[Groans] it's taking forever.

All right, guys. Congratulations on completing your challenge.

Whoo!thank you very much.

Nice job.

Make your way on foot to rocket park.

Ok. Great.

We got to find the big...

Spaceships. Spaceships.

Dad, where you going?

I'm just looking over this direction.

I did. Go up this way, honey.

All right. Go ahead, mommy. I'm following you.



Gentlemen, welcome to . Gs. Wow.

Nice. Congratulations on completing your challenge.

Thank you very much.thank you.

I think the big rocket is still way back that way.

I don't see anything.

No, it's nothing. Sorry, guys. No.

Nice job, guys.

Make your way on foot to rocket park.

All right. Let's go, guys.all right.

Guys, it's not this way.

Brian, the rockets are over there.

Just--come on. Guys.

You guys know where rocket park is?

Cool. See?

Keep searching for the big rocket, guys.

Eventually it's gonna jump right at us.

There's people up there.

All right, well, then that's it.

Doing good, mom. Doing very good.

Yeah, just remember, I'm approaching years old.

You're nowhere near years old.

Ok. We gotta keep going. The rocket's up a way.

Billy, push.push, honey.

It's my legs.

Ok. Look at carissa going.

She has no bags.

I know. I know it's hard,

But the team behind us is strong, and they're gonna be sprinting.

We got to make some ground up in here.

Keep on trucking, guys. There we go.

Straight this way. This way.

Oh, how nice.this is great.

All right. Read it so we can understand it.

Mom, it's a video.

You are surrounded by the history of space exploration.


Oh, look at the sign. Thank you, carissa.

The last team to check in may be eliminated.

That's it. Space shuttle "pathfinder."

Hurry up! They're coming. There's people coming, ma.

Hey. What are you doing here?

Log in to get a video clue.

Dad, are you sure it's not in here?

No, where you going, tony?

We'll watch this. Computer: you've got mail.

Now race on foot to the next pit stop,

The space shuttle "pathfinder."

Where? Where? Where the hell is this thing?

The last team to check in may be eliminated.

Come on. We've got to go back out.

Guys. Guys! Come here.

Come on!just go.

It's outside, you sure?i have no idea.

If we're out, we're out. But we may not be.

Come on, tony. Come on. Let's move quick, guys. Let's go.

Warning: the last team to check in may be eliminated.

All right, guys. Let's give it a good hustle all the way to the finish.

Where the hell are we going?i don't know.

Son of a bitch.

I don't think this is right.

It's over that way!oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

I see it, I see it.

Yeah, baby!

Let's go, let's go! Let's go! Run! Run! Run!

Go, dad, go.hurry, hurry, hurry!

Keep moving! Keep moving, everyone!

[Indistinct]what's up, phil?

Paolo family...yes?

You're team number six.

Oh! Right! Thank you. Thank you.

You all right?

[Grunts] thank you.

Gaghan family, you're team number seven.

Yes! Oh, my god.

That's good.oh, my god!

Come on, buddy, let's run.

I'm the old man of the group.

Come on, tony. Right here.

Hustle all the way to the end, man.

Come on, tony. [Sighs]

Aiello family...

You're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you,

You have been eliminated from the race.

Ohh.oh, man.

[All panting]

Oh, man.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Fun race.

Tony, these guys here are obviously part of your family now.

Sure. Absolutely.

These guys are good guys, tried hard.

We took every hard challenge there was to take.

We took no easy road.

Through these grueling tasks,

We learned to love each other like brothers,

And I love tony like my father.

I mean, we watched each other's backs.

The respect we have for each other is insurmountable.

They're good guys.

I knew that going in, and this just reconfirmed it.

We're a family.

Everything else doesn't matter.

Phil: stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: on the next episode of "the amazing race"...

Make your way to the talladega super speedway.

No! Mommy, we can't.

The weaver family, whose dad died at a racetrack,

Face their worst fear,

And the godlewskis have a meltdown.

Thanks for making me cry, you guys.

I hope you feel good.

You did it to yourself.

Back off!