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08x11 - 25 Days, 50 Cities, And More Than 600 Consecutive Hours Together as a Family

Posted: 05/03/24 12:54
by bunniefuu
Phil: Previously on "The Amazing Race"...


Ten families of four set out from New York City

and raced for $ million.

We love New York! Whoo!

Phil: The Paolo family got lost in their own territory.

A New Yorker gets lost in Manhattan?

We're so stupid!

Phil: At the first detour...

Linda: Stop it!

the Weavers had a close call.


Put the brake on!

I'm ok.

Phil: Tony Aiello and his sons-in-law struggled.

Son-in-law: We don't need to stop right now.

Billy: ♪ She'll be comin'

♪ Round the mountain when she comes ♪

Tony: It's embarrassing.

Phil: The Gaghans pulledahead...

Kids: ♪ She'll be comin'

♪ Round the mountain when she comes ♪

Damn it!

Megan: We got to keep moving.

Phil: and the Linz siblings fell behind.

Megan: This is not good. We're screwed.

Phil: In the end, it was the Godlewski sisters...

You're team number one.


who triumphed. Ow!

But the Black family...

Father: Good job. Run faster, Austin!

was the first to be eliminated.

I'm sorry to tell you

you have been eliminated from the race.

Leg took the race to Washington, D.C.,

where the Gaghans wandered aimlessly.

Mom: We got here, like, hours ago.

Phil: While the Paolos argued...

None of you ever, ever, ever listen to me!

Ma, please be quiet. Please.

Phil: the Rogers drove in the wrong direction...

We have passed up South.

Mom: Let Dad drive again.

Phil: and son Brock got blamed.

Dad: We said, " South" to the driver,

and we passed up the exit.

[reenactors yelling]

Phil: Then families engaged in a Civil w*r reenactment.

Oh, my God, you guys.

It's unbelievable.

Wally Bransen couldn't keep up with his daughters...

Wally: I can't, guys. Ugh!

Linda: Go! Go!

while The Weavers fought to the front.

You're team number one. Aah!

Megan Linz slowed down her brothers.

Megan, just stay with us! Come on.

But the Rogers lost the battle.

I'm sorry to tell you

you have been eliminated from the race.

Dad: Thank you.

Thanks. Thank you.

I hate them.

Stassi: They're being sneaky.

Phil: On the next leg,

teams questioned the Weavers' behavior.

♪ We're...

♪ Happy, happy!

These people are crazy.

Phil: Then in a muddy detour in South Carolina,

the Aiello family got stuck...

Fight it! Fight it!

Come on! You can do it.

Damn you! Damn you!

while the Gaghans surged ahead.

Whoo! Whoo!

Again you're passing us!

Phil: And in a foot race to the finish...

Keep moving! Keep moving!

the Aiello family landed last.

You have been eliminated from the race.

In Alabama...

Wally: We got to pedal?

teams pedaled around a super speedway.

Nick: Out of the way!

The Weaver family, whose family was k*lled

in a race car accident, resisted.

Rachel: No, Mommy! We can't!

Phil: But their mother's leadership...

Linda: Your daddy liked racing.

Just let it go. You're above all this.

got them to the finish.

Whoo! Oh, yeah!

Phil: Father and daughter, Mark and Stassi Schroeder,

argued over directions.

You are upsetting me so much.

And Stassi broke down.

Bransen daughter: Let's moon them.

Phil: The Linz family got an eyeful...


[girl cheers]

from the Bransens.

But the Schroeders got lost in their home state

of Louisiana.

Dad, that was really far back.

There is no excuse for that.

Mark: Come on! One more block.

Phil: and finished last.

You have been eliminated from the race.

Mark: It's all right, sweetheart.

Next, teams flew to the Central American country

of Panama.

All right! Whoo! Whoo!Whoo!

Catch their boat.

Oh, my God.

On the famous canal, the Weavers incited

the Linzes.

Hey! Go slow.

Whoo! Whoo!

On the Fast Forward, Marion Paolo's bravery...

You nervous some?

Mom, yes. I can't do it.

Marion: Just take a first step. It's easy.

After that, it's gravy.

Phil: helped D.J. face his fear of heights.

[yelling] Whoo!

Big mouth mush that we always fight.

See? See? He loves me.

Phil: Then in Costa Rica...

We choose to yield team Florida.

the Paolos delayed the Weavers.

The Cleavers yielded us.


No one wants us here.

Where could this thing be?

Phil: While at the road block...

Oh, my God.

Tammy Gaghan searched in vain...

Come on!

You can do it.

and fell to the back of the pack.

Carissa: Now we're the last ones here.

Phil: In a foot race for first place...

Megan: I can't do this no more.

Don't give up on me!

Oh, we're so close.

Megan Linz struggled to keep up with her brothers.

Megan, come on!

And the Paolos won.

You are team number one.


Phil: But the Gaghans never caught up...

Dad: Come on, peanut.

resulting in an emotional farewell.

You have been eliminated from the race.

You are the youngest person ever to have come this far

on "The Amazing Race."

Dad: Everyone's gonna remember this experience.

Families then flew to Phoenix, Arizona.

Tommy Linz drove circles around the competition...

Go, Bone!

Bone's a born race car driver.

and the Weavers were nervous.

Linda: My husband was k*lled by a race car.

So I need someone to be very compassionate with me.

But Linda stepped up so her children didn't have to.

Go, Mama!

Wally Bransen lost confidence.

Daughter: You got to be careful for Bone.

He's, like, lapping people.

Phil: and then struggled to keep his daughters on track.

Where are we going?

It's ridiculous.

But still the team got lost and finished last.

This is a non-elimination leg.


I need to take away all your possessions.

The remaining teams took a daring flight.

Oh, my God! Whoo!

I'm ready.

Megan Linz grabbed the controls...

Man: Beautiful. Combat complete.

Ah! Yeah! Nice!

completing a loop in the air.

Nice job, Noodle.

Oh, my gosh.

Rolly Weaver excelled at yet another road block...

Man: Combat successful completion.


while Brian Paolo struggled.

He did a loop straight up like a clown.

Then the New Yorkers lost direction.

Oh, my God. We're so far out of the way.

and fought all the way to the finish.

Do you know where left is?

I'm sorry to tell you

you have been eliminated from the race.

I'm proud of 'em. Did good.

Teams raced to Monument Valley, Utah,

where the Linzes targeted the Weavers...

Rolly: Did you see what he did? He went...

Linz brother: The wicked witch of the East

and her little monkeys.

Someone's going to come and drop a house on her head.

[Linzes laughing]

Phil, voice-over: then yielded them at the road block

and they finished last.

This is a non-elimination leg, and you're still in the race.

The next morning, the Weavers confronted the Linzes.

Linda: Are you sorry you wasted your yield?

No. You will be!

We have liftoff!

Phil: And the remaining teams took a scenic tour

in hot air balloons. Wow!


[whistle blows]


At the detour, Wally Bransen finally showed his strength.

Good job, Dad.

Dad, you did so good.

We would have been screwed without Dad.

We're making it more difficult than it is.

Phil: And the Godlewskis struggled to build a teepee.

All right. Hurry up.

This is not right.


Oh, dear God.

Phil: The Weavers got held up by the police.

Driver's license and registration.

Rebecca: I can't believe this.

Phil: But in the end, the sisters arrived last.

You have been eliminated from the race.

Tonight, on a special -hour season finale...

Rolly: We can catch up to them.

This way!

Megan: It's getting personal.

one of these teams...

[laughter and screaming]

Phil: will win $ million...


Rolly: I feel like Superman.

as the winners... This isn't over yet.

This is getting down and dirty.

Linz brother: The $ million is still there, baby!

Phil: of "The Amazing Race."

Phil: This is Eastern Montana,

where cattle and sheep outnumber people by the millions.

And in the heart of the big sky country, Green Meadow Ranch.

This ,-acre cattle ranch

was the eleventh pit stop in "The Amazing Race."

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

There are no more eliminations before reaching the finish line,

and the teams are now in a -way competition

for $ million.

Will the Weavers continue to isolate themselves from the other teams?

And will the Linzes and Bransens continue their friendship

with $ million on the line?

The Bransen family, who were first to arrive at : P.M.,

will depart at : A.M.

Fly to Montreal, Canada.

Phil: Teams must now fly

nearly , miles to Montreal, Canada.

They've been provided with tickets,

but may also choose to find a faster flight.

When they land, they must travel by taxi to this train station

and enter a subterranean complex

known as the Underground City.

Once there, they must search the maze of tunnels

for the passageway to the basement

of the CDP Capital Building.

It's in that passageway# that they'll find their next clue.

Let's go.

Come on, Wally! Giddyap!

Wally: What flight are we on?

We're on Northwest through Toronto,

connecting to Air Canada.

We're allowed to attempt to find another flight if we want to,

which we will attempt to do.

We're very excited to be leaving first

with the final three tonight.

We're ready to win $ million.

There's no words to really describe

what you experience as a family on the Race.

It's just been wonderful.

Canada, huh?

It's French-speaking there.

French? Crap!

Team who dey ready to rock.


"Fly to Montreal, Canada."

Let's go.All right.

All right, boys and girl.

The Linz family's finally made it to the final leg.

Pretty pumped about it.

Not every day you get a one in three chance to win $ million.

Everyone wants it, but I have a feeling we want it more.

So we're going to go after it as hard as we can

and hopefully we'll end up first place at the mat.

Everybody's on the same flight.Oh, really?

You're under no obligation to use

any of the tickets provided.

So we're going to be checking every airline.

"Fly to Montreal, Canada."

Rolly: Canada?

Linda: Brr! Ha ha!

so we need to go to Billings Logan International Airport.

Linda: I don't really understand how we're here.

I just don't think at the beginning

we really were perceived as a threat.

And we've just done it.

We kind of wanted to go, Ha ha ha!

We're in the final three.

I like being the underdog usually.

It feels good to be underestimated.

Rolly is the man of the team.

He grew up quick this last year and a half.

He's assumed some awesome responsibilities,

not just in the race. I mean, just in life.

And he's handled them like a real man.

There's the airport.

Wally: The departures terminal.

We Northwest or what?

Yeah, northwest.

Somebody should call Northwest to begin.

Oh, yes. Our flight right now goes to Minneapolis,

connecting on the Air Canada flight to Montreal.

It arrives at :.

Are there any earlier flights?

Minneapolis has a direct to Montreal.

Can we make a reservation, then, please? Thank you so much.

We're flying into Minneapolis, it's the northwest hub.

And they do have a direct flight from Minneapolis

to Montreal that arrives ten minutes earlier

than the flight.

We think the other teams are doing it,

but we're not quite sure where they are at.

So ten minutes could make a difference.

There's the airport right there, isn't it?

Straight ahead, homes.

Ye olde international airport.

Well, we need to hurry up.All right, dudes.

Let me ask you, are there any other flights out of Billings?

And that would get me to Montreal sooner?

You cannot. Thank you very much.

Take care. Um, we should get in line.

: is when that flight leaves.

We got our tickets.

Just park here?Yeah.

Canada. Come on.

We'll be there in cutoffs.

We have a reservation on flight .

Your last name? Weaver.

Thank you.Our flight leaves at :.

So that makes me very nervous, but we're making it.


Phil: All teams are now on their way to Montreal, Canada,

with their first connection in Minneapolis.

Bransen daughter: Go quick. Maybe they won't see us again.

Wally: We don't want the competition to see us.

We're getting tickets for the Montreal flight.

Now, is that flight looking on time and everything like that?

Woman: Well, so far, so good.

Thank you very much.

We'll arrive at :.

We're pretty confident that this is the earliest flight into Montreal.

At this point in the race, you know,

we're taking a little bit of a risk

by breaking off on our own,

but at the same time,

you know, - minutes is - minutes.

If it does put us ahead or get us in ahead of time,

it's worth it.

We're really not sure what the Bransens did. We lost them.

Yes, I'm trying to find any kind of flights

from Toronto to Montreal, as soon as possible.

Leaves at :, gets in at :,

so it's an hour earlier than our scheduled flights are supposed to be.

That would be awesome.

Yeah, I would love it if I could get on that flight.

Great. Reserve and confirmation,

I'm going to pay for them in Toronto at the ticket booth.

We have a flight going to Toronto

and then Air Canada to Montreal. Ok.

But I just want to confirm that there's no quicker way to get to Montreal,

even if it was another airlines.


You're on the fastest one you could possibly be on out of this city.

Bye. Bye.

Bye. Bye.

Linz brother: Let's just jog.

We should probably follow them.

We could beat them in a foot race.

All right, come on. We'll pass them.

Let's go, Rolly.Go!

Go, Alex.

Let's go, Meg.Go, Rol!

Go![Rachel shrieks]

Oh, my God.

Hey! Nice!

Got beat by the squirt.

Linda: No! Don't touch him.

He started to push you, and I said, Don't touch him.

You got a little down and dirty there.

He's lucky I didn't break his arm.

I think Alex was almost getting ready to get physical.

It felt like he grabbed my book bag and swung it.

Did he really?

They suck.

Hold on. Stand right here.

Megan: They're rude and obnoxious,

and it's getting personal.

Wasn't before, but it is now.

Go, Alex.


Let's go, Meg. Let's go, Meg.

[all yelling]

Oh, my God.

It felt like he grabbed my book bag and swung it.

Did he really?They suck.

Hold on. Stand right here.

Can I help you?

Is this the quickest way to get a ticket?

Did you purchase a ticket or you have a ticket?

Well, I have a ticket.Ok.

But I want to see if I can make it quicker.

Just come this way.Thank you very much.

Is she going to do it?


Thank you so much, ma'am.

I really appreciate you helping us.

Where did the other team go?

They got taken into the office.

Are you kidding?No.

Thank you so much.

We got an hour earlier flight,

so we're going to be on the : instead of the :,

and we're hoping there's no more seats.

Agent: Where are you off to?

We're going to Montreal.

Right here.

Thank you, Carol.Thank you.

All right.We appreciate it.

Phil: All teams are now on their final flights

to Montreal, Canada. The Air Canada flight,

scheduled to arrive at : P.M.,

carries the Linz family and the Weaver family.

And the Northwest flight,

scheduled to arrive at : P.M.,

carries the Bransen family.

When teams land, they must travel by taxi

to this train station and enter a subterranean complex

known as the Underground City.

They will search the maze of tunnels

for the passageway to the basement

of this CDP Capital building.

It's in that passageway that they'll find their next clue.

Come on. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

We need a van!

Thank you. Right down the escalators.

Is that a taxi? Here's a taxi. Taxi!

We need to get a shuttle.

Is there a train or a bus?

"You must locate a taxi

that can accommodate your family."

We have to get a taxi.

I need some help trying to get a hold of a taxi service.

At the end of this rope...

Are you fast? El fast-o.

I'm not going to lose my life getting you there.

Can I have in the back, please? Gosh.

Square Victoria Metro station.

I have to go to the Underground City.

What's your name?


Merci, Ted. Merci.

Merci, Ted.


The other team would have had to do the same thing.

Maybe, maybe not.

We saw G.I. Jane standing there looking puzzled.


Ted! You're the man, Ted!

You are the man! [clicks tongue]

Once we get to the Underground City,

then we need to find a passageway

to the CDP Capital building.

This is good.

We're going to the Square Victoria Metro station.

Yeah, you want to go fast? All: Yeah!

Real fast.Yeah, buddy!

Oh, yeah!

Over P.A.: We're running a little late, folks.

We should be getting in at : local time,

which is approximately minutes past our scheduled arrival time.

Ted: This is Square Victoria. Ok.

If this is Square Victoria Metro station, this is where we need to go.

We'll go through right here and you wait.

Will you wait?Please.

Look at me. Look at me in the eyes.

Ok, we'll be back.

Go, guys. Hustle.Come on, go, go, go!

What's that? What's that?

It's CDP.

Never been to Montreal.

We're hearing about some kind of underground city.

It sounds pretty cool.Are we close?

Megan: Ok, cool.

There was no other way to go.

Yes, there was. Down there, there was something down.

You think we went too far? Yeah.

It was CDC.

CDP capital.Come on, you guys.


Stop. Whoo!

Oh, yes!


Phil: A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose

between two sports that are popular in Canada.

The choice-- slide it or roll it.

In slide it, teams travel miles to the McGill Arena,

also known as Glenfinnan rink,

and engage in the sport of curling.

Each team member must glide a granite stone

feet down the ice

to a target known as the House.

Once each team member gets a stone into the House

or touches the house for a total of four,

the team will receive their next clue.

Completing this task requires little strength but a lot of precision.

And teams without the proper finesse

could take a long time to finish.

In rolling, teams travel approximately miles

to the Morgan Arboretum

and use traditional lumberjack tools

to roll four logs along a -foot course.

Once teams complete this task,

a lumberjack will give them their next clue.

This activity will require strength and dexterity,

but strong teams could finish quickly.

I do, too.

Yeah, that would be a lot easier.

Just go.Go! Hurry!

There it is! Hey!

Taxi! Ted!

Glenfinnan Rink.

The McGill Arena, right?McGill Arena.

I know where it is. There's only one rink, and it's up here.

He's nice. You're great.

Oh, yeah.


It's right here, Victoria Square. Ok, good.

Don't leave.

Underground city.Let's go.

This is it. We've got to go underground.

Where's the Weavers?Megan: I don't know!

This is like the Underground City right here.

Hey, CDP Capital.

Yeah, all the arrows say this way.

Let's go. CDP, up!

Megan: CDP? Come on.

Try this one down here.Ok, let's go.

This is crazy.

This is a friggin' maze!

It's somewhere in here, I think.

[indistinct chatter]

Where are we going?To the taxi.

We don't know where the other teams are.

Wally: What are we looking for?

We're going to Square Victoria Metro station.

See, there's McGill University.

So we got to be close.

This whole thing is McGill.Oh.

Everything here.

I know you know. I know.

This is it, then.

This is it.

[laughs] Sorry.

These doors are open. It's got to be this place.


They've got chains on.

This is McConnell Arena, not McGill Arena.

This is crazy.

There's a way to get up here.

Oh, you have to be kidding.

No. It's back-- it's right back there.

Hey, let's go under here. Cross over.

Yeah.You want to go down there?

We got to retrace our steps.

Come on, Meg.

This is it.

CDP, right.Did we miss it?

Weren't we just in here?

That's the passage.That's it.

Damn it.Son of a bitch.

CDP. It's saying it's this way.

This is the passageway.

Let's just go down here one more time, man.

This is crazy.Oh, man.

Keep going straight.

Hold on. Right here. Damn it!

Oh, my God!Walked right by it.

Detour."Roll it or slide it."

Megan: What's curling?

It's like playing shuffleboard, dude, on ice.

It can't be that hard.We're going to do the curling.

We're going to curling.Here's where we're going.

Glenfinnan Rink.

I don't know.

Here's one. Here's a taxi now.


We need to go to Square Victoria Metro station.


Do you know where Square Victoria Station is?

We have to find the passageway

to the CDP Capital building.

Hopefully we're not too far behind the other teams.

Can we just call information?That's what he's doing.

Yeah. Hi. Let me ask you, Where's the McGill arena?

Dear Lord, please help us find this place.

Yeah, transfer me there, transfer me there.

Oh, God, it's not even-- it's in the McDonald campus.

In the West highlands.

Ok, that's ok.

Ted: Ok, thanks.

You got it?He got it.

I knew you'd get it.You're so good.

Ask these people.Let get out and me ask.

Are you familiar with the Glenfinnan Rink? Yes!

Could you explain to our driver how to get there?

[speaking French]

Thank you very much.

There's a lot of sexy babies running around here.

I know, dude!

We're assuming the other teams are already here.

We're hoping that somehow, us, we can all get caught up again, but who knows.

Ted: If you've never thrown a stone, once you start pushing it on the ice,

it gains momentum and you don't want to overshoot the bull's-eye.

It's like shuffleboard?

It's like shuffleboard on ice.

Yeah, we can do that.

McGill Arena.

There it is. That's it.

Do you want to come in, Ted?

Yeah, I'm going to come in. Hold on.

Go, go, go.

Good job, Ted. You did it.

Welcome to curling.

Hi. We finally found you.

You have to put on a helmet.

Follow me. Ok.

Daughter: We don't even know what ice is, except for ice cubes.

Linda: Dear Lord, please help us do this.

Ok, guys, ready? Linda: Ok, ready.

Linda: Go, Becky.

That's not hard enough.Sweep, Rachel.


Oh, keep going!

Darn it!

We haven't seen the other two teams.

The other teams are probably taking a different route

to get to where we're going. I don't know.

All right, will you wait for us?

Right here. Thank you!

Park here?

Are you sure it's this one? Yeah.

Oh, it is McGill.McGill Ice Arena.

What's it say?Glenfinnan Rink...

See, this is probably not Glenfinnan Rink.

also known as McGill Arena.

This is McConnell arena.This sucks.


Thank you. We'll see you in a little bit, big Ben.

Here? You sure?


Let's go this way, Beth.

This way, this way, this way, this way!

Here. This way. Up.

Better remember our way out.

Are you sure, Beth?I don't know.

I guess we're going to have to keep going.

Wally: Oh, jeez.

Ah, I'm nervous!

Oh, my gosh!Go!

Yes, keep going!

[all cheering]

Good job!

Good job, Bec.Thanks.

Now we all have to do it.

Mommy, keep your arm straight!

Swing it here.

[all yelling]

Rolly, harder!

Oh, just a tad bit harder.Harder!

Don't get frustrated.I'm not.

Glenfinnan Rink.Here. Give me that.

I'll just jump out and talk to this guy.

It's called Glenfinnan rink.

Does that ring a bell?

Do you mind telling our driver how to get there?

Ok, sure.

All right. Thanks, man.

All right, let's do it.

Maybe we went by it in the passageway.

It's got to be one of these.

So where do we go?Got to go back.

Oh, there it is.Oh, my gosh!

We are so stupid!

Oh, that's frustrating.

Detour. Detour.

Roll it or slide it.Ok, let's go.

What do you guys think?The logs.

None of us are good on ice.

It's the Morgan Arboretum.

Find the Conservation Centre.


This one looks good, but it's going to hit this other one.

That's it. Sweep. Yeah!

That's good. It's good!

[all cheering]

Good job, Mom.Thank you, Rol.

[indistinct yelling]

Hey, I don't know, Ra!

Let it go, let it go, let it go. Stop!

[all cheering]


Straight as an arrow.

That was sweet. Rolly!


[all cheering]

Good job, Rol!

Aww, thank you.


Phil: Teams must now travel miles and find the American Pavilion.

This structure was built by acclaimed architect Buckminster Fuller

for the World Expo in Montreal.

Once here, they'll need to climb this exterior staircase

to the fifth floor and retrieve their next clue.

Bye! Thank you!

The American Pavilion in the World Expo of .

What are we going to do, Ted?

Oh, you're calling already. You're great.

Ted's the man.

I kind of like it over here.

Ready to get my curling on.

That looks like an arena over there.

McGill Arena, straight ahead.

We made it. Park here to the left, cupcake.

Here we go.

Ok, here we go.

Everybody put on a helmet.

Everybody feel comfortable on the ice?

I feel great. Ready to rock.


Look at that.


Whoa. Way off.

Come on, buddy!

Alex is a wuss. A wuss! No good.

That was weak.A little harder.

Good form, good form.Let it go!

Don't touch it!Ok!



That's good.


Trusting that Ben knows where he's going, because we don't.

This is it.Morgan right there, Lauren.

Is this the Conservation Centre?

Get over here.

Oh, gosh.

We just need to roll four logs.


Watch them, Dad.


There you go. Good job, good job, good job.

Doing good.

How do you...

Who's the man?Ted's the man.

Excellent, unbelievable.

Ted, we thank God every day, too.

Are you a Christian?I do--I'm a Christian.

So are we.

We prayed for the right taxicab driver.

Listen, if you hadn't gotten me,

I don't know if you'd be at the rink yet.


Dude, I could play this all day.

I love this.

All right, Bone. Go.

Oh, Boner!

That's good.

Give it to me!

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

One time!

All right, Nick. Go.

Stop, stop, stop.All right. Let it go.

Stop, stop, stop.That's good.

It's good. [all cheering]

I love this game!

I'm moving to Canada.

Ok, step.

There we go.

Wally: Is that ok?

We're almost there, Dad.


Grab it--ahh!

Good job. Ok.

Beth: Good job, guys. Good job.


Ted: It's right there, it's right there. Neat.

Daughter: That was there in ?

That's pretty crazy they built something that cool back then.

We have to find the marked stairs at the base of the structure.

Ah, Ted.

Let's go, Meg. Giddyap.

[laughter]That's a good one.

Sweep, Nick. Sweeping.

Get it all the way down.


Meg, come down here. Good coaching.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Congratulations, here you are.

Thank you so much.

"Your next clue is on the fifth floor of the structure

that was the American Pavilion."

I love that sport.

Dude, I could play that all day.

All right!All right, my man!

Megan: New destination.

The American Pavilion...Montreal Expo.

I'm going to build a curling rink in Cincinnati, Ohio.

I think we were extremely fortunate to find Ted

because he's very determined what he's doing.

We'll be back.

Thanks, Ted. Come on, guys.

What do we do?

Linda: We got to find the base of the structure.

It could be down here.

That's not it, Mama.All right.

Daughter: Come on, guys. Don't stop.

It's locked!

What does it say?

Find the stairs at the base of the structure.

We can't get in.I know!

There's stairs over there. Finally.

Hurry!We went around that whole stinking thing.

We should have looked where the stairs came down.

Come on, guys. Ohh.

Oh, here it is, Rolly.

Linda: Come on!

Go. Give it your all, guys.

"Find the La Porte J at Dickson Street."

Phil: Teams must now travel miles to this industrial park

and search for La Porte J, which is French for door J.

Once they have found this door with the letter "J" painted on the entrance,

they'll find their next clue.

Come on, guys! Ok!


Got it!You were right on, Ted.

Ted, you are so smart.

Dickson Street.Dickson?

Go, go, go, go.

Go, Ted. You are so good.

God led us to you.

You dropped us off right where we needed to be.



Andale!Megan: Andale is Spanish.


All right. Should be coming up here.

Should be an older building, right? It's from .

Well... Megan: I say we ask old people.

What?Well, they were around during the time.

That makes sense.

Let it go, let it go, let it go.

Lindsay, come on in.

There's a technique. Hold the latch thing.

I am.No, no, Lindsay. No, no.

Keep going, Linds.You got it, you got it.

Roll it. Poke it.It's ok, it's ok.

Opposite way.

Ok, I'm trying to lift it up. Will you chill out?

Oh, damn. That hurts. This sucks.

Roll it. Poke it.Good job, guys.

You're almost there. Keep going.

You guys are awesome.

Nice. Let's go, Dad.

Good job!

Ted's the man.

Ted, today is the funnest day of any.

You're like a blessing from Heaven.

Seriously, Ted.I said, God,

we need the right taxi driver. Please send him to us.

And he did.

Dude, I would be asking all these cars.

Yeah, let's keep asking.Stop for a minute.

Excuse me. Do you guys know where the American Pavilion is?

Ok, thank you.

All right. Merci.

Get ready to control it on the other side.

Eee! Sorry!

It's all right.

Good job, guys.

That's it. Don't let go of it.

There we go.Good job.

All right, Lindsay.Poke it.

That's all right. Pick it up.

Hurry. Wait. My ankle.

Wally: Take your time, dear.


Keep going.Nice, girls.

Whoo-hoo! Yay.Thank you very much.

Thank you.

"Your next clue is on the fifth floor of the structure

that was the American Pavilion."

Run, Wally! Good job.

Do you know where the American Pavilion is from here? Good.

Ah. I like trying things we never do.

Curling we can do.

Curling we do all the time.Yeah.

Linda: All right. It's got to be here.

Ted: It's this stupid building here.

Daughter: You are so funny!

We'll get there in reverse if we have to, ok?

Daughter: He is so good.

Dickson Street. Dickson Street.

! Where?

! What door are you, K?

Just J. There's G.

There's J. I saw it. I see it. Stop.


Road block.

Phil: A road block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this road block, that person has to learn and successfully complete

a maneuver known as the catch on the flying trapeze.

Once they've been caught, they'll receive their next clue.

Rolly, are you ok?

None of you will do it. I guess I'll do it.

Rolly. He'll do it.

Oh, my gosh! Awesome.

Welcome to Trapezium.Thank you!

Francois is here to tell you

what you need to do up on the platform. Good luck.

So basically what you're going to do,

hook your knees on that bar,

take your hands off. Arch your back

and look behind you.

That's it?

That thing is sweet. Like a big golf ball.

Do you want to pull over here?

Let's go, bud. That's the stairway right there.

Can you get in there?Yeah, let's go!

Let's go.Aha, let's go, Megan!

Come on, guys. Hurry up.

This is sweet.

Here it is. Let's go.

Find La Porte J.

Now we got to tell this dude first how to get to--

La Porte J.

All right. We have an address.

Dickerson Street.Dickson?

Dickson! Dickson street!

Do you know?

I'm happy we've come this far.

I won't be disappointed.

Yeah.Oh, ok, it's nice.

This isn't over yet.

Before it's over, we'll be back in it.

This has been the best day.

Gosh, it's been fun.

Now, give him your hands.

He's going to grab you.

Cool. Is he a professional?

Yes, he is. Don't worry.

All right.

Come on, Rolly. You can do it.

Focus. If you focus, you got it, buddy.

I'm nervous because my baby is swinging way up high.

Man: Ready?


Heads up. The trapeze has to move up higher.



Oh, my gosh!

Good job, Rolly!Awesome, Rolly!

Wow! Cool.


That was amazing.

"Make your way to Stadium Olympique

and search for your next clue."

Phil: Teams must now travel almost miles to Parc Olympique,

where Montreal hosted the Olympic games.

Here, teams will use one of these golf carts

to search for the arena known as Stade Olympique.

They'll need to look for a way in by finding

the one door they can drive through.

At center field, they'll find their next clue.

Ok, come on.Thanks, guys.

Thank you!Thank you.

Stade Olympique.

Stade Olympique. No problem.Stade Olympique.

Rolly is so weird. He can do anything

he tries, and he does it perfectly.

Look for La Porte J.Is it a bar?

It's probably the J porte.Just keep going down.

One more block. Just park in here.

All right. Thanks, buddy.

Here we go. Down here.

The box is right here, you idiots. This way.

Road block.

"Who wants to fly through the air with the greatest of ease?"

That's trapeze.I can do it.

Unless somebody else wants to, I wouldn't mind doing it.

I'd like to do it.Go for it.

All right. Let's go.Just don't screw up.

Welcome to Trapezium.Done that before?

No. All right.

We're going to bring you over here. Come on, doctor.

Focus, buddy.

Alex is a fat lard. He's never going to be able to do it.

Let's go, fatty.

Think light. Think feather.

I want to be up there with those two broads.

I know.You got some hotties up there

to take care of you.Ok.

What's your name?Alex.

Alex. Fat ass.

All right, bud.

I don't think you were born for this.


Ready? Hup.

Alex, here we go.

Raise up with your knees.

Look up. Up. And down.

Reach!Look up!

Gotcha! No.

[all groaning]

Come on, Alex.

All right. Let's go. This is it.

Probably need to get out.Thank you. We'll be back.

Do you guys see anything?

There it is, yeah.Yeah?

Let's go. Yeah, go.

Come on, Dad. You can do it.

Couple more, Dad. We're almost there.

Here we are.Keep going, Dad.

It's over here.

Ok, you guys.

Let's go, Dad. Come on.

Find La Porte J.

Whoa. Look how pretty that is.

I know. It's beautiful, but let's go.

Do you know where is?

Yeah.Ok, great. Thank you.

We'll just keep moving along.

Keep on trucking.

That's it right there. See that thing in the sky?

The white thing? Wow!

Thanks, Ted.

He's amazing.

I'm driving the golf cart.Here, here, here, here!

Ra, search for a way into the stadium.

You must stay in your golf cart.

Come on. Speed, speed. Is that the stadium?


Dear Lord, please give us wisdom.

Please, God, help us find our way in.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Ok, no, this doesn't work.

Turn around. Turn around.

Maybe it's up and these are the seats.

The playing field is up?

You know what? We should always take the left.


Because the right's the most common.

The left is always the way we should take.

Man, this is taking a lot of time.


I think he's earned his wings.

It's an angel of Alex. Bone's hallucinating.

There's an angel with you, Alex.

Come on, Alex.

It's a little hot up here.

Or I'm just really nervous.

Any pointers over there?

He's just hanging out. Bad joke.

Megan: Alex is twice the size of the guy catching him.

Hey, he'll catch you.

Give him love, Alex. Give him love.


All right. Legs up.

Both knees, bend to the bar. Both of them.

And go. Reach! Look up!

Got ya!

Oh, damn it.

I'm slippery. Damn it.

Whip a U-ey in here.

There it is.

You want to do it, Beth?

Let's go.Oh, my gosh.

All right, doctor.

They're here.Yeah!

How's it going?Good. And you?

Good. Fine.

We caught up with the Linzes.

I want you to watch this right now

because it's going to give you an example of what you have to do.

Yeah, I know.

Megan: Alex, do not lose focus.

You guys, it's going to take us forever.

Alex: I can't do this road block.

Come on, buddy.

Come on, buddy.

Take your time, dude, and just get it.

We caught up with the Linzes.

All right, bro. This is you. Go, let's go.

God. You guys, this is going to take us forever.

Come on, man.

Hup! Go!

All right, Alex!

Legs up. Hook those knees under the bar.

Both of them.

In and reach! Look up!

Gotcha! I'm good at this.

Yeah! Good job, Alex.

Well done. Good job, buddy.

Nice, doctor.

Were the Weavers here?

We haven't seen them for a long time.

You haven't?That was fantastic.

Congratulations.Thank you very much.

Thank you, girls!Good luck, guys.

Let's go.Let's go.

"Make your way to the Stade Olympique

and search for your next clue."

I saw that on the map.

We know where that is.

Linda: There has not been an opening yet?

Let's just look here on this chart.

You are here.

See, we've circled all around in here.

Let's just keep going.

We circled around the whole thing.

[pronouncing word "Staid"] Make your way to the Stade Olympique.

[Pronounces word "Stahd"] Stade... Is this it?


Go around. That's all right. We got to go around.

Take a left here maybe?

Megan: We definitely need to hurry.

All right.

Entrance to the Stade Olympic.

Megan: That's it.

Let's go, Beth.

This is awesome.

Just like gymnastics.

It's been a while.Freshman year, high school.

Let's go, Beth. You can do it.

Ready? Hup!

Wally: Let's go, Beth.

All right. Legs up. Hook your knees under the bar.

Beth: Whee! Man: Reach!

Look up. Gotcha! Release.


Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Congratulations. Thank you.

Well done.

Make your way to the Stade Olympiac--

Do you know where that is? Yep? All right. Well,

we're not far behind the Linzes, which is good.

So that means the Weavers are probably way ahead

right now.

If they win this, I'm going to be pissed.

Just push it. See if you can push it.

See if it budges.


sh**t.Back up, back up.

It'll be something like this.


Ok, we're getting out.Out, out, out, out.

We can catch up. Taxi!

There's another van stopping right there.

That's the Bransens.

Alex, up here.

Well, there's Cincinnati.

Thank you, Ben!Let's go, guys.

Golf carts are over here.

Let's go, let's go. We got to get inside the stadium.

Ask this guy. Is this the Stand Olympic?

Stade Olympique.Ok.

Ask these people-- Stand Olympic?

Stade! Stande Olympic?

There's no "N." Stade?

This is it?We have to go down.

Do we have to-- Stade, Stade, Stade. Down.

What's "Stade" Mean?

It means stadium.

Yeah, follow the thing that says "Stade."

Ow! Careful, Dad.

Are you ok?I hurt my toe.

Go get 'em, Wally!

Ow. You all right?

Sprained my toe.

Where'd they go?Right.

Wish we had our old golf carts from the golf course.


Should we go down one?

We've gone down this thing , times.

We know that!What about right there?

Go in there.Ooh.

There it is. That takes us down.

It's got to be it.

This way? Yeah.


Rolly: I see the box.

There it is!Just right there.

I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it!

Three charters. Three departure times.

Search the stadium.

Phil: Teams must now search this ,-seat stadium

for one of charter flight departure times

leaving the next morning for a mystery destination.

They don't have to take the first time they find,

but once they've taken one, they may not change.

You guys, we need to find this.

Search the stadium?

I don't know.

My Lord, where are you supposed--

It's usually not real hard to find them.


Whoa! Whoa! Crap.

No accidents, Walder.

Go down there. Down.

Go down there. This has got to be it.

Megan: Staid, left.Stade!


There we go.

There it is, there it is!

All right, let's go.Whoo!

There's the Weavers up there.

Oh, sh**t. sh**t!

Linda: Who's here?

Rachel: Stupid G.I. Janes.

I hate this.

We haven't even found one frickin'--

they're probably going to leave before us.

We beat them here, and they know it.

They're looking for their out time, dude.

Three charters, three departure times.

Search the stadium.

Beth: There's the clue box, right there.

Search the stadium.

Ok, let's go.

Come on, Mama. Don't give up.

This is just so unfair.

Yeah, it is.

It's really frustrating.

If we're gonna look, let's have a system here.


Or we're not going to remember anywhere we looked.

All right, you take that.

You look on the back side of the seats, too.

All right. We're in section .

Want to start walking in rows across, you guys?

Could do it like the ushers do it at church.

sh**t. My toe is k*lling me.

I hate to see what it's going to be like tomorrow.

I'm worried about our cab driver.

I'm worried about our cab driver, too, at $ an hour.

All right. Let's go pay him and just come back.


You made us the first team,

but we had to go in there and search

for a stupid departure time and we haven't found it yet.

Are you for real?Yeah. Thank you.

Thank you. Bye, Ted!

Oh, my God. Our taxi driver.

Totally forgot about that.

Let's go out this way.

Megan, is your cab still outside?

We're going back to the taxi.

How long has he been out there, you think?

I have no idea.

Uh-oh. It's the Weavers in front of us.

[honks] Honk!

You guys going to scoot over?

Uh, we are.

Rolly-poly, shut it.


What an idiot.

Linda: They called you Rolly poly.

I mean, calling names? Come on.

Down with the Weavers. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Rolly: What jerks.

Let it go, Louie.

Let it go, Louie. It's only making you stronger.

We beat them. They know it. They're just sore losers.

Let's go find this stupid box.

Megan: I want to punch them in the faces.

All right. We're going to get our things.

There you go, buddy. You're a good man.

Thank you.Driver: Good luck.

All right, buddy. All right. Let's go.


Thank you so much.Thank you so much.

You've been fantastic.

Ok, thank you.

Just go slow.

Obviously it's not going to be easy to find.

How are you supposed to find three of them? We haven't even found one.

Megan: We are definitely helping each other,

'cause I don't care who wins. We both are winning.

Just they're not.[laughs]

We're helping you take them down, honey,

as best we can.

Daughter: Brady Bunch is still looking,

G.I. Janes are still looking.

We're supposed to walk around all night?

Don't give up, guys.

I can't wait to go home and get my hair done.

I was just gonna take this lower level and go all the way around.

There's got to be a way we can get up top.

Is that one of them that's open over there?

Yeah. Let's go.

Two of us look left, two of us look right.

That's the fastest way to do it.

You just don't want to go too fast.

Dad? Yeah?

You need to stay with us.I'll be there.

No, you have to stay with us.

Dad, you're holding us all up.

We could have been down there by now

if you would have just come up here and finished this with us.

Ah, shut up.

You can't get enough of this.

It's going to take all frickin' night.

I want to kick somebody's ass.

Come on. Let's hustle.

Here we go. It's open.

All right. Let's start up here.

Make sure you stay in your lanes.

What if it was the other way?I know.

This is ridiculous.Yeah.

Come on, Bo.

How'd they get up there?Who cares? Keep walking.

Let's go find a way up there. Come on.

I don't really want to follow them up there.

Uh-uh, I don't either.


Ok, I'm up here. Go.

He's like a stubborn year old. No kidding.

You guys want to go all the way up?

They're up there.Who?

The Linzes.

Let's get up there. How did they find that?

Can we please go up there and look for that?

Let's just sit a second and think.

They're all up there for some reason.

Can we please find a way to get up there?

Come on, you guys.

If it's not easy to get to,

they probably won't find anything up there.

They're all standing there, though.

Should we try to get up there? No.

This could honestly take us all night.

We're trying to cover like rows here.

Here's one.

He found one.Take it.

We found one.

:.Where the hell are we going?

I'm like, where is this taking us to?

You guys, they found one over there.

Did you take it?

We just went ahead and took whatever we found.

What time is it? :.

It's going to be on all the backs of the chairs.

Yeah. Let's go to bed.

We're done.

We did all of this?Yeah.

This is crazy.

I'm tired of walking around this place.

I'm tired, too.

Rolly: Can we please just go look up there?

That's all I'm asking.


They're walking around like zombies.

So we got a time of :,

time to catch up on some Zs

and get some rest for a big day tomorrow.

They must have theirs.

Did they find one?Obviously.

You're looking left, Lindsay?

Yes, Lauren, I'm looking left.

Ooh! Found one.


:. Your charter departure time.

Grab it. Let's go.

We found-- I found this one.


And my charter departure time is : A.M.

What are they, :?

They're :.

Let's hide it and keep looking. No.

Look how many chairs there are.

I can't even count up that high.

Where's Mommy?

I'm not going to wake her up.

She's thoroughly exhausted.

This is the stupidest thing

I've ever done in my life.

Unbelievable.Did they find one yet?

I'm just glad you guys found it. I felt so bad.

It was harder to see, because the box went down low.

We're going to go night-night.

See you guys tomorrow.

By not doing this, it's not like I've not accomplished anything,

it's not like I'm less of a better person or anything,

I just think that it's just stupid.

Rachel, will you just be quiet?

I think, like, the man in Rolly, he's like my dad,

he just wants to keep going and keep going.

It's just hard for him to understand

that we don't have the same kind of energy that he has.

We're not going to search this again.

Rolly: It's over. We're not coming back.

Phil: Find out who wins "The Amazing Race"

as the final leg continues in just a few minutes.

Rolly: Could we please just go back there? Please, Mom?

No, she's tired. Just...

Fine. Go to sleep, I don't care.


Linda: It's all right.

Mom, can we please go find it?


What should we do?

Linda: Come on. Let's go.

Ok, let's work at the top and work our way down.

Rolly, look to the right, Rachel, look to the right.

There it is, right there.


: A.M.

Thank God.

We have a flight at : A.M.

Good job, everyone.

Let's get out of here.

We are the first people to leave.

We've got this flight leaving at :.


St. Hubert Airport.

We're not really sure what the other teams' times are.

Their departure time.

We're just leaving plenty of time to get to the airport.

Their planes leave maybe before mine. I don't have any idea.

Yeah, I have it.Let's go.


Where?St. Hubert Airport?

You guys ready?Man, I'm ready.

Let's go.


Hubert Airport?

Yes, sir.

This is it.

Yeah, St. Hube-- whatever.

Thank you.

Hi. I'm on the : departure.

What time are the other planes leaving?

One is leaving at :, :, and :.

You have planes.

We're on the last one.

Thank you.

Gosh, we're on the third flight.

It's this one right here.

This is it.Thank you.

Thank you.

Hello! Hi.

You're on which flight?:.


Do you want to have a seat in the waiting room?

Hello. Hi.

Good morning. You're on which flight...


Have a seat.Ok, thank you.

All right. Now we've got to turn on the gears.

Let's go. Let's do this.

Wow, we're like still in this.

And it's really happening.

I'm really focused on winning the $ million.

When we know this is all that we have left in front of us,

I think we're gonna do really good.

All right.

Good morning.I'm pumped.

We're all excited to be the first ones to get to the mat

and claim our prize.

Right on time, buddy.

Alex: We have a mission to win $ million.

That's what we're going to do.Time to take it home.

Linda: You guys, I want to tell you something.

We're going to give our very, very best this next leg.

We can come back from this.

We've proven to ourselves

that we can go through incredibly rocky situations

and come out ahead.

Linda: I think we're going to be the team to beat.

Phil: All teams are now making their way to a mystery destination.

When they land, they'll find their next clue on these marked vehicles.

[birds squawking]

Thank you.

Come on. Let's go, Dad. Come on.

See them?Right here.

"Make your way to the top deck of La Tour C.N."

Phil: Teams must now travel one mile to the C.N. Tower,

the world's tallest building, standing at , feet,

and classified as a wonder of the modern world.

Here they will take the elevator

to the uppermost observation deck

over , feet in the air.

On the deck, they will need to use

these binoculars to scan the city

and find the location of their next clue.

Ask somebody.


La Tour C.N.?

The spire?

Great. Thank you.

Good job, guys.

Toronto. Awesome.

Thank you, sir.Thank you.

Yeah, it is.Let's go, let's go.

The G.I. Joes.Oh, we caught up with them.

Let's go, let's go.Where are all the cars?

Right there, right there.Take a clue.

La Tour C.N.

Get the clue out, dude.

Let them go.

Megan: Yeah, they don't know where they're going.

"Make your way to the top deck of La Tour C.N."

That's the big tower thing.

La Tour C.N.

I have no idea where we're going.

Yeah, but this is English.


Let me run in here.


La Tour C.N.?

La Tour C.N.

Go up to Richmond street to Reese--

Since this map is ripped, would I be allowed to have it?

'cause I don't have any cash.


When you give it will be given back, I promise.

Ok. Thank you.

Thank you!

We got a map.

Thank goodness. We really need it.

What are we doing here?

We're going to the top deck.

Search for the next clue.

Nowhere else to go.

Let's go.

Keep our lead.

Yeah, we got to keep a good lead.


Right in here. Thanks.


This is cool.

My ears are popping.

How high up is this?


We just got to get ahead of the Bransens, that's our problem.

It's right there.

That the tower?Yep, it's right there.

Park right in front of this semi.

All right.Let's go.

One per team. Ok.

Holy cow.

Holy crap.

All right, Dad. How do you feel about this?

Here. Look.

I say we pick a point and start working--

Yeah, wait.

Wally: Could be on the ground.

Just kind of spread out.

This is going to be tough.

Binoculars? I got it.

Hey, guys.


Over here.

Hey, could be on top of a building.

Damn it.

Go for it.

Oh, Dad, it's all sweaty.

You're disgusting.Sorry.


We're all sweaty!

Park here?

Come on, buddy.

Thank you.

Do you enjoy it?


Wally: Let me just check out this a second.


Wow. Come on, guys.

Where does that run...?

Oh, God. Oh, God. Come here.

Right there.

Right through there.Dad, get up.

See that big yellow thing? That's the flag.

That's the flag.

Oh, got it.

Come here, come here.

See this corner? See that yellow mark right there?

I can see it.

All right, let's go down.Down, down, down, down.

Ok, come on. Let's go, let's go.

Let's get an elevator. Come on.

Daughter: I'm getting nervous, really nervous.

We may be looking in the wrong place.

Try and squeeze.

That's all right. We can get in here, guys.

We can squeeze. Yeah, let's go.

Linda: It's really frustrating.

Guys, where's the clue box?

We may be looking in the wrong place.

Darn it!

Rolly, come here.

Looks like there's a yellow flag

right there right in that corner.

Yes, it is. I see it.

Thanks. Come on.

Oh, I got it.We can catch up to them.

We can do it.

All right, guys. Let's do this.

Let's go.

Keep going, Dad.

Where's the map?Right here.

Nick, it's the second pier thing.

For the love of Christmas.

Come on. We need to hurry.

Let's look at the map.

The harbor [indistinct]. Rebecca, go.

Nick, we need to take a right.

They're going in.Go right.

There's the big flag.

Wally: There it is. Go.


Detour. Detour.

Phil: A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose

between two unique Toronto attractions.

The choice, ship or shoe.

In ship, teams must sail across Toronto harbor to this boat,

the "Kajama." When they find her,

one team member will climb feet

to the top of a mast and retrieve a nautical flag.

Once the team has retrieved the flag, they receive their next clue.

The task is physical and potentially frightening,

but strong, gutsy teams can finish fast.

In shoe, teams search for the Bata Shoe Museum.

Once there, they must choose a pair of shoes

and then search through women

for the one woman who fits the pair of shoes they've selected.

The task is not physical or scary,

but finding the right fit could take a while.

First one. Ok. Let's go.

Ship. it's a physical task. We know that we can do it.

Ok. Queen's Quay.

Let's go in the car and figure it out.

There it is, on the right. The Brady Bunch.

We're up with them now.

What do you guys think?

We don't know anything about boats.

Ok, fine. Let's do shoes.

"Find the one and only woman out of nearly that they fit".

Are you kidding me?

Let's do ship.Yeah.

Oh, man.

Queen's Quay West.

Got to be right here.There's the pier.

Queen's Quay is right there. Sailing.

Yeah, perfect.Well, now, we got to park.

Go in and get a captain.

Let's go.

We need a captain.

Come on. All righty.

You're the man.

Life jackets here.

Easier to put on on land rather than in the water.

Has anyone sailed before? No?


Ok. Where is...?

One jib, one main sail. This is the boom.

Watch your heads.

I like this, dude.

Ask this person on their bike up here.

Excuse me.

Do you know where the Bata Shoe Museum is?

Man: Turn left.

Thank you.

We're going to do shoe,

even though this could be the riskiest one.

This is, like, pure luck, you guys.

Queen's Quay Sailing and power boating. That's it.

Rolly: One team is here.

Then it has to be the G.I. Joes.

Let's go.

I am. Linda.Linda.


Come on, guys. Pull.

Put your backs into it, guys.

All right. One more big pull and we'll be there.

Pull! All right. Lead it off.

Any time you got more sail area up,

the boat goes faster.

Bone, Bone. What?

We got to go over left.

Other way, other way.

Reach the jib and bring her around

to the other side...

Watch your head, Nick.

Here we go.Nice.

Black hull, three masts.Cap.

Rachel, let yours right off.

Rolly, you pull yours all the way in.

Pull. Right on.

You see that big black boat? That's where we're going.

We want to get in the left, Beth.

There's a shoe right there on the side of that .

Oh, yeah.

All right, guys. We can do this.

Come on, Dad.

Ok, guys.

One of these shoes?

These are the quickest to slide on.

Gosh, they're moving.

Would you try these on?

Sorry. Thank you.

Can you-- Try that on for me.


Can you try this on?


Try this on, please?

Excuse me. Will you try it on?

Sorry. That's not my shoe.


Sorry. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

sh**t. We should have done the other one, you guys.

Watch your head, Meg.

Now straight? Should I let this out?

We're moving.

All right, Linda, get a lot closer first and throw in a tack.

Here we go. Ok, guys.

As we go though, you let yours right off.

And, Rolly, you pull yours all the way in.


I see it.

Nice job, guys.I like it.

I'm like Popeye.

All right, man.

Thank you, sir.Thanks a lot, sir.

Thanks, my man.Appreciate it.

I'll go up there.

Oh, that's high.

All right, dude. Giddyap. Get up there.

Megan: Nice, Bone.


Oh, my God.

Clip it to your harness.

All right. Come on, buddy.

Come on.

Nice job, Bone.

Good job, guys.All: Thank you.

"Drive yourselves to the town of Queenston".

Phil: Teams must now travel miles to the town of Queenston

on the Canadian side of the Niagara gorge.

They'll need to find this boat ramp,

choose one of these jet boats,

and take a ride up the gorge into the Niagara whirlpool.

Once there, teams will need to grab their next clue from this buoy.

All right. Queenston.

Come on, Meg.I'm trying.

Meg, it's $ million.

Move those feet!

Yeah, they've already done it.

Try this on, please?It's not going to fit.

It's too small.Ok.

Maybe. That's not my shoe.

All right.


Try this on, please. Sorry.

Try this one.No?

No. Try here.

[groans]Damn it!

Wally: We're getting screwed.

Phil: Find out who wins "The Amazing Race"

when we return.

Try this one, please.Doesn't fit.

sh**t.Try this one.

Oh, my goodness.

Keep trying.Can you try this on?

Does it fit?

Yep, that's my shoe.

We found it, guys.

Hurry, hurry. Come on.

Yay! We love you.

Ok. Thank you.

"Drive yourselves to the town of Queenston."

All right. Let's go.

Thanks, ladies.Thank you.

Let's go, Dad. You got it.

Good job, guys.

Good job. That was awesome.

That was a good choice. Lauren's amazing.

I'm a big shoe shopper, and I think it paid off.

All right. Where are we trying to get to?

To Queenston.

Queenston. I got Queenston.You do?

We're going to take the Q.E.W. until we get to .

We think we're in first. Hopefully.

This is just great.

Do I just stay on the Q.E.W., then?

Wally: Yeah, I believe so.

Isn't Niagara Falls like a huge waterfall?


All right, are you sure you can do this, buddy?

Rolly: I'm having second thoughts.

I don't want you to get too scared now.

Go, Rol. Go.

Go, go, go.

♪ He flies through the air with the greatest of ease ♪

Careful there, buddy.Come on, monkey boy.

Oh, gosh.



Rolly, is it in the water?

Oh, it's ok.It's all right, Rolly.

He climbed that with so much skill.

That was impressive, bud.

Good job, baby.

Good job, guys. Thank you.

Drive yourselves to the town of Queenston.

Thank you, Rol.

Queenston. Let's ask the lady.

Do you know where Queenston is?

Once you're on the Q.E.W.,

keep going. You'll see signs to Queenston

and everything else.

Linda: Thank you.

Ok, we got to hurry, guys.

Rolly: We got to catch up to them.

This is this fastest way to get there.

Q.E.W. to the .

This is the .Mm-hmm.

Around freaking North America. Yeah.

I like it.

Queenston, .

Yeah, do that.

Probably exiting left.

There's , Queenston.

But that's not where we're going?

We're going to Queenston.

We are? Yeah.

Sorry. I kind of got mixed up there.

Queenston. We need to get down to a boat ramp.

Excuse me, sir. Do you know where the boat ramps are?

Queenston boat ramps?

Right down this steep hill.

Right at the bottom, the first right.

Thanks a lot, man.

All right, the thing we're going to...

The Queenston boat ramp.

Beth: Do you want to ask this runner?

Do you know where the Queenston boat ramp is?

Oh, you saw people already?

The next right is the road to the boat ramp.

Thank you! Ok, go.

We got to get up there.

Queenston boat ramp.

This is it.We're almost there.

Here we go.

Ooh, look at those boats!

Park right here.

We've got to go. Come on, come on.

It's almost done!

Let's go. Come on, Alex.

Right here.Welcome to Whirlpool Jet Boats

at Niagara River gorge. You're going to select a boat.

Let's go, let's go, let's go. Out, out, out.

Look for signs.

Right here, right here.

See if we can catch it.Ok, go, go.



We need to go really fast.

This water is gorgeous.

Look at those swells.





This is awesome.


Ha ha ha!

There's the clue right over there.

You can just grab it. Hold his feet.

"Have your boat captain take you across the border

"To your final destination city-- Lewiston, New York.

Once you dock, search the park for your next clue."

Lewiston, New York!

Thank you, buddy!

All: Who dey!

Let's go!It's not done yet.

Whoo!Is that the Linz guys?

Wally: Yeah.

Oh, there's another boat!We got to go!

sh**t. Bransens.

Let's go fast.

Let's go.


Grab it, grab it, grab it.

"Have your boat captain take you across the border

to your final destination."Ok, go.

Go, go.

Here it is.

Ok. Good.

Quick, quick. Let's go.

Go. Come on, Rolly. Run.

Go, Rolly. Walk fast. Come on.

They're right on our tail.

Right here.

Get your stuff ready.

Go, go, go.

Go, go, go!

Ready? Here we go. Road block.

Phil: A road block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this roadblock,

that person has to use these jigsaw pieces

and complete a map of Central and North America.

Once teams have completed the road block,

they must make their way to the finish line.

Here we go.

Come on. Let's go!

Let's go.

Road block.

Who paid attention in geography?

Dad. Geography.Geography.

Dad.When you're finished...

you and your team will follow the marked path

to the finish line." This is it. Go, go, go.

Come on, you guys. We can do this. We're so close.

Over there! There it is!

Do it, Nick!

Come on, Nick! Come on, Nick.

Good job, Dad. You're going to do great.

Big pieces, brother.

Keep it up, Dad. We love you.

Keep it up!Come on, Dad. You got it.

Yes, yes!


Good job.

There you go, Nick.Yes!

Come on, shorty!Nice job.

Pick a big piece and go with it, Dad.

Start down... I'm looking.

You need the bottom of it, Dad.

Megan: Keep moving them around.

This is so nerve-wracking.

Come on, Nick.

$ million is at stake.

It's all about geography. [laughs]

Ah, ah, ah!

No! Oh! Ughh.

Ok, you got it. Keep going.

Just think of all our family vacays.

Come on, Dad.

Does Nick not know where Oklahoma goes?

I do.

Good job, good job.

Washington, where are you?

Good job. You're doing so good.

Think about it.Right there.

There you go.

Nice job, Nick.

There you go, Dad.

Nick, get Oklahoma out of there.

Worry about it later.There you go!

There you go.


Linda: Oh, my God!

[all shrieking]

Oh, my God!

"Have your boat captain take you across the border

for the final destination".

Daughter: $ million at stake right now.

Wally's doing geography.

Come on, Dad. You got this. Keep going.

Come on, Nick.

I don't know.

South Carolina, where are you?

Got to do it faster, Nick.Fast.

You have to do it faster.

You've got this, you've got this.

There you go. So close.


Put the pieces together, Nick.

Megan: No. Ugh.

There you go, Dad. There you go, there you go.

You're doing so good. Good job.

Maine, Massachusetts.


Megan: It's going to be close. That's for sure.

There you go, there you go.

Nice. Michigan up here.

Nice!Come on, Nick!

Keep counting these out dude.

Good job, Dad.

Dad, keep going.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good!

Keep going, Dad. Keep going.

You're getting there. Keep going.


Nice, Nick. Kentucky.

Come on, Dad. This is all you.

Where's Ohio?

I live in Ohio, for Christ's sake.

There you go, Dad.


Come on, Dad.

Keep going. You're doing so good.

That goes down there.

Come on Nick, think. Think, think, think.

Big picture think.Almost done.


We're right here, Dad.So close, Dad.

We're going to win, we're going to win.

Come on, buddy.

Come on.

There it is. Come on, Nick.


Oh, he's got all the small ones left.

Come on, Dad. You got this.

Megan: Come on, Nick.

Oh, you got it.Come on, Dad.

Meg, get your bag.

So close, Dad. You got it.

Come on, Nick.

Nick, put that back up there.

Don't pound any more.

I'm done![all talking at once]

Here we go! Hang on.

Come on!

Yeah, baby, come on!

[all talking at once]

[cheers and applause]


Hurry up! Run!

Wait! Come on!

Come on.

Mom and dad, dude!

Come on!

Dad, you did awesome. I'm so proud of you.

Come on, Meg.

[cheers and applause]

Who dey! Who dey!

It's unbelievable!


Phil: days...


And more than consecutive hours together as a family.

Linz family,

you are the official winners of "The Amazing Race."

[cheers and applause]

Hey! Good girl.

Phil: Congratulations.

You have won $ million.


Come on, girls!

[cheers and applause]

[all talking at once]

Phil: Bransen family, congratulations.

You're the second team in "The Amazing Race."

[cheers and applause]

Phil: Linz family, come on over here.

You guys always said to me,

Phil, we don't really care about coming in first on any other leg,

but we will be standing there at the finish line.

And we will win the big one.

And we will win the $ million.

Yes, sir.What does that feel like?


This is all for Mom and Dad and everybody back at home.

Megan: Everybody.

We owe them a lot.

What a great opportunity to pay back like-- I don't know--

I'm speechless.

[cheers and applause]Who dey!

Phil: Megan, what does this mean to you?

You ran this with your brothers.

I'm done running. I never want to run again in my entire life.

Throughout the entire race,

it was difficult for me to keep up, but I did keep up.

And I think I have proved that not only to myself

but to my brothers and to my family. I ran with the boys.

Phil: Tell me about this team. Because Wally,

he stepped up.Wally!

They're smart, they're competitive,

and they're pretty good-looking, too.


[cheers and applause]Go, Wally!

The Bransens are some of the toughest competitors we've ever faced,

when there's three guys and a girl here

and three girls and a guy, and I tell you what,

we were most concerned with this team.

And I wish we could share this money with you.

So do we. [laughter]

Phil: Wally, you must be so proud of them as a father.

They're just, uh, they're great ladies and--

Oh, don't cry.


I'm gonna cry.

And, you know, they just proved a lot to me.

Just a great experience, just to have the time with the girls.

As adults, you just don't get that type of opportunity

to spend the time and share the experience

that we had to have together,

so that was the nicest part of it.

Can you talk about your dad, each of you?

He was sort of like our comfort,

and, like, we just knew everything was going to be ok,

because our dad was there the whole time.

And he's just an amazing person, and--I don't know.

You couldn't ask for anything else in a father.

We love him to death.

And we wouldn't have made it through this without him.

There's no doubt in all of our minds

that we wanted him with us here.

And that's how we got this far.

It was just such a great experience,

'cause I'm going to school and I'm moving out, so.

I don't want for it to look bad.

Ah, don't cry. It's ok.

I can't be crying.

Phil: Can you tell us about them, the Linzes?

They're really a testimony to their parents,

I mean, for four young people with so much integrity

and, you know, as a parent, I was just very proud of them.

So, they're great, too.

Thanks, Wally.

Come on, guys.

[cheers and applause]

Phil: Weaver family, you're team number three.

Thank you.

[cheers and applause]

Linda, I know you must be proud

of your family right now.

I am so proud.


You got here, you did very well.

You beat out some very competitive teams

to be standing here in third place.

Can you tell me about the strength

of your mother to get you guys here?

I think it was the strength of the kids.


She's done an amazing job,

especially with this past--

everything that's happened to us

in the past year and a half, like losing my dad,

and she's just helped us so much.


Our dad was the main leader.

We really relied on him. And now that he's not here,

it's been special just to work together

and know we can get through things in life without him here.

Linda, what did you learn about your kids?

Could you talk about them individually?

Rolly just totally wouldn't let us give up.

Rebecca is made of steel,

and Rachel has just been so tenacious,

and she's kept her eyes on the Lord.

You know, she's just kept us focused

on what we're really living for.

Us working together to accomplish goals,

that's more special to me than any money.

We're strong enough and we have the ability and the capability

to take life and move through it and accomplish things.

[cheers and applause]

[indistinct chatter]


On the race, we made a lot of friends,

but we played the game the way we wanted to.

As a family, we wouldn't have it any other way.

Friends are important,

but I think family is much more important.

[cheers and applause]

Running "The Amazing Race" as a family

is the opportunity of a lifetime.

♪ Who dey, who dey who dey think ♪

♪ They'll beat them Linzes ♪

Nobody, 'cause we won $ million.
