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09x09 - Do You Know How Much Running I Did Today, Phil?

Posted: 05/03/24 12:56
by bunniefuu
- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race,"

five teams set out from southern Greece.

Immediately, Ray and Yolanda got testy with one another.

- [Ray] Just find the damn bridge.

- [Yolanda] Stop cursing at me.

- Just remember, I'm a grown man.

- I can't tell.

- [Phil] Teams flew to the Middle Eastern country of Oman.

- This is by far the prettiest place we've been.

- [Phil] And had fun navigating the flooded roads.

- [Contestant] Oh, yeah, buddies.

[Eric chuckles]

- [Phil] At the detour BJ and Tyler

and Fran and Barry took the lead.

- Ttow.

- [Phil] While Eric and Jeremy

grappled with transporting a camel.

- [Eric] It's okay, camel. Let's go.

- [Phil] And then got lost.

- [Eric] I don't see anything at all.

Man, we're idiots.

- [Phil] Things heated up at the roadblock.

- [Tyler] You're digging for a million bucks.

- [Phil] where teams had to dig in the hot sand for a meal.

- [Barry] I got it.

- I found one. - Good job, babe, come on.

- [Phil] A tight race to the pit stop.

- It'd be nice to have the old couple win once.

- I'm not seeing anything. Damn it.

- [Phil] Put Fran and Barry in first place.

- [Both] Oh my God.

- [Phil] And while Ray and Yolanda continued to bicker.

- [Ray] Get a pattern going.

- [Yolanda] Your mama got a pattern going.

- [Ray] Just keep digging.

- [Phil] They passed and exhausted BJ and Tyler.

- Clearly just dead.

- [Phil] Who arrived last.

I'm pleased to tell you, however,

this is a non-elimination leg.

But were not eliminated.

[both cheering]

Five teams remain; who will be eliminated next?

[dramatic music]

[elephant trumpets]

[mysterious music]

This is Jabreen Castle,

deep in the desert of Oman in the Middle East.

This th century fort,

with its imposing turrets and sprawling courtyards,

was the eighth pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

The five teams waiting here

have no idea what's in store for them.

Will BJ and Tyler's friendly way with people

pay off when they need it most?

And will Fran and Barry be able to maintain

their newfound lead.

- [Both] Oh my good.

- [Phil] Fran and Barry, who were the first to arrive,

will depart at : PM.

- Where are we off to?

"Fly to Perth, Australia."

- [Phil] Teams must now fly more than , miles

to the city of Perth, Australia.

Situated just inland

from the pristine coast of the Indian Ocean,

Perth is the capital of Western Australia.

- [Fran] Let's go.

- [Barry] Let's go.

- We're stopping to drop off money at BJ's car.

We're giving them $.

- Because they have none. - Okay.

- I believe the other teams see us as real competitors now,

but we realize also that we have four teams

that are years younger than we are.

But using our travel experience has kept us in the race

and hopefully will carry us forward.

- [Fran] Let's go.

- "Fly to Perth, Australia."

"One team has $."

- All right, let's go.

Those guys are screwed.

Dude, I love it.

Should we give them a dollar? - No.

We'll act like we're giving them a dollar.

- Here we are down to five teams and it's getting brutal.

I mean, everybody's starting to get really competitive.

- [Monica] Joseph and I know

that we can't make any mistakes.

- [Joseph] If we work together and slow down,

just take our time, I think we're gonna be okay.

- Let's go.

I'll just be happy when the hippies are gone.

The hippies wanted us to leave money on their car.

But they said that if we didn't give them money

then they wanted to yield us.

- So we ran over to their car and gave them nothing.

[both chuckle]

- It's not the smartest thing in the world.

It's telling everybody that you're gonna yield the Mojo.

[rhythmic music]

- [Barry] There it is.


- Except that the damn road is closed.

- [Barry] Everybody's trying to get to Muscat.

- [Fran] It's a right turn back to the gas station.

- [Barry] Hi, we're going to the airport,

and that roundabout is blocked up.

- The King may be here, into the city he will go.

- Oh, the King is coming. - Yeah, yeah.

- [Barry] Can we go a back way?

- There is no any way to airport at all.

- [Barry] We have no choice, but to sit and wait it out.

- It's the way it is.

[dramatic music]

- [Monica] Oh my God.

The road's totally closed off.

- [Joseph] It doesn't look like we're going anywhere.

[dramatic music]

- "Fly to Perth, Australia."

All right, let's go. - Let's go.

- [Ray] Let's leave some money over there.

- Go baby; hurry.

This way.

As far as our arguing,

we went from zero to kilometers in no time.

We have not been communicating well at all.

Ray and I have to just calm down

and try to bring back the fun energy we had

the first couple of legs.

We left money for BJ and Tyler.

- Yeah, it's funny, Mojo,

it may have been money,

but it looked like it was just paper.

- It probably was a sike letter, knowing Mojo.

They front as being nice people; they're not nice at all.

- It's a different game now.

- All right, let's roll. - Sick!

- [Eric] We have bucks; the hippies have zero.

Here, dude. - Hurry up.

- [Jeremy] We left them a hundred dollar IOU.

They're hippies, they'll find out how to make gas

from trees out here or something.

- [Eric] It's like, I don't understand

why people would give them money anyways.

It's dumb.

- It's not even competition, it seems like,

if you're doing that.

We wanna win, whatever it takes to win.

- It's like trying to get into a girl's pants,

you know, lie, cheat steal, you know, whatever you can.

Even though we're jackasses,

we should be able to find the airport.

- I believe the king may have just gone by.

We're on our way to the airport.

[fast-paced music]

- [Joseph] Looks like we're about to get to go.

- [Monica] We had wasted so much time.

- Airport, straight, right? - Yes.

- So this should be the main road right up here.

- [Ray] This is crazy.

- [Yolanda] I hope every team had to deal with it,

whatever it is.

- [Eric] Wow.

- Oh crap. We suddenly hit traffic.

The hippies they're in trouble.

Our ideal situation for us is if they missed the plane.

- [Both] "Four teams have $ for this leg of the race.

"One team has $."

- [Tyler] Let's go.

Oh my God, there's money been left for us.

Ray and Yolanda left us .

"I owe you $ after the race."

Very sweet of them. - Thank you, Jeremy.

- [BJ] Oh wait, check this out.

- [Tyler] Nice.

Fran and Barry, we love you.

- Fran and Barry came through.

I'm worried about the teams that didn't leave us money.

Joseph and Monica better watch out.

- I remember when I was really young

thinking of how amazing it would be

traveling the world with just the clothes on my back.

And now we're forced to see what it's like.

- Our goofy attitude has gotten us this far.

And I don't think that we're gonna get more serious.

- [Tyler] Let's go put another prawn on the barbie.

[fast-paced music]

- [Barry] Oh, there's the airport right there.

- [Fran] Departures, we need.

- It's not down there, is it? - Nope, it's left.

[dramatic music]

- [Monica] Park and departure parking.

Okay babe, let's go.

- [Joseph] We need tickets.

I'm trying to find the quickest route to Perth, Australia.

- [Attendant] Emirates Airlines, Muscat to Dubai.

The only flight to Perth at all.

- She told us about a flight to the Dubai at :

and it connects straight from Dubai to Perth, Australia.

- [Joseph] Fran and Barry are here.

- [Monica] Hey, what up? [chuckles]

[fast-paced music]

- [Ray] That's Seeb International Airport.

- [Yolanda] Yeah, man.

Come on, let's go.

- [Joseph] Here comes Ray and Yolanda.

[dramatic music]

- [Jeremy] Seeb International to the right.

- [Eric] Let's go.

- There's your tickets. - Thank you.

- Good luck, guys. - See y'all there.

- [Eric] I don't suppose you'll tell us

what flight you're on.

- [Joseph] We'll let y'all figure that out, it's not hard.

- [Eric] Awesome.

- [Joseph] They're just now getting here.

The hippies aren't gonna be able to make it.

[pulsing music]

- [Tyler] We've seen a lot of hitchhikers in this country.

And since we're about to leave, we wanna pick one up.

Excuse me, we go to Muscat, airport.

- [Hitchhiker] I go to Muscat.

- Do you want to come? - Come on in.

- Do you speak English?

- Yeah, I speak little. - A little.

- [Tyler] Great, let's go.

- What is your name? - My name is Abdul Hamid.

- Abdul Hamid.

- Yeah, I am Bedouin.

- Bedouin. - I'm from the desert.

- [Jeremy] You're from the desert?

- I am from New Jersey.

[energetic music]

- [Fran] We're getting the tickets to Perth.

- Emirates Airline. - Thank you very much.

- [Barry] Okay, let's roll.

- [Yolanda] I'm trying to find the quickest flight

into Perth, Australia.

- Jeremy, tell them what we need.

- [Jeremy] We need to get to Australia ASAP.

- [Yolanda] Thank you. Have a great night.

- [Jeremy] Thank you. You're the best.

We're doing good.

We got the same tickets as everyone else.

Now it's down to the wire.

- It looks like the hippies won't be able to get on it.

[pulsing music]

- [Tyler] We're gonna have to stop at a gas station.

Saved by the bell, we had both tanks on empty.

A couple Snickers bars?

Oh, thank you.

[speaking in Arabic]

Oh man.

Snickers bars for everybody.

- Our friend, Abdul Hamid, he is a Bedouin.

And Tyler and I are like American Bedouins.

And somehow he understands that,

and he is hooking us up

with mango juice, gas, and candy bars.

- Thank you for the candy.

- Welcome.

See you my friend.

- Yes. - See you again.

- Oh, Bedouin.

- Can I get some of this Bedouin loving?

All right.

- [Tyler] Oh, that was pretty awesome.

Man, that guy rocked my world.

- [BJ] Let's just get to the airport.

It's time to get serious.

[dramatic music]

- Up here, Barry.

- [Jeremy] The flight leaves in like minutes,

so hopefully the hippies don't make it.

[tense music]

- [BJ] We've gotta hurry up.

- [Tyler] All right, let's go.

- [BJ] Hello. We're desperately trying to go to Perth.

- You come with me. - All right.

We kind of in a rush.

- Hello. We're going to Perth, Australia.

- [Attendant] One moment, sir.

- [BJ] Oh no.

Hurry up, man; we need to make it onto this flight

that's boarding right now.

[tense music]

- It looks like the hippies

probably won't make it on the plane.

In fact, we're sure of it.

Team Mojo says no.

So I guess altogether, we're having a big N-O.

[tense music]

- [Tyler] This could be it for us.

- [BJ] We're in a big hurry.

- [Tyler] Oh my God, I'm not ready to leave this race.

It's so important.

- [BJ] Can we get the tickets?

[tense music]

- [Attendant] Yes.

You're gonna have to run

because there is really very little time.

- I think the other teams are gonna be a little upset

if they see us strolling onto the same flight they're on.

- Let's go. - Hold that plane.

- [BJ] Ttow. Yeah!

- [Tyler] We're the masters of sneaking on flights.

[speaking in Arabic]

- [BJ] The other teams are gonna be a little pissed.

[dramatic music]

The other teams are gonna be a little pissed.

[speaking in Arabic]

Time to rub it in their faces.

- [Tyler] You guys going to Dubai?

- Ttow.

- [Ray] Everybody looks like they saw a ghost

when they saw the hippies.


- [Barry] Hey, you guys, you made it, cool.

- Thanks for your help this morning.

- [Monica] How annoying.

- [Tyler] What's up fraternizers?

- [Contestant] Surprise, surprise; hippies are on.

- [Tyler] We're still in the race.

- [Joseph] I hate the hippies.

- [Monica] Especially when they tell people

they want to yield them.

- [Tyler] This is time for us to beg for money.

- [Joseph] Those lucky bastards.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] All teams are now traveling over , miles

to Perth, Australia.

Once there, they must taxi to Kings Park

and search for the State w*r Memorial,

where they'll find their next clue.

[dramatic music]

- Let's roll. - Taxi.

- Do you know Kings Park? - Kings Pack, yep.

- [Monica] Come on.

- Sir, we're in a tremendous hurry.

- We need a fast taxi. - Fast, fast.

- [Jeremy] Let's boogie.

- [Yolanda] Taxis are down this way?

- [Ray] Kings Park, fast as you can.

- [BJ] We trying to take a taxi to Kings Park.

- Let's go. - Let's go.

- Taxi. - Kings Park w*r Memorial.

- As fast as you can. - Fast as you can.

- We're the last ones. - We're behind.

- [Joseph] There is Eric and Jeremy.

- [Monica] Eric and Jeremy are right behind us.

- All right.

We've gotta drive a little bit faster.

People are catching us.

- Don't let that taxi beat you.

- [Eric] Joseph looked so pissed.

- He's like, "Let's go." - "Screw you."

- Get behind them. Go, go, go.

- What is that stench?

Oh, I think it's 'cause Eric and Jerry came by.

[Joseph laughs]

Stinky boys; stinky.

- We've gotta catch those cabs.

Ray and I really have to worry about internal business.

If we can just keep our verbal clutter to a minimum.

- We can win this leg.

- We made over $ U.S. in one plane flight.


- Every light.

- Every single red light. - Every light.

[dramatic music]

- We'll be back in a minute. - Just wait up there.

- There it is, there it is.


Come on, come on, come on.

- "Travel by ferry to Rottnest Island."

- [Phil] Teams must now make their way

to the port city of Fremantle

and find this ferry station.

Then they'll have to board a ferry to Rottnest Island,

one of Western Australia's most popular vacation spots.

- [Eric] We have to go on ferry to Rottnest Island.

- [Driver] Probably we can try this one.

Fremantle is to an hour.

- [Eric] Let's go.

- [Joseph] Oh, there it is, there it is; stop.

[both chuckle]

- Woo-hoo.

- [Joseph] Come on, babe.

- Oh, cool.

"Travel by ferry."

You take us? - Yeah.

- Okay. - Okay, okay.

[dramatic music]

- [Ray] Just wait right here for one second.

- [Both] "Rottnest Island."

- [Yolanda] Do you know how we take the ferry?

- [Driver] You're going to Fremantle.

It's about an hour and a half.

- [Yolanda] Ooh. That's expensive.

We can't afford this.

[dramatic music]

- This is beautiful.

"Travel by ferry to Rottnest Island."

Let's go. We're just going to Fremantle.

- [Driver] It'll take you about to minutes

unless you charter a bus.

- [Tyler] Oh, there's a bus? There we go.

- We just found out that we're gonna take a bus from Perth

into Fremantle's ferry station.

Our driver is excellent.

We're getting all the good information from him.

[dramatic music]

- [Barry] Be right back.

- "To Rottnest Island."

So our only hope is that

they all didn't catch an earlier ferry.

[dramatic music] [birds cawing]

- [Driver] That's it there.

- Thanks brother. - No worries.

- Oh, that's Mojo. - That's Mojo.

- [Joseph] Right here, right here.

Hey guys. - Hey.

- [Joseph] : AM departs.

- [Monica] This is really ridiculous.

Where's the closest hotel?

- [Driver] There is a backpacker hotel.

- Is it like a hostel? - Yeah, yeah, a hostel.

- [Barry] There it is.

There's a whole group of people over there.

- Is that Fran and Barry? - Yeah.

- [Monica] It doesn't leave till : in the morning.

- [Joseph] There's a hostel around here.

- Let's go. - We're missing two teams.

The hippies, and Ray and Yolanda.

[dramatic music]

- [Yolanda] So now we go to the bus; .

- [Tyler] What's up, ladies.

Have you seen any other teams

since when you were running around here?

- [Ray] I didn't see them.

- [Tyler] Cool, maybe we'll be the only ones.

- [Ray] They probably got a cab.

- This is awesome. - Backpackers, hostel.

- [Eric] We got a room in the bat cave.

- [Jeremy] Nice. I got bottom.

- [Joseph] Sweet.

- [Barry] Pleasure dome; we're in the pleasure dome.

- What does that mean? - I don't know.

- [Fran] Do we have other people in here?

- [Barry] I guess so.

- [Fran] [chuckles] Oh.

- [Barry] This race has ruined our sex life.

I'll tell you that.

- [Fran] That's for damn sure.

[dramatic music]

- [Ray] Rottnest Express, :.

- [Yolanda] We need to get a hotel room.

[energetic music]

[ferry horn bellows]

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] All teams are now traveling miles by ferry

to Rottnest Island.

Once there they'll pick up a tandem bike from this bike shop

and ride three miles to this lighthouse.

It's here that teams will find their next clue.

[ferry horn bellows]

- Let's go. - Come on.

- [Eric] We're here for tandem bikes.

- [Jeremy] Eric, just grab one.

- Ready? - Get this show on the road.

Start looking. - What's up?

- [Monica] Okay babe; let's go.

- Tyler, everyone's beating us.

- [Tyler] Go, go; let's ride.

- [BJ] We'll just follow the other teams.

- [Barry] Okay, let's roll.

- [Fran] Should we follow the group?

- Okay. - Coming through.

- [Ray] We've gotta hurry up.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] Oh, that's a hill.

You pedaling? - Yeah.

- The Tour de France must suck.

There's a lighthouse straight ahead. See it?

- [Jeremy] Yeah.

[dramatic music]

- Oh! - What?

- It's tough. - It's easy back here.

- My thighs are k*lling me.

- [Monica] You're doing good.

[dramatic music]

- Push hard, push hard, push hard.

- [Tyler] I'm pushing.

[dramatic music]

- [Fran] The bikes are our element.

We could probably out bike all the other teams.

We're into biking long distance.

- years ago I thought we were really fit,

but I think we're much fitter and stronger today.

We're good.

[dramatic music]

- Maybe you should get in front.

- [Ray] Yeah.

- [Yolanda] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Okay, I'm braking.

Here, you get in front.

We look like bumbling idiots.

- [Ray] It's okay, we'll catch up to the pack

and beat them one by one.

- [Yolanda] Oh yeah, it feels easier for me to be back here.

Good job, baby.

[dramatic music]

- Big hill. - Let's push, though.

- [Jeremy] Oh, crikey.


- In this detour teams have to choose between sand or sea.

In sand, teams choose a pile of large branches.

Then they must drag the branches yards

to a marked sand dune.

This task, known as brushing the beach,

is commonly done in Australia to prevent beach erosion.

Once their pile is completed,

teams will receive their next clue.

In sea, teams must dive beneath the waves

and search through crayfish traps

lying on the ocean floor.

Only a few traps contain live crayfish,

and each team member must retrieve one.

Once team members return two crayfish,

they'll receive their clue.

In both detours teams must first ride their bikes

to a beach area called Salmon Bay.

- We'll do sea?

- [Monica] Don't stop. [Joseph groans]

- All right, babe; go.

- "Sand or sea."

- [Joseph] What are you guys doing?

- [Eric] We're doing sea, it'll be faster.

- Guys, we'll see you there, huh?

- [Monica] I think we should do the swimming.

- [Joseph] Let's roll.

- [BJ] The frat guys are up there.

- Nerds!

- [BJ] Here come Monica and Joseph.

- [Joseph] I hate the hippies.

- [BJ] When yield season comes along,

they're the hunted.

- [Joseph] The hippies are the best followers ever.

- [Monica] They're sleazeballs.

- [Tyler] Let's do sand.

Hey, Barry and Fran.

- [BJ] Hey, be careful going down this hill.

- We have no choice, we're doing sand.

I can't dive.

Yo and Ray are here.

- [Yolanda] Fran and Barry dusted us.

- [Barry] We need room. Thank you.

- [Yolanda] They may look old, but they're good.

- "Detour: sand or sea."

- Sand. - Salmon bay.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] This is the only Salmon Bay, right?

- Yeah. Nice pedaling, bro.

The hippies.

What's up, flower children?

- [BJ] Hey, what's up.

- This place is beautiful. - Yee-haw.

- [Eric] Sea.

- [Jeremy] Let's just find these things.

- [Eric] "You may wear the swimwear

"and snorkel gear provided."

Cool. If you guys wanna see some ass.

[dramatic music]

- [Tyler] We gotta move fast.


Let's do this, let's just start doing it.

Number two looks good, right?

- [BJ] Yeah. Let's just book through.

- [Tyler] yards. Let's go, man.

Go BJ!

[tense music]

- Will you open this?

- [Monica] Hold on babe.

I'm trying to figure out where we're going.

Just stop for a second.

- Let me get to the top of this hill.

- [Monica] No, I think we're going the wrong way.

Damn it.

- Hey. - Pay attention.

- I am paying attention. Don't gripe.

- [Monica] That was a right, right there.

Salmon Bay, right here.

- [Joseph] Sorry.

- [Monica] That's why I want you to pay attention.

- I am paying attention!

I'm drinking water, I can't stop.

- [Monica] Don't freak out, please.

- I'm trying not to, but do not bitch at me.

[flowing music]

- [Eric] Jer, Let's go.

We were in our amazing Speedos.

If there were chicks, we'd be hooking up with them.

Let's go, Jer.

It's cold.

Wait for the shriveling.

[bright music]

- Get it? - No.

- [Jeremy] I don't see anything.

[dramatic music]

- I'm stopping. - Okay, stop.

- [Fran] Two other bikes are here.

Two other teams.

- [BJ] Hand them to me and I'll put them up.

- [Tyler] Wow, this is tough.

- [Barry] Sand to the right.

Let's pick a pile.

- [Tyler] Fran and Barry are here.

- Oh. - Hurry up man.

- [Barry] One in one hand, one in the other.

- [Fran] Ugh. It's so hard.

- [Barry] Way to go, babe.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] There's one.

- Awesome. - We got one more left.

- [Barry] Ah, good, good, good.

Go back, I'll load.

- Ttow. - Good job, Fran.

- Go BJ. - Ttow.

- All right, good work. - Yeah, dude.

[dramatic music]

- Did you get it? There's on in there?

- Yeah. - Go get it.

[dramatic music]

- You get it? - Yeah, let's go, let's go.

- I got it. - Hurry up.

- Let's go.

This is a Baywatch moment.

How you doing? - Yeah, you got my lunch, hey.

- We did. - Yeah.

- Congratulations. In the bucket.

- There you go. - Thank you.

- [Joseph] Don't you guys look cute.

- [Monica] We got freaking lost.

- Make your way to Fremantle Prison.

- [Phil] Teams must now make their way back to the mainland

and find this place, Fremantle Prison.

Built in the s by convict labor,

the prison was shut down in .

Still existing underneath the prison is a network of tunnels

used to supply Fremantle with fresh water.

It's here that teams will find their next clue.

- [Jeremy] Yeah!

- [Joseph] Grab boots and gloves.

- [Monica] Let's rock and roll.

- [Tyler] Come on buddy.

- [Barry] Okay, good. good, good.

- [BJ] Tyler, come on; faster, faster.

- [Barry] Okay, babe. We're having fun.

- Why is the hippie doing that?

Look at that.

I thought those guys went to Harvard and Stanford.

They're over there doing manual labor.

- [Eric] Back to the bike shop.

- [Monica] Woo-hoo, look at you.

- All right, let's roll. - Let's go.

- [Tyler] You are so strong; you're doing great.

- Ttow. - Yeah, dude.

- [Judge] Okay, that's good.

- Here we are then.

- Nice. - Let's open this bad boy.

- "Make your way to Fremantle Prison."

Joseph and Monica, they're going down.

We don't like them.

Back the way we came.

[dramatic music]

- Monica, here's one.

Are we only supposed to get one or two?

- [Monica] I'm pretty sure it said get one.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] Okay, let's go.

[dramatic music]

- [Ray] We gotta hurry up and get this over with.

- [Barry] That's it babe. Just a few more to go.

- [Yolanda] This hurts. It's heavy.

Hold on, Ray. - We gotta hurry up, man.

- You okay, babe? - Yeah.

[dramatic music]

- Hey, how you doing? - Good, how are you?

- You bought me my lunch? - Yes.

- Um, it's only half of my lunch.

- You need two? - I knew it.

- [Joseph] We've got the crappiest luck.

- [Monica] Oh, that sucked.

[dramatic music]

- [Yolanda] It's between us, and Fran and Barry.

- This is it. - This is it.

Just about there.

Give me that one.

Good job, girl. That's good.

You are an awesome woman.

- Good job.

- Thank you very much.

- "Make your way to Fremantle Prison."

- Let's go. - Okay.

- This was fun. - Good job, babe.

- [Fran] There's Mojo.

- [Barry] Hurry, hurry.

Off for a bike ride.

[dramatic music]

- Over there, Mo. - I don't see it in there.

- It's in there. - Where?

- [Joseph] Grab the cage and find it.

[dramatic music]

[Monica gasping]

You gotta do this.

- [Monica] I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared.

The lobster freaked out on me.

- Come on, Monica. - I'm scared of him.

- [Joseph] Come on Monica, it's okay.

- [Monica] I have every right to be scared of him.

- [Joseph] Geez, don't get upset.

- [Monica] I can't do this.

- [Joseph] This is driving me insane.

[tense music]

- You gotta do this. - I'm sorry.

- [Joseph] Don't give up.

- [Monica] I absolutely hate this.

- [Joseph] We can do this, man; we're still in this.

Come on, Monica.

Just dive down, don't even think about it.

[dramatic music]

[triumphant music]

Good job, babe.

Come on, baby; it's all right.

- Is this your full lunch? - Okay.

- "Fremantle Prison."

- Okay, let's change.

- [Ray] This is crazy.

- [Yolanda] Come on, baby.

- [Ray] This is like a shoulder workout at the gym.

Whew. - Keep pushing.

- [Monica] We can't make mistakes like that.

- [Joseph] We are the kings of

not reading the clues right and stuff.

- [Monica] Okay, babe; let's go.

- [Joseph] All right. Ready?

- [Monica] Did Ray and Yolanda get out of there?

- [Joseph] No, they're still down there.

[tense music]

- [Yolanda] That was hard work, huh, babe?

- [Ray] Yeah.

[Yolanda groans]

[Ray groans]

- Great job. - Thank you.

[energetic music]

- "Make you wait to the Fremantle Prison,"

We gotta hurry up.

- [Yolanda] Hurry up, we gotta whip this sucker around.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] Bike shop?

- This is it. - Hurry up.

- [Eric] Do you guys know where Fremantle Prison is?

- [Islander] Board the ferry straight up.

- [Eric] Let's just get on the ferry.

[ferry horn bellows]

Are you leaving soon?

- [Captain] We're leaving right now.

- [Eric] Yeah, boy.

- That's what I'm talking about, dude.

[dramatic music]

- [BJ] Woo. Ferry.

Wait for us.

- [Islander] This one's going to Hillarys.

- Not Fremantle? - No, the Fremantle is gone.

- [Tyler] You see two guys run onto that one?

- [Islander] Yep, they caught it.

- It might be a good idea to take this ferry to Hillarys,

and then taxi down.

- You'd get there half an hour quicker.

- If we take this one? - Yeah.

- Aye, Aye, Captain.

We're gonna have a good half hour lead

in front of all the other teams except for the frat boys.

- Those frat boys!

[dramatic music]

- [Fran] We gotta catch the ferry back to Fremantle.

We'll go to the visitors center

and try to find the Fremantle Prison.

[rock music]

- [Barry] We're looking for the Fremantle Prison.

Is there any way you can call a taxi for us?

- [Fran] We wanted to have a taxi waiting

before we get off the ferry.

[dramatic music]

- All right. Let's roll. - Hurry.

- Thanks, man. - No worries, bro.

- [Monica] Come on. Let's just get back to the ferry.

[dramatic music]

- [Barry] Okay. Let's roll.

We're in good shape.

We have a taxi waiting.

- Woo-hoo!

- We're turning. - Right here, baby.

Just put it there.

Come on, let's go.

- [Ray] We need to jog to the ferry.

[dramatic music] [ferry horn bellows]

- [Joseph] Oh, there's Yolanda and Ray.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] Let's go.

Here's where we are and here's the prison right there.

- We'll hoof it. - Let's go.

[dramatic music]

- [BJ] All right, thanks man.

- See you later, bro. - Check you later.


- [Tyler] Do you know where the prison is, in Fremantle?

- Yeah, I know. - Great.

The quicker, the better, man.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] Excuse me, do you mind

if I borrow your cell phone?

- Yeah. - All right, cool.

Could I have a taxi pick us up?

We're getting dropped off on the ferry.

We're going to the Fremantle Prison.


Sweet. - Did you get ahold of them?

- Yeah. - Thank you.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] You know where the prison is from here?

- Keep going up this street. - Gotcha.

- Thank you very much. - Thanks, bro.

[dramatic music]

- There it is. - Crikey.


"Roadblock: who's ready for a great escape?"

- A roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this roadblock, that person has to search

for one of several cells within division four,

containing Duracell Coppertop batteries and a flashlight.

They must then scour the prison grounds for this door,

which will admit them into a darkened cavern.

Once inside, they must descend deep into the ground

where they will search a set of wet or dry tunnels

in order to find their next clue.

- I guess I'm escaping.

"Search for a Duracell flashlight

"in the cells of number four division."

- [Eric] Oh, this is entertaining.

- Are there like big numbers that I'm missing?

- It's gotta be in the cell blocks.

- [Jeremy] Dang.

[mysterious music]


Now I'm onto something.

Number four division.

- I'm looking for batteries right now,

which aren't in this room.

- Apparently it's a great thing we have a lead

because my partner is lost in the catacombs of the prison.

- [Jeremy] Oh, finally.

- [Eric] Yeah. You found it?

- [Jeremy] Yeah, but I'm looking for the tunnel system now.

Maybe it's in that little hut or something.

- [Eric] Jeremy, I don't know.

- That's an outhouse.

- I don't know what the heck he's doing.

- [Jeremy] Come on, man.

This is is ridiculous. This is stupid.


Where's the tunnel?


[tense music]

- This lights are boning us big time.

All right.

Green light. No?

We're gonna lose a lot of our lead.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] We're having a taxi wait on us there.

- [Barry] Check with your guy 'cause I called one, too.

- Did tell him your name? - Yeah.

- We're just hopping in the first one.

I'm not gonna lie.

We're just getting in the first one we see.

[tense music]

- Hi, hi. - Taxi.

- Taxi. - Taxi for Fran and Barry?

- Joseph. - Joseph. Come on.

- Taxi for Fran and Barry. - For Fran and Barry.

- Who are you here for? - Joseph?

- Yes. Joseph, come on, come on.

- [Barry] Joseph, okay.

- Let's go. - Fremantle Prison, quick.

- He said our name, so they can't say we stole their cab.

- [Barry] Taxi for Fran and Barry?

- [Fran] Fran and Barry, taxi?

- [Barry] He didn't show, he didn't show.

- [Ray] Taxi.

I don't see nothing down there.

- Let's go. - Let's run over there.

We can book it. Let's just go.

[dramatic music]

- [Barry] No taxis.

- [Fran] There's one up there.

- [Barry] Taxi.

- [Fran] Taxi.

- [Barry] No one's in the taxi.

Oh God.

- [Fran] This is ridiculous.

- [Barry] We went from good to bad to worse.

- Son of a bitch. - Can't get a taxi.

- [Fran] We're last right now.

[tense music]

We're in last place.

- [Barry] Taxi, taxi.

- [Fran] Ugh. Have you ever seen a town without taxis?

- [Barry] Oh God.

- [Fran] Watch it, a bus is coming.

- [Barry] Can you take us to the Fremantle Prison?

- Yes. - Okay, we're getting on.

We gotta get to the prison right away.

All right, we're doing the best we can do.

The taxi didn't come. - That's all we can do.

[dramatic music]

- [Jeremy] Oh my gosh.

Nothing. I looked in every door there.

- [Eric] Just try and open them.

There's gotta be a start to it.

- I can't get in these doors; watch.

Not even a keyhole, bro.

- [Eric] Well, check them.

I mean, where are you gonna look?

You're gonna just walk around?

- [Jeremy] I'm a little bit surprised

that the other teams aren't here yet.

[dramatic music]

- [Monica] Fremantle Prison.

- [Joseph] We'll be back in one second, okay, sir.

- [Driver] Yes, no problem.

- [Monica] Go.

- Jeremy, did you find it yet?

- [Jeremy] Still nothing.

Still nothing.

- [Joseph] What's up?

- [Eric] Hi guys.

- [Monica] "Roadblock."

- [Joseph] "Who's ready for a great escape." I'll do it.

- [Monica] Just read your clue over and over.

Have you guys been here forever?

- Yeah, we've been here for an hour.

- What happened to the hippies?

- I don't know.

[fast-paced music]

- This is the prison? - Yeah.

- [BJ] Let's go, man.

Well, that sucked.

The Mojos passed us.

- "Roadblock: who's ready for a great escape?

- You are.

Search fast.

[dramatic music]

- [Jeremy] Where's the tunnel entrance.

Hello? I'm gonna k*ll someone.

Who put this tunnel here?

You know how long I've been running around.

- Follow me this way. - Okay.

- Keep this on at all times.

Door open, go.

When you turn to your right, those are dry tunnels.

To your left will be the boats.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Guide] Watch your fingers on this side of the boat.

You're all right to go? - Yep.

- Okay, you're on your way.

- [Jeremy] Yeah. I'm looking for the clue.

Let's just go this way.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] Number four division.

It's gotta be number four.

- [Tyler] Number four division.

Is this number division four?

- [Joseph] I don't know, man.

- You're not sure? - I'm not sure.

- We can work together and try and find out.

- [Joseph] Dude, I'm not sure.

I'm really not.

Here we go.

All right, let's roll.

[dramatic music]

- [Tyler] Is this all number four division?

- Man, I really don't know, dude.

Gotta find the tunnel system.

- [Tyler] Yes.

First I have to put batteries in it.

Come on, the tunnel.

[dramatic music]

- [Jeremy] Oh, come on.

I'm having problems here.

[energetic music]

- It's right there. - Go baby, hurry.

- [Eric] Here's Ray and Yolanda.

- "Who's ready for a great escape."

I'll do it. Number four?

- [Fran] Fremantle Prison.

Hurry, hurry.

It's a roadblock.

- [Both] "Who's ready for a great escape."

- You are. - Oh, Barry.

- You're ready, you're good. - I'm scared.

- No, you're good at it. - All right.

- [Barry] All right, baby.

[tense music]

- [Jeremy] Hey guys, I think I went the wrong way.

Or did I take the whole tour?

- [Guide] If you turn to your right there's the dry tunnels.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

I'll try this again.

[dramatic music]


What luck was that, that I just found this?

Let's continue our journey onward.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] Geez.

- [Guide] Welcome to the hidden tunnels.

This way. - Hi.

- Hey, bro, did you run around forever?

- Not too long.

- Where do I go if I go down there?

- [Jeremy] Just take the canoe.

Good luck, man.

- Okay, sit down. - Okay.

- You all right to go? - Yep.

Here we go, here we go.

[dramatic music]

- You find it. - Yeah.

- [Eric] Nice work.

- [Jeremy] It's gonna take the other teams forever, dude.

- That's good. - Peace out.

- "Make your way to next pit stop."

- [Phil] Teams must now travel a mile and a half

through the city of Fremantle and find this place,

the South Breakwater at the Fremantle Sailing Club.

This outcropping next to the Indian Ocean

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] Taxi.

- That's Mojos. - Let's just steal theirs.

- [Eric] They have stuff in it, they haven't paid it either.

Do you know where the Fremantle Sailing Club is?

- You can walk there. - We can walk?

- Yeah, it's just down there. - Thank you.

Let's go, let's go.

[tense music]

- [Joseph] Sweet.

I got the clue, baby.

All right.

I finally found it.

[dramatic music]

- [Tyler] Underground tunnels.

Underground tunnels.

- [Yolanda] "Search for a Duracell flashlight."

Ah, thank you.

Okay. Okay.

And gotta find a tunnel.

[energetic music]

- [Fran] Search for a flashlight.

Show me, please.

Here it is.


I need a tunnel.

- Hey Fran. - I can't find the tunnel.

- Be methodical, Fran.

- [Fran] Oh please.

I don't think I could do this.

- Ladies, do you know where the Fremantle Sailing Club is?

You know?

Thanks for ignoring us.

- Crap.

Mojo has a taxi waiting while we're just running around.

[energetic music]

- [Joseph] Thank you. That was no easy task.

- [Monica] Woo-hoo.

Yes. You found it? - Yeah.

- [Monica] God, I love you.

- "Make your way to the next pit stop."

- Come on. Taxi.

- The South Breakwater at Fremantle Sailing Club.

This is life or death.

It took Jeremy an hour.

- I know. I hope we beat them there.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] Taxi. Right there.

- There's somebody in it. - God, we need a taxi.

Joseph was down there.

As soon as he gets up, they got a taxi.

Let's go.

[dramatic music]

- How far from sailing club?

- Two minutes. - Oh.

We've got to get there before the frat boys.

- [Eric] Do you know where the sailing club is?

- Just keep running down here, turn left.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

[dramatic music]

- [Jeremy] We gotta look for Phil.

- Oh crap. - What? Are they there?

- Mojo's here, dude. - Let's go.

- [Eric] Roger.

- [Monica] How do we get out of here?

Hurry, hurry.

- The frat boys are here. - Haul ass.

- Let's go, come on. - Oh my God.

- Go, go; go, run. - Go.

- [Eric] Jeremy start running.

[dramatic music]

- Pick it up, let's go. - Oh my God.

- Go faster. - Come on.

[Monica groans]

- [Joseph] Go, go, go, run.


[triumphant music]

- Welcome to Perth. Australia.

- Do you know how much running I did today, Phil?

- Eric and Jeremy, you are team number one.

- Thank you, Phil. - Dang it.

- Joseph and Monica. - Yes.

- You are team number two.

Don't push them, out.

Come here, Eric, come up here.

Eric and Jeremy, I've got some good news for you.

- Cover your ears Monica.

- As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip for two from Travelocity to Hong Kong.

Staying at the Langham Place hotel,

you're gonna be getting specialty spa treatments

at the Chuan Spa.

- All right, it sounds good.

- I'm sorry to have to say that in front of you.

- Not a second trip, come on, Phil

- I'm sorry about that, Joseph and Monica.

[dramatic music]

- [Tyler] Hey, are you looking for the underground tunnel?

- Yeah. - I think it's up here.

Right here. - I'm right behind you.

- [Tyler] Ttow.

- Ready to go? - Yep, thank you very much.

The heat is on.

- Are you ready to go? - Yeah, I am.

- Go. - Okay.

- See ya. - Okay.

- [Guide] Hey, sit down.

- [Yolanda] I don't know to row.

It's kinda like "The Pirates of the Caribbean."

[dramatic music]

- [Fran] Finally found it, the tunnel.

To the right, it's the dry.

I guess I can do that.

I don't know where I'm going, I guess this'll take me.

[dramatic music]

Okay, where are you, where are you?


[Tyler chuckles]


Thanks, guys.

- [BJ] Yeah, dude.


- [Both] "Fremantle Sailing Club."

- Hurry. - Let's go.

Thank you so much for waiting.

[dramatic music]

- [Barry] Just us.

We always save the best for last.

[dramatic music]

- [Yolanda] I'm a badass bitch.

Come on, baby.

- [Fran] Son of a g*n.

It took a very long time.

[dramatic music]

- [Yolanda] Woo! I got it.

- [Fran] I didn't like it at all.

I hope we're not last.

- [Yolanda] Okay.

Come on, let's go.

"Hurry, the last team to check in may be eliminated."

- [Ray] Taxi.

- [Yolanda] Fremantle Sailing Club, please.

- [Ray] As fast as you can.

- [Fran] Oh God.

- [Barry] Yeah, girl. Way to go.

- [Fran] We're last. I feel badly.

- [Barry] Come on, kiddo.

There's a taxi right there.

Fremantle Sailing Club.

Could you hurry, sir?

[dramatic music]

- [Tyler] South Breakwater?

- Let's just get out here. - Okay, just get out here.

Let's go.

- Thank you. - Thank you, sir.

- Oh, hot dog.

- BJ and Tyler,

you are team number three.

- Yeah, we are.

- Yes.

- Congratulations, man. - Thank you.

- With $ to their name,

you're standing here in third place in Australia.

Very nice.

- Please know where you're going.

Please, please, please.

I feel like I wanna just jump out of my skin,

like jump out of my body.

[tense music]

- [Fran] Oh God.

- [Barry] Oh, come on.

- [Fran] We gotta get to that sailing club.

- This is just awful. [car honks]

- [Fran] I feel nauseous.

- [Yolanda] Okay, let's go, let's go.

Come baby, come.

Can you tell me where the South Breakwater is?

No? sh**t.

- [Ray] Where the hell is this thing at?

[dramatic music]

- [Barry] Fremantle Sailing Club.

- [Both] Thank you.

- We gotta run. - Hurry, hurry.

- [Barry] I'm looking for the South Breakwater.

- Go straight across. - Straight across?

- [Fran] We're hanging on by a thread.

- [Ray] South Beach.

- Baby. - Let's go.

- Come on, sweetie. - I'm very scared.

I don't wanna be eliminated.

[tense music]

[triumphant music]

- Ray and Yolanda,

you're team number four.

- Nothing wrong with that.


- You're happy.

- I'm happy, I had a good time today.

I'm always happy when I have a good time.

- You found love again for each other?

- Yes.

- [Barry] Come on, kiddo.

We did great.

So proud of you.

- I don't wanna cry. - Don't. It's okay.

- [Greeter] Hello.

Welcome to Perth, Australia.

- Thank you very much. - Well done.

- Beautiful, we love it. - Beautiful.

- I'm not gonna cry.

- Come on.

- Fran and Barry, you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you have been eliminated from the race.

- Okay. - I know.

- [Barry] It's okay.

- [Fran] We had a good run.

- It was great.

- You gotta be so proud of your wife

running this race with you.

I know you guys have had

some incredible adventures over the years.

- She's an...

And now I'm gonna cry.

She's an incredible woman

and I couldn't exist without her.

The thing about Fran is that she doesn't know,

still to this day at ,

how unique and how special she really is.

I'm proud of her; she did fabulous.

- [Fran] Having survived breast cancer,

it put a lot of things in perspective.

You just start to live every day the fullest you can.

- [Barry] I couldn't be prouder of us

as a team and as a couple.

- Barry and I see little old people holding hands

and we always say that's gonna be us in years.

And God willing, it will be.

[poignant music]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

On the next episode of "The Amazing Race".

- [Eric] Oh my gosh, they're all over.

- [Phil] Teams wade into crocodile-infested waters.

- [BJ] Oh man, these guys are looking at us,

- The game's getting dirty now.

- [Phil] And the rivalry heats up

between Joseph and Monica and BJ and Tyler.

- God, those guys piss me off.

- When yield season comes along,

Joseph and Monica are gonna be the hunted.

[dramatic music]