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09x10 - Man, They Should Have Used Fake Names

Posted: 05/03/24 12:57
by bunniefuu
- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race".

Five teams set out from the Middle Eastern country of Oman.

- Let's go.

- [Phil] BJ and Tyler left with no money.

- [Both] One team has $.

- [Phil] And were helped by some teams.

- [Tyler] Oh my god.

There is money been left for us.

- [Phil] But not by Joseph and Monica.

- [Monica] The Hippies wanted us to leave money.

- We gave them nothing.

- Joseph and Monica better watch out.

- [Phil] On the plane to Australia,

teams were overconfident.

- Looks like the Hippies

probably won't make it on the plane.

- [Phil] But quickly changed their tune.

- [Tyler] What's up, Fraternizers?

- [Joseph] I hate the Hippes.

- [Phil] Joseph and Monica got lost

and argued on the way to the Detour.

- [Monica] We're going the wrong way.

I want you to pay attention.

- I am paying attention.

- [Monica] Don't freak out.

- Do not bitch at me.

- [Phil] While Fran and Barry encouraged each other.

- [Barry] That's it, babe.

Just a few more to go.

- Doing great. - Way to go, babe.

- This was fun. - You are an awesome woman.

- [Phil] But they, then, fell behind.

- Taxi? - No taxis.

Oh god.

- This is ridiculous. - Can't get a taxi.

- [Phil] At the Roadblock, Fran had trouble navigating.

- [Fran] Oh my god.

I don't know which way to go.

I can't find the tunnel.

- Be methodical, Fran. - I don't think I can do this.

- [Phil] While other teams rose to the task.

- Sweet. - Yeah!

- [Phil] After a tension-filled leg in Oman,

Ray and Yolanda got back on track.

- Good job, baby.


- Yet still narrowly missed elimination.

In the end, Fran and Barry arrived last.

I'm sorry to tell you you have been eliminated

from the race. - I know.

I know. - Hey.

- I know. - Now it's down to the final

four teams.

Who will be eliminated next?

[thrilling music]

[thrilling music continues]

[thrilling music continues]

[thrilling music continues]

[thrilling music continues]

[thrilling music continues]

[upbeat percussive music]

[upbeat percussive music continues]

- This is the city of Perth, Australia.

Though located on the country's remote western coast,

it is a crucial industrial hub

at the edge of the Indian Ocean.

And just south of Perth, where land meets the sea,

the south breakwater at the Fremantle Sailing Club.

This was the ninth Pit Stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

The four teams waiting here

have no idea what's in store for them.

Will the tension between BJ and Tyler

and Joseph and Monica continue?

And after struggling at the back of the pack,

will Ray and Yolanda be able to fight their way

out of last place?

Eric and Jeremy, who were the first to arrive

at : a.m. - Sweet.

- [Phil] Will depart at : p.m.

- Make your way to the Swan Bells.

- [Phil] Teams must now travel miles across town

and find the Swan Bells tower.

This copper and glass structure rises six stories

over the Swan River and houses the church bells

given to the city of Perth by England

to mark the the Australian bicentennial.

At the top of the bell tower,

teams will find their next clue.

- All right, let's roll.

Swan Bells, Swan Bells. - We gotta find a taxi.

- Everybody, I think, is on edge a lot right now.

MoJo and the Hippies are going at it a little bit,

so that made some animosity there, which is pretty fun.

I mean, the goal right now, obviously, is final three.

That's what we're focused on.

Swan Bells.

- Make your way to the Swan Bells.

Let's go. - Let's go.

We're gonna beat these damn Hippies.

It's definitely getting brutal.

I mean, teams are getting mean towards each other.

- We probably wouldn't be

this vindictive outside of the race.

There's a lot at stake.

It's no holds barred.

- Oh my god, it's you guys. - Excuse me.

Do you have a cell phone we could use?

- Thank you. - Thank you very much.

- We need two taxis to the Fremantle Sailing Club.


All right, they're en route.

Thanks, guys.

- Cash.

Make your way to the Swan Bells.

You have $ for this leg of the race.

Let's go.

Let's do it.

- We told Monica and Joseph that we were gonna Yield them

if they didn't leave us any money in Oman,

and they didn't leave us money.

And they say that we're full of deceit and trickery

when we're just playing the race.

We're not trying to trick or deceive any teams.

I mean, we're completely open and honest with them.


- Oh crap, it's the Hippies. - Did you guys find out

where the Swan Bells are? - Yup.

- Did you really? - Nope.

- You guys waiting for a bus here?

- [Joseph] Yup.

Looks like there's something open way down there.

- Taxi. - That's ours.

Taxi for Joseph?


- [Tyler] Would you be able to call two more for us?

- [Monica] We called two, guys.

- Let's get 'em.

We need to go to the Swan Bells.

- [Eric] As fast as you can.

- Hello.

Nice night.

Could we please use your phone to call a taxi?

Thanks, man.

My name is Tyler.

Thanks a lot.


Tatow means circle of the universe.

- [BJ] Tatow's, like, our power word.

Great, that was fast.

To Swan Bells.

- Make your way to the Swan Bells.

Once there, search for the clue.

Swan bells, my love.

We're still Ray and Yolanda enjoying this wonderful game,

but I feel like we're growing and we're learning,

because this is the longest we've ever been together,

and it does take time to understand,

oh, that is a noise he makes when he brushes his teeth.

You know?

[both chuckling]

I think left is our best bet for a taxi.

- [Ray] Yeah.

Oh, there, right there.

He's dropping off.

- How are you? - To Swan Bells.

[tense music]

- [Monica] Swan Bells, this is it.

- [Joseph] This has gotta be it.

I see swans.

- [Monica] It opens at eight.

- [Joseph] : a.m. to : p.m.


- Is there a cheap place to stay around here?

- Cheap place to stay, love?

You can stay at my joint for free.

[Australian man laughing]

That's all right, man, I'm just joking.

No, I'm not, but I saw you.

What's going on?

There are more of 'em? - Yeah.

We have to go in here at : a.m. in the morning.

- : a.m.?

Let's settle up,

and then we'll just hang out here, I imagine.

- Ah, this is it. - Thank you.

We'll see you later. - Thank you.

- What's up, ladies? - It opens at eight.

- Are you serious?

So we've got seven and a half hours to k*ll?

[electronic music]

- [Tyler] So this thing opens at : a.m.?

- In the morning? - Yeah.

I'm gonna grab my pillow and blankie.

- [Yolanda] We can get a couple hours

of sleep outside again. - Ray and Yolanda

are hanging out by themselves, as usual.

Ray's on a short leash.

- My leash is about five feet long.

- You don't have a leash.

I'm not- - Yeah.

She doesn't keep me on a tight leash.

- At all. - I don't let Jeremy

out of the house.

[Monica laughing]

[percussive music]

- [Tyler] Beej.

Eric has been really flirting with Monica.

- [BJ] Yeah.

If we can point that out to Joe and create some friction

between these two pretty teams that have allied together,

then it'd work to our advantage.

- Oh my god.

- I just want Monica to talk dirty to me

from behind that tree. [Monica laughing]

- Tatow, huh? - Tatow.

[thrilling music]

- I'd like to get a taxi for eight o'clock.

There'd be some more people here.

Make sure he waits for Ray Whitty.

I'm a Black male, so.

All right, thank you.

They'll be here at eight.

- I would like to request a taxi for Tyler.

Thank you.

- [Eric] Do you have a phone we can use to call for a taxi?

- Yeah, I need a taxi.


The name is Doug Brubaker.

Thank you.

Bye-bye. - What do you think Tyler

put his under, Tyler?

- Just say Tyler and BJ.

I can't remember what name I put it under.

- Actually, I called for a taxi.

I wanna cancel it.

- Right now, we're canceling the Hippies' taxi.

- [Eric] The name's under Tyler.

Thank you.

- So this will give us a little bit of a jump

on everybody else. - I just wanted to cancel

a taxi.

It was under the name Ray.

:, :.

Thank you.


[all laughing]

Thanks a lot for your help. - Awesome, dude.

- [Eric] Man, they shoulda used their fake names.

That's their fault. - Yeah.

[dramatic music]

- Hey. - Run, Tyler.

- [Tyler] Thanks.

[thrilling music] - Grab it.

Let's do it.

[dramatic music continues]

- May as well.

Fly to the city of Darwin, Australia.

[engine roaring]

- [Phil] Teams must now fly more than miles

to the city of Darwin.

Named after famed naturalist Charles Darwin,

it's the capital of Australia's Northern Territory.

Once here, teams must find marked cars

and drive themselves to this crocodile farm.

Then, they'll need to wade out into a pool of crocodiles

[tense music]

to retrieve their next clue.

[water splashing]

- Crocs. - All right, mate.

- Let's go. - Let's find our taxi.

- Wade through a pool of crocodiles

to retrieve your next clue.

- Fly to the city of Darwin, Australia.

- Wade through a pool of crocodiles

to retrieve your next clue. - Okay.

Oh my god, crocs.

- Taxi. - Do you see one?

Here's one, here's one. - Hello.

We called for a taxi. - Thank you.

- Do you have a name for pickup?

- Under Joseph. - They're trying to steal

my cab.

I'm Joseph.

- That's not Joseph. - Woo-hoo!

- Nah, but we're in this taxi. - No.

Tell them to get out.

I'm Joseph.

I'll show you my ID. - No, no. That's all right.

- Get out, guys.

You kidding me?

Nice one. - Are you joking?

- We gotta go to the airport. - Airport, please, quick.

- [Tyler] Why'd you get out of the taxi, man?

- [BJ] Dude, 'cause Joseph would've just been-

It's not worth it to get- - You're right.

It's not worth a million dollars to piss somebody off.

- Wait.

Half our taxis not here.

Hm, just didn't show.

- We can call again. - Right.

- Where's our cab we called?

Taxi. - People are all in 'em.

- At least our canceling worked.

- Yeah, that was good.

I think we canceled ours in the process.

- Can we use your phone for a second to call a taxi?

Yeah, I ordered a taxi for eight o'clock

and it's not here yet.

It's under Ray Whitty.

All right.

One of them- - Took our taxi?

- One of them bastards canceled it.

- They called and canceled our taxis.

- We don't have a taxi. - We called for one.

- We called for one too. - And it looks like MoJo,

'cause nobody here has a taxi.

They're the only ones that had one.

[Eric whistling]

- All right, sweet.

- [Yolanda] Those b*tches called and canceled our taxis.

- Who, Joe and Monica? - MoJo, yeah.

'Cause we spoke to the person- - Yeah, the guy told me.

- [Monica] He said that all the taxis had been canceled.

- [Tyler] I'm glad we didn't offend Joseph now

by not taking his cab.

- Yeah, really.

- I think this got personal now.

It's a whole new game now.

- [BJ] Taxi.

Thank you so much.

- [Ray] We need to go back

to where we ordered the taxi from.

- [Yolanda] We should've just stayed there then.

I think this is ours.


For Ray?


- [Eric] We gotta find a taxi.

We can't stand here like idiots.

Just walk down a little bit, I guess.

This is crappy.

Taxi, taxi. - Taxi, taxi.

- [Eric] Oh, it's got somebody.

- Here comes another one. - It's got somebody too.

- Damn, they all have people.

How could it be so hard to get a taxi?

Is it always this hard?

- I think it's called karma. - This is

the worst thing ever. - Karma bit us in the ass.

[tense music]

[percussive music]

- [Eric] At least our canceling worked.

- Hey, we need a taxi. - Where can we get one?

- [Driver] Go down to one of the hotels down there.

- [Jeremy] Thanks.

- There we go. - There's a taxi right here.

Grab this guy.

We need to go to the airport. - Yeah.

Thanks, man.

Well, it looks like they found out

that their cabs got canceled. - Yeah.

- They think it's Joseph because nobody had taxis

except for Joseph.

- The game's getting dirty now.

They were asking, "Is this for BJ and Tyler?"

And they got in. - We weren't about to let 'em

get away with that. - Uh-oh.

[both laughing]

God, those guys piss me off.

I hope we get them gone.

[rock music]

- Apparently, Joseph had canceled everyone's cabs.

If Joseph had called, then when Yield season comes along,

Joseph and Monica are gonna be the hunted.

[percussive music] - We'll put MoJo

in the hungry crocodile pool. [Yolanda laughing]

The crocodiles, if they eat Monica, they might choke.

It's like eating a plastic Barbie doll.

- Black people wouldn't be stupid enough

to get into a pool of crocodiles.

Or would they?

'Cause that's what we're about to do.

- For a million dollars, they might.

[both laughing]

[dramatic music]

- Excuse us.

We're looking for the quickest way to get to Darwin.

We don't want anybody else to find out about this.

- What's it worth? - What's it worth?

A million dollars. - No, to me.

- [Monica] Oh.

It's worth a big kiss.

- Yeah, she'll give you a kiss.

[thrilling music]

- Qantas, over here.

Look, there's MoJo.

MoJo, what happened to those other taxis?

- [BJ] You know, there's a rumor going around

that you called and canceled everyone else's cab.

- [Joseph] That sucks.

- Did you do it?

They did it.

- Thank you.

- There's Ray and Yolanda. - Yo, B.

Did it take you guys forever to get a taxi too?

- Yeah. - Yeah, we had to call

another taxi after someone canceled my cab.

- Somebody canceled y'all's cab?

- [Ray] Yeah.

- [Joseph] That's what Jeremy and Eric told you?

Sneaky bastards.

They're telling them that we did it.

- [Eric] Thanks, man.

Up there.

Ray and Yolanda, and the Hippies.

Everybody's here.

- You told everybody that Joseph was the one who canceled-

- I didn't say anything.

I just said we don't have a cab either.

- Everybody lies at this point.

I love it.

- [Tyler] You know, there's a rumor going around

that you and Monica are getting kinda close, huh?

[Eric laughing]

Monica? - That's a dirty rumor.

[tense music]

- : departure from here.

past seven arrival tonight. - That's fine.

We just want that.

- We need tickets to Darwin.

- [BJ] We're on the same plane.

- Good luck, Boarding Gate . - Thank you so much.

- And that'll start boarding at about o'clock.

- We're getting on the earliest flight with Qantas,

and it appears to be the same flight

that everybody else is on, so once again, we're all even.

[engine roaring]

[percussive music]

- Wow.

It's warm, man.

Do you wanna get another map? - We gotta go get a car.

- Visitor information?

- Rather get there first if there's numbers we have to get.

- Pimp daddy. - Sweet.

- [Jeremy] Exit to car park.

Well, there they are.

- [Tyler] All right,

now we can follow these teams to their cars.

Let's get outta here.

- We can just go out this way, can't we?

- We're headed to Crocodylus Park.

- [Joseph] I'm pretty certain

we're going the right direction.

- You just keep going straight.

Crocodylus Park.

See the sign?

- [Joseph] And it's closed.

Ah, we did- - Opened daily, : a.m.

- There it is, Crocodylus Park.

Awesome. - See the sign?

- Yup. - There's the Hipps.

- What's up, guys? - Hippies are here.

- Opens at : a.m.

- There's Ray and Yolanda.

Hey, guys, it's closed. - Duh.

- The bugs are attacking me. - They're attracted to you.

- Just like you are. - Yeah.

- [Tyler] You and Monica are getting kinda close, huh?

- Oh my god. - Dude.

What's going on?

- I'm gonna put some meat around Joseph

so that he gets att*cked by crocodiles,

then my plan will be in full effect.

- Oh yeah? - Yeah.

- [Joseph] God, I can't stand BJ and Tyler.

- [Tyler] Let's go before we get eaten alive by bugs.

- [Joseph] It's like, dude, shut up.

[dramatic music]

[soft music]

[tense music]

- [Tyler] Oh man.

I was joking about it, but now I'm actually scared.

This is croc paradise. - Oh my god.

Look at that one right there.

It's huge.

Hey, little guy.

[water splashing]

- These are breeding pens. - They're even more dangerous.

- [Eric] This is how you practice safe sex.

[Joseph laughing]

- Hope this thing's not too tight like those lederhosen.

- Can you be our guide? - Try not to lift your feet.

Slide along.

- If you step on a crocodile,

it'll turn around and bite you.

- Don't put your hands down near the water.

- Okay. - And no sudden movements.

- No sudden movements. - Hey, guys.

Wild man crocs. - Careful.

- Alrighty, come on, babe.

- It's okay, you got it.

- Everyone cool? - Yeah.

- [Tyler] These guys are looking at us.

Don't mind us, guys.

- [Monica] Oh my god.

Oh my god.

- What's up, crocodileys?

Oh my gosh, they're all over here.

- [Yolanda] It's real slippery.

[tense music] [water splashing]

- Alrighty. Clue. - Yoink.

Do you wanna clue? - See ya, wallets.

I mean, crocodiles.

- Drive yourselves to the town of Batchelor.

- [Phil] Teams must now drive more than miles

to the town of Batchelor.

Once here, they will search for this airfield

where their next clue is waiting.

- Caution, Yield ahead.

- This is the second of only two Yields on the entire race.

At this specific spot,

one team can force any other team to Yield,

that is stop racing for a pre-determined amount of time.

Any team that's being forced to Yield

must turn this hourglass over

and wait for the sand to run out before they continue on.

- Let's go. - Slide your feet.

[water splashing] - It's freaky.

- [Joseph] All right, all right, all right.

- Caution, Yield ahead.

- It's very slick here, watch out.

Okay, grab it.

All right.

- Caution, Yield ahead.

- [Ray] Just walk behind me.

- [Yolanda] I wouldn't walk in his face, babe.


[dramatic music]

- Caution, Yield ahead.

- [Tyler] Let's go.

- [BJ] Tyler, did you find it on the map?

- How you doing, babe?


- Just stay with them. - I think we're headed

the right way.

I hope we are.

- [Ray] And then, I bust another left on Stuart, right?

- [Yolanda] Yeah.

- [BJ] Should we Yield MoJo if we get there before them?

Agreed? Agreed.

[both laughing]

- [Joseph] BJ and Tyler are probably gonna Yield us.

Should I pass? - Yes.

- All right, here we go. - MoJo's passing you

on the left, man.

Should we give it some gas?

- [BJ] They're going over .

- Okay, well, make sure we just-

[Tyler sighing]

Just try and keep up with these guys.

- Mo, here's some signs up here.


Oh my god.

I'm freaking out.

- Batchelor Airfield. [BJ laughing]

Left right here.

Darwin Parachute Club? - Seat belts ready to go.

- This is really, really, really intense.

- [BJ] Ready, ready to jump out, ready to jump out?

- Ready, stop. - Right here, right here.

Get out, get out, get out, get out.

- Come on, Monica. - Hurry, hurry.

Dude, run faster. - Watch out, watch out,

watch out. - Oh my god.

Come on.

- [Monica] How did they beat us to this, Joseph?

- We choose to Yield Monica and Joseph.

- All right, get off so we can flip it.

Come on.

- Start it. - Sorry, guys.

[dramatic music]

- Roadblock.

- A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this Roadblock, that person has to choose a plane,

climb to an altitude of , feet,

and tandem skydive to the ground below.

When they've completed the skydive,

they'll receive their next clue.

- Who's ready to take the fall for their team?

- I'm ready. - It looks like you get

to skydive, bud.

- Bastards.

Why did they beat us to right there?

- [Joseph] 'Cause they stopped.

So don't get so upset, okay?

- That is not fair.

We were here first.

[thrilling music]

- Oh.

MoJo got Yielded by the Hippies.

We have not gotten Yielded.

Sorry, guys. That sucks. - We'll get 'em, guys.

- We have not been Yielded, so we can't Yield anybody.

- [Jeremy] You got it, baby.

- Roadblock.

Who's ready to take a fall for the team?

I am.

- Who's ready to take a fall for the team?

- Me.

- Look where they're parked.

- If you'd just be quiet. - Joseph, I can talk

if I wanna talk. - It's nothing to cry about.

- I'm not crying.

You do not have to be so mean to me.

- You need to act a little more grownup right now.

- I didn't say you had to sit here and cry.

Just leave me alone.

[tense music]

That is not fair.

- Look, this Yield isn't even gonna matter.

In my mind, the worst we're gonna do here is number two.

- Like always.

[tense music]

- God, it's really intense Yielding someone.

If I was Yielded, I would feel just awful.

[Tyler sighing]

- Let's wander. - Let's wander.

Cool. - Have a great time, man.

- All right, guys.

We'll see you soon.


- Tatow, my ass.

[engine roaring]

- [Instructor] Okay, let's jump in.

[thrilling music]

[tense music]

- Have fun.

Hopefully your chute opens, dude.

[Yolanda applauding] - Woo!

Have fun.

[engine roaring] [tense music]

[Monica sniffling]

- You need to cheer up.

Hey, look, look.

Would you please stop?

- I don't wanna cheer up.

I'm doing fine. [Joseph laughing]

If you don't talk to me, I won't cry.

[tense music]

- All right, mate, good luck. - All right.

[BJ screaming]

Oh yeah!


- He is falling through the sky right now.

- [BJ] Whoa!


- [Tyler] Opening.



- Wow.

- This is good stuff, eh? - Amazing.

We've got a while of falling now, huh?

It's a great way to see Australia.



- He's so damn corny.

- [Jeremy] BJ?

I think they both have their unique personalities.

- This is true.

I think all of us here do. - Especially you, Yolanda.

- Me especially.

- [Jeremy] It's a good thing that you're with Ray.

If you were single, you'd be in trouble with me.

- Oh yeah?

[both laughing]

- [BJ] Here I come.

- [Instructor] I'm just gonna sit you down

on the ground there. - Ooh.

- That was pretty cool.

- Drive yourselves to the Litchfield National Park.

- [Phil] Teams must now drive nearly miles

to this national wildlife park

and find the natural anomaly

known as the Magnetic Termite Mounds.

Built by millions of termites,

each mound points toward magnetic north,

away from the harsh rays of the sun.

It is here among the mounds that teams

will find their next clue.

- Let's go.

We'll see you guys. - We'll see you guys later.

- Don't even talk to 'em. - Don't act nice.

- Just saying hey. - If we weren't in this race,

I'd beat you down.

- I made sure that I was not within arm's length.

One of his claws might just involuntarily

swoop at my jugular.

- You getting your mind set for this?

- Yeah, I'm pumped.

- Yeah, I'm pumped.

I'm gonna be a big brat.

Don't talk to me.

- Don't talk to me if you're gonna talk to me like that

is what I was saying. - Well, I can't stand it

when you do that. - Well, when I'm upset

and you're just making me more upset.

You're not doing- - Look, look, go.

Go. - Oh, sweet.

- Let's don't screw it up now. - Who's ready to take a fall

for their team?


[engine thrumming] Bye, baby.

[thrilling music]

- Woo!


- Man. - This is awesome.


[Eric laughing]

- [Instructor] Straight out in front, mate.

Right out in front.

- Search for the Magnetic Termite Mounds.

Yeah, let's go.

[thrilling music]

- All right, Ray.

[thrilling music]

Come on, baby.


That's so sweet.

He's holding you and everything.

- It's not funny.

- Congratulations.

- Search for the Magnetic Termite Mounds.

[thrilling music]

[dramatic music]

- Litchfield National Park.

Certified Termite Mound.

There it is.

So we just search the mounds for the clue.

Wow, this place is huge.

Oh look, there.

Clue box.

Wow, these things are awesome.

- Don't touch 'em.

Termites will eat all the wood in your body.

- [Tyler] My peg leg.

- [Both] Detour.

- Dry or wet?

- A Detour's a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams have to choose

between wet and dry.

In wet, teams must drive six miles to this roadside park.

Once there, teams will hike

and swim a daunting one-mile course down a jungle river

inhabited by large spiders and poisonous plants.

When they complete this treacherous trek,

they will receive their next clue.

In dry, teams must drive six miles to this intersection

and then drive another six miles off-road

until they come to this natural rock formation

known as the Lost City.

Here, teams will choose one of these aboriginal instruments

known as a didgeridoo.

[didgeridoo wailing]

Then, following the sound of music in the air,

teams must locate a nearby aborigine.

The pattern on his didgeridoo must match the pattern

on theirs.

If it does, that person will teach them how to play a note.

Once each team member has successfully played a note

[didgeridoo wailing]

they'll receive their next clue.

- Wet.

If we go to the didgeridoo

and one of us can't play a note, we're in big trouble.

But if we do the wet, it's one mile, and then, we're done.

- [BJ] Well, we can hike a mile faster

than someone can drive-

- Six off-road miles. - Yeah.

Sounds good.

[thrilling music] - Oh my god.

- Ready, set, go.

- Oh my god.

Oh, that was so much fun!


- You can hear Monica screaming all the way up there.

Oh man.

- Oh.

[triumphant music]

Woo! [Monica giggling]

Oh my god, I'm flying.

- We're here. - Woo!

Search for the Magnetic Termite Mounds.


[thrilling music]

- Termite Mounds, meters ahead.

- [Jeremy] All right, let's book it.

- [Eric] Let's search this area for a clue.

Oh there.

- Here, got it? - Yup.

- Good eye, Eric, good eye.

- Dry or wet?


- [Jeremy] It's physical.

We can do it quick. - Let's get on the road.

If we can catch up to the Hippies.

[dramatic music]

- We have to find our next clue.

- Oh, it's down here, down here.

- Dry or wet? - Dry.

- [Yolanda] Dry.

Yeah, I don't even know how to swim.

Drive towards the Lost City.

- I might do the hike in my underwear.

- I don't own underwear.

Orange corduroys gonna have to do the trick.

Buley Rockhole.

Very nice.

- [BJ] Let's get outta here.

Feel that rush of adrenaline going to your head?

That's first place.

Good day.

- [Guide] Here is your safety gear.

You must stay in the riverbed- - All right.

- At all times. - Okay.

Has anyone ever gotten out alive?

You look awesome. - I feel awesome.

[exciting music]

Come on, man, we're in a race.

[bass music]

- [Eric] Right here, it's the Hippies.

- [Jeremy] Let's catch us some Hippies.

- [Eric] Down this way, I think.

You guys seen Hippies?

How you doing?

Come on, tiger.

- Oh my gosh, this feels incredible.

- I'm coming. - Just keep swimming.

- [Monica] To Litchfield Park.

Termite Mounds.

- You wanna go ask the office? - Yeah, why not?

- [Joseph] Excuse me.

- [Monica] Do you know how to get

to the Magnetic Termite Fields?

- [Office Worker] I certainly do.

Get in here about K's

and you find the Magnetic Termite Mounds.

- This way? - That way.

You can't miss it, okay? - Okay, cool.

Can we have this map?

- You can certainly have that map.

- Thank you so much, ma'am.

K's? - Yeah.

And one team's minutes in front of us.

We're just last.

This is probably gonna be it for us.

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

- We're behind everybody else,

and we can jump out ahead again

if we pick our Detour really carefully.

- If you're gonna Yield someone, that's sleazy,

and that's exactly how the Hippies are.

They're sleazeballs.

- [BJ] Careful, it gets deep right here.

It's good when you fall, 'cause you get refreshed each time.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] Hopefully, we can get this done pretty quick.

- [Jeremy] I mean, this is taking him way too long.

- [Eric] This is taking forever.

- [Joseph] Termite Mounds.

Search for your next clue here?

- [Monica] Yeah.

- Here it is.

Dry or wet?

Let's make our way outta here.

Wet sounds tough, babe.

That one's gonna be slow. - Yeah.

- All right, we're doing the instrument.

- The Lost City.

- We're here, the Lost City.

You were in band, right?

- Man, I did it all.

Musically inclined.

[didgeridoos humming]

It's like you're driving forever.

It's probably quicker to, actually, play the instrument,

the time it takes to get here.

There we go.

[didgeridoo humming] - Choose one per team.

Now follow the music.

We have to find him.

[didgeridoos humming] - I think I hear something.

[leaves crunching]

- [Yolanda] See, if ours doesn't match his,

then we have to go somewhere else.

Yeah. It's not the same.

Find someone else.

[didgeridoos humming]

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

- Wow.

See this guy?

Whoa, whoa, get back.

BJ, BJ, BJ, get back.

Big spider right in front of you.

Right in front of you.

[tense music] - Watch for spiderwebs.

Look at that freaking spider, dude.

Right there.

- [Eric] It's only supposed to be one mile.

- [Jeremy] It's taking forever.

I hope those things don't bite.

[didgeridoos humming]

- Do you hear another one? - Yeah.

- [Yolanda] Yeah, right there.

[percussive music]


- [Ray] Yeah.

- [Yolanda] Can you show us how to play too?

[didgeridoo humming]

[didgeridoo buzzing] [Yolanda laughing]

[didgeridoo humming]

[didgeridoo buzzing]

[lips flapping]

[didgeridoo buzzing] [Yolanda laughing]

[didgeridoo humming] Yeah, good, babe.

Awesome. - All right.

[Ray laughing]

- Okay.

Let's see what I can do.

[didgeridoo humming] [didgeridoo spitting]

[Yolanda laughing] - That's good.

- That's funny to me.

[didgeridoo humming]

[didgeridoo buzzing]

[Yolanda laughing] - You're okay.

Very good. - Okay.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- All right.

Drive yourselves to the next Pit Stop.

Lake Bennett Wilderness Resort.

- [Phil] Teams must now travel

through the Australian Outback to Lake Bennett.

This freshwater lake nestled

in the wilds of Australia's tropical bushland

is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here-

[whips cracking]

May be eliminated.

[thrilling music] - Bye, have a good time.

Ray doesn't need a didgeridoo to make those noises.

He does it all the time. [Ray mock laughing]

- That's funny.

[tense music]

- Who's that? - MoJo.

- [Monica] It's Ray and Yolanda.

You have to pull over for the people coming back.

[Monica sighing]


- [Yolanda] Excellent, baby, yes.

We cannot mess up on the way.

[tense music]

[Tyler groaning]

- [Tyler] This is like prolonged t*rture.

Why does it have to be so long?

- [Jeremy] This is taking forever.

- [Eric] You know, I'm a little worried myself.

- [Jeremy] We have to hurry up.

- [Eric] Where are those damn Hippies?

- [Jeremy] Up there.

See 'em? - Yeah.

[thrilling music]

- Right, yeah? - Yeah, to the right.

Go back out the Stuart Highway.

- [Ray] When we were in Perth, we bought a map.

And then, we got a booklet.

It had all of the tourist locations highlighted.

- We know exactly where we're going.

Lake Bennett Wilderness Resort.

The Stuart Highway. - Back to Darwin?

- Yes, back to Darwin.

- That six miles took a little while.

Parking, parking.

[didgeridoos humming]

- You wanna do this one? - Follow the music.

[didgeridoo humming] - Is this the right one?

- [Joseph] Yeah.

[didgeridoo humming]

[didgeridoo thrumming]

[lips flapping]

[lips warbling]

[didgeridoo humming]

- Sounds good, babe. - That's it?

I'm good? - Yeah.

- Her?

- Okay. - Monica.

[lips flapping]

It's more like this. [didgeridoo buzzing]

- Like that? - No, no, no.

Not so much [lips flapping].

[lips buzzing] [didgeridoo wailing]

She's good?

[triumphant music]

Thank you.

- Drive yourselves to the next Pit Stop.

- All right, let's go. - Woo-hoo!

Let's get outta here.

I'm sure it is.

Go back the way we came, and then, we'll hit Stuart Highway.

- We got, like, six miles on this road.

So that we're okay? - I don't know, babe.

I have no idea. - I don't either.

- I think that that was a good Detour to pick.

All we can do is find this and not mess up.

[thrilling music] - Yeah!

Very nice.

Starting to think this bridge wasn't gonna come up.

- [Both] Drive yourselves to the next Pit Stop.

- [Tyler] Pants weight about pounds right now.

[rock music]

- Drive yourselves to the next Pit Stop.

- [Tyler] No way.

You evil Frat Boys.

Go. - Where are we going to?

- Lake Bennett Wilderness.

God, I can't see it here.

- [Eric] Lake Bennett Wilderness Resort.

- Check on the map.

- [Eric] It's not even on here.

[thrilling music]

- What's the name of it again? - It's called Lake Bennett

Wilderness Resort.

This is it right here.

[triumphant music]

[Yolanda laughing]


[whips cracking]


- Welcome to Darwin, Australia.

- Thank you. - Thank you, mate.

- Ray and Yolanda.

You are team number one. - Yeah!

- [Ray] We've done it.

- As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have each won a one-year lease of a Mercedes M-Class

just like the Mercedes you've been driving today.

You both get a year lease on that beautiful, luxurious-

- Oh. - Oh my gosh.

- [Phil] Mercedes, provided by Mercedes-Benz Financial.

- [Yolanda] Oh wow.

- [Phil] And you can enjoy that after the race.

- Will it be on the right side?

- I promise.

It'll be all set up for America.

Great finish, you guys, great finish.

- It took us legs to put it all together.

- Mm-hmm. - Our navigation skills

today were perfect.

[Ray laughing]

- You look happy.

You look really happy. - Yeah, I got a Benz.

- [Yolanda] This is the best his emotion gets.

- That's part of his appeal, you know what I mean?

- [Yolanda] Yeah.

That's definitely why I like him.

[thrilling music]

- [Monica] Only thing is it's six miles on dirt track.

- [Joseph] This is ridiculous.

- We have this map with Lake Bennett Wilderness Resort

on it.

- On the one that that lady gave us.

- Yes.

The road map doesn't have that wilderness resort

listed on the map.

- [Joseph] It looks like the highway.

All right, what am I doing? - You're gonna go towards

Stuart Highway.

- [Joseph] To Stuart Highway.

[thrilling music]

- [BJ] Keep an eye on the Frats behind us.

- I feel like a dead-on sprint with the Hippies.

- [Tyler] Should flag some people down?

- That was an ambulance.

- I flashed him.

- [BJ] It looks like the Frats

are gonna ask those ambulance guys.

- We're lost.

We're looking for Lake Bennett.

- [Driver] You have to go onto the Stuart Highway.

- Onto the Stuart Highway? - Yeah.

- [Tyler] Should we get out, Beej?

- [BJ] Go find out.

- You found out? - Why are you asking them?

- Wait for us.

- [BJ] You might as well just walk.

Don't even run.

Why did you ask them?

Why didn't you ask the ambulance driver?

- [Joseph] Oh my god.

Everybody's in front of us, babe.

- [Monica] Take a right.

[thrilling music]

- [Tyler] Oh my god.

Monica and Joseph are right behind us.

- [BJ] Oh my god.

- We're still in this. - We're in it.

- Right now, we're ahead of the Hippies.

- Yeah, there's someone right behind them.

- It's MoJo. - It is MoJo?

- I think so.

- Oh crap.

- [Tyler] Well, we got Monica and Joseph on our tail.

- Joseph is still very upset.

- [Joseph] I'm flipping 'em off 'cause I hate the Hippies.

- It's intense having that guy breathe down our neck.

[Joseph laughing]

- [Jeremy] Damn, right there.

Stuart Highway.

- [Tyler] Can you move in front of 'em?

- The only thing I can do is stay behind the Frat Boys.

- This is the way you go. - Stuart Highway.

- That means Ray and Yolanda could be ahead of us.

- Yeah. - If Ray and Yolanda

are first, then the last one of these three teams'

gonna be last. - Yeesh.

- Where the hell's Ray and Yolanda?

- [Monica] I don't know.

[dramatic music]

- All right.

Read this sign.

Lake Bennett, meters on right.

- Lake Bennett Wilderness Resort.

meters on right.

- [Monica] There it is.

That's obvious.


- [Joseph] Oh my god, dude.

Are you kidding me?

Son of a bitch.

It's gonna be a mad foot race to the finish.

- Are your shoes on? - Yup.

- [Eric] We're gonna have a foot race.

- Get ready for a foot race, buddy.

- [Monica] I don't know if I can beat the Hippies, Joseph.

- [Joseph] Yes, you can.

Just get out and run as hard as you can, babe.

[dramatic music]

[whips cracking]

- Parking right ahead. - Just park right here.

- Now it gets scary. - Go pass 'em.

Go all the way to the end. - Go, go, go, go.

Park right here. - Parking.

- Let's go. - Go.

- [Tyler] Here we go.

- Monica. - Come on.

Faster, faster.

[dramatic music]

- Let's go. - Come on, babe.

[whips cracking] - BJ.

- [Joseph] Come on, Mo.

Come on, come on, Mo.

- [Tyler] Come on, BJ.

Come on, BJ. - Come on, Mo.


Oh, we got here before you.

You Yielded us.

Good job. - Good day.

Welcome to Darwin, Australia. - Thank you.

- Good on you. - Don't, no.

- Eric and Jeremy, you're team number two.

Joseph and Monica, you're team number three.

[Joseph and Monica panting]

BJ and Tyler. [tense music]

You're the last team to arrive.

[both panting]

I'm pleased to tell you,

however, this is a non-elimination leg,

and you are both still in "The Amazing Race".

Since you are the last team to arrive,

I need to take all your money from you,

and possessions, everything except the clothes on your back.

And you really don't have a lot of clothes left.

And your passports.

This is the second time now you guys

have started with no money and not a lot of clothes.

- At least we have less to lose, Phil.

- You guys have obviously seen what happens

towards the end of the races.

When there's a million dollars waiting for one team,

it's a little different now.

- It's very different.

Joseph and I, we're not playing this game

by playing mind games and starting rumors about people.

They're starting rumors

that Eric and I have something going on.

That's not the way we play the game,

by starting rumors and being nasty.

- We...


- There were no mind games.

- Since BJ and Tyler pissed me and Monica off,

we definitely wanna drive them into the ground.

- [Monica] When they Yielded us,

they just lit our fire that much more today.

- We got everything taken away

except for the clothes on our back.

But now it's like shedding our cocoon

and metamorphosizing into the butterflies

that are going to win this race.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

On the next episode of "The Amazing Race",

teams travel to Thailand

and prepare a feast for the monkeys.

[monkeys screeching] - Hey, hey, hey.

Get away from my thing, you little bastards.

Aw, that's just messed up.

Do I have to fix that now?

- [Phil] And Joseph and Monica break down.

[pots shattering] - Oh my god.

- What happened? - Oh god.

- [Joseph] Don't give up.

Come on.

Dammit. - Oh no.

- [Joseph] My god.

[thrilling music]

[thrilling music continues]

[thrilling music continues]