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09x11 - I Think This Monkey Likes Me

Posted: 05/03/24 12:57
by bunniefuu
- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race",

the final four teams set out from Perth, Australia.

- Let's go.

- [Phil] BJ and Tyler hatched a plan.

- [Tyler] Eric has been really flirting with Monica.

If we can point that out to Joe and create some friction

between these two pretty teams and work to our advantage.

- [Phil] Meanwhile, Eric and Jeremy played a trick.

- I called for a taxi. I want to cancel it.

Under the name Ray.

- Right now, we're canceling the Hippies' taxi.

- Thank you.

[both chuckle]

- [Phil] When teams found out...

- One of them bastards canceled it.

- [Phil] They blamed Joseph and Monica.

- I think this got personal now.

- When Yield season comes along,

Joseph and Monica are gonna be the hunted.

- [Phil] And the plan backfired on Eric and Jeremy.

- How it can be so hard to get a taxi?

Karma bit us in the ass.

- [Phil] Teams raced to the city of Darwin, Australia

and dashed to the yield.

- Oh god!

We choose to yield Monica and Justin.

- [Phil] While other teams took a leap.

[teams cheer]

- Oh yeah!


- [Phil] Joseph and Monica fell behind.

- That is not fair.

- You need to act a little more grownup right now.

- Leave me alone.

- [Phil] At the Detour,

BJ and Tyler and Eric and Jeremy chose a physical task

thinking it would be quick.

- [Eric] It's one mile and then we're done.

- [Phil] But, they soon found out

that was not the case.

- This is taking forever.

- [Phil] Meanwhile, Ray and Yolanda chose

a musical task, finished fast

and were first to the pit stop.

- Team number one.

- Yeah!

- [Phil] Joseph and Monica completed the same task.

- [Joseph] Good job. Let's go! - That was a good

Detour to pick.

- [Phil] And caught up.

- [Joseph] Oh my god.

- [Phil] And suddenly it was a three way race.

- [Monica] Go, go, go, go.

- [Joseph] Just get out and run as hard as you can, babe.

- [Eric] We're gonna have a foot race. Go pass him.

Let's go.

- [Phil] In the end-

- Go! - [Joseph] Come on, babe.

- Come on, faster, faster.

- [Monica] Go!

- [Joseph] Come on, Mo!

- [Tyler] Yes, yes!

- [Phil] BJ and Tyler hit the map last.

- This is a non-elimination leg.

- [Phil] But, avoided elimination.

Four teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

[dramatic racing music]

[dramatic racing music continues]

[dramatic racing music continues]

[dramatic racing music continues]

[dramatic racing music continues]

[tense music]

- [Phil] This is the Australian Outback,

an area so remote that native peoples

have called it "Back of Beyond."

And in the midst of the tropical bushland, Lake Bennet.

This freshwater oasis...

- Was the th pit stop in a race around the world.

- [Tyler] Let's go.

- [Phil] Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

The four teams waiting here have no idea

what's in store for them.

Can Ray and Yolanda continue their success

after winning a leg for the first time

and will the rivalry between Joseph and Monica

and BJ and Tyler affect their ability to focus on the race?

Ray and Yolanda, who were the first team

to arrive at : PM.

- Yeah!

- [Phil] Will depart at : AM.

[paper tears]

- Fly to Bangkok, Thailand.

- [Phil] Teams must now fly nearly , miles

to Bangkok, Thailand.

[exotic music]

When they land, teams will take a taxi

to the Mo Chit Bus Terminal,

then ride a bus nearly miles to the city of Lopburi

and find the Three Spire Pagoda.

This Buddhist temple is now home to hundreds of monkeys

that are considered sacred.

Here, teams will find their next clue.

- We're going to a pagoda.

[both chuckle]

- But this stuff on BJ's car.

BJ has no pants, so I opted to give him

my other pair of pants.

- Early in the race, we kind of played the back of the pack.

Now, there's only four teams so somebody has to go home,

so it's game time.

- [Yolanda] We have to bring in our mental skills

as well as our physical ability

and that's the only way to win.

Okay, Darwin Airport.

- Fly to Bangkok, Thailand.

- Okay. - Yeah.

Three teams have $ for this leg of the race.

One team has zero dollars and no pants.

- [Eric] Do you have shoes for Hippies?

- [Jeremy] Yeah.

She gave him the purple pants.

I don't think the sandals will help him beat us any better.

So the nice thing to do, just because he's a person.

- [Eric] We're gonna do the same thing we've been doing.

We're just gonna have as much fun

as possible and try and win.

We just go out and compete.

I think the other team is probably more worried about us

than we are about them.

That's awesome, Thailand.

[paper tears]

- Fly to Bangkok, Thailand.

One team has zero! - Zero

and no pants.

- And they yielded us, ha ha!

- [Joseph] You go to Thailand.

[both laugh]

There's a tension between Monica and I and the Hippies.

We knew that they were gonna yield us and we figured

out it was a personal thing.

We definitely wanna drive them into the ground.

- [Tyler] They stuck their sandals up there.

- [BJ] Are you kidding?

- [Monica] Let's go.

We're not about to help the Hippies out.

They're trying to play mind games because they know

that we can beat 'em in the race.

We're not gonna take it.

- [Joseph] Look, Eric and Jeremy are right in front of us.

Let's see if we can pass 'em.

- [Eric] MoJo's already passing us.

- Yeah. - See ya' at the airport, man.

- [Monica] Oh, sweet.

[Joseph laughs]

- Fly to Bangkok, Thailand!

- One team has zero dollars and no pants and no shoes.

- [BJ] All right, let's go.

- [BJ] Do you wanna see if they have clothes

from the lost and found?

- [Tyler] Yeah.

- Oh, thank you!

Oh, my beloved purple pants from Yolanda.

Great, we got pants, shoes.

I am glad that we now have some sandals because,

if we didn't, I don't think we'd be allowed

to board a plane.

- BJ and lose our money and lose our stuff.

It powers us up.

We've proven that we can keep bouncing back

and keep getting back into the front of the pack.

- Monica and Joseph didn't leave us anything

because they're not giving people.

MoJo's gotten a little too cocky for their own good.

I think MoJo has a date with not being in the race anymore.

- We've had that date before, but it stood us up.

[dramatic music] - [Yolanda] Do you see 'em?

- [Ray] I'll look.

Looks like this is shut down.


There's a phone over there.

- Mm-hmm.

I'm trying to book the earliest flight

into Bangkok, Thailand.

- [Phone] There's a flight to Bangkok via Sydney.

- [Yolanda] What time does it arrive?

- [Phone] : PM.

- Okay, can I make reservations?

- [Phone] That's no problem.

- [Yolanda] We have E-tickets.

We get in at .

- [Monica] Car park to your right.

- [Joseph] All right, go.

Let's ask this guy.

- [Monica] We need the fastest arrival time in Bangkok.

- [Joseph] minutes is a huge deal.

- [Jeremy] We're here.

- [Eric] All right, let's go.

- [Tyler] Whoa, I think we're here.

Here's the frat boys.

- [Eric] Hi Hippies.

- Thanks for the flip-floppers.

Hey, I got some pants.

- Look, it's a girl with a beard.

- [Eric] You look so gay.

- [BJ] I do not look gay.

Let's go harass MoJo.

- [Tyler] Ray and Yolanda are right there.

- Let's go ask them what the deal is.

- Ray!

- The earliest thing is like : in the morning right now.

- [BJ] We don't have any money, so we're probably gonna

go do a little begging first.

- [Ray] All right, cool.

- [BJ] Ta-Tao.

Thank you!

- He looks like he likes wearing those type of things.

That's funny, man.

They haven't gotten any reservations yet, so

gotta use your time wisely.

- [Clerk] You and your partner will be traveling on Qantas

via Sydney, arriving to Bangkok at o'clock.

- Okay, we want those tickets.

- We want those tickets.

- [Clerk] Okay.

- What's the story?

This guy's helping you out?

- No.

- [Joseph] No.

- You better not tell any lies.

Are you helping them out, dude?

- He's just looking up porn on the internet.

See, if you guys wouldn't have given BJ shoes,

he wouldn't have been able to come in the airport.

- He's got flip flops from somebody else.

- [Jeremy] Yeah.

- You guys run along.

- [Eric] Let's go use the phone.

- [Clerk] All right, you are booked.

- Thank you.

- [Monica] Maybe the Hippies won't get on.

- Yeah, we need to book some tickets to Bangkok.

- [Phone] So Darwin to Sydney to Bangkok, Thailand

arriving at : PM.

- [Jeremy] There's no earlier flights than that one?

- [Phone] No, everything else is full.

- [Jeremy] Just book 'em.

- [Phone] Your reservation is confirmed.

- [Jeremy] We got time to k*ll.

- [Tyler] Downtown Darwin.

We might as well just start our begging session.

- Do you think I should do no pants or gay pants?

- [Tyler] That's rough.

- People of Darwin, can you help us?

Anything would help us.

- [Patron] I got . - [BJ] Are you serious?

Thank you so much. - You are a goddess!

- Any of you guys have any Australian dollars

you can help us out with?

- [Friend] We're not stingy, mate.

Where's the money?

- [BJ] Oh great!

- Thank you so much.

- Take your shirt off.

Take it off, take it off, take it off.

- Whatever it takes for money.

- Put it on, put it on. - Okay, great!

You know, you Australian women...

Wow, the night life of Darwin sure did help us out.

We made a lot.

- [BJ] Sweet.

[tense music]

- So here is your gate ticket.

- [Tyler] Awesome.

- [Eric] Hi Hippies.

- You guys find out some info

that you're gonna share with the hippos?

- Everybody's getting on the same flight.

- [Eric] Yeah, and it gets there at like at night.

- Straight up. - [Eric] Yeah.

- [BJ] Let's go.

We are the only team here.

- [Tyler] I'm trying to book tickets to Bangkok, Thailand.

- [Phone] There's a flight to Bangkok via Sydney

that arrives at : PM, however it is completely full.

- [Tyler] It's full already, yikes!

- [BJ] Great.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] Thank you.

- The Hippies weren't able to get on the plane.

[Monica cheers]

[dramatic music continues]

- [BJ] You find anything, Tyler?

- [Tyler] Not yet.

This is stupid.

We've wasted too much time, we're screwed.

- [BJ] It looks like today the nice guys finished last.

[dramatic music]

- [Tyler] There's gotta be another flight to Bangkok.

- [Phone] Let me see if there's any other possibilities.

- [Tyler] Thank you.

BJ and I couldn't get on the flight

that everyone else was on.

We're screwed.

- [Phone] Sir, seats just became available

on a flight to Bangkok via Perth

arriving at : PM.

- [Tyler] Thank you so much!

Another flight opened up.

Get in minutes before all the other teams.

Can I get an Aussie high five?

- Good on ya'!

- [Tyler] Good on ya'!

- We started the leg with no pants or shoes

and just a T-shirt and underwear.

- And a lot of soul and a lot of heart. [dramatic music]

- [Phil] All teams are now flying to Bangkok, Thailand

via Sydney or Perth.

When they land, teams must go to the Mo Chit Bus Terminal,

travel by bus nearly miles to the city of Lopburi

and find the Three Spire Pagoda

where they'll find their next clue.

[exotic music]

- [Jeremy] We're minutes early.

- [Ray] Our plane got in early.

- [Monica] That's so awesome.

- [Joseph] This is awesome.

We're not sure where the Hippies are.

Hopefully, they're still stuck in Darwin

begging for clothes. - [BJ] Down here, down here.

This one. - [Jeremy] All right.

Big pimping.

We're gonna go to the Mo Chit Bus Terminal.

- [Driver] Okay.

- All right. I think we beat everybody out.

- [Yolanda] We gotta hustle still.

- [Ray] Every second counts.

- [Yolanda] Mo Chit Terminal, as fast as you can.

- [Joseph] Taxi!

- [Monica] So when?

- Does he know where the hell this is?

- Have you showed him? I don't know.

Does he?

- You don't have to be a smart ass.

- Babe, you're freaking out.

I don't know why.

- [Joseph] Because, this is shady as hell.

This guy is gonna rip us off and I know it.

- [Driver] Where do you go?

- Mo Chit.

- I show you bus terminal.

- Yeah, we have to take a bus, bus, bus, bus.

This taxi is scaring me.

[dramatic music]

- [Eric] There's ticketing right here.

We need to go to Lopburi.

- Lopburi? - [Eric] Yeah.

- [Local] Lopburi.

- We need the earliest.

When does the bus leave?

- [Clerk] . - [Eric] It leaves at ?

Thank you.

Hopefully, nobody else shows up for the next hour

and get a little bit of lead.

- [Driver] Okay, Mo Chit.

- [Ray] Ticket over here.

- [Yolanda] When does it leave?

- [Local] Midnight. - [Yolanda] Midnight?

- [Ray] Oh, that's good.

- [Clerk] Okay, thank you.

[slow tense music]

- [Eric] Ray and Yolanda just came down the steps.

- [Jeremy] Oh crap.

We're hoping we leave before MoJo gets here.

I assume they're gonna be here.

[erratic music]

- All right, babe, we're here.

Where do we get our tickets?

- Oh, you buy tickets.

Come on.

- [Joseph] Right here? - [Speaker] Yeah, they closed.

- Okay.

You think we could buy tickets from them?

- [Speaker] Oh no, no, no.

Not go Lopburi.

- [Monica] How do you know for sure?

- [Speaker] Because, I...

- [Monica] You just know?

- Yeah. - [Monica] Okay.

What does that mean, ?

- [Speaker] Yeah.

- You can buy a ticket. - [Speaker] Open.

- Open at four- - [Speaker] Yeah.

- [Monica] Should we go get a hotel room?

- [Joseph] Okay.

- [Eric] All right, let's get this show on the road.

No MoJo.

- Hopefully, it won't be another bus until the morning.

- We're gonna go crash at a hotel for a couple hours

and we'll buy our tickets at five to Lopburi.

[exciting music]

- [BJ] Here we go.

Our flight was delayed a little bit

so we are about even with the other teams.

We go to bus terminal?

[speaking in a foreign language]

- That means go get 'em.

This is awesome that we're in Thailand right now.

It's really exciting and trippy.

It looks like we're here, we're here.


We're going to Lopburi?

- [Clerk] At five o'clock in the morning.

- [Tyler] Five o'clock? - [Clerk] Yes.

- [Tyler] All right, thank you very much.

I could sleep on a bed of nails right now.

[slow tense music]

- [Monica] Hello.

- [Joseph] Mo Chit bus.

- [Driver] Mo Chit bus terminal.

- I just wanna be there exactly when they open.

- [Tyler] Teams, they gotta be lingering here somewhere.

- [BJ] Let's just go outside and see if there's-

- [Tyler] All right. - [BJ] Something.

- [Tyler] Lopburi?

- It's that.

- Oh, this bus?

What time?

- [Attendant] :.

- :.

We just might be catching the first bus to Lopburi.

All right, good work so far, buddy.

We don't see any oof the other teams.

- I would love it though if we saw them

walking inside right now.

- Thank you.

- [Monica] You can't get here much earlier than this.

When's the first bus for Lopburi?

- [Clerk] :.

- [Joseph] Is this the first to Lopburi?

- [Clerk] Yes.

- [Joseph] Okay, thank you.

- It's really freaking us out

that there's no other teams around.

Hopefully, we made the right decision.

There's nobody on this bus.

- [Joseph] Stop worrying about it.

- [Monica] I don't know.

- You just think, this is the right bus.


[dramatic music]

- [Ray] Taxi.

- [Yolanda] Over there.

- Three Spire Pagoda.

- [Eric] Let's take one of those taxis.

Hi everybody.

Pram Sam Yod?

[speaking in a foreign language]

- You tell us when to get off.

- [Ray] Isn't it right there? Three Spires.

- [Yolanda] Yeah.

Let's get out. - [Ray] Yeah.

- [Yolanda] It's eight AM. - [Ray] Eight AM?

- [Yolanda] Yeah.

What time is it?

- [Ray] :.

Everybody probably show up.

- [Jeremy] Is this where we get out?

[tram bell rings]

Thank you.

All right, you guys have a good one.

There's Ray and Yolanda.

- [Eric] : AM. - [Jeremy] Nuts!

- [Eric] Two hours before it opens.

- Got ya'.

I guess just huff it right here.

[exotic temple music]

It's a pretty good lifestyle for the monkeys.

I mean, they don't have to go to work.

- If we win a million dollars, we'll be monkeys.

I'm gonna go look at the monkeys up close.

Hey monkeys.

- [Eric] Dude, be careful.

It's gonna attack you.

- [Jeremy] You want a Pringle, monkey?

- [Yolanda] Monkeys have germs.

- They look like rats on steroids.

Five foot long rats.

[both laugh]

- [Eric] Take it! - Get off.

I think this monkey likes me.

I wanna get away before the monkeys attack.

- [Eric] No way!

Get down.

- [Tyler] Is this Lopburi?

[speaking in a foreign language]

Pram Sam Yod.

All right, looking good, man. There it is, there it is.

[speaking in a foreign language]

- I think I see teams.

- [BJ] Oh my god.

How did they get here so fast?

Damn you, frat boys!

When did you guys get in?

- :.

- [Yolanda] It's : AM, man.

- Thank you.

Clue box right there.


MoJo has not arrived yet.

Look at this.

"Travelocity, open at pit stop."

- [Yolanda] What is that? - [Ray] Open it, okay stop.

- Fast Forward.

- Fast Forward.

- This is the second of only two fast forwards

hidden on the entire race.

The first team that finds it and completes it,

can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

Each team can use only one fast forward during the race.

In this fast forward, teams must travel by taxi nearly

two miles to Bo Ngoen Pla Pao, find this restaurant,

and take part in a favorite after school activity

commonly enjoyed in Thailand.

What teams don't know is that activity is feasting

on a bowl of stir fried crickets and grasshoppers.

The first team to eat an entire serving of this snack

will win the fast forward award.

- [Tyler] Fast forward? - [BJ] Yeah.

- All right, let's go.

- You wanna do this one? - [Ray] Fast forward, yeah.

- [BJ] Bo Ngoen Pla Pao.

[speaking in a foreign language]

- We are going for the fast forward.

This is intense.

- All right, as fast as you can.

- Okay, roadblock.

- A road block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this roadblock, that person must prepare a ceremonial

feast for the sacred monkeys that inhabit this shrine

much like the locals do during their annual festival.

When the feast is complete, teams will present the offering

to the monkeys and receive their next clue.

- You better do it.

- [Eric] All right, I'll do it.

I have to make it look like that.

- [Jeremy] This one's a good one for Eric to do.

- Eight carrots?

- And you know, I've seen him prepare meals

for monkeys very often

and he really knows what he's doing.

- [Eric] Dang it.

Carrots all go in at the corners.

- [Jeremy] Keep it up, Chef Boy-ar-Eric.

- [Eric] I'm going, buddy.

Where's everybody else at?

- [BJ] Going for the fast forward is always a risk

and we don't know what this fast forward

challenge is gonna be.

This is it? - [Driver] Yes.

- [BJ] All right, thank you. We'll be back.

Let's go!

- An after school favorite.

What is that?

A game of football?


- [Tyler] Oh my god.

- [BJ] Are you serious?

Can we eat?

[pan sizzles]

- It's like fingernails with guts inside.

Looks good.

- [Yolanda] You wait here for it?

- [Ray] You gotta wait.


- [Yolanda] Oh, those are crickets, baby.

- [BJ] Hey ya', how...

- Are you sure you wanna do this?

MoJo wasn't even there yet.

- Are you sure?

We're from the south, eat anything fried.

- Oh boy.

[speaking in a foreign language]

- These look good. - Thank you.

[crickets crunch]

- Not bad.

They're like potato chips. Are you gonna be able to do this?

- I don't know.

- We can do this, man.

- You got it.

You're a badass.

This a big-ass bowl.

Thank you.

- [Ray] They got a two cricket head start.

- You think Yolanda could do this?

- [Yolanda] All right. - [Ray] Find a table.

- [Yolanda] Did they put seasoning on this?


Oh my god. I don't know if I could eat a whole bowl.

Can you do it?

- You wanna go back to the Roadblock?

We still got time.

MoJo probably still hasn't showed up yet.

- All right, we're leaving.

- All right, best of luck, guys.

- Good luck.

It's all yours.


- [Ray] Back to Prang Sam.

Just stay calm.

We wanna make it to the final round of this race.

- [Yolanda] I don't know,

I think BJ's gonna have a hard time.

- [Ray] Hopefully, we're still in front of MoJo.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] I don't know where the other teams are.

That's it, isn't it?

Yeah, here we go, Mo.

- [Jeremy] Hey, MoJo just showed up.

- [Joseph] Eric's here, damn it.

We're last here.

- Really?

- Yep.

- [Monica] We're the last team?

- [Joseph] "Open at pit stop".


- Who's ready for some monkey business?

Go ahead, you do it.

We're out of it.

- [Joseph] No, we're not.

- Oh my god.



Where the heck were you guys?

- We thought it opened at :.

What time was your bus?

- Ours was at midnight.

- Where's everybody else?

- They went for the fast forward, Joseph.

You're gonna be ahead of one person if you hurry.

- [Monica] I thought we were the first team.

- Man, did you think wrong.

[monkeys chirp]

- [Eric] So I have to cut this one in half.

- What have you got left for the big feast?

- [Eric] A lot.

There's some nasty stuff on here, Joseph.

It stinks.

I guess monkeys must love it.

That goes on top of the apples.

- [Monica] Good job, babe.

- Iron Chefing this up.

- [Ray] Roadblock.

- [Yolanda] Who's ready for monkey business?

That's me.

Thank you.

- [Ray] Monica and Joseph and the frat boys are here.

- [Eric] Ah, Ray and Yolanda are back.

We know you got the fast forward.

- Go and do it, make the feast, baby.

- [Joseph] The Hippies got the fast forward.

Oh, that eats my ass.

How could you let the Hippies get it?

- He's probably gonna eat a whole bowl full of bugs.

- [Monica] You think they'll eat 'em?

- Yeah, but it's gonna take them,

I'd say at least three hours.

[monkeys chirp]

[Yolanda vocalizes]

- Hey, monkey!

[exciting music]

- [BJ] Keep eating, man.

- I'm good. Are you?

- [BJ] Good.

- [Tyler] You gonna finish these crickets?

- [BJ] Yeah.

- This guy's named Jiminy.

Need some help?

It helps me to dance.

Boombox, man, boombox.


Just don't look at 'em.

- [BJ] Hey, you know what I feel like doing?

Throwing up.

I thought I ordered Pad Thai.

[Tyler chuckles]

- Red, orange, orange, red, green, down.

- Keep it up, dude.

- I'm getting close.

- Good job, Joe!

You're catching up with him.

- [Eric] It's a lot harder than it looks.

- [Ray] You're doing good, you're doing good, baby.

- [Yolanda] Thank you.

[monkeys chirp]

- [Eric] People need to watch these monkeys.

- Oh, the monkeys are coming closer and closer.

- [Eric] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Get away from my thing, you little bastards!

Oh, that's just messed up.

Do I have to fix that now?

Get away, you little punks.

- Oh, there's a monkey on yours.

[players groan]


- Oh, come on, man.

This is ridiculous.

They keep on taking my stuff.

- [Ray] You got it, yo.

- [Yolanda] Monkeys keep eating my stuff

as soon as I put it down.

I mean, I wanna eat these too.

- [Eric] Damn monkeys.

Okay, I'm almost done.

How's that, sir?


Okay, I have to take the table to the offering courtyard.

Feast, you monkeys!

Look at those monkeys eating it. [chuckles]

See ya' monkeys.

Thank you.

"Take a ferry to Koh Kret Island."

- [Phil] Teams must now travel by taxi

more than miles to the Chao Phraya River

and take a ferry to Koh Kret Island.

Then, they'll go to the Buddha Garden,

a local meditation center where they'll search

the grounds to find their next clue.

- [Eric] Let's go.


I see a taxi down there.

How you doing?

We need to go to Koh Kret ferry.

- And not eat a bowl full of bugs.

Ray said it would take about three hours.

- Yeah?

- [Joseph] We might be in good shape.

- That's awesome.

[dramatic music]

[bugs crunch]

[Tyler gags]

- The deep fried crickets have gotten cold,

so their guts are nice and cold and squishy.

[Tyler vomits]

I saved room for dessert.

- I love this guy.

- [Tyler] I'm just so full right now.

- [BJ] You okay?

- It's a really big bowl.

[dramatic music]

- [Monica] Hurry, hurry.

- [Joseph] Chill.

Damn monkeys took all these.

- [Monica] Dang monkeys.

- You doing good, yo.

- You cannot rush an artist.

- [Monica] Go Joe!

This is really ridiculous.

- It's okay?


[both cheer]

- [Monica] Yes!

Good job, Joe!

- [Joseph] Oh my god, look at that.

- [Monica] Look at 'em, they're everywhere.

- Thank you.

Come on.

- Take a ferry to Koh Kret Island.

- [Joseph] Here we go, there's a taxi.

- You know this, right?

- [Driver] Koh Kret.

- [Ray] You got it, Yobi, you got it.

- It's done? - Okay.

- [Ray] Yolanda did good.

We made up a lot of ground.

- Yay!


They like it.

- Like monkey heaven.

- Thank you so much!

"Find the Buddha Garden and once there,

"search the grounds for your next clue."

- To the ferry.

Yolanda knocked it out fast.

You did good.

We're only like five minutes behind

and I know the Hippies are having a hard time.

BJ's probably about to throw up.

[BJ vomits]

- [BJ] This is like a Turkish prison.

- [Tyler] I just wish there would be

like a dent made, you know?

I keep eating and eating and there's still so many.

- [BJ] These are really gross, I'm not gonna lie.

- You wanna head back?

- [BJ] Do you think you can't do it?

- [Tyler] Can you? - [BJ] It's gonna be tough.

We've made a big mistake.

- [Tyler] We're in big trouble.

[bug crunches]

- [BJ] Dude, we dreamed about getting the fast forward.

- [Tyler] Best bowl of crickets I've ever had.

- [BJ] Keep shoveling them in.

This is like a Turkish prison!

- We can do this, man.

This is what it's coming down to right now.

Come on, crickets!

Dude, you're getting so good!

- [BJ] Yeah, it's called trying to win a million dollars.

It's tough, when you get down to the bottom,

it's all legs and exoskeleton.

[Tyler wretches]

- Can I get ruling over here?

Okay, beautiful!

How you doing?

Oh my god.

You have a lot.

- [Tyler] I'm trying my best, buddy.

- We're gonna take a ferry to Koh Kret Island.

So right now we're in the lead.

Is this where we take ferries?

- [Attendant] To Koh Kret? Yeah.

- [Jeremy] And here comes a ferry.

Everybody on.

This is a unique experience for my self.

- [Eric] This is very cool.

- This is it, let's go.

Buddha Garden.

That's it, that way.

There she is.

It says search the grounds?

- [Eric] Yep.

Man, this is beautiful dude.

[exotic music]

Looking for a clue box.

There it is.

- [Joseph] Good call.


- A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose

between two traditional Thai tasks.

The choice, Move It or Altar It.

In Move It, teams make their way on foot

to this pottery factory.

From here, they must transport clay pots

through the winding, leaning supermarket

to this boat docked on the river.

To make the delivery, teams will have to use

the traditional Thai method of carrying pots

on wooden boards balanced on their shoulders.

When the task is completed,

the merchant will hand them their next clue.

The task requires tremendous physical coordination.

[pots shatter]

But, a well-balanced team could finish quickly.

In Alter It, teams make their way on foot to the

Wat Chimphi Buddhist Temple and make a shrine to Buddha.

But first, teams must assemble a shrine.

Then, they must completely gold leaf a statue of Buddha.

When the shrine is finished,

teams will receive their next clue.

The task is not physical, but teams that are not

detail oriented could take awhile to finish.

- Let's Altar It.

- [Eric] I say that sounds easier.

Last time we took the physical one, in didn't pay off.

Come on, let's go.

- We kind of screwed up this morning,

but we're not out of it.

- [Driver] Koh Kret?

- [Joseph] Yes.

- [Monica] Towards the water.

- Good, good.

Let's get out of here before Ray and Yolanda come.

No more mistakes today, okay?

- [Monica] Yeah, no kidding.

Right here.

- [Yolanda] All right, let's go.

- [Ray] That's the ferry right here.

- We go to Buddha Garden.

- [Joseph] Oh, is this it?

- [Monica] Is this Koh Kret?

- Oh god. - [Joseph] This is it.

We need to know which way to go.

- [Monica] Ask her. - [Joseph] Buddha Garden?

- [Attendant] Straight down. - [Joseph] Down, okay.

Thank you.

Here it is.

- [Monica] Is this the Buddha Garden?

What does it say on the clue to do here?

Just find your next one?

- [Joseph] We gotta light incense, take off your shoes.

- [Monica] We have to know to do that.

I'm telling you, we gotta find the clue.

- [Joseph] We light that incense.

- [Monica] Baby, I am telling you right now,

we have got to find a clue.

- Son of a bitch!

- Do you know where Buddha Garden is?

Straight back?

Thank you.

Straight ahead.

[exotic music]

- [Eric] There's Ray and Yolanda.

[Yolanda cheers]

- [Ray] What's up, man?

What's up?

- [Yolanda] This is it.

- I see it, I see it.


Move It or Altar It.

Sometimes the physical task can take a lot of time.

- [Yolanda] Okay, altar? - [Ray] Yeah.

- [Yolanda] Let's hurry.

- [Monica] We gotta find the Buddha Garden.

- [Joseph] We're gonna go this way, come on.

- [Monica] Oh my god.

Are you kidding me?

Deep in the back!

- [Joseph] There it is, right there.

- Move It or Altar It.

- [Joseph] I think the shrine is that one we ran into.

- [Monica] Oh yeah.

- [Joseph] You wanna do the one where we know it is?

- [Monica] Make a Buddha?


- Come on, man.

You're almost done.

It's still early in this morning.

A few more bites, you're doing it. You've got it.

Shovel it in, push it out when you need to.

[tense music]

[BJ claps]

- [Tyler] I'm trying, man.

- [BJ] Finish this, we head to the pit stop, man.

- [Wait Staffer] Perfect! - Ta-Tao!

[both cheer]

- "Make your way to the next pit stop!"

- Pit stop!

- "The Marble Temple in Bangkok."

- [Phil] Having won the fast forward,

BJ and Tyler may now skip all tasks and go

directly to the next pit stop, the Marble Temple,

a Buddhist shrine built in the th century

at the command of King Rama IV.

- "The team last to check in may be eliminated!"

Let's go! - Let's find it!

You have cricket on your face.

Ta-Tao! - [BJ] Ta-Tao!

- Way to go, dude.

I can't believe we ate that whole bowl.

- [Eric] I think it's right here.

- [Jeremy] Yeah, it is.

Get that stuff. - All the wood things, Jeremy.

That's a lot of stuff.

Let's look inside at the example real quick.

[harmonious temple music]

- [Jeremy] That's already put together.

- [Eric] Okay.

- Okay. - Let's go.

We take the gold leaf then and just like that,

paint it, put it on, peal it off.

It's pretty simple. Is there anything to set up, Jer?

- Yeah, I'll paint. You leaf it.

- [Eric] This stuff is fragile.

- [Yolanda] Is that it? - [Ray] Aw, yeah.

- [Yolanda] Grab one and bring it over here.

- [Jeremy] There's Ray and Yolanda.

- [Ray] Man, look at what you're doing.

- [Yolanda] Hurry, hurry, hurry.

- [Ray] I'll get everything else. Just start on it.

[couple pants]

- [Joseph] Here, here, here, here. You know try pottery?

They're both doing this.

Let's do pottery.

Let's do pottery, come on.

We're not gonna do that, race them.

- MoJo is gonna do the pots now.

How you doing?

- [Eric] Slow.

- It's not as pretty as his, but it's getting there.

- This takes so much concentration.

- [Ray] I'm just doing a section at a time.

- MoJo decided to go on to the other detour.

Hopefully, it's a task that pisses you off so much

you can't even complete it.

- [Joseph] How many do we have to do of those?

- [Monica] . You can only carry one board at a time.

- [Joseph] One board at a time?

- How do I carry that board by myself?

- Just be careful.

You go ahead to the dock.

If you drop 'em, you drop 'em.

- It's really hard, Joseph.

- I know, I know.

Baby, you just go at your own pace, okay?

You're doing good.

- [Monica] Baby, let's just find the flag.

Ask somebody.

- [Joseph] Set it down on this table.

[pots shatter]

Damn it.


You show us, come on.

- [Shopkeeper] Wow! Very far!

[Monica sighs]

- [Joseph] Let's roll then. [grunts]

Just push it, babe.

[pottery shatters]

- [Monica] Oh, it hurts.

- [Joseph] I don't know, Mo.

[temple music]

- Look at us, cruising to the pit stop

with a fast forward in hand.

- Dude, and this is after we started with no pants,

socks or shoes. - Or money.

- [BJ] It definitely feels good to have gone from last

place with nothing to being in first place.

Marble Temple, yes!

- Let's go, dude.

To the left, let's go.

[exotic music]

[speaking in a foreign language]

- Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand.

[speaking in a foreign language]

- BJ and Tyler, you are Team number one!

[both cheer]

From last to first.

Absolutely fantastic leg for you guys.

Now listen, you were asked to bring

a Travelocity clue to me.

If there is a golden gnome inside this Travelocity clue,

that will be your ticket to a great prize.

- Let's find out if there's a golden gnome.

[suspenseful music]

- Regular gnome. - Hey!

- Unfortunately, you have the regular gnome,

not the golden gnome.

However, you guys are one of the three teams

who will be racing in the finals

for the one million dollar prize.

- Shut up! - [Phil] Is that good?

- That's really good. - Pretty good.

We're really good buddies and we're having a great time

and we're gonna do what we can to win this race.

[dramatic music]

- [Joseph] My god!

- [Monica] There it is.

Oh my god, it's far.

[Joseph groans]

See that white thing over there?

- [Joseph] Yeah. - [Monica] That's it.

- [Joseph] Come on.

- Joseph, wait for me.

- [Joseph] I know!

That's gotta be him, man.

He's got pots everywhere.

- [Monica] We gotta put them this way.

- [Joseph] Count your pots, Mo.

- [Monica] .

- [Joseph] Plus . - .

So that would be more.

- [Joseph] Come on, baby.

- [Monica] Oh, this is the hardest thing

I've ever had to do.

- [Joseph] Keep fighting.

[exotic music]

- [Yolanda] Why'd you guys pick this test?

- [Eric] I gold leaf a lot a lot in my spare time.

- [Jeremy] We used to have gold leafing parties.

- [Eric] We used to get a lot of girls gold leafing.

- [Jeremy] Yeah.

[rooster crows]

- [Yolanda] Basically, because he's methodical.

- I was an engineering major, so I love structure.

Because, I'm a hustler.

- Whatever.

- All right, let's fill in the cracks.

- [Eric] How are they doing? Look over there.

- They're a ways away.

We're fine.

- [Yolanda] Come on, babe, we can do it.

- [Ray] We're doing good.

- That might be pretty good, Jer.

- Yeah.

Let's get it from the bottom.

Don't drop anything.

- [Eric] We have to push the leaves down.

Are you kidding me?

- [Jeremy] This sucks, we gotta hurry.

- [Ray] I'm doing good, about % done.

You gotta be a calm person to do this.

- [Eric] That looks a lot better.

- That looks good.

[exotic music]

- [Eric] Thank you.

Now, let's open this sucker up.

- [Ray] Damn.

- [Eric] "Make your way to the next pit stop,

"the Marble Temple in Bangkok."

- Teams must now travel by ferry

back to Bangkok's mainland.

Then, take a taxi miles through the city's

congested streets to find this place, the Marble Temple.

This Buddhist shrine built almost entirely of marble

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

- We have to go back across the ferry.

- [Jeremy] Yeah.

- [Eric] And here comes the ferry. Let's go.

- Taxi it up to Bangkok?

- [Pilot] Yeah.

- [Yolanda] You wanna put him up there?

- Not done.

- Smooth it down?

Oh my gosh.

- [Ray] This is very tedious.

Hopefully, we'll beat MoJo.

I mean, pots gonna take a long time.

- Holy mother.

- [Joseph] Okay, I got four extra.

- [Monica] It's really, really hard.

- [Joseph] Keep pushing, baby.

We're not out of it.

- [Monica] Sometimes, if you carry

it like this, it's easier.

- [Joseph] Watch your edges.

- [Monica] I am.

[pots shatter]

Oh my god!

- [Joseph] What happened?

- I just messed up.

They all broke.

- [Joseph] Come on, baby, it's all right.

- [Monica] I messed it up for us.

- [Joseph] Come on!

- [Monica] I'm sorry, babe.

- [Joseph] Come on, Monica, it's okay.

Jeez, don't get upset.

Just push it! - [Monica] Oh no!

[pots shatter]

- [Joseph] Don't give up!

Come on, baby, don't give up.

- I'm sorry.

- [Joseph] Monica, it's okay, baby.

- [Monica] I don't know why they're falling off.

- [Joseph] Come on, don't cry.

- [Monica] I just dropped of 'em.

My arms, I guess, got weak.

There's no way we have enough.

- [Joseph] What happened?

- They all broke.

I'm sorry, gosh. - [Joseph] Monica,

it's okay, baby.

- [Monica] I just dropped of 'em.

There's no way we have enough.

- [Joseph] .

Now, come on, we can do this.

- I feel like I let you down and myself down.

- You did not let anybody down.

Come on, baby, just one more.

[dramatic music]

- [Jeremy] Let's run and get a cab.

- [Eric] Come on.

- [Jeremy] Taxi, taxi, taxi. - [Eric] Taxi!

Where's the taxi?

- [Jeremy] We're gonna end up running to Bangkok.

- We're gonna lose because of this right here.

We can't find a taxi.

- [Ray] We're almost done with this.

- This is kind of difficult for me

because I'm not a professional gold leafer.

It's good?

- "Make your way to the pit stop,

"the Marble Temple in Bangkok."

- [Yolanda] Sayonara!

Come on, sweetie, come on, come on.

- [Ray] Ferry right here.

- [Yolanda] We didn't leave that much far

behind Jeremy and Eric.

- [Ray] Hopefully, we're just still in front of MoJo.

- My head is pounding.

- Do you need me to carry it at all?

- [Joseph] No.

Almost there, babe.

- [Monica] You're doing so good.

- [groans] That's it?

- [Monica] Yes. - [Manager] , you are good.

- Thank you so much.

Good job, babe.

That was awesome.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

I'm shaking so bad.

- "Hurry, the last team to check in may be eliminated."

- [Joseph] Come on, baby.

We can do this, man, we're still in this.

- Taxi, taxi!

Taxi, anybody drive a taxi?

Let's go, let's go.

Okay, taxi right there.

[Jeremy whistles]

- [Driver] To Bangkok?

- [Eric] Marble Temple.

We ran like freaking two miles to try and find a taxi.

[dramatic music]

- [Ray] Let's go.

Can't let them beat us.

See, right here?

Taxi, woo!

Marble Temple in Bangkok.

- As fast as you can, please.

We don't hustle there, we will be

the last ones to the pit stop.

- There's no telling how MoJo did at their detour.

[dramatic music]

- We're not gonna give up.

We're gonna run until we get there.

We're never out of it.

Just, come on.

- [Monica] We gotta find a taxi.

- [Joseph] There's one right there.

We're going to- - Bangkok.

I'm still embarrassed of myself.

- [Joseph] That was by far-

- The hardest thing I've ever had to do.

- Really tough.

We did the best we can do.

Anything can happen.

- This is horrible traffic right now.

Honk, honk. [beeps]

They're right behind us.

Go, go, go. - [Eric] Come on.

- My patience is wearing thin.

- [Ray] As fast as you can.

- [Yolanda] Yeah fast.

- [Ray] I like how he's driving now,

like an insane, crazed maniac.

We're hot on their trail.

- [Monica] That gold leafing looked hard.

- Maybe that took them a long time.

Plus, this guy is hauling balls.

[dramatic music]

- That's it right there?

Okay, take us to the front.

- [Jeremy] Now we gotta look for Phil.

- There it is.

- [Jeremy] You see him?

- [Eric] I see the entrance right there.

[inspiring music]


Phil, what's up?

- [Eric] Yes, Phil.

- You're team number two.

- That's what I'm talking about!

- Nice work.

- Now, did you guys bring your Travelocity clue to me?

- [Eric] We certainly did.

- [Phil] If there is a golden gnome, that will mean

that you have won a very special price from Travelocity.

- [Eric] Aw.

- But, you're standing here in second place.

Congratulations guys.

You are one of the three teams who will be racing

to the finish line for one million dollars.

Congratulations. - Yeah!

Oh, we're in the money.

[dramatic music]

- [Yolanda] Is this it?

- [Driver] Yes, yes. - [Yolanda] Okay.

Where's the entrance?

- [Ray] Right here.

- [Yolanda] As fast as you can.

- [Joseph] Is that the front entrance right there?

- [Monica] That's it.

- [Joseph] Come on, baby.

- [Monica] We gotta hurry.

- [Joseph] We're almost there, babe.

- [Yolanda] You think this is the right way or no?

- [Ray] Oh, they're right there. Let's go.

- [Joseph] Find the marked entrance.

- Which one do you think it is?

- [Joseph] Straight ahead.

- [Monica] Let's go, let's go.

- [Ray] See, right here? - [Yolanda] Yeah.


- [Ray] Can't let them beat us.

- [Yolanda] Ah!

- [Worker] Stop, you need to cover your arms. Put this on.

- [Ray] Just you. - [Yolanda] Just me?

sh**t. - [Ray] Hurry up.

- [Joseph] There's the flag, babe.

We are almost there.

- Oh, it's nice.

I want this shirt.

- [Joseph] Little bit more, babe, come on.

[music rises]

- Ray and Yolanda,

you're team number three!

[Yolanda exhales]

- Good, good, good.

- Now tell me, did you bring the Travelocity clue?

- [Ray] Yeah. - Yes.

Come on, gold gnome.

- [Phil] Gold gnome!

- Yay!

- Congratulations guys, you will be cruising around

Sydney Harbor in a private luxurious yacht.

- [Yolanda] Oh wow!

- [Phil] You'll also get to explore the Hunter Valley

which is a wine district in Australia.

And one of the seven natural wonders of the world,

the Great Barrier Reef.

And in addition, there's even more good news.

Tonight, you will be staying at a luxurious hotel

where you will be able to go online and check out your

prize that comes to you from Travelocity

and you can enjoy that after the race.

- All right!

- Congratulations guys.

You are one of the three teams who will be racing

to the finish line for the one million dollar prize.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

- I always thought that we would make it to the finals.

- Ray has been a major source of motivation.

I think of him as my pillar of strength

and he's probably the only other person in my life

that I've relied on.

[slow music]

- [Monica] This might be it, Joe.

- What's up, Phil?

[speaking in a foreign language]

- Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Joseph and Monica.

You're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you have been eliminated from the race.

- It's been a good time.

We had fun.

- It's been the best time in the world, it really has.

[Monica sniffles]

- [Joseph] Don't cry.

- It's really tears of joy.

I've had the best time.

It's been the most amazing experience of my life.

I was very amazed at the things that Joseph

and I have accomplished.

What I really took away from all of this is how much

he supported me.

Joseph really is my rock and I could not have gotten

through it without him.

- You're gonna make me cry.

I'm so proud of her, she's amazing.

Monica helping me stay composed

and being there right by my side helps me go on.

- [Monica] This race has completely changed our relationship

in the best way possible.

- We're definitely gonna get married one day

and have a family.

- [Monica] We have each other when we get home

and we always will and then we'll have this race

to look back on for the rest of our lives.

It's just a beautiful gift.

- Being in the final three,

it's all about focusing on winning.

- There's a million bucks on the line.

We wanna win and we're not really

gonna be happy with anything else.

We expect to win.

- We can be physical and we can be mental,

but when it comes down to the physical competition,

we'll win the one-on-one battle.

- We like to do our own thing

and Ray and Yolanda like to do their own thing,

whereas you get the Hippies who just follow everybody.

- Even though Eric and Jeremy have had tremendous success,

if we can get an advantage on them, you know,

we can get first place.

- With only two other teams, you're in the thick of it

and I don't think it's gonna be in the bag at all.

- There is nothing right now that's stopping

BJ and I from winning "The Amazing Race".

- Yolanda and I will win.

- It is on like Donkey Kong.

- We're ready to win, man. - We're ready to win, yeah.

- That's what we wanna do.

[exciting music]

[exciting music continues]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Next week on the two hour season finale

of "The Amazing Race".

- Let's get it on!

[coaster whooshes]

- [Phil] It's the home stretch and it's anybody's game.

- [Ray] We gotta catch the Hippies and the Frat Girls.

- [BJ] Hello from the Hippies! You ready for a race?

[both chuckle]

- [Phil] From the exotic far east.

- [BJ] Wow, this is incredible.

[bell dings]

[riders scream]

- [Yolanda] Oh, wow!

- [Tyler] This is intense!

- [Phil] To frigid North America.

- I'm just nothing but skin, bones and attitude.

- God.

- [Phil] Every mistake could be their last.

[speaking in a foreign language]

- Huh?

- [Eric] Just lost our lead on everybody, dang it.

- [Tyler] There's no way we can get on that flight?

- [Clerk] Sorry, it's full already.

- [BJ] Oh my god.

I really just made a mistake.

- We're not far off from the million dollars.

- [Tyler] BJ, we can win this!

- We're good now.

We got a chance.

- [Phil] Be there at the finish line.

- [BJ] Coming for you, Phil!

- [Phil] To see who wins "The Amazing Race".

[no audio]

[exciting music]

[exciting music continues]

[exciting music continues]