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36x02 - Trust But Verify

Posted: 05/03/24 13:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on the amazing race...

In puerto vallarta,
Mexico, 13 teams began

a race around the world for $1 million.

- Go!
- Let's go, baby!

Father and daughter Chris and Mary

- got off to a slow start...
- Are you okay?

- Sorry.
- No, no, don't apologize.

- While siblings Maya and Rohan...
- Stop.

Got into a jam.

I don't know how we're
gonna get out of this.

Military pilots Juan and Shane

navigated themselves
to the back of the pack.

But by jumping through some hoops,

managed to jump ahead.

Shane, let's go, bro!

The detour tested teams mentally...

- No.
- Focus.

I don't want to do this again.

Okay. Me neither.

And physically.

Hills are not your friend.

Karishma got tripped up at the roadblock.

"Must wear the provided hat
and handker..." Handkerchief?

I don't have a handkerchief. Brb.

Dating nurses Amber
and vinny felt the pressure.

I don't know where we are.

This is so hard to find.

But in the end, Maya
and Rohan came up short.

I'm sorry to tell you that you have been

- eliminated from the race.
- It's okay.

Married couple rod
and leticia set the pace

I think you are the first team.

My god!

But got a huge shock at the mat.

However... You are still racing.

My goodness.

"Keep racing.

"Make your way on
foot to puerto vallarta's

"zona romántica and find your next clue

at the center of the iguana bridge."

- Okay, baby, let's ride.
- Let's ride.

Iguana bridge?

- Zona... zona romántica?
- Iguana bridge?

- Five minutes.
- Five minutes up that way?

Okay, got it.

Our whole strategy was, like,

it doesn't matter if
we come in first or not.

Just don't be the last.

But now that we hit first, the bar is set.

But having to run two
legs back-to-back...

Let's go, baby!

He's gonna realize as
much as the athlete he's been

his whole life, I'm not.

Zona romántica? This way?

I think that's gonna
be challenging in itself

to remember constantly, I
can't train as long as he has

since he's been playing
football since he was six.

But I'm not built like you,

I'm not as fast as you,
I'm not as strong as you,

and I'm gonna do my
best to keep up with you.

But I'm not you.

Right now, we're in first place. We got

Ricky and Cesar behind us,

so we're trying to keep a little
five-minute head start on 'em.

"You will travel on foot for the next leg."

- "Foot for the next leg." Okay.
- Let's go.

We didn't get first.

It was a little disappointing.

Bye-bye, sombrero.

But just knowing that, like,

we have another chance, we can get first

it really gave us the fire
and the energy to, like, push.

When we first met, we
were kind of just, like,

dating around, but eventually,
I came around and realized,

"wow, this Cesar is the person

that I've always wanted to be with."

And I think the amazing race is, like,

the perfect opportunity

to really get to know each other and...

That we might be ready for the next step.

Yeah, we could... Yeah, this could prove

that we're ready for the next step.

Sure, sure.

- 131. Look at that bridge.
- You think that's the one?

- Yeah. Possibly.
- Okay, let's go.

Look, rod.

The other team is down there.

Okay. There's something
happening here.

- Come on.
- Come on, let's go.

Let's go. Don't let them catch up.

- You're not gonna let them beat you.
- I know.

My god, we're losing so much time.

Okay, just breathe.

I can't believe we're still racing.

- Just got to find a bridge.
- Number three.

Let's just keep it up.

I think the rest of the teams
underestimate us a little bit,

which is good.

We've known each other longer

- than some of these folks have been alive.
- Yes.

I think that really,
really, really, really helps.

Yeah, and actually,

we could be, probably,
some of their parents.

We're just running aimlessly.
We don't even have a...

Let's just go the... Lisa, it's
not that way. The water's there.

It's free?


About downtown and all vallarta.

Okay. All right. Thank you.

- We're here, right?
- There's a bridge here,

- and there's a bridge there, honey.
- Okay.

It just has to be called iguana bridge.

It's two Bridges. Let's just go that way.

All right, you say,
dah-dah-dah-dah, dah-dah-dah.

Shelisa's one of the
strongest individuals I know.

And another word for that is "stubborn."

- That's true.
- Um, but I love her for it.

I think when it comes down to it,

she's my best friend.


And-and we'll get along,
and we'll work out fine.

I'm really looking forward to this journey.

- Okay, let's go.
- All right, we good.

You don't want to run at all?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Uphill. You had to pick the uphill to do it.

- We saw... yellow.
- Yellow.

- Come on, rod. Come on, rod.
- Red and yellow.

That's it right there... up bridge, up high.

Go, go, go, go.

- You read it. I'm out of breath.
- Detour.

"Balloon collection or color correction."

If there's one thing that's guaranteed

to make any child smile, it's a balloon.

A big seller here on cuale island,

the island of the children.

Each team needs to pick
up balloons for a fiesta.

The transaction will be simple,

but carrying these party favorites

through the tight quarters
of the island's craft market

has the potential to
blow up in their faces.

Here in Mexico,

they say that no celebration is complete

without papel picado, punched paper

which dates back to the aztecs.

Teams need to search
through this sea of color

for a strand of ten flags

that has a color sequence
that doesn't match the others.

- Rock, paper, scissor it?
- All right.

Okay. You win, we do balloon collection.

- I win, we do, correction.
- All right.

- I'm exhausted.
- So...

So I was thinking the
other one might be easier.

So we went to our first
strategy that we said, if we are

undecisive, we're gonna leave it

to the rock, paper, scissor gods.

One, two, three. Go.
Okay, we got the balloons.

Okay, you got it. We're
doing what's yours.

- We are doing balloon collection.
- Okay.

- Balloon collection.
- Okay.

We're gonna go all the
way to the beginning.

- Get the red ones first. Yeah.
- Okay. Then come back.

We ran by all of the balloons.
We know where they are.

Yeah. We can beat them.

We're tired, but we're gonna
keep pushing 'cause we know

- the other teams are tired, too.
- Yeah, we're up for it. Yup.

So it evens the playing field a little bit.

- We're here for it.
- Yup.

- So the iguana bridge, bro.
- Nice.

The last leg of the race was so draining,

'cause it's an emotional
roller coaster, you know,

where you start out down here, and...

- Is it through here?
- This is it, yeah.

Felt good to climb back up to fourth,

not so good to realize
that we're not done yet,

but, you know, we persevere.

Shane and I met at pilot
training, and pretty early on,

we hit it off. Both pretty a type.

But we have disagreements

every day, whether it's
over a game offortnite,

or whether it's racing
in the amazing race.

But we just kind of know how to

- humble each other.
- Definitely.

- What are you doing?
- There's a fork in the road.

- I'm gonna trust my gut on this one.
- Let's go.

- Gracias.
- Gracias.

Make a knot.

One down, two to go.

Balloon vendors.

Right there.

Says each of us. I got to hold one.

This little heel bouncing crazy.

But we got some purple balloons.

Thank you. You want to have a ticket?

It does say one from each.

Yes. You want to carry this?

- My goodness.
- We got to catch up.

We got to beat 'em. Come on.

They have two of each.

Read the clue again, please.

"Each of you should pick
one bunch of balloons."

Okay, I'm sorry.

My goodness. Come on, Ricky.

So the oversight was that

we both had to get bunches of balloons.

Originally, we went and got

one bunch of red, one bunch of yellow.

So we're like, "okay, turn back."

I'm gonna take one more.

- Iguana bridge.
- Yeah.

This bridge or that bridge?

I don't know. Do you see the clue box?

Look for a clue.


- What? Okay.
- It's pointing that way.

That's where the clue goes.

My gosh. We're so dumb.

- Well, come on.
- We can make up for it.

Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.

- Come on, baby. We got to go.
- Thank you.

Red balloons, balloons, balloons.

Hey, where you at?

Keep going.

Give me some of them
red balloons, my guy.

No clue, but balloons.
Come on. Let's go back.

How ridiculous, right?

Thank you. Go, go, go.

We walking a lot. Pace walking.

- I'll take another one. Thank you.
- Gracias.

Is this the iguana bridge?

Why don't they name the Bridges?

Come on.

Name the Bridges.

Thank you. Go, go, go.

Careful, Ricky. Careful on the sides.

"Center of the bridge."

- What's the name of it?
- The iguana bridge.

That's where we're getting the clue from.

Romántica zone, romántica zone.

Ask him that's got the balloons.

I know. I know.

It's falling, it's falling. Um...

Where's the bridge?

You guys want to tell
us where the bridge is?

- Okay.
- Where you got your clue? No?

- It's all right. It's okay.
- Sorry, guys.

Sorry. Next time.

We asked for assistance
from the boyfriends, and

they shunned us.

"So you're telling me
you don't want to help?"

And they're like, "" -nothing.

- Nothing. And I said, "okay."
- Okay.

I'm feeling a little sorry
about the yellow... again.

Hey, we struggled to find it, too.

We're fighting for first, so...

Balloon vendor, straight ahead.

Is these your balloons?

Thank you, my guy. I appreciate that.

Baby, I need your
balloons here. Come here.

- Next clue?
- Yes.

I appreciate that.

"Make your way to.

- Lorenzo...
- "Lázaro cárdenas park"

"to find your next clue." We got
to beat them boys. I know you...

Do me a favor, baby.

Well, give me the bag if you need me to.

- Okay, here.
- But I need you to run.

Finally found the clue box.

We're-we're gonna do the, um, balloon.

Physical stuff is difficult,

but it's straightforward.

"You must deliver all the balloons

in one trip to receive a clue."

Lisa and I have had this
mantra of lifetime fitness.

So, you know, we'll go to
the gym, we'll run in 5ks.

We are very proud to be our age

and being able to keep up
with some of the younger folk.

- Now we'll run. Yeah.
- So, yeah.

- Thank you.
- Yeah?

Okay. Here, here, here, here.

"Make your way"

"to lázaro cárdenas park."

Here it is. We're doing balloon collection.

All right, we're doing balloon collection.

- Here, here.
- Let's go.

Attention to detail becomes

a very big thing here
with the color correction.

If we could keep it to
physical, we can do that.

We can go pick up some
balloons and deliver someplace.

- "Each of you should pick up one bunch."
- Okay.

- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.

Thank you. Okay.


Do you know where zona romántica is?

- Zona romántica?
- Yeah.

Yeah, five blocks.

- Zona romántica.
- Zona romántica.

Come on, let's run it out.

- It felt good.
- It...

You know, for the first leg,

not really knowing what
we were going into...

- Yeah.
- To come in fifth,

it was like, "okay, I'll take it."

- Hey, we can do this thing.
- You know what I'm saying?

First next time, though.

- First, yes.
- First next time, though.

You know, they always say

"this is a test for your marriage."

But it's also a time to get closer.

One of our goals was
to just be with each other.


And it's like...

Keep going.

Yellow. She's right there.

- Gracias.
- Ooh, we got our color.

Yes. Inside.

- Hope I don't fly away.
- Just hold on to it.

- Okay, let's go. Okay.
- Let's go.

I'm big on "trust but verify."

And that has seeped
into our relationship.

So numerous times she'll say,

"well, if I said it, why
don't you just believe it?"

And I'm like, "curse of the job.

I trust you, but I also
need some verification."

I'm an investigator for the
special operations branch

of the Navy. Prior to
that I was a federal agent.

So that's what we kind of
also hope to get from the race,

is, just let that "but verify" drop.


Gracias. This way, bobo.

I've really been working on it.

We've really been working on it.

He said along here?

It's hard 'cause we're both so strong,

we're both so independent.

We both think we're right a lot.

Okay, let's book it.


Okay. Now El centro.

Whoa! Hey! Hey!

If you were nicer...

Only one of mine popped.

- Thank you. Hola.
- Muchas gracias.

- Hola.
- Muchas gracias.


- Hi. Deliver these to you?
- Hi. Yes, here.

- Do you have a clue?
- Yes.

"Make your way to lázaro gardens park."

- Park this way?
- Yeah, right here.

Ricky, Ricky, Ricky, we're here.

- Come here. Come here, baby.
- Come here.

Come on.

- Damn it. Roadblock.
- It's okay.

- Here, here, here. Roadblock.
- Roadblock.

"What has a skeleton in the closet?"

Día de los muertos, the day of the dead,

coincides with the biggest
butterfly migration on earth.

Every November, dancers
gather with calavera faces

and these stunning,
colorful monarch costumes.

This roadblock requires
one team member

to paint their teammate's faces
with this sugar skull makeup.

You can do this. Seem
like you can do that.

- I'm doing it.
- Okay.

You paint my face.

Okay, but I got to dry your face.

This is something I'm
not used to right here.

For me to choose this roadblock

I was so happy that it wasn't
something crazy or too physical.

Rod is not gonna like the way this looks.

It's gonna look like the picture, but

it's not gonna look like him.

I feel very qualified for this.

I've done drag makeup.

- I've done musical theater.
- He's done makeup on Halloween.

Do I trust him? Yes, I do.

- What do you think?
- Um,

- I want to go this way.
- Ask for a map?

We don't know where we're
going. We could be walking hard

- I know. We could be.
- And miss it.

Trust me.

I'm the super fan, and I feel like

every season's got to
have maybe one or two,

but when we talk, like,
super fan super fan,

like, at 12, I was hosting
mini amazing races

- in my community.
- In our town.

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck, travel safe.

And... go!


Like, I've seen every
season multiple times.

I've listened to podcasts, watched videos,

studied for this race.

That, I think, gives us an
edge up on the competition.

- I feel like it's this way.
- Okay.

We got it.

I think people
underestimating our strengths

they better watch out
because Angie and Danny

- team walla walla...
- We got this.

We're pretty exhausted.

The fact that we have to keep racing

this entire leg by foot...
that scares me a little bit.

- Iguana bridge it is then.
- And to iguana bridge let's go.

you know, we don't have

twin telepathy. I wish.
That'd be pretty sick.

I think we're good

at just expressing how we
feel without over talking things.

I think we're on the same
page. A lot of the time,

it doesn't even have to be a discussion.

Could you do a direction?

We want to win, but at the same time,

we just want to have a good time.

I think that this is
such a cool experience.

We... we just want to
make the best out of it,

and just, you know, live in the moment.

- Okay. Thank you. Gracias.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Should be smooth sailing.

- Thank you.
- Wow. We won't do that again.

- Thank you.
- Wow.

That's important.

"You will travel on foot for
the rest of this leg." Let's go.

Travel on foot.

A lot of people underestimate moms,

for whatever reason.

What did your daughter
just say to you the other day?

She said, "mom, you mean
boys can be firefighters, too?"

- Yeah.
- And I'm like,

"yeah, boys can be firefighters, too."

The idea that my daughter
had that in her heart

it's part of the reason
I want to run this race.

To show what women can
accomplish working together.

Okay. On it.

This is really hard.

I-I think I'm looking

like I'm ready for cinco de Mayo.

- Cinco de Mayo for sure.
- Couple coronas.

Couple coronas, some margaritas.

I don't drink, though, but,
you know, it sounds good.

We have been fighting
so hard against the boys.

- They've been with us.
- They've been neck to neck

with us this entire time.

- They're a tough team.
- They're definitely really good.

I think it's looking good. I just have

a couple more little details.

I call it "real estate."
Your face is real estate.

So when you're do...
When you're doing drag,

you alter the shape of your face.

So, it's like, where there were
certain marks on the picture

is where his beard is. So, like, I only

had a small gap on his
cheek to fit in the eyes,

and then to fit in the
swirl and the yellow streak.

So, I tried my best to
get it as close as I could.

My issue is I'm a perfectionist.

- How I'm looking, babe?
- You're almost there.

I'm about to get ready to call.

The lips here are a little
yellow. Adding that in.

Take your time. Take your time.

As long as we stay
on the front of the pack.

- Check.
- Are they done? Really?

What? She called it.

No. What?

Detail. Detail. Detail.

Okay. I said take your
time. Now I'm saying...

- Okay, well...
- Hurry up.

Purple, Juan. Purple.

- Where is it, man?
- Shane.

- You got 'em?
- Tally.

Tally, baby. Tally.


Shane, bring your balloons
down. There's a tree on top of you.

Watch it. Watch that fern, dude.

Look. There's a map. There's a map.

- It's probably the sailboat bridge.
- Just keep going.

That's a freaking bridge.
Let's go to that bridge.

So we're going into the
next leg in tenth place.

To us, tenth is last.

Our parents are like... dad would be like,

"If you're not first, you're last."

Bro, that's a bridge.
Let's go to that bridge.

Doesn't matter if it's a bridge.

We're looking for the iguana bridge.

Okay, do you want to go back
to nothing? Come on, kishori.

I can hear my mom in her
head. She was so competitive.

I can hear her, like, -"get there.

- Cussing me out in her mind.
- Get to the finish line."

- Yeah.
- She was so funny.

Let's find someone to ask.


- Iguana bridge?
- The bridge de iguanais here.

- Okay, okay. Muchas gracias.
- Gracias.

It was very exciting to
beat vinny and Amber

to the pit stop because

they are definitely a very
competitive team, physically,

which gave us a little
bit of renewed hope and

pushed us to keep going.

I was not gonna give up.

- It's not over till it's over.
- So let's book it.

Can you go faster?
Go as fast as you can.

We are fighting for
last, right? We're 12 now.

We're in last place.

We kind of, like, looked at each other

and was like, "it's on. We got to go."

- Come on. Push it.
- Okay.

It felt a lot like work, and, like,

when you have a crashing patient,

and every heartbeat counts,

every rhythm change counts,

every drop of blood counts,

it's go time. This is what we're-we're

trained for.

Come on, baby.

Watch trees. How you doing?
Are we dropping them off to you?

- Yeah. It's good.
- Awesome.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.

Let's go.

- You want to do brute again?
- Take the balloons. Yeah.

Come on, biz. I see it.

Okay, we're gonna do color correction.

We thought we needed to make
up time, and we were exhausted.

And then, we were like, "it's right here?"

"This is perfect.

This will work out great."

Zona romántica.

- Is it down there?
- Is this the bridge?

What's down there?

Wait, wait, wait. Look.

We were lost, and
so, you know, I felt like,

"my god. Is this it?"

This is a bridge that we're on.

So that means it would be
in the center of the bridge.

Would it be over there?

To be 20 or 30 minutes off track?

- I don't know.
- Ooh. I don't get it.

Where is it?

We got to ask.

You know where zona romántica is?

- Okay, thank you.
- And that's where

the iguana bridge is, right? Yup. Okay.

Here we go.

Pick up one ladder.

- Here's a ladder. Here it is.
- Okay.

- And a strand of flags.
- A strand.

- So the whole thing?
- Yeah.

"Search amongst the colorful flags for

"a strand that does not
match." So it's already up here.

"Take down the incorrect strand"

"and then deliver the incorrect strand..."

The bad one.

- "to the party planner."
- Yeah.

- We got this.
- We got this.

Dude, I found it.

That ways. We'll go down.

We're gonna do color
correction, so... Let's go.

Let's start memorizing the pattern.

Purple, orange, green, white.

Yellow, pink, blue, green, red, blue.

So that's good.

When we initially got to
the flags, we read the clues.

We felt comfortable and
confident doing everything.

If pink is not next to
yellow or blue, it's bad.

We're like, "this is our guide."

And then we just looked for a pattern

not in the right order.

Okay, find purple.

And if purple's not next to an orange...

Or, wait... Let's do green.

Wait. What color is...

Let's just start with purple.

Pink. Find pink.

And if pink is not next
to yellow or blue, it's bad.

- Find a pink.
- What?

Let's just first figure out...

So I assume we have to...

There's a right order
that these have to be in.

Are they split by, like... Two.


- Are all the flags...
- Man. - Man.


I see them over there, but, like, I don't...


Aw... No. This one hurts my head.

- Man.
- Should we switch to balloons?

- Yeah.
- All right. We're actually gonna

switch to balloon collection.

- Let's do it.
- All right, let's run.

Clue. All right. Ready?


- Just singles?
- We're gonna go

with color correction for right now.

"Search the colorful... For a strand

that does not match the rest."

So we're looking for one that's different.

There's multiple different
colored ones, mom.

Is it a symbol that
we're looking for really?

One that's different than the rest of 'em.

And do the colors
have to be correct, too?

Blue. Let's... yeah. Go.

I don't understand what I'm looking for.

Am I looking for symbols or colors?

I think one that's different.

Than this?

No, just one that's
different than the rest of 'em.

- What's the ones...
- What's-what's the same?

I don't know if it's a spatial dyslexia

or if it's a processing.

I struggle with that, so,

visually, seeing something

that's not there is very difficult.

- Sorry.
- That's okay.

I'm a little slow to process, love.

- And then we have a...
- Do y'all have any idea

on what's different? We've...

We're comparing flags right now.

We... they're just in different rows.

Their colors are in a different order?

There's a lot that the
colors are in different orders.

Yeah. Do we want to switch, mom?


- We're switching detours.
- Yeah.

How are you doing, Ricky?

I'm good. I just need
to do the little swirls.

Let me see the mirror.
My god, that looks perfect.

My god. Perfect.

It's got to be right. Check.

- You finna tell me some good news.
- Please.

Yeah. Let's go, baby.

Let's go. Good job, baby.

They got it, they got
it, they got it, they got it.

Are you done?

- Put this on? Me?
- Yes. - Wings.

- Okay. You got a clue?
- Yes.

Okay. "Run to your next pit stop."

After back-to-back exhausting legs

here in puerto vallarta,

teams will finally get some
rest here at the pit stop

casa Kimberly, the
former vacation homes

of Hollywood icons Elizabeth
Taylor and Richard Burton.

I'll be waiting for teams
under the bridge of love,

which was used by the famous
actors to escape the paparazzi.

There are no second
chances on this race.

The last team to check
in here will be eliminated.

I need to find a bridge that connects

Elizabeth Taylor's and
Richard Burton's house.

- Up the river. Up the...
- Shh. Up the river? Which one?

- Up the cuale river.
- Up the cuale. Casa Kimberly.

- Okay. Got you.
- Let's go. Come on.

We good. We good. Come on.

I'm gonna add some more white.

Check, check, check.

- That was it. Yeah.
- Okay.

"Who has a skeleton in the closet?"

Aah! I don't, but I'm-a do it.

Okay. So let's do the white first.

He's sweating. Stop sweating.


And then we have the yellow.

I got sweat in my eyes.

This yellow's not sticking.

This is harder than it
looks, I tell you that much.

Stop sweating.

Messing up my makeup.

Gracias, señor.

I'm stuck on something.




We're in the homestretch.


Are you the balloon vendor?


Can we have a clue?

- Aw, thank you so much.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- All right, let's go, babe.

We pop ahead up here.

I don't see any balloons.

The balloons were a lot
farther than we thought

they were gonna be.

Dude, no way. I don't
think it's down here.

We would have seen something by now.

We're like, "I don't feel
like there's anything here."

Dude, if we can't find this,

we might just have to do the ribbons.

Dude, I'm not in the mental state

to look at those colors and organize 'em.

It's, like, what if we
can't find the balloons?

Bro, please stop freaking out every...

We have to have a little faith.

I told him. I was like, "I know"

"I haven't showed you a lot today,

"but please have faith
in me this one time.

I think I know where we're going."

Look. Told you, dude.

You should have just had faith in me.

- Hola. Thank you.
- Gracias.

Thank you.

This one's wrong. Pink
is next to blue and green.

Okay, that's the strand.

- Okay.
- You got that. I'll grab the ladder.

- Bring the incorrect strand to the...
- The whole strand?

- Yeah.
- So the whole strand? Okay.

So, take that. We want
to break it right there.


That's not the right one, babe.

That's the right one!



- No good.
- No?

My god!

We cut the wrong one.

I don't know, man. This is hard.

This is already a mental
challenge at this point, and...

- It's a mental challenge, yeah.
- It's our second leg.

And we're-we're exhausted.

It's hotter than hell and you're looking up

and all these colors.
It was stressful to me

to have other teams show up and leave.

I was thinking like, "well, what's wrong?"

So we did something, like, way wrong.

This is k*lling us.

So, the pink has to
be next to yellow, blue.

Otherwise, it's not correct.

- Okay.
- Pink, blue, yellow.

- Pink...
- Wait, where are you going, though?

I have... I'm gonna check all these.

Iguana bridge. Iguana
bridge. Iguana bridge.

Anybody know?

I'm looking for the bridge.

Right here, Michelle.

- Thank you, Jesus.
- Come on, let's go.

We did it, bae.

"Paint your partner's face to match

the photo at your station
to receive your next clue."


There it is. Butterflies.

Over there. Look.

- That's actually perfect.
- Yeah.

- Right here.
- Okay.

You have to make me look like that.


You look a hot mess right now.


Wish you... Wish you'd stop sweating.

You know what's funny?
You put makeup on every day.

Not with a sweaty-ass face.

You just focus.

- You look a hot-ass mess.
- Come on.

Hot mess.

This-this is very nice.

Let's just, let's just enjoy ourselves.

'Chelle, you gonna k*ll this.

I'm hoping this is iguana bridge.

Looking for the clue.

We can't even believe we are here.

I have to pinch her
sometimes to make sure.

Pinch me, that we are not dreaming.

We are super fans of the amazing race.

My mom loved the show and
introduced my dad and I to it.

It was a way for us to see the world

from our one-bedroom apartment.

Let's go this way.

At least we're close. Hopefully.

So, do we want to get the red first

- and work backwards?
- Yeah, and work backwards.

Do you guys have a clue? Clue?

No clue? Okay.

- Did y'all get your clue yet?
- No.


It's back there. I promise.

Let's go. Come on, baby.

That was really reassuring
that we got some friends.

Just look everywhere, okay?

We're not the fastest team, and so

we might need to form one
or two strong connections

that are able to help us in this race.

And so we did help Amber
and vinny with directions

because we do think that
they would return the favor.

Thank you.

Hola. Thank you. Grazie.

This is the pit stop, this here.

I need you to tough this one out.

If we're not... If it's pain, we ain't dead.

- Stay with me.
- I need you to hurry up, please.

We're almost done. We're almost done.

This is the finish line.
It's first place. Let's go.

You want to hold my hand?

I love you.

I love you, too.

I'm running into everything.

It's so hard. I can
barely keep up with rod.

We're almost there.


Phil, give me some good news.

I hope we in first place,
'cause that was some work.

I gave you all the action I could today,

so don't ask for none when
we get back to the room.

- Welcome to casa Kimberly.
- Thank you.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Thank you so much.



Come on into the mat, guys.

- Good job, guys.
- Good job.

Good job, man. That's the way to finish.

- Well, you want to hear some good news?
- Yes.

Rod and leticia, you
are team number one.

That's what I'm talking about. Good job.

And I am pleased to tell
you that as the winners

of this leg of the race, you
have won expedia one key cash

good for a five-night trip
for two to Lisbon, Portugal.

Expedia experts will design
a unique local experience

with a Portuguese
petiscos cooking class,

an authentic fado show and dinner,

traditional porto wine tasting

and private fátima tour.

We get to explore that.

- We get to explore. Good job.
- Good job.

Just winning this leg

and what it does, it's like...

It's almost a little emotional, 'cause

sometimes you don't
know how strong you are

till it's the only option,

and I feel like that
really showed up today.

I think winning this leg
is a big confidence boost.

So, now, we set the bar high.

- We're trying to win every leg.
- Definitely.

Ricky and Cesar, I'm pleased to tell you

that you are team number two.

- Yeah.
- Like, whole day long,

you guys have been
going neck-and-neck

all the way through.

Let me tell you, y'all pushed us all day.

- You guys were so tough.
- I'm talking about

- the whole time, every time we saw you.
- So tough.

It really did feel good to, like, come in

very close to them, so it's like...

- It just go... they're...
- Have you see them?

Have you seen them? Like,

they're fit, fit, fit, fit.

I know that we're in this for much longer,

so it's okay that, like, we didn't

win first place.

- Iguana bridge.
- Iguana bridge.

Let's ask somebody.

Sir, do you know where
the iguana bridge is?

- That's it.
- There's a box right there.

All right, let's make sure
this is the right box, though.

Iguana bridge.

I hope this is the right thing.

We're on lázaro cárdenas, so
the park has to be coming up.


I don't think this is it.

- Okay, here comes another group now.
- Okay.

There's only seven in here,
kishori. This has to be it.

- I'll do it.
- You got it.

Is this iguana bridge?

Yes, you're in the right place.

Man, I wish I could dry your face.

- Sweet. Here we go.
- All right.

Yep, roadblock.

- I'm gonna do it. Okay.
- Yeah. Figure it out.

Man, I'm not artistic.

People are gonna get confused

'cause this didn't look like a bridge at all.

Ask them if they went to... they
won't lie to us. Shane and Juan

- won't lie to us.
- Shane, Juan, is this

- your first thing you're coming to?
- No.

- Wait. There was something before this?
- No?

Is this your first thing
that you're coming to?

- No, this is our second.
- Wait. No. What was the...?

Well, we had a detour and then this.

- You had a detour before this?
- Yeah.

You went to iguana bridge?

Yeah, that had a detour in it.

- Yes, that one.
- This is iguana bridge, isn't it?

Wait. We haven't been to iguana bridge.

We haven't been to a
detour yet. We just came here.

- No.
- How?

I don't know. We thought
this was iguana bridge.

We did, too.

All right, girls, take a breath.

There is a detour before the roadblock.

- We did the wrong thing.
- You did this first, too? Yeah.

Wait, is it iguana bridge, though?

- It is iguana bridge. Yes.
- For sure, iguana bridge?

- For sure, it's at iguana bridge.
- So this isn't iguana bridge?

We're gonna start this one,
though. We're gonna start

this one, and then we can keep talking.

I think we got to go.

Okay, we got to go.

So we need to finish
this first before we do it.

No, we can't, because this is wrong.


- You ready? Is your face dry?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Guide us. Where do we go?
We'll help you with makeup later.

- Where do we go? Straight?
- Okay. Yeah. Go.

Once you hit the water, cross the bridge.

There's a little fair. There's,
like, knickknacks and stuff...

It's like a park thing where
there's concession stands

- selling, like, jewelry and stuff.
- Okay.

- Hey, guys, good luck.
- Thank you.

- Thank you so much.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

- Come on, bae.
- I got you.

We got to book it. Let's go. Come on.

- We got to book it...
- They're on our tails.

- We got to run a little bit.
- Yup, let's go.

Okay. I think that's... Pretty good.

Let's get a check before
you sweat it all away.

How is... that?

Yay! Yay!

Wow. They're way ahead of us.

I choose to do the roadblock.

Right here, right here.

Gracias. Thank you so much.

Then the balloon man.

It's getting hard to see
with all these balloons.

I'm proud of mom for
sticking up in this heat.

- I sure did.
- Probably harder than childbirth?

Yes, mom, or no?

Not yet?

We'll see at the end
what comes out, right?

May I have, please, por favor?

Thank you. Grazie.

- For you. -Gracias. Thank you.
- Thank you.

That one was a lot of running.

All right, bro.

I don't know, man. This is hard.

Okay, this one.

Blue, purple, orange, green... white.

- Purple, orange, green...
- Green, white. Okay.

- Yellow, pink.
- Yellow, pink.


- So that one's correct.
- Okay.

We can't figure this out.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


We are not going to lose
any balloons on my watch.


- Where is the party planner?
- Party planner.

- Thank you.
- He looks like a party planner.

Yes, he does.

Nice party shirt.

When we got back from
the balloon challenge,

the firefighters... they were still working.

I could see a little bit of
frustration, and I went, "okay,

we made a good decision."

- Good job. - Thank you.
- Let's go. Thank you.

They get 'em all? Let's see.

There's three clues still in there.

- We're doing good.
- Okay. Awesome.

Let's do balloon collection

'cause we already
know we need to go back.

Um, do you know where
the... La iguana bridge is?

- It's over there.
- Okay. Muchas gracias. -Gracias.

- Vinny... where's the clue?
- Amber, where's the clue?

Keep going, keep going right there.

Yeah, keep going, girls.

- Let's go.
- Hey, guys. Okay.

Let's go. Okay.

Rip it.

We're doing color
correction for this detour.

- I don't want to run anymore right now.
- Okay.

We're going to do
color... color correction.

Read this.

All right. Balloon collection we chose.

Let's get a ladder, let's go.

The cuzies.

We got this. We're
detail-orientated. It's fine.

So let's look at all of them

and see which one
does not match the rest.

God, it's hot today.

How do we tell...

What do you have that's
giving you the clue there?

- Um, so it says, "one strand of flags."
- Okay.

- Let's pick... -Number two?
- Number two?

- Must have been at least...
- There was one incorrect

strand, or there was...

There must have been at least...

You know, if everybody did it,

then there must have been at least 12.

But it was exponentially
more difficult than it looked.

- Lift it up. Let's go, let's go, let's go.
- Yeah.

- We have to do the ladder.
- No, not a ladder. Just hold it up.

You're like seven feet
tall. You're like Shaq.

- Come on.
- I'm like Shaq.

We don't need the ladder.

Come here. Work as
a team. One by one.

Go behind, go behind.

And one by one, we do
it. One by one, we do it.

That one's right. Next one.

That's correct.

Come on, we can't give up.

How are you feeling?

- Done.
- Yeah?

I have never endured
heat like I have today

with the humidity, and I
just was thinking "it's over."

All right, let me take your pack.

Please. Please just let me take it.

My son's my hero, taking my pack.

All right!

Don't fall!

We made it.

- Derek?
- Yes.

- I... I've seen you taller.
- Yeah.


I've seen you less sweaty.

Derek, you look like you've just run

all 12 legs of this race.

You're gonna be able
to make it to the end?

Yeah. Yeah, no doubt.

You're not giving up, are you?

- He-hell no?
- Slow and steady wins the race.

- I'm saving energy.
- Sav...

- You're conserving the energy. Okay.
- That's right.

Derek and shelisa, I'm
pleased to tell you that you are...

Team number... Three!

- Top three.
- Hey!

- 34 years together.
- Yes.

What do you think those
young teams are gonna think

when they find out that you guys

have run two legs of this race

and you're looking as strong as you are?

I think they're gonna
try to pick up their game

- with what their strengths are.
- Yeah.

So, they're stronger,
they're faster, but I think

that we're just being a
little bit more efficient.

So, that's what we're
gonna do moving forward.

Hasn't failed us yet.

- Butterfly kisses.
- Ooh. No, you got all that makeup on.

- Just come on, give me some.
- Mwah.

Black now, little lines.

Okay? Close your eyes.

Dude, there's no way other people are

doing this better than us.

Do your thing, buddy.

This is it. Right here.

"Who has a skeleton in the closet?"

All right. Me.

I think she... we're either
gonna make it, or we're not.

- You're done?
- Close your eyes.

Can I get a check?

- Little more?
- Little bit more.

- Little bit more. Little bit more.
- Okay. Okay.

- Man. I know exactly where I missed.
- That's...

- Yeah, okay. Yeah.
- I know exactly where I missed.

Stand still.


All right.

So I assume, like the
picture. I can move over.

Start with a white base, I guess, right?

This is about to be bad.


The colors and the
teeth look ten times better.

- Yes, let's go, dude, let's go!
- Yes! Yes!

- My god.
- That's what I'm talking about.

Muchas gracias.

We're making progress. You just relax.

I'm relaxed.

- I think we should ask.
- Where are those purple balloons?

- I think I see it.
- It's purple.

- Babe, right. To your right.
- I think I see it. Yeah.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Thank you, señor!

Ooh, dumpy bridge.

Thank you.


Here. Thank you.


They-they're all done already.

So we should switch if
we don't get this right.

"Make your way to lázaro cárdenas park

to find your next clue."

We saw a lot of teams,

but these teams were all ahead of us,

so I was like, "we're still catching up."

We beat out a bunch of teams,
babe. They're still back there.

- Look for orange...
- Look, look, look, look.

- You got it?
- How about this one?

- How about this one? Blue.
- What?

Pink, yellow. Swapped. Swapped.

These two are swapped.

- This is the one.
- Okay. Thank god.


We're matching it up

- to see which one's wrong.
- Is every single one different?

Are they all different, though?

My god, what are we doing?

So, we're not entirely sure

what we had to do in color correction.

We just could not figure it out.
We were looking at the colors,

the color patterns.

We were looking at
the words on each one.

- I'm so confused.
- I know.

And we just couldn't get it, and I felt like

we were gonna be there forever.

Do you want to switch?

- Let's switch.
- All right.

We're gonna switch to balloon collection

and hopefully, just,

put a little pep in our step and get going.

Balloons? Yes! Purple.

One for me, one for you.

Get ready for the
comeback, bae. Come on.

Yeah. All right, yellow balloons.

- That's right. We did it.
- Right.

- Can we get a check?
- Can we get a check?

- Good job.
- My gosh, yes! My god. - Yeah.

- Good job. -Thank you.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- Here, baby.
- Thank you.

- All right.
- All right, red balloons.

This way?

To be at the wrong challenge,

and then having to go back
and do the other challenges.

- We have some great teams here.
- Yeah.

So you... you can't... You can't fall back,

- not even a little bit.
- Yeah.

What you have to do is
continue running your race!

You just got to keep going.

Thank you.

- Now we just bring this back.
- Yup.

This makes no sense. Let's just drop this

- and go to the balloons.
- This is so stupid.

We saw teams carrying
balloons all around, so I was like,

"okay, most people are doing
the physical balloon challenge."

- Hi, balloon vendor.
- So I was like...

- So we need to switch.
- Let's go. Let's run.

- Here you go.
- Yes!

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- All right. God.
- Thank you.

- Yes, yes. Yellow. Yellow.
- My god. Yellow.

- Hola. Hola. Hola.
- Hola. Gracias.

- Let's go. Gracias.
- Thank you.

God. We can't get them deflated.

Come on.

Other side. My god.

I'm pleased to tell you that
you are team number four!

- Wow. Right where we started.
- Four, baby! Let's go!

Let's go.

- Thanks, Phil.
- Yes.

- Feel good?
- No.

- Feels good, yeah.
- But like beautiful butterflies,

we're gonna spread our
wings and k*ll the next run.

I think I feel butterflies right now

after hearing that we're fourth.

If you've learned anything
after running two legs of the race,

it's what?

- Man. Gut instinct.
- Definitely...

- Gut instinct.
- Yeah, gut instinct.

- Don't doubt yourself.
- Yeah.

And definitely don't
underestimate the competition.

Yeah, 100%.

Muchas gracias.

Don't pop any.

And there I popped one.

Pink. Pink. Right there.


My god.

Okay, where is purple?

What does it say?

- Pink, purple. I can't even breathe.
- Where are the purple...?

- I'm so tired.
- I need water. I'm...

- We need purple balloons.
- Where's the purple?

I say we go this way.
We came from that way.

We came from that way, and
there was nothing that way.

Yeah, let's go this way.

Okay, I need a breather for a second.

Hola. Gracias.

- Gracias.
- Have a nice day.

Now we need red.

I feel like we're walking too far away.

Let's try this way.

You see moradoballoons
anywhere? Moradoballoons.

Did you guys see
purple balloons that way?

- Purple balloons?
- Purple balloons?

No. Thought we were selling balloons.


- Purple balloons.
- Purple... balloons.

- I feel like we're heading farther away.
- Morado.

- I think it's back that way.
- Go that way.

Go that way. Go that way. Go, go.

- I need water.
- Okay.

Well, we can get water
when we win. Let's go.

- I didn't think about it.
- We were exhausted.

We are pushing each
other and, like, I was like,

- really hard.
- "Keep running, keep running."

- If it means sprinting...
- Yeah.

And, like, passing out on the ground,

- I don't care.
- I was like, "I'm about to pass out."

- "We're gonna get there first."
- I don't care.

Call the er. Like, literally, resuscitate me.

I don't care. Like, I don't mind.

Like, I was like, "I will run."

- Go, go. Go, kishori.
- My god.

Other teams are on our tail, and

we have to keep going,
like, or else we're going home.


- Come on, come on.
- Listen!

The father-daughter
team was back there.

They already had purple,
so it's probably back there.

Purple balloons! Come on, kishori.

Come on, please run,
just please run for me.

Gracias so much. I love you.

God. Come on.

We got to beat that team.


- Okay. Good job.
- Gracias.

Lázaro cárdenas park.

- Do you know where to go?
- Yeah.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Good job..
- Thank you.

- Thank you. Gracias.
- Thank you.

Right here, babe. Okay.

I'm gonna do it.

It's right up here.

"Paint your partner's
face to match the photo

"at your station

- "to receive your next clue."
- Okay. We got it.

- Okay, I'm gonna do this.
- I am pretty


I'm a little panicky inside

because I'm feeling that
heat exhaustion feeling again.


Danny was like, "mom, I've got this."

And I'm so thankful that he did.

You're doing great, mom.

Anthony's sweat is
making this very hard.

Dude, you're dripping, so it's like...

Dude, I might have to, like, restart it.

Do it then. I have to stop sweating, bro.

I don't know how I'm
supposed to do that.

You said you're supposed
to put other stuff on.

This is gonna slow us down a lot.

Over here, over here. Over here, biz.

"Paint your partner's face

to match the photo at your station."

- I'll do it.
- We need to find a station.

- Okay, go get 'em.
- Here. I'm sitting.

Okay. Don't give me any clues.

We back like we never left.

In life, you have situations,

and you deal with them.

See, that's the thing about life.

You just got to deal with it.
You know what I'm saying?

We suffered from infertility
and now we got three kids. Hello.

I'm trying to be fast but also make sure

I'm doing it right the first time.

You are probably more ocd

- than an actual judge is.
- Than anyone here.

- So...
- Probably.

How am I doing...
compared to other people?

Yvonne and Melissa...

Can I get another check, please?

Seem to be just leaving.

Sorry, babe, come on, you got to push.

You're taking long.

Are you okay?

- Yeah.
- How are you feeling? Tell me.

- I'm pretty tired, baby.
- Yeah?

I'm tired, but just keep
working. You got this.

She's sweating,

and the sweat is just
kind of pouring off of her,

which makes painting
a face a little bit hard.

I need to sit for a second.


- I'm sorry.
- That's okay.

Just got to sit for a second.

Enjoy the view.

- I'm gonna throw up.
- You are?

Well, can you throw up over there?

My god.

Don't throw up on me, please.

You okay?

- No.
- Do you need a medic?


My god.

Throw up over there.

I just did not feel well,

so we sat down. I... In my mind,

I'm like, "I'm not gonna be
taken off this game by a medic."

I just had to regroup,

drink some electrolytes,
drink some water,

give me five minutes to rest.

- Sorry.
- No, don't say sorry.

I just felt so bad.

My dad... I know he was giving his all,

and he kept apologizing.

And I just didn't want him to feel sicker

or queasy, even though I could see

he was turning a little green in the face.

Just have really pushed
ourselves today, and,

I would think the amazing
race expects no less.

In the amazing race,

every single second and step counts.

Yeah, let's go.

- Enjoy the ocean breeze.
- All right.

I'm feeling better, and I'm carrying on.

Just keep pushing.

Can I get a check?

It's so hard to not say anything.

Keep going.

I knew I couldn't see my face,

but I could tell, like,
how she was painting it.

I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know what I'm doing.

She'd be like, "check," and then the lady

would be like, "more,
more," you know, "more."

And bizzy would be like, "check."

Can I get a check?

They just asked for another check.

Keep going.

I'm looking for differences between this...

And I'm just not seeing it.

- You got this.
- Check, please.

- Thank you so much. Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Gray team just got cleared.
- Okay.

- I'll take you to prom.
- Hey, you're looking

- pretty good, bro.
- I'll see you there. -All right.

Elizabeth Taylor and
Richard Burton's house.

We did cross a lot of Bridges today, so

- I don't know, man.
- Under the bridge.

All right.

Maybe we should ask.

Hey, bro, you got to ask.

I'm... I'm not approaching
people like this.

- All right.
- I feel like a clown.

You look like one, too.

- Can I ask you for help?
- Absolutely.

Do you...? I mean, maybe
you can even Google.

I don't know who Elizabeth Taylor is.

And you can read this.

Can you Google who this
is and where their house is

and what bridge connects it?

- That'd be so helpful.
- You'd save our life.

A bridge just over the hill.

- Okay.
- It's easy.

- So it's a straight shot?
- Sure.

- Okay.
- Over the bridge.

Thank... all right, thank you.

It's a little bit harder
than I thought it would be.

So I would say we're
fighting for, like, 12th.

- Mom is pretty exhausted right now.
- I'm having a hard time.

You need to look up at me
'cause I'm gonna have to...

Actually, you know what?

I'm dizzy.

Just lay down for a second.

About halfway through,
mom looks at me and goes,

"hey, I'm feeling really
dizzy." And I went...

Back of your head, okay?

- Cold.
- Thank you.

You're doing great, mom.

Okay. All right.

Just breathe in slowly, okay?

Thank you.

This heat is more than I anticipated,

and feeling a little bit guilty
'cause of the physical weakness

that I'm showing right now.

I'm sorry, sweetie.

It's okay.

If you think you have what it
takes to win the amazing race,

go to CBS.Com/casting and apply now.

Mom is a little dizzy because it's hot.

And I went, "let's pause."

She laid down on the ground,
and then I read the clue,

and I was like, "all right.

- I can keep painting your face."
- "I can keep working."

- And so...
- He does not quit.

So, just communicate with me.

This is better.

Welcome to casa Kimberly.

- Gracias.
- You're welcome.

I am pleased to tell you that
you are team number five.

Yes! Let's do our thing.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- I'm feeling stronger.

We're not looking for the
best. We're looking to get clear.

- Okay.
- So... Maybe you're being too ocd.

Okay, well, let her be the judge.

Right, so let's move
fast and move forward.

I just got to make sure I at
least get your face covered

in the parts that need to be covered.

You're doing great.
Use your best judgment.

- You got this.
- All right.

I got to do your nose still with the black.

Teeth are good, white are good, sun.

All right, check.

- Yes! Let's go!
- Yes! Let's go!

- Can I get a check?
- Check.

"Last team to check
in will be eliminated."


- Yay! Thank you so much.
- Yay! Thank you.

"Run to your next pit stop."

- Fly. Fly.
- Let's go.

- Fly.
- Good job, guys.

- Are there teams still here?
- There's teams.

- Yes.
- Come on, we got it.

Come on, let's run, let's go.

We saw bizzy and sunny.

- Keep going.
- I don't know what I'm doing.

Excuse me, excuse
me, excuse me, sorry.

- We saw the double Dutch team.
- We can do it.

Everyone is so close. It
was like, this could make

- or break ours. I can't give up.
- I know.

- I'm sorry...
- I'm sorry for yelling at you, too.

We're doing a great job. I'm proud of you.

I'm sorry for yelling.

It's hot and we're
frustrated, but I love you.

All right, come here. Let's go.

Where are we going? Straight?

We're going straight.

They're going this way.

Hey, y'all... well, y'all
be faster than we are.

Let's get on the... Baby,
where are you going?

I don't want to get hit by a car!

- Danny?
- Yeah.

If we can walk where it's wider.

Okay. Street?

Man. All right.

Right? I mean, dude,
you should take the lead,

'cause I don't know anymore. Just ask.

What's the... what's the...
What's the thing say again?

Casa Kimberly. Under the bridge.

I mean, we passed all the Bridges, dude.

I know, but there's
probably more Bridges

in town than just that.

- What's it called, babe?
- Keep going.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

- Tell me if we need to stop.
- Yup.

Either way. We can ask
someone down here then, right?


- Dude, we got to move, though.
- Yeah.

- I-I'm down to run until I can't.
- Yeah.

Elizabeth Taylor and
Richard Burton's houses.

There's the twins right here.

- You guys know where it's at?
- No, dude.

- Read the clue again.
- Babe, this is all it says.

"Run to your next pit stop

under the bridge that connects..."

So we got to go here.

Babe, you got to read that clue.

There we go. One
little clue waiting for us.

You're getting your face painted.

Yeah, so I can sit down
when Mary paints my face.

I was feeling really energized.

If I could help our team out,

then I was gonna do it.

It was a tough leg.

Did not need to be
doing any additional steps.

You get to relax, and I
get to do your makeup.

- Get that detail, Michelle.
- I am.

I'm, like, not far from being done.

I just have the mouth and the nose to do.

- Can you do a check?
- All right. Yeah.

Can I get a check?

Thank you, Jesus!

I do do my makeup at home,

so I have a little bit more
experience than my dad does.

And we're gonna make
him make... Look really good.

I do not do my makeup at
home, so I'm trusting Mary to do it.

We saw a few teams there,
which again just gave us

that little bit of hope.
It's always nice to know

that you're not so far behind the pack.

'Cause we knew we
were right on their tails.

It did give me a little bit of time

to even regroup and get myself together.

I just, I needed that little
extra time sitting down.

- Am I looking pretty?
- You look fantastic.

I have good attention to detail,

so I'm hoping I can do this in one shot.

I know we're at the back of the pack.

We're definitely at the
back of the pack for sure.

We're probably fighting not to be last.

If we need to pause, let's pause.

- Well, I'm okay so far.
- All right, do you see it?

It's still to the right.

Hey, so, right here.

This... this way?

I don't know, dude.

I don't think it'd be hidden like that.

It's got to be... It's got to be close by.

I think I hear music.

There's a... yup, right...

Guys, do y'all know where it is?

- It says "under the bridge."
- Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Hey, we got to go up.

- We have to go up.
- Yeah, we got to go up, bro.

Look, there's a bridge
right there, actually.

I'm really proud of my mom.

- We're both exhausted.
- This is the song I sing.

Excuse me. Do you guys
know where Elizabeth Taylor

- or Richard Burton...?
- Around the corner.

Around the corner.

Around the corner and take a right.

Thank you.

Around the corner,

- up to the right. Okay.
- Let's go.


They always do the steps.

Stairs. Yeah! Yeah!

There's Phil!

We're coming for you!

We're doing our best. We've
got butterflies on our back.

You have, and you've
probably got butterflies

in your stomach.

- Okay.
- Was it intense?

- Yeah.
- It was more than

- I'm really happy.
- This kid didn't leave me once.

This kid... This kid stuck by me.

- And she didn't give up.
- Through it all.

- Ever, once.
- It kicked my butt.

You finished as team number six.

- What?! What?!
- What?!

Team number six.

- It was you. It was all you.
- No.

- Hey, another team.
- Come on in, guys.


Everybody crowd together, find a space.

So, Angie and Danny, tell
'em what team you were.

- Number six.
- Team number six.

So seven and eight.

You are teams number seven and eight.


Coming back from 12th,
all the way up to seventh?

I think we did dream team justice.

I'm doing her teeth
over. Can I get a check?

- Yeah!
- This way?

Elizabeth Taylor and
Richard Burton's houses.

Okay. Can I get a check?

That's what I look like?

- Yes!
- My gosh. Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank
you, thank you, thank you.

You better hurry up.

We were caterpillars a second ago

and now we are beautiful butterflies.

All right. I think I'm ready for a check.

- Thank you. Thank you so much.
- Gracias. Gracias.

- Thank you.
- Gracias.

All right, let's hit the road.

Elizabeth Taylor and
Richard Burton's house?

- Past the bridge.
- Right.

Now we got to go.

Flap your wings.

That's nice. That's a nice song.

Sunny and bizzy... I
am pleased to tell you

you are team number nine.

You are at the back of the pack,

and I know you're a
bunch of... hard-asses.

Yeah, badasses, Phil.


Putting out fires is
easier than this, first of all.

But this was rough. We're...

We're ready for the
next leg. There's only up

- from here, right?
- We got this.

We got this.

- It's under the bridge.
- Under the bridge.

They said under the bridge.

Babe, come on! There's steps.

Do we go under this one?

- Go under the bridge?
- Yes.

- So let's go under.
- Pit stop under the bridge.

Go, babe, go.

It's not there.

It's not there?

Is it up here?

But that wouldn't be under the bridge.

These wings... they're hard to run in.

Kishori and karishma,
you are team number ten.

Gave me a workout, Phil.

How are the cousins?

- Chaotic. -Yeah?
- But you know, I'm proud of us.

- We're doing well.
- We both think we're right all the time.

We're kind of like... We talk, talk, talk.

And we just go, go, go before, like...

- We don't think.
- Thinking about it.

So that's something we need to work on.

We have our little family fights,

but at the end of the day we
love each other no matter what.

- Yeah. She's like my little sister.
- She is, and

- she's like my big sister.
- That's why I love her so much.

This is not the bridge. It's up there.

Now we got to go.

Take a left and then we will take a right.

We're still in it. We got this.


- Coming, babe.
- Breathe!

- I see a bridge over there.
- Yeah. That's where we're going.

We're almost there.

We got to run, babe.

I can't. Go as fast as you can. Push.

Just tell us we're not
eliminated, and we can breathe.

Are we eliminated?

- Phil, I need...
- No!

What do you mean, "no"?

- We're eliminated?
- No.

- Okay, so...
- Who said you were eliminated?

- My god!
- You're not eliminated.

Going from fifth to 11th is a,

you know, little punch in the stomach.

We recovered.

- Yeah.
- And so, even knowing that

is inspiration to go into
the next leg even stronger.

- We did it?
- We did it.

We'll keep on smiling.

We are here.

We are determined.

Chris and Mary, I...

Unfortunately, you are
the last team to arrive...

- Yup.
- At the end of this second leg, and

sorry to tell you that you have
been eliminated from the race.

- No...
- It's been a rough day.

I'm just glad we made it here.
I mean, we never gave up.

I'm proud of my dad. I
know it wasn't easy for him,

wasn't easy for me.

And I'm just happy to be
part of it in any capacity, and

I'm proud of this girl. She's my rock.

She is my life. She is my everything.

And I'm just thankful that I have
this wonderful young woman.

- We've been through worse, and, so...
- Exactly. Exactly.

We're gonna keep plugging in life, and,

just thrilled to have
been a part of the show.

As a lifelong fan of the amazing race,

it's truly a dream come
true, bucket list checked.

He's just my teammate for life,

and now he's my teammate
on the amazing race.

Captioning sponsored
by CBS and Toyota.

Captioned by media access
group at wgbh access.Wgbh.Org.

Next time on the amazing race...

Let's go run a race around the world!

In guatapé, Colombia... Let's do this!

Angie and Danny stall out

the twins teeter...

Would we be, like, the first team ever

- to switch detours, like, four times?
- Dude, no way.

And Sean faces his biggest fear.

- I can't. Hell no.
- You're not gonna slip on a step.

- I can't. Hell no.
- You're not gonna slip on a step.