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36x07 - Walk and Chew Gum Baby

Posted: 05/03/24 13:45
by bunniefuu
Eight teams raced a mega
leg in córdoba, Argentina.

I'm built for this.

Angie and Danny, rod and
letica and Amber and vinny

felt safety in numbers
was the best strategy.

Our job is to survive... the mega leg.

At the roadblock, Angie got carsick...

It's so hot in that car.

And wanted to quit.

Might think about a penalty,

'cause if it started
now, it'd be better later.

But Amber saved the day for the alliance.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Then at the detour,

the alliance made a strategic move...

As long as we
commandeered the tables...

- We could continue trying.
- They couldn't get inside.

Blocking out Yvonne and
Melissa and sunny and bizzy.

Those three teams
were just shutting us out.

After battling in bubbles...!

Hell yeah.


And squaring off at the detour,

military pilots Juan and Shane

completed their mission...

You are team number one.

- Let's go!
- Yes!

Ending the boyfriends'
three-leg winning streak.

Ricky and Cesar, another
second place finish.

- Good.
- Yes.

Meanwhile, between
navigational nightmares...

God dang it.

And costly mistakes...

We know we can ride a
bike, but we chose to do this.

Grandparents Derek and shelisa

I mean, are you friggin' kidding me?

- Fell into last place...
- Embarrassing.

And were eliminated from the race.

We love building memories together,

so this is one that we'll never forget.

Next, you will be racing in Uruguay.

- Amazing.
- Ooh, Uruguay.

And you get to pick which
hotel you will be staying in

- using the expedia app.
- All right. - Yeah.

And the expedia app has
some great hotel choices,

so you'll all get to do that.

All right, let's see what we got.

- Expedia.
- Expedia.

- My wife usually does all this for me.
- I know.

- I want something with a pool.
- It has to have a pool.

- Yeah.
- There's a lot of options.

You know I need five
stars, baby, so get me right.

- That room look amazing.
- Okay, I'm gonna book this one.

- Okay, book that one.
- Booking.

- All right, booked.
- Cha-ching!

- Girls night out.
- Girls night in.

Teams will travel from argentia

to Montevideo, Uruguay.

It's here that they'll start
the next leg of the race.

This is South America's
southernmost capital city,

Montevideo, home to 40%
of Uruguay's population.

Teams will begin this leg of
the race high above the city

at this national monument...
fortaleza del cerro.

- Route info.
- Route info.

"Welcome to Uruguay."

"Drive to puerto logístico
punta de say ago"

"to find your next clue."

- Let's go, buddy.
- Let's go. Nice and easy.

- Is that a port?
- Yeah.

Yeah, puertomeans port.

All right, buddy, there's a map up front.

You're gonna turn left here.

Last leg, we realized
that we can catch up

to Juan and Shane if they get ahead.

So we're not too worried about that.

At the end, we're here for the long haul.

We want to make it to the finale.

If we can bring the
first place in, that's fin,

but, as long as we can
stay in the first group

and make it to the end, we're
happy to be where we are.

Feeling good. There's a
weird sense of calm right now.

I'm not sure why.

- I got an idea where we are.
- Okay.

Ricky and Cesar are
definitely the Goliath,

but we've already knocked
them down once in the mega leg.

They didn't make it easy.
They definitely kept it interesting.

And they are a very strong team.

But, we've proven that it can be done,

so we're just gonna
try to do it again today.

What road are we on here, buddy?

- Doesn't say the road yet.
- No, no road signs?

- That's okay.
- No, still no road signs.

So on the night of the
mega lega in Argentina,

I must've eaten something
that didn't agree with me,

and I got food poisoning, all night.

Obviously, it is affecting me a little bit.

I'm not 100% for sure, but
I'm still gonna give it my all.

I'm not gonna go back
to my family and tell 'em

I missed out on a million dollars

'cause I was feeling a
little under the weather.

- Follow the coast west.
- Frick. I don't even

see the coast, but okay.

You see it right in front of you, buddy.

- Yeah, that coast.
- Yeah.

Let's get it.

"Welcome to Uruguay."

"Drive to puerto logístico."

Let's go.

Let's go, babe.

So, we worked with Danny
and Angie and rod and leticia

on the last leg.

Our strategy for the mega leg was

to literally survive it.

Today, I believe we're gonna
be running our own race.

Knowing when to sever those alliances

and those relationships are
key to succeeding in this game.

We absolutely can get first place today.

- This doesn't look right.
- So... okay.

- So you want to ask?
- No.

Go around and go the other way.

- Up this way?
- Yes.

- Okay.
- We need to stay around the...

- The fort?
- Fort.

- What are you doing?
- That way.

We are headed towards
the port, which is on the wate,

and I see water ahead, so
I feel like that's a great sign.

So far, we're actually
getting along really well.

The amazing race has kind of taught us

how to deal with problems a lot quicker.

Get to that solution, get
over it and keep it moving.

I've been struggling lately.

I've just been missing
my babies so much.

- We have three kids at home.
- Yes.

I miss all of 'em,

but my baby Layla is seven.
I'm missing her so much.

Her and my wife got
the best relationship.

Like, that mother-daughter
relationship between them two

- is amazing. And I know she's missing her.
- She's my best friend.

Our kids are gonna be proud of us.

That's one thing that kind of
keeps me going through the rac,

because I know they're
gonna be rooting us on,

and I don't want to let them down.

I feel the adrenaline pumping.

This is what I live for.
Like, I love the challenge

of whatever's ahead of us.

I don't even know what we have to do,

but I'm up for the challenge,

and I like this part of the game.

Game time has started.

Puerto logístico is this one.

It's here. You're gonna
turn... yes. This one, right?

It's gonna be here. Here's
the checkpoint. Let's see.

To your right. Perfect. We did good.

Let's just keep it up.

Let's go.

- I see the clue box.
- Yep.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Okay. Roadblock.
- Roadblock.

"Who wants to make"

"sparks fly?"

Montevideo's harbor is

a driving force in Uruguay's economy,

and a primary port of
call in the south Atlantic.

With the enormous number of ships

coming in and out of port here,

there's always a lot of
repair work to be done.

In this roadblock, teams will get
a chance to make some sparks

by welding two pieces of metal together.

If their weld passes a strength test,

the foreman will hand them a clue.

- I've never welded.
- I have welded.

- Then you do it. You.
- Okay.

In junior high, we had
to pick a workshop.

I picked welding just to
try to make my dad proud,

you know? Like, my grandpa had

a little workshop in his factory,

where he would do
welding and things like that.

I wasn't the best one, but
at least I knew the tools.

See? I'm so excited.

We're hoping to not get too
many physical challenges.

Because of the way
I'm kind of feeling today,

I want to be able to back
Shane up as much as possible.

Here you go, buddy.

- Just a light jog, bro.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- How you doing? Good.
- Feeling good. Feeling good.

What do you think?

- I'll take it.
- All right.

- Let's go. Let's...
- Let's go.

"Choose a workstation with an instructor.

"Your instructor will demonstrate

the proper technique to weld."

"Weld a pair of metal plates together.

Then have your work
strength-tested by the foreman"

- good luck.
- All right.

Holy cow. These boots are a little tight.

Come on, Cesar! Go, go, go!

I have never welded anything, ever.

- Bye!
- Bye! Be safe.


Yeah, I got it. I got the angle.

Going through the
training, I'm paying attention,

but I'm also, like, trying
to hurry, you know?

I want to be the first one out.

Okay. I'm just gonna keep going like that.

Up and down. Up and down.

You guys are not gonna
make it easy on us.

- Really?
- Yeah.

God, what haven't you guys done?

- Here we go.
- Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

All right. Let's do this.


Okay? Yeah?

- 90-degrees angle.
- Exactly.

I want to make sure that it's centered.

Seems about right, so now,

sort of, like, have to go
on a diagonally approach

and just go slowly back and forth.

Okay? Okay.

Route info.

"Welcome to Uruguay.
Drive to puerto logístico."

- Okay?
- Let's get going. Here you go.

- Careful.
- Yep.

It's awful to be starting in the back

and have that 30-minute gap.

Go. Let's go.

But we're still here
because we're fighting.

We both work better with
our backs against the walls.

Like, we both thrive under pressure.

I'm just gonna make a left here.

You want to once they're gone?

Yeah, we're gonna ask
when we get down there.

I just want you to find it

on the map, so we
know where we're going.

I just don't want to go aimlessly.

- Yeah, so...
- I can make a turn or I can go right.

We're calling this "baby boot camp."

- Yeah.
- I think this is a baby boot camp for us.

There's no more high pressure
than we can find than this.

And I'm sure a family and baby is

I don't even know what level of stress

- that's going to be, but...
- Next level.

So this is kind of a
warm-up, a boot camp for it.


That's just strange.

I don't know that we're on this map.

If we are, we're gonna...
Must be on the whole other

- side of it.
- There's no legend?

No, there's no legend.

All right, mom. I got it.

"Punta El saggio."

"Punta saggio."

We're used to being the underdogs.

We're racing for firefighter mamas today.

Can you get us there from there

- if I start...
- Yes, absolutely.

- Okay, let's go.
- So we're going southwest.

- The goal today is to get first place.
- First place.

We need to win some vacations.

Some money, something for the kids.

- We got to... we got to...
- No. This vacation

I need to win a vacation for myself.

I can't wait to be with
the kids and the family.

There's a way we can
really screw this up.

So we have to stop and
figure out where we are.

I absolutely think we can move
up to the first or second grou.

We're dominating the roadblock.
We're dominating the detours.

The other teams, you know,

they make the mistakes and
we just step over their bodies

as we move up.

Okay, so we need to go this way.

- Okay. Okay.
- Yep.

- We got out of there.
- We did not work with other teams

for directions because we
want to run our own race today.

So in the last leg,

we worked with Amber and
vinny and with rod and chichi.

So hopefully, we can catch
up but not work with them today

but pass 'em instead.

Sweetie, do you want us to
pull over and get directions?

No. I don't.

The firefighters and Yvonne and Melissa

have had some
navigational troubles before.

And that's something I think I excel with.

- Yup, there it is. Yeah.
- You see it? Yup, I see.

- You're a stud.
- Yup, yup, yup, yup.

Got it. Why do I doubt you?

And that's it?

I think I got the concept down.

I just want to try to clean it up as...

As much as possible.


Shane was being a
really good friend today.

He knows that I'm feeling
like crap, that I'm not at 100%,

so, we both decided that
he'd take the roadblock

to give me a chance to rest up.

And that's exactly what
he did. Man of his word.


Funny 'cause my grandpa, in his factory

he had, like, a whole
welding workshop thing.

And it's looking...

And I'm thinking that it might
be good, so I bring it to test.

Then I see this humongous hammer.

And I see, like,

all my dreams are gonna be crushed

with that hammer.

My god!

Failure. Total failure.

You got it. Just focus.

- Do it again.
- Mine was not strong at all.

This is gonna be... A fun one.

Shane, let's go. Let's go! Okay.

My gosh, dude. Come on.

Good? Yup.

- You're doing good, Shane.
- You're doing real good.

Let's go, buddy. Let's go, buddy!

¿Cómo estás?

It's all right, Shane. You got it.


Damn it!

Ooh! Shane, let's go. Let's go!

Punta de say ago?

- Isn't that where we're going?
- Yeah, this is it, this is it.

- There's two cars here.
- I guess, like, park here?

Looks like we're the
fourth team to arrive.


Behind the fort. So whatever,
we have to find the fort.

Come on.

Babe, are you running
in the right direction?

Yeah, I see the clue box.

Come on, baby. We got to go.

"Who wants to make sparks fly?"

- You do it, babe.
- I'll do it.

- You gonna be welding?
- Yes, baby! Yes!

They're over there.

- I'll do it. I'll do it.
- You'll do it. Okay.

I got it. I got it.

The other team is down there.

Second group is here now.

So, I've done a little
welding back in my day.

Nothing too crazy, though.

I used to be in a metal shop course

when I was in high school and college.

I chose this because it's
the grunt work I like to do.

You look good. You look good.

I do not know anything about welding,

but I'm finna figure it
out as we go, though.

Let's get it.

I can't say, in my 13 years
of being with my husband,

I've ever seen him weld anything, but...

We're just gonna try
to play a little catch-up,

and hopefully, take a
little bit of a lead today.

All right.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

- Let's go! Let's go!
- Yeah, baby! Yes!

Yes! Yes!

Hey, Shane, really good try, buddy.

- You got this one.
- Yeah. Yeah.

I don't think it's welded together.

- No, it's definitely no good.
- Come on, Cesar!

Maybe one more demonstration, please.

- Hell yeah!
- Come on, Vincent.


That's amazing.

This will be a good test right here.

- I know, right?
- He asks for your hand in marriage,

- yeah.
- He's gonna come back to this episode,

and be like, "you know
what? I don't think he's ready."

If Vincent does this, my dad will approve.

Amber's dad would be so happy

to see me do some welding.

So what I learned was the main thing is,

as he was making those
little circles through the crevice,

that's what's creating your strong bond.

You have to do one full weld
across this 90 degree angle.

- Vincent, you got this.
- I know you do.

Make my dad proud.

Come on, babe!

Punta de say ago,
which I have on the map,

but now I'm just trying
to find where we are.

So we're gonna have to stop in a minute.

Think we're going
back the way we came.

Okay. Okay.

- Gracias.
- Okay.

We got this.

I feel good about these directions.

It's just unfortunate we passed
where we needed to go, so...

Not by much, though.

- And others might...
- Wasted time.

Should be the big street here.

- This is not a big street.
- Am I going right or left?

- You need to take a right.
- A right. Okay.

Okay, this is Barcelona.

The next should be centro américa.

No, we just were on that.

No, we need to go the other way.

We're going the wrong way.

We need to go the other way.

We need to go the other way completely.

I don't know what you
mean by the other direction.

- I'm going two different directions.
- Okay, so,

we were going, we were going this way.

- Okay.
- We need to go up.

So I feel like we want to
go over there, right, bizzy?

- No. We don't.
- Okay. Okay, okay.

Okay, there's an entry
down here with a fence.


- That's the way we're gonna go.
- Okay.

Last leg was just about alliances.

This leg is all about moving up,

and I want to go for that first place win.

I see the clue box. So
let's-let's get out of here.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

"Roadblock. Who wants
to make sparks fly?"

I do.

Let's go!

Danny, it's right here.

I have welded before.

I was an engineering and
physis major in my undergrad.

And so I've used a welding
g*n once or twice before.

- And so I was like, "okay."
- More than mom.

Engineering project,
we had to make a robot.

And we made a robot that sorted skittles.

And so the skittles-sorting machine

required a tiny bit of welding.

All right.

Find a volunteer.


Step number one.

Lock it. Okay.

Eventually, I'm gonna get it.

How fast? We'll see.

You got this, Shane!


Come on, come on, come on, baby.

We're gonna see if
we looking pretty good.

I think that's nice and strong.

Grab it with this... pliers,

and drop it in the water.

Vincent, you got this. I know you do.

A little extra off.

And see if this is strong enough for him.

Here. Can we check this, please?

Come on, babe!

I got the technique down.

I just got to make
sure it's strong enough.

Come on, babe. You got this.

Let's go!

Let's go! Give it up.

Gracias. Thank you.

Let's go, baby, baby!

- Certified.
- Love you!

Strong friggin' work, babe.

"Drive to Ciudad vieja
and search the Plaza

next to mercado del
puerto for your next clue."

- Bye, guys.
- Bye, guys.

Now, let's see if we got
some strength right here.

That's one. Let's go. Be good.

That's what I'm talking about!
Tell me some good news.

- Bien.
- Thank you so much.

Hey, baby, you know they
call me the welder man.

"Drive to Ciudad vieja
and search for the Plaza"

"next to mercado del
puerto for your next clue."

Let's go.

Look at my baby running. Look at her.

Looking so good.

We're gonna go out

- and then turn right there.
- Okay.

- And then, you're gonna turn...
- Turn right or left?

- Right. Listen to me. Right.
- Your left, or...

Just-just right, towards the water.

- That's left. Okay.
- Towards the water.

No, it's not, baby.

- Okay, I need...
- So it's between... Give me this.

Stop snatching that
out of my hand, please.

We got to go down here.


Deep breath.

Go, Danny.

Come on, Cesar!

Trying, I'm trying!

You got it! You got it!

Seeing other teams passing us

it just put more pressure
on me like I have to do it right

on the very next time.

I'm not feeling great,

but I'm feeling good
about this one, I think.

I think I'm just gonna go slow.

Hopefully, that will pay off.

- I'm, like, stressing out.
- All right, you got it!

Seems to be welded together.

Should I do it?

Trying to keep the
technique the best I can.

My gosh.

My god. What?!

Just slower, up and down, up and down.

Come on, Cesar!

I don't know. At this point,

starting to self-doubt myself.

Looks a little better
than the previous one.

It looks a little more neat, clean.

Go, Cesar!

All right. That's one.

- Let's go!
- Yeah.

See. Let's see.


Muchas gracias. Gracias.

- Route info.
- Route info.

- Good, good, good.
- I'm doing it on this one.

- You go, Shane!
- Hell, yeah.

I feel good.

That's one, baby! Let's go!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. One more. One more.

- Yes!
- Yeah, Shane!

Thank you very much.
Let's go. Thank you.

Dude. Hell, yeah.

"Drive to Ciudad vieja."

All right, let's get going.

Let me just find out how...

How to get out of here.

- That was Melissa. Come on!
- That was Melissa?

- Who was that? That's the boys.
- That was the boys?

Yes, they probably
just finished something.

Just says make a right here.

Yeah, we're good. We're good.

- Come on.
- Pilots are just leaving.

Come on, come on,
come on. We got this.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

- Was it hard?
- Yeah.


- I think that's you.
- That's got to be some kind of welding.

- I think that's you.
- Okay.

She's the builder of the two of us.

She's the more technical one,

she's the one better with her
hands, which is unfortunate

because my dad is a
welder. He's a retired welder.

He would have been so
proud if I'd been doing that.

But then again, he
probably wouldn't have been

because I don't know
how to put together...


We out here first of our group.

No, Danny's here.

- You saw Danny?
- They're here, yes!

- Love you, babe!
- All that engineering

right here, right now.

You're gonna take this street 'till it ends.

- Okay, punta say ago, right?
- Yup. Okay.

I see the team in front of us.

- I see sunny and bizzy.
- Sunny and bizzy.

- Ricky and Cesar.
- Yeah, Ricky and Cesar.

They're done... With whatever this is.

Turn left. We came this way, no?

- Here... no, we came straight in.
- Okay, okay, straight in.

We're here.

"Make sparks fly." I would love to.

You got it, baby.

This is the part that's hard.

I'm pumped

because I weld all
the time as a firefighter.

We have to do rescue, and
we know how to weld stuff.

I have never welded
anything in my lifetime,

but... first time's a charm,
and I have some luck today.

- You got this, Danny.
- You're a rock star.

Firefighters, you couldn't
have dreamed this up, sunny.

- I could not have.
- Damn it.

Any welding tips for me?

Slow and steady wins the race.

Go, sunny! This is us!

This is you, baby!

All right. And then I'm
gonna put it in here... to cool it.

And then brush. Good?

All right, Danny! This is it!

The moment of anticipa...

There's one. There's one.

One. One, baby!


Aw, sh**t.

You got this, yvo!

Got this, baby!

No, they... They've all been here, yeah.

- You saw all of 'em?
- All of 'em.

Rod did it. He nailed it.

He came up yelling, "I'm
a welding man, honey."


He's gone from NFL welding.

Before we go any further,

let's just stop and confirm this is...

Excuse me. Can you help us?

So we just came out of here.

- Where are we at?
- We're right here.

So we're right here but
we're trying to get here.

Rambla, make a right.

- This... yeah.
- We're gonna keep going.

All right, let's go.

- And then...
- We're-we're the only ones here.

- It looks like the Plaza's up here.
- Okay.

- Here. There it is.
- I see it. I see it.

"Detour. Candombe or murga?"

This detour will test
teams' multitasking skills

when they try to beat out
a routine called candombe,

a carnival favorite with complex rhythms

and synchronized
marching... With a group.

If teams can beat out
a perfect performance,

and they're a hit with the
drum leader, they'll get a clue.

Uruguay's carnival is
the longest in the world

big highlights is the murga:

A combination of singing, dancing,

acting and lots of laughs.

This detour requires
teams to sing a song

in Spanish using this
rudimentary prompter.

If their performance has enough flair

to inspire the murga
director, he'll hand them a clue.

- We're gonna do drums. Candombe.
- We're gonna do candombe.

- Candombe.
- Let's go.

- Yes. - Yes.
- Yes? Gracias.

- That's all?
- Google maps. Sí, sí, sí.Gracias.

Minas? Look for minas.

Stop worrying about...
Just do what's on here.

No, I...

Stop that. Please stop that.

You're working against me.

I'm the only one who
knows how to do this.

But Isla de flores is here?

Look, Isla de flores right there.

- Geez Louise.
- Babe, I can't do anything.

You're taking over, and
I'm the one navigating.

- What do you want me to do?
- Stop it.

You're working totally against our team.

- He takes control.
- He doesn't listen.

And so, like, I just got super frustrated.

I'm the only one who
could get the directions.

You can't get it, and all your...

- Why can't I get the directions?
- Because you...

You don't let me get the directions.

- Because I speak Spanish and you don't.
- Well...

So if she doesn't speak
English, you're stuck.

Just tell me what you
want. There's no ego here.

I just need to know what we need to do.

Let's put it... Let's drop it for now

so we can just get to our destination.

Okay, thank you.
Thank you. Appreciate it.

There's a lot of just attitude,

yelling, back and forth, and there's...

We just end up getting nowhere
in... in those situations, so...

We all know that you're
the best at navigating,

but I can't drive stick,
so I have to figure it out.


I'm sorry. I'm doing the best that I can.

I hope you learn from this experience,

what you're doing to us as a team.

So we're gonna go a little slower,

and then we have to do
up, and then you just...

Up and down. Okay.

You got this, yvo!

I love it.

Two right-angle pieces. Yes? Keep going.

So now we're gonna go a little bit slower.

I think I missed the
motion at the beginning,

so I need to do the motion now.

I'll get it. No.

Feel like Barney.

Yeah, this looks a lot better.

Let's go, mama! sh**t!

All right, we're gonna try this one.

- We'll see how it goes.
- You've got this, honey!

Hello. Hello. I'm a little nervous, so...

All right, baby, you got this.


- Okay, there's one.
- One!


- Yes! Yes! Come on! Let's go!
- Yes!

- Gracias.
- All right. You're a welding stud, dude.

Let's go!

That's the way you nail the roadblock.

This is a glorified sparkler.

All the processes are pretty similar.

I just have a better helmet at home,

and, you know, it's in a shop

where there's not light refracting

and you can see your work.

Come on, yvo.

Sunny's behind her.

Ooh, nice.

It's okay.

You got this, sunny!

No. Hers... they both broke.

Okay, take a right on colón,

- and then we're gonna just drop...
- Shane,

you're not gonna
believe me, man. I can't.

Okay. Then, fine.

Bro, what the hell?

- I want to...
- Take... Go back to de la tropas.

And look. This is... The
street we're on is federico?

Yeah, we're too far. Go back. Okay.

Dude, there's no chance

the other teams are having
an easy time with this.

De la tropas. Okay.

- Okay.
- Okay?

What is the place called again?

- We're looking for Plaza...
- Next to mercado del puerto.

I just don't see it. I don't know where.

Ricky, are you starting

- to rely more on my navigation?
- Yes.

I know it's hard that
you don't see the map.

It's just, I like to be in control,

and so this has really been a practice

of, like, relinquishing that.

- I'm crying. I don't know.
- I mean, it's been, like...

Just... and just trusting you, you know?

I get it.

Like, I've always trusted you, but it's...

Is it? It's been a good exercise, I think.

A self... it's a self-discovery of, like...

Hey, we're learning a
lot in this journey, and...


It's been great. Keep
your eyes peeled, please,

- 'cause that's a Plaza.
- Okay, and...

Okay, the Plaza's here.

- Keep going, keep going, park, park, park.
- Just right here on the left?

Yes, yes, yes, just park here.

Let's go.

I see the clue box.

- Someone was already here.
- Okay. Let's go.

Murga. We're going to sing.

I studied musical theater and voice.

I knew that, like, if there
was a singing challenge,

I would do pretty well.

My language skills aren't amazing.

But there's where I enter and help him.

That's where he comes in.

Here we go.

Dig deep!

You got this. Keep going.

- Push, push, push.
- I don't know what I'm doing wrong here,


The secret to a good
weld is slow and steady.

Even pressure. You go
too fast, you'll have holes.

I feel like it's better. I
don't know if it's enough.


Thank you.

Let's go, Yvonne!

- Holy crap.
- Let's go!

Okay, so that's it. I'm good.

No, not again!


Good job, yvo!

All right, run up, run up, run up.

We're heading to... Ciudad vieja.

I believe that's, like, a little, like, city

inside of, "monte video."

That's the Wisconsin,

white-girl version of
monteve... "monte video."

We believe this is Ciudad vieja.

And it's saying a Plaza,

- but it's not telling us which Plaza.
- Right.

- I see Ciudad vieja. I see it.
- Okay.

North or right?

- Which way did we come?
- We passed that park, didn't we?

- I don't remember this way.
- I think it's to the right.

Try that way, and I'm gonna
start trying to pick up streets

on maps, but at least I
see where we need to go.

We're going to go
with drums. Candombe.

I was in band, this kid is a pianist.

He can keep time, I can keep a beat.

- Do you have your phone for Google maps?
- Yeah, I do.


My god, dude.

Yeah, Dan and Angie are here.

Boys are here.

We can sing if you want, but...

- Probably better to do drums.
- You want to do drums?

- Yeah. All right, let's do it.
- Okay, we're gonna do drums.

Shane is very good with,
rhythm and very good with musi.

And I'm not huge on singing.

Damn, it took us forever to get here.

- What up, rod and chichi?
- What up? Hey, how y'all doing?

All right, guys. Have fun.

- I like drum, I like drum.
- Okay, let's do that. Okay.

Let's go find out what
street we're parked on.

All right.

Neither one of us can

- hold a tune to save our lives.
- We-we...

- Neither one of us can hold a tune, and...
- And we can barely hit a beat.

And neither one of
us can speak Spanish.

We would've been so lost.

We just saw two teams,
that were ahead of us.

We just passed them.

And so, directionally...

Minas should be up here.

Look to your left and just
see what's down there.

- I don't know, it's...
- Babe, no, no, no, what are you doing?

I can't go down that road, babe.

- You can't turn right?
- No. Right?

Yeah, that was minas.

I can turn right. You
said to look to my left.

I said to look.

Just to look, to make sure
that we hadn't already passed it.

My lord. You're terrible
at communicating.

All I said was to look to your left to see if

- there was anything down there.
- Move on. Move on, Amber.

Not to turn left.

This is gonna get real stiff with you now.

You're just gonna drain Patience

and act like it's okay to just
do that to your teammate.

You're making this so hard.
I'm starting to get frustrated.

And you're not trying to be any better.

Minas should be up here.

But we got to go to palermo.

- I think... Okay, I'm making a call.
- All right.

We're pulling over.

We're doing what I call.


- Direcciones. Minas?
- Minas? Minas?

The next one over, she said.


- This whole area's palermo...
- Are you sure this is minas?

So this is minas.

- This is where we're at.
- And there's palermo.

- Right there.
- Come on, babe. Hustle. Come on.


Is this it?

Did you hear it?

Instructor. Over here.

"Choose two drums and an instructor."

It might be the next one, Ricky.

It's over there. Park here.

- Hey, guys. -Hey.
- Hey.

Come on, come on, come on.

I used to play the drums and guitar.

I've never played a
drum like this, though.

Who wants to be with us?

- Let's go here. Here, here, here, here.
- Him, him, him.


You got this, baby.

My god.


- Vocal coach.
- Yeah.

- You. You. Perfect.
- Yeah. Great smile.

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

My god. How far?

We were really excited to
have, like, a full costume.

And, like...

Finally. I've been
waiting for a full costume.

Look at you.

It is sparkly and colorful and...

And a headdress.

My god. I've been
waiting for this for so long.


- May I do the red?
- What... you want to do the red?

- Bien? Bien.
- Sí.

Uno, dos, tres, y...

We strategically split it.

Like, Cesar did have
the larger amount of lyrics

because he was gonna
learn them faster than I would.

- I speak Spanish.
- Like, I might get it faster.

These three, make them into one word.

Like, "yay!"

This is...


So you kind of had

to hit these drums in a certain sequence.

Well, we both have
to do different routines.

Keeping the rhythm, your own rhythm,

and then combining the two
different rhythms together.

I'm definitely not musically inclined.

Babe, I'm really confused. I
don't know what's going on.

You know, I don't really
have a lot of rhythm, so,

it's really hard for me to keep the beat.

With Vincent, like, I would get distracted

while he was playing his, routine.

And then it was hard for me
to, like, stay on my own beats.

Okay, hang on. I got to fix this.

It was extremely difficult to just get

in synchrony with each other.

Which was kind of symbolic of our day.

I didn't feel like we were in sync,

so it was... it was tough.

We should run right into a Plaza here.

- We are. Is this the one?
- I don't know.

- See if you see a clue box.
- Okay.

This says "Plaza... Plaza fabino."

Let's go look.

Okay. I'm pretty confident.

- That what... this is not it?
- Yeah.

Aw, sh**t.

Plaza number one.

- Now we know it wasn't that one.
- Yeah.

It's okay. Let's find another Plaza.

I don't know. Maybe like this.

Like a Plaza.

- I just want to know if I'm...
- Mercado del puerto?

Okay, I'm just gonna
park. I... should I just park?

It's just, I don't know
how to park. Right here?

Right here? Right here,
right here, right here...

That's parking. Go all the way now.

All the way in. Stop, stop, stop.

No, back. Now. Stop, stop.

Whoo. Whoo-hoo-hoo.

- Okay.
- Ay-ay-ay.

Come on, come on, come
on, come on, come on.

"Detour. Candombe or murga?"

I think singing. Let's go through here.

- Everyone else is gonna do drums.
- I do think everyone else

- will do drums.
- Let's just do the other one.

Check this Plaza.

"Plaza independencia."

So let's search here.

Sure. Yup.

Do you want to try going up there?


They'd have markers or something.

- These are not it, biz.
- sh**t!

This is a Plaza.

I don't see anything.

"Search the Plaza next
to mercado del puerto."

Which is a port.

So that's what makes
me think it's on the water.

It should be right here.

- Do you want to look?
- Yeah.

- Not seeing it, biz.
- sh**t.

We had been up and down

that road numerous
times looking for plazas.

We stopped at the three plazas
we thought it could have been.


I don't even know
what... I don't even know.

There's got to be a Plaza ther.

It's got to be in that port.

I pray that there's a
Plaza in there somewhere.

It should be right here. Okay.

- Damn it.
- Just relax, sunny. Just relax.

It was extremely frustrating after

- a while.
- Extremely frustrating.

You know, to drive up and
down that port and not see

any plazas anywhere and
to not know where to go.

We have to change up
something. We can't just

keep driving around
and not find anything.

Now we're at the bus station.

We just got to get back to the water.

I don't see any other teams around.

I don't even see anything
that looks like a Plaza.

I'm gonna stop here and ask.

- Maybe they might know.
- Say "Plaza."

- I don't know.
- That guy? Excuse me.

Is this mercado del puerto?

- Outside?
- Well, yes.

- Outside.
- Outside.

He seemed to think that
we had to drive out of the port

and look for a Plaza. Which
was exactly where we were.

Let's go. Right here.
Costumes, costumes.

Danny and Angie are
here, and vinny and Amber

- are in front of us.
- Okay.

Let's get it, baby.

Babe, you got to stay on beat with it.

We are caught up
with the first-place team,

so let's learn these drums.

We just made up time.

We actually have a chance
of going for first today.

No. Yeah.

My beat ended up being a little bit harder.


But when I focus, I
focus in. And so I, like,

had my counting in my head.

And one, two, three.

One, two, three.

It was a one-two-three
beat, and it was very quick,

and I had to do it in between his beats.

I had to count it.

But we did that in band, right?

One, two, three. One, two, three.

Should we give it a try?

Yeah, let's try it. We
can always come back.

- I wanted a colorful costume.
- And you got it.

Hola, hola.

- Hola!
- Hola.

Okay, okay.

What do you think?

- No good.
- No good? Okay.-!

Sorry, sorry, sorry. One more time.

One more time. Sorry about that.

- We did it once, twice, and, like...
- We did it once,

and they were like, "muh. Do it again."

- Dancing.
- More dancing.

- Ricky, more dancing.
- More dancing!

Please. Got it!

I think we both kind of
had, like, this mental flip

of, like, it's a show.

Like, you have to, like,
give it to the audience,

and they want it more, and...

- We're gonna shake this stage, literally.
- Yes. Yes.

Let's go, let's run.

Okay, that looks like it's it.

- That was you.
- You?

- Ay!
- Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Sorry. I was so caught up in...

- One more time. Are you okay?
- Okay. Yeah.

I think we got this, bobo. I'm confident.

We're ready. We're
ready. Let's go. Let's go.

There's pressure 'cause at the detour,

we saw a lot of teams.

And I'm like, "focus on
you, focus on your routine."

You get in your head, man.

Babe, I don't know about this.

You got this, babe. Be positive.

More practice, more
practice.. Okay, okay.

We tried.

- Walk and chew gum, baby.
- Okay.

- Yeah, no big deal. Yeah?
- Hey.

Wait, wait, slow down.

How you feeling?

I mean, I had a k*ller headache

at that point, I was just
absolutely feeling like dirt.

I'm feeling every single beat on my drum,

for sure.

- Do you feel good?
- I mean, I...

If you want to do it
again, we can do it again.

Hey, better to do it now than to go back.

Let's do it. Yeah, let's
practice one more time.

- Do it one more time? Okay.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I really hope this is the right Plaza.

A Plaza is usually, like, a statue

or something, or a monument.

I see it.


We are going to do drums!

I was a drummer in high
school. I played percussion.

We're gonna knock this out of the park.

That's it.


"Drive down to la rambla play a malvín."

Playa malvín is one of the top

kite-surfing spots in Uruguay,

thanks to its predominant winds
that come in from the nor the as.

I'll be waiting for teams
on this Sandy beach.

The last team to check
in here will be eliminated.

Let's go.

I'm good.! Ricky are you okay?

- I know how to fall.
- My god.


- That was awesome!
- So good! Well done, mom!

Hi, guys.

- Good, good!
- Come on, let's go!


Thank you so much.

Here we come, Phil!

- You did so good!
- You did, too.

- Go, mom. I got navigation.
- I'm concerned

- about getting out of here.
- Here we go.

Okay. Okay, where we going, honey?

- Gonna need to go... left.
- Do you want me just

- to pull over for a second?
- No, I need you

to go left when you can.

My god.

- You know what?
- What?

I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking.

What would be the best
way to... The fastest way to...

- Along the river?
- I mean, along the river

maybe is the fastest, yes.

Babe, I can't do it.

I struggled a lot with the drums.

He's got it, he's waiting on me to get it,

and I just feel like a failure.

And he's just like,

"come on. You can't figure it out?"

And I kind of feel like that a lot

in our relationship, so... Use the tip of it.

With the drumming,
she had a hard time with,

and I think a lot of that is self-inflicted.

Her thoughts

are saying, "you know,
you're not good enough."

You want to switch?

I don't know. We can
try it one more time.

I can't... my... I have no rhythm.

Let's try, let's try, let's try.

We're racing for first place right now.

- This is so exciting.
- I don't know. Are we?

- This is so exciting! Okay.
- Okay.

It's the boys in front of
us, those first-place kings.

But guess what, Cesar and Rick?

We are coming for you.

Hey, Phil, watch out. Angie and Danny

we're competitors, we're threats.

Okay. It seems like we're
getting a little bit more...

- Yeah, I know, I know.
- Let's see where we are.

Are you feeling confident where we are?

Yup, I'm feeling really good.

It's not this beach right
here, but it's the next.


Ricky, we're almost there.

There's Phil right there.
All right, ready, mom?

- I see him!
- Is this a car in front of us?

I don't know! Just park!


Let's go!

Hey, Phil!

My god. Come on, Ricky.

- Come on.
- Where?

Right here, the stairs.

Let's go! Come on!


- Phil!
- Phil!

And one, and two.

And three!

Welcome to Montevideo.

- Muchas gracias.
- Muchas gracias.

Well, you know it's carnival here, right?

And you get all kinds
of crazy characters?


This is big head... very
famous here in Uruguay.

- Ricky and Cesar.
- Yes.

You might want to do a high
kick. You are team number one!

You have won expedia one key cash

that you can use for
a five-night trip for two.

- To?
- Paris, France.

Expedia experts are gonna

design a unique local experience,

including a seine river cruise,

a guided visit to the or say museum,

a versailles bike tour, and

a traditional French wine
and champagne tasting.

Your fourth win.

You should be extremely proud.

- We want to make it to the finale.
- It's... yeah.

We want to make it on first.
And we're here to compete.


- And this is just...
- It's a standard that we've placed,

and a standard we're gonna continue.

Let's go!

Get on the mat! Get on
the mat! Get on the mat!

Get on the mat! Get on!

I've been wanting to share
the mat with these guys

the whole time, so...

And we finally get to
share the mat with them.

Finally get to share the mat.

Pleased to tell you that you're
the second team to arrive.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Getting there second wih
the boys still on the mat

I'm like, "wait. We could really do this."

And so, my mind frame
changed a little bit today, for sure.

Let's go. All the way
home, man. Let's go.

I think we should just
try and see how far...


Three, four... not yet.

- No. No good.
- Okay.

Let's try it one more time.
But I know what happened.

The tempo... we got
totally off on when we,

- like, started to sing.
- Yeah.

Did we do it?

Por favor. Por favor.

Yes! Babe, we got it. We got it!

- Baby, let's go. Let's go.
- Thank you.


Thank you! Thank you!

There you go.

- Muy bien.
- Yeah. Yes!

Gracias. Muchas gracias.

Let's go! Let's go!

My hat.

Go, go. Keep going. Keep going.
You're good, you're good. Go...

Let's go, baby!

- Hey, good job.
- Thanks. You, too.

You had the harder part there, for sure.

Muy bien.

- Good job. Good job. Good job.
- Bien.

That's what I'm talking about.

Thank you, thank you, thank
you, thank you, thank you...

Thank you, thank you.

Hey, appreciate that,
guys. Let's go, baby!

- Where are we parked? Right here?
- No, we're here.

- We parked right here.
- No, we're here.

- You sure?
- Yes.


Are you sure?

We're down by the street.

Babe, I know that's the street.

Babe, please!


Okay. Where are we going, then?

We're either down here
or the next street down.

Or back there.

This is not right. You're
not listening to me.

We did not walk up las flores, babe.

- We did not.
- Babe, we did. We did.

We parked on the street, and we walked.

- What are you talking about?
- You want to go the wrong way? Let's go.

You want to go the
wrong way? Let's do it.

We did not walk this far.

We know we're going to a beach.

We'll head down to the water.

I don't know which way the water is.

Look, we're at the...
The beach is right here,

- and we're over here.
- Yeah.

We got to go to the left. Okay, I got it.

Phil, we coming, baby. We are coming.

Playa Honda. Playa verde.

Playa ingleses.

- Playa malvín. There it is.
- Where is it?

- Okay. Right here, right here.
- All right, sweet.

- Let's go, baby. Let's go. All right.
- Let's do it.

Okay, bro, we're gonna hail Mary this.

All right, let's do it.

- Take a right.
- Take a right?

- Yeah.
- All right.

We're sending this one home.

All right. I'm here for it.

We parked over here.

It's one of these cars.

- Do you see it?
- Did we park further up?

Did we cross the street?

Baby, please listen to me!

- You're not listening.
- Babe, this is the street.

We're over there!

I have no idea where we parked, then.

I know you don't.

Don't start blaming me. You
don't even know where it is.

Why would we park this far away

from the actual detour?

This is... so wrong.

We're right here. We're right here.

Okay, so play a malvín.
You want to turn right here?

I can't find it on the map yet.

You're just making us
drive in circles, dude.

This is ridiculous.

- Stop talking to me like that.
- I'm just trying to get us

where we want to get
to, babe, and you're...


well, you get mad at me for
talking to you a certain way.

Because you have...
You have brought us there.

Okay, well, I'm not
talking to you for right now.

Okay, okay, well, then if
you could keep it that way,

then we could keep
communicating clearly.

No good.


That's so cute.

Can we get an instructor?

Once we, like, got a couple
practice rounds down..


Yes. Yes.

I felt pretty good about it.

I thought they were gonna
add on, and then add on,

and then add on. And
it was just that beat.

I'm like, "this is... we got this."


What do you guys think? Good?

Let's try it.

- No good. No good.
- Okay. Okay.

No good.


- No good.
- Okay.

Dance, dance, dance, dance.

No good.


What the hell are we gonna do?

If you think you have what it
takes to win the amazing race,

go to CBS.Com/casting and apply now.

What else do we need to be doing?

No, just performance. I
say let's go do it again.

The performance of it was difficult

because we were trying
so hard to get the words.

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay. Bobo. Bobo.

- Watch them, how they're dancing...
- Yeah, yeah, exactly.

- But lots of smiles. Smiles.
- Yeah.

I was like,

"smile!" like, I kept shouting at her,

- "smile!" and...
- I was like, "I'm trying."


Good job.

Thank you!


- Thank you.
- Gracias. Gracias.

Yeah! Yeah!

Very good.

- Yeah!
- Thank you!

Thank you!

Let's go! Let's go find Phil!


I got it, I got it, I got it.

So we know we got to make a
left and get down to la rambla.

- Okay, go to the water.
- Okay.

And then... got it.

We're on... we're on Rivera.

- Okay, take a right at here.
- Okay.

- Bad news.
- I think this is it,

and I think it's one way,
the other way, which is

- the problem that we had.
- That doesn't make any sense, man.


Tried to take a shortcut.
It was a one-way.

So we have three beaches
that we have to pass, babe.

Do you... did you find all the beaches?


We're both very strong-willed,

strong-headed individuals,

but that's our relationship.
We're very strong.

We're very stubborn, both of us, so...

That's what we're trying to figure out

in our relationship before
we get married, and...

And this is really testing us.

We're in the front of the pack,

and I need you to focus on our team.

- You see Phil?
- Yeah, I see Phil.

Go down right there.

Let's go, baby!

Tell me some good news, Phil.

I am pleased to tell you that
you're team number three.

- That's what I'm talking about.
- We didn't drop a spot.

- Right? Top three.
- We'll take it. That's... - Yeah.

- Here we are.
- Come on in here!

I see you, big o. I see
you, I see you, I see you.

Good job.

- Good job.
- Amber and vinny,

- you're team number four.
- Yes! Okay.

We're feeling a lot more pressure

because there's less teams in the race.

We're gonna definitely go to
the drawing board and talk about

how we can be more supportive

as we go through the race.

We're just following the
rambla the whole way.

Now, could there be a faster
way that's more convoluted?

Potentially, but we're not doing it.

We're back along the water.

Yup, this is good. Just
crushing life right now.

God, man! Just ate ten,

I mean, we never don't
know where we are.

We always just choose a dumber route.

There's a roundabout coming up here.

So you're gonna enter in

and go back the way we're coming.

- Yeah, yeah, I understand, I understand.
- Going back completely.

So go through the roundabout.

- Here?
- Don't stop. Left. Left. Left.

That's what I was doing.

That's what I mean
by keep going through.

- Through means that way. This is a left.
- Okay, bobo.

Through means through
the roundabout, but okay.

No. No.

Just tell me to take a turn to get off.

- So we're heading northeast right now.
- Yup.

It's gonna keep going around.

- The water?
- Yes.

Okay, we're getting close, buddy.

- All right.
- Hey, hey, play a malvín is gonna

- be on the right.
- Okay.

It's on the right, right now so start looking

- for that route marker.
- All right, you got it.

I see a beach. Is this a be

- I don't know if that's it, but...
- Well, slow down, then.

It should be right here.

Hey. It's the girls.


There's a... It's pilots. Go! Go!

- Are you kidding me?
- No. Swear to god.

I'm not easing up off these girls.

Yeah, should be close.

Go, go, go. Come on!

These girls are taking off.

You want me to, turn here and park?

- Right here.
- Yup, here we go.

Go, go. Come on, come on, come on.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- That was close, wasn't it?
- Yeah, that was fun.

- Lost a shoe in the process.
- Where'd you lose a shoe?

Good job, girls. Good job.

Guys, come on in.

Yvonne and Melissa,
you're team number five.

You're team number six.

- You are still in the race.
- All right.

You have a chance to get better.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Get hydrated. Build some strength.


This race is gonna get
harder, guys. I told you.

- Yeah.
- And the competition is tight.

- You know who's ahead of you.
- Yeah.

What is it that they're
doing that is working?

'Cause they're being
consistent at the top.

Well, I could ask them.

- They're doing well.
- Yeah, they've been at the top.

- Gosh.
- Not today.

Sixth place was definitely
a hit to our morale.

Diamonds are formed
under pressure, and I think

we got-we got our backs
against the wall right now,

so there's only one direction to go.

- Guys, congratulations.
- Thank you. -Thank you, Phil.

- Thank you, Phil.
- Thank you, Phil.

- Grab your bags, grab your shoes.
- Yeah.

- Grab your shoe.
- And your other one.

Boom. Beautiful.

Sunny and bizzy, I am sorry to tell you,

even though you've got
these big smiles on your faces

probably the biggest
smiles that I've ever seen

on any eliminated
team... but unfortunately,

you're the last team to arrive,

and you have been
eliminated from the race.

That's okay, Phil.

- Did you get what you wanted out of it?
- Yes!

- I found myself!
- We absolutely got everything

we wanted out of it, besides first.

I'm just excited, like,

I get to go back a new
person. I feel rejuvenated.

I feel like this race was
everything I needed.

And to do it with sunny,

who, like, what a great woman,

what a great friend,

what a great partner
to run this race with.

I feel like we really were able

to find what we were looking for,

which is sisterhood.

You never know where you're gonna be.

You got to really reach for the stars.

Yeah, which you can achieve.

Even being a firefighter
and a mom at the same time.

You can do anything, and you
can do 'em all at the same time.


Captioning sponsored
by CBS and Toyota.

Captioned by media access
group at wgbh access.Wgbh.Org.

Next time on the amazing race...

For the first time ever,

the race heads to Barbados...

- So, Rihanna's from Barbados?
- Yeah.

This is Rihanna's childhood town?

- Who's Rihanna?
- Mom!

Where Juan and Shane
try to get back in the game.

I know, I know. This is it, Juan.

This is gonna do it, Juan.

This is gonna be it.

Angie and Danny
make a crucial mistake.

- Do I turn right?
- Yep.

Yep. You're right here. You're good.

I lost our crew.

- Really?
- Yeah, I did.

We just lost our crew,

and you're not supposed
to lose your crew.

- We have no crew right now.
- I know.