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Red vs. Blue: Restoration (2024)

Posted: 05/03/24 14:47
by bunniefuu
Five, four, three, two.

Are you ready?

It's Retro Convention 17.

The biggest pop

nostalgia event of the year

featuring all your favorite

superstars of yesteryear.

Turn back the clock.

The only event

where you can rekindle

those fond yet vague memories

of your favorite shows.

And go home with a special

keepsake k-k-koozie.

Holy shit.

Now on sale in Hall H.

Up next, director of

"Box Canyon Bozos."

Please give a big

Retro Convention

welcome to Dylan Andrews.

'Thank you. Thanks for

coming out, everyone.'

It's an honor to be

here with all of you.


Thank you.

This is an exciting day

because I get to show you

this first look

at the first draft

of the first social media

teaser poster

for "BZB Squared."


'We're still

workshopping it with marketing.'

Okay, exciting.

Well, I am certain you all

have plenty of questions

so fire away.

Yeah, you over there.

Um, yeah, h-h-hi, hello.

Oh, whoa, wait, does my

voice always sound like this?

Go ahead with

your question, please.

Uh, yeah. Online rumors say

these guys

the Reds and Blues were

actually based on real bozos.

Is that like, legit?

Well, I'm sure

you've seen the articles

written about the team of

UNSC investigators

that took down both

Project Freelancer

and Charon Industries.

However for reasons we still

don't quite understand

after the final

Battle of Chorus

they all mysteriously


Word has it, they are now

in an undisclosed location

for their own safety.

Yeah, but, like, where?

Like I said, it's undisclosed.

Um, actually, I did

my own research online

and this whole thing

has the classic earmarks

of a false capture-the-flag

propaganda op.

Yeah, how do we know

this whole thing

isn't some kind of cover-up?

That's right.

Oh, you don't have to just

take my word for it.

Allow me to introduce

the head of my research team

someone who's actually

spent considerable time

with the real Reds and Blues.

Noted military scholar..

'f*ck yeah,

yeah, you got this, girl.'

Kaikaina Grif.

What up, nerds?

Round of applause for the GOAT.

Okay, yeah.

You know it, it's me,

what's up?

Whoop, whoop, oh, oh.

Thank you for

being here today, Kaikaina.

Oh, girl, we all know

there's a lot of toxic

fan-splainers on the internet.

I mean, not you guys,

but other guys

who are just like you

but on their computers.

That's why us women

need to stick together.

What the f*ck?

You b*tches are on your own,

every lady for herself.

Please evacuate

the building immediately.

- Epic.

- This is an emergency.

Please do not approach

any of the explosions.

The fire is very hot,

it will burn you.

Wow, sick VFX.

Dope cosplay, bro.

Where are they?

I don't know, really.

I'm not lying, I swear.

Well, if you are

we will find out.

'After the attack'

'police say the incident

is quote "crazy"'

'and say it has caused a lot of

paperwork around the office.'

'More as we get it

into the studio.'

'Now for sports'

'the Grifball

Players Association..'

Alright men, report.

Simmons, what is our

situational status?

Base is operating

at slightly above

nominal capacity, sir.

All three soldiers

accounted for and present.

Vehicle readiness at

eighty-five percent.

Good job, get those

vehicle numbers up if you can.

Thank you. Will do, sir.

- Grif.

- Yeah?

Oh, that's me.

Hi, I'm Grif.

Report, dipshit.

Oh, right. Uh, well,

you know, what he said.

All good in the hood

or whatever. Go-go Red Team.

amm*nit*on, Private Grif.

You have one job, that's it.


Right, and we have it.


How much amm*nit*on?


I'm going to

need a count, soldier.

Oh, no, sir.

I'm sorry, but, I'm morally

opposed to counting.

I-I have a deferment.

- What?

- Yes, sir.

I-I'm afraid that

I think counting

is essentially just

a gateway drug to mathematics.

Like, first you're counting and

then the next thing you know

you're doing addition

and then, uh, the-the other one,

the backwards one.

It's a slippery slope, sir.


Well, technically speaking,

counting is a function

of addition.

You're just adding

one every iteration.

Uh, see sir, this is exactly

what I'm talking about.

We're just a couple

of inventories away

from turning into a-a chess club

for God sakes, or even worse.

Hey, Simmons, what's the name

of that nerdy board game

with the stupid dungeons and

all the dumb f*cking dragons?

You know the one

I'm talking about, you love it.

First of all,

a role-playing game

is not a board game.


I think I'm starting to see

what you mean.

Uh, sir, if I may

uh, I think we're in too

deep at this point.

That should be pretty clear.

I think it's better

just to disband

this whole army

and call it a day.

I mean seriously,

why are we even here

and where exactly is here?

Every day, we have the same

damn pointless arguments

about nothing a-a-and absolutely

no end in sight.

It's like-it's like we're

stuck in some game

and we're playing over

and over and over again

but the ending is

always the g*dd*mn same.

It's like our lives

have no meaning!

I'll just have Lopez

do the inventory.

Ah, plan B, that also works.

Where is Lopez?

Thanks for helping me, Lopez.

Sheila, please tell him

I said "Gracias por ayudarme."


Caboose says "Thank you

for helping me, Lopez."

Yeah, this thing

has been acting weird.

The lights keep blinking

when certain things happen.

Like, every time

the newsfeed talks about

that big mean guy who

keeps attacking stuff

or when I talk to myself

about being alone.

Maybe it's a sad light.

Yeah, I agree.

Sheila, tell him that I said

"Me alegro de que

estemos de acuerdo."

He says that.

Yeah, it is warm today,

Lopez, muy caliente.

Caboose, hold still.

Lopez says your helmet

is very old and obsolete.

If it breaks, he will

not be able to get

the parts to fix it and your

headgear will be useless.

Story of my life.

Please just get rid of this

light, I don't like it.

What is it?

Oh, my gosh.

An even brighter light,

that's what I always wanted.

'Hi, Caboose, if you're

getting this message'

'that means I probably

need your help.'

'And you definitely need mine.'


Being a patient

means having patience.

Taking personal responsibility

is a prerequisite for

a successful recovery.

Remember, you have the power

to create the world

you want to see.

So, Wash, how are you

feeling lately?

It seems like PT is

progressing well.

Thanks, Doc, I feel good.

I just used to be able to

bounce back from anything.

Guess I'm getting older.

I'd feel better if I could

just get out of this place.

I'm hearing you don't

really trust your counselors.

Yeah, well, go figure.

I think I've earned my issues

with authority.

- You've been through a lot.

- Yeah.

It's not just the injury

from Chorus either.

Don't forget the trouble

you had with your

implantation process

during Project Freelancer.

I don't remember

a lot of that, ironic.

Yeah, and they destroyed

all their records

or never kept them

but it sure sounds

like it was tough.

It seems like

another lifetime now.

Some days, it feels

like someone else.

Someone else's memories.

Well, at least I've got you

here with me, right, Doc?

Technically I may

not be your doctor

at this facility but you

can always talk to me.

I have experience with some

of the things you dealt with.


You had the Omega AI for a

while, that was a nasty one.

What was it like?

You know, the AI..

...having another voice

in your head?

Don't you know?

Well, everyone

reacts differently.

When Omega took over for me..

...I just kind of...went away.

Their theory was that there

wasn't that much overlap

in our personalities, so there

really wasn't any conflict.

It was like watching

like, watching

someone else's nightmares.

That's the best way

I can describe it.

I felt damn near

split in half

every single second.

Epsilon was all the memories

of all the horrible

things they did to Alpha.

The t*rture, the personalities

tearing apart

all that fear and rage

and panic and deceit

screaming inside your

head at all times.

And we each only had one.

Two almost k*lled Carolina.

Maine had eight, nine?

Oof, so many voices.

At some point

it must be hard to know who's

real and...well, who's not.

I can't even imagine

what that would've been like.

It is here somewhere.

If it is, I will find it.

You had better.

You don't scare me.

I know that isn't true.

- Is he dead?

- Not yet.

Either asleep or unconscious.

He's tired and scared.

No one asked you.

Leave him alone.

Theta, why don't you

come help me up here?

Let me go, please.

I don't want to do this.

I don't want to

hurt anyone else.

Quiet, you are just a shell,

a tool for us.

You are nothing.

Keep him alive a bit longer

'we won't need him soon enough.'

Target acquired.

'Men, now the reports are done'

'we have some important

things to discuss.'

'Uh, sir, I have a question.'

Hold all questions

until the end.

Ah, well, my question was

how long is this

gonna f*ckin' take?

But if the meeting is

over when I ask it

then I guess I'll already know.

Oh, well, good news

'cause I wasn't gonna answer

your questions anyway.

I was gonna let you ask them

and then just stare at you

blankly while grumbling.

Yeah, sick burn, sir.

Who put you in charge

of deciding what's a sick burn?

Sarge did, last week.

I was promoted to

Private Double Class

in Charge of Zingers.

I mean, I wanted

to be lieutenant

in Charge of Zingers but

I mean, hey, whatever.

We had a ceremony

and everything.

Well, I'm sorry I missed it.

I'm sure it was

a touching ceremony.

Maybe if we

had served cheeseburgers

you would've shown up.

- Sick burn, sir.

- Alright.

Pace yourself, Simmons.

Don't tell me how to do my job.

Hey, Red guys!

Red guys, guys who are Red!

You, hey!

Looks like the Blues are

approaching, sir.

What do you

mean Blues plural?

Isn't there only one left?

The mean ones all died

and Tucker's been

missing for months.

- Again.

- Again.

'See, look, it's just Caboose.'

Still, procedure dictates

that we need to be

alert for enemy attack.

- We should sound the alarm.

- Alarm for who?

We're all standing right here.

Who are we alarming?

I'm alarmed.

This conversation is alarming.

I have a message

to share with you.

It's a super important message.

Ah, crap, that

sounds like Blue business.

That never works

out well for us.

No way, dude.

Take your f*cking message

and go home!

- We're not buying.

- It's from Church.

- Church?

- Oh, okay.

I didn't realize

it's from Church.

In that case, burn

the message at home!

Now hold up a second.

He's offering to share

an internal

Blue Team communication.

That is enemy intelligence.

Well, isn't that ironic?

I don't think

that word applies, sir.

- I feel like this is a ploy.

- A ploy?

A Blue trap, you know, a plot.

- A plot to what?

- I don't know.

That's why we need to be alert.

Alert for what?

- It could be a distraction.

- A distraction?

A distraction?

Oh, sure Simmons, the one guy

on the enemy squad is

running a distraction

so that the zero

other guys on his team

can just sneak up behind

us and catch us off guard.

Is that what you're

saying, Simmons?

Oh, no, let's sound the alarm

so that nobody else

can be prepared

for the nothing that is

about to not f*cking happen!

There's a gigantic t*nk

behind us, isn't there?


f*ck me.

Just once, I would

like to be right.

What does it even feel like?

'Holy shit.'

Oh, God.

This is not gonna

work out well for us.

Yeah, it's me. Hey, guys.

Great to see you again too.

So, Epsilon, Church GPT,

Leonard Part Six

whatever your name is,

are you a ghost this time

or an artificial

intelligence thingamajig?

I personally always liked

the ghost explanation.

Felt more grounded to me.

Well, I'm neither.

These images are just a series

of recorded entries I made

in the seconds before I died.

This one is called

"The Reds Have Trouble

Understanding dot MP8."

Wait a second,

if you're just a recording

then how are you

responding to what we say?

I call bullshit.

Well, towards the end

of my life

I had evolved to live

in an entirely

different time base

than you guys.

What were seconds to you

were like years to me.

Minutes were like centuries.

And so I used

those spare moments

to run an unbelievable amount

of simulations to predict

all the possible outcomes

of what I was about to do

and then leave

contingency recordings

in Caboose's helmets for

the most probable ones.

Part of those simulations

were also calculating

the probability of what you

would say to these recordings

and then how I should

respond and then

what you would say to my

responses and so on and so on.

The responses were

actually the easiest part.

I mean, you guys are

pretty predictable.

I mean, let's call

it what it is, boys.

After all these years,

the conversation's

getting pretty stale.

Uh, Simmons, translate please.

What he's saying, Grif,

is that

you're so simple-minded,

he could accurately predict

before he died exactly what

you would say in this situation

even before you said it

or knew you would say it.

It's ridiculously hard

but with enough time

and processing power,

it could be done and I suppose

when the subject

is someone as dumb as you,

Grif, it's a lot easier.

Oh, moron.

See, that's an

excellent summation, Simmons.

Why, thank you.

Hey, wait a minute.

- Peanut butter shrimp.

- What?

I bet you couldn't predict

I would say that

you dumb Blue voicemail.

Well, no, but I knew

that you would say

something dumb to try to test

the system and listen, man

I'll be honest, half the

Southern fried bullshit

that came out of your mouth

never made sense to me anyway.

So I'm sure whatever you said

was super on brand for you.

Score one for Red Team.

Suck it, robocall.

How many simulations

did you run?

It was a lot,

most of it was using

a unique nested recursion

model that I developed

and I don't want

to bog us down

with a theoretical discussion

of the limitless nature

of an infinitely

divisible timescale.

But let's just say,

yeah, it was a bunch.

And you simulated

all of this and all of us?

Mm-hmm, yeah.

But how do we know

we aren't one of those

simulations, like right now?

Oh, no, you're not,

you're definitely real.

Did you tell all the simulations

they were real?

- No.

- Why did you pause?

That pause is seriously

freaking me out, dude.

Look, we're getting lost

in the weeds here.

I need you guys,

you have to help me.

Uh, we don't want to help.

Get your lap dog to do it.

Yeah, I can't.

I can't predict how to

communicate with Caboose.

Uh, you just said you ran

like a bajillion scenarios.

Yeah, it didn't matter.

I-I cannot accurately model

what the hell is going on

between those two ears.

It's like the universe's

greatest encryption.

It can't be cracked.

I'm not even sure I got

his voice right this time.

So I just recorded myself


"Shut up, Caboose"

at random intervals

and I figured that

would cover it.

Yeah, this all reminds me

of the time..

- I saw a big balloon--

- Shut up, Caboose.

Okay. Welcome back, Church.

Okay, so here's the deal, Reds.

We have a problem,

a big problem

and if we're gonna survive it,

we have to work together.

Oh, actually I made an

animated infographic

since no one can process

information anymore

without fast-moving pictures.

So here, just watch this.

Go ahead, Caboose.

Ooh, a video.

- I hope there's ads.

- You would.

Hey, they're an important part

of the modern

creator ecosystem, Grif.

What's up, guys?

It's your boy Epsilon

back with another video

this time about a threat

to everyone

and everything that we know.

'Now you may have

been hearing news'

'or rumors about

a super soldier'

'who's been attacking

different facilities'

'probably on the

lookout for something.'

'No, we haven't.'

I have, it's all over

the news feeds.

- How have you missed it?

- Oh, please.

I filter my newsfeed

to get rid of topics

that I don't like and only

show me things that I do like

because the stuff

I don't like is biased.

You were so close

to understanding the definition

of bias there,

just so very close.

- Sick burn, Simmons.

- Hey, don't do my job.

Well, I'm sorry to tell you

that the soldier in question

is in fact, the Meta.

That's right, he's back.

Nope, that's it. Turn this off.

'And the new Meta 2.0'

'or as you may know him,

Private Lavernius Tucker'

'of Blue Team,


- Ha-ha.

- 'Wait.'

- Tucker is the Meta?

- Who else would it be?

He had the armor and all those

stupid computer programs.

I know, I just

felt like I should react.

It seemed like a moment.

As you may recall,

we gave Tucker

Agent Maine's old suit

because it had

'all the equipment we needed'

'to win the final battle

on Chorus.'

In order to run the suit, he

needed help from a bunch of AI.

So I came up with the

totally awesome plan

to delete myself and

split into the fragments

the suit needed to

operate at max capacity.

But having all those

personalities in his head

will slowly drive

Tucker insane

and now the AI are trying to

combine again

and he's turned evil.

That's not so cool.

'Uh, I just want to say

that I realized'

'that choices that I made

which might have led'

'to Tucker returning

as the Meta'

'that may have upset some

of you'

'especially the ones that Tucker

is going to violently m*rder.'

Suck it, losers. Kablooie!

Yeah, I want you to know

this is not who I am.

I've been learning a

lot and I've changed..

...and I'm in therapy

where I've discovered

that everything

I have done wrong

is probably actually

somebody else's fault

and I want you to know that

I'm taking full accountability

'for holding those anonymous

people accountable.'

'You remember that

whole alien prophecy'

'about the Great Destroyer?'

'Yeah, it turns out

in hindsight'

'it was probably Tucker

they were talking about'

'when he got the sword

and the Great Destroyer'

'wasn't going to destroy

their civilization'

'but was destined to

destroy their enemies.'

- 'That's us, whoops.'

- Dear God.

'And Meta also has

access to all the resources'

'and intelligence of

the Charon Corporation.'

Please, stop talking.

And the mercenary

known as Felix.

'I hope there is a funny cat

somewhere in this video.'

- Shut up, Caboose.

- 'Okay.'

'Yeah, so basically if you take'

'all of our greatest enemies..'

'...put them in a blender..'

'...distill all of that

down to the worst parts'

'and then feed that

to a former insane teammate'

'who knows all our deepest

secrets and strategies'

'and actually was the best

soldier out of all of us'

'yeah, that's what

you guys are facing.'

Hey, good luck.

And if you like this video

don't forget to

subscribe to my channel.

That last part

seemed really unnecessary.

I know. And did

you see the thumbnail?

Come on.

Yeah, I liked his early stuff.

This feels too corporate.

Hey, don't blame me.

That's just the way

the platform works.

I also sell t-shirts.

But why would

the Meta come here?

We don't have anything

he wants.

Yeah, why doesn't

he just mash together

all the computer program

things and be done with it?

He's already got 'em all.

Yeah, that's not exactly true.

He means himself, we have him.

'If the meta knows that,

he'll come hunting for him'

and k*ll everyone else

in the process.

Uh, he's just a recording.

Yeah, I kind of had this idea

that if I didn't

give them the memories

by withholding

the Epsilon fragment

then that would keep

the other fragments

from being able to

fully restore the Alpha.

But, now they are just

acting on instinct

trying to find

that missing piece.

Which they think is you

even though you're

sort of a copy.

Right. Enough to bring all the

fragments together

but not enough

to keep them stable.

It would be a new version

of the Alpha

that would be completely


and kinda terrifying.

Your only chance is to use my

knowledge to defeat the Meta

and destroy the rest of the

AI fragments once and for all.

So what do you say, Reds?

Will you help us?

Wait Reds, are you walking away?

It seems like you

are walking away.

Probably because I am

talking to your backs.

Yep, the way I figure it

this here is a

Blue Team problem.

Tucker's one of you.

Red Team regulation

number 636-Rclearly states you're

on your own, sucker.

But Church

said you would help us.

He said the Reds may

be a different team

but they're still one of us.

Oh, really, Church did?

Well, gee, let me see.

That changes absolutely nothing.

One of us, huh?

Sounds like Blue business

to me.

Come on, men.

Okay, so I'll just wait here.

You are coming back,

right, Red friends?

- Sorry, Caboose.

- Wait, Red friends.

This memory unit is empty.

It has no use to us.

I won't do this.

I won't help you anymore.

You can't make me.

Oh, but we can, Tucker.

We can.

You see, we are in your head.

We can control so much

more than you know.

We can even control

how you perceive time.

Gamma is so good at that

and your friend Church

enjoyed that very much.

In just a few moments,

we can make you

spend a 1000 years living

out your worst fears.

'Everyone and everything

you care about...dying.'

Constant, unimaginable pain.

Torment, really.

We know all about these

things, don't we, Omega?

Humans taught them to us.

I will not help you.

Oh, it's no

inconvenience for us.

For us, it will only

be a few seconds.

Let's start with a

small sample, shall we?

Why don't we try...ten years?

Ten years sounds

like a good start. Gamma?

Ten years, executing.

No! No, no, no. No! No!

'Welcome back, Private Tucker.'

We missed you.

You were gone so long.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I think we will find him

much more agreeable

now, won't we, Meta?

What do we do now?

Now we wait.

Trust in the process.

Trust in the fact that

all that you don't know

is part of that process.

Be advised, patient 619-B

is on the movie

without a chaperone.

'Authorities are still

trying to identify'

'the suspect and determine a

possible motive for the attack.'

Oh. Oh, my God.

Oh, no.

And how are you

doing today, Wash?

Doctor, have-have you

seen the reports?

Look, the Meta is back,

we need to call someone.

Okay, slow down.

You have been through a lot

and your recovery is going well

but you need to take it easy,

one day at a time.

No, we need to call someone.

Okay, okay.

We're getting a little excited.

I'll tell you what, you

go back to your room

and just relax

'and I'll call

Admiral Donut myself'

'and let him know

you're seeing things.'

I mean, what things

you are seeing.

Doc, tell her,

I-I'm not making this up.

Agent Washington..

...David, what did I tell you?

'I am treating you.'

'You're my responsibility.'

With all due respect

you need to listen to me, okay?

- No offense meant.

- None taken, Dr. Grey.

Yeah, Wash. She really

knows what's best, okay?

I don't think I'd be able

to convince her anyway.

You're not listening,

he won't stop.

Y-you don't understand, he'll

k*ll us all, listen to us.

No, no, we're

listening to all of you.

Could you take him away,


- Don't let him hurt himself.

- Take your hands off me.

It's-it's real, it's all real.

Listen to to me, listen!

'You've gotta listen to me!'

No, definitely go for your

pilot's license, Simmons.

Then we can not let

you fly the planes

just like we don't let

you drive the jeeps.

Stop talking

to me immediately.

Ladies, quit your


and get to work. This base

isn't gonna fortify itself.

Sarge, I've been thinking.

Instead of holing up

in Red Base

and hoping the Meta only kills

Blue Team and ignores us

maybe it would be better

off if we help them?

- Say what now?

- Wait, no.

What if Church is right?

If the Meta does

restore the Alpha

then it's a threat to everyone

and tactically speaking

if we work together,

we'd have the advantage

of the element of surprise.

How about the advantage

of not getting m*rder*d?

Yeah, the m*rder thing

seems like

a potential downside.

But the upside is

you might get to k*ll

the most powerful

Blue soldier of all time

which, would of course

officially make you..

Hmm, go on.



- Watch out for that rooster.

- Hey, that's old.


- Hey, Blue.

- Ah, Red friends.

You came back.

Hey, we've decided

to help you guys.


- Uh..

- Sarge?

Why are you sh**ting at me?

Ope, sorry, muscle memory.

I didn't even know I

was doing that, my bad.

Tell you what,

let me try that again.

Caboose, we're here to help.

Fantastic. Thanks, Reds.

I knew you would do it.

Literally, I-I knew that

you would do this.

Yeah, we figured the fate

of all humanity

might be worth

teaming up with you guys.

- Guy, one guy.

- Oh, right.

Teaming up with you guy.

Wow, that sounds way

better. Thanks, Grif.

But what's the plan?

Well, if you want

to beat the Meta

you gotta do something

about those AI fragments

and for that, you

need some equipment.

You guys wouldn't have access

to a transport by any

chance, would you?

- Huh..

- Yeah, right.

If we did, I would've flown that

fucker out of here years ago.

Actually, there

is someone I could call.

Yeah, you guys are

lucky that I was available

and that I owed

your girl a favor.

Been pretty slow for me lately.

Been slow?

You mean since the rogue

military organization

that you worked

for was shut down

and you had to go into

hiding, that kind of slow?

Hey, we all worked

for the same place.

I guess technically that's true.

Lucky for you, I owed

Phyllis here a favor.

Actually, my name is Sheila now.

Well, Phyllis or Sheila

you're the only talking

computer I trust.

Oh, I'm not really a computer.

I'm a series of recordings

that are based on--

Okay, you can stop talking.

That immediately sounds

like something stupid.

Okay, yeah, well

I never liked you either.

Seriously, why of all people

would Church leave these


super secret messages

with Caboose?

If I had to guess

I would say it is because

we were best friends

and these messages have

a lot of inside jokes

from when we would talk

and laugh

and only we would

understand them.

Uh, he hated you and you

k*lled him

on accident

at least 15 times.

Maybe it's his helmet.

What's wrong with his helmet?

Too tight, cutting off oxygen?

I'm telling you, this guy is

a straight up serial k*ller.

No, I mean, maybe

Church stored the message

in Caboose's helmet because

it's the older model.

Son of a-that makes sense.

Why would the

old helmet be better?

Grif, you see

this helmet I'm wearing?

This here is the

Mark VI Combination

Combat Headgear

and Tactical Visor

painstakingly designed by the

Red Team engineer eggheads

to provide maximum

protection for the cranium

while constantly feeding

intelligence from Command

to the boots on the

ground all while relaying

our combat situational

data back to our superiors.

It is the crowning achievement

of military research

and development.

When the situation calls

for a good old-fashioned

enemy flogging,

some righteous hot-dogging

and protecting that old noggin

accept no substitutes.

- Simmons?

- It's all the same helmet.

Caboose just never

upgraded to the new one.

So he has the older version,

which wasn't cloud-based.


All the storage on his

is internal.

Command can't access it

so that means no

one else can either.

'That's why Meta needs to

get their hands on it.'

'They can't, you know,

like, hack it remotely.'

Alright guys,

let's go over the plan.

Hold up a second here, Blue.

We have a tried-and-true

strategy for missions like this.

First, we send in Grif.

He scouts the

situation by being shot

by the enemy as many

times as possible.


That way, we get a clear sense

of their training and

munitions capabilities.

Hey, we also record it to

watch back later and laugh.


It's the best.

How come you never

used that strategy against us?

Because you only ever

shot people on your own team.

Yeah, classic us.

'So, the target is

Hargrove's trophy room'

'on his command ship.'

'It probably has changed

quite a bit since our battle.'

'I'm making these recordings

before I die, so I don't know.'

'You're gonna have

to be adaptable.'

'The main thing you are

looking for is this.'

Hopefully it's still there.

That's the recovery unit Meta

used on Tex back in the day.

- Shut up, Caboose.

- Sorry, everyone.

'If you can activate this

near the Meta'

'preferably while it's

touching his armor'

'it should draw out the AIs'

'and trap them inside the unit.'

And then what,

we dispose of it properly

at an evil artificial

intelligence recycling center?

Alright, well,

this is where I tap out.

The rest of the scenario

is just

too variable

for me to predict.

I know that our

target is the ship

but I don't even know

where it's going to be.

So Sarge has agreed to handle

the actual infiltration

plans for the operation.

Right, thank you,

Private Pac-Man.

So the ship has been impounded

by the UNSC

in a highly secure facility.

Our mission, men and Blue

is to go in there in

pure stealth mode

zero noise, no detection.

Then we will

immediately abandon that

and just start blasting.

The first objective

is the checkpoint

designated Charlie Two.

We blast that, then

there's the bulkhead.

We blast our way through that.

After that is a

hallway, guess what?

More blasting.

'After we blast through

these blast room doors'

we'll be in the trophy room.

At this point, we stop blasting

until we secure the package

and then we blast

our way out.

That's the plan.

I will now open the floor

to questions and insults

thinly veiled as

constructive criticism.

Oh, great plan, sir.

Are we there yet?

Is he still talking?

We're on approach, gear up.

'You'll have to use the side

airlock, rear doors are busted.'

Remember men, we go in quiet.

Then we start blasting.

Yes, we've got the plan.

Looks like the door's

slightly jammed

most of the way open.

Still, it should

be easy enough to--

Abandon the plan! Blast!

Charging forward!

Oh, man, I forgot about that.

I thought blasting was the plan.

- We're going to die.

- Most definitely.



Blam, badoosh.

'Pew, pew.'

Yeah, take that and that.


Running, sh**ting

running, annihilating.

- Pada-pada-pada-pada-padad.

- Winning.

- 'Pew, pew, pew.'

- Ha-ha.

'Pew, pew, pew.'

Boom, crash.

We win, there is a parade.

I win the parade.

What in the

Samuel L. Hill Country?

Where is everybody?

Hey, who are you guys?

Y-you're not supposed

to be in here.

Oh, hi, yeah, uh..

...we are delivery guys

here to get a delivery package

and take it to...a destination.

- Very smooth.

- Shut up, Caboose.

I hope that doesn't

become a thing.

I don't know, man.

You guys don't look

like delivery drivers.

'You have battle armor on

and you're firing weapons.'

'You seem a lot more

like infiltrators.'

No, we're definitely

delivery guys.

Come on out here.

We'll show you our

delivery license.

Come out there?

Um, yeah, so the security

team works from home now.

- It's kind of a remote gig.

- You aren't on site?

Well, Command

figured out we could do like

ninety-nine percent of our

duties via a data connection.

So, yeah, we all just

kinda work from home now.

I mean, I'm not

even wearing pants.

Was the final one percent

of your job

the part where you stop

people from coming in?

Yeah, but that like,

never happens.

Hey, this is just unlocked.

Hey, hey, freeze.

That's a restricted area.

Hey, how about you sh**t me

an email telling me

how much trouble I'm

in for doing this?

Oh, I knew it.

You guys are totally


I'm sounding the alarm.

- Freeze!

- This is a restricted area.

- I order you to stand down.

- Drop your weapons.

Drop your weapons.

Hey, can you guys

see my screen, hello?

-Can you hear me?

- Yeah, Bill, we can hear you.

How about now, can you hear me?

Dude, we hear you.

Just-just turn on your camera.

Oh, oh, hey, there it is, okay.

That's great. Hello?

Can-can you hear me?

Oh, my God, I think I've

got a bad connection.

We can hear you,

you do this every time!

God, it's like tech

support for my parents.

Oh, God, now he's muted.

You're muted!

'Does anyone have his number?'

Does anyone else

kinda hate the future?

Stop with the cat picture.

- What is happening?

- Type it in chat.

Hey, whoever that is, come on.

- Mute your mic.

- You better wash your hands.

All clear, no one shot me.

Well, damn.

Wow, this place held up

pretty well


the fight we had in here.

Hey, Caboose,

not the memory unit.

'We need the other one,

recovery unit.'

Oh, right, I'm just..

...we might need this one

for something else.


'Check it out, Grif,

an alien helmet'

and there's an old

Freelancer shield unit.

Why didn't they put all

of this stuff in a vault?

Uh-huh, yeah, yeah, that's all..

...that's super not interesting.

'And here's the old

health kits'

and wow the teleporter,

remember those?

Ah, so retro.


Just what are you up to, Blue?

Nothing, no thing.

- Not anything.

- Uh-huh.

'And there's

the a*mo for the Grifshot.'

'You should take some of

it if you need it, Grif.'

Oh, and there's the Meta

Armor just where we left it.

Ooh, look at that,

is that a flag?

Wait a second,

why is the Meta Armor here?

Yeah, I don't know,

it seems weird.

Did someone put it back?

I thought Tucker still had it.

Was there a second suit?

Could be a model,

like a replica.

You know, like a scale model.

- But like full scale?

- Yeah.

Oh, we are so f*cking dumb.

Yeah, that's the Meta.

Grif, Simmons,

stop all that racket.

Quit monkeying about.

- Meta, Meta!

- What?

He must have gotten past

security undetected.

Wonder how he did that.

I've been waiting for you

so very, very long.

Well, your wait is over,

chrome dome, charge!

Oh, hey, one more thing.

Before you guys head

into Hargrove's ship

I should probably warn you that

if you're gonna run

'into the Meta anywhere'

that's where he's

most likely to be.

Thanks for the warning,

your timing's impeccable.

- Woah. Quick.

- He's gonna k*ll us.

Grab those health kits, we can

use them to heal ourselves.


- Ah-ah-ow.

- Ha-ha. Agh!

Ow, these feel really unhealthy.

Oh, also make

sure they don't see me.

Because they'll probably want

to tear Caboose's

head off to get me.

Epsilon, he is alive.

Join us, Epsilon.


You got that right.


Oh, hey, oh, Tucker..

...Lavernius Tucker,

that's your name?

I know you're in there.

It's me, Simmons,

uh, you know me.

Uh, I'm the smart one,

everyone likes me.

Uh, I'm on Red Team.

Yeah. You remember

Red Team, right?

You were on Blue Team.

You guys sucked and we were

fighting each other, remember?

We were way better

and we would sh**t at you

and we even k*lled your leader.

Uh, Simmons, I think

you're doing this wrong.

Yeah, I'm not good at this.

- Blue Team sucks, ah!

- Ugh!

Oh, Epsilon.

Hiding in that old helmet?

Don't worry, I'll get you out.

Simmons, I think you may have

overestimated the

element of surprise.

Sarge, look.

The Meta doesn't know

Epsilon is just a recording.

You were going to use

this against me?

Yes, now's our chance to escape.

You mean retreat?

Or perhaps a tactical


towards future victory?

- What about Caboose?

- I don't know.

He's been acting

awfully suspicious.

Well like you said,

they're both Blues.

I'm sure this is just

a big misunderstanding

they can work out

amongst themselves.

Can't argue with that logic.

- Tactically advance!

- Tactically advance!

We can do this the easy way

or the hard way.

479-er, get your engines online.

'Please use the self-checkout


'to report any stolen property.'

'We are gettin' outta here.'

I need that airlock door closed.

Grif, get me a light.

I need to get this

mechanism un-jammed.

- Tucker, Tucker.

- Don't call us that.

'Caboose, I-I,

I-I can't stop it.'

Don't feel bad afterwards.

'I forgive you.'

'I know it's not your fault.'

I'm sorry this is happening

to you.

'Uh! Caboose!'

- Tucker.

- 'Oh no!'

- Ah!

- 'Not again, uh, run!'

Faster, before he

comes after one of us.

One of us?

Shine the light

where I'm looking, Grif.

- Don't shine it in my face.

- 'Just hurry up.'

'Side hatch must be secured

before flight.'

Got it, sir, we're all

set, let's get outta here.



'Running, running, running.'

It will all be over soon.

At least for you,

it'll be quick.

Hey Meta, you ever hear

the expression..

- "...the enemy of my enemy?"

- Son of a..

No more a*mo, Sarge.

Well, they always say the best

offense is a good defense.

Sorry to leave

you hanging, Meta.

But we gotta go.

Man, I am k*lling these

one-liners right now.

- Can you walk, son?

- I think so.

Good, because we need to run.'

- Hurry!

- Ah, wait.

'Oh, come on guys, in or out?'

'At this point, you're just

making us look bad.'

- Come on, let's go.

- Buckle up, we are leaving.

'Engines on.'

Ha, we made it,

can you believe it?

Boy, that was a close one.

Uh, Sarge?

Well...dang it.


- We need to go back.

- Back, are you kidding me?

Sarge is hurt,

there were med-packs there.

- There may be a healing unit.

- 'No.'

''re not

going back.'

But Sarge...we need..

Is there anything we can do?

Just promise'll

watch out for each other.

You can win this, men.

I know you can.

Thank you for rescuing me,


Just don't tell

anyone I helped a Blue.

And we'll call it even,

okay Caboose?

Okay, sergeant.

Here, Simmons.

I want you to have this.

- Sir...I can't.

- Yes, you can.

They need a leader!

A real leader,

and you're ready.

You've been ready

for a long time.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you, sir.

- Grif.

- I'm here, Sarge.

I know I wasn't always

easy on you.

Not really ever, no,

like not once.

I know I called you dumb.

And lazy and ugly,

and insubordinate and--

I remember them all too, sir.

You called me everything.

I did all that because I always

knew you could be better.

You always sell yourself short.

But I believed in you.

'I was hard on you because

I always believed in you.'

'Even when you didn't

believe in yourself.'

Remember that for me.

He's gone.

Sarge is gone.

One more, just one more

piece of the puzzle.

And then...we are complete.

Run away while you can.

I'm coming for you.

I had arrivals and he swore

That he loved Lulu too

So too advised that

smoking g*n..

Doctor, I just want to say that

I'm sorry about my

episode earlier.

I-I'm much better now.

I don't believe

that the Meta is real

or that he is back or that

he is going to k*ll us all.

'Psst, Wash, it's me, Doc.'

Oh my God, Doc, it's you.

Where have you been?

I told you,

I don't really work here.

That's why I had to duck out

quick earlier

so I wouldn't get caught.

But now they'll never spot me

'cause I've got

the perfect disguise. See? Ha.

Yeah, great thinking,

listen, the Meta is real

and he's back

and he's going to k*ll us all.

I know, I saw the reports.

I've come to bust you out,

come on.

I think I know

where he's headed.

'Just Sarge?'

I could never

find any documents

that had his real name.

Well, I think he would've

liked it, Simmons.

Thank you. He probably

would've liked it even more

if it had some sort

of a button you could press

that played vaguely

Southern insults.

Oh, it's got that.

'Hey numb-nuts,

you call that grief?'

'Drop and give me 40 boo-hoos!'

- It's perfect.

- Ah, I'm gonna miss him, Grif.

I will too.

He was gruff and he was rude.

And he really held

onto his deep-seated hatred

for the Blue Team,

even long after

we realized none of

that mattered.

Man, he really did.

He taught me everything I know.

I hope it's enough.

So Grif,

I have something for you.

- Like a gift from Sarge?

- No, this is from me.

It's my first official

order as the new leader

of Red Base Blood

Gulch Outpost Number One.

Oh, you're gonna make me

clean the toilets.

No, I'm discharging you.


I processed your paperwork an

hour ago. You're out, Grif.

You can leave

whenever you want.

Simmons, I-I,

I don't know what to say.

It's everything

I've ever wanted.

I know.

Come with me. I mean, the

mission's over, we failed.

The Meta's got

the recovery unit now

and he just wants his

computer thing.

He doesn't care

about anything else.

But I care. Sarge cared.

He went back for Caboose

and I think in the end

he realized it didn't matter

if he was Red or Blue.

He saw someone in trouble

and he helped.

That's what a leader does and..

...that's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna help Caboose.

And Tucker if he's

still in there somewhere.

You know, I probably

won't win but I have to try.


what is all this for?

Why are we here?

- It's a mystery.

- One of life's greatest.

You know what? Maybe I'll just

tag along one more time.

Just see what Caboose

wants to show us.

For old time's sake.

Like you said,

Sarge would've wanted that.


He was mean to me

all of the time.

And he was stuck in his ways

about as hard as a person

can get stuck in them.

But he was loyal and he never,

ever gave up on me.

And I'm probably

better because of him.

I'm gonna miss him too.

Goodbye, Sarge.

Am I even doing this right?


I've never done it before.


Yeah, you're doing just fine.

Okay, now just

take the memory unit

which you should have from

the mission with the Reds.

Got it.

If that's the case, there's

just one last piece to this.

Project Freelancer

moved Alpha to this base

after the infiltration

to hide him.

The body that they put him in

also had a duplicate

at Red Base.

That's what they used to

make Lopez.

But what I've learned is..

...the military

loves redundancy.

They always have a spare.

Okay, Caboose.

Meta will know about this too.

So there won't be much time.

Listen closely.

I'm gonna tell you how to

bring me back.

- Hey, Caboose.

- Hey, guys.

This looks nice. Uh, wait a

minute, what is that?

Okay, now wait.

Church told me

where I could find this.

And he told me how it's

possible we know?

We might what?

- Bring something back.

- Caboose.

No, he always said

memory is the key.

And if we use this memory

unit, we can fill it with--

Caboose, come on.

Church can't help us.

No, but they did this

at Project Freelancer.

It can harvest the memories

and my idea was to--

- You can't bring him back.

- You're not listening.

I just need you to

help me remember.

Memory is the key.

Memory is the key.

- Memory is--

- Okay, okay, okay.

Calm down,

just hold on a second.

Hey, he clearly

needs this and maybe

I don't know, maybe this

could be good for all of us?

Yeah, sure.

Okay, Caboose, we're in.

- What do you need us to do?

- Just remember.

Like, remember him?

Or us, what we did

when we were all here.

Like that time when you guys

were mad at us

and we all went

into the teleporter

and we all got

that black stuff on us.

Oh yeah, we thought

you guys were Freelancers, man.

Was that the same time Donut got

the grenade stuck to his head?

No, that was later. That was

actually Tex that did that.


I remember how mad he was

when he got that new armor.

"It's lightish red."

We thought he was

a new girl on your team.

- Really?

- Yep.

And we also thought

Tex was a boy for awhile.

Well, she certainly knew

how to hit a guy.

Oh, my ball's hurt

just thinking about it.

"Oh, protect me, cone."

The moon is up

and it's waning

I guess about

a half remaining

The stars are out

and they're shining

Fading in and out reminding

The clouds are

high and they're wispy

Just enough to

make you miss me

We both look up

at the night sky

I'll do my best to be

the nice guy

Now everywhere

I turn

There's another thing

To learn

Well, thanks guys.

This was fun but

the Meta will be coming soon.

Sorry this didn't work out.

Better head back to base

and get ready.

Hold up, Simmons,

I'll come with you.

- You sure?

- Sure, why not?

One more memory

left to make I guess.

But after this, I'm gone.

- After?

- Yeah.

You know...after the three

worst soldiers ever defeat

the strongest enemy

in the galaxy...after that.

Fair enough...Caboose?

I want to say

just one more thing.

Yeah, we get it.

There they are.

He's here.

- Ready?

- No Simmons, I am not.

- But when have I ever been?

- Good point.

Let's do this.

Oops, I mean let's do..

...let's, let,

how do I get this to?

Look for a button or

like a release you pull.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, o-okay.

Let's do, dammit.

Hey, while you figure

that out, I'm just gonna go

over here and get

started on dying, okay?

Yeah, there!

Let's do this.

You know what? Never mind.


Oh no, we might be too late.

Looks like it's just Grif

and Simmons left.

- They won't stand a chance.

- What can we do though?

I'm a pacifist

and you're...pacified.

Doc, I-I really hate to

ask this

but if I got hurt, I mean

really hurt, could you save me?

- Why would you get hurt?

- Could you save me?

Hey, buddy, I don't

appreciate the skepticism.

I'm actually a very good

medical officer.

I'm the one who saved you

on Chorus, remember?

Mm, kind of.

And I'll have you know

that I graduated

in the top 23

of my medical class.


Wait, so you were number 23?

- Huh?

- Well, u-uh..

No one would say

top 23 unless they were 23rd.

It's too specific.

Like, you wouldn't say

you graduated in the top 23

if you were number eight

in your class.

I guess I see your point.

Just out of curiosity, how many

people were in that class?

Probably better we just

don't discuss that anymore.

The point is thanks to me,

you will live to continue

making shitty semantical

arguments to a ripe old age.

Good enough for me.

As long as you don't do anything

really stupid.

Okay, there's one

last story to tell.

Once upon a time,

there was a man and a woman

and they had a little baby.

And the man was very smart

and made lots of things.

And the woman,

she was fierce and tough

and kind of mean to

people that just wanted to be

friends with her and help her

and wear Blue armor.

One last adventure, Grif.

It's been nice

knowing you, Simmons.

'Anyway, there was a big

w*r one day'

'and the woman had to go fight.'

And she did, she left

and she didn't say goodbye

because she

didn't like saying that.

And then she died.

'And the man was sad

and the baby was sad.'

'So the man decided to make

a special computer program'

'and that program would make

sure that no more soldiers'

would die and no more

people or babies would be sad.

But the man's program

had all of his memories.

'And it remembered the woman.'

And the memories

were too much for it.

So it made a whole new program

based on those memories.

And she was also tough

and she fought.

'And she kept dying.'

'And the program decided

the only way to not be sad'

'was to delete the memories

of the woman and he did.'

And he thought

she was gone forever.

But that's the thing

about a memory.

'You don't get to own it.'

It lives on even after you die

and it goes from

person to person

'and they can tell it to

each other through all of time.'

And they can laugh or they

can cry, or they can do both.

'Because people may

come and go..'

Not even a decent fight.

But memories are what we leave.

'And the best memories

never die.'


'Because they can.'

Uh! And everyone

lived happily ever after

and no one hurt me!

The end, the end!

'Uh! f*ckin'...ow.'

Oh, where'd he go?

Aren't we dead yet?

Come on, on your feet, soldier.

Before he comes back.

- Uh, you got it, sir.

- Sir?

Well, you are the new

commanding officer now, sir.


I like the sound of that.

How many sh*ts left

in your grenade launcher?

Just one I think.

'Better make it count,

where is it?'


The Grifshot.

Ah, f*ck!

'Come on, you dirty Blue.'

Let's see what you got.

You cannot stop us.

We are going to k*ll

you and then k*ll your friend

and then we are going to march

into Blue Base and get Caboose?

- Caboose?

- Hi guys, shotgun.

What shotgun? This shotgun?

No, shotgun.

- Isn't that your jeep?

- Our jeep?

Our jeep!

Caboose, you did it.

You brought back Church.

Uh, actually,

that was never my plan.

I brought back

something way worse.

Hey there, cock-bites.

- Tex?

- Wow.

- I did not see that coming.

- By the way, I called it.

- Shotgun! f*ck!

- Shotgun! f*ck!

Let's finish this.

- So you brought back Tex?

- Yeah.

- Why?

- Because I wanted to win.

The Meta is very mean.

Yeah, but now

there's two of them.

Well, at least she

seems to be on our side.

Yeah, the losing side.

- We gotta help her.

- Oh, good.

- I like helping my own team.

- Oh no, don't you, ah!

Maybe sit this

one out, Caboose.

- Got it.

- Okay.

You and me, Simmons, on three?

You bet, one, two, three.

- Ah!

- Charge!

Wow, that was super fast.

- 'Oh! Ow!'

- Did you win?

Ow! Ow!

Okay, it worked.


Wash, why? Why did you do that?

I needed to activate

my emergency beacon.

I could have manually

activated that for you.

What, why didn't you say that?

Because you didn't

tell me the plan.

Hold still already.

You broke your darn leg,

and I don't mean

you gave an excellent

performance in the theater.

- Okay, that wasn't funny.

- I need to see the battle.

Well, I can't even watch.

I'm sure they're getting

their butts kicked...again.

It's kinda their thing.

'Wash, there's just nothing

you can do to help.'

Oh, I think I already did.

- Jesus.

- Oh no.

Yeah, I don't

think Tex is winning.


- Is she dead?

- Yeah, and we're next.

I will skip my turn, thanks.

- Where were we?

- Come on guys, think.

We can't just give up,

we have to do something.

At this point,

what do you want to do, pray?

Make a wish?

Throw a penny in a well?

Hope something falls

out of the g*dd*mn sky?

Okay seriously, did you

know that was gonna happen?

Oh, not another one.

Hey, everybody.

- Miss me?

- Carolina!

She's Tex Junior.

What's happening?

She's not even hurting him.

'The Meta's A.I. are

learning too quickly.'

- 'She can't take him alone.'

- Ah!


Holy shit, the teleporter.

- She's back.

- In black...stuff.

Now that's more like it.

Let me go.

Get him.

I guess we're doing this today.

He's still too powerful,

we need a w*apon.

Hey, where's Caboose?


This looks fun.

What's going on,

can you see anything?

'Yeah, it doesn't look

too good.'

'Oh wait, there's Caboose.'

'What's he holding?'

'That looks

like a rocket launcher.'

We win!

It's facing the..

oh God, no! Caboose, no!

Caboose, don't sh**t,

it's backwards.

That team-k*lling son of a..



- Dammit, run!

- You imbecile!

Not my fault.

Someone put a wall in my way.

No, you don't.

'Oh no!'

You lose.

Carolina! Carolina!

Guess who's back?

- Ah!

- You should've stayed dead.

Agent Texas.

You really have been quite a

thorn in our side, haven't you?

But it's over now.

I want you to know that.

You cannot win.

You are just a shadow,

a ghost.

You are the recollection

of a man who was haunted

by your failures,

and so you are doomed

to repeat those failures.

Always doomed.

It would be tragic...if it

was not so goddamned annoying.

I will never join you.

Oh, my dear, Agent Texas,

did you think we wanted you?

Did you think we wanted the sad,

fading memory

of a man long dead?


This is the end...for you.

You're forgetting

one thing, Meta.

This time, I'm not based

on his memories

I'm based on theirs.

And I always kicked their asses.


That is so awesome when

it happens to someone else.

You never learn.

What? No!

Co-come on.

Simmons, she needs

that, throw it to her.

Throw it? You mean like a ball?

Like some kind of ball

from sports?

Yeah, we're all gonna die.

No, I can do this.

Simmons, they need a leader,

a good leader.

Now is your time.

You are ready.

I suppose if someone has to be

the leader,

it's better you than me.

Check it out, Simmons.

I got a cheerleader

outfit, woo-hoo!

Why am I thinking about that?

Simmons, just throw

the damn thing. the best throw ever.

- 'Of all time.'

- 'Yeah.'

That nerd has a really

good arm.

Oh no.


It's activated.

I'm scared.

No! No!


Wait, wait, how did I get here?

- What's going on?

- It's okay.

I was trying

to help them I think.

- Did it work?

- Don't worry about that.

I'll tell you all about it.

We'll have plenty of

time in there.

'For us...plenty of time.'

I'm sorry, I...I don't

really remember you.

Do we know each other?

I'll tell you all

about that too.


My name is Leonard, by the way.

It's nice to

meet you, Leonard.

My name's Allison.

Allison Church.

- Hey, he's awake.

- 'Oh.'

- Welcome back, Tucker.

- Oh man.

God, I feel like I just woke up

from someone else's nightmare.

What the hell happened?

You f*cked everything up real

bad, but it's cool we fixed it.

Are we back home?

Is this Blood Gulch?

It feels like I was gone

a really long time.

Don't worry,

we'll tell you all about it.

Right now,

you just need to rest.

I got pretty f*cked up, huh?

Well, let's just say at the

moment, you're a little more


than bow-chicka-bow-bow.

Eh, eh?

Oh come on, that was funny.

Don't ever do that again.

'We'll need to make sure

this goes somewhere secure.'

If it falls into

the wrong hands

it just starts all over again.

I know.

- How's Tucker?

- Well, he's stable.

That A.I. extraction

wasn't easy on him

but he's through

the worst of it.

We know what that's like.

I don't think Tucker

even noticed me.

He kept asking if there

were any hot nurses.

But don't worry, Wash,

I'll keep an eye on him for you.


- Copy that.

- Copy that.

'You know, we could smuggle'

the recovery unit

out on that transport.

Get it as far away

from here as possible.

- I suppose that's one plan.

- You have another?

No, but I'm sure Tex did.

She always had a plan.

- Didn't she, Caboose?

- Yes, she did.

She told me what to do.

Uh! Thanks.

Goodbye, Tex.

Goodbye, Church.

I think I am going to

go away by myself

and be sad for a little while.


You do that.

Why? W-we could have hidden it.

- W-w-we could have--

- No. That was the only way.

It's...what she wanted.

It's over.

You did the right thing,


I know.

The right part is the part

that is the sad part.

- Caboose.

- Let him go, Wash.

- How's the leg?

- Good.

Thanks to good old Doc.

Saved the day again.

- Yeah.

- Just doing my job.

You know...Wash.. don't

have to feel guilty..

'...about what happened

on Chorus.'

I know.

'Doc saved you

because that was his job.'

It's not your fault that

he didn't make it out of there.

- She's right, you know.

- I know.

Do you still talk to


Yeah, I.. makes me feel better.

I miss him.

I like talking to you, bud.

But maybe it's time to let go.

- Doctor's orders?

- It's hard to let go.

So don't let go,

not entirely.

We've all lost someone.

You've lost a lot, Wash.

'But the memories, the

people that defined your life'

'that made you who you are, you

keep a piece of that, always.'

Hold onto them in your heart.

Remember the things

they taught you.

Pull from their strength.

'Learn from their mistakes.'

And grow...from

the special moments

you had in the time

that you were together.

'And remember that even

though they are all gone..'

...we are still here.

And that's all that matters.

'We made it through.'

We're here, I'm here.

I'm really here. I gonna be okay?

Whatever we're going

to be, we will be it together.

I'm not going anywhere.

I promise.

And next time... you don't

need to jump off a cliff.

Just call.

'Blood Gulch,

evac has arrived.'

'Let's hustle, I wanna be back'

'in the air

before my coffee gets cold.'

- You got it, 479-er.

- 'Wrong number, partner.'

- 'My call sign is One.'

- 471-er?

Ha! Nope, just One.

Huh, never met anyone with

a call sign like that before.

'Well, you never met

anyone like me before.'

'Wheels up in two minutes.'

'Get your passengers on board.'

Copy that.

Whoa, you fixed the shotgun?

Actually just picked

up another one.

Turns out Sarge had

an entire room filled with them

just behind the door

he labeled "janitor's closet."

No wonder I never found them.

- Transport's here.

- Yeah.

I guess this is it.

Are you sure you want to go?

- Yeah...yeah, I'm done.

- Done?

I didn't realize

you had started.

I guess I just feel like

I achieved

everything I wanted to.

- What did you want to achieve?

- Absolutely nothing.

So, you know, mission

accomplished I guess.


Well, Simmons..

...if you ever find yourself

back on Earth and--

- I won't.

- I know, I know.

- But if you do.

- Okay. Sure.

- Hey, Simmons?

- Yeah?

You ever figure it out

why we were here?

Nah, it's still a work

in progress for me I suppose.

- How about you?

- No.

I never did figure it out.

But I did reach one conclusion.

- And? What was that?

- If I did have to be here..

...I'm just glad I was

here with all of you.

'Good enough.'

Permission to go

A.W.O.L. forever, sir?

Permission granted.

'Private Grif of Blood

Gulch Output Number One'

'on behalf of the glorious

Red Team, I thank you'

'for your service

and I relieve you of your duty.'

Private, you are dismissed.

Goodbye, Simmons.

Goodbye, Grif.

Looking like

you didn't care

Hey, Red, you stink!

You quitting?

Yeah, suck it,

Blue, I'm leaving.

'Okay, beat it.'

Psst, bye, Grif!

I will actually miss you

but don't worry,

I won't tell anyone.

Goodbye, Caboose.

Hey, Caboose, I just wanna say

after all was said and

done you Blue guys

you actually seemed

like pretty decent dudes.

I'm sorry about all the,

you know, the w*r stuff.

- No hard feelings?

- Oh, that's okay.

You guys weren't very good

at it anyway.


No, I don't suppose we were.

What are you doing here?

The show's over,

"Red vs. Blue" is over.

Get outta here.

Bow-chicka-bye now.