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Absence of Eden, The (2023)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:05
by bunniefuu
If you're looking for Shipp,

you got him.

Hey, Shipp,

it's your old man.

I know you're probably not

listening to these messages,

but I'm gonna keep

leaving them anyway.

Raining here today.

Been raining all damn week.

What else?

Oh, yeah.

Janice drug me into that

church of hers yesterday.

Something struck me sideways.

Preacher going on

about man being made

in God's image.

It made sense to me

that God's a man,

because the way

I experienced it,

God's only been good

at two things.

Being violent

and being absent.

M-M-Maybe that was me.

Maybe that's why you ain't

listening to these messages.

I don't know.

Anyhow, I was thinking on you

and wondering

what you were up to.

What kind of man

you're becoming.

All right, I'll talk to you.

If you're lucky,

this will be the only w*apon

you'll need to discharge.

But if you're gonna inflict

it on somebody out there,

you need to know

exactly how it feels.

Nothing like 50,000 volts

to make you think twice.

Who's up first?

I'll go.

All right. Come on up.

Stomach down,

shoulder blades up.



Where are you from?

Not too far.



No shit?

How's it up there?

f*cking hell.

Not much of an upgrade.

Says you.

Sticky heat's underrated.

What made you want to catch

bad guys for a living?

Piss off my dad, I guess.

That's good a reason as any.

Get down.


sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!

We're good.

Let's go! Let's go!

This your first action?

I froze.

Hey, look at me.

You saved my f*cking life

in there.

You're good.

Do you have a boyfriend?


Well, sort of.

What does that mean?

His name is Gabriel.

He's smart, funny...

and also my son.


How old?

He's 11.

That's a good age.


Is his dad in the picture?


You live around here?

Yep. Right around the corner.

How long?


I still live

with my grandmother.

Well, it's cheap rent at least.

Yeah, at least.


What about me?

Do you live around here?

I just moved here.



Something like that.

It means "pretty face."

You're the one

with the pretty face.

Thank you.

No! No!

That one.


The farm is owned

by the Cardozas.

We have solid intel

that not only is nearly

every employee illegal,

but the owner started

a side business

and there are stash houses

on the property.

Each unit should be looking

for barns,

attics, storm shelters...

...any space

that can house bricks.

It is our primary goal.

We're casting the net,

so catch as many fish

as you can.

Stay safe out there

and watch each other's 6.

When we make good choices,

we all come home.

Americano? S or no?

- S or no!

- Take it easy.

Nobody's running.

Nobody's running.

You're okay.

All right,

round them all up anyway.

Nobody here is legal.

Hey, and tell Lieutenant Crower

that we're still looking.

- I got one!

- Shit.

Dobbins, stop!

You're lucky my partner's here.

What the f*ck?

Stand down. Stand down!



Come on.

You understand now?

It's us or them.


You speak English?

Yes, I do.

All right.

Okay, get in the truck.

But not her.

She's alone.

She doesn't have anybody.

Not my problem. Just you.


Hey, whatever you say.

Come on, come on.

No, no, no. Up front.

There's water for the kid.

Go on up.

Come with me.


Don't take your life away

You serious about me?

I'm not sure what you mean.

Is this a relationship,

or are you just having fun?

I thought we were both

having fun.


You know what I mean.

Are you serious about me?


Well, then I'm serious

about you.

So we're together.

We're together.

I want you to meet Gabriel.

I'd like that.


Wait, what?

Yes, he's my dad.

What happened?


I understand.

Thank you.

Where is she?

She's fine.

Where is she?

The girl is fine.

Hey, hey!

Let me out of the car!

Hey, you don't

give orders here, chica.

Where is she?

We have a job for you.

A good job.

But this is an opportunity.

I played nice

with the kid, huh?

If you don't want to work

for us, I'll go back in,

grab her, and take her

somewhere not so nice.


Make my money that way.

Okay, then. You have a job.

You should be thankful.

Very f*cking thankful.


how can I be helpful?

She's a new employee.

Set her up.

Roger that.

What is this?

The best-case scenario.

I don't want to do

anything illegal.

Who said anything

about illegal?

How clean can you get

a toilet bowl?

I like to see my reflection.

Follow me.

You keep this on you.

You'll receive a text

when someone's on the way.

Be here within five minutes

of the text.

You answer the door.

Deliver the goods.

Take the money.

They pay, you provide.

No, I'm not doing this.

Yes, you are.

You're Room 129 now.

And you're gonna get paid too,


depending on how much

you earn, chica.


You want to see

the girl again? Hmm?

There's a number

programmed in there.

You go anywhere,

you let me know.

You always call.


Oh, she's asking where

your family's from.

Um, not far.


Was raised

just outside of Dallas.

Got in trouble, mostly.

Didn't really know her.

Not really. No.


He died last week apparently.


Um, so I guess

I gotta sign some things.

Why didn't you tell me?

These enchiladas are great.

I want you to know

I really like your mom.

And I have good intentions.

Hope we can be friends.

I'm sorry about your dad.

Hey. Hey.

You okay?


Will you stay

with me tonight?


Yes, of course.

It's okay. It's okay.

I love you.

You got a lady, right?

Yeah. Why?

I'm dating this girl.

She asked me if I had

any friends. I said, "Why?"

She said she don't trust

a man with no friends.

So I said,

"I got tons of friends."

She said, "Well, do any

of your tons of friends

have wives or girlfriends?"

I say, "Of course."

She says, "Well, let's go

on a double date then."

And so I say,

"All right, sounds good."

Then I realize I don't really

have any f*cking friends,

and most of the guys

I run with are p*ssy hounds.

So I thought of you.

You want to go

on a double date?

Thanks, bro.

So how long

have you two been together?

Just a few months.

This is our fifth date.

Fourth. No, fifth.

No, it's the fifth.

You're right. Sorry.

We met in the bank.

I'm a teller, so...

You know, I went in for cash

and withdrew the digits

and got her.

That's one way to put it.


Um, have you been

an officer long?

No, Shipp just

showed up this fall.

Oh, do you like it? The job?

Well, better than what

I was doing.

And what were you doing?

Whatever I wanted.

That doesn't sound so bad.

Oh, you'd be surprised.

I'll have another one too.

Coming right up.

So, Yadira,

where are you from?

It's "Yadira,"

and I'm from here.

Like, here, like "here" here?

- Like, born here?

- Yes. Here.

Where were you born?

Me? Oh, um, Austin, Texas.

I was just asking, bro.

Your parents,

they immigrated here?


You still got family in Mexico?

What is this,

an interrogation?

No. Bro, no, no, no.

Not at all.

I'm literally-- I'm just--

I'm just trying

to get to know you.

Okay, then.

I have a son.

I live with my grandmother,

and I work at Margot Elementary.


My life's very boring.


Not tonight it ain't.

Tequila? Yeah.

Hey, chief, can we get some

tequila rounds up here?

- Tequila?

- Yeah. Two for each.

Coming right up.



Need more than chips

to get the party going.

Here you go, f*ckers.

It's not opening.

There we go.

Get me out of here.

Thanks for the ride, assh*le.

Yeah, have fun,

you f*cking p*ssy.

You're gonna drop me!


You're in high heels, come on.

You have to go.

Who are they?

Just trust me.

Who are they?

Just trust me. Go.

I don't have a car.

Go! Go! Go!


You gonna get that?


Just hold up

for a second, okay?

What's happening?

Brother, I am sorry to be

the bearer of bad news here.

But I ran your girl's address

and I did some digging--

Oh, f*ck you.

No, not f*ck me, Shipp.

It is not her grandma's house.

The owner has filed several

formal complaints.

He believes the tenants

to be illegals

and it is a potential

stash house

that has been on our hit list

for two f*cking months.

Take a look for yourself.

I also rang up

Margot Elementary.

There is no one by the name

Yadira who even works there.


Don't beat yourself up.

This shit happens.

I mean it. It does.

These illegal chicks

are everywhere.

Who the hell else

are we supposed to f*ck?

Don't f*cking look at me

like that.

I'm doing you a favor.

I'm just saying,

that if I was you,

I would keep

my f*cking distance, bro.

She just went to the top

of my shit list,

because if you lie to one of us,

you lie to all of us.

I'm just saying

you're wrong about this one!

She already made a fool

out of you.

Don't make it worse.

Hey, man.

Is your mom around?


Do you know where she is?

It's real important.

At work.

At the school?


It's okay. I know.

It's not a problem.

I just need to know

where she is right now.

She might be

in big trouble, okay?

It's okay. You're okay.

I'm looking for Yadira.

She's in 127.



It's in your best interest

to start telling me the truth.

Tell me.

What are you doing here?

Huh? Why?

What are you doing here?

You follow me?

Are you an American citizen?


Don't you lie to me.

Are you an American citizen?


Don't f*cking lie to me!

No! No! I'm not!

Is this your only job?


Then what else do you do?

I help my brothers.

Those guys from the house?


What do you do for them?

I stopped.

I don't do it anymore.

What did you do for them?

They work for Tencha,

all right?

They-- They bring things

across the borders.

Sometimes people.

And they're with the cartel?

I don't know. I don't know.


Are there dr*gs and g*ns

in that house?

Are there dr*gs

and g*ns in that house?

I don't know!

I tell them not to,

but they're my f*cking

brothers. I don't--

What about Gabriel?

No, he was born here.

He was born here.


Are you gonna arrest me?

Hmm? You're not gonna

arrest me, right?

I don't know.


Don't take him away from me.

Don't take my baby

away from me, please.

Please. Please.

It's not his fault.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You did the right thing.

I don't want to talk about it.

I didn't realize

she was running a stash house.

I was happy enough just to round

her up and send her ass home.

I just feel bad for the kid.

Clear. Go, go, go. Go.

Cover me.

Pop it.


Customs Enforcement!

Everybody, hands in the air!

Let's go. Move, move.



There's nothing here.

They were tipped off.

I didn't do it.

I swear to God.

f*ck you didn't.

You piece of shit.

Pretty new girl sure knows

how to brighten a room.

That's nice of you to say.

I'm a nice guy.

I say nice things regularly.

I'm-- I'm done

with my day today,

so where do people go

for downtime?

Local watering hole

is just down the highway there.

Oh, good to know.

Now let me guess,

you're a tequila girl, right?

I do like tequila.

Want to go for a quick drink?

With you?

Why not?

Mr. Nice Guy, right?

I thought we established that.

Let me go change.

Do that.

Do you smoke?


I thought I had a good read

on the type of girls

they bring to the motel,

but I admit,

you have

an unexpected quality.

I'm trying to put

my finger on it.

How long have you had maids

like me work for you?

A few years now, I guess.

Been a wild ride.

So you know what's happening?

Yeah, sure.

I mean, I stay out of it,

you know?

Dolore's just the contact.

They pay for the rooms.

It's none of my business

what they do with them.

To be honest, I don't think

they're gonna need

the motel much longer.

The boss is buying

a local business.

What kind of business?

Cantina of sorts.

I'm sure you'll

find out about it. Mmm.

Guess I'll take care of this.

Phil, can I ask you

a question?

Let her rip.

If I wanted to go someplace

for the afternoon...

could I borrow your car?

I don't know about all that.

Where are you trying to go?

I wanted to go see a relative.

It would just be

for a few hours.

Dolore wouldn't go for that.

No, but we don't

have to tell him.

You can--

You can cover for me.

That sounds like

a real bad idea.

Phil, Phil,

I would be indebted to you.


What's she doing here?

Easy. The girl likes tequila.

What can I say?

I was hungry.

I asked him

if he can take me out

to get a bite to eat,

and he did.

When you leave,

you have to call.

Am I a prisoner here?

If this is the way

you handle your business,

we may need to rethink

our arrangement.


Get your shit,

take her back to the hotel.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on.

Dobbins. Shipp.

Will you shut the f*ck up?

I need backup.

I got a code 11.

Javier Hotel.


Hey, what are you doing?

What are you--?

What are you do--?


Come on.

Let's go to the Jacuzzi.

Okay. All right.

What the f*ck?

Open it!


Are you disappointed?

Do you want to take me?


Want to take my body?


You want to take it all?

We come here,

plant your seeds

with our dirty hands.

And then we help them grow

while you get

to put your feet up.

Your crops.

Your children.

Your future.

We make it all grow.

And what do you do?

You just take,

and take, and take,

and take, and take, and take!

You take because you're empty!

Your trampling feet

will have no shadow.

Your sun--

There'll be no sun

for your seeds.

You will know loneliness.

You will know pain.

Like me.

I'm empty now.

I'm empty.

And I will take from you...

until you are dry.

You're f*cking crazy.

You are f*cking cra--

You're f*cking crazy!

Open this door!

Shit! Open it up right now!

Come out with your hands up!

Come on out!

I'm gonna do us both a favor.

I'm gonna put the g*n away.

I just want to talk to you.

Shut up.

Come on.

Please, don't hurt me.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I just want to ask you

a few questions.

Just walk.

Please, sir,

I didn't do anything.


you have to believe me.


Please. Please.

What were you doing

at that hotel, huh?

Do you work there?

Yes. Yes, I do, but--

What do you do there?

They picked me up.

They picked me up and they

took me to this hotel.

Is there anything in this car

that I should be aware of?

He wouldn't let me leave.

Huh? What's in this car?

Is there anything in this car

I should be aware of?

Yes, but it's not mine.

Sir, please,

you have to believe me.

Where in the car?

I was trying to get away.

Where in the car?


I was trying to get away.

Where in the car?

Where in the car?

It's in the front seat.

Please. Look at me.

Please listen to me. My--

There was a little girl

with me.

There was a little girl with me,

and they took her.

They took her.

Where'd they take her?

Where'd they take her?

Okay. Okay, this is--

It's a storage place.

They're keeping

children there.

Please. No, no.

I didn't do anything. No!

Shut up.


Look at you.

I'm impressed, bro.

Don't do this.

I said shut up.

Oh! You gonna let her go too?

I told you not to run.



I told you not to run!

I was trying to help you!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm-- I'm sorry.

Please help me.

How's this?

Good luck finding

that girl of yours.

I don't--

I don't know her-- Her name.

Get a blanket.


Get a g*dd*mn blanket.

Hey, it's okay. It's okay.

I'm here to help you.

Everything is gonna

be okay, okay?

What happens to them?

They go back,

like everybody else.

End of the day...

it's for the best.

There's no coming back from what

those kids have been through.

They are not our problem.
