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Have You Seen My Son? (2024)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:08
by bunniefuu
[soft music]

- You'll be staying

at this halfway house

For up to two weeks

while the parole board

Finds you suitable

accommodation in another state.

Do you understand the conditions

of your release?

- No weapons.

Agreeing to random law

enforcement searches

Of my residence,

my belongings, and myself.

- And you must not engage with

any witnesses from your trial.

- This is not what I thought

freedom would feel like.

[indistinct chatter]

[motor roaring]

- You're on parole.

Any transgressions

And you could go back to prison.

Take advantage of this

opportunity, catherine.

Make this day one

of your new life.

- Catherine greene has today

been released from prison

After serving 12 years

for the manslaughter of her son.

Many qualified observers

have stated the fact

Greene has consistently refused

to reveal details of the night

Her son went missing

should have blocked her parole.

[door opening]

Hi, catherine.

Welcome to avalon house.

I'm natasha.

- Natasha's our new volunteer

buddy for the residents here.

She'll help you settle

into your new accommodations

And be on hand to answer

any questions

About the old city

and modern life.

- Your wish is my command.

To a point.

- Well, I'll leave you

in natasha's capable hands.

I'll be checking in

every day,

So if you have any concerns,

We'll address them

in those meetings.

- So, there's just a bit

of paperwork, and then,

We'll get you settled

in your room.

- Well, I'll be.

If it isn't catherine greene,

Large as life

and twice as pretty!

- I am so glad to see you, abbi.


- Catherine and I were roomies.

- Cellmates?

- Tomato, tomat-oh.

- Oh, and catherine,

If you need any help

with your da, just let me know.

- Uh, presidential suite, yeah?

- Uh...

- I'll show ms. Greene the way.

Bags, madam.

[door closing]

- I'll be here when you need me.

- It's great to see you

on the outside.

- I thought the outside

would feel bigger.

- Hmm.

What was jones saying about

the district attorney?

- Oh, um, she wasn't talking

about that da.

- There's more than one?

- They say I have something

Called dissociative amnesia.

- Oh, did you have to go

to college for that?


- uh, it's because they say

I can't remember, you know,

about what happened with alfie.

- Oh.

- The shrinks decided

that I blanked out the horror.

They gave me every test

you could imagine.

Sensors on the temples,

hypnotism, the lot.

But they wanted me to remember

Things that didn't happen,

so they gave it a name.

- Well... You're out now.

You can forget about them.

[soft music]


[echoes of baby crying]

[catherine]: Alfie? Alfie?

Please, baby.




- Catherine, what are you

doing here?

- I'm not sure.

Am I embarrassing you?

- It can't be good for you being

back here where it happened.

- You don't really think

I k*lled him?

- I didn't.

I don't want to.

I stood by you

as long as I could.

Right through the trial.

And I took the abuse for it.

And eventually,

you were found guilty.

- Well, maybe if you had been

here with me and alfie

And not in bed

with gloria sullivan,

Then you could have

supported me.

Here, and in court.

- Didn't take you long

to replace him.

- I had to get on with my life.

- Did you even look for him?

Even if you thought he was dead,

Didn't you want to find him?

- I was scared.

Finding him would make it real.

- Catherine, you gotta

get outta here.


- I am not the woman

They sent away, matthew.

I'm not a monster!

[objects clattering]


Is someone there?

[door closing]

[tense music]


- Did they take anything?

- Not that I can tell yet.

[footsteps approaching]

Wow, word travels quick here.

- I've had an anonymous tip

There's stolen property

in your room, catherine.

- That's a lie.

- This yours?


- the sock, probably.

That stuff has nothing

to do with me.

- Shelby designs.

Expensive purchase.

You have a receipt for these?

- I have never seen that before.

The intruder probably

put it there.

- Intruder?

- There was someone in here.

I chased them, but they went out

the back door.

- Well, I'll check

with the store.

Hopefully, you don't show up

on their security footage.

[door closing]

- The store cameras are out.

And these were purchased this

morning in a cash transaction.

The salesperson is gone

for the day

And hasn't returned

our calls for details.

These will be held

by police in evidence,

In case the owners

report them stolen.

If they do,

you might have to answer

For how they got

into your possession.

- I didn't steal them.

- Well, that's yet

to be established.

I'm giving you an official

warning, this is strike one.

Follow curfew guidelines

and report in as required.

[door opening]

- All cleared up?

[door closing]

- Not really.

- No?

- I think someone's trying

to have me sent back to prison.

- I don't know anyone

who would do that.

Hopefully, this isn't something

to do with... Your condition.

[exhaling sharply]

- Why would someone do that?

- People don't like it

when children get hurt.

- You know I didn't do it.

- I do, honey, yeah,

But you never told me much

and I read your neighbor

Told the court

she saw you do it.

- That's not exactly

what she said.

- She said enough

to convince the jury.

- She was confused.

She had to be.

That's why I need to see her,

to find out exactly

What she did see, but I have

no idea how to find her.

- What's her name?

- Stephanie bowles.

- Everybody's on the internet.

- Not stephanie.

Trust me, I searched.

- You've been gone a long time.

When in doubt,

scan social media.

Take your pick.

- Nope.

Not her. Or her.

I'm telling you,

she's not on there.

She's always been quiet.

Shy, even.

She's not the social media type.

You know what?

Look for her dad.

Gary barratt.

He was always in the papers

As a champion target sh**t.

Maybe he's still in the area.

- This him?

[rhythmic music]

- This is close enough.


What is matthew doing

with gary barratt?

- sh**ting something,

it would seem.

[car starting]

[doorbell ringing]

- Yes?

No, no, you're not supposed

to be here.

- Who is it, gary?

- Doesn't matter,

she's just leaving.

- Hi, mrs. Barratt,

um, it's me, catherine.

I used to live across

the street from stephanie.

- We know who you are.

- I really need to talk

with stephanie.

- We can't help you with that,

Even if we wanted to.

- Sorry?

- We lost touch

with stephanie years ago.

- It breaks my heart, but

we have no idea where she is.

- Maybe, uh, you could find

an old address book?

Could you look?

- We can't help you.

- That was so strange.

They had a photo

in the entranceway

That it seemed like

they didn't want me to see.

- Of who?

- No idea.

- Hmm.

- We were told that she wasn't

allowed to speak to stephanie.

- She's not.


[knocking on door]

- Yeah?

- Miriam jones

is in reception for you.

- Hi, ms. Jones.

Back again so soon?

- Have a seat.

- Coffee, ladies?

- No.

- I've had a disturbing report

about you, catherine.

- Really?


- It's come to my attention

that you've been trying

To contact a witness from

your case, stephanie bowles.

You're bound to be finding

the outside difficult.

That's understandable.

And we all want to see you

make a success of this.

I'll do everything

I can to help,

But the one person who can help

the most is you.

And trying to contact witnesses

does not look good.

- There are things

that I need to know.

- I know you want to believe

you kept your baby safe,

But the sooner you accept

your condition

And what happened that night,

the better for everyone.

- I can't. I don't...

I know that I didn't...

- By the letter

of your parole terms,

You should be headed back

to prison.

- Should be?

- This is strike two.

One more

and it's back to prison.

- Thank you.

- Don't make me regret this.


- You gave me a fright.

- You looked so peaceful.

I didn't want to disturb you.

What's the picture?

- Did you need me for something?

- You have a guest in reception.

- It's not miriam again, is it?

- He said his name was matthew.

- Over here.

- So, I hear that

You've been bothering

gary and martha barratt.

- They really don't wanna

talk to me, do they?

- What do you mean?

- My parole officer

was here earlier

Telling me to stay away

from them,

And now, they've set you on me.

- So take the hint.

Don't make life too hard

for yourself, catherine.

- You mean, don't make it

too hard on your hunting buddy?

- Hunting buddy?

- I saw you with gary barratt.

- So what?

- There is something off

about him and his wife.

- Gary and martha?


They're model citizens.

- They told me they don't know

where stephanie is.

- Nobody does.

- Well, someone must.

- It's like she just vanished

when she and rob split.

- They split?

- Yeah, not long after you...


Rob left town and came back

not long after you left.

- Do you know where he's living?

- But I know where to find him.

- Where?

- You can usually find him

at one of the singles bars

In town or on a hook-up website.

It's kinda pathetic, actually.

- Well, he may have a clue that

he doesn't realize is a clue.

- Catherine, just...

Let it go!

Enjoy your freedom.

- I'm not free!

And I won't be until I know

what happened to alfie.

- You know what happened.

- I don't.

No one does.

- Look, it looks like, to me,

You can't live

with what you did.

And so, you buried it

and tried to convince yourself

Of some other version

of the truth.

- Get out.

- Come on.

- Get out! Got outta here!

Go on!

- Fine.

[door slamming]

- Are you all right?

- Yeah.

- There's no need

to be brave with me.

- I'm fine.

[tense music]

Someone was in my room again.

They tore up my stuff

and left this.

- "no one wants you here."

The note was just

in your clothes?

I'm so sorry.

Listen, we have a zero tolerance

policy on bullying.

I'll make sure everyone

is reminded.

- Thanks.

- Are you all right?

- Fine.

- You get any more trouble,

come straight to me.

- Your ex was right. Rob bowles

was not difficult to find.



- Aw.

He's about to get an offer

he can't refuse.

- Oh.

Wait, who is that?

- No idea.

Just a stock photo model.

- Oh.

- We'll call her... Audrey.

- Huh. Bait set.

Let's get rob a date!

[echoes of baby crying]

[catherine]: Alfie.


Please, alfie.

Please, stop. Please!

Alfie. Alfie! Please...


- I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, alfie.



[soft music]

- Ahoy.


oh, honey.


- This is the last place

I held my baby.

I used to bring him here.

He wasn't an easy baby.


And I don't know if it was

the sound of the water

Or the call of the ducks,

but he was at peace here.


I brought him here that night.

Uh... He had been

crying all day.

It did calm him for a while.

He started crying again

and it just...

I was just so exhausted.

It was getting dark and uh...

I had nothing left to give him.

I was so tired.

I just wanted him to be quiet.


I strapped him into

his car seat,

And then we drove around

until he fell asleep.

When we got home I was...

I was so drained I just fell

asleep in the front seat.

But he was strapped in.


- And when you woke up,

he was gone?

- The only thing left

was his little shoe.

A tiny, little knitted

baby boot shoe.


I didn't have an alibi

because I was sleeping.

[all]: Out of town, catherine

greene is going down.

Out, out, out of town,

catherine green is going down.

- It's okay.

We'll just smash through them.

[chanting continues]

[phone chimes]

oh. Uh...

Oh, it's work.

I was supposed to be there

an hour ago. Uh...

- Then go.

- But--

- I'm fine. Just go.

[chanting continues

and intensifies]

[chanting begins echoing]

- Catherine!

Come on.

Ignore the noise.

- I don't blame them.

Anyone who did what they believe

I did would deserve this.

- Admitting it is the first step

in the coping process.

- I never admitted it.

I can't admit it.

I don't know what happened,

But I know that

I didn't k*ll him.

- The jury was unanimous.

- The evidence was

all circumstantial.

Like the bottle.

He was really upset

and that got me flustered,

And I never should have

given him the medication

When he was in that state.

I was just trying to be

a good mother and...

I wasn't thinking straight.

Alfie had really

terrible reflux.

He just cried all the time

and was hardly sleeping.

I should have just

let him cry it out.

- No mom could listen to her

baby crying and not try to help.

- I wasn't hiding anything.

But it spilled

and I cleaned it up.

The jury didn't believe me.

I don't even remember, but they

said that I overdosed him.

- That alone shouldn't have been

enough to convict you.

- Cleaning it up was...

A big mistake.

I scrubbed and cleaned

until there was no trace.

I just wanted to prove

that I could cope.

That I was a good mom.

- Hey, being a mom, it's hard.

They don't come with

an instruction manual.

- Do you believe I'm innocent?

[soft music]

[knocking on door]

- Hi. How was work?

- Forget that.

Rob has messaged audrey.

- Seriously?

He wants to meet.

- Oh, make it somewhere public.

- The park on davidson?

1:00 tomorrow.

- Huh.

[computer chiming]

Ooh, we're on!

Your stock model has landed the

quickest response in history.

Are you ready for your first

date in at least 12 years?


- Hi, rob.

Long time, no see.

- You. Uh...

You look much different

than your picture.


Or should I say catherine?

- I thought if I used my own,

you may not show up.

Just give me a few minutes.


- I'm sure I can give you

more than that.

- Wow.

I wasn't expecting

that kind of welcome.

- Everybody deserves

a second chance.

Come on.

- Tell me if I'm being

too personal...

But why aren't you

with stephanie anymore?

- Um...

The miscarriage was the--

- Stephanie had a miscarriage?

- Yeah.

- Oh. Poor woman.

And you.

- It's nice here, yeah?


I didn't know about it before.

It's not a... Part of town

I know well.

- Losing a child

can ruin a relationship.

- Have you, um,

Noticed much change in town

since you've been back?

- Do you have contact

details for her?

A phone number?


- Sorry.

- I need to speak with her.

- You know how much it hurt her

to testify against you.

I don't think it's gonna

help you or her

To put her through that again.

- I need to know what she saw.

What she actually saw,

not what she thought she saw.

- He was crying,

you were shouting.

And then, suddenly,

everything went silent.

About an hour later,

you carried him to your car.

- And you witnessed all this?

- The shouting, yeah.

And I was there

when it went silent.


I'm sure that it was an accident

and you didn't mean to...

I know that you've been

going through a lot,

Um, and if you ever need

a release,

We could have

a fun evening together.

I've always found you

very attractive, catherine.

- I, um...

I have been out

longer than expected.

My parole officer

is gonna be looking for me.

[chuckles nervously]

- You have my number.

[tense music]

[chanting together]:

Catherine greene is going down.

Out, out, out of town.

Catherine greene's going down.

- Catherine?

I'm gloria sullivan.

- I know who you are.

Just leave me alone.

I've got nothing to say to you.

- I'm sorry.

- For having an affair

with my husband?

For having him in your bed

When he should have been home

with me taking care of our baby?

- That's just it. He wasn't.

- Sorry?

- I've never felt at ease

With what I did, but seeing you

all over the papers

Has made it worse.

- I'm listening.

- Matthew called and said

he needed a cover story.

That I should say

he was with me all night.

- But he wasn't.

- Not all night.

- Did you think to ask him

why he needed an alibi?

- I felt you should know.

- Why now?

- Conscience.

- Where was your conscience

12 years ago?

- I nearly went to the police

when matthew traded me in

For the new model.

I got to the front door

of the precinct,

But... I backed out.

- Well, you could still

probably face charges.

- Maybe I deserve to.

[chanting continues]

- What did you do?

Did you take alfie?

- What?!

- Did you take him out

of the car?

What did you do with him?

- Don't be ridiculous.

- You always got so angry

when he was crying.

- That's not true.

Frustrated, yeah,

But never angry.

I loved that boy.

- You always made an excuse

to be out of the house.

You never wanted

to be around him.

- You are seriously

losing your--

- Gloria sullivan

paid me a visit.

- That's...

It's not that I was...

- Why did you need an alibi?

- That's none of your business.

- You think?

- Yeah, I do!

- Well, the police will think

it's their business.


- When you did what you did,

I was crossing the state line

in a stolen mustang.

- You promised me

you gave that up.

- Yeah well, we were stretched

to the limit

Paying for this place.

And you kept asking

for all that fancy baby stuff.

- You told me that

we could afford it.

- I wanted the best for alfie!

And you.

- So you lied to me

about our finances,

Or lack thereof.

What else did you hide?

- It wasn't me, catherine!

It was you.

You were the last

to see alfie alive.

You have this condition

That makes you block out

what really happened,

And I know it's hard to accept,

but it is the truth.

[door closing]

- Rob seemed pretty certain

about what he witnessed.

What if I actually do have

dissociative amnesia?

- If you had k*lled him,

you would know.

Take it from me,

Taking a life is not something

you can easily ignore.

Always there.

Every waking moment.

- I just don't know what is true

and what isn't anymore.

And matthew was always a liar,

but would he hurt our son?

- I'm sorry.

- The barratts really

didn't want me

To see that picture, but why?

Matthew's their friend.

Maybe there is something

in the photo.

I need to get in that house.

This time I'm not

knocking on the door.

How can I get a good look

at that photograph

And anything that can help me

find stephanie?

- Let me do it.

- What?

- If you get caught,

they'll give you

A one-way ticket

back to club fed.

- Yeah, you would get the same.

- Probably.

But if you get sent away,

you'll never find out

What happened to your boy.

- Abbi...

Why would you do that for me?

- You deserve to know

what happened.

I feel your pain.

I'm never gonna see

my kids again.

- You never know.

- Believe me, I know.

I got this and 18 years

to think about what I've done.

And his mother got the kids.

I took him down

to protect my babies.

He wasn't gonna hurt

them anymore.

And then, they got taken

away from me.

Just one time,

one of us has to win.

[suspenseful music]

[alarm blaring]



[eerie music]

Move! Move! Move! Move!

They've thrown her whole life

in the trash.

This is her fifth-grade report.

Bit of a teacher's pet.

Basketball medals, too. And oh,

Looks like the dad

wasn't the only sharpsh**ter

In the family.

It's like they're trying

to erase any trace of her

From their lives.

- This is alfie.

- Let me see.

Careful you're not just seeing

what you wanna see, honey.

- It's him.

I know it.

A mother knows her own.

And I know that blue blanket.

- Don't be condemning her

with circumstantial evidence,

The way police did with you.

What was her name again?

- Stephanie bowles.

- Her other name.

- Her maiden name is barratt.

- No.

No stephanie bowles

or stephanie barratt

Gave birth in the last 20 years.

Not in this state, anyway.

- Look.

The little curve

at the end of the nose.

That's the same baby.

What if matthew didn't do it?

What if stephanie did?

- You think stephanie

stole your baby?

- She should've been locked up

the last time she visited.

- At the very least.

- Well, maybe this will make

the police take action.

- Or maybe we take

another route.

- What do you have here?

- It's the same baby, yeah?

- It's impossible to tell.

- It's alfie.

I know it is.

- It's tough readjusting, yeah?

- I thought there couldn't be

anything worse than losing

My sweet baby boy, but...

Having everyone think

That I did something to him

makes it so much worse.

- Accepting the truth would make

things so much easier for you.

- No one knows the truth.

For years, people have been

saying that he's dead,

But they haven't found...

They haven't found him.

- This photo changes nothing,


Even in the unlikely event that

somebody snatched your baby,

He could be anywhere, out

of state, overseas, anywhere.

- Is everything cool?

- Catherine has it in her head

that her son is alive.

- There's no real evidence

to say that he's not.

- You should be supporting

your friend's rehabilitation,

Not her delusion.

- I know how to support

my friend, thank you very much.


- yeah, of course.


It is not good for her to hold

on to thoughts like this.

- Come on, catherine.

We've spent enough of our lives

Locked up with people telling us

what is good for us.

[chanting]: Out of town.

Catherine greene's going down!

- Catherine, I'm glad

I caught you.

I have some good news.

- Yeah?

- You won't have to deal

With these protestors

after tomorrow.

- Oh, are the police

finally gonna do their job

And move them on?

- We found you a place

out of state.

- But you said I would be here

for two weeks.

- Given the incident with

the jewelry found in your room,

The anonymous note I received,

and the harassment complaint

From the barratts,

we feel you're not

Psychologically prepared

To be in your old community

at this time.

So, we found you a much better

home out of state.

- No! Please, I can't.

I need to stay here.

- It's already done.

You can return

when deemed capable.

- You said that I would

have two weeks.

- Things have changed.

Federal officers will collect

you in the morning.

This is a good thing, catherine.

- Miriam, I need a word.

- Of course.

- I'm concerned about

catherine greene.

- I remember when I bought

this shawl.

I used to browse

in this funky little kids' shop

Down by the river.

The pirate and the blue bell,

it was called.

It was just crammed full

of quirky kids' things.

We didn't wanna know

what we were having,

But the sonographer let it slip

that he was a boy.

I cried.

Just having the surprise

stolen from me.

So, matthew gave me some money

And told me to go buy something

to cheer me up.

And this shawl is what I spent

the money on.

There was um... A label

And it said,

"a hug in every stitch."

I liked that.

A hug in every stitch.

It was like, um...

When I was putting him down,

he was wrapped up in tiny hugs.

Sometimes, I would wrap it

around myself

And it felt like alfie

was hugging me.


I need to find him.

- Slow down, honey,

take your time.

That's it.

Long breaths, in and out.

- My head is uh...

There's just so much

going on up there.

- Uh, let's get you home

and rested.

- I can't be inside

right now. Um...

I think I just need

some time to myself.

[inhales and exhales deeply]

[rhythmic music]

[echoes of baby crying]

[catherine]: Mommy's here.

Mommy's here.

Everything's gonna be all righ.

Calm down, alfie. Please.

We'll be home soon.


- Uh, catherine, it's for you.

- Uh, who is it?

- They didn't say.

- Hello?

[distorted voice]:

The woman you are looking for

Can be found at

5938 green western way.

She's there now.

[suspenseful music]

[phone]: You have arrived

at the destination.

[soft music]

- Hello?

[creaking in the distance]

[nocturne op.9 no.2 by

chopin playing in the distance]


[music getting louder]

Is anyone there?

[classical piano playing loudly]

[suspenseful music]






[tires screeching]

- Catherine, what on earth--

[door slamming]

- Hey!

- They were gonna k*ll me.

I was trapped and there was gas.

- Uh, slow down.

Where have you been?

You almost missed check-in.

- I got a call saying they knew

where stephanie was.

- Who was trying to k*ll you?

- Definitely had something to do

with the barratts.

I saw martha drive off.

- You have to report this.

- I can't.

They would stop me

looking for alfie.

I know a man who could

help me find him.

- Oh, you can't go out again.

Are you trying

to go back to prison?

- I'm trying to see

my child again.

You understand that,

don't you, abbi?

- Be careful, catherine.

There is another way out.

This way.

[knocking on door]

- Welcome to

my not-so-humble little home.

[knocking on


- Hi, I'm miriam jones.

I'm with the department of--

- I know who you are.

What are you doing here?

- It's about catherine greene.

- You don't say.

- Can I come in?

- Who's that?

- Stephanie.

- With?

- I don't have a clue.

- Please, rob.

We used to be friends

and I feel like my entire life

Is on hold right now, so if you

know something, please tell me.


- I told you what I know.

- Tell me the truth!

- I believe you visited

catherine at her halfway house.

- I did.

- What was the purpose

of the visit?

- She's not doing herself any

favors raking up the past.

I just wish she would...

Come to terms with what

she's done and move on.

- The prison doctors

diagnosed her with a condition

That won't let her remember.

- I know.

Must be like...


- And now, she's telling people

your son is still alive.

- Wait here.

- Is this my son?

- Your son is dead.

You k*lled him.

- I'm gonna give you

one more chance

Before I get the police

to ask the question.

Who is this baby?

- You need to hear this.

It's from the uh, night...

[clears throat]

...The night we lost alfie.

[baby crying]

[catherine]: Get home now,

Right now, and take this baby

from me because I can't do thi.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I can't... I don't know

what to do.

[hanging up]

- Why didn't you bring

this up before?

- I thought she was innocent.

But she's the woman I loved.

She was devoted to our baby.

I didn't wanna add this to the

mounting evidence against her.

- So, you covered for her.

- No.

Not exactly.

Look, in different context,

this would sound merely

Like a struggling mother trying

to cope with a crying baby.

That's what I thought it was.

I didn't want the prosecution

to make more of it.

I thought she was innocent.

- And yet, you held on to it

for all these years.

- Take it.

Let her hear it.

See if it helps her

find her memory.

Trigger something.

- Well, how do I know that you

won't go get the police anyway?

- It sounds like you do have

something to hide.

Just tell me the truth and I'll

leave the police out of it.

- It's her son.

- Liar!

Who is it?

- It's her son.

- The truth!

- He's her son!



- Please stop lying to me.

I know that I'm not crazy.

I know that that is my son!

Look, I am begging you,

as a mother,

If you know something,

please tell me.

- You definitely won't go

to the police?

- Not if I think

you're telling me the truth.

[exhales sharply]

- He's your son.


He... He's yours, hers,

yours, it's...

It's a mess, but, uh...

He's your baby

and she took him.

- Why?

Why would she do that to me?

- Oh, it's not her fault.

She had just found out

That she wasn't able

to have children and...

And you weren't...

I mean, uh...

Stephanie said you weren't doing

a good job with him, so.

- So she just helped herself?

- No! He was crying

In the car again, and then,

when you wouldn't wake up,

She took it as a sign!

- A sign of what?

- That she was meant

to have him.

- And you just let her?

- I loved her, okay?

And he wasn't happy!

And you know, it's not like

you were being a good mother!

- Shut up!

Where was he when the street

was crawling

With police officers

and I was in handcuffs?

- She... She left him

with her parents.

- They helped her.

- Well, they didn't know

About the miscarriage

And they were expecting

a grandchild, so...

And after they found out

the truth,

They decided to protect

stephanie and told me

That I couldn't go

to the police or...

I mean, I honestly think

they would've k*lled me!

- Who threatened you?

- Her father.

Stephanie chose

the baby over me.


[suspenseful music]

[car beeps]

[indistinct television]

- Where have you been?

- He admitted it.

He said that stephanie

took alfie.

- Wow!

- Think her number's in there.

- Um...

Let's put your boy

back in your arms.

- What if it's too late?

What if we find him,

but I can't bond with him?

He doesn't who I am. He doesn't

know that I'm his mom.

I've never so much as put

a band aid on a scraped knee.

I don't know if he likes sports.

I don't know if he likes school.

I don't know if he has friends.

I don't know anything about him.

- How will you know

'til you see him?

Let's find him and give you

the chance to find out.

- I only had him for nine weeks.

- Babies learn real fast

who mama is.

It starts in the womb

and that bond is never broken.

No matter how far apart we get.

- You really miss yours.

- Every minute.

Yep, she's in here and

she has a local area code.

- How local?

- Well, let me see

If I can find the address.

- What's keeping it?

- Gimme a second.

- Oh, uh, looks like the number

Is registered to stephanie

bowles, 360 culver circle.

- Let's go see what she has

to say for herself.

- Now?

- Now is all I have.

- Okay.

[suspenseful music]

- oh.

- Hello?

Is catherine greene

in the building?

- If you didn't have bad luck,

You would have no luck at all.

Go, get outta here.

I'll stall them.

- Thank you.

- Save it. Go find your kid.

- You're a good friend.

- Go already!

- Go talk to them.

See if they know anything.


Where's catherine?

- What do you want her for?

- Traffic cam pictures show her

behind the wheel of a car,

Recklessly speeding

through several lights.

A stolen car.

- Catherine? No.

- Once we locate her,

these officers

Will be accompanying her

back to prison.

- I haven't seen her for hours.

- I've been trying to track her,

but she switched her phone off.

Any idea why she'd do that?

- I'm not her keeper.

- If you're hiding her,

That's a crime

And puts you in breach

of your parole conditions.

- It's a good thing

I ain't then, ms. Jones.

- Abbi...

There's something that

I'd like her to explain.

And you should hear it, too.

[phone]: You have arrived

at the destination.

[crows cawing]

[suspenseful music]

[shovel thuds]

- Got a minute to talk

about your missing kid?


- Where'd you get this address?

- A friend of mine

used to live here.

- Get outta here.

- You've made a huge mistake.

- Are you threatening me?


- That voice message was nothing

more than a cry for help.

A cry that you ignored.

- No, there was plenty of other

evidence against her.

- Stephanie bowles lied.

- And why would she do that?

- Her ex told catherine that...

Stephanie stole your baby.

- No.

No, no, catherine's not

in a good state of mind.

She made that up, convinced

herself that's what happened.

- Recognize anything?

- Stephanie.

- And the shawl?

- A hug in every stitch.

[soft music]

I used to imagine

a little old lady just...

Sitting in her rocking chair

and knitting away.

- Don't you wanna know what

really happened to your son?

- Where did you get this?

- Gary barratt's trash.

[birds cawing]



[tense music]

- Stephanie?

- You shouldn't have come here.

- Why did you do this,


- Because I never even got

to hold my baby.

You left yours to cry all day.

You know, he needed

a mother's love.

- I loved him.

I still love him.

What's gonna happen now?

What are you planning

to do to me?

- I... I don't know.

- People are gonna be

looking for me,

Including my parole officer.

I should...

[phone clatters]

Call miriam jones.

- What have we got?

[phone vibrating]

- You've reached the cellphone

of miriam jones.

Please leave a message

and I'll get back to you.

- Tell me what happened,


Let me hear your side

of the story.

- He was always crying.

- What did you do?

- Oh, it's all muddled up.

It-it-it's like...

I watched somebody else do it.

And the moment I took him...

It was like he knew

he belonged in my arms.

- He belonged with me.

- I thought I was helping.


- Who were you helping?

- Him! You. I don't know.

- Please, stephanie.

Please just give him back to me.

- I can't.

- What did you do

to my sweet little alfie?

- His name is jerome.

- He is alive.

[nervous chuckle]

- We wouldn't harm him.

- Wait...

[indistinct chatter]

[phone chimes, vibrates]

- You have one new message.


[catherine]: Tell me

what happened, stephanie.

Let me hear your side

of the story.


- You stole my baby

and ruined my life!


tell me where he is!

- I'm sorry!

- Sorry doesn't cut it!

Tell me where you're hiding him!

- I... I don't have him.

My-my-my family took him.

- Locate catherine greene.

- I need to know what's happened

since you took him.

- I only had him

for a few months.

I didn't wanna give

my baby back.

- He wasn't your baby!

- He was happy!

But then, rob left.

- Please, stephanie,

just tell me where he is.

- They said I wasn't

a fit mother.

They took him.

- Where did they take him?!

- It's hard being a mom

on your own!

- Where is he?

- My mom took him.

- Martha has him?

- She took him, and then,

She-she-she gave him

to my sister.

- Well, where is your sister?

- I don't know

where she took him.

They won't... They

won't let me see him.

I keep trying, but they won't

tell me where he is.

[frustrated groan]



[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

[door opening]

- Oh, catherine.

The police are on their way.

- Did you know?

- Did I know what?

- This is stephanie

with her sister, natasha.

Natasha has alfie now.

- That can't be true.

- All her concern, her sympathy,

it was all an act.

She put the jewelry in my room.

Don't you just see,

she wanted me in prison

So that I wouldn't find alfie.

Do you have her address?


- I can't give you

that information.

Just leave the police work

to the police.

- They had 12 years to find him.

I'm not waiting another 12!

- I have stephanie's

confession on voicemail.

That should get your

conviction quashed.

- This is not about

clearing my name.

[phone chiming]

- Catherine, don't make

things worse.

You've already committed

a string of crimes

That can get you

sent back to prison,

Even if you what you say

about natasha is true.

- If I don't find alfie, then

I might as well be in prison.

I'm sorry, but I have

to find him.

[sirens approaching]

- Catherine!

[sirens blaring]

[doorbell ringing]

- Matthew, this is unexpected.

What can I do for you?

[clears throat]

- I was hoping you could

Refresh me on what stephanie saw

The night my baby boy


- She saw your wife...

Put the dead child in her car.

- From across the


I mean, how could she be sure

that alfie wasn't asleep?

- Are you calling

my daughter a liar?

- I mean, maybe she was

confused or uh, maybe...

Maybe she saw an opportunity?

- This conversation's over.

- The reason I'm asking

Is that rob tells a very

different story.

- Gary, matthew

is clearly distraught

Over catherine's presence.

I've made some

of that special tea.

Why don't you come

inside, matthew.

We can talk about it.

It'll certainly relax you,

And then,

we can talk all about this.

- Two sugars, right, matthew?

[sirens blaring]

- Help! Help!

[banging on door]



- Hey, mom.

- Hi! How's your day been?

- Good.

- Well, what have you

been up to?

- Nothin', really.

- Did you do your reading?

You have to stay up

on the school work I sent you.

- Yeah, I finished that

this morning.

- Did you eat?

- Kinda.

- Well, kinda yes or kinda no?

- Kinda like I could

still eat again.

- Hey, of course you could.

- Uh, mom?

- Mm-hmm?

- Um, I saw in the newspaper

That there's to be a big craft

convention in town.

Do you think I could--

- no.


Haven't I warned you enough

about the outside?

[suspenseful music]

- I'll get some rope.


[phone ringing]

Hello, barratt residence.

- Math, what's it good for?

- All sorts.

- Like?

- Like, you'll find out

when you're older.

- Can I go draw?

- After your sandwich.

[phone ringing]

- Yes, mom?

- Hi, grandma!

- Hold on a moment.

- Why don't you go get on

with your artwork?

I'll bring your sandwich down.

- Bye, grandma!

- I have been dreading this

Since we heard she was

getting out.

I volunteered in that awful

house for nothing.

She's not getting

her hands on him.


You remember to eat.

- Yeah.

- I love you, jerome.

- Yeah, whatever.

[g*n cocking]





[glass breaking]

- Fine, okay.

- Look, this is preposterous.

No one stole a baby.

- Stephanie confessed

to catherine greene.

- You only have

her word for that.

- No, I heard it.

I have it recorded on my...

- You have it where?


[breathing heavily]


[breathing heavily]

- 911, what is your emergency?

- I need the police.

[indistinct chatter]

- You should be out there

looking for the woman

That got my daughter

locked in her garage.

Not badgering her about some

made-up story by a baby k*ller.

- He's not dead.

- We just had a very

interesting report

From a mr. Matthew greene

and a mr. Rob bowles

Who just came forward

voluntarily to make a statement

Concerning the disappearance

of alfie greene.

- Both inveterate liars.

- It's time to let your side of

the story be heard, stephanie.

- They had the perfect

family life

Until her husband

turned against her.

- They were never a family.

- By the time the truth

came out,

It was too late

to do anything about it.

- We were besotted with

our beautiful grandson.

- And when her husband left...

- You sent rob away.

- She wasn't coping.

- So, we thought it

best for everybody

If her sister took him.

- What would have been best

Is if you let the authorities

know what was going on.

- Look, I wasn't letting

my daughter go to jail.

She saved that boy

from a bad mother.

- He was crying out for me.

- A young mother,

doing her best,

That you let languish in prison.

Get them out of my sight.


[birds chirping]

[phone]: You have arrived

at the destination.

[indistinct chatter]


[car screeching]

- Liars! Where is my son?!

- Matthew, leave it! They'll

get their punishment in court!

[breathing heavily]

- Oh. I let catherine down.

We all let her down.

Oh, god.

- The best thing you can do is

go home and let us find her.

- The life she could've had.

Should've had.

I let her down.

I let alfie down.

[exhales heavily]

- Catherine greene is unstable

And on her way

to natasha barratt's.

We need to get there now.

Someone give me a phone.


[phone chiming]

[suspenseful music]

[phone chiming]

[phone ringing]






- alfie!


[music playing in headphones]


- His name is jerome.

[cocks g*n]

He has a good life.

He's loved.

- His whole life has been a lie.

What you gave him isn't love.

- I gave up everything so that

he could have a good life.

- Why?

- Stephanie couldn't cope.

- All this time,

you were pretending

To comfort me about

how hard it is to be a mom.

You were just playing at being

one with my stolen baby.

Why didn't you give him back to

his mother, where he belonged?

Why did you keep him?

- Stephanie never would have

survived prison.

- But you were happy

to let me rot there.

- I wish it hadn't

happened like this.

But he's my son now.


I had to protect my boy.

- He's my boy and I came

to take him home.

[soft music]

- Who are you?


Are you mom's friend?

Where is she?


Did mom let you in?

Does she know you're here?

People never come here.

Are we related?


- Alfie.

- I'm not alfie.

You've got the wrong place.

- I'm your mom, alfie!

- Mom?


- Oh, god.

- Mom, there's someone

down there.


- Always remember, I did what

I did because I love you.

- What? What did you do?

- Are you really gonna do this?

Are you really gonna drag him

From the only life

he has ever known?

- What kind of life is this?

- He has been cherished.

- You stole him from me.

You've stolen his life

and kept him trapped here.

- You don't even know him.

- Thanks to you and your sister.

- Okay, we'll take it

from here, catherine.

- I have to go now, darling.


- just give them a minute.

- I am... So very proud of you.

You are a wonderful young man.

You do not let my mistake

change you.

- Just please take care of him.

- This...

This is day one

of my new life.

- Well, you have a long road

ahead of you.

[inhales and exhales deeply]


- Yeah, it was horrible being

back in court again.

Couldn't exactly deny

the charges against me.

The judge said that

it was time served,

And my compensation

should ensure that alfie

Gets to live the life

that he deserves.

- Oh, I'd love

to hear that, abbi.

Yeah, send a picture through!


Take care. Speak soon.

[phone chiming]

Should we sit here

for a while?

This is the place

I was telling you about.

- It feels... Familiar.

Maybe it's the sounds.

Mom, I mean...

Natasha, she used to play me

water sounds to put me to sleep.

- I like to make these

paper boats.

[soft music]

- That's so cool.

Do you think you could show me

how to do that?

- I would love that.


[indistinct chatter]