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An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island (1998)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:35
by bunniefuu
[ Bell Ringing]

[Ship Horn Blowing]

Churning Water]

[ Seagulls Crying]

[Men Grunting]
That's the way, boys.
Put your back into it!

[ Man ]
Whoa there.

Warren Street,
This is Warren Street.

Watch your step, miss.



♪ It's morning time
in Old New York ♪

♪ With a charm
and magic all its own ♪

♪ With morning comes
a special chance ♪

♪ For starting fresh
For letting new things grow ♪

♪ Keep on climbing ♪

♪ Up the ladder ♪

♪ Keep on rising ♪

♪ It's all that matters ♪

♪ We live in Manhattan ♪

♪ We work all night and day ♪

♪ We're strong ♪
♪ We're productive ♪

♪ Constructive ♪
♪ Instructive ♪

♪ We're here to stay ♪

♪ Who can resist
a place like this ♪

♪ Awake in life
with freedom we can choose ♪

♪ There's no better fit
around than this ♪

♪ Right at the doorstep
waitin' here for you ♪

♪ Keep on climbing ♪

♪ Up the ladder ♪

♪ Keep on smiling ♪

♪ It's all that matters ♪

♪ We live in Manhattan ♪

♪ We work all night and day ♪

♪ We're strong ♪
♪ We're productive ♪

♪ Courageous ♪
♪ Dedicated ♪

♪ We live in Manhattan ♪

♪ We work all night and day ♪

♪ We're strong ♪

♪ And we are here to stay ♪♪

- Morning, Mama.
- Morning.

Good morning,
my darlings.

You had
a good night?

Yes, Mama.

I dreamed we moved out west and
I became a famous gunslinger.

Ha! Like that
could happen.

Well, it seemed real to me.
[Bell Chimes]

Look at the time.
Where is your father?

I'll go get him.
No, I will.


Morning, Papa.
Time to get up.

Okay, okay. I'm fine.
I'm awake!

Then how come
you look asleep?


Wishful thinking!

Hurry, Papa, or you'll be late
for your job at the factory.

All right. Okay.
I'm up!


I-I was just
trying to help.

Tanya, wait.
I didn't--

What's all
the excitement?

Papa's so mean lately.

So! I hope
you're satisfied.

Tanya, I'm sorry.

Tell her I'm sorry.


Papa, are you okay?

Ah, Fievel.

It's just that I’m not as young
as I used to be.

Me neither!

Fievel, what I mean is
I’m tired.

Back in Russia,
I taught music.

Sometimes I made
a few violins to sell.

Two jobs was enough.

Ay, but here in America,

here you need three!

Isn't that good?
Well, yes...and no.

Yes, because it's the only way for us
to get ahead and build a better life.

And also no, because sometimes
when I'm so worn out,

I forget to be kind
to my own family.

Ah, don 't worry Papa.
It'll work out.

Like you always tell me,

“In America,
you are truly free.“

That is true.

“Free to succeed
and free to fail.“

Ay, that is
also true.

“Free to be
a little crumb one day...

and the next,
a big cheese.“

That is also
also true.

Of course,
he also said...

there were no cats
in America!

That's okay Papa.

You can't be right
about everything.

Little Fievel.

It's good you are
so full of hope.

Of course
he's full of hope.

He's your son,
isn't he?

and you're my papa,


[ Mama ] Be careful, Fievel.

[All] ♪ We work all night and day ♪
Hey, Philly!

See ya, Mr. M.
♪ We work and work
to keep us strong ♪

♪ A great new land for everyone
♪ We live in Manhattan ♪

♪ There's nothing here that can't be done ♪
♪ We work all night and day ♪

♪ We work and work
and we ♪

♪ Are ♪

♪ Here ♪

♪ To stay ♪♪


This one's on me.

Thanks, Tony.
It's the least I can do.

After all, it was your dad who got
me my job at the cheese factory.

Wow, you must be rich!

Oh. [Burps]
Pardon me. Ha! Ooh.

Tiger, I only
been workin' for a week.

Gettin' rich takes
at least... a month!

Gee, I can't wait
to get a job!

Oh, I wouldn't rush
if I was you.

How come?

Well, now that
I'm working,

I got


But you can still go wherever
you want whenever you want.


So... where am I going?

Right in there.

What is it?
Oh, something I, uh,

personally discovered
just recently.

The Beach Pneumatic Subway.

I don't see any beach.

Beach is the guy
who built it.

Oh, good, because I get fleas...
at the beach.

What's a subway?
An underground train.

This I gotta see!

We're talking about
a really big, nasty,

loud machine here,

What are you,

[Train Rumbling]
Who, me? Ha-ha! No.

I just think it would be better
if! stand guard up here and,

uh, and... protect
your flank!

And we are supposed
to buy this story?

Actually, I was kinda hoping...

Tony, come on!
Come on!

Fine. Wait here.

Good plan!

[Birds Cooing]

[Train Rumbling]

- There it is.
- Ooh!

[Tony] See that huge
fan over there?

When they turned it on,

It blew the car along
so fast...

you slammed back
in your seat.

Your eyes bugged out.
Your hair stood back.

Your cheeks flapped
in the wind.

[Glass Squeaking]

[ Fievel]
Double wow!

[Tony] Problem is, it
didn't work too good.

So about twelve years ago,
they closed it up.

Hey, get a load
of this.


Hello. Hello.






Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three--

Who am I foolin'?

The only flank
I'm protecting is mine.

Those poor little guys, down there
in that dark pit all by themselves.

Oh! I'm a fraud.
I'm a failure. I'm--

Ahh! I'm goin'
after them.

It's so dark
in here!




Maybe I can see 'em
from there.



Maybe- Maybe
we oughta go back.

Yeah. Tiger's probably getting
worried about us, huh?

That too.





What's that?

[Tony Shouting]

- Fievel!
- [Grunting]
Help! I’m stuck!

[Both Screaming]

We're dead, right?

Uh, I don't
think so.

Hey, my body's numb,

and I'm staring
into a tunnel of light.

We are talking
deceased here.

Tony, we fell into a hole
underneath the tunnel.

The floor just
gave way.

Oh, boy.
Am I relieved.

What kind of place
is this?

You got me,
but from the smell,

I'd say something
crawled in here and...


What was that?


It's got something
in its paw.

What's it say?
It's too dark.

I'll light a match.

[Both Screaming]



Tony! Fievel!
Where are you?




[Horse Whinnying]
[Man] Giddyap!

[Fievel] Are you sure
this is the place?


I helped this guy, Dr. Dithering,
move some stuff last month.

He's real smart.

Ah, my, yes.
Young, uh, young-

Tony Toponi.

Yes, of course.
Do- Do come in.


I just-
A little snug in the-

So... what brings you here?

Uh, see, my pals and me,

well, we got a question
maybe you could answer.

Fine! Always glad to encourage
young minds and all that.

Great! So... you know that
subway tunnel you told me about?

You said
you discovered it.

I didn't say
I didn't have help.

You didn't
go in there, did you?

I told 'em not to.
Honest I did.

[Tony] Ah, put a
lid on it, will ya?

Honest. Nothin' happened.

- Oh, oh- Careful.
- Ah!

Oh! Delicate, you know.

Anyway, we was walkin'
in the tunnel,

our own business-

Then a train came,
and my coat got caught,

and we fell down a hole
and we saw this skeleton.

Oh, my.

Nothing happened,
you say?

[Tony] Well, nothin'
permanent, anyway.

Philly, show him the map.




- What are you doing in there?
- I’m... cataloging. Yeah.

- That's it. I’m keepin' your
files up to date.
- Ah, good lad.

Now, I need you to bring over
the large magnifier.

The large magnifier.

It's what I live for. Shovin'
around half a ton o' glass.

Who's the ray
of sunshine?

My assistant Scuttlebutt.
Odd chap, really.

Always poking about,
wondering what I'm up to.

[Grunting] The large
magnifier, like you asked.

Hold this, will you?

Right. But I won't
enjoy it.


Ah! This is an artifact from the
former indigenous population.

What does
“in-di-jun-ous“ mean?

The local inhabitants.

What we incorrectly
refer to as “Indians. "

[Incoherent Yelling]


Some branch
of the Delaware tribes,

or rather, from the size
of this map,

the mice who lived
among them.

Told you
he was smart.

If you’d like, I shall attempt
to decipher it for you.

Hey, Professor, that'd
be terr- [Bell Chiming]

Holy spumoni!
I gotta get to the factory!

- What about the map?
- Can't wait!

If they catch me comin' late,
I am a dead rodent!

Maybe Tony was right.

Having a job doesn't sound
fun at all.

It has a downside,
definitely. Definitely.

[Man] That'll do it.

[Men Talking]
[Horse Whinnying]


[Male Mouse] Stop right there!

[Bearers Grunting
In Unison]


[Bearers Groaning]

[ Bearer Groans] What have we here,
Mr. O'Bloat?

Hmm. It appears to be one of
our workers, Mr. Grasping,

but he's late
for his shift.

Well, we can't
have that.

Can we, Mr. Toplofty?

No, indeed. Sets a bad example.

- Let me explain!
- We don't want excuses, boy.

We want results.
Then don't fire him.

And you are?
My name is Mousekewitz, sir.

All right,

Why should we let
this dawdler keep his job?

He won't be late again.
H-He's afraid of you.

I'll make sure he knows
you call the sh*ts.

See that you do.

[O'Bloat] Have you gone soft, Grasping?
Why didn't you fire that boy?

Because the Russian
was right.

is a powerful motivator.

From now on, that boy will be
the very picture of punctuality.

Yes, well, be that as it may,

why is that old mouse
butting in?

Who is he to say
what's right and wrong?

Yes. What is he?

Some sort of
leader among mice?

That spineless
old fool?

He could hardly
look us in the eye.

He may be spineless, but he got
what he wanted out of you.

And that makes him
a troublemaker!

Very well.

Perhaps we will keep an eye
on Mr. Mousekewitz.

[Men Talking, Indistinct]

The coast is clear.


Easy does it now!




Easy now.
Lower away.

Seven hundred fifty-one.
[Bell Rings]

Seven hundred

Seven hundred


Hey, Mr. Mousekewitz. Boy, you
really saved my tail back there.

You're welcome.

The way you spoke up
to them guys-

It was amazin'!

You ain't afraid
of nothin'.

No, Tony. Lately
I'm afraid of everything.

I don't get it.

They let you keep your job
because I convinced them...

I was a coward and that I could
teach you to be one too!

Ow! Oh!






Oh, my!
We must find Tony!


Ah. Hey!

What is it?
What does it say?

Here, now.
What's the rush?

Oh, lovely.

Here you go.

Here. Here you go.
Thank you.

Nothin' for you, Toponi.

Bosses says you was late.

Well, yeah,
maybe ten minutes.

So I lose
a whole week's pay?

You're lucky you still got a job. Next!

- Here. Here ya go. Next.
- Thanks.

Here. Move along.
Come on! Next!

[Dog Howling]

So much for gettin' rich.

Whoa! Tony!

Just the guy
we're lookin' for!

You lads have made
a-a-an amazing discovery!

O-O-One for the history books,
I should think.

What are you
talkini' about?

This, uh, map
is a-a diagram...

of an underground
t-t-tunnel system.

You mean the subway?

No, no. Another one,
un-un-underneath it,

built centuries ago
by the Indian mice.

Kind of a-
a maze.

That's “a-maze-ing.“

Oh, why, yes.

But wait until you hear
what's at the bottom of it.


According to this,
at the end of the maze is-

a-and I quote-

“our greatest treasure.“

- Treasure?
- Treasure?


Absolutely not!

- But, Papa-
- “But, Papa“ nothing.

What? You wanna crawl
down some rat hole-

- No offense.
- Oh, none taken.

After some cockamamy
buried treasure?

It's not cockamamy.
It's real!

Mama, can't I go?

Sure. So what if it gives your
mother a heart attack from worrying?

Go! Enjoy!

Ah, Mama.
I'll be okay.

And I'll come back with a treasure.
Ah, feh!

Where is the proof?
A so-called map?

Not even written in a language!
just a bunch of d-d-doodles!

I think it's pretty.
Tanya, don't help.

Papa, why did
we leave Russia?

We were going to be eaten.
You need a better reason?

Papa, I'm serious!

You always say that
in America,

if a mouse works hard
and gets lucky,

he can make a fortune.


So finding the map
was the lucky part.

Going down that tunnel:
That's the hard work.

Philly's right, Mr. M.

We're never gonna make it workin' for
those fat rats at the factory.

Please, Papa.

There's no reason
to be afraid.

Okay. So go.


He can't go.
He's just a kid.

I'm older.
Let me go.

don't help.

No! If Tanya goes,
nobody goes!

Relax, Mama.
She's not going.

No fair, no fair,
no fair!

He always gets to do
the exciting stuff,

and all I get to do is...

She does have
a point.

Which only matches
the one on your head.

Tanya, you are staying here,
and that is that!

[Raspberry] I am going to put a lot
of starch in everything you wear.

I assure you, madam, there is
nothing to be concerned about.

Think of it as a-

Well, as a-a field trip.

Think of it as a rite of passage.?

- See?
- Think of it as a
disaster waiting to happen.

Tanya, don't help!

Ah, then it's settled!
[ Door Opens, Closes]

We'll start off
in the morning.

In the meantime,
we must gather supplies.


Where did he go?

[Men Chattering]

♪♪ [ Nightclub Music]

So me and the boys cornered
the little rabble-rouser, see?

Then he looks at me and asks,
“Have you no mercy?“

So I says, “Wait, now.
Let me check.

As a matter of fact, no!”

And that's when
we let him have it.


[All Laughing]

The way I see it, every time
a ship docks in the harbor,

we get a new load
of troublemakers.

So it's my job
to keep 'em in line.

That is why
we pay you.

For which I am most grateful.
[Knock at Door]

A Mr. Scuttlebutt, sirs.

Begging your pardons, gents.

Come in, come in. Chief
McBrusque, have you two met?

Well, I don't see any broken
bones, so probably not!

[All Laughing]
[Nervous Laughing]

Scuttlebutt here
works with Dr. Dithering,

a pack rat who lives
up in the museum on 79th.

We support Dr. Dithering's

as part of our public “commitment
to culture,” but, uh-

What Dithering doesn't know is...

Scuttlebutt reports to us.

Yes, just in case the good
doctor digs up something...

we might like to keep
for ourselves.

Well, then, gents,

in a treasure map?

[Papa] I hope you
find your fortune.

Here, Fievel.
Take this for luck.

Thanks, Mama.

- Eh, what is it?
- Matzo ball soup.

Mama, it's not a picnic.
We're exploring a tunnel!

So? A person's got to eat.

I assure you, madam, we have
more than enough provisions,

which are also
easier to carry.

That's a matter of opinion.

[Fievel] Don't worry, Mama.
I'll be fine.

He always says that,
but then-

I know, I know. Don't help.

Sure. March me
to the center of the Earth.

Save for the constant pain,
I don't mind at all.

Cheer up,
Mr. Scuttlebutt.

If we’re right, there's a reward
waiting at the end of the line.

Spotty little runt.

If I had me way, the only thing
waitin' for you...

at the end of the line
would be the end of the line!

[Unintelligible Talking]

[Water Rushing]

I say. Do you
hear something?

Sounds like... running water.

What? Like them injuns had
indoor plumbing? Get off!

I don't know.
It's awful wet.

I believe there's
an underground river...

just beyond this wall.

Ooh, what's this mean?

Ah. It seems the natives
suffered some sort of cataclysm,

as in an invasion
or a flood.

Flood! I-I-I'm allergic
to that much water.

Guys? Huh?

Fiev! Tony! Hey,
guys, wait for me!


Get off! Get off!
Get off!

Oh. Uh, sorry.

What you lookin' at?


Get a load of this place!

What's goin' on?

I'm getting a real
sinking feeling!

Oh, my! Seems we've triggered
some sort of a pressure pad.

- Which means?
- Which means we're
going to, uh, what is it? You know--

- Die?
- Yes, that's it.

[All Screaming]

Comin' through! Make way!

[Screaming Continues]

Right. I quit.
Live it up. Here you go.

Take it! Take it! Take it!


- Give me that!
- [Clattering]


Can we go heme now?

[All Screaming]

[Tiger Groaning]

Uh, where are we?
[Tony] Ask them.

- Whoa!
- Here, now, those are sharp!

You talk
with the English tongue.

[Stammering] Yes,yes.
English. Right.

Cheerio. Pip-pip.
♪ God save our gracious- ♪

And you have a cat
with you.

Who? Me? Oh.

Yes, but... I’m thinking
of converting.

Honest, mister.
We're harmless.

Regular choirboys.

If only we had some sort
of a peace offering.

I know.
Mama's matzo ball soup.


Ah. We have heard legend
of this matzo ball soup.

Strong medicine.

[Speaking Native Language]


Oy, that must be
some soup!

I am Wulisso,

of this clan.

[Groaning, Stammering]
Look, I don't wish to be rude,

but what are you
doing here?

There haven't been Indians
in New York for 200 years.

- You speak of the Lenape.
- Quite so.

Lenape is what the Delaware
Indians called themselves.

Our ancestors watched...

as the European humans
came in their boats,

bringing disease,


I feel so ashamed!

And we watched as the Europeans
mistreated the Lenape.

k*lled many...
and scattered the rest.

Our ancestors did not wait for the
European mice to do the same to them.

Instead they found refuge
here in the ground,

safe, hidden
from the world.

And that is how
we have stayed!

They're gonna
scalp us! Ahh!

Are you really
gonna scalp us?

[Laughing] Of course not.
We are peaceful mice.

And to prove it, we shall have
a feast in your honor.

Until then,
you will need someone...

to show you
around the cavern.

Yes, Father.

Buona sera,
bella signorina.

This is my daughter,

She will serve
as your guide.

No kiddin'?
Fantastic! Terrif-

If you got nothing
better to do.

It will be
my pleasure.

- What's this?
- My handmaiden Tankho.

She has volunteered to be your guide.

Then again, that bit about
scalpin' don't sound so bad.

♪♪ [Drums]


[Dancers Shouting]

Oh, that-
Oh, thank you. Hmm.

Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.

[Speaking Native Language]

What's he saying?

He's calling upon the spirits
of the earth to embrace you.

When do we start?

[Chuckling] It is only
a figure of speech.

Oh, yeah.
Well, I like those.

Mine... mine...
mine... also mine.

Ooh, and this is
mine too.


What are all those drawings
on the stick?

Why is he pouring-
So many questions.

You are like a chirping cricket.

Do not apologize. It is good to ask.
That is how we learn.

So... it's okay
to be a cricket?

Yes. In fact,
from now on...

I will call you

In our language
that means cricket.

What are you gonna call me?

I will call you...

Pullaook Yeah.

What means pullaook?

It is our word for turkey.


[Tankho Laughing]
You again! Back off!?

You are stealing!
And what are you gonna do about it?

[Blow Landing]

Good grief, man! What could possibly
possess you to do such a thing?

Incredibly poor form!
Nah, you got it all wrong.

Everyone was off dancin', so
I thought I'd tidy up a bit.

This is a serious matter.

We open our home to you,
but how do you respond?

With thievery...
and deceit!

Chief, you gotta
believe me.

We had nothing to do with this. I
mean, look. The guys a rat, you know?

[Snoring, Unintelligible

What is the matter, Zelozelos?
Oh, I just was thinkin'.

We're no better
than Scuttlebutt. See?

We found this map, and it told
us about your... treasure.

That's why we came:
to grab it for ourselves.

Just like Scuttlebutt.
You did not know we were here.

You are not thieves.
Yes, we are!


Come with me, Zelozelos.

is our greatest treasure.

But... it’s just
a string of beads!

It is wampum.

It is the history of our tribe
told in symbols.

W-We risked our lives
for that?

Zelozelos, treasure
comes in many forms.

For us,
it is our heritage.

The wampum reminds us
of our life with the Lenape,

of our journey here and being separated
from everything we once knew.

See what I mean?

The settlers just stomped in
and took over.

If that’s the American dream,
I want nothing to do with it!

Do not be hasty,

This dream of yours
is a wonderful thing,

even if it has not always
been taken to heart.

♪ Anywhere in your dreams ♪

♪ Anywhere you can imagine ♪

♪ A bright new door ♪

♪ Is waiting for you ♪

♪ To open ♪

♪ You can go anywhere ♪

♪ Anywhere in your dreams ♪

♪ Just close your eyes ♪

♪ You might be surprised ♪

♪ What's inside you ♪


♪ Dreams are like steps ♪

♪ It's hard to guess ♪

♪ Where they'll guide you ♪

♪ You can go anywhere♪

♪ In your dreams ♪

♪ Anywhere you can imagine ♪

♪ A bright new door ♪

♪ Is waiting for you ♪

♪ To open ♪

♪ You can go anywhere ♪

♪ Anywhere ♪

♪In your dreams ♪
Oh, Philly.

Whatcha doin'? You're
gonna get Cholena k*lled!

♪ I hope I can find ♪

♪ A dream that's just mine ♪

♪ Someday ♪

♪ You might get lost ♪

♪ But your heart
will show you the right way ♪

♪ And we can go anywhere ♪

♪ In our dreams ♪

♪ Anywhere we can imagine ♪

♪ A bright new door ♪

♪ Is waiting for us ♪

♪ To open ♪

♪ We can go anywhere ♪

♪ Anywhere ♪

♪ No matter where ♪

♪ We'll get there
We can go anywhere ♪

♪ In our dreams ♪♪

Hey, I know! Cholena, why
don't you come back with us?

You mean...
to the surface?

Yeah. You've shown us
all of your world.

We could show you ours.


Blowing Nose]

Good-bye, Father.
May the spirits protect
you during your journey, daughter.

Remember, Cholena: Make no
contact with the upper-worlders.

Your task is to see if they have
changed their deceitful ways,

however unlikely
that may be.

As you wish, Father.

Don't worry.
She'll have a great time.

what can happen?

- [Rat Clearing Throat]
Your attention, please.
- [All] Huh?

I am pleased to announce
that my associates and I...

now control all cheese manufacturing
in the tristate area.

Oh, come, now.
This is great news.

Course, all of you will
have to triple your output.

"Triple your output"?
Triple our output?

- What's in it for us?
- Your jobs, that's what.

We work too many hours
as it is.

- That's right!
- [Shouts Of Protest]

Calm down! Calm down!
Don't make trouble!

We're workin's' ourselves to the
bone while you're all gettin' fat!

How about
cutting us in?

Actually, we're
cutting you out!

- [Grunting, Yelping]
- [Gasping]

This is like Russia all over again!



You feelin' homesick,
old mouse?

Hey, I’m talkin' to you!
You see?

There's that Mousekewitz
again, stirring up trouble.

They're all ungrateful louts,
and it’s just the beginning.

Dissent is like a disease.

So we must cure them of it,
before the infection spreads.

[ Train Whistle Blowing]

We could use
some help, you know.

Nothing showy. Just a sign
to let us know you're listening.

- Fievel!
- Papa!

Oh, it's about time
you got home.

I want to hear everything,
but first,

oh, you wouldn't believe
what happened at the factory.

[Clears Throat]
Papa, we have a guest.

A pleasure, I'm sure.
So, as I was saying-

this is Cholena.

It is an honor to meet the
father of my friend Fievel.

Y-Y-You are an Indian?
[Fievel] Yeah.

She's from this old tribe that lives in
a big cave right under New York City.

This is your idea
of a sign?


[Whistle Blowing]


An Indian?

That's charming. First you let
Mousekewitz tell you what to do.

Now his son is giving that
little princess a guided tour.

We have to
find her, fast!

Forget about her. What
about the rest of them?

Good gravy! A tribe of savages right
under our feet? What if they invade us?

Ah, they wouldn't stand a
chance against my boys.

And what makes you
so sure?

Well, for one thing,
we don't fight fair!

Oh. That does make a difference.

You're all
missing the point.

These Indians are the answer to
our problems with the workers.

[O'Bloat] Are you mad?
Not at all.

The best way to keep
those malingerers in line...

is to provide them- and us-
with a common enemy.

I see. We set ourselves up as the
workers' champions and protectors.

And turn them
against the Indians.

Of course, there'll be horrible
losses among the workers.

But if we 're clever
about it, most of them...

will be the anarchists
and miscreants in the crowd.

a toast to us.

The friends
of the working mouse.

[All Laughing]


♪ My colleagues
gather round, please ♪

♪ Since you and I
all know ♪

♪ That if our mice keep working
our profit's sure to grow ♪

♪ I really like to see them sweat
It makes me calm and cool ♪

♪ And while they're grateful
for the pay ♪

♪ We're thankful
playing pool ♪

♪ Friends
of the working mouse ♪

♪ We're such
a happy family ♪

♪ Our workers are the best ♪

♪ And while they put in overtime
we'll just take a little rest ♪

♪ We've got it all together now
We're in for the long haul ♪

♪ So a toast to them
Let's give a cheer ♪

♪ While they are slaving
for us all ♪

♪ Friends
of the working mouse ♪

♪ Friends
of the working mouse ♪

Oh, yeah, we're like friends of
you workin' mices and stuff.

♪ We know ♪

♪ They want to make a show
of their aspirations ♪

♪ So come on
We can help, you know ♪

♪ Meet their expectations ♪

♪ Hey ho ♪

♪ The only limit is
our imagination ♪

♪ Heave-ho
It's off to work they go ♪

♪ It's their true salvation ♪

♪ Maybe ♪

♪ We really love to see them
here each and every clay ♪

♪ So even when they need time
off we do insist they stay ♪

♪ With their noses
to the grindstones ♪

♪ Since they want to keep
their jobs ♪

♪ We'll keep them lookin' sharp, our
mice while we just act like slobs ♪

♪ Yes, we will rightly steer them
on a sure and steady course ♪

♪ We're only here to help them
down our chosen path, of course ♪

♪ You see, we're ♪
♪ Friends of the working mouse ♪

Trust us.
♪ Friends of the working mouse ♪

♪ Friends
of the working mouse ♪♪

We come to you
not as your bosses...

but as fellow American mice,

out of concern
for you and your families.

For it has come
to our attention...

that there is a spy
in our midst.

Yes, a spy.

Whose mere presence
chills us to the bone.

A savage, bloodthirsty,


- [Clamoring]
- What's more,

this interloper
is the spearhead...

of a sinister
invasion force!

These fiends are not attacking
from some far-off shore.

No! Even as we speak,
they lie in wait...

beneath our very paws.

Oh, he knows about the cave.
He's talking about Cholena!

[Grasping] Now, you all know
what these creatures are like.

If we let them,
they'll steal our food,

burn our homes,
kidnap our children.

[Workers Clamoring]

If we let them, they will destroy
everything we have worked for.


So now the question is,
will we let them?

Will we stand by and let them
ruin our American way of life?


Then let us
go forth together.

Let us find
the infiltrator...

and send her back to her fellow
barbarians with a message...

that this land
is our land,

[Workers Shout in Agreement]
and we are going to keep it that way.

[Shouting In Agreement]

A week's pay for the first one
who sees the injun!

Two weeks' pay for anyone
who helps catch her!

Hurry! Hurry!


Nobody's invading nobody!
Wait! Oof!

Well, if it isn't Mousekewitz,
king of the troublemakers.

I've been
looking forward to this.

Grab him!



- Huh?
- [Shouting]

Believe me, I'm not
going to like this either.

- [Whinnying]
- [Papa Whooping]

[Papa Whooping]
Okay, old man.

You go hide the Indian.
All the better for me.

Help! I can't see!
I can't see!

Oh, yeah.
That's much better.

who wants more?

Oh, no, thank you, Mama.

Oh, now you don't like
my blintzes?

No, Mama.
We're just stuffed.

Stuffed, schmuffed! Meanwhile, there
are mice starving in Irkutsk.

My ma used to say
the same thing.

'Cept her mice
were starvin' in Sicily.

See? It's an epidemic. Now eat.

- [Gasping]
- Papa, what's the matter?

A mob is coming, looking for
Cholena, and the police too!

Tanya, get the baby!
W-What are police?

They're these guys. They wear uniforms, and
they make sure everyone obeys the law.

Th-Then they
will help us.


- [Shouting]
- Here they come!


If we stay here, they’ll
find Cholena for sure!

Hurry! Wear this,
and keep your head down!

[ McBrusque] My guess is she's
probably wearin' a disguise.

Search every rat nest
and mouse hole in the city.

Tear everything apart
until you find that injun!

- Now go!
- [All] Yes, sir!

- [Shouting]
- There he is!

Stop this instant!
Let me go!

[Female Mouse] You're in on
the injun plot, aren't ya?

Don't deny it!

What plot?
Oh, Scuttlebutt!

Thank heavens. Quickly!
Tell them I'm innocent.

Who? Me? No. No, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

Never seen the bloke in me life!
Traitor! Turncoat!



Papa! Mama!


Help me!

Get that girl!

- Traitors!
- Cholena!

Buzz off, kid!

Hang on!
I'm comin'!

- Ooh!
- Indians!

We've got to save Cholena.
Ow! Hey! I’m with ya!

Make 'em pay!

Oh! Uh!

Fievel! Tanya!


In here, Papa.

Oh! My poor darlings!

Where are Fievel and Tony?
And where is Cholena?

She must have been
carried away by the mob.

Oh, if they recognize her,

Tanya. Find Fievel and Tony.
Then meet us back here.

Mama and I
are going for help.

We are?
Who's going to help?

Could everyone
just go and do?

Oh, my! Oh, help!

Oh, oh- Help!

We got one
of the traitors!

Good. Take him
to the butcher shop. Huh?

What have we here?

But don't do nothin'
till we get there!

We've got a little
unfinished business.


what do ya know?

It's the little
Indian maiden.

[Tony] Yo, potato-for-brains!
Up here!



Oh, thank you.

Fievel, would you hurry?

Come back here,
ya hooligans!

Papa? Mama?
Papa said they'd be here.

What if the mob got 'em?
What if they’re in jail?

What if-
What if we stop already?

Papa! Mama!
Mama, you're okay.

Fievel, you and Tony take
Cholena back underground.

Wait a minute!
What about me?

It's not fair! I never
get a chance to do any--

Okay. Okay, already.

You mean it?

Yes! Ya-hoo!

I mean- Ahem. Good.

you have the map?

Sure, but what
are you gonna do?

While you take Cholena home,

Mama and I will keep the crowd
occupied and save Dr. Dithering.

Gee, how you
gonna do that?

We will create
a diversion.

What's a “diversion“?


Look. ls it wise for us to be here?
I mean, that mob's out for blood!

Yes, but since McBrusque here
failed to catch the Indian girl,

we 'll have to make Dr.
Dithering the designated donor.

Dr. Dithering, do you admit
to aiding the Indian?

Well, yes,
but I don't see why-


Guilty! Make him pay!

- [McBrusque] You heard the man!
- [Mob] Guilty!


Oh, oh, oh, my.

[Tiger Yowls]

Excuse me for just
one minute, Doc.



Wrong species.

[ Papa] Stop! Enough!

Didn't we come to America
to escape such madness?

Yet here you are, condemning
someone based on lies and rumors.

Don't you see?

The enemy isn't Dr. Dithering
or the Indians.

It's them!

Dividing us with hatred,
ignorance, fear.

Don't listen to him! He's not one of us!
He's a foreigner!

Mister, we are
all foreigners.

The only ones who really
belong here are the Indians.

[PapaJ All the rest of
us have in common...

is our dream
of a better life.

All we got in common
is America.


Bravo! Bravo!

Get us out of here!

[McBrusque] Stand back there!
I'll split your noggin!


Now you've got every mouse
in Manhattan hating us!

What if the Indians
send reinforcements?

Form an alliance with the workers?
Take over the factory?

Get a grip on yourself! We're
not through yet. McBrusque!

- Yes, sir.
- Find that Indian cave,
and turn it into a burial ground.

Yes, sir!
Ah, good luck with that.

Which reminds me.
I'm gonna need a guide.

I'd sooner die
than go down there again.

Well, that just about sums
up your choices, doesn't it?



Stop. Stop! Stop!

Here it is!

[Cholena] Huh?
This way, boys.

It's Chief McBrusque, and
he's got his g*ons with him.



I love the smell of it.

Which way?
[McBrusque] We're
gainin' on 'em, boys!

Oh, I wish Dr. Dithering
were here!

Wait! Those are
our footprints from before.

This way!

I’m tellint' ya, turn back!

Those injuns
are fiends, brutes!

They tried to scalp me.

You keep whinin',
and I might let 'em.

Suit yourself,

but when we're all walkin' around
like a rack of snooker balls,

don't blame me.

Ooh! Ooh!


- Tanya, no!
- What's the matter?

The room on the other side
is full of booby traps.

That's right.

We barely got through
there in one piece.

So we either go in there
or back up to meet the cops.

Wait. My father once told me
of a way around the traps.

If only I could remember.

I can almost see it,
as if it were here in my paw.

That's it!
Fievel, what are you doing?

I wondered what that paw print
on the map meant.





No! Sorry. Stop.

- As far as I go.
- [Growling]

What's the matter now!

You go through
that door,

you're gonna be
minced mouse pie!

Are you tellin' me
that we're almost there?

Well, yes and no.

About time. All right, men.
Attack formation.


[McBrusque] Charge!


[Slashing Noises]
[Shouting, Screaming]


You got that right.
Forgive me, Father. I failed.

Cholena, do not blame yourself
for the ways of the upper world.

It is not your fault that they
are still greedy and ruthless.

Not all of us.
just some.

What are you
going to do?

We do not have any choice.
We will defend ourselves.

But I fear that we will
go down in defeat.

Hey, what about
all those booby traps?

All you need is
a few more and-

They were built long ago
by our ancestors.

Today, we do not know
the ways of w*r.

We are no match
for the upper-worlders.

Maybe you don't have to be.
What do you mean?

It's like what Papa said.

We need to create
a diversion.


Now I’m angry-

Told ya it was dangerous.
Did anyone listen?

No. Might as well have been
talkin' to a brick wall!


All right. Where are they?

Cowards! Soon as they heard us
comin', they turned tail!



Where do ya think
you're goin'?



I suppose I should
expect this by now.

Come back, ya nose-wipin',
tail-turnin', double-dealin'-

Aw, forget it.

Wait for me!



Oh, Father, we are safe.

Not for long, child. The
upper-worlders will be back.

They will come
in greater numbers...

with more powerful weapons,
and we will be lost.

Isn't there anything
you can do?

Seal the ancient tunnel.

No. You'll be
buried alive!

Do not worry. Our air
shafts will not be harmed.

Besides, we have other ways
to visit the upper world.

You do? Where?

Perhaps it is better
that you do not know.

Remember, Zelozelos.

The upper world is a gift
from the Great Spirit.

Perhaps someday the mice there
will learn to share it.

Perhaps you
can teach them.

Uh, Chief, exactly how do you
plan to seal the tunnel?

Show me the map.

There. There is a great underground
river here, close to the tunnel.

Yeah, I remember.

Once you find it again, you must destroy the
wall that separates one from the other.

Uh, how we
supposed to do that?

- Take this.
- [Nervous Chuckle]

Better not be
a cat in here.

No. Gunpowder.

Whoa! No sweat.

But you said gunpowder
was evil.

Mm. It is, and we would never
use it to harm anyone else.

But we can put it to a good
use and protect ourselves.

Place the box where the
river's roar is loudest.

Light the fuse,
and then run.

[Sniffling] I'll never
forget you, Cholena.

And I will never
forget you.

Thank you.

Steady there, Romeo,
or we all go up in smoke.

Come on!

There it is.

Okay. Now all we have to do
is light the gunpowder.

No problem.

You do it.
I-I-I can't.


Where do you think
you're going?

Nobody makes a fool
of Scuttlebutt!

Leave him be, you rat!
Hey, what the- Hey!

Didn't your mother
ever tell ya?

Kids shouldn't play
with fire.

You might
get burned.

- [Screaming]
- [Grunting]

[ Scuttlebutt Screaming]


[Both Screaming]


Where's Philly?


- [Tanya] Fievel?
- [Tony] Philly?






Oh, Fievel!

Fellow mice--

Fellow Americans:

I am honored
you should ask me...

to be your negotiator
with the factory owners.

Thank you.
All right!

I hope that we and the
owners can work together...

to make a better
future for everyone.

[Crowd Cheering]
Must we really make a deal with that riffraff?

Well, if we don't, they all stay
out on strike, and we go broke.

Patience. We'll find a
way to regain control.

Remember, there are
lots of ways to skin a cat.

I beg your pardon?

Uh, never mind.
Move along.

Oh, I just love my new job!

I also want
to thank you, Fievel.

Me, Papa? Why?
Like I said.

You are
my inspiration.

You reminded me
why we came to America.

You showed me how
the greatest treasure...

is not cheese
or money ..

or even wampum.

No, the greatest treasure
is hope--

enough hope
to have a dream,

and a chance
to make it come true.

[Crowd Cheering]

I wish Cholena
were here to see this.

Boy, me too.

I mean, yeah.
I mean-

Never mind, Tony.


Here, Fievel. A little gift
for my farsighted friend.

Really? Wow!

I think you’ll find the view most
interesting in that direction.

