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Ever After High: Thronecoming (2014)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:43
by bunniefuu


Welcome, friends,

to the world
of Ever After High,

where today
we're telling the tale

of a most special event...

A school holiday
where Ever After High

the fairytale students
at their best.

It all starts
with the Thronecoming parade.

And who can forget
the big game,

the bookball championship?

Charm you later.


Or the Thronecoming dance?

Where a Thronecoming Queen
and King will be crowned.

Ever After High does have
a spell's worth of students...

- ...who fit that slipper.


And this year
all the voting is going to be
on the MirrorNet.

Me and Humphrey Dumpty
are in charge of it.

Let me save you some time,
little bro.

I'm quite certain I'll be named
Thronecoming King.

After all, I am handsome.

Hey, Raven.

I already voted online
for Thronecoming Queen.

And I voted for you.

Why did you vote for me?

I always win these things,
and, well,

you technically come
from a long line of queens.

Thanks. I'm really glad
you're turning the page.

I mean, I'm the daughter
of the Evil Queen and a Rebel,

but that doesn't mean
I'm trouble.

Raven Queen, please report

to the headmaster's office
at once.


Can we get you something?

Dragon-egg omelet?

No, I'm good.

Miss Trollworth!
One dragon-egg omelet.

So, Miss Queen,

how is your Thronecoming float
going, hmm?

It's going good.

Delightful, my dear.


Can I ask you something?

Of course.

Why are you being nice to me?

Ever since I didn't sign
the Storybook of Legends
on Legacy Day,

I always thought
that you, well,

that you saw me
as trouble.

You? A troublemaker?

- Of course not!


But funny you should mention
Legacy Day.

As you know,
Thronecoming is one
of the few days a year

the Storybook of Legends
is removed

from its protective case

and displayed for the public.

And a perfect time
for you to reconsider

and sign in front
of the whole world.

I'm sorry, headmaster,

but I made my choice
on Legacy Day.

I want to write
my own destiny,

not follow in the footsteps
of my mother.

Now if there's nothing else,

I'll be going.


Would you like this boiled?

Or fried?

She doesn't understand.

We must stay true
to the stories.


Last one to touch
the heart tree is a dodo egg.

Come on, little brother!


We're always going
to be best friends,
right, Milton?

Yeah, always.

Thronecoming at last.

The key!
The door is open.

You ready?
I can't wait
to finish my float.

And I did it all without
harming a single flower.

Harming a flower?

Hey, plants have feelings too,
you know.

You go ahead.

I just need
to sew up this skirt.

Okay, see you there.

Ow, my finger!






Who wants pizza?

I sampled a slice
and it is just right!

Ooh, meatlovers' pizza.


Look, our fairytale princes
are talking strategy

for the big game.

Don't you just love it
when they act all heroic?

We're never going to beat
Beanstalk High at bookball.

Oh, little brother!

Don't be such a worrier.

How tough can it be

to beat a bunch
of little beans, huh?

Beanstalk High is
filled with giants,
Daring, not beans.

Well, then we are in a lot
of trouble, aren't we?

♪ They're gonna
kick our tails, yeah! ♪

Hey, guys.
You know, I was thinking

maybe I'd try out
for the bookball team.

I'm wicked fast.

Oh, well, that sounds good...

♪ But you're a girl, oh! ♪

So what does that
have to do with it?

Sorry, Cerise,
damsels are for saving,

not playing fairytale-back.


- [BOYS] Hi, Tiny.

Guys, I think I know a way
we can win against the giants.

- Huddle up!

Nice float, Apple!
It's totally off the page.

Thanks, Raven.

It's got the apple tree
that you poison me from...

or, um, might poison me from.


Oh, it's okay, Raven.
You'll come around.
I just know it.

Come around?

I've tried to explain this
to you every way I know how.

I want to write
my own destiny.

And to be honest,
when it comes to this,

I think you're being selfish.


You... you think
I'm being selfish?

All you care about is
your own happily ever after.

You know, because
you didn't sign the book,

all of our stories
could go poof.

We could all go poof!

- Yeah, but we didn't.
- [APPLE] Yet.

Raven, I don't want you
to sign the book for me.

I want you to sign it
so that nothing bad

happens to the people
that I love,

including you.

If you ask me,

you're the one
who's being selfish.

- Briar?



- [TICKING] Get up!

Oh, no!
How long have I been asleep?

you missed float building.

But that's one
of the best parties of the year.

It's okay.
It's not like...

No, it's not okay!

Is this what
it's going to be like

when I sleep for 100 years?

I'm going to miss out
on all the fun and...

and my friends.

You always knew
this was going to happen...

that you were going to be
the next Sleeping Beauty.

I know, but now...

it just feels real.

Well, you haven't signed
the Storybook of Legends yet.


Look, Briar, you wouldn't
be the first person

to question your destiny.

I mean, I already signed
and I kind of wish I hadn't.

Who knows what's going to happen
to Hunter and me?

So you're saying
I shouldn't sign?

I should rebel?

I'm saying
that you have choices.


Did I make
the wrong choice?


Hey, who threw that?!


Very good.

That's far enough.


Now you're about to discover

a most unique building
here at school.

It's called Heritage Hall!


Madame Yaga?
Where is it?

Well, you see...

Heritage Hall
is a magical structure!

It only appears
during Thronecoming.



Wow! Whoa!


Heritage Hall is dedicated

to those who came
before you...

your parents,

the alumni
of Ever After High.

Now if everyone
will gather around

the Storybook of Legends,

I'd like to
tell you about
your Thronecoming treasures.

When your parents
were students,

they were given the chance
to leave gifts

for any of their children
who might attend this school.

Yes, well, let's get to it.


Oh, running shoes!

Those bears
will never catch me now.

Thanks, Mom.

Sweet! A picnic basket
with an electronic mirror lock.


We already have, like,
a million of...

- Wicked!

Oh, a super-soft
neck-supporting pillow.



I don't get it.
Why would my dad...

wait a splinter!

Oh, I can't tell a lie,
and neither can these glasses.

They're revealer rays!

Whatever After.

They probably don't even work.

Well, they're telling me
the truth about your dress...

- ...which is not
a real Hans Christian Dior

- like you've been
telling everyone it is.
- I...


What did you get, Raven?

It's a coin.
The wishing well?

What am I supposed
to wish for?

Wait. I know.

I wish to know
what happens to my friends

if I don't sign
the Storybook of Legends.


- The stepsisters!

- Run!








Giles, check it out.

The ogre's cave.

Whoa. We'd better
get out of here.

Are you scared?

Uh, yeah.

Don't you remember the story
Father told us?

No one has ever
gone into that cave
and come out alive.

Oh, please!

That's just a story.

They don't all come true,
you know.

Milton, no!


Okay, Tiny,
so what's the secret

to beating the giants
from Beanstalk High?

All giants have a weakness.

Our little toes
are really ticklish.

So, like, this is enough
right here?

Ooh ooh!

- Uh-oh!

Guys? Hey, guys?

Have you seen Apple?

Nope. But, hey,
wouldn't you rather hang out

with the coolest dudes
at Ever After?



Good luck on your adventure,

fair maiden.

Lizzie, do you have
any fairy fives?

No! Off with your...
wait a spell.

Are those your revealer rays?

I wish I could
just tell a lie.

Hey, have you seen Apple?!

- No.
- Not me.

Where is she?!

I'm just saying,
we have vegetarian days
in the castleteria.

Why not meat days?

There you are. Finally!

Raven, you'll have to
wait your turn. I'm...

I want to sign
the Storybook of Legends.


- Whoa!

- No way.
- [DRAGON] No way!

Um, meeting adjourned.

Headmaster Grimm?

You're never going
to believe it.

The best thing ever after
has happened!

And what is that?

I want to sign
the Storybook of Legends.

Isn't that spelltastic?

It certainly is.

Whatever changed your mind?

Apple was right.
I was being selfish.

- I don't want anything
to happen to our friends.

Well! I'm glad you finally
see the story

from our point of view.

I shall make the arrangements!

The Thronecoming parade
will be seen by millions

in the magical world.

It'll be the perfect time
for you to sign your destiny.

Uh, millions?

Can you believe it,
fairytale fanatics?

Raven Queen is going to sign
the Storybook of Legends.

Why, this is the most
epic thing to happen since...

since she didn't
sign the Storybook.

First up, Huntlynn...

that's my cute name
for Hunter and Ashlynn.

It's just when Raven decided
not to sign,

we thought
there was hope for us.

Yeah. Wait!
Raven's gonna sign?

Honey, you really need
to read the MirrorBlogs.

- Well, Raven convinced me.

She doesn't want anything
to happen

to her best friends
ever after.

And what's the hatter
with that?


- Ah! This changes everything!

- Uh, this doesn't change


- Well, all I have to say

is only two more days
to vote for Thronecoming Queen
and King!

So get online and vote!

- Me? Well,

Raven signing
the Storybook of Legends

means we'll each
play our part.

And I'll sleep
for 100 years.


And so as Thronecoming

the girls were getting
their dresses fairest

at the fitting forum.

Can you believe it?
Raven is going to sign!


It's like my birthday
and New Chapter Day

and True Hearts Day
all wrapped into one...

ow! Ooh, a little tight,
don't you think?

Anyway, all wrapped
into one beautiful present.

We get it!

- Whoa.

What's ruffled your feathers?

It's just...
it's not as easy
as you make it sound, Apple.

- What's not?
- Following our destinies.

I mean, you really think
I want to sleep for 100 years?

Well, you are going to miss out
on all the great parties.

Is that how you guys see me?

Just a party girl?

I don't want to sleep
because I'm going to lose
all my friends.

I'm gonna be alone.
How do you think that feels?

I never thought about that.

Well, I have.

And now
that you're gonna sign,

well, it changes everything.

But, Briar,
we all have our part to play.

Easy for you to say, Apple.

You get poisoned for,
what, like a week?

[GIRLS] Oooh!

Briar, I'm sorry
you're upset, but...

I'm happy for you, Apple.

I'm happy that Raven
is going to sign,

but now I don't think
I want to.




Milton, what if the ogre
catches us?

It's just a story!

- There's no such thing...










Lance Charming here
with Ever Action News!

The first floats
are coming down the street,

and don't they look


Now don't forget, folks,

Headmaster Milton Grimm
has promised

a very special surprise
at the end of the parade route.

Remember to tune in later today
and find out what it is.

Reporting at the scene
in Bookend, I'm Lance Charming.

- That's a wrap.

And so
as many of you remember,

there was a minor, ahem,
chapter break at Legacy Day.

But I'm happy to report

that has now been resolved.

Raven Queen is going to sign
the Storybook of Legends!

- Oh.

- [CEDAR] That can't be!

Somebody is not
telling the truth!

My name is Raven Queen.

Raven! Raven!

- And I...
- Raven!

- Raven!
- Miss Wood, split!


That's not the real
Storybook of Legends!

- That's a fake!



Uh, calm down.

Thronecoming pranks are
a traditional occurrence.

This isn't a prank!

My revealer rays
only tell the truth.

And that is not the real
Storybook of Legends!


Calm down.

This has gone far enough.

Miss Queen, it is time
for you to sign the book

and seal your destiny.

I'm sorry, but if Cedar says
the book is fake,

- then it is.
- Raven, no!

I guess I should have known
better than to trust you,
Raven Queen.

You probably did all this
just to make me look foolish!

No, I want to sign!

I really do, but...

This isn't the end.


They know.

They know you switched them!

I ask you again,

where did you hide
the real Storybook of Legends?!


Okay, Thronecoming? Totally off
on the wrong slipper.

Well, since the book is a fake,

at least Raven can't sign

and I don't have to decide
what I'm going to do.


Unless what?

Unless Raven decides
to go looking for the real
Storybook of Legends.

She wouldn't do that.
Would she?


Maddie! You have to help us
find the real book.



Hey, um, maybe
we should talk outside
so Kitty doesn't hear.

Don't worry.
When she's taking a cat nap,

- nothing wakes her up.
- So you'll help?

Of course!
Raven's totally got me seeing
the Royal side of things,

and I can't say no
to her.

Or a good cup of tea!

If there's one person
who knows everything
that goes on at this school,

it's the person
that lives under the school.



So who exactly
are we looking for?


From the nest to the sea

comes the bird made of three

to seek truth,
beauty and me.

It's hat-tastic
to see you too, Giles!

Giles Grimm?

The one and only.

I... I knew the headmaster
had a brother, but...

Feathers and friends,
together, alone.

He says hi.

What's he doing down here?

Well, he only speaks Riddlish,

so we don't really know.

But if the real Storybook
of Legends is near,

he can absotively point us
in the right direction.

Pages and chapters
and bookmarks abound,

but where can freedom
truly be found?

He's talking about the book.

I'd better write this down.
Hold, please.

- I know there's some parchment
in here somewhere.



Father! Father!

- Milton, what is it?
- It's Giles!

I dared him to go
into the ogre's cave.

But I told you the story.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Found it!


And so the big day
finally arrived.

The Thronecoming
bookball championship!

Big day? No. The big day is

- the Thronecoming dance.
Uh, football game.

Thronecoming dance.

Cool it, you two-de-doo!

The game is about to start.

I forgot she could hear us.

Okay, now these giants
from Beanstalk High?
They are tough.

- However...
- Um, Coach Gingerbread Man?

Sorry to interrupt,
but it's all good.

We've got a plan.

Hex, yeah, we do!
Tiny told us that all giants

have a weak spot
on their little toes.

True, but that's why
the other team is wearing
toe protectors.


I'll stay on the bench!

♪ Yeah yeah yeah! ♪

Okay, now is the perfect time
to go looking for the book.

Wait a spell.

Let's grab Cedar.

Those truth-telling glasses
will let us know

if we find the real dealio.


Where are they going?

I don't know.





Major fairy fail.


Giants, giants, giants!


So you think
the real Storybook of Legends

- is hidden in here?
- This is where the clue leads!

"Where the stories
of the past come alive,

revive and thrive."

- See anything, Cedar?
- Hmm.

No, just a...
wait a splinter.

I think the Storybook
of Legends

is in the Storybook of Legends.




- Whoa!



Oh, come on!

But they're so fast!


Why aren't you doing
what I told you?

- Go go go!
- Wait a spell!

I know a damsel
who might just be able
to rescue us.


Um, if you're
not doing anything, you know,

- maybe you could...

I'll get my shoes.


It just won't budge.

So what do we do?

How about I give it a try?

- [MADELINE] Blondie!
- Were you spying on us?

A good reporter always knows
where the story is.

And if it is a lock
you need to get past, well...

...that is kind of my thing.




- I wonder
if we're supposed to...
- [BRIAR] Raven!

Okay, did everyone
and their fairy godmother
follow us here?

Well, I didn't follow you,
but I got bored at the game,

so I thought I'd come
check this place out.

What are you all doing here?

We're trying to find
the real Storybook of Legends

so Raven can sign.

I'm sorry,
but I can't let you do that.


If you find the real book,

that means I'm going
to lose you all.

Briar, maybe we can
find another...

Raven, no!


I'm sorry, Briar.


[ALL] Whoa!

What is this place?

Look at all the writing.

I think we're inside the book.

Maddie, are there
any more clues left?

"A chapter for all

to live and survive

with a page of the answer
and come out alive."

The books!
There are eight books.

And there are eight of us.

It sounds like a page from
the real Storybook of Legends

is hidden
in each of these books.

But how do we know
which story is ours?

We don't.

I guess there's no going back.

- One...
- Two...


Three bowls
of porridge?

Well, I'm in Blondie's story.

- Uh-oh, bears!

Oh, no,
I'm in Apple's story!


Eat, my dear.

- Eat.



It's your destiny!

Why do I feel...

I'm in Cedar's story!

Wait a spell!

I'm in Ashlynn's story.

- Huh? It's midnight!


Um, okay.

- This is...
- [QUEEN] Off with your head!


I'm Cupid!

Ooh, I bet I'm supposed
to make those bunnies

fall in love!


Or not.


Am I... [GASPS]

It worked, my queen.

The poison worked.

Now you are the fairest
in the land.

I did that?

Oh no!

A spinning wheel.

Castle Tower?

That must mean
I'm in Briar's story.

Well, as long as I don't...

No. No!

The pages!
For ages, the pages.




Yes, Cerise!

Run! Run!

Yes, Cerise!
Get it, girl!

Whoo! We're going
to get those gia... ah.


Go go go!

Run! Run as fast as you can!

Go go go go!



And the game is over!

Cerise Hood scores
the winning touchcrown!

Ever After High wins!


The page!



Maddie, are you okay?

Oh, yeah, but whew!

I mean, Cupid's job is not
all just hearts and kisses.

- Not my head!

Oh, I don't ever want
to go home with you on break.



So that's what it feels like
when the slipper's
on the other foot.

You must eat!

It's your destiny.


You cannot escape
your story!



Raven, you made it!


Are you okay?

Oh, Raven.

I had no idea.

Wait a spell.

Where's Apple?

Briar's is the only book left!

So if Apple has my story,

and she fell asleep,

she won't be able
to find her page!

- I have to help her!
- Briar, wait!

- It's too dangerous.
- I have to!

She's my best friend!





I'm ending this chapter!



Briar did it!

Apple? Apple?

Wake up. Wake up!

You... you saved me.

Of course.

We're best friends.

Forever after.

That doesn't look
like the Storybook of Legends.

Well, what does it say?

"Speech return!

Words you say.

Break this curse
for our new day!"

Nothing happened.

But it did!

You retrieved the pages
so you could break my curse!

He says we retrieved
the pages...

Giles, you can talk!

Like, everyone-
can-understand-you talk!

Yes, Madeline.
And for that, I thank you...

all of you.

It took extraordinary courage

for you
to face those challenges.

You are all a credit
to your stories.

But, Mr. Grimm,

if we weren't searching
for the Storybook of Legends,

do you know where it is?


But I know who took it.


The Evil Queen.

My mother?

[expl*si*n SOUND]

My mother stole
the Storybook of Legends!

- Why?
- I do not know,

but I can tell you this.

Years ago, your mother tried
to expand beyond her story

and bring evil
to all the tales.


And my brother and I...

we stopped her.

But why are you down here?

Oddly enough,
because of my brother.

What? Why?

Let me tell you a tale.

A long time ago,

when my brother and I
were just boys...


I'm so sorry!

I will never
go against the stories again!


While I always respected
our fairy-tale past,

I also thought
that each of us

should be able to write
our own destiny.

And the headmaster
didn't like that?

Indeed he did not.

He cursed me
with that babble spell

and imprisoned me here.

But your curse
is lifted now.

Yes! Thanks to you
extraordinary girls.

Now come!
Thronecoming is almost upon us.

Are you coming with us?

Well, now,

I haven't been
to a party in ages.

I wouldn't know
what to wear.

We'll help.







[POPPY] Help!

Enough already!

- Enough!





Hey, Briar? Can you come
help me with my hair?

Uh, yeah.
Um, coming.



- Huzzah!
- Yeah!




- Welcome, everyone...

[ALL] Ah!

Thronecoming Dance!


The school tradition
where we spellabrate our stories

and those who came
before us.


We'll get
to the big announcement,

Thronecoming Queen
and King, soon!

But now
let's get this party started!

Follow me!


- Cerise?
- Oh, hey, Daring.

I... I just want to say
that, um,

well, I am sorry

I ever thought you were
a damsel in distress,

and you really saved us
out there.

- So yeah.
- Oh, thanks.

So how about a dance?

Um, aren't there
a few other girls ahead of me?


But I... I'd rather
dance with you.


- Madame Yaga?
- Yes, my dear?

That picture...
that looks like my dorm room,

but who are those people?

that's Little Red Riding Hood

and, uh, the Evil Queen.


- Miss Beauty?

Cedar, do you have
your revealer rays?

I need to borrow them.



The Storybook of Legends!



Hello, Apple.

Uh, Miss Queen.

Look, Headmaster,
I know you're angry with me...

To say the least.

...and I'm sorry.

I really do want to sign
the Storybook of Legends.

- You do?
- Yes.

If I don't, that terrible vision
that I saw in the mirror

- will come true.
- Wishing well.

You saw the vision
in the wishing well, dear.

I never told anyone
I saw a vision in the well.

Which means the only way
you know about it

is if you put it there.

Headmaster Grimm,
that was wrong.

Well, I... uh... ahem!

I did it
to protect our stories.

Raven needs to make up
her own mind.

She doesn't need
to be tricked into doing
what you think is right.

We can be good and evil,

happy and sad,

Royal and Rebel,

many things all at once.


Bu... but that's impossible.

Hello, brother.

I missed you.

And I forgive you.

I missed you, too.

Can we turn the page
and start a new chapter?


She's not really going

to throw the book
down the well, is she?

She doesn't want to lose
her friends forever after.

But it's a mistake.

Oh, she'll realize that.

For Briar's story
is far from over.

In fact,
in the next chapter...

Hey, zip it.

What did I tell you
about spoilers?


And now it's time
to announce

the Thronecoming Queen
and King!

Let's ask
our MirrorNet experts
to give us the results!

And the candidates
are Apple White...

Go on, tell 'em, Humphrey!

Me? I thought you
were going to count 'em up.

That was your job!

I had to put the web site
back together again

after you broke it.

Me? Oh, man!


Looks like you've got more time
to get your votes in.

So jump on the MirrorNet,

log into MyChapter
and make it happen.

We'll announce
the winners soon.

Stay tuned!

here's a real page-ripper!

Happy Thronecoming, everyone!


Happy Thronecoming indeed.

And if there's one thing
we've learned,

it's that you can't
judge a book by its cover.

Especially a fairytale book.

That's what I just said.

Must you clarify
every little thing?

There's nothing wrong
with clarification.

I mean, come on,
we've been through this.

It's what good storytelling's
all about.

You don't always have to
have the last word.

Of course, you do.
- Yes, I do.