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Ever After High: True Hearts Day (2014)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:44
by bunniefuu
♪ They told you everything
was waiting for you ♪

♪ They told you everything
was set in stone ♪

♪ It's an open book,
a road in reverse ♪

♪ A brand new hook,
forget that curse ♪

♪ Rewrite, ignite, restart ♪

♪ 'Cause it's your life ♪

(high vocalizing)

♪ 'Cause you're Royal,
you're Rebel ♪

♪ You're more there
when together ♪

♪ However you go ever ♪

♪ In Ever After High. ♪



Female narrator:
Welcome, fairy-tale friends,

to spring
at Ever After High.

Male narrator:
Where following
their true hearts

is the only thing
on students' minds.

Female narrator:
Royals with Royals,

and Rebels with Rebels.

Male narrator:
Well, it may not be
as straightforward as that.

Look at Hunter
and Ashlynn.



- (birds tweeting)
- Boys: Hey!



Ah! Run everyone!

Off with their buds.

Female narrator:
It seems that hearts
and destinies

don't always move
in the same direction.

"Cupid and Dexter Charming."


Cupie and Dexy!


Hey, Cupid.


- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

Anyone sitting here?

I mean no!

No one is sitting there,
and yes, you should sit there.

- Thanks.
- Shh! Quiet in the library!

The evil step-librarians
are so wicked.

Yeah, last week
they made me

re-catalogue the entire
forbidden-book section.

- (giggling)
- Shhh!

Well, look what I found.

"The History
of True Hearts Day"!

Thanks, Dex!
You are such a sweet...


And so each time
a fairy tale is told...


My dear,
I am writing my speech for...

Love never waits!

What are you going on about?

True Hearts Day!

Where... ahem...
did you find that?

It tells
all about this totally
"hexcellent" holiday

that encourages everyone

to follow
their true heart's desire.

But it hasn't been
"spellabrated" in years.

And never will be again!

That holiday is dangerous.

But... but...

Some students might see it
as a sign

to break from their destinies.

Maybe True Hearts Day is...

You are not to talk
about this to anyone.

Do you understand me?

Yes, sir.
I won't say a thing.

True Hearts Day?

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

I don't get it.



48 words.

A holiday that used to be

in the fairy-tale world
that encourages us

to follow
our true heart's desire

but Headmaster Grimm
doesn't want anyone
to know about it,

but you think
we should "spellabrate" it

and throw a secret underground
True Hearts Day dance?

Why didn't you just say that?

'Cause Headmaster Grimm
told me not to say anything.

Secret dance?

What if Grimm catches us?

He won't.
Come on!

It'll be happily ever awesome!

I do throw
the most "hexcellent" parties.

- Yay! We're having a secret
True Hearts Day dance!
- Shh!

Secret True Hearts Day dance!
Secret True Hearts Day dance!

Both: Shh!

Um, you might not
want to shout that.

You know,
being a secret and all.

(rock music playing)

♪ Sparrow!
He's the hottest guy, oh!

(rock music playing)

♪ In the fairy tale... ♪

- Whoa!
- Stop that!

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

Come on,
they went this way.

I'm finally
going to get some proof.

Why do you even care?

I care 'cause it's not fair.

is breaking the royal rules
with her secret romance,

but she still gets
a happily ever after
and I don't!

So you got a plan?

I mean, it's not like
we're just going to find them

in some romantic mo... ment.

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)


- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)



- Say cheese.
- Huh? Ah, curses.

Oh, hey, Duchess!

We didn't see you.

- (Hunter laughs)
- What's going on?

♪ You two
are totally busted! ♪

Ashlynn, Hunter.

I think the real question
is what are you two doing here?

Having a secret
romantic rendezvous?

We gotta find
a better place to picnic.


You two can't tell anyone
Hunter and I are
secretly dating.

Um, yeah, wow.
Well, I'm gonna!

Ash, this is going
to knock you down
the royal rankings.

But don't worry.
I'll take your place

and your happily ever after.

(rock chord plays)

♪ Princess-to-be! Oh! ♪

Stop that!

(plays one note)

Cupid (filtered):
Now, my Love Tale friends,

this is the part
of the MirrorCast

where I try
to solve your romantic problems.

So, Fragile in Fairyland,
what's in your heart?

Um, well, I...


I kind of...
no, I do...

I do have a crush
on this girl named Raven.

Raven Queen?
You have a crush on Raven Queen?

- (all gasping)
- I mean Rachel!

Rachel, yeah.
I like a girl named Rachel.

Okay, Rachel.

So you like her.
What's the problem?

Well, whenever I'm around her,
I get really tongue-tied.

Oh, okay.

Look, how about putting down
your feelings on parchment?

That is a great idea!

- I'll write her a love... poem.
- (all gasping)

Uh, ahem, thanks, Cupid.
You're the best. Bye.

No problem.

- (sighs)
- (door opens, bells jingle)

- Oh, hey!
- It's Apple White!

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

True Hearts Day! Aren't you
just totally "hexcited"?

It used to be
such an important holiday
on the royal calendar.

Ah, love!

our predetermined princes.

I'm sure, yeah.

Oh, sweetie, what's wrong?

You can tell me.

I mean,
we are friends forever after.

I'm not sure
you'd understand.


Is it boy trouble?

Oh, wow, hey!
I am thirsty.

Um, I'm gonna go get us
a couple Hocus lattes.

Double foam,
extra apple caramel, right?

- Troll: Uh, you work here?!
- Oh!

I want these
in a size 74!


Male narrator:
And so Dexter finished

his True Hearts poem
for Raven.

Now he just had to wait
for a response.

What's this?

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

It's a love poem.

Oh, a secret note!

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

Is there anything
more hat-tastic?

But who's it from?

"D. Charming"?



- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)


I had no idea
he felt this way.

'Sup, brother?

Oh, gort.

Male narrator:
Love is very...

- Female: Complicated.
- Male: Yes, complicated.

Male narrator:
The path of love
is never straight.

Female narrator:
Well, it was until people

started choosing
their own stories.

Male narrator:
You must admit,
this is much more interesting.

Female narrator:
Mmm, well, let's see
what happens.

(door bells jingle)

Hey, Ashlynn.

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

What's up with
the urgent text message?

- Is every...
- Shh!

Sorry, Cedar,
but I need help.

- We need help.
- Uh, Hunter?

I'm not Hunter.

I'm, uh, Gunter.

Gunter Guntsman.

(crickets chirping)

Is this about your guys'
secret relationsh...

Yes, it is about... that.

Duchess knows,
and she's going to spell it out

for the whole school.
We don't know what to do.

Well, I always find it's best

to tell the truth.

You're right, Cedar.

Gunter Guntsman!
I got a triple mint
Hocus latte

for Gunter Guntsman!

Over here!

(motor revving)

I got party supplies!

C.A. Cupid!

I'm Cupid!
That's me.

Just sign here.

Party supplies?

Why, yes,
party supplies

um, for...

Our play.

And what exactly
is the name of this play?

- It's, uh...
- All: Um... uh...

- (music playing)
- (camera flashes)

It's called
"The Play That Almost Was

And Then Wasn't
But Then Was."


Very well.


I don't know, Duchess.

It is a bombspell,

but Ash and Hunter
are my friends.

If you don't report on it,
someone else will.

(all gasping)

No, they can't own it!

Now I'll never
get my happily ever after!

Oh, hey, Duchess.


- Apple White: Ashlynn?
- (gasping)

You and Hunter
are... are dating?

But you're a Royal.

And he's a Rebel.

♪ Totally awkward,
oh! ♪

Female narrator:
A Royal dating a Rebel?

That's just not
how the tale is told.

Male narrator:
She followed her true heart,

which is kind of
what True Heart's Day
is all about.

So, fellow fairy tales,

Blondie Lockes here
to give you reaction

to the royally
rebellious romance.

I think it's "hexcellent."


Ashlynn and Hunter
decided to rewrite
their destinies.

What's wrong with that?


I feel for them.

I mean,
keeping secrets is hard.

- (growling)
- Ahh!

A Royal and a Rebel?

They're from
two different worlds.


- I am trying
to do an interview here.
- (whimpering)

I'm worried
about Ashlynn and Hunter.

If they don't
follow their destinies,

their books
could close... forever.


(bell ringing)

Remember our quiz

on tiara size
and future neck problems.

Apple, we have to talk.

Ash, this is hard for me,

which is a first
because I usually
handle everything so very well.

- I know.
- I'm just so surprised

you didn't trust me enough
to tell me.

I didn't think
you'd understand.

I guess I don't.

It just
doesn't make sense to me.

I don't want to see
anything bad happen
to someone I care so much about.


And so you're telling me
all these heart-shaped cakes

are for your play?

- Yeah, the play!
- Yep!

You know it!

They're for
the really funny scene

where Briar
throws them at Hopper!

- Excuse me?
- Oh, yeah.

It's such a funny scene.

I just wind up and ugh!


Very well.

(both sigh)

(all chattering)

Hi, Ashlynn.


- What do you want?
- What do I want?

My own happily ever after,
of course.

And now that everyone knows
that you're dating a Rebel,

it looks like
there's one available.

No glass slipper for you!

So you're happy
about Hunter and I dating

while my best friends aren't?

Maybe I did make a mistake.

What? No!
You're totally doing
the right thing.

Follow your heart
and all that sappy stuff.

(birds chirping)

Sorry, I'm saving this
for Ashlynn.


Hey, Ashlynn!

(birds chirping)

Hunter, we need to talk.

Uh, Ashlynn?

I just... I thought this
would be a good thing,

showing everyone
we were dating.

I thought it would
take the pressure off.

But now
everything is worse.

What are you saying?

My friends are upset.

I don't know what's going
to happen to our stories.

- Yeah, but...
- Hunter,

I don't want anything bad
to happen to us... to you.

I think...
I think we should break up.

I'm sorry.

Male narrator:
And so as the sun set
on Ever After High...



Female narrator: The students
were getting fairest

- for the big dance.
- (sneezes)




(playing rock beat)

I need you to help me ruin
the True Hearts dance tonight.

What? Why?

Briar is planning it.

And if I can get her in trouble
with Headmaster Grimm,

then there'll be a new opening
in the royal ranks.

You know what?

I am done with you.

What's ruffled your feathers?

I, Sparrow Hood,

the rockingest,
handsomest guy in this school,

can't find out
where the dance is.

No one will tell me
'cause I'm friends with you.

Well, someone around here
must know something.

You really think anyone's
going to tell you the truth?

(pages rustling)

There's one person
at this school who's cursed to.

(rock beat playing)


- Raven, over here.
- Wow, Briar, you really know

how to throw
the most "hexcellent" parties.

- I had some help.
- Ha ha! I, uh...

...appreciate your kind kudos,
fair maiden.


Hey, guys,
who's tonight?

We got the daughter
of the Pied Piper.

Melody Piper?!

(all cheering)

What up, Ever After?

Ready for me to drop
some True Hearts tunes?


Then follow me.

(techno beat playing)

This Next Chapter Day
saw a 30% rise

in our semi-magical
creature attendance...

- Duchess: Psst!
- ...rates, which,
when you compare that to...


Excuse me.

Duchess Swan,
I'm addressing
the entire magical community

on the MirrorNet
at this very moment.

I know.

And I'm so sorry
to disturb you.

But there's something
I just thought you had
to know about.

Which is?

I hate to tell on my friends,

but some students
are having a secret
True Hearts Day dance.

Show me where.


(rock music playing)

So 300 autographs later,

my quill finally gives out.

- But there are
100 more girls in line...
- Daring?

Uh, can we talk for a minute?

- Of course, yes.
- I wanted to thank you

for that poem
you left on my locker.

Um, I never wrote you a poem.

You didn't?
But it says right here...

"D. Charming."


- Hi, Dex!
- (Daring laughing)


not exactly
a happy True Hearts Day, huh?

Why does my brother
always get the girl?

It's not fair.

Maybe you should
stop thinking so much
about your brother

and, um,
concentrate on someone else.

- Uh, who?
- You.

You spend so much time
comparing yourself to Daring,

you forget you're great
just the way you are.

- Really.
- Cross my heart.

Thanks, Cupid.

It was Dexter!
Can you believe it?

Dex, he's so sweet
and cute.

And I'm gonna tell him that I...

(music slows to an end)

I'm too late.

Where is this party?

Not much further.

(rock music playing)

Give it up
for Melody Piper!

(all cheering)

Now since True Hearts Day
hasn't been "spellabrated"

in such a long time,

I wanted to tell everyone
what it's all about.

Once upon a time,
there grew a very special tree...

the Heart Tree.

And even if the winter
was harsh

and the other trees
failed to bloom,

the Heart Tree
blossomed no matter what.

And so
our fairy-tale ancestors

gave the blossoms to each other
on True Hearts Day

to show that even though
it's not always easy,

true love
will always find a way.

And so
to encourage all of us

to follow our true heart...


(all gasping)

Make sure to give yours
to someone special to you.

Can I... Hunter?

When I listen
to my true heart,

it tells me that
you're my Prince Charming.


But how can you be a Royal
and date Hunter?

I don't know.

But if writing
our own happily ever after

means I can't be a Royal,

then call me
Ashlynn Ella, the Rebel!

- (all cheering)
- (gasps)

I'd like to give this
to you, Hunter,

if you'll have it.

Of course.

(all cheering)

I'm so sorry.

I just had to do what...

Why are you giving this
to me?

I might be worried about you,

and I might think
you're doing the wrong thing,

but I want you to know
that we'll always be friends,

no matter what.
That's what's in my true heart.

Thanks, Apple.

You're the best.

I know.

This is literally
the best day ever.

I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna do it.

Don't be a worry flurry.
Let's party!


Mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine.


Hey, Cupid,
have you seen Cedar?

I can't find her anywhere.

Oh, Cedar had something
royally important to do tonight.

(rock music playing)

There it is.



(music continues)

- Hyah!
- (chord plays)

trying to practice here.

Miss Swan!


Where are they?

♪ You totally got
what you deserved! ♪

Cerise: You told Cedar
the wrong spot

'cause you knew Duchess
would try to get it out of her.


Then she left me a note
back in the dorm

telling me the real party
was here.

Male narrator:
Now that is a happy ending.

Female narrator:
I have to say,

my true heart agrees.
