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A Kid Called Danger (1999)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:52
by bunniefuu
(magical music)

(bright music)

(water rushing)

(siren blaring)

(tense music)

(engine roaring)

(tires screeching)

- [Policeman] Stop.

Pull over.

(engine revving)

(tires screeching)

(siren blaring)

Pull over.

(siren wailing)

(engine roaring)

(tires screeching)

Connelly, Connelly, stop.

- Fugitive is on foot.

(anxious music)

(tense music)

(energetic music)

(water rushing)

(rocks rumbling)

- Don't come any closer.

Or I'm gonna jump.

(dramatic music)

(water splashing)

- [Police Officer] No way he could survive that.

(Officer sighing)

(water rushing)

(Frank gasping)

(Frank coughing)

- [DJ] Fugitive Frank Connelly is presumed dead

after jumping into the Colorado River

in an attempt to flee from law enforcement officers.

Connolly escaped from the Colorado State Prison

where he has served four years of a 10-year prison sentence

after being convicted of committing one

of the largest jewel heists in this nation's history.

In other news, the nation's capital is paralyzed

from a record storm last night.

Power outages...

- Who's there.

- I missed my bus.

- (sighs) Again?

That's three times this week, Dane.

- Sorry.

- All right, go ahead, get in the car, I'll give you a ride.

That's it, no more internet.

You're in bed at nine from now on.

- [Dane] It wasn't the internet.

My alarm didn't go off.

- [Jack] Yeah, right.

(bright music)

(car horns tooting)

- Hey, I got a great idea.

How about I miss school

and I'll be your partner for the day?

- I can't think of anything I'd like better

but I just don't think the Chief would go for it.

- He's nothing but a lame-brain anyway.

- Hey, hey, hey, watch what you're saying.

- That's what you always say.

- Just don't repeat everything you hear me saying.

You're gonna get us both in big trouble.

- I just wanna be a cop.


I don't wanna wait till I'm outta school

and have to go to the police academy.

- A good cop has to be patient.

How's your investigation at school coming.

- Which one?

- [Jack] The locker robberies.

- Oh good.

I got two suspects under surveillance.

I think I'll have this one nailed by the end of the week.

- Good.

- [Dispatch] Attention, all cars.

We have a 505 at 822 Holesman.

All available units in this vicinity please respond.

(exciting music)

- Yes. (siren wailing)

A 505?

That's a robbery.

And only a block away.

- This could be a false alarm,

but just in case when we get there stay down.

- If you make an arrest, can I cuff him?

(siren blaring)

- Stay put, and you can keep the doors locked.

(car door thudding)

- Hurry.

That's right, gimme all those rings there too.

Hurry, lady, hurry. (anxious music)

If there's more room in that bag,

I want you to jump in it. (woman gasping)

- Hold it, Fields.

- Not today, McQuire.

(energetic music)

(woman gasping)

- [Jack] Hold it, Fields.

(anxious music)

(energetic music) (door thudding)

Stop, Fields.

(anxious music)

(energetic music)

Fields, you can't get away, okay, now stop.

- [Fields] Get back in the gym, McQuire,

you ain't got enough speed, baby.

- [Jack] Stop.

(anxious music)

(energetic music)

(anxious music)

(energetic music)

(trash cans thudding)

(anxious music)

(car door thudding) (Fields groaning)

(Fields growling) (energetic music)

(siren wailing)

(men quietly chattering)

- All the way down.

I'll see you back at the station.

- We almost got him, huh?

(car door thudding)

- Didn't I tell you to lock the doors and stay down?

- Yeah, but, Dad, we almost-

- Listen to me, Dane.

Good cops take orders.

You could've been hurt or taken hostage.

- I was just trying-

- As of right now you are on suspension.

I don't wanna hear one word about police work

or anything related to it.

- Yeah, but, Dad- - For at least a month.

You got it?

I'm serious about this.

(engine humming)

I want you to promise.

(Dane sighing)

Something's come up, I gotta get back

to the station right away.

You'll have to catch the bus out front.

It'll take you right to the school.


Nice piece of work today.

(upbeat music)

(engine humming)

(anxious music)

- Sir.

You didn't use to coach at Chriswood Junior High School,

did you? - No.

- You're not a coach, are you?

A teacher?

- You must have me mistaken with someone else.

- You're not famous, are ya?

(bright music)

(anxious music)

- Can you let me off?

I was supposed to get off at the last stop.


(upbeat music)

(anxious music)

(sneaky music)

(anxious music)

(sneaky music)

(anxious music)

(door knocking)

(door knocking)

(TV playing)

(suspicious music)

(door thudding)

(locks clicking)

(anxious music)

(upbeat music) (door thudding)

(car door thudding)

- I thought you were in school.

- But I saw this guy that's wanted.

- Wanted?

- Yeah.

- What are you talking about?

- This guy.


I was on the bus with him.

I was following him, but then I lost him.

- You saw that guy on the bus?

- Yeah.

- (scoffs) You must've seen a lookalike.

Frank Connolly drowned two days ago.

A thousand miles from here.

(upbeat music)

- [Louie] So how come you missed first, second, and third?

- Long story.

Hey, what's with the shorts in November?

- They're corduroy.

(trolley rattling)

(students quietly chattering)

Want a bite?

- Er, no, thanks.

Is that all you do is think about food?

- Come on, just try some.

- Hey, that ain't bad.

- It's marshmallow spread with super crunchy peanut butter.

It's great with milk.

- Hey, here it is.

Connelly was serving time for his involvement

in the largest diamond heist in the nation's history.

The $10 million of diamonds Connelly stole

with a partner has never been recovered.

Wait a second.


This is it.

A three-day search for Connelly's body

has been unsuccessful.


I'll betcha a bazillion bucks

it was Connelly I saw on the bus today.

- Want another bite?

(suspicious music)

This is the building he went into.

And I got a feeling that he wants to talk

to whoever lives here real bad.

- What are you thinking?

- I'm thinking an old-fashioned stakeout.

- (chuckles) A stakeout.

You're kidding.

You're not kidding?

(upbeat music)

Hey, wait a minute.

You're crazy.

We're in freaking Ed three.

What's your dad gonna say when he finds out

you're setting up a freaking steak out?

- I'm not telling him.

- My gosh.

(lock rattling)

Listen to me, man.

This thing is bigger than the both of us.

Can't you see that?

To catch a thief, you've gotta think like a thief.

This place is for rent.

Realtors are gonna be bringing people in to see it.

What are the realtors gonna tell their clients?

Oh, come on in, but don't pay any attention to those boys,

they're just staking out the apartment over there.

You don't always have to be Mr. Cop.

Come on, give it another day.

See if the police find this guy.

Come on.

I'll buy you a burger.

(sinister music)

- Hey, it's me.

I made it.

If I was at the bottom of a river

how could I be talking to you right now?

Nobody's seen me.

The diamonds?

Don't worry about it.

I know where they are.

Gimme a day and I'll get 'em

and then we'll split everything just like we agreed.

(chuckles) Yeah.

I'm staying at the luxurious Blue Swan.

Room 319.

I'm under the name Barber.

You make sure when you call me,

you do it from a payphone, all right.


(telephone receiver clicking)

(keys jingling)

(door clicking)

(anxious music)

(lock clicking)

(door thudding)

- You're busted.

- You can't prove nothing.

- I got enough forensic evidence to link you

to every petty theft in this school.

- What are you talking about?

- Your fingerprints.

They're gonna bury you.

Your name's Nino, isn't it?

- Let's see you, super-cop.

- What is your name?

- Take it easy.

My name's Vinnie.

And hey, how'd you know it was me?

- I set you up in 7th-period study hall.

I made sure you heard me talking about

all the money I had in my locker.

- What do you want?

I can get you anything.

Skateboard, shoes, jewelry, test questions, CD player.

Name it, man.

- Look, I don't take bribes.

- Don't be stupid.

Everyone can be bought sooner or later.

Man, I'm telling you I can get you anything.

Money, clothes, a watch, gift certificates...

(surreal music)

- To catch a thief, you've gotta think like a thing.

Want some?

- No, thanks.

- So who is this guy anyways?

- You've seen him around.

Attitude, always in trouble.

Always by himself.

His name's Vinnie.

- Bet he doesn't show.

- He's gotta show.

We need him bad.

- Who's this geek?

- Louis, Vinnie.

Vinnie, Louie.

- They're Corduroy.

- He's part of this, I'm walking.

- What's your problem.

- Yeah, what is your problem?

- I've seen him around school.

I don't like him.

- Whether you like him or not,

I can't pull this operation off without him.

- I know you are a super-cop,

but what's doughboy's part gonna be in all this?

- Who you calling doughboy?

- You.

Got a problem with that?

- No, no, I just need time to get used to it.

- So what makes you so valuable?

- Er, um.


- Food?

- Yeah, food.

When we get hungry, he feeds us.

- You good with Italian?

- You haven't tasted Italian

until you've tasted Louie's Italian.

- Yeah, most people call me Louie-G.

- So can you get us in here?

- Do you bear sleep in the woods?

- Whoa, where'd you get those?

- My Uncle Vince.

- What's he, a locksmith or something?

- He's a burglar.

The best.

- So how'd you get them?

- He loaned them to me.

He's serving time.

- If he's so good with locks, how come he's still in prison?

- You're walking on sacred ground, doughboy.

- Sorry, it's just a joke.

- And that's my specialty, doughboy.

(door clicking)

- We got power (laughs).

- Cool.

- Way cool.

- Hey, doughboy, don't you think

you better check out your kitchen?

- We're staking out the apartment straight across.

- Who lives there?

- A lady and a wimpy kid.

I don't have a clue who they are.

But Connelly knows them.

And I got a feeling they've got something he wants.

Here's a list of things we're gonna need.

- Who's gonna rent all this stuff.

- I know a guy.

He's a freaking genius.

I know how to find him too.

Come on.

(upbeat music)

I'm telling you.

This is the coolest kid you'll ever meet.

(audience applauding)

- Yes.

- I think that I can speak for all of us here

when I say that tonight, we have been most enlightened.

(audience applauding) - Ah, thank you.

Thank you.

- I read in the global internet magazine

that you are working on a revolutionary device

that would descramble every secret code in the world.

Could you shed some light on that?

- (chuckles) Yes, I was wondering

when you're gonna get to that.

You are correct.

But I'm having some difficulty raising monies

to build a prototype.

- That's our man.

Tazwell Taylor.

He's got brains coming out like a zoo.

He's graduating this year.

- From high school?

- College.

He's the valedictorian.

- Gentleman and ladies, thank you

for your time this evening.

(audience applauding)

- [Dane] The insurance company that was insuring

the stolen diamonds is offering a reward for their return.

- How much?

- 500 big ones.

- What?

You waste my time for 500 bucks?

I can make that kind of boodle in an hour.

- Sit down.

Who said anything about hundreds.

After this job, that's gonna be petty cash.

I'm talking thousands.


(Tazwell choking) (magazine thudding)

- Hey, I ain't going nowhere.

- Freak, man, that's...

175,000 each.

- What are the diamonds worth?

- Millions.

So if we can prove that Connelly's not dead

and lead the cops to the diamonds,

we're gonna split the money four ways.

Tazwell, 125,000 enough for that prototype?


That should be enough to cover the creditors at school

with a little soap left over, huh?

All right.

Here's a list of things I think we're gonna need.

(paper rustling)

And hey, this is gonna be a clean operation.

Got it?

Everybody with me?

Good? (bright music)

- No way. - I'm begging you.

- No way. - Please.

(man groaning)

- You bugged me. - Yes.

- I love ya. - Thanks.

- Are you sure?

(boys quietly chattering)

(bright music)

- No thanks.

And you screw it on.

(spaghetti splattering)

(spaghetti splattering)

(bright music)

(water bubbling)

(bright music)

- Yes.

- Oh, you are just going to love this place.

It's five minutes from the freeway

and 10 minutes to the mall.

(gadget beeping) (dog barking)

Oh, my.

That's funny.

He assured me this place was vacant.

Oh, it sounds like they have a puppy in there, you know.

(door thudding) Oh.

(door thudding) Oh.

Down, puppy, calm down.

(door thudding)

I'm sure he's just a big, friendly kind of...

(door thudding)

I'm just gonna call the main office

so we can get a nice little place, just tied up.

Er, so yeah, come on.

Let's look around the apartment.

(dog barking)

- I worked.

- Yes. - Yeah.

(hands slapping)

(bright music)

(friends giggling) (hands slapping)

- Yeah. - Yeah.

(anxious music)

- It's pretty quiet over there.

- If you're gonna bug the apartment now would be the time.

- Anytime you're ready.

- I was born ready.

- Hey, when you guys get back

I'll have a big pot of spaghetti for ya.

- Hey, thanks, Louie-G.

(door clicking)

- Here, hold this.

(lock clicking)

- Sweet. - Let's go.

(hands slapping)

(anxious music)

(sneaky music)

- What is your position?

- We're at the door.

How long is this gonna take?

- After you.

(door thudding)

- We're in.

- Already, that's fast.

- You really are a genius.

- Hey, check all the rooms for phones.

- Okay, Mr. FBI.

All right.

The number here is 555 9898.

- Got it.

(dial tone humming)

(telephone receiver clicking)

(telephone dialing)

(telephone ringing)

- Hello?

- Talk to me.

- [Dane] What do you get when you cross

a kangaroo and a snake?

- What?

- A jump rope.

- Oh, oh, a jump rope.

A jump rope (snorting).

That's a good one.

That's a good one.

Okay, perfect, we got one.

Now take the little red one and put it next to the bug.

That'll override any star 70 interference

but still let a caller ID know who's calling.

- All right.

(telephone receiver clicking)

(engine humming)

- Don't worry about the other rooms already got 'em.

- Good.

- Hey, get the feeling you're being watched?

(anxious music) - Yeah, no kidding.

- Man, this kid is weird.

(water splashing)

- Hold it, guys.

- What's wrong?

- Um, false alarm.

It's just a girl.

I take that back.

Not just a girl, but a girl we should

definitely consider staking out (chuckles).

(both scoffing)

- Tazwell, I need a test.

- You got it.

- So how's everything going?

- Like clockwork.

So how's our spaghetti going?

- Perfecto.

(Tazwell laughing)

(telephone ringing)

- Hello?

- Hello?

- Hello, Tazwell?

- Hello?

- Hello?

- Hello?

- Hello.

- [Girl] Who is this?

- No, who is this? - Hello?

(anxious music)

(Tazwell stuttering)

- Don't ask me how, but that girl's in the apartment.

I'll try and stall her.

Um, hide.

(Tazwell stuttering) (amusing music)

- What's wrong?

- I've never talked to a girl before on the phone.

- I've made a lot of anonymous calls to girls before.

Let me take this one.

Hi, still there?

- Who is this?

- It's for me to know and for you to find out.

- Is this you, Kyle?

- Yeah, baby, how'd you know?

- 'Cause I'd recognize that geeky dweeby voice anywhere.

(telephone receiver clicking)

(dial tone humming)

(anxious music)

- She's coming, guys, she's coming.

(anxious music)

(tense music)

Vinnie's out.

Wherever you are, stay put 'till we can figure out

how to get you out of there.

(water bubbling)

(upbeat music)

♪ You can dress the way you like and I don't care ♪

♪ It beats the

- (sighing) I love stakeouts.

- Yeah, (chuckles) me too.

♪ Just remember what I like and you won't lose ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

♪ Deep in your heart

♪ You know it

♪ This is a message

- Rock and roll.

- Holy cow.

- Yikes.

(pots bubbling) (post hissing)

(upbeat music)

♪ You can go to a party

♪ And I'll swing along

♪ You can dance in the street

♪ Singing a song

♪ We can watch a favorite movies ♪

(gentle music)

(spaghetti hissing)

(upbeat music)

(gentle music)

(flame crackling)

(smoke detector buzzing)

(upbeat music)

(Tazwell thudding)

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

(smoke detector buzzing)

(flames crackling)

♪ This is a message I'm sending to you ♪

(Louie coughing)

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

- No.

(smoke alarm beeping)

♪ This is a message, I'm sending to you ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

(door thudding) (upbeat music)

- Okay.

They assure me that this time is vacant.

Okay, yeah.

It's over this one.

I could've sworn it was on that side, okay.

Oh, we are in luck, it's open.

Come, come, come inside.

Come on, everybody.

Oh, this is gonna be so nice.

This is the living room where you live and you relax.

(woman screaming)

(woman screaming in foreign language)

(pot clanging)

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know what you need?

A chill pill.

And what do you think I've been doing

for the last four years, huh?

Looking at four stinking walls

while you've been working on your tan.

I can't tell you nothing.

Not 'til I make one more very important call.

(anxious music)

(telephone receiver clicking)

- Hey, doughboy, remind me to get the recipe for this.

Gee, what comes first, milk or the cereal?

Hey, what's going on over there?

Has Connelly busted in yet and gotten his diamonds?

- No.

It's pretty quiet.

- Well, I got news for all of ya.

If nothing happens tonight, I'm outta here.

I got better things to do

then hang around the Three Stooges,

eating cold cereal and waiting for some guy to call

that probably doesn't even exist.

Besides this place is starting to look

and smell like a circus.

- I'm having fun.

- Sorry about the spaghetti.

- He'll call.

(telephone ringing)

- Hello?

- Diane.

It's been a long time. (anxious music)

- Want it to be Connelly.

- Who is this?

- You know who this is.

It's your big bro.

- Frank?

They told me you were dead.

- Good.

That's what I want them to think.

I'm leaving the country, sis.

And I'd sure like to see you and Goldilocks.


- [Diane] I'm here.

I'm here.

- I'd like to take the two of yous to dinner.

We can meet someplace.

How about Friday night?

- Um, Friday, er, no, that won't work.

Kristi has a dance recital.

- Oh, Goldilocks is still dancing, huh?

I'd sure like to see her.

- Listen, Frank.

Don't bother us.


I'm happy to hear that you're alive

but we have a life here now

and I don't want anything to ruin it.

- Sis, you're never gonna see me again.

- I never told Kristi about the robbery or prison.

She thinks you were k*lled in a car accident.

I'd like to leave it like that.

- Okay, sis.

If that's the way you want it.

Give Goldilocks a hug for me

and tell her to take care of those three bears I gave her.

She still has them, doesn't she?

- Um, yeah.

She has quite the collection.

- Okay, sis.

Have a good life.

- You too.

(telephone receiver clicking)

(dialing tone buzzing) (telephone receiver clicking)

(sorrowful music)

- Let's see if my little red caller ID scrambler worked.

(keys ticking)

(computer beeping)

Yes, it worked (snorts).

- Good work, Tazwell. - Hmm.

(telephone dialing)

- He's at the Blue Swan Hotel.

- The Blue Swan Hotel?

That's just a couple of blocks from here.

It's a pretty big place.

But if Connelly's staying there,

we gotta find which room he's in.

- Leave this one to me.

(trolley rattling) (car horn tooting)

- Thank you.

Enjoy your stay.

Oh, the elevator's broken, you'll have to use the stairs.

Can I help you?

- What's up with this place, sweetheart.

I'm in 319 and I got no cold water.

Every one of the taps runs hot.

- About the only thing I can do for you

is tell you to change rooms with the guy in 205.

All he's getting is cold.

- Is that right?

(clerk chuckling)

(clerk sighing)

- Um, excuse me.

- What can I do for you, honey?

- Well, I'm kind of looking for my dad.

- Who's your dad, sweetheart?

- Sometimes he goes by Bob or John,

sometimes even Steve.

- You know, I got a lot of guys coming in here

that used those names.

- Well, here's his picture.

And sometimes he wears sunglasses.

- Why are you looking for him, honey?

- Because mom can't pay the rent

or get the heat turned back on

and my baby sister's hungry.

All she does is cry.

- Honey, you go tell your mama

that your daddy is in room 319.

- Thank you, Ma'am, and may God bless.

(clerk sighing)

- Yeah, this is Babs at the front desk.

And the guy in 319 says he's burning up.

Yeah, he wants the heat shut off.

All the way.

(sighs) Thanks.

(telephone receiver clicking)

(upbeat music)

- So?

- Room 319.

- All right, how'd you get it?

- Same ways to find my old man

when he'd skip out on my mom when we was kids.

- All right, now we got bug Connelly's phone.

You up for it?

- Do birds fly?

- Good.

Let's split up and we meet back at the stakeout.

- Okay.

(engines humming)

- 5th and Lincoln.

- Excuse me.

Did I hear you say you were getting off at 5th and Lincoln?

- Yeah, that's right.

- So am I.

Do you live around there?

- Sorta, kinda, well, just temporarily.

- What do you mean?

- I'm just visiting some friends.

- Oh, who?

I probably know them from school.

- No, no, you wouldn't know them.

They're older.

They're friends of my parents.

- Oh.

Well, where are you from?

- All over (chuckles).

You name it, I've lived there.

- Is your dad in the military?

- Yeah, he's in the military.

- [Kristi] Oh.

- Well see ya.

- Bye.

(engine humming)


(upbeat music)

(anxious music)

- Connelly just left.

I'm going up to his room.

(telephone receiver clicking)

(upbeat music)

(door creaking)

(door thudding)

(upbeat music)

- (laughs) Room service?

Are you kidding?


Last time we had room service

was when President Lincoln stayed here.

I'm sorry (laughs).

(Babs sighing) (telephone receiver clicking)

What do you want?

- I don't know what's going on, sweetheart

but all of a sudden, my room's so cold

I gotta open the fridge to get any heat.

- I'm so sorry.

I'll see what I can do.

You're welcome.


(upbeat music)

(dialing tone humming)

(anxious music)

(dialing tone humming)

(tense music)

- What are you doing in here?

- I'm with maid service.

- Would you take, you little thief?

- Chill, I didn't take nothing.

- Empty your pockets.

- I didn't take anything. - Empty your pockets.

- That's a nice set.

Where'd you get these?

- My uncle.

- Who's your uncle?

- Vince Volente.

- Vince, the Viper, Volente?

- That's right.

- I know Vince.

I met him in the joint.

We did time together.

We watched each other's backs.

He was like my brother.

Today's your lucky day, kid.

But if our paths cross again, it's not gonna

be so lucky for you next time.


Now, get outta here.

(upbeat music)

(door thudding)

(distant dog barking)

- Oh, hi, Dad.

- Looks like you guys decided to call it quits, huh?

- Yeah, we're tired.

- Yeah, that's where I'm headed in just a minute.

How was school today?

- Er, fine.

We learned a lot.

We made some new discoveries.

How was your day?

- Oh, same old, same old.

A couple of robberies, a homicide, stolen car,

high-speed chase. (Louie chuckling)

Just your average day at the office.

Goodnight, guys.

- Goodnight. - Mr. McQuire?

- Yeah.

- Thanks for letting me stay tonight.

- You're welcome, Louie, anytime.

- Do you think Dane could stay at my place tomorrow?

- Again?

Didn't you spend the night at your house last night?

- Please, Dad.

We've got this assignment and I think

we can have it finished in one more day.

- It may not be a bad idea.

I'll probably be working late.

- Thanks, Dad.

- Good night, guys.

- Thanks, Mr. McQuire. - Goodnight.

- Oh, hey, good luck on that assignment.

(amusing music)

(estate moaning)

- Get us out of the building.

Wash your hands.

Move, yeah.

(speaking in foreign language)

(upbeat music) (pot bubbling)

- Ow, ow.

(gentle music)

(anxious music)

(Dane sighing)

(upbeat music)

(door knocking)

- It's her.

(door knocking)

If she finds out, we've been staking her out, it's over.

(door knocking) What are we gonna do?

- Just answer it.

- Yeah. (door knocking)

(dog barking) (dog growling)

- Oh, hi.

- Can I come in.

I need to talk to you.

- Er...

Down, Goliath, down, boy.

(dog growling)

He gets really excited when people come to the door.

- [Kristi] You're not kidding.

- Er, what you wanna talk about?

- Why you acting so strange getting off the bus

and why you're watching my apartment with binoculars?

Are you gonna let me in or not?

- In here?

I don't think so.

I better come out there.

Down, Goliath.

He hates strangers.

Er, just a minute.

(door thudding)

(dog barking) (dog growling)

(door thudding)


(Tazwell thudding) (dog barking)

- Didn't I see a sign downstairs that said no dogs allowed?

- Er, Goliath's not a dog.

He's a horse.

(dog barking) (Louie thudding)

- I'd believe it.

(door thudding)

So you're gonna stick with the story

that some exotic bird landed on the fire escape

and you wanted to have a closer look?

- Well, actually I was trying to see

what that was all over your bedroom.

- Oh, my teddy bear collection?

My Uncle Frank gave me three for my 9th birthday.

I've been collecting them ever since.

- "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".

- How'd you know?

- Oh, well, you know, it just makes sense.

You're blonde, three bears.

- Would you like to see them sometime?

- Er, I would but I'm leaving in the morning.

- Oh, where are you going?

- I'm going to Saudi Arabia.

- Saudi Arabia?


- Well that's where my parents are.

- That's right, your dad's in the military.

- Well, here we are. (gentle music)

- Yeah, here we are.

Well, I guess this is goodbye. - Yeah.

- Good luck in Saudi Arabia.

- Okay, thanks.

Hey, if they have teddy bears up there,

I'll send you one, all right.

- Okay.

- All right, I'll see what I can do.

See ya.

- Yeah, see ya.

(door clicking)

Who was that on the phone?

- The hospital.

They need me to come in.

But I should be home for dinner.


- Mom, do you know how far away Saudi Arabia is?

(Kristi sighing)

- What's the matter?

- I met this boy and he is so cute.

- Cuter than Derek?

Wow, that's pretty cute.

What's this boy's name?

- Danger.

Isn't that a cool name?

- Yeah.

Where does this Danger live?

- Across the courtyard, on the 3rd floor.

His dad's in the military.

Secret operations or something.

He's moving to Saudi Arabia in the morning.

- Across the courtyard.

I thought that apartment was vacant?

- Nope.

He's just visiting friends of his parents.

Mom, do you think that you could get a job in Saudi Arabia?

- I gotta go.

But we will definitely talk about this later, okay?

- Okay.

(gentle music)

Bye. - Bye, sweetie.

(door creaking)

- [Vinnie] It's pretty good pizza.

Just want like Pizza Worlds.

Did you make this, doughboy?

- [Louie] Hey, do cats have climbing gear?

- [Vinnie] That's a good one.

So what's going on over there?

- The girl just left.

No one's home.

- Now that we know where Connelly is,

I think we should call the police.

- No cops 'till we know where the diamonds are.

- Don't worry, guys, no judge is gonna

give the police a search warrant

to bust into Connelly's room on the testimony

of a bunch of kids.

- [Louie] Think we should call your dad?

- No way.

I gotta be sure on this one. - Yeah.

(telephone ringing)

(telephone ringing)

(anxious music)

- Yeah. - It's me.

- Who else would it be?

Look, I think I've got this thing figured out.

- The other guy's calling from a payphone.

Nice work, Vinnie.

- Here's the plan.

You meet me here at the luxurious Blue Swan Hotel

room 319 tomorrow night, eight o'clock.

We split 50-50, just like we agreed.

Make sure nobody's following you or watching you, all right?

- [Man] You got the ice with you now?

- [Frank] No, I'm not that stupid.

- [Man] How do you know it's safe?

- You're just gonna have to bear

with me for a few more hours.

The honey's been in hibernation for the last four years.

Tomorrow night.

Eight o'clock.

(telephone receiver clicking)

(Frank shivering)

- So what do you think?

- Nothing cerebral about it.

We have no other choice but to call the police.

- I'm walking.

- What do you mean you're walking?

- I don't like cops.

If you get the diamonds, you know where to find me.

- For what it's worth,

I think you should see it to the finish.

After all, you've played a big role

in helping us find Connelly.

- Yeah.

And you haven't even tasted my spaghetti yet.

- Hey, life's too short

to wait for your spaghetti, doughboy.


- Yo, Nino.

Nice work.

Thanks bazillion.

(door clicking)

- I'm gonna miss him.

- Yeah, me too.

He'd sure make a heck of a cop.

(sorrowful music)

Dad, it's me, Dane.

We gotta talk.

- [Frank] Here's the plan.

You meet me at the luxurious Blue Swan Hotel room 319

eight o'clock tomorrow night.

We'll split 50-50, just like we agreed.

Make sure no one is watching or following you.

- That's enough.

You kids put all this together?

- Yeah. - Hmm.

- Dad, you're not mad, are ya?

I knew it was Connelly I saw on the bus.

- We've got some talking to do, but no, I'm not mad.

Let's get one thing clear though,

as of right now, you guys are off the case.


- Yeah.

- Yes?

If there is a reward, will you make sure we get it?

- Absolutely.

You kids deserve it.

- Nice work, guys.

You better get this place cleaned up and get outta here.

We'll take it from here.


See you later.

- Bye. - See ya.

(hands slapping)

- Well, don't get too excited,

there hasn't been any ice in that machine for five years.

Try the one on the second floor.


(telephone receiver clicking)


- I've got good news and I've got bad news.

The good news is all the roaches in my room froze to death.

The bad news is if the heat isn't turned on in five minutes,

I'm checking out of this dump.

- Well, may I suggest that you save the five minutes

and go home to your family where you belong?

- What family?

- Your son was in here earlier looking for you.

Cute kid.

He had your picture. (anxious music)

Your family needs you at home, Mister.

- Thanks for the tip.

(door thudding)

(dial tone humming)

(tense music)

(telephone buttons beeping)

Yeah, it's me.

Something's wrong.

We gotta move fast.

I'll be up front.


(telephone receiver thudding)

(telephone clanging) (Frank groaning)

(tense music) (door thudding)

- [Dane] So where's Taz?

- He went down to get a drink and a newspaper.

Said he wanted to check the stock market.

- That guy's amazing.

- [Louie] I know.

(telephone ringing)

- [Diane] Hi.

Just leave a brief message after the beep

and we'll call you back as soon as we can.

(telephone beeping) Kristi, honey, it's mom.

I'm still at the hospital.

If you get there before I do heat up that chicken

and boil some potatoes.

Oh, and could you make a salad?

I know, sorry, I owe you one.

Love you.


(gentle music)

- I finally find the perfect girl

and I'm moving a bazillion miles away to Saudi Arabia.

- You're not moving to Saudi Arabia.

- Might as well be.

I'm never gonna see her again.

- Why?

- Because relationships are built on trust.

What am I gonna tell her that I've been lying to her?

That I've been staking her out.

She thinks my name's Danger.

- Danger?

Don't you think you're overreacting?

I mean, you've only known this chick a day.

Less than a day.

- You just don't get it, do you?

(enlightening music)

- [Frank] And tell her to take care

of those three bears I gave her.

You're just gonna have to bear with me for a few more hours.

- [Kristi] My uncle Frank gave me three for my 9th birthday.

- He gave her the bears before he went into prison.

I know where the diamonds are.

- Wait, where are you going?

- [Dane] To get the diamonds.

(engine humming)

- Wait here, I'll be right out with the diamonds.

- Well, I ain't going nowhere.

I've been waiting too long for this.

(van door thudding)

(anxious music)

(fist thudding)

- Who is it?

- [Dane] It's me, Danger.

- Hey. - Hi.

Is it too late to see your bear collection?

(telephone ringing)

- My mom's not home, but I guess it'll be okay.

Just a second.


Yeah, he's here.

It's for you.

- Hello?

- I think we got big trouble.

Two guys just pulled up out front

and one of them's already inside.

- Er, come on.

- Wait.


Where are you going?

(thunder rumbling)

Stop that, what are you doing?

- Which bears did your uncle give you?

- What?

- We don't have much time.

Which bears did your uncle give you?

- Those.

But listen, just tell me what this is about?

What are you doing?

That's my bear collection.

(knife clicking) No, stop that.

Stop that.

Are you crazy?

What are you doing?

- Listen to me.

I lied.

I had to.

I'm not who you think I am.

- What?

- Me and some of my friends have been watching you

from over there.

- Why?

- Your uncle escaped from prison.

(lightning crashing)

He stole a bunch of diamonds

and stuffed them in one of these bears.

And he's on his way to get 'em right now.

(lightning crashing)

- I don't believe you.

He died in a car crash.

- No he didn't.

(diamonds clinking)

The diamonds.

(thunder rumbling)

(door creaking)

(thunder rumbling)

He's here.

- Diane?

Is anybody home?

(anxious music)

Anybody home?

- Houston... (door creaking)

We have a problem.

- What's going on.

Where's Dane? - Hurry, come here.

- What's the matter?

- I think Connelly's over in the apartment.

- [Tazwell] Where's Dane?

- He's over there somewhere with the girl.

- Oh man, oh.

(telephone dialing)

(thunder rumbling)

(suspenseful music)

(anxious music)

- No, no.

(Frank angrily panting)

(tense music)

(fist thudding)

(thunder rumbling)

(tense music)

- Uncle Frank?

- Where are they?

Where are they?

- What?

- The diamonds.

- Just give 'em to him.

- Police won't be here for 15 minutes.

What are we gonna do 'till then?

(anxious music)

(door thudding)

(tense music)

(both gasping)

- Don't even think about calling the cops.

- Hey man, I'm getting the creeps waiting out there.

What's taking so long?

- I got 'em.

I got 'em, let's go.

- Hold it, hold it, that's McQuire's kid.

- [Frank] Who's McGuire.

- He's a cop.

Something ain't right here.

Let me see his diamonds.

They're fake.

- What are you talking about?

- They're paste, nothing- - What are you talking about?

Help 'em remember where the real diamonds are.

- It'll be my pleasure, my friend.

My pleasure. (tense music)

(telephone ringing)

- [Diane] Hi.

Just leave a brief message after the beep

and we'll call you back as soon as we can.

(telephone beeping)

- [Vinnie] Connelly and the other dude with ya,

pick up the phone.

This call's for you.

(anxious music)

- Who's this?

- Vinchenzo Giovanni Volente IV.

I got what you want.

- What are you talking about?

- [Vinnie] The ice.

- The ice?

- Yeah.

That 200 stones.

One to two carets each.

American brilliant cut.

- What's the deal, boss?

- [Vinnie] The boy and the girl for the diamonds.

- You got a deal, kid.

Bring over the diamonds and we'll do some business.

- What you think I'm stupid?

You want what I've got, you come to me.

- [Frank] How can I come to you

when I don't know where you are.

- The kid knows.

You got two minutes.

(thunder rumbling)

(anxious music)

- How'd you know?

- Everyone's got a little genius in them, genius man.

- No one would've ever known.

Why'd you come back?

- For your spaghetti.

- Come on, we gotta move.

(anxious music) (thunder rumbling)

(tense music)

- You alone?

- Yeah.

- The diamonds.

Give them to me.

- The boy and the girl first.

(anxious music)


(light switch clicking)

- [Fields] Hey, turn on the light.

I can't see nothing.

- [Louie] Get 'em, k*ller.

(dog barking) (dog growling)

- [Fields] What's that?

- [Frank] It sounds like...

- Get away. - Get away from me.

(Fields yelling)

(dog growling)

- [Fields] He's coming.

- Easy. (dog growling)

No, no, no, no, no.

(dog barking)

(amusing music) (dog growling)

(dog barking)

- That's enough, k*ller.

- [Jack] Louie, that was some of the best spaghetti

I think I've ever eaten.

- Yeah. (guests applauding)

- This is a great occasion.

Glad you can make it.

(gentle music)

On behalf of the police department,

I've been authorized to make each

of you boys honorary detectives.

- Thanks, guys. - Oh.

- [Diane] Congrats.

(door knocking)

- Kristi, go get the door.

- Let's have a hand to these guys.

- Yeah. (group applauding)

All right.

- Yes, can I help you?

- Sorry to bother you.

I forgot to tell you.

With as much spaghetti as you ordered,

you get another free salad for six.

- Oh. - What?

- What? - What?

- Louie. - Hey.

- Louie. (upbeat music)

- No, no. - No.

(Louie groaning)

(agent nervously chuckling)

- Okay, puppy.

Come on, baby.

(lips smacking)

Come on, little nice... (agent squealing)

(speaking in foreign language)

He bit me.

(speaking in foreign language)

He bit me.

He bit me, just like...

He bit me.

Come on, it's so nice inside.

Five minutes from the freeway.

Did I tell you that?

Oh, and the mall only 10 minutes.

(door thudding)

He did bit me, you know.

(upbeat music)

♪ You can dress the way you like and I don't care ♪

♪ Eat pizza for breakfast, but you gotta share ♪

♪ But if you take me to the movies ♪

♪ I want to choose

♪ Just remember what I like and you won't lose ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

♪ Deep in your heart, you know it ♪

♪ This is a message I'm sending to you ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

♪ You can go to a party and I'll string along ♪

♪ You can dance in the street, singing a song ♪

♪ We can watch your favorite movies late at night ♪

♪ But you gotta be good to me, treat me right ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

♪ Deep in your heart, you know it ♪

♪ This is a message I'm sending to you ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

♪ Deep in your heart, you know it ♪

♪ This is a message I'm sending to you ♪

♪ It's not what you say, it's what you do ♪

(upbeat jazzy music)