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16x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 05/04/24 07:01
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Julie: it's only been

Week and twists have sent

This game into overdrive,

With alliances crumbling

Almost as fast as they form.

But one thing is certain,

Someone has to be the first

To go.

Welcome to "big brother"!

(Cheers and applause)

♪♪ Previously on "big


♪♪ Yes!

♪♪ After the first ever

Battle of the block


♪♪ We just nailed this and

Victoria and I are safe for

The week and frankie's no

Longer hoh.

♪♪ Donny and paola were left

On the block.

♪♪ We moved.

They just beat us.

♪♪ When the b*mb squad

Became even more suspicious

Of donny --

♪♪ You don't have-- hair

From here down.

♪♪ That is from my tall

Drink of water socks.

♪♪ He's ex-military.

♪♪ He is, isn't he.

♪♪ I knew it from the moment

He pulled his socks up.

♪♪ He became their number

One target.

♪♪ The b*mb squad is about

To lock in on its first


And that target is donny.

♪♪ Fearing the guys were

Already working together --

♪♪ I think there is an

All-guy alliance.

♪♪ Joey tried to form an

All-girl alliance.

♪♪ Are you in?

♪♪ But when she was given

The cold shoulder --

♪♪ Giferl this is not going

To, without.

You cannot start an all-girl

Alliance with seven other


♪♪ I mean it was just an

Epic fail.

♪♪ Joey decided to come


♪♪ I tried to start an

All-girl alliance and this

Was everyone.

I tried to start an all-girl

Alliance and I'm sorry.

♪♪ At the veto competition

It was do-or-die for donny.

♪♪ Maybe they think I'm

Smarter than I let on.

♪♪ And the grounds keeper

Swept away the competition.

♪♪ You are the winner of the

Power of veto.

♪♪ Needing a replacement

Nominee, the kentucky hunter

Set his sights on the


♪♪ Basically what happened

Is you tried and no one was

On board so you failed.

You will be here no more,


♪♪ At the veto meeting --

♪♪ I have decided to use the

Veto to save myself.

♪♪ Joey had a new alliance

With the chopping block.

♪♪ Joey, you know I'm

Nominating you to be a

Replacement nominee.

♪♪ Tonight will joey or

Paola be the first he

Investigated from the house?

And which two house guests

Will become the new heads of


Plus who did you choose to

Become a part of team


Find out right now live on

"Big brother".

♪♪ I need to take my bra off

Captioning funded by cbs


(Cheers and applause)


♪♪ Julie: good evening, I'm

Julie chen, welcome to "big


The first member of team

America may be evicted

Before she's even met the

Other members of this secret


After what some fans are

Calling the worse game play

They've ever seen, joey's

"Big brother" life is on the


Will she be the first house

Guest sent packing?

We'll find out live in just


But first she may have

Gotten your vote but with

The clock ticking, can joey

Gain her housemates' trust

And save herself?

♪♪ Please don't be the


♪♪ I don't think that's what

The house wanted.

So thats with a big mistake.

♪♪ That was a big mistake.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ We're going to have our

Opinion on it.

♪♪ No, of course, of course.

♪♪ Joey thinks I made the

Biggest mistake I could have

Ever made.

Quite frankly, I don't

Believe joey is in the

Position to even thr*aten me

In that way.

I know she's going home this


Her bag should have been

Packed last monday.

♪♪ I just wanted to see like

Where your head is at

Because like obviously I

Really want to say.

♪♪ Joey --

♪♪ Dow want me to go.

♪♪ No.

♪♪ Caleb is telling me that

I'm safe and I'm hoping that

That is true.

So I'm going to lay low this

Week an hopefully joey is

The one to go home.

♪♪ I think you are fine.

♪♪ I don't feel bad av

Talking to you.

♪♪ Good.

You should.

♪♪ Oh my gosh, it gets hot

So fast again.

Oh wow.

♪♪ I'm doing a little bit


I think the sunscreen helps.

♪♪ I'm realizing with

Votes, is my lucky number.

And because I was born on

February th, I'm hoping

That that is a sign that I

Am staying in the house.

♪♪ Girls, I'm campaigning


I would really appreciate

Your vote on thursday.

♪♪ You're so cute.

Are you worried?

♪♪ Yeah, of course.

♪♪ I've got two really good

Friends out there.

Joey and pao-pao.

I feel like joey has more

Fight and I can rely on her

A lot more as opposed to


♪♪ Nicole, did you hear me?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I'm just campaigning.

♪♪ Yeah, definitely


♪♪ Plenty of time for people

To think about it and stuff.

♪♪ Okay, I'm going to go get

Some water or something,


♪♪ I don't know if I want to

Keep joey but she's

Definitely somebody that

Doesn't really know the game

Too well so she will always

Have a target on her back.

There are so many aspects to


♪♪ I'll save your spot.

♪♪ What is everyone, like,

Thinking, kuz like --

♪♪ I haven't spoken to


♪♪ To remove any speculation

That the b*mb squad even

Exists I'm going to make

Sure that this is a

Unanimous decision to evict


♪♪ Nobody wants to vote

Against the house.

Like everyone needs to kind

Of come together and make a

Decision together.

♪♪ I don't know.

♪♪ The people that go

Against the house are going

To be the targets next week.

♪♪ Devin is trying to tell

Me how to vote.

And honestly I didn't come

To this house to play

Devin's game.

♪♪ It can't be one vote,

Okay, do you have an idea,

Maybe like a unanimous vote.

♪♪ I don't care.

♪♪ There are a ton of people

In the bathroom and devin is

Asking me who I am voting


I'm in your alliance, dude y

Are you putting me on the

Spot like this?

♪♪ A what?

♪♪ Unanimous, -, just so

It's smooth the next week

It's got to be unanimous.

♪♪ There goes devin again

Why does it have to be a

Unanimous vote.

As long as we get out the

Person we want, it doesn't


♪♪ Certainly down for that.

♪♪♪ I really want to stay


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ It's hard.

♪♪ I know.

If there is anything I can

Do for you, I done know what

I would trade at this point.

It would be awesome if you

Help me.

♪♪ I feel like you and devin

Are running different things

Like I don't know if it-- to

Go against the house if they

Are I done know how to stop


♪♪ Do you think if people

Like are vote joey out then

That is what everyone will


♪♪ I think so.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ That's the frightening

Part of going against the

House, just because they

Will come back around.

♪♪ You're the first target.

♪♪ Yeah, that's what is so


♪♪ May I talk to you?

♪♪ Of course.

♪♪ I need seven votes to

Stay in.

I can promise more

Consistency in keeping you


I am a better competitor?

♪♪ Without a doubt.

♪♪ If you came in the house

I will work my ass off to

Keep you in the house.

♪♪ At this point I'm going

Vote with the house.

♪♪ Who is the house, are you

Talking about caleb and


♪♪ Yeah, if I go against

Them then --

♪♪ Then you're a a target.

♪♪ I want to you say.

♪♪ Exactly.

The thing is everyone is

Voting one way.

♪♪ You know, and devin and

Caleb, one might have an

Epiphany but we have to

Keep-- it really could

Happen, I swear.

It's just, I'm trying to

Make it to end.

♪♪ You got to respect-- yeah.

♪♪ I've got work to do.

♪♪ Devin and caleb are

Controlling this vote.

That really sucks for me

Because that means the whole

House is voting me out

Because they're scared.

This is not going to fly

With me.

Being a fem nition, I need

To do something-- feminist,

I need to do something big,

I need to do something crazy

To get the votes I need to

Stay in the house.

♪♪ I've got one thing to

Stay, guys, either your vote

Is going to me or it's going

To the people you're [bleep]

A frafd.

If you are afraid of them

Now, will you will be afraid

Of them five days from now.

Go out, go out with a bang,

I'm a man, dude.

♪♪ I need a-- or something,

Can I use your glove?

♪♪ That's a bulge all right.

♪♪ Alex is my alter ego.

That is a manly man.

♪♪ Yeah!

What's up, dude?

Come on!

♪♪ She got a little-- why my

Clothes, why mine.

♪♪ I like to work on cars


♪♪ I am really tired of

Caleb and devin flexing

Around in the house,

Everyone is scared right


And so I am hoping that I

Can kind of remind them that

They should be voting for


♪♪ Oh, you're afraid now,

Are you?

♪♪ You guys think you're

Afraid of the power in this


You know what, you're afraid

Of that vote now, you're

Going to be afraid next


Of the exact same power.

Keep me in the house, you

Won't be afraid any more.

♪♪ She's kind of scary.

She came out all mad looking,

Those weights, those were

The heavyweights too.

♪♪ Oh my gosh.

♪♪ What's up, guys, you

Strategizing, huh?

Are you?

You know what?

You're afraid of the power

In this house now?

-- Vote for me I got one

Thing to say to you, girl,

My name is alex and I'm not

Afraid of anybody in this



♪♪ The whole alex situation

Is kind of ridiculous.

But joey makes a great point

About the boys basically

Running this house.

If we don't get together we

Might just get picked off

One by one.

♪♪ -- Looks good.

♪♪ Yeah!

That's right!

Vote for me, you sons of --

♪♪ What just --

♪♪ What is happening.

♪♪ What just happened.

♪♪ Gosh darn it.

♪♪ I definitely think that

Alex showing up is good for

Me because then everybody

Knows that joey's crazy.

♪♪ She's lost it.

♪♪ I ain't lost it I just

Found it, baby.

♪♪ They think I'm crazy.

Come on.

Oh, you're afraid now, aria?

Now you want to talk, I

Didn't think so I'm hoping

Alex running through the

House shakes people out of

This being scared to vote

Who they really vote for.

I wanted to shake thing up a

Little bit.

I need a damn beer.

♪♪ Joey might be making

Something happen here.

I mean her message does have

A point.

Everyone should be voting

The way they want to vote.

♪♪ Oh my god.

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ That was-- so crazy.

♪♪ Julie: up next, joey or

Paola, who will beed first

House guest isn't packing

Plus we'll crown two new

Heads of household live.

Then another member of team

America will be revealed.

Keep your tweets coming as

We put them out live all

Summer long.

Tell us what you're thinking

At #bb.

Stay with us.



Welcome back to big brother.

S ahead of household caleb

Is the most powerful player

In the game.

But there is one thing he

Cannot control, his heart.

♪♪ -- 'S amber's smoking hot.

♪♪ Lord as my shepherd and

He know exactly what I want.

♪♪ I've had a crash on amber

Since the first day I walked

Through this big brother

House door.

♪♪ She is the type of girl

That I would want to wait

Till marriage with.

I was like maybe god brought

Me here because of her.

See my girl this morning.

♪♪ No, I haven't seen he had


♪♪ Probably still asleep.

♪♪ She never wants to be

Alone in the same area as me

Because she doesn't want

Everyone here to think that

We have something going on.

♪♪ There's amber.

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ I'm going tell her today.

That I really like you.

♪♪ Caleb and amber seems

Kind of th grade.

I mean dow want me to pass

Her a note in study hall

Later, maybe ask her for her

Pencil back?

I guess now their's up here.

♪♪ Yeah, what do you want to

Talk about?

♪♪ I don't know-- sounds

Cheesy but --

♪♪ What, why are you



♪♪ I don't know, it's just


I see you really different

Than I see a lot of people.

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ Not just the fact that

You're just crazy gorgeous.

I watch you reading your


It's very good.

♪♪ Appreciate it.

♪♪ Thank you for the time.

♪♪ You're welcome.

♪♪ I don't know, I just feel

This vibe between us.

There is a certain way that

You look at me throughout

The day-- that-- you look at

Me a lot.

I look at you a lot.

Am I wrong?

♪♪ I don't know.

I didn't know I looked at


This is like news to me.

♪♪ Is it news.

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ Oh my goodness.

I don't know what to say.

♪♪ I mean, there's nothing I

Want you to say if you don't

Have anything to say, you

Don't have to say anything.

Don't feel weird.

♪♪ No I don't feel weird in

A bad way.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ But yeah, thank you for

Talking me.

♪♪ You're welcome.

♪♪ Okay, well, this is so


I honestly do not feel the


And I don't know if I ever


♪♪ What?

♪♪ I don't know if I pushed

Her away.

I done know if i, you know,

Made her day.

I don't know what I did.

But I'm to the going to give


♪♪ .

♪♪ Julie: well, nobody wants

To be rejected and nobody

Wants to be the first house

Guest evicted.

But tonight that dubious

Honor will go to one of

These two ladies.

Let's head to the living

Room for the first live

Eviction of the summer.

Hello house guests.

♪♪ Hi!

♪♪ Julie: it is now time for

The first live vote and

Eviction-- eviction of the


Joey, paola, in just moments

Your housemates will cast

Their votes to evict.

But before they do I'll give

Each of you a chance to sway

Their votes with one brief


Joey, you're first.

♪♪ You guys just picked

Random numbers.

You might be on a team or

You might be paired up by

One person out of this


Make sure that person is

Mentally and physically


I love paola but I think I'm

Physically stronger and

Mentally stronger.

She's amazing and probably

Smart never a lot of things

That I'm not.

But when it come this game

Imthink I'm really strong.

I'm a good pick to stay in

This house.

I love you guys, pick me,

Keep a strong person in the

Love house.

I love you all, thank you,


♪♪ Julie: thank you, joey.

It is your turn.

♪♪ Thanks, joey for saying

That I suck at competition.

But I would like to thank

All my house guests for

Being my friend because you

Guys are all awesome and I

Love all of you.

I hope that you keep me in

This game because I would

Love to keep sharing my

Positive energy an my


And I might suck-- at

Competitions but I do have a

Big heart and I do know that

I still have a lot of fight

In me.

So I love you guys, thank

You, julie.

♪♪ Julie: thank you, paola.

Now it's time for the live

Voting to begin.

Caleb,s ahead of household

You are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two


One at a time the rest of

You will enter the diary

Room and cast your vote to


Devin, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

♪♪ As a member of the b*mb

Squad devin lobbied for a

Unanimous vote to oust joey.

Will he get his wish?

♪♪ Hi, devin.

♪♪ Hello, beautiful miss


♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

♪♪ I vote to evict joey this


♪♪ Julie: thank you.

Derrick's undercover work

Exposed joey's plan to form

An all-girls alliance.

Will he make her pay for her


Hi, derrick.

♪♪ Hi, julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ I sadly vote to evict


♪♪ Julie: thank you.

Frankie initially bonded

With joey.

Will he choose the game over

His friendship.

Hi frankie.

♪♪ Hi, julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ I competitively vote to

Evict joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ I love you.

♪♪ Julie: a reluctant member

Of the b*mb squad will cody

Be sticking with his


Hi cody.

♪♪ Hi julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ I vote to evict joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Julie: the vote is four

Votes to evict joey and zero

Votes to evict paola.

But the girls have yet to


Did joey's antics sway them.

Find out when we return.

Stay with us.

(Cheers and applause)

♪♪ Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

The house guests are voting

Live for the first eviction

Of the summer.

So far it's four votes to

Evict joey an zero votes to

Evict paola.

Let's continue with the live


Zach feels that paola is the

Weakest player in the game.

But is that enough to he

Vick her?

Hi, zach.

♪♪ Hey, julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow evict.

♪♪ Sadly I vote tow evict joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

Brittany is friends with

Both nominees.

Where will she throw her


Hi britainee.

♪♪ Hello, julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ Unfortunately I have to

Go for my girl joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Julie: nicole says that

She doesn't respect joey's

Game but did joey's alter

Ego alex win her over.

Hi nicole.

♪♪ Hi, julie please cast

Your vote tow vick.

♪♪ I vote to he vick joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thanks.

♪♪ Julie: it's official.

With seven to he vick joey,

Joey will leave the house

Tonight but let's see how

The other votes fall.

Hi kristin.

♪♪ Hi, julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow evict.

♪♪ I vote tow evict joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Julie: victoria said

She's playing her own game.

Will she make a stand

Tonight and go against the


Hi victoria.

♪♪ Hi julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ I sadly vote to evict joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thank you jocasta bonded

With paola and will likely

Keep her friend in the game.

Hi jocasta.

♪♪ Hi julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vick.

♪♪ I vote tow vict joey,


♪♪ Julie: thank you.

Hayden has kept his game

Under wraps.

Will he continue to lie low

Or will his vote make waves.

Hi hayden.

♪♪ What's up julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ I choose to evict the

Kind but crazy joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thanks.

♪♪ Julie: amber is a secret

Member of the b*mb squad.

And will likely vote as they


Hi amber.

♪♪ Hi, julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ I vote tow vict joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Julie: they think donny

Is ex-military.

We know he's a grounds


But his vote tonight is

Anyone's guess.

Hi donny.

♪♪ Hey there.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

♪♪ I vote to evict joey.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Julie: all the votes are

In let's give the news to

The house guests.

House guests, the votes are

In, when I reveal the vote

The evicted house guest will

Have just a few moments to

Say good-bye, gather her

Belongings and walk out the

Front door.

With votes to evict, joey,

You are evicted from the big

Brother house.

♪♪ Bye guys, I love you all.

I love you.

Bye guys.

See you guys.

Bye, love you guys, bye guys,


♪♪ Bye joey.

♪♪ Bye, everyone.


Love you, bye, bye, good-bye

Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,

Good-bye guys, good-bye guys.

(Cheers and applause)

♪♪ Julie: hi joey


♪♪ Julie: -, are you

Surprised with a unanimous


♪♪ I am surprised.

♪♪ Julie: why?

♪♪ Because I thought that I

Had rallied up an all-girl


♪♪ Julie: well, let's talk

About that.

Because when you put it out

On the table it fell flat.

No one was taking, no one

Was taking it, why?

Why not?

♪♪ Probably too early if the

Game, I mean-- and I wasn't

Exactly down low about it,

So, yeah.

♪♪ Julie: well, you started

Down low about it when you

Only approached the girls.

But you had no takers.

They just kind of stared at

You like --

♪♪ I had a couple of

Interested people there were

Some quiet takers.

You know, you don't want

Targets on your back and

They are just like shut up

About it.

♪♪ Julie: you came out with

A smile on your face but how

Does it feel?

How hard is this?

♪♪ It's hard but I think

Being in there is harder.

♪♪ Why?


♪♪ Julie: because you're

With these incredible people

That are normal, samples of

The demographic of the


And when you're in there,

It's hard.

People start getting quieter,

Secretive, cookie, it's like

Going back to the insecurity

Of th grade when you are

Like, this is stupid.

♪♪ Julie: or are they just

Playing the game.

♪♪ Playing the game but like

Have some-- go-- let's g

Play this game.

♪♪ Julie: let me ask you

About one of your strategies

In the house.

You decided to confess,

Confess, confess about this

All-girl alliance when most

People in the house of big

Brother they deny, deny,


Why did you go the way of

Telling the truth?

♪♪ Because I thought that

Everyone knew about the

All-girl alliance.

So I was like screw t like,

So I tried to start an

All-girl alliance.

Not the best idea.

So i-- it was like comedic

Relief, I'm not a threat,


♪♪ Julie: speak of comedic

Relief, can we talk about


How long you have known alex


♪♪ Alex actually came out t

Was created on the show.

♪♪ Julie: so this is a

Brand-new alter ego.

♪♪ Brand-new alter ego.

He didn't really help you.

♪♪ I know, but he was funny.

Everybody was nervous and

Then alex came out and

Everyone was just fighting

For their lives.

♪♪ Julie: I'm not sure I can

Blame them.

In the event you were the

One evicted tonight joey

Your housemates taped some

Good-bye messages.

Let's look over here and

Let's listen.

♪♪ Joey, my fellow little

Pony, I mean hi such an

Amazing connection with you

When you walked into this


I love you as a human.

We are cut from the same


We are the same spirit.

But man, you just were not

Ready for this game.

♪♪ I'm so sorry that you're


But I'm happy it's not me.

I'm definitely going miss

You but I am not going to

Miss alex.

♪♪ Joey, alex was great, I

Absolutely loved every

Second of it I wanted to

Laugh but I didn't know if

The other house guest was


♪♪ Good luck with


♪♪ Joey I got a secret for


The b*mb squad just blew you


It's a secret alliance of

Individuals, six males, two


You just got blew up, baby


♪♪ Nd our he stupid, what.

♪♪ Julie: he just revealed

There is an alliance of .

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ Julie: two of them being

Women, are you surprised by

What he just revealed.

♪♪ No, because I'm like

Smart, I'm a smart person.

Yes, I didn't know the game,

I get it but you can smell

An alliance on him from a

Mile away just like cow


♪♪ Julie: who do you think

Is in this person alliance

Starting with the two women.

♪♪ The two ladies I believe

Are amber and jocasta.

♪♪ Julie: you're right about

Amber but you're jong with


♪♪ Oh, it's-- duh, paola.

♪♪ Julie: wong, it's


♪♪ Dang, I knew she's quiet

And silent, she's dangerous.


♪♪ Julie: well, here are a

Couple of things you I'm

Sure did not know about a

Couple of yours housemates.

One is actually an

Undercover cop.

And another one is the

Brother of a very hot young

Pop star, very famous pop

Star right now.

And you can find out who I

Am talking about when you go

Home and you watch the show.

Well, one thing that the

House guests didn't know

About you was that you were

Voted as the first member of

Team america.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ Julie: obviously since

You've been evicted you're

Not a part of the team any


However team america is

Still in effect.

Millions of votes have been


A new member of team america

Will be revealed tonight.

And this week you'll be

Choosing two more to

Complete the alliance.

Details a little later on.

But first it's greek week in

The big brother house.

And for the first time ever

The women and men compete

Separately for heads of


Those competitions play out

Live next.

Stay with us.


♪♪ Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother".

It's time to crown two heads

Of household but keep in

Mine by the end of the week

Only one hoh will remain in


Let's head to the backyard

To crown the first head of

Household of the week.

House guests, the power is

Up for grabs.

Caleb, as outgoing head of

Household are you not

Eligible to compete.

Welcome to greek week in the

Big brother house.

This hoh competition will be

Played in two parts.

The sore rohrity sisters

Will be competing in the

First hoh competition of the


The winner will become the

First head of household.

The fraternity brothers will

Be competing in the

Identical competition in

Just a few minutes.

The winner of that

Competition will be back the

Second head of house hold.

Everyone please listen

Closely as I will only give

The rules once.

This competition is called

Bb rager, an here is how it


On my go you will make your

Way across your balance beam

To the stack of kegs on the

Other end.

One at a time you must move

Your kegs across the lawn

And stack them in front of

The frat house.

Fall av your balance beam or

Drop a keg and you're out of

This competition.

The first house guest to

Transfer all six kegs to the

Front of the frat house and

Buzz in will be the new hoh.

Oh and one more thing.

Those of you on the balcony,

Go ahead and feel free to

Use those frisbees as you

See fit.

Everyone ready?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Excellent.

Then on your mark, get set,


♪♪ Here we go.

Here we go hey --

♪♪ Good job, amber.

♪♪ Julie: christine, amber

And britainee all putting

Down their first barrel.

♪♪ Take your time jocasta.

♪♪ Let's go pao-pao.

♪♪ Julie: nicole puts her

First keg down.

Amber making her way back

With her second keg down

Amber's in the lead.

♪♪ Good job amber.

♪♪ Julie: britainee with her

Second keg.

♪♪ Good job christine.

♪♪ Julie: christine with her

Second keg.

♪♪ Julie: nicole not far


Paola just getting her first

Keg down.

♪♪ Julie: thanks, julie.

Christine with three amber

Put down number four.

♪♪ Go amber.

♪♪ Julie: amber in the lead.

Britainee your keg is down

Which means you're out of

This competition, britainee.

Amber -- brits any, amber in

The homestretch making her

Way down the balance beam

With her final keg as she

Turns around to buzz in and

Become the winner.

Congratulations, amber!

You are this week's first

Head of household.

All of you up on the balcony,

Please make your way down to

The quad.

The second hoh competition

Will begin in just minutes.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ I carried a lot of kegs

In my day.

♪♪ I was like-- I almost


♪♪ We get to go up there.

♪♪ Julie: so who will join

Amber and become the second

Hoh of the week?

Find out when we return.

Stay with us.


♪♪ Julie: welcome back to

Big brother, just moments

Ago amber became this week's

First head of household, so

Who will join her in power?

It's time to find out.

Let's head to the backyard

For the second hoh


House guests, the power is

Up for grabs.


This time the frat boys are


Whoever wins this hoh

Competition will become this

Week's second hoh joining

Amber in power.

I have already explained the


So is everyone ready?

♪♪ Yup.

♪♪ Excellent.

Then get on your mark, get

Set, go!

And derrick is out of this


♪♪ Good job buddy.

♪♪ Go frankie, go hayden.

♪♪ Hayden is coming back

With his second keg.

Good save, as is cody.

And devin, and frankie.

Hayden back with his third


Within good job.

♪♪ Julie: hayden back with

His fourth keg and in the


Devin down with his fourth


Frankie making his way with

His fourth keg.

Tony has got his fourth,

Hayden's got his fifth.

Cody has his fifth keg down

Frankie has his fifth.

Hayden has put down his th


And dropped.

An congratulations cody, you

Are this week's second head

Of household.


♪♪ Julie: but remember by

The end of the week only one

Of you will be left in power.


♪♪ Whooo!

♪♪ I'm fine, I'm fine.

♪♪ Cody is --

♪♪ When we come back we feed

To review the tape because

We're hearing they may have

Been a foul.

We'll stay with us and see

What happened in the outcome

Of this competition.

Don't go away.


♪♪ Congratulations donny,

You have been chose tone

Take part in this summer's

Interactive twist.

America has voted for you to

Be part of a secret alliance

Called team america.

For every mission that team

America accomplishes, each

Member will receive $,.

It's up to you to decide if

Keeping team america a

Secret is in your best


I think I plurallized

America, I'm sorry.

I would like to thank

America for voting for

Little old donny.

It's a privilege and an

Honor it makes me very


It makes me a little


And, I'm very appreciative.

I will do the best I cannot

To let all y'all down.


♪♪ Julie: welcome back to

Big brother.

What a night.

We have just reviewed the

Videotape and cody fouled

And is not the hoh.

Cody hit the ground before

He hit his button.

Let's go inside and break

The news to the house guests.

House guests.

♪♪ Hi.

♪♪ Julie: I have some very

Important news for everyone.

Cody, I'm sorry but your

Foot hit the floor before

You hit your button.

That means devin, are you

The new hoh.

Devin g head and take that

Seat next to amber.

I'm sorry cody.

You need to step down from

That seat.

♪♪ I want to turn to you.

You survived the first week

Of evictions.

How does it feel?

♪♪ Me?


♪♪ Julie: yeah, you survived

Eviction tonight.

♪♪ It's good!

I mean you know, it sucks

That I can't, you know, I'm

Not good as competitions but

I'm really happy to be here.

♪♪ Julie: congratulations.

Thank you house guests and

Have a good night.

♪♪ Bye julie.

♪♪ Julie: the most twisted

Summer ever continues.

This sunday at :,

Central as four house guests

Are nominated for eviction

And face off in the battle

Of the block.

Which two house guests will

Fight their way to safety

And which hoh will be


Find out on sunday.

Then on wednesday the final

Two members of team america

Will be revealed.

Be sure to tune in and find

Out how you can vote on

Their very first mission.

Then week from tonight,

You don't want to miss the

Next live eviction.

For now, let's eve drop on

The house guests from house

The big brother house, I'm

Julie chen.

Good night.


♪♪ *