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02x02 - An Ordinary Man

Posted: 01/09/15 17:39
by bunniefuu
If we might just prevail upon Your Majesty to reconsider...

Are you telling me that the King cannot have what he wants, Athos?

Is that what you're saying?

Of course not, Your Majesty.

Then it is settled.

You there!

Take off your clothes.

How do I look?

Transformed, Your Majesty.

No. No "Your Majesty" tonight.

Or bowing or fussing or any manner of deference.

Tonight you treat me as an equal, all right? A friend.

For one night I will enjoy the same freedom as the most carefree peasant.

Must a king be a sl*ve to duty all his life?

Tonight I'm just like you.

My, erm, my tunic's come undone.

Oh! Allow me.

Let the night begin!

(cheering and shouting)

Come on, Porthos!



A toast to the victor!

This is fun!

Oh, how I envy the ordinary life!

Right, my turn.

I think it's time we called it a night.

Cards! I love cards!

Hello, lads?

Ha! I win again! And you know what the best part is? I don't even need the money.

He'll go back to the palace thinking his subjects spend all their time drinking and gambling.

We should show him what it's really like to be poor in Paris.

Or not.


Show me your sleeves, sir.

Or are they in your boots?

Is that where you have them hidden?

Are you saying I cheated?

I don't like this. Time to go.

Well, how else did you beat me?

I'm an excellent player.

I always prevail.

Get him outside. We'll follow you.

Your Majesty.

Let's get your friend out the back way... before he gets lynched.

Come on.

Thank you. We won't forget... this.

(door locks)

That was wonderful.

The life of a commoner is so exciting, so exhilarating, so...

(he grunts)


Your Majesty?


What are you doing? I'm on duty.

And you shouldn't be in the Queen's quarters.

I know. Then send me away.

This, this has all been so sudden. I...

You never even looked at me before.

I'm looking at you now.

(baby cries)

Was that the Dauphin?

The nurses will attend to him.

But he'll, he'll want his Governess.

Just give me a moment.

(baby cries)

He will not settle.

Let me try.

I'm told I have a way with infants.

He is the royal prince.

He's still a baby.

(he hums a tune)

(he sings a lullaby)

♪ My little tiny child... ♪

(he hums)

Is the child guarded night and day?

You take your duties very seriously.

Now was it me or the baby you've come to see?

Do you know what this means?

The Dauphin's christening is tomorrow.

If Louis is not in attendance it will be noted the length of Europe!

He can't have got far. We will find him.

Find who?

Who was the lucky woman this time?

A Musketeer doesn't kiss and tell.

Find the King. And do it quickly.

The King is missing?

All drunks look the same to me.

The one who started the fight.

Which fight?

There were a few here last night.

Don't mess us about.

They left in a hurry.

Now you remember.

Yeah, I know who you mean.

Yeah. No idea what happened to them.

But I'll ask around, see if anyone remembers.

Let me quench your thirst.


Where does this lead?

Just out the back.

These cobbles look like they've been scrubbed clean, look.

Yeah, definitely.


Look at this.

The handle's been sawn off.

Ah, once you're out here there's no way back in.

It's just a missing door handle, that's all. It's nothing sinister.

Your last chance.

If I could help you, I would.

(he chuckles)

You can't k*ll me.

You're Musketeers.


(porthos laughs)

If I knew anything, I would tell you. I swear.

Put your p*stol away, Aramis.

This will be quicker.

He pays me!

He pays me.


Who pays you?

He pays me to get people drunk and send them out the back door.

Who pays you?

I don't know his name.

And I don't ask.

Questions like that, they can get you k*lled.


First day he came in here, he gave me a choice.

He said,

"You do as I say, or I'll burn this place to the ground."

What was I supposed to do?

I was frightened.

The men you send him, what does he do with them?

Well, God knows.

Robs them, probably.

Throws their bodies in the Seine.

How could your men have allowed this?

The King was adamant he experience Paris as a commoner.

Then they should have made clear to him the utter stupidity of his suggestion.

We can't entirely blame the Musketeers.

When the King demands something it is difficult to refuse.

You have searched everywhere?

Even... the brothels?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Then where is he?

Let's not forget, the King is not alone - he has D'Artagnan.

Who has so far failed to return the King to the palace.

If you're implying that D'Artagnan has neglected his duty, you are wrong.

He is the King's Champion.

I don't care if he is alone, or with D'Artagnan, I only care that he is not here.

The Dauphin's christening is tomorrow.

Guests are arriving expecting to see the King!

His absence will be a scandal!

You will turn this city upside down and find him, wherever he is.

Perhaps, in the meantime, we should let it be known the King is ill, to explain his absence from court.

Thank you, Rochefort.

Those are the first sensible words I've heard this morning.

See to it.

I will have the Red Guards join the search. We will find the King.

Congratulations, Madame Bonacieux, on your appointment as the Queen's special advisor.

There has been no appointment.

I just assumed... why else would a servant... question the Captain of the Red Guards in front of the Queen?

Remember your place in future.

Can't you look again?

You have seen for yourself, Madame Pepin. He is not here.

You should be pleased. People vanish for all manner of reasons.

Doesn't mean he is dead.

My husband is a good man, he'd never abandon us.

Something's happened to him.

Come back tomorrow.

If he drank too much and fell in the Seine, his body will wash up with the evening tide.

We're looking for two friends who disappeared last night.

They may have been robbed.

You'll have to be more specific.

Are your friends young, old, fat, thin?

20s, dark hair, healthy - before last night anyway.

One like that just arrived. This way.

The number of people coming down here looking for lost relatives, like that time the year before last.

But most of them leave without finding their loved ones.

So many people vanishing without trace.

Why haven't the authorities been informed?

These are the poor and desperate.

No-one really cares.

Not him. Thank God!

Here. Convict?

Possibly. But do you remember that summer two years ago?

Something similar - drunks and vagrants snatched in the streets?

It went on for months until the culprit was finally caught.

Sebastian LeMaitre.

His g*ng sold them on as slaves to the Spanish galleys.

But LeMaitre was caught and sentenced to hard labour in the colonies.

It... can't be him?

Here, wasn't his brother a...

BOTH: blacksmith?


We're looking for your brother.

Try the Americas.

We've heard he's back in Paris.

If he was back here I'd know.

He'd have come to see me.

I wouldn't tell you about it, but I'd have seen him.

Which I haven't.

We think he might be up to his old tricks again.

Exactly what kind of horses wear these?


We need to talk.

Where's Sebastian LeMaitre?

(man shouting)

You filthy scum!

Keep moving!


I said, get a move on, all of you. Move, now!

This is your fault, D'Artagnan.

I should never have allowed you to talk me into visiting that tavern.

If I could only convince them that I am King.

No! You must not tell them who you are.

Of course I should. Then they would have to let us go.

They'll k*ll us and bury the evidence rather than risk being hanged for treason.

Nonsense. They're brutes, but they would never dare k*ll their king.


Allow me to reason with them.

You there! On the horse.

(man screams)

Get up!

What is your name?


Well, Monsieur Pepin. The life you've had is over.

Gone. And where you are going is no place for the weak.

Now get up!

(cocks g*n)

I leave this man's fate in your hands.

Carry him or I k*ll him.

Your choice.

I'll carry him.

Where you're going a soft heart will k*ll you quicker than typhoid.

Be careful.

Why must we carry him?

I'll carry him alone.

You are meant to be looking after me!

Down there, down! Forwards. Come on, all of you.


Sebastian LeMaitre never made it to the Americas.

No, he bribed his way off the transport ship and disappeared.

Now he's back plying his old trade.

Snatching men off the streets and selling them to the Spanish.

The King of France chained up in the belly of a Spanish ship.

Dear God. Well, they can't have escaped the country yet.

There hasn't been time.

According to his brother, LeMaitre likes to take his captives to the border on foot.

And do you believe that?

He'd be insane to smuggle men in irons all the way across France.

So if they're not walking all the way, how else can he get them to Spain?

We need a list of all Spanish vessels docked in French ports.

And I need an official request to release that information.

This is the King's business.

Then I'll need to see your order signed by the King.

Rules apply in all circumstances.

Help us or we will help ourselves.

Well, there are Spanish ships docked at Bayonne, Honfleur and Marseille.

Honfleur. It's only days from Paris.

Hey, LeMaitre can avoid the main roads by taking the Forest of Evreux.

And then from Rouen, travel by river to the port.

The ship in Honfleur, when is it scheduled to leave?

Tomorrow evening.

We'll catch them at Rouen.



I told you never to come here ever.

The Musketeers know about Sebastian. They're searching for him now!

Was my name mentioned?

No. No.

If anything comes back on me, I'll come down there and k*ll you all!

You ride after your brother.

You warn him the Musketeers know what we're doing.

Don't go back to your forge.


Your men should never have taken him to that tavern. It was reckless!

And now he is in the hands of criminals.

So... what now?


If the Musketeers are confident of returning the King, we should allow them to complete their task.

The city is quiet.

Everyone believes the King has a mild head cold and is confined to his rooms.

Rochefort's swift response has bought you time, Captain.

Use it wisely.

My son's christening is tomorrow.

His father will be there.


Why was the King taken?

Between ourselves, no need to worry the Queen any more than necessary.

The man who abducted the King is a convicted criminal.

He sells his captives to the Spanish, to be used as galley slaves.

We suspect he has no idea who he's taken.

You don't suspect the Spanish themselves?

In this case, no.

I have complete faith in you, Captain.

The Queen is distressed, but I am sure in her heart she feels the same.

(man shouting)

Move! Move it!

Move it! Undo those chains now!

Don't you look at me!

Move it! Undo him.

Down! Stay down!

Money, medals, belt buckles - all of it goes in here.

And if you're thinking of holding anything back, be certain you're prepared to die for it.

All of you, come on! Pockets! Pockets!

More cheap trinkets, Gus won't be happy.

He is never happy.

Who did you get this from?


Why? Is it valuable?

More than the rest of that tat put together.

Then we have a problem.


You, on your feet.

Let me see your hands.

I can't let you hurt him.

Oh, you are a problem that's easily solved.


k*lling them would be a mistake.

Look at his hands, he's a gentleman.

He has friends with influence, who'll make sure the authorities search for him.

By the time they start looking, we will be long gone.

They are the fittest men here, they'll fetch five times as much as anyone else.

Why throw money away?

I have news to be sent to Spain, immediately.

I will decide what is worthy of King Philip's attention.

The King is missing.

He was abducted by a criminal g*ng.

They have been taking men from the streets of Paris and selling them to Spain as galley slaves.

You knew this was going on?

I'd heard rumours.

French men powering the Spanish fleet.

The irony appeals to me.

Why risk all we are doing for a few ragged galley slaves?

The Armada needs men and Spanish prisons cannot supply them all.

But this, it's perfect.

We now know exactly where that fool Louis is, we know how to reach him.

It would be the work of a moment to finish him.

k*ll the King?

Why not?

A God given opportunity like this, we cannot let it pass.

What about me?

And all we have planned?

I am making great strides with the Queen. Already she trusts me.

And this way we can achieve in one night what might take you a decade.

Say you do k*ll Louis?

What then?

There will be chaos.

Anne will be Regent to the young Dauphin. That should suit you.

It's too soon. What if there is a coup?

She will be gone and I will have no influence.

Then you had better ensure that she is not gone, because without influence, you are of no value.

I am against this. Absolutely.

And I am King Philip's ambassador, so it is my decision.

You're making a mistake.

Just remember what you are, Rochefort.

As a spy you have your uses.

But as a man... you disgust me.

Now get out of my way.

Galley slaves!

Please keep your voice down.

We are not beggars or criminals.

None of us are.

My wife and daughter will think I abandoned them.

Fled into the night like some coward.

This is outrageous and against the laws of France.

The authorities don't care.

We could petition the King, but nothing would change.

If the King knew about this, he would stop it immediately.

He is very fair-minded and generous and clever.

He's a buffoon.

Preening and prancing in his palace, totally ignorant of the people that he governs.

Louis is our King, and a good man.

He deserves our respect.

(horse neighs)

Good to see you, brother.

Gus sent me.

The Musketeers are searching for you.

Then you better make sure you stop them.

Madame Bonacieux.

The way I spoke to you before was inexcusable.

I was upset by the King's disappearance. Forgive me.

Consider it forgotten.

We are both friends to the Queen.

We should be allies.

If you ever need advice on any aspect of her affairs, feel free to come to me.

The Queen's affairs are her own business.

I would never discuss them with any outside party.

A word, Your Majesty?

It is delicate.

You may speak freely.

The situation we find ourselves in is extremely serious.

The King in the custody of criminals, his life in very grave danger.

I don't wish to think of it...

But you must.

If only for your son.

You owe it to him to protect his future, his right to the throne.

If you are widowed and made Regent, the country of your birth will make you unpopular with the people.

You will need allies.

Which allies?

Say you were to write to your brother, seeking his support.

With Spain's backing and their armies, you could hold the throne against any plot.


Absolutely not.

The King expressly forbade it.

I gave him my word.

It would be a precaution, nothing more, only until your son is ready to take his rightful place.

I'm no friend to Spain, you know that.

I'm just thinking about your welfare and that of the Dauphin.

Think on it. That's all I ask.

Pepin has a right to his opinion, but his views aren't shared by everyone.

What does it matter?

France will be rid of me soon anyway.

That's not true.

My father was a great King, much-loved.

I'm always found wanting, compared to him. I know that.

I was only eight when he was assassinated.

A child, fatherless.

Robbed of so much.

It's not the hardship of the galleys that I dread the most.

It is a life apart from my son.

Your father?

He was k*lled when he came to Paris.

But when you were a boy, he taught you things?

How to hunt and sh**t. Live your life with honour?


All that was taken from me.

And now it will be taken from my son, too.

It's impossible.

I saw him.

His clothes, he was just another drunken idiot.

That drunken idiot was the King.

Why do you think the Musketeers are so desperate to find him?

And when they catch LeMaitre, he'll give you up to save his skin.

They can't hang me.

I didn't know he was the King.

Of course they won't hang you.

They'll break your bones on the wheel, peel your skin from your body and pour boiling oil into the wounds.

And when they are done the mob will tear you apart, limb by limb.

Long before it is over you will beg for the hangman's noose.

Or you can make sure none of this leads back to you.

Ride out to LeMaitre's camp and see there is no-one left alive to testify against you.

The King too?

He must die or you will.

It's your choice, hm?

Milady De Winter.

I see you've gone up in the world.

I'm not the one destined for a Spanish galley.

Your new friends will tire of you soon, then what?

A miserable life plying your trade in some low-life brothel?

I thought you liked me, D'Artagnan?

You seemed eager enough, once or twice or three times, I seem to recall.

And the thought of it makes me sick.

I'd rather sleep with a polecat.

You won't sh**t me.

It would simply ensure your own death and that of the King.

Give me the g*n and I'll set you free.

I saved your life. Remember that.

What's going on?

You must go. Your friend will help.

Aren't you going to introduce yourself?

Think of me as a Good Samaritan.

An angel, more like.

The leg irons.

No time, just go!

That's very valuable information, Monsieur. For your troubles.

Thank you.

What did the Harbour Master have to say?

That it's late and he was asleep, and he wasn't happy about being dragged out of his warm bed.

Yeah, apart from that.

The Spanish ship leaves at high tide early tomorrow afternoon.

The Captain told him that they expect to load their cargo soon after sunrise.

So we got here ahead of them?

LeMaitre wouldn't rest up in town.

He'll be holed up for the night somewhere isolated but not far off.

Get his prisoners on board early.

Yeah, before anyone starts asking awkward questions.

Well, we can wait here and risk having to fight the Spanish as well, or we track down LeMaitre before he breaks camp.

Every second the King is in their hands increases the danger.

We can't risk any delay.

Very well.

We'll search every cove and tributary if we have to.

We'll find them.

You tell me!

Where are they? Or I'll k*ll you!

Up! Where are they? You! Come here!

They've escaped. Those two better be as valuable as you think.

How much further must we walk?

Until we are certain we are safe.

When I was a boy and I was tired... my valet would carry me.

My father carried me.

Sometimes I'd pretend I couldn't walk another step.

Just to be in his arms.

That's only because you didn't have a valet.

(horses whinny)

No, no! Wait!

Your Majesty.

You all right?

(he coughs)

(horse whinnies)

(he screams in pain)

Don't k*ll me! Don't sh**t me! I'll tell you everything!

It's Gus! Not me!

It was all his idea. He's in charge.

Your brother's camp, where is it?

A mile south, by the river.

Now for God's sake, get this thing off me!

(he screams)

Oi! Come here!

(man shouting)

k*ll everyone in the camp. sh**t anything that moves.

I promise you, this kindness will be repaid 100 fold.

There won't be much opportunity for that in the Spanish galleys.

Didi! Those two!

You two, up! Come on!

Who are you?

Tell me!

Or he dies.


I am Louis, son of Henry IV, of the House of Bourbon and Marie de Medici.

I am your King.

You cannot treat me like this.

k*ll 'em all!



You waited?

I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

You stay there. Keep your head down.

Unlock the chains. Go!

Take this. Hurry up!


Save your shot until you absolutely have to use it.

(man screams)

I absolutely had to.

If we are to die, this is how I want it to be - by my King's side, fighting to give us our freedom, not in the belly of some ship.

Sh. We're not going to die. We just need to get to the trees.

All right? Right, get ready?

Go! Go! Go!


Get up! come on!

Pepin, come on.

Pepin, get up!



After them!

I thought you'd never stop running.

Quickly, we must hurry.

Find LeMaitre!

No-one gets away!

No-one gets away.

It is the right decision for you and France.

Perhaps you should wait, Your Majesty.

If the King returns...

The King might already be dead.

I don't believe that!

D'Artagnan will bring him safely home.

It was D'Artagnan who lured him into trouble in the first place.

Hesitate now and it might be too late.

With your brother's protection you can hold the throne until your son is ready.

It is his birthright.

Rochefort is right.

I must protect my son.

I will ensure it is delivered to the Spanish ambassador.

Wait here. I'll see if anyone's following.

You've saved my life twice now.

You must tell me who you are?

I am nobody.

Like you, I was snatched by the g*ng.

Forced into criminality.

But at least I have a chance now to start afresh.

How can I repay you for the debt that I owe you?

I wish no repayment.

Only that you don't think any less of me because of how we met.


Oh, I feel faint.

All the fear and excitement, has turned me light-headed.

Thank you.

There's someone coming. Get back, get back.

Give me a p*stol.

Give me a p*stol now!

I keep this only to protect myself.

Am I glad to see you!

Is the King safe?

Thank God, Your Majesty.

Allow me to introduce our saviour.

We owe this lady our lives.

Your Majesty, she was part of the criminal band that kidnapped you in the first place.

She should be held for questioning.

With respect, Your Majesty, we don't know what other crimes she's committed.

This humble woman has shown true nobility of character.

Her crimes are hereby pardoned.

You have made a new woman of me, Your Majesty.

Did she really save your life?

For her own reasons, but, yes.



Porthos, D'Artagnan, ride with the King to Paris.

We'll hold them here as long as we can.

What just the two of you?

Three. I'm staying.

Help them now and I will grant you clemency for your crimes.

I will. Thank you, sire.



And now.

MAN: Go back!

They've had enough.

Stand and fight, you cowards!

Wait a minute.

He's mine.

May I?

For Pepin.

(doors open)

My man has done his work well.

France has a new king and a lonely and vulnerable Queen.

(doors open)

My apologies. I was detained.

You brought this whole fiasco down on our heads.

Maybe you should listen to me next time.

Do you have the Queen's letters to Spain?

I will keep them safe for now.

Who knows when they might come in useful?

My dear brothers and sisters, we now ask God to give this child new life in abundance... through water and the Holy Spirit.


Your bravery and loyalty during our ordeal deserves recognition.

I have a special gift for you.

You have the honour of executing this traitor.

But you promised me clemency!

Which I am granting. A quick death, more than you deserve.

No, no, sire, please, please!

This man fought to protect you.

He did it to save his own neck.

Which you will now sever.

You gave him your word!

Are you taking sides with a traitor against your King?

I am a soldier... not an executioner.

Allow me, Your Majesty.

No! No!

Thank you, Rochefort. That was well done.

At least I have one loyal soldier.

First, you take me to that tavern, put my life in danger and now this.

Why do you Musketeers insist on disappointing me?

Bruno was a thug.

The King made a deal and betrayed it. That's unforgiveable.

The King was frightened, angry.

In his heart, he's not a bad person.

We saved his life, we did! And that's the thanks we get.

He wanted a taste of the real world, and he didn't like it.

And someone has to be to blame.

That would be us.

Madame Pepin?


My name is D'Artagnan, of the Kings Musketeers.

I'm here about your husband.

Is he safe?

He died in service of the Crown, fighting to protect the King.

His Majesty sent me here today to give you this.

To express his personal gratitude.

Were it not for the Dauphin's christening, he would have come himself.

I'm sorry.


You know, your father was very brave man.

He loved you and your mother very much.

Always remember that.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You understand my father is going to k*ll you, Baltasar?

I warn you, I am a desperate man.


He needs a doctor.

This is the future King of France.

His destiny is not to die in his cradle.

I despise my husband the King.

You don't trust us.

A Musketeer is a man of honour.

Oi! Argh!

I almost didn't recognise you in your fine dress.

I had to commit m*rder to obtain it.

I love you.