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22x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 05/05/24 10:55
by bunniefuu
Julie: Opportunities
missed, alliances fractured and

it's only week two, welcome to
bairg baig.

Announcer: Previously on
"big brother: All-stars."

Head-of-household Memphis was in
a six person alliance with Cody,

Dani, Christmas, Tyler and
Nicole f but he also had a

working arrangement with Janelle
and kaysar.

I want to work with you, I
think you theu that from day one

within yeah, and I'm on board on
keeping that relationship alive.

Announcer: At the
nomination ceremony.

I have nominated you Nicole
and you David.

Announcer: Memphis went
after the season 21ers.

David, he's a rookie.

I want him to prove to me that
he deserves to be in this

all-star cast.

Tyler assured David he was

While Janelle wanted to keep
Nicole a.

It would be good.

I absolutely adore Nicole.

She is someone that I see as
very trust worthy and loyal.

Announcer: Janelle
suspected a four-person


I walk into a pow wow where
st Tyler, Nicole f, Cody,


Announcer: And clueless
that Memphis was working with

them too, Janelle pitched on a
new tar dpet.

It would be a regular target,
she is already won the game.

Announcer: And word got
back to Nicole f.

You are going up as a back

Why me?

I don't know.

announcer: At the veto

competition Memphis grabs more

Congratulationsk Memphis, you
have won the golden power of


Announcer: Memphis'
alliance wanted to back door


The queen of "big brother,"
she is coming like hard.

Announcer: But the former
mixologist didn't want to shake

things up.

I have decided not to use the
power of veto.

Announcer: Tonight either
David or Nicole a will be

evicted. Then with only 14
remaining in the battle for a

half million dollars, a new head
of household will be crowned.

All this right now on "big

What am I doing with my life.

Julie: Good evening i'm
Julie chen moonves, welcome to

"big brother: All-stars."

Memphis began his reigns ahead
of household saying he wanted to

make people sweat.

And he delivered.

His risky unapologetic h.O.H.

Run left some people feeling
pressure to play in the safety

suite while at the same time
upsetting his own alliance of

six by making decisions that
were best for his own game.

As the smoke cleared David and
Nicole remained on the block.

Now they are positioned against
one another.

Who will be evicted?

We'll find out soon enough.

But first neither nominee is
aware of the alliances that

exist in the house, so the key
to surviving tonight is to avoid

becoming your own worst enemy.

This veto meeting is at
jowrneded adjourned.

I don't know what kind of
game Memphis is playing but like

he definitely doesn't really
want to play with me.

Because he has missed a huge
opportunity to take out a member

from the other side.

I'm so pissed.

What the heck, Memphis, you
had a perfect opportunity to

back door Janelle this week.

That just shows me that you
don't care about your alliance.

You don't care that she is
gunning after me.

Memphis is only thinking of

This week I want to stay as
neutral as possible, there are

two sides to the house right now
and I do not want to have to

show my cards, I don't care who
goes home, I just don't want to

break a tie.

Having that realization that
the noms were lost, it lights a

fire in me, that no, I don't
want to go home.

And even if I am, I am not going
home without a fight, I'm backed

against a corner.

Against a corner.

...has already come home
with... you still have sait males

to go against.

Do what is best for you.

That is the thing.

Is he not my friend.

Nicole Anthony is somebody in
this house that I really, really


However, I did make a promise to
myself that I wasn't going to

voteout anyone who was in this
house that looked like it you

know, and so because this is my
friend, you want the truth.

I get it.

Believe me, a fricking again but
that say heart not, not a brain

vote and I need da'vonne to
think of her game logically.



Thank you da vn.

You got this.

I do.

Janelle and I have yet to
find an alliance that we're not

a part of that is running this

So if I am going to be able to
save Nicole I need to build a

group that can combat that other

You know that, right?

Nicole f.



You, me, Janelle.


Nicole a, I'm trying to... okay.

Kaysar needs a number and is
starting to dpet nervous and he

wants to jump in this marriage.

And I'm like you can take me out
to dinner first, give me

some... something, you ain't
offered me nothing.

If you want me to go ahead and
sign my name on the dotted line.

No thank you.

Mi going to read the fine print
and if I don't like what I read,

I will not be signing that.

Are you?

I can't be open about it.


I hear you but... talking to this
man is stressful, it is not even

stressful, is he stressing me

What you got.

I'm just saying.

Forget it.

The thing is I don't know for

What I am trying to say is
is... I will be on the block

again if he... if you... together
then put up... you know what I


You go-you got, this you
don't need my help, I only

played three times now but you
know, you got it, your little

five weeks in this house total
is definitely a lot more than my

three seasons now, but you do

Do your thing.

Hey, I know are you looking out
for me.

But you need to calm down.

You tell her that.

I don't think that was a good

Be careful with that.

David, let me give you a
little bit of advice, don't ever

tell a woman to bring it down.

Secondly, never let that womb
da'vonne when she is actually

trying to help you in this game.

for real.

for real.

I'm having this internal
battle, my morals were telling

me that the right thing is not
to pass the vote against this

man but elite reallily does not
contribute to anything as far as

my game goes.

So it is going to be a difficult
week for da'vonne's game either


I'm done.

Julie: Up next Nicole goes
looking for votes.

Can she figure out who truly has
her back?

Stay with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother: All-stars."

When you're fighting for your
life in "the big bang theory"

house the line between friends
and foes can sometimes get


This is a very divideed

Is it though?


It's running right down the
middle am I think most people

have made up their minds.

We'll get Ian.

I can get him.

I can get him.

I can tell.

All right.

I know that me, Janelle and
Kevin are votes for Nicole but

we need da'vonne, bayleigh and
Ian to vote for Nicole to force

a tie breaker and then hope that
Memphis ends upkeeping Nicole.

You have to keep in mind too
that you can't push so hard

because people are like why the
hell, you know what I mean.

What are they going to think
we have a secret alliance with


Yeah, if you are pushing so
hard, so they will say what the


I shouldn't be on the block in
the first place.

In is nothing we can do,
Memphis is a fricking wildcard.

It's not about you, it is
about getting David out because

we know he is working with them.

And I'm just expendable to

No, it's not true.

You're just in a tough spot.

It is what it is.

Nicole, can you wait a


What is the problem?

Janelle and kaysar say they
have pull with Memphis and that

they have my back.

But show I'm still on the block.

I feel really bad you are in
this situation because you are a

really nice girl.

I think she promised you
something she kobility deliver.

People are telling me that I
can't trust Janelle and she is

probably just stringing me

Fricking Janelle is scheming
hard, don't listen to her, she

will screw you.

The house wants Janelle gone,
I'm soshed with Janelle so that

is not good for me.

I need votes to keep me here.

I actually
think... campaigning for you is

not a good thing.

I know.

You are going to have to tell
people that you are not with


Janelle is destroying my game
and to be honest that is

starting to piss me off.

I'm coming after Janelle an
kaysar, if I win h.O.H., nobody

has to worry.

That is pretty clear.

The point I'm at right now is
either I campaign to the point

where I stay or blow up the

I just want to stay so bad.

I know.

I know what I want to happen.

I want hermet for kal head on a


Have I been at odds with
Janelle and kaysar since day


And now you know Nicole a is
talking about how she will come

back g*ns blazing because how
betrayed she felt by them.

So they may mot be a bad person
to keep in the house.

So they may mot be a bad person
to keep in the house.

It's a to brainer.

What would be the reason to
send you home, seriously.

It's incredibly frustrating.

I tried.

Not hard enough.

You know what I mean, do you
car, do you not care.

You know what I mean, do you
car, do you not care.

What are we supposed to do?

If we put her up, he didn't
listen to us.

We tried our best.

We had nothing to do with this.

We gave him names that we
thought should go up.

We tried to change his mind.

He still put her up.

He literal we literally had no
say in any of this.

If Nicole is seriously second
guessing our friendship which

makes me really sad.

I just feel so bad.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I have never seen her cry.

I really like Nicole.

I can consider her like a little

She has so much passion for this

The fact that she doesn't think
I have her back is absolutely


I'm sorry.

I'm fine.

Julie: Up next 12 all-stars
cast their vote to send either

David or Nicole out the front

Who is it going to be?

Stay with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother: All-stars."

Last summer David was eliminated
on the very first night.

Nicole made it to finale night
but tonight it is the end of the

road for one of them.

Let's head to the living room
and talk with the two nominees.

Julie: Hello houseguests.

Hey Julie.

Julie: The house feels
tense to me tonight.

Everyone looks like... so let may
just lighten the mood by saying

happy birthday Dani.


Julie: And my birthday
present to you is to tell you

how gorgeous you looked last

You looked like that very pretty
actress bi busy Philips.

Thank you very much.

Julie: Let may bring the
tension back because it is time

for the secretary vote and

In just moments your house
mailts will cast their votes to

evict but before they do you
each have a final chance to sway

their votes with one brief

David, you are up first.

First I'm grateful to be
here, pun intended.

I appreciate you, Nicole, our
journey last year was short, you

have been gracious to me again
this year.

I hate that we are here together
on the block.

But you have been the best block
buddy ever.

To the house, I have taken the
time to speak and to get to know

every single person because
those times last year were


Unfortunately it wasn't
reciprocated by everyone in the

house as a result I am nominated
but you want to be here and much

thankful for those that have
shown love back to me.

Julie: Thank you, David.

Nicole, you have the floor.

Is I absolutely love you,
everybody chem out hello prince, my friends, I came here
to represent strong island and

all the people have I inspired
to be strong and stand up and


With that being said, I want to
play all-stars not all-scared.

Whenyou go in that dr you vote
for your individual game and if

it helps you to keep me here,
that is what I want to you do

this we can and in the future,
do the same for your game,

Memphis I want to direct to you,
my big, strong, hulking amazing

friend, kudos for targeting me.

Well done.

And to everybody else, I love

Best of luck to all of you,
David, you are an incredible,

commendable human being.

I love and adore you.

And to those that already had an
alliance kudos and to everybody

else, take some action, thank

Julie: All right, thanks
Nicole, thank you both.

It is now time for the voting to

As always, neither nominee is
allowed to vote.

Memphis, as current head of
household, you will only vote in

the event of a tie.

One at a time the rest of you
will enter the diary room and

cast your vote to evict.

Tyler, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Tyler has vowed to have David's

Is that still his plan tonight?

Hi Tyler.

Hey Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Nicole.

Julie: Thank you.

Thank you, Angela, I love
you, happy birthday.

Julie: Endso is Enzo is not
aligned with either number knee

so what is best for his game.

Hi Enzo.


Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict David.

Julie: Thank you.

Nicole Anthony pledged her
loyalty to Christmas in return

for her vote.

Was it enough?

Hi Christmas.

Hi Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

I'm sorry.

Julie: Thank you.

Happy birthday.

I love you.

Currently the vote is one vote
to evict David, two votes to

evict Nicole.

But Nicole does have supporters
in that house.

And their votes are next, stay
with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother: All-stars."

The houseguests are voting to
evict either David or Nicole, so

far it's one vote to evict
David, two votes to evict


Let's continue with the voting.

Kevin had a final two deal with
Nicole, Anthony but how strong

is their unicorn alliance.

Hi Kevin.

Hi Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

Until the wheels fall off,
Nicole, I vote to evict David.

Julie: Thank you.

Janelle truly had Nicole
Anthony's back this week.

Is she still planning to save
her tonight?

Hi Janelle.

Hi Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Julie: Thank you.

Stella, Lincoln, Violet, I
love you.

Julie: Da'vonne swore she
would not vote out David but

then David put her on edge.

What will she do?

Hi da'vonne.

Hey Julie girl.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict the
courageous, the strong, the

beautiful all-star Nicole.

Julie: Thank you.

I love you ka dense, happy
birthday Tennessee.

Julie: Kaysar has worked to
keep Nicole Anthony in the

house, will he follow through
with his vote tonight?

Hi kaysar.

Hi jawlie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I very sadly vote to evict
Nicole, love you baby boy,


Julie: Bayleigh is worried
about losing another woman in

the house.

Will she act on her fears?

Hi bayleigh.

Hi Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Nicole

Julie: Thank you.

Thank you, love you flex.

Julie: Cody considers both
nominees expenld.

Who will he choose to send
packing torcht.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole a.

Julie: Thank you.

Christie, I love you babe.

Tennessee, happy birthday.

Julie: It's official w
seven votes to evict, Nicole

will leave the house tonight but
let's see how the other votes




Julie: Pleas cast your vote
to evict.

We sadly vote tow vict Nicole

Julie: Thank you.

Nicole f was hoping for a back
door opportunity to take out


So who will she take out with
her vote tonight.

Hi Nicole.

Hi Julie.

Julie: Pleas cast your vote
to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Julie: Thank you.

Happy anniversary mom and

Julie: Dani is part of the
alliance of six.

Will she vote with them tonight?

Hi Dani.

Hey jawlie.

Please cast your vote to

I vote to evict Nicole.

I want to say happy birthday to
my daughter Tennessee, I love

her so much.

Julie: Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the

Houseguests the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote the
evicted houseguest will have

just a few moments to say
good-bye, gather his or her

belongings and walk out the
front door.

And remember, please put on your
mask and go straight to the

empty chair ten feet away from

By a vote of 10-2, Nicole, you
are evicted from "the big bang

theory" house the big brother

I love you all so much.

Which I respect you all so much.

Keep playing.

Thank you.

Z Memphis, bear hug, come on,
come on.

I love you, I love you, I love

Be strong, good luck.


Going to fog up my glasses,
how's that.

Julie: Come on out Nicole.

I'm coming Julie.

Julie: All right, thank you
for putting on your mask.

Okay, love you all.


Julie: As you are making
your way there, I just want to

say I want to remind people at
home last summer you were voted

America's favorite houseguest.


Julie: So you always have

And you made it to finale night
for the final three.

I did.

Julie: This year.

Not so lucky.

Julie: Not so lucky.

I was a little bit confused by
your game play.


Julie: Explain to me,
because Janelle and kaysar were

campaigning for you to stay.

And you seemed to not trust

Is that correct?


Julie: Why.

Because I really thought they
were with Memphis, they toll me

they would put in a good word
with Memphis, I was good.

So when I was nominated, I was

Julie: And Janelle did,
then came back and said i'm

sorry, he is a wildcard.

So what did Janelle do wrong in
your mind?

I... you know, honestly, I
will admit, talking to other

people in the house, and hearing
all of them tell me she was

luring me, telling me she was
lying and it got in my head.

And I will admit I was wrong.

Julie: How did you figure
out you were wrong.

Just these last couple of
days talking with everybody and


Julie: There was a big


Julie: Looking to keep
David in.


Julie: Any guesses who?

Oh gosh, Tyler, Cody, Nicole,
Dani, Enzo.

Julie: Wow, Enzo voted to
save you tonight, fyi.

Let's put the pictures of the
six that were working together

to keep David, Dani, Christmas,
Memphis, Tyler, code and Nicole


What is your reaction to that?

A little surprised but not

Julie: By with.

By the way Memphis would talk
to me would say if there is a

tie, if there is a tie,
something is off there, I

couldn't place what.

And Christmas getting very

Julie: Well, in the event
you were the one voted out

tonight your house mades taped
some good-bye messages.

Let's listen to a few of them.

Nicole, we've been trying all
week to campaign to keep you in

the house. We feel like we
failed you.

I think you were an incredible

And I hope you understand that
this wasser in meant to be this


Hey pretty girl, have I to
stick to my g*ns with this one,

again, it's nothing about you.

I absolutely adore you and I
really hope you can understand

what happened with my vote.

I really really hope we can
continue our friendship on the


Love you.

Nicole, if you are getting
this, the votes didn't come


You are just a casualty of w*r,
unfortunately, and Memphis

really screwed this up.

I'm so, so sorry.

Oh no, Nicole, we couldn't
sway the right people and it

makes me feel terrible.

You are my favorite person in
this house.

And I can't wait to see you
again soon.

Julie: Janelle had your
back and she even cried over it.

I feel so horrible.

So horrible.

It's meyer rohr and I owe her
apologies up and down.

Julie: We wish you well

Thank you.

Julie: Stay safe.

If I could give you a hug now I
would but we cannot because of

these strange times.

Up next new targets are emerging
every single minute in this


Making winning tonight head of
household's crucial.

That competition next.

Stay with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother: All-stars," it's time

for the head of household

Free from the threat of
eviction, the h.O.H. Must pick

two nominees on the chopping

Yesterday the houseguests had a
chance to practice tonight's

competition and they are now
ready to go.

Let's head to the backyard and
get things started.

Houseguests, the power is up
for grabs, Memphis, as outgoing

head of household you are not
eligible to compete tonight.

This competition is called mug

And here's how it works.

You will play this competition
one at a time.

On the horn you must race to
slide one mug down each of the

three counters you see before

Hit your button, and lock in
your time.

The goal is to land each mug on
the highest scoring zone.

If your mug touches the line
between two zones, you will

receive the higher score.

Your final score will be the
cumulative points for all three

mugs but be warned, you only
have 30 seconds to lock in your


The all-star with the highest
cumulative score will be the new

head of household for the week.

If we have a tie the winner will
be the all-star that did this in

the least amount of time.

Does everyone understand.


Great, your order was decided
by a random draw and code you

are first.

Cody please step up face the
counters and... sorry face the

three counters, yeah.

And as soon as you hear the horn
your time will begin.

And as soon as you hear the horn
your time will begin.



All right.

Your score is four, here is the
good news, since you are the

first one to go, you are current
Leigh in the lead Cody.

All right, Cody.

Ezo, step on up to the starting

Enzo, if you want to be this
week's h.O.H. You have to score

higher than four.

As soon as you hear the horn it
is go time.

Oh wow.


Julie: Well done Enzo with
a score of eight, you take the


Cody step down, Enzo step up to
the winner circle.

David, step on up to the
starting... no, turn around,

David and face the three

And as soon as you hear that
horn, you know it's go time.

All right, David.

Hit the time brother.

Six points, sorry you have been

All right, we've got Christmas.

So Christmas if you want to be
head of household you have to

either score eight points in
less than 15.81 seconds or score

more than eight points.

As soon as you hear that horn
you know your time starts.

As soon as you hear that horn
you know your time starts.

Good job.

Hey gurl.

Timer, timer.

Good girl.

That was hot.

Good job.

Julie: Eight points but not
faster than Enzo so join the

others, you have been

Da'vonne is next.

We're going to let... thank you,
Memphis for clearing the lanes.

As soon as you hear that horn
you know what to do da'vonne.

Be one more.

A little more, all your efforts.

Julie: Seven points, sorry

We have Kevin next.

Kevin, as soon as you hear that
horn you go.

Kevin, as soon as you hear that
horn you go.

Good job, kev.

Julie: Seven pownts, sorry
Kevin, cannot beat the eight

points that Enzo scored.


As soon as you hear that horn
you go.

All right, Ian.





Too much.

Hit the buzzer.

Julie: Wow, Ian, step up
into the innercircle.

I like your little dance too.

All right.

Nicole f is next.

As soon as you hear that horn
you go.

You gt it girl.


Julie: Nine points, sorry

That was good.

Dang it.

Julie: We have the birthday
girl next.

All right, Dani.

As soon as you hear that horn
Dani you go.

Okay mama.

That's all right.

Hit the buzzer.

That was close.

Julie: Sorry Dani, that
will not do it.

And we have Tyler next.

When you hear that horn you know
what to do Tyler.

All right Ty.

All right Ty.


Julie: Impressive, all
right, you're the new leader,

step on up.

You have 12... wait, the
scoreboard says, yeah, thank

you, you got 12 points which
means bayleigh, if you want to

be this week's h.O.H. You have
to get 12 points in less time

than Tyler did or get more than

You know what to do.

As soon as you hear that horn.

Come on.


Slow it down.

Good gurl.

Good job.

Sorry bayleigh, seven ponts will
not do it.

Tyler still positioned right now
to be this week's h.O.H.

And we have Janelle.

Janelle, Janelle face the three
counters, the three counters.

And you know what to do Janelle
as soon as you hear that horn.

Let's go.

All right.

There we go.

Good job.

Julie: 11 points, sorry

All right, kaysar and Tyler, one
of you is about to become this

week's head of household.

Kaysar, you have to turn
around and face the three lanes

and as soon as you hear that
buzzer you know what to do.

Cooking with kaysar.

Let's go.

Julie: Which means
congratulations to Tyler.

You are the new head of


That's for you Angela!

Thank you.

I love you.

Julie: Tyler is now in
power and giving that the safety

suite competition is still in
play who knows what he will do.

Stick around for a sneak peek at
this week's safety suite.

Stay with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother: All-stars."

Tune in sunday at 8, 7 central
for the final week of the safety

suite where everyone who can
play should.

And all bets are off as to who
will win safety and who that

houseguest will also keep safe.

And for this one the houseguests
will need laser focus.

Who will enter and how will it
affect Tyler's nomination.

Then on Wednesday at 8:00, 7:00
central, the power of veto is up

for grab, will it be used it
save one of the two nominees,

and next Thursday the live vote
and eviction will send another

all-star packing.

Head to CBS.Com/bb22 to
subscribe to CBS all access to

get the live feeds and more.

And tune in this Monday at 8
P.M. for the premier of season

two of love island.

Let's check in with host Ariel

Hi Ariel.

Hi Julie.

We are so excited for an all-new
season of love island.

I'm actually standing in the
villa right now where we have

little rally transformed the
nightclub into our villa.

We have the most epic video of
view of the Las Vegas strip and

are putting on our final

There is a little sneak peek but
the island Ares have been in

quarantine for the last few
weeks so they are ready to get

in this villa.

I am so excited for it to all go
down on Monday.

And I hope you check it out.

Julie: All right, we will
sure will, thanks a lot.

As the islanders prepare to
begin their search for love,

let's eaves drop on the

From outside "the big bang
theory" house I'm Julie chen

moonves and remember, if you
have the choice of being right

or being kind, always choose

Good night.

These concerts are so


If I don't one veto I will
lose it.

Oh man.

What was my first one, do you

Oh my god.

It is hard to do the same
thing again.

Are you not even thinking.

Push it hard.

And then the others went off
the back. Within I'm so ready