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22x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 05/05/24 10:59
by bunniefuu
Julie: He's the target.

She's the pawn.

But if history has taught us
anything, it's that anything can

happen on eviction night.

Welcome to "big brother

Announcer: Previously on
"big brother all-stars": Enzo

and Cody had a final two.

Me and you, that's it.

Announcer: And they were
all part of the "slix sick"


I love it.

Announcer: But all is not

I think da'vonne would not be
afraid to strike against us at

some point in the game.


Announcer: After Enzo
rolled into power...

That a boy, man!

That's it, right here, new

Announcer: ...He put up a
target and a pawn.

I have nominated you, kaysar,
and you, Kevin.

Kaysar is target number one in
the house right now.

A lot of people want him out.

Announcer: At the power of
veto competition, the pawn

refused to be Enzo's puppet.

And the winner of the power
of veto, Kevin!

Announcer: With the
meow-meow needing another

nominee, Christmas offered him a

Do you want to put me up as a

I don't know if I want to do

I'm still a little bit
worried because you know in this

game, pawns go home, and I
really don't want to lose her.

Announcer: But Enzo also
had his eye on the former


This is a big move.

If I pit putt Ian up there, he's
the champion.

He's got that title.

Did day finish cooking it.

She's in there with bayleigh
right now.

They want a meeting.

Who wants a meeting?

Danny, she is not in the slick

Dani is talking about our
alliance, and now I'm stuck here

looking like a jackass.

We can't be letting people
outside of the secret alliance

know about the secret alliance.

Announcer: And they
considered making a big move.


You want to backdoor an ally?

Like, yo, you're my guy.

Announcer: But at the veto

I have decided to use the
power of veto on myself.

Announcer: ...Enzo kep the
the target on kaysar.

I have to pick another
nominee, which is Christmas.

Announcer: Tonight, another
houseguest will be evicted.

The next head of household will
be crowned, and a new room in

the b.B. House will be revealed
that promises to shake up the

game again.

All this live on "big brother"!

Talk about living in a
bubble, right here.

I'm Julie chen moonves.

Welcome to "big brother

It's day 30 inside the "big
brother" house, and the ghost of

Janelle continues to haunt the
game as her closest ally,

kaysar, sits firmly on the
block, guilty by association.

But should the last remaining
associate of Janelle go home,

the dominant alliance in the
house will need to find a new


Will they turn on their own?

And if so, who will be in the
crosshairs after tonight's new

head of household is crowned?

We'll all find out soon enough.

But first, it's one thing to
plant seeds of doubt.

Just be careful where you plant

This veto meeting is

♪ ♪
I put up Christmas as the

pawn because that will solidify
kaysar getting out of here.

Why put up another big threat in
this house right now and show

them my cards?

Had Enzo put David on the
block, it would have been a crap

now that it's Christmas, that's
a clear signal that they want me

out of this game.

Nice work.

You can let thee guys run the

If they win, they run the

Who would I put up?


I'm not sure.

At least put up one of the
four that are running the house.

Dude, there are not four.

You can keep thinking there are
four people dictating the house.

You don't think they ran the

They put them to put me up.

So it had nothing to do with
Cody or Tyler, or their

alliance, which you still don't
believe exists.

Yeah, I created the alliance,
so of course I know what's going


You're definitely barking up the
wrong tree, pal.

Going into week five, there
is no alliances in this house.

Damn it, Memphis.

It's just maddening speaking to
Memphis sometimes.

Either he's a part of this
thing, or he just has his head

in the sand.

Oh, my god.

♪ ♪
between me and you, bro, I

think we play nice this week,
get rid of kaysar.

Kaysar's coming after you and
Tyler anyway.

Get rid of him.


But game on.

Yo, I'm done with her.

I'm done.

I call Dani "the gardner."

Plant seeds everywhere, and she
goes around every day to every

room and waters the seeds.

I like da'vonne but she and
bayleigh are obviously a pair.

We have to be really careful.

I like Ian, but he is a huge
threat in this game.

I'm done with her, man.

Her game is messy and sloppy.

I think the gardner needs a weed
whacker right now.

What is wrong with her?

She's all over the place?

She's very sloppy.

She's overplaying everything.

With all the alliances in the
house, it's just getting, like,

confusing and exhausting.

Ns oi is my guy, and I want to
come clean before it's too late

because letting him know will
clear me if anything comes up

down the road.

This is going to be a little
weird, but there's another

alliance between Memphis,
Christmas, Dani, Tyler, and

Nicole, and me.

I'm just like, whatever, bro.

I'm in three alliances, too.

We're all in alliances here, but
Cody and Tyler are my guys.

Those are my guys.

Maybe I go to Tyler and go,
yo, let's tell Enzo about this

other alliance we've got going,
and that will make us be, like,

the three, you know what I mean?


Let's just do it, and that's it,
you know.

How are you feeling?

Dani is just being so
absolutely extra in this game.

She's loving planting seeds.

It's hard because, like, I
also think da'vonne would

definitely not be afraid to
strike against us.

I wouldn't mind, like, for
Christmas to get a little bit

more of a target on her back,

I couldn't care less.

I would be totally fine if he
left, but we need to keep

Memphis around because he needs
to be a shield.

Dani is trying her best to
turn everyone within the "slick

six "against each other, and
then just chill there in the


She is reckless and sloppy, and
I want to be the one to end all

the madness that she is
spreading throughout this house.


Does Dani try to ramp up the
fact that you should come after

me and Cody, you and day?

Not to me, but maybe to day.

Does she try to ramp up the fact
that... see okay you know what is


I'm going out on a limb here,

I'm over it.

But you can go ahead and tell
her I'm saying this.

I won't.

Dani is planting seeds against
me and da'vonne, and we're

supposed to be in an alliance,
so I don't know what the hell

Dani is doing.

Why are we in this alliance?

That's the big question Mark.

I wonder where that's stemming

What makes her nervous about us?

She just wants to fuel the

I think it's just game.

That's what I see.

I'm sorry I've been distant
with you, lately.

I felt like you were distant
with me, too.

And I felt weird about it, and
the whole David thing was just


I definitely felt like I was on
da'vonne's radar after the whole

David fiasco.

So now I can use this as a way
to get back in her good graces.

With that being said, she lost
to fuel the fire with me to get

you out.

And I'm sure shy probably does
the same to you to get me out.

She hasn't said anything to
me about you.

Then that's for you, then.

And I want her out.

So what is she saying?

Like, she's just like, "they
gotta go?"

Everything, anything.


With this type of poison coming
from the alliance, that means

the "slick six" is not going to

I'm looking at Dani.

She can swing.

She better not miss.

I'll tell you that right now.

I'm a firm believer listening.

If she's going to get caught up.


She's got to go.

Da'vonne suddenly wanted to
have a date with my.

She said she feels like we don't

I said, with that being said,
day, why don't you come out


Da'vonne now says she wants
Dani to go.

I think they're both a

The "slick six" had the numbers
to run this house.

But now, with how much mistrust
is going throughout the group,

all this alliance has done is
create chaos, turmoil, and even

more paranoia.

Like, this alliance is done.

Dude, they are going to eat
themselves up.

And then we're going to be like,
"okay, eviction time, both of

you can sit up.

One of you are going to go."

That's it.

I don't feel bad getting rid of
Dani and day.

I'm telling you right now, they
are ready to make a move.

They don't believe in the

They don't trust it.

Whether it's Dani or da'vonne,
they have to go.

I think Dani's the bigger

Yo, she cannot be trusted.

You can't trust her.

You just can't.

Julie: Up next, a fuse is
lit threatening to blow up the

house tonight.

Plus details on our newest twist
"the b.B. Basement."

Stay with us.

♪ ♪
Julie: Welcome back to "big

brother all-stars."

Kaysar thinks he's a dead man

But one houseguest wants to get
that dead man talking.


I'm starting to really wonder
about things.

Because the thing is this, any
time Janelle kaysar try to make

any appeal to me, it was always
the two of them at the pool

table right now.

And Nicole.

Where does Dani fit in on

Like, I feel like she's got a
nice little position.

For weeks now, kaysar has been
telling me that a core group has

been running the house.

I think Tyler, Nicole, and
especially Cody are at the core,

at the head of this table.

And that's what's keeping me up.

. But when he would tell me
that, I would just play dumb.

And then in week two, they
are appeal to me was the... plus

and then in week two, they
are appeal to me was the... plus


Do you notice there's a
common one, two people in each

of the scenarios?

Oh, yeah.

Cody and Nicole are the

And Nicole is paired with me,
such that if we got nominated

together, I would always go.

I can be told that I'm good, but
I'm certainly far from core.

So I'm beginning to realize that
my relationship with Nicole is

not what I thought it was.

So I'll still work with her, but
I'm going to have to be a lot

more careful in my dealings with

Either we're collateral
damage people or we're shields

to the core.

I have been stressing out
this entire time that I'm on the

outside of some alliance, but I
didn't know who to talk to about


And Ian is figuring it out for

There's people running this
house, and we've got to figure

out something to do about this.

Otherwise, they're going to run
circles around us in this house.

Ladies and gentlemen, we've
been had.

Let me ask you, have you been
in a tight alliance at any


I have people.

But I'm not really sure where
their true allegiance lies.

Here's what I think.

I think it's like an octopus.


There's a head, and then
there's a bunch of different



Who do you think is kind of
running that?

Are we thinking the same

Do you want to say it at the
same time?

All right.

I will say this, Cody is
covered on all sides.

Everyone thinks that they're
tight-tight with Cody.

The question is who actually


I feel like some of us are
getting played.

Ian is, literally, giving me
information, and, like, it just

blew my mind.

Like, I was like, oh, sh**t.

So I'm kind of egging him on,
kind of pushing him in the

direction I want him to go,
because that would be great for

I look for some things to be
switched up or some things to be



You want to tag team a little

I'm open.

I like that.

Okay, sound good.

Thank you.

We'll talk soon.


So I had an idea last night.

So you know how we can't bring
everything out into the open

because we have a lot to lose?


I know someone who doesn't.



If I want kaysar to light the
house on fire, it's very

important the evidence of my
involvement goes out with him.

Burn after reading.

We just need to have him...

Let me ask you a question.

You know you're going, right?


I don't think they're
flipping seven votes, not

against Christmas.

If you go, is there anyone you
would want to do well?

Obviously, I like you a lot.

Here's my thing.

I'm pretty sure I have the
entire thing knocked out.

You think the four are not
the ones working together?

I think there's a lot more
than "a four am sm I think there

are many people who believe that
they're in something with each

other, and it's all really

I believe that.

I think if we're starting to
just compare notes, I think it's

all leading back to the same


Anyone else is a side piece.

I know exactly what's going
on here.

People want me to take the shot
that they're all too scared to


Maybe I just might light this
house on fire.

It sounds kind of fun.

Trust me, my wish would have
been a different nomination

against you.

Me, too.

It's just, like, there's just
no freaking way.

Oh, man.

Hey, come here.

♪ ♪
Julie: Welcome back to "big

brother all-stars."

Christmas volunteered to be the

Kaysar knows he's the target.

Time to find out which one will
be headed home.

Let's head to the living room
and talk with the two nominees.

Hello, houseguests.

Hi, Julie!

Julie: Well, everyone, it
is time, time for the live vote

and eviction.

Kaysar, Christmas, in just
moments, your housemates will

cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each
have a final chance to sway

their votes with one brief

And, Christmas, ladies first.

You're up.

Thank you.

All right.

Uhm, good evening, Julie.

Thank you, CBS.

I love you, family.

And to my "big brother"

It's eviction day, and I
campaign that you vote the

h.o.h. Way.

For my work here is not done, I
still have yet to deliver all of

my competition fun.

So head into the diary room, and
when Julie asks, what do you


"I cast my vote to have this
Christmas joy stay."

I love you!

Cole, sister, I'm so proud of

Julie: Well done.

That was a lot of memorization
and a lot of creative writing.

Well done, Christmas.

Thank you.

Julie: Kaysar, you have the

All right, thanks, Julie.

I just want to say I really love
ever one of you guys on a

personal level.

Now, when it comes to game play
and strategy, I think you guys

all suck.


Here's why.

Cody and Nicole have been
running this house since day


The way to the end.

Meanwhile, the guys have an
alliance... Enzo, I already knew

when we were talking... with
David and Tyler because it was


And then last alliance, of
course, Dani and Nicole and


Cody finds himself in this love

But no one's willing totake a

So here I am sitting around on
the block.

So if you guys want to play the
game, all-s all-starses, or if y

want to have a reunion and sit
around and play charades, then

keep things the same.

If you want to play all-stars,
keep me here and we'll continue

to play.

I hope I have your vote, Cody.

Julie: Thank you, kaysar.

Thank you, both.

All right, everyone, it's time,
time for the live voting to


As always, the two nominees are
not allowed to vote.

Enzo, as current head of
household, you will only vote in

the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you
will enter the diary room and

cast your vote to evict.

Cody, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Kaysar is on to Cody, and Cody
knows it.

Let's see what Cody does.

Hello, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

Mr. Prejury himself, the
all-star of all all-stars,


Julie: Thank you.

For weeks, Memphis has pulled
the wool over kaysar's eyes.

Is it time to show his hand?

Hi, Memphis.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict kaysar.

Julie: Thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: Dani threw a
surprise vote last week.

What does she have up her sleeve

Hi, Dani.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

Never said a bad word about
him until now.

Disrespectful and tasteless.

I vote to evict kaysar.

Julie: Thank you.


Love you, Tennessee.

Julie: Ian knows the
writing is on the wall for

kaysar, but will he vote to keep

Hello, Ian.


Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict my
friend kaysar.

Julie: Thank you.

Kevin thinks he knows who is
running this game.

Let's see how he votes.

Hi, Kevin.


Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict, Kevin.

I vote to evict kaysar.

Julie: Thank you.

I love you, alfonzo.

Julie: Da'vonne has made it
clear she wants Dani gone.

So who's best to keep to help
her accomplish that mission?

Hello, da'vonne!

Hey, Julie girl.

Julie: I mean... please
cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict, sadly, the
brave and courageous, amazing,

double all-star kaysar.

I got your back, though.

Don't worry.

Cadence I love you.

Mommy, I miss you.

Julie: Thank you.

It's official, with six votes to
evict kaysar, kaysar will leave

the house tonight.

But let's see how the other
votes fall.

Hi, David.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict kaysar.

Julie: Thank you.

Bayleigh has been gathering
information about the alliances

in the house all week.

How will this affect her vote

Hi, bayleigh.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict kaysar.

Julie: Thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: Kaysar's close
relationship with Janelle has

spelled doom for him with

Hi, Nicole.

Hi, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict kaysar.

Happy birthday, mom.

I love you.

Julie: Tyler nominated
kaysar last week.

It would be a shock if he did
not vote to evict him.

Hi, Tyler.

Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your
vote to evict.

I vote to evict kaysar.

Julie: Thank you.

Angela, I love you.

Julie: All of the votes are

And with 10 votes to evict
kaysar, kaysar will leave the

house tonight.

W'll give the news to the
houseguests when we return.

Then, we will crown a new head
of household live.

Stay with us.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother all-stars."

The houseguests have just voted
to evict kaysar.

Let's go to the living room and
give the news to the


Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the
evicted houseguest will have

just a few moments to say
good-bye, gather his or her

belongings, and walk up on the
the front door.

And, remember, you are leaving
the "big brother" bubble, so

please wear your mask when you

By a vote of 10-0, kaysar, you
are evicted from the "big

brother" house.

Nothing personal.

No, bro.

I love you guys.

Thanks for...

[ Laughter ].

You have to put it on now.

Honestly, this was such an
amazing time.

I love each and every one of

Love you, too.

Thank you so much.

Take care.

See you on the outside.

Don't hug Julie.

I'm not going to hug Julie.

Have fun, guys.

Take care.

See you in a week or so.

[ Applause ]

Julie: Air hug.

Hug from afar.

I know you want a hug.

Julie: I do want a hug.

Because you know I'm a big fan
of yours.

It just so happens I'm a huge
fan of yours, too, Julie.

He threw out so many names, I

I couldn't keep track.

Julie: Kaysar.


Julie: That was quite a

Do I leave this on?

Julie: You do have to leave
it on.

I apologize.

No worries.

Julie: Did you think you
were going to get any votes with

that speech, nothing to lose.


Julie: What were you trying
to accomplish?

I knew it was going to be a
long shot.

That was my hail Mary.

I wanted to see if I could
muster up some votes.

There are several people who
wanted to keep me in the house.

They didn't have all the votes
to keep them in, and they didn't

want to expose themselves.


Julie: That was an icy hug
you got from Dani and Nicole.

Should they be icy towards you?

At the end, I think this...
This... this season has been

extremely friendly.

Nobody was wanting to pull any

And no one wanted to take a

So I figured, we had to spice
things up a bit.

It was getting a little boring,
as far as I was concerned.

Julie: Let's talk about the

Since the beginning, you and
Janelle had suspicions that the

following four people are
working together: Cody, Tyler,

Nicole f., and Dani.

First of all, you and Janelle
were right.


Julie: However there were
two others working with them.

Christmas and Memphis.



Julie: How much of that
shocked you that Memphis, who

you... you went to Memphis
saying, "hey, I think these four

people are working together."

And he's thinking, "uh-huh,
you're right, because I'm with


What are your thoughts?

Man, they got me.

I didn't see that one coming.

That was really good.

Julie: P.S., he created
that alliance.



That is a shocker.

No wonder he kept saying,
"there's nothing going on in

this house."

That's incredible.

I didn't see it coming at all.

That's a huge blindside.

Julie: We saw you have some
pretty deep conversations with

da'vonne, everything from the
wrongful death of George Floyd

and protests.


Julie: To the fact there's
only one god, and we're all just

trying to make our way to him.


Julie: How much of it... did
you come back to play this to

win a half million dollars, or
did you come back to try to

create change in the world with
deep conversations like that?

Because we aired them.

Oh, man.

You know, with a heavy heart, I
have to tell you...

I know... this is going to k*ll

But I came back because "big
brother" was a platform that

changed my life the first time
around 15 years ago.

And I felt as though it was... it

Julie: It was bigger than
the money.

It was so much more.

It was part of... it was a call
to duty to come back to make a


And I just was not okay with...
You know, I'm a father now.

And I'm not okay with the way
the world is today.

There's so much pain and soap
division, I felt we had to take

a stand, and somebody had to
step up and say, "there's a

better way."

And I felt like that was why I
was able to walk out of this

house with my head held high.

Julie: Kaysar, that is
exactly why the public voted you

back in.

Oh, my god.

Julie: 15 years ago.

Back then, back then I'm not
saying now.

I can't, please!

Julie: No, no, no, the fact
that your heart is... you speak

from your heart.

I want to say thank you for
coming back.

It was such a pleasure seeing

I just want to thank you.

And I want to thank b.B. Nation,
and everyone that has allowed me

to play this game and be part of
the family for so many years.

This has been an incredible
journey for me.

Julie: Kaysar, stay right

I have more questions when we
get off the air, when we're

going to drive people to the
Internet, stay right there.

Head to CBS.Com/bbrewind.

Up next, with Janelle and kaysar
out of the game, the ruling

members of the house finally got
what they wanted.

Now, they must turn on each

The live head of household
competition next.

Stay with us.

♪ ♪
Julie: Welcome back to "big

brother all-stars."

It's time for the head of
household competition.

Free from the threat of
eviction, the h.O.H. Must put

two nominees on the chopping

Let's head to the backyard and
get things started.

Hello, houseguests.

Hey, Julie!

Julie: Before we begin
tonight's h.O.H. Competition, I

have some good news to share.

I am pleased to tell you that
this week, there will be no


[ Cheering ]
[ Applause ]

Thank you!

Julie: You're,.

Thank you, Julie.

Julie: Let's get down to
business, shall we?

Houseguests, listen up.

The power is up for grabs.

Enzo, as outgoing head of
household, you are not eligible

to compete tonight.

This competition is called
"filter face-off," and here's

how it works.

Two at a time, you will face off
at the podium.

There, you will see the faces of
all 16 "big brother" all-stars

with filters applied to all the

I will ask you a question about
the photos.

The answer will be either "more,
exactly, or less."

If you are the first to ring in
with the correct answer, you

stay in the game, and your
opponent is eliminated.

You will then choose the next
two houseguests to face off.

If you answer incorrectly, you
will be eliminated, and your

opponent will stay in the game
and choose the next two to face


If no one rings in, you will
both be eliminated unless, of

course, it's the final round.

The last houseguest standing
will become the new head of

household for the week.

Does everyone understand?




Julie: Excellent.

Earlier a random draw determined
the first two houseguests to

face off.

Ian and Kevin, let's begin.

Question one: In this set of
photos, are there more, exactly,

or less than nine animal

[ Buzzer ].

Julie: Ian, you rang in
first with the answer "less."

That is incorrect.

There are more.

There are 10 animal filters.

Ian step down.

Kevin, go ahead and pick the
next two to face off.

I don't know what to do.

Julie: We're on live

All right, Nicole and Cody.

Ic I'm too weirded out.

Julie: Nicole and Cody.

Step on up.

As we move on to question two.

In this set of photos, are there
more, exactly, or less than 11

hot dog filters?

[ Buzzer ]
Cody, you rang in first with


That is correct.

There are only 10.

Sorry, Nicole.



Cody pick the next two to face

Kevin, da'vonne.

Julie: Kevin and da'vonne,
step on up.

Question three krnd in this set
of photos, are there more,

exactly, or less than five
vampire filters?

[ Buzzer ].

Julie: Kevin rang in first
with the answer "less."

That is incorrect.

There are exactly five vampire

Step down, Kevin.

Da'vonne, go ahead and pick the
next two to face off.

Cody and Memphis.

Julie: Cody and Memphis,
step on up.

Question number four: In this
set of photos, are there more,

exactly, or less than 12 filters
with some type of glasses?

[ Buzzer ]
Cody rang in first with the

answer "less."

That is incorrect.

There are 13 filters.

Step down, Cody.

Memphis, pick the next two
houseguests to face off.

Dani and David.

Julie: Dani and David.

Step on up.

As we move on to question five.

In this set of photos, are there
more, exactly, or less than

seven bird beak...
[ Buzzer ]

David rang in first with the
answer "less."

That is incorrect.

There are exactly seven bird
beak filters.

Step down, David.

You've been eliminated.

Dani, pick the next two
all-stars to face off, please.

Bayleigh and da'vonne.

Julie: Bayleigh and

Ladies, step on up.

As we move on to question six.

In this set of photos, are there
more, exactly, or less than

seven unicorn filters?

[ Buzzer ]
Da'vonne rang in first with the

answer "less."

That is correct.

There are only six.

Sorry, bayleigh.

You have been eliminated.

Da'vonne, go ahead and pick the
next two all-stars to face off.

Dani and Memphis.

Julie: Dani and Memphis,
step on up.

Question number 7: In this set
of photos, are there more,

exactly, or less than nine
filters with hats?

[ Buzzer ]
Dani rang in first with the

answer "less."

Sorry, that is wrong.

There are exactly nine filters
with hats.

Memphis, pick the next two to
face off.

Let's go Tyler and da'vonne.

Julie: Tyler and da'vonne,
step on up.

Question 8: In this set of
photos are there more, exactly,

or less than nine cat filters.

[ Buzzer ]
Da'vonne rang in first with

"exactly sm of that is correct.

Sorry, Tyler, step down.

You've been eliminated.

Christmas and Memphis.

Julie: Question nine: In
this set of photos are there

more, exactly, or less than five
filters with upside down faces?

[ Buzzer ].

Julie: Memphis rang in
first with the answer "exactly."

Sorry, that is wrong.

The answer is "more"
there are six filters with

upside down faces.

Da'vonne, step on up.

All right, ladies, Christmas,
da'vonne, one of you two ladies

is about to become the new head
of household.

This is the last question.

In this set of photos, are there
more, exactly, or less than 10

filters using the color orange?

[ Buzzer ].

Julie: Da'vonne you rang in
first with the answer "less."

That is incorrect.

There are more.

Which means, congratulations,

You survived the night and you
are the new head of household.

Oh, my god!

Girl, you were like a brick

Julie: Up next, as
promised, we will show you a new

room with new powers.

The b.B. Basement.

Stay with us.

Nice work.

Julie: Welcome back to "big
brother all-stars."

Tune in sunday at 8:00, 7:00
central, to see which two

houseguests Christmas nominates
for eviction.

Plus, we will reveal a new room,
the b.B. Basement, here, for the

first time ever, one competition
played completely in the dark.

We'll award three new
game-changing powers.

Then on Wednesday, at 8:00, 7:00
central, the power of veto is up

for grabs.

But these new powers could
change everything.

And next Thursday, the live vote
and eviction will send another

all-star packing.

Head to CBS.Com/bb22 right now
to subscribe to CBS all access

to get the live feeds and more.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the

From outside the "big brother"
house, I'm Julie chen moonves.

And, remember, leave judgment at
the door.

Good night.

You're in game mode.

Oh, my god!

I know!

I can't believe you!

How many rounds did you miss?

Oh, my god!

How bizarre is it that last
night is the first night I

didn't have a nightmare.

There it is!

I need it bad.

You look beautiful.