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22x15 - Episode 15

Posted: 05/05/24 10:59
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on
"big brother all-stars": Slick

six was a powerful alliance in
the house.

The slick six.

I love it.

Announcer: But they began
turning on each other.

Dani is game on.

I'm done with her, yo.

I think da'vonne would
definitely not be afraid to

strike against us at some point
in the game.

What makes her nervous about

She just wants to fuel the

That's nasty.

Announcer: At the head of
household competition, the slick

six publicly targeted one

Kevin, da'vonne.

Announcer: ...Putting the
final nail in the alliance's


Bayleigh and da'vonne.

Ain't nobody slick or six.

Not nowhere.

Announcer: With Christmas
winning the h.O.H...

Julie: Congratulations,

You survived the night and you
are the new head of household.

Announcer: ...It put her
committee alliance in power.

But Christmas also had a final
two deal with Tyler.

Ride or die.

You got it.

Announcer: And day and bay
had a final two of their own.

So we got this whole black
girl magic alliance happening.

Announcer: But after
bayleigh confirmed day was her

number one to criticize.

Do you have any, like,

Well, I'd like you to go
first if you don't mend.

Announcer: ...It made them
a target.

Bayleigh and da'vonne would
have each other's backs before

they have mine.

Announcer: And when
Christmas learned they were a

threat to the committee.

They're coming after our

I have no official working
relationship with da'vonne and

bayleigh, so if they're coming
after my alliance, they're

ultimately coming after me.

Announcer: ...Bay and day's
fate was sealed.

We're getting some blood
drawn tomorrow.


Announcer: A terrifying new
twist sent the houseguests down

to the b.About.


And Christmas, Dani, and David
walked away with secret powers.

I won something.

I don't want anybody to know.

I'm afrafd talking out scwhried
bay confronted Dani.

About a week ago people came
to me and said you were plotting

on me and day.

You took the first jab.

How are we supposed to feel?

I don't know.

I definitely risk mied own
game to help out da'vonne and

bayleigh, and now it's coming
back to bite me.

Announcer: At the
nomination ceremony.

I have nominated you,
bayleigh, and you da'vonne.

Announcer: ...Christmas
followed through with her plan.

Bayleigh, the other night,
you let me know that da'vonne

was your untouchable.

Announcer: Tonight, who
will win the power of veto?

And will it be used to save
da'vonne or bayleigh from the


Plus, an unexpected series of
events unfolds that no one saw


All this right now on "big

I used to live in a basement.

♪ ♪
this nomination ceremony is


I nominated bayleigh and
da'vonne because they are a

powerful, dynamic duo, and I've
been hearing a lot about this

duo wanting to come after
members of my alliance, which is

a big problem.

So I have to break them up.

I'm extremely confused that I
am notinated because bayleigh

told her I was her untouchable.

It was weak.

It was whack.

And she could have came up with
something better.

There are bigger and more
threatening pairs.

And you're looking at me and

Girl, come on!

You all right?

It just sucks.

It's okay.

There's a veto to be played.

It's okay.

I want you to stay.

I don't want to stay anymore.

No, no, no.

Yeah, I'm done.

No, no, no.

I definitely messed up.

I trusted her.

Christmas, I thought we were
good, actually.

We talked all the time.

So I thought we were fine.

But I was wrong.


I'm very disappointed because I
feel very betrayed.

So for this to happen is really

I don't understand it.

I don't understand it.

My heart is literally broken.



There's a veto to be won.

We can do this without each


One of us has to win it, make
her put up somebody bigger.

I cannot afford for you to feel

I don't want to be here with
these people.

I can't have you talking like
that, bayleigh.

Because I need you to play.

Bayleigh is ready to tap out.

Don't have that mentality.

I need you to fight.

Now, we amend agreement to ride
this thing out.

Let's ride till the wheels fall

But you can't be pulling over to
the side of the road like "i

don't want to drive no more."

That's not how it works.

I'll do it for you.

I'll play and play really hard
and hope she puts up somebody


I have to stop crying.

Why you got to be doing that?

Oh, my gosh.

Emotional moment.


I don't know why.

I love you, and you're a
freaking queen.

Bayleigh, da'vonne are
nominated for eviction.

This sucks.

I have the disruptive power,
"and it allows me to remove one

nominee from the block after the
nomination ceremony one of the

next three weeks.

Know that there is a
possibility we both could stay.

But I'm choosing not to use
my power because I need to save

this power for when I may go on
the block so I can save myself.

I'm going to fight.

It's all-stars.

I am so confused, because
here I am on the block, so I

want to talk to Christmas to
figure out what even is going

through her thod make her want
to nominate me.

Hey, girl.

Can I hug you?

It's okay.

No, it's okay.

She is a mess, an unwrapped

Here I am on the block, and she
nominated me, yet she's crying

in my arms.

Do you want some hard

You don't get to be the one to

I should be the one who is

Just to get outside of this.

I don't want you to be upset
with yourself.

It was a good game move.

Kind of.

I was never going to come for

You're not a threat to my game,

I just don't know what I did for
you not to want to work with me.

I did.

I just always felt like I was on
the outside.

I don't feel like there was ever
a togetherness.

Day being your untouchable, that
just lets me know that no matter

how much we work together, that
she is higher than me on the

totem pole.


That's fine.

I know that bayleigh thinks
this is personal, but it is not.

I came here to play "big
brother," and I knew that I was

going to have to make some tough

Bayleigh and da'vonne are not in
my alliance, and my loyalty lies

with the committee.

In a strange, awkward moment of
levity, you get to play in a



Where's bayleigh?

She's asleep.

I wanted to talk to you, but,

It will be heightened.


We are both too much... we need

It will be heightened.


I just want to say I have
complete transparency.

This conversation cannot get

This cannot get out.

I won't say anything.

. Bayleigh and I are both on
the block.

That is worst-case scenario.

Now, I need figure out a way to
create a bigger target in this


Bayleigh, Dani and I have been
having some ongoing beef along


Somebody has been talking about
her to us and it's time she

knows about it.

To my understanding, when you
and bayleigh had a conversation

she said to you she heard from
multiple sources.


I don't have multiples.

I have one.


That's my only source.


What's... what was he telling

Telling her you were coming
for me.

That's so weird.

I swear to you, da'vonne, I have
never, ever, ever said anything

aout getting you out, wanting
you out.

So, like, I'm floored.



Tyler and I are supposed to be
working together, but now i'm

finding out that he's the one
who has been telling bayleigh

and da'vonne that I'm coming
after them.

Now I need to try to figure out
how I can spin this around in my


He was going to sit there and
let us pick each other off,


While he sits back.

And it's not okay.

None of us are in power.


But Christmas is.

We can shake this house up.


He has to be backdoored.

That's what I'm saying.

I'm not really on board with
backdoing Tyler this week.

He is in the committee with me,
and he hasn't personally done

anything to affect my game.

But I'm kind of just going along
with it because this is a great

opportunity for Dani and I to
solidify some trust with

da'vonne, who I hope stays in
the game this week.

We're back on the same page.

I'm not coming after you.

I want to work with you.

I want you in here.

I'm so glad we hashed this

I'm glad we talked.

Tyler is a huge threat, but
because we are in the committee

together, I haven't been able to
go after him.

But now, Tyler has given me the
perfect excuse to potentially

get him backdoored this week.

Thanks, Tyler.

And I trust you.


Don't repeat this.

Swear on everything.

Swear on everything.

I kind of think Tyler's
trying to pit, like, all the

girls against each other.

He's been telling da'vonne that,
like, I'm coming after them and


They're having conversations?


I'm, like, freaking out right

What I don't want to see is
the allianca.

I don't want that.


We have been in charge every
week except one week.

What is happening right now?

I don't know how to process

Me, either.

Like, I'm literally, like

I than Tyler has had problems
with Dani, and I have also had

trust issues with Dani.

But right now, we have to make
sure that we keep the committee

together and that we don't
cannibalize each other.

I'm definitely not targeting
Tyler this week.

But if he's talking about Dani
to other people outside of the

alliance, that is a huge

We're in an alliance.

I know.

Like, we have each other's

♪ ♪
hey, everybody!

It's time to pick players for
the veto competition!


Let's go!

Only six people will participate
in the veto competition: The

head of household, the two
nominees and three other players

selected by random draw.

Will the nominees please join me
up here now?

As h.O.H., I will pick first.

Nicole f.


[ Applause ]

[ Applause ]
All right, all right!


[ Applause ]
"Big brother" will inform us

when the competition is to

Good luck.

[ Applause ]

♪ ♪
I didn't want to play veto

today at all because, like, I
just don't feel medically up to


I have not gotten any solid
sleep for two days now.

And, I mean, my heart is just

I'm getting sharp pains in my
chest throughout entire night.

I'm tossing and turning, waking
up other people in the room.

And I don't feel good.

Come in.


How you doing?

Good, good, how are you?


Not great.

Are you tred compete?

That's what I'm actually
going to talk about.

Oh, okay.

So I have to see the medic.


Oh, wow.

I just wanted to let you know

For sure.

Ian, you have me scared.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I have to go.

Sure, do what you need to do.

Whatever is best for you, please
do, for sure.

Get your help, brother.

Oh, man.

I'm like...

My brain's so, like, I don't
want to freaking play it.

Me neither.

Me and you are the worst picks

If you win, what the hell are
you supposed to do?

This is horrible.

The thing slike, I would be
totally cool with one of us

pulling day down.

I'm down to throw it if we

If I would be able to throw
da'vonne this veto, it would not

only pull her in closer to me,
but it would also leave a little

bit of room for Tyler to be up
on the block and I would have no

blood on my hands.

So what's the plan?

If we can throw it to da'vonne,
we are?

I don't know.

I don't care.

I'll throw it to her if I can.

I don't care.

[ Whistle blows ].

It's time for the veto

Everyone lace up and meet me in
the yard!


Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah!

I've always wanted to be a
track star.


I walk out into the backyard,
and it looks like a high school

track and field give me a

Let's go!

Oh, man.

We have to add?

Welcome to the b.B. Math

Where your brain has to move as
fast as your feet.

Ian is not feeling well and the
medic has determined he is

unable to participate in this

This competition will be four

At the start of each race, you
will place a hand on each of

your start line's buttons.

Your job is to stay foc focused
keep each of the buttons down.

When you see the equation that
equals lucky number 13, race

down the track and hit your
finish button.

You better move quickly.

The houseguest who hits their
finish button last will be

eliminated from this

Stay focused because if in any
race you are the first person to

release the button before the
correct equation appears, that's

a false start and you will be

All right, ladies.

Let's have fun.

And run.

I maid move that nobody else
was willing to make.

I have the terrible job of
nominating bayleigh and da'vonne

because they're coming after my

I need to win this veto, because
I need to control the power in

the house.

Don't be too upset if you're

Because of the math-cath-a-lon,
everyone gets a trophy.

Claim your toffy to win your

Don't get too attached to.

The players eliminated after you
have the option of keeping their

prize or trade for yours.

The last player standing will
have their choice of any of the

prizes, including the goched who
is ready to tred play


[ Applause ].


All right, time to begin the
first race.

My "big brother" life is on
the line.

I want to win this veto because
I do not want to be on the block

next to day.

I want to pull myself off and
convince Christmas to throw up a

bigger target so that possibly
me and my girl can stay in the

house this week.

First race.

Winning this veto is
extremely important.

I'm on the block with my number
one ally, and that's not okay

with me.

So if I win this veto, I can
take myself off the block, and

hopefully me and bayleigh can
stay in this house together.

Going into this veto, I want
to throw it to da'vonne because

if she can pull herself off the
block, then Christmas is going

to have to throw somebody else
up there.

If I were to have it my way, I
would have Christmas throw Tyler

up there as a backdoor.

[ Buzzer ]
[ Buzzer ]

It's hard to watch.

I'm sorry, da'vonne, because
you were the first person to

false start, you have been

Aaarggh, because I was the
first one to let go of my button

and have a false start.

I am eliminated from the game.


Da'vonne is gone.

There goes my plan.

I guess I just need to win some
prizes now.

Please claim your fifth-place


You currently have the power of

This sucks, because I know
somebody is coming to take this

veto from me.

And it's unfortunate.

All right, ladies.

Okay, runners, it's time for
our next race.

It really sucks that da'vonne
is out of this competition,

because now I feel like all the
pressure is just on me.

The trickiest part about this
competition is making sure that

you don't jump too soon, because
some of the equations come

really close to 13, but it has
to equal exactly 13.

]It's very sneaky.

[ Buzzer ].

Damn it.

[ Buzzer ]
I'm sorry, bayleigh.

You have false started, and you
will not be advanced to the next



You've got to be kidding me.


I can't believe I just did the
same thing they just watch

da'vonne do.

Claim your prize.

Dispood fitness plan.

The good news is you can get
in great shape with a brand new

home gym.

But that's not all.

The prize also prevents you from
becoming a have-not for the rest

of the season.

Do you want to keep the dispood
fitness prize or trade for the

power of veto?

I'm going to trade it for the

Sorry, day.

I feel terrible for taking
the veto away from da'vonne

because she deserves to be in
this house just as much as I do.

But I came here to win the power
of veto.

And who knows?

Maybe somebody wants a home gym
more than they care about this

veto, and I can keep it.

All right, runners, it is
time for our third race.

I don't know.

Math is not my forte, so not
feeling great about it.

[ Bell rings ].


[ Buzzer ].

I'm sorry, Dani.

You will not be advancing to the
next round, but you can claim

your prize.

Is it money?

A flop-a-tarred.

You have the honor of wearing
the cereal-tarred all week long.

I see da'vonne with the food
and fitness plan, and that has

my name written all over it.

Do you want to keep the
slap-a-tarred prize or trade it

for one of the other prizes?

Do you want it?


I'm in a pretty good position
in this house.

I don't want the committee to be
mad at me.

I don't want Dani to be mad at
me, and I don't want da'vonne to

be mad at me, so winning this
competition might not be the

best thing for me.

All right, the winner of this
race will have the option to

take home the golden power of

I'm not good at the math.

I'm sorry, Nicole.

You finished last that race.


Go ahead and claim your
second-place prize.


[ Applause ].


You just earned $5,000.

Do you want to keep the $5,000
prize or trade for one of the

other prizes?

Christmas beat me this this
veto competition, and I know she

wants to win the veto, so I
think right now, what I should

do is take this $5,000, give it
to da'vonne in good faith, and

take the punishment from her.

It's not quite saving her with
the power of veto, but it is


I am going to keep up my
tradition and wear a unitarred.

[ Laughter ].

Oh, Nicole.

That was so sweet.

Here you go, day.

[ Applause ]

I don't think that's ever
happened in "big brother"


And I know damn well if the shoe
was on the other foot, I

wouldn't have done that.

But thank you, Nicole.

Like, this is crazy.

It means a lot.

Congratulations, Christmas.

Go ahead and claim your
first-place prize.

[ Applause ]
I'm a triathlete.

Your stellar performance in
this competition has qualified

for you an entry in the
triathlete race.

This means you must complete 500

Do you want to keep the
triathlete prize or trade for

the other prizes?

It's one thing to win the
veto as your prize, but it's

another thing to actually have
to physically take it away from

the person that you put on the

It's like...

Rotten cherries in a cake and
it's your birthday.

That's what it feels like.

.I'm going to trade it for the
power of veto.

You won it fair and square.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Congratulations, Christmas.

You have won the golden power of

Christmas wins.

It suction, but at the end of
the day, I know that there's

still so much game to be played.

And I am hoping that there's
still a chance that da'vonne and

I can both survive this week.

Fact: I lost the veto.

Fact: Bayleigh lost the veto.

Fact: We are still sitting on
the block.

But there's still an opportunity
for me to shake up this house,

and I'm going need damnedest to
try to make it happen.

♪ ♪
I feel so much better today.


I was so worried.


The medic said rest and then


For sure.

And hydrate.


So that's good.

Good stuff.

So try to rest and relax this
week as much as you possibly


Yeah, yup.

But, yeah, everything's gd

Nicole, please go to the
diary room!


It's going down.

Go get it!

Get that unitarred!


Freaking way!

I didn't win the veto, but I did
get a slap-a-tard punishment.

Who wants to see my slap-a-tard?

Oh, my god!

That would k*ll me.

I'm uncomfortable looking at

Oh, that's so cute.

[ Laughter ]
It's fine.

It's cute.

It's whatever.

I'm happy.


He is thin.

He is looking really, really

He's definitely losing weight
in here.

He looks emaciated.

This game... with your head,

I just don't feel right.

I'm not like myself.

I know people are noticing it,
because I feel like I'm acting


And I wanted to catch a second
wind and hopefully find the "big

brother" love again.

But it's... it's not happening.

I'm having fun.

I'm glad one of us is.

You're not having fun?

I am not.

It's too much pressure, man.

I don't want to go to jury,

And if I'm not going to win, I
want to see you soon, babe.

So, Angela, I love you.

I miss you.

I'll probably see you soon.

I feel like I'm definitely
having, like, a little bit of a

moral dilemma.

I don't know.

There's something not right.

There's something not right,

Where's... where's bay?

She's in the have-not room.

You want to go find her?

Can I talk to you guys?

You want to wake her up?

Come on.

Let's wake her up.

I feel like I'm the cause for
a lot of the tress in the house

right now.

And that's not, like, how I want
to play.

I feel like I'm the one that got
the house pitted against

da'vonne and bayleigh.

And this is the source of all
my... all my tension and what is

building up inside of me.

I just feel so guilty.

So I just kind of wanted to air
some things out with them.

Hi, honey.


How is it he wants to talk to

How you doing?


I just kind of wanted to talk
to you guys.

What's wrong?

I guess I want to apologize
to you guys.

For what?

I've been, like, struggling
in this game.

And, which is why I told you
guys about the whole Dani thing.

I wanted to help you guys out,
but I also was trying to kind of

set myself up where you guys
would be coming for each other

and not coming for me, which
was' little bit selfish.

Like, I'm a competitor and I
love this game so much.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

But, like, I want to stand
for something bigger.


If that makes sense.

I've been like... it's like a
clash in my head gog and, like,

my heart.

I want to win, but I want to do
it the right way.

When you guys were put up,
something clicked within me.

I see how bad you want to be

And I feel guilty.

And, like, I don't want to take
that away from you guys.

So I was going to ask Christmas
if she could use the veto on one

of you and put me up.

Because I owe you guys that.

And I think you guys can do

And I think you deserve better.

And you're standing for
something, you know, like,

greater than me.

And I want to see that.

I want to see that play out.

I don't want to be idolized for
being manipulative and a good


You know what I'm saying?

If people are going to look up
to me, I want it to be for

something like this.


It's, like, the only way I
would want to go out is to see

you guys flourish and hopefully
you build off of this.

No one ever throws out the
life vest, and you're throwing

us a life vest.

And that means a lot.

It means a lot.

I know we had our beef and
everything, and that was

whattented to work through with
you, make sure you know it's


We're burying the hatchet.

Burying the hatchet, and I'll
walk out of here and I'll be

okay with it.


Okay, well, come here,
because I wanted expecting that.

I'm not going to lie.

This is huge!

This is... we need this so both
of us can stay in the house.

Like, if this is real, let's do
it, now, before you change your


I'm going to go talk to

Thank you.

I love you guys.

Love you, too.

Love you, too.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Is this happening?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't want to get too juiced.

That's why I don't get my
hopes up.



What's happening?

I don't know.

I wanted to kind of have a
little convo with you, though.


I'm going to come clean about
some stuff.

Is there something that I
need know?


I mean, I just feel like I'm the
reason why bay and day are on

the block.

Because, like, I've been kind
of, like, planting seeds around

to go against them.


And I feel like now I kind of
owe it to them to own it and

apologize and do what I can, you

Y understand... well, one, I
really appreciate you being

forthright with me.

Because that means a lot.

And you didn't have influence on
this decision.

Bayleigh told me that da'vonne
was her untouchable after she

asked me who my untouchable was.


I didn't feel comfortable or
confident telling her that that

was you.

I don't know.

It just doesn't feel right with
day and bay, one of them going


Right now.


So what do you... what do you
have in mind, if there's an


I just have, like, a very
guilty conscience about, you

know, how I've played this game.

And I feel like there's no other
way for me to get out of this

situation other than for me to
get out of this situation.

I think maybe I you to spell
it out for me a little bit more.

Are you saying I backdoor you.

I just think they both
deserve to stay here more than



I don't want to destroy your
game, either.

Me back backdooring you at th
point would destroy a lot.

Like, the way I look at, this I
have to loc look at this long te

what does this do if both of
them stay and where I fall into

that, too?

What the heck, tiring?

You're my final two.

My ride or die.

And now you want me to backdoor


This is incredibly stressful,
because I don't feel like there

is a win-win situation here.

And I just don't know what I
want to do yet.

I can't tell you what to do.

Trust me.

I'll do what I want.

♪ ♪
we've got a lot of work to


I'm so excited.

For optimism.

My last little scary thought
is the possibility that you

think this could be a ploy for
him, and have it not really


Like trying to goodlook good,
sacrificing himself, and she

doesn't do it.

Honestly, this does not erase
the damage he's done to day and

I in this game.

And I still have lingering bad
feelings about him ever since

our time on "b.B. 20."

I don't trust him, and I don't
think I'll ever be able to trust


A leopard does not change his

♪ ♪
I'm exhausted, to be honest.


I don't know what I want
Tiger Woods it yet.

I just don't know how I want

Approach it.


So this is how I see it.

If you use it and you put it on
me to come down, he goes up.

Then we can bring her in.

What do you think?

It's your level of

Realistically, that's another
woman in the house.

No one would suspect you two to
be working together.

Listen, nord get Christmas to
use this veto, I have to make

Christmas feel as comfortable as

She need to feel as if I'm not
going to come for her, and

neither is bayleigh.

All of this anger that bayleigh
is feeling, that's for Tyler,


She ain't mad at you.

She ain't worried about you.

How does bayleigh feel about
what I've done?

Her emotions and stuff, all
of the things that she is

feeling, everything, is
triggered towards Tyler.

She wants his head on a silver

You know what I'm saying?

That's crazy.

That's crazy.

You know what I'm saying?


I was already very hesitant to
put Tyler on te block, and

learning that bayleigh still has
it out for Tyler majorly, and

he's literally throwing his game
away to save her, really makes

meantime to keep noms the same.

I don't think I want to lose
Tyler to bayleigh who I don't

think I can trust.

Here we are.

Isn't it crazy how things work

It's really bizarre.

Oh, my gosh!

It's crazy.

Uhm, we're going to play


We'll just move a few around.

And I'll tell you, I spoke with

This is her words.

Da'vonne said that bayleigh
wants your head on a silver


So it's definitely not squashed.

Like, not at all.

On her end?


That's between y'all.

But for my game, that doesn't
serve me well, either.

In this game, I think she is
kind of a bit of a dangerous

player because she does take
things very personally, and she

doesn't let them go.


I don't think bayleigh really
cares too much about actually,

like, being friends or squashing

Now I'm just kind of feeling
like, yeah, maybe I shouldn't

have done that or suggested

Because it's... it might be just
like a one-way street.

I guess that answers some stuff.

I was going to throw my whole
game away to squash something,

and it was only one-sided.

Honestly, it's my choice.

So you pitched me your deal, and
I get to do whatever I want,

because I'm h.O.H. And veto

♪ ♪
hey, everybody, it's time for

the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Bayleigh and da'vonne have been
nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one
of the nominations.

I have decided...

Not to use the power of veto.

Can we share who you said
your untouchable was?


This veto meeting is adjourned.

Surprise, surprise.

Despite all of Tyler's promises,
he did not come through, and day

and I are still on the block.

Tyler is a snake, and Christmas
is a sheep.

They deserve each other.

Tyler, we committed to be in
this game.

And, seriously, I have given up
an entire summer with my baby


His birthday is going to happen
while I'm in this house.

I have to do what is best for my

So I'm not going to be your
scapegoat, dude.

You want to get out of here, you
have to do your own dirty work.

I did offer bayleigh an olive
branch, and it's seeming like

she just took it and snapped it
in half and threw it on the

so I'm definitely glaftd did not
put me on the block after all.

This might be my second chance
in this game.

Now I have to get mid in it and
realize why I'm really here, and

that's not to make friends.

It's to win a half million
dollars for Angela, and that's

I was under the impression
that, you know, we were going to

get a second chance, and, no.

I basically was just told, "wake
up, you're playing 'big


And now I'm going to be sitting
next to my number-one ally on

eviction night.

That sucks.

That sucks a lot.

Announcer: Who will be
evicted from the "big brother"

house, bayleigh or da'vonne?

Find out tomorrow night at 8:00,

brother all-stars"!