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22x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 05/05/24 12:00
by bunniefuu
♪♪ JULIE CHEN: Tonight, "Big Brother" celebrates

its th anniversary, and I promise, this will be

a season to remember.

You've been asking for this for years and it is finally here.

Let me officially welcome you to the live season premiere

of "Big Brother: All-Stars."

♪♪ ANNOUNCER: It's a house like no other,

totally isolated from the outside world,

where cameras and microphones

capture your every move.

This is the "Big Brother" house, and for the first time

in years, it will be an All-Star battleground.

But who will be moving in?

players cemented in BB lore return tonight

with only one goal in mind: to be the last one standing.

All summer long they'll compete for safety and power.

It's a game of skill, strategy, and social manipulation

where each week they must evict one of their own.

In the end, only one All-Star will remain to claim

the half million dollar grand prize and secure their status

as a BB legend.

Another unforgettable summer is about to begin.

So buckle up and get ready for "Big Brother: All-Stars."

♪♪ CHEN: Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen Moonves, and for the first time ever,

tonight's premiere episode is happening completely live.

In just moments, All-Stars are returning

to the "Big Brother" house to begin the battle

for a half million dollars.

We have winners, we have legends,

we have some of the best players who have never won this game

and we've got a few whose games ended far too soon.

The one thing they all have in common?

They're all entering the house with something to prove.

Now, these All-Stars may think they know how to play this game,

but they're going to face an opening night like no other.

So, what twists and turns await our houseguests?

We'll find out soon enough.

But first, we've kept their names under wraps for weeks

and now it's finally time to reveal who will be moving

back into the house.

Here are the first four "Big Brother" All-Stars.

♪♪ I'm Nicole Franzel

and I was a two-time "Big Brother" houseguest.

I was on "Big Brother " and I won "Big Brother ."

No big deal. [laughs]

♪♪ CHEN: Congratulations, Nicole!

You are the winner of "Big Brother."

♪♪ A lot has happened since "Big Brother."

Victor from "Big Brother " and I are engaged.

I will let you pick the food, kind of.

♪♪ Brats and burgers.

♪♪ But you have bad taste in food.

Never mind.

I talked him into somehow moving to my tiny town in Michigan.

Which is like people.

He's definitely more of a city boy still,

but he kind of listens to country music.

♪♪ Good job, babe!

Keep up the good work.

[cheers and applause]

♪♪ I really don't think I get enough credit for my win

on "Big Brother ."

I'm not really quite sure why the fans think Paul was robbed,

but he was not robbed.

I feel like I have to prove I deserved my last win

by doing well again.

I have what it takes to become the first ever two-time winner

of "Big Brother."

You know, I am kind of smart,

I am kind of athletic,

and I have a good social game.

Who wants to see my [indistinct]?

Dude, I got beer.

I'm the total package.

But I'm only calling myself a total package, but I am kind of.


♪♪ I'm Dani and I was on "Big Brother "

and "Big Brother ."

Since "Big Brother " I ended up marrying

my fellow houseguest Dominic and we now have an almost

two-year-old little girl.

♪♪ E! E! ♪♪ E, good job.

♪♪ She is my entire world.


She's literally my best friend and I have not spent

more than three hours away from her.

I'm going to get you!

So, leaving my family is going to be the hardest part

of this game for me.

I've always been super into working out, but honestly,

after I had my daughter, it was more important for me

to spend time with her than spend time on myself.

But once I got the call for All-Stars,

I definitely kicked my butt to get back in shape.

♪♪ Congratulations, Danielle.

♪♪ I'm definitely most known for my competition wins.

I've won a total of four H.O.H.s and five vetoes

and I still hold the record for most vetoes ever won

in a single season.


People always associate me with somebody who I played with

in the past.

♪♪ Hello, Danielle.

Danielle is my daughter,

and Daniel hasn't talked to me in two years.

♪♪ Oh...

♪♪ CHEN: Congratulations, d*ck, you are the winner

of "Big Brother ."

♪♪ The first time I played "Big Brother,"

I played an excellent game and came in second place.

And my second season I didn't win because

I turned on my own alliance.

♪♪ CHEN: Danielle, you are evicted from

the "Big Brother" house.

♪♪ This is my season to win "Big Brother" because

I'm gonna have a social game that's amazing,

a strategic game that's amazing,

and I'm gonna be the best player in that house.

I think that I deserved to win before

and I'm gonna win this time.

♪♪ Hey, you guys, it's Da'vonne from "Big Brother " and "."

[cheers and applause]

Since the last time you've seen me,

a lot has changed in my life.

I'm no longer poker dealing because everybody who came

and sat at my table wanted to talk about "Big Brother"

and y'all start to get me in trouble.

Acting has always been a passion of mine.

I went to school for it.

It's just always been in me.

♪♪ I pray you, as I pronounced it to you.

♪♪ Right, that means speak it the way I taught you

to speak it.

So I decided to teach, and Shakespeare,

oh, my goodness, I love Shakespeare.

Yes, that's all your emotions!

It looks so good!

My daughter is my pride and joy.

My everything.


My mother always told me, "Okay, you're gonna have a daughter,

and she gonna act just like you."


Where you going?!

And she does.



The first time I was on "Big Brother" season ,

I was the second person evicted-- like, what?



♪♪ Bring it in.


♪♪ Season of "Big Brother" I was the first member

of the jury.

My "Big Brother" legacy is definitely how intuitive I am.

There's a pair of twins in the house.

Liz is a damn twin.

But the problem is I talk too much.

That's something that I need to work on.

♪♪ CHEN: Da'vonne, you are evicted.

♪♪ People are going to expect me to be, you know, the hothead,

but I'm not that person anymore.

I don't have to blow up on you.

I just got to get some power.

And when I get some power, I can feed you to the house.

You can go home, player.

Go win your money, Mommy.

It's a new Da'vonne.

Mama Da' is not here, but Da', oh she came to play.

♪♪ I'm Christmas from Raleigh, North Carolina.

But you might remember me from "Big Brother ."


[Christmas laughing]

There's been a few significant changes in my life

since I was on "Big Brother ."

♪ Go Loyal

I gave birth to my son Loyal.


And he has just changed my perspective on everything.

I have been continuing my expansion of entrepreneurship.

I'm an author.

I launched my supplement line.

I used to have a gym and I sold it last year.

I love what I do now, because it's all online.

So you're gonna hinge at the hips,

keeping that belly nice and tight,

and then you're gonna come forward.

So I could still have family time and be able

to live my life.

I'm not running around the country and the world

all the time.

High fives and hugs.


My strategy going into "Big Brother " was to be

a comp beast.

And then on day ...

♪♪ Oh my God!

♪♪ I mean, I broke my foot, getting a piggyback,

who does that?

This girl did that.

I know, come here, come here.

It shifted my game from being a competitor to needing to play

a complete social game, just working that angle

as much as possible.

♪♪ You are a badass, and I just think that

I wouldn't win against you.

♪♪ I finished third on season .

I was this close to being final two.

I have a lot to prove going back into the "Big Brother" house.

I was a fraction of myself the entire time.

And so I want to come in and I want to show them

full throttle Christmas.

I'm going to wreak havoc, I'm gonna be crazy Christmas,

and I am going to dominate that house.

♪♪ CHEN: Nicole, Dani, Da'vonne, and Christmas,

welcome back and welcome to "Big Brother: All-Stars."

Now-- [clapping, laughing]

That's right, you're allowed to clap.

Let me bring everyone up to speed

The four of you and all of this season's houseguests

have been individually quarantined

for the last two weeks.

You've all been tested multiple times for COVID-, as have I,

and you are all cleared to play this game.



And I've been cleared to host the show.

[laughing, clapping]

Now, as everyone can see, you're still in your masks

and I am safely feet away from you.

And this season we have no live audience.

In moments, you'll be entering the "Big Brother" bubble.

Once inside, you may remove your masks,

but before you do, I have some questions.

This is the first time you're seeing some of the people

you'll be playing against.

Da'vonne, I want to start with you.

How are you feeling?

♪♪ Oh my gosh!

I'm just excited to see people.

Like, I haven't seen people in a long time, so I'm excited.

I'm excited.

♪♪ CHEN: It's nice to hear your voice.


It's been, what, nine years

since you last played "Big Brother"?

♪♪ You're aging me.


♪♪ CHEN: Did you ever think you would be standing here

once again on move-in night?

♪♪ God, no.

I did for a while, to be honest, afterwards I thought maybe,

but nine years later I... it was out of my mind.

I was like, "There's no way, it's done, it's in the past."

And I was happy with that.

And here I am. [laughing]

Don't know why. Here I am.

♪♪ CHEN: Here you are.

Well, we all know you've all played "Big Brother" before,

but you've never experienced a night like tonight

because the second you step into the house,

your first competition begins.

And the stakes have never been higher,

because in this competition,

only the first two finishers will advance to the live

Head of Household competition later tonight.

It's time to show you all how this competition works.

When you enter the house, race to the backyard,

where a question awaits.

Search through the house for the answer to that question.

Then, by using your game boards,

lock in your answer and hit your buzzer.

Only the first two to lock in the correct answer

will advance to compete later tonight for a chance to become

the first Head of Household of "Big Brother: All-Stars."

Are you ready?

♪♪ Yes! ♪♪ Yes!

♪♪ CHEN: You look ready.

You look dressed ready, everything.

Camera ready as we say in the business.

All right.

I know you're all anxious to get things started

and they will start in just a few minutes.

Up next, "Big Brother: All-Stars" officially begins

as Nicole, Dani, Da'vonne, and Christmas face off

in the first competition of the summer.

Then "Big Brother" keeps rolling as we reveal

the rest of this summer's All-Star cast.

Stay with us.

♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere

of "Big Brother: All-Stars."

Nicole, Dani, Da'vonne, and Christmas are about to

move into the "Big Brother" house and compete

in the very first competition of the summer.

All right, to recap: once through the doors,

your first competition will immediately begin

The first two... the first two of you

to correctly answer the question in the backyard

will advance to the Head of Household competition,

which will play out live later tonight.

And, remember, we are live right now.

[houseguests laughing] So you only have--

no pressure, no pressure.

Because we're live, and other reasons,

you only have four minutes to play this game.

Are you all ready?

♪♪ Yeah. ♪♪ Yup!

♪♪ CHEN: All right, then ladies, move on in.

The house is yours.

And remember, once you go in, you can take off your mask

and the game starts.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ CHEN: Entre, go ahead and enter.

[houseguest squealing] Yes.

♪♪ Bye, Julie. ♪♪ CHEN: Bye.

♪♪ My legs are Jell-O.

♪♪ Phew.

Good to take that off.

♪♪ You guys ready? ♪♪ Oh yeah.

[Da'vonne exclaiming]

♪♪ sh**t...

♪♪ sh**t. Sorry. Sorry.

[ball dropping]


♪♪ This is heavy.

[ball drops] ♪♪ Goodness!

♪♪ Good job, good job. Oh!

♪♪ No, that one's hard.

[indistinct chatter]

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ What the heck?!

♪♪ Come on, you got it, you got it.

♪♪ Sorry, Dad, I know you're freaking out on me right now.

♪♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

[ball drops]

♪♪ I don't even know if that's physically possible

to get around that corner.

Victor, it's impossible

[ball drops]

♪♪ Stop, stop, stop, stop.

No, no, no, no, no.

♪♪ CHEN: All right, Christmas has...

♪♪ Good job, Christmas!

♪♪ Congratulations, Christmas.

♪♪ Girls, go slow and steady.

Slow, slow, slow and steady.


There's multiple routes.

I know that the side route seems very difficult.


Come on, ladies.

♪♪ CHEN: One minute left on the clock.

♪♪ You guys got it.

Take that green route.

♪♪ Okay...


♪♪ Come on, Nicole, you're like just like moving it

back and forth.

You're not even doing anything.

♪♪ You got it, you got it, you got it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Slow moves. Slow moves.

Little, little, little.

♪♪ Does this take muscle?

♪♪ No, it's just... it's just like... it's like a little bit.

Yeah, there you go.

♪♪ CHEN: seconds left on the clock, ladies.

♪♪ Come on, keep it going, ladies.

[ball drops]

[groaning, indistinct chatter]

♪♪ Breathe through it, breathe through it.

♪♪ Oh my God, I've got to go around this hole.

♪♪ Further than me, Nicole.

♪♪ All the way, all the way, ladies, come on.

♪♪ No, don't go in that hole.


No way!

♪♪ CHEN: I'm sorry, your four minutes are up,

and only Christmas will advance to the Head of Household

competition later tonight.

Well done, Christmas.

All right, ladies, listen up.

I am sure you are all wondering who the other All-Stars are.

Can you hear me ladies?

♪♪ Yes. ♪♪ CHEN: Okay.

Yes, congratulations.

I'm sure you're all wondering who the rest of

the All-Stars are, am I right?

♪♪ Yeah! ♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ CHEN: Well, you're gonna find out whom you're

competing against later tonight.

For now, the four of you will be hidden away.

So, has your favorite All-Star moved in yet?

If not, they could be in our next group.

Find out when we return.

Stay with us.


[indistinct chatter]

♪♪ Hey! ♪♪ How you doing?

♪♪ Good, how are you? ♪♪ Good to see you.

♪♪ Good to see you too.

♪♪ Oh my God, I'm so excited to be here.

♪♪ I am, it's a freaking trip, man.

Like I can't even tell you.

It's weird.

It's really weird.


♪♪ When they called me, I was like, "Are you sure?

Are you sure?"

This is crazy.

♪♪ This is awesome.

♪♪ I was like weeping, and I was like, "I'm happy."

♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere

of "Big Brother: All-Stars."

Just moments ago, Nicole, Dani, Da'vonne, and Christmas

moved into the "Big Brother" house and they have no idea

who will be joining them this summer.

But you get to meet the next four right now.

♪♪ My name's Tyler, I'm from Hilton Head Island,

South Carolina, and I was the runner up from season

and also America's favorite houseguest.

♪♪ CHEN: Tyler!

You are America's favorite houseguest.

♪♪ And on season , I met Angela,

the love of my life.

So I'm the real winner here.

She is, like to the T, the exact type of girl

I would like in the real world.

So, since "Big Brother" ended, we've traveled the world

and we've moved back to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

That looks really good.

♪♪ This is definitely one of my favorite pieces.

♪♪ Angela and I started our jewelry company.

We're pretty much attached at the hip and this is gonna suck

being away from her.

Going into the house this time is gonna be totally different.

I can't rely on my whole dumb surfer dude act.

I'm a beach lifeguard.

♪♪ Nice!

[cheering, laughter]

♪♪ I feel like a major flaw in my game was that I wrote

too many checks that I could not keep-- or wait, what is it?

I wrote too many checks that I couldn't cash?

Yeah, that's what I did, including $,.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ You got my back? ♪♪ I know I have your back.

♪♪ Okay.

It's me and you. It's me or you.

♪♪ In the end, it kind of came back to bite me.

♪♪ CHEN: Congratulations, Kaycee.

You are the winner.

♪♪ I got second place.

So, if I'm going back to "Big Brother,"

I want to do one thing and that's win and prove

that I am one of the greatest players.

♪♪ My name is Ian, I currently live in Houston, Texas,

and I was on season of "Big Brother."

Actually, I won season of "Big Brother."

I was looking at the data and it has a really high

R-squared value, so that's definitely interesting to see.

I've definitely grown up a lot.

Grandma gonna give me a spanking when I get home.

I have a real job, a girlfriend.

I'm not a kid anymore.


♪♪ CHEN: Ian is seconds away.

Congratulations, Ian, you have won!

♪♪ Yes!

♪♪ My first season on "Big Brother"

I was extremely competitive.

I won H.O.H. four times, and on top of that,

I won two vetoes just to save my hide when I needed to.

I have to honor my commitment to Dan.

So I vote to evict Danielle.

I ended up sitting in the final two next to

one of the greatest players of all time

and then completely thrashed him in the jury vote, -.

♪♪ CHEN: Congratulations, Ian!

[cheers and applause]

You are the winner of "Big Brother"!

♪♪ I think what's going to be really difficult is

people know that I'm smart, so to throw people off,

I think I need to just kind of play dumb for a while.

♪♪ Yeah. ♪♪ Just act like a dumbass.

My strategy this time is going to be a little bit different.

I'm going to just go ahead and hibernate for weeks,

and then turn on my competition ability at the end,

and surprise everyone for the second time.

Wow, what a great shot.

That's literally the perfect number.

I think what I want to prove is that I've still got it.

I think I can beat up on pretty much anybody at this game

just because I'm smart.

♪♪ Hi, my name is Kevin from "Big Brother ,"

and on my season I came in third place.

Google me.

I'll give you a second.

You done? Okay.

I live in Chula Vista, California.

Last time I played "Big Brother," I was younger,

just a graphic designer.

Whoo! ♪♪ Good luck to everybody.

♪♪ But now I'm senior creative director at an ad agency,

so I'm a lot more experienced.


My favorite shade.

There's a character that I have, her name is Miss Anita Veto.

She may come with me onto "Big Brother" because

she's a lot more confident than Kevin,

and Miss Anita Veto will leave them gagged.

[smacks lips]

Is that the fastest you can go?

Come on, there we go, yes.

Me and my hus have been together for years,

but we recently got married a year and a half ago.

I'm going to bring home some money so that way we can

[sing-songy]: expand our family.

It's been my husband and I's dream to adopt a child.

And winning the "Big Brother" prize would make that dream

come true.

I feel like my "Big Brother" legacy is I backstabbed

America's sweetheart.

I'm sorry, Jordan, to have to do this,

but I'm going to have to vote to evict your friend Jeff.

I was one competition away from winning my season

and losing the final H.O.H. lost me the game.

♪♪ CHEN: Congratulations, Jordan.

You're the final Head of Household.

♪♪ I should have been a former winner,

but I'm going to be the next winner.

I'm gonna fight but not like fight-fight like this--

ew, ew, ew.

Ew, no.

Fight like, you know, snatch a crown.

I'm coming for you, "BB ."

I will not let that slip through my hands ever again.

♪♪ The cat's out the big.

I'm back.

I'm Enzo, the meow-meow,

from Bayonne, New Jersey, and I was on season .

A lot has changed since "Big Brother" ten years ago.

I got a daughter and a son, ten and seven years old.

♪♪ How many cousins do you think I have?

♪♪ Oh my God, I lost count.

♪♪ I got a three-floor house.

My aunt is in the basement, who shaves my back.

I got my mom on the second floor, who cooks for me.

♪♪ What'd you do today, Nico?

♪♪ And I'm upstairs in the penthouse with my kids.

I love my life.

♪♪ You're gonna go all the way this time.

The meow-meow is back!

♪♪ The last time I played "Big Brother," I started one of

the greatest alliances of all time.

What's the name of the squad?

Like I thought The Brigade.

We're The Brigade, bro.

♪♪ I like it. ♪♪ Beast.

We dominated the whole season.

♪♪ CHEN: Monet, Rachel, Britney, you've been evicted

from the "Big Brother" house.

♪♪ No one even knew in the house that The Brigade even existed.

It took me all the way to the end

and I almost won the season 'cause of it.

The biggest mistake I feel the last time I played

was getting to the end with two dudes that were just

better than me physically.

♪♪ CHEN: Enzo, you are the last person to be evicted

from the "Big Brother" house.

♪♪ I didn't win that many competitions on my first season.

But now I'm in like the best shape of my life, man.

I bike ride seven miles a day.

I workout every day.

So I will win some competitions, I promise you that.

I'm gonna be in this house with a bunch of All-Stars,

but legends laugh at All-Stars.

I'm just a genius, man, I'm a mastermind.

I'm gonna mix it up in there, and do me, man, and witness,

and be one of the greats to ever play this game.

The meow-meow is back!

Let's get it!


♪♪ CHEN: Kevin, Tyler, Ian, and Enzo, welcome back,

and welcome to "Big Brother: All-Stars."

Standing on stage right now, are first, second,

and two third-place finishers.

And I have the same question for each of you.

One word answer, okay?

In a word, what will it take for you to get back

to finale night?


♪♪ Anything!

♪♪ CHEN: Tyler?

♪♪ No idea.

♪♪ CHEN: No idea, two words, but that's okay.

♪♪ Two words. ♪♪ CHEN: Enzo?

You've been evicted for two words-- I'm kidding.

Ian, Ian, Ian.

♪♪ Luck. ♪♪ CHEN: Luck?

♪♪ Definitely luck.

♪♪ CHEN: Okay. Enzo?

♪♪ Pop Dukes.

♪♪ CHEN: Pop Dukes.

♪♪ That's my father, my father, man.

♪♪ CHEN: All right.


Now, you've all played this game before, but this is a move-in

like no other.

The second you step through the door,

your first competition immediately begins.

You were all just briefed on the rules, am I right?

♪♪ Mm-hmm. ♪♪ Correct.

♪♪ CHEN: You know, great, are you ready?

Yes, okay. ♪♪ I guess so.

♪♪ CHEN: Remember-- well, too bad cause I'm gonna

send you guys in.

Now remember, the second you get in,

you may take off your mask.

And the second you get in the competition starts.

And guess what?

House is yours. Go on in.

♪♪ Oh my God! Oh my God!

♪♪ A little early.


♪♪ Hello, BB.

♪♪ [laughing]: Oh my God.

♪♪ [laughing]: I went to the wrong room.

♪♪ CHEN: Remember we're looking for the first two to finish

this competition.



You're one of the first two finishers.

That means tonight, live, you will be competing

in tonight's Head of Household competition.

♪♪ Told you it's luck.

♪♪ CHEN: All we need is one more winner.

There's one more slot open.

Keep trying, keep trying.

Breathe, relax, concentrate.

And we have a second winner, Kevin!

Kevin and Ian, congratulations to the two of you.

The bathroom was the correct answer.

You have both advanced to tonight's live

Head of Household competition.

Meanwhile, Enzo, Tyler, the two of you are now both in jeopardy

and one of you could be the first All-Star to get evicted.

♪♪ No!

♪♪ Aren't we all in jeopardy though?

♪♪ CHEN: So who are the next All-Stars to move in?

And once the house is full, how will everyone react

when we reveal a brand new twist that can keep not just one,

but two houseguests safe on eviction night.

Stay with us.

♪♪ I knew go slow.

I knew. I knew.

♪♪ I knew if you go fast, off.

♪♪ Oh my, we're in the "Big Brother" house, dude!

This is nuts, man, I can't believe this!

♪♪ My, my idiot head.

I'm sitting here and I'm going on this end like,

"Where's the handles?"

When I first got out here. ♪♪ Get over here.

♪♪ You know, that's great.

♪♪ I went past the bath, the circle like six times.

I dropped it right...

♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere

of "Big Brother: All Stars."

So far, eight former houseguests have begun the battle

for a half million dollars, but there are still eight more

who will be joining them.

It's time for you to meet the next four women.

♪♪ Come on, Mommy!

♪♪ Yes! Yes!

♪♪ I did not land it.

Hi, I'm Janelle.

I was in "Big Brother ," "Big Brother: All Stars,"

and season .


I've added to my family, I now have three children.

♪♪ Are ya hungry?

♪♪ Hey, look, you just dropped it.

Now I'm not eating that.

♪♪ And I have a very successful real estate business.

Real estate is the perfect career for me

because I'm a very competitive person.

I compete against other agents all the time and I love it.

My "Big Brother" legacy is most competition wins in a season.

♪♪ CHEN: You are the Head of Household.

♪♪ And that I got rid of Dr. Will in "All-Stars."

I vote to evict you, Will.


Buxom mixed with brains is a deadly combination.

The other All-Stars should absolutely fear me

because I was in the final three twice,

and I'm one of the best players to have ever played

that has never won.

You are an amazing, amazing player,

but I have to evict you, Janelle,

because I have a promise to keep.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ I love you, but I have to evict you, sweetie.

♪♪ It's fine.

I'm not mad.

Do I have the bod that I did at ?

Definitely not.

But just because you're doesn't make you better

than a person that's a little bit older.

I want to prove that you can be a great competitor

and a great "Big Brother" player no matter what your age.

♪♪ Do really good. ♪♪ Thanks, I will.

♪♪ Bye! ♪♪ Bye!

I'm gonna be laser focused on that win.

As I say, fourth time is the diamond, because diamonds are

a girl's best friend.

♪♪ My name is Bayleigh, I live in downtown Los Angeles,

and I was on season of "Big Brother."

♪♪ You look great, baby.

That's my wife!

♪♪ So much has changed since I was last

in the "Big Brother" house.

Now I live the life of my dreams as a model, a wife,

and most importantly a dog mom.


Oh my God!

Okay, this is exciting!

The first time I was on "Big Brother,"

it was a roller coaster.

♪♪ Swaggy. Swaggy. ♪♪ What's up, buddy?

♪♪ I fell in love with Swaggy.

I think you're my favorite.

Which also was a detriment to my game.

♪♪ CHEN: Bayleigh, you are evicted from

the "Big Brother" house.

I was the first jury member of season .

Even though I finished in th place,

I got the love of my life.

♪♪ Will you marry me? ♪♪ Yes, yes, yes!

[cheers and applause]

So this time around a showmance is not really optional.

♪♪ Clearly! ♪♪ Yeah.

I'm leaving Swaggy at home.

There's no showmance.

My game is % clear and focused on winning.

I plan to be Backstabbing Bay.

I have no loyalties in the house.

I want to play with the best, because in order to be the best,

you have to beat the best.

♪♪ "Big Brother " is all yours.

And I believe in you.

♪♪ I am going to run this "Big Brother" house.

♪♪ I'm Nicole Anthony from Long Island, New York,

and I a finished third on "Big Brother ."

I am still living at home with my whole family.

They are my absolute best friends in this world.

They are my world.

Also did I mention my dad's birdhouse wall?

[bird chirping]

When you met me last season, I was working at a preschool,

but now I am a podcast co-host.

♪♪ Nicole, how are you doing?

♪♪ I am doing so super- de-duper well.

I cover reality television and I interview reality TV stars.

I love it, I honestly feel like I finally found my niche.

And I cannot wait to talk with our guests about all of it.

From last year this year I have changed tremendously.

I've just become so much more comfortable in my own skin.

My transformation definitely happened, I would say,

during my "BB " journey.

Obviously, I had some low points and not having my parents

to fall back on or my sisters to confide in,

I was forced to make decisions on my own and it strengthens you

a lot as a person.

[cheers and applause]

And that's something that I appreciated so much.

♪♪ I love you both, and I'm sorry,

but Nicole I vote to evict you.

♪♪ I'm extremely proud that I came in third,

but I want to do better.

Obviously, I didn't go with my gut last year.

This time we do better.

We get to second or we get to first.

Like I'm trusting my gut this year.

This gut knows what it's saying.

And I'm listening.


Ring, ring, what's that? My gut.


♪♪ I'm Keesha from "Big Brother ."

♪♪ Oh my God!

♪♪ I work at a restaurant in Malibu.

Anything outdoors I'm totally up for.

I have three dogs and they're literally my children.

So leaving them this time is really hard.


The first time that I was on "Big Brother"

I was voted America's favorite.

[cheers and applause]

And one of the most memorable things that everyone remembers

is my birthday party on "Big Brother ."

It was pretty crazy and wild.

The same thing you did to me last week!

♪♪ I wasn't even involved.

I was sitting down. ♪♪ Shut up!

Looking back on that night, in that moment,

it was very awkward.

If I could change anything, I wouldn't have been

so trusting of people.

♪♪ I got your back, darling.

♪♪ Because, ultimately, that's what got me kicked off

at the end.

Unfortunately, Dan and Memphis never intended to take me along,

and they kicked me out the door.

♪♪ I vote to evict Keesha.

♪♪ I feel like now that I am -something...


...that I've matured a lot more.

This time around, I plan on coming on more strong,

making more moves and maybe not be so trusting of everyone.

I think that people may perceive me as a weak player,

but the All-Stars need to understand

that I'm a very smart person, and they need to watch.

♪♪ CHEN: Nicole, Janelle, Bayleigh, and Keesha,

welcome back and welcome to "Big Brother: All Stars."

Nicole, I want to start with you.

We heard you say over and over again last season in the house,

you're such a super fan.

So how does it feel to be back?

♪♪ Oh my gosh, absolutely incredible.

It's like I never left, but just seeing these three

incredible beautiful women that I've been fans of for years,

just incredible, absolutely incredible.

♪♪ CHEN: Well you're an All-Star now.

All right, Jenelle, you competed in "Big Brother ,"

then "Big Brother ,"

which was the first ever All-Star season.

Then you came back for "Big Brother ."

All in, you have spent days in the "Big Brother house."

What is it that keeps you coming back?

♪♪ Oh man, I have such a love for this game,

that I just can't say no.

I love playing "Big Brother."

♪♪ CHEN: All right, who's ready to compete?

You all look ready.

♪♪ Yeah. ♪♪ CHEN: All right.

As you were all briefed earlier, the first two of you

to correctly answer the question in the backyard

will earn the opportunity to compete for Head of Household

live later tonight.

Are you ready? ♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ CHEN: Remember, once you go into the house,

you may take off your mask.

Good luck, ladies, and move on in.


♪♪ Oh my God!

♪♪ Oh!

[ball drops]

♪♪ CHEN: Remember, we're looking for the first two of you

to finish this game.

The first two finishers move on to tonight's live, and first,



[ball drops, groaning]

♪♪ No!

♪♪ CHEN: Slow and steady always wins the...

[ball drops]

[houseguest crying out, ball drops]

[ball drops]

♪♪ No!

♪♪ CHEN: Keep trying. Keep trying.

♪♪ Oh my God!

♪♪ CHEN: Keep trying.

♪♪ Wow.

[ball drops]

That's okay, keep trying, ladies.

♪♪ This is insane.

♪♪ CHEN: Nicole... ♪♪ Good job, mama.

So proud of you. ♪♪ CHEN: Congratulations.

All we need is... we have one minute left,

and one more slot.

♪♪ Come on, ladies.

♪♪ CHEN: Nicole, for sure you are advancing to the

Head of Household competition later tonight.

♪♪ Oh my God, seriously?

♪♪ CHEN: seconds left.

♪♪ Good job, ladies, you look beautiful.

♪♪ Thank you.


♪♪ CHEN: I'm sorry, your four minutes are up,

and only Nicole will advance

to the H.O.H. competition later tonight.

♪♪ I almost had it twice too!

♪♪ Oh my God, I know.

♪♪ That was so hard!

♪♪ That was so hard!

♪♪ Congratulations. ♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Oh my God!

Frustrating, but you did well.

[indistinct chatter]

♪♪ I literally had it at the very end and it dropped off.

♪♪ Same. Twice.

[indistinct chatter]

♪♪ I'm pissed.

♪♪ CHEN: The house is almost full, but we're not done yet.

The final group of All-Stars moves in next.

Then the epic battle for the first Head of Household begins.

Stay with us.

♪♪ Get into that corner, and just roll...

♪♪ I couldn't just roll right out.

♪♪ Yeah. ♪♪ [inaudible]

♪♪ You did a pretty good... ♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Yeah, I was, I was in... ♪♪ You did very well.

♪♪ I almost got it, but... ♪♪ You almost had it...

♪♪ I'm so impressed.

♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere

of "Big Brother: All-Stars."

Twelve houseguests are in, four more to go.

Here are the last four All-Stars.

♪♪ I love this picture right here.

But you know, one of my fondest memories

was actually from not too long ago.

"Big Brother ."

Those were some good times.

Hey, I'm Kaysar from "Big Brother "

and "Big Brother: All-Stars."


Last time you saw me, I was , now I'm .

I've been married for six years

and I've got a four-year-old son.


Being a husband and father

has made me a lot more empathetic.

I think I'm definitely outside of my head a lot more...

Ooh, careful.

And being a dad, I'm always ready for chaos.

I'm a practicing Muslim.

I have to pray five times a day.

It grounds me in a way where I actually am able

to control my emotions, and I use that to my advantage.

Since "Big Brother: All-Stars,"

I've actually traveled the world,

and right now I'm an executive at a biotech company.

♪♪ [on phone]: Sure, what's up? ♪♪ Yeah,

I just want to talk to you

about our strategic roadmap.

The things that I focus on daily are new ways

to disrupt the industry

and keep our competition on their toes.

That's really what

the "Big Brother" house is all about.

I was a fan favorite the last time around.

♪♪ CHEN: More than five million votes were cast,

the person America has chosen to move back inside

the "Big Brother" house

is Kaysar.

♪♪ I made big moves and played extremely strategically.

No one ever sees me coming.

I sealed your partner's fate.

They're always going to be two steps behind.


The two times I've played this game,

I've never made it to the sorority house,

but this time my goal is to make it all the way.

I want to make sure that people understand

I'm an extremely dangerous player.

♪♪ I'm Cody from Howell, New Jersey,

and I'm the runner up from "Big Brother ."

I'm a real estate agent and head soccer coach.

♪♪ So what are you gonna miss the most

this time when you're gone?

♪♪ My video games.

♪♪ Figures as much.

♪♪ And my girlfriend.

The first time I was on "Big Brother,"

I was single, so I was able to flirt,

I was able to get close with the girls,

and so this time I'm going to have to dial back

the flirtiness with the girls, because I've been

in a relationship now for over four years.

♪♪ But you're gonna make it far, right?

You're not going to like, come from the first week.

♪♪ I don't plan on coming home the first week.

Why, are you going to still be here

if I get booted on week one?

♪♪ I'll be here for you, but it would be really embarrassing.

♪♪ [laughs]

My "Big Brother" legacy is definitely

being one half of the Hitmen Alliance,

one of the best duos that have played the game.

♪♪ Hitmen. ♪♪ [grunts]

♪♪ Oh my God. ♪♪ Hell yeah.

♪♪ But also falling short, because I chose to

go to the final two with that duo

instead of taking somebody

that I had a better chance of beating.

♪♪ It's my ride-or-die guy,

I started with him on day two.

Gotta make it to the final two.

I'm so sorry, Victoria, you know I love you.

When everybody says that I was a puppet of Derek,

I feel like it's just somebody that really didn't understand

what was happening in the game.

Derek couldn't have made the decisions he made

without my information.

I was a good player, good socially, good at competitions.

So I have to prove that I wasn't just being carried

to the final two.

I can get myself there no matter what.

Babe. ♪♪ Love you.

♪♪ There's no doubt in my mind that I'm going on this season

and I'm gonna win.

All right, daddy-o. ♪♪ No!

Not this time.

♪♪ My name is Memphis.

I'm from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

You probably remember me from "Big Brother ."

I was the losing half of the Renegade Squad.

♪♪ CHEN: The winner of "Big Brother ."

[cheers and applause]

♪♪ Since being on "Big Brother," I've been opening restaurants.

I've opened restaurants in L.A., Las Vegas, and Miami.

When we start tasting for that menu,

I think we've really got to look at, like,

what the market wants to eat.

All right, you ready for breakfast?

The biggest thing I'm gonna miss is my son River.

I see him every day,

and he's the reason I do everything that I do.

♪♪ I'll miss you. ♪♪ You'll miss me.

I'll miss you a lot too, actually.

He's my life.

He's everything I have.


Yeah, that's exactly how you do it.

So the last time I was on the show,

me and Dan, we created an alliance like no other

and a lot of people think that they created them,

whether it be the Hitmen,

and these people that think Cody and these guys

that think they knew what they were doing,

they have nothing on me and Dan.

How about the Renegades?

♪♪ I'll do Renegades, I'm in.

♪♪ I think I have everything to prove

going back into that house,

because I played an entire game and I lost -.

Looking back at that time in the "Big Brother" house,

I'm pretty sure that I was playing checkers

while Dan Gheesling was playing chess.

This time I'm gonna be methodical about my game

and I'm gonna cutthroat.

As soon as I see an alliance

that I think is going to be against me,

I'm throwing a b*mb in that alliance.

I've got all the tricks in the book

and I'm gonna be the last man standing.

Straight to L.A. Here we go.

♪♪ I'm David and I'm from "Big Brother ."

I'm originally from Atlanta, but I'm now living in L.A.

Working in sales, traveling the West Coast.

I love it here.

This is a new chapter in my life.

I've just been doing a lot of self-reflection.

Still working on the physical side,

but now it's been a big focus on mental.

Exploring hiking, meditation, and reading more.

Meditation is going to help me in "Big Brother"

because I can really calm my mind down

in stressful situations.

So when everybody is losing their mind in that house,

I'm just gonna be in zen.

My game play for "Big Brother" is playing the social game.

Playing nice, playing trust,

building alliances with everybody.

My biggest asset is ability to read people.

I can tell when someone's lying.

♪♪ Because there's no alliances.

♪♪ There are alliances. You're just...

♪♪ Not in it? ♪♪ Not privy to them.

"Big Brother ."

I got taken out night one on a twist.

♪♪ CHEN: David, you have lost this competition...

♪♪ All right. ♪♪ CHEN: And are out of

the Big Brother house. ♪♪ Okay.

So I was the first one evicted,

but never voted out.

I'm out to prove that I can stay in the house.

I do not want any day one evictions,

no crazy twists.

I'm back to win this time.

David, Memphis, Cody, and Kaysar.

Good to see you all again, and welcome

to "Big Brother: All-Stars."

David, It's been a year since we last saw you.

Kaysar, it has been years

and we will talk more later tonight.

But right now I have a question for Cody and Memphis.

The two of you were both members of legendary duos,

the Renegades and the Hitmen.

Who's the better duo?

♪♪ The Renegades. ♪♪ CHEN: Whoa, uh--

Wait, we can't see whose lips are moving.

Cody. Your duo was the Hitmen.

You say the better duo was?

♪♪ The Hitmen.

♪♪ CHEN: Okay, you're saying yours.


♪♪ I gotta go with the Renegades.

♪♪ CHEN: Of course.

All right, well you've all been briefed on

tonight's first competition.

The second you walk in, it starts.

Are you ready? ♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ CHEN: Remember, once you walk in,

you may take off your mask.

Good luck everyone.

Remember only two of you will be advancing

to the live Head of Household competition later tonight.

The other two could see their game come to an end next week.

Got it?

All right, then move on in.

♪♪ CHEN: We're just looking for the first two finishers.

First two of you to finish will advance to--


No, not yet.

The first two of you to finish this game

will advance to tonight's

live Head of Household competition.

[balls rolling]

All right, Memphis is the first to finish.

There's another slot open.

And Cody.

All right, congratulations to Memphis and Cody.

The comics room was the correct room.

You have both advanced

to the Head of Household competition

that will happen live later tonight.

Up next, all All-Stars meet face-to-face,

the Head of Household competition plays out live,

and it wouldn't be an All-Star summer

without an all-new All-Star twist.

Stay with us.

[indistinct chatter]

♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere

of "Big Brother: All-Stars."

All-Stars have moved in,

but not everyone has seen each other yet.

Time to change that.

Hello again, gentlemen.

Hello, hello, houseguests.


All right,

Just like the four of you,

the rest of the houseguests moved in in pods of four.

Each pod has been kept separate,

but now it's time for all of you to come together

and find out who you'll be living with

and competing against for the half million dollar grand prize.

Okay, here are four of your housemates.

[stairs clanking]

♪♪ Who is that?


♪♪ Oh my God!

♪♪ [clapping] ♪♪ Oh my gosh!

[cheering, exclaiming]

♪♪ Oh my God!

♪♪ Hi! I know you.


Nice to meet you!

[houseguests chattering]


♪♪ CHEN: All right.

I need everyone to take a seat.

Houseguests, I need eight--

all eight of you to please take a seat.

Take a seat... [house guests chattering]

Hugs later, we got...

Hey, you want to meet the rest of-- yeah.

♪♪ Yeah, bring 'em on, bring 'em on.

♪♪ CHEN: Yeah, we don't want you blocking those cameras, so--

yeah, sit down, thanks.

And help me seat the next group,

'cause I know everyone wants to hug, okay.

Time to meet the next four.

[houseguests chatting quietly]

♪♪ CHEN: Come on down.

Just like "The Price is Right," come on down.


♪♪ Oh my gosh, oh my gosh...

♪♪ Yeah! Oh!

♪♪ CHEN: Go on into the living room.

♪♪ Hi!

♪♪ Hey! [houseguests cheering]

♪♪ Oh my God. [chattering]

♪♪ Oh we've got... ♪♪ CHEN: Don't be shy.

Get on in there.

[houseguests chatting, laughing]

♪♪ Hey! Oh my God! ♪♪ Kaysar!

[chattering continues]

♪♪ CHEN: All right, I need everyone to take a seat.

The last person seated gets evicted tonight.

I'm just kidding.

You're not listening.

All right, everyone take a seat.

Take a seat, take a seat.

The last person seated gets evicted.

Kidding. ♪♪ Whoops.

♪♪ CHEN: I really need you to listen to me.

All right, everyone.

Time to meet.

Listen up.

Time to meet the final four All-Stars.

Come on down, come on down.

♪♪ Whoa! ♪♪ Yeah!

[houseguests cheering]

♪♪ I'm so scared.

♪♪ Holy cow!

♪♪ Hey, girl.

[laughter, chattering]

♪♪ Hi!

[chattering continues]

♪♪ CHEN: All right, houseguests,

listen up...

and sit down.


[houseguests chattering]


[chattering continues]


All-Stars, All-Stars, All-Stars, All-Stars.

All-Stars. Take a seat.


No one's listening.

All right, all right.

Have a seat.

And this time, I'm serious,

the last one seated gets evicted.

Oh yeah, I like how this works.

All right, that was a joke.

Now, I know some of you know each other,

or at least know of each other.

Let's all catch up.

I want to welcome everyone to the All-Star loft.

Keesha, I'm going to begin with you.

What do you think of your new house?

♪♪ I'm so excited. [laughs]

It's beautiful.

♪♪ CHEN: Now, a lot has changed for many of you

since you last played "Big Brother."

By a show of hands, who has gotten married since

they first played the game?

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven.

I always say we have like,

more marriages than "The Bachelor."

I'm serious.

♪♪ I got divorced.

♪♪ CHEN: Oh, I didn't ask about divorce.

You got married and divorced.

♪♪ Divorced!

♪♪ CHEN: Okay, why not, show of hands.

Three people got divorced.

[chatter dies down]

All right.

And by show of hands,

who now has children since they first played the game?

One, two three,

four, five,


Yep, Janelle, keep it up.

Okay, wow.

Nicole F.

Third time in the house.

Tell the truth.

What's tougher: playing "Big Brother"

or planning your dream wedding to Victor,

former "BB" houseguest.

- Planning a wedding is really, really tough.

I'd say-- while in a pandemic,

while going in the "Big Brother" house,

Victor is now in charge, so I'm a little worried.


♪♪ CHEN: Now if he turns into bridezilla--

no, I'm kidding.

And I'm sure you're not a bridezilla.

♪♪ No. [chuckling]

I'm not!

♪♪ CHEN: Bayleigh.

This is the first time

you have seen your All-Star competition.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ CHEN [chuckling]: "Yeah," she says.

What do you think? ♪♪ If I can deal with Swaggy,

I can deal with these people. I'm okay.


♪♪ CHEN: Hey, you married the guy.

♪♪ And I love him.

♪♪ CHEN: There you go. ♪♪ There we go.

♪♪ CHEN: All right, Kevin.

What about you?

What are your thoughts on this group?

♪♪ Oh my God, I'm so gagged right now.

My mind is like-- [silly noise]

That's all I can think.


[someone mimics silly noise]

♪♪ CHEN: Okay.

We'll have to determine

what [silly noise] means later.

Thank you, everybody.

Stay right there.

As you all know, each week, Head of Household

is the most powerful position in the house.

Free from the threat of eviction,

the H.O.H. must put two house guests

on the chopping block.

Six of you have earned the right to compete for that title

and that competition will begin shortly,

but I need everybody to head to the backyard right now

and we will get started shortly.

♪♪ I'm so excited.

♪♪ CHEN: Coming up:

Which All-Star will be crowned

our first Head of Household of the summer?

Find out next, stay with us.

[houseguests chattering]

♪♪ I'm so glad I'm not like...


♪♪ Hey! Good to see you!

♪♪ How are you?


♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere

of "Big Brother: All-Stars."

It's time for the first

Head of Household competition of the summer.

Each week the houseguests will compete

to become the H.O.H.

The winner is safe for the week,

but he or she must nominate two others for eviction.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

Hello All-Stars, and welcome to "BB" City,

where you'll be living and competing all summer long.

This is your first Head of Household competition

of the summer.

Six of you have advanced to compete for H.O.H.

This competition is called Star Steppin',

and here's how it works.

One at a time, you will race across the star-studded field

in an attempt to get to the other side

and lock in your time.

Listen up.

Some stars are solid, some not so solid,

so your memory is key, because if you fall,

you must return to the starting platform and try again.

The houseguests across the field in the fastest time

once everyone has made their run

will be the first Head of Household of "BB: All-Stars."

If you do not lock in your time by the end of three minutes,

you'll be eliminated.

And to make things a little more exciting:

if you are eliminated from this competition,

you must pick up an envelope from the table.

Do not open that envelope until I tell you to.

Some of the envelopes contain something good,

others not so good.

Your order was determined at random,

and Memphis, you're up first.

And because we don't want those waiting to see your path,

I need the rest of you who are competing

to please go behind the wall.

Memphis, you can step on up.

I'll wait for everyone to... ♪♪ It's gonna hurt.

♪♪ CHEN: Go behind the wall. ♪♪ I'm ready.

♪♪ CHEN: Yeah.

All right, now listen up.

Your time begins as soon as you hear the horn.

Okay? Good luck.


[houseguests groans]

[houseguests groan]


[encouraging cheers]

♪♪ There you go, there you go.

♪♪ That's right. [clapping]

♪♪ [groans]

♪♪ Stay strong.

♪♪ There you go.

♪♪ Oh...

[cheering] ♪♪ There you go!

You got it, get that steppin'.

There you go. ♪♪ There you go.

[bell ringing] [cheering]

♪♪ CHEN: All right, Memphis.

You finished in one minute, seconds, ..

And look at this way, you're in first place right now

because you're the only one who has played,

that is the time to beat.

All right, Cody, you're up next.

Cody, come on out, step up to the starting platform.

♪♪ Sounded painful, bro. ♪♪ CHEN: And remember--

Oh-- remember Cody, your time begins on the horn.

[horn blares]

[houseguest mumbling]

♪♪ All right! All right now!

[houseguests encouraging]

[bell ringing] [cheering]

♪♪ CHEN: Well, guess what?

. seconds.

That will put you in the lead.

Sorry, Memphis, you have been dethroned.

Step down and take an envelope.

Cody, stay in the winner circle there.

All right.


You are next, step up.

If you want to dethrone

who's in the lead, which is Cody,

you have to beat his time of . seconds.

And remember, as soon as you hear the horn,

that means your clock has started.

[cracks knuckles]


♪♪ [grunts]

♪♪ That's okay.

♪♪ There you go, there you go.


♪♪ There you go.

There you go! [buzzer]

[houseguests groaning]

♪♪ CHEN: Sorry, you could not beat his score.

Now listen up, hang on, Christmas.


Memphis, I need you to take an envelope

before Christmas does.

but do not open that envelope yet.

After Memphis takes his envelope,

then Christmas, you get to take an envelope.

All right.

Thank you.


This is getting exciting, you guys.

All right, Cody is in the lead,

but there's still three more All-Stars to go.

I'll be back in a moment

to finish this competition, All-Stars.

When we return,

we'll crown the first Head of Household live.

Then-- these All-Stars may think they know this game.

But what would premiere night be without a twist?

Stay with us.

♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere of

"Big Brother: All-Stars."

We are halfway through the first

Head of Household competition of the summer.

Let's return to the backyard and let's crown a winner.

All right, Cody is currently in the lead,

having finished his race in . seconds.

Kevin, that is the time to beat.

And you know, as soon as you hear that horn,

your clock starts.


♪♪ Ooh. ♪♪ It's all right...



♪♪ CHEN: Sorry, Kevin.

Now Kevin, don't forget,

you need to grab an envelope,

but do not open it.

Just grab one and join the others.

Little recap here, Cody is in the lead,

having finished this race in . seconds.

Waiting for everything to stop wobbling.


Nicole, come on out.

You're up next.


Thank you for stepping up.

♪♪ Okay. ♪♪ CHEN: Don't forget,

. seconds is the score to beat

if you want to be

the first Head of Household of the summer.

As soon as you hear that horn,

your time-- your clock starts.


♪♪ Ooh!

I think-- I'm sorry.

♪♪ Uh-oh.


[houseguests groan]



♪♪ CHEN: Sorry, Nicole.

Nicole... ♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ CHEN: Don't forget, grab an envelope.

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ CHEN: Do not open the envelope right now.

Just hold on to it and join the others.

♪♪ Don't open it.

Thanks, guys.

♪♪ CHEN: Ian, come on out.


Ian, either you or Cody...

♪♪ Gonna be tough.

♪♪ CHEN: Either you or Cody will become

the first Head of Household of the summer.

Remember, if you want to dethrone him,

you've got to complete this race in less than . seconds.

Go ahead and step on up to the starting platform.

And don't forget,

as soon as you hear that horn, your clock starts.




♪♪ All right.


♪♪ I can't even remember.


♪♪ CHEN: Wow, sorry Ian, but congratulations, Cody.

You are the first Head of Household

of "Big Brother: All Stars."


♪♪ Love that.

Just a little lucky there.

[houseguests chattering]

♪♪ I was like, how am I doing...

But it's just like, picking the one thing.


♪♪ Congratulations. ♪♪ Well done.

♪♪ Congratulations!

[chattering continues]

♪♪ CHEN: Up next, I'll talk privately with Cody

in the diary room.

And just what is in those envelopes?

Stay with us.

♪♪ It's sparkly. [chattering]

♪♪ It's terrifying!

♪♪ CHEN: Welcome back to the live premiere

of "Big Brother: All Stars."

Just moments ago,

Cody became the first H.O.H. of the summer.

Let's head to the diary room and talk with him.

Hello and congratulations, Cody.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ CHEN: Well done, well done. ♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ CHEN: Now, just to be clear,

none of the others can hear us, so,

you can feel free to speak your mind.

♪♪ Cool. ♪♪ CHEN: All right, tell me,

first of all, who of your new housemates

were you most surprised to see?

♪♪ Surprised?

Uh... probably Kaysar.

♪♪ CHEN: Why?

♪♪ I don't know. Yeah, he's...

you go way back to get him.

So it was it was actually pretty cool,

but uh, a little surprising.

So I'd say Kaysar.

♪♪ CHEN: Are are you happy that you saw anyone

or a little scared that you saw anyone?

♪♪ Um... definitely, I mean, definitely nervous,

which is why I went for the win,

I did not want to come in and win the first H.O.H.,

but seeing a lot of faces of people

that I've, I've not held any conversations with,

I was like, "You know what?

"I'd rather hold the fate in my hands this week

"because I don't feel like having to move around

and possibly go home week one."

♪♪ CHEN: Oh, so you wanted to win tonight

after you saw your competition?

♪♪ After I saw the faces in the house.

I was like, a lot of people

that I really haven't had any dialogue with for...

since I've been on the show till now,

so I was like, "I don't trust anybody,"

I trust myself and I'd rather let the combos

come to me as the H.O.H.

than have to go and find the conversations.

♪♪ CHEN: Well, are you at all nervous

to be the first Head of Household?

♪♪ Um... ♪♪ CHEN: We always talk about

blood on the hands of the first Head of Household

because you have to nominate

two others for eviction. ♪♪ Yeah, I mean,

I think-- I think it's, you definitely

get blood on your hands, but it's,

it's very easy to pawn it off on

what the house wants and then just fall back,

um... and hope that the person,

one of the people that you nominated in the previous one

don't win the H.O.H. because I'm an easy nom,

but, I mean, I'll take it,

it's-- it's a very low-percentage chance

that one of the people that stay that I put up

win the H.O.H., so I'll deal.

♪♪ CHEN: In season ,

You and Derek were in perfect sync.

♪♪ Yeah. ♪♪ CHEN: The two of you

made it to the end. ♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ CHEN: What do you think it's going to be like

to play without him?

♪♪ Very, very difficult.

He was, in my opinion,

the best player to play the game.

His mind just worked in ways that nobody else's did.

Um, he didn't play with emotions.

He played with strategy,

and I was really emotional and so I would come to him

and he would settle me down

and strategically lay out what we needed to do.

And I trusted him with everything.

Now, like, that trust isn't just there.

So it's-- it's gonna be a completely different game,

but I'm looking forward to it.

♪♪ CHEN: All right, well Cody,

you know one of the great things about being

Head of Household is you do not have to be a Have-Not.

♪♪ I know. That's also why I wanted to win,

because I saw the cards and I was like,

two weeks in slop, not happening.

♪♪ CHEN [chuckling]: We're gonna explain more

to the viewers at home who maybe are new viewers

what Have-Not means. ♪♪ Oh, gotcha.

♪♪ CHEN: But why don't you go ahead back

to the living room, and I'll remind everyone

what being a Have-Not-- all the, all the gory details.

♪♪ [laughing]: Yeah, wonderful. ♪♪ CHEN: Go join the others.

[houseguests chattering]

♪♪ CHEN: All right, hi everyone.

Cody has rejoined you all. ♪♪ Hey.

♪♪ CHEN: Oh all right, I see you're taking a seat.

All right, well, as promised, the five All-Stars

who lost the Head of Household competition

now possess an envelope.

Inside each is either a cash prize...

[houseguests react]

...or a punishment.


And I can now tell you what that punishment is.

The four envelopes that do not contain cash

contain a Have-Not card.

[groaning] ♪♪ No!

♪♪ CHEN: That's right.

The four of you who possess that card

will be Have-Nots for the week.

So it is time, one at a time,

to open the envelopes.

We will start with Ian.

Ian, open your envelope and tell us and show us.

♪♪ It looks like I will be

enjoying the Have-Not diet again.

[clapping] ♪♪ Congrats.

♪♪ CHEN: We'll give details to the viewers at home

what the Have-Not diet is.

All right, Christmas, open up your envelope.

♪♪ This is savage, guys.

[exclaiming]: Oh!


♪♪ CHEN: Wow, congratulations.

You're going home with $, cash,

which means we know who the other three Have-Nots are.

Go ahead and open up and show everyone.

All right.

Well, Memphis, Kevin, Nicole A., and Ian,

you four now hold the honor

of being the first Have-Nots of the summer.

The four of you can head upstairs right now

to see your new room.

Just the four of you, okay.

Now, as you go upstairs,

you're gonna walk past the H.O.H. room,

go upstairs-- you know, the spiral staircase.

♪♪ Yep. ♪♪ Yep.

♪♪ CHEN: Once you go up that staircase...

♪♪ Lead the way. ♪♪ CHEN:'re gonna go

past the H.O.H. room.

Everyone else, thank you for staying where you are.

As Have-Nots,

these four will spend the week taking only cold showers,

eating only Big Brother slop, and worst of all,

they must live in

the most uncomfortable bedroom in the house.

And given this is "Big Brother: All-Stars,"

we have outfitted this room to the extreme.

Uh, guess what? ♪♪ What?

♪♪ CHEN: You gotta crawl to get in.

♪♪ What? ♪♪ What!


♪♪ Oh no. ♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ CHEN: Are you-- go on, go on in,

open the door, crawl on in.

♪♪ Oh my Lord. ♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ CHEN: Well, the crawling starts now.

♪♪ No way. ♪♪ Seriously?

♪♪ CHEN: Yes, I'm serious.

♪♪ Now... ♪♪ Wait, do we slide?

♪♪ We're gonna be like little orphans...

♪♪ CHEN: You have to... ♪♪ Slide or push?

I don't want to break it. ♪♪ I don't think

you're gonna break it. [laughter]

♪♪ I don't.

♪♪ CHEN: Can you get the door open?

I heard "slide or push."

Have you figured out?

♪♪ Is this our room? Is this it?

♪♪ CHEN: No, no, no.

♪♪ All right.

♪♪ CHEN: I'm going to ask our producers in the booth.

Do they slide or push?

♪♪ I mean, I'll break it. ♪♪ Still locked. We think.

♪♪ CHEN: It's still locked you think?

All right then, just stay in the hall for seven days.

I'm kidding.

Do you...

[houseguests laughing]

♪♪ CHEN: Well, as we work out

our technical difficulties,

I will say it's only gonna be seven days

that you have to live in this room.

And we promised you at home we will show it.

And no one ever said winning half million dollars

would be easy.

All right, we'll be right back.

♪♪ CHEN: By the way,

that's what the Have-Not room looks like.

Welcome back to the live premiere of

"Big Brother: All-Stars."

All right, listen up, everyone.

Tune in Sunday to see which two houseguests

Cody nominates for eviction,

and see the Have-Nots move into

that Have-Not room we just showed you.

Plus, we are going to reveal the full details

on the first twist of the summer.

It's called the Safety Suite.

And inside the Safety Suite is something

every single houseguest will want.

Then on Wednesday at :, : Central,

the two nominations could change as the houseguests

battle for the very first power of veto competition

of the summer.

And one week from tomorrow, next Thursday night,

it is the first live vote and eviction.

Nobody wants to be the first person out.

And there is a new way to prevent that.

It's time to tease the houseguests

with the first big twist of the summer.


Hello, houseguests. ♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ CHEN: Are all of you there?

[all confirm]

♪♪ CHEN: First off, we have to apologize

that you couldn't get into the Have-Not room,

but it doesn't get you out of having to live there.

[houseguests chuckling]

Okay? You're gonna see it later tonight.

All right, well, let me ask you something.

It's just...

it wouldn't be premiere night

without some kind of surprise.

ALL: Oh...

♪♪ CHEN: Am I right? [all agree]

All right, listen closely.

You've all lived in the "Big Brother" House before,

but none of you have ever lived in this "Big Brother" house.

Throughout the summer,

new rooms in the house will be revealed to you

and each room will twist up this game like never before.

The first room to be revealed to you

will be the Safety Suite.

Soon, each of you will be given a V.I.P. pass

to the Safety Suite.

So what exactly is this mysterious room

and how exactly does this whole V.I.P. pass thing work?

You'll all find out soon enough.

[houseguests groan and laugh]

Good night... [houseguests groan and laugh]

...and welcome back, everyone.

[cheering and clapping]


Nobody wants to be the first person out,

and the Safety Suite can keep that from happening,

for not one...

but two houseguests.

You'll find out all the details Sunday night.

Now, due to the PGA championship,

we may be delayed in your area.

Be sure to check out Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

on Sunday for more updates.

But if you need more "Big Brother" tonight,

go to and subscribe to CBS All Access

to get the live feeds and more.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the All-Stars.

From outside the new "Big Brother" House,

I'm Julie Chen Moonves, be safe,

be well, and be good to one another.

Good night.

[awed noises]

♪♪ Oh my gosh! ♪♪ Oh my gosh.

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Oh! Let's go. [talking over each other]

♪♪ Wow. ♪♪ Let's go.

♪♪ Oh, this is so lit. ♪♪ Oh my God!

♪♪ So cool. ♪♪ Look at Jerry.

[laughs] ♪♪ Oh my God.

♪♪ That's cool, that's dope. ♪♪ Bayleigh!

♪♪ Yes, baby? ♪♪ Oh my God.

♪♪ What is that, me and my man? ♪♪ That's your man.

♪♪ It's my man! [squeals]

♪♪ I want to see your man. [talking over each other]

♪♪ Everyone's just saying "your man"...

♪♪ Bayleigh. [chattering]

♪♪ Let me show you his...

I love this chair, though.

♪♪ There we go. ♪♪ Sorry, baby.

♪♪ [whispering]: And this.


Aw. ♪♪ I love that.

♪♪ I'm surprised the combination of him and Derek

that neither one of them are here.

I'm, like, really surprised. ♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ How cool is that, though? ♪♪ Wow.


♪♪ It's crazy like that.

♪♪ This is dope, man.

♪♪ This is crazy. ♪♪ It's dope.


♪♪ When are we getting these things off?

♪♪ Oh my God! [chattering]

♪♪ I want a seat right here.

I'm gonna be right here. ♪♪ I'm gonna be like...

[chattering, laughter]

♪♪ There you go.

♪♪ There we go, baby.

Yeah. ♪♪ Okay?

♪♪ You like that? You like that?

♪♪ I don't know about waking up to this dude,

but whatever. ♪♪ Why not?

[laughter, chattering] Not that bad.

♪♪ People are... ♪♪ Is that?

♪♪ Yes.

I know.

♪♪ This room has air conditioning, right?

♪♪ They're going to have to turn on the AC, though.

♪♪ Okay, that's... ♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ I like this... ♪♪ Nice and hot in there.

Nice and hot.

♪♪ That's me.

♪♪ Why are these in every room?

♪♪ I think that they haven't heard of the area, y'all.

♪♪ I don't think it's, it can't be like...

♪♪ I don't think they figured it out.

♪♪ What? ♪♪ Isn't good at doing...


♪♪ Oh, there's Rachel.

♪♪ Where? ♪♪ Look.

♪♪ Isn't that totally Rachel?

♪♪ Oh my gosh! She's got a brass knuckle

that says "floaters."

♪♪ Oh my God, she would love that.

That's so cute.