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22x23 - Episode 23

Posted: 05/05/24 12:01
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Previously on Big Brother All-Stars...

three secret powers were hidden in theBB basement.

I'm stuck!

And Dani found the Replay.

DANI: I have the Replay power, which gives me the opportunity

to have the outgoing H.O.H. play in the new H.O.H. competition.

The Committee alliance of six was completely dominating.

-[bell dings] -And their winning streak

continued when Memphis won H.O.H.

Congratulations, Memphis.

You're the new Head of Household.

So he put up two people not in their crew.

I've nominated you, Da'Vonne, and you, Kevin.

Looking toward the end game, Memphis masterminded

two different final three deals with Enzo...

I'm gonna bring one person that would make it final three,

then I'm gonna bring another person,

and we're gonna make the same deal

with this other person.

Enzo is someone that I think I can beat with the jury. with Cody...

Final three. The Wise Guys.

The Wise... [laughs]

...and the other with Christmas.

Final three. The Wise Guys.

I'm not a guy.

It's a term. It's like you're street smart.

-Okay. -Memphis offers me

a final three, and I'm thinking

if I'm sitting next to this guy in the final two seats,

I got a good chance of beating this guy,

so why not take that deal right now?

Meanwhile, Christmas was plotting away

to turn on her allies.

We need David to put up either Nicole or Dani.

That sh**t a fire that the Committee

doesn't have to take. -Yep.

So she weaponized David as her soldier for the w*r ahead.

I want you to think about who Da'Vonne didn't call out.

Sweet Nicole.

She didn't vote the way that she said she did.

DAVID: Not that I know Dani and Nicole

tried to set up as the fall guy, going forward,

I know who my targets are in the Big BrotherHouse.

At the live eviction,

both Dani and Nicole threw Da'Vonne a vote.

-I vote to evict Kevin. -I vote to evict Kevin.

But it wasn't enough to save her game.

JULIE CHEN: By a vote of to ,

Da'Vonne... -Yes. are evicted from the Big BrotherHouse.


With only nine remaining

in the battle for a half million dollars,

the doctor was in to twist up the game.

For the next H.O.H. competition and Veto competition,

you're gonna have an important decision to make.

Go for power or go for prizes.

ANNOUNCER: Tonight, who will score big

in the Head of Household competition,

and which two Houseguests will face the chopping block?

Find out right now onBig Brother!

-Girl, okay. -I'm so sorry.

-Don't pull my wig off, Nicole. -I'm so sorry!


Oh, and I do live right next door,

so youwill be seeing me again.

[Houseguests cheering]

-[laughs] -That was so good.

-Oh. -Oh, my. [laughs]

That's crazy.

He's gonna be yelling at us, talking to him.

That'll be funny, man.

Looks like Dr. Will's living the good life there, man.

Looks like a silver fox now with his hair.

He just looks richer, and then he's talking about money.

I definitely want some money.

-Power or prizes. More? -This is weird.

So whatever that entails, I'm going for the money.

What prize is it? What is it? $,? That's a prize?

Ah. A motorcycle? That might be different.

Like, what kind of prizes?

NICOLE: Before Da'Vonne left,

I didn't tell her that I voted Ian out of the House

because I thought it could cause

more waves for me in the game,

but on day one, I did tell Da'Vonne

that I will not vote her out of the House,

and I'm glad I kept my word on that.

MEMPHIS: Holy hell.

I knew they were gonna do some luxury stuff, dude.


Who do you think the two votes were?

[whispers] I don't know. I vote to evict Kevin.

I vote to evict Kevin.

Do you think David was one?


I wish one of 'em was mine because

if she thinks one of 'em was mine, that'd be good.

I % believe that Nicole and Dani were the votes

to keep Da'Vonne.

They get no Emmys.

I really like Nicole, and I really wanted

to continue to work with her, but let's be real.

I've been really wary of her, and this just sealed the deal.


So, Nicole, you voted for her?

You voted for her?

I said, so youvoted for her?

-You voted for her? -No. Did you?

-[laughs] No. -You're a stupid liar.

-I didn't. -Swear on everything.

I wish...I wish I would have.

-You swear? -I swear. I didn't.

[laughs] You're lying. You're such a liar.

-I didn't. -I don't believe you at all.

Don't believe me.

I don't even kind of believe you.

This is ridiculous.

I'm lying to Dani, and she's lying to me, too.

So there's clearly some trust issues here.

You're the worst liar ever.

I did not. I swear to God.

I love Nicole. Nicole is obviously

one of my closest allies in this house.

However, I feel like it's time for me to start worrying

a little bit more about myself.

So...yeah. I'm gonna lie to Nicole a little bit here,

a little bit there,

and I'll do whatever I can to get myself to the end.

She did it.



I love Da'Vonne's speeches.

This is the last opportunity that I can use

my Replay Power, which would allow Memphis

to play in the H.O.H. competition again.

I've been debating all week if I should use it or not.

How are you feeling?

I feel fine.

[whispering] I'm trying to decide

if I should use my power or not.

I kind of feel like I shouldn't.

-You shouldn't? -Yeah.

Unfortunately, I've told a lot of people

that I have this power.

I told Cody, Nicole, and Da'Vonne.

I don't want people who I'm not working with

knowing that I have the power.

If it gets out that I used it,

and somebody like Kevin wins H.O.H.,

I could easily go to the top of his target list.

I think you should,

because it increases our odds.

And I don't think that Kevin will put up me and Cody.


Dani using her power this week decreases the odds

of Kevin winning H.O.H.

I don't think he's fond of me.

He doesn't talk to me game-wise at all,

and I don't think he likes Cody.

I'm very sure that he'll put up Cody and I.

I'm telling you, he won't put you up.

I'm % positive.


I do feel like I've made some sacrifices

the last couple weeks. I voted out Ian,

which led me to this crazy situation with Da'Vonne.

I'm taking the heat for the vote flip.

Like, Dani has nothing to do with it.

Now I'm asking her to use her power in secret.

This is just a tiny, little thing that she could do

to help me, and the fact that she's so hesitant

scares me a little bit.


[whispering] I need your advice on something.

I don't think she's using her power.


I said, "It's gonna be me and Cody," and she doesn't care.

[whispering] So essentially, if Kevin wins,

he'll % put you up and me.



She doesn't need to win H.O.H.

She doesn't need to use her power,

and she doesn't care if you and I get caught.

[normal voice] That's how I take it.

CODY: Dani doesn't want to use her power

to add numbers into the H.O.H. tomorrow

so that Nicole could feel more secure and have

our full alliance playing in the H.O.H.

The fact that she's willing to throw her under the bus

that quickly just to keep herself safe

is very, very alarming and lets me know

kind of where Dani's gonna be at in this game.



DANI: I need to do what's best for my game.

If I tell Memphis that I have this power,

I can act like I'm doing him a favor,

and it'll kind of build even more trust with Memphis.

-Hey. -Hey, what's...

Can I talk to you?

Also, if I do use my power, I want the Committee to think

this is for you. I'm helping all of you,

because that's what the Committee members do.

I'm, like, frustrated.

MEMPHIS: [chuckles] What's going on?

DANI: Okay, um, I have a power.

I'm willing to use it on you today, but...

Why would you use it on me?

Because if I use it on you,

you can play in the H.O.H. competition today...

-Yeah. -...and have the opportunity

to be H.O.H. again, so it makes our chances of winning higher.

Do they know who uses the power?

-No. -Oh, so Icould have the power.

Yeah, so you're... Yeah, you'll look like...

-Oh. -You couldlook like it.

-Okay. -Or you could lie

or do whatever.

I'm not worried about lying and saying I had the power.

Look, I have to say, "Cool, okay,"

because she thinks it's a good idea,

but I don't wanna have anything to do with this idea.

I'm sitting pretty in this house.

I just came off H.O.H. It's a big responsibility,

and I just wanna blend into the carpet right now.

If I use it, obviously, it's to help the Committee.

-Like, that's why I'm doing it. -Yeah.

I just need to know that, like, you and, like, whoever else

will, like, fight for me to stay.

I'm just so scared that it's gonna bite me in the butt.

After talking to Memphis,

I decide I might as well use my power.

If I can spin this around and make them think,

"Hey, I'm gonna help you. You help me,"

that's just what I gotta do.

We're on the same page. Does that make sense?

-Yep. -Okay.

-Thanks. -Both her earrings came off,

or she took off one?

-She had already taken one off. -Okay.


FEMALE VOICE: The Replay Power has been activated.

CHRISTMAS: [whispers] Replay Power.

The what?

The Replay Power has been activated?

The Replay.

ENZO: Uh-oh. Replay Power. I'm nervous.

This could get tricky.

I don't know what we gotta do.

Do we gotta do a whole H.O.H.? A whole nother POV?

It's like a...It's like a reset button for the week.

I don't wanna do that, man.

KEVIN: Oh, my God.


This power allows the outgoing Head of Household

to compete for the H.O.H. again.

-Oh! -[laughter]

That means Memphis will be

playing in tonight's competition.

-Oh! -Yeah!

I love this guy.


TYLER: That's a good Power.

Now that the Power has been used,

all three Basement Powers have expired...

-Oh! -...and are out of play.

-They're expired. -Everyone, get ready

for the Head of Household competition.


The Replay Power's been used, so I'm playing in the H.O.H.

But I don't really wanna play in the H.O.H.

Dr. Will was talking about prizes.

I don't wanna think about prizes.

I just wanna stick to my game plan.

I'm just focused on the $K.

TYLER: Cool, Memphis.



All right. Check it out. Check it out.

I walk out in the backyard,

and I see this awesome golf course.

We got gold bars on one side,

a shiny H.O.H. key on the other side,

and I'm pumped because I like both of those things.

"The power is up for grabs,

but so is a big prize.

Here's how it works.

You can putt three balls in this competition.

With each putt, you'll decide

if you're going for power of H.O.H. or the $, prize.

Putt your ball onto the chosen green.

The lower the score, the better.

[bell dings]

After each putt, you have a decision to make.

Keep your current score on that green

or throw it out and take another shot.

The new score will replace the old one,

whether higher or lower.

Any ball that fails to land in the score zone

or gets stuck will count as a shot attempt

but will receive no score.

Since you have three sh*ts,

you are allowed to take a shot on both greens.

That means it is possible for you to win

both H.O.H. and $,." -[bell dinging]

"The player with the best score

on the power side will win H.O.H.

The player with the best score on the prize side

will secretly win $,.

If there's a tie for the prizes,

the $, will be split.

Are you ready to play Going for the Green?"


Turns out there's not just H.O.H. up for grabs here.

There's also $K floating around.

I can be H.O.H. and win grand at the same time.

I think I'm gonna go for both.

All right. Prizes up first.

Let's get a freaking feel for it, man.


Come on, come on, come on.

-That feels nice. -[bell dings]

-[applause] -Is that a ?

But this is a golf game, and in golf,

you do not want the highest score.

You need the lowest score.

I'm pretty happy with my score of on the prize side,

and I got a good feel for how the ball rolls,

so now it's time to go for that H.O.H.


Bring it home.

Oh, boy.


-Oh, boy. Roll. -[buzzer]

Oh! That's so lame.



-No! -[boing]

Just don't get stuck again.

[bell dings]



Hopefully, I'll win some money.

Ugh! I'm so annoyed. That was gonna be, like, a .



This is freaking heavy.

I'm going straight for the power this week.

I need to win H.O.H.


-Oh, my gosh! -[buzzer]

-[audience groans] -Oh!

If Kevin or David win, I think I will be going

on the block and probably sitting next to Cody.

Money's tempting, but I know what I need to do.


Come on! I putt-putt all the time.

[buzzer, glass shatters, audience groans]

This is way harder than I think.

In this game, you're only as good as your last shot.

So since my first two sh*ts went off a fricking green,

I have to make sure that this final shot counts.


Freaking sucks.



[bell dings]


A . Ooh.

I do know that this is probably not good enough

to win the competition, but I'm gonna hope

that everyone else just goes for the money.

I'm mad.




[buzzer, cat screeches]

MEMPHIS: I have to play for this H.O.H.

because Dani used the Replay Power on me,

but I don't wanna win the H.O.H.,

and I don't wanna win the prizes because

I don't wanna have to worry about lying to people

if I do win it.




[bell dings, applause]

is a pretty good score,

which could win H.O.H., which I do not want.

Screw it.

So I'm gonna throw away this

and sh**t for a higher score.


-[bell dings] -[applause]


There we go. [laughs]



Okay. Oh, my gosh.

I'm gonna win because I have been annoyed

by the power that's been dominating this house

and causing me to be on the block four times.

I think I'm ready.

I'm not even remotely tempted by the $,,

because I need me some powers.



[audience groans]

I take my first shot. Phoom! Right off the edge.

Ooh, that was horrible.


[bell dings]

-[applause] -That was so close.



Ooh, I got me a . Not bad, not bad.

And I'm debating, should I do another shot?

I have one more shot left.

But if I do worse, I have to commit to that worse score.



That's not that bad.

I just don't wanna go again and erase my .


But damn, there's some people here that are like golfers.


I need to try again, and the pressure is on.



[audience groans]



This is the worst case scenario now.

I'm so disappointed in myself.

I deserve to go home after that.


-Ugh! -[buzzer]

I do not wanna win Head of Household because

I've already put Kevin and David up on the block,

and if I won, I'd have to do it again,

and I have zero desire to do that.

And if Dr. Will's taught me one thing,

it's that if you're playing a good enough game,

you don't have to go for the power.

You can go for the prizes.

-Oh! -[bell dings]


I guess I might as well take a shot on the H.O.H. side

just so I can tell people that I did,

even though I don't want to.

Ugh! sh**t.

-[buzzer] -Oh!

-[audience groans] -Oh, well. Don't care anyway.





[audience groans]

I have not won an H.O.H. I need to get one bad.

I believe there's an alliance that's been

getting Houseguests out week after week after week,

and they haven't been touched.

I think it's time for one of them to see the block.




[bell dings]


What a weak, soft shot.

I've got a , but isn't gonna get it done.

So I'm gonna throw this away to try to get a lower score.

I have one shot left. I have one shot at H.O.H.

This is the shot of all sh*ts.

This is the shot that could change the game.


[bell dings]




Ugh! Dang it.

-[bell dings] -All right, I'm gonna go again.

I am totally loyal to the Committee

and to anybody who has been loyal to me.

However, I see Dani and Nicole,

and they are just overplaying themselves.

I want to make a big move this week.

I really want to put Nicole and Dani up

and let them have a jolly good time on the block.


-Ugh. sh**t. -[bell dings]





[audience groans]

I didn't win H.O.H. I didn't win any money.

And I'm pissed.


I'm so mad I can't even say anything.


-No. -[bell dings]

-[applause] -That's not good.

I feel like I'm in a great spot right now.

I got a couple alliances.

grand is no chump change.

I'm going for the money, man.


[bell dings]



-Hit it. -[buzzer]

Oh, my God.

[audience groans]


Wah-wah. That was $K.

Man, I could've just bought anything with that.

I mean, clothes, uh, a motorcycle,

an -inch screen TV.

I don't know. Whatever. Man, I could've bought

so many things, man, although I do got a -inch TV,

so I'm okay with that.

All right. No problem.




CODY: I wanna win this Head of Household

because I've heard my name start to come up recently,

and so I would like to keep

all my alliance members that have been keeping me safe

off the block, show my loyalty to them,

so that moving forward in this game,

I can stay off the block if my alliance starts to implode.


Fall, you bastard.

[bell dings]



I don't feel like this score is gonna be good enough to win.

So I'm not gonna lock in with a .

I'm definitely gonna take a second shot.


All right, everyone.

It's time to check the results.

First up, the prize side.

players attempted.


And there is a tie for first place...

with a score of .

That means two of you will be walking away with grand.

It looks like I won myself some money.

So I didn't win the whole $K

because some other loser decided to tie me.

But $K sounds good to me.

That is going straight in Angela's pocket.

I'm pumped.

DANI: I should be really excited that I won $K,

but honestly, right now, I just feel like

somebody stole $K from me.

I want my $,.

There's no way David and Kevin went for the cash because

their necks have been on the chopping block for weeks now.

You know, it just confirmed what I already

had been confirming, is that there's a little group

in my alliance that feels very, very comfortable,

and I really wanna shake that little group up.

And now it's time to crown a new Head of Household.


Cody, with a score of , is the new Head of Household.


It looks good. It was holding right at the edge of the green,

sliding down, rams into .

Awesome shot.

Nice work, man.

Let's go.

Second H.O.H. of the season. Super excited.

Haven't won since week one.

Uh, couldn't have come at a better time

because the upcoming weeks are gonna get extremely chaotic,

and so this H.O.H. is very important

to set myself up for the end of this game.

[crying] Cody winning is...


[sniffles] Means that I have a hard week ahead of me.

I just don't see an angle where Cody wouldn't nominate me.

You know, like, I'm just, like...

I don't know why. How did I find myself in this situation?

MY first one, I just missed it, and it hit the .

Cody is part of the alliance

that's taking everybody out in this game.

I hope he doesn't target me this week.

I'm not exactly sure where I stand with Cody in this game.

Ugh, it sucks not to win.


Give me some pizza.

NICOLE: Yeah, that's what I'm having, too. I'm starving.

Damn. I thought was strong. I was like, a'ight.

I'm getting me some music tonight.

Cody being the new Head of Household,

I feel great. That's my guy.

I've been rocking with him since day one.

Let him get his hands a little bit more dirty.

I hope he goes after, like, Dani,

you know, maybe Christmas.

Whoever it is, it's one less person in this house,

and that could be a vote for me right now.

-I'm so pumped. -I know you are.

-Like... -You did good, man.

-You need it. -I know.

[mouth full] You need it. You need it.


-You think you'll get the money? -No.

-Who got it? -I don't...know.

I wanna know who got it.

I'm super excited that I won the money.

However, there's no way I'm telling anybody,

not Cody, not Nicole.

Nobody's gonna know I won this money.

I bet whoever got it is pissed that they had to split it.

-[laughing] -Totally.

I'm lying about winning the money to this house

'cause in this game,

if anyone has any sort of a*mo against you,

they're gonna use it.

-Cody, probably. -Probably.


You okay?

No, no, I'm good. I just, you know,

I wanted to win. I didn't, then I started cleaning this,

so I'm just gonna finish it. I'm just...

Don't throw that cake away. Christmas will k*ll you.

-No, no, no. -Okay.

I'm trying to find a scenario where I can convince Cody

not to put me on the block.

Cody, listen to me. Look at me.

David on the block is not the move you wanna make.

There's eight other people. Doesn't have to be me.


Christmas was, like, pissed when you won.

-[sighs] -Dude, you noticed.

Christmas was...Yo, I seen that.

-Pissed. -I seen that.

-What? -ENZO: I seen that.

I'm not kidding. Furious. I promise you.

-ENZO: She was upset. -I promise you.

Maybe she was upset because she didn't win it.

-It was very strange. -ENZO: Yeah.

-DANI: It was so bizarre. -I did see that.

Did you notice Christmas really mad?

She was mad that she lost.

-DANI: Cody. -Not mad that I won?

-DANI: Cody. -I don't think so.

ENZO: She loves that power. She wanted the power, yo.

I see her not even going for the money.

She went for the power.


All right, so what's your pitch?

-Shut up. -How do you wanna stay

off the block this week? What can you do for me?

I don't have to pitch anything to you.

What do you... What can you do for me?

-You're so rude to me. -You've done nothing.

You're such a rude human being.


Christmas was furious that you won. Furious.

I get gassed up! [laughs]

She was literally stomping around.

She's insane.

Typically, I love the holiday season.

In this house, not so much.

I just don't have the type of rapport with Christmas

that I do with... most people in this house.

She scares me.

I basically know that she'll be coming after me at some point.

So if I don't have to take the shot, why won't Cody?

Christmas? I think that she would put you and me

or me and Enzo.

I think she'd put you and me up.

Dani definitely wants Christmas out badly this week,

and I'm not % sure if Christmas

would have my best interests, so for me,

Christmas going first out of the Committee

wouldn't be a horrible thing for my game.

After this week, like, it's gonna come down to, like,

who's winning comps or else, like,

people are gonna go home. -Are you ready?


-I'm pumped. -I am ready.

I'm so ready.



[screaming and laughing]

[laughter continues]

-I told you. -I did not believe you because

you, like, had this grin on your face.

'Cause I was waiting on the bathroom.

[laughing] You got warned, and you still walked in.

[slow motion laughter]

Nicole comes over here.

I'm like, "Someone's in the restroom."

-She just looks at me. -Oh, he was like...

-She's like, doo-doo-doo. -You got Enzo'd.

-ENZO: You got Enzo'd. -DAVID: You got Enzo'd.

Oh, my gosh.



ENZO: Oh, you're sleeping.


Just sleeping.


Yo, we're in a good spot, yo. We're in the final eight, yo.

I know, bro. This is a good H.O.H. for you

'cause it's like you're putting up the two people

that you're not aligned with.

So currently, I am thinking

about nominating David and Kevin.

These are the only two people left in the House

that I'm not aligned with.

So for me, the nominations are very simple.

Bro, we're at the point where, like,

this week will happen.

Next week, someone's gonna go home.

Like, it's gonna either be...

I think Memphis wants a final four.

Me, you, him, and Christmas.

-You think Christmas? -Yeah, yo.

-Yeah. -I think so, man.

Between me and you, Christmas knows about the Wise Guys.

But not me and you the Wise Guys.

Me and Memphis and the Wise Guys.

How does she know about that?

'Cause when you left, he brought her in.


And the Wise Guys were us two

without yous two knowing that you guys are in the Wise Guys.

-No way. -Yes.

-Oh, my God. -You know what I mean?

So you keep that. So just in case,

so don't say "Wise Guys" in front of Christmas because

then she would think you know. You know what I'm saying?

Oh, my God. Wait. So she has a Wise Guys

with you, Memphis, and her. -And her, yes.

So that's why she wants us in the final four.

And us in the final four to merge together

at some point.

ENZO: I've been wanting to tell Cody

about the second Wise Guys alliance

so he knows that Memphis and Christmas

are a bunch of...bull... You know what I mean?

Memphis and Christmas are full of doo-doo.

So we have to go after them at some point.

You know what I mean?

Stop going after the Kevins and Davids.

Let's make some moves, yo.

I'm just telling you, we... if we can get rid of Christmas,

then we get Memphis even more.

Yo, we need to probably clip Christmas ASAP.

ASAP, bro.

My, like, people to go is Kevin first...

Christmas next, Dani after that.

-Yo... -That's for me 'cause...

-Dani... -Dani's my...

She's gonna throw us under the bus

any chance she gets.

Yo, personally, love Dani. In this game, don't trust her.

We're getting to the point of the game where, like,

anybody will throw us under the bus.

I will...throw everyone under the bus.

-That's it. -Except for you, dude.

-Except for you. Me, too. -Going into this week,

it was pretty simple for me who I needed to nominate,

but after having this conversation with Enzo,

there's a lot more I need to think about,

because if Memphis is trying to hedge his bets

with different final threes, I'm gonna make sure

the final three that I'm in with him and Enzo

is the one that he's going to most be loyal to

because Christmas won't be here,

and out of all these people that I'm aligned with...


...I'm least connected to Christmas.

Obviously...we have to align

and we have to get that little bit of luck,

but, like, we have a good shot, dude, for the final two.

No, hell, yeah, yo. That's it.


Finally. Wake up.

-You gotta wake up. -Uh-oh.

I did not sleep last night.

I'm dead right now. So what's your plan?

They're going on the block.

Who do you want to go this week?

Kevin. One million percent.

And then if Kevin goes... comes down,

I don't want David going home.


-Then who are you putting up? -Christmas.

That's so stupid. You're doing all Dani's dirty work.

How am I doing Dani's dirty work?

That's what she wants more than anything in this house.

She wants it more than anything, but the only way

it's gonna happen is if Kevin comes down.

I don't really feel that great about Christmas being

a replacement nominee for the week.

Christmas isn't coming after me,

and I don't that she would come after Cody.

It's frustrating 'cause Dani will say anything

to get what she wants.

And, like, Cody is looking like he might make it happen.

Christmas, if she tries to take a shot at Dani and misses,

I'm the next person in line. It's me. It's % me.

You know how I one-million percent know it's me?

-How? -Because Enzo told me

that Christmas, Memphis, and Enzo have a final three.




I'm to do Dani's dirty work.

She's gonna get me before I get her

if she wins, just so you know. -Who?

-Dani's gonna go after you? -Absolutely.

So you're saying if Christmas goes,

then she'll come after you? -Yeah.

You're not, like, overthinking it?


My relationship with Dani is pretty rocky right now

because I really wanted to come clean with Da'Vonne

about the Ian vote,

and Dani didn't want me to do that at all.

I wanna tell her the truth so bad.

No one thinks anything bad about you

because of it, I promise.

This is all very overwhelming.

DANI: Yes, of course.

I felt like I just took the fall by myself over and over again.

But you know, on Dani's part,'s a game move,

and she probably secured Da'Vonne's jury vote,

and that's what she's going for.

So you think if I have to put up a replacement,

I should put up Dani?

No, I don't think that you'd ever do that.

That's what I'm talking about.

If Nicole is frustrated that her allies are going up,

then she's gonna have to win H.O.H.s.

Christmas going on the block is the easiest thing for me.

She's not someone I feel completely safe with.

And if Christmas starts to spiral a little bit,

I have no problem sending her home.

I'm not doing the dirty work for Dani.

I'm the one that won H.O.H.,

and these are the moves that are gonna best fit

me moving forward in this game.

I just said to myself that I didn't win anything.


So whatever Cody wants to do, I'm fine with.

I just wanted to make sure you were doing it for you.

Let's just get ready for everything to blow up.


I have to go upstairs, talk to Cody.

Just really annoying 'cause, like, I can't stand him.

So I'm just gonna have to talk to him.

Let's get it over with.

I wanna talk to Cody

as much as I wanna s*ab myself in the eyeballs.

Let's see what happens.

Oh, my gosh.

Cody, what can I do not to be nominated?

Please don't nominate me again.

[laughs] Uh...

There are bigger threats that are in the House, obviously.

-Um... -Put yourself in my perspective.

Like, what...what do you think I should do?

Just like you feel some kind of way,

then I have an ability to feel some kind of way, too.

And, look, I have nothing to lose, so, like,

when I go to the jury, I already know what I'm

And it's gonna be based upon you put me up and targeted me.

So, like, if the person that nominated you

and sends you home is in the final two,

you won't vote for them for that sole reason?

That's what I'm saying, is it's progressed to a point

where you are putting it into this situation.

[scoffs] Okay, whoa.

Like, poor you. You gotta be the H.O.H. and put me up

and target me. Like, are you kidding me?

CODY: I don't...Who?

When did this conversation go in that direction?

Are you...Do you... Is there a personal thing here?

Like, poor me? Like, when... when did the conversation

go to poor me? -Only you, Cody.

The world doesn't revolve around you.

Yeah, I noticed that, Kevin.

Like, that's...that's a necessary thing to say.

-Like... -Totally, totally necessary.

You just said it. You were like, "Oh, it's only me?"

When I entered the room, the conversation started.

Are we having the same conversation?

Oh, poor you, Cody. You have to nominate people.

-That's me. Poor you. Pity Cody. -Okay, let it...

The world doesn't revolve around me? Those are digs.

That's not me sitting here having a normal conversation.

You're throwing digs now.

You're threatening people with jury votes?

Think about that in the jury house.

I have nothing for that in the Big BrotherHouse.

I don't even know what he's doing in this game.

I'm blown away that he's still here.

I'm going to put you on the block,

and if I'm being honest, you're one billion percent

my target for the week.

And if that means that you're not gonna vote for me,

no problem at all. You won't vote for me in the jury.

There's plenty of other people I can try to get their votes.

You know, do what you need to do, and...

-I guess so. -I can see you're mad,

and I can tell you... -I don't know what to tell you.

You came, and then you're pr-- like, turning it to me

like I made it about that.

It's just like, I don't know. This conversation...

Then maybe I'm crazy, or you're crazy.

One of us is...I don't know.

I'll take it. I'll be the crazy one.

Thanks for connecting.


[door closes]


Hey, guys, it's time for the Nomination Ceremony.


This is the Nomination Ceremony.

It is my responsibility as Head of Household

to nominate two Houseguests for eviction.


In my Nomination Block are the keys of the Houseguests

I'm nominating for eviction.


I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations,

and their faces will appear on the Memory Wall.


The first Houseguest I've nominated is...


The next Houseguest I've nominated is...


I've nominated you, Kevin, and you, David.

Kevin, the conversation

definitely took a little bit of a turn

and went in a way that I wasn't really planning or hoping,

and so I'm sorry. I was just trying to be honest

and hope that you could respect that in a way.

David, some stuff in this game has caused us

to kinda, like, separate a little bit.

But you get to play in the Veto,

and so I just wish you guys both the best of luck.

This Nomination Ceremony is adjourned.


CODY: It's very important that these two stay nominated,

but if either Kevin or David are able to take themself

off the block, it's not too early

to put up one of my alliance members.

We're at that point.

It is gonna get very intense very quickly.

KEVIN: I've been here before, in this house,

and in life in general, where you're kind of

backed into a corner, and you really have no recourse

but to just rely solely on yourself.

There's no more stress of who to talk to,

how to talk to these people.

It really just comes down to me winning Veto.

It all falls in my own hands, and I trust my own hands,

not these Houseguests'.

Being nominated the third time means my comeback starts now.

LeBron was down - in the NBA Finals

before he made the biggest comeback in NBA history.

I'm gonna win Veto. I'm gonna wear it every day.

I'm-a take a shower in it.

I'm-a shine it in everybody's faces.

I'm-a pull myself off the block.

I'm gonna celebrate. So we'll have a championship moment.

Ahh! Veto!

ENZO: If Kevin or David come off the block,

Cody's gonna be in a little bit of a pickle because

there's no easy options after this week.

There's all really good players left in this house.

I think we're gonna see a lot more crying.

There's gonna be a lot more backstabbing.

There's gonna be a lot more blood.

It's k*ll or be k*lled at this point, man.

So just buckle up and get ready,

'cause it's gonna get crazy. It's gonna get crazy.

ANNOUNCER: Who will win the Power of Veto?

And will it be used to save either Kevin or David

from the block?

Plus, OTEV is back.

See it all Wednesday night at :/: Central

onBig Brother!
