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22x24 - Episode 24

Posted: 05/05/24 12:01
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Previously on Big Brother All-Stars...

With only nine remaining in the battle

for a half-million dollars,

a neighbor moved in next door to twist up the game.

For the next H.O.H. competition and Veto competition,

you're gonna have in important decision to make.

Go for power or go for prizes.

ANNOUNCER: The Committee alliance,

along with their close ally Enzo,

were completely dominating.

And with Head of Household up for grabs...

[bell dings]

...their winning streak continued.

Cody, with a score of , is the new Head of Household.


Nice work, man.

Dani wanted to take a shot at one of the Committee's own.


I think she'd put you and me up.

CODY: Dani definitely wants Christmas out badly this week,

and Christmas going first out of the Committee

wouldn't be a horrible thing for my game.

But fellow ally Nicole wasn't ready to cancel Christmas.

If Kevin goes...comes down, I don't want David going home.

-And who are you putting up? -Christmas.

That's so stupid.

However, Cody made it clear to his number one Enzo

that Christmas was in his crosshairs.

No, we need to probably clip Christmas ASAP.

ASAP, bro.

And she wasn't the only one on the naughty list.

My, like, people to go is Kevin first...

Christmas next, Dani after that.

Knowing he was in danger, Kevin went to Cody.

Cody, what can I do not to be nominated?

Please don't nominate me again.

[laughs] What?

But he only made himself a bigger target.

The world doesn't revolve around you.

Yeah, I noticed that, Kevin. Like, that's...

that's a necessary thing to say.

CODY: I don't even know what he's doing in this game.

I'm blown away that he's still here.

I'm going to put you on the block,

and if I'm being honest,

you're one billion percent my target for the week.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Cody put up

the only two people he's not aligned with.

I've nominated you, Kevin, and you, David.

Tonight, will the Power of Veto save one of the nominees?

Plus, what prizes lay hidden in OTEV's party pad?


Find out right now onBig Brother!

[screaming and laughing]



This Nomination Ceremony is adjourned.

I've nominated Kevin and David

because they're the only two people in the House

that I'm not in an alliance with.

After the conversation prior to nominations,

Kevin is % my target.

He's someone that I know will come after me,

so he needs to go,

but if one of my nominees comes off the block,

I'm going to have to seriously think about taking a shot

at one of my allies,

and that person is probably gonna be Christmas.

Kevin, I think you need to be on one of these walls.


-Blockmaster. -[chuckles]

[whispers] Shocker.

I'm nominated for the fifth time,

but what makes this time different

is Cody made it explicitly clear that I am the target.

So talking to him is pointless.

So all I have really left is to win Veto

to secure my safety.

I don't need any hugs or anything like that.

You know, it's all good.

Cody, come on. There are other targets in this house.

Why does it have to be me? I can't even win comps.

I don't know what's gonna happen,

but I just hope I'm not the target this week.

TYLER: Noms are set in, David and Kevin, nothing crazy.

But this is no ordinary week because our neighbor Dr. Will

told us there's gonna be some prizes up for grabs,

and I already won $, during the H.O.H.

So I'm interested to see how this Veto's gonna play out.


Who do you want to go this week?

[lowered voice] It sucks. Like, I feel in a weird spot

'cause I want them all gone.

But if one of them win it, he'll throw Christmas up there.

But I freaking want her gone so bad.

I guess we have to see how the Veto turns out.

I want to play in this Veto competition

more than anything. -'Cause you want the prize.

I want all the prizes.

Think about it. I took all the prizes, it'd be great...

-Yeah. -Oops.


I'm really hoping I get picked to play in the Veto this week

because I really wanna win more prizes.

But also, if I can throw it to David to Kevin to win,

that makes room for Christmas to go up on the block.

[whispering] But then there's only two girls.

[whispering] I know.

I don't really like that.

I know. Trust me. Trust me, I don't wanna be

the freaking girl to take out other girls.

But, like, you think she's gonna put up Memphis? No.

You think she's gonna put up Tyler? No.


I know Dani definitely wants to go after Christmas this week,

but that's not what's best for my game.

In the last couple weeks,

Dani not only put up one of my best allies,

but she encouraged me to flip the vote against him,

which got me in this terrible lie

that I couldn't get out of.

I realize I don't wanna go along with any more of Dani's plans

that help her and hurt me.

We'll see what happens with the Veto,

and then we'll figure it out. -Mm-hmm.


[sighs] It's been a little hectic the last few days.


I'm excited to... for the Veto tomorrow.

Yeah. I'm not...around.

And no money's gonna get me to not go after

what I'm trying to accomplish.

Which right now is to keep the noms the same, obviously.


The most important thing this week

is that nominations stay the same.

Because if the noms change, someone in one of my alliances

is going on the block, and I can't have that.

I'm not here for extra prizes.

-I'm here to win comps. -Yeah.

[whispering] Obviously,

I think that if the Veto gets used,

I might be Cody's option to... for a replacement nom.


I'm a little worried that I'm the replacement nominee

if Kevin or David come off the block.

Even though Cody and I are in the Committee...


I feel like he's a lot closer to other people at this point,

and so I have to take my game into my own hands

and win the Veto, but the first step

is to get picked for the Veto.

I just don't want Cody to have to put up anybody.


What's up, man?

-Here we go again. -Block buddy.


Back on the block. No Power to save my life this time.

I feel like you're safe this week

in any scenario that is being played out.

After talking to Cody,

it's like, okay, it is... it is what I think.

Why? What happened with that conversation?

What the hell?

He got mad. He got big mad.

The other H.O.H.s made it clear to me.

They said, "You are not the target"

or they put up against me

somebody who was a bigger target.

And so I was like,

he's basically saying, "I'm coming for you,"

'cause he...he basically laid it out there.


I mean, backs against the wall. It's survival mode.

DAVID: Talking to Kevin, it feels

like I'm not the target this week,

but at the end of the day, the only way I can save myself

is to win the Veto.

So I need to go out there and get my comp win.

[door opens]

Yo, Kev. Boiling like crazy, yo.

Like, it's almost...done.

Thank you.

Don't worry, bro.

You got the... POV, yo.


I understand you've been three times on the block.

Yo, don't worry about it, yo.

Yeah, block's just part of the game.

This is it. You ain't a rookie no more, man.

You've lived it.

This is important, this POV, yo. Very important.


So, yo, there's cracks, yo.

It's gon' get ugly fast in this house.

Even though me and Cody have a final two deal,

That's my guy.

I don't understand why we going after David and Kevin.

These are not big targets. Like, enough already.

Whoever he puts up, I'm backdooring that...

Let's take somebody out that's big.

This is the perfect opportunity to just backdoor somebody.

It's time. Let's shake things up, man.

Let's make some enemies. Let's go, bro.

I'm...I'm gonna try hard as...

I ain't getting rid of you. I ain't getting rid of Kevin.

-You guys are with me. -Survival mode.

That's it. I'm telling you, yo.



Can I ask you a question?


I'm curious to know from an African American male,

what would you consider me?

Um...what you mean?

Would you classify me as mixed?

Depends what you go by.

It's not obvious in your appearance,

so that's why people ask, "What areyou?"

My dad is Black, and my mom is Japanese.

I'm half Black, half Japanese.

But my whole life,

I feel somewhat invisible to both groups.

But I also understand why, too,

because I don't present obviously African American,

and I don't present obviously Japanese.

So I understand why I don't fit in with them sometimes,

but I want to.

Because I'm Black and Japanese, like, it happened in this house.

Like, even Da'Vonne said it.

And so when I walk into this house,

and I see two other people that look like me...


...I'm in the mindset, one, two, or three

need to be sitting in those final two chairs.


And she kept saying it, like, only three Black people

are in this house, and I'm like,

but I'm half Black.

I know that my appearance is perplexing.

Sometimes I get, like, I get otherized.

Like, people just put me into an "other" category,

which really is, like, isolating.

[voice breaking] It is like...

Oh, my God. I don't wanna cry, but...

Sometimes it's so lonely to come from a mixed race background,

because I don't really fit in anywhere.

And even in your own community,

you only get partially accepted.

And I'm hoping that being on Big Brother,

maybe there's others out there who...

who can relate to my experience and understand

what it's like to go through life

being multicultural and biracial.

I just always have seen myself as Black and Japanese.

Then...everything else.

I will say that you're Kevin Campbell.

That's who you are.



I'm, like, sweaty.

-Oh, 'cause of the shower? -I don't know. Yeah.

-Oh, blowing... -Probably the blow-dryer.

Blow-drying your hair?


I feel like, honestly, my mind has been racing so much.

I feel like soon, a w*r is about to start.

It is. [sighs]

[whispering] We're gonna be in top final eight.

I know.

-You know, we're there. -Yeah.

I think that it's important to reconnect, you know?

One thing that I do know is that I really like you.

-Yeah. -And I do have your back.

I do...say things to make sure your name is not...

if it's in question, I shut that crap down.


I do come to your defense a lot,

and I want you to know that. -Is it Dani?




I know Dani wants Christmas to be backdoored this week,

but I don't agree at all.

I'm hoping that telling Christmas

that Dani is targeting her will strengthen our relationship

and get her to trust me.

Then when the Committee starts going after each other,

Dani will be ahead of me on Christmas' hit list.

I just know it's time for me to start looking after myself

like Dani's been looking out for herself.

I am. I feel like I am fighting back.

And I know it's tearing hers and my relationship apart,

and I wanna make sure that you really do have my back

so that way me tearing that apart is worth

bringing us closer, I guess.

-Do you get what I'm saying? -I do. I understand. Yeah.

I...I appreciate you coming to me.

But you know how this house works.

If your name's out there enough, people start looking.

-Mm-hmm. -And that concerns me.


So that's kinda... that's just where I'm at,

and I wanted to be upfront and honest about it.

I want you to know that I do have your back.


Yeah, I'm a little, like... ugh.

It almost makes me sick to my stomach.

I'm not surprised that Dani might be targeting me.

In no way whatsoever am I scared to take a shot at Dani.

The way that I see it is that

I have to get picked for this Veto.

I win this Veto so I can lock in the noms

and not get backdoored.

Dani, if you want me on the block,

you gotta win and put me up.

I really hope I get to play today.

I got my Veto pigtails on.

It's showtime.


[knuckles crack]


What do you call a New Jersey? A New Jerseyan?

-Are you a Jerseyan? -I don't know.

-CODY: That's a good question. -How do you not know?

DANI: You don't know? What?

-New Jerseyan? -I'm a Floridian.

-A Floridian? -Yeah.

-Did you just make that up? -No. [laughs]

-You made it up. What are you? -No, that's true.

-Does it sound fancy? -Floridian.

Yeah, it does. I've never heard of Floridians.

-What are you? -Carolinian.

-What? -[laughs]

Why are you so foreign to this idea?

-What are you in California? -Californian.

-Californian. Californian. -Californian.

-Yeah. -Doesn't that make sense now?

No, because Cal-- it's a state.


We're American, and you're from California.

-Oh, my goodness. -I'm a Carolinian in America.

How have you never heard this? Like...

Because it's not a thing.

XMAS: I'm an American Carolinian.

Hold on. Wait. Like, you've never heard of "I'm Texan"?

-[laughter] -No, like, somebody's not...

-A Texan is an animal. -What?

-What animal? -A Texan is an animal.

What animal?

You know, Cody's not the brightest,

but he always has his looks to fall back on. [laughs]

So that's good, right?

You don't refer to somebody as a Texan.

-Yes, you do. -DANI: Yeah.

-CHRISTMAS: Yes, you do. -I'm from Texas.

My mama will tell you that she is a Texan.

I don't think this is a thing.

-This is totally a thing. -CODY: No, it is not.

I can't even tell you how much I've learned in this house.

Like, Zingbot told me I have an IQ of , but, like,

by the time I get out, I'll probably be, like,

easily around, like, a to .

This is a thing if you want it to be a thing.

MEMPHIS: [groans] God.


Hey, everyone!

It's time to pick players for the Veto competition!

All right.


"Only six people will participate

in the Veto competition--

the Head of Household, the two nominees,

and three other players selected by random draw.

Will the nominees please join me up here?"


"As H.O.H., I will pick first."



Nicole F.


NICOLE: I wanna win so bad!

I just want a freaking comp win.

Like, I need to boost my ego a little bit.

Plus, I wanna protect Christmas and keep noms the same.



Oh, my... [laughs]

You always get picked.

CODY: I hate you.


How did Tyler get picked again?

I have not even been picked once for a Veto,

but there's one last chip to be pulled,

and I am pleading with God that I get picked for this Veto

because I know that Dani is smearing my name,

and I absolutely might be a replacement nominee.

So I need to play, I need to win,

and I need to lock in those noms.


DAVID: I am hoping to pick Enzo to play in the Veto.

He indicated to me he doesn't wanna see me or Kevin go home,

and he likes the idea of having someone be backdoored.


Houseguest Choice.

-ENZO: Ooh. -CODY: Wow.


Enzo, you wanna give it a shot?

Let's go. Thank you.



"Big Brother will inform us

when the competition is to begin. Good luck."

-Whoo. -ENZO: Hey.

Help me if I'm a replacement nom.

If not, call me on Thursday.





TYLER: Listen, I'm just lucky.

I'm not mad at you. I'm not mad at anybody.

-You're just annoyed? -Yeah.

This isn't towards anybody at all. I just, like,

I come here, and I don't get picked for anything.

Hugs. What about hugs?


What about group hugs for this?

Group hug!

No offense.

-[groans] -[laughter]

CODY: Oh, we're gonna k*ll her now.

CHRISTMAS: Thanks, guys.

It's, like, no. Literally nobody needs

to take my attitude personally, I promise.

CODE: No, we won't take it personally, no.


[crying] I'm just frustrated. [sniffles]

I don't wanna give anybody the opportunity to backdoor me,

and the only way you ensure your safety in this house

is you win.

But I can't win if I can't play.


DANI: How mad is she?

So mad. So mad.

[whispers] So competitive.

-So angry. -Like, over the top.



Like, I'm, like, you know what? But, yo,

we gotta win this POV, yo. We can't have any hiccups.

You being the H.O.H., the noms need to stay the same

just so we can take Kevin out and move on.


I don't want...would have to put up a replacement nominee.

I don't wanna be in that spot.

So I think we...


Just keep it the same. Get rid of Kevin. That's it.

Right now I have to pretend that I'm on board

with everything Cody and Memphis are saying.

I'm just like... [smacking lips]

in my mind, because I'm like, no, I wanna win the POV.

I wanna take one of these noms off,

and I wanna shake this house up.

There's too many alliances in this house.

I can't remember every name to every alliance that I'm in.

I'm ready to backdoor somebody

just to make things easier for me.

I don't care about making moves. Whatever you guys wanna do,

put this one up, whatever. I don't care.





[laughter and cheers]

What?! This is like my dream come true.


Are you guys real?

-[laughter] -Real!

NICOLE: He's awesome.

I walk in the backyard, and I am trippin'.

There's lights everywhere.

There's floaties.

There's this crazy psychedelic lizard-looking dude.

That's my old friend OTEV.

Gee, what he's been up the past two years? Man!

Salutations and hello, fellow earth beings.

My name is OTEV, the psychedelic salamander.


I like it.

My bodacious bud, Dr. Will,

let me crash here at his awesome pad,

and I threw a most righteous party last night.

Whoa. The only bummer is

all my bitchin' tie-dyed tees went missing.

I totally need your help getting 'em back.

In each round, I'll ask for a tie-dyed tee

that contains the band names of two evicted Houseguests.

You'll slide down my trippy, slippy party ramp,

and search through that groovy yard

for the tie-dyed tee that I'm looking for.

Once you think you have the correct tie-dye,

Make your way back up my trippy-slippy party ramp,

kneel on a mat,

and present me with the tie-dye tee you grabbed.

If you're the last one to bring me the tie dye I asked for,

I will declare you totally bogus,

and you will be eliminated. In the end,

only the most righteous Houseguest will remain,

and they'll catch the ultimate buzz

when the Golden Power of Veto is put around their neck.

Oh, wait a second! I almost forgot!

[singsongy] Some of my tie-dyed tees are worth $,!

-Oh! -[cheering]

But only the first Houseguest to bring me

a special tie-dyed tee and declare it

will get the cash.

Don't be bummed because this takes you out of the game,

because with grand, you can throw the ultimate party.

-Awesome! -[laughs] Awesome.

So who's ready to play OTEV, the psychedelic salamander?

-[cheering] -Let's do it!

Yeah, I gotta win this Veto because the block is hot.

Whoo! Did you feel that? I gotta get my butt off of here

'cause I'm burning up.

This Veto is of particular importance

because clearly I'm the target of the H.O.H.

I feel like Cody has been getting everything that he wants

in this game, and I wanna win Veto

to show him that, Cody, you don't always get what you want.

Bring me the tie-dyed tee of the evicted Houseguests

who wore Safety Suite punishment costumes.

[airhorn blows]

[Nicole screams]

CODY: Yes!


[Nicole yells]

OTEV tells us to bring him the tie-dyed shirts

of the evicted Houseguests

who wore Safety Suite punishment costumes.

As soon as I hear that, I immediately thought

about Janelle in her star uniform

and Ian in his performance.



The thing with this competition with OTEV

is it's not just about getting the right answer.

It's about getting the right answer

and not being the last person up there,

because if everybody gets the right answer,

the last person gets eliminated.

CODY: I wanna win this Veto so badly,

because I need the nominations to stay the same.

If one of the nominations come down,

then I have to name an alliance member

as a replacement nom, and I really don't wanna do that.

I really win this competition because

I wanna keep noms the same.

I wanna show Cody I'm a good ally.

And I need to start building my résumé

for when I'm in the final two.


-[groans] -CODY: It's slippery.

It's slippery. You gotta get that rope.

Ooh! [yells] [mouth full] I can't do this!

This ramp is so much harder to go up

than I thought it would be.

It's very greasy. You know, I guess it is All-Stars.

Oh, my God. I need alcohol.

[cup clatters]


DAVID: I'm seeing people grab the shirts,

and they're running up to the top,

and I don't wanna be losing on the first round.


Somehow I've come across this $, shirt.


I'd rather win $, than take a chance

on walking away with no Veto and no money.


CODY: I'm looking around for this shirt.

I can't find it anywhere, and I see David go up

and claim the last stool.

I'm just very, very frustrated because I know

I'm gonna be out of this competition.

DAVID: OTEV, give me the money!

He got the money, Cody.

CODY: Oh, my God. David takes the money

instead of trying to find the right T-shirt

to stay in the Veto competition?

Oh, I have to have the right answer.

Alls I have to do is find the right T-shirt...


...and get up the ramp.


So, good news/bad news, David.

The $K is all yours!

But you're out of the game.

-DAVID: Gotchu. -TYLER: Good job, man.


I'm just flabbergasted.

He's grabbing the money,

and he's expecting to stay this week.

Hmm. Maybe not.

That was a rookie, rookie move.

XMAS: Balls. Balls.

DAVID: I'm still on the block, but it's not often you can go

play in a comp and win $,. I just did that.

Other Houseguests are gonna hate,

but they didn't win $,.

What tie-dye tee have you brought

OTEV the psychedelic salamander?

I brought you Lady Janelle and the Gentlemen Ians.

Lady Janelle and the Gentlemen Ians.

Lady Janelle and the Gentlemen Ians.

Lady Janelle and the Gentlemen Ians.

I have brought you Lady Janelle and the Gentlemen Ians, OTEV.

The correct tie-dye tee is

Lady Janelle and the Gentlemen Ians.



Oh, man!

Round two.

Bring me the tie-dyed tee of the evicted Houseguests

who competed in the Puppetmaster competition.

[airhorn blows]

-[Nicole screaming] -TYLER: Whoo!

NICOLE: Aah! [laughs]


KEVIN: OTEV tells us to bring the T-shirts

of the evicted Houseguests that competed

in the Puppetmaster Veto competition,

and I think...ha!

This one's easy because that's the one I won

to Kaysar and Bailey.

I know exactly what I'm looking for.


I do wanna win this POV because there's been people

that have coasted through this game

and have not been on the block.

I have, too, but that's just... I'm...

I'm better than everyone else in this house.

If I win the Veto, there's a really good chance

I'm gonna use it on one of the noms,

start creating a little panic in this house.

TYLER: I wanna win this Veto.

I wanna help out Cody, make sure he does not have

to worry about a replacement nominee.

So I need this win.





TYLER: I'm just going fast as I can.

I'm picking through the balls,

making sure I don't pick up the same shirt twice.

But, man, it's not easy It's easy to, like, trip out.

[music warps down, rimshot]

[imitates rimshot]


-Come on, cow. -[cow moos]


There you go.

What tie-dyed tee have you brought me?

The Kaysar-Shid Band & the Bayleigh Do-Scope?

Kaysar-Shid Band & the Bayleigh Do-Scope.

-Kaysar-Shid Band... -...& the Bayleigh Do-Scope.

The correct tied-dye tee is

Kaysar-Shid Band & the Bayleigh Do-Scope.

Sorry, Tyler. You're outta here!

I may not have won the Veto,

but I did save my new friend Moo-lan,

and her and I are gonna go to the final two.

Isn't that right, Moo-lan?

[cow moos]

You're safe with me.


Whoa, dude.

Round three. Bring me the tied-dye tee

of the evicted Houseguests who never used

their Safety Suite pass.

[airhorn blows]


-NICOLE: Yeah! -TYLER: Make it rain!


NICOLE: OTEV tells us to bring the tied-dye tee

of the evicted Houseguests that

never used their Safety Suite pass.

Easy. Nicole, I remember she did not use her Safety Suite pass.

And they Keesha was gone so early in the game.

So I'm looking for Keesha, and I'm looking for Nicole A.




TYLER: Good job, Nicole.


I turn and I look at my nominee that is on the block

pick up the T-shirt at the exact same time as me,

as so I know I need to beeline it to the top

as quickly as possible.

We both are running to the ramp

to see who gets to the top first.

KEVIN: This is gonna be a ramp race.


So now it's just between Kevin and myself.

Kevin looks like he has the same color T-shirt in his hand

and is heading toward the ramp.

I cannot let Kevin get to the top of this ramp before me.


[Kevin grunting]

TYLER: Dang, that was tight. That was a good job.

-Yeah, that was close. -TYLER: Good job, guys.

What tie-dyed tee have you brought

OTEV, the psychedelic salamander?

Keesha Nana & the Nicole A Experience.

Keesha Nana & the Nicole A Experience.

Keesha Nana & the Nicole A Experience.

The correct tie-dyed tee is

Keesha Nana & the Nicole A Experience.

Brutal, Kevin. That was most heinous.

Get off my ramp.

KEVIN: Cody edges me out, and I'm devastated.

It was down to seconds.

I can't stand that fool. I cannot stand him.

TYLER: Good job, Kev.


Oh, man!

Round four. Bring me the tie-dyed tee

of the evicted Houseguests who competed

in the Microbrews competition.

[airhorn blows]

[all scream]

CODY: Let's go, man.


-[cheering] -NICOLE: Holy Toledo!

Come on.

OTEV asked us who the two evicted Houseguests

that played in that Microbrews competition,

and I know, 'cause I played in it.

So it's definitely Da'Vonne and Ian.

Actually, I wish I had a beer right now,

to tell you the truth.


NICOLE: Cody's still looking. Holy crap. I'm kicking butt.

This is awesome.

Come on. You got it. Come on. You're almost there.

You got it! You got it! You got it! You got it!

-You got it. Let's go. -I can't get up.

I don't know how to hold the thing either.

Oh, my God. That's so hard.


Just sliding.

[slide whistle blows]

[rapid knocking sound]

[xylophone plays, slide whistle blows]




For a million dollars!

I feel like a cartoon character.

[rapid knocking sound]

I put so much effort forward, and I'm not moving.

[slide whistle plays]

[cymbals crash]

[slow motion groan, boing]

Oh, my God. I'm so mad! [groans loudly]

-[laughter] -Oh, my God.


ENZO: Yo, yo, let's go. Both of you, let's go. Come on.

[Cody grunting]

ENZO: Come on, dig. Dig in.

CODY: I love Nicole, but honestly,

I will very kindly pass her by,

lock myself into being in the final round.

All right, let's go.

-[whirring] -Yes, yes, yes!

-Yes! -[all cheering]

-CODY: Ah! -NICOLE: Thank you, guys!

You're the best. How pathetic.

That was a bad trip, man.

It was real bad.

What tie-dyed tee have you brought OTEV

the psychedelic salamander?

Eon of Ian and the Da'Vonne Dimension.

Eon of Ian and the Da'Vonne Dimension.

The correct tie-dyed tee is

Eon of Ian and the Da'Vonne Dimension.

Totally lame.

Nicole, you're done.


NICOLE: I'm upset. I'm annoyed. I found the T-shirt first,

and now I'm out

because I couldn't get up this greasy hill.


Oh, man!

Round five. Bring me the tie-dyed tee

of the Houseguests who were evicted

with exactly nine votes to evict.

[airhorn blows]



ENZO: I'm in this championship round,

me versus Cody, man.

It's North Jersey versus South Jersey.


This is it, man. You know, there's a little bit

of bragging rights with that, plus I wanna win this POV

because I wanna take somebody off the block.

It's time for a little chaos in this house.

OTEV tells me to bring in a t-shirt

of the evicted Houseguest

that had exactly nine votes to evict.

I know that Janelle went home to ,

and then Bayleigh went home on a - vote,

and so these are the two names

that I need to find on the T-shirt.

ENZO: Which one what? I don't remember.

I know Janelle's one of the names,

and I'm drawing a blank on the second name.

Now I'm starting to panic

because I don't know what I'm looking for.

Come on, yo.

I messed up.

I miscalculated.


What tie-dyed tee have you brought

OTEV the psychedelic salamander?

Janelle Star and the Bayleigh Band.

The correct tie-dyed tee is

Janelle Star and the Bayleigh Band.

Sucks for you, Enzo.


Congratulations, Cody.

You have won my eternal gratitude

and the Golden Power of Veto!

Yes! Got the Golden Power of Veto.

I'm super excited because

having the power this week is huge,

and it's exactly what I want.

Even though Cody won Veto, I won $K,

and, um, he's made it clear that Kevin's the target this week,

so I don't know. I'm feeling pretty good right now.

Cody wins Veto, but David took $, over safety.

Hopefully, other Houseguests know that I didn't

make a $, mistake.


I'm really relieved that Cody won OTEV,

and that means that maybe I won't

get backdoored this week, but until he locks his noms

as they are during the Veto meeting,

I just don't know.


-Whoa. -I was like,

%"Yo, what...are you doing, yo?"

Bro, like, we might have to send him on his way 'cause of that.

What the hell is David thinking going for the prize

when he's on the block?

I think it's a big piece of doo-doo pie

that he did that, because I tried to help him out.

I was even willing to save him if I won the Veto.

David may have just thrown his whole game away for $K.

That rubbed people the wrong way, yo.

Yeah. I was like, come on.

But I don't wanna do that.

I'm % baffled and dumbfounded

and, like, kinda like what the...

-I have zero respect for him. -Yeah.

Sorry, but after that, I do.

You save your life.

You lose the Veto, you get evicted.

I will have no problem saying goodbye to him.

-No, there's no problem. -Cash out. See you later.


[whispering] David, why would you go

for the G's right away?

You're not safe, and so, like, never feel like you're safe.

-Right? -Yeah.

Because I'm not... around this week.

CODY: This is worst-case scenario.

I made it very clear

that I wanted Kevin out this week over David,

but David going for the money instead of the Veto

puts a huge target on his back.

If David ends up getting voted out this week,

my H.O.H. could be a huge fail, and Kevin could be

coming after me with a vengeance.

Make sure you chill this week and don't do anything

that makes yourself stick out. You got it?




Hey, guys, it's time for the Veto meeting.


This is the Veto meeting.

Kevin and David have been nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to Veto one of the nominations.


I have decided...


...not to use the Power of Veto.


This Veto meeting is adjourned.


I was feeling like I wasn't the target,

and I was feeling really good about the $K,

but after talking to Cody, um,

I'm starting to feel a little iffy about it.

Houseguests could now use that against me to vote me out.

So on one hand, I have $,.

On the other hand, that can lead to eviction.

Oh, my goodness. Did I make a mistake?

KEVIN: The Veto doesn't get used,

but when one door closes,

another door cracks slightly open,

and David taking the $, is just the crack that I need.

Knock, knock. I'm coming through.

Hallelujah! The Veto wasn't used.

I am very excited!

I live to see another week in this house,

and Mama's ready to do some damage.

There's no way that anybody is getting in between me

and that $,.

CODY: So I got through my H.O.H. without having to nominate

any of my allies, which is perfect,

and so hopefully Kevin is the one who goes home this week.

And now we're gonna get to a point where

the alliance is gonna target each other.

Things are about to get crazy.

It's gonna be dog-eat-dog in here,

and there's no telling who's gonna get picked.

Who will be evicted from theBig Brother House,

Kevin or David?

But that's only the beginning,

because for the first time inBB history,

it's going to be a triple eviction.

A special -hour episode

tomorrow night at :/: Central

onBig Brother!
