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22x26 - Episode 26

Posted: 05/05/24 12:03
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Previously on "big brother" all-stars.

The powerful committee of six was completely dominating the


♪♪ Nice work, man.

♪♪ Knowing a super alliance wouldn't last forever, memphis

Plotted two final threes with enzo.

♪♪ I'm going to bring one person and we'll make it the final


I'm going to bring another person and we're going to make

The same deal with this other person.

♪♪ One with cody -- ♪♪ final three, the wise guys.

♪♪ And another with christmas.

♪♪ Final three, the wise guyses.

♪♪ I'm not a guy.

♪♪ It's a term.

Street smart.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ More loyal to cody, enzo spilled the beans on memphis'


♪♪ He won't say wise guys in front of christmas.

♪♪ She's a wise guys -- ♪♪ we could probably clip

Christmas asap.

♪♪ And a history-making triple eviction, kevin was the first to

Go. ♪♪ By a vote of -, kevin

You're evicted from the "big brother" house.

♪♪ And memphis quickly took power.

♪♪ Congratulations, memphis, you're the new head of


♪♪ Memphis wanted david gone.

Yet he had no choice but to put an ally up next to him.

♪♪ Guys, we all knew this was coming.

Nominations are david and nicole.

♪♪ After christmas scored the first veto of the not so silent

Night -- ♪♪ congratulations to you,


You have won the power of veto. ♪♪ She respected memphis'


♪♪ I'm choosing not to use the veto.

♪♪ Christmas and tyler wanted to flip the script.

Hoping enzo was on board, they took a shot at nicole.

♪♪ I sadly vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ I vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ With the meow not voting with them, david got sent to jury.

♪♪ But a vote of -, david, you're evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

♪♪ With the power back up for grabs, tyler secured his safety.

♪♪ A big congratulations goes to you, tyler.

You are the new head of household.

♪♪ He wanted to target his former ally, dani.

♪♪ Dani and nicole.

I'm sorry.

♪♪ After tyler locked in the veto --

♪♪ Congratulations tyler.

You have won the power of veto. ♪♪ Dani fate was all by sealed.

♪♪ I'm not going to use the power of veto.

I'm sorry.

♪♪ She became the third casualty of the night.

♪♪ By a unanimous vote of -, dani, you're evicted from the

"Big brother" house.

♪♪ Tonight, witness all the crazy strategy you didn't see

That shaped the shocking triple eviction.

Plus, with only six remaining, a new head of household will be

Crowned and two house guests will be nominated for eviction.

All this right now on "big brother"!

♪♪ A triple eviction would be horrible.

♪♪ Good night, house guests.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Love you.

♪♪ The committee has been running things since day one.

Now that we sent home kevin and dvid, it was inevitable the

Committee would turn on each other.

Today the committee officially came to an end.

♪♪ I need to like lie down.

Oh, my god.

♪♪ The fact that I survived triple eviction, triple


I don't know how to feel.

I'm very excited honestly but I almost went out of the house

Twice tonight.

Freaking twice.

I lost a good ally.

So now I don't know what to do with myself.

♪♪ I think selling my pinky out with the butter knife might have

Been painful.

Been painful.

♪♪ It's all right.


You set yourself up to stay and now you're stay.

Would you rather be walking out the door?

♪♪ After the first triple eviction, I feel like a kid in a

Candy store.

I'm blown away.

Words can't describe.

Coming out on the other end of the triple eviction and not

Going home or not even going on the block.

♪♪ The triple eviction is just nuts.

♪♪ I survived the triple eviction.

I'm officially in the top six.

I have amazing gratitude and so happy.

But when memphis got hoh, things got wild.

♪♪ Congratulations, memphis.

You're the new head of household.

♪♪ Wow! ♪♪ Meeting or no?

♪♪ No meeting.

Sorry, guys.

Everybody knows I planned what they're going to do.

♪♪ I win the hoh, which is awesome.

I always have a plan.

I'm not winging anything.

♪♪ We knew this was coming.

So nominations are david and nicole.

♪♪ I need to win this veto.

David is small fries in this game.

My bigger target and the one I need to keep on the block is


♪♪ Congratulations to you, christmas.

You won the power of veto.

♪♪ Good job, christmas.

♪♪ What do you want me to do?

♪♪ Nobody is coming after me and nobody is coming after you.

♪♪ Nobody else needs to be in here.

♪♪ This is unbelievable.

We're going to send david home.

I like -- he. ♪♪ So with david and nicole on

The block, this might be my chance to strike on nicole.

I do not want david to go home.

The nicole wins this next hoh, I'm like % sure that she would

Put up myself and christmas.

So for me this is a no-brainer.

I have to try to get the votes.

I have to try to get the votes.

♪♪ I'm choosing not to use the veto.

♪♪ I'm choosing not to use the veto.

♪♪ I'm choosing not to use the veto.

♪♪ I'm choosing not to use the veto.

♪♪ I'm choosing not to use the veto.

♪♪ Very, very sadly vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ I vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ I vote to evict david.

♪♪ By a vote of -, david, you are evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

♪♪ Enzo did not come through.

He wanted to do what cody and memphis wanted to do instead of

What we had talked about.

You take a shot in this game and you miss, that can take you from

Like the top to the bottom of the house quick.

There's a lot of residual effects that happen there.

So yeah, not good.

♪♪ Memphis made it very clear to everyone that he wanted david to

Go home.

♪♪ -.

♪♪ Game on.

Game freakin' on.

♪♪ They tried to flip you.

♪♪ Who?

♪♪ Christmas. ♪♪ You know, I had to make the

Smartest move for myself.

Tyler and christmas wanted me to flip to take her out.

For me right now, it wasn't the move.

The main reason why this would have been a blindside for cody

Who is my main guy in this house.

That I did not want to do.

Nicole owes me big time for this move.

You know what I mean?

♪♪ Thank you.

I got your back so hard.

I'm just happy that -- I'm going to pretend I didn't tell you.

♪♪ Oh, my god.

♪♪ I can't believe that christmas and tyler wanted to

Get me out.

Thank god enzo did not go with the plan.

Honestly what a terrible game on their part.

They burned their bridges with me and I will never ever trust


The committee is over.

So over.

♪♪ Well, I took a shot, and I missed.

Which means that when people look around, they found out

Where the shot came from, they'll look at me and now I'll

Be in their bulls eye.

So I need to figure out how to maneuver out of this, how to


You know what?

I'm good at survival mode.

Bring it on.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh.

♪♪ Oh, man.

♪♪ I tried my absolute best to save david and keep him in this


I love the dude.

It didn't work out.

Now I feel pretty terrible.

This is the first time in my "big brother" career that I have

Ever been on the wrong side of the vote.

To be on the wrong side of the vote during the first ever

Triple eviction is not a good thing.

I knew if there's a way if I would survive this triple

Eviction, I needed to win the next hoh.

Take fate in my own hands.

♪♪ A big congratulations goes to you, tyler.

You're the new hoh.

♪♪ Christmas just voted the same way I voted.

So I need to fill her in on what my next move is.

♪♪ I just left tyler hanging with that vote.

So now I got to scurry, do some damage control.

You know what I mean?

I don't want her putting me on the block, triple eviction.

I don't want her putting me on the block, triple eviction.

I don't want her putting me on the block, triple eviction.

♪♪ As soon as I win this hoh, I know what needs to be done the

There's one person that put me on the block this season and one

Person I voted out that is still in the house and they happen to

Be the most inseparable pair in this house.

So dani and nicole are my number and number option.

♪♪ Dani and nicole.

♪♪ Now more than anything, I need to secure these nominations

And make sure that I win the veto.

♪♪ Oh, man! ♪♪ Congratulations, tyler!

You have won the power of veto.

♪♪ I'm not going to use the power of veto.

I'm really sorry.

♪♪ I lock in my nomination and I'm making sure nicole knows

That I want to keep her around.

That I want to keep her around.

♪♪ Dani is the head gardener.

She is amazing at this game.

And I need her to go.

If anything can pull off a way to stay in this house, even when

I'm coming after her, it's her.

♪♪ I'm telling dani that I'm voting to keep her because I

Don't want her to drag me to any other conversations that she has

While she running around.

When in all actuality I'm going to be keeping nicole.

I would always keep nicole over dani.

♪♪ It's going to be fine.

♪♪ It's going to be fine.

♪♪ Dani, you have the floor.

♪♪ Nicole doesn't know what to say.

Guess what?

I do.

I've been seeing it for days.

Tyler, christmas, you have the final two.

You also have a power you didn't tell anybody off.

There it is.

Everybody knows who I stand, who I'm loyal to.

Please keep me around so I won't go after you.

♪♪ Thank you, dani.

♪♪ I vote to evict dani.

♪♪ All right.

I knew who I was voting to evict before.

Now it's confirmed.


♪♪ Cool.

♪♪ It's a good time.

♪♪ Yes, it has.

♪♪ You should check your information.

♪♪ Don't need to.

♪♪ I finally vote to evict dani.

♪♪ I'm sorry.

I thought I was going to be there.

♪♪ Tyler, the only time I did pass you is because of


It's final whatever she tells you.

♪♪ I'm sorry.

I vote to evict dani.

♪♪ She's never going to forgive me.

I vote to evict dani.

♪♪ By a unanimous vote of -, dani, you're evicted from the

"Big brother" house.

♪♪ I had to take my own fate into my own hands and had to

Make my own move but dani is out of the house once and for all.

I'm happy that I came out on top.

♪♪ I'm sorry.

♪♪ No, I get it.

Make sense.

I could see that coming from a mohel away.

♪♪ I felt like dani has been doing a lot behind my back and I

Felt like you weren't relating it to me.

♪♪ I don't know.

♪♪ I wanted you to know that's why I don't run around and say

What other people tell me.

I feel really, really guilty.

♪♪ No, you didn't do anything.

I didn't have anything against you because you were associated

With her.

You know?

♪♪ Everything that comes out of tyler's mouth is nothing but a


I can't stand to lock at him.

Does he think I'm an idiot?

♪♪ The first time I ever voted wrong on "big brother."

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Against the majority?

♪♪ Yeah.

The first time. ♪♪ What did it feel like?

♪♪ It sucks.

♪♪ The last two hours were absolutely terrible for me.

I'm so thankful to still be in the house, but it shows me that

I need to freaking win this hoh.

It's so important.

If I don't, I have a very strong chance of going home.

♪♪ Crazy.

♪♪ What the hell just happened to me?

♪♪ How guests, it's time for the hoh competition.

Get in your gear when you're ready to unwind.

♪♪ Look at this outfit.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Whoa! Chill.

♪♪ Nice.

♪♪ The bb yoga studio is beyond chill.

We have yoga mats, greenery and these crazy look yoga bars.

The ultimate play to zen out.

♪♪ Welcome to the b.b. Yoga studio.

Time for the head of household competition.

As outgoing hoh, I'm not eligible to compete.

After that crazy triple eviction, everybody needs to

Unwind and release some tension.

This competition is called namaste off the block.

Every round you'll be given yoga attire inspired by a specific


You'll be asked to do that pose by pressing three of the buttons

On your space.

When you hear the gong, take off your attire and hit the finish


It's not that easy.

You have to keep the three buttons pressed while


If you keep all three buttons depressed, your game clock runs

At normal speed.

You let go of one button, your clock runs ten times faster.

Let go of two buttons, it runs times faster.

In each round, the player with the highest score on their game

Clock will be eliminated.

You ready to pray namaste off the block?

♪♪ I'm absolutely feeling vulnerable.

My best bet is if christmas wins this hoh because her and I just

Dug ourselves into a hole and I don't think she's going to bury

Me in this hole if she wins the hoh.

♪♪ Let's get to something more comfy.

Your first pose is the floating flamingo.

Your right hand goes here.

You left hand goes here.

Your right foot goes here.

♪♪ It may not be wildly crucial for me to win.

But there's people in this house that I want to protect.

In this competition, we have to take off our clothes while

Holding all three buttons time.

We're aiming for the lowest time.

Because you buzz in first doesn't mean you win.

If I let go of a button, my time speeds up faster than normal.

♪♪ I'm not one to sh**t and miss.

The fact that I did with nicole, it scares me in this game right


Enzo didn't go the way I needed him to go.

That exposed my position.

If I'm not winning, I have a chance to be on the block.

♪♪ I want to win this.

Tyler and nicole are the only two people I have nothing with.

So I clock in at :.

Hopefully that's good enough to keep me in the game.

♪♪ Memphis rings in first.

I'm not too worried.

Doesn't matter if he rings in first.

It's about making sure that cock moves as slow as possible.

I need to make sure all the right buttons are pressed.

I want the lowest time on my clock.

It's not that easy.

♪♪ I slammed that button but my clock is not stopping.

My shirt is still on.


♪♪ I'm sorry, christmas.

With the game time of :, you've been eliminated.

♪♪ This is the worst that I've done.

♪♪ I deserve to go on the block.

♪♪ Sorry.

♪♪ That's okay.

♪♪ Amazing.

There goes my best bet to stay safe.

Now I'm just hoping nicole does not win this.

If she does, I'm one million percent going to go on the


♪♪ All right.

Time to change to your next outfit.

The next pose is the strategic snake.

♪♪ I just sat on the block not once but twice and I almost went


This is the most crucial time for me to win hoh.

I feel like do or do.

Let's push and go.

♪♪ I take my closes off as slow as I can and my focus is on

Keeping my three buttons pressed so my time doesn't speed up and

I can buzz in with the lowest time possible.

♪♪ Holy cow.

You guys are good at this.

You guys are good at this.

♪♪ My hands are glued to my body.

These pants are stuck to me.

I'm all sweaty from all the stress.

I'm talking with one hand, nothing is coming down.

So finally I just decide I'm going to use both my hands to

Take off my pants and go for it.

♪♪ I'm sorry, nicole.

With a game time of just over four minutes, you've been


♪ Yoga is not my sport, not at all.

♪♪ Your next pose is the twisted tarantula.

Your right hand goes here.

Your left hand goes here.

Your right foot goes here.

♪♪ Memphis just put me on the block.

Let's go cody and let's go enzo.

♪♪ Round three and I'm dressed as this pretzel spider monkey,

Whatever this thing is.

I'm walking toward it.

I have so many limbs now, I don't know if I have my hands

Off the button.

Know what I mean?

I have so many arms and legs right now.

♪♪ There's three people left in this competition.

The person that I trust the most is my man, memphis.

I know % that memphis will put me up.

I don't know what memphis has to do.

He needs to make sure that he gets his yogi on and wins this


♪♪ Sorry, enzo.

:, You have been eliminated.

♪♪ I'm out.

But now it's down to cody and memphis.

So I think I'm good with both of them.

I think I'm in a good spot right here.

Cody is my spot.

If he wins, I'm happy. ♪♪ I need memphis to win.

We're in the wise guys alliance together.

If he wins I know without a doubt I'm % safe this week.

♪♪ All right.

It's all done to this.

Cody or memphis, who will become the next head of household?

Let's get dressed for the final round.

Your final pose is a sitting duck.

♪♪ Down to memphis against cody for this hoh.

Honestly, I feel not % about either one of them winning.

Because I still have damage to do with both of them.

♪♪ I'm absolutely -- cody, pull this out.

♪♪ I'm absolutely -- cody, pull this out.

♪♪ I feel good because I know I'm safe.

I'm going to make it to the next week.

But I still want to win.

I just want to rip all of my clothes off.

I have to stay focused and keep my body parts pressed against

These buttons.

♪♪ Cody is good.

♪♪ So I see memphis buzz in.

I look at his time.

He's like :.

So there's no reason for me to rush through this.

It's very important for me to keep my body parts on these

Three buttons.

Because all this takes is for me to slip once.

If I let go of two buttons, my time can spike up drastically.

♪♪ Congratulations, cody.

You're the new hoh.

♪♪ Super excited to seal the deal that I'm going to be moving

On to the final five.

Super excited to be back up in my room and it was a difficult

Competition so I'm hyped that I win.

♪♪ Incredible.

♪♪ Okay.

So I'm going to see the block for the first time as a real


And a target.

And I have to figure out how to get out of this.

That blows.

I'm worried.

♪♪ After the triple eviction, I'm feeling a little sketched

Out because cody might associate christmas and I as an obvious


Not good.

I'm in survival mode right now.

I'll do whatever I have to do.

♪♪ Good job.



♪♪ Hey.

♪♪ This is pretty terrible.

There's a target on my back and tyler's because we were both

Wanting to flip the vote on the wrong side.

I'm furious at how tyler handled the vote flip.

I thought we had enzo on lock and he didn't.

Threw me into the gutter.

♪♪ Keep me on the same page.

I don't want to mix match.

♪♪ Tyler is so boring.

I can't stand them.

♪♪ I'm extremely annoyed that christmas and tyler voted

Against me.

Christmas is a dirty player.

She's all in with the guys.

She's ready to vote me out.

Oh, I didn't know, tyler.

Oh, I didn't know.

No, tyler, you didn't.

Even if you did you tried to flip enzo.

I don't trust tyler and christmas at all.

That's how I play this game.

You come at me once, that's all I need.

You come at me once, that's all I need.

♪♪ They tried flipping me.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ They're going on the block.

♪♪ Yo, we have to protect him next week.

♪♪ Yeah, I'm not worried.

♪♪ I'm happy for the place I'm in.

I got the wise guys with memphis and christmas.

My final two deal with cody.

I just saved nicole.

She owes me.

I have full coverage.

$ Deductible.

I have it all.

I have more coverage than an insurance company right now.

♪♪ It's going to be tyler and christmas.

If one of them goes down, I have to put them up.

Because if he doesn't go up, we won't control the vote.

♪♪ The committee is officially done.

I have final twos with memphis and enzo and nicole that started

The beginning of the game.

So clipping christmas would be huge.

I could pull in tyler closer and get rid of this other version of

The wise guys that enzo has with cristmas.

It puts me in a better position in this house.

♪♪ Let's go, final five.

♪♪ Relax, relax.

♪♪ Just don't freak out.

You can pull up tyler.

He's a big threat.

So there's other angles.

♪♪ The committee is done.

And my loyalty is falling with the wise guys.

My goal this week is to make sure that cody sees that tyler

Is a top competitor and it's the week that he needs to go.

This guy has ice in his veins and I don't want him around

Longer than he needs to be.

♪♪ It's like it could have been bad.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Like everybody is nervous right now and on edge.

I know that.

Everybody is like oh, no, where am I at?

I wanted everybody to see where I'm at.

♪♪ Sometimes talking with cody, I have to pull it out of him.

I have to say tell me what you're thinking.

He likes the little words.

♪♪ For me, I don't think like three weeks down the line.

Something happens -- ♪♪ it's a little arrogant.

♪♪ If I'm being honest, if you put me three weeks ago and said

Like -- like asked me, like granted, I have a personal

Relationship with everybody.

I'm like I'll try to figure it out and have a conversation.

That's why I'm like -- yes, it was yesterday that like I even

Talked to memphis and it was like yo, you know, starting to

Feel -- I don't want there to be any miscue with me.

♪♪ Talking to like cody like it's really like what's the


Like -- ♪♪ I also wanted to like be in

The position to be like this is where I'm at, like this is where

I'm at.

I know it's going to get crazy but like I chilling in my own

Head space and doing my own thing like I don't like let

Other people in like whatever they're nervous about like spike

To me.

That's a very different thing to me than the game.

♪♪ %.

♪♪ Yeah, %.

♪♪ They wanted you out.

♪♪ I know they did.

You're dead to me.

♪♪ He's the one that tried to flip it.

He's a dumb ass. ♪♪ We just found out that tyler

And christmas are very close.

That's what we found out.

♪♪ That's why we needed this triple eviction.

It was great.

Now you get to read between the lines a little bit.

I got that tyler and christmas are tight.

That's a pair you have to break up.

♪♪ I'm sick of it.

♪♪ She can't talk her way out of it.

♪♪ Enzo is playing dumb.

What does he think I am, an idiot?

♪♪ Memphis put me on the block.

Christmas and tyler unsuccessfully tried to flip the

House to get me out.

Enzo did not vote me out.

So I know that I have cody and enzo on my side right now.

There's clearly a line drawn between the three of us.

♪♪ This veto and the next hoh are crucial.

♪♪ We're good.

We're good right now.

The next week, nicole wins the hoh and we're in the final four,

Me and you playing for the hoh.

♪♪ No matter what, it will be a -.

If you're the hoh or if she's the hoh, the one person is the

One that is the deciding vote and that's all we need.

♪♪ That's it.

♪♪ %.

♪♪ I hope nicole would not get cute if I'm on the block.

I'm like yo, I proved myself to you.

She's on my good side.

I want her to win something so I feel like it wasn't a waste.

Win something.

♪♪ Nicole, I saved you, gave you life.

They were going to take you out.

The sharks were circling.

I need you to win something.

Step up.

For me and cody.

Keep us safe.

That's all we need you to do.

If not, I'm cutting it.

♪♪ She's got to win something.

♪♪ Ding dong.

♪♪ What do you have?

The oatmeal?

♪♪ Yeah.

The yellow was way better.

♪♪ Cody is probably not too happy with me right now.

Because during the triple, I voted to evict nicole, not


I need to talk with him, smooth things over.

Right now I will tell cody whatever he wants to hear in

Order to keep myself off the block.

If I absolutely have to cut christmas loose this week to

Stay in the game, I'll do it.

♪♪ Listen, I [bleep] up.

Let me start by saying I [bleep] up.

I've been sweating all night.

♪♪ Yeah, if I'm being honest, it makes -- feel like it has a look

In the house -- ♪♪ christmas is trying to get me

To tell this elaborate story.

♪♪ She's lied to me a ton of times.

I feel like she was a little catalyst.

♪♪ The fact that christmas said I thought maybe you had voted

Her out because christmas is like --

♪♪ I feel like christmas is a second dani.

♪♪ She is for sure, dude. ♪♪ There's no way I'm letting

You go on my hoh.

♪♪ I'm telling you, I feel like I'm gone.

That's the thing.

♪♪ Trust me, bro.

There's no way.

I love you.

You know what I mean?

♪♪ I'm such an idiot.

♪♪ At this point in the game, that doesn't change where I'm


This doesn't change where we are.

♪♪ We're going to tend, dude.

We're going to the end.

♪♪ Don't worry, dude.

♪♪ You don't have to worry.

♪♪ I'm not sure I fully trust tyler but I need tyler to be an

Allied of mine.

He's an extremely good competitor.

I need to make sure there's no crack moving forward.

♪♪ Love you, man.

♪♪ Come on.

♪♪ What happened?

♪♪ Yesterday was so -- I want to like -- didn't -- like in the

Moment you're spinning. ♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Just so bizarre the whole time.

I want to explain the nicole vote.

I think it's important.

♪♪ When I tried to flip the vote against nicole, I put my game in

Danger by exposing where I am.

Now I have to do major damage control and fix this mess.

I need to talk to cody and shed light on tyler's game and let

Him know that I was freaking set up and that tyler was the


♪♪ We're like -- when people were meeting with me, tyler

Wanted to meet with me, which is awkward.

He wasn't on the block.

He came in and like it's flipping.

It's flipping.

Like who?


I was freaked out.

I'm pissed.

Now I look like I was part of something bigger than I'm not.

♪♪ Yeah, yeah.

No, I think it's tough.

I think in those doubles like -- there's not a lot of time.

♪♪ I don't know if you saw I was a bit teary-eyed.

Because it was like I betrayed nicole.

You know?

I feel blind-sided and dooped from yesterday.

Now I feel like that -- like -- it's like a huge mark against


Puts a huge wedge between us.

♪♪ I feel like I want to give you a hug.


♪♪ Both of their stories don't match up.

It's showing me that they're both full of it and willing to

Throw the other one under the bus in order to make themselves

Coming out looking like they weren't the one with the plan.

Deciding with who I want to go with is difficult.

It's picking the lesser of two evils.

♪♪ Thanks, cody.

♪♪ All right.

♪♪ Hey, guys.

Time for the nomination ceremony.

Time for the nomination ceremony.


This is the nomination ceremony.

It is my responsibility as the head of household to no name two

House guests for eviction.

Many my nomination block are the keys to the house guests that

I'm nominating for eviction.

I will turn two keys to lock in my nomination and their faces

Will appear on the memory board.

The first house guest I have nominated is -- the next house

The first house guest I have nominated is -- the next house

Guest I have nominated is -- I have nominated you tyler and

Guest I have nominated is -- I have nominated you tyler and

You, christmas.

You know how much I like you and respect you.

Not only as players in this game but as people.

I hate to do this to the two of you because we played so closely

Together this whole game.

Something about that vote is not sitting well with me.

Right now I want to go with my gut and I wish you the best of

Luck in the veto.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

♪♪ I nominated tyler and christmas because they're

Working tightly together and their agenda doesn't line up

With mine.

Deciding who I want to go with is difficult.

I have to figure out which person staying is the best for

My game he moving forward.

♪♪ If cody wants to take a shot at me, hope I don't win that


Yes, I understand christmas and I voted the opposite way of him.

It's not going to be easy to get me out of this house.

You have something else coming, cody.

You have not played against me yet and you don't want to.

♪ I'm on the block and I'm frustrated.

But more so I'm ready to fight, fight, fight.

I'm going into this next veto more determined and dialled in

Than ever.

So I'm sorry, boys.

You better get out of my way.

♪♪ The two people on the block are the two people that voted me


Couldn't be better for my game.

This is amazing.

I hope and pray one of them goes home this week.

Justice will be served.

I am happy they're on the block.

♪♪ Who will win the power of veto?

And will it be used to save tyler or christmas from the

Chopping block?

Find out wednesday night at :/: central on "big
