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22x27 - Episode 27

Posted: 05/05/24 12:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on big brother all stars.

At the beginning of the game cody and enzo formed a final


♪♪ No.

♪♪ But cody was also brought into the committee alliance with

Memphis, nicole, dani christmas and tyler.

Meanwhile mem fist got a two final three with enzo.

♪♪ We'll make it the final three.

I'll bring in another person and we're going to make the same

Deal with this other person.

♪♪ One with cody.

♪♪ Final three, the wise guys.

♪♪ And one with christmas.

♪♪ Final three and wise guys.

♪♪ But enzo proved his loyalty to the roots by telling cody

Memphis is glad.

♪♪ You guys are in the -- ♪♪ no way.

♪♪ After kevin was to go in a shocking triple edition.

♪♪ By unanimous vote a six to zero kevin you are evicted from

The big brother house.

♪♪ David and nicole were next on the block.

♪♪ Guys we all knew this was coming.

So nominations are david and nicole.

♪♪ Tyler and christmas plotted to take out their ally.

And enzo acted like he was down with the plan.

But the meow was playing them.

♪♪ By a vote of three to two, david you are evicted from the

David you are evicted from the big brother house.

♪♪ And enzo quickly threw tyler and christmas under the bus.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ tyler and christmas want to

Throw her under the bus.

This is a blind side for cody this is my mine guy.

♪♪ After tyler one both hoh and veto.

♪♪ You are new head of household.

You have won the power of veto.

♪♪ Dani been became the final eviction of the night.

♪♪ By a vote of four to zero dani you are evicted from the

Big brother house.

♪♪ With only six left in the battle for the half million,

Cody showed off his power pose.

♪♪ Congratulations cody, you are new the new hoh.

♪♪ Super excited to seal the deal that I'm going to be moving

On to the final five.

♪♪ Enzo made sure to put the target on tyler ask christmas.

♪♪ What?

I know.

No way.

♪♪ In self preservation mode, tyler sold out christmas.

♪♪ Christmas is all right.

♪♪ Christmas quickly returned the favor.

♪♪ He came in and it's like flipping.

It's like what are you talking about.

It's flipping.

From who.

Like everybody.

♪♪ But it didn't save either from the chopping block.

♪♪ I've nominated you, tyler, and you christmas.

♪♪ Tonight the power of veto is on the line.

Will tyler or christmas stay.

Find out right now on big brother.

♪♪ I was like yes, it was yesterday like I even talked to

The members.

♪♪ This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

♪♪ I nominated christmas and tyler because these two were

Clearly working together to try to flip the vote against the

Triple edition and they just dumped me when I brought it up.

There's only three options and I have the final two.

So for me it is so crucial that my nomination stay the same.

♪♪ Cody put me on the block, it's pretty lame.

He's telling me that he doesn't want me to go but I'm a big

Target and I know these people want me out of this house.

So now I just need to figure out a way to get off the block.

♪♪ It's the jungle.

♪♪ Yes, sir.

♪♪ Now that the committee's dead, I have no alliance with


He's a tough competitor so for him to go home this week would

Be great for my game.

♪♪ I'm not surprised to be nominated being one of two votes

Against nicole and gave cody enough of a reason to put me up

On the block.

But this is not the end of the christmas spirit in this big

Brother game.

I'm ready to fight tooth and nail this week no matter what.

I'm ready to fight tooth and nail this week no matter what.

♪♪ Hello man of the week.

♪♪ Me?

♪♪ Are you okay.

♪♪ Yeah, I'm good.

♪♪ Christmas and tyler being on the block is the best thing I

Could ask for at this point.

I just wish it was me that got to do it.

They just tried to flip the vote to get me out and so, yeah, I'm

Very upset with them.

♪♪ I'm /.

♪♪ Who is your .

♪♪ Christmas.

She's got it.

That pushes me up and over for christmas to be the one.

There's always that chance the veto gets one.

♪♪ Yeah, absolutely.

♪♪ Even though tyler's a huge threat in this game he and I

Have been working together since the beginning.

I don't necessary me think he's coming after me.

I'm leaning forward christmas being my target because she has

A final three wise guys line.

Obviously I want to k*ll the version of the wise guys that

Does not include me.

♪♪ I'm really leaning towards chris miss right now.

♪♪ If that's what you want.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ tyler and I have had a final

Two for a long time but with one we missed and now we're both on

The block.

So at this point it's every person for themselves.

I have to do whatever I can to salvage my own game.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ crazy.

It's too much.

♪♪ You would have gotten voted out.

♪♪ They think they can just tell me what to do.

♪♪ Tyler and christmas tried to rope me into their plan on

Getting rid of nicole on a triple eviction.

I fooled them.

They thought I was going to flip and I didn't and now they're on

The block because of me.

I'm playing this game meow and I'm making no enemies.

I'm good at this game, I'm good.

♪♪ They came and vetoed.

♪♪ They came and vetoed.

♪♪ That's it.

♪♪ Come on, man are.

♪♪ I never thought he would do that.

♪♪ Me neither.

♪♪ Cody, you're out.

He voted us out.

♪♪ I feel like I should have just voted her out, man.

♪♪ Timer is on the block and I'm like yeah no kidding.

I am the reason why you're on the block and I'm just playing

Dumb right now because there's a good chance he wins this veto.

If he wins this zero he can take off -- veto he can take off and

Now I had your back and no matter what.

It's a mind game right now.

If it gets me further in this game I'll lie to you right to

Your face, I don't care.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ who's going home?

♪♪ I'm going to touch base.

♪♪ Yeah, absolutely.

♪♪ What's up.

♪♪ Sorry.

♪♪ No, it's all right.

♪♪ I just wanted to make sure that you knew I'm not taking

This personally even if I'm emotional.

It's just been a hard two days.

I'm not mad at you.

I probably would have done the same thing.

♪♪ I'm truly upset that cody put me on the block and I'm trying

Not to show it.

But as it's coming out, I'm like mm-mm.

If he sees how upset I am he'll see tyler is a bigger target and

He might want to keep me around a little bit longer.

♪♪ Going forward I still want to stay and play this game.

♪♪ I know you do.

♪♪ Why am I so emotional.

♪♪ I nominate christmas and now she comes up and here come the

Water works.

♪♪ I really don't want to cry.

♪♪ I don't want to be a jerk but I really hope it doesn't go for

Too long because this is brutal.

The whole thing just kind of is a nightmare.

I'm sorry to do this to you.

♪♪ I just squish my face and the liquid comes out.

♪♪ I feel horrible that christmas feels horrible but her

Crying changes nothing.

Went for a big move and landed you on the block and so you did

This to yourself.


♪♪ Some of it could be repaired.

I want to let you know I'm not mad at you.

I'm not taking this personally.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I know I'm the target this week but there's a lot of games

We played and this is my week to fight hard.

There's a veto to be played and I've got to give it my all.

♪♪ I will stay here.

I'm so used to it, I will stay here.

♪♪ The last time my mom was interviewed by the local news.

♪♪ My home town was going crazy.

♪♪ You said your dad passed.

Did your mom remarry.

♪♪ She did.

♪♪ My dad passed when I was and my parents got married

Before he passed.

Different elements for sure.

♪♪ Yeah totally.

♪♪ I just remember that.

I never processed it until like I had a kid.

I don't think any kid can process it.

♪♪ My father wasn't around for my life but came into my life

About a year later it was very tough to process because you

Don't know what they feel towards you.

I processed that grief when I had my son basically years


You don't understand what unconditional love is until you

Have a son or a daughter.

♪♪ I think about like what he would think.

♪♪ That's it?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Oh my god.

♪♪ What are you doing.

♪♪ My dad watched this show and I was watching it with hill.

♪♪ Really?

That's cool.

♪♪ I remember watching it with him as a kid.

♪♪ My dad was a fan of this show and it drove me to want to be on

This show and want to do so well.

And like little did I know, little did I know it would

Change everything.

This is like I can actually, I have with my dad even though

He's not here anymore, I owe it to him and I owe it to angela

And I owe it to myself to do whatever I can possibly do and

Stay in this house and get that win that I have want so bad.

♪♪ This is crazy thing.

♪♪ Get tyler.

What is the probability -- ♪♪ [whispering]

♪♪ I don't have very many allies left and it totally saved me on

The vote.

After the eviction I need to keep distance from tyler and I'm

Pretty certain that nicole and cody are working together so at

This point this is the only person in this house that I

Really love.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ the fact that christmas

Thinks I would be the replacement if tiecial won this

Veto is crazy.

She has no idea about the final with companiy and the final

Three with cody and enzo.

Ultimately I'm not going to be the replacement but I am going

To g*n for this veto.

I definitely want to send tyler packing.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ enzo kind of hung us out to

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ enzo kind of hung us out to

Dry when he did not go out of this house.

My only option left is the veto so I'm going balls to the wall

Towards enzo.

♪♪ Me, cody and chris [whispering]

♪♪ You want me to target enzo during the triple.

Definitely not but my goal here is to let enzo know about the

Committee with huge alliance going behind his back for the

Entire season.

If it wasn't for me during that triple he would be out even

Though it's not true, I need him to have that fear in him so he's

Done with the veto and lose it if he wins.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ wait, what?

How many people.

♪♪ Thanks tyler.

My boy cody already told me about this man.

♪♪ There's another alliance between memphis and christmas,

Dani, tyler, nicole and me.

♪♪ Tyler's doing too much right now it comes off as a used car


I see the desperation in his face.

I'm not buying.

What it is is me and cody everything grows from us.

We are the most solid pa pear in this house.

♪♪ Nice try tyler.

♪♪ [Whispering] ♪♪ you know that, it's crazy


♪♪ Yes, tyler, I am going to go for this veto to save you, man,

It's just not.

You're a liar now and I can't trust that moving forward with


Tyler, you don't win this veto there's a good chance that this

Is it, bro.

It's all right.

♪♪ You got to go for it.

What do you want to do.

♪♪ Everyone it's time for the veto competition.

Get ready and big brother will tell you when it's your turn to


♪♪ Whoa, this is cool.

I walked out into the pack yard and I feel like I've been

Transported to a baseball game.

I hear crowd cheering I see mitts and baseball everywhere.

What I really like is the food.

There's pizza and popcorn.

I'm really hungry so I want that.

While you've been in the big brother game your former

Housemates partied it up at a baseball game and in this

Competition your goal is to arrange the photos from the game

In chronological order.

Here's how it works.

Hit your button at the clock and begin removing photos from the

Cabinet and placing them on the stand.

You may have up to two photos in your possession at a time.

Look for clues in each photo to determine chronological order

The photos were taken.

When you think you have the photos arranged in the correct

Order hit the button to lock in your time.

If you are incorrect you'll hear boos from the crowd and must

Figure out where you went wrong.

If correct, you'll hear the crowd cheer.

And your clock will stop.

The player who places all photos in the correct order in the

Shortest amount of time will win the golden power of veto.

If you fail to complete the competition in minutes you'll

Max out a time of minutes.

Are you ready to play snapshottial?

♪♪ Yes, I am.

I'm ready to give it all my all in this veto competition.

It's been days and I've won nothing.

It's absolutely pathetic.

I need to win because I want tyler and christmas to stay on

The block.

Oh my god it looks so hard.

In this competition we have to put ten pictures of the evicted

House guests in chronological order based on cludes in the


The house guest who does this in fastest time does the power of


What is going on in these.

I'm looking at all these p it cs and trying to figure out what's


I'm supposed to put it in order but I'm not sure what I'm

Supposed tune looking at.

-- To be looking at.

Then it hits me.

There are subtle details in their clothes.

♪♪ Three scoops of ice cream.

♪♪ Nicole has three ice cream scoops in her cone and then it

Goes to ice cream flying out of her cone.

Next she has a baseball in her cone.

So you just have to kind of make the story make sense.

This looks like before the game, right.

I'm grabbing this picture in the green frame looks like it was

Taken before the baseball game started and everyone has just

Gotten their snack.

There's a full drink and a hot dog and nicole has a full ice

Cream cone.

This is before the game so I'm going to place it in the first


I'm going to leave the one with the purple frame where it is

Because the hot dog has a bite taken out of it.

♪♪ Okay take a deep breath.

She's still got three scoops.

She's got mustard on her shirt.

She had the mustard and ketchup on her shirt.

It's been an experience.

Ice cream, a hot dog and more of a hot dog.

So before that one.

This glass is completely empty and her glass is completely


The cup is tea empty so I know t photo has to be at the very end.

I notice that the finger is broken in the picture in the

Black frame but looks brand new with the white frame.

So I move the one with the white frame earlier.

I'll try it.

I just need to look over the photos and see what am I


♪♪ Her beer is not full.

I'm an idiot.

The pictures are in the wrong order.

It's full in one and half empty in the other so I'm just going

To switch them really quick.

I'm walking back to the middle section of the photos and I know

The hot dog.

It's bigger in one photo and smaller in the other so I'm just

Going to hurry up and exchange these.

Oh my god.

I was so confused.

♪♪ I want to win this veto really bad but more importantly

I want to make sure tyler doesn't win.

My tragedy is to focus on one item at a time.

First thing I noticed deive and the popcorn so I'm putting the

Pictures together.

That would be the empty one with it on her head and the first one

Is holding a full bucket of popcorn.

The hardest part about this competition is basically

Dissecting each photo.

Once you start eyeballing one kind of item, you want to put

That in chronological order but they overlap so much it makes it

Very difficult.

I notice that kesha had a full beer in one picture and an

Manyity one in the other.

So I need to switch this and get it in the chronological order.

Looking at the photos I'm realizing something's off.

In one photo she's spilling the popcorn and the other photo is

Completely full and perfect so I need to flip flop these.

Completely full and perfect so I need to flip flop these.

That was a hard one.

♪♪ My boy cody, I feel pretty safe but I still want to compete

In this and win the competition.

I'm trying to help you out cody.

My strategy is I just want to look at him real quick just to

Get a chance of what this competition is about.

The beginning.

I'm breaking pics down and placing them in order.

The first couple ones look like they are in the parking lot

Having a barbecue.

The next couple looks like they're walking on to the field.

This guy's running on the field, that idiot's running on the

Field but the couple pitches looks like they're in the same

Enjoying theqbthey're at the gam you see the scoreboard.

Enjoying theqbthey're at the gam you see the scoreboard.

They're here at the game that's going to be during the game.

I don't know what is going on.

They're at the game.

What do you want me to think that they're not at the game.

♪♪ Of course it's one.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ I have no idea what the hell.

♪♪ I know my stuff.

I know, I'm with you on this.

♪♪ I don't know, this is definitely wrong.

This sounds like the loser lounge.

Get me out of here.

♪♪ I played every veto this season besides one.

This one is hands down the most important because my back is

Against the wall.

It's final.

I need to win this thing.

Take out every picture from the cabinet put them on the stand so

I can get a better view and then I'm going to start rearranging

Them next.

I don't even know what the hard part about this competition is

Because everything is hard.

I do not understand.

I see an empty beer glass over here and a full one over there

And then it spills.

The finger's broken and now janelle's mad.

There's an al g alligator and a streaking.

♪♪ Ice cream ice cream.

♪♪ I step back to check out my terrible work and I realize

There's a picture with empty popcorn before a picture with

Devin still popcorn.

So I've got to switch these around.

Finally it's really starting to add up.

♪♪ Now that we're down to the final six I've had to turn on

People I've been working with.

So I absolutely have to win this veto.

I'm not about to name a third person I've been working with.

♪♪ That's the drinking empty, full.

♪♪ At first I'm looking at all these pictures and there's so

Many details I have to look through and it is very


I have some pictures that I think go in the beginning but I

Have to figure out the right order.

Take a bite.

Full drink.

You have to put these photos in chronological order and I have

To follow left to right.

The yellow frame has keisha but with the blue frame she's

Already taken a zip.

So the yellow frame should go before the blue.



♪♪ I desperately need to win this veto.

I'm not sure I'm a target or not but I'm sure as well not going


♪♪ Cody.

She's got her ice cream she's got her ice cream.


This one.

I don't know if I'm right but I'm going to go ahead and take a


Rent me hit that button.

Buzz it, buzz it christmas.


There's so many little differences in this photos that

It's easy to get stuck on but I have to make sure that that

Doesn't distract me.

Time is going quickly and I need to figure out this puzzle as

Fast as possible.

♪♪ She's eating a freaking hot dog.

♪♪ That's hilarious.

♪♪ I hit my button a few times and I'm finally narrowing it

Down to the third, fourth and fifth picture but I just can't

Figure out what's going on.

Oh my god, I finally see it.

It's the beer.

I gave everything in this competition.

I sprinted to the buzzer every single time.

I ran from picture to picture.

I'm really hoping that I won this.

I am not ready for my big brother life to be over.

I don't know how I could have done any better.

♪♪ All right we'll see how everybody did at sham not

Christmas time of minutes seconds.

Let's see if enzo beat christmas' time of minutes


Enzo you finished with a time of minutes.

♪♪ My time was a big pile of ...

I never figured out the solution to this puzzle and my time maxed

Out in this competition.

I've got to get my head in the game a little bit more and play

Harder inury that mean christmas you're still in the lead.

Tyler, you've finished with the time of minutes.

♪♪ What?

Tyler timed out?

I am shocked.


♪♪ You finish with the time of wrminutes seconds.

♪♪ I'm disappointed with myself.

I was frustrate and ready for intervention.

♪♪ That means I'm currently in the lead.

Nicole, you've finished with the time of minutes and


All right that means it comes down to me and memphis.

Memphis you need to beat my time of minutes seconds if you

Want to take home the golden power of veto.

Memphis you finished with the time of minutes seconds.

That means I'm the winner of the golden power veto.

I value super excited -- I am super excited to have won the


The means I'm getting closer and closer to that $,.

♪♪ I'm completely devastated that cody won the veto because I

Like to make sure I'm in charge of my own life.

This could be the end of my game.

This could be the end of my game.

♪♪ Codey wins the veto.


He made his nomination and I don't expect them to change.

That sucks.

I'm feeling pretty down right now, I'm not going to lie.

♪♪ We're all going to have it.

♪♪ It is what it is.

♪♪ Especially with so few people.

♪♪ Cody won [whispering] ♪♪ I know.

I'm like I don't know.

♪♪ [Indiscernible] ♪♪ of course not.

But I know it could be lost.

I don't know who he is leaning toward wanting to have out.

I played pretty straight up which can be a problem sometimes

And he doesn't.

He's got shades everywhere.

Let me know but I promise you -- ♪♪ [whispering]

He's in the room already.

Already talking about this and that.

He and tyler are talking about this and that.

Tyler came back to the committee.

♪♪ Tyler.

♪♪ Tyler.

Cody's upset.

I'm telling you if I win the veto he's going to put you up.

♪♪ During the time tyler exposed the committee and that I'm going

After him is not cool.

It's clear that tyler is trying to do everything to stay in the

House but he doesn't know how close I am with enzo and he

Tells me everything.

I wasn't targeting tyler before but now he's giving me good


♪♪ What is tyler doing.

♪♪ I was so upset.

♪♪ Where does the term in-law.

Sister-in-law comes from.

In law means in loo and loo is the bathroom.

♪♪ Loo for loophole.

♪♪ And loophole loo.

♪♪ You can la launder money.

♪♪ Cody and enzo are hilarious but when they are together it's

Like oh my gosh.

They just feed off of each other.

♪♪ You launder money.

♪♪ You laundromat.

♪♪ That's my brother and then boom.

♪♪ Perfect.

♪♪ Sister-in-law.

♪♪ Now you know that.

♪♪ They just go on these little rants.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

Romance bromance right there.

♪♪ It's in law because marriage is law.

♪♪ Sister-in-law.

Like in law.

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Yes, right.

♪♪ I'm still taking it all in like it's my last week.

I just feel like I'm for sure going.

If you don't use it on me I'm going.

I'm telling you right now.

♪♪ I understand where you're coming from.

♪♪ I'm just trying to run through like what the scenarios

Are now.

♪♪ Memphis and christmas are both like you and nicole.

♪♪ You think?

♪♪ I'd say so.

I would say -- my big brother life is on the line right now so

I need cody to save me because I'm going to go home if he


♪♪ Memphis can do everything.

♪♪ He's won.

Questions he's won.

Puzzles he's won.


He wins everything.

If we have a chance to get him out.

♪♪ Right.

♪♪ If cody decides to use that veto on me and save me.

He wouldn't put up nicole or enzo so I'm thinking memphis is

The only option for him to throw up there.

From there he can vote out whoever he wants.

I don't care as long as it's not me sitting on that block.

That is my only goal right now.

♪♪ Memphis doesn't think he's taking you to final or me to


It's somebody he can beat easily.

I knows he doesn't like him that much.

♪♪ Right.

♪♪ Probably wants to end christmas because he thinks she

Can beat her.

♪♪ Easily.

♪♪ You're hung out to dry.

♪♪ With christmas and memphis.

♪♪ I don't want you to go.

If you do go, you're saying.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ It's very difficult at this point in the game to know who

You really control.

Tyler definitely annoyed me if he pulled enzo and tyler came

Off the block I would put up enzo and target enzo.

But on the other hand memphis informing the version of the

Wise guys without me in it is extremely frustrating.

What I cannot do is base my decisions off how these things

Make me feel emotionally.

I have to be strategic because I'm so close to the end.

Like if I make the wrong move and it costs me being in the


I don't know if I'll be able to live that down.

♪♪ It's going to get me pparanoid.

♪♪ I'm just saying it's true though.

Am I wrong.

♪♪ You're trying to make me paranoid.

♪♪ I trust you, man.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I'm shaking -- ♪♪ yeah.

Hey guys.

Time for veto.

This is the veto meeting.

Tyler and christmas has been nominated for eviction but I

Have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I have decided not to use the power veto.

I have decided not to use the power veto.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

♪♪ My arms are locked and there are great reasons to send either

Tyler or christmas home so we're just going to have to see how

This week plays out.

But either way I'm sending one of these people to the jury and

That puts me one step closer to $,.

♪♪ Surprise.

I'm still on the block.

I feel pretty confident I'm going to stay but I still have

To go and do the work that is required for me to stay.

It's my son's second birthday on thursday and there is no way

That I am getting evicted on that day.

I refuse for it to happen and it's not gonna.

♪♪ I've got tyler and christmas on the block.

At least one of them is getting out of here.

I'm best friends with everyone on the house but behind the

Scenes I'm as ruthless as it comes.

If I can stay I will.

I want to get everybody out and get to the final.

♪♪ If I was these people I would definitely vote me out but it's

Not over yet.

I've convinced the people in my big brother to do some crazy

Stuff and keep me in this stuff right now might be the craziest

Of all.

Let's get crazy and keep tyler in the house.

♪♪ The night before eviction and this is no lie.

One game is over either christmas or tyler.

Find out number night at : : central on big brother.