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22x28 - Episode 28

Posted: 05/05/24 12:04
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Julie: all season long the committee has dominated the

Game, but now that alliance is officially done and it's avenue

Ree man and woman for themselve.

Welcome to "big brother: all-stars."

♪♪ Announcer: previously on "big brother: all-stars," from

The jump, jersey boy's cody and enzo were aligned.

♪♪ You knew the rules, that's it ♪♪ with the end in sight,

Memphis pulled enzo into two final three deals.

♪♪ I'm going to bring one person and we'll make it final three.

And then I'm going to bring another person and we're going

To make the same deal with this other person.

♪♪ One with cody.

♪♪ Final three, the wise guys.

♪♪ Announcer: and another with christmas.

♪♪ Final three, the wise guys.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ Announcer: but enzo's true reality was with the root.

♪♪ You know you guys are the wise guys.

♪♪ Announcer: and a history making triple eviction, kevin

Went first.

♪♪ Julie: kevin, you are evicted from the big brother


♪♪ Announcer: then christmas and tyler made themselves

Targets when they tried and failed to take out nicole.

♪♪ I very, very sadly vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ I vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ Julie: by a vote of -, david, you are evicted from the

Big brother house.

But with tyler securing power.

♪♪ You are the new head of household, it was tammy who

Would be the third eviction of the night.

♪♪ By a unanimous vote of -, danny, you are evicted from the

Big brother house.

♪♪ With only six left in the game, cody took control.

♪♪ Congratulations, cody, you are the new h.o.h.

♪♪ Announcer: and he went after two former allies.

♪♪ I've nominated you tyler and you christmas.

♪♪ Announcer: knowing she was close to memphis, cody wanted to

Cut christmas.

♪♪ I'm really leaning toward christmas right now.

♪♪ I will do whatever you want, obviously.

♪♪ Announcer: but after tyler liedto enzo about cody.

♪♪ The plan was for you to go.

It was supposed to third triple. To do.

♪♪ Announcer: cody target shifted.

♪♪ He is like yo, I'm telling you I will put you up this this,

And that, bro, I wasn't targeting it tyler before but

Now he's starting to give me a good reason to.

♪♪ What is he doing.

♪♪ Announcer: with cody winning veto.

♪♪ I'm the winner of the golden power of veto.

♪♪ Announcer: his nominations were signed, sealed and


♪♪ I have decided no the to use pot we are of veto.

♪♪ Announcer: tonight either christmas or tyler will become

The next sent to jury.

Plus the first five jurors react toes shocking triple eviction.

♪♪ I feel more betrayed than ever in this game.

♪♪ Announcer: and the head of household is back up for grabs.

All this right now on big brother!

♪♪ If I squish may face, liquid comes out.

♪♪ Julie: good eveningk I'm july ye chen moonves, welcome to

"Big brother: all-stars."

It's day inside the big brother house and the aftershock

Of last week's thrilling triple eviction continue to be felt

After christmas and tyler failed attempt to take former winner

Nicole out.

Now one of them will pay the ultimate price and their run at

A half million dollars will come to an end.

So who will become the next member of the jury?

We'll find out soon enough.

But first with six players left in the game and finals at every

Turn, one big question remains, who's got who's back.

♪♪ This veto meeting is adjourned.

♪♪ I've decided not to use pot we are of veto because the only

People that are off the block, have I final twos with.

♪♪ Putting up a replacement nominee would be catastrophic

For my game.

Right now I'm leaning towards tyler going home because tyler

Is somebody that is too good of a competitor to not take a shot



♪♪ Cody doesn't use veto, now I have to do my best to get two

Votes to stay in this house.

I honestly think their best move is to vote me out but I'm pretty

Sure I have enzo.

Now I need to work on nicole and memphis.

Memphis is tight with christmas.

Nicole, I put her on the block.

And I voted her out and she's still here.

I got work to do, man.

♪♪ I thought I had that one.

I'm accepting the fact that I'm on the block and the noms are

Blocked but there is no way I'm su rend aring.

I have spent three months away from my family and my child to

Win this game.

And there's no way that I'm going out at number six.

We're going to have a good week man.

We're going to party.

♪♪ Hey can I hang with you guys.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ What is going on.

Luke what is going on.

♪♪ It's just too much.

He's too happy.

So lucky that tyler is on the block next to her.

Her days are numbered, her days are numbered too, yo, out of


♪♪ Should you guys change last minute, I don't care, I will do


But I'm just saying I think strategically he has to go.

♪♪ He has to.

You think being voting me out?

♪♪ Huh.

♪♪ You thinking about voting me out?

♪♪ I'm definitely leaning towards voting you out.

♪♪ I think it has nothing to do with anything other than you're

A beast.

♪♪ I know man.

♪♪ You scare me.

♪♪ I know, man, I do.

♪♪ When I'm percent I will definitely tell you, man,

Because have I no reason not to.

♪♪ Right, I figured you would, that is why I just asked you.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I heard that he is voting me out.

♪♪ Did he really.

♪♪ I mean whatever, yeah.

♪♪ He said he's scared of me and trying to knock out the strong

Players so he can win easily.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ If it is memphis an christmas, one of them wins that

Next h.o.h., The other one has not seen the block.

And he puts up you and enzo.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ The two biggest threats.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ You would be gone unless you won the veto.

♪♪ Yeah.

I feel like I'll go no matter what if I don't win the veto.

♪♪ If that was me, I am like dead serious, like, I understand

You don't believe this, but if I stay, it's four versus one, it

Is three versus two.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I would leave you to vouch for me.

♪♪ Right now I'm leaning toward tyler going home but I'm nowhere

Near %.

I am telling tyler what he needs to hear right now to keep him at


♪♪ You guys do want to keep me though, right.

♪♪ You are my boy, man.

♪♪ Hello, party boy.

♪♪ Let's go.

♪♪ I'm so stoked.

♪♪ I think he is losing it.

♪♪ Final two with christmas, she is also part of the wise guys so

Ultimately I need to make sure christmas stays.

I need to make sure that it is not obvious that I want

Christmas to stay over tyler.

♪♪ Honestly, let me tell you, this I think christmas in her

Mind is big move, not thought out, she's not thinking like oh,

This is what I want.

Christmas is probably like big move to send home nicole.

♪♪ For sure.

♪♪ I want to be like you tried to flip the house on me when you

Know I've been trying to go after this kid.

I mean it just really shows to me that they are both working


♪♪ Right.

♪♪ One of them has got to go.

♪♪ I'm like either/or, I'm the same way, I'm like either/or.

I think that she is a little frantic.

♪♪ She is for sure.

♪♪ And so put you and me up against enzo, put me up


♪♪ Yeah, yeah.

♪♪ Tyler, the thing that makes me nervous, put you and me up

Against him and there is a chance.

♪♪ I know, I have a hard time thinking not jumping on the


Like why we not, I think we're on the same page.

♪♪ Look f I win h.o.h. Next week, she is going up on the

Block, obviously.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ And is nicole, is nicole on board, put her up too.

♪♪ Tyler and christmas are dead to nicole.

♪♪ Every time I'm talking to memphis and he is talking about

Christmas, I know he is full of it to some degree because he

Created a separate wise guise alliance with her and enzo.

Like dude you are lying to my face and we are supposed to work

Together to the end of this game.

What is the deal.

He is making a game and i.

♪♪ So nicole is in a good spos,-- if christmas wins we are

In a good spot, and-- and-- -- controlling the house.

♪♪ Yeah ♪♪ bro, right there.

It's there.

Ours for the taking, we just have to win.

We have a good chance, with him out of it.

♪♪ From inn my head the wise guy alliance was never really a

Thing t was a backup, in memphis' head is it is a real

Thing and trying to use it to get to the end of the game.

I'm triking to milk him for any information can I get out of him

And use that to my advantage.

That's all mi doing.

♪♪ If me and or you win h.o.h., We put up christmas or nicole.

And then who are you trying to convincek cody.

♪♪ .

♪♪ However we get there, let's just get there, that's it.

♪♪ We got this.

♪♪ I don't know, man, I'm starting to get confused.

♪♪ I'm in the wise guys with memphis but cody is my number


So anything that memphis tells me I share that with cody.

♪♪ Are you going to put him up, do you want-- memphis.

♪♪ For sure, I will put up christmas, I will put up nicole.

♪♪ That's what he said he would do.

Within and I believe him, but he is going to tell christmas that

She is the pawn, he wants nicole out bad.

♪♪ He does.

♪♪ He wants nicole out.

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Memphis is trying to pull a fast one, is he tell ming he

Wants to go after christmas next week, obviously he will try to

Flip the script and go after nicole.

I should have known this late in the game there will people with

Their own agendas and it would not be that easy.

♪♪ He wants nicole out.

♪♪ He tells me he wants christmas out.

♪♪ He is playing the whole thing right now.

What I think he would do, is next week he might put up them

Two and if he wins veto he might put me on the block and make

Christmas be the one vote, and then he will choose who goes


Have I to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he sent me home

Because she'll want to do it.

And he will want the easiest path in his mind to winning the


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ So his final two deal has to be with christmas, it has to

Bement because he knows that christmas will take him to the

End of this game.

♪♪ I just don't know man.

I don't know.

♪♪ I'm getting stressed the-- out.

You know.

♪♪ The scenario that makes me nervous is if christmas wins

H.o.h., I think he's going to votethe block.

♪♪ If christmas, that is trouble for me and you, he wants to get

Rid of nicole next week, then it is us four, the two wise guys.

♪♪ I'm not letting him have christmas.

♪♪ If he wins that last pov, final four, he is-- he is not

Flipping christmas over us.

♪♪ Hearing this from enzo is very, very irritating.

I don't think you realize memphis how easily, easily I can

Send home christmas.

Christmas will go home, if I snap my fingers.

♪♪ So the only way to avoid that is get christmas this week.

♪♪ I'm thinking that too.

♪♪ Julie: up next, news of last week's triple eviction

Slaik up the jury house, then christmas or tyler.

Who will be evicted and who will stay competing in tonight's head

Of household.

Stay with us.

♪♪ Julie: welcome back to "big brother: all-stars."

Last week's first ever triple eviction took the big brother

House by surprise.

But in a jury house the surprises were just getting


♪♪ This one can be michelangelo, and this one donnatello, rafael

Over there man, I have way too much time on my hands.

Getting I viced from the big brother house definitely sucksk

I take responsibility for my eviction.

If I had played a little bit better than I would have been

Better protected against the twists and wouldn't be sitting

Here right now, but definitely is a little bit lonely at the

Moment here in the jury house.

♪♪ If I had the guess who is going to be walking through the

Door today, I'm going to go ahead and guess that it is is


♪♪ Can I play with you?

♪♪ Oh, I missed you.

♪♪ I missed you.

♪♪ Being evicted from the big brother house suck, I'm not

Going to lie.

But I am relieved because it is heavy in there.

♪♪ I got t all the t.

♪♪ Let's go.

♪♪ You ready.

♪♪ I am.

♪♪ It's going to burn your lip.

♪♪ I always say that this season there are layers upon layers

Upon layers of the same people recycling ed in the alliance.

And I I had an alliance, the sli six, me, cody, tyler, bayleigh,

Enzo and ben.

♪♪ Cuz I had an alliance with dani, nicole, cody.

So to me it seems like dani is the one who was in everything.

So maybe she is probably the best player right now.

♪♪ Yes, she is, yes, she is, hands down.

♪♪ Now that da'vonne is here, she did bring a little bit of

Extra information.

So I think that now I'm kind of pegging that dani is the best

Player and really running things inside the bb house.

♪♪ So nicole after you left, I was pussed.

♪♪ Sure.

♪♪ I naturally assumed it was david that flipped so I went to

Nicole, I said hey nicole, she looked me dead in my face, and

Said I swear, I didn't do it.

I swear.

And then I get a good-bye message and the booed bye

Message says she flipped.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ Yes.

I know nicole didn't have my back but at the end of the day I

Think it was a nice play on her end.

So I don't really hold it against her.

A little disappointing but I don't begrudge anyone for

Playing well.

I mean can you blame them?

♪♪ I can, on my end.

♪♪ Okay, okay.

♪♪ I'm really struggling with the fact that nicole didn't tell

Me the truth about the vote.

Not for game purposes but on a personal level.

Because I came to her, as da'vonne, the person, no

Da'vonne the player.

Once again I trusted her.

And once again, she snaked me.

Janelle, were you right.

I could use a drink.

♪♪ I absolutely could too.

♪♪ Let's goness with definitely.

♪♪ Right now I'm enjoying you.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ And this detox from the game.

♪♪ Absolutely.

♪♪ Yeah, nice to have a little drink.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ Feels good, well cheers to that.

♪♪ Cheesier.

♪♪ I hate to say it but I think kevin might be coming.

♪♪ I agree.

He didn't win h.o.h. It is going to be tough for him.

♪♪ Hiiiuii.

♪♪ Why are you here?

♪♪ I I wanted to be near you.

♪♪ We wanted you in the house.

♪♪ Obviously we are sad because we want you to still be in the


♪♪ When I got he vucted from the big brother house, it felt like

A weight just lifted off my shoulder.

I did as best as I could.

And five times has been a lot.

♪♪ Look, I know it's been a long night and you need a drink.

But before you can quench your thrirs I need to you quinch

Mine, give me some tea, what is going on.

♪♪ There is a new twist that occurred, called the neighbor's


Dr. Will was in part of it.

♪♪ Yep.

♪♪ And he is like guess what, the key to success is not

Thinking one step ahead, not two steps ahead, but three steps


The real tea is I'm almost certain it is going to be a

Double eviction, somebody else is right behind me, for sure.

♪♪ Who do you think it's going to be.

♪♪ I'm thinking either david or enzo.

♪♪ Oh my god.

♪♪ Told you.

, Right behind you.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ It's crazy, I'm one vote away from having a shot to get to the

Final six like that.

♪♪ I'm glad you are here.

♪♪ My redemption has been served.

From a year ago torque make it an monk all-stars how cannot be


♪♪ You think there is somebody else.

♪♪ I wouldn't be surprised.

♪♪ Somebody else is coming, oh my god.

♪♪ I knew this season would have a couple of doubles, but a


My mind is blown!

♪♪ Julie: up next, dani was stunned by her he virks.

-- Eviction and so was the jury, then the jury house gets a new

Residents as either christmas or tyler's shot at the half million

Dollar ends.

Plus the battle to become the next head of household.

Stay with us.

♪♪ Julie: welcome back to "big brother: all-stars," with less

Than three weeks before they crown a winner, the jury is

Starving for information.

And dani has plenty of that.

♪♪ Steps one, two and three you say.

♪♪ Hey guys.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ Triple.

♪♪ Oh my gosh.

♪♪ Literal leigh everyone we didn't want to see.

♪♪ And boy do I have everything that you want to know, I can

Tell you.

Because I know it all.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ The main reason that I am in the jury house is because I was

Playing a much better game than nicole.

And she is not a threat to anybody.

That is all it comes down to.

I'm heart brocken I went out, really, really hurt, to be


I have been crying all day.


♪♪ Tonight is a mess.

My worst nightmare.

My fear, my three picks, all of them are now in the jury house.

♪♪ I can tell you about it more but I am done with this for the


I need some rest so let's chat about this tomorrow.

How about that guys.

♪♪ Let's get some drinks because I know could you use one, you

Could use one, I could use one.

♪♪ Let's go get some, just to be safe, I'm going to take this,


♪♪ All right guys, I would love to tell you what happened but

Why don't we just watch instead.

♪♪ Ody with a score of is the new head of household.

♪♪ Are you guys real?

♪♪ Awesome.

♪♪ I love it.

Look at him.

♪♪ He kind of looks like tyler's brother.

♪♪ Biv me the money.

♪♪ You got the money, cody.

♪♪ I don't blame you one bit.

♪♪ I blame you.

♪♪ Congratulations.


You have won the golden power of veto!

♪♪ So why, did you feel safe?

I think it was to knock cody out.

♪♪ I hear that but at the end of the day I just thought ,, I

Panicked and was like yo, boom.

♪♪ Could you have won that potentially and knocked out

Cody, nicole was not a competitor in this at all.

♪♪ If either one of you won and tried, christmas would have gone

Home, it would have changed the game.

♪♪ It's nice to hear that but when are you continuing to be

Targeted it is just like do I keep trying to fight the moving

Fight or do I stake claim to some money right now.

♪♪ I don't blame him for a second.

First round, ,, he could have been knocked out the second

Round and got nothing.

♪♪ Kevin, you are evicted from the big brother house.

♪♪ [Applause]


♪♪ Julie: it's now time to crown a new head of household.

♪♪ Here we go.

♪♪ Julie: congratulations, memphis, you are the new head of


Head inside immediately, everyone.

You have only moments to strategize.

♪♪ Oh god, what's going to happen.

♪♪ Nom naitionzs are david and any-- nominations are david and


♪♪ Julie: nicole and david thank you for taking yr places

In the two nomination chairs.

Congratulations to you christmas.

You have won the power of veto.

By a vote of -, david, you are he viced from the big brother


♪♪ Peace out of there, I was like yo, this girl has won, why

Would you keep her in the house.

♪♪ Let's be real, was she playing a winning game there


♪♪ If she makes it to the end, there is plenty of game left.

♪♪ So what did you think you had.

♪♪ I thought I had tyler, enzo and christmas.

♪♪ And tyler and christmas thought they had enzo too.

♪♪ Enzo said he would take a shot at nicole.

♪♪ He was going to go wherever the power blew, that is where he

Was going.

♪♪ I feel like I should be gaining respect for people's

Game play, I'm losing respect, enzo come on, you had a shot.

♪♪ Enzo come on, seeing the vote being so close and once again

Nicole being able to skate by a as a winner really pisses me off

To see that.

♪♪ Julie: tonight is indeed a triple eviction.

♪♪ Yes, girl.

♪♪ Don't say yes, this is my demise.

♪♪ Julie: and a big congratulations to you tyler,

Are you the new head of household.

Head inside immediately, everyone.

♪♪ Wow.

Tyler wins.

♪♪ He's been waiting for this moment.

♪♪ Oh yeah.

♪♪ Dang, nicole, I'm sorry.

♪♪ Julie: dani, nicole, thank you for taking your seat in the

Nomination chairs.

♪♪ Sco hard look her head is down, she wants to be the last

One standing.

♪♪ She probably will be, that's her goal for sure.

♪♪ Julie: congratulations tyler.

You have won the power of veto.

♪♪ Going into this, I did not want tyler or christmas to win.

I knew that I was doomed if they did.

♪♪ Julie: by a unanimous vote, of -, dani, you are evicted

From the big brother house.

♪♪ How do you feel to be sitting there.

♪♪ I feel more betrayed than I have ever been in this game, so

St hard for me.

♪♪ Cody had you on one land and he had nicole on one hand.

And I told you it was only going to be a matter of time before he

Had to let one of you go.

♪♪ I know.

And I truly believe that I was closer to him than nicole

Watches I truly believe it.

♪♪ It's the game t is literally the game but that doesn't mean

That it doesn't suck.

♪♪ I am so happy that I was not a part of that triple eviction


Listen, that was a mess.

Those people that are in this swrir house, they're losing

Their minds.

It shook them hard and I'm glad I got out before.

♪♪ I literally feel like, I feel heartbroken.

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ I feel really sad.

I feel really disappointed in myself.

♪♪ Don't feel disappointed in yourself, you fought, you


♪♪ My god, tyler is playing a great game.

He really controlled the whole eviction.

He got what he wanted.

He made a bold move, he targeted dani and made a move on her


Okay tyler, I see you.

♪♪ So you know what is going to be good, right.

You are out, and so that only leaves nicole and christmas in

The house.

Tyler has an attachment to christmas, cody has an

Attachment to nicole what is going to happen between these

Two when they have to choose a final girl to stay, how is that

Going to play out.

♪♪ Depends who is the h.o.h.

♪♪ I think cody is playing the best game of everyone remaining

In the house.

I think that he is a very good well-rounded game.

I think he has social game, strategy and he wins


Even though I feel most betrayed by my best friend, I am not


I got outplayed and I still want to see him win.

♪♪ Enough with our demises, all we can do now is pray that next

Week say quadruple.

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Let's go to the pool.

♪♪ Protect my wig, y'all already know.

♪♪ Julie: up next t is the end of the line for either christmas

Or tyler.

Who will be evicted?

And who will become the next head of household?

Stay with us.

♪♪ Julie: welcome back to "big brother: all-stars."

Christmas and tyler had a final two since the beginning of the


But tonight only one will remain.

And it's anyone's guess who that will be.

Key houseguests have been going back and forth all day on whom

To evict.

Let's head to the living really and talk with the two nominees.

Hello houseguests.

♪♪ Hey julie.

♪♪ Julie: well, everyone, it is time for the vote and


Christmas, tyler, in just moments your house mates will

Cast their votes to evict.

But before they do, you each have a final comans to sway

Their votes with one brief statement.

Christmas, you're up first.

♪♪ All right.

Gratitude for god, happy birthday loyal atticus, you are

The light of may life and I'm sorry can I not be there with

You right now but mama's working.

And I will be home soon but not hopefully too soon.

That and fun squad, I will be with you soon, ben thanks for

Being such an amazing dad and taking great care of our son.

Houseguests, I am standing in front of you and I'm asking for

You guys to consider what type of player that you know me to be

From day one.

I'm asking for you to vote for me to stay.

I have, I'm having an amazing time playing with each an every

One of you, you guys are all individually like hitters and

This is the best top final six of all time so I am humbled to

Be among it and I'm hoping that you guys vote for me to continue

This journey with you.



♪♪ Julie: thank you, christmas, I love that you love

God with a name like christmas, how could you not, I love god


All right, tyler, you're up.

♪♪ All right, thanks, julie.

All right, so I have spent a total of days in this house.

And none of them have been better than the first because

Of you angela.

I love you and I miss you more than I can even say and I'm so

Proud of you and thankful for you.

We are almost done but guys, I want to say how thankful I am to

Be forever on all-star with you guys.

And the fact we made it this far is crazy.

But on that note, I'm not done yet.

All I'm going to say, it is not going to be good for any of your

Games if you vote to evict me today.

Christmas, I'm sorry we ended up this way.

Thank you.

♪♪ Julie: thank you, tyler, thank you both.

All right everyone, it's now time for the voting to begin.

Cody, as current head of household you know the drill,

You're not allowed to vote.

As always, neither are the two nominees.

One at a time the rest of you will enter the diary room and

Cast your vote to evict.

Enzo, are you up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Enzo has convinced tyler he has his back.

But does he really?

Hi enzo.

♪♪ Hey screulie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your vote to evict.

♪♪ I sadly vote to evict tyler.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

Gianucco, daddy is almost done.

♪♪ Julie: nicole is unhappy with both nominees, so who does

She want out first.

Hi nicole.

♪♪ Hi julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your vote to evict.

♪♪ I vote to evict tyler.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thank you, love you,.

♪♪ Julie: it's official w two votes to evict tyler, tyler will

Leave the house tonight.

But let's see how memphis votes.

Hello memphis.

♪♪ Hey julie.

♪♪ Julie: please cast your vote to evict.

♪♪ I vote to evict tyler.

♪♪ Julie: thank you.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Julie: all of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the houseguests.

Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote the evicted houseguest will have

Just a few moments to say good-bye, gather his or her

Belongings, and walk out the front door.

And remember, you are leaving the big brother bubble to please

Put on your mask when you exit.

By a vote of -, tyler you are evicted from the big brother


♪♪ It was worth a shot.

♪♪ It was, of course it was.

♪♪ .

♪♪ I love you.

♪♪ I love you broness with take it easy.


♪♪ That was good man.

♪♪ It was good.

♪♪ I got nothing.

♪♪ All right.

All right guys guys, you betser give me a show shout out in the

Scrir house.

♪♪ [Applause]

♪♪ Hey.

♪♪ Julie: hey tyler air hug.

♪♪ Air hug.

♪♪ Julie: from more than sick feet apart.

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Julie: have a seat please.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Julie: I thought this was going to be your year, I really

Did I'm sure did you too, I'm surea lot of people did.

♪♪ Stay right there, we have a lot to talk about, thank you.

♪♪ Julie: when we return I will talk withino one with


Stay with us.

♪♪ Welcome back to "big brother: all-stars," I'm sitting here

With tyler who was just evicted by a vote of - from the

All-star big brother house.

In your speech you said basically don't do this.

Are you being to regret it not going to be good, not going to

What did you mean by that?

♪♪ I was just trying to scare them, confuse them.


That was my hail mary.

♪♪ Julie: do you believe nor their game-- for their game they

He viced the right person tonight, truly.

♪♪ Yes, because I was definitely copping after memphis and cody.

I thought they were the strongest competitors and the

Biggest threats to win.

And I think they viewed me the same way, so.

♪♪ Julie: and do you think the fact that you are good at

Competitions has anything to do with it.

♪♪ I this so-- think so I think so, yeah.

♪♪ Julie: but christmas is good at competition toos.

♪♪ She is too, that is what I am saying, I done know.

♪♪ Julie: so did they make the rise.

♪♪ I think they did.

I think they did.

♪♪ Julie: okay.

You worked with enzo and cody throughout the season.

♪♪ Uh-huh, yep.

♪♪ Julie: and we saw.

♪♪ Triple threat, that was our name.

♪♪ Julie: yes.

So why do you think they didn't at least bring you a long a

Little longer?

♪♪ That is all right, you know, I really just think they saw me

As a threat.

And now that we are getting down to it, final five, they might

Have got confused with where my priorities were lying.

And I really think nicole is definitely cody's number one.

So I think he wants to take her as far as possible.

And sit with her in the end.

♪♪ Julie: let's talk about triple eviction night.

♪♪ Oh my gosh.

♪♪ Julie: the bold move you and christmas made.

Knowing it is triple eviction.

The two of you decide to try and make out nicole.

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Julie: what gave you the confidence to try and do that

When you knew the sitting h.o.h.

Memphis wanted david out and not nicole.

♪♪ Man, you know, it was just a last minute thing.

And I had been putting little seeds in enzo's head for a

Couple weeks like man, cody has any nicole, we need to cut that

As soon as opportunity.

Saw an opportunity, me and christmas came together and

Didn't even have time to finish the conversation with enzo and

He didn't come through.


♪♪ Julie: let's talk about david.

♪♪ Oh david, that is my guy.

♪♪ Julie: I want to know why because let me just set it up a

Little bit.

He put your game in jeopardy when early on he he had veeled

To da'vonne that you and he had something going, working


♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ Julie: and then when you were on the block next to ian,

You know yvetteed.

♪♪ He voted me out.

♪♪ Julie: and yet you attempted to save him last week.

Why is he your guy, what is it about david that kept you

Fighting for him.

♪♪ I don't know man, just something about his story.

Just being the first evicted last season, and I was a big fan

Of him.

I wanted to see him do well this year.

So even when he was running loosek I was like come on david,

Come back home, man, let's work together.

And I was hoping to get to a point where he was forced to

Work with me and it made it easier to vote out nicole, even

Though it kind of messed me up a little bit.

♪♪ Julie: there were time this season where you said I've had

It with this game, I don't really want to play it seems

Like it was during those times you made some tract kal errors.

♪♪ For sure.

♪♪ Julie: how much do you think that affected the rest of

Your game?

♪♪ I think it kind of, you know, I think it kind of set the tone

For me a little bit.

Like I was in my own head a lot.

I was doubting myself, like being a part of this game.

What my true intentions are and everything.

I felt like times I just looked away from myself and I kind of

Was reckless, to say the least.

And it might have caught up to me.

♪♪ Julie: how about we look at your good-bye messages.

♪♪ That sounds awesome.

♪♪ Julie: right here.

♪♪ Okay swrz hi, the house wanted you out man because you

Are just a better player exawred to christmas.

We're going to have a friendship for a very long time and I'm

Happy about that.

♪♪ Tyler, are you a great person and are you a great game player.

To be honest though, you and I didn't trust each other in this

House like at all.

And so I couldn't miss this opportunity to get you out.

♪♪ Tyler, everything I said to you through this game was

Percent true.

Now the one percent is I also have a final three with cody

Enzo and myself and a final three with me, enzo-- but it has

Been a true pleasure playing this game with you.

♪♪ Ty, what you definitely probably could assume, have I a

Final two with nicole and a final two with enzo.

What you probably didn't assume is that since the beginning of

This game on the second day I created a final two with memphis

Called the commission.

And this week it only seemed right to take that shot at you

Because I don't know that I would even get another shot at


I really hope you can respect the game play.

♪♪ Tyler, you are a legend.

And it was amazing to be able to play next to you.

I will-- I will say honestly, hope not I won't see you too


♪♪ Julie: real quick, final thoughts.

♪♪ We had a lot of people double, triple dipping I guess.

That is what I didn't want to do I didn't that last time, so I

Didn't want to do last time.

♪♪ Julie: last time you made it to final two and lost by one

Foat, -.

Always a pleasure watching you play this game tyler, are you

Off to jury, we'll see you on finale night.

♪♪ Nah so much, julie.

♪♪ Julie: stay right there.

When we return with everyone plotting their path to the end,

Who will rise to power.

The head of household competition next.

Stay with us.

♪♪ Julie: welcome back to big brother all-star, it's time for

The head of household competition.

Free from the threat of eviction, the h.o.h., Plus the

Two nominees on its chopping block, let's head to the

Backyard and get things started.

♪♪ Houseguests, the power is up for grab, cody, as outgoing head

Of household are you not eligible to compete tonight.

This competition is called stashing pumpkins.

And here's how it works, on my go you must make your way from

Your start position to your container which is filled with

Pumpkins, from there you must transfer your pumpkins across

Your teeter totter one at a time to the basket on the other end.

Butbe warned if any of your pumpkins fall to the ground or

If you fall to the ground you must reset all of your pumpkins

To their original container and start from the beginning.

The first houseguest to transport all of their pumpkins

To their basket and ring in will be the new head of household.

Does everyone understand?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Great.

Because there competition starts now oh man, it's kind of scaree

Up mere.

Are you kidding me?

♪♪ Oh, this is going to be hard.

♪♪ Julie: we'll return to this crucial head of household

Competition in just moments.

But to find out who wins, tune in monday at :, : central,

That is when you also see which two houseguests the new h.o.h.

Nominates for eviction.

Then on wednesday at :, : central the power of veto is up

For grab.

Will it be used to save one of the two nominees.

And next thursday, the live vote and eviction will send another

All-star to the jury house.

Who will be evicted.

Plus see who earns a spot in the final four.

Head to right now to subscribe to cbs all-access

To get the live feed and more. For for now let's eaves drop on

The ongoing head of household competition from outside the big

Brother house, I'm julie chen moonves, and remember, be just,

Be merciful, good night.