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22x29 - Episode 29

Posted: 05/05/24 12:04
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Previously on "big brother" all stars, on day

Two, memphis and cody formed a final two.

♪♪ It's the commission.

♪♪ The commission.

♪♪ Narrator: and it evolved into the powerful

Six-pern committee alliance.

♪♪ Tyler, dani, and nicole.

♪♪ I like that.

♪♪ Narrator: cody also had a final two with


♪♪ So are you good with you and i, which are,

Like, ride or die?

♪♪ %.

♪♪ Narrator: but his ultimate loyalty was with


♪♪ You and me are the group.

That's it.

♪♪ Narrator: not knowing of the route, enzo told

Memphis they are the final three.

♪♪ I'm going to bring one person and we'll make it

The final three.

♪♪ And I'm going to bring another person and we'll

Make this same deal.

♪♪ Narrator: one was cody.

♪♪ Final three, the wise guys.

[Laughter] ♪♪ narrator: and another

With christmas.

♪♪ The final three, the wise guys.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ Narrator: but enzo quickly let the meow, meow

Out of the bag.

♪♪ It is known that you guys are the wise guys.

♪♪ No way.

♪♪ Narrator: during the triple eviction, christmas

And tyler tried and failed to take out their ally,


♪♪ I very, very sadly vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ I vote to evict nicole.

♪♪ Julie: by a vote of to , david, you are

Evicted from the "big brother" house.

♪♪ I cannot believe it was a to vote.

Game freakin' on.

♪♪ I nominated you, tiler, and you, christmas.

♪♪ Narrator: although tiler was the target.

♪♪ I'm just saying I think strategically, he has to


♪♪ He has to.

♪♪ Narrator: cody worried about memphis

Being close with christmas.

♪♪ He is clipping one of us there.

He is not clipping christmas over us.

♪♪ Memphis is a snake in this game, and I don't

Really trust him.

♪♪ Narrator: ultimately, they decided tyler was the

Biggest threat.

♪♪ Julie: by a vote of -, tyler, you are

Evicted from the "big brother" house.

♪♪ Narrator: we only five all stars remaining,

A pumpkin patch battle begins.

Who will carve out a victory, and which

Houseguest will jacko land on the block.

Find out right now on "big brother"!

♪♪ You guys do want to keep me, right?

♪♪ Yeah, bro.

I told you, you my boy.

Captioning funded by cbs ♪♪ julie: this

Competition starts now.

♪♪ ♪♪ Oh, man.

♪♪ Oh, it's kind of scary up here.

♪♪ I survived the block, and I am terribly sad to

See tyler go.

But I am ready to play this se head of household.

If nominated, I will have to nominate nicole and


Nicole has been my target, but cody is too good in

This game assoc so cody is my target to go home.

♪♪ Right now I need nicole or enzo to win the h.o.h.

Because if christmas wins, I'm definitely going on

The block.

If memphis wins, I don't know if I feel that safe.

He might want to take a shot at me.

♪♪ The rules of this competition are to take

Pumpkins across your seesaw and put them in the

Basket without letting any of them fall out.


If one of your pumpkins falls out at any time, you

Have to take all of your pumpkins to the beginning

Of your seesaw and start all over.

♪♪ Tyler leaving gets me one step closer to the

Wise guys being the final four in this house.

Nicole is the last person in the house that I don't

Have a deal with.

She is the only person in the house that is not a

Wise guy.

So ultimately having her around is not a good thing

For my game.

It is definitely fair to say I'm totally okay with

Anyone winning this accept for nicole.

♪♪ Tyler took a swing at me and he missed.

And I took a swing back, and I got him out of here.

And I'm really happy that he is gone.

I hold my fate in my own hands.

What happens to me is all up to me.

♪♪ It really feels like if I want to get to the final

Two, I have to start now.

[Buzzer] ♪♪ sh**t!

♪♪ ♪♪ Balancing the seesaw is

Nearly impossible.

My back starts to hurt, so I can't get really low.

If I stand up, I can't have that much pressure on

My legs.

So this right now, for me, is not working out.

It is not my cup of tea.

♪♪ Think, think, think.

[Buzzer] ♪♪ ahh!

♪♪ The hardest part of this competition for me is

Shifting my weight slowly.

I'm a very clumsy person.

I break at least two pickle jars a month.

I don't need to prove it.

Just watch me for two seconds.

[Buzzer] ♪♪ it is so hard.

I can see how this is gonna...

[Buzzer] ♪♪ ahh!

[Buzzer] ♪♪ trying to balance this

Seesaw is no joke.

If I fall off the seesaw or I lose one pumpkin out

Of the basket, I have to start completely from

Square one.

So the hardest part is just making sure that this

Thing stays balanced and you land softly.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh, my butt is on fire.

♪♪ ♪♪ I realize that the

Pumpkins aren't the key to this.

It is the seat on the seesaw.

My technique that I'm using to slow down, I'm

Really crouching down, going real, real slow.

You know, tipping my weight very cautiously.

And this seems to be working.

[Buzzer] [buzzer]

♪♪ I think I have a plan.

I'm starting off with the medium-sized pumpkins.

They seem pretty light and not too bouncy.

So I think they're going to move less than the

Other pumpkins.

[Buzzer] ♪♪ oh, my gosh!

♪♪ ♪♪ No!

[Buzzer] ♪♪

♪♪ This competition is way messier than me carving

Pumpkins with my kids, hands down.

I'm making a mess.

I'm running amuck right now on the seesaw.

[Buzzer] ♪♪ my gosh.

[Buzzer] [buzzer]

[Buzzer] ♪♪ I can feel, like, cody

Looking at me on the side.

♪♪ ♪♪ I cannot believe that

I'm aligned with somebody who literally can't ev

Even -- he is a lost cuse.

[Buzzer] ♪♪ if my life was on the

Line and he was the only one here, I'd be going

Home this week.

He is so bad at this competition.

[Buzzer] [buzzer]

[Buzzer] [buzzer]

[Buzzer] ♪♪

♪♪ I have found my rhythm.

I have found what works.

I have been placing these beautiful little round

Pumpkins into their basket, and they're safe.

I am cruising.

♪♪ Watching christmas do so well at this

Competition is extremely nenerve-racking, because all

I can do is see every pumpkin going into the

Basket and realizing I'm one pumpkin closer to

Going on to the block.

I need nicole to pick up the pace.

♪♪ I'm finally getting my balance on the seesaw, and

Now it is time for me to pick up the speed so I can

Maybe win this thing.

♪♪ Christmas has so many pumpkins and is moving

Really fast, and memphis is right behind her.

If one of them wins, I'm definitely going on the


I honestly just need a miracle to keep me in this


♪♪ ♪♪ Ahh!

♪♪ C'mon, pull it together.

♪♪ I'm watching christmas right in front of me

Dominate this competition.

♪♪ She only has two pumpkins to go.

And if she wins, I really hope the block is warm

Because I'm going to be sitting on it.


♪♪ ♪♪ I look over and I see

Christmas has two pumpkins.

I'm keeping my composure.

I'm just trying to stay cool, calm, and collected.

If memphis or christmas win this, I'm in a lot of

Trouble, and so is cody.

One of us will probably be going home.

♪♪ I'm so close to winning this, I can taste it.

All I have to do is put two more pumpkins in my

Basket and I take home this win.

♪♪ ♪♪ Please!


♪♪ Christmas drops her pumpkin.

Christmas is going to have to reset.

♪♪ Devastation doesn't even begin to explain it.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh.

♪♪ I literally had it in my hands.

And I let it go.

I let it go, I dropped the ball.

I dropped the ball.

Watching that pumpkin in slow motion roll out of

That basket, i, like, couldn't even breathe.

♪♪ Stay in it, christmas.

♪♪ This is great for me.

She is the only person I'm not aligned with.

I just put her on the block last week, so I need

Her not to win this competition.

[Buzzer] ♪♪ let's face it, I know

I'm not going to win this competition.

So now I need nicole to win this competition.

That's the best case scenario, so they can go

After memphis and christmas for me.

♪♪ Now that christmas has dropped her pumpkin and

Has to start all over again, this whole thing

Falls on me.

Nicole cannot win this competition.

It's go time!

♪♪ Please!

[Buzzer] ♪♪ memphis drops his


Memphis has to reset.

♪♪ Memphis' pumpkin falls out.

I'm, like, hallelujah.

Holy crap.

I'm shaking.

I have three pumpkins left.

I just need to keep my focus.

♪♪ Of course my pumpkin falls out of the basket,

And now I'm screwed.

It's heart-wrenching.

There is no way I'm ever going to catch up with


So at this point I can just hope that she loses a


♪♪ Balance the seesaw.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

♪♪ I just saw how easy it is to mess up, and so I

Need to take my time, even slower now.

♪♪ Please, please, please.

♪♪ ♪♪ Where do you want to

Put it?

[Whispering] ♪♪ oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh!

♪♪ ♪♪ This is the last one.

This is so scary.

♪♪ Yeah, I know.

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ My legs are shaking.

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ Yeah, baby!

♪♪ Good job.

♪♪ I'm sorry, I haven't won yet this season.

♪♪ Congratulations, nicole, you are the new

Head of household.

♪♪ I won!

This is so -- wow!

I am so excited.

I have never wanted h.o.h.

More in my entire life.

I freakin' did it, and it means I'm definitely going

To the final four.

No one has ever won this game twice, and I could

Potentially be the first person to do so.

♪♪ ♪♪ It was literally in my


The only guarantee in this game is winning your own


And I don't want to have been here for three months

And miss all of that time with loyal and not win.


♪♪ ♪♪ Nicole, finally!

♪♪ Finally, finally!

♪♪ That's a good one.

♪♪ I'm the only one in here who hasn't won.

♪♪ Whoa, I'm the new head of household.

I couldn't be happier.

I needed this so bad.

♪♪ Ouch!

♪♪ I don't care how much blood is on my hands.

I'm not going to shy away from anything.

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ Are you okay?

♪♪ I'm really happy for you.

♪♪ Thank you.

I'm sorry -- ♪♪ no.

It is just the way that it happened.

It has just been an emotional week, anyway.

I don't want you to think this was anything towards


♪♪ No, I don't.

You crushed it.

You did so awesome.

♪♪ I'm really happy you're still here.

♪♪ Trust me, it is super bittersweet.

I'm crying because I didn't win, but I'm glad

That I'm still here.

♪♪ ♪♪ They're all sad I won.

♪♪ Not being able to secure my safety in this


I never felt like I have failed anything, and I

Felt like I failed in that moment.

Felt like I failed in that moment.

[Crying] ♪♪ I know.


♪♪ I know.

♪♪ It was just such a stupid mistake.

♪♪ That was brutal.

♪♪ That was, like, competition I was looking

Forward to the most.

♪♪ I know.

This is the worst-case scenario: nicole is the

Last person in the house I don't have a deal with.

Someone in the wise guys

Is going to be taking a walk.

♪♪ I literally have one ball left.

♪♪ That's all.

I saw you.

♪♪ I don't know why I got distracted.

Im so disappointed.

I'm not mad that I didn't win; I'm just disappointed

Because I was there.

♪♪ Yeah, I know.

♪♪ Because there was just, like, no way to catch up.

♪♪ It is brutal, even for me.

I was, like, okay, I've got this.

I had, like, four left.

It will be okay.

I promise.

We'll figure it out, okay?

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ We'll get it back, okay?

♪♪ ♪♪ It worked perfectly.

♪♪ Doing a triple eviction, I saved nicole.

So now she owes me.

She is going to do some dirty work for me right


Because I'm in the wise guys with memphis and


She is going to take one of them out for me,

Without me getting my hands dirty.

And that moves me to the final four.

♪♪ I don't want to go on the block.

[Whispering] ♪♪ I don't know which

Water bottle is mine.

♪♪ Well, it's about to get real [laughing].

♪♪ I knew this game was going to get difficult at

Some point, and I guess it is this week.

One of the wise guys is going to be leaving this


My main objective at this point is to make sure that

Wise guy is not this guy.

♪♪ We're good.

We're good.

♪♪ We're totally good.

[Whispering] ♪♪ I'm acting like I'm all

For the wise guys, and I completely trust memphis,

But in all actuality, I can't trust him.

He created a second wise guy.

All wise guys are good, no matter what, and we have

The votes, and even if I don't trust him at all and

Could possibly want him out this week.

[Whispering] ♪♪ there is no way...

♪♪ No, no way.

That's the only thing.

♪♪ ♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ And I can't even, like, hide out.

♪♪ Do you think that memphis knows --

♪♪ I think he knows he is going home.

♪♪ I have clear targets.

Christmas tried to flip the vote during the triple

Eviction and get me out of this house, and she

Actually did vote against me.

And memphis put me on the block.

They showed me all of their cards during the

Triple eviction, and I'm ready to make a move back.

I've been waiting for this.

♪♪ I want him to stay the same.

♪♪ Yo, if we can get rid of his this week --

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ Would you get rid of memphis?

♪♪ Do you think?

♪♪ That's what I want to do.

♪♪ Memphis is a huge threat to me because of

How smart he is in this game.

He could be someone that gets a lot of votes over


Enzo and I are aligned with memphis, so it would

Not be easy for us to put him on the block.

Nicole is not.

And so for her to win this week and finally step up

And win that first h.o.h., It culdn't have come at a

Better time.

♪♪ That's what I'm just -- I'm really worried whoever

Stays this week, they just could not win --

♪♪ No.

We're winning the veto.

We'll win in the veto.

It doesn't matter.

♪♪ I know what I need to do this week to get me

Further in this game.

My target is definitely memphis.

I want someone to see someone walk into the jury

House and be completely shocked.

And little old nicole took him out.

♪♪ I can't play nice until one of you two leave.

♪♪ It's important.

No, I want to win.

I want to win.

♪♪ ♪♪ Why is this cold?

♪♪ Dah, dah, dah.

♪♪ ♪♪ Oh, gosh!

♪♪ Got me!

♪♪ Why don't you answer?

♪♪ I do.

Usually if you hear somebody coming, you yell

Out, common courtesy and say, I'm in here, so

People aren't walking in on you.

Here is enzo, no bathroom ediquette.

No calling out.

♪♪ I'm about to go to sleep.

♪♪ So why do you do that?

♪♪ I don't do nothing.

♪♪ Yeah, you did.

You just let her walk in there.

♪♪ I did not.

♪♪ Every time I'm in the bathroom, somebody comes


Someone bothers me.

That is my office space in this house.

That's my sanity.

That's where I go and just relax.

Can you give me a knock, an animal call, whatever,

Just give me a heads up.

♪♪ So much my oh, my gosh.

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ Dude, you've got to put your knees into it.

That's what it is.

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ Who wants to see my h.o.h. Room?

[Cheering] [applause]

♪♪ I'm so excited!

I'm so nervous!

♪♪ Aahhhh!

♪♪ Oh, yeah!

♪♪ Oh, yeah!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Here we go.

♪♪ ♪♪ I love what you've done

With the place.

You're going to find out about your wedding.

♪♪ Just me and vic and our country life.

♪♪ Oh, vic!

What an absolute stud.

♪♪ And this is my family.

My brother, my mom and my dad.

♪♪ I love it.

♪♪ That's so awesome.

This is amazing.

♪♪ Oh, his hair is so thick.

Grow it back.

♪♪ He's so handsome.

♪♪ Here he comes.

♪♪ For vic?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Hey, babe, I love you and miss you so much.

It sucks not having you here.

I want you to bug me for back scratches and

Massages again.

I told you I'd be missing that.

I promise I won't complain.

Your family is doing great.

Believe it or not, I'm an ugly football coach.

[Laughter] ♪♪ what?

♪♪ What?

♪♪ I don't believe it.

Believe it or not, I'm an ugly football coach?

He golfs regularly?

♪♪ Sick!

♪♪ I'm basically doing everything I cannot to be

Home alone without you.

I was able to go visit my family in florida.

We had a great time and they all miss you.

I may have broken my toe on the trip.

♪♪ What would you do without me?

I'm very worried.

♪♪ But it is healing slowly.

♪♪ From what I know on victor, he was a

Long-haired, salsa-dancing, no shirt

On, ladies' man.

Now he is clean-cult, wears a collared shirt,

Always has a shirt on.

♪♪ You can basically put it all on that layer.

♪♪ All of the cheese?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ I wish you the best of luck throughout the rest

Of the season.

I can't wait to get married in december and

Finally be able to call of my wife.

I'm sending love and positive vibes your way.

I can't wait to see you.

Love victor.

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ I'm sorry, it took me a year.

I'm just so freakin' excited.

I'm so happy to have won h.o.h.

It has been a very long time before I heard

Anything from home.

Before coming in here, victor and I were planning

Our wedding, and we actually had to postpone

Our first date because of the pandemic.

And seeing pictures of victor and getting a

Letter from victor means so much.

This week is for you, victor.

It is for our future family, our future farm,


I'm bringing home the money.

♪♪ H.o.h. Bed!

♪♪ Finally mine!

[Laughter] [knocking]

♪♪ Come in.

♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ So lots of options for you.

♪♪ Yes!

Whew, I've got lots of options.

♪♪ How do you feel, knowing you have to

Nominate half the house?

♪♪ I know.

It is so disturbing, I hate it.

I already know I'm putting up christmas and memphis,

But I do want to talk to christmas because I want

To see if she has any information that could

Benefit me moving forward.

I need to know where I stand with every person in

The house, if they were to stay here.

And how much is christmas willing to tell me about

Her game to save her "big brother" life.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh, I already feel emotional about it.

♪♪ What I'm trying to do is figure out the best

Move for me to get further in the game.

♪♪ Well, then, let's talk through this.

♪♪ I don't know anything that enzo and cody have

Ever done.

And so the fact that memphis put me on the

Block, and then you voted me out, it's, like, okay.

There is a reason, if that makes sense.

♪♪ Yeah.

I do not want you going home.

But I don't have a reason to put cody and enzo up at


♪♪ Nicole says that it is her best interest that I

Stay in the house, and I believe her.

She has been pretty straight up with me

Throughout this whole game.

So -- and it is in her best interest to keep me

In the house because these guys have amazing jury


All three of them are beasts.

And, you know, it's kind of nice to have a girl on

Your side.

♪♪ I think getting out someone that is good at

Competitions is my best bet.

♪♪ Taking out the best.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ When I think about these five, two of the

Three of those guys are loved by the jury.

♪♪ I know.

It would be literally -.

♪♪ Look at everybody's stats.

The hierarchy, and this is just facts --

♪♪ Yep.

♪♪ -- It's cody, memphis, me, enzo, and you.

♪♪ Yep.

Listening to christmas, I can definitely read

Between the lines.

Basically she is telling me that she is targeting


He is at the top of her list.

And I think had I not won this week, yeah, I would

Be on the block, but cody would be on the block.

This is not new news to me, but I'm glad she is

Kind of thinking that way because that puts me in a

Better spot.

♪♪ I feel bad.

I don't want you to think that I'm talking behind --

♪♪ And I would never repeat it, no.

I'm trying to be as honest and up front.

I'm not trying to be sneaky at all.

♪♪ And I'm sorry I let doubt get into my head.

♪♪ You talking about the triple?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ That's fine.

That doesn't affect me anymore.

But I also didn't come here to get fourth place.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh.

♪♪ Are we partying in here?

♪♪ Yeah.

I'm sorry.

You want to talk to her?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Sorry.

I'll see you.

♪♪ Thanks, christmas.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ C'mon now.

What was her -- ♪♪ it was so on.

I'm telling you everything.

Christmas basically tells me that cody is her


I'm going to share this information with cody

Because, one, it will bring us a lot closer and

He'll trust me more.

And, too, it will make him fight harder on the

Competition to go after her next week.

♪♪ She said, when you think about it

Statistically, think about it like this: cody,

Memphis, me, enzo, you.

♪♪ That's literally in her hands.

♪♪ And she goes, there are two people in this house

That the jury loves, you and enzo.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh, she is coming at me.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I'm not sending memphis home.

Now I'm sending her home.

♪♪ I joke and laugh with ncole, but at the end.

Day, this is very important information she

Is giving me.

And knowing that christmas is really gunning for me,

And putting information out there about me being

The biggest target is not good.

♪♪ I told you, don't you dare flip the vote,


You're going to vote how I want you to vote, right?

♪♪ Hey?

♪♪ Cody didn't take the information the way I

Expected him to.

Keeping christmas in the house is better for my

Game because she may actually try to take me to

Final three, which would be terrific.

So now I'm worried he will try to go after christmas

This week instead of memphis.

♪♪ I'm so grateful for you.

♪♪ Because you would have been on the block this


♪♪ I would have been on the block this week.

♪♪ Your "big brother" life is in my hands.

♪♪ That's messed up.

♪♪ ♪♪ The foot stalker has

Some activity this week.

♪♪ What's a foot stalker?

♪♪ I have a foot stalker.

He st*lks my feet.

He private tweets me.

I miss your feet.

If I tweet her, she is, like, it's too far away.

Please, preferably the soles.

♪♪ I'll cut a little hole in my socks and show a

Little bit of my toes.

♪♪ I don't think enzo has very nice feet, though.

♪♪ This girl has a very specific flavor.

♪♪ They definitely both get something out &f it.

She gets prod pictures of his feet, and he feels wanted

And loved.

♪♪ It is over years now she has been stalking my


♪♪ Your big toes -- ♪♪ if they were teeth,

They would have plaque.

I know my feet are disgusting, but she is in

Love with them.

Someone out there likes my feet, at least someone

Likes something of me.

It is weird, it's sweet, but a little bit psycho.

♪♪ Yo, take your shoes off.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh!

♪♪ If my foot was a person, it would be like

The bearded lady at one of those county fairs.

♪♪ Ew!

♪♪ You cut your t toenails.

♪♪ My foot stalker is out there.

There is my dusty feet.

When I get out of here, I'm charging $ a


[Laughter] ♪♪

♪♪ Come in.

Hey, what's up?

♪♪ What's going on.

How are you feeling?

♪♪ I'm just excited to be safe, but that's about it.

♪♪ Yeah, but what comes with it?

♪♪ You have to put out people who aren't in the


♪♪ I know.

What a beast.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ I'm in a little bit of a predicament with nicole

Because I don't have any deals with her.

But, hey, I have one brewing and it is a pretty

Sweet deal.

So I didn't make any deals outside of the committee

Because I didn't want to have to make a final two.

♪♪ Uh-huh.


♪♪ Memphis is saying that he has no other alliances

In the house, is such a joke.

♪♪ Enzo told me that christmas, memphis, and

Enzo have a final three.

♪♪ Ah, memphis.

♪♪ So this is my proposal: if you can keep me off the

Block this week, I'll vote whichever way you want me

To vote.

♪♪ Y uh-huh.

♪♪ And if I win the veto, I won't use it.

So if I win the veto, I'm not going to use it this


If I'm off the block, I'll vote anyway you want me to


And I'll take you to the finals, but have you to do

The same for me.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ For me it is a business deal.

It is a business transaction.

It is not that difficult.

It would be crazy for her not to accept this deal.

It all falls in her favor, and it will make her

H.o.h. Very successful.

♪♪ The thing is the position I'm in right now,

How I see it is, I see two -- I christmas,.

♪♪ Yep.

♪♪ -- And I see cody and enzo.

And then I'm just kind of here.

So which one will let me be their plus one to their

Plus two, if that makes sense.

How can I get to the final three.

Obviously I can't play in win h.o.h. Next week, and

That's scary.

♪♪ I figured I would at least propose what I was

Thinking because it could benefit both of us.

As long as you get what you want out of this week,

And I can help you do that, then we're good.

♪♪ Why not.

Memphis' offer is terrible.

We all know nobody can control memphis.

Remember, memphis, I had one "big brother" before,

So you're going to have to come up with something

Much better than that if you want to stay safe.

♪♪ If I go on the block, it's all good.

If I don't go on the block, I'll take that as

An agreement.

So you don't have to tell me.

We can just leave it at that.

♪♪ Okay.

Thanks, memphis.

♪♪ Have fun.

♪♪ Yeah.


♪♪ Oh, my gosh, it's not a good proposal.

You want me to keep me off the block, you need to

Guarantee me final two, and you need to do a lot

More than that, buddy.


♪♪ Holy!

♪♪ Oh, my gosh!

♪♪ That time you got me.

♪♪ Hey, guys, it is time for the nomination


♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ This is the nomination ceremony.

It is my responsibility as head of household to

Nominate two houseguests for eviction.

In my nomination block are the keys of the

Houseguests I am nominating for eviction.

I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations,

And their faces will appear on the memory wall.

The first houseguest I have nominated is...

The first houseguest I have nominated is...

♪♪ ♪♪ The next houseguest I

Have nominated is...

♪♪ ♪♪ I have nominated you,

Christmas, and you, memphis.

The final five, right now I have to make a move I

Think could maybe further my game.

And the only thing I have to go off of that is

Things from the past.

Christmas, you tried to evict me during the

Triple, and memphis, you put me up, which made me

Vulnerable to being evicted.

I hope you guys respect it, and I wish you guys

The best of luck.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

♪♪ Memphis came to me with a deal, and basically I

Didn't take the deal.

It is a terrible deal.

I really want nominations to stay the same this

Week, that way I don't have to put up cody and


I really want memphis to go home.

♪♪ Nicole put me on the bock, so the deal I

Offered her is null and void.

Hopefully the work that I've put into this game up

To this point keeps me here another week.

♪♪ Well, I'm not surprised, but it never

Feels good to be on the block.

Even though nicole told me she doesn't want me out of

This house, the only way I can guarantee that I stay

This week is to win that veto for myself.

I actually perform my best when I'm backed into a

Corner, and I have to fight and kick butt to get

Myself out of the situation.

Bring on the pressure, baby.

♪♪ Even though I'm in the alliance with christmas

And all of them, I don't really trust all of them.

I'm going to show my cards.

They'll see them.

k*ll or be k*lled.

I have to protect myself.

♪♪ Narrator: who will win the power of veto?

Will it be used to save christmas or memphis?

All this wednesday night at :, : central on

"Big brother"!