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22x30 - Episode 30

Posted: 05/05/24 12:05
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Announcer: previously on "big brother all-stars": at the

Dawn of the game, memphis and cody made a final two.

♪♪ Listen to this name "the commission."

♪♪ "The committee," I like it.

♪♪ Announcer: but cody's true loyalty was with enzo.

♪♪ Me and you, that's it.

♪♪ Announcer: oblivious to the route, he roped enzo into two

Similar final three deals.

♪♪ I'm going to bring one person and we'll make it final three.

Then I'm going to bring in another person and we're going

To make the same deal with this other person.

♪♪ Announcer: one with cody...

♪♪ Final three "the wise guys."

♪♪ The wise--" [ laughter ].

♪♪ Final three, "the wise guys."

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ Announcer: but the meow-meow let the cat out of the


♪♪ He brought her in, into "the wise guys" with us three.

♪♪ No way!

♪♪ Announcer: with the head of household back up for grabs,

Nicole earned the pumpkin spice power.

♪♪ Yeah, baby!


♪♪ Congratulations, nicole.

You are the new head of household.

♪♪ I wanted this for so long.

♪♪ Announcer: working closely with nicole, cody and enzo felt


♪♪ It worked perfectly.

♪♪ With her winning this h.o.h., She's going to do some dirto

Work for me right now.

♪♪ Nicole let christmas know she wasn't her true target.

♪♪ I do not want you going home, but I don't have a reason to put

Cody and enzo up at all.

Keeping christmas in the house is better for my game because

She might actually try to take me to final three, which would

Be terrific.

♪♪ Announcer: so even though memphis tried to strike a deal

With nicole...

♪♪ If you can keep me off the block this week, I'll vote

Whichever way you want me to vote.

And if I win the veto, I will not use it.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ So you see what I'm saying?

♪♪ You know, yeah.

♪♪ Announcer: the former champ wouldn't be swayed.

♪♪ I have nominated you, christmas, and you, memphis.

I really want nominations to state same this week so that way

I don't have to put up cody and enzo, because I really want

Memphis to go home.

♪♪ Announcer: tonight, b.b.

Comics are back.

Who will be the super hero of the veto competition?

And will one of the nominees be saved?

Find out right now on "big brother"!

♪♪ My feet are disgusting.

I know that, but sneeze love with them, you know.


♪ ♪ ♪♪ This nomination ceremony is

I nominated christmas and memphis because they are a

Really tight duo, and it's time that they got broken up.

Memphis is my target because he is really great at competitions,

And I don't really like him a ton, and I definitely don't want

To take him to final two, so why would I keep him in this house?

[ Laughing ].

♪♪ Even though I'm nominated for the second week in a row, I

Believe that memphis is the bigger target.

Nicole told me that I'm safe with her this week, but I don't

Care if I am her target or not, I just know that there's a lot

Of work that I have to do ahead of me.

♪♪ I made it to the final five without being on the block.

But it was bound to happen at some point.

Before the nominations, I figure I might as well try to broker a

Deal with nicole, just to keep my butt off the block.

But she didn't accept that deal, so it is what it is.

♪♪ I just, like, don't, like, talking in front of people or


You're not mad at me or anything, are you?

♪♪ No.

♪♪ You get it?

Honestly, you're not at all my target.

♪♪ If you were like, "you're my target," you know.

One, it's a game.

And, two, you have a reason.

♪♪ It's only what I think I have to do to get who I want out,


♪♪ I do understand.

♪♪ Okay.

He might be mad.

It is what it is.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Thanks for understanding.

♪♪ Yeah.

[ Laughing ] ♪♪ the only two who have not

Been on the block.

♪♪ Enzo and I are the only two players this season that have

Not been on the block, and that's a huge accomplishment.

This week looks good right now.

We're in a good situation, but we need to focus on the veto and

Keeping these nominations the same so that we can decide at

The end of the week which player is the bigger threat and needs

To go home.

♪♪ We're doing good.

♪♪ We're, like, laughing, and one of us is going to go home.

♪♪ Uhm, well, okay.

♪♪ Not surprised.


She's, like, freaked out.

♪♪ Why?

♪♪ Because she thinks -- she thinks I'm going to be mad at


She thinks you're going to be mad at her.

♪♪ I'm not mad at her at all.

I don't play this game like that.

One of us wins the veto, they're putting up one of the other ones


The veto changes everything.

♪♪ Right.

♪♪ So, you know, we just have to win it.

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ One of us.

♪♪ Look, I would love to win the veto, but it's not do or die.

Fortunately, I built another version of "the wise guys" with

Cody and enzo.

As long as I'm up against christmas, I know that they're

Going to keep me over her.

♪♪ What do you think?

♪♪ You know, I think... That I'm going to be a final four.

I do.

I do.


I'm going to win the veto because I'm the veto girl, okay.

[ Quauking ] you're kind of crazy.

[ Quacking ].

♪♪ This is big-- this is big bully.

Look at him.

[ Laughing ] look at him.

I don't want him in this house anymore.

I'm scared of him now.

I don't want him here.

♪♪ He started exercising right after I put him up.

♪♪ I'm more scared of him than her.

He's the head of the snake.

You know what I mean?

♪♪ Bigger target ♪♪ I feel like he's been g

D atevery comp he's been in.

And he's just a beast.

You know what I mean?

♪♪ Same.

♪♪ She likes very-- she gets emotional and this or that.

She gets too hyped up.

Christmas is up there, memphis is up there, that means I'm not

Up there.

So I'm happy about the nomination.

If memphis or christmas wins the veto, I feel like I'll be the

Replacement nominee.

I haven't been on the block yet this season and I don't want to

Start now.

♪♪ Me, you, and cody have to g*n for it.

♪♪ Ooohhh.

♪♪ Christmas is so funny.

♪♪ Because I work out.

♪♪ She doesn't know what's going on, you know what I mean?

Which is like, whatever.

I feel good.

Look, we built something awesome, so at this point, with

Me and you, we're going to rock.

♪♪ I'm not worried about it at all.

♪♪ Memphis feels extremely confident right now because

There's still a veto to be played, and even if he loses

He's counting on "the wise guys" cokeep him safe.

But little does he know, nicole has made it pretty clear to enzo

And I that he's the one she wants to target this week and

Even though e ens memphis and I have a final, two I'm not

Putting my neck out for him.

♪ ♪ ♪♪ I'm trying my tea pot for the

First time ♪♪ yeah!

♪♪ My turquoise tea pot.

♪♪ Why haven't you used that all season?

♪♪ I don't know.

♪♪ What is wrong with you?

This tea pot better work.

I never used the tea pot to make tea.

I just put it in a regular pot, boil the water, and then I know

It's done.

I don't go to a lot of tea parties, no.

[ Whistling ] oh, it whistles!

[ Whistling ].

♪♪ It whistles!

♪♪ You are unbelievable.

♪♪ It's manly to use the pot.

♪♪ It's manly to use the pot?

♪♪ Yeah, it's more manly.

♪♪ This is the most bizarre thing I've seen in this house.

A tea pot isn't manly.

Why, because it whistles?

♪♪ Yeah, it's hot.

I will continue to use the tea pot.

But I'm just not going to tell anyone about it.

[ Whistling ] ♪♪ enzo does something new every

Single day that makes me like, "yes, you are a man-child."

[ Whistling ].

♪♪ Crazy, man.

♪♪ Take it off the heat.

♪♪ All right, relax!


♪ ♪ ♪♪ Uhm, I was-- I was, like,

Going through different scenarios.

I was just kind of going through stuff in my head.

Enzo and I are in the "the wise guys" with memphis, and right

Now, if we want any chance to keep our final three intact,

Then we need to figure out a way for all of us to survive this


So my question is would you use the veto?

♪♪ You know, sosave one of you?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Like, I'm going to be gunning for it.

I know that.

♪♪ I mean, yeah.

♪♪ Because I know I'm going on the block if I don't, you know

What I mean?

It could be me going on the block.

She's not going to put cody on the block.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ You know?

♪♪ No.

If me or memphis go this week and you stay, they're going to

Put you.

♪♪ Oh, I know that.

♪♪ It's-- it's going to happen.

The only way we can get code I up there is if the person not on

The block wins the p.o.v.

Best-case scenario is enzo wins the veto this week and uses on

Myself or memphis.

Then nicole would be forced to put cody up, and then, also, we

Have two votes to vote cody out.

If it falls into place, then we could guarantee cody goes home

This week.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ She would have to put him up.

And we have the votes.

♪♪ We have the votes.

Christmas, am I going to fight for the veto and g*n for it?

Yes, I am, to be sure I'm not a replacement nominee.

But it's not the same view and get my number-one guy in this

House, cody, backdoored.

You big do-do.

♪♪ She would be pissed but she would be pissed at all of us.

♪♪ Up until now, it seemed like memphis is the big target but

Now that christmas is talking about making these moves, it's

Freaking me out.

♪♪ I'm not going to wallow in it.

I'm going to take it.

It's luke coles put into a fire.

It's going to be running hot this week.

♪♪ I know.

.♪ ♪ ♪♪ All right, I'm going to go

.♪ ♪ ♪♪ All right, I'm going to go

Cook some zucchini and tomatoes.

♪♪ The zucchini the other day was disgusting.

[ Laughter ].

♪♪ Christmas usually does cook really good.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ And that was the first time I was lúke-- but I'm not saying


[ Laughing ] I just don't-- I don't trust


♪♪ No.

♪♪ At all.

I told nicole I want memphis out, but now I'm not sure if

That's best move foree me right now.

Christmas may be a bigger threat than we think she is, more than

We're giving her credit for.

And I need to make nicole see how ruthless christmas is.

♪♪ I'm telling you, she's, like, "look, the chance you win the

Veto, this would be grate shot to break them up, meaning you

And cody."

♪♪ Oooh.

♪♪ Yeah.

Then that's backdooring cody.

And I was like, "yes, no problem."

Which I understand the play.

I get it.

I understand.

♪♪ For sure it makes sense.

It's just not going to work.

I'm not surprised christmas is creating a plan to backdoor


She already told me she is gunning for cody.

I am really thankful enzo told me this information, but it

Doesn't change who my target is this week.

I still want to win veto, lock in the nominations and get

Memphis out of this house.

If he's sitting on the block and we don't take him out that's the

Stupidest thing anyone has ever done.

♪♪ Look, we've been doing it already all season long.

So why are we stopping now?

Let's just keep steamrolling.

♪♪ Yeah.

The best.

We met, we were seeing each other and then she was diagnosed

With nonhonl kins lymphoma, and the next six months were chemo.

She went for her last cat scan and now she does blood work.

It's day in this house, and I am missing my girlfriend so


Christie has helped me in so many different ways.

Going through what we did, you never know what, like, life is

Going to throw your way.

It definitely puts a lot of things in perspective.

Coming here this second time with her in my life has

Completely changed why I came here and what I'm here for.

Now, like, winning could help us in the next chapter of our life.

[ Sighs ] oh, man.

I just can't wait to see her.

Like, I can't wait to hold on to her.

God, I just miss her so much.

♪♪ Yeah, my mom had breast cancer, and she went through

Chemo and radiation.

There were times where, I mean, honestly, i-- I mean, by the

Grace of god she survived chemo.

♪♪ It's crazy.

♪♪ And then she went through radiation.

And, you know, she's been five years cancer-free.

She's incredible.

And it was just so hard to watch her go through that.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ She-- I mean...

She was hanging out at death's door for a while.

The most important thing in my life is family.

[ Sighs ] because they just aren't always

Going to be there.

I'm sorry.

I'm getting upset.

I just miss my family.

I mean, that's why I named loyal, loyal.

I wanted him to know that family is always, always there for him.

And I just really want to have my family as close as possible.


So, I'll do whatever it takes to win this game.

I came here to win this for my family, and that's what I'm

Going to do.

You probably experienced with your girlfriend, like, mortality

Is real, you know.

And you just-- you just start looking at what you're doing,

Why you're doing it.

♪♪ Come in.

♪♪ What's up?

♪♪ You know, hey!

♪♪ I'm going through a million scenarios of all the ways this

Can pan out.

♪♪ There are a lot of scenarios.

♪♪ I just wanted to, like be be honest with myself where I am,

What my relationships look like.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Because at this point, like, I do-- I really freaking want to

Make it to the end.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ If-- if there's an opportunity, you know, if we're

There at the end, I want you beside me.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I want "the wise guys" to be able to stay together, but if

Memphis does end up going home on thursday, then I have to

Start planning for my future.

Nicole told me that I'm not her target, and I really actually

Believe her.

So I need to feel nicole out to see if she's open to going to

The end together.

♪♪ I will admit that after the whole triple thing, I felt like

Very betrayed.

But I've gotten past it, really.

I think I'm just matoured more, and I saw it as a game move.

And then I put you on the block, game move.

You're being very understanding about it.

Slate's clean.

I feel like we both had this weird journey.

We both have people on the jury that will be angry at us.

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ It's a-- it's a game move.

♪♪ Yeah ♪♪ I already have a final two

With cody, but I would be crazy not to entertain this idea of a

Final two with christmas.

If memphis goes this week, I really do think christmas would

Wnt to sit next to me in the end.

At this point in the game, I want to be protected from as

Many angles as possible.

♪♪ I don't want what happened to me last time to happen to me

This time.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Josh told me the whole time he was going to take me.

And last minute, josh took paul.

♪♪ I just think about jury.

And I think that I have a better chance-- call me crazy-- sitting

Next to paul in the end.

And I just think that I wouldn't win against you.


♪♪ Julie: it's official, christmas.

You are the last person to be evicted from the "big brother"


♪♪ It was a game move.

I get it.

But I don't want to play that way.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Iept going to say it out there.

I don't want these three dudz to pull us along.

♪♪ Yeah ♪♪ and then pluck us off.

And that will infuriate me.

♪♪ Me, too.

♪♪ Even though nicole and I have had some challenges in this

Game, it totally makes sense that the both of us go to the

End and make the final two.

We both have pissed off the jury a lot.

And, honestly, I don't want to have to count to a dude to take

Me to the end.

♪♪ I think that's a really good plan moving forward.

I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you stay thisec


♪♪ I'm gunning for the veto.

♪♪ Definitely going to take you to final three, because,

Ideally, I want to sit next to you, and hopefully, you do the

Same back.

♪♪ Yeah.

Let me know when you want to play some backgammon.

♪♪ Okay, sounds good.

That was a good discussion.

I do believe she wants to sit next to me in final two, but she

Wants to sit next to memphis more.

I cut memphis, and she probably doesn't want to sit next to enzo

She doesn't want to sit next to cody.

I'm not sharing this information though at all.

This is information I keep to myself.

♪ ♪ [ Sighs ].

♪♪ Big comp tomorrow.

Do you think I could win?

♪♪ You know, [ mooing ].

♪♪ Yeah?

, Othank you.

Mulan is a very good listener.

That's I didn't like her.

I'm going to try.

I'll try hard.

I'm a little lonely in that room by myself.

She moved in with me.

I'm going to take care of her.

She lost her father, which is tyler.

I have to win p.o.v. Tomorrow.

I have to, man.

Otherwise, I'm probably going to be on the block.

It's very important that I win this p.o.v., Just so the

Nominations stay the same.

Because you never know what could happen.

So moo-lan, you better get ready to see me with that veto


[ Mooing ].

♪♪ It's time that I win.

All right, I get it.

[ Mooing ] ♪ ♪

♪♪ Hey, everyone!

It's veto time!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Head to separate rooms and "big brother" will call you when

It's time to-- ♪♪ let's go!

♪♪ Cody, you're talking over what I'm saying.

♪♪ Sorry.

♪♪ One more time.

♪♪ Good night.

Think of me and go to sleep.

♪♪ Oh, baby.

I've always wanted to play b.b.


I need to win this veto to keep the nopinations the same because

Memphis or christmas have to go.

Oh, wow!

New comics to celebrate the all-star season.

Unfortunately, some fake comics were released alongside the real


It's your job to find all authentic b.b. Comibs and post

Them on your web site.

Here's how the game works: hit the button to start your clock.

Then fly down the zip line to sneak a peek inside the b.b.

Comic studio.

Grab the matching comic books and place them on your laptop

Screen so each one exactly matches the b.b. Comic studio


But be careful.

It could be tough to tell the difference between a real cover

And a phony.

When you think you have the authentic comics placed in the

Correct are order, hit your button.

If you're correct, your time will will stop.

If you're incorrect, a buzzer will sound, your clock will keep

Running and you must figure out what is wrong.

The player who matches their web site to the b.b. Comic studio

Wall in the shortest amount of time will win the golden power

Of veto.

Are you ready to play b.b.


I need to win this veto because the nominations have to stay the

Same this week.

Even though I'm pretty sure nicole would never put me up, I

Want to win the golden power of veto, keep the nominations the

Same and memphis or christmas go home this week.

[ Horn blows ].

♪♪ My strategy in this competition is to start by

Putting all the comics on the ground.

There are two versions of each of these comics.

I need to figure on the which one is correct and which one is

The decoy.

In one of kaysar's there is spots on his cape, and in the

Other there are no spots.

In nicole a.'S comic the light says "on air "in one of them and

"Live" in the other.

This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.


"On air."

"King kaysar?" King of what?

Going home before he gets to the jury.

I don't know.

What is he the king of?

What does he even have a comic.

Married into the worst alliance ever.

I can already picture dani now.

"The regulators!


Dom was bad at 'big brother' not me."

I see my comic and it's spot on.

In this game, if you mess with me, that was a sure way to get

You knocked out of this house so you better not mess with this

Twisty mister.

Who was this blond chick that was apparently on our season?

Oh, that's right.


I sent her home in the first week.

Big moves califore.

David's is extremely difficult.

I'm looking at his face.

I'm looking at his costume, and I feel the time ticking away

From me.



Nothing there.


It's right in front of me.

There are more davids growing in the one comic than the other.

Let's get it!

[ Buzzer sounds ] I realize that I put up the

Version of david's comic where there's only wonl five versions

Of himself, versus the one that has six.

Counting to six is not easy, and when you're rushing, it becomes

Even harder.

[ Bell rings ] come on, man!

♪ ♪ [ Horn blows ].

♪♪ Let's go!

Let's see what this is about.

I'm a little worried that if memphis or christmas wins this

Veto, that I'm going to be the replacement nominee.

So I want to win this veto, keep the nopinations the same.


Don't let this cat get your tongue.

The first thing I notice was my own comic.

This dude is in shape.

He's ripped up.

I'm loving it.

There he is, man.

The man, the myth, the meow-meow.

This is a timed competition.

So speed is of the essence.

So I'm going to run up there, put my comics up there, and

Hit the buzzer up, and see if I get lucky with no decoys.

[ Buzzer ] well, that didn't work, so I

Guess it's going to be harder than I thought.

Now I have to really stare at the details to figure things out

In this competition.

What's wrong with you?

You, I need a parakeet, and a parrot.

I am good at attention to details.

I like those games on the back of a cereal box where you see

These games where you have to find the six objects in the


I'm good at that stuff.

You know what I mean?

What's different about you?

Bayleigh looks amazing.

She looks like a super model.

She looks like a real super hero.

She does.

Kevin's bandanna moves comic had me dying because his facial

Expression just like, "look!

I'm about to be on the block again!"

I love nicole "a," but that's one podcast I will not listen


I feel bad.

I will listen to your podcast one time.

The one that I'm on it, I will listen to that one.


I love ty.

I love ty.

He looks like an out-of-work magician who always messes up

His tricks, man.

He definitely didn't pull any magic in this house and with

That comic.

Is it this one?

[ Buzzer ] not that.

I really thought I'd be doing better at this game.

I'm normally good with details, but now it's starting to throw

Me off being up against this clock.

It's just not a good look.

I just realized it was david and tyler's comics were in the wrong


[ Bell rings ] oh, my god!

Come on!

[ Horn blows ] ♪♪ this is my second week on the

Block, and I don't want to sit through another eviction night.

In season , I was final three.

And I plan to win this season.

But I have to win the veto first and take myself off the block.

Oh, my gosh!


I'm terrified of height.

I just feel like gravity's going to pick me up and smash me to

The ground.

I'm literally too scared to let go.


I've got to work on that.

My strategy is to go four comibs at a time.

I'm going to swing by, look at the order of the comics, and

Then once I have them inord my screen, I'm going to see the


And when I know that I have the correct comics, I move on to the

Next four.

A nightmare circles.

Skip da'vonne.

I love mine!

She's feroci ferocious!

I'm flashing through the zo.

Listen, if I'm terrifying in "big brother," I'm doing my job


[ Buzzer ] I think that I have everything

In order as it should be, but I'm not % sold on da'vonne's.

So I need to go back on that zip line and look at da'vonne's

Comic one more time.


♪ ♪ Aaahhh!

[ Bell rings ] oh, my god!

[ Horn blows ] ♪♪ this is my first time on the

Block this season, and it's really important that I win the


We're down to the nitty-gritty.

My strategy is to put them all in the right order first, and

Then I'll start looking at the differences per comic.

The fistologist is a nod to my old career as a mixologist.

I thought that was pretty clever and funny.

At least they got my arms correct.

I have no idea what da'vonne's comic means.

She kept daydreaming about making it to the end, and,

Obviously, that didn't work out for her.

[ Buzzer ] I'm realizing that janelle,

Kevin, and keesha's comics are in the wrong order.

So I need to rearrange them.

Now I need to buzz in as quickly as I can.

[ Bell rings ] ♪♪ breathe.


Don't get mad when you see your comic because you know it's

Going to be bad.

Breathe, breathe.

[ Horn blows ] first is...

King kaysar and the pod master.

I already won h.o.h. This week and I would thereof win the


I want to keep my nominations locked.

I don't want to put up a replacement nominee and I want

Memphis to go home.

King kaysar and the pod master.

My strategy in b.b. Comics is first slide on the zip line and

Make sure I have all the comics in order before I even try to

Find the differences.

Mrs. Claus, and cody.

Who is after cody?

Memphis, goliath, and tyler.

Who is different?

What's different?

Dani's comic is really tough.

I'm looking at all of their uniforms, looking at her face to

See if there's something different there.

And then you raze, oh, my gosh, there are buildings in the

Background on one and not on the other.

Oh, buildings in the back.

You know, like, someone's got to be the bombshell.

Someone's got to be the pretty one.

And, apparently, that's janelle.

Oh, my god.

What am i?

Serial k*ller.

I have to be a serial k*ller while janelle get to be this

Beautiful bombshell goddess?

Why do I look so scary all the time.

Balloons on the side, and do I have zinc?

This thing is literally going to haunt me forever.

Which one was last?


Or him?

I don't know.

[ Bell ring persons [ yeah!


I lock in my score and,you know, about my time.

I need this veto win so I can keep nominations the same.

Everyone did at b.b. Comics.

Memphis, you finished with a time of minutes and


Enzo, let's see if your time beats minutes and seconds

To take the lead.

Minutes and seconds.

[ Applause ] which means, enzo, you are

Currently in the lead.

Let's see if my time beats minutes and seconds.

Minutes and seconds.

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ Nice.

♪♪ Holy moly!

♪♪ Very good.

[ Applause ].

♪♪ Geez!

♪♪ Sorry, enzo, that means I'm currently in the lead.

Christmas, let's see if your time beats minutes and


♪♪ Oh, my god!

I cannot have christmas win this p.o.vched.

At this point I'm hoping that either cody and nicole win this

P.o.v., Because I know they're going to keep the nominations

The same.

Christmas, you finished with minutes and seconds.

All right, it all comes down to this: me or cody taking the

Golden power of veto.

And, cody, you finished with a time of...

Minutes and eight seconds!

Which means I won the golden power of veto!

[ Applause ].

♪♪ I just won the golden power of veto, and I feel amazing.

I have all the power this week, and, you know, it's up to me to

Figure out what's best for my game.

Now I'm definitely all-star material, right?

That's how I feel.

♪♪ Come here.

Whatever happens, happens.

♪♪ I feel defeated.

I feel sick to my stomach.

I know that I'm not nicole's target this week, but that

Doesn't mean that I'm just going to sit back and not fight.

So I have to figure out a way to get myself off the block to %

Secure my safety.

♪♪ Were you going to throw me under the bus?

♪♪ Of course not.

But you know what I mean.

♪♪ I know.

Of course not.

♪♪ It sucks.

♪♪ She can still use it.

♪♪ No, no, for sure.

I'm not saying-- I'm not saying that.

♪♪ I think that she would be receptive to a deal.

♪♪ I feel like you have a better rapport with her than I do.

We gave the veto comp our best shot, but neither christmas nor

I won the veto, so she should be the one going home this week.

I appreciate her wanting to play this game hard, but I don't

Think christmas is going to pull off the christmas day miracle

She's hoping for.

♪♪ Keep it together.

♪♪ Make me some pokey.

♪ ♪ ♪♪ She wants to play-- she wants

To play her best chance.

We're at a pivotal moment in this game, and the days of

Voting just to please the h.o.h.

Are over.

Nicole wants memphis out this week but christmas is the only

Person left in this game they don't have a final two with.

Memphis I do, so if we end up deciding to send home the wrong

Person this week, that could be the decision that ends up

Costing me $,.

♪♪ I will talk to her.

♪♪ Come in!

♪♪ Did you see me upon canning.

♪♪ What's up?

♪♪ Hey!

I don't know if you're up for it to chat.

♪♪ Yeah, for sure.

♪♪ Okay.

I don't know how you want this week to work out.

♪♪ Nominations stay the same.

There's no way you wouldn't stay in my opinion.

How do you feel about that?

♪♪ I need a promise.

Like, I need a deal.

♪♪ Trust me, christmas, if I leave you on the block, you're

Going to stay.

I'm going to be really totally transparent here.

I think with both cody and enzo having the vote, I don't think

They're willing to listen to you.

They'll do whatever they want.

And I don't know what they believe is their best interest.

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ You know what I mean?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Like, I don't know if they would keep me.

I don't know if they would keep memphis.

And I would really like us to go the distance.

♪♪ I think that's what's best for us, honestly.

♪♪ I think so, too.


I'm really worried if nicole decides not to use the veto, I

Could end up going home, even though I'm not her target.

If she takes me off the block, she can actually backdoor the

Only person that I believe can beat all of us in the end--


I do say going into next week, cody wouldn't cut enzo.

♪♪ I know he wouldn't cut enzo.

♪♪ Cody and enzo together, they're locked in.

♪♪ Do I think cody and enzo have a final two?

Absolutely, I do.

♪♪ I believe that if-- if cody goes into next week, he's going

To be final two.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ And then he'll take whoever hoopts.

♪♪ I think that's true.

♪♪ Because he's going to smoke us all.

♪♪ I know.

He would.

Honestly, I don't see anyone beating cody.

♪♪ I don't see it.

♪♪ I'm not ready to backdoor cody this week.

But christmas is right, he pretty much has played a

Flawless game, and fisit next to him on finale night, I feel like

I'm basically giving him upon $,.

Even though I am loyal to cody, I do think I would have a much

Better chance of winning if I wassing next to christmas at the


Which is why I have to make sure she stays in this game.

♪♪ You have the veto power this week.

You need to put your boss pants on, girl.

Put your boss pants on!

♪ ♪ ♪♪ He, guys.

It's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Christmas and memphis have been nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I have decided...

Not to use the power of veto.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

I didn't use the veto, and I didn't go through with any crazy

Backdoor plan.

Now I just need to make sure that everything goes according

To plan and memphis goes to the jury house on thursday.

One more person down, which means I'm one more step closer

To becoming the first-ever two-time b.b. Winner.

It makes me excited to think about it.

♪♪ The veto doesn't get used and I'm feeling pretty good

Considering I'm on the block.

I have my two "wise guys" enzo and cody, the only two votes I

Need for the week.

I don't see a world where I'm leaving this house before


Now, that's funny, get it-- "before christmas.

Of the.

♪♪ Christmas and memphis are now staying on the block this week.

Enzo and I have a huge decision to make.

Nicole thinks memphis is going home, but she's not voting.

Enzo and I are.

Nicole, I know we've been working together throughout this

Entire game and I love you, but I need to figure out what's best

For me, and it might not be what you want this week.

♪♪ I know that it was a long shot for me to pull this off and

Have nicole use the veto on me today.

But I can't help but be a little disappointed that it didn't


I'm going to fight like hell to make sure that I stay this week

And cause some major damage next week.

Watch out because this mama is unleashed.

♪♪ Announcer: who will be evicted from the "big brother"

House, christmas or memphis?

Find out tomorrow night at :, : central, live on "big

Brother all-stars"!