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22x33 - Episode 33

Posted: 05/05/24 12:07
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Previously on Big Brother All-Stars...

Since Day One, Cody and Enzo were most loyal to each other.

Me and you are the root, that's it.

We should call ourselves "The Root."

-[laughs] -Bro!

ANNOUNCER: But Cody also has Nicole locked down.

So, are you good with-

you and I are like... ride or die and you haven't-

Oh, Nicole, %.

ANNOUNCER: Meanwhile, Enzo was working with Christmas.

Me and you have to, like, work with each other.

We have to.

My dream final three is me, Cody, and Christmas.

ANNOUNCER: Not to be outdone by the boys,

Christmas and Nicole made a deal of their own.

If there's an opportunity, if we're there at the end,

-I want you beside me. -Yeah.

I already have a final two with Cody, but I would be crazy

not to entertain this idea of a final two with Christmas.

At this point in the game, I wanna be protected

from as many angles as possible.

ANNOUNCER: After Mem-Fist got the boot...

JULIE CHEN: By a vote of two to zero,

Memphis, you are evicted from theBig Brother House.

ANNOUNCER: ...the power was back up for grabs.

I have no more moves.

ANNOUNCER: And Enzo was knighted.

Congratulations, Enzo, on Head of Household.

Thank you.

I just won the final four H.O.H.

If you don't like this face, it don't matter,

'cause I'm here till the end.

I'm here to win this thing. This is my fate.

ANNOUNCER: Christmas asked Enzo to keep her off the block.


So, basically, where I am now in this game

is that I'm on an island and I have to make sure

that no matter what, I'm not on the block this week.

I don't wanna do it again.

-You don't wanna do it again, yeah. -Mm-mm.

ANNOUNCER: But the Meow-Meow remained loyal to Cody.

I have nominated you, Nicole, and you, Christmas.

I've just guaranteed my safety with this H.O.H.,

now one of you's gotta do it in the POV. That's it.

ANNOUNCER: Tonight... a cool Gs are up for grabs

in a surprise luxury competition.

Plus, it all comes down to the final

and most important veto of the season.

Who will earn a one way ticket to finale night?

Find out right now onBig Brother!



This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

I nominated Nicole and Christmas.

The only other option was Cody

and I got a final two deal with him so I'm not messing that up.

I'd like to see Nicole go this week,

'cause I really believe that Christmas would take me

to the final two and Nicole won't.

But this week, what really matters is the power of veto.

Whoever wins that determines who has the sole vote

to evict on Thursday night.

No, I know.

Even though I'm on the block, nominations don't mean much.

It's all about the POV

because only one person is voting to evict.

So, I need to win and that way,

I would get to pick who goes to Jury.

I feel like I had a little bit of an ally in Enzo,

but obviously it's me against them in this whole game now.

They all have each other

and then, I feel like it's coming in on all sides.

I'm not out. I'm not surrendering.

I'm not giving up, but it doesn't mean

that I'm not feeling all of the feels right now.

-She's gonna snap. -Why?

I'm not on the block and this is amazing.

I've gone this entire season not being nominated

and that is not an easy thing to do.

But I still need to stay laser-focused on the veto

because if Nicole or Christmas win,

I'm on the block and I have a chance of going home.

How many times has veto, like-we need to win the veto.

NICOLE: Are you okay, Christmas?

It's super awkward in the kitchen right now.

I'm not really quite sure

if I should say something to Christmas.

I've already tried to make small talk and it went nowhere.


It's just so much harder than I thought.


I feel like I'm by myself, fighting against three others.


And I feel like I'm just in a snake pit right now.

I don't wanna say anything that I'll regret.

I just wanna keep my mouth shut and keep to myself

until after I win the POV.

So- come here.

She won't speak to anyone.

She just sat there.

So, now she went in your guys' room.

Was she blindsided?

Geez Louise.

Christmas freaking out over these noms

is just another reason for me to want her out this week.

She's very abrasive, she's very intense

and then when she doesn't get her away,

she just storms around. We'll just... chill.

Plus, Christmas is the only person that's left in this game

that I don't have a final two with,

so whatever happens, she cannot win this veto

because I have a very strong feeling if she does,

I'm gonna be the one that she sends home.

Think I'm gonna go to the bathroom upstairs.

Christmas is pissed.

Nicole said she, like, won't talk to anybody.

She obviously knows I have a good relationship with you,

you know what I'm saying?

-It's not like-- enough already. -Enough.

Let's say she gets lucky enough and wins,

is she gonna go crazy on everyone?

-Yeah. -Get outta here, yo.

Yeah, if she wins it, though, I'm gone.

But you know, who knows.

I know Cody wants Christmas to go this week,

but if Christmas wins the POV, it really isn't bad for my game,

because maybe I could push Christmas

to cut Nicole this week.

I know how to play this game.

If there's something that I could sway, I'm gonna do it.

So, this could all work out pretty well for the Meow-Meow.

I'm just getting myself locked in for tomorrow.

You got it already, I mean...



I think I've cried myself out of tears. [sniffs]

I mean, I've had enough.

I've had enough.

But... it does come down to the veto and honestly,

I feel in a really good position to just kick some more butt

and stay in this house.

-Oh. -Look at this.



-Yes! -Look at this!

ANNOUNCER: Get ready for a luxury competition.

-Yeah! -ANNOUNCER: Clash Of The Comics!

Someone is about to win $,.


-Oh! -Yo! -ANNOUNCER: Here's how it works.

Each of you must draft four BB comics.

After the draft, the comics will face off

in head to head battles.

These head to head battles will rage on

until only one BB comic hero is left standing.

The All-Star who drafted that comic will win $,.

Are you ready to play "Clash Of The Comics"?

-Let's go! -Let's go.

This is the "Clash Of The BB Comics,"

I don't know what's going on,

but I am ready to get after it and win myself $,.

You could buy a lotta things with Gs.

A bigger TV.

Maybe another motorcycle.

A bidet!

I would buy a bidet.

ANNOUNCER: The draft begins now.

Pick your comics.

I pick first.

I think I'm gonna have to go... with myself.

-[laughs] -Mrs. Claws.

CODY: Oh, she's taken herself.

I'm going with the Bombshell!


The Bombshell is my first draft pick.

I know first hand

you do not wanna be on the opposite side of Janelle.

So, I want her on my team.

The Cali-Fury!



Hopefully, you have magic.

We're all choosing the comics that we want on our own team.

I feel pretty confident with this crew.

I want a well-rounded team of superheroes

so I have the best chance of winning that $,.

Let's go ahead and make that money, momma.

This is my final selection.

-The Birthday Girl! -Oh!

-Dirk Spacejammer! -Oh.

-Mem-Fist. -ENZO: Ooh.

King Kaysar.

-Oh! -[applause]

ANNOUNCER: A random draw has determined

which comics will face off

-and which comics win. -Lay my cape out.

ANNOUNCER: The winning comic advances to the next round.

The losing comic is eliminated.

NICOLE: I can't wait to see who's fighting each other first.

Now that we've selected our teams,

the tournament will begin

and any comic can battle any other comic,

even if they're on the same team,

'cause it's completely random.

And the winners of those battles

are completely random too.

No strategy, there's nothing we can do,

so basically all we can do is sit back and cheer on our teams.

We haven't watched TV in three months

and we will take anything we can get.


Bayleigh's Comet versus the Podmaster.

-Ooh, yeah! -Ooh! -That's both of your people?

-Both are your peeps, bro! -[laughs]

People are fighting each other!


Why are we fighting each other?

We're supposed to be a unit!

Oh, this is not good,

I'm already gonna lose one of my superheroes in the first round.

-CHRISTMAS: Yeah! -You're on the same team! -Yes!





-Oh! -ANNOUNCER: The Podmaster... wins!

ENZO: The Podmaster wins!

You all are in-- her lightning shock is insane!

Oh, insane! Yo, this is so dope!

-That was so fast. -This is so dope.

ANNOUNCER: Dirk Spacejammer versus Mrs. Claws.

-Oh! -Ah!

I am very nervous for Dirk Spacejammer.

If Mrs. Claws is anything like Christmas in this house,

Dirk Spacejammer...

might want to find a new galaxy immediately.








Oh! Oh! See ya!


Just in a day's work.

-I'm so disappointed. -CHRISTMAS: Woo!

ENZO: I love it. He's down to two.

ANNOUNCER: The Birthday Girl... versus David & Goliath.

-Oh! -Oh... two of yours! -CHRISTMAS: Yes!

ANNOUNCER: Let's go.




Yeah, oh!


-Oh! -ANNOUNCER: David & Goliath wins!

-Birthday Girl. -Bye!

ENZO: Again, she lasts just five seconds.

ANNOUNCER: Mem-Fist versus Cereal k*ller.


Come on, Cereal k*ller!

-Come on, Cereal k*ller! -ANNOUNCER: Let's clash.

-Oh! -He's coming at me!

Mem-Fist is huge!



ANNOUNCER: Mem-Fist... wins!

That fist is just too big.

Mem-Fist got his revenge.

He did. He got his revenge.

That's okay, Cereal k*ller.

I'm not shocked that Cereal k*ller sucked.

I probably deserve... after what I did to him last week.

But whatever.

ANNOUNCER: Da'dream versus the Bombshell.

-Oh, no! -Oh!

Oh... what, we're battling again.

CHRISTMAS: So, like not-

Ugh... my whole team battled itself.

CHRISTMAS: Which one do you think is gonna take?

ANNOUNCER: Let's go.

Oh, oh!



You don't wanna-

ANNOUNCER: Da-dream wins!

So, the Bombshell and the Cereal k*ller

on the same team is not good.

-Bye-bye, Bombshell. -Oh.

ANNOUNCER: The Regulator versus the Meow-Meow

-Oh! -Oh, yeah!

Let's get it, now!

Don't lose to a Regulator!

ANNOUNCER: Let's clash.

-Oh! -Oh, she's coming! -Ah!

Get her! Hit her!

-Hit her dead! -No!

-[screams] -ANNOUNCER: The Meow-Meow wins.


-No! -Yeah!


You're evicted.

ANNOUNCER: The Cali-Fury versus the Bandanimal.

Oh, the Bandanimal!

Come on, Cali-Fury!

-Get him! -Stop moving!

-Come on! -Stop moving!

-No! No! Oh! -Yeah!

-No! -Go! Go!

ANNOUNCER: The Cali-Fury... wins.

Let's go!



-Ha! -The Cali-Fury!

Bandanimal... now I see why you're scared.

ANNOUNCER: King Kaysar versus Abra-Curl-Dabra.

-Oh! -Here we go.

-Diabolical follicles! -[laughs]

-ANNOUNCER: Time to clash. -Hit him with your follicles!

-[laughs] -Shut up!

-Hit him with your follicles! -Get him!

Pow! Pow! Pow!

Oh! Oh!

ANNOUNCER: Abra-Curl-Dabra wins.

-Oh! -Yeah!

I'm so frustrated.

My team has literally let me down left and right

and now, Mrs. Claws is my only comic left on my team.


The Podmaster versus Mrs. Claws.


Oh, Mrs. Claws.

Come on, Podmaster!

If she doesn't beat the Podmaster,

then I'm down $, and out of this game.

Your ray g*ns ain't got nothing on these claws.


Shock her!


-No! -Oh, that's a good clash.

ANNOUNCER: The Podmaster... wins!


ANNOUNCER: Christmas, you've been eliminated.

Man, I am feeling pretty bummed.

My squad has been slayed on outta here.

I am over it, over it, over it.

ANNOUNCER: Abra-Curl-Dabra versus Da'Dream.


Come on, Da'Dream!

Come on, follicles!

Come on, Da'Dream.

-Let's go. -ANNOUNCER: Let's go!



-Oh! Oh! I'm dead, I'm dead. -Yes!

ANNOUNCER: Da'Dream wins!

-Yo, you were ambushed! -See that?

-What was that? -You see that?

Da'Vonne throwing head butts!

Then she comes in with a second one when you least expect it.


Da'Vonne is a force to be reckoned with.

Yeah, Da'! Woo, woo!

Come on, Diabolical.

Those head butts were out of control.

Dude, I can't believe I lost completely...

like, I had such a strong run.


ANNOUNCER: The Cali-Fury versus David & Goliath.

-Yeah! -Not David-- that means I'm done. That means I'm out.

You know what time it is.


-ANNOUNCER: Clash! -Dodge and weave!

Then a shot in the-yes, good hit, good hit.

Dodge and weave! Dodge and weave!

Oh, oh!

Hit him!

ANNOUNCER: The Cali-Fury wins.

David, this is not once but twice you cost me $,.

My team is getting lumped up, man.

We're losing people fast.

It's not even, like, a close fight.

We're getting knocked out, yo.

ANNOUNCER: The Meow-Meow versus Mem-Fist.

Come on, Mem-Fist.

So, now if the Meow-Meow loses to Mem-Fist, I lose.

I'm out. My team is done.

I get no money and then I can't buy my bidet.

-Oh, my-- -Come on, Mem-Fist. -He's holding you right now.

-ANNOUNCER: Battle! -Come on, Mem-Fist.

-[screams] -Go, Mem-Fist!

Look out!

Mem-Fist, boom!

It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over.

ANNOUNCER: Mem-Fist wins!

I knew it.

I knew it, I knew it.

ANNOUNCER: Enzo, you've been eliminated.

Meow-Meow looked like a little kitten in this fight, man.

It was just- that fist was just too vicious.

ANNOUNCER: Round Three.

ANNOUNCER: The Podmaster versus Mem-Fist.




[overlapping shouting]

-Duck! -Mem-Fist, again!

-Duck! -Mem-Fist, again!

ANNOUNCER: Mem-Fist wins!



What you doing?

My personal space.


She's trying to attack me.

Bye, Podmaster!

CODY: She didn't even shock.

ANNOUNCER: The Cali-Fury versus Da'Dream.

Come on, Cali-Fury.

-Bye, Cali. -Christmas, are you- what are you doing?

You're, like, obviously rooting against me, so underdog is here.

This is it.

Cody only has Cali-Fury left,

so I just need Da'Dream to kick his butt, so I can win $,.

Come on, Da', let's do this.

-You have to stay moving! -Let's go, Da'! -ANNOUNCER: Let's go.

[overlapping shouting]

-Stay moving, Cali, stay moving! -[screams]

Stay moving!


ANNOUNCER: Da'Dream wins!

-[laughs] -Oh!


-You won! $,! -I did!

-[laughs] -Holy crap.

ANNOUNCER: Cody, you've been eliminated.

Oh, these head butts are too much.

Da'Vonne is an absolute beast.

Like, where was she in the House?

I no longer have a superhero in the competition.

The $, slipped through my hands... and I am devastated.

ANNOUNCER: Final Round.

Da'Dream versus Mem-Fist.

NICOLE: Let's see who the winner is.

-ENZO: Now, we find out. -Oh, let's see who wins.

Who the winner is.

ANNOUNCER: The battle starts now.

NICOLE I want to Da' to win. Come on, Da'Dream.

Come on, Da'Dream. Head butt him.

It is Da'Dream. It is-

Oh! It's Mem-Fist!

-ANNOUNCER: Mem-Fist wins! -Out of all of them.

ANNOUNCER: Congratulations, Nicole.

You won "Clash Of The Comics"!

Memphis just won me $,.

Oh, my god.

That would have been it.

I went with the hair instead of the fist.

The hair instead of the fist.

The fist is mightier than the hair.

I don't wanna make anyone mad but woo!

Oh, my gosh.

Mem-Fist, who I literally just evicted, won me $,.

Like, it's so awesome.

Everyone looks annoyed, [laughs] what?

I'm super excited.

This is a nice little cherry on top to the $,

I plan on winning at the end of this game.



Hands down, I don't care that I didn't win $,.

I'm just really upset that I went against my intuition

and I feel like I betrayed Memphis by not picking him.

Today just sucks.


I had so much fun in that comp.


But it just made me, like... miss my friend.

I feel like I just betrayed him by not even picking him. [cries]

I knew I should have picked Memphis.

I don't want him to feel any sort of way

when he sees that I didn't pick him...

And honestly, like, seeing his comic flying around

just reminds me that he's not here

and it's painful to not be here with your best friend.

Stupid Memphis.

This house just sucks. [cries]

Okay, stay right there.

You're doing it perfectly.

What is this?

I have never gotten my eyebrows waxed.

CHRISTMAS: Stay right there.

That's in the best spot, Enzo.

Ah! [laughs]


I mean, it feels okay.

I mean... erm,

I haven't been touched by a woman in so- [laughs]

Check me out. Do I have anything?

You could definitely clean up- ooh!

Oh, ....

Now you're making me feel insecure about it.

Just do the middle at least.

He did it.

Yeah, he did.

Oh, yeah, let's do it.

-Yes! Yes. -Let's do it.

Why not get a first in the Big BrotherHouse

and let my eyebrows get a little touched up.

I know that, you know, there could be

a little bit of grooming that could be done.

-It doesn't hurt. -CODY: It doesn't?




You didn't count at all! Oh!

ENZO: You're not supposed to know it's coming.

-I would have been way more prepared. -You're [laughs] okay.

Did she take out the whole eyebrow?

-ENZO: Yo, you're in it, though, you have to finish it. -Oh!

You can't just have one eye looking like that.

You have to even it out.

What are you laughing at?

-Yo, that left one looks good. -Yo!

Yo, that left one looks sexy.


Ooh, what were you doing?

-Am I bleeding? -CHRISTMAS: No. -No, not yet.

Christmas is going in on Cody right now.

Like, heavy. She's taking no prisoners.

She just does not care.

Well, as a disclaimer, we did not take that chunk out.

That chunk was missing before we started.


I can't help but feel like she's taking out a little bit

of the frustration in this game... on my poor eyebrows.

Let me see.

Oh, my God.

Them eyebrows is smoldering.


If Nicole or Christmas win the power of veto,

I am definitely going on the block.

ENZO: She looks focused, yo.

And you need to be focused.

So it is very important that Enzo or myself

win the power of veto, 'cause that guarantees

I stay off the block and that also guarantees

that I'm going to be picking which person to evict this week.

Where you going, yo?

I'm going downstairs.

What are you eating?

Think that's a grilled cheese sandwich.

Is that coffee?

Oh, my God, it's caffeine.

So, now she's got protein.

God, she's ready.

Cody's pants are hella tight.

They're hella tight right now

Loosen 'em up, yo.

It's too tight.

Pants are too tight right now.

Look at Christmas' demeanor.

She's chilling.

She's laid-back.

Look at Cody's demeanor.

It's too tense.

Oh, my God.

She puts it down, she wipes her fingers.

Look at her.

She's ready.

He's wearing ankle socks with shoes.

It doesn't look good, yo.

This is not a good look.

She's laid-back drinking a coffee.

She's like, "I got this."

I like that Christmas is cool as a cucumber right now.

She's getting her head in the game.

If she can win this veto, I think I can convince Christmas

to get rid of Nicole this week.

I love Cody, but I know if he wins,

he'll keep Nicole to guarantee a spot in the final two,

and that does not help me, so I'm secretly, you know,

rooting for Christmas on this one.

You think Christmas is gonna win.

I think you want Christmas to win.

All right, today's the big day.

Someone gets to guarantee a spot in the final three

and I really want it to be me.

Going into this veto competition,

I want to win so bad.

It may be the last one of the summer,

but it's the most important.

You have so much power with this veto

and it's gonna look really good to the Jury at Final Two.

Don't worry about anything back home,

worry about becoming the best player of all time.

First two, then winner.

You have the potential.

Don't give up now.


Oh, my gosh.

What are we doing?



-We're hamsters. -What?

-We're hamsters. -Oh, we're hamsters.


It is the veto day. The last veto of the season.

It's win or go home and I'm not really interested

in seeing the Jury, so let's get to wheeling.

This competition is so crucial.

I haven't been nominated all season

and if Christmas or Nicole win,

I'm gonna be forced to be on the block.

So I have to go into this veto and I have to win it.

ANNOUNCER: For years, Big Brother superfans

have called the Houseguests "hamsters",

and today it's truer than ever.

All right, hamsters.

Here's how it works.

This competition will be played over several rounds.

In each round, you'll be given an event

that occurred in theBig Brother House.

It's your job to figure out what day the event happened

and then use your human-sized hamster wheel to answer.

Run on your wheel in one direction

to increase your answer by one day at a time.

Run in the other direction

to increase your answer by five days at a time.

Once you think you have the correct day,

hit your button to see if you are correct.

If you are correct, you are safe for the round.

The last player to answer correctly in each round

will receive a strike. If you receive three strikes,

you will be eliminated from the competition.

The last player remaining in the game will earn the final

and most important veto of the season.

Who's ready to play, "The Fast and the Furriest"?

I really wanna win this veto competition

because it's the only way I can guarantee a spot in final three

and I get to choose who to evict this week.

No, I'm gonna fight for this veto,

'cause if I do win this veto,

it's, it's better for my resume if I'm sitting in a final two.

ANNOUNCER: Question one:

what day is it in theBig Brother House today?


I know for a fact it's Day .

Yeah, today's .


I guess they're starting this competition off easy.

-Oh! -[buzz]

I overshot the number that I wanted

and I can't make my counter go backwards,

so now I need to reset and start all the way from zero.






Remembering the right days?


Running on that giant hamster wheel?


Stopping that wheel and not going over is kicking my butt.



-[ding] -[buzz]

ANNOUNCER: Christmas. You have earned a strike.

Listen, I am not giving up on this.

I got my X. I messed up.

I'm not gonna make that mistake again.

ANNOUNCER: Question two: on what day did exactly four Houseguests

redeem their safety suite pass?


I know the answer to this one.

This was in the third safety suite,

when only four people played, which was on Day .

-[beep] -ANNOUNCER: Access granted.







ANNOUNCER: Enzo. You have earned a strike.

I knew the answer, but I just wasn't fast enough,

so I gotta figure this thing out fast.

ANNOUNCER: Question three:

on what day was the triple eviction?


I know what day the triple eviction is

because that day is burned into my brain. Day .

CHEN: Tonight is indeed... a triple eviction.




You are evicted from theBig Brother House.



-[ding] -[buzz]

ANNOUNCER: Enzo. You have earned a second strike.

One more strike, Enzo, and you will be eliminated.

Question four: on what day did you enter the BB Basement?


I can't really forget the BB Basement.

That's the day that I got stuck in the goo and lost my pants.

That was Day .

My pants are off!

I'm stuck!





I already have one strike in this game, but Enzo has two,

so I need to make sure that I get to Day before him.


ANNOUNCER: Enzo, you have earned a third strike

and have been eliminated from the game.

This sucks.

I wanted to go deeper into this competition.

Look, I know I'm safe, which is great,

but winning this POV would have made my resume that much better

when I'm sitting in that final two.

[breathes heavily]

ANNOUNCER: Question five:

on what day was it announced to the House

that the Replay Power was activated?


I totally remember when the Replay Power was activated.

It was during Memphis' H.O.H., on Day .

I'm gonna go for it.

WOMAN: The Replay Power has been activated.

The Replay Power has been activated?



What a terrible mistake.

That didn't happen on Day .

It happened on Day , when he was outgoing H.O.H.

Now I have to go at it all over again.


-[ding] -[buzz]

ANNOUNCER: Christmas, you have earned a second strike.

This isn't a good situation.

I currently have two strikes

and if I get three, then I'm out.

I have to make sure that I stay in this game, no matter what.

I currently have two strikes

and Nicole and Cody both have zero.

I need to step it up and finish this competition.

ANNOUNCER: Question six:

on what day was the Power of Veto first used

to remove someone from the block?


Of course I remember this day.

It was it Day when Kevin saved himself.

I have decided to use the Power of Veto on myself.




Oh, you guys are fast.

I definitely smoked them on this round.

[exhales] No problem.

Now I just have to keep up this momentum

and make sure that I win this veto.

ANNOUNCER: Nicole, you have earned your first strike.

This was a very close round.

I'm just gonna shake it off.

I know that I didn't do anything wrong.

I just need to move a little bit faster

on the hamster wheel, that's all.

I must not have a good hamster... movement.

ANNOUNCER: Question seven:

on what day was the Power of Veto last used

to remove someone from the block?


This day was Day .

The legendary Da'Vonne used the veto to save Kevin.

Kevin, I'm gonna use the veto on you.





ANNOUNCER: Christmas, you have earned a third strike

and have been eliminated from the game.

It hurts.

This could be the end of my game.

It's down to Cody and I and I already have one strike

and I don't want anymore.

This next one is very important.

Bring it on, Cody!

ANNOUNCER: Question eight: on what day did Doctor Will

tell you to think "Three moves ahead"?


I know Doctor Will popped up on the TV near the triple eviction.

I think maybe it could be

but I really don't know for sure.

I didn't think just one move ahead, or even two moves ahead;

I always thought three moves ahead.


-[ding] -[buzz]

-ANNOUNCER: Cody, you have earned a strike.-Yes!

Yes, baby. Yes!

Cody and I are tied up, we each have one strike.

I'm feeling really good about this.

All I need to do is kick his butt two more times,

so I just need to make sure I control this wheel

so it doesn't go past the day I'm trying to hit.

ANNOUNCER: Question nine:

on what day was it announced to the House

that the Disruptor Power was activated?


On Day , the Disruptor Power was activated.

WOMAN: The Disruptor Power has been unleashed.

Dang it!



-ANNOUNCER: Nicole... -[groans] have earned a second strike.

No way! Ugh!

I have two strikes against me and Cody only has one.

It's very important that I get this next question right,

otherwise I'm out.

ANNOUNCER: Question ten: on what day did you meet Otev,

the Psychedelic Salamander?


Otev, the Psychedelic Salamander was met on Day .

My name is Otev, the Psychedelic Salamander.

-Yeah. -[laughs]

Don't go over.

Don't go over.

Don't go over.

Don't go over!


[ding, ding, ding]

ANNOUNCER: Congratulations, Cody!

You have won the final Golden Power of Veto!

Congrats, bro. Congrats.

Well done, man. Well done.

The final Golden Power of Veto is mine.

Oh, ....

Oh, this veto is so important and I needed it.

These past couple nights, I've barely been able to sleep

thinking about this veto and now I've got my hands on it.

I'm gonna be wearing it around my neck and I'm gonna get

to pick who's coming into the final three with me.

I went over every time.

[groans] It stinks!

I didn't win the Power of Veto and I'm upset.

I'm mad at myself.

I feel like I really had this in me to win it.

I knew all the answers

and I think that's what hurts the most.

It's- like, I don't know how to feel.

How many different ways can you say "This sucks"?

Not winning the veto is not being able

to control my own fate right now.

Not where I wanna be in this game.

It's, it's hard to accept that.

I went over every round.

That was the one thing I was the most nervous about.


I really wanted to be able to control my future in this house

and that was heartbreaking. Like... [sighs]

because I did come here for my family

and I wanna make sure that I make that worth it.

And winning makes it worth it, otherwise what am I doing here?


It's been a long week.



Let's go.


Just won the last Power of Veto.

I have the power, this week, to put myself into the final three

and decide who's coming there with me.

Took care of business again!

I couldn't be more excited. This was so amazing to win.

Oh, this is such an amazing feeling.


Final three, yo!

Walking out on finale night.


That's how crazy this game is.

If he cuts me.

Enzo's gonna try to get him to bring Christmas along.

It's a big decision.

I don't want someone bringing me to final three.

I wanna get there myself and I just could have right there.

I am so disappointed I did not win this veto.

I just wanted that competition so bad. [sniffs]

I had one chance to win my spot and I didn't do it.

I mean, my game could be over at this point.


Oh, man.

I'm safe. I'm in the final three.

Cody, my guy, is in the final three too, now.

But I would love for Cody to get rid of Nicole this week.

She's a champion.

Cody, please make the right choice here, bro.


You never wanna have your life in somebody else's hands

in the Big BrotherHouse and now I'm at the mercy of Cody

and who knows what he's gonna do.

But I still have an opportunity to go to final three.

This isn't over until I'm literally evicted

from this house, so all bets are off.

I really need to consider who I want to evict this week

between Christmas and Nicole.

Nicole is somebody that I'm very, very loyal to,

but is loyalty what's going to win me this game?

Because the last time I played this game,

loyalty got me second place

and I didn't come back to get anything short of first.

ANNOUNCER: Who will be the last All-Star

evicted before the finale?

Nicole or Christmas?

Find out tomorrow night at ., . Central,

live onBig Brother!