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12x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 05/05/24 12:44
by bunniefuu
previously on "big

Brother", head of household

Hayden targeted the


I dominated you brendon

And you rachel for eviction.

at the veto competition

Brendon proved too strong.

brendon, you've won the

First power of veto of the


You're welcome.

forcing the brigade to

Find a new victim.

our replacement nominee

Is annie.

now on the block, annie

Went into a tailspin.

you, britney.

loonie tunes annie was

After me like a freakin

Rabid mountain lion.

but she was also

Harboring a secret.

hello, america.

I'm the saboteur.

I bet you didn't see that

One coming.

and used her saboteur

Message to try and sway the


you are not rid of me


I escaped the block.

unfortunately for annie,

The house saw her as the

Bigger threat.

by a vote of 10-0, annie,

You are evicted from the big

Brother house.

but the saboteur didn't

what was-- what is that?

is that for real.

I guess the saboteur is

Back to his backed tactics.

I don't know, he gave us

Some smoke bombs.

We got to find out who this

Little rat is so we can send

Him home.

at the head of household

Competition, rachel shocked

Everyone and took control.

julie: Rachel, you are

The new head of household.

taking her and brendon

From the outwhite house to

The penthouse.

Who will rachel nominate for


And how will the house react

When they learn annie was

The saboteur?

Find out tonight on big


julie: By a vote of 10-0,

Annie, are you evicted from

The big brother house.

I am so excited that I'm

Still here.

Not only do I still get to

Play the big brother game

But I still get to spend

Time with brendon.

annie's gone.

She's going homement she got

Hit from a grenade from the

Brigade, now next on the

List, brendon and rachel.

I'm shaking.

yes, rachel's here.

She's staying here.

I'm just so glad.

I'm relieved.

We're here to stay.

We're going to own this


well, hey, guys.

She was right about my


he lied about his

Occupation to all of you.

I did a bs in general

Physics and finished my ms

In applied physics, I start

My ph.D in by wro-- biomedical

Fisics to pursue cancer


I didn't want to tell people

Coming in the house because

I thought it would make me a


I opened up in hopes it

Won't make people want to

Target me more than I want

To do.

But I am a swim coach,

That's not a lie.

brendon got busted.

But at least they don't know

That I'm a doctor.

nobody knows that I'm a

College professor and have a


that's serious, man.

now all of a sudden

Brendon comes clean on what

He is, he is like superman

With a ph.D this guy, so,

You know, I want him out.

julie: Rachel,


You are the new head of


I am so excited, are you

Kidding me!

Me and brendon get to stay

Together for a whole week

And we're safe.

I'm so proud of you.

here we are, the

Underdogs in this


Everyone's against us.

As soon as I hear rachel's

Name announced I could not

Have been happier.

oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

obviously I was

Exhilarated when rachel won.

There is no question because

I don't think I am a target

In her mind.

She just got off the block

And has other targets in the

House to go after.

So I think for 1 week I can

Real relaxed.

andrew looked like a kid

On christmas or hanukkah,


Dude, if you are in with

Them, act like you're not

Because now everyone thinks

You are.

He's made the target a

Little bigger on his back.

I'm so pissed right now.

We were so freakin close and

We let some idiot who wasn't

Even smart enough to put on

Pants before the competition


great, rachel's hoh.

And rachel doesn't like me.

I don't like rachel.

This doesn't look good for


rachel's brainwashed by


Whatever brendon says she's

Going to do.

So it's really brendon's the

Hoh this week.

The brigade just got hit

With a grenade right now.

And we're the ones that

Gives out the grenades and

We got hit with a big

Grenade today.

holy snap!.

we got to rethink this we

Got to regroup and figure

Out what is going on.

If one of us get put up,

Rachel likes me for sure but

She can't think for herself.

in this house you can

Never feel safe.

Monet should be nervous

Because rachel already

Showed her feelings towards



britney, because she's a

Little mouthy.

Maybe one of the members of

The brigade, we got to see.

Who knows because it is not

Really rachel nominating the

People, it's brendon.

we kept rachel in the


She wins hoh and now nobody

Is safe this week.

There is no telling who is

Going up.

It's tough.

oh my god.

I know.

we have a lot of power.

I can't use this hoh

Power for revenge.

I need to use it to get

Brendon and I as far as we

Can in this game.

are you kidding me?

I know.


I'm so happy.

I don't think it's going to

Be easy but I think we're

Doing okay.


I think we got some, you

Know, spend some time

Figuring out how what you

Want to opinions I really

Know what I want to do.

any decision I make I

Want to make with her and

Any decision she makes she

Will make with me because I

Would do the exact same

Thing if I was up there with


I get to call the sh*ts.

And next week you have to



That's the plan.

running around.

what's that about.

yeah, exactly.

brendon, rachel and

Andrew are an alliance.

They have to be an alliance

Because andrew has no one in

This house.


I thought one of you

Definitely were winning it.

we saw how excited you

Were when we didn't.

got to be honest.

At least you know that got

To be honest.

You know I'm excited,

Because if one of you have

Been up I would be nervous.

I have a chance with her.

it hurt my feelings

Because then you come up to

Me and say you dided so goo,

You did so good.

You were running around


I can compliment your

Game, did you a great game.

it was very obvious what

You were doing, andrew.

It's very obvious.

it's obvious that what, I

Didn't want to you win hoh.

You knew that.

why not me but rachel.

because I knew, --


no, monet I didn't say

Anything against you.

You and I have always had


Don't tell me again.


who wants to see my hoh


let's do it.


oh, hoh time.

My favorite.

It's the time that ri have

To act like I care about

Things that I don't care



rachel came out and

Announced her hoh room.

I really just wanted it to

Kind of sh**t myself in the

Face but I thought whatever,

I will follow her flopping

Butt cheeks all the way up

The stair foos her room.

let's see what we got.

okay, you guys ready?


Oh, yay!

Oh my god.

Ah, that's me hiking.

That's my dog.

That's me and my sister when

We were way little.

rachel had this boa in

Her room that she said was

From her show girl days, aka

Probably stripper days.

oh my god.

Thank you, big brother.

are you kidding me?

Everything that I ever

Wanted was in my hoh room.

her room was stupid and

She holds upper bottle of

Tequila like she just won

The half-million dollar

Grand prize.

ooh, tequila, oh my god,

Oh pie god.

I mean this is embarrassing.

not only was it amazing,

But I get a room to share

With brendon for the entire


I think it's so funny

That they gave me tequila.

first of all, we know

It's brendon making

Decisions this week.

yeah, rachel, all she has

Is a key and pictures.

That's all she got.

brendon is hoh.

I don't have a clue

What's going to happen.


brendon's holding all the


I thought him and rachel

Both up, coturn his back on

Me and put me up week two,

Is understandable.

Everybody would think that

Makes sense.

pite have to make some

Moves this week.


what are you up to?

what's going on?

is that a birth mark

Right there?


Birth mark supposedly.

what is this one.

a place that you were

Stabed in your previous


you have some crazy



this is hot, man, I'm

Attracted to her.

I don't know if she is

Reciprocating it quite yet.

She's hard to read because

She's so mysterious.

It is hard to tell what is

Going on in her head.

I don't know if she's

Digging me or not.

so what else about you

Should I know?

I don't know what else to

Say about me.

I'm a complicated person.

I know that much.

I can tell.

I would rather hang out with

You than anybody else in the



you don't feel the same


no, I definitely do.

I think it's been obvious

Since the very beginning.



What ever.

normally, you know, I can

Smile at a chick, and they

Come to me.

Kristen is a little


She's a tough cookie to

Crack and you got to try

Harder with her than with a

Regular girl.

why are you so weird?

I have always been that


It's like I have this shield

And I only let certain

People through that, you


I've noticed that shield.


I just know what I like and

What I don't like.

what is it that you don't


I don't like cocky guys.

there is a fine line

Between confident and


that's true.

I like spending time with


Hayden and I have very, very

Good chemistry.

we just can't paint the

Show-mance picture, even if

You want to.

don't get cocky with me.

I'm just totally kidding.

I'm joking.

I know.

I hate him.

I'm going to chop him in the


I am so glad that monet

Is in this house because if

She wasn't, I would never be

Able to vocalize any of

These things.

I would be internalizing all

Of it and I would definitely


-- goes around showing

His all.

I am so freakin tired of

Just the majority of the

People in this house right


They're all on my nerves.

They're all annoying me.

I think I got sick in


I had to get like three ivs

From being too dehydrated

From drinking too.


I need a-- of tequila

Just to stay alive.

monet is the only girl in

This house that I can even

Stand to be around.

And I think that we make an

Awesome pair.

-- so a pazing that they

Just like pop out every.

we are bikinis, putting

On a show.


she's like pulling out

The big g*ns.

people are so fake.

I promise you this week

You will be stressed out of

Your mind.

I was.

But brendon is a smart guy.

I think he will lead you in

The right direction.

I think so too.

but he doesn't want to

Tell me what to do at all.

I went up to rachel.

My goal is to keep myself


Keep the brigade safe and

Keep the hot yeast-- hottie

Kristen off the block.

if I am going to put

Somebody else against you

There a chance you would

Have went home.

I feel like you saved me.

Like you are the reason I'm


who are people that you

Would think that would put

You up.


you think so?


do you think she's more

Dangerous than monet?

I think britney would

Honestly put me on the


I feel like they're being

So catie.

I feel like she's going to

Do and say whatever it


I think it's important to

Have people that you can

Really trust.

kristen is the only girl

I really want to talk to.

I like kristen.

She's great.

I will say I'm attracted to


oh, duh.

whatever you decide to do,

Keep kristen off and myself


do you think if me,

Kristen and brendon were


that would be good.

everybody else in the

House would go goes under.

hayden's reaction to kind

Of being in an alliance with

Brendon and I was not very


And at this point I'm not

Sure if I can really trust

Hayden myself.

I think forming alliances

At this point, it's a good

Thing but it can be a bad


so what do you want to

Talk about?

I'm paranoid.

what are you paranoid


I want to know if I'm

Getting nailed this week.

are you serious?

I'm dead serious.

I'm not paranoid at all

But I want everyone to think

I'm paranoid.

If you get too confident in

This game than dow become a


So I wanted to make people

Think I'm really worried and

Then hopefully that would

Help in getting the target

Off my back.

why would you think that

At all.

because I think andrew is

Gunning for me.

what does andrew have to

Do with anything.

because he freaked out

Like a lunatic when he won


I don't know what that

Has to do with anything.

All I know is that the only

Person that should have

Freaked out was brendon.

I did not see anything.

he acted happier than


no, I did seem to get


when I saw andrew getting

Crazy I was kind of surprise


yeah, well, that's what

Everyone kind of thought.

So and it paranoided me out.

you think that andrew

Would control my opinion?

he was being a total

Lunatic and everyone is

Saying andrew is in charge

Of stuff.

what is he in charge of.

I don't know.

I don't know that is what I

Am asking you.

do you know who is in

Charge of anything?


I'm starting to take a

Really serious look the matt

Because he has this crazy

Paranoia going on right now.

He's definitely someone I

Would consider putting up.

I can't belief that that

Even crosses your mind.

well, good.

That's why I'm out here.

And that's why I wanted to

Ask you guys.

you saw me coming up.

I did.

man, I haven't had

Tequila in god knows how

Long reasons so you're going

To get drunk?


do you think they're


I think people that --

I didn't think that was

Such a big deal until he wa

Was-- usually when someone's

Acting paranoid they got

Something to hide.

And I can't quite put my

Finger on it but I think

That matt's been hiding


I'm going to keep my eye on


I don't know.


it's time for the

Have-have not competition!


So what's going down in the

Big brother house today is

We're going to break up into

Crews of four an grab your

Gear and let's meet in the

Backyard, yo.

there is a cage.

holy --

the entire yard is like

Hood, there's graphityi and

I felt like I was in the

Middle of fresh prince of


it is kerr serious out


this looks like sanford

And son.

sometimes in the big

Brother house, the writing

Is on the wall.

But in today's challenge,

You are the writing on the


Each crew will have to

Select one team member to

Become human graffiti.

That's right.

You'll have to tape your

Teammate up to this brick


But be sure to stick them on

Their good because after ten

Minutes of taping, the

Bricks will rise up

Suspending your teammate on

The wall.

The teams who player stays

On the longest will not only

Be the haves for the week

But will also choose four

People to be the have nots.

But if you don't think your

Tape job will hold up, don't

Count your team out just


Because you'll have the

Opportunity to use the paint

Blasters to wash your

Opponents off the wall and

Out of the competition.

You all ready to hang with

The big brother thang?

[cheers and applause]

the stakes are high.

At this point, I am not

Sleeping with maggofs I'm

Not taking a cold shower and

I do not want to be on slop


okay, guyss, it's time to

Pick who is going to be

Taped to the wall.

just tell me where you

Need my body and I will do


you just tell me how I

Need go.

it was clear everyone on

The team wanted kathy.

We were trying to find a

Nice way to phrase it, you

Are the smallest there was

No way for her to screw this


definitely tape

Everywhere, but heavy

Emphasis, don't make me feel

Forward and break my shins.

my team strategy was to

Put me down on the bricks

Because I'm the lightest

Person in the game.

I'm feeling incredibly

Confident in our team.

here you go, here you go.

I got it it.

we got to start getting


the first part of the

Competition is to tape our

Team member to the wall so

When the wall tilts up they

Don't fall down.

tuck under.

The water is going to hit


I'm doing some long


just do it.

our strategy was the

Green team we were going to

Wrap her up, through the

Legs, the arms, everything,

Just go crazy with the tape.

close to the body.

I think you should keep

At least one leg pent

Because are you going to

Need to put pressure against


that is a good idea.

we decided to keep his

One leg bent because we

Thought as the wall shifted

Forward, that he might have

To hold himself up.

you are a genius,


don't even worry about my


Pick me up however you have

To, just as long as I can

Breathe, that's okay.

I like being sticky and hot


small breaths, britney.

you got this, you got


the wall starts raising.

I was really worried about

Freaking out because of the

Height and everything.

And I was just like praying,

Oh my gosh what have I

Gotten myself into.

look at that, britney say

Mummy right now, bro.

I was so strapped down in

This thing I can could

Literally not move a muscle.

I was like totally a

Beautiful butter fly waiting

To come out of this cocoon.

we got this, ragan.

so at this point each

Team has an opportunity to

Grab water canonsnd go and

Squirt the other teams to

Try to get them to fall off

The wall.

So the last person to fall

Off the wall is the winner

Of the competition.

just relax.

Britney do not look up.

Keep your head back.

Do not move at all.

I noticed that ragan is

Not taped nearly as secure

As kathy is.

So my target is definitely

Going to be kathy.

doing great, kathy.


the other teams are

sh**ting water on me.

at first I think to

Myself, this is great.

People love me so much.

And then as the competition

Goes on I realize nobody

Targets me because I'm about

To fall off this wall.

whoever came up with that

Idea is cool.

I like the pose.

the tape job the blue

Team did is hor endoes, they

Had three, four pieces of

Tape on him.

He looks like hannible

Elector up here t was weird.

this is just a Saturday

Night to me, guys, like,

This is nothing.

once the wall comes flat

Up, you know, both of the

Teams target us, the green


britney, how you feeling,


I feel good.

so they are coming after

Us because we're the best.

We did such a great job with


She's wrapped up there like

King tut.

So of course they have to

Team up and take us out.

ragan, you got it, babe,

If you fall it's fine but

You got it.

oh, yes.

o, no ragan.

Stay with ragan.

as I'm up there I can

Feel individual pieces of

Tape pulling off the wall.

it was just kind of like

One of those jenga puzzle

Where piece of tape by piece

Of tape you feel yourself

Coming undone.

no, no kathy, kathy.

good job, ragan.

yes, yes, the tape is

Going on kathy.

Go, go.

You're good, kathy, stay up

There, no worries.

now that the blue team

Knows that they are out,

They can still sh**t water

And what does the blue team


They sh**t me the entire


she bearly weighs a

Hundred pounds, she ain't

Going nowhere.

kathy, are you still good,

Kathy, you are unbelievable.

I'm just holding on for

Dear life and I thought I

Cannot go another week

Without eating normal food


Or I'm going to starve to


keep getting kathy, she's


it's coming down to the


Really britney just needs to

Hold on for a little bit

Longer and I think kathy's

Going to fall.

Basically we have to win


If we don't win this, there

Is a good chance we are

Going to be on slop because

The four people on my team

Have never been on slop.

britney's slipping.

Look at her neck.

I mean I understand you

Want to sh**t the tape and

Make me fall, that's fine.

sh**ting at my face is


no, you're not --

it was not game play it

Was not strategic.

It was personal and it

Pissed me off.

she's starting to fall.

britney, you're doing


I can feel that I'm


My feet are starting to


I can't get any grin with


And the tape started to get

Really tight on my neck.

Hi sunk into the tape and it

Was straight around my neck

And I started to really


I can't breathe you guys.

I can't breathe.

the last thing I want to

Do is either black out or

Die hang on a wall for sock

Freakin slop.

britney had to be taken


We strapped here in but I

Think too much.

It is definitely a trooper

For hanging in there as long

As she did.

good job, kathy.

oh my gosh.

orange team, you are the


Orange team, that leaves you

With a tough decision.

You need to choose four

People to be the have nots

For the week.

who have you chosen.

it is go stock britney,

Monet, brendon and enzon.

story green team, are you

The have nots.

congratulations orange

Team for wing an awesome


are you serious, I'm a

Have not.

I just hung on a wall

Straped to it for a freakin

Hour, choking to death,

Water sprayed in my face,

Nonstop and then when I

Finally get down, I am a

Have not.

what is it?

Is it mozzarella sticks.

ooh, we got fish sticks.

We got fish sticks.

fish sticks, perfect this

Is the perfect week to be a

Have not.

I see the big fish there.

I will fillet that fish

Right now, me and fruit cake,

We're like this.

oh my god, it a real


vouned by fish sticks and

Fruit cakes, disgusting.

Nasty, gross, vomit my face

Off, disgusting.

better thank america for



thank you, america, thank

You big brother, baby, thank


yes, yes, yes, yes.


hope you enjoyed my

Latest sabotage but

Unfortunately, it is going

To be my last.

That's right, guys.

It's me.

I know some people had a

Little sneaking suspicion

But I think pretty much

Everyone in the house is

Going to be shocked right


So good job getting me out

It was fun while it lasted.

And can't wait to see you

Guys outside of the house.

Good luck and no hard feels.

oh my god.

I feel like a freakin king

Right now.

I'm the one that put her up.

She is the saboteur and I

Love it.

annie being the saboteur

Is crazy.

I was wrong.

I don't even say that too

Much but I was totally wrong.

so the weight of the

World is off my shoulders

That the saboteur is

Revealed and it's annie.

Nobody could think that I'm

The saboteur any more.

that is why she was

Hustling hard, man.

me being from jersey, I

Sniffed out the trick inside

This girl.

I knew it.

She couldn't get past the

Meow meow.

which mean she is could

Have been lying about every

Saboteur message.

so now there is no


week one.

we are good.

wow, week one.

I really do like you,


Like I think you're a nice


Dow scare me because I'm

Scared that you are coming

After me and brendon.

honestly f I would have

Won hoh, neither you or

Brendon would have been my


please, come on.

I mean duh, of course I was

Going to put them on the


who do you think would

You put.

last week the whole house

Was saying andrew would have

Gone home if he wouldn't

Have been safe.

And yesterday his

Celebration --

I don't even know what

That's all about.

oh my gosh, oh my gosh,

Oh my gosh.

I mean he was acting like

He just won.



It was weird.

and it's weird because

Like I haven't told him like

He's safe.

but I can tell you if I

Don't go up this week, I

Won't be after you and

Brendon next week.

britsny brings up some

Really good points but I'm

Not sure that I can really

Trust her.


yeah, of course.


it is crazy being up


I know, it's hard.

it is hard.

this is always weird for

Me because like --

I know it's the game.

You have to do it but I'm

Just like, but I don't know

What to say.

I don't knows what's

Going on.

just so you know where my

Head's at because I know

That obviously we can make

Small talk or whatever.

But I'm scared that if you

Would have won hoh I think

That you would have put me

And brendon on the block

Next week.

I wouldn't have, huh-uh.

you guys weren't my

Target there week.

I had someone else in mind

It wasn't either one of you.

of course they would have

Put rachel on the block.

I just told her what she

Wanted to hear to make her

Not nominate me.

in my opinion like I

Would put up andrew and a



because every season it's

Just they float by because

Everyone's like oh, we can

Get them out.

We can get them out later.

But they don't.

and then it's too late.

monet was talking to me

About floaters.

The first thing that dawned

On my mind was matt.

And matt's obviously a

Floater right now in this


Also matt's been

Superparanoid of since I won


crap, I have until this

Afternoon to think about

These things and I just

Don't know what to do.


because there's one

Person who has been sticking

Out super, super, super lot.

who even like approached

Me and was like I'm really


And I was like you're not

Even someone I would think

That would be paranoid at


What's going on.

like came up to you.


why is that person so


Like what's going through

Their brain.

And this is really weird.


That would be weird.

I'm just right now I'm

Really confused about if I

Need to have andrew go home

Or have this other person go


And I'm not sure which

Person is more dangerous.

I don't know.

You just have to do whatever

You think is best, I mean.


Do you want to talk



the fish sticks actually

Smell really good.

you know what, they do.

you know, I want fish


we want to know if you

Are on our side or not

Because we don't want to

Have wishy washy people that

Are like yeah, you know, I

Won't put you up and I won't,

You know, whatever.

We just want to make sure

That, like you are with our


I want to nail down where

Everybody stands.

If we play this game with

Personal vendettas you will

Go down quick.

If you play smart you have

To make moves that are going

To make sense.

I know you are going to be

Worried about us having gone

Up on the block with you.

But it is old news.

I will vote how you tell

Me to vote.

As long as me and kristen

Stay safe.

my primary concern is

Staying in the game.

Brendon and rachel need to

Think that I am on their

Side so they don't put me


I know it's going to be

Hard for you but you really

Have to start to trust us

Because it's in our best

Interest to keep you around.

And tlts's not a lot of

People I trust.

And I do trust you, kristen.

I would love to for all four

Of us go to final four.

The people I want to get rid

Of are people I feel uneasy

About and I feel could turn

On us like enzo, and lanes.

other wild cards that is

Not quite sure is matt.

Because the wild cards can

Can,-- with us, you know

What I mean.

I know for sure if you

Put up britney and monet,

That's not going to create

Waves with anybody.

brendon and rachel are

Throwing out names of the


I'm deflecting b*ll*ts.

I'm throwing back other


I'm doing anything I can to

Make sure the brigade stays

Safe this week.

britney's just kind of,

You know, just kind of been

A bitch an monet has


julie: And

Congratulations, monet, you

Have won $10,000.

hayden gave me a lot of

Different things to think


And I mr. Just so confused.

I just want to make sure

That I get out whoever may

Be gunning for me and


win of my dutyss ahead of

Household is to nominate two

People for eviction.

I feel good about


Mi absolutely, totally

Confident that my false

Sense of paranoia was a good


I don't know if this is

Famous last words and now I

Will be put on the block but

Yeah, I'm oka right now.

I don't think rachel has

It out for me.

I just think that she is

After monet and I'm sort of

Guilty by association.

Everybody knows that I spend

A lot of time with monet.

So I'm definitely very

Worried today.

to tell you the truth,

I'm nervous about


I talked to rachel and


I think I convinced them to

Trust me but I can't tell,

You know, I put them on the

Block last week.

They might do the same to me

This week.

there are a few people

That I think that if they

Had the opportunity would

Put me and brendon back up

On the block.

So those are people that I

Want to target for this week.

I need to think about what's

Best for my game and what's

Going to get myself and also

Brendon who is my alliance


Hey everybody, it's time for

The nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination


S ahead of household one of

My dutys is to nominate two

People for eviction.

I will pull the first key

And that person is safe.

And they will pull the neck

We and so on.

Brendon, are you safe.

thank you, rachel.

kathy, are you safe.

thank you, rachel.

hayden, are you safe.

thank you.

Ragan, are you safe.

thank you, rachel.

kristen, you are safe.

thanks, rachel.

enzo, you are safe.

thank you, rachel.

matt, you are safe.


andrew, are you safe.

thank you.

lane, are you safe.

thank you, rachel.

I nominated you monet and

You britney for eviction.

Monet, you have $10,000.

And britney, just certain

Alliances have been formed

And I think that this is the

Best for my game play,

Compassionately as a human I

Know how bad it sucks to be

On the block.

And to be a have not for the


But this is a game.

I'm sorry, guys.

Nomination ceremony is


I am going to try as hard

As I can to stay in the

House but it's like the odds

Keep getting freaking


At this point I feel like my

Back is against the wall.

I'm premenstrual.

I cry all the time anyways.

Nobody looks cute when they


This day blows.

it still hurts to go up

On the block.

I feel some what defeated.

I don't like rachel, to be

Quite honest.

And the fact that she

Nominated me makes me not

Like rachel even more.

these girls are not

People that going to bring

Me or brendon far and that

Are going to feel bad about

Backstabbing me or brendon.

And that's the facts.

the brigade is safe.

The girl I like is safe.

Things are looking up.

I couldn't be any happier.

who will win the power of


And will they use it to save

Either britney or monet from


Find out Wednesday at 8:00-- 8/7

Central on big brother.